Can prayer cure schizophrenia? Is there a cure for schizophrenia and mental illness? "Home" therapy for schizophrenia

All about religion and faith - "prayer in the treatment of schizophrenia" with a detailed description and photographs.

Today, schizophrenia in its most severe forms is by no means a rare disease. It is known that more than 60 million people worldwide suffer from delusions, obsessions, paranoia, mania, emotional problems and other things. Despite the rapid development of science, even the causes of this disease are not currently known. However, this does not prevent the leading luminaries of science from developing more and more new approaches in the treatment of schizophrenia. The esoteric areas, as well as religion, do not lag behind them.

Traditional treatment for schizophrenia

It is now customary to combine psychotherapy with medication, which uses symptom-suppressing drugs such as risperidone, haloperidol, and clozapine. However, all drugs of this series have unpleasant side effects: the development of seizures and involuntary movements, weight gain, complications in the heart and blood vessels.

Under the supervision of a psychiatrist, it is allowed to take antipsychotic drugs, which can suppress delusions and hallucinations and enable the patient to think coherently. After a long treatment, taking supportive doses allows patients to return to normal life. However, refusal of drugs after discharge from the hospital in 60-80% of cases led to a relapse of the disease.

Treatment with drugs has a lot of side effects: patients complain of blurred vision, drowsiness, dizziness, trembling, dry mouth, constipation, anxiety, stiffness, movement disorders, spasms in the muscles of the neck, face, eyes, stiffness in the muscles. However, after 2-3 weeks after the start of taking the drug, these undesirable effects disappear. Some symptoms can be relieved by taking corrective medicines (eg, cyclodol).

The new generation of antipsychotics has far fewer side effects and holds out the hope that one day mental disorders will be defeated by science.

Schizophrenia: treatment by communication

Psychiatrists do not suggest relying only on taking drugs, and they necessarily prescribe psychotherapeutic treatment, group communication and other similar methods, including the treatment of schizophrenia with hypnosis. Many experts argue that if relatives and friends do not turn away from the patient, this has a very positive effect and allows you to count on a faster recovery.

Relatives, helping to control the symptoms, giving their attention and care, allow the patient to strive for recovery and make moral efforts to get out of the painful state. It is important for a person affected by the disease to have contacts with loved ones, whether it is an additional treatment for schizophrenia with yoga in the company of friends or just heart-to-heart communication.

Treatment of schizophrenia in holy places or prayers

Priests say: if a person's heart is closed to religion and faith, prayers will not help him. However, if he believed, then the prayers for him, and those offered by him, give a healing result.

In Christianity, any disease is interpreted as a punishment for sins, and only sincere repentance, purification of the soul can save from such punishment. You can pray with those words that evoke the most good mood, whether it is the Jesus Prayer “Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God, have mercy on me,” or “Our Father.”

You should not impose religion on a person who is not a believer, or pray for an atheist. Even though a person is seriously ill, he remains an independent person with the right to moral choice, which means that you cannot decide for him what is best for him.

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Ways to treat schizophrenia at home

Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder considered chronic by many experts. To many who are faced with the problem of schizophrenia, the possibility of treating schizophrenia at home will seem wild. Drug treatment has contraindications; it is problematic and dangerous to live with progressive schizophrenia. Correcting the symptoms of the disorder and curing the manifestations at home is real. The best methods are selected optionally for each patient, schizophrenia is a disorder that manifests itself individually.

Folk remedies

Treatment of schizophrenia with folk remedies is a well-known practice. The disorder is not a "remake", it has been known since ancient times. Each nation coped in its own way, effective means have come down to our days and have become stronger.

Herbal treatment

Any treatment for schizophrenia is aimed at correcting and eliminating symptoms. Nature is rich in herbs that will help relieve symptoms both in general and individually. The following decoctions are prepared:
  • Rye tea. For a quarter liter of water, 1 tbsp is brewed. rye. Drink before meals in the morning.
  • Tea with marjoram. For a glass of water - 1 tbsp. marjoram. It is consumed four times a day half an hour before meals.
  • Coriander decoction will soften the hysteria. Two glasses of water for 2 tablespoons of herbs. Instead of coriander, you can take woodruff. The decoction must be infused. It is taken either in the morning or during the onset of the symptom.
  • Panic fear removes the infusion of zyuznik. For a glass of water - 1 tbsp. chopped grass. Infuse for 30 minutes, then strain. Use a month-long course, in the morning and in the evening, half a glass.

Herbs help relieve symptoms, but treatment is long-term. In addition to the use of infusions, baths with medicinal herbs are taken, balms are made. Among the herbs and roots that help with schizophrenia, those that have a calming effect stand out: mint, valerian, lemon balm, thyme.

With valerian root, you can prepare an alcohol tincture that is useful for schizophrenia, which relieves unreasonable anxiety. To prepare this folk remedy for schizophrenia, you will need:

  • Mix 100 g of vodka with 1 tablespoon of crushed valerian root.
  • Let it brew for 7-10 days.
  • Take 5 drops daily.

Tibetan Method

Tibetan medicine of all non-traditional is considered the most effective. The Tibetan method requires:
  • Vegetable or olive oil is poured into an earthenware vessel.
  • The vessel is buried in the ground for one year.
  • Once extracted, the oil should be rubbed into the skin of a schizophrenic.

The oil is applied to the head, neck, shoulders and upper back. Rubbing should be carried out in a calm environment, lasting at least half an hour. It is carried out every other day for a month. A month later, the course is repeated. On the day of rubbing, the patient should not wash off the oil from himself.

Regardless of whether you use traditional or medicinal methods, you need to follow a number of rules that will reduce the likelihood of manifestations and alleviate symptoms.

  • Complete abstinence from alcohol, smoking and drugs. Dependencies must be removed.
  • Socialization. The patient cannot be left alone for a long time - the disorder progresses in solitude, allowing the schizophrenic to plunge deeply into his inner world.
  • Sports and taking vitamins.
  • Search for hobbies, work. It is not recommended to sit idle and allow the possibility of immersion in yourself and the emergence of depressive thoughts.
  • Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep will exacerbate the situation. Stimulants like coffee, strong tea, and especially energy drinks are excluded.

Thanks to a healthy lifestyle and the ability to occupy oneself, the patient will not be able to cure the disorder. But the course of schizophrenia will soften.

Non-standard methods

Methods that seem completely non-standard are also enough in the treatment of schizophrenia. For example, in the writings of Hippocrates, great attention was paid to the treatment with leeches. Hirudotherapy is regaining its popularity, the effectiveness of leeches in many diseases is known. Schizophrenia was also treated with leeches in ancient Greece, this is still practiced today: the patient needs to shave his head and put about 30 medical leeches for 2-3 minutes.

Fasting treatment is also carried out, diets have been developed. There is a method of RDT - unloading and dietary therapy, which can also be prescribed in hospitals. Therapeutic fasting is used in both traditional and alternative medicine. It can be used only after consulting with specialists; it is impossible to arrange unloading hunger strikes on your own, especially if there are other diseases in addition to schizophrenia.

Before starting to apply any non-standard methods, it is recommended to consult with doctors and read the comments of those who have already tried it on themselves.

Schizophrenia and Faith: Healing with Prayer

The Orthodox faith considers mental illness as an indicator of the sinfulness of human nature. Alas, many who suffered from schizophrenia in the past, before being diagnosed, were baptized by the church as possessed. They knew little about mental illness, they performed an exorcism, which, on the contrary, could harm the patient.

The clergy are now able to provide support to believers suffering from schizophrenia. Faith determines a lot in the human mind. Treating schizophrenia with prayer is a spiritual process that should only be carried out by those who truly have faith. An atheist will treat prayers carelessly.

These are the main prayers of the leading monotheistic religions; there are no specific ones for the treatment of mental disorders. Can schizophrenia be cured with prayer alone? Competent priests, together with psychologists, will confirm that prayer treatment should be complex with medication or some other.

Treatment by communication

Popular and effective treatment of schizophrenia through communication. The sufferer of the disorder can communicate via the Internet or paper correspondence with others like him. Share experience, support each other during periods of episodes of mania or depression.

Communities such as "anonymous schizophrenics" are being organized, where you can communicate with such people on your own. Talking is an important stage for the correction of symptoms and cognitive impairment. It helps to facilitate the course of the disease, psychologically correct. Relatives and friends should also provide support for those suffering from a mental disorder.

The treatment of schizophrenia includes psychocorrection with specialists. Relatives who are constantly nearby are advised to take initial courses in psychotherapeutic training in order to ensure proper treatment by communication at home.

Treatment of schizophrenia is a long process, there are no drugs and methods that will cure the patient immediately. Getting rid of the disorder must be approached in detail, having studied information about medication methods and how to cure schizophrenia at home.

Video: What is schizophrenia and how to treat it

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How to cure schizophrenia

Schizophrenia - what is it, is it possible to treat it, are there alternative ways to overcome schizophrenia? In this article, I will try to clarify this issue in the light of the Bible to the extent of the grace given to me by the Lord.

What is schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is a disease of the brain that impairs a person's ability to think correctly, control their emotions, make decisions and communicate with other people. According to statistics in Russia schizophrenia in our time, about 2 million citizens are affected.

Fortunately, this disease is amenable to modern methods. treatment, although without a guarantee of a full recovery, since the cause of schizophrenia is still not known. There is hope that new scientific discoveries will yield more productive results.

It is known from scientific research that each hemisphere of the brain has a specific function. So, the left hemisphere is responsible for a person's ability to think logically, adequately perceive the environment, make rational decisions in accordance with life situations.

The right hemisphere is an area of ​​the subconscious, intuitive, emotional, creative nature.

There must be a certain balance between both hemispheres.

In case of schizophrenia there is clearly an imbalance in the work of both hemispheres: the activity of the right is overestimated, and the left is underestimated. In other words, a person with a dominant right hemisphere lives more in his inner world, often coming into contact with areas that are beyond the reach of an ordinary “normal” person. Hence the inner voices and everything else.

There are no direct indications in the Bible that specifically point to schizophrenia, but there is something in common that unites people suffering from various mental disorders of natural origin - this mental illness. Don't attach demon possession to it.

A person's thoughts depend on the nature of the information that his brain receives. Therefore, when bad thoughts or impure mental images suddenly come to mind, whatever their origin, it is up to a person to accept, reject or replace them with righteous thoughts and images.

It is known that guilt is the cause of almost all mental illness. This feeling indicates the presence of some obsessive sin in the life of the patient. Only the Son of God can free from guilt. But for this it is necessary that the one who needs it accepts Christ into his heart with sincere repentance for sin. It must be a conscious decision. Unfortunately, people associated with schizophrenia, like other mental illnesses, do not always realize the need for repentance. They, as a rule, consider themselves quite healthy and do not see problems in their lives.

These people are in dire need of prayer support on the part of believers, strong-spirited Christians.

We know from the Bible that every illness has a name, and the name always suggests someone's spirit. So there's a spirit of depression schizophrenia, sadness and the like.

Can schizophrenia be cured with prayer? Yes definitely with the help of God.

What prayer apply when treatment of schizophrenia like mental illness?

I will try to give an approximate skeleton of such a practical prayer, but before that I will say the following:

If you decided to pray healing from schizophrenia your loved one, then must be a believer a person who has been baptized with the Holy Spirit and who has full confidence in the Word of God as written in the Bible.

Secondly Your prayer must be consistent and constant.

Thirdly, You must have patience and longsuffering without waiting for immediate change.

Fourth, You should use every opportunity to bring your suffering loved one to repentance and salvation his soul.

Any soul is very dear to God, and His will is to save a person for eternal life, no matter what state he is in now. Sometimes, God allows certain illnesses to take place in a person's life for only one purpose - to save the soul of that person. And this is the love of God for us.

“Therefore, if the Son sets you free, you will be truly free” (John 8:36).

Always remember - not a person liberates person from the spirits of disease, not a doctor, not a healer, but only Son of God, Jesus Christ. A person praying for another person is only tool in the hands of God to carry out His good will.

Healing prayer for schizophrenia

In the hands of prayer, I bring to You my son (daughter, father, mother ... by name)

I know how much you love him (her) and cherish him.

I believe that You, Jesus, died on the cross for my son (daughter...) to live.

I believe that You bore on Yourself every sickness and every infirmity of my son (daughter.).

By Your wounds, he (she) is healed (a). Thus says Your Word, and It is true and endures forever.

He (she) does not need to suffer from schizophrenia, since You have taken this disease upon Yourself.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit, I bind you, spirit schizophrenia, and I command you to leave forever my son (daughter ...).

Holy Spirit, touch the heart and mind of my son (daughter ...), fill with Your Divine peace and rest in the name of Jesus Christ.

Clear his (her) mind of all negative thoughts. Renew your mind and fill it with Your content.

Lord, release him (her) from guilt and fill with Your freedom.

Rivers of living water will flow through him (her) right now.

Brain, recover! Let the full balance of the left and right hemispheres come in the name of Jesus.

May complete balance come to every cell of his (her) being.

From the crown of the head to the soles of the feet fill with Your light, Lord.

Your light is life.

Jesus, you are the Way and the Truth and the Life.

Guide my son (daughter ...) on the path of truth and grant him (her) life and abundant life.

Open the heart of my son (daughter) for sincere repentance and salvation.

Thank you, my dear Abba Father, for delivering my son (daughter) from the spirit schizophrenia and complete cure from this disease. In the name of Jesus.

To you, my God, glory, praise and worship, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Dear person, know that the most important thing in this prayer is your maternal or paternal faith. Belief that God is omnipotent. That He can at any moment untie the fetters of illness that still bind your dear and close person.

Stand in faith, never despair, never give up. Trust your son (daughter...) completely in the hands of God, because God has a plan for every person, and only He knows what is good or bad for a person. Read the Bible aloud to your son (daughter) when the situation permits. Tell him often about the love of God. Try to bring him (her) closer to Jesus.

Audio recording of a prayer for healing from schizophrenia

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On this I say goodbye to you, dear friends. Peace to your house in the name of Jesus Christ.

See you on the pages of my site.

By the way, here are some other interesting posts:

22 in response to How to cure schizophrenia:

Hello dear Vyacheslav. My son Igor also has schizophrenia, please pray for him. It’s very hard for me, I fight for him alone, but he doesn’t want to go to church.

Lord, grant Thy mercy to Igor - free him from the spirit of schizophrenia, in the name of Jesus, Thy Son.

Spirit of schizophrenia, I bind you by the power of the Holy Spirit and the name of Jesus Christ and command you to leave Igor completely, forever. He is redeemed by the precious blood of the Lamb of God, by the stripes of Christ he is healed! Bring him, Lord, to Christ, grant repentance and desire to stay in the house of God. May all glory, honor and majesty be to You. Amen.

Please pray for my son Dimitri, who is ill with schizophrenia. It is hard for me, his mother, to see how he suffers, not knowing how to help him. He is 21 years old and has his whole life ahead of him. I want to believe in his healing. Help me please.

Lord, You see the suffering of Demetrius due to the illness of schizophrenia. You know the suffering of a mother's heart. I ask you: touch Dimitri with your Spirit and heal him. Spirit of schizophrenia, I bind you by the power of the Holy Spirit and the authority of the name of Jesus Christ. Leave forever the body of Demetrius and do not touch it again, in the name of Jesus! May complete freedom come into his life from this illness, may he know You, God, as his Lord and Savior, may his life change completely for the glory of God. Amen.

Hello. My son Dmitry has schizophrenia since the age of 18, now he is 24, please pray for him at the moment he is in the hospital, and we will pray for him.

Lord Jesus, on the hands of prayer I offer you Dmitry, who suffers from schizophrenia. On the basis of Your word, I command the spirit of schizophrenia to leave the body of Dimitri and not enter it again, in the name of Jesus. Holy Spirit, fill Dmitry with You and let all darkness come out of him. Fill it with Your peace and Divine peace. Amen. Thank you, God, for your love and mercy. All glory to you. Amen.

Please pray for Elena and Ivan, mental illness is inherited, I have been ill with schizophrenia for a very long time and I feel better from your prayers. Thank you, please pray for us to get rid of severe mental illness

Spirit of hereditary curse, I bind you in the name of Jesus Christ and command you to leave forever Elena and Ivan, in the name of Jesus! May they be free from schizophrenia to Your glory, Lord God of hosts. May the peace of God come to this house. Amen.

Vyacheslav needs your help. I have a sister at home and her daughter is ill with schizophrenia. She at one time (when she was already sick) repented, even reads Christian books, listens to glorification. Lead her mother in prayer, please. Here is her address Galya she is 65 years

My daughter Daria has been suffering from schizophrenia for five years now. Now she is 24. I pray for her, but she herself does not believe in healing and I still cannot bring her to God. There were already two attacks, now the third one is starting, she stopped taking medicines, hatred for her parents appeared. I ask for your prayers for her.

Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, show Your mercy to Daria and help to reconcile with God the Father. Grant her repentance and forgiveness of sins.

Pour out Your healing grace on her and free her from every spirit of schizophrenia, for it is written: by the stripes of Jesus she is healed!

Grant her sanity and respect for her parents. May your grace be fulfilled in her. Amen.

I have hidden schizophrenia, I'm 52 years old .. it's terribly embarrassing to live with this .. my son was also given sh..yu .. but he still controls himself .. please pray for us .. there is no strength to live with this

Merciful Lord, I bring you in my arms the prayers of Natalia and her son. May Your grace be manifested in these vessels, may complete deliverance from the spirit of schizophrenia come, in the name of Jesus, for by His stripes they are already healed.

Thank you God for answering prayer. to you all the glory, honor and majesty. Amen.

I kindly ask you to send a video on the treatment of schizophrenia to my mail, as the video is not available. Thank you.

My son has schizophrenia. Moments of despair come ((((The mother's heart shrinks. I understand that this is given for something. That children are responsible for the misconduct of their parents. How painful it is to watch this. My dear son, Sabirushka, I pray for you kitten. Please pray for him.

Irina, do not despair, God loves you and your son, He knows everything and is able to help.

Lord, in the hands of prayer I bring you the son of Irina. Touch her child mightily and deliver him from schizophrenia, in the name of Jesus.

Spirit of schizophrenia, in the name of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, I bind you and command you to leave the body of Sabir - he is healed by the wounds of Jesus! May complete freedom from schizophrenia come into the life of Sabir, may the name of the Lord Jesus Christ be glorified. Amen.

Alexander, I wanted to watch a video on healing from schizophrenia, but after clicking on the link, I found that it was not available for viewing. And it would be very interesting to look at this method. Can you send it by e-mail?

My sister has been diagnosed with schizophrenia since the age of 10, I ask you to pray for my sister. Now she is 27, but the disease does not let us go. Often bouts of aggression. She can yell at her mother, and then asks for forgiveness. She constantly hears voices, for some reason, precisely, the voices of gypsies, and everywhere worms appear, of which she is very afraid. Please pray and we pray!

There are no mental illnesses, but there are spiritual ones

Life is arranged in such a way that it spares no one, and even the masters of life at that time - communists, commissars, party activists were not immune from troubles and blows of fate. And when a real misfortune happens to a person, then it doesn’t matter to him whether he is a communist or a non-party. He begins to look for salvation even in what he did not believe in, what he himself recently struggled with.

They say that once a woman commissar came to Matronushka. Her only son has gone mad. She even took him to Basel to treat him, but European doctors said that they could not help. Matronushka asked: “And if the Lord heals your son, will you believe in God?” “I don’t know how it is to believe,” the petitioner replied. “Look,” said mother and began to read prayers over the water. Then she poured this water into a vial, gave it to the woman and said that she should go with this vial to the psychiatric hospital where her son was lying, arrange with the orderlies to hold him tightly, and splash this water in his face so that it would definitely get into his eyes and into the mouth.

She arrived at the hospital, the orderlies took her son out, she walked beside him, the vial was in her pocket. The son fought hard and shouted: “Mom, throw away what you have in your pocket!” She was amazed - how did he know about it? Then she splashed water in his eyes and mouth, and suddenly his face took on a normal expression, and he said: “How good ...” The son was soon discharged, he fully recovered. His mother came again, on her knees thanking Matronushka for her son.

Mother Matrona herself believed that there were no mental illnesses, but there was relaxation and weakness of the spirit. The Christian faith explains such diseases by the influence of demonic forces. When the spirit is in relaxation, the evil forces can easily take possession of it. And there is only one salvation - in prayer, in faith, in God. After all, healing can only bring Divine intervention, which is possible through the prayers of God's saints. So Matrona saved people who came to her from ailments - with a prayer word addressed to the Almighty, by his strength and will.

How to cure schizophrenia

Schizophrenia - what is it, is it possible to treat it, are there alternative ways to overcome schizophrenia? In this article, I will try to clarify this issue in the light of the Bible to the extent of the grace given to me by the Lord.

What is schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is a disease of the brain that impairs a person's ability to think correctly, control their emotions, make decisions and communicate with other people. According to statistics in Russia schizophrenia in our time, about 2 million citizens are affected.

Fortunately, this disease is amenable to modern methods. treatment, although without a guarantee of a full recovery, since the cause of schizophrenia is still not known. There is hope that new scientific discoveries will yield more productive results.

It is known from scientific research that each hemisphere of the brain has a specific function. So, the left hemisphere is responsible for a person's ability to think logically, adequately perceive the environment, make rational decisions in accordance with life situations.

The right hemisphere is an area of ​​the subconscious, intuitive, emotional, creative nature.

There must be a certain balance between both hemispheres.

In case of schizophrenia there is clearly an imbalance in the work of both hemispheres: the activity of the right is overestimated, and the left is underestimated. In other words, a person with a dominant right hemisphere lives more in his inner world, often coming into contact with areas that are beyond the reach of an ordinary “normal” person. Hence the inner voices and everything else.

There are no direct indications in the Bible that specifically point to schizophrenia, but there is something in common that unites people suffering from various mental disorders of natural origin - this mental illness. Don't attach demon possession to it.

A person's thoughts depend on the nature of the information that his brain receives. Therefore, when bad thoughts or impure mental images suddenly come to mind, whatever their origin, it is up to a person to accept, reject or replace them with righteous thoughts and images.

It is known that guilt is the cause of almost all mental illness. This feeling indicates the presence of some obsessive sin in the life of the patient. Only the Son of God can free from guilt. But for this it is necessary that the one who needs it accepts Christ into his heart with sincere repentance for sin. It must be a conscious decision. Unfortunately, people associated with schizophrenia, like other mental illnesses, do not always realize the need for repentance. They, as a rule, consider themselves quite healthy and do not see problems in their lives.

These people are in dire need of prayer support on the part of believers, strong-spirited Christians.

We know from the Bible that every illness has a name, and the name always suggests someone's spirit. So there's a spirit of depression schizophrenia, sadness and the like.

Can schizophrenia be cured with prayer? Yes definitely with the help of God.

What prayer apply when treatment of schizophrenia like mental illness?

I will try to give an approximate skeleton of such a practical prayer, but before that I will say the following:

If you decided to pray healing from schizophrenia your loved one, then must be a believer a person who has been baptized with the Holy Spirit and who has full confidence in the Word of God as written in the Bible.

Secondly Your prayer must be consistent and constant.

Thirdly, You must have patience and longsuffering without waiting for immediate change.

Fourth, You should use every opportunity to bring your suffering loved one to repentance and salvation his soul.

Any soul is very dear to God, and His will is to save a person for eternal life, no matter what state he is in now. Sometimes, God allows certain illnesses to take place in a person's life for only one purpose - to save the soul of that person. And this is the love of God for us.

“Therefore, if the Son sets you free, you will be truly free” (John 8:36).

Always remember - not a person liberates person from the spirits of disease, not a doctor, not a healer, but only Son of God, Jesus Christ. A person praying for another person is only tool in the hands of God to carry out His good will.

Healing prayer for schizophrenia

In the hands of prayer, I bring to You my son (daughter, father, mother ... by name)

I know how much you love him (her) and cherish him.

I believe that You, Jesus, died on the cross for my son (daughter...) to live.

I believe that You bore on Yourself every sickness and every infirmity of my son (daughter.).

By Your wounds, he (she) is healed (a). Thus says Your Word, and It is true and endures forever.

He (she) does not need to suffer from schizophrenia, since You have taken this disease upon Yourself.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit, I bind you, spirit schizophrenia, and I command you to leave forever my son (daughter ...).

Holy Spirit, touch the heart and mind of my son (daughter ...), fill with Your Divine peace and rest in the name of Jesus Christ.

Clear his (her) mind of all negative thoughts. Renew your mind and fill it with Your content.

Lord, release him (her) from guilt and fill with Your freedom.

Rivers of living water will flow through him (her) right now.

Brain, recover! Let the full balance of the left and right hemispheres come in the name of Jesus.

May complete balance come to every cell of his (her) being.

From the crown of the head to the soles of the feet fill with Your light, Lord.

Your light is life.

Jesus, you are the Way and the Truth and the Life.

Guide my son (daughter ...) on the path of truth and grant him (her) life and abundant life.

Open the heart of my son (daughter) for sincere repentance and salvation.

Thank you, my dear Abba Father, for delivering my son (daughter) from the spirit schizophrenia and complete cure from this disease. In the name of Jesus.

To you, my God, glory, praise and worship, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Dear person, know that the most important thing in this prayer is your maternal or paternal faith. Belief that God is omnipotent. That He can at any moment untie the fetters of illness that still bind your dear and close person.

Stand in faith, never despair, never give up. Trust your son (daughter...) completely in the hands of God, because God has a plan for every person, and only He knows what is good or bad for a person. Read the Bible aloud to your son (daughter) when the situation permits. Tell him often about the love of God. Try to bring him (her) closer to Jesus.

Audio recording of a prayer for healing from schizophrenia

Audio: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or higher) is required to play this audio. Download the latest version here. Also, JavaScript must be enabled in your browser.

On this I say goodbye to you, dear friends. Peace to your house in the name of Jesus Christ.

See you on the pages of my site.

By the way, here are some other interesting posts:

22 in response to How to cure schizophrenia:

Hello dear Vyacheslav. My son Igor also has schizophrenia, please pray for him. It’s very hard for me, I fight for him alone, but he doesn’t want to go to church.

Lord, grant Thy mercy to Igor - free him from the spirit of schizophrenia, in the name of Jesus, Thy Son.

Spirit of schizophrenia, I bind you by the power of the Holy Spirit and the name of Jesus Christ and command you to leave Igor completely, forever. He is redeemed by the precious blood of the Lamb of God, by the stripes of Christ he is healed! Bring him, Lord, to Christ, grant repentance and desire to stay in the house of God. May all glory, honor and majesty be to You. Amen.

Please pray for my son Dimitri, who is ill with schizophrenia. It is hard for me, his mother, to see how he suffers, not knowing how to help him. He is 21 years old and has his whole life ahead of him. I want to believe in his healing. Help me please.

Lord, You see the suffering of Demetrius due to the illness of schizophrenia. You know the suffering of a mother's heart. I ask you: touch Dimitri with your Spirit and heal him. Spirit of schizophrenia, I bind you by the power of the Holy Spirit and the authority of the name of Jesus Christ. Leave forever the body of Demetrius and do not touch it again, in the name of Jesus! May complete freedom come into his life from this illness, may he know You, God, as his Lord and Savior, may his life change completely for the glory of God. Amen.

Hello. My son Dmitry has schizophrenia since the age of 18, now he is 24, please pray for him at the moment he is in the hospital, and we will pray for him.

Lord Jesus, on the hands of prayer I offer you Dmitry, who suffers from schizophrenia. On the basis of Your word, I command the spirit of schizophrenia to leave the body of Dimitri and not enter it again, in the name of Jesus. Holy Spirit, fill Dmitry with You and let all darkness come out of him. Fill it with Your peace and Divine peace. Amen. Thank you, God, for your love and mercy. All glory to you. Amen.

Please pray for Elena and Ivan, mental illness is inherited, I have been ill with schizophrenia for a very long time and I feel better from your prayers. Thank you, please pray for us to get rid of severe mental illness

Spirit of hereditary curse, I bind you in the name of Jesus Christ and command you to leave forever Elena and Ivan, in the name of Jesus! May they be free from schizophrenia to Your glory, Lord God of hosts. May the peace of God come to this house. Amen.

Vyacheslav needs your help. I have a sister at home and her daughter is ill with schizophrenia. She at one time (when she was already sick) repented, even reads Christian books, listens to glorification. Lead her mother in prayer, please. Here is her address Galya she is 65 years

My daughter Daria has been suffering from schizophrenia for five years now. Now she is 24. I pray for her, but she herself does not believe in healing and I still cannot bring her to God. There were already two attacks, now the third one is starting, she stopped taking medicines, hatred for her parents appeared. I ask for your prayers for her.

Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, show Your mercy to Daria and help to reconcile with God the Father. Grant her repentance and forgiveness of sins.

Pour out Your healing grace on her and free her from every spirit of schizophrenia, for it is written: by the stripes of Jesus she is healed!

Grant her sanity and respect for her parents. May your grace be fulfilled in her. Amen.

I have hidden schizophrenia, I'm 52 years old .. it's terribly embarrassing to live with this .. my son was also given sh..yu .. but he still controls himself .. please pray for us .. there is no strength to live with this

Merciful Lord, I bring you in my arms the prayers of Natalia and her son. May Your grace be manifested in these vessels, may complete deliverance from the spirit of schizophrenia come, in the name of Jesus, for by His stripes they are already healed.

Thank you God for answering prayer. to you all the glory, honor and majesty. Amen.

I kindly ask you to send a video on the treatment of schizophrenia to my mail, as the video is not available. Thank you.

My son has schizophrenia. Moments of despair come ((((The mother's heart shrinks. I understand that this is given for something. That children are responsible for the misconduct of their parents. How painful it is to watch this. My dear son, Sabirushka, I pray for you kitten. Please pray for him.

Irina, do not despair, God loves you and your son, He knows everything and is able to help.

Lord, in the hands of prayer I bring you the son of Irina. Touch her child mightily and deliver him from schizophrenia, in the name of Jesus.

Spirit of schizophrenia, in the name of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, I bind you and command you to leave the body of Sabir - he is healed by the wounds of Jesus! May complete freedom from schizophrenia come into the life of Sabir, may the name of the Lord Jesus Christ be glorified. Amen.

Alexander, I wanted to watch a video on healing from schizophrenia, but after clicking on the link, I found that it was not available for viewing. And it would be very interesting to look at this method. Can you send it by e-mail?

My sister has been diagnosed with schizophrenia since the age of 10, I ask you to pray for my sister. Now she is 27, but the disease does not let us go. Often bouts of aggression. She can yell at her mother, and then asks for forgiveness. She constantly hears voices, for some reason, precisely, the voices of gypsies, and everywhere worms appear, of which she is very afraid. Please pray and we pray!

Lord, merciful. touch with love to sister Vera and grant her release from the spirit of schizophrenia. let the voices go out of her head and all fear! Purify her mind and enlighten the eyes of her heart with the light of Thy truth, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Hello! My name is Irina. I suffer from sluggish schizophrenia. I believe that Jesus Christ can heal me. But sometimes this faith is lost. Please pray for me. Sincerely, Irina.

Irina, Jesus has already paid with His life for your salvation and healing. You just have to accept your healing by faith and not doubt what you expect.

God. touch with your Spirit powerfully Irina and strengthen her faith in healing, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Vera, the video works, it's just that there is always a picture in the background, without the author. Turn it on and just listen.

Powerful prayer for schizophrenia

Let's try to give an original definition of schizophrenia. Yes, one that is extremely rare, but it is impossible to challenge it. Schizophrenia is an altered state of consciousness. However, unlike what the followers of religion, yoga or magic go to, it comes against the will of man. There are quite a few definitions of what happens as a result of prayers and meditations - religious trance, satori, samadhi and the like. All of them are associated with a different perception of reality and in some ways resemble paranoid symptoms. We hope that a person who has experienced satori will be smart enough not to tell the uninitiated about it, since everyone, whether a psychiatrist or an ordinary layman, will see signs of insanity in him. Not that God and schizophrenia are somehow related, but in their visions a schizophrenic may identify himself with God. It is possible that this can also be a form of spiritual practice of some religious systems.

Religion and schizophrenia

All sorts of madmen surround religion, and many have become so in the process of practice. The Orthodox view of the mind, reason is the “eye of the soul”. With its help, the soul sees the world and it also interprets the assessments of events. If this “eye” is turned inside out, there is a thorn of frustration on it, then what is happening in the soul does not find adequate expression.

Let's make one comparison. A religious person will say that he and everyone has a certain mission, a task that he must solve. A sick person, most likely, will declare that aliens enlightened him with rays and now he must solve the task assigned to him during a visit to another planet. Replace aliens with angels - you get what is called religious paranoia.

The main difference from religion is that the brightest revelations are recognized by others as a lie. Angels do not kidnap anyone and do not shine through anything. However, the degree of unreliability always raises doubts. From the point of view of the materialists, this cannot be. From the point of view of supposedly religious people, materialists who only pretend to be believers, this is also impossible. But what about the believers really? Can angels become visible and do something to a person? They and he know better ... We will not judge and act modestly. Yes, and true Orthodoxy usually minds its own business. There is no notion that schizophrenia is an obsession. It talks about obsession, but about schizophrenia, mostly psychiatry. The theologian may use medical terms, but only to be understood by people. And so in Orthodoxy there are enough of their own ...

Showdown with demons

A fairly common opinion is that schizophrenia is demonic possession. Absolutely correct opinion. Only for its declaration it is necessary to deal with demons. Their images as creatures with horns and hooves are related to how they are seen or seen by adherents of religious systems. In essence, it is an aspect of the psyche, something that is much closer to the odious collective unconscious that Jung wrote about.

Carl Jung has always played on the edge. Try to imagine a modern psychologist who talks about some kind of force that is outside of a person, but is connected with him and can somehow influence his thinking and actions. So they will trample with a whistle, they will ridicule, and they will not even reach the level of assumption. There is no question of building a theory on the basis of a hypothesis. This is roughly what happened with transpersonal psychology. It is, as it were, recognized in absentia by the British scientific community, but the rest of the scientific world just shrugged.

Jung was lucky with the time of his life. Then it was still possible to play with the arguments of theology, astrology and philosophy, which he did. Now only representatives of existential psychology are allowed to play with philosophy. At the mercy of ... The rest can, but carefully ... Psychoanalysis is not considered something anti-scientific, but it is recognized as scientific with great difficulty. And it's even good. Why does everything in this world have to be scientific? History, philosophy and psychology are branches of knowledge, even knowledge, but to approach them with the standards of the exact sciences is simply a sign of inadequacy. It's the same as trying to evaluate literature according to Popper's criteria.

Imagine a picture. The psychotherapist declares that God exists. This is how he stands in front of a council of colleagues and says: “Naturally, there is a God.” Well, it’s not necessary so immediately that you can put an end to your career. 20% of psychiatrists are people who once suffered from disorders, and the remaining 80% are most likely on the way. But no one recognizes such speeches as scientific, because provability is needed for scientificity, otherwise it jumps to the level of falsification.

Therefore, pathopsychology, if it is a science, is limited to the descriptive side. And, of course, they play a significant role in the study of the metabolic process. The methods of understanding the unconscious are a system of components beyond precise analysis. Strictly speaking, everything we know about the unconscious is the interpretation of the creators of various schools of psychology.

The relation of religion to schizophrenia

Schizophrenia and religion have always been closely linked. The connection was antagonistic in nature. On the one hand, the behavior of religious ascetics, their characteristics and, if you like, the culturological heritage that they left us, indicate that there have always been two religions. In Orthodoxy, this was expressed in the form of the presence of elders. An artificially generated split has nothing to do with it - it's all from politics. But the elders are a much more significant and significant phenomenon for the development of faith and practical philosophy. They did not pray in the philistine sense, but they lived it. They practiced silence and had their own way of participating in body prayer. At the same time, they took on an extremely difficult task, so that the roofs traveled at high speed. But they didn’t care, because the dominant idea was the search for grace, the descent of the Spirit of the Lord and other things that every layman and many psychotherapists would call a splitting of the mind. And they will do it right, by the way, because ordinary consciousness does not see unusual things.

The official religion did not condemn, but was always in suspense. Its main reason is that it is impossible to separate the intuition from the insight received in an unusual way. Does the demon instruct someone to stand on a tree stump for three months and pray, or is it the Voice of God? For greater severity, all this asceticism was written off in bulk as the machinations of the evil one.

Hence the general confessional attitude towards all patients, as to persons with signs of the seal of the devil. And what to do with them? During the years of activity of the Inquisition and later - imprisoned in cellars, poorly fed, beaten and humiliated. As a last resort - to burn that the inquisitors alternated. This all relates more to history, and we are only surprised at how strongly schizophrenia and demons are connected in the minds of people, but how little they know about these demons.

Two religions also exist for the reason that not all people want to change their consciousness. It is one thing for the laity, and another for the monks, but that “other” is always under vigilant control. In any case, at the level of theistic views. Do you think that if a modern young monk wants to retire to a skete and there, in prayer and labor, to know God, then he will be allowed to do this? The probability is 90% that they will call it an instigation and order to pray at the location of the monastery.

The very phenomenon of possessing demons, as an orthodox concept, creates more confusion than it explains. This "settlement" is understood as the settlement of some living space. And this is where religion stumbles. If some devils have moved in, then they can be driven away. Attempts at exorcism, the exorcism of demons, begin. A vivid example of distorted perception. Even the term itself should be translated as “forbidding demons” or “blasphemy against demons”, but not exile in the literal sense. Everything described in the Bible on this topic is symbolism. Demons are not someone with arms and legs, they are entities or even beings of the mind, psyche, they do not jump along the paths, they do not run along the walls, but they distort consciousness in such a way that they are perceived as three-dimensional. Not everyone who suffers from delirium sees them, but everyone who sees suffers from delirium.

A little about the spiritual causes of schizophrenia

How do they even get into a person? Enter through the mouth or ears? I want to say: “Guys, you are worried. You somehow misuse the power of imagination. They don't go anywhere - they are not insects to crawl into the body. The "invasion" of a demon is a purely conventional concept, which means the activation in the psyche of aspects of certain archetypal distortions.

There is a very old and absolutely true Buddhist comparison. The general, the artist and the madman look at the waterfall. The general thinks that this is a natural water barrier that can force the enemy to take a detour. The artist enjoys beauty. And the madman yells that it is a sea of ​​blood and pus, and naked devils run across it. And everything around him burns and smells of sulfur, such is his spiritual schizophrenia.

The latter is attributed to the world of hells. Hell is not a physical place, but a way of perceiving reality. You can give the inhabitant of hell a lot of money, power, build universities and cities for him. And he will see prisons and torture chambers in this. Hell is the manifestation of that in consciousness.

The collective unconscious already mentioned above, which Carl Jung spoke about, explains very well how demons operate. They do not need to "jump" or "crawl" into a person's body or mind. They can do it there, at the level of general, integral information structures. And certain people will then perceive the world in the form of horror, violence, full of threats and without security factors.

Who are demons is a difficult question. Let's just say - this is a force that has information, the ability to change the nature of the relationship between a person and archetypes. We don't even know if this entity is hostile. Maybe it's just unspiritual or something else - incomprehensible to us. But we know very well that it brings suffering. We also know that antipsychotics are able to block something and speed up something in metabolism. As a result, consciousness is rebuilt in such a way that it begins to perceive the world naturally. The poet and the general in the Buddhist example are completely right. In this case, the poet will be able to become a general, and the general to write poetry. But a madman is never as long as he is mad. Antipsychotics or other substances are needed in order to return a person to a natural state. If possible without them, then a miracle is simple, but usually without them it turns out worse.

In this context, you need to try to understand how philosophy itself, religion, magic, mysticism, esotericism can help in the healing of schizophrenia. If we consider the activities of psychologists in the form of shamanism, pushing the boundaries of the latter and giving it, for decency, at least scientific features, then the question will immediately be divided into practical components.

  • The first thing we are interested in is the condition of the patient.
  • Second, where are we going to put our efforts? At him, poor thing, or can we immediately take a swing at the collective unconscious?
  • Thirdly, we are not athletes and a pure experiment is inappropriate here. Well, why not use complex therapy? In any case, conspiracies from schizophrenia by themselves are useless, and psychiatry is based on taking substances. Shamanism is simply no exception to this.

There are descriptions of how shamans actually worked or work with schizophrenics. They are not priests, they are always drawn to the psychotropics. Maybe there is a strong prayer for schizophrenia, just take into account two factors.

  • The patient himself is completely in no state of mind to understand things as they really are. He will most likely perceive this prayer in his own way.
  • The second factor is that the impact of a person on the unconscious in its global sense would be similar to trying to create a storm with a blender. You need something that will increase the impact factor.

Over the centuries of their existence, shamans have tried a variety of methods and a variety of substances. There is no unambiguous recipe, just as psychiatrists do not have one. There are only developments in drug therapy regimens. Shamans are prone not only to intoxication, but also to influence on consciousness, which is carried out at the moment of a change in the patient's consciousness, because a schizophrenic in the hands of a shaman is the same patient as in a psychiatric hospital. By the way, this shamanism differs from the main theistic religions. You can not look anywhere, but just like that - by expert analysis, fingers in the sky, to establish that the treatment of schizophrenia with prayers in Orthodoxy is not the most popular occupation. First of all, they will talk about the fact that mental illness is a heavy cross, then about the need for repentance, prayer, fasting ... There is not even a thought about criticizing such an approach. But the Orthodox are well aware that at the time of the episode, the patient may still be praying. Well, this is where the story ends...

Can schizophrenia be cured with prayer? You can ... We do not mind ... Try it!

The third force is closer to shamanism

The number of options is diverse to cosmic magnitudes. But Professor Stanislav Grof boasts that he has a lot of healed patients. All cases are complex, and the main technique is a synthesis of the system of holotropic thinking developed by him and his wife and a psychedelic. Holotropic consciousness is combined with the use of LSD. After a long time upholstering the thresholds, he was still allowed to use it, but only on the territory of his clinic. Patients do not just use it, but make a collective journey that returns the nominal matrix of thinking.

This is so far from standard psychiatry that it can be safely identified as the practice of neo-shamanism. Grof himself does not mind, the author of this article asked him. He "ate" as much LSD as would not fit in the car. He is one of the founders of transpersonal psychology. And along with him, not only odious personalities, but also Abraham Maslow, the one who created the foundations of humanitarian psychology.

Grof takes into account three levels that Freud did not have, but which already appeared in Jung:

The first two, of course, are interesting, but the main thing is still in transpersonality. We are well aware that people really want to find information about how schizophrenia is treated with prayers and other simplified things. We do not even claim that this is possible or impossible. Don't just ask for the universal prayer for schizophrenia. Everyone has all this of their own - their own prayers and their own schizophrenia.

Grof commands respect primarily for his courage. Everyone can talk about exactly how something split in the process of thinking and what affect was accompanied by it. Grof was the first in our years to declare that the experience that a person receives at the time of hallucinations, visions, identifying himself with some kind of personality, God and the Absolute - real. There is some amazing directness and simplicity in this.

And this experience cannot be different, since we are dealing not with some abstract phenomenal world, but with the world of the totality of psychological realities. They themselves have a phenomenological nature, and it is the basis of human experiences.

When Grof was explicitly and clearly forbidden to use LSD, he and his wife created a system of holotropic breathing. Something that was done under the motto "Well, they won't forbid us to breathe." Building a system of psychotherapy from the very beginning was challenging. The whole world seeks to reduce the mental activity of schizophrenics in one way or another. Grof went the other way and began to consider what would happen if he artificially provoked the emergence of a variety of hallucinations. Therefore, they did not openly write about the methodology to the end and did not fully voice it. One wrong step and they will not just be accused of promoting drugs, but will be imprisoned.

However, to put it simply, the paradoxical approach is as follows. Standard psychiatry strives to ensure that patients do not have visions and hallucinations. At the same time, they strive to find the nature of cognitive deviations and correct them. As a result, delirium should also pass.

Grof, and the supporters of the transpersonal approach, provoke these situations. One would think that they intend to learn how to control this process. This is not entirely true. It is not possible in its entirety. You cannot control what is, by definition, uncontrollable. One can only understand that this is an information exchange between various aspects of the perception of the world by the psyche. One can contemplate the appearance and disappearance of hallucinations and equate them with visualizations. You can ignore the voices in your head. It can be recognized that the schizophrenic is right when he says that other people can hear his thoughts and teach him to think more quietly. And it's not cheating. We actually hear the thoughts of other people and our thoughts are heard too. The only question is whether we need it. Is it possible to transfer this state to a managed level.

As a result, the healing of schizophrenia occurs at the level of turning the disease into magic, and not getting rid of it. Therefore, such methods of treating schizophrenia, from the point of view of Orthodoxy and Catholicism, standard science, will never be approved. As for recognition, when Grof names the diagnoses and severity of disorders in patients with a solid remission, they most often do not believe him. But it's true... Hundreds of people have been brought out of such states that would make them give up and recognize the case as hopeless.

Interestingly, transpersonal psychotherapy has slightly different criteria for recovery. The standard approach does not have a clear answer to the question. What does recovery mean? When the patient does not experience hallucinations at all, does not become delusional, i.e., does not think in a schizoid paranoid way, does not fall into a oneiroid state, or when this happens to him, but he manages to cut it off, does not fall into the trick of mental disorder, demons, whatever . For example, a person unexpectedly began to talk to himself, but as if there was an interlocutor nearby, although there was no interlocutor. And he realized that this “carried” him, with the help of some individual method, whether it was at least a conspiracy from paranoia, did he get out of this state? Is this healing? Not only specialists, but all people, the first case will be called healing, the second healing will be called the majority.

Transpersonal psychiatry has invented a third way. What if you do not prevent hallucinations and establish only a mild form of control over them. Nothing happens without a reason. This is how internal information exchange transactions take place. Well, let's give a man the will to rave. And even if he does not see suffering and destruction there, but merges with the Absolute. If possible, to the best of your ability and skill. What will happen then?

Discovery after discovery followed. Consciousness, which longed to rave, suddenly received such an opportunity, and even lessons on how to rave in the right direction, how to bring experiences to the level of a mystical trance, how not to be afraid, but to enjoy.

Agree, immediately arises dumbfounded. Is this not speculation? Why not catch all these psychologists, and send them to places that are not very remote? They did this to someone, who especially zealously distributed “acid” to the people. Grof did not go to extremes, so the practice continued without legal intervention. But let's look at the question from the other side. Department with people who do not cause any enthusiasm in terms of predicting pathogenesis. It's unlikely to get worse. Pulls them to rave and soar in visions. Well, let's give them such an opportunity ... Only they often rave crookedly. Well, what is it? An adult woman, elderly, and suddenly assures that aliens are shining through her. Such a student is still excusable, but not at the same age?

How to cure schizophrenia with magic?

We take it and start talking to her on the contrary. Not a standard dialogue between a psychotherapist and a patient, but a teaching one. The psychologist seems to close all his diplomas in a storage room. And he starts talking about angels, about madness, about Buddhism. Bright philosophical lecture. In the next conversation, he prepares her for the fact that they will themselves cause certain hallucinations, and that he will lead her through the wonderful world of delusions and visions. In some accessible, improvised way, she is actually consciously introduced into an altered state of consciousness and she is shown, clearly, that all this is a game of the mind. Whatever you see there, know that it is an illusion. So don't be afraid of anything. But these illusions are real. It is your consciousness that is talking to itself.

One of the supporters of transpersonal therapy said that after several sessions, ordinary nonsense seemed like a trifle to patients. They became more and more convinced that the grandiosity of schizophrenia was not far-fetched, but such an opinion arose due to the fact that people did not have more grandiose experiences. And often they simply do not have information about what the psyche and mind are, how they work. They don’t know where the line between the explainable, the inexplicable and what needs no explanation is.

The author of these lines repeatedly conducted an experiment. Randomly, to a variety of people, he said that the universe is like a dream. A person has been dreaming all his life. At night, the subconscious mind works with the phenomena of sleep, and during the day the consciousness turns on. But the essence does not change. The interlocutor was sent to give such a postulate some kind of assessment. Most of the unwitting participants in the experiment said that just like now they say you face the wall - you will immediately understand that it is real.

  • Yes. But if in a dream you see that someone has put it on the wall, then it will also be painful, scary and insulting. What is the difference? Nobody says that the face will slip through the wall. In a dream, it also slips not always.

Virtually none of the respondents could argue anything. A simple thought, but already at this stage, materialists and realists do not know what to object to them.

Based on this, we can draw the following conclusion. Transpersonal psychology, as something related to the practice of psychiatry and shamanism, has shown that a third view of remission is possible. Of course, this is not a prayer cure for schizophrenia, but an agreement that it is possible to live like this. The transformation of a deconstructive state into a constructive one. At the same time, the main emphasis is not on philosophizing or psychoanalysis, but on providing consciousness with what it aspires to and acquiring skills to smooth out the manifestation of the defect and the patient's attitude towards it. The approach proved to be justified due to the fact that new episodes in patients occurred less and less.

"Religion and schizophrenia have always been closely related to each other"))) Yeah ...)))

Mental illness.

The main manifestations: personality changes (decreased activity, emotional devastation, autism, etc.), delirium, hallucinations, mental disorders. The course is chronic. Occurs more often at a young age.

What is schizophrenia?

A person with schizophrenia literally loses his normal feelings. He perceives everything in a distorted form: smells, tastes, sounds, sensations, even objects. Incomprehensible visions begin to haunt him, he hears suspicious voices, from time to time the black darkness of depression seizes him. At night, he struggles in bouts of inexplicable causeless crying, or he is suddenly attacked by fits of sudden rage. He is afraid that he will lose control of himself and break the TV, dishes, table. In public, he tries to be restrained, but looks strange, because he is distant from everyone, closed. A person with schizophrenia cannot explain why he cannot communicate with other people at all, why his inner world is so explosive and painful. Headaches, insomnia, fatigue constantly haunt him.

Nobody knows the causes of schizophrenia. Assume:

1) the chemical origin of the disease: the body is a poorly functioning "factory" that produces substances that distort reality;

2) heredity, intrauterine trauma before, after and during childbirth;

3) a sharp deficiency of nutrients in any period of life and, as a result, metabolic disorders.

Whatever the reasons, but the mechanism of metabolism in a schizophrenic is such that his body does not fully absorb hormones, enzymes and nutrients.

Scientists have proposed a biochemical way of treatment. Patients were injected with substances that could oppose the overproduction of hormones. Vitamin B3 - nicotinic acid, or niacinamide, or nicotinamide - blocks defects in the chemical imbalance of the body, which leads to the overproduction of harmful chemicals that poison the body. Therapy, based on a diet rich in vitamin B, made it possible to cure 93% of patients with schizophrenia for less than 2 years, and 87% of those who had been ill for a long time. It should be noted that cases of suicide were noted only among patients who did not receive nicotinic acid. There were no suicides among those who received it.

Of course, megavitamin therapy is not only vitamins and enzymes: the treatment was combined with shock medicine, special inhalations, antidepressants and diet.

Vitamin therapy has a unique advantage over any other type of treatment: it complies with the main commandment: "Do no harm!" We are talking about natural food, natural vitamins, the use of which does not have any dangerous consequences.

Traditional medicine for the treatment of mental patients recommends herbal preparations that have a calming and hypnotic effect, cleansing the body, fasting (sometimes very long) and hydrotherapy.


Ancient Tibetan medicine recommends using vegetable or olive oil that has lain in the ground for 12 months to treat patients with schizophrenia. The oil is buried to a depth of 50 cm, and during the year it is underground. A year later, a container with oil is taken out and a day later they rub the whole body of the patient with it. Rubbing should be done carefully, especially in the head area (up to 30 minutes), the neck area and the upper part of the spine.

The course of treatment consists of 30 sessions (every other day). You can bathe the patient on days when the procedure is not performed. After the first course of treatment, take a break (1 month) and repeat the course.

2 - 3 times a day to give the patient tea from lemon balm and tincture of peony roots (30 drops three times a day), tincture of white lily flowers (30 drops 3 times a day). You can make medicine: Melissa - 2 tbsp. spoons. Peony root - 1 tbsp. a spoon. White lily flowers - 2 tbsp. spoons. Geranium leaves - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Chop everything. Pour the mixture with 500 ml of vodka, leave for 14 days in a dark, warm place, strain, squeeze. Drink 40 drops 2-3 times a day.

* Three times a day, eat one fresh leaf of Schizandra chinensis.

* 50 g of leuzea safflower roots, 0.5 l of vodka. Insist for 10 days in a warm dark place, shaking occasionally, strain. Take a teaspoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

* These herbs should be brewed into a drink and given in the morning and evening before going to bed:

60 g rosemary leaves, 50 g hawthorn leaves and flowers, hawthorn fruits and mint leaves - 30 g each, 24 g common fennel, 60 g arnica flowers. Pour boiling water over a spoonful of the mixture and leave for 5 minutes. Drink 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon. After 2 weeks, there is an improvement in well-being.


The main rule when choosing food is to avoid refined, canned, processed with chemicals or preservatives, as well as foods fortified with artificial vitamins and various food additives, dyes and other chemicals. The less processed food you eat, the less doctors will deal with you. The more colorful the packaging of the product, the more suspicious its quality should be.

1) products used without restriction, only depending on individual needs;

2) products consumed in limited quantities;

3) foods to avoid.

Products used without restrictions.

The body's resistance to physical and mental illness is enhanced by the following factors.

Proteins containing all the essential amino acids : cottage cheese, fermented milk products - yogurt, buttermilk, "Narine" - promote digestion and absorption of basic nutritional ingredients, especially for those who cannot digest regular milk. It must be remembered that microorganisms capable of fermenting milk continue their activity in the gastrointestinal tract, contributing to the formation of a number of vital vitamins in the body, such as K and B1. Two glasses a day of sour milk, 2 - 3 tablespoons of cottage cheese, 20 g of cheese (not every day) contain enough protein for any body.

Meat, fish, seafood, poultry, liver, kidneys, etc. should be consumed only with vegetables for a side dish (but not with noodles and potatoes), which should be 3 times more. In addition, each of the meat dishes must be cooked no more than once a week. Before use, it is necessary to remove all the fat that is possible.

Since it takes 5-6 hours to digest meat, eating meat dishes in the morning or in the afternoon ensures their complete digestion and assimilation and is one of the ways to avoid diseases such as indigestion, skin diseases, arthritis, and even mental disorders. Eating meat in the evening can lead to these diseases.

In all cases, lean varieties of meat and fish should be preferred.

Eggs should be consumed no more than 1 - 2 times a week. In this case, the yolk should be raw, and the protein boiled.

Fruits and fruit juices. If possible, fruits should be eaten at least 2 times a day, including citrus fruits. Ready compotes and juices should be prepared without sugar and artificial preservatives.

In case of hypoglycemia and increased weight, grapefruit should be preferred, as it has less natural sugar, and plums, raisins, dates and other dried fruits should be avoided. But with reduced weight, on the contrary, these fruits can be of great benefit. Fruit juices, as long as they are fresh or free of sugar and artificial preservatives (read the labels on cans carefully!), can partially replace fresh fruit.

Tea, coffee, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks excluded! Instead, fruit juices should be consumed.

Vegetables. The list of nutrient-dense vegetables is almost inexhaustible. Fresh vegetables should be consumed at least 2 times a day. As a last resort, you can use frozen vegetables prepared without artificial preservatives. Valuable sources of vitamins C and A can serve as green sweet peppers, tomatoes, cabbage of all varieties. It is important to use fresh or dried (but not canned with salt) herbs in sufficient quantities. Yellow and green vegetables are especially rich in iron, riboflavin and calcium. Vegetable juices are very useful, fresh or, in extreme cases, canned without the use of artificial colors (according to the label - “natural”).

Cereal products and bread . You should use unrefined, that is, unprocessed, cereals with a preserved grain shell, which contain valuable vitamins, especially groups B and E. In Russia, this is buckwheat, including prodel, oatmeal, barley, corn, millet. From the point of view of the presence of vitamins, semolina and Artek are less useful.

It is better not to use flour products and bread even from unrefined flour. And in the process of refining and bleaching wheat flour, almost all useful substances are removed, mainly vitamins B, E, trace elements, etc. Products made from refined flour of the highest grade give only weight gain and have no benefit. Bread and bakery products can sometimes be consumed from wholemeal flour or with the addition of whole grains (dietary breads - "Health", "Doctor", wholemeal bread, etc.). But it is better to exclude them.

With hypoglycemia and increased weight, the use of products even from whole flour is limited. It is better to completely exclude cereals and bread from whole, unrefined flour. With reduced weight, such products are usually consumed in larger quantities than possible. Recommended cereals from whole unprocessed cereals - oatmeal, wheat, as well as germinated wheat; bran should be added to “live” cereals, etc., which contain the entire complex of B vitamins.

Nuts and seeds are a valuable nutritional addition to ordinary food, and in some cases can replace meat. In addition, nuts and seeds contain important fatty acids. You can make peanut butter for salads with peanuts and sunflower or olive oil using a mixer. With reduced weight, it is recommended to use all kinds of nuts without restrictions. But in case of violations in the gastrointestinal tract, it is advisable to grind nuts and seeds in a coffee grinder so that they are better absorbed.

Products used in limited quantities.

Food restrictions in the diet can be due to the following reasons: overweight or underweight, high blood cholesterol, hypoglycemia, that is, low blood sugar; great physical activity.

With increased weight, a sedentary lifestyle, low blood sugar, it may be necessary to reduce the norms even of those products that are recommended to be consumed without restrictions, such as fruits, juices, bread, cereals, rice, corn, potatoes, but with reduced weight, those same products can be consumed in large quantities.

Fats should always be used with caution. For sandwiches and for already cooked cereals and potatoes, it is better to use butter, and unrefined vegetable oils should be used for salads. Of all varieties of unrefined oils, it is recommended to use unrefined sunflower oil, but not overcooked and without heating. Very useful unrefined olive, corn, sesame oils, which contain unsaturated fatty acids.

In no case should butter be completely excluded from the diet: you just need to limit its amount to 17-20 g (1 teaspoon) per day.

Saturated fats (especially margarine, etc.) disrupt cholesterol metabolism in the body. All vegetable and animal fats, especially refined ones, increase the body's need for vitamin E, so it must be supplied to the body in sufficient quantities.

Salt. Limiting salt intake is necessary for everyone - both adults and children. It is advisable to replace industrial, artificial salt with natural products - garlic, onions, radishes, horseradish. They all pair well with nuts, which take the heat off the food. The specific smell of onions disappears if you mix grated onions with grated apples. With hypertension or the tendency of tissues to retain fluid, salt is strictly contraindicated. It is better to replace it with the pharmaceutical preparation "Sanasol".

You need to drink only water and infusions from herbs, leaves and fruits, properly dried and harvested from the summer.

Sugar, all its industrial substitutes (we sell only fructose) are one and the same element - sucrose. Such sugar contributes to the occurrence of obesity, diabetes, hypoglycemia, caries and other diseases of the teeth and gums, cardiovascular diseases, intestinal cancer, diverticula, indigestion, hormonal disorders, mental illness, causes the formation of kidney stones, inflammation of the urinary tract.

There are almost no calories in foods enriched with sugar. These foods provide very little for the body to meet its vitamin, mineral, essential fat, and protein needs. But in order to absorb sugar in the metabolic process, a significant amount of thiamine is required (vitamin B1, riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pyridoxine (B6), pantothenic acid, phosphorus and magnesium. This is why people who consume sugar and sugar-containing foods instead of honey and dried fruits, sweet fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, so often there is a deficiency of these natural sugars and vitamin deficiency.

In addition, it should be noted that most factory-made products - confectionery, soft drinks, ice cream, cocktails, juices, compotes, syrups, etc. - contain hidden sugar. As a result, the already inflated norms of sugar consumed are increasing sharply.

It is better to replace sugar with honey. Honey is twice as sweet as table sugar and should be consumed in small amounts. The main “sweet” part of honey is fructose, which does not require large amounts of insulin to metabolize, as does sucrose. Honey contains almost all vitamins and many trace elements, has healing properties, and has a beneficial effect on the body. "Honey is a piece of the sun on the table." But, just like the sun, it must be used in reasonable doses. The maintenance dose of honey for a healthy person is 6 teaspoons per day.

Foods to Avoid.

Some foods are considered a risk factor: they can contribute to various diseases. These foods include refined table sugar (we've already talked about it), refined flour (white), hydrogenated (saturated) fats, food preservatives, especially nitrates and nitrites, and artificial food colors and additives to improve taste and color.

Refined flour of the highest grades. If possible, you should exclude the use of products made from refined white flour (white bread, cookies, muffins, buns, cakes, vermicelli, pasta, etc.). Don't let the "fortified flour" labels fool you. Remember that of the dozens of different vitamins, mineral salts and amino acids that live grains are rich in, refining, including bleaching with bleach, and other whole grain processing processes, only 4 are restored during fortification! In addition, living grain, which received life from the sun, earth, water, air, contains ingredients unknown to us that are necessary for human health.

Hydrogenated (saturated) fats - margarine and other solid fats (with the exception of natural fat) - should, if possible, be withdrawn from consumption, since they are thickened with hydrogen. Such fats are not absorbed by the body, do not decompose and disrupt the metabolic processes in cells, tissues, organs.

Don't forget: most industrial confectionery contains not only refined sugar and refined flour, but also saturated fats. Such harmful products should never be on your table.

Nitrates - salts of nitric acid, widely used in fertilizers, in the manufacture of explosives.

Nitrites are salts of nitrous acid formed during the production of dyes in the food industry.

Everyone fears that nitrates and nitrites are found in large quantities in raw vegetables and fruits. But not only in them: these chemical additives are also commonly used in the preservation of canned meat, sausages, ham, sausages, smoked meats, canned fish and smoked fish.

Combining in the body with certain amino acids, nitrates and nitrites, even in very small doses, contribute to the formation of cancerous tumors. They also cause indigestion, which can contribute to mental illness.

Artificial colors and flavors. To improve color and taste, many industrial products are added with various chemical ingredients that are not listed on the labels. For example, for many years green peas were preserved with arsenic.

You should try to avoid eating canned foods, especially those in metal boxes.

It is very important to remember that two different foods with the same number of calories can dramatically differ in nutritional value. It is natural products that contain the vitamins necessary for the body, easily digestible mineral salts and microelements, which are not and cannot be in products processed by the factory or by boiling.

Often, when we leave for work, we take something to “snack” with us. Unfortunately, this is again the same sausage, ham, butter. Try to enrich your "service" diet with fruits, juices, vegetables, nuts, sandwiches with dried brown bread and a thin layer of butter, natural fresh cheese, dried fruits, one-day fermented milk products.

For many people, breakfast is one of the most essential meals of the day. The lack of a hearty breakfast can even lead to a decrease in their activity and poor health. Breakfast is especially important for underweight people with a tendency to hypoglycemia, who experience discomfort when they feel hungry. They should eat more than 3 times a day, and in small amounts, as this stabilizes their blood sugar levels and reduces hunger and fatigue.

Vitamins in the treatment of mental illness.

Our food in modern conditions of preparation and storage cannot fully meet the body's needs for vitamins and nutritional ingredients. Therefore, we must constantly remember about the introduction of various vitamin and mineral supplements into the body. Take them before or during meals.

To nourish the brain cells, daily intake of the following vitamins is necessary: ​​A - 10000 - 25000 units, B - 1000 -2500 units, E - 100 - 800 units, C - 300 -1500 units, B1 (thiamine) - 10 - 25 mg, B 2 (riboflavin) - 10 - 25 mg, B6 (pyridoxine) - 10 - 25 mg, B12 (cyanocobalamin) - 20 - 100 mg, folic acid - 75 - 100 mg, niacin, or niacinamide, - 75 - 150 mg, vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) - participates in redox processes, found in bran, liver, yeast; pantothenic acid (PABA) - 25 - 50 mg, biotin - 25 - 50 mg, choline - 100 - 500 mg, inositol - 100 - 500 mg, calcium - 100 - 250 mg, phosphorus - 100 - 200 mg, iron - 10 - 25 mg, copper - 0.5 - 2 mg, iodine - 0.15 mg, zinc - 2 - 20 mg, potassium - 20 - 40 mg, manganese - 2 - 20 mg, magnesium - 20 - 300 mg.

Brewer's yeast, dried liver powder, bone broth are valuable sources of B vitamins, important trace elements, and nutrients that have not yet been discovered. In addition, brewer's yeast and liver are excellent sources of protein.

One of the issues that continues to be discussed is the daily intake of vitamins C and E. However, it is generally accepted that the minimum dose of vitamin C is 1000 mg and vitamin E - 600 - 900 units. daily.

A daily dose of vitamin C of 2500 mg for men and 2000 mg for women is preventive against common colds. You should not be afraid of large doses of vitamins, you need to focus on your well-being.

However, taking only vitamins for mental disorders will not be effective. An integrated approach is needed.

We already know that indigestion, usually associated with hydrochloric acid deficiency and malnutrition, can affect mental health and exacerbate existing mental symptoms. In cases where stomach ailments persist for a long time or are caused by taking antibiotics that kill not only disease-causing microbes, but also healthy intestinal flora, it is often necessary to populate the gastrointestinal tract with healthy microbes. For this, several courses of treatment with bifidumbacterin, colibacterin, bifikol or lactobacterin are carried out. At the same time, natural fermented milk products are very useful - yogurt, kefir, yogurt, acidophilus, matsoni, fermented baked milk, "Narine".

Nervous diseases and schizophrenia are associated with constipation and one or another disorder of the intestines. Constipation can be caused by a lack of natural nutrition in the diet. Therefore, it is recommended that before each meal, especially on an empty stomach and at night, eat raw vegetables and fruits, and take dried wheat bran during meals (add 1-6 teaspoons to meals).

Is there a cure for schizophrenia? Certainly!

To do this, along with other forms of therapy, it is necessary to use six health rules, contrast air and water procedures according to the Nishi Health System, K. Nishi's body cleansing, natural nutrition from products containing vitamins A, E, C, D, group B and various microelements.

* Such a complex disease as schizophrenia does not happen so simply. Before you start working, you need to rethink your life, realize your mistakes. Pray and ask for healing. Travel to holy places, pray at the relics of saints. You should have an epiphany - what you were wrong about and how you should act now. There is no better remedy than hunger with prayers. You must completely trust the Forces that created you, mentally say: “It’s my fault, I didn’t understand life! Lord, I completely commit myself and Your hands. Do whatever you think is right, I will endure everything.

It is very important to gradually detoxify the body, starting with regular daily fasting once a week. Gradually increase the fasting time, you need 10-20 or more daily fasts that can normalize body functions. But above all, listen to your body! Remember that each person is individual.

To avoid dryness in the body, do two-hour rubbing of the body with evaporated or old urine, take baths that warm the body for 20 minutes or more. Get up very slowly, otherwise you may lose consciousness, dizziness, as the field lags behind the physical body. Remember that you need to get out of a long hunger very slowly and carefully. Do not start eating uncontrollably, otherwise the whole treatment will go down the drain! To get out of this state, you need to starve for 2-3 days and start a gradual restorative diet.

Information differs from knowledge in that, having read about hunger, you received only information about how to starve and go out. But you have not done this yet and do not know the reactions to hunger and exit from your body. But when you did, you got knowledge. In turn, knowledge should turn into the ability to manage this process. And these are completely different things - to know the theory, to put it into practice, to learn how to correctly apply the theory in practice. All this takes time for your own experience to appear - “the son of difficult mistakes”. And then there are the paradoxes...

According to statistics, about 800 thousand people in Russia are diagnosed with schizophrenia. Even more people suffer from this mental disorder or suspect symptoms of it, but are afraid to see a doctor and begin treatment. How to treat schizophrenia and is it possible to do it yourself without resorting to medical help?

The topic of self-treatment, seeking help from traditional medicine methods and even mystical powers, has been popular for many years. This is due to disappointment in the methods of traditional medicine, and with the popularization of all kinds of alternative ways to get rid of various kinds of ailments.

The availability of a huge amount of information on the Internet plays a big role here. For the query “treatment of schizophrenia with folk remedies”, any search engine will offer you all kinds of folk recipes: herbal preparations, magical conspiracies and rituals for self-use, special prayers. For gullible people, such information can create the illusion that alternative treatment is “stronger” than the official one and can work wonders.

But in order to correctly answer the question "how to cure schizophrenia at home," it is necessary to fully understand the nature and extent of this mental illness.

Schizophrenia is a mental illness in which a person's thought processes and emotional reactions gradually change, behavior becomes inadequate, emotions become dull. Symptoms of the initial phase of this form of mental disorder may not be pronounced: irritability, depression, loss of interest in life.

However, unlike simple stress, schizophrenia often leads to the complete destruction of a person's personality. Typical symptoms of the disease are hallucinations of all kinds, delusions, complete loss of contact with reality, aggressive behavior towards oneself and others. The patient can cause physical harm, maim, even kill, while not fully aware of their actions.

Note! It is absolutely impossible to diagnose and even more so neutralize schizophrenia on your own. A mentally ill person needs medical attention as soon as possible.

Auxiliary treatment at home is possible in the stage of remission of the disease under the obligatory supervision of the attending psychiatrist. Unconventional methods of treating the disease, on which many people who have encountered this disease place their hopes, can have only a slight positive impact, and even then not always.

Folk remedies for the treatment of the disease

At the same time, there are many different "folk" methods of getting rid of this mental illness. For example:

Additional information on the video: psychotherapist, candidate of medical sciences Galushchak A. talks about the method of psychodrama and art therapy.

"Home" therapy for schizophrenia

So, let's sum up. How to treat a mental disorder at home and is it possible to treat it with folk methods?

During the acute phase of the disease, the schizophrenic must be under the obligatory constant supervision of a doctor. After the condition stabilizes, the patient will be discharged home (if he was treated in a hospital) and they will recommend medications that will need to be taken for a long time, sometimes for life.

"Home measures" refers to concomitant, supportive (though not unimportant) therapy. With the permission of a psychiatrist, treatment with folk remedies may also be appropriate. During such therapy, it is necessary to carefully monitor the behavior and mood of the patient and in no case interrupt drug therapy.

Family members of a mentally ill person need to know the symptoms of the disease well in order to be able to adequately assess his condition. Growing anxiety, aggression, suspicion, inappropriate actions and statements of a mentally ill person cannot be ignored. Anxiety of loved ones about how to calm a schizophrenic at home? - is natural, and in order to remove it, it is necessary to consult with your doctor, who will tell you what to do if the symptoms of the disease increase.

It is important to know that during an exacerbation of the disease, patients often refuse to take medication, behave restlessly, experience anxiety and fear.

Also during this period, the patient often loses productive contact with others, and painful symptoms (aggression, delusions, etc.) increase. If relatives have noticed such symptoms, then you should immediately notify the attending physician about this, in the most critical case, ensure the forced hospitalization of the patient in a psychiatric clinic.

Despite the severity of schizophrenia as a mental illness, many of its forms are treated quite successfully by traditional medicine. Doctors are able to give sick people a second chance at a healthy and fulfilling life. But in the absence of drug therapy, the result is always the same - an inevitable deterioration in the condition up to complete disability.

Autumn is coming - a “dull time”, a time of seasonal exacerbation in mentally unstable people. Is depression a sin? Why is suicide a sin if suicide is a symptom of mental illness? Is it possible to be hysterical alone? Is it necessary to take a madman to reprimand, especially if he "sees spirits"? About all this - a conversation with a well-known psychiatrist, candidate of medical sciences Dmitry Avdeev.

“The Church considers mental illness as one of the manifestations of the sinful damage of human nature,” says the “Fundamentals of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church.” What should be the sequence of medical and spiritual care for mental disorders? What to pay more attention to?
— If we are talking about psychosis (disorders accompanied by delusions, hallucinations, illusions, etc. - ed.) , then at the first stage there should, of course, be medical assistance. It should remove the main symptoms of the disease, return the patient's consciousness, criticism, adequate behavior. As you recover, psychological and spiritual assistance should prevail, while medical assistance will be reduced. That's the dynamics.

There are three main reasons for the development of mental illness. The first reason: from human nature. Indeed, individual biological, genetic factors play a decisive role here. There are diseases as a result of sinful passions that have enslaved the soul - alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling, and so on. And there are mental disorders as a result of demonic influence. It is necessary to know the causes of the development of mental ailments, and, depending on the cause, apply the necessary medicine.

Are mental illnesses curable?
- Borderline disorders are fundamentally reversible. But there are options. Professors Kiselev and Sochneva observed how neurotics behave. And what is interesting: one kind of neurosis goes away, and another kind comes in its place. That is, if a person is inclined to react to life in a neurotic way, he always remains in a state of neurosis.

Major psychoses, which include schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis, are considered fundamentally incurable, but here it is important to understand what remission is ( disappearance of symptoms of the disease — ed.) , and do not put an equal sign between the concepts of "incurability" and "severity". We, doctors, strive for long-term remissions, so that a person, if possible, restores some kind of ability to work, lives fully in a family, works, attends church.

For example, schizophrenia is a chronic mental illness. And, in this case, what is meant by curability? The state when the phenomena of hallucinations, delirium disappeared? For example, if a person suffers from hypertension, takes medication, follows a regimen, leads a healthy lifestyle, then, for the most part, his blood pressure figure is at a good level. When a person has a healed ulcer, the doctor writes: "peptic ulcer: a state of remission." This disease may not develop further if a person leads the right lifestyle, eats right.

Recently, a patient came to me and said: “Doctor, I am an alcoholic and have not been drinking for 20 years.” What is the right approach! But if he weakens his self-control, if he stops praying, if he begins to drink even a little alcohol, the risk that he will break loose and again develop a persistent alcohol dependence is huge.

The main problem is the adaptation of the mentally ill in society, a kind attitude towards them, and spiritual rehabilitation. It is important that a person finds his place in life. And here the importance of relatives, environment is great. It is important not to panic, not to escalate the atmosphere of nervousness, to help. After all, we live in the flow of the holy providence of God.

Many people think that a mentally ill person can be helped without medication. In general, people are afraid of psychiatric hospitals. How dangerous is it to delay or avoid treatment?
“Sometimes a mother comes and says: “I will never put my son in a psychiatric hospital!” What expression does she use: "I will not hand over"! She is doing her son a disservice.

That's when a mother takes a three-year-old baby to the dentist, and he rests on his legs, screams and cries, then she takes full responsibility, because she knows that her child's teeth will fall apart from caries.

With regard to psychiatry, this line of conduct is especially relevant, because often in the case of endogenous diseases the patient loses a critical attitude towards his condition. There is no clear understanding that he is ill, that something is wrong with him.

Here in America, a person cannot sneeze without a psychoanalyst, but in our country, sometimes a person suffers for a long time and does not go to a doctor. Some middle way is needed. There is no need for any shyness, no opposition. After all, both medicines and the efforts of the doctor are also blessed by God.

- What does medicine say about the effect of nervous disorders on the state of the whole human body? What is somatization?
- In general, this is a separate direction in psychiatry. It's called psychosomatics. According to statistics, 80% of all diseases develop on nervous grounds. So, in the 30s of the twentieth century, scientists began to talk about the personal characteristics of people who suffer from certain diseases. The concepts of "arthritic personality", "ulcerative personality", "coronary personality" appeared. The latter are called “ambitious persons” and they write about them that they like to sit on the presidium, sit in the front rows, they are incredibly worried if, for example, their car gets stuck in a traffic jam or they lose chess to a child. In such people, as it turned out, the blood coagulates several times faster, they often experience cardiac failures.

In this regard, we can draw the following scheme: character - disease. But, in my experience, this scheme is incomplete. Where does a person get such a character? I think it is due to the sinful passions that have been ruling in his soul, in his body for a long time. And if a person does not know the grace of the Sacraments, does not know God, then he lives with these passions and cannot realize the causal relationship. The scheme, in my opinion, will look like this: sinful passion - character - illness.

Doctors say that psychosomatic diseases develop because a person does not pronounce any conflicts. See what a correct observation. Let's just add to it: a person does not profess these conflicts. The health of the soul and the health of the body, as the observations of scientists have shown, are inextricably linked.

The rhythm of our life is fundamentally different from the leisurely daily routine of previous generations. Maybe it is he who is to blame for the fact that modern people often experience "chronic fatigue syndrome"?
- Almost all questions regarding mental illness suggest the same answer: a graceless, godless life. I say this without any reproach. The young man amuses himself with prospects, he is young, healthy, he has many plans. An elderly person finds himself in a more difficult situation: his health is undermined, his children have grown up, perhaps he has not accumulated material values ​​or they have depreciated in the course of reforms. So what? There remains anger, irritability, hatred.

But is such a kind of illness possible, for example, with St. Seraphim of Sarov? “My joy, Christ is risen!” - Father met everyone. Or the Monk Ambrose of Optina, who, in general, lay on his couch and fell ill for many years. Still, we talk again and again about spiritual factors.

Of course, I do not deny such factors as "depression of exhaustion", fatigue, environmental factors. This is also very important: a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, fresh air. But read the letters of Father John Krestyankin from the Gulag, where he spent several years. What food is there, what rest! But how many people aspired to Father John for support! And so it was with other ascetics of piety. That is, first of all, a person needs to be with God, with Christ.

- Is it possible to put an equal sign between the concepts of "despondency" and "depression"?
- No. Despondency is a sinful passion, and depression is a disease. There are many types of depression, but I will point out the two most important: neurotic and endogenous.

Neurotic depressions are always associated with conflict, with the fact that multidirectional motives collide in the mind of a person. And from this, a severe psycho-traumatic situation arises in the soul. Here you need to find a way out. The solution often comes through prayer, through humility. This is the root of the treatment of neurotic conditions.
The appearance of endogenous depressions is due to the fact that, to some extent, the metabolism in the brain changes. There are substances such as serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine. With this form of depression, the content of these substances in the brain structures is either sharply reduced or drops to zero. And in this case, of course, therapy is needed, medicines are needed.

- What is hysteria? What is its nature?
- I thought a lot: is it a sin or a disease? And then I realized that in this case, sin so changes the nature of a person that then a disease is formed.

Hysteria is doing things for show. The hysteric needs two conditions: the benefit and the audience. Here the mother feeds the baby, but he does not want to eat. Then he falls to the floor and convulses... And what does mom do? "Calm down, son, take a candy, just don't cry!" The child has a typical hysterical reaction. And how did mom behave? She satisfied the baby's reaction. There is no doubt that in the future he will behave the same way many, many times.

One might wonder: Could Robinson Crusoe have developed hysteria? Probably not. Someone had to show it.

How to respond to hysterical behavior? Strict and calm.
We often see people at demonstrations for whom narcissism is very important. And some politicians show signs of hysterical behavior. What about modern pop culture? This is some kind of hysterical apotheosis. Alas, our whole life from kindergarten to retirement teaches a person hysteria. Let's not learn this. Pride, vanity, posturing, narcissism, doing things for show - this is the spiritual component of hysterical behavior.

- In your practice, have you had to deal with cases of possession?
“I've been attending for twenty years. And I often had to observe how the believing relatives of a mentally seriously ill person sought, first of all, to lead him to a reprimand. This is incorrect behavior.

I myself do not dare to make any spiritual diagnoses, but if I see that I have a sick person in front of me who needs urgent qualified psychiatric help, then I unequivocally tell his relatives: there is no need to take him to a reprimand.

The Fundamentals of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church clearly states the delimitation of the spheres of activity of a believing psychotherapist and a clergyman. It says that the psychotherapist precedes the meeting with the priest. He prepares the person for this meeting.

- Sometimes the state of mentally ill people who talk to "invisible spirits" is aggressive, causes mystical fear or disgust in those around them. What should be the attitude of a Christian to the mentally ill?
- Yes, there are mental illnesses when a person begins to hear voices, see hallucinations. If a sick person is a believer, then, naturally, in the plot of his experiences there will be religious images. And this may give reason to his unbelieving relatives to say: “I have prayed!” But no - the Church will never lead to schizophrenia.

When I started studying this problem 16 years ago, there was no clear point of view: what is mental illness? Possession, obsession or only the competence of psychiatrists? And the "Social Concept" has put all the dots.
My research went along the same lines. Mental illnesses are the cross laid by the Lord, which must be endured, resignedly carried. It is important. Mental illness is a special case of sinful injury. And these patients need compassion. I sometimes receive letters of gratitude, where patients write: “Thank you, doctor, that you are raising our status in the Church year after year.”

Previously, in theological schools there was a subject called "pastoral psychiatry." And there are wonderful works of the famous psychiatrist, the son of a priest of the Ryazan diocese, a deeply religious man Dmitry Evgenievich Melekhov. His works were of interest not only to the laity, but also to the clergy. He painted point by point how a shepherd can recognize that his ward is mentally ill.

It seems to me that we need to develop a common culture, a medical culture, a spiritual, good Christian attitude, not to be captivated by fear, not to panic, not to think that God has abandoned us. No, you need to treat the mentally ill with Christian mercy, love and compassion.

- We sometimes receive questions on your topic, I will read a few.
“Can hypnosis and coding be used to treat alcoholism and other addictions? Isn't it dangerous for the soul?

- Of course, hypnosis as violence against a person is unacceptable. There are different points of view regarding coding. Some argue like this: here, they say, drunkenness has been stopped, and a person will have a chance to improve. Personally, I do not agree with this opinion.

A friend of mine did a private study and looked at how the coded ones behave. Many drink, indeed, stop. But she compiled a table that included a list of mental disorders that are observed in people who have undergone this “procedure”: persistent insomnia, psychosomatic illnesses, psychopathization of character. The wives of the coded sometimes complain: before, the husband used to drink, but was softer, and now he is some kind of non-human who smokes two packs a day, cannot get a job, does not talk to anyone. Is this healing?!

We know that drunkenness is also a sinful ailment, the most severe sinful passion. Without repentance, personal determination, this sin will not be healed in any way. The same goes for drug addiction.
Narcology has reached a dead end. Doctors are only good at removing the phenomenon of abstinence ( from lat. abstinens (abstinentis) abstaining - a complex of mental and physical disorders that occur for the first time after refusing to use narcotic drugs, "breaking" - ed. ). And all drug treatment centers differ only in service, nothing else! Treatment often does not bring the desired result. In seeking to heal sin, the Church looks to the root of this problem.

I will never forget one young man who said: “I came to an Orthodox rehabilitation center to be healed of drug addiction, but I found faith, found the meaning of life.”

“I know that God is to be feared. But other fears, for example, the fear of the dark, what is it? Sometimes, especially in children, they are associated with fright. How to get rid of them?
Yes, there are a lot of phobias. Someone is afraid of closed spaces, someone is open, someone else is afraid of something ...

I immediately recall the words of the righteous John of Kronstadt that the greatest delusion of our heart is the secret thought that even for one minute, for one moment we can live without God and outside of God. There is no such moment. That is, each person lives in the stream of God's holy providence. In general, this is the main cure for all phobias. Need faith. However, we should not forget that we sometimes underestimate the action of demonic forces.

The Holy Fathers clearly described how a thought develops in the soul when a person is combined with enemy pretexts, then is captivated by them, and, in the end, a stable thought arises in the mind. And then the laws of psychophysiology come into force, the dominant develops, that is, some idea dominates in the brain, and all thoughts spin in a circle.

What are the ways to deal with fears? First, one must not believe the content of this fear. Because it is said: "according to your faith, let it be done to you." If you believe that I will turn off the light now - and it will be very bad, if I am set up for this, then it will happen.
And secondly, these fears do not need to be combined, since they can be of demonic origin. The main thing is to remember the power of the grace of God.

- “I heard that suicide is committed by those who, as they say, have lost their minds. Is it true? Why is this considered a grave sin?
- In general, the problem of suicide ceases to be only medical. This is a social, state problem. In Russia, for example, there are 70,000 suicides annually - 39-40 people for every 100,000 of the country's population. This is a whole city of suicides every year! But, according to researchers, only 10% of people who take this terrible, irreparable step are really mentally ill. That is, these are people who suffered from an incurable disease, and their minds were clouded. And 90% are mentally healthy, but spiritually deeply damaged people. They do not know God and, being in the grip of circumstances, they believe that suicide will solve all problems.

Think about these numbers - 10% and 90%. That is, yesterday a person lived in peace, but today there is some kind of pain, slander, betrayal ... - and he believes that life is over, there is no way out.

Of course, there are helplines, there is urgent psychological assistance, but you still need to want to call it, you need to know the phone number ... Those facts and those figures that I mentioned today, are they widely known? Do people know about this? Everyone is used to the fact that if a person commits suicide, then he is mentally ill. And very often this is not the case.

What about child suicide? After all, their number is increasing. And children have a peculiarity: they have no concept of death. A schoolgirl makes a suicide attempt and thinks: I will lie in a coffin in a white dress, and a classmate will worry and think about how he offended me, pulled my pigtail and behaved obscenely.

There are unfinished suicides. There are about 10-20 times more of them than completed ones. When I talk with people who made these attempts, I say that there is no fundamental destruction - a person lives forever ...

The human soul is free. A person decides for himself whether to accept the advice of a priest or not, to seek help from a doctor or not. Here, as in school: not everything depends on the teacher. The teacher explains to everyone the same way, but one student solves the control with “excellent”, and the other barely or cannot solve it at all.

- “One of my friends is very gambling, he can lose a lot of money in one day. Is it sickness or sin? What can be done to help him?"
- And the press sometimes reports some chilling facts: either a pensioner loses his entire pension, then some grandmother with a heart attack is taken away from the slot machine hall in an ambulance, or the postman in the village did not give the old people a pension, but lost it all at the gambling automatic machines. This disease can clearly be called sinful. It's a passion, a hard passion!

In some very severe cases, the patient is recommended hospitalization in order to somehow protect him from the object of addiction. But hospitalization, apart from isolation, does nothing. There are people who are most susceptible to the formation of this passion. But there are no pills for the game, just like there are no pills for stinginess ... Here one needs personal determination and God's help - nothing more.

Interviewed by Elena NASLEDYSHEVA