Is it possible to do physical exercise all day long? Sports morning and evening: how to choose an effective strategy

When training regularly in the gym or at home, not only the exercise program is of great importance, but also what time the classes take place.

This is due to the fact that in a person, at different times of the day, various processes are activated that are responsible for gaining muscle mass or vice versa - for losing weight, as well as for sleep and wakefulness.

When is the best time to exercise and why ^

All athletes know that the body’s ability to burn fat depends not only on nutrition and the training program, but also on the time at which they will be carried out - in the morning, at lunch or in the evening. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that each person has his own circadian rhythm, or sleep-wake cycle - changes in various biological processes depending on the time of day.

It is this cycle that regulates body temperature, blood pressure, metabolism and many other physiological processes of the body. All living things have an internal clock. As a rule, these biological rhythms are subject to a 24-hour day, but can change under the influence of environmental signals. The time at which a person usually exercises is one such signal.

At the same time, we should not forget about the concept of “biorhythm”, which allows us to divide people into “larks” and “night owls”.

  • Early risers are people who find it easier to get up early in the morning, but more difficult to stay awake at night.
  • With owls, the opposite is true: after waking up early, they will feel a loss of strength, but closer to night they will have a surge of energy and their performance will increase.
  • There is a third human chronotype - pigeons. People who belong to it can start work with equal efficiency both early in the morning and late in the evening, and they will not lack energy.

It often happens that a person’s circadian rhythm gets confused, this is especially true for early risers. This phenomenon can occur for a number of reasons:

  • Working with a shift schedule;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Taking certain medications;
  • Transfers and flights;
  • Change to winter or summer time;
  • The presence of small children, if the circadian rhythms of the mother and child do not coincide;
  • Spending a long time at the computer before bed.

The circadian rhythm determines what time is best to exercise at home or in the gym:

  • For example, a morning person who decides to exercise at 8-9 pm will feel weak and uncomfortable due to lack of strength;
  • For owls, this time, on the contrary, is considered the most optimal.

Thus, physical activity will bring results only when it is combined with the human biorhythm, as well as with proper nutrition and a well-designed training program.

Is it possible to change your circadian rhythm: how to adjust your internal clock

Research shows that a person can change their circadian rhythm, for example by waking up to an alarm and eating at the same time.

  • Scientists have also found that people who consistently exercise in the morning can “teach” their body to be ready for physical activity at that time of day.
  • Volunteers who were used to working out in the morning felt less strong and focused during the evening workouts.

Experts say that this adjustment of the biological rhythm is especially important for athletes who are preparing for specific competitions. They recommend rescheduling training for the exact time of day when the competition will take place.

Best time of day to exercise

According to scientists, the optimal time for fitness is when normal body temperature reaches its maximum and muscles become warm and elastic. For most people this happens around 16:00 - 17:00. Also, according to various sources, a person is about five percent stronger in the middle of the day, and more resilient in the afternoon.

It is believed that in the mornings the body temperature is most reduced, and it is undesirable to exercise at this time - simple exercise will be enough. The rest of the time, human biorhythms operate clockwise as follows:

  • From 10 to 12 days the highest concentration of adrenaline is observed, so you can engage in any sports that require attentiveness and endurance;
  • From 14 to 15 days, human activity is reduced, and it is best to devote time to rest;
  • From 15 to 16 days the muscles are in increased tone, and you can work out with dumbbells;
  • From 16 to 19 pm - you can exercise, go to aerobics, run. During such a period, the body has the most favorable effect on stress;
  • From 20 to 22 pm the temperature gradually decreases, energy decreases, and fatigue appears. It is advisable to postpone any loads.

Before or after meals

  • The answer to this question depends on the goals of the exercise, but all trainers recommend eating light food 2 hours before training, otherwise you may not have enough energy and the person will be tired.
  • Immediately after eating, any exercise is prohibited, with the exception of using gainer or protein: athletes need to take them 30-60 minutes before visiting the gym.

In the morning or evening

In fact, the choice of time to exercise should depend not only on the generally accepted norms of the circardial rhythm, but also on your own well-being.

  • Larks should visit the gym in the first half of the day, because... In the evening you will feel very tired.
  • For owls, on the contrary, it is advisable to postpone classes until the evening, because in the morning hours they will not be as active as they should be.

Experts believe that, regardless of personal preference, almost all people are physically stronger and more resilient in the afternoon.

When is the best time to run?

  • There is a theory that cardio exercises immediately after waking up contribute to the rapid burning of subcutaneous fat, because. Because of this, the body experiences stress.
  • Therefore, those who want to lose weight are recommended to run before breakfast, after drinking a cup of unsweetened coffee or tea.

When should you exercise?

Of course, exercise is designed to wake you up quickly, warm up your muscles and the whole body, so it must be done in the morning.

  • It is advisable to do this before breakfast, after visiting the bathroom and washing your face.
  • After eating, even mild physical activity can cause digestive problems.

The best time to gain muscle mass

It is believed that training in the afternoon is the best option for those who want to accelerate muscle growth. And you can't argue with this:

  • Between 14:00 and 16:00, muscles are most susceptible to stress and metabolism reaches its peak activity, which ultimately contributes to favorable training results.

Is it possible to exercise before bed?

Most studies show that exercise improves sleep quality. It doesn’t matter at all what time of day the training takes place.

  • Scientists believe that even vigorous exercise just half an hour before bed does not affect the quality of sleep.
  • And one thing experts are unanimous about is that lack of sleep significantly reduces the results of training.

If you decide to take up fitness, choose a time for exercise taking into account your current routine and lifestyle. To avoid injury and fatigue, you need to consistently stick to your chosen schedule and make exercise part of your routine.

Many trainers recommend that their clients, when choosing a time for training, be guided not by generally accepted standards, but by their own well-being. You can choose the most optimal option by experimenting: try working out in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening on different days, and then compare your feelings at different times.

Reviews and experiences of our readers

Zhanna, 29 years old:

“I enjoy going to the gym 3 times a week, working out from 8 to 10 pm and feeling great. I tried to move the training to the first half of the day, but I couldn’t give it 100%, so I decided to leave everything as it is.”

Anastasia, 34 years old:

“The most convenient time for me is from 3 to 5 pm. If I go to classes in the morning, I will be sleepy, and the evening hours are not suitable for me because I am tired.”

Olesya, 27 years old:

“I started going to the gym at 2 o’clock in the afternoon 1.5 years ago, and nothing has changed yet. It’s hard for me to get up in the morning, and I need to devote the evenings to my family, so I have no other options.”

Eastern horoscope for March 2019

Currently, sport is becoming an increasingly popular pastime. Some are for company with friends, others – to maintain health and attractiveness. In any case, the number of people spending their free time not in bars, restaurants, but in gyms is growing every day. However, not everyone knows the rules regarding what time is best to exercise. Here, a lot depends on what goal is set for such activities - losing weight, gaining muscle mass, building a flexible body, correcting developmental disorders. This article will help you figure out when is the best time to train to achieve such goals without compromising your health.

Time to get slim

Most women resort to sports precisely in order to become more attractive and slimmer. Naturally, it is still important for them to know when it is better to exercise: in the morning or in the evening.

Scientists have proven that the muscles of the body are warmest at noon. Therefore, the day is the best time to work effectively.

However, you should not think that you can start training right away with the main set of exercises. The muscles still need to be prepared, pre-stretched and stretched. Jumping rope, running, and an exercise bike are excellent in this regard. To stretch, you can sit on the splits, do deep bends, arch your back, while lingering for a minute in the position of muscle tension.

It is also important to consider one magic rule in order to lose weight. It lies in the fact that you need to do the exercises for at least 45 minutes. The fact is that when training for weight loss has just begun, a substance such as glycogen is burned. This process lasts about a quarter of an hour. And only then a program aimed at burning fat is launched. Therefore, within 20 minutes it will help to cheer up, activate muscles, tone them, but will not reduce body weight.

Naturally, night is not suitable for sports. This applies even to those people who consider themselves to be night owls. At night, a sleep hormone is produced, which reduces body temperature and blood pressure levels. Active activities at night can even undermine your health, so activity at night should be limited even for those who like to dance at a disco. Moreover, it has been proven that if you are active at night, your appetite will improve during the day.

Time to gain weight

Mostly men dream of gaining body weight and gaining muscle definition. A good result in this case will be achievable during the day, from approximately 12 to 14 o'clock, as well as in the early evening - from 18 to 20 o'clock.

The day is ideal because the muscles are warmed up, as mentioned earlier, and ready to work at full capacity. Approximately the same effect can be obtained in the evening. But you need to remember that exercising just before bed is harmful, since a person will not be able to get a good night's sleep. This even applies to those who, after training, immediately “collapse” on the bed and fall asleep. Such a seemingly quick sleep will be disturbing and will not be able to give proper rest to the body.

The workout should begin with cardio exercises, for example, on a treadmill or exercise bike. When the pulse has increased, the body has warmed up, sweating has appeared, they move on to strength exercises and pumping individual muscle groups.

A coach can also suggest a time for playing sports, since he will see with his professional “eye” when the best result can be achieved.

An effective charge can be maintained with a protein shake, but you should only choose brands from well-known and familiar manufacturers. To gain weight, the daily supply of carbohydrates and fats should be limited. A person who takes care of himself must always monitor his diet, because healthy food can restore youth and attractiveness.

Time for flexibility and relaxation

If a person wants to relax and relieve stress through sports, then the best time for this is morning or evening. Swimming and yoga are excellent in this regard.

Morning coffee can be replaced with breathing exercises. They will help you wake up no worse than a traditional invigorating drink. Inhalations and exhalations should be deep and slow. You can perform such exercises while lying in bed.

Then stretching exercises are great. They prepare the muscles for the daily load, and also make the ligaments elastic and strong. You can lie on your stomach and do the so-called “boat”, that is, raise your legs and arms up, and stay in this position. Also, with the help of loved ones, you can stand on the “bridge”, that is, bend your back in the opposite position. The splits are ideal for stretching the leg muscles. To perform it, you should sit on the floor near the wall, spread your legs as wide as possible, and then bend your torso alternately towards your right and left legs. Such exercises are always performed slowly and smoothly, and it is important to monitor your breathing, which should be deep.

Before going to bed, yoga will help relieve the burden of problems. You don't have to go to training to do these exercises. You can selectively perform several exercises from video courses on YouTube. Yoga teachers believe that the question of when is the best time to exercise is posed by anxious people. A person who is in inner harmony with himself will feel when to exercise, as he understands the signals of his body.

Time for therapeutic correction of health problems

In the life of almost every person there is a period when he feels unwell, muscle pain, back pain. This is where physical therapy comes to the rescue. Such exercises should definitely be performed under the guidance of a trainer or medical professional. Self-medication in this case can worsen the situation.

The best time period for such activities is all day. It is then that the sensitivity of the nerve endings is somewhat weakened, but the muscles also work at full strength.

When is the best time to do therapeutic exercises, your doctor will tell you. But it is important to follow the regime here too, that is, if a person starts going to the physical therapy room at 2 p.m., then this time must be adhered to.

Other Important Features

It also happens that a person attends a training session with friends. He does not set any specific goal for himself from playing sports. Then you should just adapt to your friends. But even here it is important to take into account your individual characteristics. If a person plays sports in the evenings for the sake of communication, and then is unable to fall asleep half the night, it is worth thinking about the effectiveness of such a pastime. In order not to sacrifice your health, you can invite these same friends to your home, chat with them while walking or traveling. And for yourself, choose what time is best to train, and then stick to that schedule.

Separately, I would like to touch on the topic of dating in gyms. On average, half of those who go to the gym to train would not mind having a romantic relationship with the opposite sex.

Here, too, it is important to understand that by training for show, you can earn yourself health problems that will last a lifetime, unlike a casual, fleeting acquaintance. You should not exceed the number of exercises or put excessive weights on equipment in order to attract the attention of the opposite sex. It’s better, on the contrary, to ask for help and advice from the person you like. The main thing is to start a conversation, and only then it will become clear whether there is sympathy.

There are some ladies who go to the gym only to pick up a rich admirer. For such people, it doesn’t matter what time is best to exercise, because they don’t really do it. They can be advised to go to the gym after 7 pm, since rich men usually work during the day and prefer to go in for sports in the evening. If the desires and needs of a girl and a guy coincide, then after training they will be able to have dinner in a cafe or restaurant. If a man is only interested in sports, then no tricks will help.

In any case, what time of day is best to exercise is decided by the person himself. To achieve maximum benefit, it is important to be attentive to yourself, your body, and also to enjoy not only the result of the training, but also the progress of it. It is then that the hormone dopamine, which is also called the “hormone of happiness”, will be produced, due to which the results will be much better. Then the time of day when physical activity is carried out will no longer be so significant for such a person.

Once they asked me - what time of day is best to exercise? And, you know, I thought about it a little, because the question is very general. The word “sport” alone is worth it; many types of sports activities fall under this concept. It turned out that they were asking me about exercises in the gym in general.

Content: 1. 2. 3.

I answered the question with the following phrase: when it’s better for you, then study. I don’t know what happened, but apparently my answer did not suit some higher powers, since it did not leave me, and I decided to look into this topic in more detail. Delving deeper into the World Wide Web, I began to look for an answer. After some time, I found it, and decided to write this post about it, thus sharing this information with you.

How important is the time of day in training?

Honestly, there is not much difference between exercising in the morning, afternoon or evening. Our body will react to the load given to it accordingly, depending on its type. So, if you exercise with the goal of losing weight, you will lose weight both in the morning and in the evening.

The same applies to gaining weight, do the appropriate exercises, eat right and the weight will “grow”, in any case, regardless of whether you visit the gym in the morning or in the evening. But this conclusion only says that the body will react to the corresponding load in an appropriate way, but does not say how it will react to it.

This means that at one time it is better to build muscle, at another it will be more effective to lose excess weight. It is also of great importance what kind of biorhythms you have, and the time of day when you feel filled with energy and strength. According to such biorhythms, it is customary to divide people into larks and owls.

Larks are those people who have a lot of energy and productivity in the morning. Owls, on the other hand, are the type of people who reach their energy peak only in the late afternoon. As already mentioned, at certain times of the day, it is most effective to perform a specific type of training for a different purpose.

The best time to lose weight

To lose extra pounds, morning hours are ideal, 8-9 am. Why morning? It’s very simple: when a person wakes up, there is a low heart rate, and before the person has had breakfast, there is very little glycogen in the muscles, the substance that supplies our muscles with energy.

Since glycogen is in short supply in the morning, the body is forced, during training, to take energy from its reserves, and the reserve is, first of all, fat. Therefore, if you want to lose weight quickly, then a morning workout is what you need.

You only need to train in the morning on an empty stomach, maximum by drinking a glass of water and eating half a piece of fruit, only under this condition will fat “burn” actively.

If you have a big breakfast and go for a run, the calories that will be burned will not come from fat, but from your recent breakfast.

By the way, about jogging. It is generally accepted that in order to lose weight you need to run, this is the idea that comes to most people’s heads when it comes to losing weight. In fact, training is aerobic in nature, and running is just such a load; calories are burned only while the exercise is being performed. Once you stop training, this process will stop.

Strength training has the quality of burning calories within an hour or two after completing the workout. In addition, strength training is more energy intensive, so if you need to lose weight quickly, practice strength training.

What part of the day is best to work on strength and mass?

Here it is already logically clear that in the second half of the day, it is best to carry out heavy, intense, and also volumetric training. For the reason that during the day, the body managed to accumulate glycogen, and there is more than enough energy in the muscles, of course, subject to the correct diet with the intake of all macroelements and.

In the afternoon, it's easier to do failure sets with heavier weights. Even if we take statistics, the vast majority of world records were set in the afternoon.

The best time for strength training is 18-19 pm. On the one hand, by these hours there is already enough energy to digest a heavy load, and on the other hand, just at this time many people have free time, coming after work.

There are often cases when some people train late in the evening at 10-11 pm, this is nothing, the main thing is that the person feels normal with this regime, and you also need to finish the workout two hours before the person goes to bed.

Summarize. Answering the question: when is the best time to exercise? You can say this: “ when you feel better then do it" This is the most laconic answer, which implies that if you are cheerful in the morning, then exercise in the morning, if you want to lose weight, exercise in the morning, if you want to become big and strong, it is better to train in the evening, it is also worth exercising in the evening if you feel an energy boost at these hours.

The question of when is the best time to exercise in order for the training to be effective worries everyone. Indeed, you can spend a lot of time, exhaust yourself, but you won’t be able to lose weight or get a boost of energy for the whole day. When is it better to engage in which sport? I will discuss in this article.

Amalia Bobrova - 5 out of 5 - 42

Every person should play sports. Physical activity (moderate or professional) allows you to improve your figure, improve your health, lose weight, and become a more confident person. After all, when you are happy with your reflection in the mirror, your self-esteem will certainly rise. Seeing the first achievements in the form of lost kilograms, a toned figure or beautiful sculpted muscles, there is an incentive to continue working out.

I spent a long time choosing the most suitable time for sports. After all, sometimes there simply wasn’t enough time, but more often than not, sports only brought irritation and lack of concentration for the whole day. When is it better to exercise: during the day, in the evening or at lunch, how to combine physical activity with meals - I dealt with all these questions by trial and error. Therefore, I will share with you my tips and useful information.

According to doctors, morning is the best time for exercise. Like, then our body can train most productively. A morning jog gives you a boost of vivacity and energy for the whole day. This is due to the fact that at this time of day the heart rate is lowest. In the morning before the first meal, glycogen levels are reduced, so energy for exercise is consumed from fat. As a result, we lose weight faster. If you exercise in the morning, but after eating, then the body will spend energy obtained from carbohydrate foods. It has also been proven that if you want to lose weight, you need to run in the morning and drink a cup of strong coffee without sugar.

1. Lose weight: morning and evening workouts

When it comes to sports for the sake of losing weight, when choosing between morning and evening workouts, you need to take into account, first of all, your age.
In 2010, a study was published in one of the American journals dedicated to sports medicine. According to it, evening exercise was more likely than morning exercise to promote weight and fat loss in postmenopausal women. It also turned out that evening workouts change eating habits: women began to eat more at breakfast. And you probably know that if you do not neglect breakfast in the morning, it reduces the likelihood of obesity, stabilizes blood sugar levels, and even suppresses appetite later in the day.

However, a study from the same 2010, but already published in the journal of physiology, proved that exercising before breakfast helps achieve greater weight loss, since the energy for exercise comes from burning large amounts of fat accumulated by the body, and not from carbohydrates eaten at breakfast. In addition, this work proved that for those losing weight, working out on an empty stomach is more beneficial than exercising after eating: it energizes the body and improves glucose tolerance against a diet rich in fat. Morning workouts seem to program the body to burn fat throughout the next day.

So, if you exercise to lose weight, the choice of when to exercise is entirely yours. The main thing is that you can then provide yourself with regular training at the time of day you choose.

2. Increase muscle strength: evening workouts

It has been proven that muscle strength is at its minimum in the morning and then gradually increases, reaching its peak value in the early evening.
A 1998 paper published in the American Medical Journal examined how time of day affected muscle performance in a group of untrained men in their 20s. The men performed a series of muscle strength exercises at different times of the day: 8 a.m., 12 p.m., 4 p.m., and 8 p.m. The result was the following: the muscles worked better in the morning only in those exercises that included fast, rapid movements. In other words, maximum muscle strength varies depending on the time of day and depends on the speed at which you train.

3. Increase muscle size: evening workout

Fitness fans are constantly tormented by the question of when is the best time to exercise in order to quickly build muscle mass and get rid of the hated fat. The answer has been found! A study by American scientists published in 2009 proved that studying in the evening contributes to this.

Scientists observed a group of young people who played sports for 10 weeks from 17 to 19 hours. Then amateur athletes were divided into 2 groups. And over the next 10 weeks, one group changed their schedule and began training in the morning - from 7 to 9 am. And the second part continued playing sports at the same hours as before - from 17 to 19 hours. The good news is that the researchers found that all men in both groups eventually increased their muscle strength and size. However, the devil, as always, is in the details: the evening group gained an average of 3.5%, while the morning group increased their muscle mass by an average of 2.7%.

The fact that an increase in muscle mass is also observed in the morning, although not as intense as in the evening, scientists explain by a recently discovered phenomenon called “temporal specificity”. This phenomenon has been confirmed by repeated experiments: with regular training at the same time, your body makes certain settings that allow you to develop the highest possible productivity of physical activity at exactly this time.

From this it was concluded that regular evening training combines both phenomena - maximum muscle strength and endurance in the early evening, plus temporary adjustment to training at this time. And this allows those who play sports to build muscle mass to achieve the best results.

4. Increase performance: workout in the afternoon

To improve your productivity, especially if you tend to feel sluggish in the afternoon, work out at noon. A 2009 study found that exercise was more energizing for cyclists who pedaled at 6 p.m. rather than 6 a.m., for example. So the middle of the day is better not for walking or hiking, but for high-intensity workouts such as running, swimming or cycling. This is partly because body temperature is higher during the day - meaning that muscles and joints are already stretched and better prepared for exercise, and thus there is less risk of injury during the day.

5. Improve sleep and reduce stress: morning workouts

Paradoxically, setting an alarm early in the morning for exercise can improve your night's sleep and also reduce stress. In 2011, American scientists tracked blood pressure levels in amateur athletes aged 40-60 years. Each participant exercised on a treadmill at a moderate pace for 30 minutes three times a week—at 7 a.m., 1 p.m., and 7 p.m. The results found that participants who exercised at 7 a.m. experienced an average 10% drop in blood pressure and a 25% drop in blood pressure at night.

Morning workouts also improved sleep quality: Unlike those who exercised at other times of the day, these volunteers slept longer during the night and went deeper into sleep. Overall, the morning group spent 75% more time in deep sleep at night. The early risers not only improved their cardiovascular health, but also reduced their anxiety and stress thanks to sound sleep. Because the more time the body spends in deep sleep, the more time it has to recover.

6. So when is the best time to exercise?

Regardless of the time of day you exercise, the main key to exercise is regularity and consistency. This means that it is better to train at a time in which you can continue to train consistently. Exercising at different times of the day on different days will bring less effect and more stress. Therefore, when planning your training, pay attention to this important component: classes should be held at the same time, regardless of the day of training. As mentioned above, in this case the “temporary adjustment” effect will work and you will achieve the best result.

Don't forget about the required load. For example, the American Centers for Disease Prevention recommends doing 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity every week. This can be running, swimming, skating and roller skating, tennis, basketball, as well as dancing, walking and even climbing stairs. In addition, strength exercises are recommended 2 or more days a week, which include working all major muscle groups, such as legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders, arms. However, this type of load can be divided into daily sessions of 10 minutes.

And, of course, all efforts will be in vain without proper nutrition, which is the key not only to the absence of excess weight, but also to the health of the body as a whole.