New scenario for graduation in elementary school "Everything is the other way around or Children and Ancestors." Graduation script option for elementary school: unusual and fun

Farewell party to elementary school in 4th grade. Ring, ring! Goodbye elementary school!

- create conditions for the ceremonial graduation from primary school;
- sum up the results of 4 years of study.
- Develop the ability to communicate, make friends, and make a person happy.
- Contribute to the unity of the parent and child team.
- Create a situation of active comprehension of the results of the four-year life of the class community.
- To encourage students and their parents to express a sense of gratitude to everyone with whom they interacted at school over four years, and joy in connection with the transition to a new world of communication in the fifth grade.
Equipment: poster “Farewell, elementary school!”, teremok (layout)

Progress of the event

Teacher: In the village of Novondreevka,
There is a nice little mansion.
On Vishnevskaya street,
Neither low nor high.....
Suddenly a girl is running down the street. She stopped, spun around and shouted:
1. Olya:
What are they doing there? What are they doing there?

And be a good student at your school!
Teacher: Suddenly a boy is running down the street. He stopped, scratched himself and shouted:
2. Yaroslav: Hey mansion, mansion, mansion!
Who lives in the schoolhouse?
What's interesting there? After all, there are so many unknowns?
Will they be able to captivate me and teach me everything there is?
Teacher: And in the school little house, teachers live and everyone is welcome here, come in, kids!
Olya: I, Olya, Olga, Olenka - I want to be friends with you!
Teacher: And who is in a hurry to come to us, who wants to live with us?
I want to study with you and value your friendship.
Teacher: Suddenly a girl is running down the street. She stopped, smiled and shouted:
3. Valya: Hey mansion, mansion, mansion!
Who lives in the schoolhouse?
What will they tell me about?
What new will they show?
Olya: I, Olya, Olga, Olenka - I want to be friends with you!
Yaroslav: I, Yaroslav, boy, want to be friends with you!
Teacher: And who is in a hurry to come to us, who wants to live with us?
I want to learn a lot and live an honest life!
Teacher: Suddenly a boy is running down the street. He stopped, laughed and shouted:
4. Maksim: Hey mansion, mansion, mansion!
Who lives in the schoolhouse?
And what are they doing there?
What do they learn there?
Teacher: And in the little house there is a school, teachers live and everyone is welcome here, come in kids!
Olya: I, Olya, Olga, Olenka - I want to be friends with you!
Yaroslav: I, Yaroslav, boy, want to be friends with you!
Valya: I, Valya, Valya, Valechka - I want to be friends with you!
Teacher: And who is in a hurry to come to us, who wants to live with us?
Learn a lot and serve the Motherland!
Teacher: Suddenly a girl is running down the street. She stopped, got embarrassed and shouted:
5. Violet: Hey mansion, mansion, mansion!
Who lives in the schoolhouse?
What is happening there?
And where is it found?
Teacher: And in the school little house, teachers live and everyone is welcome here, come in, kids!
Olya: I, Olya, Olga, Olenka - I want to be friends with you!
Yaroslav: I, Yaroslav, boy, want to be friends with you!
Valya: I, Valya, Valya, Valechka - I want to be friends with you!
Maksim: I, Max, Maxim - guy - want to be friends with you!
Teacher: And who is in a hurry to come to us, who wants to live with us?
Violet: I, Violetta, a girl, want to be friends with you!
I want to study with you and be a true friend!
Teacher: So they began to study, live and be friends in the same class: Olya, Yaroslav, Valya, Maxim, Violetta.

Song "Strong Friendship"
A strong friendship will not break,
Will not come apart from rain and blizzards.
A friend will not leave you in trouble,
He won’t ask too much -
This is what real means
True friend!

A friend will not leave you in trouble,
He won’t ask too much -
This is what real means
True friend!

We will quarrel and make peace,
"Don't spill the water!" - everyone around is joking.
At noon or midnight
A friend will come to the rescue -
This is what real means
True friend.

At noon or midnight
A friend will come to the rescue -
This is what real means
True friend.

A friend can always help me out,
If something happens suddenly.

This is what real means
True friend.

To be needed by someone in difficult times -
This is what real means
True friend.

Teacher: So they lived together, did not grieve, studied, studied, learned a lot... And so 4 years flew by. And they will tell you how they lived in this schoolhouse.
Teacher: Do you guys remember how it all began? How timid and timid were you when you first came to school? Remember how you learned to sit at a desk and stand up gracefully? How did you get the first grades in your life? (passing the bell to each other.)
1st Valya
Holding my mother's hand securely,
Then we went to class for the first time
For my very first lesson in my life.
And the school bell opened it!
2nd Yarik
Remember the first time
We sat in class
And like a teacher
They looked with all their eyes.
3rd Violetta
How about we Svetlana Vladimirovna
Did you answer the questions?
They didn't listen to each other
Everyone was interrupted.
4th Maxim
Remember how sticks
They wrote difficult things.
On the Eighth of March
They painted a vase!
5th Olya
Glued, sculpted,
Songs were sung.
How to solve problems
We didn't understand!
6th Valya
And now we're adults
Look what they are!
The girls are beautiful
Boys are dashing!
7th Yaroslav
We are completely without envy,
Congratulations to each other.
In fifth grade worthy
We want to go!
Teacher: Oh, what a difficult road lay ahead of our first-graders. Our graduates will sing about the difficulties of school life.

For some reason they began to put more and more workload on us.
Nowadays, the first grade in school is like an institute.
Once I wanted to solve a problem with my dad.
Even my dad, and he, dripped valerian.

Or there will be more, oh-oh-oh!
And we have a problem: a new program!
My mother studied all this at the institute!
Grandma and Grandpa had never heard such words...
I want to warn you so that everyone knows:
It's only the beginning? It's only the beginning?
Or there will be more, oh-oh-oh!
Teacher: Time passed and various interesting moments happened in our little house.
Yaroslav and Maxim come out.
1st graduate: Yaroslav
One day my best friend and I
So tired - no strength:
During recess in a small heap
I kneaded a friend.
2nd graduate: Maxim
We fell asleep during class.
The desk is softer than the bed.
We yawned so much that our cheekbones
There was no one to set things right.
1st graduate: Yaroslav
What did the teacher do?
He didn't say a word
And, without delving into the essence of the matter,
I immediately called my dad.
2nd graduate: Maxim
Oh, what a thrashing it was!
1st graduate: Yaroslav
Oh, what a scolding it was!
2nd graduate: Maxim
This is hardly the best way
Understand a child's soul!
1st graduate: Yaroslav
We are tired of studying.
Oh, I wish I had a day off soon.
2nd graduate: Maxim
Soon the torment will end for everyone!
Mom, I want to go home!
Teacher: Now 2 years of study are behind us, examples, equations, projects were all within our grasp, but the multiplication many difficulties it caused. Look:

Teacher: Yaroslav, tell me, how much is 7 x 8?
Student 64
Teacher. How many?
Student: Well, 58
Teacher. How many?
Student: Well, 49.
Teacher. So, I'm already tired of it. I give you, Yaroslav, a two, you haven’t learned the multiplication table.
Student (lay down on the chairs) I’m dying.
Teacher. Well, please don't die! Okay, I'll give you a three.
The student is lying
Teacher. Okay, four!
The student is lying down.
Teacher. Okay, five (crying)
Student Svetlana Vladimirovna! And they said I didn’t learn the multiplication table! (Stands up proud)

Children sing the song "Friends"
If your friend doesn't laugh, turn on the sun for him,
You turn on the stars for him - it's simple.
You correct the mistake, turning it into a smile,
All the sadness and tears are simple.
Sunday, Saturday.
Friendship is not a job
Friendship is not work!
There are friends, and for them.
Friends don't have days off!
There are friends, and for them.
Friends don't have days off!
If happiness falls, divide it into parts.
And give it to all your friends - it's easy.
And when you need it, all your friends will be there,
To turn on the sun or stars for you.
Sunday, Saturday.
Friendship is not a job
Friendship is not work!
There are friends, and for them.
Friends don't have days off!
There are friends, and for them.
Friends don't have days off!
If everyone is a friend in a circle
He will extend his hand to a friend,
This will be visible through the porthole:
Friendship is the equator.
If everyone is a friend of the planet
Waving a daisy to a friend,
It will become clear: friendship is
Planet of daisies.
Sunday, Saturday.
Friendship is not a job
Friendship is not work!
There are friends, and for them.
Friends don't have days off!
There are friends, and for them.
Friends don't have days off!

Sketch “Being sick is boring, but school is not”
Violetta comes out, her neck wrapped in a scarf.
- I'm so tired of being sick. I really want to go to school and see the kids as soon as possible. It's time to take the medicine:
(takes a bottle of medicine, reads the label) “3 times a day, 1 tablespoon after meals” (swallows a spoonful of medicine and begins to squeak).
Olya runs in.
- What's happened? Why are you squeaking?
- Yes, I took the medicine, but it says here: “3 times a day, 1 tablespoon after meals.” So I'm eating.
- Oh, you're stupid! You read incorrectly: “3 times a day, 1 tablespoon after meals.”
- Oh, the teacher told us that the meaning of a word depends on the emphasis.
- Yes, it’s useful to know the rules of the Russian language.

Sketch "Our cases"
Teacher: Valya, go to the blackboard and read a short story.
The student reads:“Dad and mom scolded Vova for bad behavior. Vova was silent guiltily, and then promised to improve.”
Teacher: Wonderful! Name all the nouns in this text.
The student calls: “dad”, “mom”, “Vova”, “behaviour”, “Vova”, “promise”.
Teacher: Well done! Determine which cases these nouns are in. Understood?
Pupil: Yes!
Teacher: Get started!
Pupil:“Dad and Mom” Who? What? Parents. This means the case is genitive.
Scolded someone, what? Vova. “Vova” is a name. This means the case is nominative.
Scolded for what? For bad behavior. Apparently he did something. This means that “behavior” has the instrumental case.
Vova was silent guiltily. This means that here “Vova” has the accusative case.
Well, the “promise,” of course, is in the dative case, since Vova gave it!
That's all!
Teacher: Yes, the analysis turned out to be original! Bring a diary, ..... I wonder what mark you would suggest putting for yourself?
Pupil: Which one? Of course, an A!
Teacher: So, five? By the way, in what case did you name this word - “five”?
Pupil: In the prepositional form!
Teacher: In the prepositional? Why?
Pupil: Well, I suggested it myself!

Scene "There is always a way out"
Teacher: Maxim, why do you eat apples in class?
Student: It's a pity to waste time during recess!
Teacher: Stop immediately! By the way, why weren't you at school yesterday?
Maksim: My older brother got sick.
Teacher: What does that have to do with you?
Maksim: And I rode his bike!
Teacher: Sidorov! My patience has run out! Don't come to school tomorrow without your father!
Maksim: And the day after tomorrow?

The scene “Report” is played out
One of the graduates is reporting, the rest are watching. Video film.
Valya: On your screens you see Yarik and Max. They are both in good athletic shape. Suddenly Max slaps Yaroslav on the head. Yaroslav responds with a series of light blows.
Three girls join them. As a result of this pentathlon, the boys lose shape, but the competition continues. Valya used a painful technique: she pulled Olya’s hair. Shame on Valya! They are in different weight categories.
There is very little time left before the lesson starts. Violetta and Maxim finish the exercise assigned for home in the last seconds!
But then the bell rings! The weightlifting competition begins in the classroom. Yaroslav is especially different; he uses the bench press, clean and jerk, and jerk of his heavy briefcase. But Maxim doesn’t let him win; he pushes two briefcases at once, his and Valin’s.
For the participants in these non-sports games, the coach, i.e. The teacher has prepared all sorts of surprises: from a bad mark in behavior to calling parents to school.
This concludes our report. Thank you for your attention!

Teacher: For four years you walked along difficult steps, rising higher and higher. No matter how difficult it was, you still came to this memorable day. Dear guys, all four years other teachers worked next to me, in our little house. Together they raised you and taught you kindness, light and goodness. (Gifts Pomaz, Vasilyeva, Porsin, Oksanichenko, Dzyuba, Malysheva)
Teacher: It's time to take your elementary school oath.

The teacher reads the oath, and the graduates repeat “I swear!”
I swear I can write and read decently
And carry “good” and “excellent” in your backpack. I swear!
I swear to be a raised child,
Don't run around the school, but walk. I swear!
I swear that I will try very hard,
Don't fight with my friends anymore! I swear!
And if I break my oath,
Then I give away my baby tooth,
Then I promise to wash the dishes forever
And I won't play on the computer! I swear!
Then I promise to go for bread,
Walk the dog, if you have one. I swear!
Then I'll be the perfect child
And I will never forget my oath!
I swear! I swear! I swear!
Valya: Dear mothers, dear fathers!
It's so good to have you around now
At this solemn, joyful hour.
We will share our joy with you,
Yaroslav: In life for us you are the earth’s compass.
After all, the most important thing for parents is their children!
We are grateful to you with all our hearts.
Maksim: We love you and we are proud of you.
And our gratitude to you for everything,
Probably cannot be expressed in words.
Violet: Girls and boys!
Let's be together!
Let's say thank you to mom!
Let's say thank you to dad!
Olya: Let's say thank you to the grandmothers!
Let's say thank you to the grandfathers!
For troubles, for caresses,
For your help and tips!
In chorus: Thank you!
(Congratulations from parents, presentation of gifts.)
Student: Goodbye, fourth grade, we say goodbye to you. Maksim
With your favorite desk, and with a window, and with a blackboard
Student: Goodbye, boss, - I now want to say Olya
We will learn better and, of course, dare!
Student: Goodbye, beloved class, our dear teacher. Valya
We will never forget your loud, stern voice!
Student: We fell in love with each other, our friendship is strong! Yaroslav
Together with us, our friendship moves into the fifth grade!
Student: And our teacher Violetta will go to first grade again
She told us: “Cool, fifth graders, you are lucky!”
Teacher: You've been on the road for four years
Where are you told to go now?
All together, in unison, we will say now:
“Come on, friends, now we’re in 5th grade!”

Song "Goodbye!"
(to the tune of the song "The Song Stays with the Man")
The year is over, summer calls us to go hiking, (we are called to go hiking)
But we will miss school.
After all, so many songs have been sung with friends, (sung)
And from the stage I want to say:
Chorus: Through the years, through distances,

Friendly class 4th, goodbye!
We are moving to the 5th!
Thank you, second (our) mothers!
They taught us to think, think, reason.
We admit that we were often stubborn.
And from the stage I want to say:
Chorus: Through the years, through the distances,
On any road, on any side,
Our first teacher, goodbye!

Our wise teacher, goodbye!
After all, we are not saying goodbye to you.
Teacher: The bell notified us that primary school was over. Good luck, dear graduates!

Time flies at lightning speed. Its rapid course is especially acute when children appear in the family. Just recently you were putting babies in their cradles, and today you are thinking about holding a fun and unusual graduation party in the 4th grade. The carefree years that have passed by are followed by nostalgia, and the only thought left in the parents’ heads is “Goodbye elementary school”! Yes, it’s not easy to leave the lower grades: now much more school lessons and household responsibilities will fall on the fragile children’s shoulders. Therefore, the holiday of parting with a carefree period of life should brighten up the transition to a more conscious and responsible stage of life for schoolchildren. When planning a graduation party in elementary school, select a scenario based on the taste preferences and modern hobbies of the children. Let the bright celebration remain the brightest impression in the memory of graduates.

Where and how to have a fun elementary school graduation

Deciding where and how to hold a fun graduation for elementary school students depends on many factors:

  • alumni preferences;
  • the competence of parents and teachers in conducting such events;
  • financial capabilities;
  • level of class team cohesion;

First, it’s worth finding out about the dreams and desires of the graduates themselves. And to understand what the uncontrollable energy of children is striving for, it is enough to spend a class hour with friendly communication, an introductory conversation, a written (and even anonymous) survey of schoolchildren regarding the location of the event. Of course, there will not be a unanimous answer, but it is quite reasonable to listen to the opinion of the majority of the guys.

After class, you can arrange an unscheduled parent meeting to discuss student choices. It is better for teachers to familiarize themselves in advance with the pricing policy for concert programs, animation performances, rental of banquet halls and room decorator services. Taking into account the opinion of the children, their financial capabilities and the teacher’s competence in organizational matters, it will be much easier for parents to come to a certain compromise.

Choosing a venue for a fun prom in 4th grade

The most popular options for where and how to spend a fun graduation in elementary school have remained unchanged over the past 3-5 years:

Classic graduation “Farewell elementary school”

If you nevertheless decide to hold a graduation party for 4th grade within the school walls, choose the most successful scenario and make the celebration as colorful and memorable as possible for the children.

  • First, create a festive atmosphere. Decorate the prom hall with balloons, shimmering ribbons, glossy photographs with memorable shots from the life of the class. Don't forget about flowers and greeting posters.
  • Secondly, allow each graduate to choose an image to their taste. If the script does not require schoolchildren to play certain roles, let them choose outfits and accessories that match their inner world. And absolutely nothing bad will happen if little fairies and young super-heroes meet in the same hall at the prom.
  • Third, don't turn prom into a talent show. Fill part of the evening with solemn congratulations and parting wishes with a response from the students, and the rest of the time with fun entertainment, competitions, games and tea with a disco.
  • Fourth, don’t get stuck in one room. Allow graduates to manage the entire school (within the limits of what is permitted). Hold a couple of competitions in the courtyard, present certificates to children on the stage of the assembly hall, dance a children's waltz in the hall, organize a banquet in the elegant dining room.
  • Fifthly, do not use the classic graduation script “Goodbye Elementary School” in its standard form, without changes. It makes more sense to spend a little time and change the plan and content of the event for a specific class group, with its characteristics and character.

Graduation script for 4th grade “Farewell elementary school”

The classic “Goodbye Elementary School” graduation usually consists of two parts:

  • official - filled with tears of parents and teachers, as well as the joy of 4th graders anticipating new adventures;
  • disco - with games, competitions, dancing and delicious treats;

The first part of the graduation ceremony must certainly contain congratulatory speeches from teachers accompanied by musical accompaniment and thunderous applause from the audience, farewell poems by graduates and a couple of theme songs performed by children. Congratulations from teachers can be followed by responses from students with the presentation of bouquets and gifts to teachers in gratitude for the open world of knowledge.

It is better to divide the second part of the holiday into three blocks: competition, dance, and drinking. Junior schoolchildren, although graduates, are still children. This means they love to play. The guys will be happy to line up in 1 minute according to the first letter of their name or get entangled in one huge knot, tightly holding hands. A graduation disco, perhaps the first in the children's lives, should traditionally include both fun and slow dancing. But the choice of tracks for compiling a playlist is best left to the youngest and most advanced parent. When organizing a buffet for elementary school graduates, you should not order hearty salads and coarse meat dishes. The main thing is more non-carbonated drinks and light snacks on the tables.

Traditional graduation party in elementary school - scenario according to nominations

The scenario for holding a graduation party according to nominations is widely popular, as it is considered traditional for a holiday in elementary school. Little princes and princesses are looking forward to the awards ceremony and are preparing for it in every possible way. It is no good to upset graduates with poor organization, boring entertainment or ill-conceived gifts.

In recent years, more and more often, themed children's parties are held at prom with the development of events in the key of one story, one exciting event. And for kids 9-10 years old, brought up on Hollywood action movies, the most desirable option is still the Oscar night. After all, this is the only way that every little hero can feel like a real legendary star. And if, instead of expensive luxurious outfits, graduates choose images of super heroes and heroines for the ceremony, then schoolchildren will remember the bright and unique graduation ceremony forever. How often do teachers give awards and gifts to Harry Potter, Alice from Wonderland, the Mad Hatter, etc.

How to hold a graduation ceremony in 4th grade “according to nominations” with awards and gifts

The traditional graduation party in elementary school according to the scenario with nominations has its own peculiarity: it can be easily made even more pleasant and joyful. To do this, it is enough to present small memorable gifts to the nominees along with a document confirming completion of primary school. For example, a cup with a photo print of a class photo, a ticket to the circus or a joint trip on a river ferry, a book on a hobby, a large photo collage for a long-lasting memory.

Another distinctive feature of this “Oscar-winning” prom is that the official and entertainment parts are closely intertwined, which means there is no bright contrast between the tedious introduction and the perky children’s banquet. Main:

  • agree on roles and nominations in advance;
  • decorate the hall and prepare the “red carpet”;
  • organize a children's banquet;
  • buy gifts and flowers;
  • draw up a script for games and competitions;
  • prepare speech and response words;
  • will take care of musical accompaniment and lighting effects;

Modern graduation party in elementary school: new scenario 2017

It’s not difficult to come up with an entertaining program for the graduation of 4th graders in a children’s restaurant, on a boat, in nature, in a theater or museum. The unusual atmosphere seems to charge the graduates with a festive mood and make them want to have a lot of fun. It is much more difficult to paint a typical modern elementary school graduation party according to the new 2017 scenario, without pompous decorations, light music, or a spacious disco hall. Difficult, but possible!

Both old and new scenarios for children's graduations must include the required elements:

  1. Introductory part with a solemn speech by the teacher and director;
  2. Presentation of diplomas to 4th graders;
  3. Performances by students with poems, songs, dances;
  4. Parents' speeches;
  5. Presentation of flowers and gifts;
  6. An unofficial continuation - the entertainment part of the prom;

The formal half of the event is almost always the same. But the entertainment part is different for each graduating class.

Scenario options for a modern elementary school graduation

To hold the most extraordinary modern graduation party in elementary school, you can think through and compose the new 2017 scenario yourself. Or save time resources and leave organizational issues to specialists. Experienced presenters and animators will always offer parents and children interesting options for holding a celebration.

"Star Factory". During the celebration, the presenters reveal the hidden talents of graduates, reward them with souvenir cups and medals, conduct a stellar photo shoot and various competitions with games;

"Cannes Festival". This scenario is possible subject to preliminary preparation. During the month before graduation, students and their teacher occasionally appear in an interesting short film. A cameraman, director and editing specialist will have to be found in advance. Each child has their own role with text and important actions. The film must be fully prepared for the prom so that the premiere is a success. This graduation scenario is not the simplest and cheapest, but the most memorable and exciting.

"Star of the Dance Floor" A prom party with a disco twist is a great opportunity for kids to show their activity and sense of style. Following the traditional official part with a sad farewell comes a cheerful moment of dancing, dancing, and round dances. Graduates will happily exchange their suits with red ribbons for shiny retro-style outfits and embark on joyful fun with soap balloons, light music and lively melodies.

An unusual and funny graduation scenario in the form of a modern fairy tale in elementary school

Graduation scenario in elementary school “Modern Fairy Tale” is an unusual and fun interpretation of the good old event. The only difference is that instead of the usual Little Red Riding Hoods and Cipollino, the main characters at the festival will be Fixies, Winx dolls and the brave heroes of Nidzyago. Otherwise, the preparation and organization of graduation in the 4th grade according to a fairy-tale scenario should be carried out similarly to any other options:

  1. Parent meeting to discuss organizational issues and the general budget;
  2. Selection and purchase of gifts for children and teachers;
  3. Selection of the optimal place for graduation in elementary school;
  4. Determining the script, distributing roles and preparing character images;
  5. Booking entertainment events (shows, quests, etc.);
  6. Decoration of the festive hall;
  7. Preparation of photos and videos “for a long memory.”

Additional elements of a fairytale graduation scenario in 4th grade

It’s easy to create an unusual and funny graduation script in the form of a modern fairy tale in elementary school yourself, taking an old fairy tale as a basis and filling it with episodes that are relevant to today’s teenagers. There is no need to schedule the whole evening minute by minute and plan all the entertainment step by step. Any holiday deserves improvisation and light impromptu. In addition, it is not easy for graduates to relax and have fun fooling around if the organizer follows everywhere with intrusive instructions.

Although the script is based on fairy-tale motifs, the main part of it should be occupied by games and competitions. Let each little guest “defend” his character or tell about himself personally, reincarnating in the chosen image. Let the young graduates lead a big fabulous round dance. Let everyone take part in a bright photo shoot or shoot a colorful video for a modern children's song.

At a prom party dedicated to fairy-tale and cartoon characters, literally all elements must correspond to the chosen theme: from virtual decorations from Wonderland to fantastic treats in the form of multi-colored fruit canapés and figurative cotton candy. Musical accompaniment, entertainment, and invited guests - literally everything should be fabulous and unusual. After all, this holiday will probably be the last children's celebration before entering a new, previously unfamiliar, responsible life.

Primary school graduation (out of school) 2017: unusual and fun scenario with video and photos

Following the classic options for holding a farewell party, you can consider non-standard proposals. For example, elementary school graduation (outside school) 2017: an unusual and fun scenario with video and photos. The best suggestions are provided below in the form of a life-saving cheat sheet for parents.

  1. Graduation in an elegant pizzeria hall with a disco program;
  2. Holiday at the quest club;
  3. Sports and entertainment event at a children's recreation center;
  4. Graduation at the art club with a couple of master classes and delicious treats;
  5. Science Graduation in Downtown Newton;
  6. Holiday in a large trampoline park;
  7. A trip on a cozy boat;
  8. Graduation in a rented cinema hall;
  9. Costume ball at the cultural center;
  10. Bowling party for children in the play center;
  11. Sports and interactive program “Sagittarius Daredevils” at the city sports ground;
  12. Graduation at the aquarium;
  13. Celebration in the bioexperimentarium “Living Schemes”;
  14. Space party in the planetarium;
  15. Graduation ceremony at the A. S. Pushkin Museum (and others);

How else can you have a fun and unusual graduation party in 4th grade outside of your home school?

As we have already found out, an excellent elementary school graduation 2017 can be held outside of school using an unusual and fun scenario. For example, in the format of a bright and exciting quest. Modern quests for graduation are fully adapted to the specifics of the event. Moving along a given route in search of tips and new tasks, the children will end up at a diploma presentation, a small buffet, and a fun disco. Most popular scenarios:

  • "The Lost Fifth Grader." You can tell the children a legend about a boy who got lost on the way to the fifth grade, and ask them to find him using clues and puzzles;
  • "Space Travel". Costume quest journey from Alpha Centauri through the entire Galaxy;
  • "Around the world in 80 days." A great geographical journey through various countries, accompanied by charades, puzzles, tasks (according to the traditions of different nations);
  • "Hogwarts School." Quest search engine with magical lessons from the school of magic;
  • "Crazy Magician Show" A long experimental quest with mystical tricks, illusions and small miracles;
  • "Lost Island";
  • "Young Pathfinders";
  • "Land of Crooked Mirrors";
  • "Hip-hop party";

Of course, the classic 4th grade prom "Farewell Primary School" still has its charm and is often seen in town and country schools. But parents and teachers should not be alarmed if children decide to deviate from deep-rooted traditions and demand an unusual, modern graduation ceremony in elementary school: the script for a fun holiday can be easily found on the Internet, compiled independently using our tips, or purchased from creative organizers complete with entertainment, quests, buffet, etc.

Scenario for graduation in elementary school "Goodbye, elementary school!"Universal: suitable for any group and venue. Teachers, parents or students of other classes can act as characters.

unobtrusively talks about the difficulties and joys of school everyday life, makes it possible to pay attention to everyone: teachers, parents and children, and at the same time, does not lose its entertaining appeal. (Thanks to the author of the idea Kuzmina N.)

Note: In advance, the organizers will have to shoot two mini-films: “Our School History” (all extracurricular moments) and “School Science Parade” (filming children in different lessons).

Introduction to the elementary school graduation scenario.

The song “What They Teach at School” plays - while guests enter the hall
There are two clowns as presenters. Cheerful music sounds - the presenters come out.

1st presenter: Good afternoon or good evening!

2nd presenter: Everyone has been waiting for this meeting for a long time!

1st presenter: Yes, a little, a lot, but 4 years!

2nd presenter: Look, how many people have gathered!

1st presenter: And who are we ready to honor here?

2nd presenter: Come on, come on together...

1st presenter: Well then, let's give them the floor!

2nd presenter: Let them remember their first grade again.

Graduates come out and take turns reading

Speech by elementary school graduates.

1. So we have become big,
Let's move on to fifth grade.
Do you remember which ones?
Did we come to you for the first time?

2. Do you remember yellow autumn,
When did we start first grade?..
And the first call is an autumn bell
It rang for the first time for us...

3. You greeted the kids with a smile,
Learned to read and write diligently
And remember the smiles from ear to ear,
When did we get our first grades?

4. How difficult it was for us to write words -
The letters did not obey us and fell down.
No wonder they say: “It’s hard to start.”
But look, we all learned.

5. From the bottom of my heart “Thank you!”
We tell everyone
Who is in our school life
He was with us every day.

6. Everyone has their own first teacher,
Everyone has it good

All: But the best is MINE (they list all the first teachers and present them with flowers)

Word to the first teachers

Presenters: And now we will check whether you really remember all the wisdom of school life.

Game "It's up to you to collect the backpack"

We pass the ball to each other with the words

“One, two, three, four, five, you need to pack your backpack!”, whoever has the ball names any school subject. If we clap correctly: clap-clap, if we stomp incorrectly: stomp-stomp.
Well, parents and teachers will play along with us a little, okay?

The melody plays “If you are not so afraid of Koshchei?”

1st presenter: Adults have probably forgotten a long time ago, but you and I know for sure that many different fairy tales live around us!

How to live without a fairy tale?

You can’t live like that at all!

That miracles happen

Children know it all!

2nd presenter:

Who said there are no miracles in the world?

Think about it - what nonsense!

All children are living fairy tales -

The fairy tale has settled in them forever!

1st presenter: Where do wizards live?

2nd presenter: Yes, where do wizards live?

1st presenter: Wizards live, live in children's heads!

2nd presenter: How to be friends with a wizard?

1st presenter: Yes, how to be friends with a wizard?

2nd presenter: You can easily be friends with a wizard!

We turn on the melody “If you are not so afraid of Koshchei? Ole Lukoje comes out.

Ole Lukoje: Good afternoon, my dear friends! Don't you recognize me? I am Ole-Lukoje! I come to you the moment you lay your head on the pillow and close your eyes. If you were obedient or did something good last day, then I open a colorful umbrella over your head. Then you have colorful dreams about vacations and summer. If any of you were mischievous during the day, greedy or snapped at an adult, I open a gray umbrella over his head, then he won’t see a single dream the whole night. And in the morning he will get up in a not very good mood. Nah! This is the kind of unpleasant boy I would like to tell you about today, my dear little friends!

1st presenter:

It was this: red-haired Vova

I am very spoiled by my mother,

He didn’t want to listen to adults:

I'd rather get a deuce!

2nd presenter:

Started making trouble in the morning,

I didn't want to go to school!

It’s better, he says, that I’ll get into Koshchei’s teeth,

Why would I go to your nasty, boring, long lesson!

Game program for children's graduation party.

To the soundtrack from the film “Gentlemen of Fortune,” Vovka, a gangster-looking man with red hair, comes out. In his hands is a shabby briefcase.

Vovka: Ha! Of course I want to go to a fairy tale! Have you seen how they live there?! Complete miracles and transformations! You don’t even have to lift a finger! What lessons are there? Have you actually seen anyone in fairy tales who sits at a desk or crams the multiplication table?

Ole Lukoje: Oh, for God's sake, my dear friend! Just first decide which fairy-tale character you would like to become? Maybe a burka?

Vovka: Ha! Found a fool! What is this - eat hay and pull carts?! So I’d rather suffer a little in mathematics!

Ole Lukoje: What about the prospects, my friend, that open to those who, like the Sivka-burka, possess magical properties?

Vovka: Press-peck-triers? What is it? Tili-tili! Trali-vali, we have never experienced such pre-tex beers!

Ole Lukoje: Never mind, you, my young friend, still have everything ahead of you! Well, if you don’t want a burka, then I highly recommend Pinocchio: he also ignored school and therefore got into very diverse adventures! Is this option right for you?! I can transform it in the blink of an eye!

Vovka: Uh! Be careful! Turn me right now, and then you won’t break the spell! Who knows what grades you got in transformations at school!

The same melody comes on, and Ole Lukoie opens his colorful umbrella and begins to spin it.

Ole Lukoje: And so our boy found himself in a fairy tale. We won’t specify which one. But the first person he saw was a simple king. This king was doing a completely ordinary thing: he was painting a fence.

Vovka: Wow, king! Hello, uncle king!

Tsar: Ugh, abyss! Is it possible to scare elderly people like that?! Oh, foreign guest! How inappropriate! And I’m out of shape, out of shape at all!

Vovka: What are you saying, Father Tsar, I’m mine! I'm Vovka!

Tsar: Come on, come on! Exactly, Vovka!

Vovka: I’m Vovka, but why are you painting the fence? This is not a royal matter!

Tsar: It’s not royal, but I’m not going to sit back and set a bad example for my subjects. Otherwise, what good is a tsar to the state if he lies on his side all day long and rules the country? And so I bring benefits and exercise. Right?

Vovka: I do not know. I would lie down if I became a king.

Tsar: There it is. So are you a loafer or something? Well, cut off his head so that he doesn’t set a bad example in my kingdom!

Vovka: What are you talking about, king, I was joking! I don't need to chop anything! I haven't done math with Russian yet!

Tsar: Mathematics, you say, with Russian... okay, let's check it! Look, some hooligan wrote a sentence on the fence, but didn’t put a comma. He's probably just as lazy as you. If you put the comma correctly, then I’ll let you go! Act quickly!

Behind the backs of the Tsar and Vova, the inscription “Execution cannot be pardoned” lights up on the screen.

Vovka: So, what is this strange proposal? And what a terrible thing: execution! You can't have mercy! Oh, what a bloodthirsty king! What should I, poor thing, do? You can't execute me at all! Oh, how impossible! Excuse me, this is where you need to put a comma! You can't execute! Have mercy! (on the screen, the sentence without a comma changes to the version with a comma). Ugh! I barely got out! Here, Father Tsar! Get a job!

Tsar: Okay, I figured it out! Do you think that if you are in a fairy tale, then you can be an illiterate fool? Pipes! The tale of the ignorant, that is, those who know nothing and do not want to know, is also not liked. And he doesn’t forgive loafing!

Clapping game for knowledge of the Russian language.

(conducted by the “Tsar”)

Tsar: We will now check everyone - not only children, but their parents and teachers! Listen to the task: if I say a word that is a noun, then only children clap, an adjective - parents clap, if a verb - teachers clap!

I'll tell you a riddle -

Listen carefully!

If you know the answers,

Be sure to clap!

Words: lesson, attentive, run, break, study, desk, interesting, decide.

Vovka: Why are you bothering me? Loafer, yes loafer! Personally, I have no problems with teachers. They even invite me to the dining room for lunch. By the way, I know all the head teachers!

Tsar: Oh no no no! What a braggart! I also know your head teachers. We have one advisor on correct fairy-tale speech, and the other on correct miraculous calculations. But it is not important. The more important thing is whether they intend to transfer you to the fifth grade or not!

At this moment, the head teacher takes the floor, sums up the children’s work for the year and gives instructions for the next year.

Vovka: Thank God, this king has left me behind! This is some kind of strange fairy tale, I don’t like it at all. I'll probably ask for another fairy tale. The best thing is to go to “Golden Fish”, where all your wishes come true!

(While Vovka is saying this, the necessary changes are happening behind his back - Grandma comes out, a trough is installed, etc.)

Vovka(turning around): Wow, grandma! It was you who made wishes for the goldfish, right? How can I find her?!

Grandma: How how? Are you blind or what? Look, the sea is behind you! Listen, little boy, ask the fish for a trough for me, the old one is completely split!

Vovka: You know, grandma, this is already my fairy tale, which means I will make wishes here! And then first - the trough! And then - a dishwasher! No way! (turns in the opposite direction). Hey, goldfish, where are you lost at the bottom? Are you sleeping?!

Fish: What do you want, old man?

Vovka: Yeah, I found it. Listen … (starts to bend his fingers).

Fish: Excuse me, boy, who exactly are you? And by what right do you bend your fingers here? Have you weaved a network? Did you throw the net into the sea three times? What a cheeky guy you have found!!! (The fish moves away offended).

Vovka: Wow, a fairy tale! Is this a fish that makes wishes come true? She's somehow not like that! Here is our director - a real goldfish! He can get everything! And most importantly, he helps everyone, indiscriminately, who, of course, comes for business. You don’t even need to weave a net for her, just give your word!

The school director comes onto the stage or into the center of the hall.

Presenter 1: Look, what a smart boy! He knows who to give the floor to! But, for example, when did you find out who was in charge at school?

Presenter 2: By the end of the first week!

Presenter 1: You are fast!

Presenter 2: Yes, I am like this!

Presenter 1: Well, what conclusion did you draw for yourself?

Presenter 2: What kind of a cook - of course!

Game with the "Hint" hall.

In music lessons
We were taught to sing together,
Draw keys, rulers,
Don't look at your neighbor.
Various composers
You told us a secret.
And without great music
We have no joy in life.

The presenters come out.

1st presenter: Well, kids, it's time to say goodbye to elementary school!

2nd presenter: But this fall you will return here again only in a new capacity!

1st presenter: But wait! We want to ask you something:
What do you get if you add “bom” to “bom”? (bom-bom)

2nd presenter: What result will come out if you add “beam” and “beam”? (bang-bang)

1st presenter: And when you have “Bim-Bom! boom-bom!”, what happens? (bell).

2nd presenter: And this bell tells you that it’s time to leave fourth grade!

The school bell rings.

1st presenter: We want to wish you good luck and new friends!

2nd presenter: And happy holidays!

With the presentation of certificates, parting words, as a rule, it is organized by teachers, but the form of the entertainment part takes place in different ways, someone goes to a cafe, someone invites animators, and someone chooses a warm and family form - a holiday of their own with the participation of children, parents and teachers.

Scenario for graduation in elementary school "Everything is the other way around or Children and Ancestors" ideal for such an occasion, it does not require preliminary rehearsals or worries about props. The proposed game program consists of new fun and exciting competitions that will help not only have a good time, but become closer and more understandable to each other. The program is suitable for both professional presenters and enthusiasts. The necessary musical and printing design, as well as the script for a fun school play are included.

Graduation script "Everything is the other way around or Children and Ancestors"

1. Fanfare sounds. School years

Leading: Good afternoon, dear graduates and respected adults: parents and teachers! This long-awaited day has come, to which you have been working together for 4 whole years. And today is an amazing and very exciting day when your children will leave the walls of such a familiar, familiar and cozy elementary school and step onto the next level of their achievements. Yes, of course, the walls of the school building will remain the same, but within these walls a new life will begin for you, graduates, the life of high school students with its difficulties and joys. And you have successfully taken the milestone called primary school! With pleasure, we congratulate you and your parents and teachers! Happy graduation from elementary school! Hooray!

(Everyone shouts: “Hurray!”)

Sounds 2. Superstar + cheers

Leading: Yes, the milestone has been passed and you have passed it very successfully. They say that your class is one of the best, is that true? (guests answer) I don’t hear them talking about it so quietly and unfriendlyly. Let's rehearse how to proudly declare ourselves, so that the Universe hears and notices? Now I will ask questions and talk about you, and if you agree, then unanimously, together with your parents and teachers, shout: “Fourth A.” So, get ready, I read the first three lines, and you answer me after the word “class”. Go!

Shouter - Best class 4 "A"


Who is the friendliest at school?

Just don't spill the water?

No need to think long here

This is class...

Everyone (in unison): 4th "A"!


Who is the noisiest at school?

So your head is spinning?

Artistic, witty

This is class...

Everyone (in unison): 4th “A”!................................................... ......

Option 2. Shouting - Best class 4 "B", "C", "D", "D"


Who is the friendliest at school?

Together in joy and trouble?

No need to think long here

This is class...

Everyone (in unison): 4th "B"!


Who is the noisiest at school?

Sound of tens of decibels?

Artistic, witty

This is class...

Everyone (in unison): 4th “B”!........................................................ ........................................................ ...

Leading: You’re shouting very loudly, let’s see how you sing along...

Sounds 3. Barbariki. Friendship is not work.

(everyone clap and sing along)

Leading: Well done! Very friendly! It even seemed that complete harmony and mutual understanding reigned in your company, is that true? (guests answer) And you are not familiar with conflicts between teachers and students, parents and children? (guests answer) Let's check it out? Let's try to understand: is it easy to be children and is it easy to be adults? In general, children and parents, would you like to get to know each other better? Of course you do! Life is so structured that the conflict of generations, fathers and sons, children and ancestors has existed at all times. And your parents are especially lucky. Not only were they born in the last century, but also in another country, which was called... That's right.. The Soviet Union. And they grew up with different values, toys and concepts...

They say that in order to understand another person, you must try to stand in his place or, in the words of modern cinema, “switch bodies.” So we will try to do this using a game program " It's the other way around or Children and Ancestors " . And the well-known family leisure center, practically “a member of every family” will help us with this…………………………………………………………………………………

Leading And the first program in which you and I had the chance to take part..... (one of the children, already dressed in a suit, runs up to the presenter and whispers something in his ear, gesticulating artistically, the presenter nods in agreement, the “pirate” leaves). Dear viewers, there have been some minor changes in our program; our graduates have prepared a surprise for everyone, which was prepared in secret. All programs will be shown a little later, and now an extraordinary release of “Our Poster” - the play “The Secret of the Magic Book”, while the artists are getting ready, a short musical break!

(Songs are played, the children involved in the play leave to get ready)

- School play "The Mystery of the Magic Book"

- "Guess it immediately" program.

Leading: And the first program in which you and I had the chance to take part will be an intellectual show in which you can earn points for your team with your own mind. A program in which one is greeted and escorted wisely, in which the age-old wisdom of our people can not only be heard, but also clearly seen. The program “Guess It Immediately” is on air. …………………………………………………………………………………

(a new original competition with pictures, in which children plunge into the atmosphere of visual propaganda of the last century, and adults solve proverbs with the help of diagrams and graphs)


(10 ready-made pictures for the game are included)

- "Astrological forecast for graduates"

(Author's Note: A personal forecast is created for each company, based on information from an essay on the topic: “Who do you dream of being?”, which is conducted by teachers in advance. Conducting an astrological forecast as a single block or breaking it into parts is at the discretion of the organizers. The proposed option is published as an example)

- What do astrologers promise us?

What is the future for our guys?

From the bright headlines of future newspapers

And according to the location of the stars and planets,

We found out that...

Became famous ……….. Ioannina

She painted unique paintings.

Who created the new generation robot?.................................................... .

.............You can find out about all the news from Ani in the video blog,

And everyone from 4 “A” has their own happy paths waiting for them!!!

- Program "Children and Adults".

Leading: And we move to the neighboring filming pavilion, where work is underway on the pilot episode of the new program “Children and Adults”......................... ..

(this stage of the game program includes three moments: a game to activate the mood of the hall, an interactive activity and a general musical noisemaker on the graduation theme)

1. Activation of the "Congratulations with emoticons" hall


Graduation in elementary school,

I think everyone is happy?! (The presenter raises a smiley face - applause)

You are so young, so beautiful

And the outfits are simply amazing! (Smiley - “wow”)....................................................

(Ready pictures for printing are attached).

2. Interactive "What is happiness?"

Leading: And the topic of our show today is “The Idea of ​​Happiness.” Does it differ between children and their loving parents?

(The presenter selectively walks around the guests and asks questions to adults and children about happiness, periodically, for fun, after the next answer, raising one or another emoticon)


3. Musical noise maker "Hello, fifth"


1. Primary, dear, respect to you,

For kindness, care and intelligence!

The first stage has been completed, hurray!

It's time to go to high school!

Chorus (all in chorus):

Hello, hello, fifth!

Hello, hello, fifth!......................


Sounds 9. Queen. rhythm or minus

- Program "Visiting a fairy tale"

Leading: And our program continues with the most family-friendly program in the world, “Visiting a Fairy Tale.” Now, impromptu, representatives from the “Ancestors” team will perform a children’s drama on a school theme for us, and representatives of the “Children” team will perform a story from the life of a sea captain.

And the “Ancestors” team begins

1. Running game "May morning at school"


(The presenter reads the text expressively, making short pauses for the participants to say their remarks)

In every locality there must be a SCHOOL... and all the residents of this locality were its STUDENTS..., and the little ones, who were not yet seven years old, dreamed of growing up as quickly as possible in order to also become STUDENTS... of a wonderful SCHOOL...... ...........................................

(New fun impromptu for a team of parents on the topic of school life)

2. Fairy tale - impromptu "Story about the Captain"

Leading: And 7 participants are invited to the stage to embody an action-packed and adult philosophical story. Only this time you don’t need to run around, but completely get used to the role and play out the entire plot, all the actions and emotions of your character, not forgetting every time you mention your hero, to artistically pronounce the desired line. Ready, engine, let's start!

(Participants are given cards with the character’s name and a line)

Characters and words:

Captain: “Full speed ahead!”

Ship: “100% reliable!”

Steering wheel: “Hold it tight!”

Spyglass: “Everything is under control!”

Ship rat: “For you Larisa Ivanovna!”

Iceberg “Who has it easy?!”

A bottle of rum “I’ll relieve stress!”


One day a CAPTAIN... went on a long journey on his SHIP.... With one hand he turned the STEERING WHEEL..., in the other he held a SPYGLASS......................................

(a cheerful, life-affirming story from the lives of adults for instant play by a team of schoolchildren)

- Program "Sessions of Doctor Pesnyakovsky"

Leading: Judging by the fabulous atmosphere reigning in the hall, it is felt that our two competing teams exchanged “bodies” for a reason. But in order to consolidate the achieved result, we suggest visiting another filming pavilion. The program is called "Sessions of Doctor Pesnyakovsky".......

(both teams sing a lyrical song in their roles, which turns into a general dance)


To get the full version with musical accompaniment, it is enough to contribute a small amount to the site development fund (450 rubles) - conditions and details on the AUTHOR'S SCENARIOS page

P.S. Dear users, the document below provides detailed information on how to obtain the full version of this script.

(download by clicking on the document)


Bonus discount on video contests:

Such a script will be very decorative and can be presented as one of the TV shows , it is offered separately (750 rubles), but for those who purchased this script - a bonus discount - 200 rubles. Thus, for those who want to have both a script and video competitions, you need to send 1000 rubles; for the script alone, 450 rubles are enough.