Prolactin norm for conception in women: how does high and low levels of the hormone affect pregnancy? Prolactin level and its effect on conception.

Sometimes the reason for the inability to get pregnant is a hormonal imbalance. And when a woman finds out about this reason, she becomes acquainted with the new medical term “prolactin”. This is the hormone “culpable” for infertility. What to do in such a situation? Is conception even possible with elevated levels of this hormone? How does it affect pregnancy?

Hormone tests

The ability to conceive, the process of pregnancy, and lactation depend on the woman’s hormonal background. And if she suffers from infertility, then the doctor definitely recommends taking hormone tests. One of them is prolactin, which regulates lactation and promotes enlargement of the mammary glands during pregnancy.

In medicine, prolactin is considered a not fully studied hormone. All its functions in our body are not known. But science has precisely determined that it is directly related to reproductive function, because it has the greatest effect on the mammary glands. Without this hormone, the mammary glands will simply be unable to lactate.

It should be noted that prolactin can increase after sexual intercourse and even a passionate kiss, after. Therefore, a prolactin test must be taken in the morning, on an empty stomach. This must be done in the first and second phases of the cycle.

When, after testing, this hormone turns out to be higher than normal, this may mean the presence of a benign brain tumor in the body and be the reason for the failure of ovulation.

An elevated level of prolactin is called hyperprolactinemia. When the increase is not very large, then you need to know the level of macroprolactin, that is, inactive prolactin. If a significant amount of macroprolactin is detected, then pregnancy can be planned calmly.

Treatment before pregnancy

So, hyperprolactinemia was detected. Then the gynecologist recommends that the woman undergo a test to confirm or rule out the presence of a tumor. This will be followed by therapy that reduces prolactin levels. If a tumor is detected, then the prescribed medications must be taken without interruption for a year, and then become pregnant. Such long-term treatment is necessary to reduce the risk of prolactinoma growth in future pregnancies. In the absence of a tumor, drugs are prescribed before pregnancy. After this, therapy is immediately stopped.

Examinations after pregnancy

During pregnancy, prolactin levels are not measured. Indeed, in an interesting situation, it is elevated in all women. It is also necessary for the unborn child, as it affects the maturation of the pulmonary system.

The production of the hormone prolactin during pregnancy also depends on the hormone estrogen. When the level of estrogen in the blood increases, a signal is sent to the brain to increase the secretion of prolactin. After all, there is a need to prepare a woman for breastfeeding. Thus, the action of prolactin during pregnancy replaces the adipose tissue of the mammary glands with secretory tissue. This causes them to increase significantly in size. Subsequently, the production of mother's milk is directly dependent on prolactin.

By the way, this hormone enters the child’s body through the mother’s body during pregnancy. Therefore, in some babies, immediately after birth, the mammary glands are slightly enlarged. This is not a reason for mom to worry. Everything will go away on its own in a few days.

And the presence of an increased level of this hormone in the blood of expectant and nursing mothers has an anesthesia effect: more prolactin in the blood means less sensitivity to pain. This dependence has been confirmed in laboratory conditions. Scientists also believe that prolactin makes the mammary glands less sensitive

You should know that a high level of prolactin does not in any way affect the fading of pregnancy and. It is a myth.

Especially for Elena TOLOCHIK

Is it possible to get pregnant with elevated prolactin? This question is often asked by women at an appointment with a gynecologist. A woman's ability to conceive a child is greatly influenced by her hormonal levels. To get pregnant, the norm of prolactin for conception depends on the phase of MC and is about 120-530 mU/l. But, if prolactin is elevated, then a woman’s chances of becoming pregnant are almost zero. For the long-awaited pregnancy to occur, the hormone must be lowered - for this purpose, special homeopathic preparations with extracts of medicinal herbs are prescribed.

When planning the birth of a child, responsible parents always undergo a large number of medical examinations and monitor their health. This allows you to avoid many problems both with conception and with the period of bearing a child. Sometimes, after passing the necessary tests and studying their results, a woman is informed that her prolactin is significantly elevated.

This means that the long-awaited pregnancy will not occur in the near future. But even in such a situation, you should not be upset - there is always a chance to diagnose in time the reason why this hormone increases and carry out appropriate therapy. Drug treatment is most often carried out with the help of dopaminomimetic drugs for quite a long time, preparing the woman for the desired fertilization. When planning pregnancy, prolactin should be in the range of 4-23 ng/ml.

What is prolactin?

Since prolactin is produced in humans by the pituitary gland, it is also called the “brain hormone”. It is present in organisms of both sexes, performing certain functions. In representatives of the stronger sex, for example, it is responsible for the norm and activity of sex hormones, promoting conception - it stimulates the normal development of the prostate and seminal vesicles. In women, it is mainly responsible for the mammary glands, or more precisely, it controls their growth and development during puberty, stimulates their swelling during pregnancy, and after childbirth ensures the production of breast milk in sufficient quantities necessary for the baby. Scientists have also established the influence of prolactin on maternal instinct and the normal menstrual cycle.

From all this it follows that this hormone is indispensable for the normal functioning of the female body, especially during pregnancy and subsequent lactation.

Action of the hormone during pregnancy

Prolactin and pregnancy – myth or reality? Indeed, you can get pregnant with high levels of the hormone. Scientists have found that, in general, the hormone does not affect the course of pregnancy itself, but only affects conception. In medicine, there is not a single case of natural termination of pregnancy from an excess of prolactin. Also, the hormone does not affect labor in any way and does not cause complications during childbirth.

A pregnant woman's risk of losing her baby increases only when she takes medications that lower prolactin, especially in the early stages. In addition, prolactin and pregnancy are a fairly optimal combination, since this hormone significantly affects the function of the mammary glands of pregnant women, changing their structure. By the time the baby is born, the mother’s mammary glands, thanks to its action, are completely ready for breastfeeding - they are sufficiently increased in size, and all fat cells are completely replaced by secretory cells.

Another action is to reduce the sensitivity threshold. High prolactin (in the early stages) and pregnancy are two mutually compatible concepts, since the action of this hormone not only does not harm the development of the fetus, but also promotes the correct formation of all its internal organs. Before birth, the mother's prolactin stimulates increased production of surfactant in the child's body, a substance that prevents the alveoli of the lungs from sticking together.

In medicine, there are a large number of cases of infant death due to the lack of this surfactant. The level of prolactin during pregnancy is never measured in any way, since this is an absolutely useless study - the amount of the hormone is increased in all expectant mothers. Therefore, it is impossible to say what the norm of prolactin is during pregnancy - this is absolutely unimportant information.

Hyperprolactinemia and pregnancy are a more serious situation. Hyperprolactinemia is a condition of the body in which the level of the hormone prolactin is so elevated that not only pregnancy is not possible, but other “female” functions are also disrupted: a woman’s libido is almost completely suppressed, a pathological disorder of the circulatory system occurs - menstrual bleeding itself comes late, and premenstrual syndrome lasts long enough and more pronounced.

There are natural moments, for example, increased prolactin during pregnancy, lactation, puberty, and at the end of MC is not considered something abnormal. At this time, prolactin blocks the production of luteinizing hormone, which is responsible for the production of eggs. At such a moment, ovulation does not occur, since the mature egg is not released from the ovary. In this case, hyperprolactinemia and pregnancy are absolutely incompatible.

During pregnancy, you need to take into account both increased and decreased prolactin levels. In all cases, deviations from the norm significantly interfere with natural ovulation and reduce the likelihood of conception. Therefore, the question: is there a norm for prolactin during pregnancy and fertilization (conception), does its level affect pregnancy and childbirth, what optimal prolactin should a woman have in order to become pregnant, can only be answered by a specialist doctor after conducting studies of individual blood test results for hormones of each patient.

In addition, with the development, today, of the level of medicine, the question can be answered positively: is it still possible to get pregnant if the level of prolactin is not normal - here doctors unanimously say - yes, but only after the level of the hormone becomes optimal . As mentioned above, special medications are used for this. Only, before starting a course of therapy, consulting a gynecologist will not be enough; the opinion of an endocrinologist is also necessary, since these medications significantly change the overall hormonal background of the entire body.

In conclusion, it is necessary to say a few words about what affects the level of the hormone in a woman’s blood, especially those factors that lead to its increase: most often, an imbalance is a consequence of pathologies of the pituitary gland (the gland responsible for the synthesis of prolactin). Any changes in this area of ​​the brain can trigger improper hormone production. In addition to reasons related to the pituitary gland, there are other factors that affect prolactin levels:

  • mammary gland injuries;
  • reproductive dysfunction;
  • poor and unhealthy nutrition, physical fatigue, taking medications;
  • some diseases (for example: syphilis or tuberculosis), as well as prolonged stressful conditions.

When disturbances in prolactin levels are caused by physiology (poor nutrition, stress or overwork), you can independently normalize its level. In such cases, reproductive function is restored quite quickly. But in all other cases, a woman may need medical help.

Prolactin is a biologically active substance secreted by the pituitary gland. This hormone affects all cells in the body. Prolactin is of greatest importance for childbirth and breastfeeding. But other functions of the hormone cannot be underestimated.

A blood prolactin test is prescribed by an endocrinologist, gynecologist, therapist, neurologist and other specialists.

Reference values ​​vary slightly between laboratories. This is due to the fact that reagents from different manufacturers are used.

The prolactin level depends on:

  • from the patient's gender;
  • from age;
  • from pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Norm for women

Prolactin in non-pregnant women

From the moment of the first menstruation until menopause, women most often get tested for prolactin. This period is called childbearing age. The norm for women in these years is considered to be prolactin from 40 to 600 mU/l.

For favorable conception and pregnancy, the ideal hormone level is considered to be from 120 to 530 mU/l.

An increase in hormone concentration is quite common and can cause infertility. Low levels of the hormone contribute to menstrual irregularities and spontaneous abortions.

Normal values ​​during pregnancy

During pregnancy, prolactin is actively secreted by the pituitary gland. A sufficient amount of the hormone is necessary to maintain pregnancy, and for the growth and development of breast tissue, and for the proper formation of the fetus.

Normal prolactin levels after conception depend on the exact stage of pregnancy. An increase in hormone concentration begins after 8 weeks. Maximum values ​​are recorded after 20–30 weeks. Immediately a few days before natural birth, prolactin begins to fall.

Standards for pregnant women have not been approved. In most cases, if necessary, the doctor evaluates the dynamics of changes in hormone concentrations during pregnancy.

Currently, scientists suggest that in pregnant women, from 8 to 12 weeks, prolactin averages 500–2000 mU/l, at 13–27 weeks - 2000–6000 mU/l, and then increases to 4000–10,000 mU/l.

Normal after childbirth

After the birth of a child, the hormone is involved in the formation of maternal instinct, maintaining breastfeeding, and suppressing the ability to conceive again.

An increase in prolactin may persist as long as a woman is breastfeeding. The highest levels of the hormone are recorded in the first six months of a baby’s life. The higher the number of feedings, the higher the hormone value.

Prolactin decreases as complementary foods are added to breast milk in the baby's diet, and nighttime breastfeeding is also abolished.

Even if a mother continues to breastfeed a child older than one year, excess prolactin is rarely detected in her blood.

In the first 7 days after childbirth, a woman’s hormone decreases rapidly. If she is not breastfeeding, then by the end of the week prolactin should be within the normal range for non-pregnant women (40–600 mU/l).

The norm after childbirth for nursing mothers is estimated approximately. It is believed that in the first 6 months the hormone should be up to 2500 mU/l.

A year after the birth of a baby, a nursing mother’s normal prolactin level is up to 1000 mU/l, and in practice in most cases it corresponds to values ​​up to 600 mU/l.

Determining the concentration of the hormone during this period of life is advisable only if a pituitary adenoma is identified.

Normal values ​​in menopausal women

After menstruation stops, great changes occur in a woman's body. They also concern the activity of the pituitary gland. In particular, a decrease in average prolactin values ​​was recorded.

Hormone norm one year after the end of the last menstruation: 25–400 mU/l. Subsequently, the hormone continues to gradually decrease.

Normal in children

In children in the first month of life, high levels of blood prolactin are observed. Initial values ​​can be up to 1700–2000 mU/l. These indicators are associated with the supply of maternal hormones. The child may experience engorgement of the mammary glands and the release of drops of colostrum from the areola.

Very quickly, the concentration of the hormone in the blood begins to fall and by the end of the newborn period the norm is up to 607 mU/l in boys and up to 628 mU/l in girls. She remains like this throughout the first year of life.

On average, in children under 10 years of age the figure is 40–400 mU/l.

Teenagers have higher levels of the hormone than younger children. This is especially noticeable in girls.

Normal for men

In men, the hormone performs a number of important functions. But the need for it is much less than for women. The norm for men falls within the range from 53 to 360 mU/l. A concentration of 360–400 mU/l is considered high, but normal.

Random hormone deviations from the norm

Random deviations of prolactin values ​​from the norm occur in healthy people who neglect proper preparation for the analysis.

To see true hormone levels you need

  • exclude sex a day before the test;
  • refuse thermal procedures (bath, hot bath, sauna) the day before the test;
  • do not eat anything for 8–12 hours before blood sampling;
  • avoid strenuous physical activity on the day of the test;
  • maintain emotional calm on the day of the test.

You should not take this test during periods of poor health, viral illness or severe fatigue. Insomnia and other sleep disorders can also affect the results. The indicator can be correctly determined only in the morning hours (8.00–10.00). After waking up, at least 180 minutes should pass.

When planning a child, responsible future parents undergo many examinations to prevent possible problems during conception and pregnancy. Sometimes, after taking a hormone test, a woman finds out that her hormone prolactin is elevated, and pregnancy will not occur in the near future.

Hormonal disorders affect the possibility of conception, the success of pregnancy and lactation. Therefore, questions about how to normalize prolactin levels always remain relevant.

Prolactin and pregnancy are “connected” through estrogens - sex hormones responsible for egg maturation, ovulation, preservation of the fertilized egg and blood supply to the placenta. After conception, their levels increase, leading to an increase in prolactin secretion as the body begins to prepare for breastfeeding.

Under the influence of this hormone, the structure of the mammary glands changes: they increase in size, fat cells are replaced by secretory ones. By the time the baby is born, milk production begins.

The natural increase in prolactin during pregnancy leads to a decrease in pain sensitivity. This is especially important during childbirth.

Prolactin is involved in the formation of the internal organs of the fetus. Under its influence, a surfactant is formed in the lungs - a substance that lines the walls of the alveoli and prevents them from sticking together. It is produced in the late stages, shortly before childbirth. In premature babies, lack or absence of surfactant can cause death.

Reasons for increased prolactin

An increase in prolactin concentration can be caused by disorders in the pituitary gland, since it is in this gland that it is produced. Physiological or biochemical changes, swelling, tumors in this part of the brain - all this leads to an increase in the secretion of hormones.

There are other reasons not related to the pituitary gland:

  • injuries to the muscles and glands of the chest;
  • an increase in the level of estrogen in the blood due to disorders in the adrenal cortex, liver and/or kidneys (Addison's disease, cirrhosis, renal failure, etc.);
  • syphilis, tuberculosis;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system;
  • taking certain antidepressants, estrogens, antipsychotics, amphetamines, opiates, antibiotics;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • low carbohydrate diet (hypoglycemia);
  • medical procedures affecting the neck area, for example, massage (nerve nodes that control hormone levels are located in the cervical region);
  • prolonged stress.

If prolactin is elevated, is it possible to get pregnant and how to cope with the problem? When disturbances are caused by physiological reasons (diet, stress, physical activity), you can independently normalize the hormone level. In this case, reproductive function is usually restored without any particular difficulties. In other situations, medical attention is required.


A blood test from a vein is performed to determine prolactin levels. A referral for examination is given by a gynecologist. The collection procedure is carried out in the morning, 2-3 hours after sleep, on an empty stomach.

The day before donating blood, you should refrain from drinking alcohol, visiting a sauna or bathhouse, or having sexual intercourse. The results are interpreted taking into account the characteristics of the reagents used by the laboratory.

Further diagnosis depends on the results of a blood test. Consultations with specialized specialists (gastroenterologist, nephrologist, endocrinologist), craniogram, computed tomography, and fundus examination may be prescribed.

Treatment before pregnancy

Treatment for elevated prolactin levels is selected based on diagnostic results. If the deviations are minor and no diseases that can affect the production of this hormone have been identified, then homeopathic remedies with chasteberry extract, a decoction of licorice root or cinquefoil goose are prescribed.

If the increase in prolactin is significant, the disease that caused the hormonal imbalance is treated. Medications are also prescribed: Palodel, Bromocriptine, Dostinex.

Is it possible to get pregnant with elevated prolactin?

Prolactin is involved in the functioning of the reproductive system. An increase in its level leads to a decrease in the production of progesterone, a hormone that increases the likelihood of fertilization, promotes implantation of the fertilized egg and prevents endometrial rejection.

In addition, hyperprolactinemia leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle and prevents ovulation. In 20% of women, an increased concentration of prolactin is detected.

Is it possible to get pregnant if prolactin is elevated? The likelihood of this is extremely low, since obstacles are created at all early stages: during ovulation, conception, implantation of the fertilized egg, as well as in the first days of gestation.

Even if fertilization occurs, there is a high risk of miscarriage at a short term, even before the missed period. However, this disorder is treatable - in 80% of cases, elimination of infertility is possible.