National language. Official language

Language is the most important means of human communication, cognition and creative development of the surrounding reality.

Russian language is the national language of the Russian people. The Russian national language developed in the 16th-17th centuries. in connection with the formation of the Moscow State. It was based on Moscow and adjacent local dialects. The further development of the Russian national language is associated with its normalization and formation in the 18th-19th centuries. literary language. The literary language combined the features of northern and southern dialects: in the phonetic system, the consonants corresponded to the consonants of the northern dialects, and the vowels were closer to the pronunciation in the southern dialects; the vocabulary has more overlaps with northern dialects (for example, rooster, but not roars, wolf, but not Biryuk).

Old Church Slavonic had a significant influence on the formation of the Russian national language. His influence on the Russian language was undoubtedly beneficial: this is how borrowings entered the Russian literary language temper, drag out, ignoramus, head, etc., Russian participles with suffixes -ach (-yach) were replaced by Old Slavonic participles with suffixes -ash (-box) (burning instead of hot).

In the course of its formation and development, the Russian national language borrowed and continues to borrow elements from other, unrelated languages, such as, for example, French, German, English, etc.

The national Russian language is a complex phenomenon, heterogeneous in its composition. And this is understandable: after all, it is used by people who differ in their social status, occupation, place of birth and residence, age, gender, level of culture, etc. All these differences between people are reflected in language. Therefore, language exists in several varieties:

· Territorial dialects, as a local variety of language, exist in oral form and serve mainly for everyday communication (for example, bustle, instead of drizzle, rukoternik, instead of towel and etc.).

· Vernacular- a variety of language used in the speech of poorly educated native speakers (for example, TV set, instead of TV, play instead of play, you bake, instead of you bake and etc.).

· Professional jargons is a type of language that is used in the speech of people of the same profession (for example, spark, instead of spark from the drivers, batten down the hatches, instead of close the sailors say, training aircraft called ladybug pilots, etc.).

· Social jargons use socially isolated groups of people in their speech (for example, spur, stepyokha- from student jargon, ancestors, horse racing- from youth slang, etc.).

· Territorial dialects, professional and social jargons, vernacular are included as an integral part of the national Russian language, but the basis, the highest form of existence of the national language is literary language. It serves various spheres of human activity: politics, legislation, culture, art, office work, everyday communication.

One of the main signs of literary language - normalization. The normalization of a literary language lies in the fact that the meaning and use of words, pronunciation, spelling and the formation of grammatical forms are subject to a generally accepted pattern - the norm. Along with normalization, the literary language has the following characteristics:

Resilience (stability);

Mandatory for all native speakers;


Availability of functional styles;

Availability of oral and written form.

In accordance with the “Law on the Languages ​​of the Peoples of Russia”, the Russian language, which is the main means of interethnic communication of the peoples of the Russian Federation, in accordance with established historical and cultural traditions, has the status state language throughout Russia.

Functions of the Russian language as the state language:

1. Russian is the language in which the highest legislative bodies of the Russian Federation work.

2. The texts of laws and other legal acts are published in Russian.

3. Russian as a state language is studied in secondary, secondary vocational and higher educational institutions.

4. Russian is the language of the media.

5. Russian is the language of communication in the fields of industry, transport, communications, services and commercial activities.

On the territory of Russia with its multinational population, the “Law on the Languages ​​of the Peoples of Russia” guarantees and ensures, along with the functioning of the Russian language as the state language, the creation of conditions for the development of the state languages ​​of the republics of the Russian Federation, for the preservation and development of the languages ​​of small peoples and ethnic groups.

The Russian language is not only the language of interethnic communication between the peoples of Russia, but also the peoples of the former CIS.

The functions of the Russian language are not limited to life within the nation and the Russian state, but also cover international spheres of communication, since the Russian language is one of the world languages. World languages ​​are those that are means of interstate and international communication.

The Russian language has become one of the world languages ​​since the middle of the 20th century. The number of people who speak Russian to one degree or another now exceeds half a billion people. The Russian language meets all the requirements for world languages:

  • The Russian language is a means of communication among scientists, one of the languages ​​of science.
  • Russian is studied as a foreign language in many countries around the world.
  • Russian is the working language of such international organizations as the UN, UNESCO, etc.

The Russian language is the language of the richest fiction, the global significance of which is exceptionally great.

ID: 2016-01-231-A-6014

Original article (loose structure)

Kochetkova T.V., Rempel E.A.

GBOU VPO Saratov State Medical University named after. IN AND. Razumovsky Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation


The article examines a number of issues related to modern language policy. The focus is on the role of the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation, as a means of interethnic communication and international integration.


Russian language, Russian world, Russian literature, Russian education


The great purpose of the Russian language throughout the history of the development of our state has worried the best minds. Thinkers, scientists, poets, and writers tried to give a precise definition of language. Language was interpreted both as a way of doing things, and as the art of controlling the minds of people, and as an indicator of intelligence, and as a manifestation of the strength and power of human character, and as the key to all knowledge. The entire history of the spiritual life of the people is truthfully reflected in the depths of the Russian language.

Pyotr Andreevich Vyazemsky, Russian poet, translator, critic, publicist, historian, statesman, literary colleague of A.S. Pushkin, comparing the difficulty of mastering the language with the violin, warned his compatriots that mediocrity on one or another instrument is intolerable.

The Russian language is the core of the Russian world. The nation is brought up and strengthened on it. A person, his active civic position, his tastes, preferences, and habits are shaped by his native language. Language allows a person to realize himself as an individual, to feel that he belongs to his native country, and to learn the laws of human interaction. In Russia, the education of a person and a citizen through words has always occurred throughout his life, unobtrusively and heartfeltly. Despite any everyday trials, it is important for a Russian person to preserve the verbal symbols of the Motherland in his soul. They can be a mother's lullaby, the first Russian books for the little ones, Russian folk tales, Russian literary classics, drinking songs that unite people in grief and joy, the greeting of the first teacher, parting words from a professor, support from a coach, and many others. A person and his worldview are formed under the influence of historical, literary and cultural sources.

The importance of the Russian language in our time is great. This is the state language of the Russian Federation, the language of science, culture, education, state and public institutions, the language of the entire complex of media, the language of professional diplomacy and international cooperation.

Universally good command of the Russian language, competent and appropriate Russian speech is necessary for the prosperity of the entire country and each of its residents.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russian language policy underwent significant changes. However, in recent years, one can note a number of different effective attempts to create a new language policy, taking into account the latest realities of the time.

Since 1985, on May 24, Russia has widely and solemnly celebrated the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture, glorifying the creators of the Slavic alphabet, great educators, and Orthodox saints Cyril and Methodius. This date is extremely significant for Russia and for all Slavic countries.

Today, the international holiday Day of Slavic Literature and Culture in Russia has been filled with new content. On this day, in the very heart of Moscow, on Red Square, a unique demonstration of the national unity of our country takes place through the mass performance of people’s favorite songs. The entire history of the Fatherland clearly appears in the songs being played. The performances of choirs and favorite artists are enthusiastically joined by everyone present on Red Square - veterans, career military personnel, students, children, Muscovites and numerous guests of the capital from other cities of our country. The people know very well the words of the songs that have become iconic for different stages of the life of our Motherland. People sing selflessly, supporting thousands of combined professional and amateur choirs, various creative groups, and their favorite artists with their sincere singing.

The festive concert on this day becomes all-Russian. It is picked up by many large and small cities of Russia: St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Saratov, Samara, Orel, Bryansk, Ryazan, Kaluga, Novy Urengoy, Nizhnevartovsk, Krasnodar, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, Nakhodka, Ussuriysk, Arkhangelsk, Pskov, Velikiy Novgorod, Krasnoyarsk, Omsk, Yalta, Sevastopol. A single national concert is broadcast by various state television channels.

On this day, the consolidation of our society around fundamental, moral principles and age-old national traditions, without which no individual, no family, no society, no great state can exist, is especially noticeable. The simple words of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' are close and understandable to the people: “Enlightenment is the enlightenment of the mind and heart, Saints Cyril and Methodius insisted on this. The combination of knowledge, intelligence and spirituality is the strength of the nation, the strength of the people!”

Before our eyes, language education is gradually turning into an important strategic task for the development of modern Russian society. In this direction, the country's leadership, public organizations, and professional communities of philologists are taking various measures. For example, 2007 went down in history as the Year of the Russian Language. In this regard, the Russian language was considered as a powerful social factor in the interaction of different countries and peoples, a stimulus for the development of cultural, legal, economic and political relations in the modern world. With the help of the Russian language, education with words, and introduction to reading, the spiritual unity of the Great Country continues.

In 2011, Russian Language Day, which is celebrated on June 6, the birthday of the pride of Russian culture A.S., becomes a new Russian and international public holiday. Pushkin, poet, writer, playwright, creator of the modern literary Russian language. Works by A.S. Pushkin is loved by every person living in Russia and representing the Russian world abroad.

2015 has been declared the Year of Literature in Russia. The purpose of it is to remind people of the exceptional importance of Russian literature and its special mission in the history of our country. The year is intended to return Russia to the status of the most reading nation, to instill in the younger generation a love of real literature, to introduce young people to the masterpieces of Russian classics and journalism, and the latest in modern literature. With the help of books, more than one generation of Russians was brought up, their artistic taste was formed, moral guidelines were determined, and their linguistic sense was honed.

The role of Russian language and literature lessons in the spiritual and moral development of schoolchildren and students is great. The famous words of Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky have not lost their relevance: “...that literary work is moral, which makes a child fall in love with a moral act, a moral feeling, a moral thought expressed in this work.” A book in Rus' has always been perceived as a discovery of the world, a path to high thoughts and great feelings. From books they learned good Russian speech, patterns of behavior, the basics of education, standards of morality and conscience. As you know, the basis of writing is the alphabet. The Russian alphabet, like no other in the world, can be represented in full by the names of great writers and poets: A Khmatova A.A., B Unin I.A., IN Eresaev V.V., G Ogol N.V., D Erzhavin G.R., E Senin S.A., AND Ukovsky V.A., Z Amyatin E.I., AND lf I.A., TO Rylov I.A., L Ermontov M.Yu., M Ayakovsky V.V., N Ekrasov N.A., ABOUT Strovsky A.N., P Asternak B.L., R Adishchev A.N., WITH Altykov-Shchedrin M.E., T Urgenev I.S., U Shinsky K.D., F Onvizin D.I., X Lebnikov V.V., C Vetaeva M.I., H Ukovsky K.I., Sh Melev I.S., SCH Ipachev S.P., E Renburg I.G., YU Gov A.K., I Zykov N.M.

The whole world recognizes Russian geniuses of the word: Lomonosov M.V., Pushkin A.S., Tolstoy L.N., Dostoevsky F.M., Chekhov A.P., Sholokhov M.A.

The ways to develop and improve modern philological education are outlined in a comprehensive document - “The Concept of School Philological Education”.

On June 9, 2014, in order to ensure the development, protection and support of the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation, the Russian Language Council under the President was created.

The Council’s tasks include determining priority areas for supporting the Russian language in Russia and abroad, coordinating the activities of public associations and organizations; analysis of the implementation of supervised programs and projects aimed at protecting the Russian language and literature. The great-great-grandson of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, Vladimir Ilyich Tolstoy, was appointed Chairman of the Russian Language Council.

Post-perestroika times have radically changed the usual and natural conditions for the functioning of the Russian language. Traditionally, for many years, Russian was considered as a native language for a certain category of students; it was studied in national schools and used in the USSR as a language of interethnic communication. For foreign citizens there was a subject “Russian as a foreign language”.

After global social changes, an increase in the scale of migration flows, and social transformations, the linguistic picture of the country changed before our eyes. Teaching the Russian language in schools and universities cannot be done in the old fashioned way. Today, more than ever, it is necessary to use the latest teaching methods and techniques. For example, in recent years, in the modern student environment, the heterogeneity of the level of proficiency in the Russian language has clearly emerged. Currently, different categories of students are studying at Russian universities: students for whom Russian is their native language; students for whom Russian is not their native language, but they are citizens of Russia; students from other countries for whom Russian is a foreign language. However, among foreign students there are increasingly those who have an excellent command of the Russian language and understand Russian speech well, and among Russians there are already frequent cases where students have poor command of the Russian language and distorted understanding of the content of Russian speech.

Multiethnicity has firmly established itself as a characteristic feature of the young Russian state. Work to support and preserve the Russian language acquires a special status, since the Russian language contributes to the effective dissemination of the spiritual, cultural and historical heritage of our multinational and multi-religious state. The Russian language is the basis of interethnic interaction and unity of the peoples of our country.

Russian is the third most spoken language in the world. Over 500 million people speak it. Throughout the globe it is perceived as the language of science, progress and culture. Representatives of different nations willingly communicate in Russian outside the main territory of its distribution, speaking not only with the original speakers of the Russian language, but also among themselves.

Russian language is one of the most developed world languages. It has an extensive vocabulary fund, rich and developed terminology for all existing branches of science and technology. The Russian language is characterized by brevity and clarity of lexical and grammatical means, a developed system of functional styles, and the ability to embody the entire diversity of the surrounding world in oral and written speech. The Russian language is flexible and expressive; it is possible to convey the subtlest shades of thoughts. Most of the world's scientific works and works of art have been translated into Russian.

Activities to preserve and develop the Russian language are, first of all, a large and systematic effort to disseminate the Russian language and popularize Russian culture in the world. This is exactly what well-known public organizations have been doing for many years - MAPRYAL (International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature, from 1967 to the present) and ROPRYAL (Russian Society of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature, from 1999 to the present).

Among the organizations helping to strengthen the position of the Russian language, the Russkiy Mir Foundation currently deserves special attention. The priority in the activities of this fund is the creation of Russian centers abroad, offices of the “Russian World”, conducting educational programs, trainings, implementing information projects, organizing festivals of Russian culture. As of 2015, about 90 Russian World centers were registered in more than 40 countries.

The Russian world is not only Russians, not only our compatriots in countries near and far abroad, but also emigrants of all waves, immigrants from Russia and their descendants. These are also foreign citizens who speak Russian, study or teach it, that is, all those who know Russia and are sincerely interested in it, who care about its present and future. Through the awareness of involvement in Russia, the term “Russian World” was born, which incorporated multi-ethnicity, multi-religiousness, social and ideological heterogeneity, multiculturalism, territorial affiliation and geographic segmentation.

Having formed the “Russian World” as a large-scale project, Russia has acquired a new identity, new opportunities for fruitful cooperation with other countries and additional incentives for its own development


1. Karasik V.I. The language of social status. - M.: ITDGK "Gnosis". — 333 p.

2. Kochetkova T.V. Fluency in the state language of Russia is the key to high quality professional education and career growth. // Medical education 2013: collection of abstracts. - M.: Publishing house of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenova, 2014. P. 236.

3. Kochetkova T.V., Barsukova M.I. The word in the work of a doctor (Culture of a doctor’s speech) To be understood: The culture of Russian speech and human speech culture. / Ed. ABOUT. Sirotinina. - M.: Book house "LIBROKOM", 2009. - P. 155-165.

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Russian is the language of interethnic communication. The importance of the Russian language is great. This is explained by the fact that it acts in different conditions both as the native language of the Russian people, and as the state language of the Russian Federation, and as one of the world languages ​​of communication in the near and far abroad.

“World languages ​​are some of the most widespread languages ​​spoken among themselves by representatives of different peoples outside the territories inhabited by people for whom they were originally native.” In determining the composition of world languages, the number of speakers of it is taken into account both in the country where native speakers live and beyond its borders, authority, and the role of the country of this language in history and modernity; the formation of a national language with a long written tradition; established norms, well researched and described in grammars, dictionaries, and textbooks.

World languages ​​cover international spheres - diplomacy, world trade, tourism. Scientists from different countries communicate in them, they are studied as “foreign languages” (that is, as a compulsory subject in universities and schools in most countries of the world). These languages ​​are the "working languages" of the United Nations (UN).

The official world languages ​​of the UN recognize English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Chinese and Hindi. Any document at the UN is distributed in these languages.

The Russian language has become a generally recognized world language since the mid-twentieth century. Its global significance is due to the fact that it is one of the richest languages ​​in the world, in which the greatest fiction has been created. Russian is one of the Indo-European languages, related to many Slavic languages. Many words of the Russian language have entered the languages ​​of the world without translation. These borrowings from or through the Russian language have been observed for a long time. Back in the 16th-17th centuries, Europeans learned through the Russian language such words as Kremlin, Tsar, Boyar, Cossack, Kaftan, Izba, Versta, Balalaika, Kopeck, Pancake, Kvass, etc. Later, the words Decembrist, Samovar, Sundress spread in Europe , ditty, etc. As evidence of attention to changes in the socio-political life of Russia, words such as perestroika, glasnost, etc. have entered the languages ​​of the peoples of the world.

The richness of the Russian language and the literature created in it arouses interest in this language throughout the world. It is studied not only by students, schoolchildren, but also by adults. In order to provide assistance in teaching the Russian language outside our country, the International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature was created in Paris back in 1967. MAPRYAL publishes magazines and methodological literature in our country for foreign teachers of Russian language and literature, and holds international Russian language Olympiads among schoolchildren from different countries.

Today, the opinion of skeptics about the Russian language cannot be called the best. Along with English, which is used in most countries of the world, Russian occupies a lower position. However, despite this, in a number of countries it is the second language spoken by citizens, and is also used as a means of adaptation for Russian-speaking tourists. What is the Russian language and speech communication on an international scale today?

Russian language in international communication

Modern Russian is used in various areas of international and interstate communication. For example, it is actively used as a means of communication between scientists (about 70% of scientific literature is published in English and Russian). It is also a means of transmitting information in world communication systems - radio broadcasts, airlines, etc.

The Russian language as a means of communication occupies fifth position in the world. However, not only this indicator makes it a “world” language. It all depends on the globality of the population that speaks this language, as well as on the number of countries where the language is a means of communication between people in higher circles (diplomacy, administration, etc.). Russian classical literature of the 19th century contributed to the development and spread of the language in Europe and Asia. In the 20th century, the growth in the number of people speaking Russian was facilitated by various events taking place in Russia - social, economic and political.

The events of the 20th century played a huge role in the development of the Russian language as a means of interethnic communication, when during the existence of the USSR Russians were the largest nation, and throughout the territory of the countries of the union the population spoke mainly Russian. According to data for 1989, during the All-Union Population Census, it became known that out of 285.7 million people, approximately 145 million were Russian, and about 232 million people spoke the language.

Today, national, ethnic and social factors allow the Russian language to successfully maintain its international and interethnic status. This is greatly facilitated by representatives of various ethnic groups living in Russia and coming to the country to work, as well as persons living outside its borders.

As for modern interethnic politics, the Russian language as a means of business communication is at a high level. It is one of the most developed languages ​​in the world. Its success is due to its rich vocabulary, brevity and clarity of vocabulary and grammar, as well as the ability to reflect in speech all the characteristics of the surrounding world. Particularly important is the fact that the Russian language can be used in almost all spheres of life in world society. In particular, this includes numerous branches of science and technology. Everything is transmitted in Russian shades of thoughts, a wide variety of information, and fiction and scientific literature in Russian have long received worldwide recognition.

The Russian language and the culture of communication in modern society are at a high level due to the development of grammatical and lexical semantics, the presence of special terminology, the stability of the generally accepted standard of the Russian literary language, as well as the competent relationship between written and spoken language.

The Russian language has retained its uniqueness for many centuries thanks to the creativity of the Russian people, various figures in science, culture, technology and politics. Thanks to the talent of its various speakers, the language of the Russian people has become rich, stylistically balanced and capable of satisfying national and universal linguistic needs. And the maximum completeness of its functions, compliance with literary norms and ease of translation and perception ensured the high communicative and informational value of the Russian language in international communication.


“Russian language as a means of interethnic communication”

Subjects of the project: students, teachers, parents, library, social partners of the MKOU “Gymnasium No. 5 named after. A.A. Aliyev" Kizilyurt

Content block of the project passport

Block Description

Project abstract

The project is aimed at strengthening and expanding the possibilities of using the Russian language as a means of interethnic communication, improving the quality of in-depth knowledge of the Russian language, and developing civic competence using the Russian language.

The project is dedicated to the Russian language as a powerful means of interethnic communication, friendship, and unity between the peoples of the Russian Federation.

Within the framework of the project, a number of events are planned to arouse interest in the study of the Russian language and literature through a system of master classes on the culture of speech, a competition in Russian calligraphy, a correspondence competition of presentations “My Pushkin”, an exhibition dedicated to the Russian language and A.S. Pushkin, public readings of poems about the Russian language “Revived Lines”. During the course of the project, problems in teaching Russian as a non-native language will be identified and proposals will be made to solve them.

The Russian language is the national language, the exponent and custodian of the spiritual culture of the Russian people.

As a means of interethnic communication, the Russian language helps solve the problems of political, economic and cultural development of a multinational country - Russia. This language plays the role of an intermediary between all the languages ​​of the peoples of our republic, serves the mutual enrichment of national cultures, since works of fiction of all nationalities are translated into Russian.

Today, the Russian language is not only a means of communication between the peoples of Dagestan, the peoples of Russia and beyond, it has become for us an important factor in the flourishing of our national cultures. Dagestanis through the Russian language have directly become familiar with Russian fiction, scientific and socio-political literature.

Through the Russian language, our peoples began to study the works, cultural monuments and literature of other peoples, both in our country and around the world.

Finally, through the Russian language, the Russian and world readers became aware of the best works of Dagestan writers. In conditions of multilingualism (there are fourteen written state languages ​​in the republic), only the Russian language is capable of being a language of interethnic communication.

    In Dagestan, the Russian language serves as a factor of consolidation, bringing together all Dagestan peoples into a single multinational people, which received its confirmation in the Constitution of the Republic of Dagestan.

2. Description of the problem

Citizens of Russia understand the importance of the Russian language as a way of consolidating the peoples of our country, but today indifference, selfishness, cynicism, and disrespect for the state language are widespread in the minds of young people. This causes concern for the future of Russia, but the fate of the country fully depends on the development of society, the basis of which is the generation of young people. According to L.N. Tolstoy, “a person’s morality is visible in his attitude to the word.”

The problem is recognized as a discrepancy between the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities in the subject “Russian language” and the expected results enshrined in various government documents. Analysis of the regulatory framework that determines the status of the Russian language, the features of its state legal support and ensuring the rights of citizens to use it, the specifics of the functioning of the Russian language in the national republics of the Russian Federation, consideration of fundamental documents in the field of language policy, such as the laws “On the languages ​​of peoples” Russian Federation”, “On the state language of the Russian Federation”, “On education”, Government Resolutions “On approval of the rules for the preparation of normative legal acts of federal executive bodies and their state registration”, “On the procedure for approval of the norms of the modern Russian literary language when used in quality of the state language of the Russian Federation, the rules of Russian spelling and punctuation”, “On the creation of the Interdepartmental Commission on the Russian Language”, “On the federal target program “Russian Language” for 2011 - 2015” (Government Resolution dated June 20, 2011 N 492 “ ABOUT THE FEDERAL TARGET PROGRAM "RUSSIAN LANGUAGE" FOR 2011 - 2015" (as amended by Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 2, 2012 N 281), the personal self-awareness of teachers of the pedagogical community of the Russian language and literature require the organization of activities to find means of changing the situation. I believe that the main means at this stage can be a gymnasium that purposefully works to solve the problem.

The official language in our country is Russian. But this does not mean that other languages, for example, Avar, Kumyk or Chechen, are somehow worse. However, what is a citizen of his Fatherland inextricably linked to? With the Motherland, with its history, culture, traditions and, of course, with the language. The purpose of raising M.V. Lomonosov saw the education of a citizen whose main qualities are “selfless service to the Motherland, hard work, high morality. It is impossible to raise a citizen without love for one’s history, native language and literature.”

I conducted a sociological survey “Language is the basis of citizenship” in different social groups: schoolchildren, parents and school graduates, residents of the village of Novy Sulak. The survey results showed that all respondents knew which language is the official language of the Russian Federation and are confident that the Russian language plays a consolidating role in society, but 81% made spelling errors, 29% believe that there is no need to know the norms of the Russian language. This is due to the fact that the formation of an attitude towards the Russian language as a value and the wealth of our people is problematic.

Preserving the language, caring for its further development and enrichment is a guarantee of the preservation and development of Russian culture, therefore every citizen of the Russian Federation, no matter who he works, no matter what position he holds, is responsible for the state of the language of his country.

Who owns the Russian language?

The Russian language is the national heritage of all peoples of the Russian Federation. Our state is proud of each of the languages ​​spoken by its citizens and strives to preserve them.

According to the population census, representatives of over 160 nationalities live in Russia today, and each of them has its own language, unlike the others. The Russian language is the state language, it is very important to understand how acute the problem of development, preservation of the Russian language, protection and struggle for its purity is for us and for all civil society. This will help strengthen the national character, patriotism and citizenship of our people. Caring for the Russian language is one of the components of the national idea. The Russian language is not only an opportunity to be heard and understood in any, most distant, corner of our country, it is also a linguistic picture of the world as a dynamic entity, reflecting linguistic intervention in reality. Appreciating and treating the state language with care is a responsibility and component of citizenship of a Russian.

3. Objective of the project

Preservation and protection of the Russian language, its popularization as a means of interethnic communication to solve common political, economic, cultural, social problems, strengthening friendly ties between peoples living in the territory of Novy Sulak;

Forming an attitude towards the Russian language as a value of life, as a means of preserving the culture of a Russian citizen;

Fostering the responsibility of the younger generation for preserving the integrity, wealth and purity of the state language, and therefore the Fatherland as a whole, through the creation of the youth movement “Heirs of the Russian Language”;

Improving the quality of educational skills, linguistic, cultural, and civic competencies of gymnasium graduates.

Project objectives:

1. Develop a sense of personal responsibility to future generations for the preservation of the Russian language.

2. To form ideas about the Russian language as the language of the Russian people, the state language of the Russian Federation, a means of interethnic communication, consolidation and unity of the peoples of Russia, a means of preserving the culture of a citizen of Russia.

3. To attract the attention of schoolchildren, youth and the general public to the problems of language culture.

4. To develop civic competence among the younger generation.

5. Ensure the vital activity of the youth movement “Heirs of the Russian Language”

    Finding ways to solve the problems of teaching Russian as a non-native language, improving speech culture.

    Unlocking a person’s creative potential through familiarization with Russian calligraphy and the creation of creative works

    Introducing representatives of different generations and nationalities to the heritage of A.S. Pushkina, M.Yu. Lermontov, poets, composers of Pushkin’s era through participation in the competition “Love, appreciate and know the Russian language...”

Research methods:

    analytical reading;

    search, contextual analysis;

    study of monographic publications and articles;


    questionnaire, survey.

Project product

Group projects (abstracts and presentations)

Project object:

Language, its history, development, problems.

Project subject:

Project activities aimed at increasing interest in the language, as well as organizing search and research activities with students.

Didactic goals of the project

Formation of independent work skills.

Formation of creative abilities.

Development of cognitive activity.

Development of communication skills.

Formation of critical thinking.

Methodological objectives of the project

Learn to work with various sources of information, express thoughts briefly and scientifically.

Demonstrate the connection of the Russian language with other sciences.

Learn to draw conclusions, argue and prove them.

Teach students to use information correctly.

Develop self-education skills;

Develop teamwork skills;

Develop the ability to formulate a problem and find ways to solve it;

Develop self-control skills.

Target groups for which the project is directed:

schoolchildren, parents, teachers, residents of the village of Novy Sulak.

Project implementation mechanism

A person’s personality includes such components as knowledge (includes knowledge of spelling, spelling and punctuation norms of the language), motivational (awareness of the need for competent Russian speech when applying for a job, in a career and in everyday life) and communicative activity (communication in Russian language and its use in everyday life, scientific and professional spheres) .

At each stage of personal development, the most significant tasks are the education of a citizen and a patriot, the formation of a sense of patriotism through the development of love and respect for the language, literature and values ​​of national culture.

This project consists of two stages. The first of them will be implemented on the basis of the MKOU “Gymnasium No. 5 named after. A.A. Aliyev" Kizilyurt. In the future, it is planned to repeat the activities of this stage on a city scale.

Stage I “Russian language “as an ecological disaster zone”:

Conducting a sociological survey “Language is the basis of citizenship”;

Literary competition among students in grades 5-9 “Whoever loses their native language will be left without a homeland”;

Interschool Olympiad “Russian is my second language”;

- “The Russian language is the national heritage of the Russian state, of every true citizen of the Fatherland!”;

Publication of a number of articles on the problems of the culture of Russian speech and preserving the integrity of language and society in the newspaper “Kizilyurt News” and “Teacher of Dagestan”;

Distribution of leaflets “Speak correctly!” (spelling cards);

Creation and functioning of the group “Heirs of the Russian Language” in the social network of educators and / or info lessons;

Stage II of the project “You still don’t know Russian - then we’re coming to you!”:

Involvement and training of activists, dissemination of project ideas in the process of this training;

Creation of a coordination group “Alive as Life” on the basis of the resource center - MKOU “Gymnasium No. 5 named after. A.A. Aliyev" Kizilyurt

Discussion of the question “Know Russian, why?” in the format of direct dialogue with students and parents and residents of the village;

Creation of a blog to discuss the state of the Russian language in the village;

PR campaigns “Our strength is in unity!”, “You may not be a linguist, but you must be a citizen!”;

Conducting a photo shoot for young people “We’re filming against the backdrop of Pushkin, friends...”;

Organization of the campaign “Gift for a newborn - the first book in life.”

Methods and forms of project implementation:

1) Carrying out social campaigns and events in defense of the state language;

2)Uniting the younger generation into the youth movement “Heirs of the Russian Language”;

3) Organization and holding of an interschool Olympiad and competition among schoolchildren “Russian is my second native”;

4) Creation of a project website;

5) Conducting a number of flash mobs;

6) Discussion of the problem in the newspaper “Kizilyurt News”;

7) Conducting PR campaigns;

8) Organization of trainings on the culture of the Russian language;

10) Development of teaching aids.

Project implementation schedule

Stage I : September – December 2018

Stage II : 2019

Expected results

1. Increasing the interest of the younger generation in the ideas of the movement;

2. Creation and operation of centers: “Unified language - strong country”, “Alive as life” (on the basis of the MKOU “Gymnasium No. 5 named after A.A. Aliyev” in Kizilyurt);

5. Program and content of trainings “Russian language for students - parents”

6. Methodological subscription (a series of consultations on the Russian language for everyone).

7. Implementation of the idea of ​​​​forming an interactive Russian language service.

8. Inclusion of students and teachers in the study of the Russian language within the framework of the scientific and social program for young researchers “Step into the Future.” “S.I. Ozhegov repeatedly repeated the idea that experimental research and a permanent service of the Russian word are needed. Surveys of the state of norms of the literary language, analysis of current trends and forecasting of the most likely paths of development - these are the aspects<…>“reasonable and objectively justified normalization” of the language constitutes an important part of the activities of the speech culture department today.” We will allow ourselves to add: not only departments of speech culture, but, first of all, the citizens themselves, students, their parents, residents of the village of Novy Sulak.

The Russian language continues to be a means of communication across vast territories that include both Europe and Asia. It is the state language of Russia, the status of the Russian language in the Russian Federation is determined by the Law of the Russian Federation on the Russian language. The leading role of the Russian language in the Russian Federation is determined by its social functions - it is the language of interethnic communication and a means of uniting the peoples of Russia, the native language of more than 80% of its citizens.

The state takes care of the preservation of the Russian language and literature.

And in conclusion, I want to quote L.I. Skvortsova “Nowadays, the Russian language is undoubtedly intensifying its dynamic tendencies and entering a new transition in its historical development. Now, of course, it is too early to make any predictions about the paths the Russian language will take, serving the development of new forms of consciousness and life activity. After all, language develops according to its own objective internal laws, although it reacts vividly to various kinds of “external influences.”

That is why our language requires constant close attention and careful care - especially at the critical stage of social development that it is experiencing. We as a whole must help language discover its original essence of concreteness, definiteness of formulation and transmission of thought.”

“Society is confused, society is split, and without the Russian language and Russian literature we cannot find a way to each other,” says Natalia Solzhenitsyna, president of the Alexander Solzhenitsyn Russian Charitable Foundation.

    Take care of the Russian language and literature! This is our national pride.


    Vvedenskaya L.A. Russian language and culture of speech: a textbook for universities. - 30th edition. – Rostov-n/Don: Phoenix, 2011.

    A.L. Arefiev. Russian language at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries. (Electronic resource). - M.: Center for Social Forecasting and Marketing, 2012.

    K. Chukovsky “Alive as Life”, Ed. "Young Guard", 1962

    L.I. Skvortsov. Ecology of the word, or Let's talk about the culture of Russian speech, 1996

    Federal Law on the Russian Language.

    Federal Target Program “Russian Language for 2016-2020”

    National program for the support and development of reading for 2007-2020.

    Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.

Internet resources:

Consultant Plus .



Survey on the topic “Popularization and preservation of language and literature”

    What place do the Russian language and literature occupy in modern society?

    Name the functions of the Russian language.

    Do you think there are problems in the field of Russian language and literature? Which?

    Do you read books?

    Why is interest in reading declining in society?

    Explain the reasons for the state's attention to the functioning and preservation of the Russian language and literature.

    What policy is the state pursuing to strengthen the position of the Russian language and literature in the modern world?

    What organizations, periodicals, and television programs work to popularize the Russian language and literature?

    In your opinion, what measures should be taken to save the social status of the Russian language and literature?