Is it possible to treat teeth in the 1st trimester? Dental treatment in the first trimester of pregnancy

Pregnancy is an important event and a wonderful period in the life of any woman. However, during this period the risk of developing various dental diseases increases significantly. This is due to a general restructuring of the body, including hormonal levels and metabolism, and a decrease in the body’s protective fluids. How to keep teeth healthy during pregnancy? And what to do if a pregnant woman develops dental diseases?

Why treat teeth during pregnancy?
Having learned about her pregnancy, the first doctor a woman should visit is a dentist, even if she has never had problems with her teeth. Pregnancy is accompanied by a restructuring of the hormonal background of a woman’s body, as a result of which the immune system is weakened, and as a result, favorable conditions are created for the development of many microorganisms, including the oral cavity. Therefore, even caries during pregnancy develops much faster than in the normal state. The process of forming and carrying a pregnancy takes a lot of energy from a woman. For the bone structure of a child, a woman’s body needs a significant amount of calcium, fluorine, phosphorus and other minerals, the deficiency of which is replenished from the mother’s bones and teeth. This kind of process negatively affects the bone tissue and teeth of the expectant young mother, as a result of which caries develops very quickly.

If caries is not treated, it can lead to the development of more complex dental diseases - pulpitis (inflammation of the nerve of the tooth) and periodontitis, which should also not be ignored during pregnancy, since in the future the young mother will acquire many problems not only with her health, but also with baby's health. For example, infections penetrate through the inflamed teeth and gums of the mother into the body of the unborn child, weakening his body, as a result of which he may develop a tendency to allergies, and most importantly, caries may appear on the first teeth that appear.

If previously it was contraindicated to treat teeth during pregnancy, since the technologies used were dangerous for the health of the unborn baby, today, according to most experts, it is simply necessary to treat bad teeth during pregnancy. In addition, modern dental clinics have in their arsenal special medications for pregnant women, safe digital X-ray equipment (minimal dose of radiation, the effect is local and highly targeted), highly qualified specialists competently select anesthesia for pregnant women, which would simultaneously effectively relieve pain and not cause harm to the future child. In addition, special dental clinics for pregnant women have already appeared in our country, which have been effectively operating in the West for a long time.

During pregnancy, you can remove teeth, treat caries, periodontal disease, gingivitis, bleeding gums, inflammatory processes in the teeth, and it is also possible to install braces. But you should wait with implantation and removal of tartar; these procedures are not recommended for use during pregnancy.

If you don’t have any dental problems during pregnancy, it is still recommended to visit the dentist’s office once every three months (three in total during pregnancy), where the doctor will tell you about all the nuances of oral care during pregnancy and recommend a brush and toothpaste .

Another reason for mandatory visit to the dentist during pregnancy and after it is periodontal disease and its initial stage - gingivitis (inflammation of the gums), the symptoms of which increase towards the end of pregnancy. Particularly careful adherence to hygienic rules in oral care can significantly alleviate the condition and prevent possible complications. However, it is impossible to completely get rid of this disease on your own. And untreated gingivitis leads to tooth loss even more often than untreated caries. If a woman develops gingivitis during pregnancy, the chance that the condition of the oral cavity will return to normal after the birth of the child is much higher than if the woman suffered from this disease before pregnancy. Therefore, it is recommended to visit the dentist at least once a year even before pregnancy. When treating gingivitis, as a rule, professional teeth cleaning and anti-inflammatory therapy are carried out.

In addition to dental treatment, it is also necessary to remove plaque and tartar.

During what period of pregnancy is it best to treat teeth?
In the first trimester of pregnancy, the formation of all organs and systems of the unborn child occurs, in the second trimester - the development of these organs and systems, in the third trimester - the preparation or independent functioning of these systems and organs. Each trimester has its own characteristics: the first and third trimesters account for the largest number of “critical” periods, so any medical interventions are not advisable during these months. The exception in this case is those medical procedures and manipulations that are necessary to preserve the life and health of the unborn child and his mother. That leaves the second trimester, which is considered relatively safe. Therefore, the period from the fourth to the sixth month of pregnancy (this is 14-20 weeks) is recommended to be used for dental procedures. When visiting a dentist, it is imperative to notify the doctor about your situation, stage of pregnancy, and indicate the medications you are taking. Depending on these factors, treatment tactics will be developed.

Treatment of caries during pregnancy.
Since anesthesia during dental treatment in pregnant women is strictly contraindicated, as a rule, treatment of caries in a pregnant woman is carried out without anesthesia. Using a drill, the dentist removes damaged tooth tissue and places a filling, which can be chosen according to your taste (chemical or light-curing). Neither one nor the other filling poses any danger, either for the mother or for the child. If anesthesia is still needed, do not worry about this, since today there are special anesthetics (Ubistezin, Ultracain) that have only a local effect and do not penetrate the placental barrier. This means that they are absolutely safe for the unborn child. In addition, these drugs contain a rather low concentration of vasoconstrictors, and some do not contain them at all (preparations based on mepivacaine).

Inflammation of the nerve or pulpitis is treated with anesthesia, which was mentioned earlier. Treatment of periodontitis (inflammation of the peri-root tissues of the tooth), most often, is carried out without the use of anesthetics. However, in both cases, X-rays are necessary, which allow high-quality filling of the root canals. In general, x-rays are contraindicated before the 20th week of pregnancy. After this period, x-rays are allowed, only the doctor must know about your situation. If the office is not equipped with a special X-ray unit (the radiation dose is reduced tens of times), which protects the doctor and patient from radiation, the doctor will provide you with a so-called lead apron to protect your stomach.

Tooth extraction during pregnancy.
If it is not possible to save the tooth, it is removed under local anesthesia. To avoid any complications, you must strictly follow all medical recommendations (do not rinse, do not heat the surgical area, etc.). If it is necessary to remove a wisdom tooth, then it is better to postpone such removal until later, since such removal is usually accompanied by the prescription of antibiotics.

Prosthetics, fluoridation and teeth whitening during pregnancy.
There are no contraindications to prosthetics. The procedures performed by an orthopedic dentist are usually painless and safe. But dental implantation is not recommended, since the process of engrafting implants is accompanied by large costs for the body. A young mother should direct all her strength and energy to the development of a healthy child. In addition, implants are most often implanted under the influence of medications, the action of which reduces the body’s reactivity, which is an absolute contraindication during pregnancy.

To preserve and strengthen tooth enamel during pregnancy, local fluoridation with fluoride-containing solutions and varnishes is recommended. In domestic practice, the application method of fluoridation is used, in which a so-called “individual tray” (wax casts of teeth) is made, into the recesses of which a fluoride-containing composition is poured, after which the casts are applied to the patient’s teeth (10-15 procedures), and the second method is carrying fluoride varnish with a brush on the surface of the teeth (3-4 visits).

The teeth whitening procedure during pregnancy is absolutely safe and harmless to the expectant mother and fetus. It is carried out in two stages: removing and removing plaque and tartar using ultrasound and treating teeth with special whitening pastes. Teeth whitening is carried out within an hour.

How to preserve teeth during pregnancy?
The birth of a child must be taken very seriously, therefore, long before pregnancy itself, both parents should cure all damaged teeth, since affected teeth are a source of infection, which negatively affects the health of mother and baby.

The best and most effective way to fight bacteria is to thoroughly brush your teeth in the morning and evening. During pregnancy, it is best to use a medium-hard toothbrush. The brush must be changed three times during the entire period of pregnancy. If your gums are bleeding heavily, use a soft-bristled brush. But it is not recommended to use an electric brush during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

To care for the oral cavity, you should additionally use dental floss or floss, which allows you to clean the interdental spaces; you can use dental elixirs, which have a cleansing and protective effect. Also, after every meal during pregnancy (and not only) you should rinse your mouth with boiled water.

Toothpaste used during pregnancy should also be of high quality: it should prevent the development of caries and gum disease and strengthen tooth enamel. Your dentist can recommend a suitable toothpaste during your consultation.

In addition, in order to preserve your teeth during pregnancy, you should limit yourself from consuming carbohydrate foods, especially sweets and starchy foods. A pregnant woman's diet should be balanced and include the necessary macro- and microelements and vitamins (calcium, phosphorus and fluorine, as well as vitamin D). Your daily diet should include fish oil, chicken eggs, cod liver, vegetables and fruits, cottage cheese, cheese, nuts and other products. During pregnancy, a woman should take vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women daily.

toothache during pregnancy, dental anesthesia during pregnancy, tooth extraction during pregnancy, dental x-ray during pregnancy, anesthesia during pregnancy, caries during pregnancy

It is perhaps difficult to find a person who has not learned from personal experience what toothache is. And those who have encountered it know: sometimes it’s difficult to wait until the morning to quickly get into the dentist’s chair. What can we say about abandoning the thought of treatment for several months - toothache during pregnancy does not wait or endure, but forces you to take the most urgent measures.

To begin with, let us note that the ideal option is when toothache never bothers you. This is quite realistic and easy to implement. All you need to do is see a good doctor, cure everything that might ever bother you, and then go to an appointment for professional hygiene twice a year as a preventive measure. With this development of events, even the smallest caries will not escape the eyes of an attentive doctor. Of course, it is best to treat teeth before pregnancy, without waiting for piercing unbearable pain.

And even if you were pregnant, you should still go to the dentist as planned, but not in the early stages, but in the second trimester. This is the time that is considered ideal for full dental treatment during pregnancy.

What to do if you have a toothache during pregnancy?

If you have a toothache during pregnancy, it would be good to know the contact information of a trusted doctor. It is very important. If you don’t have such a person in mind yet, make sure in advance that in case of acute toothache during pregnancy you have someone to call. A pregnant woman is an object of increased attention for a doctor, and to be honest, she is not an ordinary patient at all. Your main task as a patient is to not lose your head at the moment of severe toothache and try to find, through friends and acquaintances, a trusted doctor whom you can turn to, and not run headlong to the nearest dental office. This is really very important.

Toothache during pregnancy: what can hurt?

Modern medicines and drugs are quite neutral, thanks to which full dental treatment can be carried out during pregnancy. Let us repeat again: the ideal time for a planned visit is the second trimester, only because it is the most stable and predictable. But this rule does not apply to acute toothache during pregnancy and treatment can be carried out when needed. An unshakable medical rule works here: treatment is justified in the case when its benefits are greater than the expected harm. So, during pregnancy you have a toothache. The first thought is probably caries. Let us immediately note that small, barely noticeable, new caries does not cause painful sensations. What you are sick with has probably been with you for a long time. Perhaps it pulpitis or periodontitis. In any case, this is a kind of permanent inflammation and a source of infection in the body of a pregnant woman. What is better: the supposed harm from treatment or a source of rotting and constant proliferation of bacteria in the mouth? For any doctor the answer is obvious. Therefore, the question of whether or not to treat teeth during pregnancy is not worth it for him. Definitely - treat!

Any inflammatory process in the body, including in the oral cavity, provokes an increase in the level of leukocytes in the blood. Surely, this will be confirmed by a general blood test, which all expectant mothers regularly have to take. Here we are talking not only about acute inflammations that hurt, bother and do not allow us to forget about ourselves, here we are also talking about chronic processes that can only be diagnosed. Without it, the doctor can only make a preliminary diagnosis. All of the above also sounds in favor of visiting a dentist before pregnancy. But if this fails, be sure to visit a specialist during pregnancy to get ahead of the pain and plan possible treatment before birth. However, if necessary, most dental procedures can be performed throughout the entire nine months.

Dental anesthesia during pregnancy

Let's start with dental anesthesia during pregnancy. It is often impossible to do without it. Good anesthesia is the basis of any treatment. If the patient is in pain, the doctor is unlikely to be able to carry out all the manipulations efficiently. For successful treatment, the doctor needs a calm, relaxed patient with his mouth wide open. And this is only possible in the absence of pain. Only extremely rare cases of allergies can force a doctor to refuse an injection with an anesthetic. Next, we will answer the main question: is it possible to use anesthesia during pregnancy? So, dentists have modern painkillers in their arsenal that are not contraindicated for pregnant women. These drugs are non-toxic and are quickly eliminated from the body. And most importantly, they do not pass the hemoplacental barrier, and therefore are safe for the child. Before your appointment, be sure to tell your dentist about the specifics of your situation, possible allergies or reactions to anesthesia. If the doctor is dealing with ordinary caries during pregnancy, the treatment will be simple and quick. All manipulations (tooth preparation, drying, installation and “exposing” fillings) and preparations are used and performed at the local level and do not threaten the health of the mother and fetus.

Toothache during pregnancy: pulpitis or periodontitis?

It’s a completely different matter when most of the tooth tissue is affected by caries, the pain is unbearable, and at the appointment the doctor states: “You have pulpitis.” Surely, many of you have experienced this acute, throbbing toothache. Not only does it occur unexpectedly, it can rarely be suppressed with painkillers. The tooth hurts day and night, and nothing helps... If such severe toothache during pregnancy deprives you of sleep, the question of caries is no longer an issue; most likely, you are faced with another problem. These symptoms are united by the disease “pulpitis” - inflammation of the neurovascular bundle in the tooth. Pulpitis can also be characterized by pain when biting on a tooth. It is aching, dull or tugging, making it simply impossible to eat. What is important is that pulpitis always begins with minor caries. Most often, the diseased tooth has already been treated, and it seems to you that there is nothing to hurt there anymore.

In the case of pulpitis, when the neurovascular bundle in the tooth becomes inflamed, and periodontitis, when inflammation spreads from the root canal to the bone surrounding the tooth, root canal treatment is the main measure in eliminating this disease. The doctor finds all the root canals in the tooth, expands them, disinfects them and hermetically seals the root tips. Modern methods of treating pulpitis and periodontitis are carried out in one or two visits to the doctor. Root canal treatment is required to be performed under anesthesia. Let us note that high-quality root canal treatment is simply impossible without X-ray examination. As a rule, the doctor takes at least three photographs during treatment - before, during the procedure and after it. This is necessary to make sure that all the canals are found, “passed” along the entire length and that there is no source of bacterial growth left inside the tooth. At the end of the procedure, the doctor will put a calcium-containing preparation into the pregnant woman’s tooth cavity, place a temporary filling, and invite her for an appointment after childbirth. It is important to understand here: if the treatment of pulpitis or periodontitis has stopped at an intermediate stage, do not delay visiting the doctor after the birth of the child. The temporary filling is not reliable. It should be replaced with a permanent one as soon as possible.

Dental X-ray during pregnancy

It is known and proven that X-ray radiation in large quantities has a negative effect on the human body. However, this does not apply to modern dentistry. Microdoses of X-ray radiation are used to take photographs in the dental office. They are so minuscule that in Western dental clinics, doctors and assistants have long stopped using lead “aprons” for protection from radiation. In modern clinics, in order to take an image, you do not need to go to another room: as a rule, x-rays are taken using a visiograph - a small device that hangs on the wall right in the doctor’s office. Studies have been repeatedly conducted that have proven that an X-ray of one tooth in terms of radiation volume corresponds to two hours spent in front of a TV or computer screen. Now consider how much time you spend in front of a screen and how much importance you attach to x-rays in dentistry. However, with all these facts in favor of modern X-rays, not a single sane doctor would persuade a pregnant woman to take an “extra” X-ray if there is no urgent need for it.

Tooth extraction during pregnancy

Unfortunately, this situation is not uncommon. If the process in the tooth is irreversible and the treatment will only prolong time and will not bring any benefit, the doctor decides to remove it. Important advice: if one doctor recommends that you have a tooth removed, do not rush to agree immediately, but also do not delay the decision. In the case of such recommendations, it may be worth going to another specialist, because there are so many doctors, so many opinions. One dentist can only remove it, while another will try to save and restore the tooth. However, if the situation is obvious and the tooth must be removed, definitely agree. Preserving the source of inflammation and infection is harmful to the health of the mother and the unborn child. After surgery, when the anesthesia wears off, you will most likely have a difficult time. There will be discomfort, perhaps even pain, at the operation site. It is not recommended for pregnant women to take any painkillers. In case of acute pain - only paracetamol. After removal, also depending on the initial situation, the doctor may prescribe antibiotic therapy. This is necessary to completely eliminate the infection. Knowing your situation, the doctor will select a group of antibiotics that is safe for the expectant mother. Here the conclusion suggests itself - you shouldn’t wait to such a situation that you have to have teeth removed during pregnancy and take antibiotics again. Take care of them ahead of time, visit the dentist as a preventive measure and do not forget about good hygiene.

Dental hygiene during pregnancy

Proper oral hygiene during pregnancy is no less important than visiting the dentist on time. Changing hormonal levels bring with them many problems. Expectant mothers who have taken good care of their teeth throughout their lives are unlikely to be affected by such problems. Pregnancy will be an inconvenience for those who have gone to the dentist only because of severe pain. Swollen gums, blood on your toothbrush and bad breath... If these problems are familiar to you, most likely you are faced with gingivitis in pregnant women. This disease has a hormonal basis. During pregnancy, the blood supply to the mucous membranes of the body changes. As a result, the periodontal papillae (the area of ​​the gum located between the teeth) may slightly enlarge. And most importantly, poor oral hygiene stimulates the growth of bacteria. The result is gingivitis. At this point, special attention should be paid to oral hygiene. With proper care and hormonal changes, gingivitis will most likely go away soon after delivery. But if the situation in the mouth is advanced, hormonal changes in a woman’s body can give rise to more serious problems. If you notice signs of gingivitis, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor. The dentist will perform professional teeth cleaning, prescribe anti-inflammatory therapy and recommend maintaining good hygiene. If you don’t know how to do this, do not hesitate to ask a specialist directly at the appointment. The doctor will definitely tell you about the correct technique for brushing your teeth and about various devices and products that will help maintain dental hygiene at home at the proper level (irrigators, dental floss, etc.).

Most people put off dental treatment until the very last moment. Unfortunately, only acute, unbearable pain pushes them to go to the doctor. There are many reasons for this: a peculiarity of the Russian character, and childhood psychological trauma associated with the dentist, and the absence of a truly personal doctor. It shouldn't be this way. If you visit the dentist on time, your teeth will never hurt. And the well-known proverb about a lost tooth for every child will not work with you.

The pregnancy period always prepares many unwanted surprises for expectant mothers. Month after month, women's hormonal levels change, mineral reserves are depleted, and their immunity weakens. And these are just a few possible reasons for problems in the oral cavity. But this is not the end of the world, as most pregnant women claim, citing the ban on painkillers. This is just a reason to devote a few free hours to your loved one and your health. Moreover, treating teeth is now a pleasure compared to the level of dentistry 10 years ago. True, pregnant women need an individual approach to dental treatment, but everything is not as scary as it seems. Let's look together for answers to the question: “Are teeth treated during pregnancy?”

Three reasons to visit the dentist during pregnancy

For some reason, pregnant women consider visiting the dentist as something superfluous and unimportant. For the entire 9 months, they run around the clinic offices and take many tests for the well-being of their child, and put off taking care of their health until later. What's the end result? Even a small problem that could take 15 minutes to solve at the dentist can lead to tooth extraction and chronic periodontal disease by the end of pregnancy.

A woman should clearly understand that there are three good reasons why she needs to see a doctor:

  1. Hormonal changes in the body contribute to pathological processes in the oral cavity.
  2. A lack of calcium, especially in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, can easily destroy even the healthiest teeth. Modern dental technologies help many women in this situation to keep their teeth in excellent condition.
  3. During pregnancy, the properties of saliva change: it loses its disinfecting abilities, and pathogenic microbes begin to multiply in the mouth. Also, the pH level of saliva changes and the enamel is destroyed.

Advice! Don’t consider bad teeth during pregnancy to be a small problem that will resolve itself. It is better to do a preventive examination rather than get lost in guesswork and worries. Contact only specialists who have experience in treating teeth for pregnant women. Will they know when, how and with what treatment can be carried out?

Is it possible to treat teeth during pregnancy?

Many women, when going to the dentist, ask the same question: “Are teeth treated during pregnancy?” Everyone would like to hear the word “no” and postpone this procedure as far as possible. But dental treatment during pregnancy is the responsibility of every expectant mother who takes care of herself and her baby. You, of course, ask, what does the fruit have to do with it? The fact is that inflammatory processes in the oral cavity may not affect the development of the fetus in the best way. Even a simple carious tooth, which does not bother a woman, serves as a source of microorganisms that enter the stomach and provoke late toxicosis. Just imagine how quickly the infection will spread throughout the mother’s body if the purulent focus is in the root area of ​​the tooth? Or will severe gingivitis be passed on to an already born child through a mother’s kiss? There are many options here, and not all of them are harmless.

Normally, a woman has 2% calcium in her body. Very often during pregnancy she does not receive enough of this mineral from her diet or she has problems with metabolism and calcium is not absorbed. In this case, the holes in the teeth will be accompanied by night cramps in the limbs, and the risk of postpartum hemorrhage will double. In addition, the newborn baby will have a risk of allergic reactions and rickets. Therefore, a preventive examination by the dentist should be carried out every trimester.

Some statistics...

45% of pregnant women come into contact with a problem such as gingivitis. Their gums swell and bleed, discomfort and bad breath appear. For most of them, these problems go away on their own after childbirth if they followed the recommendations of specialists.

Suitable pregnancy strings for dental treatment

We are already convinced that it is possible to treat teeth during pregnancy. But when is the best time to do this? If a critical moment comes, then you need to go to the dentist immediately for help. If time permits, then treatment is carried out in the period from 14 to 20 weeks of pregnancy, that is, in the second trimester. Starting from 14-15 weeks, the fetus is already protected by the placental barrier. At this stage of pregnancy, the use of anesthetics with minimal adrenaline or radiography (in extreme cases) is allowed. In the first trimester, the embryo is just forming and organs and systems are being laid down, so the use of anesthesia and any drugs is contraindicated. After 20-24 weeks, it is physically quite difficult for a woman to undergo such an event as dental treatment.

On a note! In the 3rd trimester, the fetus puts strong pressure on the aorta. If a woman has to undergo dental treatment, then her position in the chair should be special. To prevent fainting or a drop in blood pressure, a woman needs to lie on her left side.

Diseases that can and should be treated during pregnancy

If it so happens that you need dental treatment during pregnancy, firstly, don’t worry, and secondly, tell the doctor what week of pregnancy you are, about its progress and about taking medications, if you are taking them. This will help the doctor choose the optimal and safe treatment tactics.

Advice! Careful hygiene using fluoride-containing toothpastes without the effect of whitening will help protect teeth during early pregnancy.

If you have caries...

Caries is a common hole in a tooth. At the stage of its occurrence, caries can be easily treated and does not require pain medication. If the process is started, the destruction of dental tissue will reach the pulp and removal of the nerve and more stringent treatment will be required. The only limitation is arsenic. Its use is unacceptable. And there are no restrictions in the choice of fillings. You can fill your teeth with both chemical fillings and light-curing fillings using ultraviolet lamps.

Important! Toothpastes with fragrances and flavoring additives can provoke attacks of toxicosis. Repeated vomiting increases the acidity of saliva and causes destruction of enamel.

If you have gingivitis or stomatitis...

Gingivitis in pregnant women is a hypertrophied enlargement of the gums under the influence of hormonal imbalances in preparation for childbirth. The gum tissue becomes easily inflamed and can completely cover the dental crowns. With this condition of the oral cavity, a woman is simply unable to maintain hygiene and needs professional help. Self-medication with home remedies will only worsen the disease and it will end in a complex form of periodontitis. According to the results of recent studies, women with exacerbation of severe forms of periodontitis during pregnancy experienced premature birth and some pathological conditions in newborns.

A timely visit to the doctor will ease your painful condition with gingivitis and protect your baby from exposure to toxins. The doctor will prescribe treatment of the gums with an antiseptic, rinses and applications to relieve inflammation, and conduct professional oral hygiene.

Due to weakened immunity, women often experience stomatitis in the oral cavity. Small ulcerative lesions cause severe pain and swelling. This disease does not pose any particular danger, but it won’t hurt to go to the doctor. He will advise you on a spray that is appropriate during pregnancy.

If you have periodontitis or pulpitis...

Inflammation of the nerve (pulpitis) and around the root dental tissues (periodontitis) is a consequence of untreated caries. The treatment of such diseases already requires the use of an anesthetic, and in order to properly fill the dental canals, you will have to take an x-ray. Modern radiovisiographic devices irradiate 10-15 times less than their ancestors. In addition, a lead apron will protect the baby from radiation.

If you suffer from tartar...

During pregnancy, both teeth and tartar create many difficulties. Plaque and tartar can cause gums to bleed and encourage the proliferation of “bad” microorganisms. This procedure does not involve pain and is performed using ultrasound or special instruments.

What anesthesia can be used during pregnancy?

There is still a myth circulating among pregnant women that if a tooth hurts during pregnancy, it will have to be treated without anesthesia. This forces frightened women to go to the dentist on weak legs, expecting terrible pain in the dental chair. And only when they see a doctor, they learn that a new generation of painkillers is actively used in practice to treat pregnant women.

Anesthetics based on articaine and mepivacaine (“Ultracaine”) contain a minimal amount of vasoconstrictor components and have a purely local effect, without passing through the placenta to the child. Therefore, suffering from toothache causes much more severe damage to your child than dental anesthesia during pregnancy.

On a note! General anesthesia is contraindicated during pregnancy.

X-ray during pregnancy: is it acceptable?

Not every doctor will be able to “blindly” fill a crooked canal or diagnose a cyst or hidden caries. This will require an x-ray. It is allowed only after the 12th week of pregnancy.

How to do X-rays for pregnant women:

  1. She is covered with a lead blanket.
  2. Determine the appropriate exposure and use Class E film.
  3. All necessary photographs are taken simultaneously.

It is important to know!

It is preferable to go to a clinic where there are modern devices with microdoses close to the normal background radiation.

Removal and prosthetics of teeth during pregnancy

The need for tooth extraction during pregnancy is rare, but it does occur if you have neglected your tooth and caries has completely affected it. The process is absolutely safe for pregnancy, except for the patient’s anxiety. After tooth extraction during pregnancy, you should avoid hypothermia or overheating of the damaged area of ​​the gum.

Prosthetics are considered acceptable during pregnancy, especially if the woman feels great and initiates it herself. If necessary, it is allowed to install braces.


Dental caries is diagnosed in 91.4% of women with normal pregnancy.

Severe tooth sensitivity (enamel hyperesthesia) is observed in 79% of pregnant women.

Which procedures are best postponed?

  1. Implantation. Engraftment of new implants involves the use of medications, antibiotics and additional forces of the female body. This procedure is not recommended for pregnant women.
  2. Removal of wisdom teeth during pregnancy. This is a complex surgical procedure, after which it is possible to increase the temperature and take antibiotics. If the situation is not critical, then you can remove the tooth after pregnancy.
  3. Teeth whitening. The chemical components in the bleaching liquid penetrate the placental barrier and have a toxic effect on the fetus. In addition, whitening destroys enamel and increases the risk of dental diseases.

What are the dangers for a baby from a mother’s bad teeth?

  1. Psychotraumatic factor. Toothache negatively affects the female body and at the same time the condition of the child.
  2. Infection. Various pathogenic microorganisms can cause all sorts of complications in a child.
  3. Intoxication and inflammation. Periodontal damage causes poor health, high fever, toxicosis, and digestive system disorders. This threatens late gestosis for the mother and hypoxia for the fetus.

What drugs should not be used during pregnancy?

Before you are given an anesthetic injection and asked to make an application, ask what drug will be used.

  1. Lidocaine is a chemical for local anesthesia. Causes convulsions, dizziness, weakness and decreased blood pressure.
  2. Sodium fluoride is a remedy for the treatment of caries. Used to strengthen tooth enamel. In high concentrations, it negatively affects the heart rate and fetal development.
  3. Imudon is a drug for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity. The negative factor is unknown since no studies have been conducted.

We carry out doctor's orders

Even if all the teeth are healthy and there is no hint of even the most harmless gingivitis, all pregnant women are simply obliged to visit the dentist when registering to receive valuable recommendations:

  1. The ideal option is to treat your teeth at the stage of pregnancy planning.
  2. Get regular check-ups with your dentist.
  3. Maintain oral hygiene: dental floss, mouthwash, soft toothbrushes and high-quality toothpastes.
  4. Adjust the menu so that it contains a sufficient amount of calcium.
  5. If you suffer from toxicosis, be sure to rinse your mouth with soda solution after vomiting.
  6. To prevent gingivitis, rinse your mouth with a herbal decoction of chamomile, oregano, mint and St. John's wort.

Women must responsibly prepare for such a happy period in their lives as pregnancy. But, if for some reason it was not possible to prepare your teeth and health in general in advance, then come to the dentist for help as early as possible and remember that treatment should be carried out at 4, 5 and 6 months of pregnancy.

Dental treatment during pregnancy

Toothache is an unpleasant phenomenon in general, and if dental treatment occurs during pregnancy, it can create additional problems. The main problem in this situation is the impossibility of using anesthesia during dental treatment, since any medications, including painkillers, can negatively affect the health of the mother and the unborn baby. That is why this issue should be approached with all responsibility and resolved as quickly as possible in order to guarantee the further successful development of the pregnancy. In our article we will address several issues:

  • Is it worth treating teeth during pregnancy?
  • Does trimester matter in this matter?
  • Is there a danger in using x-rays to diagnose dental diseases?
  • Is it possible to have teeth removed during pregnancy?

Dental treatment during pregnancy: reasons

Doctors agree on one opinion: dental treatment should be done at the stage of pregnancy planning, but not after, unless the pregnancy turned out to be unplanned. This will prevent all kinds of dental problems and save precious nerve cells.

If you couldn’t treat your teeth before pregnancy, don’t put it off until later, treat them during pregnancy

A big mistake is that many mothers, when the first (or already quite noticeable) symptoms of caries appear, postpone treatment until the postpartum period. This is fundamentally wrong. Why? Let's look at several reasons.

  1. The source of infection can affect the development of the fetus and affect the success of the pregnancy as a whole. Scientists from America have proven that the bacteria “Actinomyces naeslundii” cause caries and delay the weight gain of the fetus, which can then lead to varying degrees of prematurity. These bacteria can also cause premature birth. The mechanism is as follows: to protect against caries, as a source of infection, the body produces anti-inflammatory elements, which, among other things, cause contraction of the uterus and dilate the cervical canal.
  2. An infection localized in the oral cavity can spread to other systems of the body, that is, generalize. Most often, this happens if you ignore and do not treat pulpitis, periodontitis and other dental diseases, when the source of infection is in close proximity to blood vessels (usually capillaries).
  3. Toothache can cause stress and high psycho-emotional stress. As a result, the hormone adrenaline will be produced, which has a direct effect on the baby and causes uterine contractions in the mother.
  4. It seems to you that after giving birth you will definitely find time to do dental treatment. However, do not forget that the dental treatment process is often quite lengthy and takes several days. A newborn baby who requires round-the-clock attention and care is unlikely to give you that much free time.
  5. Any contact of the mother’s lips with the child or his care items (spoon, pacifier) ​​can become a factor in the transmission of infection. And due to the fact that children’s immunity is not fully formed and does not function at the level of an adult, the child will suffer a disease much more severe than you.

The importance of time in dental treatment

In the 1st trimester (namely in the period 2-12 weeks), many doctors recommend approaching the dental treatment process with maximum care.

This trimester is theoretically divided into two periods:

  1. From the moment of immediate conception until implantation (attachment) of the egg in the woman’s uterus on days 17-18
  2. From the 18th day (moment of attachment) until the end of the formation of organ systems in the fetus

The first period is the most dangerous from the point of view of treatment, which may be accompanied by pain or toxic effects on the body, causing stress in the expectant mother. In fact, during this period of time the embryo itself is safe, since it is not yet physiologically connected to the mother’s body and the toxic effects on her body will not directly affect it. The danger of treatment is that stress increases the likelihood of miscarriage and non-pregnancy at all.

In the first trimester, you can conduct an examination, but it is better to postpone dental treatment

The second period lasts an average of ten weeks, during which the most important stage of intrauterine development of the fetus occurs - the laying of organs. It is during these ten weeks that treatment with medications is most dangerous, since their toxic effects can affect the process of organogenesis.

The duration of this period is from 13 to 27 weeks of pregnancy. From the point of view of drug treatment, this time period does not pose a threat to the development of the fetus, since the process of organogenesis has already been completed.

However, if you have dental problems, it is still worth consulting with your doctor and dentist, who together will decide whether to carry out treatment or postpone it until the postpartum period. Even if you do not have problems with your teeth, it would be a good idea to have professional preventative cleaning done in a dental office. It will prevent the development of diseases in this area in the third trimester.

The third trimester is considered the safest for dental treatment in pregnant women, since the child’s organ systems have completed their formation and there will be no disturbances in their development. Plus, the baby is already strong enough and protected by the placenta.

However, during this period the woman becomes more susceptible to stress and sensitive to all external influences, including pain. In addition, the standard position in the dental chair - reclining on the back, can cause hypoxia (oxygen starvation) in the fetus due to increased pressure on the abdominal aorta (the largest artery in the body). For this reason, treatment during the third trimester is carried out in a position of slight rotation on the left side in order to reduce pressure on the abdominal aorta.

How to choose painkillers and can they be used at all?

One of the main problems during dental treatment is the toxic effect of medications (in particular painkillers) on the body of the mother and child. And caution in approaching this problem is justified, since the consequences for the fetus can be irreparable, especially during the first trimester.

You should not refuse anesthetics even during pregnancy

However, you should not completely abandon anesthetics during pregnancy, since the process of dental treatment is often painful, and as we said above, the high psycho-emotional stress caused by pain stimulates the production of adrenaline.

Therefore, when visiting a dentist, be sure to inform about your pregnancy and indicate the period exactly to the week. From this calculation, the doctor will select the safest painkiller for you, for example, ultracaine or ubistezin. If treatment is carried out during the second or third trimester, the use of primacaine or scandonest is acceptable. However, remember that only a doctor can select a drug, based on the duration of pregnancy and your state of health.

It is important to know that such common medications in dentistry as lidocaine and arsenic are not recommended for pregnant women!

Arsenic for the treatment of pregnant women is absolutely contraindicated, as it affects the normal development of the embryo and the formation of organs and tissues of the future organism. Fortunately, today there are many drugs that are similar in properties to arsenic, but do not exhibit teratogenic activity in relation to the fetus.

Manufacturers officially indicate on lidocaine packaging that this drug is prohibited for use in pregnant women due to its effects on fetal development. However, in exceptional cases, it is used at a time when the placenta has already formed and therefore the transplacental barrier can retain a certain amount of the drug.

X-ray in the diagnosis of diseases

The use of x-rays in the diagnosis of dental diseases is an issue that is still vigorously discussed in dental circles. On the one hand, X-ray radiation allows you to quickly and accurately establish a diagnosis, as well as monitor the effectiveness of the treatment. But on the other hand, X-rays in any case have an effect on the human body as a whole and on the fetus in particular.

Is it worth using x-rays for dental treatment in pregnant women? They argue even today

In the second and third trimester, X-rays can be used no more than 2-3 times. In this case, it is necessary to use a special apron that minimizes the effect of rays on the body.

Tooth extraction during pregnancy

In any case, dental treatment during pregnancy is a complex procedure that requires great professionalism and attentiveness on the part of the doctor, and tooth extraction is considered a surgical procedure, that is, extremely stressful for a pregnant woman. Although pregnancy is not a direct contraindication for such surgery, doctors agree that it should be performed no earlier than the third trimester.

The main indications for tooth extraction using local anesthesia during pregnancy are:

  • constant toothache;
  • trauma to the jaw and teeth;
  • inflammation of the dental nerve;
  • generalization of inflammation throughout the entire oral cavity;
  • malignant formations in the oral cavity;
  • tooth cyst

The only exception and contraindication for removal are wisdom teeth, since the surgical process of their removal is always accompanied by an increase in temperature and a general deterioration of the condition, which is extremely undesirable for the body of a pregnant woman at any stage.

Is it possible to treat teeth during early pregnancy?

While waiting for her baby, every woman needs to be diagnosed by a dentist, after which treatment may be necessary. But for many, even the thought that dental treatment during early pregnancy can negatively affect the development of the fetus is scary. A timely visit to the doctor, a set of restoration procedures and proper dental care are reliable indicators of the health of the mother and unborn child. However, if the problem already exists, can teeth be treated early?

Read in this article

Healthy teeth – healthy baby

During pregnancy, the body's need for calcium increases many times over. If the expectant mother does not receive this valuable mineral in the required quantity, she may develop diseases of the oral cavity and skeletal system. In the process of bearing a baby, women undergo hormonal changes, the composition of saliva and the general flora of the oral cavity change, which has a beneficial effect on the development of caries. This may be the beginning of various diseases and bacterial growth.

Therefore, quite a lot of people have to have their teeth treated in the early stages of pregnancy. An neglected problem harms the health of the mother and fetus, and the presence of infection in the oral cavity leads to dangerous inflammatory processes and unwanted complications. A timely visit to the dentist will help to avoid such consequences, prevent infection and intoxication of the body.

Types of oral diseases to be treated in pregnant women

Many mothers are very worried that dental treatment in the early stages of pregnancy will negatively affect the health of the unborn baby. In order to prevent sad consequences, it is extremely important to detect symptoms in time, which will serve as a reason for a visit to the doctor:

  • bleeding from the gums - visible when brushing teeth or eating;
  • toothache – aching or constant;
  • special sensitivity of teeth - painful sensations when eating cold or hot food.

Taken together, these symptoms confirm the onset of the development of the inflammatory process. If a woman has toothache in the early stages of pregnancy, this is a reason to immediately undergo an examination by a dentist. It will help you decide on the form of treatment for oral disease before complications occur.

List of diseases for which treatment must be started immediately:

  • Gingivitis is an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the gums, sometimes there is loosening of the teeth. The advanced stage can form periodontitis.
  • Periodontitis and periodontal disease are inflammation of the gums and bone tissue, which can serve as the beginning of intoxication of the body, the development of heart disease, and rheumatism.
  • Tooth decay is a disease that leads to the spread of bacteria in the mouth and inflammation of the jaw bone.
  • Periodontitis and pulpitis are the consequences of the development of caries, which lead to inflammation of the dental nerve and are accompanied by severe pain.
  • Stomatitis is a minor lesion in the oral cavity. The disease often develops against the background of weak immunity.

Depending on the identified disease, the dentist will select treatment: from rinsing with herbal decoctions to a serious set of therapeutic and preventive measures. During pregnancy, there is another procedure that can be performed - prosthetics. It has no contraindications.

Prohibited dental care methods for pregnant women

Despite the fact that it is possible to treat teeth in the early stages of pregnancy, there are a number of procedures that should not be performed on expectant mothers:

  • whitening enamel and strengthening teeth;
  • removal of dental stone;
  • changes in bite and position of teeth.

These procedures are prohibited due to the fact that they use chemicals, the effects of which negatively affect the health of the mother and the development of the fetus. Dentists also recommend refraining from removing wisdom teeth, which lead to adverse complications. This procedure is best carried out before conception or after the birth of the baby.

  • The implant takes too long to take root:
  • the gums bleed heavily, which makes the dentist’s work difficult in general;
  • requires taking a significant amount of painkillers, as well as direct anesthesia drugs;
  • after the procedure, during engraftment, problems arise with eating due to pain, which is not at all suitable for pregnant women;
  • simple toxicosis may not allow you to finish what you started; the mother will have to wait until she gives birth.

Optimal time to visit the dentist

Many women expecting a child ask the question, “When can I have my teeth treated?” The first trimester is a period of a more important and meaningful relationship with your body. At this moment, your baby’s organs are just beginning to form. If toothache occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, dentists recommend starting treatment after fertilization of the egg is established. It is during this period that the fetus has increased sensitivity. The second trimester is the best time to go to the dentist. During this period, the organs of the unborn baby will already be formed, and the treatment will take place without dangerous consequences for him.

For serious diseases of the oral cavity, it is advisable to visit the dentist after childbirth. But on all these issues it is better to consult with a good specialist who will determine the condition of the teeth and prescribe the correct treatment.

X-rays and anesthesia during early pregnancy

It is not recommended to take dental x-rays during early pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. But if there is a need for an x-ray, then for additional safety the woman’s stomach and body are protected with a lead apron that does not transmit x-rays. When carrying out this procedure, the beam is directed strictly to the area of ​​the jaw being examined and is not scattered to the sides. The radiation received by the expectant mother during the examination is equivalent to two hours of exposure to the sun.

When treating teeth, many pregnant women are often concerned about the question: is it possible to use anesthesia? In dental practice, anesthetic drugs are used that will not harm the unborn baby. To carry out anesthesia, a pregnant woman needs to use only topical medications that will not penetrate the blood circulation.

If a woman needs dental care throughout her pregnancy, then an experienced doctor should first find out about her state of health, her illnesses, and the course of pregnancy in general. All these facts will help narrow down the choice and select the right drugs that are not able to penetrate the placenta.

Preventive oral and dental care procedures

During pregnancy, oral health care should be more intensive. When problems with teeth arise, women themselves are sometimes to blame. While waiting for the baby, the diet changes, food intake becomes more frequent, so the usual procedures will not be enough.

You should not forget to carry out simple procedures:

  • Brush your teeth 2 times a day;
  • use mouthwash and dental floss;
  • monitor the condition of your toothbrush and change it on time;
  • use medicated toothpastes without whitening effect;
  • consume enough dairy products to saturate your body with calcium;
  • take vitamins if necessary.

To avoid inflammation in the gums and bleeding, it is recommended to do a preventive gum massage. It is carried out with light finger movements for 5 minutes, lubricating the gums with toothpaste. You can also prepare an elixir and herbal tincture for rinsing at home.
Of course, ideally, a girl should visit a doctor before pregnancy and solve all problems. However, teeth can deteriorate within nine months, and under the influence of changed hormonal levels, gums can begin to bleed. In this case, you cannot do without a visit to the dentist. There is no need to be afraid of this! The main thing is to be sure to warn that you are expecting a child.

May you and your baby’s teeth always be strong and healthy!

It is recommended to have your teeth treated by a dentist when preparing for pregnancy. However, it happens that a doctor’s help is required while carrying a baby. A lost filling, a chipped tooth, gum inflammation and other problems require immediate attention, as they threaten complications and more expensive treatment in the future. There is no need to postpone a visit to the doctor until the postpartum period, because then the young mother will have much less time for herself.

Is it necessary to treat teeth during pregnancy?

When carrying a baby, the condition of your teeth may worsen already in the first trimester due to hormonal changes. An increased level of progesterone leads to increased blood supply to body tissues, including the gums. They become loose, which provokes gingivitis, stomatitis, and exacerbation of caries. With poor oral hygiene and poor heredity, teeth quickly deteriorate and fall out. Their enamel becomes sensitive to hot, cold, and sour foods.

Hormones also affect the amount and pH of saliva. There is more of it, the balance shifts towards acidity. In the absence of preventive and therapeutic measures, hard plaque and tartar quickly form, which can lead to tooth loss. In the 2nd and 3rd trimester, there is a lack of calcium, which also leads to tooth decay.

Expectant mothers are wondering whether dental treatment and prosthetics are necessary during pregnancy, or whether these procedures can be postponed. Doctors recommend coming for examinations at least once every three months, or with specific complaints. The decision about dental intervention is made individually, based on the problem and condition of the pregnant woman. Often manipulations are carried out immediately, using local anesthesia. Sometimes treatment is postponed until the postpartum months.

When is the best time to go to the doctor?

A dental examination is required when registering during pregnancy (6-12 weeks). If until this time the expectant mother is not worried about anything, she does not need to see a doctor. During the examination, the doctor may reveal:

Also, the expectant mother should consult a doctor with acute and aching pain. In this case, pulpitis or periodontitis is diagnosed (complications of caries that gradually affect neighboring tissues). In severe situations, periostitis and osteomyelitis are possible - severe purulent processes that are observed in the absence of treatment for caries complications.

When dental problems are identified, the doctor carries out sanitation, which is recorded in the pregnant woman’s chart. In difficult cases, treatment is carried out immediately. If possible, the procedure is postponed until the second trimester. At this time, the placenta is formed, which protects the baby from the effects of anesthesia. Early toxicosis passes, and the expectant mother feels well and can sit in a chair for the allotted time.

1st trimester

In the 1st trimester, the organs and tissues of the fetus are formed. It is highly undesirable to treat teeth until the fertilized egg is implanted. The anxiety and stress of the expectant mother, as well as the anesthetics used, also affect the health of the fetus and can provoke an early miscarriage. Dental intervention is also undesirable for 8-12 weeks.

If possible, filling is postponed until the second trimester. An exception is made for acute pain, pulpitis, periodontitis, which cannot be ignored. Ultracaine, the safest drug for the fetus, is often used as a freeze in the first trimester. Lidocaine, popular in dentistry, is not used because it leads to increased blood pressure and increased heart rate.

2nd trimester

In the second trimester, dental diseases are prevented and teeth are treated, the condition of which threatens to worsen at 30-38 weeks. If there is no risk, manipulations are postponed by the dentist until the postpartum months. Small pockets of caries can be cured without an injection. The doctor carefully removes the lesion using a drill and places a filling without touching the nerve endings. Thanks to modern equipment, filling is painless and comfortable.

3rd trimester

A period of intense fetal growth, during which the expectant mother experiences increasing fatigue. In a lying or half-sitting position, the fetal pressure on the inferior vena cava and aorta increases, which leads to palpitations, migraines, and sometimes even loss of consciousness. The sensitivity of the uterus to external influences increases, which sometimes leads to premature birth.

Treatment in the third trimester is indicated in extreme cases (it is advisable to carry out manipulations before 36 weeks):

  • irreversible processes in which it is important to remove dead tissue;
  • purulent inflammation;
  • unbearable pain.

What procedures do not affect the fetus?

Treating teeth while expecting a baby is not dangerous. At the appointment, the expectant mother should tell the doctor what stage of pregnancy she is at, inform about her state of health and the medications she is taking. The information will allow the doctor to choose the optimal treatment tactics.

Pregnant women are allowed to remove soft plaque, fill teeth, treat gum disease, gumboil, pulpitis and periodontitis, and remove teeth. The issue of prosthetics is decided individually.

It is important not to refuse anesthesia and not to endure pain, especially during long-term dental treatment (35-36 weeks). Pain leads to the release of adrenaline into the blood, which increases the tone of the uterus. This negatively affects the condition of the fetus.

Permitted types of anesthesia

When prescribing an anesthetic, the dentist will take into account the allergic reaction of the expectant mother to medications. For high blood pressure, Novocaine is allowed (we recommend reading: how to use Novocaine for toothache?). If the pain bothers you at home, you can take No-shpu, Spazmalgon, Paracetamol, Nurofen in the doses recommended by your doctor. It is prohibited to use Lidocaine, Septanest, Imudon, and Sodium Fluoride during any period of pregnancy. Drugs can lead to pathology and negatively affect the fetus.

Is it possible to do x-rays?

Dental ultrasound is not performed on pregnant women. To assess their condition, the doctor uses x-rays, which show the location and condition of the roots, dental canals, and hidden carious cavities. The procedure is done after 12 weeks using radiovisiographs - modern devices that give a minimal dose of radiation. In this case, the patient is covered with a lead apron, highly sensitive film is used, and the necessary photographs are taken simultaneously.

Removal of a tooth

Tooth extraction is a last resort measure, which is resorted to only in the most serious cases. Thanks to modern anesthetics, the procedure is painless, but very exciting for the expectant mother. In order for the hole to heal quickly and properly, you must follow your doctor’s recommendations for oral care after surgery. Teeth can be removed according to indications at any time. The anesthetic Lidocaine, popular in dentistry, is not used. It can disrupt blood pressure and heart function, leading to shortness of breath, vomiting, rashes, and migraines.

Treatment of caries

Crown caries and its complications negatively affect the course of pregnancy and become a source of infection, purulent inflammation and pain. The pain itself does not affect the fetus, but leads to discomfort for the mother, which is transmitted to the baby. Infection and inflammation are much more difficult. They can lead to various pathologies.

Caries during pregnancy can be treated at any time, but it is better in the second trimester. For depulpation and complicated forms, anesthesia is used. The use of arsenic is unacceptable. There are no restrictions in the choice of fillings. The doctor will select either chemical filling materials or light-curing fillings.

Is it possible to put crowns?

Dental prosthetics during pregnancy have no contraindications. Orthopedic dentists perform procedures painlessly and safely for health. However, it is important to remember that the gums are swollen during this period, and the impressions may be incorrect. This will lead to discomfort when installing and using finished prostheses. Whether it is possible to insert teeth, place veneers and onlays, and from how many months to do this, the orthopedist will determine during an individual consultation.

Other restrictions you should be aware of

A number of dental procedures are prohibited for pregnant women. Among them:

  • orthodontic treatment (installation of braces, correction of bite, normalization of the functions of the dental system is undesirable);
  • teeth whitening;
  • implantation and other manipulations where general anesthesia is required;
  • removal of tartar using highly abrasive and chemical devices.

It is extremely undesirable to remove “eights” (wisdom teeth) during embroidery. It is often accompanied by swelling, bleeding and other complications, after which you need to take antibiotics. The time of removal is agreed upon with the gynecologist.

This may be the 2nd or 3rd trimester, when freezing does not affect the intrauterine development of the fetus. They tear out a crooked growing tooth, which interferes with the neighboring one and causes inflammation of the gums, as well as “eight” teeth with deep caries of the crown.

Prevention of dental diseases

Healthy teeth during pregnancy are the result of proper care and timely preventive treatment. To preserve them and forget what caries, gingivitis, and dental cysts are, you should follow the recommendations:

  • brushing your teeth 2 times a day using a brush and toothpaste selected by your doctor;
  • using dental floss;
  • thoroughly rinse the mouth after vomiting caused by toxicosis;
  • a diet rich in calcium and phosphorus;
  • A decoction of chamomile, St. John's wort, and oregano for rinsing will help strengthen the gums;
  • taking vitamins A, C, D, E and mineral complexes for pregnant women;
  • self-massage of gums and teeth.

The future father should also undergo oral sanitation. Dentists explain why this is necessary. Rotten teeth and unhealthy gums are a source of infection that can be transmitted to a newborn. Close contact with the baby (hugs, rocking, kissing) is only permissible if the teeth are healthy.

The female body is a complex mechanism with a whole range of unique biological processes. Cyclic changes in hormonal levels affect pain sensitivity, mood and perception of the world around us. That is why representatives of the fair sex visit only on those days when its level drops to a minimum.

Pregnancy further complicates the functioning of the female body from a biological point of view. During this period, a radical restructuring of all processes occurs. All a woman’s vital resources become building materials for the future baby.

The first trimester of pregnancy is characterized by the formation of fetal bone tissue, so exactly as much calcium will be removed from the body of the expectant mother as is required for the formation of the embryo.

It is not surprising that it is at this stage that many and.

Knowing about all the peculiarities of visiting the dental chair even before pregnancy, some women try to avoid dental treatment.

The first trimester is especially dangerous for the fetus. At this time, the fundamental development of the future organism takes place, so it is extremely sensitive to the effects of toxins.

Any dental interventions using medications can cause irreparable harm to the unborn child. In addition, in the first trimester it can contribute to changes in the fetus at the cellular level, which is extremely dangerous.

It follows that the first three months of the embryo are not the best for visiting the dentist. If the doctor does not see a serious threat to the health of the expectant mother, then it is better to postpone treatment of the diseased tooth until a later time. This, of course, does not apply to critical cases when the pain cannot be tolerated.

During this period, the construction of the placenta will come to an end, and the mother will not have to worry about her baby’s defenselessness against the attack of anesthetics.

The most acceptable period for implantation will begin only after the 12th week and last until the 29th.

Optimal time to visit the dentist

The first trimester of pregnancy is considered the most dangerous for dental therapy. If treatment of the disease can be postponed to the second trimester, then be sure to do so. During this period, the fetus will already be formed and acquire a protective placenta. Serious dental diseases that require surgery or special medications are best postponed to the postpartum period.

Video on the topic

Is it possible to treat teeth during pregnancy? In what trimester is it better to do this? Answers in the video:

If the dentist strongly suggests treating your teeth, then you should not ignore his recommendations. Perhaps you contacted us precisely at the moment when the critical situation can still be corrected.