Morality social studies all groups subgroups. Moral culture

Choose the correct judgments about morality and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Moral standards reflect the needs of society.

2) Morality is always formalized in normative legal acts.

3) Morality helps a person evaluate the events of social life.

4) The basis of morality is a person’s internal motivation and self-control.

5) Morality always ensures mutual understanding between people in society.


Morality is the socially accepted ideas about good and bad, right and wrong, good and evil, as well as a set of norms of behavior arising from these ideas.

1) Moral standards reflect the needs of society - yes, that's right.

2) Morality is always formalized in normative legal acts - no, that’s incorrect.

3) Morality helps a person evaluate the events of social life - yes, that’s right.

4) The basis of morality is a person’s internal motivation and self-control - yes, that’s right.

5) Morality always ensures mutual understanding between people in society - no, that’s not true, not always.

Answer: 134.

In the row below, find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts, and write down this word (phrase).

Conscience, duty, evil, justice, goodness, morality.


Answer: morality.

Find a concept that generalizes all other concepts in the series below. Write down this word (phrase).

Good, morality, humanism, conscience, honor.


Goodness, humanism, conscience, honor are categories of morality.

Answer: morality.

Answer: morality

Source: Unified State Examination in Social Studies 05/05/2014. Early wave. Option 1.

2) make two sentences:

− one sentence containing information about the origin of morality;

− one sentence revealing the integrative function of morality.


The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) the meaning of the concept, for example: a set of norms approved by public opinion that determine the attitude of people in society, their responsibilities to each other and to society. (Another, similar definition or explanation of the meaning of the concept may be given.)

2) one sentence with information about the origin of morality, for example: Morality arose through natural history and goes back to custom. (Another proposal may be made about the origin of morality.)

3) one sentence revealing the integrative function of morality, for example: the integrative function of morality is to ensure the necessary stability and integrity of society. (Any other sentence can be drawn up that reveals, based on knowledge of the course, the integrative function of morality).

Proposals must be formulated correctly and not contain elements that distort the meaning of the concept and/or its aspects. Sentences containing essential errors are not counted towards the assessment.

1) reveal the meaning of the concept of “morality”;

2) make two sentences:

− one sentence containing information about any of the functions of morality in society;

− one sentence revealing any category of morality.

Sentences must be general and contain correct information about the relevant aspects of the concept.


1) the meaning of the concept, for example: a form (area) of culture in which high ideals and strict norms regulating human behavior and consciousness are concentrated and generalized;

(Another definition similar in meaning may be given.)

2) one sentence with information about any of the functions of morality in society, based on knowledge of the course, for example: “Morality guides the consciousness and regulates the behavior of people in all spheres of life”;

(Other sentences may be made containing information about any of the functions of morality.)

3) one sentence, based on knowledge of the course, revealing any category of morality, for example: “One of the categories of morality is duty - the obligation of an individual to act in accordance with the mandatory requirements of society.”

Other proposals can be made that, based on knowledge of the course, reveal any of the categories of morality

1) social norms

2) sanctions

3) state coercion

4) formal certainty

5) responsibility

6) free choice

Find two terms that “fall out” from the general series, and write them down in the numbers under which they are indicated.


State coercion and formal certainty are related to “law.”

Answer: 34.

Denis Ulanov 16.05.2017 13:20

In this task, the correct answer is 3 5, because this is typical for legal norms. (Under state coercion, liability for an offense occurs)

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

Responsibility may also arise for violating moral standards. For example, parents scold their child after learning about his bad grade.

· ").dialog((width:"auto",height:"auto"))">Video course


Morality is the socially accepted ideas about good and bad, right and wrong, good and evil, as well as a set of norms of behavior arising from these ideas.

Answer: morality.

Answer: Morality

Source: Demo version of the Unified State Exam 2016 in social studies.


A specific way of regulating public life from the standpoint of humanism, goodness and justice, the purpose of which is to affirm the value of the individual, the equality of people in their pursuit of happiness and a decent life - morality.

Answer: morality.

Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, belong to the highest moral values.

2) the meaning of life

4) freedom

5) property

6) happiness

Find two terms that “fall out” from the general series and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in your answer.


Money and property “fall out” from the general series, since they are material things.

Answer: 35.

Answer: 35|53

Subject area: Man and society. Morality

Alexander Yugov 30.01.2017 00:35

I live in a society of Satanists, money and property are the highest moral values, and goodness, freedom, happiness and other nonsense are despised, can I prove this in court in the (one hundred percent) case of rejection of the appeal?

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

I sympathize with you

Olga Semibokova 01.04.2017 20:15

Why the meaning of life is a moral value

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

It’s not material, touch it with your hands, the meaning of life.

· ").dialog((width:"auto",height:"auto"))">Video course

Find the main characteristics of moral standards in the list below. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) established by the state

2) are expressed in public opinion

3) mandatory

4) regulate social relations from the standpoint of good and evil

5) give a lot of room for interpretation

6) supported by the power of state coercion


Moral norms are evaluative in nature, and their violation is met with public condemnation. A sign characteristic of moral norms: their violation entails responsibility in the form of condemnation by society and individuals.

Answer: 245.

Answer: 245

Subject area: Man and society. Morality


The communicative function ensures mutual understanding and communication between people in society.

Answer: communicative.

Answer: communicative

Subject area: Man and society. Morality

Source: Unified State Examination in Social Studies 06/10/2013. Main wave. Center. Option 3.

Masha Stepanova 04.08.2016 16:45

What materials should you use to prepare for the Unified State Exam if, for example, Baranov’s collection doesn’t even have such a function? but there is regulatory and coordination.

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

I recommend using Bogolyubov’s textbooks, which are closest to the Unified State Examination. There are a lot of errors in Baranov's collection

Anvar Tashtemirov 12.03.2017 10:36

Can you write all the functions of morality? (You can without explanation, just list them) thanks in advance)

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

Functions of morality:

1. educational

2. regulatory

3. educational

4. motivational

5. prognostic

6. axiological (forms values)

Diana Maksak 11.11.2018 11:17

Is integrative not suitable?

Ivan George

Ekaterina Potemkina 22.01.2019 12:46

In your list of moral functions according to Bogolyubov, there is no communicative function, as required by the correct answer in the explanation.

Ivan Ivanovich

In Bogolyubov’s textbooks there is no listing of the functions of morality with their names, neither in the specialized one for grade 11, nor in the basic one for grade 10, where this topic is discussed. The integrative function involves uniting people around an idea, and not just mutual understanding and communication. Therefore, the above answer was negative. If you open a new FIPI bank and set the task type to “short answer” and the topic “person and society”, this task will be the first there. The answer is “communicative”. This is the only thing I can refer you to.

· ").dialog((width:"auto",height:"auto"))">Video course

Write down the word missing in the table. Types of social norms


Answer: morality

Answer: morality

1) reveal the meaning of the concept of “moral norms”;

2) make two sentences:

− one sentence containing information about any difference between moral norms and legal norms;

− one sentence revealing the essence of conscience as a category (concept) of morality.

Sentences must be general and contain correct information about the relevant aspects of the concept.


The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) the meaning of the concept, for example: moral norms - one of the types of social norms based on a person’s idea of ​​good and evil, fair and unfair, good and bad, prescribing proper rules of behavior;

(Another, similar definition or explanation of the meaning of the concept may be given.)

2) one sentence with information about any difference between moral norms and legal norms, based on knowledge of the course, for example: Moral regulation is based on human self-control and public opinion, and legal regulation is based on the authority and coercive power of the state;

(Another sentence may be written containing information about any difference between moral norms and legal norms.)

3) one sentence, based on knowledge of the course, revealing the essence of conscience as a category (concept) of morality, for example: Conscience is a person’s moral self-esteem and self-control and the feelings and experiences associated with them.

(Another sentence can be drawn up that reveals the essence of conscience as a category (concept) of morality.)

Proposals must be formulated correctly and not contain elements that distort the meaning of the concept and/or its aspects.

Sentences containing essential errors are not counted towards the assessment.

The author believes that “law and morality are always addressed to the free will of the individual.” Do you agree with this opinion? Based on the text and social science knowledge, give three arguments (explanations) in defense of your position.


<.. .="">

(E. A. Lukasheva)


The correct answer may include the following arguments in defense of your position:

Only an individual endowed with freedom of choice has the opportunity to choose;

Law and morality define specific rights, responsibilities, and roles in relation to a particular individual.

Law and morality establish specific sanctions (formal and informal) for fulfillment or non-fulfillment of instructions in society.

Law and morality act as a source of adaptation to the specific conditions of an individual’s existence.

Law and morality determine the boundaries of what is permitted, because the free will of an individual cannot always be directed in a peaceful direction.

What role do law and morality play in an individual's life? Using the content of the text, give three points.

Read the text and complete tasks 21-24.

Law and morality as social regulators invariably deal with the problems of the individual’s free will and his responsibility for his actions. Law and morality, as the most important elements of a person’s value orientation, could neither arise nor exist if a person were not endowed with free will. They are addressed to the mind and will of a person, helping him adapt to the complex and changing world of social relations.

Law and morality are always addressed to the free will of the individual. At the same time, they act as a “measure” of this freedom, defining the boundaries of a person’s free behavior. But this community already contains properties that determine the specifics of law and morality. Law acts as a formal, concrete, historically determined measure of freedom.<...>

Law, by its nature, outlines the freedom of external actions of a person, remaining neutral in relation to the internal motives of his behavior. Morality is a different matter, which not only defines the boundaries of external freedom, but also requires internal self-determination of the individual. And in this sense, morality is an informal determinant of freedom.

The difference in the nature of freedom in the legal and moral spheres also determines the differences in the nature of legal and moral responsibility. The differences in legal and moral responsibility lie in the nature of the motivation; in the difference between legal and moral sanctions and the evaluative categories underlying them; in the differences between the subjects applying these sanctions.<.. .="">

When distinguishing between legal and moral sanctions, one should take into account the specific historical conditions in which these social regulators operate. The greater severity of legal sanctions compared to moral ones is not a universal difference that has existed in all eras and in all societies. The degree of severity of moral sanctions, as well as legal ones, was different in different periods among different peoples; in addition, moral prohibitions often became legal, and legal prohibitions became moral.

Nor can such a sign of the difference between legal sanctions and moral ones as their formal certainty be considered as absolute. Ethnographic studies show that moral prohibitions often had a fixed scale of sanctions.

The specificity of legal sanctions lies not in their rigidity and formal certainty, but in the methods of enforcement, which are inextricably linked with the state, which has a special set of means and institutions capable of enforcing compliance with legal norms.

(E. A. Lukasheva)


The correct answer may include the following items:

1) They are addressed to the mind and will of a person, helping him adapt to the complex and changing world of social relations.

2) At the same time, they act as a “measure” of this freedom, defining the boundaries of a person’s free behavior.

3) Law, by its nature, outlines the freedom of external actions of a person,

4) morality, which not only defines the boundaries of external freedom, but also requires internal self-determination of the individual.

Subject area: Law. Law in the system of social norms

Moral - These are generally accepted ideas about good and evil, right and wrong, bad and good . According to these ideas, there arise moral standards human behavior. A synonym for morality is morality. A separate science deals with the study of morality - ethics.

Morality has its own characteristics.

Signs of morality:

  1. The universality of moral norms (that is, they affect everyone equally, regardless of social status).
  2. Voluntariness (no one is forced to comply with moral standards, since this is done by such moral principles as conscience, public opinion, karma and other personal beliefs).
  3. Comprehensiveness (that is, moral rules apply in all areas of activity - in politics, in creativity, in business, etc.).

Functions of morality.

Philosophers identify five functions of morality:

  1. Evaluation function divides actions into good and bad on a good/evil scale.
  2. Regulatory function develops rules and moral standards.
  3. Educational function is engaged in the formation of a system of moral values.
  4. Control function monitors compliance with rules and regulations.
  5. Integrating function maintains a state of harmony within the person himself when performing certain actions.

For social science, the first three functions are key, since they play the main social role of morality.

Moral standards.

Moral standards Much has been written throughout the history of mankind, but the main ones appear in most religions and teachings.

  1. Prudence. This is the ability to be guided by reason, and not by impulse, that is, to think before doing.
  2. Abstinence. It concerns not only marital relations, but also food, entertainment and other pleasures. Since ancient times, the abundance of material values ​​has been considered an obstacle to the development of spiritual values. Our Great Lent is one of the manifestations of this moral norm.
  3. Justice. The principle “don’t dig a hole for someone else, you’ll fall into it yourself,” which is aimed at developing respect for other people.
  4. Persistence. The ability to endure failures (as they say, what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger).
  5. Hard work. Labor has always been encouraged in society, so this norm is natural.
  6. Humility. Humility is the ability to stop in time. It is a cousin of prudence, with an emphasis on self-development and introspection.
  7. Politeness. Polite people have always been valued, since a bad peace, as you know, is better than a good quarrel; and politeness is the basis of diplomacy.

Principles of morality.

Moral principles- These are moral norms of a more private or specific nature. The principles of morality at different times in different communities were different, and the understanding of good and evil was accordingly different.

For example, the principle of “an eye for an eye” (or the principle of talion) is far from being held in high esteem in modern morality. And here " golden rule of morality"(or Aristotle's principle of the golden mean) has not changed at all and still remains a moral guide: do to people as you want to be done to you (in the Bible: “love your neighbor”).

Of all the principles that guide the modern teaching of morality, one main one can be deduced - principle of humanism. It is humanity, compassion, and understanding that can characterize all the other principles and moral norms.

Morality affects all types of human activity and, from the point of view of good and evil, gives an understanding of what principles to follow in politics, in business, in society, in creativity, etc.

Choose one of the statements below and write a mini-essay based on it.

C9.1 Philosophy:“Knowledge is a treasure, but the key to it is practice.” (T. Fuller)

C9.2 Economics:“The main social responsibility of business is not to contribute to poverty and unemployment.” (B.S. Erasov)

C9.3“Man is a fundamental novelty in nature.” (N.A. Berdyaev)

C9.4 Political Science:“Totalitarianism is a form of government in which morality falls within the purview of power.” (A.N. Kruglov)

C9.5 Jurisprudence:“It is easier to make laws than to follow them.” (Napoleon Bonaparte)


Source: Unified State Examination in Social Studies 06/10/2013. Main wave. Far East. Option 2.

Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

“Moral assessments of actions allow us to evaluate them as good or bad, bringing good or causing evil, and deserving ________ (A). The main ______(B) values ​​include: kindness, sense of duty, ________(B), justice, etc. Focusing on them, we evaluate our own and others’ actions from a moral point of view.

Moral standards, along with ________(D) are the main regulators of people's behavior in society. Morality is, first of all, __________ (D) human behavior, based on his will, duty, conscience.

It is inherent not only to individuals, but also to ________(E), which also operates with moral categories and gives moral assessments.”

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can be used only once.

Choose one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

List of terms:

The table below shows the letters representing the missing words. Write down the number of the word you chose in the table under each letter.



Based on the context, sequence 315968 is the only correct answer. Indirect clues are the gender, number and case of words.

Answer: 3, 1, 5, 9, 6, 8.

Answer: 315968

Subject area: Man and society. Morality

Source: Unified State Examination in Social Studies 06/10/2013. Main wave. Ural. Option 5.

Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

“Social control is a mechanism by which society ensures compliance with certain rules, __________(A) of which are detrimental to the functioning of the social system. In this capacity are __________(B) and law, customs, administrative decisions, etc. The action of social control comes down mainly to the application of various __________(B) to violators of accepted social norms. At the same time, social control involves rewarding __________(D) social norms.

Social control acts as an organic element of any __________(D) management of the social process, as a feedback mechanism that ensures the execution of the commands of the governing body.

Social control can be found in the earliest societies. With the development of productive forces and division of labor, the role of social control increases, and its structure becomes more complex. Social __________(E) arise, dealing almost exclusively with social control (for example, the judiciary). At the same time, the functions of social control are carried out by almost any social institution.”

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word can only be used one once.

Choose one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

List of terms:

The table below shows the letters representing the missing words. Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Based on the context, the sequence 231458 is the only correct answer. Indirect clues are the gender, number and case of words.

Answer: 2, 3, 1, 4, 5, 8.

Answer: 231458

Subject area: Social relations. Social control

Source: Unified State Examination in Social Studies 05/05/2014. Early wave. Option 3.

Identify, at your discretion, one or more main ideas of the topic raised by the author and expand on it (them). When revealing the main idea(s) you have identified in your reasoning and conclusions, use social science knowledge (relevant concepts, theoretical positions), illustrating them with facts and examples from public life and personal social experience, examples from other educational items.

To illustrate the theoretical positions, reasoning and conclusions you have formulated, please provide at least two facts/examples from various sources. Each given fact/example must be formulated in detail and clearly related to the illustrated position, reasoning, and conclusion.

C9.1 Philosophy.“Culture is activity and creativity.” (P.S. Gurevich)

C9.2 Economics.“A planned economy takes into account everything in its plans except the economy.” (K. McWilliams)

C9.3 Sociology, social psychology“If you want to achieve anything, you must have the courage to fail.” (K. Douglas)

C9.4 Political Science.“A citizen in the general sense is one who participates in both domination and subjugation.” (Aristotle)

C9.5 Jurisprudence.“Law and morality are always addressed to the free will of the individual.” (E. A. Lukasheva)


When writing an essay, you can use the following sample plan.

1. Introduction - introduces the topic, gives preliminary, general information about the problem that lies behind the proposed topic. The introduction may contain an answer to a question asked on the topic; contain a fact from the author’s biography or characterize a historical period, if this information is important for subsequent analysis of the text.

2. Main part: represents a detailed analysis of the statement. In the main part, it is necessary to demonstrate knowledge of the material, the ability to logically, reasoned and stylistically correct, and competently express one’s thoughts. The main part is checking how correctly the topic is understood. The main part can begin with a thesis - the position that you will prove. Then give arguments, there should be at least two. Support your arguments with examples from the text.

3. Conclusion: summing up, summarizing what has been said, completing the text, returning attention to the most important thing. The final part should be short but concise; organically connected with the previous presentation. The conclusion can express the writer’s attitude to the problem. It must be presented correctly, without excessive emotional assessments, have a clearly defined meaning and be prepared with material from the main part.

Source: Unified State Examination in Social Studies 05/08/2014. Early wave, reserve day. Option 201.

Identify, at your discretion, one or more main ideas of the topic raised by the author and expand on it (them). When revealing the main idea(s) you have identified in your reasoning and conclusions, use social science knowledge (relevant concepts, theoretical positions), illustrating them with facts and examples from public life and personal social experience, examples from other educational items.

To illustrate the theoretical positions, reasoning and conclusions you have formulated, please provide at least two facts/examples from various sources. Each given fact/example must be formulated in detail and clearly related to the illustrated position, reasoning, and conclusion.

C9.1 Philosophy: “You can only expand your knowledge when you look your ignorance straight in the eye.” (K.D. Ushinsky)

C9.2 Economics: “An individual driven only by the desire for money is clearly sick. The same, I believe, can be said of a company whose sole purpose is profit.” (R. Heian)

C9.3 Sociology, social psychology: “Our social roles are determined by other people’s expectations.” (N. Smelser)

C9.4 Political Science: “Totalitarianism is a form of government in which morality falls within the purview of power.” (A.N. Kruglov)

C9.5 Jurisprudence: “Times change, and laws change with them.” (Latin legal saying)


When writing an essay, you can use the following sample plan.

1. Introduction - introduces the topic, gives preliminary, general information about the problem that lies behind the proposed topic. The introduction may contain an answer to a question asked on the topic; contain a fact from the author’s biography or characterize a historical period, if this information is important for subsequent analysis of the text.

2. Main part: represents a detailed analysis of the statement. In the main part, it is necessary to demonstrate knowledge of the material, the ability to logically, reasoned and stylistically correct, and competently express one’s thoughts. The main part is checking how correctly the topic is understood. The main part can begin with a thesis - the position that you will prove. Then give arguments, there should be at least two. Support your arguments with examples from the text.

3. Conclusion: summing up, summarizing what has been said, completing the text, returning attention to the most important thing. The final part should be short but concise; organically connected with the previous presentation. The conclusion can express the writer’s attitude to the problem. It must be presented correctly, without excessive emotional assessments, have a clearly defined meaning and be prepared with material from the main part.

Among the criteria by which the completion of task C9 is assessed, criterion K1 is decisive. If the graduate, in principle, did not reveal (or revealed incorrectly) the meaning of the statement, did not identify the problem posed by the author (the topic put forward), and the expert gave 0 points according to criterion K1, then the answer is not further checked. For the remaining criteria (K2-KZ), 0 points are given in the protocol for checking tasks with a detailed answer.

Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

"A. Condorcet, like other French educators, considered the development of _______ (A) to be the source of human improvement. The utopian socialist Saint-Simon believed that ________ (B) should take this form

organization that would lead to the implementation of the principle that all people should treat each other as brothers. The German philosopher F.W. Schelling wrote that supporters and opponents of the belief in the perfectibility of mankind became entangled in disputes about the criteria of ________ (B). Some talk about the improvement of humanity in the field of ________ (D), others - about the development of science and _________ (D). Schelling proposed his own solution to the problem: the criterion for establishing the historical progress of mankind can only be its gradual approach to the _____ (E) state.”

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can be used only once.

Choose one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

List of terms:

The table below shows the letters representing the missing words. Write down the number of the word you chose in the table under each letter.



Based on the context, sequence 214683 is the only correct answer. Indirect clues are the gender, number and case of words.

Answer: 214683

Answer: 214683

Art; the science; education; morality; culture.


All concepts presented are spheres of culture.

Answer: culture.

Answer: culture

“Initially, art was called a high degree of mastery in any matter. This meaning of the word is still present in the language when we talk about the art of a doctor or teacher, about martial art or oratory. Later, the concept of “art” began to be increasingly used to describe special activities aimed at _______(A) and transforming the world in accordance with _______(B), i.e. according to the laws of beauty. At the same time, the original meaning of the word has been preserved, since the highest _______ (B) is required to create something beautiful.

The world and man in the totality of their relationships with each other are _______(D). _______(D) - a work of art (poem, painting, performance, film, etc.).

The purpose of art is twofold: for the creator it is _______(E), for the viewer it is the enjoyment of beauty. In general, beauty is as closely connected with art as truth is with science and goodness with morality.”

List of terms:

1) form of existence of art

2) ethical standards

3) artistic expression

4) creativity

5) reflection

6) piece of art

7) objective reality

8) skill

9) aesthetic standards



Based on the context, the sequence 598613 is the only correct answer. Indirect clues are the gender, number and case of words.

Answer: 598613

Identify, at your discretion, one or more main ideas of the topic raised by the author and expand on it (them). When revealing the main idea(s) you have identified in your reasoning and conclusions, use social science knowledge (relevant concepts, theoretical positions), illustrating them with facts and examples from public life and personal social experience, examples from other educational items.

To illustrate the theoretical positions, reasoning and conclusions you have formulated, please provide at least two facts/examples from various sources. Each given fact/example must be formulated in detail and clearly related to the illustrated position, reasoning, and conclusion.

C9.1 Philosophy.“Morality is a teaching not about how we should make ourselves happy, but about how we should become worthy of happiness.” (I. Kant)

C9.2 Economics.“Budgeting is the art of evenly distributing disappointments.” (M. Stans)

C9.3 Sociology, social psychology.“The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that a person, by changing his internal attitude towards life, is able to change the external aspects of this life.” (D. William)

C9.4 Political Science.“A political party is a union of people who united in order to achieve the laws they all need.” (I. Ilyin)

C9.5 Jurisprudence.“The brutality of the laws prevents their enforcement.” (C. Montesquieu)


To cope with the task, we definitely need to familiarize ourselves with the work evaluation criteria. You can find the criteria on the FIPI website; they are posted in one document along with a demo version of the exam.

The first criterion (K1) is decisive. You need to reveal the meaning of the statement. If you do not do this or reveal the meaning of the statement inaccurately, you will be given zero points for K1 and all essays will not be checked. If K1 is met, you are given 1 point and the expert checks the work further.

Second criterion (K2). You must provide arguments from your social studies course. It is necessary to cite and explain concepts, social processes, laws that will help reveal the meaning of the statement.

The maximum number of primary points for this criterion is 2. If “the answer contains individual concepts or provisions related to the topic, but not related to each other and to other components of the argumentation,” the expert reduces the score and gives one point.

If the meaning of at least one term is conveyed incorrectly, then the K2 score is reduced by 1 point: from 2 points to 1 point, from 1 point to 0 points.

Third criterion (K3). According to this criterion, you need to provide 2 factual arguments in favor of your own point of view. If you make a factual error (for example, say that Putin is the chairman of the government), the argument will not be taken into account. If the argument does not work for your point of view and reveal the meaning of the statement, it will not be taken into account either.

Arguments should be from various sources: “media reports, materials from educational subjects (history, literature, geography, etc.), facts of personal social experience and own observations.” Two arguments from the literature or two arguments from the media can be counted as “arguments from the same type of source,” which will lead to a decrease in score by 1 point.

How to choose a quote?

Before you write your essay, you need to choose a quote. And you need to choose not according to the principle “liked - disliked”, “boring - interesting”. You need to carefully study the statements and evaluate the prospects for writing a good essay on each of them. This should take no more than 2-3 minutes.

Read the statements carefully. Identify several quotes whose meaning is most clear to you.

For each statement, the meaning of which is clear, determine the range of terms, processes, phenomena and laws from the social studies course. Discard quotes that you are not sure about.

From the remaining quotes, choose those to which you can provide quality arguments.

If, after you run all the quotes through these three filters, you are left with all five quotes, you can choose the one that is closest to your heart. (In that case, you know your social studies course very well, congratulations!)

Essay writing algorithm

You have chosen a quote whose meaning is clear to you, and you can easily make theoretical and factual arguments. At worst, this quote will cause you the least amount of trouble, which is also a good thing.

We are writing an essay based on the fact that it will have only two readers - Unified State Exam experts. This means that we need to make it as easy as possible for them to check their essays. It will be convenient for the expert to check if the work is structured into blocks according to the criteria.

The essay structure might look like this:

1) Convey the meaning of the quote. It is important that this is not just a retelling of the statement. You must demonstrate understanding of the author's words.

It's okay if you write primitively. There are no requirements for text style in the essay criteria.

We chose a quote from economics. “Supply and demand are a process of mutual adaptation and coordination” (P.T. Heine).

2) Formulate our own point of view: I agree / I disagree with the author.

As a rule, it is difficult to argue with the statements that are offered to graduates at the Unified State Exam. But if you feel you disagree, don't be afraid to argue.

Example: I agree with P. Heine because...

3) Support your point of view with terms, concepts and laws from the social studies course. Moreover, it is important to use material from the sphere of social relations that is indicated in the task. Expand a quote in economics in economic terms, in political science in terms of political science, etc.

Example: The basis for interaction between a consumer and a manufacturer (seller) in market conditions is the mechanism of supply and demand. Demand is the desire and ability of the consumer to buy a specific product or service here and now. Supply is the desire and ability of the manufacturer to offer the consumer a product or service at a specific price within a certain time. Supply and demand are interconnected. An increase in demand can affect the quantity of supply, and vice versa.

The ideal situation is when there is an equilibrium price in the market. If demand exceeds supply, a scarce market for a certain product develops. If supply exceeds demand, this can lead to overproduction.

In conditions of high competition, when there is great demand and many producers in the market, the quality of goods increases, and the price falls, as sellers are forced to fight for buyers. This is one example of changes in the market situation under the influence of supply and demand.

4) Give two factual arguments from different sources. If you use a fact from personal experience as an argument, try not to make it up. The examiner will most likely not believe you if you state that you ran for president of Chile or are on the Nobel committee.

Example: One example that proves the regulating function of supply is the situation on the oil market in the modern world. In 2014, the price of hydrocarbons fell due to declining demand. The oil market has been squeezed out by promising technologies: solar energy, wind energy and other renewable resources. Oil companies had to adapt to new conditions - reduce oil production costs, reduce added value and lower product prices.

The law of supply and demand does not only work in global commodity markets. We can see how, under the influence of supply and demand, the situation is changing literally outside the window of our house. In the residential area where I have lived for more than 15 years, there was a grocery store in the basement of a high-rise building. Residents of nearby houses regularly bought essential products there. However, a supermarket of one of the large retail chains opened in the microdistrict. The prices there were lower, the work hours were more convenient, and the assortment was much richer. People voted with their feet, and after a while the small store closed because it could not adapt to the new situation in the local market.

5) Conclusion. Here you can summarize your thoughts. Write your conclusion only if you have time left and you are sure that all other tasks do not require double-checking. Otherwise, forget about the conclusion - the presence or absence of a conclusion is not assessed in the criteria for the task.

Example: In a market and mixed economy, the regulating influence of supply and demand is the basis of economic relations. Indicators of supply and demand are taken into account when planning the activities of any enterprise and the entire country. It is important that supply and demand are balanced, otherwise crisis phenomena may arise in the economy.

It is worth remembering that the enemy of good results in the exam is a waste of time. Don't do extra work. Many teachers demand that the problem raised by the author be deduced. There is no need to do this, it will not affect the assessment, and the risk of making a mistake will increase.

This algorithm is not the ultimate truth. You can adhere to it, you can focus on it, but you should not use these recommendations thoughtlessly. Perhaps after training you will have your own idea of ​​how to write an essay. Wonderful! Most importantly, do not forget that this work is assessed according to strict criteria that you need to try to comply with.

The science; morality; religion; spiritual culture; art.


All concepts presented are spiritual culture.

Answer: spiritual culture.

Answer: spiritual culture

In the row below, find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts presented. Write down this word (phrase).

Social control; morality; right; encouragement; punishment.


All concepts presented relate to social control.

Answer: social control.

Answer: social control

Read the text below, in which a number of words (phrases) are missing. Select from the list of words (phrases) that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

“Culture arose and develops along with man. It represents what distinguishes a person from all other ____________(A). Neither man nor ____________(B) can exist outside of culture. In the broadest sense, we can say that culture is everything that is created by man in the process of ____________ (B) the surrounding world. Culture is sometimes called “second nature.”

Culture performs a number of very important ____________ (D) in the life of a person and society. It is the environment in which ____________ (D) of the individual occurs. Only through culture can a person master accumulated social experience and become a full-fledged member of society. Culture regulates relations between people using a system of norms, for example, norms ____________ (E).”

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word can only be used once. Choose one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

List of terms:

1) art

2) information

3) transformation

5) living beings

6) society

7) socialization

8) function

9) activity

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



The internal structure of the structural elements of law is called ____________ (D) law. The largest element in the legal system is the branch of law. It is formed by a set of legal norms governing a qualitatively homogeneous group of _____________ (D) relations. A legal institution is a separate group of legal ___________(E) that regulate qualitatively homogeneous social relations within one branch of law or at their junction.

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can be used only once. Choose one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

List of terms:

The table below shows the letters representing the missing words. Write down the number of the word you chose in the table under each letter.

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Based on the text of the task, the correct sequence is 483675

Answer: 483675

Answer: 483675

29.1 Philosophy:“Those doubts that theory does not resolve, practice will resolve for you.” (L. Feuerbach)

29.2 Economy:“Competition is central planning carried out by many independent individuals.” (F. Hayek)

29.3 Sociology, social psychology:“One is not born a person, one becomes a person.” (A. N. Leontyev)

29.4 Political science:“Morality without politics is useless. Politics without morality is inglorious.” (A.P. Sumarokov)

29.5 Jurisprudence:“At the trial, not only what was obtained during the preliminary investigation is examined, but also how it was obtained.” (A.F. Koni)


When writing an essay, you can use the following sample plan.

1. Introduction - introduces the topic, gives preliminary, general information about the problem that lies behind the proposed topic. The introduction may contain an answer to a question asked on the topic; contain a fact from the author’s biography or characterize a historical period, if this information is important for subsequent analysis of the text.

3. Conclusion: summing up, summarizing what has been said, completing the text, returning attention to the most important thing. The final part should be short but concise; organically connected with the previous presentation. The conclusion can express the writer’s attitude to the problem. It must be presented correctly, without excessive emotional assessments, have a clearly defined meaning and be prepared with material from the main part.

29.1 Philosophy:“Human activity is not entirely given by nature, although it is connected with what nature gives in itself.” (P.S. Gurevich)

29.2 Economy:“The economy changes along with life.” (S. Vine)

29.3 Sociology, social psychology:“Morality is a household item, not a deity. You need to use it, you don’t need to idolize it.” (Ya. Cederberg)

29.4 Political science:“To the duties of government power there are corresponding rights; to its rights are the responsibilities of its subjects.” (V.M. Gessen)

29.5 Jurisprudence:“A judicial decision must be accepted as truth.” (Latin legal saying)


When writing an essay, you can use the following sample plan.

1. Introduction - introduces the topic, gives preliminary, general information about the problem that lies behind the proposed topic. The introduction may contain an answer to a question asked on the topic; contain a fact from the author’s biography or characterize a historical period, if this information is important for subsequent analysis of the text.

2. Main part: represents a detailed analysis of the statement. In the main part, it is necessary to demonstrate knowledge of the material, the ability to logically, reasoned and stylistically correct, and competently express one’s thoughts. The main part is checking how correctly the topic is understood. The main part can begin with a thesis - the position that you will prove. Then give arguments, there should be at least two. Support your arguments with examples from the text.

3. Conclusion: summing up, summarizing what has been said, completing the text, returning attention to the most important thing. The final part should be short but concise; organically connected with the previous presentation. The conclusion can express the writer’s attitude to the problem. It must be presented correctly, without excessive emotional assessments, have a clearly defined meaning and be prepared with material from the main part.

General information
(from Latin moralis - moral) - morality, a special form of social consciousness and type of social relations (moral relations). One of the main ways to regulate human actions in society is through norms. Unlike simple custom or tradition, moral norms receive ideological justification in the form of the ideals of good and evil, due, justice... Unlike law, the fulfillment of moral requirements is sanctioned only by forms of spiritual influence (public assessment, approval or condemnation). Along with universal human elements, morality includes historically transitory norms, principles, and ideals. Morality is studied by a special philosophical discipline - ethics.


  • manifests itself through a system of norms, rules and assessments. Such as rules of etiquette, etc.
  • ideas about what is good and evil in the actions of people and human society.
  • Norms and assessments of the behavior of individuals, social groups and society as a whole, based solely on the strength of public opinion
  • a set of norms that determine human behavior in society and are based on public opinion
  • The sphere of public consciousness in which ideas about proper behavior are concentrated
  • A form of social consciousness that performs the following functions:

a) regulator of public relations

b) regulator of relations between people

Social science. A complete course of preparation for the Unified State Exam Shemakhanova Irina Albertovna

1.15. Morality

1.15. Morality

Morality – 1) a form of social consciousness, consisting of a system of values ​​and requirements that regulate people’s behavior; 2) the system of norms, ideals, principles accepted in society, and its expression in the real lives of people. Moral– principles of real practical behavior of people. Ethics– philosophical science, the subject of which is morality and morality.

Approaches to the Origin of Morality

Naturalistic: considers morality as a simple continuation, a complication of the group feelings of animals that ensure the survival of the species in the struggle for existence. Representatives of naturalism in ethics reduce the social to the biological, erasing the qualitative line that distinguishes the human psyche from the animal.

Religious-idealistic: views morality as a gift from God.

– Sociological: considers morality as a phenomenon that arose along with communication and collective labor actions and ensures their regulation. The main reasons that gave rise to the need for moral regulation are the development and complication of social relations: the emergence of surplus product and the need for its distribution; gender and age division of labor; identification of clans within the tribe; streamlining sexual relations, etc.

Morality rests on three important foundations:

* Traditions, customs, morals, which have developed in a given society, in the environment of a given class, social group. A person learns these morals, traditional norms of behavior, which become habits and become the property of the spiritual world of the individual. They are realized in his behavior, the motives of which are formulated as follows: “this is how it is accepted” or “this is not accepted”, “everyone does it this way”, “like people, so do I”, “this is how things have been done since ancient times”, etc.

* Based on the strength of public opinion, which, by approving some actions and condemning others, regulates the behavior of an individual and teaches him to comply with moral standards. The instruments of public opinion are, on the one hand, honor, good name, public recognition, which become the result of a person’s conscientious fulfillment of his duties, his strict adherence to the moral norms of a given society; on the other hand, shame, shaming a person who has violated moral standards.

* Based on consciousness of each individual, on her understanding of the need to reconcile personal and public interests. This determines voluntary choice, voluntariness of behavior, which occurs when conscience becomes a solid basis for the moral behavior of an individual.

In relation to a person’s personality, morality is an internal form of self-regulation by an individual of his behavior. Morality is disinterested, personal, represents a special kind of knowledge, and is an essential characteristic of spiritual knowledge.

Moral consciousness is of a value nature. It is oriented toward a certain absolute moral ideal that arises in society, but is taken beyond its boundaries, acting as a criterion and assessment of both social phenomena and individual human behavior and his motives.

Moral standard is aimed at developing certain moral qualities in a person: the desire for goodness and self-improvement, helping other people, courage, being ready to endure hardships and fight for the truth. A norm is understood as a prescription (decision, instruction, instruction, directive, order, program, etc.), with which a certain action must (may or may not) be performed in order to achieve specified goals.

Moral norm determines socially necessary typical options for moral behavior; a means that gives orientation to the human personality, indicates which offenses are acceptable and preferable and which should be avoided.

The main property of moral norms is their imperativeness (imperativeness). They express moral requirements. One and the same norm, say, the requirement of justice, can be expressed simultaneously both in the form of a prohibition and as a positive instruction: “don’t lie,” “tell only the truth.” Norms are addressed to a person, to his activities and behavior. A conscious set of norms is defined as moral code. The main elements of a moral code are the following: socially significant instructions, attitude-orientation, the individual’s readiness for proper requirements and objective conditions that allow the implementation of appropriate proper behavior.

Another component of a moral code is value orientations: 1) moral significance, dignity of the individual (group of persons, collective) and his actions or moral characteristics of public institutions; 2) value ideas related to the field of moral consciousness - ideals, concepts of good and evil, justice, happiness.

Motivation, assessment and self-esteem. Motivation, evaluation and self-esteem are important ways of morally regulating people's behavior. Motive is a morally conscious impulse to engage in activities related to satisfying the needs of the subject. Motivation- a system of motives interconnected in a certain way, meaning the preference of certain values, goals in the moral choice of an individual, a conscious determination of the line of one’s behavior.

Moral assessment allows you to determine the value of an action, a person’s behavior, their compliance with certain norms, principles, and ideals; This is an independent determination of the value of one’s behavior, one’s motives and actions. It is closely related to the sense of conscience and duty and acts as an important tool of self-control.

Conscience– the ability of an individual to exercise moral self-control, independently formulate moral duties for himself, demand that he fulfill them, and make a self-assessment of his actions; is an expression of moral self-awareness and well-being of the individual; allows a person to realize his moral responsibility to himself as a subject of moral choice and to other people, society as a whole.

Duty- This is the relationship of the individual to society. The individual acts here as an active bearer of certain moral responsibilities to society.

Functions of morality

* Worldview. Morality develops a system of value orientations: norms, prohibitions, assessments, ideals, which become a necessary component of social consciousness, orient the individual, express preference for certain norms and the command to act in accordance with them.

* Cognitive. It is not identical to scientific knowledge, it orients a person in the world of surrounding cultural values, predetermines the preference of those that meet his needs and interests.

* Regulatory. Morality acts as a way of regulating people's behavior in work, in everyday life, in politics, in science, in family, intra-group and other relationships. It authorizes and supports certain social foundations, a way of life, or requires their change. Morality rests on the strength of public opinion. Moral sanctions are more flexible, varied, and come in the form of not only coercion, persuasion, but also approval by public opinion.

* Estimated. Morality considers the world, phenomena and processes from the point of view of their humanistic potential. A morally evaluative attitude towards reality is its comprehension in the concepts of good and evil, as well as in other concepts adjacent to them or derived from them (“justice” and “injustice”, “honor” and “dishonor”, ​​“nobility” and “baseness” etc.). Moreover, the specific form of expression of moral assessment can be different: praise, agreement, blame, criticism, expressed in value judgments; showing approval or disapproval.

* Educational. By concentrating the moral experience of humanity, morality makes it the property of every new generation of people. Morality permeates all types of education insofar as it gives them the correct social orientation through moral ideals and goals, which ensures a harmonious combination of personal and social interests.

* Motivational. Moral principles motivate human behavior, that is, they act as reasons and motivations that make an individual want to do or not do something.

* Controlling. Control over the implementation of norms based on public condemnation and/or the conscience of the person himself.

* Coordination. Morality ensures unity and consistency in the interactions of people in a wide variety of circumstances.

* Integrating. Maintaining the unity of humanity and the integrity of the human spiritual world.

Moral requirements and ideas

– norms of behavior (“don’t lie”, “don’t steal”, “don’t kill”, “honor your elders”, etc.);

– moral qualities (benevolence, justice, wisdom, etc.);

– moral principles (collectivism – individualism; egoism – altruism, etc.);

– moral and psychological mechanisms (duty, conscience);

– highest moral values ​​(goodness, meaning of life, freedom, happiness).

Moral culture of the individual– the degree of individual’s perception of the moral consciousness and culture of society. The structure of a person’s moral culture: culture of ethical thinking, culture of feelings, culture of behavior, etiquette.

Morality manifests itself in understanding the opposition of good and evil. Good is understood as the most important personal and social value and correlates with a person’s desire to maintain the unity of interpersonal relationships and achieve moral perfection. If good is creative, then evil is everything that destroys interpersonal connections and decomposes a person’s inner world.

Human freedom, his ability to choose between good and evil, is called moral choice. A person is responsible to society and to himself (his conscience) for the consequences of his moral choice.

Differences between moral norms and customs and legal norms: 1) following a custom presupposes unquestioning and literal submission to its requirements, moral norms presuppose a person’s meaningful and free choice; 2) customs are different for different peoples, eras, social groups, morality is universal, it sets general norms for all humanity; 3) the implementation of customs is often based on habit and fear of the disapproval of others, morality is based on a sense of duty and is supported by a sense of shame and remorse.

Unlike other manifestations of the spiritual life of society (science, art, religion), morality is not a sphere of organized activity: there are no institutions in society that would ensure the functioning and development of morality. Moral requirements and assessments penetrate into all spheres of human life and activity.

Universal Moral Principles

1. The talion principle. In the Old Testament, the talion formula is expressed as follows: “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” In primitive society, talion was carried out in the form of blood feud, and the punishment had to strictly correspond to the harm caused.

2. The principle of morality. The golden rule of morality can be found among the sayings of the ancient sages: Buddha, Confucius, Thales, Muhammad, Christ. In its most general form, this rule looks like this: “(Don’t) act towards others as you (wouldn’t) want them to act towards you.” The commandment of love becomes the main universal principle in Christianity.

3. The principle of the golden mean presented in works Aristotle: Avoid extremes and keep it in moderation. All moral virtues are a mean between two vices (for example, courage is located between cowardice and recklessness) and go back to the virtue of moderation, which allows a person to curb his passions with the help of reason.

4. The Greatest Happiness Principle (I. Bentham, J. Mill): Everyone should behave in such a way as to ensure the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people. An action is moral if the benefit from it outweighs the harm.

5. Principle of justice (J. Rawls): Every person should have equal rights with regard to fundamental freedoms; social and economic inequalities must be adjusted to the benefit of the poor.

Each universal principle expresses a certain moral ideal, which is mainly understood as philanthropy.


In modern society, in popular culture and through the media, the belief is often introduced that there are different moralities, that what was previously considered immoral can now be completely acceptable and permissible. This indicates an erosion of the strictness of the moral criterion, clarity and clarity in distinguishing between good and evil. The loss of morality leads to the destruction of the very basis of sociality, connections between people, laws and norms. As a result, the entire social system collapses, imperceptibly and gradually undermined from within.

Immorality associated with the concepts of selfishness, passion and sin. Passions (mental, physical) are what lead along the path opposite to virtue and self-knowledge.

In order for society to progress in its development, the unity of civil society and its fight against immorality in all its manifestations is necessary. It must be carried out through upbringing, education, spiritual development, persuasion and enlightenment. Violence is impossible in the moral sphere, just as goodness with fists is impossible, although it must be active.

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1.15. Morality Morality is 1) a form of social consciousness, consisting of a system of values ​​and requirements that regulate people’s behavior; 2) the system of norms, ideals, principles accepted in society, and its expression in the real lives of people. Morality - principles of reality

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