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Registration cards are specially designed forms, which are included in the list unified documents, applied:

  • Form 9 - by the migration service;
  • Form 16 - Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for housing departments.

in order to streamline accounting procedures.

After acceptance positive decision on registration citizen in the area under the jurisdiction of this territorial division of the Federal Migration Service, employees fill out all the columns in card form No. 9.

Registration card f. 16 is located in the registration department (at the passport officer) at the housing organization servicing the house.

Once wound up, the cards serve source of comprehensive information about each registered person. In any case that requires confirmation of information about a citizen, you can get it from these forms.

Certificate No. 16 may be issued if:

  • lost passport;
  • citizenship of another country is obtained, etc.

The unification of forms makes it possible to conduct accounting procedures clearly and quickly.

Residence registration card form 9: .

Form requirements

The form has standard form, approved by Order of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation dated September 11, 2012 N 288 (as amended on January 19, 2015) and given as a sample (under form No. 9) in the Administrative Regulations for the provision of accounting services by the migration service.

The size of the form is 210x148 mm; both the front and back sides must be filled out.

Form No. 16(registration card A) is approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated November 15, 2010 N 364 and is issued for each new resident who registers in an apartment served by this housing institution, regardless of its type of ownership and subordination. This is a double-sided form measuring 210 x 150 mm.

Help No. 9 contains the following data:

  • Full name;
  • Date and place of birth;
  • detailed addresses of the place from which the citizen arrived;
  • information about the identity card - its type, number, series, by whom and when issued;
  • address of the new permanent location.

On the other side must contain information about the citizen’s registration at the military registration and enlistment office, as well as about registration at the place of residence and about possible subsequent departure from this address.

Help No. 16 contains the following information:

back side can tell about the following information about a person:

  • information about children under 14 years of age;
  • attitude towards the military registration and enlistment office, registration marks;
  • information about registration and future departure.

Such paper is kept by the passport officer of the housing department, housing cooperative, management company, etc.

You can find out how to go through the registration procedure through or on our website.

Where and how do you get it?

Certificate No. 16 can be obtained from your passport officer, for which you need to write free form statement. In this application you must indicate to which institution the application is addressed, your address, for what purpose and where the paper is needed, sign and date it at the end.

Employee of the department of registration and registration of movement of citizens will find it in the file cabinet at the apartment address the necessary paper with the name of the person who applied, will check the information from any identity card with the data indicated on the card. Certificate No. 16 will be copied and dated and “wet” stamped, which will be signed by the boss, that is, certified.

The issuance of such a document is a free service not subject to state duty.

Find out if you can find a person’s registration by his full name or find out about those registered in a certain apartment via the Internet.

For how long is it issued?

The card is valid for 10 days. This is due to the fact that the termination of an existing registration may occur within a week, and then the information will be unreliable.

Features and nuances

Certificate No. 16 can only be obtained the citizen or owner himself apartments.

Such papers are drawn up not only for citizens of the Russian Federation, but also for foreigners who have a residence permit (read about it on our website).

What are the differences between the cards? What these documents have in common is that they contain information about people standing on registration at the place of residence. However, there are also differences.

Form 16 is more extensive, since it, in addition to all the information that is in f.9, indicates citizenship, the presence of minor children, as well as the place of work and who the person works for.

Form 9 is purely paper for internal use of FMS employees, it they don't give it to anyone, unlike f. 16, which can be requested from the passport officer.

Thanks to a well-established system for recording citizens registered at their place of residence, if an identity card is lost or destroyed, the document can be easy to restore, if you provide a registration card certified by the housing department.

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This document is confirmation of the person’s residence at the specified address.

It is issued at the passport office, as if constant registration, as well as temporal.

Official notice of the place where you are registered may require in a variety of institutions:

  • when applying for a job (in some cases);
  • when selling a home;
  • when moving out of a communal apartment;
  • when applying for a mortgage or loan;
  • for calculating benefits and receiving benefits related to the birth of a child and caring for him;
  • when enrolling a child or admission.

It is impossible to list all life situations, but sooner or later everyone will need this document.

  1. Full name of the recipient of the certificate.
  2. Recipient's year of birth.
  3. Detailed address of place of residence.
  4. The name of the document on the basis of which the certificate is provided.
  5. Name of the institution issuing the paper.
  6. Full name of the registration department employee with his signature.
  7. Seal of the institution.

The paper is special form with the data entered into it. Filled out by the employee of the organization issuing the paper. Samples of forms 8 and 9 are presented in our article.

Such a document is most often required to complete real estate transactions.

This document cannot be issued to a third party(to anyone interested), since such information is protected by Russian Federation Law No. 152-F3 dated July 27, 2006. (about personal data).

This may only be possible with the consent of the person registered on the premises.

Legal literacy and knowledge of your rights allows you to avoid many problems and surprises. Especially important pays close attention to documentation in cases related to real estate transactions.

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Sample of filling out a registration card (form 9) Nuances of receiving Cards are issued immediately after a person is registered at a specific address, and in the future they will be used as a source of information about each citizen registered in Russia and in any situation in which You will need to confirm certain information about the person. The issuance of this document to a citizen is carried out only if for some reason he has lost his own civil passport, is going to obtain citizenship of another state, or is carrying out any other registration measures that require the provision of this paper to civil servants. In order to receive a card, you will need to fill out the appropriate application addressed to an authorized employee of the passport office.

Registration card (form 9)

List of sections Migration Service Forms and samples of filling out documents Samples of filling out forms for a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and registration of a citizen of the Russian Federation at the place of residence or place of stay Sample of filling out form No. 9 Registration card The information system "Territory of Law" was created to provide interactive information services for citizens applying to the authorities authorities. The search system will help you find answers to your questions and familiarize yourself with the forms of documents that must be completed when contacting the authorities. You will be able to obtain information about the addresses and telephone numbers of authorities and independently familiarize yourself with the texts of the main legislative and regulatory acts.

What is a residence registration card?

After authorized government officials make a positive decision to grant a person registration in a certain territory, they will have to enter all the necessary information into the appropriate form of card No. 9. At the same time, the card drawn up in Form No. 16 will have to be in the registration department working at the housing company that is engaged in servicing the specified house. The unification of forms provides the opportunity to carry out all necessary activities as quickly and accurately as possible.

Central details In order to get a card that will actually have legal force and will be drawn up in accordance with the norms of current legislation, it is worth considering the key features of this document.

Registration card

It's fast and free! Table of contents:

  • Concept and purpose of a registration card
  • Form requirements
  • Content
  • Where can I get it?
  • Dates of issue
  • Cost and state duty
  • Features and nuances
  • What is the difference between forms 9 and 16?

Concept and purpose of a registration card A registration card is a certificate containing information about the persons registered in the apartment. Such paperwork is kept in order to record all people legally residing in the premises. There are several types of this document, differing in content and purpose.

The most popular of them are numbers 9 and 16. Their receipt is required for the sale of real estate, employment, resettlement, for receiving benefits, obtaining a loan, etc. Requirements for the form This certificate has a prescribed form, which is approved by Order of the Federal Migration Service No. 288.


Documents for registering persons are required if registration of citizens moving into:

  • objects of municipal, state fund;
  • objects of private housing stock, including those represented by housing, construction and housing cooperatives;
  • boarding homes for the disabled, veterans, single people and the elderly, as well as other social institutions with permanent residence;
  • objects owned by joint-stock, commercial companies, municipal organizations and others that have housing stock on their balance sheet or the right to economically and operationally manage it.

Sample of filling out the registration card form 9 Information about the residents of the house, registered and registered using registration and apartment cards, is reflected in the house book.

No. 6, the document that is the basis for moving into a residential premises, the persons responsible for registration, submit it to the registration authority within 3 days from the day citizens apply to them. Registration cards in form N 9 and apartment cards in form N 10 are issued when registering citizens in residential premises of the state, municipal, private housing stock, including housing construction and housing cooperatives, boarding houses for the disabled, veterans, single and elderly people, other social institutions, joint-stock companies and commercial organizations, other state and municipal organizations and institutions that have housing stock under the right of economic management or the right of operational management, and are kept by the officials responsible for registration.

There's nothing here!

In this case, the information provided on the card will be inaccurate. Cost and state duty The registration card is issued free of charge. In order for it to be issued, you need to write an application to the authority where it is stored.

The application is drawn up by hand in any form. Required condition:

  • the applicant must indicate why he needs this paper;
  • Which institution will she be sent to?

Features and nuances Only the owner of the apartment can receive such a document based on an application and the provision of a passport with a registration mark. Employees of registration institutions have the right to issue only Form 16 certificates.

Card No. 9 is a document for internal use, so it is impossible to obtain it. What is the difference between forms 9 and 16?

  1. Cards No. 9 and 16 differ in content and purpose.

Appendix n 13

Both papers are double-sided. The front and back sides must be filled out. Contents Registration document No. 9 contains the following information:

  1. Full name of the person;
  2. place of birth and date;
  3. address of previous place of residence;
  4. passport details;
  5. address of permanent residence.

The reverse side contains information about military service and registration at the place of residence. Next, we suggest you see what a sample of filling out form No. 9 looks like: Contents of registration certificate No. 16 (Form A):

  • Full name and tax identification number;
  • citizenship;
  • place and date of birth;
  • address of previous place of stay;
  • passport details;
  • information about the place of work and position;
  • address of the current location.

On the back, information about children under 14 years of age, military service, registration and future relocation is indicated.

General aspects of the document Card in form No. 9 is filled out by authorized employees of government bodies who are responsible for registration, based on the application for registration submitted by the interested person, as well as a complete list of necessary documents. The completed papers, along with the civil passport of the interested person and the application on the basis of which the registration will be issued, will need to be provided to civil servants, after which they will have to issue all the necessary registration cards within three days. Registration cards in form No. 9, as well as apartment cards drawn up in form No. 10, are filled out in the process of registering citizens in state, municipal or private housing, including all kinds of property owned by housing or housing-construction cooperatives and other institutions.

Sample of filling out form 9 registration card for a child