World population: where do the most people live? . How many people are there in the world? The most populated countries on Earth

Pidruchny, who finished 29th in the sprint at the World Cup, admitted that he “ran hard.” “It was very hard. I don’t really like this stadium, you don’t feel the World Cup atmosphere here, there aren’t many people. Mostly Russians, drunk! Although the track here is well prepared, there is a lot of snow,” said the athlete.

The Earth's population is the total number of people living on Earth, which reached 7.6 billion people in June 2018. Until the 1970s, the world population grew by

And in fact, most of the world's population lives in a very limited territory, which covers China, India, Japan and Probably, many have heard about how unevenly the population is distributed in the world. And in fact the majority of the population

© Vesti.Economy

Many people have probably heard about how unevenly the population is distributed in the world. And in fact, most of the world's population lives in a very limited territory, which covers China, India, Japan and some other countries in Southeast Asia.

This region has a high population density. And if you look at the map below, it becomes clear how critical the situation in this region is.

When compiling this map, experts compared different regions of the world by population.

As a result, each region was marked with a specific color.

The area shown in red covers part of Bangladesh and three provinces in India.

According to Valery Karbalevich, there is a crisis in the economy of the republic of the model built by the authorities. So he commented on the mass protests against the “decree on parasitism.” “After the Kyiv Maidan, the Belarusian society was frightened by its consequences. Now this “Maidan syndrome” has passed, there is a serious economic crisis in the country, and the population is dissatisfied. All this is now spilling out onto the streets,” the expert noted.

World population in 1900. World population forecast for 2030, 2050, 2100. List of EU countries by population. The official results of the 2001 census determined the country's population at 1,015,000 people, but

And in fact, most of the world's population lives in a very limited territory, which covers China, India, Japan and part of Even in 1950, less than 30% of the world's population lived in cities. However, experts predict that by 2030 over 60

Bangladesh entire territory of the country 172 019 000


IndiaWest Bengal90 320 000

The athlete could be disqualified for violating the competition regulations. The race took place on Sunday, March 19. Fourcade covered the distance in 37 minutes 32.2 seconds (without misses). The second was the representative of Latvia Andrei Rastorguev, losing +17.2 seconds to the winner (two misses). Simon Eder of Austria was third, 32.4 seconds back (one penalty).

According to scientists, by the end of the twenty-first century the world's population will reach the eleventh billion. Where do the most people live? In 2009, an alarm bell rang. The world's population living in cities is equal in size to

The population is more than 9,700,000 people, the density is 23,000 people per km². Dhaka is a center for water tourism, as it is located. In the last century alone, there have been 4 billion more people around the world. This explains the rapid development of technology at all


This territory is only 415,000 square kilometers. This area is smaller than the size of the US state of California.

However, this small area is home to more people than all the areas shown in blue on the map combined.

At the same time, the regions indicated in blue on the map cover a significant territory of countries such as Canada, Australia, Norway, Sweden and Saudi Arabia. The territories of China, the USA and most of Russia are also partially shaded blue.

The following regions are marked in blue on the map:


CanadaEntire territory of the country35,010,000

Saudi ArabiaEntire territory of the country28,123,000

Australia Entire country 22,280,000

RussiaSiberian Federal District19 254 300

Niger Entire country 18,124,000

Kazakhstan Entire territory of the country 16,137,000

Compared to last year, the capital has risen by 15 positions. According to the Worldwide Cost of Living 2017 study, the most expensive cities to live in are Asian cities. Singapore ranks first for the fourth year in a row, followed by Hong Kong. Further third place is occupied by European Zurich. Also in the top ten are Tokyo, Osaka, Paris, New York and Copenhagen.

Therefore, it is very difficult to keep track of how many people live in the world. Today there are about 7 billion people living in the world, it is difficult to give exact data, since the largest population lives in the most developed megacities, where the standard of living

Do you want to know how many people live on earth now? Statistics of the current state of the world population. Counter of population, number of births and deaths, number of migrants and overall growth of the world's population in real time.

MaliEntire territory of the country14,478,000

ZambiaEntire territory of the country14,440,000

RussiaNorthwestern Federal District13,583,800

Chad Entire country 12,620,000

However, the uneven distribution of population is even more noticeable when you look at a map of the world's fastest growing cities.

The map below shows the cities and their population growth rates per hour.

One of the important demographic trends in the world over the last century has been rapid urbanization.

Back in 1950, less than 30% of the world's population lived in cities.

However, experts predict that by 2030, over 60% of the world's population will live in cities.

Top 20 healthiest and happiest countries in the world Top 14 most optimistic countries Top 15 best countries in the world

In developed countries, most of the population lives in cities.

In the USA - 81% of the population, in Canada - 82%, in Australia - 89%, in Germany - 75%.

Cities in these countries contribute a significant share to their countries' GDP. Moreover, in the United States, 52% of total US production comes from just 20 agglomerations.

The same pattern is observed in other countries around the world.

According to McKinsey, the world's 600 largest cities generate 60% of the world's total economic output.

It is new economic opportunities that become the incentive that forces people to leave villages and move to cities.

Particularly rapid urban growth rates are observed in Africa and Asia.

Countries such as China and India are leading the way in urban growth and development.

Delhi's population is growing at 79 people per hour, and Shanghai's population is growing at 51 people per hour.

Africa is a region that has changed a lot in recent years.

Thus, the WEF notes that in 1960, Johannesburg was the only city in South Africa with a population of more than 1 million people.

50 years later, the region already has 33 cities with a population of over 1 million.

Zakharova: Russia has to bring the world out of its dive after every act of American conscience.
The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova commented on the words of the US Permanent Representative to the UN Nikki Haley that America is the conscience of the world. “Now it’s clear what’s happening on the planet: after another act of American conscience, Russia every time has to strain its brain and bring the world out of its dive. I think, having analyzed the results of American foreign policy of the last decade, we can assume that Washington is more suited to the role of another world body,” Zakharova wrote on her Facebook page.

Every day the number of inhabitants on our planet is growing. This is due to many factors and varies from person to person. Therefore, it is very difficult to keep track of how many people live in the world. However, approximate data still exists.

Population of the planet

Today there are about 7 billion people living in the world, it is difficult to give exact data, since someone is constantly being born and someone is dying. For the most part, the population size of a given country depends on several factors, including the level of development of the state and, in particular, medicine, standard of living and even human temperament.

Many centuries ago there were much fewer people on Earth, but over time this figure has grown rapidly. Despite global epidemics, diseases and horrors continue to multiply and populate every piece of the planet. The largest population lives in the most developed megacities, where the standard of living is higher than in small cities, the same applies to countries. About half of the people live in the most populous countries.


This country rightfully occupies first place, almost reaching the figure of 1.5 billion, that is, almost 1/5 of how many people there are in the world today. Despite the fact that government authorities are trying in every possible way to regulate the birth rate, the number of people in the country is still growing rapidly, increasing by about 8.7 million annually.


If we talk about how many people there are in the world now, then the second place among the most populated states belongs to India. About 1.17 billion people live here, which is about 17% of the total world population. The annual population growth in this country is about 18 million people, which means that Indians have every chance of surpassing the Chinese in number.


Thanks to a constant influx of immigrants from less developed neighboring countries, the United States ranks among the most populous countries in the world. About 307 million people of various nationalities live in this state.


The fourth position on the list is occupied by a state located in Southeast Asia. About 240 million people live on its territory, which is about 3.5% of the total


The top five is completed by this sunny country, which also happens to be the most populous state in South America. Exactly 3% of the world's people live in Brazil. The number of inhabitants of this state reaches 198 million inhabitants.


Sixth place belongs to Pakistan, which, according to the latest data, has about 176 million inhabitants, who make up 2.6% of the total population of our planet.


The country, located in South Asia, is home to 156 million people. That is, the number of Bangladeshis is about 2.3% of the inhabitants of planet Earth.


This African country is also in the top ten in terms of population. The number of people living here reaches 149 million, that is, 2.2% of all people on the planet. In addition, Nigeria also occupies a leading position in terms of birth rate, which may soon help it overtake Bangladesh.


A significant part of how many people live on the planet is in Russia. Despite the fact that Russia is only in 9th place in terms of population. This is due to the fact that here the mortality rate significantly exceeds the birth rate. The territory of this state accounts for about 2% of the population of the entire Earth, that is, about 140 million people.


The top ten is completed by the Land of the Rising Sun, which, however, is the most developed of all those presented above. Approximately 127 million people live here, that is, 1.9% of the earth's population. What is important, since the country is in a somewhat conserved state, almost its entire population is indigenous Japanese.


The World Health Organization regulates the population of states and controls how many people there are in the world. In order to somehow reduce the birth rate in very poor African countries, missionaries are regularly sent there to give lectures to the local population and provide them with the necessary contraception. Other states are taking different measures. For example, in China, authorities are combating too high a birth rate by imposing taxes on families who want to have more than one child. But such measures are extremely necessary, because the resources of our planet are limited, and they are greatly influenced by how many people there are in the world. Therefore, it is simply necessary to avoid in order to prevent in the future an environmental disaster and serious depletion of all the natural resources of our planet Earth.

March 21 - “News. Economy". Many people have probably heard about how unevenly the population is distributed in the world. And in fact, most of the world's population lives in a very limited territory, which covers China, India, Japan and some other countries in Southeast Asia. This region has a high population density. And if you look at the map below, it becomes clear how critical the situation in this region is. When compiling this map, experts compared different regions of the world by population. As a result, each region was marked with a specific color. The area that is shown in red covers part of Bangladesh and three provinces in India. Country Region Population of Bangladesh entire territory of the country 172,019,000 India Bihar 99,000,000 India West Bengal 90,320,000 India Jharkhand 32,000,000 This territory is only 415,000 square kilometers. This territory is smaller than the state of California in the USA. However, this small area is home to more people than all the areas shown in blue on the map combined. However, the regions indicated in blue on the map cover a significant area of ​​countries such as Canada, Australia, Norway, Sweden and Saudi Arabia. The territories of China, the USA and most of Russia are also partially shaded blue. The following regions are marked in blue on the map: Country Region Population Canada Entire territory of the country 35,010,000 Saudi Arabia Entire territory of the country 28,123,000 Australia Entire territory of the country 22,280,000 Russia Siberian Federal District 19,254,300 Niger Entire territory of the country 18,124,000 Kazakhstan Entire territory of the country 16,137,000 Mali Entire territory of the country 14,478,000 Zambia Entire territory of the country 14,440,000 Russia Northwestern Federal District 13,583,800 Chad Entire territory of the country 12,620,000 However, the uneven distribution of the population is noticeably even stronger if you look at the map with the fastest growing cities of the world. The map below shows the cities and their population growth rates per hour. One of the important demographic trends in the world over the last century has been rapid urbanization. Back in 1950, less than 30% of the world's population lived in cities. However, experts predict that by 2030, over 60% of the world's population will live in cities.

Top 20 healthiest and happiest countries in the world Top 14 most optimistic countries Top 15 best countries in the world In developed countries, most of the population lives in cities. In the USA - 81% of the population, in Canada - 82%, in Australia - 89%, in Germany - 75%. Cities in these countries contribute a significant share to their countries' GDP. Moreover, in the United States, 52% of total US production comes from just 20 agglomerations. The same pattern is observed in other countries around the world. According to McKinsey, the world's 600 largest cities generate 60% of the world's total economic output. It is new economic opportunities that become the incentive that forces people to leave villages and move to cities. Particularly rapid urban growth rates are observed in Africa and Asia. Countries such as China and India are leading the way in urban growth and development. Population

Planet Earth is home to many living beings, the main one of which is man.

How many people inhabit the planet

The world population today is almost seven and a half billion people. The peak value of its growth was noted in 1963. Currently, the governments of some countries are pursuing a restrictive demographic policy, while others are trying to stimulate population growth within their borders. However, the overall population of the Earth is aging. Young people do not strive to reproduce. The population of planet Earth today has an unnatural bias towards the elderly. This feature will complicate the financial support of pensioners.

According to scientists, by the end of the twenty-first century the world's population will reach the eleventh billion.

Where do the most people live?

In 2009, an alarm bell rang. The world's population living in cities has become equal in size to the number of people living in villages and rural areas. The reasons for this movement of labor are simple. The world's population strives for convenience and wealth. Salaries in cities are higher, and life is simpler. This will all change as the world's urban populations become more food insecure. Many will be forced to move again to the provinces, closer to the land.

The world population table is as follows: Fifteen countries are home to nearly five billion people. In total, there are more than two hundred states on our planet.

Most populous countries

The world population can be presented in the form of a table. The most populous countries will be indicated.






Russian Federation


Most populous cities

The world population map today already has three cities whose population exceeded twenty million people. Shanghai is one of the largest cities in China, which stands on the Yangtze River. Karachi is a port city in Pakistan. The Chinese capital, Beijing, closes the top three.

In terms of population density, the palm is held by the main city of the Philippines - Manila. The world population map reports that in some areas this figure reaches seventy thousand people per square kilometer! The infrastructure does not cope well with such an influx of residents. For example: in Moscow this figure does not exceed five thousand people per square kilometer.

Also on the list of cities with a very high population density are Indian Mumbai (this locality was previously called Bombay), the capital of France - Paris, the Chinese autonomy of Macau, the dwarf state of Monaco, the heart of Catalonia - Barcelona, ​​as well as Dhaka (Bangladesh), the city-state of Singapore , Tokyo (Japan), and the previously mentioned Shanghai.

Population growth statistics by period

Despite the fact that humanity appeared more than three hundred years ago, for a long time its development was extremely slow. The short life expectancy and extremely difficult conditions took their toll.

Humanity exchanged its first billion only at the beginning of the nineteenth century, in 1820. A little more than a hundred years passed, and in 1927, newspapermen trumpeted the joyful news of the second billion earthlings. Just 33 years later, in 1960, they spoke about the third.

From this period, scientists began to seriously worry about the boom in global population growth. But this did not stop the four billionth inhabitant of the planet from joyfully announcing its appearance in 1974. In 1987, the account reached five billion. The six billionth earthling was born closer to the millennium, at the end of 1999. Less than twelve years have passed since there are a billion more of us. At the current birth rate, no later than the end of the first quarter of this century, the name of the eight billionth person will appear in newspapers.

Such impressive successes have been achieved primarily due to a significant reduction in bloody wars that claim millions of lives. Many dangerous diseases were defeated, medicine learned to significantly prolong people's lives.


Until the nineteenth century, people had little interest in the population of the world. The term “demography” was introduced into use only in 1855.

At the moment, the problem is becoming more and more threatening.

In the seventeenth century, it was believed that four billion people could live comfortably on our planet. As real life shows, this figure is significantly underestimated. The current seven and a half billion feel relatively comfortable with a reasonable distribution of resources.

Potential settlement opportunities are possible in Australia, Canada, and desert areas. This will require some efforts for improvement, but theoretically it is possible.

If we take into account exclusively territorial possibilities, then up to one and a half quadrillion people can be settled on the planet! This is a huge number, containing fifteen zeros!

But the use of resources and the rapid heating of the atmosphere will very quickly change the climate so much that the planet will become lifeless.

The maximum number of inhabitants on Earth (with moderate demands) should not exceed twelve billion. This figure is taken from food supply calculations. As the population grows, it is necessary to obtain more resources. To do this, it is necessary to use more areas for sowing, increase the number of livestock, and save water resources.

But if food problems can be solved relatively quickly, thanks to genetic technologies, then organizing the consumption of clean drinking water is a much more complex and costly undertaking.

In addition, humanity must move to the use of renewable energy sources - wind, sun, earth and water energy.


Chinese authorities have been trying to solve the problem of overpopulation for decades. For a long time, there was a program that allowed no more than one child per family. In addition, a powerful information campaign was carried out among the population.

Today we can say that the Chinese have succeeded. Population growth has stabilized and is projected to decline. The growth factor in the well-being of Chinese residents played an important role here.

Regarding the poor in India, Indonesia, and Nigeria, the prospects are far from rosy. In just thirty years, China may lose the “palm” in the demographic issue. India's population could exceed one and a half billion people by 2050!

Population growth will only worsen the economic problems of poor countries.

Current programs

For a long time, people were forced to have a large number of children. Running a household required enormous strength, and it was impossible to cope alone.

A guaranteed pension could help solve the problem of overpopulation.

Also possible ways to solve the demographic issue are thoughtful social policy and reasonable family planning, as well as increasing the economic and social status of the fair half of humanity, and increasing the level of education in general.


It is very important to love yourself and your loved ones. But we should not forget that the planet on which we live is our common home, which must be treated with respect.

Today it is worth moderating your needs and thinking about planning so that our descendants can live as comfortably on the planet as we do ourselves.

Moscow, March 21 - "Vesti.Ekonomika". Many people have probably heard about how unevenly the population is distributed in the world. And in fact, most of the world's population lives in a very limited territory, which covers China, India, Japan and some other countries in Southeast Asia.

This region has a high population density. And if you look at the map below, it becomes clear how critical the situation in this region is.

When compiling this map, experts compared different regions of the world by population.

As a result, each region was marked with a specific color.

The area shown in red covers part of Bangladesh and three provinces in India.

This territory is only 415 thousand square meters. km. This area is smaller than the size of the US state of California.

However, this small area is home to more people than all the areas shown in blue on the map combined.

At the same time, the regions indicated in blue on the map cover a significant territory of countries such as Canada, Australia, Norway, Sweden and Saudi Arabia. The territories of China, the USA and most of Russia are also partially shaded blue.

The following regions are marked in blue on the map:

A country Region Population
Canada The entire territory of the country 35 010 000
Saudi Arabia The entire territory of the country 28 123 000
Australia The entire territory of the country 22 280 000
Russia Siberian Federal District 19 254 300
Niger The entire territory of the country 18 124 000
Kazakhstan The entire territory of the country 16 137 000
Mali The entire territory of the country 14 478 000
Zambia The entire territory of the country 14 440 000
Russia Northwestern Federal District 13 583 800
Chad The entire territory of the country 12 620 000

However, the uneven distribution of population is even more noticeable when you look at a map of the world's fastest growing cities.

The map below shows the cities and their population growth rates per hour.

One of the important demographic trends in the world over the last century has been rapid urbanization.

As recently as 1950, less than 30% of the world's population lived in cities.

However, experts predict that by 2030, over 60% of the world's population will live in cities.

In developed countries, most of the population lives in cities.

In the USA - 81% of the population, in Canada - 82%, in Australia - 89%, in Germany - 75%.

Cities in these countries contribute a significant share to their countries' GDP. Moreover, in the United States, 52% of total US production comes from just 20 agglomerations.

The same pattern is observed in other countries around the world.

According to McKinsey, the world's 600 largest cities generate 60% of the world's total economic output.

It is new economic opportunities that become the incentive that forces people to leave villages and move to cities.

Particularly rapid urban growth rates are observed in Africa and Asia.

Countries such as China and India are leading the way in urban growth and development.

Delhi's population is growing by 79 people per hour, and Shanghai's population is growing by 51 people per hour.

Africa is a region that has changed a lot in recent years.

Thus, the WEF notes that in 1960 Johannesburg was the only city in South Africa with a population of more than 1 million people.

50 years later, the region already had 33 cities with a population of over 1 million.