Folk recipes for hair growth and thickness. Masks for thicker hair at home: making your hair more beautiful

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


Every woman thinks about what steps to take to look great. An important detail of the image of a modern girl is her hairstyle. But no fashionable styling will help if the hair has a dry structure. Various means help restore their health and beauty. Among them, effective homemade masks for hair growth and thickness have become widespread. Self-made cosmetics will cost a woman less than professional products, and there will be no doubt about its quality.

The most effective

Many women turn to masks to give their hair a beautiful look and restore its health. Various homemade cosmetics help restore hair after dyeing or an aggressive blonde bleaching procedure, are effective against hair loss, and add shine and volume. There are several main types of mixtures that act in different ways:

  • For food. They are distinguished by a high content of vitamins, which improve the condition of the scalp, follicles and strengthen the hair structure. As a rule, these products have a high percentage of fat content, so they cannot be used daily, otherwise the strands will become heavy and greasy.
  • Warming up. Used as a hair mask against hair loss, as a growth stimulator. Such creams warm the skin well, providing improved microcirculation of blood on the head. Due to blood flow, the follicles are activated, which helps increase the growth rate. These products may be suitable as a preventative treatment for male pattern baldness. The heating agent for growth must be used carefully, otherwise there is a risk of skin burns.
  • Recovery. If the ends are split, the strands have become dry, thin after frequent dyeing or bleaching, they urgently need strengthening and nutrition. Restoring vitamins contained in special natural masks will cope well with this. They will add softness, provide shine, and help prevent further split ends.
  • Carers. If the fair sex does not have problems with hair, useful products that need to be used four times a month are great. They promote hydration, nutrition, and protect against the destructive effects of the environment. Care is especially necessary if a representative of the fair sex uses a curling iron, hair dryer, straightener, or varnish. Fast-acting components will help make strands soft and easy to comb.
  • Strengthening. After the hair restoration period, a woman can begin to use mixtures with a strengthening effect. These products will help protect your strands from falling out, prevent split ends, and ensure their softness and silkiness. Many strengthening products contain nutrients.

Homemade for all types

Many girls wonder: how to make their hair thicker and grow faster? Folk recipes will help them with this, describing how to create excellent homemade masks. There are chocolate, burdock, mustard, yeast, pepper and many other products that will help make your strands silky. Thanks to them, hair will be stimulated and its volume will greatly increase. Some are applied before shampooing, others after washing. Below, read popular hair recipes with step-by-step instructions.


A mustard mask for hair growth will be an excellent addition to your weekly care; it will help improve blood flow to the follicles and enhance hair growth.

  • two tablespoons of mustard powder (liquid mustard is not suitable for hair);
  • any vegetable oil (sunflower, olive) – two large spoons;
  • yolk part of the egg;
  • sugar (it is advisable to use granulated sugar) - two teaspoons.

  • Mix the ingredients. If you are performing the procedure for the first time, you can add a small spoon of sugar. The sweet element enhances the burning properties of mustard, and for the first time this amount may be enough.
  • Add two tablespoons of heated liquid to the mixture.
  • Gently apply to the roots using massage movements.


  • Before doing the procedure, do not wash your hair for a couple of days.
  • Put on a shower cap. Cover your headdress with a towel. Keep the mixture on your head for no more than half an hour, but you can wash it off earlier if it burns too much.
  • Wash your hair. Use shampoo and end cream.
  • For oily types, you need to repeat the procedure once every five days. For normal hair – once a week, for dry hair – once every 10 days.

Find out more about why it is useful, as well as other recipes for its preparation.


Burdock is great for accelerating the growth of hair strands, helps against hair loss and strengthens the hair structure.

  • burdock oil (two large spoons);
  • egg yolk.

How to create and apply a mask for hair growth and thickness:

  • Heat the oil slightly.
  • Beat the yolk separately.
  • Combine the ingredients by mixing them thoroughly.
  • Take the oil-egg mixture with your hands and rub it into the scalp, remembering to massage. Distribute the oil over the entire length using a thin plastic comb.
  • After application, keep on your head for sixty minutes. Rinse thoroughly using shampoo.
  • Use once a week.

Pepper is an intense growth activator that helps make them thick, shiny and beautiful.

Ingredients of the pepper mask:

  • four tablespoons of honey;
  • a tablespoon of ground pepper.

How to do:

  • Heat the honey or melt it a little if the product is candied.
  • Mix with pepper.
  • Apply to the strands, cover them with a cap and a towel on top.
  • Keep it on for half an hour, but if you feel an unbearable burning sensation, wash it off earlier. It is recommended to make a stimulating mask up to two times a week. After thirty days of use, tangible results will be visible.

Cognac, which has warming properties, will help make hair thick, improve hair growth and prevent hair loss. Honey, yogurt, vinegar, lemon juice, castor oil, herbal ingredients, henna can also be used with it.

What you will need:

  • a tablespoon of alcoholic drink (for oily strands take strong cognac, for normal, dry strands - weaker);
  • egg yolk;
  • honey - a teaspoon.

Recipe and application:

  • Combine all ingredients in a shallow container.
  • Carefully distribute along the length.
  • Leave for sixty minutes. Place some rosemary in water and rinse your scalp to remove the smell of alcohol.

With yeast

A simple anti-hair loss mask with yeast will be an instant help if you need to speed up the growth of strands and provide them with nutrition.

  • yolk;
  • growth oil (for example, argan, almond, jojoba);
  • burdock oil and yeast - a large spoon of each component;
  • herbal decoction (chamomile, nettle, burdock or a mixture of them can be used as the main ingredient).

Recipe and application:

  • Yeast with decoction (you need a little), leave for half an hour in a warm place.
  • Add the rest of the ingredients, stir well.
  • Using massage movements, rub the resulting yeast cream into the roots, then spread over the entire length.
  • Cover your head with plastic or a bag. Wrap with a towel. After an hour, wash off the product. To achieve a lasting positive effect, use the recipe twice a week for a month or two.

With vitamins B6 and B12

The basis of masks for the treatment of hair with damaged structure is vitamins B6 and B12. Various aromatic oils, castor, camphor oil, linden infusion, garlic, aloe are combined with this ingredient.

What you need for a simple recipe:

  • three ampoules of vitamin B6 and the same amount of B12;
  • yolk;
  • a tablespoon of shampoo.


  • Connect the components.
  • Apply along the entire length.
  • Keep for at least sixty minutes.
  • Rinse thoroughly. You can repeat the procedure once a week.

If you don't know how to increase hair volume, use gelatin. This component saturates the hair with protein and makes it shiny.

  • three tablespoons of water (warm, do not use hot);
  • half a large spoon of balm;
  • a tablespoon of gelatin.

How to make and use:

  • Pour gelatin with warm water. Stir. Cover the container with a lid and let it brew for twenty minutes.
  • If the ingredient is not completely dissolved, heat the mixture in a water bath without letting it boil.
  • Add a little balm to the cooled mixture and stir.
  • Apply to ends. Do not use this clear cream on your roots or scalp.
  • Hide your hair under a bag, cover with a towel and warm it with a hairdryer. Leave for thirty to forty minutes.
  • Rinse with water.
  • Repeat the procedure once a week to get strong, thick hair.

From onions and honey

Onion will saturate, strengthen the strands, help accelerate its growth and restore radiance.

  • bulb;
  • a teaspoon of honey.

  • Chop the onion on a fine grater.
  • Mix with honey.
  • Apply to the roots and along the entire length, leave for sixty minutes.
  • Wash off with shampoo.
  • You need to repeat the procedure once or twice a week.

With castor oil

Castor oil can make strands manageable, shiny, and helps accelerate their growth.

  • half a glass of kefir;
  • a tablespoon of castor oil.

How to make your hair thicker with this oil:

  • Heat kefir in a water bath to low (room) temperature.
  • Add castor oil to it and mix.
  • Rub the prepared mixture into the roots, wrap with film. Keep it under a towel for half an hour.
  • Rinse off with warm water and shampoo.

With essential oils

Essential oils serve as a component of creams, homemade masks, compresses, helping to restore health, radiance to the hair, making it thick and long.

Composition of the growth mask:

  • four tablespoons jojoba oil;
  • three drops of ylang-ylang;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • a teaspoon of cognac.

How to cook:

  • Heat the base oil – jojoba – in a water bath.
  • Mix the remaining ingredients with it.
  • Apply to strands and roots. Wrap in cellophane and a towel. Keep on your head for 2 hours.
  • Wash off with shampoo.
  • Repeat the procedure once a week.

Cinnamon masks stimulate follicles, promoting accelerated hair regrowth.

Composition of the nutritional stimulant:

  • five large spoons of olive oil;
  • liquid honey (one third of a glass);
  • a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and the same amount of crushed cloves;
  • a third of a teaspoon of hot pepper.

  • Heat olive oil and honey using a water bath.
  • Add the remaining ingredients, stir until dissolved.
  • Apply to clean roots.
  • Put on a shower cap and a towel on top. Leave for forty minutes.
  • Wash off with shampoo. Repeat once a week.

With sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil strengthens hair; it is also an easy way to make hair smooth when combing, soft and healthy.

Ingredients of the cream for oily hair:

  • castor, sea buckthorn oil - two large spoons each;
  • 2 yolks.

  • Mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  • Apply to scalp and wrap.
  • Wait half an hour.
  • Wash off the product with shampoo.


To strengthen their hair, many girls use nightly homemade masks. They have many advantages over salon products, since they will contain exclusively natural ingredients, and the composition will be cheap. In addition, overnight treatments will be convenient for those who do not have time to do full hair care during the day. Which formulations are suitable for night use:

  • nutritional products with essential and vegetable oils;
  • growth-stimulating, which includes warming components (mustard, coffee cake, tea leaves, ginger product, vodka tinctures);
  • strengthening agents with honey, yeast, fruit juice.

Before use, it is advisable to massage the head to activate hair follicles and increase blood flow to the skin. You should not put caps or plastic wrap on overnight masks so that the epithelium can breathe. Before going to bed, you need to cover your pillow with a towel. Helpful tip: using cling film, you can wrap it around part of your head, collecting your hair. This will allow the skin to breathe, and the hair will not interfere during sleep.

Video recipes

To help you make a good product yourself, many people who understand cosmetology create useful videos. The fascinating videos show recipes for preparing various formulations that will be useful for enhancing growth, improving thickness, activating hair follicles and strengthening the scalp. Watch five interesting videos where you will see the creation of a yeast, cinnamon, cocoa mask and a product with sour cream and kefir.

Problems such as thinning, dryness, and lack of volume do not upset a girl as much as thinning hair. Homemade thickening masks are a great way to make hair thicker. Naturally, folk recipes will not increase the amount of hair on the head, because thickness is solely a genetic factor. But such hair products work great against hair loss; as a result, they stop the thinning of strands and awaken dormant hair follicles, starting the process of rapid growth, which means the hair becomes thicker. In addition to restoring thickness, homemade recipes make thin hair thicker, restore damaged ends, and revive colored strands.

A homemade mask for thicker hair is made from fresh and natural products. As a rule, folk masks are prepared with your own hands for one time; when stored for a long time, they simply lose their properties.

Depending on the ingredients, effective masks have individual characteristics in preparation:

    1. When using gelatin in a recipe, it is pre-soaked with water in a ratio of 1:3, where 1 part of gelatin granules and 3 parts of liquid are taken. After swelling, this is about a quarter of an hour later, the gelatin is melted without allowing it to boil, and then mixed with the main mass.
    2. If you are preparing an oil mask to increase hair thickness, it is recommended to warm all oils, except esters, to a comfortable temperature, do not boil;
    3. Yeast masks are prepared in almost the same way as gelatin ones; in a separate bowl, dry yeast is poured with water (kefir, herbal decoction) and allowed to stand for at least 20 minutes until it rises, then mixed with the main mass;
    4. Before using any mask to increase the thickness of your hair, it is important to familiarize yourself with its contraindications and conduct an allergy test. If you have intolerance, in order not to harm yourself, you should use another medicinal composition;
    5. A homemade mask is applied mainly to a clean head. It is worth starting to apply starting from the roots, gradually going down to the ends;
    6. In order for hair treatment to be effective, after treatment with the mixture, the head is wrapped warmly. First, put on a plastic bag or shower cap, and cover it with a towel or scarf;
    7. The exposure time is at least 40 minutes, if desired, you can leave it overnight;
    8. Recipes for hair thickness must be used in a course of 10 procedures, after which a break is taken.

Video: How to make hair thicker at home

Homemade mask recipes for thicker hair

The best masks for thickness are those that you prepare yourself. They provide the necessary hair care based on your needs. Basically, they help eliminate thinning hair, make voluminous curls, and are often used for rapid growth. Oil formulations in combination with cocoa, for example, increase fluffiness.

Mask for thickness and growth

Result: a composition with essential oils is used for accelerated growth of hair of any shade.


    • 7 drops of ylang-ylang extract;
    • 7 drops tea tree;
    • 2 tbsp. l. coffee grounds;
    • 30 ml chamomile decoction.

Prepare the chamomile, infuse it, strain it. Combine all the ingredients and let it brew for a quarter of an hour. We first apply the finished mixture to the scalp, then distribute it along the length of the strands. Wrap it up for at least 50 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

Result: fruits are often used in hair treatment, for example, citrus will help tone the hair follicles and stop hair loss, cognac will improve regrowth, and in general this recipe will noticeably increase thickness.


    • 4 tbsp. spoon of cognac;
    • 1 orange;
    • 2 eggs.
Preparation and method of application:

Beat the eggs until foamy, pass the citrus through a meat grinder with the peel. Mix everything, add alcohol, apply. We put on a shower cap and a terry towel, wait 35-40 minutes, wash well.

Mask for thickness and volume

Result: an effective product for thickness, honey, thanks to its numerous components, nourishes, restores and makes curls airy.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades.

But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.


    • 3 tbsp. l. herbs:
    • for redheads - calendula;
    • for blondes - chamomile;
    • for dark-haired people - St. John's wort;
    • 40 ml honey.
Preparation and method of application:

We brew the herb that suits you, following the instructions on the package. Mix the finished broth with a beekeeping product. Wet the head and strands well with the resulting solution. We wrap ourselves in film. After 45 minutes, wash it off.

Mask for thickness and strengthening

Result: as you know, a mustard mask helps against hair loss and growth, and also solves the problem of bunching of hair.


    • 3 tbsp. l. mustard powder;
    • yolk;
    • 30 ml water;
    • 40 ml olive oil.
Preparation and method of application:

Heat the olive oil slightly and mix with the beaten yolk. Separately mix the mustard and water and combine with the base. We distribute the finished mixture over the head, starting from the roots and going down to the ends. The period of exposure under the hood ranges from a quarter of an hour to 1 hour, it all depends on the degree of burning.

Mask for thickening and density

The result: a simple mask that will significantly increase the thickness of the hair curl.


    • 4 tbsp. l. soy protein;
    • 3 tbsp. l. powdered sugar;
    • water or decoction.
Preparation and method of application:

We dilute the protein with liquid until it becomes thick sour cream, mix in the powder. Apply the paste to moistened strands and roots. Wrap it in polyethylene for 45 minutes. Rinse well.

Mask for thickness and shine

Result: few people know about the use of tomatoes in cosmetology, but here is a ready-made example, a hair mask. It will help restore shine to your hair. Only ripe tomatoes are needed. An arbitrary number of tomatoes, depending on the length of the hair, three on a fine grater or chopped in a blender. Cover the entire head and strands with the prepared fruit drink. After 30 minutes, rinse thoroughly.

For fine hair

Result: gives hair shine and volume.


    • 50 gr. honey;
    • 250 gr. cognac;
    • 1 tbsp. coarse salt.
Preparation and method of application:

Mix the products, place in a glass container, close tightly, and leave for 14 days. Apply the prepared solution to the scalp and along the length of the curls, and wear under the film for an hour. Wash off in the usual way.

For oily hair

Result: castor oil nourishes, adds radiance, adds thickness, and removes sebum.

Components, 50 ml of oils:

    • burdock;
    • castor;
    • and 1/2 lemon.
Preparation and method of application:

Prepare a warm base and combine with citrus juice. We process dry, clean strands along the length and massage. After 45 minutes, remove the warm cap and remove the mixture.

For dry hair

Result: an excellent moisturizer for dry hair - a mask of oils. The mixture with burdock oil nourishes, fills with vitamins, and restores thickness.

Components, 20 g each. oils:

    • coconut;
    • almonds;
    • burdock;
    • and 5 drops of rosemary ether.
Preparation and method of application:

Mix the base oils, heat them, add ether. We treat the entire head with the resulting mixture and wrap it for an hour. Wash off well with shampoo.

Super thick - recipe from oils

Result: a mixture with coconut oil nourishes and restores damaged strands.

Components, 35 g each. oils:

    • jojoba;
    • coconut;
    • 1 tsp. cognac;
    • 1/4 lemon;
    • 5 drops mint extract.
Preparation and method of application:

We make an oil solution, heat it, enrich it with ether and cognac. We first lubricate the crown of the head with the resulting mixture, then distribute it along the length with a comb. We wear it under the cap for an hour and thoroughly wash our hair.

From an egg

Result: an egg mask is an excellent solution that adds volume, shine and thickness to your hair.


    • a pair of eggs;
    • 200 g of water.
Preparation and method of application:

Beat the eggs, mix with water, mix thoroughly. Rinse your hair with the resulting solution or carefully apply it to each strand separately. We warm up for 60 minutes.

Video recipe: Egg mask for thicker hair at home

From honey

Result: adds thickness, activates active growth.


    • 120 ml vodka;
    • 40 gr. honey;
    • 1 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt
Preparation and method of application:

We mix all the products, close them in a jar, and let them sit for 14 days in a dark, cool place. After a while, apply the solution with massage movements and wrap it up warmly. We wait an hour and wash it off.

From mustard

Result: in combination with the yolk, it stops hair loss, increases the rate of regrowth, making curls thick and strong.


    • 40 gr. mustard powder;
    • 50 gr. water;
    • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
    • yolk.
Preparation and method of application:

Dilute mustard with warm liquid, mix with sugar and yolk. We process the entire head and strands, wrap it in plastic and a towel for at least a quarter of an hour. Let's remove it.

From dimexide

Result: increases density, adds radiance, nourishes with vitamins, starts the process of rapid regrowth.


    • 2 tsp each vitamin: retinol and tocopherol;
    • 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
    • 50 gr. burdock;
    • 1 tsp. dimexide.
Preparation and method of application:

Heat the base oil, combine it with a vitamin cocktail, juice and dimexide. Apply under the film for 55 minutes.

With yeast

Result: improves density by stopping alopecia and improving growth, adds radiance.


    • yolk;
    • 1 tbsp. l. yeast;
    • 50 grams of almond oil;

20 ml of decoction from:

    1. Nettle leaves for dark-haired people;
    2. Daisies for fair-haired people;
    3. Calendula for redheads.
Preparation and method of application:

Prepare the decoction according to the instructions on the package. Pour the yeast into it and leave it to ferment. Combine almond oil with beaten yolk, yeast and process your hair from roots to ends. We wear it under the hood for 55 minutes.

From bread

Result: bread recipes stop baldness and make hair thicker.


    • 50 gr. rye crumb;
    • ½ l kefir.
Preparation and method of application:

Soak the crumb with fermented milk product, leave to stand for 30 minutes until completely swollen. Mash into porridge with a fork, apply to the top of the head, the rest along the length. We put on a warm hat for an hour and wash it off.

With kefir

Result: a mixture of clay and fermented milk product improves the condition of the skin.


    • 1 tbsp. fermented milk product;
    • 2 tsp. any clay;
    • 2 slices of black bread.
Preparation and method of application:

Soak the bread in a fermented milk product, crush it with clay, and knead it into a paste. Apply at the roots and along the length, wash off after 45 minutes.

With burdock oil

Result: restores shine and thickness, improves hair growth, nourishes the skin.


    • yolk;
    • 40 gr. burdock;
    • 2 tsp. cognac;
    • 30 ml honey;
    • 2 tsp. aloe juice
Preparation and method of application:

Heat the oil, combine with the rest of the products, process the crown and the entire length of the strands. We put on a shower cap and a towel for 1.5 hours. Wash in the usual way.

With gelatin

Result: thickens the hair shaft, making the hairstyle more voluminous and thicker.


    • 3 parts liquid;
    • 1 part gelatin;
    • 2 tsp. castor oil;
    • 2 tsp. burdock
Preparation and method of application:

We dilute gelatin with water in the proportions indicated earlier in the article, mix in the oils, apply evenly to the head and strands. We wrap ourselves in film and a towel for an hour. We wash it off.

With cognac

Result: cognac compositions strengthen the roots and prevent hair loss.


    • 200 ml cognac;
    • yolk;
    • lemon;
    • 5 tbsp. l. olives.
Preparation and method of application:

Mix everything, process the strands, put on an insulated cap for 50 minutes. Rinse with water and shampoo.

With pepper

Result: improves blood flow, nourishing follicles, activates growth, adds volume and shine.


    • a pair of yolks;
    • 1 tbsp. l. ground red pepper.
Preparation and method of application:

Beat the yolks, pour the pepper into them, and mix thoroughly. We process the crown and curls, wrap them with film and a scarf. After 40 minutes, wash off the composition; if the burning sensation is severe, you can do it earlier to avoid burns.

With onion

Result: onion mask has always been famous for its positive effect on hair. Eliminates alopecia, improves growth, adds shine.

Components, 1 tbsp. l.:

    • onion juice;
    • honey;
    • olive oils.
Preparation and method of application:

We get fresh juice from the onion and combine it with the rest of the ingredients. Rub the resulting composition into the skin and distribute the remainder according to growth. We wrap our heads for an hour. We wash it off, to eliminate the unpleasant aroma of onions, you can rinse your hair with water and essential oil of lavender or any other.

Surely every representative of the fair sex, who has not been blessed by nature with thick and long curls, has thought about ways to give volume to her hair and speed up hair growth.

Unfortunately, hair thickness is a factor that depends solely on a person’s genetic characteristics. In this case, not even the most advertised products can increase the thickness of your hair. But if the desire to get gorgeous hair is very high, then a wide selection of folk masks for fast hair growth at home will come to the rescue (recipes will be given below).

Home hair care treatments require regularity. There will be no effect from one procedure!

Precautions during manufacture and application

It must be remembered that in pursuit of thick and lush hair, you need to try not to overdo it.

It is not advisable to carry out the process of applying the mask more often than indicated in the instructions for it. Moreover, it is also not recommended to increase the concentration of components in the original composition.

This mainly affects home remedies that contain mustard powder, ground red pepper, alcohol tincture of red pepper, cognac and other components.

It is possible that excessively frequent use will lead to drying out of the strands, and instead of a chic head of hair, at the end of the course you will end up with thin, dry and brittle hairs.

In addition, it is necessary keep the composition on your head for no longer than a period of time, which is indicated in the instructions. This can also lead to even more hair problems.

A big role in home restoration of curls is given to the art of applying masks. Firstly, before the procedure It is advisable to thoroughly massage the scalp. It is best to do this ten minutes before treating the scalp with a mask.

During the period of applying the healing composition, it is also recommended to make light massaging movements in a clockwise direction. The process of performing a head massage is important because it activates dormant bulbs. Due to improved blood flow to the hair follicles, curls take on a more voluminous appearance.

Usually the result is noticeable after a week of such procedures.

Typically, restoration procedures take 10-20 sessions. The recommended norm is up to two masks per week. After which it is imperative to give the strands a rest for two to three months. If necessary, repeat the healing course.

Before applying the mask to the scalp, you must carry out a test for the presence of allergic reactions to the constituent structures on a separate area of ​​the skin!

Hair masks at home: for fast hair growth and thickness

1. With kefir and bread pulp

This mask is suitable for owners of absolutely any hair type. Its action is aimed at giving volume and natural shine to the hair, and a mask of this composition is designed to make the curls soft and manageable.

To create a healing mask, you need to take 200 ml of kefir, a teaspoon of henna and two pieces of black bread. Mix the composition, leave to infuse for five minutes, and in the next stage treat the scalp and strands, spreading over the entire length.

Some time before application, the hair must be washed and dried. This mixture should be kept for 30 minutes. At the same time, it is necessary to wrap it with film or a towel.

It is necessary to destroy the composition with a rinse, which consists of warm water with the addition of apple cider vinegar in the proportions of a liter of water to 1 teaspoon of vinegar.

Owners of blond hair should avoid adding henna to avoid changing the color of their curls!

2. Yeast based

This mixture is perfect for owners of any hair type. It has a good nutritional effect. In addition, it adds shine, increases hair density and has a beneficial effect.

You should prepare a solution of the desired herb in advance, mix it with one tablespoon of baker's yeast, one egg yolk.

The full length of hair is treated with the mask. Leave for forty minutes, then wash off with warm water and shampoo. To achieve the best effect, it is advisable to rinse your hair with the remaining broth.

3. With sea salt and cognac

Also ideal for curls of any type. This mask improves the hair structure and adds shine.

It is necessary to combine 0.75 ml of cognac with liquid honey and, the amount of which is one tablespoon each. The mixture is infused in a dark and cool place for two weeks. After which it is applied to the scalp with slow massage movements.

Leave the composition for an hour. If you use a mask for fast hair growth at home, wrap your head with film or a hot towel. It is noteworthy that the procedure must be carried out on dirty hair. It is necessary to rinse off with not hot water with the addition of shampoo.

4. With egg yolk

Also applicable for any type of hair. The action of this composition is aimed at increasing blood flow to the hair follicles.

In addition, the mask perfectly stimulates the growth of new hair, significantly improves the appearance of curls, giving them volume and natural shine.

To prepare, you need to separate the yolk of two eggs and mix with a tablespoon of powdered red pepper or replace it with an alcohol tincture, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. Mix the ingredients, and using massage movements, rub into the scalp. After application, wrap your hair in a hot towel.

Leave the mixture for 45 minutes, then rinse with shampoo, preferably baby shampoo, as this product has a mild cleaning effect.

Attention! If there is a strong release of heat, the mask must be washed off immediately!

5. With lemon, cognac, olive oil and egg yolk

Suitable for any hair type. The composition has a remarkable nutritional effect and productively accelerates the growth of strands.

You should prepare a mixture of homogeneous structure, which includes 4 tablespoons of olive oil, 200 ml of cognac, one egg yolk and the juice of one medium lemon. Rub into the scalp, and distribute the residue throughout your hair. After that, wrap everything in a towel or wrap it in film.

Remove with shampoo after 40 minutes. If there is a need to delete several times.

6. With burdock oil

Good for curls of any type, thanks to the long-known restorative property of burdock oil.

Besides, This composition regulates the amount of hair loss, improves appearance.

You won't need anything else other than two tablespoons of oil. The product must be preheated in a water bath and applied to the scalp and hair along the entire length.

Wrap your hair in a towel and walk with this mask for an hour. Then wash off with shampoo.

7. With a decoction of herbs and egg yolk

Before preparing such a mixture, you need to choose an herb that suits your hair type. The use of this type of composition produces a good cleansing of the scalp and curls. It also adds shine, volume and smoothness.

The decoction is prepared according to the recipe indicated on the box of herbs. Add the yolk to the prepared infusion and mix. Apply the mixture to your hair and scalp, after washing and drying your hair. Wrap your hair in a towel. After 40 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water without using shampoo.

8. With almonds

This is a very interesting home care recipe. suitable for all types of curls. It has good stimulation of hair follicles, significantly improves hair growth, gives it a radiant appearance and volume.

To prepare this type of mask, mix a handful of peeled almonds with a small amount of water until a paste forms. Distribute the mixture over your hair and leave for an hour. Then rinse your hair with running water.

You can make the mask as effective as possible by adding any essential oil in the amount of three drops. I really like the oil.

9. With essential oils

Good for any type of hair. Has a disinfecting effect and strengthens curls. Gives a healthy glow and significantly helps increase hair volume.

Plays the main role in such a mixture. You need to take it in the amount of two spoons, heat it slightly and combine with secondary oils of mint and, 3 and 5 drops, respectively. Rub the oil complex into the root zone of the scalp and distribute along the entire length of the hair, using a comb.

After an hour, wash off the composition with shampoo.

10. With castor oil and alcohol

Also applicable to curls of any type. The action of this composition is aimed at strengthening hairs. In addition, it has a healing effect on the scalp.

You need to take two tablespoons of each ingredient and rub into the root zone of your hair up to two times a week. Leave for half an hour and then rinse your hair with shampoo.

It is best to rinse your hair after washing with a solution that contains a liter of water and the juice of half a lemon.

Recipes with honey and mustard

Mustard is well known for its properties increase blood flow to the follicles, as a result of which hair growth accelerates significantly. Honey is popular for its wonderful nutritional benefits. So the best hair mask should contain at least one of these ingredients.

11. With honey and lemon

A mask for rapid hair growth with honey is perfect for those with oily hair. It has a good cleansing and nourishing effect. In addition, it adds shine and increases hair density.

The structure of this healing product includes burdock and castor oils, the amount of which is 2 tablespoons each.

Supplement them with 4 teaspoons of lemon juice. You need to mix both oils and heat them a little in a water bath. Then remove and add lemon juice.

The process of applying the mask is carried out on washed and dried hair by performing massage movements. This composition lasts for half an hour under a film or towel. The mask is removed using shampoo.

12. With mustard

A very effective mask for rapid hair growth with mustard. Suitable for dry skin. To create a medicinal mixture, take a tablespoon of mustard powder and dissolve quantitatively in any oil. The composition is applied to the head and left for up to 40 minutes. You need to cover your head with a towel or put on a warm cap. Removed with shampoo.

If after a mustard mask you are worried about excessive dryness of your hair, simply add one tablespoon of any oil: olive, sea buckthorn or burdock.

13. With mustard and honey

This is perhaps the most useful mask for rapid hair growth and thickness. It actively stimulates hair growth, restores its appearance throughout, and nourishes it remarkably.

To begin treatment with a healing composition, you need to mix honey, mustard and burdock oil in equal concentrations. Treat the curls along the entire length with the mixture, cover with film and leave for no more than an hour, wrap in a towel. Then remove with shampoo.

Remember that hair care requires regularity! To achieve thick and healthy hair, you need careful and high-quality care. Take note of our recipes for masks for very fast hair growth at home and your hair will never be limp and dull again!

For every woman, beautiful and healthy hair is a component of her success, effectiveness and just a good mood every day. Needless to say, nature has not treated everyone with due attention and understanding, which is why some girls have to be content with what they have. At the same time, there are various recipes for strengthening and increasing the growth of your curls, including often using hair masks, which are quite easy to make at home.

Such measures have begun to be resorted to more often in beauty salons, and many professionals have long recognized their effectiveness, even in comparison with well-known cosmetics.

Basic rules for using masks

As with any other undertaking, to achieve effect, you must follow some principles:

  1. The temperature of the product applied to the hair should not be lower than body temperature. A water bath can be used for this purpose.
  2. The mask should be applied to cleanly washed strands. The product should affect both the hair and scalp. It is best to rub the mixture with light massage movements for several minutes.
  3. After treatment with the composition, the hair must be wrapped. First, you should wrap your head in cellophane or polyethylene, and then put on a hat or wrap it with a towel. Thanks to such actions, the remedy will provide a deep effect.
  4. On average, the prescribed duration for masks to remain on the hair is 30–60 minutes. At the end of the procedure, the hair must be thoroughly rinsed.
  5. Almost all recipes for thickening strands involve application about twice a week within a month. Then there is a month-long pause, which will allow the skin and hair structures to fully recover.

These simple rules, followed at home, will provide proper care and help you quickly achieve an effect on the thickness of your curls.

Classification of masks

Compositions prepared at home for thickness and growth of curls are divided into:

  • nutritional – the main task is to saturate the hair and skin structures with useful substances and microelements;
  • stimulating - the essence is to stimulate the skin, which leads to increased growth of strands.

Now let's talk about them in a little more detail.


Mostly include various oils. In particular, olive oil, burdock oil, and castor oil are in particular demand. The advantage of such compositions is a guaranteed effect, with systematic use no more than once a week. As a minus, it is necessary to mention that they are very difficult to wash off from the head at the end of the procedure. The use of such masks is excellent care for your hair. But here you need to be careful in case of oily strands.

In addition, nourishing masks can be prepared from common everyday products, for example, eggs, honey, bananas, etc., as well as cosmetic clay.


Given the specific action of stimulating masks, they are prepared from more aggressive ingredients such as mustard, onion and pepper. In most cases, such compositions show themselves to be very effective.

It is important to take into account that stimulating masks prepared both in the salon and at home are not suitable for everyone, as they can provoke an allergic skin reaction.

Among the most effective and well-known, it is worth mentioning the mustard mask, which provides excellent care.

List of popular mask recipes

Perhaps, there are hundreds of existing recipes for preparing such masks for the growth and strengthening of strands. In our article we will look at the most effective of them, which have proven themselves among a large number of representatives of the fair sex.

In this case, you can alternate recipes with each other. For example, do one mask for a month, and after a period of rest - another. Or use a different composition each time - it’s all up to you, and only through experimentation will you come to a high-quality result.

Oil mask recipe

The benefits of burdock and castor oil are known throughout the medical and cosmetology world. Fans of alternative medicine often resort to them. To prepare this mixture at home, take 2 tablespoons of burdock oil and castor oil, add a drop of lemon juice, and then stir well. The composition must be treated over the entire surface of the hair, not forgetting the scalp.

After an hour and a half, rinse off the substance with warm water. There are also other recipes using these ingredients, to which other oils can be added in varying proportions.

Egg mask recipe

Compositions based on egg yolks have an excellent effect on the health and appearance of hair. To prepare them, a fresh egg is used, which is mixed with the contents of ampoules of vitamins A and E. The resulting mixture is thoroughly beaten, and then applied to the entire surface of the head. After the required time has passed, rinse your hair with warm water.

Beer mask recipe

Live beer contains vitamins necessary for the growth and thickness of strands. Such masks are easy to prepare at home, and avocado is used as an auxiliary ingredient, which is easy to find on supermarket shelves today.

The pulp is taken from one half of the avocado fruit and mixed with two spoons of beer. It is necessary to beat the mixture until a porridge-like consistency is obtained.

After applying to the hair and waiting 40 minutes, the composition should be washed off with a solution of beer and water (1:3). This will give your hair extra softness and silkiness.

Kiwi mask recipe

For the growth and thickness of oily and not so oily strands, a kiwi mask is suitable, which is also easy to prepare at home. This fruit contains a large amount of vitamin C, which is so necessary not only for curls, but also for the health of the entire body.

At the same time, it also contains other useful microelements, and another advantage of such a mask will be its pleasant smell. In addition, we must not forget about its softness. To prepare the desired composition, you will need 2 kiwi fruits and 2 tablespoons of flour, which must be thoroughly mixed with each other.

The resulting product should be treated at the root zone, and also distributed throughout the hair. After half an hour, the composition is washed off with clean water.

Recipe for burdock-honey masks

These two key ingredients do not require additional advertising and are used productively as traditional medicines. Compositions prepared with their use have a positive effect on the growth and thickness of strands, making hair beautiful and silky.

Burdock oil should be mixed with a spoonful of honey, and a spoonful of cognac and yolk should be added to the resulting mixture. After applying the composition with massage movements to the skin and hair of the head, it is better to make a compress using cellophane or plastic film, over which you can wrap a scarf or put on a hat for a greenhouse effect.

After keeping this mask on your head for 40–60 minutes, you need to thoroughly wash your hair with shampoo. To achieve the desired and quick effect, such recipes should be used for two months with a frequency of 2 times every 7 days.

Indian recipe with burdock

Recipes using Indian burdock mask will not only prevent hair loss, but will also provide care for it, making it spectacular and shiny. Also suitable for oily strands. This mask is easy to prepare at home.

In this case, we will additionally need basma and henna. They need to be prepared in equal quantities and filled with moderately hot water. Now comes the turn of the key ingredient - burdock oil, of which you need to take 20 ml. Egg yolk and 20 g of cocoa powder are also added to the composition.

After thorough mixing, the product is rubbed into the skin and hair and then left there for about an hour. After this time, your hair should be washed well with shampoo. As a finishing touch, you can additionally rinse your hair with non-concentrated lemon juice or a decoction made from birch or nettle.

Honey and medicinal herbs

Honey, as the best remedy for many ailments, will give excellent results if used in combination with various medicinal herbs. Among those that will be convenient to use at home are St. John's wort, nettle, calendula and chamomile.

To thicken the strands, you need to add a little honey to the decoction of these herbs. For greater efficiency, an egg yolk will not be superfluous. The mask is applied to the skin and hair for approximately 30 minutes.

When using such recipes, some resort to yeast as another ingredient.

Medicinal herbs and yeast

If the previous recipe talked about yeast as an optional component of the composition for healthy hair, then here it will become the main ingredient.

You can use any of the herbs listed here. Based on them, you need to prepare 20 grams of decoction, to which add the same amount of grams of yeast. The egg yolk is also placed here, after which the mixture is thoroughly beaten until smooth.

Why is yeast needed? Not only because of the content of nutrients and vitamins in them. Leave the prepared “dish” to ferment for about one hour, then add a spoonful of burdock and a few drops of essential (any) oil.

The mask should be warm when applied. As a last resort, it should be heated in a water bath. The composition prepared at home is applied to the hair, and after 35–45 minutes it is washed off with plain water. Also, when rinsing, you can use the same herbal decoction, which will saturate the hairs with useful microelements.

This yeast remedy will provide excellent care for oily curls, and to achieve quick results, you can use it three times a week for about a month.

At the same time, it is better to choose the herbs on the basis of which the decoction is prepared in accordance with the color of the girl’s strands. So, St. John's wort or oak bark are more suitable for dark-haired beauties. For fair-haired women, chamomile is the best solution.

Recipe for kefir-egg masks

Fermented milk ingredients in combination with the beloved egg yolk will help achieve amazing thickness. Here you will also need cocoa powder in the amount of 1 tsp, which must be mixed with two glasses of kefir. The mentioned egg is also added here, after which the mixture is beaten well and applied to the head.

Modern cosmetics have not been able to displace masks for thicker hair, which are easy to make at home, from women’s everyday life.

Masters of beauty salons are forced to admit that masks for increasing hair thickness made at home are more effective than factory-made products.

But to get the maximum effect, you need to know a few rules:

  • apply natural ingredients, for better absorption of beneficial substances into the skin and their penetration into the hair follicles, it is necessary in a warm form;
  • it is necessary to take into account the portability of a particular component;
  • Before resorting to the procedure, your hair should be washed. The prepared mass is lightly rubbed into the skin first, and then applied to the entire length of the strands;
  • for effective absorption, cosmetologists advise wearing a plastic hat and warming yourself with a towel;
  • It is recommended to select the optimal mask options on an individual basis.

For fine hair

Thin strands can be the result of heredity, improper care, or a sign of vitamin deficiency, but with long-term and correct use of nourishing masks, the quality of the hair improves.

Experts consider the kefir mask to be the cheapest and most accessible.

It is done at night, wrapping the head in a plastic hat and a woolen scarf. The amount of kefir may vary depending on the length of the hair (20-60 g). Frequency of use: 1 time per week.

An hour and a half mask made from egg yolk and an equal volume of honey is also good. The optimal amount of use per week is 2 times, the period is approximately one and a half months.

A mixture of 1 egg white, 1 tsp is considered nutritious and healthy. only squeezed lemon juice, ½ grated ripe pear. The first 2 components are whipped until foamy, then fruit pulp is added. The mask is distributed over the strands with a wide-toothed comb and washed off after a quarter of an hour with cool water.

For oily hair

Oily strands are the result of increased sebum secretion. The reasons may be problems of the endocrine system, improper skin care, and a diet with a predominance of fatty, sweet foods.

A good result is obtained by using a mask where agave juice, preferably dry wine and grape juice, are mixed together in proportions 1:1:1. Using tangential movements, the product is applied with a piece of bandage to the root zone of clean, damp hair, thereby removing excess fat and stimulating hair growth. The procedure is performed 1-2 times a week.

For the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands, use a mass consisting of a spoonful of honey, lime juice, raw yolk and about 2-3 tbsp. l. decoction of agave leaves. The product is rubbed into the base of the hair half an hour before washing. The procedure is repeated 1-2 times a week for 1.5-2 months.

For dry hair

Dry hair is most often brittle due to lack of nutrients, depletion and external influences (hair dryer, sun, chemicals).

The fight against this phenomenon involves the use of:

  • moisturizing masks. For example, mix 2 overripe bananas, a little olive oil and a spoonful of honey in a blender. If you don’t have time to bother with preparing a mask, you can simply rinse your hair with kefir.
  • nourishing masks. For example, egg yolk is mixed with equal volumes of olive, sea buckthorn or burdock oil.
  • masks against baldness. For example, a remedy made from 15 g of honey, 1 small spoon of lime or lemon juice and 2 tbsp. l. camphor.

Alternating masks of such directions will lead to better functioning and awakening of the hair follicles, which can affect the quality of the hair.

Homemade mask for hair growth with aloe

Cosmetologists believe that the effect of restoring and increasing hair length can be achieved by using mixtures with aloe, the vitamins and microelements of which affect hair growth, heal hair follicles, and have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Aloe agave leaves are used to prepare a growth mask.

Juice is squeezed out of them - you will need 50 ml, and tbsp is also added. l. onion porridge, egg yolk, 6 drops of burdock oil. Everything is mixed and applied to clean hair. Keep the product on your head for about 1 hour, wash it off with chamomile infusion and under no circumstances use factory shampoo with chemical additives.

The hair will come to life and become fluffy if you use a combination of mustard honey, 3-4 drops of agave juice, almond oil and 15-20 drops of burdock tincture. The components are mixed and applied to freshly washed hair for about half an hour. Everything is washed off with tincture of currant leaves.

A mask made from agave juice and purchased B vitamins (proportions 1:1) has nutritional and healing properties. The usual method of application is about an hour and a half under a plastic cap, and then rinse off.

Aloe juice mixes well and gives results with such components as various oils, grape wine, parts of dandelion, raspberries and other medicinal herbs. It is recommended to wash off the mixtures using tinctures of medicinal herbs and their flowers..

Masks with agave are used no more than once every 10-14 days, and with constant use, hair can grow by several centimeters per month.

During the entire course of treatment, it is not allowed to use paints that contain ammonia.

The most effective ingredients for masks

From time immemorial, masks for thicker hair have been invented at home and from products available at hand.

From an egg

Chicken eggs are rich in vitamins, proteins, and a complex of minerals. Each of the components has its own functions: proteins make hair shiny, vitamins improve the structure of strands, amino acids fight dandruff.

Mask for hair growth– chicken yolk and 10 g each of mustard powder and burdock oil. The powder is poured with hot water, and the remaining component is added there. It is recommended to wash your hair 1 hour after application.

Mask for treating damaged hair– mix together 1 tbsp. l. freshly ground coffee, 2 raw eggs and 10 g of cognac. After an hour and a half, the mixture can be washed off.

Mask for dark hair. To refresh the color you need to mix 100 g of kefir with 3 tbsp. l. cocoa powder and 1 egg, leave the mixture on your head for 1 hour and rinse.

From honey

Honey masks effectively protect the hair from exposure to high temperatures and chemicals, promote its growth, and nourish the roots. An additional bonus is the properties of medicinal mixtures such as bactericidal and antifungal.

Before applying the mask to your skin, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to honey.

For hair loss A mixture of a small onion crushed using a blender and honey, equal in amount to the amount of onion, works well. The gruel is lightly rubbed into the scalp, the residue is distributed along the length of the hair. After 30-35 minutes you can wash your hair with warm water. If there is significant dryness, you can add a little olive oil to the mask.

For weakened, falling hair Experts recommend preparing the product from potato juice and aloe in equal proportions, and also adding a little honey.

The mixture is used once a week by rubbing it into the root area. Treatment is carried out until the result becomes obvious.

For oily hair A mask of 20-30 g of honey and 2 yolks works well. The product is mixed and applied to washed, not completely dry hair. Wash off no earlier than half an hour with non-hot water. The procedure is repeated every time after the next shampooing.

If you really want to speed up the growth of strands, cosmetologists advise using a combination of 25-30 g of honey and lemon juice. After 10 minutes of use, everything is washed off with water.

From mustard

A mustard mask for thicker hair gives good results. It's easy to make at home. Due to mustard, blood flow to the hair follicles is activated, thereby enhancing the effect of other beneficial ingredients.

It is best to apply the mixture to dry hair. The mild burning sensation experienced is normal.

  • Kefir-egg mask: add yolk and a little mustard to ½ glass of lactic acid drink. The composition is applied to the base of the hair and along its entire length for 30 minutes.

  • Yeast mask: dilute 1 tbsp in slightly warmed milk. l. yeast and the same amount of sugar. The mixture is placed in a warm place for fermentation. After half an hour, mustard and honey are added to this mass in quantities equal to yeast. Everything is mixed and used according to the generally accepted scheme.
  • Hair mask for oily hair: 7-10 g of mustard powder, 75 g of cognac and a little ordinary water are mixed in a bowl.

Correct and regular use of such masks initiates not only hair growth by an average of 3 cm per month, but also an increase in its quantity.

With yeast

The most valuable thing in a yeast mask is considered to be a complex of elements for increasing hair thickness. At home, to prepare a mask you will need 1 tbsp. l. yeast of any consistency and approximately 30-40 g of decoction of medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage, burdock root). Everything is mixed several times over the course of an hour.

The finished product is applied to clean, not completely dried hair and distributed with a soft comb.

After less than an hour, wash your head with warm water and lemon juice or baby shampoo. Treatment course – 2 months, once a week.

Mask for thicker hair at home

For intense hydration Trichologists advise mixing already dissolved yeast (20-25 g) with yolk and 3-4 drops of rosemary essential oil.

For hair thickness and their growth mask, made at home from a mixture of yeast and warm kefir, is the most universal and suitable for almost all skin types. It can be left overnight.

To combat excess oily hair Traditional medicine suggests adding 2 raw egg whites to 40 g of fermented yeast. The composition is applied for half an hour.

Before you start using yeast-based masks, you must be sure to rule out an allergic reaction to this product. To do this, test the product on the skin behind the ear.

From bread

Bread recipes are some of the most ancient; their diversity makes bread masks popular for people with problems in the early stages of baldness, poor hair growth, and dandruff.

An unusual mask made from soaked and crushed crumbs of rye bread, beer and bread kvass, which acts both as a shampoo and as a tonic. Proportions 2:1:1.

To add shine to the strands, take a crumb of rye or black bread, 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 1 tbsp. l. olive oil and 1 beaten yolk. Lightly rub the mixed mass into the scalp. After 40 minutes, you can wash your hair.

The combination of rye bread and infusion of medicinal herbs (oregano, nettle, plantain) treats brittle, split hair. The bread crumb can be soaked directly in the herbal infusion. For 2 hours, with a thermal effect, the product should be on the strands. Everything is washed off with warm water.

With kefir

One of the commonly available products used in the cosmetics industry is kefir. Calcium, lactic acid bacteria, vitamins, and protein from this miracle drink have a beneficial effect on the hair structure, making it moisturized, strong, and able to withstand the negative effects of the external environment.

For dry hair kefir is used as a mask both in its pure form and as a mixture of this drink (100 g) with 10-15 drops of castor oil and raw yolk. The product is left on the hair for 50-60 minutes and washed off.

Kefir mask is one of the most affordable and effective

For hair of varying oiliness A universal mask consisting of dried calendula and chamomile flowers (10 g each), yolk and 3 tbsp. l. the specified lactic acid drink. The flowers are infused in 250 g of boiling water, the liquid is filtered, and the remaining ingredients are added to it. The mask is washed off after an hour with ordinary, not hot water.

The expected effect is the restoration of hair damaged by uncomfortable temperatures (cold, heat, hair dryer) and chemical cosmetics (coloring, perm).

For ladies with normal or fat indicators Trichologists recommend a kefir mixture with cosmetic blue clay (1 tbsp per 100 g of lactic acid product). Apply the product for 25-30 minutes and then wash off with a mild shampoo. After the procedure, the hair receives additional volume and good nutrition.

For dandruff and hair growth problems cosmetologists suggest using a product with an infusion of burdock rhizomes. Kefir and broth are mixed 1:1 and nourish the roots and the hair itself. The procedure is carried out within an hour.

Kefir has the property of stripping color pigments from hair. This has its pros and cons. If there is a need to lighten up a little, then you can use a kefir mask, but if there is no such desire, then it is better not to get carried away with such a mask.

With gelatin

Gelatin masks are very popular among ladies. This substance, being natural collagen, helps not only strengthen hair, but also restore its split ends and damage - a kind of inexpensive way to do home lamination.

Thanks to phosphorus, magnesium, protein and a host of other components, gelatin helps to effectively nourish the scalp and hair itself, making it shiny, elastic and healthy.

The use of gelatin requires knowledge of the basic rules:

  • Gelatin dissolves in warmth with the addition of ingredients of your choice: cream, carrot, apple juice in proportions of 1 to 3.
  • The mask is applied to clean, still damp hair with a brush to color the strands.
  • The hair with the medicinal mass is combed with a soft comb.
  • The head is insulated with a plastic cap and towel.
  • The procedure lasts 40-60 minutes.
  • The product is washed off with shampoo. The use of air conditioners is not recommended.
  • Treatment should be repeated no more than once every 10 days.

Trichologists consider one of the most effective masks to be a gelatin mass with the addition of a glass of water, 5-6 drops of lavender and burdock oils, as well as 15 g of sea salt. The salt is dissolved in non-hot water, gelatin is added, after it has dissolved, the rest is added to the mixture. The mask lasts 40 minutes and is washed off with shampoo.

With cognac

Most often, experts recommend using products with the addition of cognac against oily and split hair strands. This alcohol-containing drink contains tannins and various acids necessary for the normal functioning of hair roots and sebaceous glands.

Ladies with dry and brittle hair should approach cognac treatments with caution so as not to aggravate the problem. More oils and less of this noble drink should be added to the masks.

A composition of 10 g of cognac, the same amount of burdock oil, colorless henna and raw yolk is considered to be universal in its properties. The henna and yolk are ground and the remaining ingredients are added to them. The thirty-minute mask is washed off with shampoo and, to consolidate the effect, the strands are rinsed with a decoction of medicinal herbs.

Effectively affects the proper functioning of the sebaceous glands and well nourishes the hair follicles, a product that includes egg yolk, 1 tbsp. l. almond oil, lemon juice and 10 g skate. Everything is washed off after 30-40 minutes with non-hot water.

With pepper

A mask with red pepper stimulates growth well and awakens hair follicles. The burning sensation of a substance such as capsocin, contained in pepper, activates blood circulation, thereby improving nutrition of the scalp.

In masks used for hair thickness, it is not recommended to use products with ingredients such as lemon, mustard, alcohol, pepper at home, without consulting a specialist.

The base is half a glass of olive oil, which is poured into a dark glass bottle, and 1 small chopped fresh capsicum is added there. The contents of the vessel are infused for 15-20 days in a cool and dark place. The composition is applied to the roots of unwashed hair and is not washed off for about an hour and a half, provided the burning sensation is not severe.

If the pepper “elixir” turns out to be too aggressive, then it can be diluted with an additional amount of pure oil.

To enhance the growth of existing hair and the appearance of new hair, you can mix 1 spoon of pepper tincture and 1 tsp. castor oil To begin with, the mask is applied 2 times every 8 days, then 1 time.

With onion

Beneficial properties and a whole range of vitamins, minerals, acids and oils make onions a good assistant in the fight against dandruff and hair loss.

For people with thin and brittle hair, it is recommended to apply the onion mixture for an hour, with normal hair - for about 2 hours, with oily hair - for at least 2.5-3 hours. Onion porridge is applied an hour or two before washing and repeated 2 times every 8 days for 3 months.

Dandruff is afraid of onion juice.

It is rubbed into the root zone and washed off no earlier than after 45 minutes. If the strands are dry and thin, you can additionally add a little olive or other oil.

Mixture of 1 tbsp. l. castor oil, a couple of drops of rosemary and sage oils, 1 yolk, 15 g of honey, 10-15 g of onion juice and calendula tincture - an excellent remedy for intensive hair growth. The mask is applied with massaging movements to the scalp and washed off after an hour and a half.

With all the positive properties of onions, they also have a negative aspect - the smell. To reduce the unpleasant odor of onions, cosmetologists recommend using juice rather than pulp, rinsing only with cool water, using a rinse, and a decoction of parsley helps well from natural remedies.

Oil recipes

Masks for thicker hair at home are most often prepared with the addition of various oils. Each of them has its own scope and properties.

Burdock mask

If you need to improve your curls in a short time, use express recovery with burdock oil plus 10-15 g of cognac, yolk, lime or lemon juice and vitamin E.

Improving blood circulation after its use helps to eliminate dandruff, accelerate metabolic processes and significantly reduce the amount of hair falling out. Externally, the hair becomes attractive and healthy.

A remedy prepared from one and a half tbsp is considered universal. l. the indicated butter, honey and raw yolk. After 3 hours, wash your hair with sulfate-free shampoo. The visual effect is the shine of the strands and their smoothness, the invisible effect is nourishing the hair roots and moisturizing the scalp.

Thin, lifeless hair can be “treated” with a product of 2 beaten yolks, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice and burdock oil. The procedure lasts 20-30 minutes.

Oil and lemon juice

Dull, thin hair requires a delicate approach.

The health of your hair can be improved by using the juice of 1 slice of lemon together with oil:

  • With coconut oil (80 g) and avocado pulp - to increase hair length and nourish their follicles, as well as to add shine.
  • With almond, argan oils (1 tsp for short hair, 2 tsp for long hair) and yolk - the mixture is used when the strands are damaged or if they are over-dried with a hairdryer, applied before washing your hair for half an hour.

Oil-honey mask

The oil-honey combination is one of the most effective when it comes to weakened, problematic hair.

To enhance the effect of its use and focus on a specific problem, it is recommended to additionally use certain oils (1:1):

  • With burdock oil – to strengthen the roots;
  • With olive oil - to restore cut places;
  • With sunflower – for moisture, radiance and silkiness;
  • With sea buckthorn – fight against dandruff and damage;
  • With peach – to create volume.

Honey and some oils can cause allergies, so before using any combination of products, you should test it on the delicate skin behind the ear.

All masks are considered hourly, it is recommended to wash them off with baby shampoo and use once a week.

Flaxseed oil and mustard powder

For use in hair masks, flaxseed oil is easiest to buy in pharmacies or supermarkets, but you need to be careful when using it - the product quickly reacts with oxygen and loses its properties. A mask with flax oil is applied to unwashed but damp hair.

The growth of curls increases when using 3 tbsp. l. flax oil, cream and 1 tbsp. l. mustard. The mask is applied to the root zone and to the curls themselves. After half an hour everything is washed off.

The mask can be made without cream, but then it is recommended to increase the amount of flaxseed oil.

With castor oil

Anti-dandruff A combination of castor oil, onion gruel (1 tablespoon each) and 15 g of vodka fights successfully. The latter plays the role of a disinfectant, a blood circulation activator and thereby enhances the effect of the other components. The composition is rubbed into the skin with massaging movements, and after 1 hour it is washed off with a mild shampoo.

To accelerate growth A combination of castor oil (20 ml), 2 raw eggs, a decoction of onion peels (50 ml) and 15 g of grated ginger will help. The product is applied to the root zone for 15-20 minutes.

To give your curls a healthy look and in order to strengthen them, you can mix 15-20 ml of castor oil, amp. vitamin E and 5 drops of cinnamon oil. The heated components are rubbed into dry strands. The mask is left on overnight and washed off in the morning.

With sea buckthorn oil

The range of useful substances in sea buckthorn allows it to be used in a variety of medical fields, including trichology.

Hair can become thick and strong when using a mass of yolk, 10 g of sea buckthorn oil and 10 g of trinitozol sold in a pharmacy. To achieve homogeneity, you can add just a little warm water to the components. The procedure is recommended to be carried out 2 times a week.

To restore the health of oily hair, mix approximately 10-15 g of sea buckthorn oil, a few drops of orange oil, a paste of 2 cloves of garlic, a spoonful of colorless henna and 15 g of yogurt. The mixture is rubbed into the base and distributed along the length of the strands. After 30 minutes everything is washed off.

Masks with vitamins B6 and B12

The health of the hair directly depends on the content of a sufficient amount of vitamins in the body, including group B.

For emergency restoration of problematic hair, purchased ampoules with B1, B6 or B12 are used:

  • B12 – has a beneficial effect on the renewal of epidermal cells. The lack of this component causes dryness, itching, and dandruff.
  • B6 – nourishes the hair roots, affects the growth of strands, and stops the harmful effects of cosmetic chemicals and the environment.
  • B1 – is responsible for shine and restoration of the structure of strands.

To strengthen hair and increasing their length, it is recommended to mix 1 amp. B12 and the same amount of ml. pepper tincture. The treatment procedure lasts no more than 15 minutes.

Against baldness and for nourishing the scalp, a composition consisting of a B12 ampoule, a chicken egg, burdock, almond and sea buckthorn oils (20 drops each) is effective. You need to wash off the mask after an hour, preferably with baby shampoo.

For dark hair A universal, general strengthening remedy is recommended: 1 bag of black tea is poured with a cup of boiling water for a quarter of an hour, raw yolk, 1 spoon of agave extract, 1 amp each are added to this infusion. B12 and B6. The resulting product is lightly rubbed into the skin, and then applied to the strands themselves. After half an hour everything is washed off.

Natural masks designed for hair thickness are available to most people at home; their use saves time and money while achieving visible results.

But we must not forget that there are also disadvantages: some masks can provoke allergies, and some, if used incorrectly, can be harmful. If questions suddenly arise and doubts overcome you, you need to seek advice from cosmetologists or trichologists.

Video about masks for hair thickness:

Mask for rapid hair growth and thickness, watch the video tutorial:

How to make an egg mask for thicker hair, watch the video: