Nervous breakdown symptoms and consequences in women. Nervous breakdown symptoms and consequences Is it possible to get rid of a nervous breakdown forever?

For some, loud screaming or crying helps, for others, long walks or sleep. If after this the patient begins to feel better, then full treatment is not required. If your health only worsens, this indicates that you need to see a doctor to solve psychological problems. The advice to you from specialists is to undergo a course of treatment at the center.

What is a nervous disorder?

Under this concept there is a whole group of diseases - neuroses, depression, psychosomatic disorders, insomnia. A breakdown is an acute phase of a disorder, which is increasingly sudden. Only a doctor can make the correct diagnosis.

These are diseases that are more common than the common cold. Most have encountered them at least once. And it’s difficult to say exactly how many people were exposed to the disease, because not everyone turns to a specialist for help. The risk is very high.

Causes of a nervous breakdown

A breakdown is a defensive reaction to the fact that a person is overloaded and needs emergency help due to an external factor. A doctor should consult; the syndrome is increasingly being called acute.

The reasons are stress that regularly affects our organs or short-term shock.

Everyone falls into one group or another. People are often prone to:

  • are constantly being thinned out for events that have happened to them or are about to happen in the future;
  • increased desire to work;
  • cannot improve relationships in the family or at work;
  • with low self-esteem;
  • cancer patients;
  • those who are facing serious changes;
  • young parents who just had children;
  • experienced the loss of a loved one;
  • failures in personal relationships or relationships with parents;
  • lack of money for a normal existence;
  • job loss;
  • responsibility that cannot be handled;
  • anxiety.

A breakdown begins due to negative events, but problems can begin after major events - a wedding, moving, a new job, the birth of the first child.

Men have varying degrees of stress resistance. It’s easy for one to survive life’s problems, while the other is overwhelmed by their appearance and begins to show aggression.

Signs and symptoms of a nervous breakdown

Symptoms and signs of a nervous breakdown, depending on the type of disorder, have common symptoms that are characteristic of the types of breakdowns. Among the consequences:

  1. lack of appetite, sleep, energy;
  2. constant irritability, anxiety, nervousness;
  3. the appearance of negative thoughts;
  4. fear of tomorrow;
  5. change in performance;
  6. constant desire to sleep;
  7. poor concentration;
  8. memory problems;
  9. negative thoughts;
  10. manifestation of apathy;
  11. headache;
  12. pressure;
  13. changes in mood, anxiety;
  14. panic attacks, fatigue;
  15. problems with the cardiovascular system;
  16. phobias.

A person’s behavior changes greatly, but the disease affects all organs. The disease is accompanied by symptoms: headache, shortness of breath, heart problems, poor appetite, blood pressure fluctuations, and mental changes. It is advisable to contact a psychologist.

Diagnosis of nervous breakdowns

Development occurs at the moment when the patient is simply no longer able to bear the load. The psyche simply becomes uncomfortable working in the same conditions; it asks for possible methods of help. And a person tolerates everything that happens to him, although the state has already reached its peak. Emotions are overwhelming, anything can be expected at any moment. Explosions occur, although everything could be fine for many years. But a critical moment has begun, everything needs to be corrected so that your organs no longer experience this feeling.

It’s all because of the reason that was the beginning of the occurrence. The tank was filling very slowly, but surely, and at one point it simply exploded from overfilling and would not be able to work.

There are two models of behavior in a difficult situation:

  • Explode for any reason. At the same time, the patient splashes out his emotions and shows indignation. Strong scandals and conflict situations are characteristic of this type and the reasons for divorce.
  • Accumulate all the grievances in yourself, like in a big vessel. He endures all insults until the last moment. Apathy towards everything, a depressive state, and a reluctance to communicate with anyone may begin. A mental problem begins to appear, if of course it was not there before.

But how can we avoid the danger of overfilling that same vessel and cope with the consequences? You can avoid this by becoming aware of your feelings, emotions, experiencing and accepting them.

In a hospital or at home?

It is easier to prevent a breakdown than to treat it. During a breakdown, not everyone knows how to calm a person down. Just a few years ago, to calm the patient, they poured a bucket of cold water on him, if, of course, there was cold water nearby. If this does not help, you need to contact an ambulance.

Screaming will not help; a person is not able to control his actions. A raised voice can only make things worse, which should not be allowed.

Everyone decides for themselves where it is better to treat the disease - in a hospital or at home. If, for example, the breakdown was caused by the situation in the family, then it would be logical to send the patient to the hospital. The psyche may simply not cope if this happens again.

In other situations, having relatives nearby can have a positive effect on the patient’s well-being. Any drug is prescribed after a comprehensive examination. The patient must be under the supervision of a doctor; many drugs can be addictive. After treatment, it takes another month to recover.

But vice versa, it is better to treat a nervous breakdown at home in women and men. We need to understand what led to this state. If, for example, constant tension arises at work, you need to take a vacation or quit altogether, there is nothing more valuable than health. If the cause is overwork, you need to build a more gentle schedule for yourself, which will include 8 hours of sleep, a walk in the fresh air during the day, and proper nutrition.

When treating at home, you need to consult with a therapist to draw up an action plan. Treatment within the walls of the home is aimed at relaxation and distracting the patient from the problem. The method is safe for life and health.


The emotional state has a direct connection with the physical state. If a nervous breakdown has been detected, symptoms begin to appear: problems with the heart, problems with the digestive system, dizziness. A breakdown may begin in a patient who has attempted to commit suicide.

If the problem is not diagnosed, it begins to accumulate like a snow globe. The patient begins to have communication problems, becomes more hot-tempered, irritable, and his psychological state worsens.

A breakdown leads to drug addiction or taking excessive amounts of alcohol, and promiscuous sexual relations. The search begins for a method of discharge, getting rid of all the negativity that has accumulated in the form of an internal factor. It is necessary to get help from a psychotherapist in time.

Specifics of treatment

Nervous breakdowns do not appear out of nowhere. This is a long-term disease that has not been treated for years, or prolonged stress that the patient has experienced. To get rid of an ordinary nervous breakdown, you need to reconsider your life, get rid of the cause - treat the underlying disease, limit your communication with those who bring you to such a state.

This lengthy process can take a month or even more. There are medications that will help the patient during periods of treatment. Those who are treated at home without a doctor’s prescription cannot even imagine the harm they are doing to their body.

The disorder appears for various reasons; the treatment of a nervous breakdown, especially in women, must be approached in a comprehensive manner.

Non-drug ways to deal with a nervous breakdown

  • Sports activities. Sports exercises will help you calm down and recharge yourself with positivity. This method has not harmed more than one patient. Sport improves heart function, brain function, and sleep.
  • Relaxation programs: meditation, yoga, body massage. Relieve tension, relax the body, get rid of negative thoughts. Do it at least 2 times a week.
  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle. No matter how strange it may sound, it helps. Alcohol, drugs, coffee - all this affects the nervous system.
  • Proper nutrition, essential vitamins.

With the help of drugs and medicines

  1. Medicine offers drugs with sedative effects. Dizziness and heart problems can be treated with medication. These are not pills that will cure your relapse, but they will make you feel much better. Medicinal use is one of the most effective.
  2. Preparations based on plant extracts have a calming component.
  3. Vitamins. When you are in a stressful state, you especially need to enrich yourself with vitamins such as B group, vitamin E, magnesium, calcium, so that depletion does not occur.
  4. Biologically active additives. They contain extracts of soothing plants.
  5. Antidepressants. Strong drugs that should never be used without a prescription. They have many side effects, so they are prescribed in emergency situations.

Restoration of the nervous system after a long course of treatment

In order to consolidate the therapeutic effect, you need to completely reconsider your lifestyle. Particular attention should be paid to nutrition, making sure that the diet contains plenty of fruits, fiber and carbohydrates. In addition, take vitamins regularly after consulting your doctor. Pay attention to reducing the amount of coffee and tea you drink, replacing it with juice. Eliminate bad habits from your life. If a person plays sports every day, then his health will be much better. If possible, go on vacation.

How to protect yourself from breakdown

The most important thing is to correctly identify the disease and begin treatment for the breakdown from any side. Unfortunately, many people accept the appearance of irritability, insomnia, bad mood and a number of other factors as a phenomenon with which absolutely everyone lives. Therefore, you should not contact a neurologist. But that's not true! It is important for your loved ones to be there at this moment when it is difficult to survive everything! Experts require that treatment be started as early as possible.

Stress is not a normal condition and must be treated! Don’t be afraid to disturb the doctor with your trivial questions - sleep disorders, mental disorders, tearfulness, forgetfulness, memory impairment, dizziness, and more. These are all points that can be resolved at the formation stage. But if you do not pay attention to them, then you can wait for clinical depression, which can only be gotten rid of with the strongest drugs, the use of certain tranquilizers.

A nervous breakdown is a serious psychological disorder that is associated with psychological stress, long-term stress or trauma.

Such a situation can take away quite a lot of physical and moral strength, as well as vital energy, from a person.

If this problem is detected, if a nervous breakdown has been diagnosed, treatment with folk remedies must be prescribed and completed. Otherwise, you may encounter more serious problems.

A breakdown can be attributed to the body’s defensive reaction to being constantly in a state of stress.. Any nervous tension sooner or later ends in a breakdown.

This is a kind of mental disorder that affects both women and men. In some cases, a nervous breakdown occurs in children after prolonged stress, serious psychological stress, or against the background of certain diseases.

Depending on the causes, a nervous breakdown can manifest itself in three different forms.

At the first stage development, a person experiences an unreasonable increase in strength, against the background of which a person spends a lot of energy on one or another type of activity.

At the second stage The patient may experience a sharp loss of strength, severe fatigue, anger and irritability.

Treatment with folk remedies and medications is required at all stages of the disease, especially when signs such as causeless anger, lethargy and a constant pessimistic mood appear.

Among the main causes of a nervous breakdown, doctors identify the following provoking factors:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • taking certain medications;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • avitaminosis;
  • impairment of motor activity;
  • severe psychological conditions;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

Depending on the causes and provoking factors, the signs and general symptoms of a breakdown may vary. Only a qualified specialist can determine a nervous breakdown, its symptoms and consequences.

Signs of such a problem can be temporary or permanent..

The former include tearfulness, dizziness, hysterics, anxiety and constant restlessness, rapid heartbeat, and increased sweating.

More permanent and long-term signs of a problem that answer the question of how to determine and how to recognize a breakdown include:

  1. Constant internal tension.
  2. Insomnia.
  3. Various changes in body weight.
  4. Depression and fatigue.
  5. Headache and dizziness.
  6. Inattention and inability to assess the situation.
  7. Malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.
  8. Lack of joy in life.

If you neglect competently structured treatment, a person may face quite dangerous conditions of the body and general psychological state.

Physical complications include headaches, vascular and heart problems, and peptic ulcers. Psychological complications include the presence of suicidal thoughts and constant aggression towards oneself and others.

Many patients, in order to cope with such unpleasant phenomena, fall into drug and alcohol addiction.

To avoid serious problems, you should be attentive to your health, use various preventive measures and treat nervous tension at the very beginning of its development.

Prescribing treatment on your own is strictly prohibited.. At the first manifestations, you need to contact a specialist who, after an examination, will determine what to do in case of a nervous breakdown, what treatment plan to apply in a particular case.

At the initial stage, it will be quite possible to get by with folk remedies; in more advanced situations, you cannot do without taking medications.

The problem is diagnosed through a visual examination of the patient. A conversation with the patient is required, with the help of which the doctor determines the ability to navigate in time and the level of awareness of one’s self.

The level of intelligence is also determined and various speech disorders are identified. Based on the examination, the specialist will prescribe effective treatment.

Treatment for a nervous breakdown

The process of treating a nervous breakdown consists of the use of several approaches and techniques.. This may include herbal treatment, breathing exercises, yoga and complete lifestyle changes.

Any method of treatment must be accompanied by proper rest, light exercise, feasible sports and regular nutrition.

This is the only way to fully recover and normalize the psycho-emotional state, that is, to resolve the issue of how to treat a nervous breakdown.

There are many methods of treating a nervous breakdown.. The doctor who treats the patient prescribes a regimen based on the characteristics of the pathology and its manifestations.

To effectively eliminate severe nervous exhaustion and agitation, you need to know what to drink and what to take and how to deal with the disease.

The following effective recipes and treatments can be used:

After a course of treatment with similar drugs, which lasts on average from two weeks to a month, the patient’s condition improves significantly.

The most positive results can be achieved while maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This is a unique opportunity to solve the question of how to get rid of stress quickly and effectively.

One of the most basic signs and consequences of a nervous breakdown is sleep disturbance. A person has difficulty falling asleep, he cannot fully rest due to shallow and intermittent sleep.

You can solve sleep problems using the following methods:

These products should be used after an allergic reaction to the products has been ruled out, as well as in the absence of factors of individual intolerance.

Shilajit is ideal for all forms of nervous breakdown. You can quickly get rid of such unpleasant symptoms as insomnia, manifestations of problems in the form of vegetative-vascular dystonia, different localization of headaches, neuroses, neuritis and radiculitis.

Its substance can be used both externally and internally:

Medicinal compositions made on the basis of this substance have a positive effect on the functioning of all organs of the human body.

Dosed and regular intake of mumiyo completely restores the exhausted nervous system, normalizes sleep, eliminates all the consequences of a nervous breakdown or effectively prevents it.

Simultaneously with treatment with drugs that are taken orally, the maximum positive effect is achieved through mud therapy. There are several popular recipes that are used to treat a nervous breakdown.

You can be treated with such compounds not only in sanatoriums, but also at home, after purchasing special medicinal mud at the pharmacy.

Here are the most common treatment methods:

The recipes listed above should be combined with drinking two glasses of fresh warm milk, preferably goat milk, before bed. If you drink milk after a short evening walk, you can quickly improve your sleep and, accordingly, seriously strengthen your nervous system.

All these are quite effective traditional methods of treatment, which must be used for all forms and types of nervous breakdown.

Chemical drugs are prescribed only in the most advanced cases. They should be treated with the utmost caution, since modern medications, along with the rapid treatment of nervousness and breakdowns, can give various side effects.

Long-term use of pills for a nervous breakdown or sedative injections is quite dangerous for health, not only psychological, but also physical.

To maintain excellent health, it is worth resting in a timely manner, not only passively, but also by changing the main type of activity.

It is important to adjust your daily routine in such a way that you always have time to rest and do things that bring satisfaction and pleasure.

It is extremely important to eat right, that is, eat healthy foods and not overeat. Physical exercises are great for relieving nervous tension..

Knowing the main dangers that a nervous breakdown entails, understanding by what manifestations one can determine its approach, one can take certain measures to prevent neurosis and breakdown and resolve the issue of how to avoid a breakdown and how to recover from stress.

Following these tips will not only help prevent a nervous breakdown, but also improve your overall health.

A nervous breakdown is a protective reaction of the body to overwork and exhaustion. This is a breakdown of the internal safety valve. A nervous breakdown gives release to emotions that have been suppressed for a long time. At the moment of an attack, a person throws out physical and mental energy that has been accumulating for a long time. A nervous breakdown is dangerous for the individual and those around him.

A nervous breakdown, although it looks like an explosion, is not one. It does not appear in a second; signs of its approach can be noticed in advance. The human condition changes in three stages:

  1. and the experiences persist, but the person becomes suspiciously active, optimistic, and sometimes remains in a state of unreasonable euphoria. Increases productivity, performance and endurance. But at the same time, problems with sleep and periodic tremors of the limbs arise. There is a slight increase in temperature.
  2. Optimism is replaced by a feeling of frustration. Excessive activity results in psychophysiological exhaustion. If at the first stage a person was ready and could cope with any difficulties, now every little thing infuriates him. Sleep problems are getting worse, headaches and heart pains, arrhythmia, hypertension, and tachycardia are added. Concentration weakens and memory deteriorates. There are mood swings and an inability to rejoice. There is a feeling. Panic attacks occur periodically.
  3. The individual becomes completely disappointed in himself, admits powerlessness, and gives up. Falls, apathy occurs, which often turns into. Previous somatic symptoms persist and worsen: dizziness, loss of appetite, stool disorders, abdominal pain, decreased libido, absence of menstruation or cycle failure.

The stages take several months. If you pay close attention to your health and listen to the signals, you can prevent a nervous breakdown. But as you can see, most of the signs are internal. It is not easy for an outside observer to suspect that someone is about to have a breakdown. The only indicator is a change in behavior, euphoria replaced by apathy, complaints of poor health.

The peak of a nervous breakdown is usually represented by hysteria, which is difficult to miss. Symptoms of a breakdown:

  • tearfulness, hysterical laughter, their alternation;
  • guilt, suicidal tendencies;
  • heightened feeling of loneliness, uselessness;
  • twitching of the arm, leg, head, shoulder;
  • , irritation, aggression, rage;
  • shouting, insults;
  • inappropriate demonstrative actions;
  • collapse of surrounding objects.

A nervous breakdown manifests itself in different ways. One person closes in on himself, breaks down in tears, moves from hysteria to hysteria, and sits inhibited in the corner. And another person, at the moment of breakdown, vomits and rushes, capable of crippling someone.


A nervous breakdown cannot be left unnoticed, as its consequences are dangerous:

  • fears, phobias, chronic anxiety;
  • panic attacks;
  • obsessive thoughts;
  • chronic cephalgia;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • sleep disorder;
  • addiction care;
  • psychosis.

The consequences continue to haunt us for a year after the incident. A person who has suffered a nervous breakdown needs full rehabilitation, recovery, and rest. You can’t pretend that nothing happened and continue to live in the old stressful regime.

The moment of breakdown itself is dangerous due to the subject’s rash actions, words, and reactions. Family, business, and friendly relationships come under attack. Some people around you take what happened personally. In this case, they form.

The consequences of a breakdown vary: from screaming to murder. The severity of the attack implies the scale of the consequences for witnesses and the person who broke down.

Prevention of a nervous breakdown

The best thing that can be done is to increase it, identify negative factors in a timely manner and eliminate them. In practice, this is not always easy, for example, if the problem is an internal contradiction or old ones influencing from the subconscious. In this case, if something is bothering you, but you don’t know what exactly, or you know, but you can’t handle it yourself, I recommend contacting a psychologist.

What to do to prevent a nervous breakdown:

  • Follow the work and rest schedule.
  • Make a daily routine, a life plan.
  • Follow your diet.
  • Exercise regularly. Physical activity relieves tension, relaxes muscles, normalizes oxygen and blood circulation, improves brain function, and strengthens memory.
  • Take a maintenance vitamin complex periodically.
  • Treat illnesses in a timely manner.
  • Change unsatisfactory conditions.
  • Learn methods and ways to express emotions.
  • Get rid of bad habits, reduce or eliminate the consumption of alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, and other psychostimulants.
  • Give yourself at least 20 minutes every day.

A nervous breakdown is preceded by. This is what we need to fight against. A lasting effect of therapy can only be achieved by changing lifestyle, working on oneself, and solving internal problems. Eliminating symptoms will not give the desired result.

Nervous breakdowns: symptoms, consequences and how to protect yourself from them

Any mechanism has its own strength limit, and the nervous system is no exception. Even the strongest in spirit sometimes cannot withstand the constant pressure of stress. When the stress becomes unbearable, the body defends itself: this condition is called a nervous breakdown.

What leads to a nervous breakdown

Oddly enough, a nervous breakdown is a defensive reaction during emotional or mental overload. However, a nervous breakdown is a colloquial designation for a phenomenon that doctors call an exacerbation of neurosis.

The causes of a nervous breakdown vary. It can be caused by either long-term exposure to a stressful situation or some unexpected traumatic event. Most often a nervous breakdown is caused by:

  • Constant mental or physical fatigue - at work or while studying.
  • Loss of loved ones.
  • Failures in your personal life, long-term traumatic relationships, family quarrels.
  • Breaking of friendships, family or love relationships.
  • Unfavorable psychological environment in the home or team.
  • Serious financial problems.
  • Dismissal.
  • Unbearable responsibility.

All of the above reasons are negative, but a nervous breakdown can also be a consequence of changes that seem to make you happy - a wedding or the birth of a child, a long-awaited promotion, a move.

Of course, all people have different levels of stress tolerance. Some people easily endure the collapse of their life plans, while others are literally knocked down by failures. This is no coincidence and, as a rule, has nothing to do with willpower or the ability to think positively. There are risk factors:

  • Cases of mental illness in the family (especially schizophrenia).
  • Previously diagnosed depression.
  • Anxious personality type.
  • Thyroid diseases.
  • Cardiovascular diseases, including VSD.
  • Use of alcohol or drugs.
  • Lack of certain vitamins and minerals - primarily vitamin E, B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, as well as some amino acids.

Most often, people suffer from nervous breakdowns between the ages of 30 and 40 - this is the busiest and most productive period of life.

When the secret becomes apparent: signs of an approaching exacerbation

For others, a nervous breakdown often seems sudden and unexpected. However, in reality it does not arise out of the blue. There are signs that suggest an approaching nervous breakdown.

A nervous breakdown is not a moment, but a process that is divided into several stages.

First stage is characterized by some feverish revival - a person suddenly becomes optimistic (sometimes unreasonably), performance and endurance increase, but at the same time anxiety and restlessness do not disappear anywhere - on the contrary, they also increase. Sometimes this condition is accompanied by insomnia, a slight increase in body temperature, and mild tremor.

Second stage- this is the expected nervous and physical exhaustion that results from vigorous activity at the first stage. If at first it seemed to a person that all he had to do was try and all problems would be solved, but now disappointment and irritation sets in. A person breaks down over little things, suffers from sleep disturbances (insomnia or frequent awakenings at night), the second stage of a breakdown is characterized by attacks of rapid heartbeat, headaches, nervousness, possible melancholy and melancholy, memory impairment, panic attacks.

Third stage- this is the peak of experiences. A person comes to the conclusion that all efforts are useless. Self-esteem falls, the ability to enjoy life is lost, apathy and depression are possible. For the third stage, cardiovascular symptoms are typical - dizziness, rapid heartbeat, increased blood pressure, as well as gastrointestinal disorders - loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhea or constipation. Sexual desire disappears, women's menstrual cycles are disrupted.

If you listen to yourself, it is quite possible to “catch” a nervous breakdown long before it happens and take action. This must be done, since a nervous breakdown never goes away without a trace.

The consequences are more dangerous than you think

The entire process of developing nervous exhaustion can take several weeks or months. However, its consequences make themselves felt much longer - complete rehabilitation sometimes lasts for years.

People who have experienced at least one nervous breakdown are more likely to suffer from panic attacks, phobias, and obsessive thoughts. The physical condition also suffers: hypertension, constant headaches, chronic insomnia, heart rhythm and metabolic disorders develop.

A nervous breakdown is a severe test not only for the person on whom it happened, but also for those close to him. In a state of breakdown, people often commit rash and unreasonable actions. A nervous breakdown has destroyed many careers and families, it can scare away friends and acquaintances - after all, loved ones do not always understand why a calm and friendly person suddenly became aggressive, picky and indifferent to everything, they tend to take it personally.

Is it possible to avoid breakdowns?

Since a nervous breakdown is the result of a long stay in a stressful situation, in order to avoid it, you need to get out of this situation. Of course, it is easier to give such advice than to follow it, but this is the only guaranteed way to avoid a breakdown. If you feel that tension is steadily growing, do not put off visiting a specialist - a course of psychotherapy will help you tune in to changes and begin to transform your life.

Lifestyle also plays a significant role in reducing the risk of a nervous breakdown. To avoid getting into this situation, try:

  • Stick to a routine - eat small meals several times a day and go to bed at the same time.
  • Do not drink alcohol, do not take drugs or smoke, drink less coffee and energy drinks.
  • Take anti-stress vitamin complexes that contain all the substances necessary for the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Learn to relax. Set aside at least an hour of peace a day and do only what brings you pleasure - turn off your phone and lie in the bath, go for a walk, watch your favorite movie, do yoga.
  • Listen to yourself. Don't confuse this with soul-searching. To prevent a breakdown, you need to be aware of your feelings, not convince yourself that everything is in order if you understand that the atmosphere is heating up, and not wait until the last minute to treat nervous tension.

How to reduce the risk of exacerbation of stress and nervous disorders

Good news: stress is treatable, and the sooner you start therapy, the lower the risk of relapse. Therapy includes both medications and lifestyle changes, and these approaches are not interchangeable - you will need complex treatment, the only way to be sure of its success.

Non-drug approach

Physical exercise. They improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, saturate the muscles and brain with oxygen, resulting in improved cognitive functions - memory, performance, and the ability to concentrate. Sports or fitness activities relieve muscle tension, which always accompanies nervous overload, and promote the production of neurotransmitters responsible for a good mood.

Relaxation. With the help of relaxation techniques, you can switch your attention and get rid of obsessive thoughts and anxieties. Such techniques include yoga and meditation, aromatherapy, massage, color therapy. Warm, relaxing baths may also help.

Psychotherapy. Perhaps the most effective non-drug method of dealing with stress. Contrary to popular misconception, the psychotherapist does not tell the patient what he should do - he only helps to discover hidden resources, get rid of fears and doubts, determine his true attitude towards the problem and change it.

Pharmacological approach

Symptomatic drugs with mild sedative effect. To improve concentration and memory, it is recommended to take glycine - this amino acid is necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system. Attacks of palpitations are well relieved by Corvalol, which also has a slight sedative effect.

Herbal anti-stress drugs. Sedatives based on plant extracts act gently but reliably. Therefore, during difficult periods of life, it is worth keeping on hand valerian or medicines that contain motherwort, lemon balm, chamomile or sage. It is also useful to drink a soothing herbal tea in the evenings instead of classic tea with tonics.

Vitamins and minerals. There are many vitamin complexes specifically for such cases. They contain higher doses of B vitamins, as well as vitamin E, calcium, potassium and magnesium. All these substances increase stress resistance and the functioning of the nervous system. In addition, plant extracts with a sedative effect are sometimes added to such complexes.

Homeopathic remedies and dietary supplements. The effectiveness of homeopathic medicines is a controversial issue, but even opponents of this method admit that they can help with nervous disorders. Perhaps there is a placebo effect here, but any doctor will confirm: if the patient believes in the effectiveness of the pill, the effect is actually more pronounced.

Prescription drugs. If the situation is advanced and a nervous breakdown has already occurred, the doctor may prescribe potent drugs - antidepressants, antipsychotics and tranquilizers. It’s not for nothing that you can’t buy them at a pharmacy without a prescription. Such drugs have a lot of unpleasant side effects and strict contraindications, and they can only be taken under the supervision of a doctor, who, based on the test results, will adjust the dose. Such drugs are prescribed only when there is a direct danger to the psyche, for example, in severe depression with suicide attempts.

Over-the-counter drugs with a complex therapeutic effect. An alternative to prescription drugs are products designed specifically to relieve stress and improve mood. They are more effective than herbal remedies, but do not have the side effects and contraindications that are typical for heavy drugs. They have a complex effect - improve sleep, memory, performance and mood, and relieve anxiety. These drugs include Afobazol and some other drugs.

Expert opinion: a specialist from the drug manufacturer talks about the effect of Afobazole

A frivolous attitude towards your health is unacceptable, everyone understands this. We go to the doctor if we have a tingling sensation in our side, but at the same time we believe that stress symptoms such as irritability, tearfulness, constant fatigue, insomnia and anxiety will “dissipate” on their own. At best, people drink painkillers for migraines, sleeping pills for insomnia, and alcohol for the blues. Meanwhile, medications have long existed to comprehensively combat all manifestations of stress - they not only relieve symptoms, but also “repair” damaged nerve endings, normalize the functioning of the nervous system and prevent the occurrence of nervous breakdowns in the future.
Such drugs include, in particular, medicines to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. Afobazole helps not only those who suffer from nervous breakdowns. It is indicated for sleep disorders, increased excitability, anxiety, low mood, irritability. “Afobazol” eases the course of menopause and PMS (reduces psychological symptoms), supports physical and nervous overload, and is used in the complex treatment of neuroses and depression. The effectiveness of Afobazol has been confirmed by more than 80 studies, which involved about 4,500 patients.
Being an anti-anxiety drug, Afobazol does not cause drowsiness or lethargy; it can be taken even if you drive a car or work with complex equipment. To achieve a lasting effect, it is recommended to take Afobazol in courses of 2–4 weeks. Before starting the course, you should consult your doctor.

Scheme for dealing with breakdowns

At the very first stage of a nervous breakdown, you can get by with small measures - try to establish a daily routine, allocate time for relaxation, start taking herbal sedatives - valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, as well as vitamins.

At the second stage, over-the-counter anti-stress drugs and glycine should be added to these remedies to support the nervous system. It would be a good idea to make an appointment with a psychotherapist or psychologist.

At the third stage, psychotherapy is no longer just desirable, but also necessary. More serious prescription medications may also be required.

Undoubtedly, in order to develop a treatment regimen, you need to consult a doctor - a psychiatrist, neurologist or neuropsychiatrist. However, most people believe that stress is a common thing, and you shouldn’t go to the clinic with such problems. Such an approach is a direct road to a nervous breakdown and long, difficult and expensive treatment.

A nervous breakdown (also known as a nervous breakdown) is a temporary condition characterized by decreased functioning, usually as a result of stress. A nervous breakdown can occur when stress and life circumstances overwhelm a person's ability to cope. There are many symptoms that can help you determine whether you are suffering from a nervous disorder or not. If you suspect you are on the verge of a nervous breakdown, it is very important to seek help early.


Definition of mental symptoms

    Consider whether you have recently experienced any emotional trauma or loss of a loved one. A nervous breakdown can occur as a result of shock or the death of someone dear. It may also be the result of stress building up over time, such as work pressure or financial obligations. Think about recent or unexpected sources of stress that have thrown you off track. Any sudden event can drain all available resources, causing you to give up completely.

    • This could include someone's recent death, a breakup, or a divorce.
    • Emotional shock or trauma may occur if you have experienced a natural disaster, been a victim of robbery, abuse, or domestic violence.
  1. Consider whether you have difficulty achieving feelings of satisfaction or happiness. When a person experiences a nervous breakdown, they may lose the ability to experience pleasure. You may feel lethargic, empty, or apathetic. You may feel like nothing around you matters, or that you're just going with the flow. Apathy and devastation are syndromes of depression. Deep depression may be a consequence of a nervous breakdown or, conversely, lead to it.

    • Maybe you want to feel normal and happy, but you simply can no longer experience pleasure in your favorite activities.
  2. Pay attention to any mood swings. Mood swings are usually signs of an impending nervous breakdown, as they are indicators of emotional exhaustion and that the body is making little attempt to cope. Mood swings may include:

    • Irritation
    • Anger combined with guilt and grief
    • Frequent bouts of crying
    • Phases of excessive calm
    • Phases of depression
  3. Please note if you are constantly taking time off from work due to health reasons. It's one thing if you took a day off to recover mentally, emotionally and physically, but if you constantly make excuses for feeling unwell, this could be a sign of a nervous breakdown. You may lack motivation to go to work or be physically unable to force your body to get ready and go to work.

    • Pay attention if you start to work poorly. Even if you show up at your workplace, evaluate your productivity and compare whether there are any significant differences with the results of the previous month.
  4. Beware of any signs of helplessness or hopelessness. These are the two most common symptoms associated with a nervous breakdown or its onset. It may seem to you that you have no internal resources left to cope with all the problems, which results in helplessness. You may feel hopeless and unable to control the situation you find yourself in, or see no way out of your predicament. These signs of depression can result in a nervous breakdown. Other symptoms that may lead to a nervous disorder may include:

    • Lack of energy
    • Fatigue
    • Lack of concentration
    • Distracted attention
    • Isolation
  5. Consider whether you are exhausted by negative thoughts. If you have a nervous disorder, you may constantly think about something bad and even view positive thoughts or feelings as negative. Usually it's the following:

    • Seeing everything in a bad light
    • Install a negative filter in your mind that only lets in bad thoughts.
    • Thinking that the situation will never improve, that the nervous breakdown will never go away, and that you will always be in this state.
  6. Please note if you are isolating yourself from society. You may notice that you are withdrawn from friends and family and spend most of your time alone. Friends call to see you, but you refuse, and even the very thought of meeting already sounds tiring to you. If you're feeling stressed, it may be easier to step away and put all your energy into dealing with it.

    Notice the feelings of numbness and withdrawal. A nervous breakdown can leave you feeling disconnected from the outside world. It may even seem to you that everything that happens to you is not real. Simply put, you will feel that you can no longer rely on the environment and people around you.

    Pay attention to increased anxiety. The physical symptoms of intense stress can lead to and persist during a nervous breakdown. If you're already prone to feeling anxious, and then something serious happens to you, it can make your anxiety attacks worse and feel unbearable. Signs of anxiety include the following:

    • Cramps, muscle tension
    • Sweaty palms
    • Dizziness
    • Panic attacks
  7. Pay attention to feelings of exhaustion. You may feel like you are completely out of energy. Constantly feeling tired and exhausted is another common symptom as all your energy goes into dealing with a life crisis. Even small, everyday tasks can feel like an unbearable burden.

    • You may feel that even normal daily activities, such as showering, eating, or simply getting out of bed, take up too much energy.
  8. Notice the increased heart rate. When you experience extreme stress as a result of a nervous breakdown, you may feel a racing heart, tightness in your chest, or a lump in your throat. However, despite this, medical research shows that no heart problems can be caused by pure stress.

    Consider whether you have any digestive problems. Indigestion and other digestive problems are common problems caused by stress or anxiety. This is because when you are under extreme stress, your body goes into survival mode and digestion is not high on its list of priorities.

    Notice if your body is trembling or if your hands are shaking. Shaking hands or trembling in the body are some of the most obvious physical symptoms of a nervous breakdown, as well as some of the most embarrassing. Unfortunately, the embarrassment that results from these symptoms only increases your stress levels.

    • Trembling and shaky hands can act as physical indicators that your entire body and mind are under stress.

Fighting a nervous breakdown

  1. Talk to someone you trust. If you have identified symptoms of a nervous breakdown, it is very important to discuss this with someone. Silence and accumulation of stress in yourself will only make the situation worse. One way to relieve stress and get rid of negative thoughts is to reduce your level of social isolation and increase communication with friends. It may seem to you that you do not have the energy to meet with friends, but you must overcome yourself and find time for them. This will help you heal.

    • Isolation can both lead to stress and make it worse, so make an effort to meet up with friends regularly.
    • Talk to your best friend or family member. By sharing your problems or worries with someone else, you can lighten your burden a little and also feel less lonely.
  2. Seek help from a neurologist or psychotherapist. If you have already had a nervous breakdown or feel that you can no longer cope with the situation on your own, make an appointment with your doctor. A specialist will help you cope with current difficulties and also tell you about healthy ways to deal with stress. It can also help you overcome feelings of depression, anxiety, or negative thoughts.

    • If you need help choosing a good doctor, ask friends for advice or search the Internet for information.
  3. Eat a healthy diet. Feeling constantly stressed or anxious increases cortisol levels in your body, which negatively impacts your appetite. However, if you don't eat well, you will feel even more tired and exhausted than before. It is very important to nourish your body with nutritious food and create a healing environment for your body.

    Play sports. Sport is one of the best ways to reduce anxiety and stress. However, as a result of a nervous breakdown, you may feel neither the strength nor the desire to engage in fitness, so it is very important to begin this step by step. Exercising will help you get out of the house and change your surroundings.

    • Start with short daily walks, even just walking around the house. Over time, you can increase the intensity and frequency of your exercise.
    • Once you feel ready, join a gym or join a local sports team to increase your social activity as well. You can choose dancing, swimming, cycling or kickboxing lessons.
  4. Learn to relax. Rest is key when recovering from a nervous breakdown. You need to learn to let go of your problems that cause you to constantly feel anxious and find time for yourself.