Sodium chlorine application. Action of a dropper with sodium chloride

Sodium chloride (formula NaCL) is a substance known to every person. We all use it as a seasoning for cooking and call it salt. But today we will talk about how sodium chloride solution is used in medicine, and the range of its use in this industry is quite wide.

In its pure form, NaCL is a transparent white crystal with a salty taste. They dissolve well in water and are ideal for preparing a solution. In medicine, a sodium chloride solution, depending on the concentration of the active ingredient, is either a saline solution (physiological or isotonic) or a hypertonic solution, with a NaCL content of 0.9% and 10%, respectively.


  1. Physiological (isotonic) 0.9% solution contains 9 grams of NaCL and distilled water up to 1 liter
  2. Hypertonic 10% solution is more concentrated - 100 grams of NaCL per liter of distilled water

Release form

Saline solution

  1. Sodium chloride for infusions, dissolution of medications, enemas and external use is available in bottles of 100, 200, 400 and 100 ml
  2. Saline solution for diluting drugs, which will subsequently be used for intramuscular and subcutaneous injections, is available in ampoules of 5, 10 and 20 ml
  3. There are also tablets for oral administration. One tablet contains 0.9 mg of the active substance, and before use it must be dissolved in 100 ml of warm boiled water

Hypertonic solution

  1. 10% sodium chloride for intravenous injection and external use is available in 200 and 400 ml bottles
  2. For treating the nasal cavity, the medicine is available in the form of a spray, usually 10 ml in volume (depending on the manufacturer)

pharmachologic effect


  1. The substance NaCL itself in the body is responsible for maintaining constant pressure in the plasma and extracellular fluid. Usually the required amount enters the body with food.
  2. However, sometimes various kinds of pathological conditions may occur (for example, diarrhea, vomiting, high-degree burns), which are characterized by a large loss of fluid and salts by the body, and as a result - a deficiency of sodium and chlorine ions
  3. The above leads to thickening of the blood, convulsions, spasms of smooth muscles, and the functions of the nervous system and circulatory system may be disrupted
  4. Why is sodium chloride given intravenously when dehydrated? Its timely use will quickly restore fluid deficiency and water-salt balance.
  5. In addition, the drug has a plasma-replacing and detoxification effect, which is why sodium chloride solution is used for infusion for minor blood loss
  6. As for the hypertonic solution, when administered intravenously, it quickly replenishes the deficiency of sodium and chlorine ions and enhances diuresis. This allows the drug to be used as an emergency aid for dehydration. Sodium chloride 10% is especially often needed for children, in whom dehydration occurs very quickly and can have the most serious consequences, including death.


  1. A NaCl solution, when administered intravenously, is very quickly removed from the vascular bed; after an hour, less than half of this substance remains in the vessels. Because of this property, saline solution is ineffective in cases of large blood loss.
  2. So, the half-life is approximately one hour, after which sodium, chloride ions and water begin to be eliminated by the kidneys, increasing the overall production of urine


As we have already said, the use of sodium chloride in medicine is quite widespread. Let's see how solutions of this substance of different concentrations are used:

NaCL 0.9%

    1. Restores the water-salt balance of the body in case of dehydration that occurs for any reason
    2. Intravenous administration of sodium chloride maintains the necessary plasma balance both during and after surgery
  1. This drug is an ambulance for detoxifying the body (for food poisoning, dysentery and other intestinal infections)
  2. This is why a dropper with sodium chloride is also needed: due to its plasma-replacing properties, this drug is used to maintain plasma volume in cases of severe diarrhea, burns, diabetic coma, and blood loss
  3. For inflammatory and allergic irritations of the cornea, saline solution is used to wash the eyes
  4. Sodium chloride is used to rinse the nasal cavity for allergic rhinitis, rhinopharyngitis, for the prevention of sinusitis, after removal of adenoids or polyps, for acute respiratory diseases
  5. Also, sodium chloride, both in combination with other drugs and without excipients, is used for inhalation of the respiratory tract.
  6. For treating wounds, moistening bandages and gauze dressings
  7. The neutral environment of saline is ideal for dissolving other drugs in it and subsequent infusions and injections

NaCL 10%

    1. Hypertonic solution is used primarily for acute deficiency of sodium and chlorine in the body
    2. To quickly restore water-salt balance in case of dehydration caused by gastric, pulmonary, intestinal bleeding, burns, severe vomiting and diarrhea
    3. The drug is an ambulance for poisoning due to silver nitrate
    4. Used to rinse the nasal cavity for sinusitis
  • Used externally to treat wounds
  • As an osmotic remedy for constipation - through an enema
  • As an aid to quickly increase the total volume of urine


Physiological (isotonic) solution

  1. Increased content of sodium or chlorine ions in the body
  2. Potassium deficiency
  3. Impaired fluid circulation, and, as a result, a tendency to pulmonary or cerebral edema
  4. Directly, cerebral edema or pulmonary edema
  5. Acute heart failure
  6. Intracellular dehydration
  7. Excess fluid in the extracellular space
  8. Taking corticosteroids
  9. Disorders and changes in renal excretory function
  10. With caution in children and the elderly

Hypertonic solution

Important! The use of the drug for subcutaneous and intramuscular injections is prohibited (this can lead to tissue necrosis)

Otherwise, all the contraindications listed for saline are relevant for hypertonic solution

Side effects

    1. When administered intravenously, local reactions are possible (burning sensation and hyperemia)
  1. Long-term use may result in symptoms of body intoxication.
  2. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps
  3. Nervous system disorders: dizziness, headache, weakness, sweating, anxiety, lacrimation, severe persistent thirst
  4. Increased heart rate and pulse, increased blood pressure
  5. Dermatitis
  6. Anemia
  7. Menstrual irregularities in women
  8. Edema (this may indicate a chronic imbalance of water-salt balance)
  9. Increased acidity
  10. Decreased potassium levels in the blood

Instructions for use

Instructions for using sodium chloride look like this:

During pregnancy

Why is sodium chloride administered intravenously during pregnancy? There are two indications for this treatment:

  • Too high a concentration of sodium in the blood plasma, a condition that leads to severe swelling
  • Medium and severe stage of toxicosis

In addition, saline solution is often used as a “placebo”, because a woman expecting a baby is subject to quite strong emotional stress.

Sodium chloride is a drug that solves many medical problems; its scope of application is very wide. That is why it takes its very important place among pharmaceuticals.

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Sodium chloride


Has a detoxifying and rehydrating effect.
Replenishes sodium deficiency in various pathological conditions of the body and temporarily increases the volume of fluid circulating in the vessels.
Pharmacodynamic properties of the solution due to the presence of sodium and chloride ions. A number of ions, including sodium ions, penetrate the cell membrane using various transport mechanisms, among which the sodium-potassium pump (Na-K-ATPase) is of great importance.
Sodium plays an important role in neuronal signal transmission, electrophysiological processes in the heart, and metabolic processes in the kidneys.
Sodium excreted primarily by the kidneys however, a large amount of sodium is reabsorbed (renal reabsorption). A small amount of sodium is excreted in feces and through sweating.

Indications for

Isotonic extracellular dehydration;
- hyponatremia;
- dilution and dissolution of parenterally administered medicinal substances (as a base solution).

Mode of application:

Intravenously(usually by drip).
Necessary dose can be calculated in mEq or mmol of sodium, mass of sodium ions or mass of sodium chloride (1 g NaCl = 394 mg, 17.1 mEq or 17.1 mmol Na and Cl).

The dose is determined depending on the patient’s condition, loss of body fluid, Na+ and Cl-, age, and body weight of the patient. Serum plasma and urine electrolyte concentrations should be carefully monitored.
Dose of sodium chloride solution for adults ranges from 500 ml to 3 liters per day.
Dose of sodium chloride solution for children ranges from 20 ml to 100 ml per day per kg of body weight (depending on age and total body weight).

Injection ratedepends on the patient's condition.
Recommended dose when used for dilution and dissolution of parenterally administered drugs (as a base solution-solvent) is in the range from 50 ml to 250 ml per dose of the administered drug.
In this case, the dose and rate of administration of the solution are determined by the recommendations for the use of the administered drug.

During any infusion it is necessary to monitor the patient's condition For clinical and biological indicators, it is especially important to evaluate plasma electrolytes.
In children's bodies Due to immature renal function, sodium excretion may slow down. Therefore, in such patients, repeated infusions should be carried out only after determining the plasma sodium concentration.

Use only clear solution, without visible inclusions, if the packaging is not damaged.
Enter immediately after connecting to the infusion system.
Do not connect plastic containers in series. This may result in an air embolism due to the suction of air remaining in the first container, which may occur before the solution from the next container is released.
The solution should be administered using sterile equipment in compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis.
To prevent air from entering the infusion system, it should be filled with solution, releasing any remaining air from the container completely.
Other drugs can be added to the solution before or during the infusion by injection into a specially designated area of ​​the container.

As with all parenteral solutions, the compatibility of added substances with the solution must be determined before reconstitution.
Should not be used with sodium chloride solution 0.9% drugs known to be incompatible with it.
A doctor should determine the compatibility of added medicinal substances with a 0.9% sodium chloride solution by checking for possible changes in color and/or the appearance of sediment, insoluble complexes or crystals.
Before adding, it is necessary to determine whether the substance being added is soluble and stable in water at the pH level of a 0.9% sodium chloride solution.

When adding the drug it is necessary determine the isotonicity of the resulting solution before infusion.
Before adding drugs to the solution, they must be thoroughly mixed in compliance with aseptic rules.
The prepared solution should be administered immediately after preparation, do not store!

Addition of other drugs or violation of administration technique may cause fever due to the possible entry of pyrogens into the body.
In case of development of undesirable reactions, you must immediately stop administering the solution.
Before using the solution, you should not remove the container from the outer protective polypropylene/polyamide bag in which it is placed, as it maintains the sterility of the drug.

Side effects:

- hyperhydration;
- hypokalemia.
When used correctly unwanted effects are unlikely.

When using sodium chloride solution 0.9% as a base solution (solvent) for other drugs, the likelihood of side effects is determined by the properties of these drugs.
In this case, if adverse reactions occur, the administration of the solution should be suspended, the patient's condition assessed, adequate measures taken, and the remaining solution retained for analysis, if necessary.
If any of the side effects indicated in the instructions get worse, or you notice any other side effects not listed in the instructions, tell your doctor.


Hypernatremia, acidosis, hyperchloremia, hypokalemia, extracellular hyperhydration;
- circulatory disorders that threaten cerebral and pulmonary edema;
- cerebral edema, pulmonary edema, acute left ventricular failure, concomitant administration of corticosteroids in large doses.

When adding other drugs to the solution Contraindications to these drugs must be taken into account.
Carefully: decompensated chronic heart failure, arterial hypertension, peripheral edema, preeclampsia, chronic renal failure (oligo-, anuria), aldosteronism and other conditions associated with sodium retention in the body.

In the body of children due to the immaturity of kidney function sodium excretion may slow down. Therefore, in such patients, repeated infusions should be carried out only after determining the plasma sodium concentration.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery
Not described.

other medicinal
by other means:

The drug is compatible with most drugs, so it is used to dissolve various drugs.
Simultaneous administration with corticosteroids or corticotropin requires constant monitoring of blood electrolyte levels.
It is also necessary to take into account the instructions for use of the added drugs.

Sodium chloride is a drug that has long been used in medicine. This saline solution is administered intravenously in the form of droppers and intramuscularly, used for inhalation, etc.

In medicine, sodium chloride is used:

  • For intravenous infusion as a sodium solution in the form of a dropper.
  • For diluting drugs for injection.
  • For disinfecting cuts and wounds.
  • For rinsing the nose.

Why droppers with sodium chloride are prescribed and for what conditions it is prescribed is described in detail below.

What it is?

  • There are many chemical bioactive compounds dissolved in human blood.
  • The concentration of chlorides in the blood plays a big role in the coordinated functioning of all internal systems.
  • Chlorides regulate the hydrobalance of plasma and body fluids, normalize acid-base metabolism.
  • When the body gets sick, the first thing it reacts to is dehydration.

With extensive dehydration, chlorine and potassium ions are washed out of the body. A decrease in their concentration causes blood thickening, spasms, convulsions of smooth muscles, as well as disruption of the central nervous system, heart and blood vessels.

In this case, a drip with saline sodium chloride solution is usually prescribed.

What does the dropper consist of?

The composition of the saline solution is sodium chloride - a plasma-substituting substance, which is prepared from sodium salts HCl (commonly known as table salt).

Sodium chloride (NaCl) is white crystals, readily soluble in water.

Chlorine in its pure form is poisonous, but is known as an effective disinfectant of various liquids. Chlorine combined with sodium is present in the blood plasma.

The substance enters the body with water and food.

Naturally, the use of sodium chloride in everyday life is limited primarily to cooking.

Therefore, if you drink sodium chloride solution, nothing will happen. There is no need to worry even if the child drank the solution due to the negligence of adults.

Properties of sodium chloride

Sodium chloride saline solution has a rehydrating effect - that is, restoring water balance.

0.9% sodium chloride has the same osmotic pressure as human blood, so it can be quickly excreted.

External use helps remove pus from the wound and eliminate pathological m microflora.

The use of saline solution through intravenous drips increases urine output and replenishes the lack of chlorine and sodium.

Types of saline solution

Saline solution sodium chloride for droppers is currently available in 2 types, differing in the degree of concentration.

Photos (clickable):

Isotonic physiological Nacl 0.9% solution Brown from a German manufacturer is prescribed for:

  • Restoration of intracellular plasma lost as a result of prolonged dyspepsia.
  • Replenishment of intercellular fluid lost as a result of dehydration.
  • Replenishment of ions during intoxication and intestinal obstruction.
  • As an external remedy.
  • For diluting concentrated drugs.

Hypertonic 3, 5 and 10% sodium chloride solution is used:

  • As an external antiseptic.
  • For diluting enema solutions.
  • Intravenous to replenish fluid during diuresis.
  • Infusion to relieve cerebral edema or to increase low blood pressure (particularly with internal bleeding).
  • As an anti-edematous agent in ophthalmology.

Sodium chloride solution is sold in ampoules for dissolving drugs for injection and in bottles with a capacity of up to 1 liter for external and enema use, intravenous infusion.

Oral tablets and nasal spray bottles are also produced.

Release form, composition and packaging

Solution for injection 0.9% - 100 ml, sodium chloride 900 mg

  • 1 ml - ampoules (10) - cardboard packs.
  • 2 ml - ampoules (10) - cardboard packs.
  • 5 ml - ampoules (10) - cardboard packs.
  • 10 ml - ampoules (10) - cardboard packs.

What is sodium chloride prescribed for?

Saline sodium chloride solution is perhaps the most universal remedy.

Droppers with sodium chloride are used in any complex therapy.

The drug is dripped intravenously for:

  • Rapid replenishment of blood volume.
  • Urgent restoration of the activity of internal organs in a state of shock.
  • Saturation of organs with vital ions.
  • Stopping the processes of intoxication and relieving symptoms of poisoning.

In these conditions, urgent use of sodium chloride in droppers is most often prescribed:

  • Diarrhea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Dyspepsia.
  • In the presence of extensive burns.
  • With cholera.
  • When the body is dehydrated.

During pregnancy

Sodium chloride is used to treat severe pathologies in pregnant women.

The saline solution is absolutely harmless to both the woman’s body and the developing fetus.

Typically, sodium chlorine is needed during therapy for pregnant women to dilute medications for a single infusion of up to 400 ml.

If it is necessary to restore blood levels, the amount of saline is increased to 1400 ml.

Sodium chloride is also used for pregnant women:

  • In case of severe toxicosis, the saline solution is additionally saturated with vitamins.
  • With gestosis.
  • During detoxification.
  • In the process of complicated childbirth occurring at low blood pressure.
  • During cesarean section for women suffering from hypotension.
  • To saturate organs with chlorides and vitamins.

The use of saline solution after childbirth during lactation is allowed.

Sodium chloride solution also has contraindications during pregnancy. It should not be used by a pregnant woman:

  • With excessive hyperhydration.
  • With heart failure.
  • During treatment with corticosteroids.
  • With pathologies of intracellular fluid circulation.
  • With a diagnosed lack of potassium with a simultaneous excess of sodium and chlorine in the body.

For alcohol intoxication

In case of severe poisoning with ethyl alcohol, a person requires qualified medical care, which includes therapeutic measures, as well as droppers with saline sodium chloride solution.

It is the droppers that relieve the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal.

Other drugs, such as tablets or suspensions, are usually ineffective, since they are difficult to take due to frequent vomiting.

And the medicine, poured into a vein through a dropper, enters the blood instantly and immediately begins to work.

NaCl combines well with many medications.

A saline solution of sodium chloride can be used to dilute several necessary medications at the same time: vitamins, sedatives, glucose, etc.

When diluting, it is imperative to check compatibility visually, paying attention to whether a precipitate has appeared during the mixing process or whether the color has changed.

Therapy for severe alcohol intoxication is carried out as follows:

  1. The doctor examines the patient, assessing the severity of his condition.
  2. Blood pressure and pulse are measured and an ECG is performed.
  3. The doctor prescribes medications that must be added to the saline solution for administration.
  4. Droppers are used for 3-4 days.

How is saline solution administered?

Isotonic sodium chloride solution can be administered intravenously and subcutaneously.

For intravenous administration, the dropper warms up to 36-38 degrees.

The volume that should be administered depends on the amount of fluid lost by the body. The person’s weight and age must be taken into account:

  • The average daily dose is 500 ml, which must be administered at a rate of 540 ml/hour. In case of severe intoxication, the volume of administered medication per day can reach 3000 ml.
  • A volume of 500 ml in emergency cases can be administered at a rate of 70 drops per minute.

Sodium chloride is used in compliance with the principles of sterility.

To prevent air from entering the drip system, the system is first filled with solution.

You cannot stack containers one after the other, as air may get in from the first package.

Medications can be added during an infusion or by injection into the specific area of ​​the package intended for this procedure.

During the administration of sodium chloride, it is necessary to monitor the patient’s well-being, it is necessary to monitor his biological and clinical indicators, and devote time to assessing plasma electrolytes.

Side effects

The drug is well tolerated by patients, however, if it is infused in excess, the following side effects may develop:

  • Acidosis.
  • Hypokalemia.
  • Overhydration.

Sodium chloride analogues

Manufacturers may market sodium chloride solution under different names.

The following analogues of saline solution can be found on sale:

  • Aqua-rinosol - spray.
  • Aqua-master - spray for irrigation.
  • Nazol - spray.
  • Bufus for injections.
  • Rizosin to moisturize the nasal mucosa.
  • Salin to moisturize the nasal passages.

Other isotonic preparations are also produced that have a more physiological composition than saline.

List of solutions for droppers,containing sodium chloride in the composition:

  • Ringer.
  • Ringer-Locke.
  • Krebs-Ringer.
  • Ringer-Tirode.
  • Disol, Trisol, Acesol, Chlosol.
  • Sterofundin isotonic.

Modern medicine has long and quite actively used sodium chloride, which is more often called saline solution. It is relevant for intramuscular and intravenous infusions, it is used to treat wounds, rinse the throat or nose, and is used to restore water balance by placing droppers. Medicines for injection, including those containing potassium, are diluted with saline solution.

Blood contains various chemical elements. Chlorine, together with potassium and sodium ions, maintains the balance of body fluids, the balance of the acid-base environment, and intracellular pressure indicators. The level of chlorides in the blood plays a special role in regulating the functioning of all body systems, guaranteeing a normal plasma balance.

Why is sodium chloride so important?

A chloride solution with a salty taste is prepared from the sodium salt of hydrochloric acid. Chlorine, as a chemical element, helps disinfect liquids, but is a toxic substance. Sodium chlorine is present in blood plasma and other body fluids, where the inorganic component comes with food.

With extensive dehydration or limited fluid intake due to various pathologies, chlorine, along with potassium ions, is washed out of the body. A decrease in their concentration results in thickening of the blood, and a deficiency of important elements results in spasms and convulsions of smooth muscles, disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, heart and blood vessels.

Sodium chloride, which is a plasma-substituting and hydrating substance, is used by medicine to replenish the body’s water balance by administering the solution intravenously. In everyday life, this is a solution of ordinary table salt.

The therapeutic salt liquid has different concentrations. According to the instructions, it is produced in two types:

  1. An isotonic solution (0.9%) of German-made Brown restores significant loss of extracellular substrate as a result of dyspepsia, vomiting, burns, etc. Chlorine is necessary to replenish the lack of necessary ions in case of intestinal obstruction and various types of intoxication. Also, an isotonic solution is indispensable for external rinsing and for diluting medicinal substances.
  2. A hypertonic solution (3-5-10%) is used for external antimicrobial applications for removing pus, enemas for intestinal lavage. The solution is administered intravenously to force diuresis in case of poisoning or swelling of brain tissue. Chlorine is necessary to replenish micronutrient deficiencies, since, together with potassium and sodium, it maintains the balance of body fluids. A hypertonic solution can increase blood pressure during bleeding; it is used as a local decongestant in ophthalmology.

Important: saline solution comes in several forms, but before administering the drug, the ampoule is heated to a maximum of 38 degrees. For various cases, including pregnancy, a certain dosage is required.

Why are saline drips used?

Saline solution, which is an inert drug, can be called the most universal remedy included in any complex therapy. In particular, it is used intravenously:

  • to replenish blood volume as quickly as possible;
  • to restore microcirculation of organs in shock;
  • to saturate the body with important ions;
  • for detoxification in case of poisoning of any nature, which is helped by chlorine.

Important: due to its unique composition, similar to that of blood, the solution can be prescribed during pregnancy, since it does not threaten the development of the fetus. The procedure is especially relevant for poisoning, when the harm from toxic substances is higher than a cleansing dropper.

Why is saline solution given to pregnant women?

  1. Basically, the drug is used to dilute medications administered through a dropper with a maximum dose of no more than 400 ml for a single infusion.
  2. For general detoxification of the body of pregnant women. In addition, to restore normal blood volume, infusion of high doses of sodium chloride is allowed - up to 1400 ml.
  3. Arterial hypotension is considered an important indicator of the choice of injections (intravenous) with saline. Intravenous administration is indicated during childbirth, when there is a threat of low blood pressure. Especially if epidural anesthesia is performed.
  4. Drip administration of the medicine is used to saturate the woman in labor with chlorides, supplementing the injected solution with a set of necessary vitamins. The procedure is also relevant for severe toxicosis.
  5. Sodium chlorine is often necessary if swelling occurs in pregnant women. The cation is the main element of salt balance, responsible for the normal level of water in the body. However, excess sodium ions thicken the blood, slowing circulation and causing swelling.

Important: the introduction of a plasma replacement agent is permissible during pregnancy; breastfeeding is also not a reason for prohibiting the procedure, but only after being prescribed by a doctor and evaluating the research results.

Despite all the harmlessness of saline solution for pregnant women, the instructions indicate the conditions for the inadmissibility of administering the drug:

  • with an excess of chlorine and sodium in the body, but a lack of potassium;
  • in case of fluid circulation problems with the threat of edema;
  • in case of acute heart failure;
  • in case of taking increased doses of corticosteroids;
  • due to excessive hyperhydration.

What are the benefits of potassium chloride injection?

The special role of the element in the biochemical composition of the blood is explained by its ability to ensure the normal level of functioning of the heart, brain, and digestive organs. A deficiency of potassium ions leads to the disease hypokalemia, which can be caused by impaired kidney function or constant relaxation of the stomach. Therefore, the supply of the main cation in the intracellular environment is replenished, for which a chloride drug is prescribed.

The product allows not only to balance the balance of potassium in the body, but also to restore water-electrolytic balance, and will prevent tachycardia and some types of arrhythmia. The drug in the form of injections has a moderate diuretic and chronotropic effect. Small doses can dilate the coronary vessels, while large doses narrow them.

For injections using the drip method, potassium chloride is diluted with saline solution (0.9%) or glucose (0.5%). The instructions for the drug warn of a number of contraindications for its use:

  • hyperkalemia of various causes;
  • problems with kidney excretory function;
  • complete heart AV block;
  • a number of metabolic disorders, including acidosis;
  • exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • adrenal insufficiency.

Important: drip administration of potassium chloride leads to stimulation of the sympathetic branch of the nervous system, has an antihypertensive effect, and can lead to intoxication of the body, so the drug requires caution in use, especially for pregnant women.

The need for potassium-sparing drugs during pregnancy forces the doctor to choose what is more important - the expected benefit for the mother or the full development of the fetus. Drip administration of potassium during breastfeeding leads to its cessation. The prescription of any drug for pregnant women must be justified by the state of health, taking into account contraindications and expected side effects.

Anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin serum

A sodium chloride dropper is used during the treatment of various diseases. It should be especially noted that such a chemical compound is a plasma-substituting agent, which is quite often used to set up intravenous infusion systems. Why is a sodium chloride dropper needed, what are its indications? You can see this and other information in the materials of this article.

pharmachologic effect

The presented product is capable of having a detoxification as well as a rehydrating effect (restores. Thanks to this procedure, sodium deficiency in the human body is quickly replenished, which has a beneficial effect on various pathological conditions. A “sodium chloride” dropper (0.9%) is placed intravenously. In this case, the solution has such The same osmotic pressure as that of human blood.In this regard, it is able to be eliminated from the body very quickly, only briefly increasing the volume of circulating red blood cells.

It should be especially noted that, in addition to intravenous drip infusion, this remedy is also used externally. In this case, saline solution helps eliminate the development of pathological microflora and remove pus from the wounds. If a “sodium chloride” drip is placed intravenously, then the infusion of this drug increases urination and also replenishes the deficiency of sodium and chlorine in the human body. By the way, such a solution can be used in setting up the system either in its pure form or used in combination with other medications.

"Sodium chloride" (dropper): indications for use

The presented 0.9% saline solution is prescribed for significant losses of extracellular fluid, as well as in such conditions when a person has any restrictions in the intake of constituent substances (for example, cholera, dyspepsia caused by poisoning, vomiting, diarrhea, large burns, etc. .). This remedy is also quite effective in treating hypochloremia and hyponatremia, which are accompanied by dehydration.

As for the external use of the solution, it is very often used for washing the nasal cavity, eyes, wounds and for moistening dressings. Among other things, “sodium chloride” is prescribed to patients with gastric, intestinal and pulmonary bleeding, as well as for constipation, poisoning and for (forced) diuresis.

Effect on pregnancy

A sodium chloride dropper during pregnancy (1st and 2nd trimester) should only be prescribed by a doctor. You should not use such saline solution during pregnancy more than 200-400 milliliters per infusion. But if this remedy is used to replenish blood deficiency or detoxification, then doctors prescribe fairly large doses (from 700 to 1400 milliliters).

It should also be noted that one of the most important indications for prescribing saline solution for pregnant women is arterial hypotension or low blood pressure.