Unexpected sources of toothache. Psychosomatics

Teeth are as important a component of the body as any organ. They are directly involved in food processing, sound production, and can sometimes act as a means of protection. It is common in society to care about a snow-white smile, so dental health is important for both practical benefits and beauty. Doctors are constantly developing new methods for preventing diseases and treating teeth. Thanks to this, in today's technologically advanced world it is much easier to maintain oral hygiene, cope with caries, abrasion and loss. But sometimes it is difficult to identify where the root of the disease lies, surgical intervention is powerless, and when a wisdom tooth hurts, psychosomatics suggests ways to solve the problem. Her task is to find the mental causes of diseases, eliminate them and give the patient the opportunity to shine with a smile. For example, if a wisdom tooth comes out on the left side, psychosomatics explains the pain by saying that it is not easy for a person to show sensitivity.

Why are wisdom teeth needed?

Molars, or molars, are in most cases the main reason for visiting the dentist. This is especially true for wisdom teeth - the eighth teeth in a row. They begin to form between the ages of 16 and 25, when a person's mind is sufficiently developed to comprehend wisdom. But their absence is considered natural: in Europe and America, removal surgery is even included in health insurance. The fact is that during evolution, human jaws narrowed, and due to soft food, there was no need for extra chewing teeth. Therefore, today only a few wisdom teeth erupt. Due to cutting, the risk of purulent inflammation of the gums increases, and if there is simply not enough space for them in the jaw, the cheek or adjacent molar may be injured. But although the “eights” are recommended to be removed in a timely manner to avoid unnecessary problems, there can be nothing unnecessary in nature.


What to do if a wisdom tooth comes out and hurts? Psychosomatics explains how to deal with this from a psychological point of view. But first you need to address the physical causes of pain. General rules of dental hygiene are what you should pay attention to first:

Wisdom teeth require special care, in addition to basic hygiene: cleaning with a special brush, covering with a remineralizing gel, as well as an anti-bacterial sealant. After all, they maintain the density and sustainability of their indigenous neighbors. If they are just starting to erupt, you should immediately visit the dentist and take an x-ray to quickly understand the situation and avoid possible consequences. It is worth noting that healthy wisdom teeth can serve well in adulthood - they act as supports for bridge prosthetics. And in the event of loss of nearby chewing teeth, the “eights” will easily perform their functions.

Should I remove them?

If “eights” violate the integrity and hygiene of the oral cavity, put pressure and cause pain in the gums, then it is definitely better to get rid of them. Removing the upper "eights" is easier compared to the lower ones. The situation can be aggravated by the development of diseases:

  • caries
  • pulpitis
  • periodontitis
  • plaque and tartar
  • jaw tumor

Everyone has their own experience of tooth extraction, which is mostly painless, thanks to anesthesia and the skill of the doctors. At best, the operation takes 15 minutes. After it, only temporary discomfort remains in the notch. The main thing is to overcome your fear and visit the dental office.

It is worth turning to the psychosomatics of wisdom teeth. Gum pain, infection and discomfort can all be explained and overcome in ways other than surgery. And the matter may not be about caries at all, but about the nervous system. A painful process, Psychosomatics connects this with more subtle psychological concepts.

Why do Africans have great teeth?

Each tooth is given its own meaning, depending on its location in the oral cavity, so the disease of each has a certain interpretation. For example, if wisdom teeth hurt on the left side, psychosomatics explains it this way: the left side is under the control of the right hemisphere of the brain. It, in turn, is responsible for emotions, feelings, relationships, attachments and memories - everything that can cause complications. For example, a person finds it difficult to communicate, demonstrate his talents, assert himself, his inner world does not find recognition, he is afraid to be himself. Also, if a wisdom tooth comes out on the left side, psychosomatics explains the pain by saying that it is not easy for a person to show sensitivity, especially in relation to the mother. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to your inner state.

Exactly the same principle works if pain grows on the right side in wisdom teeth: psychosomatics connects the right side of the jaw and the left hemisphere. This means that it is a matter of thinking, abstract logic, perspectives and plans of the individual. Most likely, it is difficult for her to find her place in the sun, decide on a profession or hobby, which is why her teeth suffer. When a wisdom tooth comes out on the right side, psychosomatics indicates a difficult relationship with the father or superiors - it would be good to improve them.

Dental surgeons and psychoanalysts conducted studies to verify this connection. And indeed, sometimes pain in wisdom teeth that protrude from the right or left side are just signals from the nervous system about disorders, and not symptoms of dental disease.

Psychosomatics about wisdom teeth

If absolute wisdom hurts and still bothers a person, then he should reconsider his views on life. Most likely, he has little that is solid and stable, and does not adhere to reliable foundations for subsequent life. Since wisdom teeth are designed to strengthen the jaw, their pain indicates that the owner is not grounded enough. It’s worth coming down from the clouds, freeing yourself from dreams and daydreams and starting to really work on yourself, make plans, and determine goals in life. First of all, it is important to take responsibility for your existence and make it as productive as possible.

In ancient times, the cutting through of a wisdom tooth indicated that a person had reached spiritual maturity and found the meaning of life.

How to cope with pain?

If a wisdom tooth is cut, few people are bothered by psychosomatics. The easiest way is to visit the dentist and have an operation to remove the “eights”. But complications may arise after it:

  • Pain and swelling. They are usually observed when any teeth are extracted. In most cases, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in combination with a limited dose of narcotic drugs help. Ice is recommended to be used during the first 24 hours to minimize swelling.
  • Dry excavation. The most common complication. It usually occurs 4-7 days after the tooth is extracted. The blood clot needed for healing dissolves too soon. The dentist will most likely treat it with an oral antiseptic solution or a special bandage depending on the severity of the pain.
  • Pus. It forms when bone and tissue debris accumulate under the healing extract. The dentist may drain the abscess and prescribe antibiotics to help control the infection.
  • Bacterial infections. Postoperative bacterial infections are rare, occurring in less than 6% of all cases. The dentist may give a dose of antibiotics before surgery to avoid problems. After surgery, an antiseptic rinse or additional doses of antibiotic are sometimes necessary.

To insure yourself against such complications, it is better to initially worry about psychosomatics. What to do if your wisdom tooth hurts? Think correctly.

Dentistry and psychotherapy

Louise Hay is a researcher who has drawn parallels between diseases and their possible psychological causes. Her work also includes several recommendations for those who suffer from pain in wisdom teeth.

I open the door to life into my consciousness. There is vast space within me for my own growth and change.

To avoid problems with wisdom teeth that cut, grow and cause discomfort, psychosomatics offers the following guidelines: clear your internal barriers and limitations, expand opportunities for personal growth and change. Thus, mental food will not be “stuck” in the consciousness, but will be able to be processed and provide energy. Knowledge is the foundation for action.

It is also worth working on your indecision and inertia. If anger and resentment accumulate, it becomes scary to express them. The subconscious aggressive desire to bite does not get the opportunity to be realized - because of this, the teeth hurt. This means that the way to eliminate pain is the ability to express anger and use its power for good.

The third reason for problems with wisdom teeth, and with all teeth in general, is insufficient bone strength. It is directly related to weakness of character and uncertainty about one’s goals, desires, and beliefs. This is something worth thinking about if there is discomfort in normal teeth.

There are enough ways to develop or improve your inner self if you look in psychological books, read articles by spiritually exalted researchers, or simply listen to yourself. First of all, you need to weed out everything unnecessary, for example, eradicate bad habits, change something in your home environment or daily routine, remove unnecessary things and free up time for yourself. The modern world is full of stressful factors and painstaking activities that take up most of the individual’s free time. And then the hard worker, loaded with responsibility, hardly has the opportunity to think about spiritual comfort, but stands.

Secondly, you need to determine for yourself what a personality is and start working on it. You can enroll in Polish courses because you have an innate talent for learning languages, or fulfill a long-forgotten dream - to go to the ocean coast and take stunning photographs. There is only one life, so why not spend it for personal growth and pleasure? You just need to set a goal and strive for it, train and study information, analyze mistakes and calculate the next steps. Mental work is required to achieve success.

A healthy and strong personality requires expenditure of energy and a fight against laziness, lack of will, and dependence on “fate.” To realize it, you need to maintain friendly relationships, plan career growth, broaden your horizons, manage money with maximum benefit, trust your beliefs and set priorities. The most important thing is to love yourself and not be shy in expressing yourself. As soon as everything gets better in the inner world, the outer world will be perceived with understanding and will no longer be so difficult. With harmony in consciousness, a person gains physical health.

Yes, after meditation and soul-searching, your teeth will not stop hurting sharply, and it’s easier to take a painkiller or go to the dentist. But each of us is able to insure ourselves. Psychosomatics offers a list of the main mental problems that are imprinted on the body:

  1. Conflicting aspirations and ideas.
  2. Traumatic experiences from the past, intrusive memories.
  3. Expression of dissatisfaction with body language (“I can’t digest it” - my stomach hurts).
  4. Strong attachment and imitation of other people's symptoms.
  5. Self-hypnosis with a specific purpose.
  6. Feelings of guilt and self-punishment.

If a person finds it difficult to cope with problems on his own, psychotherapy in combination with tranquilizers and antidepressants can help him.


Teeth are a metaphor for human consciousness. First of all, when taking care of the beauty of your smile, you need to take into account inner peace and resolution of personal conflicts. With overcoming fear, uncertainty, and closedness, pain will disappear. You just need to overcome yourself and prepare for a new experience.

Teeth a person needs to gnaw, bite, tear, grind, grind. Teeth, from the point of view, they understand both the food with which we constantly deal, and the information, problems, situations that we encounter every day. Also, teeth have an important component of the survival program of humans as a species, which is based on the manifestation of their aggression. We can say that teeth sometimes act as our weapons when we are powerless to fight back.

This method of psychodiagnostics (or psychosomatics) reveals the causes of dental disease, as well as the psychological portrait of people whose teeth hurt and deteriorate.

It is generally accepted that aggression is evil. But from our point of view this is not so. Konrad Lorenz conducted an in-depth study of this issue, which you can read about in his book “Aggression is the so-called evil.” This issue was also studied by Erich Fromm, who wrote a book about it, “The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness.” They examined this problem quite thoroughly, and to understand it more deeply, we recommend reading these books.

Aggression- This is, first of all, the instinct of self-preservation of man as a species on this planet. If it weren't for her, we would have been eaten a long time ago. And no one would write this article, and no one would read it. When faced with situations that pose a threat to life, both ancient and modern people choose one of two options - kill or run away. If the opponent is much superior to us in strength, the amount of adrenaline in the blood and the awareness of the meaning of fighting to the death, we retreat. But if we have something to die for and we understand that the chances of victory are very high, then we enter into battle. And here teeth will be very useful to us.

If we consider the human body as a weapon for protection and killing, then it is not so adapted for survival in an aggressive environment. We have soft skin and no sharp fangs or claws. It is clear that the current era is crammed with martial arts and the ability to kill with bare hands, but for some reason it seems that a naked karateka is unlikely to be able to resist a saber-toothed tiger and, most likely, will choose a quick climb up a tall tree as a self-defense technique. And here teeth give a person the opportunity to gnaw the enemy’s throat, bite off part of the flesh, etc. The damage can be quite significant in proportion to the potential.

Children understand this well even in kindergarten and primary school, when one of their peers mercilessly bites and gnaws. But what is very important, he does this with confidence that his actions are honest and correct. All children avoid this child, are afraid to go into conflict with him and, if possible, give in. And he doesn’t even need to use his hands; it’s enough to leave a mark of his teeth on the opponent’s skin.

In adults, this program then disappears due to social education, but it does not die out. Believe me, if a situation arises in which a person has no other choice, he will bite his throat. At the seminar, they described to us a case where a special forces soldier, who was tied up by his opponents, bit two people to death and thanks to this was able to survive and escape. So it’s not for nothing that prison films often show prisoners with metal retainers on their teeth.

Often in history, the more powerful have tried to force others into obedience and submission. And our era in this regard is no different from the old times. If you consider it, that is, as a weapon, and a warning about the possibility of biting, then you will understand why so much artificial positivity is put on a smile. By type, if a person smiles, it means he is glad and happy to see you. Sometimes it makes sense to look at it from a different angle - a smiling person afraid and threatening so that you are also afraid of him. It is unlikely that anyone will have the feeling, upon meeting a dog grinning on the street with its fangs visible, that it is glad to see a person. No, she warns that she has nowhere to retreat, and she is ready to take the fight. A hand will definitely not rise to stroke her.

When teeth problems begin when they deteriorate, when teeth crumble (psychosomatics), then the main reason is calcium leaving the body. By nature, our body is made perfectly. Everything is interconnected, everything is checked, everything is adjusted so that we live, survive and do not know grief. Therefore, the body will never remove what it needs to work. When uric acid is not excreted from the body, when glucose is not absorbed. It turns out that calcium who is responsible for strength, reliability, strength of our support and resilience, the body does not need it, since it goes away. If it is not needed, it means that a person is not ready to defend his fulcrum, he loses reliability and strength. And if we take into account that teeth still make it possible to show constructive combat aggression, it turns out that we begin to be afraid. There is a fear of showing your anger, your dissatisfaction with the situation that has developed. In a word, a person cannot clatter his teeth and warn that he is angry and very dangerous. Teeth according to psychosomatics will deteriorate from caries when a person becomes overly social, adapts to the environment in fear of losing social recognition and position. There is a high proportion of this behavior when a person, instead of acting alone, strives to become part of the crowd.

The parathyroid gland is responsible for the level of calcium in the body. But if the parathyroid gland is calcium, like strength and strength, then it is anxiety and a sense of security.

Look at the statistics of people on the planet who are sick caries. There are about 97% of them. At the same time, excavations of ancient settlements show that caries existed already 5 thousand years ago. By type, this explains that not everything is so bad. The further we go in the world of total control called “democracy”, the more the stranglehold of control through consumption tightens, the more we lose the ability to resist the system. If we again raise the statistics, then the more developed the country, the higher the percentage of people with caries. For example, in Africa and Asia the number of people suffering from caries is several times less than in old Mother Europe.

We were traveling around Nepal and this was one of the things we noticed about the locals. On this occasion, we wrote an article "", which we recommend reading

Often women's teeth crumble, during pregnancy. And doctors explain everything by saying that, you see, all the calcium goes to the child and the woman spends her reserves, which she needs to replenish with artificial ones in the form of dietary supplements and/or through a huge amount of calcium. But the basis for calcium withdrawal is not the child, but the fear of losing one’s attractiveness, the fear of being dependent on a man, the fear of an unknown future. It could be anything. From the fear of childbirth itself with drawing pictures in your imagination of various kinds of complications or fear for the life and health of the child. This could be fear associated with choosing an unsuitable partner or uncertainty about the partner who got her pregnant. Need to search exactly what is she afraid of, where exactly did she lose her support?. We have seen many women who carried children and did not have any problems with their teeth.

It is often said that teeth deteriorate or caries occurs because the child eats a lot of sweets. For their part, scientists explained that large amounts of carbohydrates contribute to processes that corrode enamel. But from the point of view of the nature of the product itself and its influence on the character of the person who eats this product, sweets, sugar, glucose are substitute for love. We dwelled on this in detail when we examined it. So, when parents, and especially grandparents, cannot give their children normal, healthy love, they put their children on a “candy diet.” If we go back to teeth, then the child begins to show aggressiveness towards others through a lack of understanding and love on their part. And instead of working with this, the child is asked to eat sweets and not make a fuss. They buy his kindness and love, but the aggression does not go away. It doesn’t get a way out and the body gives the order “calcium out!”, which creates the precondition for caries. It is also quite common for children whose parents live with the child to have dental problems. You can identify it by the frequent use of phrases like:“we still wear diapers”, “we are already two years old”, “we love sweets very much.” These are mothers who have accepted the fact that the child is an autonomous and free citizen of this world.

Caries or crumbling teeth (psychosomatics) when a person is afraid, but does not go into battle. This is the fear of showing aggression. It can also cause a condition where the tooth aches or hurts. You can recall historical sketches when, before buying a gladiator, they looked into his mouth to see how intact his teeth were. The gladiator was not supposed to be a coward afraid of pain and death. He should not have shied away from the enemy, but had to give a fight and, most importantly, a spectacle, so that people would save his life and come to see him again by paying money.

It is important which teeth deteriorate in a person. To do this, you need to understand the coding and classification of the dentition.

Classification of dentition

Top row

  • Home as a place where we can put down our roots and stand firmly on our feet
  • Work is like the work of our life, which fills us with meaning and gives us the opportunity to fully realize our creative potential.
  • Family as the ability to love and constantly develop relationships with a partner.
  • The meaning of our life or existence, as an understanding of why we run around this ball called Earth.

So teeth, like weapons, protect, protect and prevent others from trampling on this space.

Bottom row

These teeth are more responsible for attacking, attacking and trying to invade someone else's territory. Pick up, seize, run over. And most importantly, they are more mobile and situational. If the upper teeth are inserted into the upper jaw, which is an integral and fixed part of the skull, then the lower teeth sit in the lower jaw, which is movable and can both move forward and retract. They work more in the tactical and operational space, here and now.

Anterior incisors

These are teeth whose function is to bite off a share of the overall piece. You can, of course, tear with your fangs, as predators do in the animal world, but mostly we do this with our front teeth. These teeth are responsible for workaholism, activity and initiative, the ability to get involved in tasks and problems and solve them, cutting off piece by piece. From the animal world, the most “toothy” are beavers, muskrats, horses, and rats. It is difficult to find more workaholic and active animals.


Fangs are sharp teeth whose function is to bite, that is, to kill. Killing does not mean useless cruel destruction, but the ability to protect one’s body as a species. Note that animals most often show their upper canines. This is a signal of protection (top row) and readiness to attack to death (fangs). If you add up these factors, it becomes clear that the animal is pressed against the wall and there is nothing else left for it. But there is an option to agree so that there is no fight - the one who drove the animal into a corner retreats.

Again, how important fangs are is shown by old age. Almost all of a person's teeth fall out, but the fangs are the last to go! He will eat liquid food, porridge or finely ground puree, but he will still have the ability to kill in order to survive and not become mere prey for the enemy.

Fangs are a top-level argesofactor. This is our old, not yet forgotten animal program. No matter how much we become “homo sapiens intellectualus,” we will always have one last argument with which we can defend ourselves and arrange our “day of wrath.”

Molars (chewing) teeth

We need chewing teeth to thoroughly grind food. Grind over the problem, task, situation and most importantly, do it monotonously, patiently. To some extent, these teeth contain patience, endurance, and will. There will also be such a thing as the ability to wait and not expect an instant miracle or success.

Please note that it is in this zone that “wisdom teeth” lie, which appear in everyone at one time or another. For some, they immediately deteriorate and go away, while for others, only they remain in the row of chewing teeth. By “wisdom” we mean precisely patience. As they say, “if it grinds, there will be flour.” But people, driven by the current increased speed of technology development, no longer want to wait. “Why, I’m already 25 years old, and I haven’t yet earned money for my house and a good brand car.”

As an indicator of professional selection, we recommend not hiring people whose chewing teeth have deteriorated or are missing. Especially if this work is related to the ability to overcome negative scenarios and situations. This is exactly what they are not ready for! But the “grabbers” of them are just right - “stole, drank, went to jail”!

This was especially well understood in ancient times, when there was no resume or recommendations from a previous employer. The slaves and horses looked into their mouths to understand how undeveloped they were and whether they had the potential to plow a lot and productively. To some extent, the level of teeth can be determined by the strength of the molars.

Left side of the dentition

It is supervised by the right hemisphere, and is responsible for such concepts as: feelings, family, emotions, past, former and acquired.

Right side of the dentition

It is supervised by the left hemisphere, and is responsible for such concepts as: work, career, success, ambitions, business, future, money, prospects and plans.

Toothache is an integral part of adult life. Only a few people over the age of 18 have never experienced toothache caused by various diseases such as caries, periodontitis and periodontal disease.

Unfortunately, children are increasingly experiencing toothache, but for them this phenomenon is transient and usually disappears after the baby teeth are replaced by permanent ones. Adults may suffer from dental problems repeatedly over several months or even years, not realizing that toothache can occur not only due to poor diet and lifestyle, but also be associated with psychological trauma.

Psychosomatic features of toothache

Psychologists say that dental diseases may be associated with disruption of the normal functioning of the central nervous system. Adults are often nervous, cannot protect themselves from stress, both in everyday work life and in the process of personal contacts, and experience a feeling of psychological discomfort. All this negatively affects the condition of tooth enamel and leads to problems.

Recently, young people aged 18 to 30 most often suffer from toothache. The appearance of acute toothache precisely during this period, as well as dental diseases, their loosening and loss are often associated with psychosomatic problems, such as:

1. Indecision, inability to decide on the most important positions in life. Youth is the time when a person has to decide on his future destiny, choose a profession, build personal relationships, and decide on fundamental changes in thinking and lifestyle. All this can confuse you and make you hide your true feelings, shy away from new ideas and ways of development, for fear of making an irreparable mistake. This behavior often causes toothache in the teeth located on the upper and lower jaw on the right.

2. Lack of understanding on the part of loved ones. Adolescence does not always occur at the time indicated in the scientific literature. Sometimes problems with relatives arise in adulthood, as evidenced by toothache in the teeth located on the left side of the lower jaw. The psychosomatics of the disease indicates the need to find a way out of the current situation, otherwise toothaches will continue even after treatment.

3. The inability to reveal oneself to others, to fully demonstrate all one’s abilities. If the teeth hurt on the upper left side, a person should think about whether he is fully realizing his creative potential, or subconsciously trying to hide it, for fear of being incomprehensible and disgraced.

How to deal with psychosomatic toothache

The beauty and health of teeth depend not only on the efforts of the dentist to clean them and maintain a healthy external and internal appearance, but also on how well a person gets along with his heart, knows how to admit mistakes he has made and refuses to regret actions that were not once taken. If your teeth bother you more often than usual, you need to start looking for psychological causes of toothache, try to avoid contact with people and things that cause negative emotions, and close your heart from all kinds of experiences and fears. In addition, it is recommended to devote more time to:

1. Charity. By doing charity, people become kinder and achieve harmony with themselves. Most who can afford it enjoy not only receiving, but also giving money, which allows them to understand what role the latter play in their own lives. Charity allows you to show most of the positive human qualities and bring something good and bright into the lives of other people.

2. Yoga classes. People who have been practicing yoga and meditation for several years seem much happier than those who prefer to visit a psychologist and other doctors. Toothache definitely does not bother such people, since the teachings of yoga are associated with detachment from future problems and devoting oneself to today.

3. Analyze your own thoughts. If you have a toothache, you should start thinking about whether the person is facing an insoluble problem, whether there are difficulties at work and in family life. If a problem exists, you need to analyze it and try to find a suitable solution. Most likely, after this task is completed, the toothache will disappear.

4. Addition of negatives. If you have severe toothache, you should delve into yourself and try to find negative situations and character traits. Once this is done, you should put them together and move on to eliminating the reasons that caused the appearance of negative qualities.

So, the psychosomatics of toothache can have different causes, so you should try to control negative thoughts and emotions, show exclusively positive qualities and devote more time to self-analysis of your actions.

Source -

Psychosomatics of dental problems is a direction in the study and overcoming of toothache and other dental problems, which is based on consideration of the integrity of the physical illness and psychological problems. In a word, toothache does not come to us because there is “little calcium in the body” or “we don’t brush our teeth well.” But because a person is mired in experiences that are signaled by the body ().

In order to understand how teeth are related to psychology, it is worth considering why they are given to a person. This is the approach.

First of all, we are given teeth to grind food. After all, large pieces of food are not so easy to swallow. Therefore, it is believed that somatic problems with teeth can occur in people who cannot analyze the situations that have arisen, in people who are not decisive, as well as in those who “cook” for a long time in a solvable “unchewable” situation.

In addition, with the help of teeth we have the ability to bite. Bite in the animal kingdom can be associated with defense of oneself, one's territory and one's surroundings. Therefore, sometimes dental diseases are associated with a person’s helplessness, his inability to stand up for himself.

Michelle Cuff-fen says that the function of our teeth is heterogeneous, which is why they differ in shape and location. And the problems they signal are also different.

So, ON THE RIGHT SIDE, teeth may hurt because:

  • (not the upper jaw) a person cannot find himself, his place in life;
  • (on the lower jaw) a person cannot specify and it is difficult for him to stop at one thing and give life one vector.

ON THE LEFT SIDE, teeth may hurt because:

  • (on the upper jaw) a person cannot adequately and fully express his feelings, emotions and experiences, he is in constant “containment” of such manifestations and it is difficult for him to become “himself”;
  • (on the lower jaw) a person experiences problems with emotional connection with his family; he cannot normally and adequately show sensitivity and interact with those closest to him.

Active erasing of enamel may indicate that you allow yourself to be used, and the closest people take advantage of this most strongly: family, parents. Baginskaya and Shalila also say that teeth show “the penetrating power of a person.” Even the expression is “toothless man” in the sense of a person “who cannot achieve something, defend, break through.” Therefore, any problems with teeth indicate low perseverance and assertiveness of a person.

Louise Hay, Liz Burbo, Valery Sinelnikov about the causes of dental problems

Louise Hay, Liz Burbo and Sinelnikov paid a lot of attention to systematizing knowledge and observations of oral problems, dividing and classifying them. Their views on the causes are largely similar. So, in the books by Louise Hay “Heal Yourself”, Liz Burbo “Your body says: “Love yourself!” and Valery Sinelnikov “Love your illness”, in particular, it is said that there are main negative attitudes that affect the health of our teeth. This is prolonged indecision and inability to solve the problem; failure to recognize ideas for later analysis.

We can also say that, in addition to toothache, there are a number of other dental problems.

Liz Burbo considers bleeding gums in the aspect of the impossibility of implementing an already made decision. A person is afraid of the consequences of such an act. Perhaps this fear is even associated with a negative experience that a person cannot forget. But an important point in solving this problem is to analyze the real degree of risk. As well as building a more precise action plan. The main thing to remember is that only those who do nothing make no mistakes. If you strive for something, mistakes are inevitable and this is just experience.

Louise Hay says that bleeding gums may generally indicate an inability to make decisions and procrastination with them. She sees the solution to the problem in love and support for yourself. After all, even a person himself can help himself become decisive.

But Vladimir Zhikarentsev says that problems with gums can signal a lack of joy, with which all decisions should be made. He says that this problem is typical for people who are “forced” to decide on something, or they make decisions under pressure, “under pressure.”

Bad smell

Of course, bad breath can be associated with digestive problems. But this is another option. And it should be checked as well. But, if neither a gastroenterologist nor an ENT specialist can find the cause of the bad odor, then the problem is in our thoughts.

Liz Bourbeau says this can be a source of deep hatred towards oneself or people. thirst for revenge and anger. But, these experiences are so terrible. What we hide from the subconscious and gradually kill them there, which is why the smell appears. With its help, we keep people at a distance, although in fact we really need close and close contacts. To get rid of this, Liz suggests getting rid of false shame and trying to express your feelings. So that they do not stagnate inside.

Valery Sinelnikov writes that a bad smell is associated with old angry thoughts, which essentially “stink” both in the head and in the body. Only by finding and rethinking the situation can you get rid of this smell. The main rule is that any negative is worth remembering not for the sake of revenge, but for the sake of experience.

Louise Hay had the same opinion, who considered angry thoughts and a thirst for revenge to be the main destructive factors from within that lead to a bad smell. And the desire to forgive and live in love are the main healing forces.

Wisdom tooth

The psychosomatics of difficult and painful teething according to Louise Hay is associated with insufficient space in your mind to lay the foundation for your happy future. That is, blocks are placed for extensive personal growth. Pay attention to him, and the pain will go away.


According to Burbo, it may be associated with the peculiarity of a person who is inclined to complicate his life and invent problems. In addition, a frozen stone may indicate unprocessed aggressive moods that are “frozen in the mouth.”

So, if, after moving to a new job, you suddenly began to “grow stone blocks” on your teeth. Think about who and what irritates you so much, who you would like to be rude to or abruptly stop, and why you don’t do it. If the situation seems unsolvable to you, and you are not going to leave your job, seek advice from a psychologist.

Other problems

Of course, there are other oral and dental problems. You can get acquainted with them in more detail in the works of the mentioned authors. An interesting observation was also made by patients who began self-healing using similar methods.

It turns out that the absence of one of the parents (for example, a father) in a child’s life, and the associated experiences, often lead to improper development of the jaw and deformation of certain teeth.

And grinding teeth in a dream shows that the body is trying to get rid of accumulated resentment and anger.

Psychosomatic features of toothache

Sometimes I suffer from toothache or other problems all the time. But dentists just shrug their shoulders: there are no cavities in the tooth. In this case, doctors begin to believe that the soreness is related to the gums or “hypersensitivity.” Various rinses are prescribed as treatment, which give only a temporary effect. If your teeth hurt, then psychosomatics will look for the cause not in holes or bad heredity, but in thoughts and experiences.

Surprisingly, if there are “true experiences” that provoke painful sensations, then the nature of the pain can change in moments: from an attack to complete healing. Although, if traumatic events last for more than one year and are deposited in our subconscious in whole blocks, it may take more than one month to heal.

How to deal with psychosomatic toothache?

Step number one is to find the negative attitude or, as it is also called, “blocking”, which led to the problem. Maybe. It will be necessary to remember the first traumatic situation or, finally, to realize which of your loved ones is using you.

Step number two is to find “harmonizing thoughts” that will help you cope with the problem. In this world, one thing can be considered from the point of view of “tragedy”, provoking destructive desires and needs; or maybe as a normal life experience. Learn to love yourself and your body. Listen to him and not accumulate the burden of unresolved problems.

Currently, there is a lot of literature that can help you get on the path to self-healing. This is very convenient, since a person can deal with the material and his own life situations at his own pace. The downside is that sometimes we lack the strength, time and confidence to process these works.

In addition, a lot of experiences and thoughts end up in our unconscious, and it is not so easy to “get it” from there. Therefore, it is more advisable to work through the methods with a psychologist who can pay attention to this from the outside. Something you haven't even thought about.


There are many methods to reframe your negative experiences. These could be sessions of cognitive therapy, symbol drama, fairy tale therapy, etc. As well as to relieve tension, a number of approaches can be offered, including art therapy and meditation.

It is important to approach individually, choose a specialist and a technique that suits and pleases you. But do not forget that solving a number of problems may require your life-changing decisions and efforts. After all, what’s the point of understanding that you are being taken advantage of? The situation needs to be resolved, but here’s how – your psychologist or psychotherapist will help you with this.

1. TEETH (PROBLEMS)- (V. Zhikarentsev)

Causes of the disease

Resentment towards father.

I forgive all insults to my father. I imagine him as a little boy and my heart is filled with love for him.

2. TEETH (PROBLEMS)- (Liz Burbo)

Physical blocking

Dental problems include any pain caused by CARIES, TOOTH BREAKAGE, or LOSS OF ENAMEL. People often think of uneven teeth as a problem, but it is more of an AESTHETIC problem. GRINDING OF TEETH is also considered a problem.

Emotional blockage

Since teeth serve to chew food, they are related to how a person chews new ideas or circumstances to improve them assimilate. Teeth usually hurt in indecisive people who do not know how to analyze life situations. Teeth are also needed for biting, so dental problems can mean that a person feels helpless and incapable in real life. bite someone to stand up for themselves. Below I present an excerpt from the results of many years of research by the French dental surgeon Ms. Michelle Caffin:

The eight right teeth of the upper jaw are associated with a person’s desire to manifest, to express himself in the outside world; if there is a problem with one of these teeth, it means that the person is having difficulty finding his place in the outside world. The eight left teeth of the upper jaw are associated with the inner world of a person, with his desire to express his feelings, emotions and desires; a problem with one of these teeth indicates that it is difficult for a person to reveal his personality, to become himself. The eight right teeth on the lower jaw are associated with the ability to clarify, specify; A problem with one of these teeth indicates that a person is having difficulty giving his life a certain direction. Eight left teeth in the lower jaw are associated with the manifestation of sensitivity; a problem with one of these teeth indicates that the person is not at peace with his family on an emotional level. The signs mentioned above also include the uneven arrangement of the corresponding teeth.

Mental block

Since the right side of your body directly reflects your relationship with your father, problems with teeth located on the right indicate that there is still some kind of conflict in this relationship. This means that you should change your attitude towards your father and show greater tolerance. If the teeth on the left side hurt, you must improve your relationship with your mother.

Also, the four upper incisors (front teeth) represent the place you want to occupy next to your parents, and the four lower incisors represent the place your parents occupy. Any problem with your teeth means that it’s time for you to take action and specify your desires. Learn to objectively perceive life situations. Let other people help you with this if you see such a need. Instead of have a tooth on someone, better take care of your desires. Reconnect with your power and allow yourself to protect yourself.

If you suffer from WEAR of your teeth - that is, if the enamel is gradually erased from them - this means that you are allowing your loved ones to take advantage of you. As a rule, the one who most often allows himself to be used is the one who actively criticizes internally, but does not show himself in any way externally. Such a person always wants others to change. If you don't want your loved ones to continue you use, try to feel real, unconditional love for them.

GRINDING OF TEETH, which usually appears at night, indicates that during the day you have accumulated anger and felt strong emotional stress. Your rational body helps you during sleep to get rid of the tension that arose while awake. But this is only a temporary relief. You must immediately begin to find and solve the problem that is causing you constant anger and emotional stress, otherwise you will face much more serious troubles than grinding your teeth. To do this, you must go through all the stages of forgiveness described at the end of this book.

3. TEETH, DENTAL CANAL- (Louise Hay)

Causes of the disease

Unable to bite into anything with his teeth. No convictions. Everything is destroyed. Teeth symbolize the ability to make decisions. Indecisiveness. Inability to analyze ideas and make decisions.

A Possible Solution to Promote Healing

I have laid (laid) a solid foundation for my life. My beliefs support me. I make good decisions and feel confident knowing that I always do the right thing.