Is it possible to throw out garbage on New Year's Day? Why can't you take out the trash in the evening?

Signs, as an integral part of our culture and history, are the result of centuries-old observations and human conclusions about various situations. People encounter folk superstitions almost every day. We adopt them from the older generation, and some are already so ingrained in our consciousness that in one case or another we do not hesitate to tell our acquaintances and friends back.

There are many signs associated with how to properly remove garbage from the house, and in particular at what time of day this should be done. Next, you will find out why you should not take out the trash in the evening.

It is believed that in no case should you take out the trash late in the evening, when it is already dark outside. Our great-grandmothers believed that a person who throws out trash in the dark has something to hide. In former times such people were treated with caution. It was believed that under the cover of darkness a person could only get rid of the consequences of criminal and unseemly actions.

You should not throw out garbage in the evening, as people may take away personal information along with the garbage., which he keeps secret from everyone. This meaning of superstition is very easily explained: before, when there were no televisions and the Internet, people often whiled away their evenings by the window.

Therefore, if someone left the house late at night, it immediately attracted attention. The next day, all the neighbors became aware of such nightly forays and people began to make guesses and assumptions.

According to another version, in the past people followed the rule that All household chores must be completed before evening.

It was believed that a good housewife got up with the first rays of the sun and took care of the house until sunset. Therefore, if suddenly the neighbors saw that one of the household members was leaving the hut after dark to take out the trash - this meant that there was such a mess in the house that they did not have time to deal with it during the day. And this characterized the owner of the house herself as an inept housewife who could not keep order.

There is also an opinion that a person who throws out trash late at night also takes happiness and prosperity out of the house. The premises of this superstition have not survived to this day, but the idea that in the dark you can throw away your luck along with the garbage is firmly ingrained in people’s minds. Superstition had a doubly unfavorable meaning if garbage was thrown out on Monday or Sunday evening.

This superstition also has much darker and mystical background. For example, many of our great-great-grandmothers believed that When the sun sets, every home needs the protection of good spirits.

According to legends, at night the peace of the family and the hearth were guarded by various brownies. And not a single brownie will tolerate disorder and dirt at home. Therefore, if household members do not have time to cope with household chores before dark, they simply lose the support of their guardian spirits. As for the strength of the protective amulets, their energy background became much weaker due to the mixed and negative aura of the untidy room.

If you believe another, no less popular version, then with the onset of darkness the time of rampant evil spirits began. Witches, sorcerers, devils and simply dashing people - they all got out of their hiding places and were just looking for a reason to harm someone. According to one opinion, a person who leaves the house in the dark a priori exposes himself to the danger of being under the influence of others.

But there is also a different opinion: witches and sorcerers who walk at night conduct their rituals and spells precisely on those objects that they find after sunset. But if a person takes out the trash late at night, then his things will be at the very top. The magic will not necessarily be aimed at causing harm to this particular person.

There are cases when someone suffers from a strong curse and turns to a sorcerer for help, and the latter, instead of removing the damage, simply transfers it to someone else. This is much easier for the sorcerer in terms of energy - he will then have to cleanse his aura of someone else’s negative energy. For this “transfer” of damage, things found in the trash are used.

If a witch wants to harm a certain person, then she could simply watch the house at late times of the day and, when the victim went to throw out the trash, it was a great opportunity for her to get a personal item. Such an object was cast with special spells, depending on what the witch wanted to do to the person, and just before sunrise it was placed under the door of the house, where the owner of the home found it the next morning.

The biggest mistake was to take this as a sign of fate and take the item back to the house, believing that it would become a kind of talisman, since the smog returned to its owner. In this case, the damage or curse imposed on the thing acquired full force and began to affect the person.

Therefore, if you threw out the trash in the evening, and the next morning you found something thrown out near your house, under no circumstances touch this item with your bare hands. In former times, the head of the house had to personally sweep such a find out of the yard with a new broom, after which he should burn both the thing and the broom itself, reading a special prayer.

Nowadays, many people wonder whether it is possible to throw out garbage in the evening. Now this superstition is given simpler and more immediate interpretations:

  • Firstly, in the dark there is a high probability of getting into an unpleasant situation. Unpleasant drunk people may try to force their communication on you, you may end up a victim of robbers or even an accident, because in the dark it is more difficult for the driver to concentrate on the road.
  • Secondly, the space allocated for garbage containers attracts tramps and homeless people, who can become especially aggressive at night. We should also not forget about abandoned animals, for example, dogs, which it is also better not to mess with at night.
  • Thirdly, not every area and yard has sufficient street lighting, and therefore a person leaving the apartment may simply trip or fall due to limited visibility. Injuries, bruises, and abrasions are another possible consequence of a night out of the house.

All of the above can be attributed to modern prerequisites for signs. But there is another opinion, originally Old Slavonic, concerning the same brownie. According to some beliefs and legends, a house spirit is a representative of evil spirits that feeds on dirt and garbage in the house.

Therefore, the trash can should not be empty at night, so that the spirit does not get angry and begin to play pranks and annoy the household. This opinion is not as widespread as the one according to which the brownie stands for cleanliness and order, but who knows: perhaps it will turn out to be correct. Therefore, in order to protect yourself and your home, trust signs and throw away garbage only during daylight hours.

Many people know the superstition that says you shouldn’t take out the trash in the evening. What this threatens needs to be figured out. Where did this belief begin and why was this action banned?

Why can’t it be taken out in the evening and at night?

  1. The ban on removing garbage at night was also imposed because brownies and home defenders may not like it. They carefully ensure that the owners clean up the mess in a timely manner, so they may express dissatisfaction with nightly trips to the garbage containers. The brownie may leave the home and stop patronizing it. As a result, home owners are at risk of poverty and are deprived of protection from negative impacts.
  2. Since ancient times, people believed that at night sorcerers could take the owners’ things from the trash and damage them.
  3. Taking out the trash at night means driving wealth and material well-being out of your home.

If you throw away garbage at night, you can lose the protection of the brownie.

Can I throw it away before traveling?

Since ancient times, it has been believed that positive energy accumulates in unnecessary objects. It stores everything that was acquired in the family over a certain period of time. It is not recommended to remove waste before a long journey, so as not to lose energy protection.

Naturally, you should not leave food waste in the apartment, but if the owners decide to throw out some of the old things, then this should not be done before returning.

How to throw away unnecessary things correctly?

After sunset, you should not take out the trash, so as not to invite trouble on yourself. However, there are several other signs that tell you how to get rid of unnecessary things correctly:

  • if the owners plan to throw out old things, then it is advisable to first wash them in salt water in order to cleanse them of their own energy and negative influence from others;
  • The dishes also need to be rinsed with salt water and then thrown away with the trash;
  • It is highly undesirable to throw away photographs or documents; it is recommended to tear and burn them.

Why can't you give it to another person?

Since ancient times, it has been a custom that garbage should not be given to strangers. Everything unnecessary should be removed from the home yourself. Things in the house are filled with the energy of family members. When throwing away unnecessary items, interaction with its owner is eliminated and everything bad goes away along with unnecessary things.

If you let strangers throw out garbage, the person will lose energy protection. The energy of the home passes into the hands of strangers, so only family members need to throw away unnecessary items.

How not to attract misfortune?

In situations where you have to take out the trash in the dark, it is recommended to say the phrase: “I’ll take out the unnecessary, but leave the well-being!” This will help you maintain a happy life and material well-being and not get yourself into trouble in the future.

So that there is always money in the house
Feng Shui practitioners advise throwing away trash before the sun sets. And they tie it to the financial situation at home. The point is that the powers of day and night play two opposing roles - yang and yin. Leaving the house with a package after sunset, we invade the yin energy, which is a state of peace and silence. And actually rubbish is yang, what is called daytime energy. It turns out that the energies diverge and the natural flow of qi is disrupted. The night is given to a person for other things and this is not a trip to the garbage chute.

So that there are no rumors
This is the opinion of grandmothers who are far from eastern practices. And there is a lot of truth in this too. A person who lives an honest life will never hide his trash while others sleep.

So as not to worry about yourself and your loved ones
There is a type of bad people who actively practice black magic. Everyone knows that things have part of the energy of their owners. And even through discarded objects you can gain influence on a person. Things taken out at night can serve the recent owner badly. Don’t think that someone will specifically covet your trash (although this can happen!), but even in passing, objects that fall into the wrong hands can turn into a sad story. Now you know, Why can't you throw out trash at night?

Let's throw away old things. Which is correct?

It’s better to understand that even if you throw away your things during daylight hours, it makes sense to clean or wash them in advance (if you think they might still be used). As for clothes or household utensils, it doesn’t hurt to place them in a salty solution for a couple of hours (just add table salt or sea salt to the water). It is clear that no one wants to bother with something that goes to the trash, but this will largely protect you from energy interference from the outside. Of course, the easiest option is to rip and cut the clothes, break the cups and bowls (if you decide that your belongings will no longer serve anyone).

So, you've collected a bunch of junk and decided to make room in the house for everything new. Sort your things, a bag with clothes, dishes, newspapers and books. We throw everything away without regret.

We wash clothes, immerse them in salt water,
Keep the dishes in salt water,
Jewelry and accessories MUST be kept in a salt solution.

But if you really don’t want to waste time on what you consider to be worn out items, at least raise a lit candle over the trash can, repeating to yourself and out loud the following words: “By the fire of the candle and with God’s help, I rid these items of my energy, I thank them for the benefit and absolutely let go. Amen".

The same ritual can be performed using smoldering incense or a sonorous bell, while pronouncing the text according to the situation, depending on your items. Be sure to voice your intention. This is extremely necessary.

Probably every person at least once in his life has heard the sign that you should not take out the trash in the evening, but only a few can answer why. Such superstitions arose thanks to ancestors who connected events in life with certain actions and phenomena. People, trying to explain existing ones, came up with their own versions, therefore, today there are many interpretation options, which of them we will now find out.

Is it possible to take out the trash in the evening?

There are several popular ways to explain why garbage must be disposed of before sunset. In ancient times, people believed that along with unnecessary things, the owners took some secret from the house. There is another popular version that explains this sign more logically. A good owner had to do all household chores before dusk, and devote the evening to his family, so if the garbage was taken out in the evening, this sign was deciphered as a sign of a bad owner. It was believed that along with the rubbish, a person took money, luck and the well-being of his family out of the house. Many people also believed that people washed dirty linen in public along with the trash and provoked the emergence of various kinds of rumors about themselves.

Why don't they take out the trash in the evening - mysticism

Many signs were associated with the presence of magic and evil spirits. People believed that every home had spirits that preserved happiness and prosperity. They come after sunset, but only to places where perfect cleanliness is maintained. If the owners did not have time to take out the garbage before evening, then the spirits left forever. Another mystical interpretation of the sign that one cannot bear garbage in the evening is associated with the existence of witches and other evil spirits, which are activated precisely at night. Our ancestors believed that for their rituals, sorcerers used discarded garbage, pointed at objects, etc. Then it was thrown under the house to the previous owner, and if he took it with his bare hands, then the ritual was considered completed.

Another popular version of why you can’t take out the trash in the evening is related to the existence of brownies. People believed that every house has an invisible owner who likes to feast on various waste. That is why the garbage was left overnight to treat the brownie. If we touch upon modern explanations, Feng Shui associates taking out garbage in the evening with getting rid of money.

Garbage that is taken out of the house in the evening has always been considered a sign of untidiness and carelessness of the owners. It would seem that how garbage can symbolize something and be associated with superstitions, there is absolutely nothing special about it, but since ancient times there have been a lot of signs associated with garbage.

Every housewife knows that it can be different. Some throw away old things associated with deceased relatives, some tin cans, some gifts from people with whom they were previously spiritually close. Each of these cases has its own sign and superstition. If you throw out trash at the wrong time, you can create a whole bunch of problems, but then it will be impossible to understand where they came from.

Even if you work late into the evening, never throw away trash after work. Why? It has long been believed that taking out the trash at night is a sign of bad news and gossip towards you and your loved ones. In addition, taking out the trash in the evening or at night helps to reveal some important family secret. In the dark, money flows out of the house along with waste.

There is an explanation for the sign associated with brownies. They feed only at night, so by throwing out garbage in the evening, you deprive your guest of food, thereby bringing him to a state where he can take revenge on you for leaving him hungry.

Of course, modern signs are more logical. At night, there are always a lot of stray dogs on the street, most of which are extremely aggressive, so you risk running into a pack of angry and hungry animals that can cause harm.

It is much more useful to prepare the accumulated garbage in the evening so that in the morning before work you can spend a minute and take it out, this way you can avoid the negative consequences and dangers of the dark.

Many people believe in the spirits of home patrons. It was believed that if the owners of the house did not care about the cleanliness of the home and did not take out the garbage on time, then the spirits could leave the house for a long time. Thus, the home remains unprotected from evil spirits, of which there are more in the world than good ones.

Warlocks and witches are always more active in the dark, so it is much easier for them to steal your things at night and use them to cause damage or the evil eye. For the same reason, girls always burned their hair, handkerchiefs and nails, because these are the first things with which you can curse a person.

Is it possible to throw out trash before traveling?

There are also a lot of signs and superstitions associated with travel, for example:

  • You can't wash your hair.
  • It is forbidden to sweep the floor on departure day.
  • If the keys fall, there will be unpleasant incidents on the trip.

There are also signs associated with removing garbage from the apartment. Since ancient times, it has been believed that, no matter how strange it may sound, good energy accumulates in garbage, because these are the remnants of what a family has acquired over a certain period of time, so it is not advisable to take out bags of waste before a long trip. But what to do if you are sure that after your arrival the apartment will simply have a destructive and unpleasant smell of rotting waste?

Of course, it is necessary to remove perishable waste, otherwise you will simply be afraid to return home after a pleasant vacation. You can’t throw away books, notebooks, tables, chairs and everything like that, put this matter off for another couple of weeks and don’t be afraid, nothing will happen to your things during your departure, but the house will be protected by the good spirits of the brownies living in these things.

What you shouldn't throw away according to signs

People's opinions on the issue of garbage disposal are still not clear. Some people believe that spirits only come at night, so you need to show hospitality and remember to clean the apartment, including taking out the trash. Others believe that spirits live in things and before getting rid of them, a special ritual must be performed so that the spirits move into something else.

In addition, opinions are shared regarding things that can be thrown away and which are extremely undesirable to get rid of.

First, let's touch on the looking glass. People have always attached special importance to mirrors, many are even afraid of them. How to properly get rid of an old mirror without angering the spirits?

  1. Wrap the mirror in black cloth, carefully take it outside and sprinkle with salt.
  2. Wipe your energy off the glass by holding the mirror under running water. After that, you can safely throw it in the trash.
  3. Sprinkle holy water on him, cross him with a candle, and mentally thank him for his service.

All three options will help you protect yourself from the negative actions of spirits.

Is it possible to throw away hair and nails? Everyone knows that they can bewitch, bewitch or curse a person, so it is best to burn such garbage rather than throw it away.

What to do with salt that has spilled across the floor and is no longer suitable for use? Throwing salt has always been considered a sign of an imminent quarrel with a loved one. It is known that in ancient times people were distinguished by greater wisdom and knowledge than in modern times and solved this problem. Salt can be flushed down the sink or toilet, then you won’t be afraid of signs and superstitions.