What does thrush look like in girls? What is thrush in girls, symptoms, treatment

Candidiasis in girls (16-25 years old) is a disease caused by opportunistic yeast-like fungi Candida albicans. Thrush is the unofficial name of the disease, which is associated with the symptoms of infection with this type of fungus, manifested by curdled discharge (like whey) and a whitish coating. The official name of the pathology is candidiasis. In earlier medical classifiers, the disease is more often referred to as candidiasis. However, candidiasis combines a number of infectious infections caused by opportunistic fungi (including blastomycosis, oidiomycosis, etc.).

  • Impaired carbohydrate metabolism (including diabetes mellitus) is the main factor causing the disease in the absence of external infection.
  • Abuse of foods with high sugar content. For example, if the day before a girl drank sweet soda, this may become a concomitant factor in the occurrence of the pathology in question.
  • Hypovitaminosis and/or vitamin deficiency. This makes it clear why thrush appears in girls most often during the off-season (March-April, October-November). In particular, the activity of candida fungi is affected by a lack of vitamin C and B vitamins.
  • Chronic gastritis of the anacid type, chronic colitis, as well as other diseases and pathological conditions of general and specific etiology, contributing to severe exhaustion of the body and decreased immunity.
  • Antibiotic drugs with a pronounced effect on suppressing the natural microflora of the mucous membranes. Under normal conditions, the microflora of the skin and mucous membranes contains microbes that act as antagonists of yeast-like fungi. When their number decreases, thrush occurs.

In some cases, the cause of the disease is a hormonal imbalance in adolescence: from 14 to 16 years.

Excessive consumption of sweets can also lead to thrush.

Infection with fungi from the outside is often noted - sexual transmission of the disease from an infected partner, if the girl already has an intimate relationship. There is a high probability of infection in the absence of disease in the sexual partner, incompatibility of microflora or in the presence of several sexual partners (transfer of microorganisms is possible, which will provoke a protective reaction of the microflora with the subsequent death of microbes that are antagonists of yeast-like fungi).

Above were the main reasons why thrush may appear in girls. In rare cases, damage to the skin is observed, which is provoked by mechanical damage to the stratum corneum of the epithelium: trauma, scratches, softening, loosening. The most likely occurrence of skin thrush is in girls who often consume sweet confectionery and fruits (especially if the latter have rotted).

Manifestation and course of candidiasis

Thrush is characterized by an initial acute course followed by a transition to a chronic recurrent form. It is necessary to treat thrush at the first manifestation, since the recurrent form is more difficult to treat. Chronic thrush is a disease that occurs in a girl at least 4 times a year.

Symptoms of thrush occurring in acute form (we determine the disease)

The first signs: burning and itching in the area of ​​the mucous membranes and adjacent skin. These symptoms can accompany many diseases of the genitourinary system. In this regard, it is important to address visual symptoms. The main signs of thrush, differentiating it from other pathologies/diseases: flaky (cheesy, like whey) vaginal discharge when candidiasis is localized in the genital area and a white coating on the mucous membranes and adjacent skin. The discharge is usually white, but may have a light yellow tint. When the pathology is localized in other areas, a white or light yellow coating is observed. When plaque is removed mechanically, a loosened surface of the mucous membrane/skin of a meat-red color is observed. To better understand what thrush looks like, it is more advisable to look at the photo (the first is a vaginal lesion, the second is an oral lesion):

In order to recognize the disease in its acute form, an initial examination by a gynecologist is sufficient.

Painful sensations appear when mechanical impact is applied to the affected area. For example, with vaginal candidiasis in girls, if they have sexual intercourse, there is a pronounced pain syndrome. Subsequently, visual pronounced hyperemia of the affected areas of the mucous membranes and/or skin is noted. When urinating (especially in the last portion), pain may occur due to vaginal candidiasis in girls and damage to the gastrointestinal tract. In some cases, a specific unpleasant odor is noted, which makes it possible to understand that it is thrush.

With chronic recurrent candidiasis, thrush occurs in girls, which can periodically occur with acute symptoms or with blurred symptoms (which makes it more difficult to recognize the disease), which can be presented in the following form:

  • Moderate discomfort in the affected area, expressed in the form of mild itching.
  • With vaginal candidiasis in girls, there is a cutting pain during and after urination.
  • Scanty discharge of whitish color and heterogeneous consistency.

Chronic thrush most often manifests itself 5-10 days before the start of menstruation.

Candidiasis therapy

General therapeutic regimen for the treatment of acute thrush:

  • Basic treatment. Prescription of the drug Fluconazole once as the main therapy in a dosage of 150 mg. In the future, to consolidate the therapeutic effect, Fluconazole is taken on the third, fifth and seventh days of treatment at a dosage of 50 mg.
  • For vaginal candidiasis, a weekly course of the drug Clotrimazole (or a similar antifungal agent active against yeast-like fungi) is prescribed in the form of vaginal tablets. For other types of candidiasis, it is advisable to use nystatin-based ointment for local use.

  • A monthly course of vitamin therapy: preparations of vitamins A, B, C are prescribed. Sometimes a dairy diet is recommended.
  • If there is a concomitant pathological condition (gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes mellitus, etc.), it is necessary to focus on its treatment or suppression.
  • It is mandatory to undergo a parallel course of therapy for the sexual partner, even in the absence of complaints and visual symptoms: a similar course of Fluconazole and Clotrimazole (Clotrimazole is used in the form of an ointment). Analogues of these drugs also give good results, but the latter, as a rule, have a higher cost. Treatment of a man is necessary, since the latter can be a carrier of the infection without visible manifestations of the disease.

General therapeutic regimen for chronic recurrent thrush

Fluconazole is initially prescribed at a dosage of 150 mg according to the following regimen: on the first, third, fifth and seventh days, regardless of whether the patient has been treated with this drug previously or not. At the same time, a weekly course of local antifungal drugs is prescribed: vaginal suppositories/vaginal tablets for thrush (for vaginal candidiasis) and ointments for other types of candidiasis. Subsequently, Fluconazole is prescribed at a dosage of 150 mg once a month (preferably used a week before the onset of menstruation) for one year. Drink after meals. In difficult cases, you can take Fluconazole at a dosage of 150 mg each time symptoms of thrush occur, but not more than 10 tablets/capsules monthly (drink after eating).

Possible causes of the disease must be eliminated or minimized. For factors causing thrush, see the section “Etiology and pathogenesis of candidiasis.” It is important to maintain personal hygiene and reduce carbohydrate intake. It is imperative to avoid casual sexual contact and avoid abusing antibiotic drugs.

Vitamin therapy (A, B, C) is recommended, carried out twice a year in one-month courses: drink in the second month of annual treatment and in the seventh month. If there are diseases that can provoke the development and/or complications of thrush, parallel treatment of these diseases is necessary. A guy who is the sexual partner of a girl undergoing treatment must also undergo therapy. The sooner a girl sees a doctor, the easier it is to cure the fungal disease in question.

If you suspect an emerging disease, it is not recommended to self-medicate at home using traditional or official medicine. It is irrelevant to ask the question: is it necessary to undergo treatment? If a girl develops thrush, she should urgently consult a doctor so that he can prescribe treatment according to an individual regimen.

Almost every woman encounters manifestations of thrush. Many factors contribute to the occurrence of candidiasis. Among them are weak immunity, use of antibiotics and others. The first signs of the disease are easy to detect. By starting treatment right away, you can quickly get rid of symptoms. If thrush is not recognized in time, it becomes chronic. Cutting and burning sensations in the vagina lead a woman to exhaustion and cause nervous system disorders. There is a danger of complications. The fungus is often accompanied by other infections.


Forms of candidiasis in women

Thrush (candidiasis) is a fungal disease in which an inflammatory process occurs in the vagina. A certain amount of Candida fungi is always present in the natural microflora. Under suitable conditions, the growth of a colony of these microorganisms begins. In this case, the mucous membrane is damaged and inflammation develops.

In a healthy body, the development of infection is inhibited by the presence of beneficial bacteria that produce lactic acid. An acidic environment is harmful to fungi. Candidiasis occurs when the natural balance of beneficial and harmful microorganisms is disrupted for any reason. Fungal waste products cause lactic acid to clot. With vaginal candidiasis, white lumps resembling cottage cheese appear in the discharge. The discharge has a characteristic weak sour odor.

There are two forms of thrush.

Uncomplicated– the most common. Symptoms of the disease appear moderately. No other infections are detected in the body. Exacerbation of the disease occurs no more than 4 times a year due to the fact that the woman’s immunity is quite strong.

Complicated– symptoms of acute thrush appear frequently in women. Relapses occur 5 or more times a year. This form of thrush is observed in diabetes mellitus, lack of nutrition, and also during pregnancy. That is, in cases where immunity is significantly reduced.

Signs and symptoms of thrush

The first obvious signs of this disease in women are copious curdled discharge. They do not have an unpleasant odor. They smell faintly of sour milk. They cause irritation of the mucous membranes, so the woman feels a constant burning and itching in the vagina. They intensify in the evening.

If candidiasis occurs in a woman for the first time or recurs after a long break, the following symptoms are noted:

  • redness and swelling of the mucous membranes of the vulva and vagina;
  • the appearance of small cracks and hemorrhages on the inner surface of the genital organs;
  • the formation of a pale gray coating on the walls of the vagina, which is difficult to remove; the surface underneath is bright red;
  • damage to the mucous membrane leads to increased discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • due to constant malaise, the woman quickly gets tired, becomes irritable, and feels discomfort;
  • There is pain when urinating, and there is a constant feeling of bladder fullness. This indicates that the infection has spread to the genitourinary system.

If the disease becomes complicated and often recurs, then the symptoms become less pronounced. Partial atrophy of the mucous membrane occurs, keratinization of the surface of the vaginal walls occurs, due to which dryness and increased pain occur. The discharge becomes scanty.

Causes of fungal proliferation

The growth of a fungal colony occurs only in a humid environment with low acidity and a lack of beneficial bacteria in the microflora. The causes of thrush are factors that create favorable conditions for the development of Candida fungi.

Taking antibiotics. These substances can neutralize dangerous bacteria in a short time, saving a person from death. However, they cannot act selectively, so along with the pathogenic bacteria, the beneficial ones also die. However, antibiotics do not act on fungi. The side effects of these drugs create conditions for the pathological proliferation of the fungus and its unhindered penetration into other organs.

Improper metabolism. Impaired functioning of the liver and pancreas leads to the appearance of sugar in the blood. Sugar also accumulates in the mucous membranes of the genital organs, creating a breeding ground for candida fungi. Therefore, thrush occurs in women with diabetes. To lower blood sugar levels, insulin injections are given to regulate glucose levels.

Improper nutrition also contributes to metabolic disorders: abuse of sweet, fatty and carbohydrate-rich foods.

Reduced immunity. Reducing the body's resistance to infections makes their unhindered spread and development possible. The state of immunity is affected by past diseases, the nutritional system, physical development, bad habits and other factors. Candidiasis most often occurs in women after various illnesses and stress.

Changes in hormonal levels. Taking hormonal drugs or birth control pills can create an imbalance of sex hormones in the body. For example, in the second half of the menstrual cycle, the ratio of estrogen and progesterone in the body changes dramatically. This affects the condition of the mucous membranes of the vagina and vulva and the acidity of the environment. Therefore, it is at this time, approximately 1 week before menstruation, that women often experience an exacerbation of thrush.

A reduced level of estrogen during pregnancy also provokes the appearance of symptoms of thrush in women, as the mucous membrane becomes looser and the volume of discharge increases. All this reduces the protective abilities of the mucous membrane.

Due to hormonal imbalances, candidiasis can occur when using inappropriate contraceptives or treatment with hormonal drugs. Hormonal imbalances in diseases of the endocrine glands are also a factor contributing to the appearance of milk.

Addition: Improper hygiene procedures using cosmetics, frequent douching can cause the death of lactobacilli, drying out or damage to the mucous membrane. Tight, narrow synthetic underwear creates an obstacle to normal heat exchange. High humidity and heat contribute to the development of thrush.

Ways of infection with thrush

You can become infected with thrush either through household or sexual contact. Candida mushrooms can be found on bed linen, towels, washcloths and things of a sick person. If you do not follow the rules of hygiene, you can become infected in the sauna or swimming pool. Fungi die at high temperatures, so infection can be avoided by boiling and ironing bedding and underwear.

Thrush can be contracted from a sexual partner. Even using a condom does not guarantee complete protection, since the fungus is found not only in the mucous membrane, but also on the skin of a sick person. In men, the external manifestations of the disease are mild. If thrush is detected in a woman, not only she, but also her sexual partner should be treated.

Video: Why does thrush occur and how is it diagnosed in women?

Complications of thrush

Timely treatment of the disease in the acute phase with the help of antifungal agents allows you to quickly destroy harmful microorganisms and completely get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

If the course of treatment is not completed or the disease is advanced, then a chronic form of thrush appears with periodic relapses at the slightest discomfort experienced by the body (cold, stress, eating unusual foods, taking medications). It is much more difficult to cure a fungus.

Complications of chronic thrush may include:

  1. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterus and ovaries. The formation of adhesions that impair the patency of the fallopian tubes, leading to infertility or ectopic pregnancy.
  2. Inflammation of the bladder (cystitis).
  3. Intestinal inflammation.
  4. Infection enters the blood and spreads to other organs.
  5. A sharp weakening of the immune system, contributing to the development of other infections in the body. Concomitant diseases such as trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, genital herpes and others may occur.

If a pregnant woman is sick with thrush, then intrauterine infection of the fetus or infection of the child occurs during childbirth. He may develop pneumonia. Premature birth or termination of pregnancy in the 2nd trimester is possible.

Video: Complications of thrush

When is it necessary to see a doctor?

You should not postpone a visit to the doctor if, with thrush, a woman has a fever, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Such symptoms may indicate the spread of the inflammatory process. If the color and smell of the discharge still changes, then there is a high probability of other infectious diseases.

If treatment for thrush has already been prescribed, but does not produce results within a week, then additional examination and selection of another remedy is necessary. The doctor should also be informed about the appearance of skin irritation in the genital area that occurs after starting to take anti-thrush medications.

If the disease recurs, you should not self-medicate using previous prescriptions. The doctor must do a new examination and select a more suitable drug. You cannot hope that the disease will go away on its own, especially when relapses of thrush occur frequently.

Methods for diagnosing thrush

The assumption about the cause of cheesy discharge and burning in the vagina requires confirmation by laboratory methods. Signs of chronic thrush can be confused with manifestations of bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis, especially if the infections develop together.

During a gynecological examination, a smear is necessarily taken from the surface of the vagina to study the composition of the discharge under a microscope and detect fungus and other types of microorganisms. A bacterial culture of the vaginal contents is done, which makes it possible to detect the size of the fungal colony and accurately determine its type. Sensitivity to antifungal agents is determined.

Using the PCR method, the genotype of infections present in the microflora is determined, and the causative agents of hidden infections (Trichomonas, Ureaplasma, Gardnerella and others) are detected.

Video: Causes and prevention of thrush in women

Almost every representative of the fairer sex encounters manifestations of candidiasis in her life. However, not many people know exactly what thrush in girls is, why it occurs and how to effectively get rid of the disease. The answer to these questions can be found on the Internet or in a medical encyclopedia, but for treatment you should only contact a gynecologist. The specialist will select an effective therapy regimen after examination and making the correct diagnosis.

What causes thrush?

An insidious gynecological disease, accompanied by a lot of unpleasant symptoms, is caused by tiny fungi of the genus Candida. Normally, these microorganisms are always present in the body of every healthy girl, but their numbers are small.

In the event of a decrease in immunity or in the event of a violation of local protective forces on the vaginal mucosa, uncontrolled development of fungi occurs, leading to the displacement of beneficial microflora and the development of the disease - thrush.

The disease received its unusual name because of the whitish-yellow discharge accompanying its occurrence, which in consistency resembles cottage cheese or sour milk. In addition to the mucous membranes of the genital tract, opportunistic fungi are present in the oral cavity and in the human intestines. With serious pathologies of the immune system or with dysbiosis caused by taking antibiotics, candidiasis of the gastrointestinal tract may occur.

Causes of candidiasis

There are many reasons why a disease such as thrush can develop in young girls. Factors contributing to the onset of the disease include:

  • Decreased immunity due to concomitant pathologies (chronic diseases, diabetes, HIV).
  • Hormonal changes (during pregnancy, adolescence).
  • After taking antibacterial agents, steroid hormones, cytostatics.
  • Against the background of gynecological diseases (bacterial vulvovaginitis, trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis).
  • Thrush often occurs in teenage and young girls after stress, when changing climate or time zones.

Also, the occurrence of vaginal candidiasis is caused by neglect of the rules of personal and intimate hygiene, the use of low-quality or scented pads and tampons, and wearing synthetic tight underwear. Some young girls notice signs of thrush after visiting a public swimming pool.

Forms of the disease

Thrush in girls can occur in different ways, it all depends on the duration of the disease and the nature of the symptoms detected. Gynecologists distinguish:

  • Sharp form. Appears after a provoking factor, due to decreased immunity. Usually accompanied by vivid symptoms characteristic of vaginal candidiasis - discharge, burning, intense itching. With proper treatment started in a timely manner, the disease goes away without leaving a trace, leaving no complications.
  • Chronic course of candidiasis. Sluggish thrush with periods of attenuation of the inflammatory process and exacerbations, recurring on average 4 times a year. This form of the disease occurs after untreated acute thrush and with improper therapy with antifungal agents.

It is important to correctly diagnose the disease and begin effective treatment on time, because chronic thrush can lead to a number of serious complications - damage to the internal genital organs, cervix and infertility.

Clinical signs of candidiasis

Symptoms of thrush in girls are varied, but can also occur with other infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract. Only a gynecologist can diagnose candidiasis and prescribe appropriate treatment after a thorough examination.

Thrush is hard to miss, because it manifests itself with many unpleasant symptoms, which, despite the relative “safety” of the disease, significantly worsen the well-being of patients. The disease manifests itself:

  • A burning and itching sensation in the sensitive skin of the labia and vaginal mucosa. These unpleasant symptoms appear and intensify at night, after sexual contact, or urination.
  • Copious discharge, reminiscent of sour milk and cottage cheese with an unpleasant sour odor.
  • Redness of the mucous membrane and skin in the perineal area. Rashes may occur.
  • Increased skin sensitivity (a girl may experience discomfort when wearing tight, synthetic underwear, or when using soap and other intimate hygiene products).

All manifestations are individual in nature. In some girls, especially in the chronic form of the disease, thrush manifests itself in one or more of the listed symptoms. In acute candidiasis, patients note the presence of all manifestations.

There is a variant of the asymptomatic course of the disease. In this case, patients are only bothered by minor cheesy discharge that appears after sexual intercourse. With such a course of thrush, it is difficult to suspect it on your own and start treatment on time.

That is why it is important to regularly visit a gynecologist and take a smear for flora. Early detection of pathology and timely initiation of therapy is the key to successful recovery.

The most popular misconception in the field of medicine is that most people believe that thrush can only occur in those representatives of the fair sex who are sexually active. However, it is not. After all, this disease is not sexually transmitted. That is why some doctors, after making a diagnosis, often hear from their teenage patients the question: In girls, this disease is as acute and with intense pain as in adult women. In this regard, gynecologists strongly recommend starting treatment for this disease when the first symptoms appear.

Thrush in girls: signs of the disease

It is especially worth noting that it is quite difficult to suspect such a disease in the early stages. After all, it has long been established that during development they are practically absent. However, with a more careful attitude towards your body, symptoms can still be identified.

First of all, a girl who is suspected of having this disease should pay attention to whether she has any vaginal discharge, as well as what is its regularity and intensity. If a young woman begins to notice such a symptom, even to a small extent, then she should immediately take a smear for analysis. If this disease is detected, it is recommended to begin its treatment immediately.

Thrush in girls: signs of the disease in the first stages of development

It is especially worth noting that at the very beginning of such a disease, girls may not have vaginal discharge. In this case, it becomes even more difficult to suspect this attack. However, there are also situations when thrush in girls manifests itself in the form of banal cystitis. This is due to the fact that the urethra of women begins to gradually become affected by fungi. Thus, the girl may exhibit the following symptoms:

  • in small portions;
  • and on the labia;
  • pain after urination;
  • heaviness just above the pubis (may not be observed).

Thrush in girls: signs of the disease in later stages of development

If a girl was unable to recognize such a disease and, accordingly, begin treatment, then in the future the symptoms may manifest themselves more intensely. Thus, in a young woman, hyperemia and swelling may gradually intensify and develop. In addition, thick discharge in the form of curdled milk will begin to flow from the vagina, which will give off an unpleasant sour smell.

Thrush in girls: signs and causes of the disease

There are many versions of why young girls who are not sexually active develop this disease. Here are some of them:

  1. Using any antibiotics without a doctor's prescription.
  2. Failure to maintain genital hygiene.
  3. Stressful situations.
  4. Low level of immune protection.

Thrush can also occur in women who are promiscuous.