Is it possible to sunbathe with herpes on the lips? Is it possible to sunbathe with herpes in the sun and in a solarium? Solar herpes - treatment must be effective

Everyone knows what herpes is. This virus is very common today and most people will encounter it sooner or later. Despite the fact that herpes simplex is usually called a “cold on the lips,” which occurs most often in the cold season, exacerbations of the disease also occur in the summer. No one wants this to overshadow their summer holiday with swimming at the sea, sunbathing on the beach and frequent sun exposure. The answer to the question whether it is possible to sunbathe with herpes depends on many factors.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the type of virus - it can be simple or genital. The first most often affects the skin on the face, especially in the area of ​​the lips and nose. In some cases, rashes may also appear on the cheeks, forehead, ears, fingers, lower back and other parts of the human body. As its name suggests, genital herpes affects the genital area. It is important to note that in both cases, the rashes can also be localized on the mucous membranes of the skin.

Depending on the type of virus, the period of exacerbation - or relapse, if the infection occurred in the past - manifests itself differently. It is during this period that sunbathing is not recommended. Moreover, this applies not only to sunbathing, but also to visiting a solarium. Although some tanning salons advertise that tanning helps get rid of herpes, this is not true.

In addition, during an exacerbation of the disease, a deterioration in well-being may be observed, accompanied by an increase in body temperature, pain in muscles and joints, as well as general depression, which in itself is not conducive to spending a long time in the sun. Often with genital herpes there is also neuralgia, that is, pain in the genital area, buttocks, thighs, back of the legs and groin. At the same time, small bubbles filled with clear liquid appear. Then, after a few days, they burst and a crust forms in their place. As a rule, the period of exacerbation - from warning symptoms to the end of the relapse - lasts up to 12 weeks.

You can speed up this process by using ointments and medications that enhance immunity. In this case, the exacerbation will end much faster, and you will be able to sunbathe to your heart's content.

Despite the fact that sometimes you don’t want to listen to doctors’ recommendations, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to sunbathe with herpes at sea is clear: during an exacerbation - no. However, you can prepare for the beach season by asking your doctor how to maintain your immunity and prevent the manifestations of this virus.

Unfortunately, many of us have encountered such an unpleasant problem as herpes in our lives. These small bubbles of liquid often pop up on the lips at the most inopportune moments and are extremely itchy. The reason for their appearance is weakening of the immune system. It usually goes away quickly (4-7 days), but causes discomfort.

Many people who visit a solarium notice a pattern: when visiting a booth, this illness occurs or worsens even more. The famous German doctor Burger-Kenticher, having created a three-dimensional model of the skin (with cells infected with the virus), irradiated it with UV B-spectrum rays, which caused the activation of the virus and the appearance of ulcers on the skin. It is believed that Herpes simplex dies under the influence of natural ultraviolet irradiation, but if it is inside the body, an exacerbation occurs. Persons who are susceptible to this disease should realize that herpes and solarium are incompatible. If it is difficult to refuse the open sun, then you must definitely use sun protection. But it is necessary to refrain from direct rays of the sun during peak activity.

Nowadays, there is no cure for herpes, but there are drugs that suppress its reproduction. It is currently impossible to completely remove herpes from DNA. When treating this disease, acyclovir is usually used, which can be bought without a prescription at any pharmacy. During illness, you must use exclusively your personal hygiene items and separate utensils. It is advisable to take a course of vitamins and medications that make the immune system stronger.

Herpes appears very quickly after “overstaying” in the solarium. Many girls find watery blisters on their lips the next day after being burned in a booth. All these are consequences of UV rays and powerful fan blowing. But, as mentioned earlier, herpes lives in our genes and it can manifest itself not only from hypothermia or low immunity, but also due to pregnancy, stress, fasting, alcohol abuse, but can also be transmitted from person to person.

Herpes worsens not only due to decreased immunity, but also from bright sun. How to prevent its activation?

The first category dermatologist at the Aesculapius Medical Center in Arkhangelsk, Mikhail Nikolaevich Nechaev, is consulting.

In some people, the sun's rays can awaken the herpes virus, which is “sleeping” in nerve cells. This occurs due to increased sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet rays. Sensitivity can be caused by problems with the liver, adrenal glands, as well as a deficiency of nicotinic acid in the body.
If you are taking any medicine on the recommendation of a doctor, be sure to consult with him. After all, many drugs, for example sulfonamides, some antibiotics, diuretics, can also change the skin’s sensitivity to sunlight. Even essential oils, some plants, cosmetics and hygiene products affect its susceptibility to sun exposure. This is especially common in people with thin and delicate white skin, as well as in those with numerous moles.
In this case, regular use of sunscreen will help prevent herpes from “waking up from hibernation.”
Particularly effective are products created specifically for people with increased sensitivity to ultraviolet rays. For example, the cream "Photoderm MAX".
Even if you expect to spend very little time in the sun, be sure to use protective cosmetics. You shouldn't sunbathe for a long time at all. This also applies to solariums.
Tanning lovers will benefit from artificial products. Thanks to self-tanners, you can get tanned in less than an hour.
Some of them contain plant extracts that stimulate the synthesis of melanin pigment. This will prepare your skin for a natural tan. For others, the negative effects of the sun are reduced by a substance derived from sunflower and lupine flowers. It enhances the protective properties of cells and prevents sunburn.
Also, be sure to apply a special lip balm with UV filters.
Fortunately, a fairly small number of people have increased sensitivity to the sun. For most, solar radiation and frequent hypothermia in the summer provoke a decrease in immunity. And this can also lead to an exacerbation of herpes.
A doctor will help you understand the reason for the awakening of the virus and eliminate it. If there is a metabolic disorder, this will be determined by a special blood or urine test.
In this case, nicotinic acid preparations can prevent the appearance of “fever” on the lips.
If necessary, stimulant drugs are prescribed to maintain immunity. Either natural - ginseng, eleutherococcus, echinacea, or synthetic.
You can protect yourself from the insidious virus in the summer. First of all, you should avoid colds and hypothermia. Also remember to change into dry clothes after swimming.
Avoid drinking cold drinks in hot weather. Especially fizzy ones. They contain so-called free radicals, which will not do your immune system any good.
Of course, sometimes it can be difficult to prevent the appearance of herpes. Try to stop the development of rashes. To do this, use antiviral drugs - Valtrex, Virulex, Zovirax, acyclovir. The main thing is to have time to apply ointment or cream to the site of tingling and burning no later than 2-3 hours after the first symptoms appear.
But even if you didn’t have time to “hit the infection” right away, applying an antiviral cream is still useful. This will reduce discomfort and speed up recovery.
If you don’t have the right medication at hand, then at least dry the rash with brilliant green or Corvalol. And do not forget that it is better not to swim during the period when herpetic blisters appear. Otherwise, the virus will become active again.

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The herpes virus is a common disease that affects the skin and mucous membranes. It appears in the form of watery blisters, which subsequently burst and turn into ulcers. This unpleasant phenomenon causes a lot of inconvenience and patients have a lot of questions: how to treat it, how to behave when the herpes virus is activated, etc. Most often, people are interested in whether it is possible to sunbathe in the sun and in a solarium if you have herpes? You can get the answer if you familiarize yourself with the reasons that provoke the release of the herpes virus.

You should take into account the characteristics of herpes before going to the beach or solarium.

Causes and symptoms

I'm sure many people know that 90% of the world's inhabitants have the herpes virus, but only some have painful symptoms. For herpes to come out, certain conditions are needed, for example:

  • overwork;
  • stressful situations;
  • decreased immune system;
  • hypothermia;
  • staying in the sun for a long time.
  • Dysbacteriosis, excessive alcohol consumption, pregnancy and fasting can provoke the appearance of herpes virus infection. Herpes is also transmitted through contact with an infected person. Herpes may appear on the lips or genitals.

    In most cases, the patient experiences the following symptoms:

  • burning of the skin;
  • itching at the site of future formation of blisters;
  • chills;
  • general malaise;
  • weakness;
  • increase in body temperature.
  • If you observe these symptoms, you should consult a doctor to select a treatment regimen and receive general recommendations. Fans of direct sunlight and ultraviolet rays need to be especially careful when the herpes virus appears on the lip and other parts of the body.

    Effect on rashes

    When herpes begins to progress, blisters appear on the patient’s skin, gradually turning into erosions. What happens when rashes are exposed to external factors?

    Direct sunlight

    Many patients observe the appearance of herpes in the warm season, since the sun's rays are a provoking factor that causes overheating of the body. As a result, the herpes virus is activated and begins to come out. Most susceptible to “solar herpes”:

  • children;
  • people with light skin and hair;
  • long-term sunbathers;
  • people with a large number of moles and those whose skin quickly burns under the sun.
  • Patients with chronic kidney and liver diseases are exposed to the manifestation of herpes virus infection under the rays of the sun.

    Ultraviolet rays in a solarium

    UV procedures are extremely undesirable during the course of the herpes virus disease.

    Can people with herpes go to a solarium? Doctors say that exposure of the affected area with herpes virus infection to ultraviolet rays is strictly contraindicated. Sunbathe with herpes only at the stage of remission and, preferably, six months after the exacerbation of the disease. But even after 6 months, you need to know when to stop exposure to ultraviolet rays and follow the general recommendations of experts.

    The time spent in the solarium should be minimal. Before starting the procedure, you need to lubricate the skin with special products that can provide protection from exposure to ultraviolet rays. Hair should also be protected by wearing a cap on your head. Abusing treatments in a solarium is strictly contraindicated; further procedures should be stopped as soon as the skin reaches an even tan.

    It is worth remembering that during an exacerbation of a herpes virus infection, the immune system weakens, which means there is a risk of “picking up” any virus or fungus that may be in the solarium. The danger of ultraviolet rays in a solarium is due to the fact that they can cause ulcers on the skin in the places where herpes is localized.

    Tanning during exacerbation of the disease

    In a patient with an exacerbation of a herpes virus infection, the appearance of blisters is accompanied by a deterioration in health, an increase in body temperature, and painful sensations in the muscles and joints. With genital herpes, patients complain of pain in the groin area, thighs, buttocks and upper legs. During exacerbation, watery blisters burst and become crusty. Doctors definitely recommend that everyone avoid exposure to the sun or ultraviolet radiation during an exacerbation of the disease.

    General rules for tanning

    To avoid relapse of herpes virus infection during tanning, you must adhere to certain rules:

    • Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight or ultraviolet radiation in a solarium. You must come to the beach early in the morning and leave before 11 pm. You can avoid getting sunburned and causing herpes if you sunbathe after 5 p.m. At this time, the tan will be even and without skin burns.
    • You should not be in the open during lunchtime, even on a gloomy day, since it is at this time that the ultraviolet rays of the sun can easily pass through the clouds.
    • It is not recommended to sunbathe in water, as it is a kind of conductor of solar radiation, in which the skin is even more exposed to ultraviolet radiation. After leaving the water, you need to wipe your body dry.
    • It is important to use special cosmetics that protect the skin from strong exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
    • The head should be covered with a hat, since overheating can activate the herpes virus in the human body.
    • When staying in the heat, you should be careful with drinking cold drinks, which can also provoke a herpes virus infection.
    • Can you sunbathe with herpes?

      Solar herpes is a common disease that can appear when exposed to ultraviolet rays. Most people have the herpes virus, it’s just in a “dormant” state. When can you sunbathe with herpes? When exposed to sunlight for a long time, the body overheats, as a result of which the infection becomes active. A person develops a rash near the lips and on other areas of the skin, the temperature rises and health worsens. In some cases, chills may occur.


      Herpes, after exposure to sunlight, can occur in anyone who has previously suffered from a herpes infection. When the body overheats, the immune system decreases and cannot fight the virus.

      Most often this disease affects:

    • people with sensitive skin;
    • children of all ages.
    • Factors influencing the appearance of herpes may be the presence of many moles on the body, severe tanning and sunburn.

      If you have increased skin sensitivity, you need to be careful about ultraviolet radiation. Any cosmetics, essential oils or medications can awaken the infection. Herpes often bothers people with thin and white skin or with numerous moles.

      Healthy people can also become infected with herpes through dishes, objects, and the virus will be in their body. Under the scorching rays, it will begin to appear, and herpes rashes will appear on the body.

      Therefore, if herpes appears several times a year, you need to be careful when taking in the sun's rays and sunbathing in a solarium.

      Consequences of the sun

      During an exacerbation of herpes, sunbathing and going to the solarium are not recommended. If overheated, the virus will become active and new rashes may appear on the body. The disease can occur with complications such as chills, fever, fatigue. In addition, you should not go to public places if you have herpes, as you can infect other people.

      Many people are concerned about this question: after suffering from herpes, can you sunbathe or visit a solarium?

      Going to the sea or to the solarium is not prohibited, you just need to follow certain rules:

    • Limit your exposure to the sun; it is advisable to go to the sea before 11 o’clock in the afternoon and after 17 o’clock, when it is not so hot.
    • Water helps attract the sun's rays, so it is better to avoid sunbathing and swimming in reservoirs from 12 to 16 hours.
    • You must use sunscreen. Lips can be lubricated with a special lip balm against sun rays.
    • Wear a hat to prevent overheating of the body.
    • In hot weather, you should not drink cold drinks from the refrigerator.
    • Sunbathing in a solarium is not recommended if you have herpes. There is an opinion that the solarium dries out the bubbles with liquid and a crust forms faster. This is not true; overheating and solarium during the period of exacerbation of the disease are contraindicated, as it can cause a burn to the affected skin. If your skin is sunburnt, then the next day herpes will appear on your lips. Subsequently, light spots on the face or a burn scar after herpes may remain.

      An infected person can infect other people who come to the solarium. After all, the infection continues to live for several hours after touching the affected skin.

      You can visit the solarium only during the period of remission, when there is no trace left of herpes.

      During this period, the following recommendations should also be observed:

    • go to the solarium, choosing a minimum session to maintain an even tan;
    • Before the procedure, the skin is treated with sunscreen;
    • lips and hair must be protected.
    • Prevention

      Only a healthy person can go to the solarium, because with any disease the immune system suffers and it cannot cope with the herpes virus. Overheating is one of the factors that contributes to the awakening of infection.

      In the summer, sunstroke and prolonged swimming in cold water (hypothermia) can cause herpes. Therefore, you should wear a hat and change wet clothes promptly, and do not swim in cold water.

      Is it possible to sunbathe with herpes at sea?

      First of all, it is necessary to determine the type of virus - it can be simple or genital. The first most often affects the skin on the face, especially in the area of ​​the lips and nose. In some cases, rashes may also appear on the cheeks, forehead, ears, fingers, lower back and other parts of the human body. As its name suggests, genital herpes affects the genital area. It is important to note that in both cases, the rashes can also be localized on the mucous membranes of the skin.

      Depending on the type of virus, the period of exacerbation - or relapse, if the infection occurred in the past - manifests itself differently. It is during this period that sunbathing is not recommended. Moreover, this applies not only to sunbathing, but also to visiting a solarium. Although some tanning salons advertise that tanning helps get rid of herpes, this is not true.

      Solar herpes: spots not exposed to the sun...

      Many are accustomed to thinking that herpes is a manifestation of a cold or hypothermia. In fact, overheating and ultraviolet radiation can also cause the virus to become active. This phenomenon is called solar herpes and can take you by surprise during a long-awaited vacation on the seaside.

      Causes of solar herpes

      Why is this happening?

      In principle, herpes after sun exposure can occur in anyone. The following categories are most susceptible to it:

      By the way, relapse of herpes often occurs during trips to warm countries or upon returning from them. This is due to the fact that the human body undergoes acclimatization, and during this period its protective functions always decrease.

      Is it possible to sunbathe with herpes?

      People with herpes believe that the manifestation of this disease becomes more active during cold weather. Few people know that herpes from the sun can also manifest itself as rashes on the lips, the skin around the lips or other parts of the body. It often happens that the disease worsens during a holiday at sea or immediately upon return. The culprits for this are the acclimatization period, prolonged exposure to the sun, hypothermia in water, and cold drinks.

      How does the sun affect the skin?

      The effects of sun rays on human skin are so diverse that it is difficult to draw the line between benefits and harmful effects. Ultraviolet light triggers many processes necessary for the normal functioning of the body: the production of serotonin, the synthesis of vitamin D, stimulation of the regenerating properties of cells. The damage from the sun is also significant: destruction of collagen and premature aging of the skin, causing cancer. Therefore, patients with the herpes virus are wondering whether it is possible to sunbathe with herpes.

      The dangers of the sun for people with herpes

      Outside the human body, herpes is an unstable virus and quickly dies in direct sunlight. But the pathogen feels great in the body even when exposed to the sun - prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation reduces a person’s immunity and activates a “dormant” disease. If rashes have already appeared on the lips or other parts of the body, there is a possibility that they will increase and damage new tissues. Some categories of people are more susceptible to relapses of “solar herpes” than others:

    • “northern” type - with light skin and hair;
    • whose skin burns easily from the sun;
    • with chronic liver or kidney diseases;
    • on whose body there are multiple moles;
    • Fans of a deep tan.
    • Herpes “wakes up” in the sun and, in addition to painful ulcers on the lips, symptoms such as fever, chills and a feeling of soreness and fatigue in the muscles and joints appear. At the same time, it is advisable to avoid visiting public places - the risk of infecting other people is high. Doctors agree in answering the question whether it is possible to be exposed to ultraviolet radiation (in the sun or in a solarium) if this virus is present in the body - definitely not. But this does not mean that you will have to sit indoors all summer. If you follow the recommendations, you can sunbathe moderately in the sun or go to a solarium.

      Tanning in the sun

      Solar herpes is a common disease that can appear when exposed to ultraviolet rays.

      Virus carriers ask how to protect themselves from the excessive destructive effects of ultraviolet radiation and not ruin their vacation. First of all, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system: a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, hardening, playing sports and taking immunomodulatory drugs will reduce the number of relapses of the disease and increase the body's resistance. And when going to the beach, it is important to use the following recommendations:

    1. Do not stay in direct sunlight for a long time. Come to the beach in the morning and leave before 11 o'clock. After the 17th day it is permissible to get a tan.
    2. Do not sunbathe while in water, and dry your body immediately after swimming - water enhances the effect of ultraviolet radiation.
    3. A hat is required. Even on a cloudy day, the skin is exposed to the sun, so you should not stay in open spaces.
    4. Use special cosmetics for sun protection. Apply it to all exposed areas of the body.
    5. Drink cold drinks with caution - they can “awaken” the virus.
    6. During an exacerbation of herpes disease, sunbathing is strictly prohibited.

      Tanning in a solarium

      The now fashionable trip to the solarium with herpes is extremely undesirable for people with this disease. Staying in a solarium during an exacerbation of herpes disease is strictly prohibited; it is better to postpone this visit for 6 months, until stable remission. You need to choose the shortest sessions, protect your lips and hair, and apply a protective cosmetic to your skin. After obtaining the desired tan, reduce to a minimum or even avoid visiting the solarium. Remember that in a solarium there is also a risk of contracting a virus.

      Final word

      Herpes is an extremely unpleasant disease that can ruin a person’s life. Timely prevention and proper treatment of the virus can put it into an inactive state for a long time and forget about its painful symptoms. If you follow medical recommendations and pay attention to your health, you can get a beautiful, even tan and enjoy your long-awaited vacation.

    Many are accustomed to thinking that herpes is a manifestation of a cold or hypothermia. In fact, overheating and ultraviolet radiation can also cause the virus to become active. This phenomenon is called solar herpes and can take you by surprise during a long-awaited vacation on the seaside.

    Causes of solar herpes

    Usually, for people, herpes and the sun are unrelated concepts. However, as practice shows, some people regularly suffer from exacerbations of herpes virus infection in the summer, when solar radiation is most active.

    Why is this happening?

    In principle, herpes after sun exposure can occur in anyone. The following categories are most susceptible to it:

    • People with the first skin phototype. These are those who have very fair skin, blond hair and blue eyes. Their skin is too sensitive to sunlight because it contains little melanin (a pigment that protects against the effects of ultraviolet radiation).
    • People with a lot of moles. For them, herpes in the sun is also more likely.
    • Children. Moreover, the younger the child, the more susceptible he is to the effects of the virus due to overheating in the sun.
    • Those with diseased adrenal glands or liver.
    • Tanning enthusiasts. Herpes and sunburn are often associated when a person suffers from rashes and during the cold season. This suggests that his immunity is weakened, and then an ordinary trip to the sea may result in a relapse.

    By the way, relapse of herpes often occurs during trips to warm countries or upon returning from them. This is due to the fact that the human body undergoes acclimatization, and during this period its protective functions always decrease.

    Herpes can also occur in hot weather, as the body overheats. As a result, the body endures too much stress and becomes vulnerable to infections that lie in wait for it.

    Who else needs to be careful with sunbathing is people taking certain medications. Usually the doctor warns that the drug makes the skin more sensitive to the sun. This is also indicated in the instructions, so always read them carefully.

    Symptoms of the disease

    If you look at the photo of solar herpes, you will see that it is no different from your usual “cold” on the lips. It all starts with a burning sensation or slight discomfort in the area of ​​the skin where the rash should appear. In some cases, a slight fever may occur.

    Then a rash appears that looks like small blisters filled with fluid. After a few days, they open and form wounds, which become crusty as they heal.

    Herpes from the sun on the lips lasts just as long as a normal one. The whole process takes about a week.

    Sometimes rashes can appear on any part of the body. Interestingly, those who are sunburned are more susceptible to them. Apparently, this is due to a decrease in local immunity due to sunburn.

    Homemade recipe. Flax and honey. Reminder!

    Treatment of solar herpes

    Treatment for sun herpes is also identical to the treatment for regular herpes. It includes several components:

    • Antiviral ointments containing acyclovir, valacyclovir or famciclovir. They do not kill the virus, but slow down its reproduction and put it into hibernation mode.
    • Antiviral tablets. They are needed if large areas of skin are affected. Herpes after sunbathing on an arm or leg must be treated only with their use, since ointments alone will not be enough. The tablets contain the same active ingredients as topical preparations.
    • Stimulation of the immune system. There are special medications that can boost immunity, but this is best done using natural remedies. So, fruits high in vitamin C and echinacea tincture can greatly help you with this.

    And also, while you have rashes, it is better not to swim, as this can provoke new relapses.


    Rather than treating herpes from the sun, it is better to prevent it. It's not that hard to do. You really have to deny yourself something.

    • Give up the habit of sunbathing to a “black” state.
    • Visit the beach only in the morning or evening. The period of active sun should be spent in the shade or indoors.
    • Be sure to use sunscreen.
    • Dry yourself after swimming because water droplets on your skin act like lenses, attracting sunlight.
    • Do not wear cosmetics or perfume before going to the beach.
    • Be attentive to your caring cosmetics to see if they contain components that make your skin more sensitive.
    • If you are taking any medications, check with your doctor to see if you can go sunbathing.

    Video. New Information on the Science of Healing Herpes