New law on electronic cash registers. There will be online cash registers: preparing for new requirements

The Russian government has put forward an initiative to amend the law, in force since February 2016, on the use of cash register systems in order to reduce the number of transactions in payments for services and goods that can be hidden from regulatory authorities. The proposal was considered. The new law provides for both technological changes in cash register equipment and the formation of a different accounting system. The main point is the transmission in real time of information about all operations. New cash registers from 2017 will operate according to newly established standards and rules.

What types of activities will not be affected by the law?

The replacement of cash registers in 2017 will not affect all entrepreneurs; some types of activities are exempt from the procedure:

  • sale of printed and related products in kiosks;
  • sale of lottery tickets and securities;
  • sale of travel documents in public transport salons by drivers and controllers;
  • food supply in educational institutions for schoolchildren and staff;
  • settlements when trading at exhibitions and fairs;
  • payments for mobile trading from bicycles, trays and hand carts;
  • calculations when selling soft drinks and ice cream at kiosks;
  • retail trade from tanks in fish, kerosene and liquid food products: kvass, vegetable oil and milk;
  • trade in seasonal vegetables and fruits, including melons;
  • settlements with the population for the acceptance of recycled materials, with the exception of precious metals and stones, as well as scrap metal;
  • production and repair of keys, metal goods, shoes;
  • caring for children, sick and elderly people;
  • gardening and wood cutting services;
  • trade in handicrafts;
  • provision of services for carrying cargo at station nodes of various transport;
  • rental of residential premises owned by individual entrepreneurs.

For other entrepreneurs, replacing cash registers is mandatory. In case of one-time failure to use the equipment, officials face a fine in the amount of 25 to 50% of the concealed amount, but not less than 10 thousand rubles. For legal entities, a more severe penalty is provided - from 75 to 100% of the fine of the concealed amount, but not less than 30 thousand rubles. In case of repeated violation of the established rules, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs may be suspended from work for a period of up to 99 days. Officials will be disqualified for a period of up to 2 years.

How new cash registers will be installed from 2017 for LLCs and individual entrepreneurs

If an entrepreneur registers a cash register for the first time, then data from it should begin to flow from February 1, 2017. All others are required to join this standard from July 1 of the same year. To work in your personal account, you need to purchase a special digital signature from a certification center, its partner or a specialized store.

How will the procedure be carried out?

When receiving money from a client for a product or service, the cashier punches the sales receipt, and information is immediately generated in the fiscal drive through electronic communication channels. The data operator sends confirmation of receipt of information, so the operation is considered accounted for. From the OFD, the data is sent to the Federal Tax Service. Under any tax system for the sale of excisable goods, the fiscal accumulator will change once every 13 months. For a patent, simplified tax system and unified income tax – once every 3 years.

The equipment must be connected to a computer, which involves replacing the device’s software. In addition, the new law requires changing the information on the sales receipt. Thus, the cash register software must be able to enter the necessary information on paper and send it via electronic channels.

A cash register (cash register, cash register or simply cash register) is a device that records the fact of purchasing a product and registers this fact by printing a cash receipt. The next federal law on cash registers dated November 27, 2017 No. 337-FZ introduced new changes to the procedure for using cash registers.

Chronology of the transition to cash register online

The transition to a new type of cash registers began as an experiment by the Ministry of Finance and the Federal Tax Service back in August 2014. For six months, the viability of the idea of ​​transmitting data about a purchase made in real time to the tax office via the Internet was tested. New generation cash registers connected to the Internet were the first to be tested retailers in Moscow and the region, Tatarstan and the Kaluga region, in total about 3 thousand units of cash register equipment were used.

The Ministry of Economic Development did not approve the bill and twice issued a negative opinion on assessing its regulatory impact. Business was also against it, as news feeds wrote about more than once. At one of the meetings with the leaders of entrepreneurs’ associations, the head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, Mikhail Mishustin, proposed, as a concession, to make the process of transition to new CCPs step-by-step.

Tax officials cite the following advantages of the new model cash desks:

  • registration of cash registers in electronic form;
  • objective accounting of sellers’ income;
  • reducing the number of tax audits;
  • providing consumers with greater opportunities to protect their rights.

In addition, on behalf of the President, businessmen were promised a special tax deduction to cover the costs of purchasing new cash registers. However, only individual entrepreneurs on and received this benefit, and only in the amount of no more than 18 thousand rubles per unit of cash register.

What should online cash registers look like?

Law No. 290-FZ approved the requirements for the technical characteristics of cash register machines. The most important thing is that sales information will now be recorded not by the EKLZ (electronic control tape), but by the fiscal drive. The device will transmit information about sales online, first to a special intermediary (fiscal data operator), and then to the Federal Tax Service.

Requirements for cash registers transmitting sales data in real time are established in the new version of Article 4 of Law No. 54-FZ:

  • availability of a device for printing fiscal documents with a two-dimensional QR bar code measuring at least 20 x 20 mm;
  • data transfer to the fiscal drive inside the case;
  • generation of fiscal documents in electronic form and transferring them to the operator immediately after the data is received in the fiscal storage device;
  • acceptance from the fiscal data operator of confirmation of receipt of information;
  • ensuring information security of fiscal data and their encryption;
  • generation of a fiscal indicator up to 10 digits long for each document;
  • ensuring the ability to record fiscal data and store them in the memory of the memory device for at least five years from the end of operation.

Which cash registers can be used in 2018 are indicated in the published on the tax service website and a constantly updated register of cash register models with online data transfer. Purchase equipment only from this list!

Costs of switching to online cash registers

If you already work with a cash register, then it can be upgraded. Some models allow you to simply replace the ECLZ with a fiscal drive, rather than purchasing new equipment.

These are the approximate expenses that entrepreneurs will have to bear:

  • modernization of an old device - from 5 to 10 thousand rubles;
  • purchasing a new device - from 25 to 40 thousand rubles;
  • cash register software - from 7 thousand rubles;
  • operator services (OFD) - from 3 thousand rubles for the first year of work, in subsequent years - up to 12 thousand;
  • Internet connection - from 5 thousand rubles per year.

Total, at least 20 thousand rubles if your equipment can be modernized, or 40 thousand rubles if this is not possible.

Order No. 616 of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated December 5, 2016 allows the use of old cash register models in populated areas with a population of up to 10,000 people instead of online cash registers.

When does the use of a new CCP begin?

New cash registers have been gradually introduced since 2017 for different categories of taxpayers, and the latest news about the timing of the transition is as follows:

  • from February 1, 2017, registration of devices of the previous model was stopped;
  • before July 1, 2017, all existing cash desks must be modernized or replaced with new ones;
  • from July 1, 2017, retailers, except payers and PSN, are required to work only at online cash registers;
  • from July 1, 2018, sellers and catering outlets on UTII and PSN that have employees must use cash registers on an equal basis with others, i.e. they are deprived of their special benefits. If there are no workers in these areas, then the transition period is extended until July 1, 2019;
  • from July 1, 2019, those who provide services to the population under any tax regime, instead of printed BSO, must issue a form printed by an automated device (analogous to a cash register).

Thus, if the law on online cash registers is no longer changed, from July 2019 the Federal Tax Service will begin to accept information about most retail purchases and services to the public. This, of course, is a very large administrative and technical burden on all participants in the data transfer: retailers, fiscal data operators and the tax authorities themselves.

The list of sellers who, even after the adoption of the new law, have the right to receive cash payment without issuing a cash receipt, is established in Article 2 of Law No. 54-FZ.

How do online cash registers work?

CCT with the function of real-time data transmission works on a different principle than previous devices with ECLZ. First, information about the sale goes to the intermediary - the fiscal data operator. After the operator receives sales data from the cashier via the Internet, he sends confirmation that the data has been accepted.

A cash register receipt is assigned a fiscal attribute; without this, the receipt will not be generated. It is assumed that the acceptance of data and assignment of a fiscal indicator will take place in just 1.5 - 2 seconds, so the payment process for the buyer will not be delayed. The operator then transmits summary information about payments to the tax office, which systematizes it and accumulates it in a data warehouse.

All data transmitted to the INFS by fiscal data operators will be taken into account in calculating the tax base. For violation of the completeness of information collection, the operators themselves are punished with serious fines (from 500 thousand to a million rubles).

Please note: OFD is a commercial specialized organization that has the necessary technical resources and qualified workers. You must also choose an operator, following the recommendations of the Federal Tax Service, from the official list.

The buyer receives a paper check, which indicates the data operator’s website and the fiscal sign of the check. If desired, the buyer can request the seller to send the check electronically. If it turns out that the details of the paper check and the electronic one do not match, the buyer has the right to report this to the Federal Tax Service, which will check this fact.

Fines for violating the law on cash registers have increased

We talked about how online cash register systems work, but that’s not all the latest news. Amendments to the new law on cash registers have tightened administrative sanctions for violating the procedure for using cash registers. In the new version of Article 14.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the fines are as follows:

Failure to use a cash register if it should be used:

  • from ¼ to ½ of the purchase amount, but not less than 10,000 rubles for individual entrepreneurs and heads of organizations;
  • from ¾ to the full purchase amount, but not less than 30,000 rubles for legal entities;

Use of old cash registers or violation of the procedure for their registration/re-registration:

  • warning or fine from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles for individual entrepreneurs and heads of organizations;
  • warning or fine from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles for legal entities.

Refusal to issue a paper or electronic check to the buyer:

  • warning or fine of 2,000 rubles for individual entrepreneurs and heads of organizations;
  • warning or fine of 10,000 rubles for legal entities.

The government has been gradually introducing online cash registers since 2017. A new law has been adopted and now entrepreneurs send copies of checks to the Federal Tax Service. The tax office sees business revenue in real time.

Online cash registers since 2017: new law (video)

What is an online cash register

This is a cash register that is connected to the Internet. Externally, it is identical to the old-style equipment. Only the internal structure has changed. The new one differs from the previous cash register in several functions.

  • Prints a two-dimensional QR code on a receipt. Using it, the buyer can check whether the seller has reported to the tax authorities.
  • Sends checks to the fiscal data operator via the Internet.
  • Sends checks to clients via SMS or e-mail. After the new law 54-FZ was adopted, electronic checks are equal to paper ones.
  • Contains (FN), which encrypts and signs checks. This is an analogue of EKLZ.

Now the tax office knows about every unit of equipment produced. Using the serial number, you can check whether the device is in the registry and whether it can be used. This is done on the tax website.

We will select and set up an online cash register
under 54FZ on the day of application!

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How to modify an old cash register?

If the device is not very outdated, . The upgrade kit includes a network module, nameplates (stickers) and new documents. It is cheaper to modernize a CCP than to buy one. Viki POS terminals and fiscal registrars cost 7 thousand rubles to upgrade. Athol equipment released since October 2016 can be modified for free - just update the firmware.

How much does an online cash register cost?

The tax office stated that small businesses will need 25,000 rubles. This includes the price of the online cash register, FN, operator and Internet. Cash register expenses can be taken into account on your tax return. Special modes - 18,000 rubles per cash register.

Cash register Mercury 115F - 9,900 rub. excluding fiscal accumulator

How to choose an online cash register

Which fiscal registrar to choose in 2018

How does the online cash register work?

When a customer pays for a purchase in a store, the cash register punches the receipt. The drive signs and encrypts the receipt, and then the cash register transfers it to the operator.

Requirements for a check and BSO

According to the new law on online cash registers, since 2017. It now has 17 more mandatory positions.

What does the new check look like?

You can download a comparison of the details of the old and new checks.

Now BSO is the same as a check. They have the same details and the same look. The adopted law on online cash registers states that strict reporting forms require a special device, but they can also be printed on a regular online cash register.

Individual entrepreneurs who use a patent or write the name of the product on their receipts starting in 2021.

Popular questions and clarifications about the use of online cash registers

What are the penalties for not using online cash register systems?

Fines for online cash registers have increased since 2017.

Fines for the absence of a cash register or its incorrect use

Do I need to sign an agreement with the CTO?

According to the new law, it is optional. But equipment manufacturers do not provide a guarantee if you do not have an agreement with the service center. In addition, servicing cash registers has become more difficult, because the equipment is connected to the Internet. Therefore, we advise you to sign an agreement with the technical center.

What should I do if I have problems with the Internet in my city?

If the government has included your locality in the list of areas where there is no connection, use the cash register in offline mode. You should, but do not connect it to the Internet and do not send checks to the operator. All data will be written to the drive.

Short-term Internet outages are not scary. Receipts are saved in the FN and will be sent when the connection is restored. Without the Internet, the equipment works for another 30 days.

How often should I buy a fiscal drive?

OSN - every 13 months. Entrepreneurs on the simplified tax system, UTII and patent - once every 36 months.

How can online stores issue receipts?

After amendments were made to Law 54-FZ, electronic checks are replacing paper ones. For online trading, there are special automated cash registers, which themselves send checks to customers during payment. Example - . More information in.

The changes affected only the functionality and operation of the cash register. Now cash registers connect to the Internet and send fiscal documents to the operator. Externally, the technology has not changed. You can buy a lot of old equipment online by purchasing an upgrade kit.

After the new online cash registers were introduced, the operating rules changed. First, the cashier punches the check, which is sent to the OFD. The operator sends the check to the tax office, and if it arrives, it sends a signal to the cash register equipment. You give the buyer a paper check or send an electronic one. The entire operation takes place in 1–2 seconds.

How the new cash register works

Instead of EKLZ, the new model cash registers have a fiscal drive (FN). This is a must-have device that signs and stores all documents. It also encrypts the information before sending it to the operator. OSN change the drive once every 13 months, and small businesses (UTII, patent and simplified) - once every 36 months.

The technology has become more complex, but according to the new law, an agreement with the central service center is optional. There is no more quarterly maintenance or replacement of seals, and the drive can be replaced yourself. But equipment manufacturers do not provide a guarantee on cash registers unless you enter into an agreement with the central service center.

The cash register connects to the Internet via an Ethernet cable, Wi-Fi or 3G.

The design of technology has also changed. The online cash register prints two-dimensional codes and sends receipts to the buyer’s phone or email. Some models send documents only via SMS, then OFD can send checks to e-mail instead of the store.

Example of a new check

The automated device for online stores does not print paper documents. This technique generates and sends an electronic receipt when paying for goods.

We have collected the requirements for new cash registers in. They can also be found in the new law 54-FZ, Art. 4.

We will consult, tell you, choose!
New online cash register under 54-FZ
with a 30% discount on all services!

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Advantages of new cash desks for entrepreneurs

  • You can control revenue, average bill and other statistics. Monitor and manage the store via the Internet.
  • There is no need to maintain cash registers from KM-1 to KM-9.
  • It’s easier to register a cash register - you don’t need to carry equipment to the Federal Tax Service.
  • You can change the FN yourself and not sign an agreement with the central service center.
  • Fewer tax checks. They control everything via the Internet and do not come with checks if you work legally.

How is the replacement of cash registers with online cash registers carried out?

To work under the new law, you need a cash register with online data transfer to the tax office. All such models are collected in, which is updated monthly with new equipment.

Modernization of the cash register

You can upgrade your cash register to an online cash register, but only if it is not very outdated. The modification kit costs 6–7 thousand rubles. Central service center services will cost another 3–4 thousand rubles. Many models that were released in 2016 can be easily reflashed. For example, you can upgrade Atol cash registers, which were released in the fall of 2016, for free.

How much does a new cash register cost?

Prices for online cash registers start from 15–20 thousand rubles. taking into account the fiscal accumulator. You will also have to pay for an electronic signature, Internet and data operator services. The Federal Tax Service calculated that small businesses need 25 thousand rubles to start working with it. Big business will need 40–80 thousand rubles. per unit of equipment.

Spending on cash register equipment can be taken into account as expenses and then reduce taxes. And they will receive UTII and a patent because they pay fixed tax contributions.

Registering a cash register with the tax office

After January 2017, the cash register with EKLZ will no longer be registered.

    Autonomous online cash register Mercury-185F

    Fiscal registrars - for stationary points and stores. They only work as part of a computer or terminal. Some models, such as Atol 11F, can be carried with you and connected to your phone. Examples - BAR ON-LINE, .

    • Fiscal registrar SHTRIH-LIGHT-01F connects to a computer or terminal

      POS terminals - include a receipt printer, screen and keyboard. These cash registers are purchased for retail outlets, services or catering. Contains a built-in commodity accounting system. Examples - EVOTOR, .

      • RP-System FS

        New Law 54-FZ - questions and clarifications about electronic cash register

        How can you tell if a check has bounced?

        The cash desk receives notifications from the OFD when each check is sent. If the notification has not arrived, the cash register will inform you about this, for example, the light will blink.

        What are the fines for not having an electronic cash register since 2017?

        What to do if you have problems with the Internet?

        According to the rules for working with new online cash registers, you have 30 days to restore communication. Then the equipment will stop working. The data will be stored in a fiscal storage device until the Internet appears. When the connection is restored, all checks will be sent to the OFD.

        How to make a reserve cash register?

        A switched off cash register with a closed shift can stand as long as necessary until the period of operation of the FN expires.

        Are online cash registers going to be cancelled?

        The government is already deciding to postpone new technology for patents and UTII to 2019, instead of 2018. The bill has even been considered in the second reading. And the president stated that it is possible to abolish patent cash desks. Read more about the latest news in the article “Will online cash registers be canceled and the introduction delayed?”

        Let's summarize

        • Find out in the register which cash desks are suitable for online work.
        • OSN and simplified tax system have been switching to online cash registers since 2017, and special modes and services - since 2018.
        • The advantages of online cash registers are fewer checks by the Federal Tax Service, simple registration and additional information about the store.
        • All checks are sent via the Internet. If it is disabled, restore it within 30 days.
        • Autonomous cash registers - for small businesses and couriers, fiscal registrars - for shops, terminals - for catering and retail.

        Watch a video about the new law and online cash registers from 2017.

        Online cash registers in 2017

In 2016, significant amendments to federal legislation in the field of cash registers were adopted. They established that all enterprises and organizations that accept cash from customers for goods, or for performing work and services, must apply for new devices. Online cash register since 2017 who should switch to the new cash register system are, first of all, those who used cash registers before and applied a simplified or general tax regime. But anyone can use them voluntarily.

Online cash registers are special devices that, instead of EKLZ memory, now have a special fiscal drive, and also have the ability to connect to the Internet and transmit information about a issued check to the tax office. Each entity that uses an online cash register must have an agreement with a special organization - a FD operator that stores information about issued checks and transmits them to the tax office.

As before, new cash registers must have a serial number on the case, have a device for printing a receipt (with the exception of special cash registers for online stores), as well as a clock to reflect the correct time.

The main purpose of using online cash registers is complete control over all cash transactions by the tax authority, which should ensure that all sales are recorded and taxed.

An online cash register receipt must have a number of details set out in the law. In particular, it must contain a list of goods or services with quantity, price and amount, as well as a QR code for checking the receipt on the tax website. Also, at the buyer’s request, the seller is obliged to send him a copy of the just punched check by email.

Attention! All devices that were used previously did not have such functions. Therefore, from February 1, their registration was stopped, and from July 1, they are generally prohibited for use. However, if some of the previously used cash registers are allowed to be modified, such changes must be officially recorded.

Who should use online cash registers from 2017

Online cash registers since 2017, the new law determines that from February 1 to July 1, 2017, there is a transition period when the old cash registers can still be used, but it is no longer possible to register or change the electronic cash register.

From July 1, entities using the general and simplified regime must use online cash registers. They are required to fully record income received in cash for tax purposes.

This also includes alcohol sellers. For them, the mandatory deadline for starting to use online cash registers was moved to March 31, 2017. In addition, from this date, such a device will be required to be used both by those who had previously used a cash register, and by subjects on imputation and patent who were exempt from using cash register equipment. An online checkout for individual entrepreneurs selling beer has also become mandatory, since beer and other cocktails have been equated to alcoholic beverages.

Attention! Online cash registers for individual entrepreneurs on and, as well as companies on UTII, will need to be used from July 1, 2018. Therefore, for now they can continue to operate as before without any devices. This relaxation was given to them because when calculating taxes, it is not the income actually received that is used, but the one calculated on the basis of conditional indicators.

However, in a year, they will also have to use online cash registers, since the BSOs they use will also need to be passed through only such a cash register.

The law that has entered into force establishes the circle of persons who are exempt from using online cash registers. These, in particular, will include firms and entrepreneurs that operate in areas without access to the Internet.

Attention! The procedure for registering an online cash register with the fiscal data operator and the tax office is described in this article. It is somewhat different from registering conventional cash registers.

In what case can you not use online cash registers?

Today the law defines the following exemptions from the use of online cash registers:

  • Trading on unequipped markets;
  • Trade from vehicles;
  • Shoe repair;
  • Kiosks selling newspapers and magazines;
  • Landlords who rent out their own residential premises.

Attention! In addition, the use of cash registers is only necessary for cash payments. If a company or entrepreneur accepts money only by bank transfer to its current account, and does not have an actual cash turnover, then it does not need to purchase an online cash register.

Also given the right not to use new equipment are credit institutions, companies operating in the securities market, as well as companies organizing catering in kindergartens, schools and other educational institutions.

Religious organizations, sellers of goods recognized as folk crafts, sellers of postage stamps, etc. may also not purchase online cash registers.

If there is no Internet connection in the place where you plan to use the cash register, then you can use the old one instead of a new device. However, this type of territory will be established by law and entered into a special register.

Benefits when using new cash registers

Currently, the government is actively discussing a bill according to which a subject using UTII or PSN will have the right to a deduction in the amount of 18,000 rubles when purchasing an online cash register. This amount will be taken into account when calculating the amount of the mandatory payment. A deduction in this amount will be provided for each cash register purchased.

However, the right to the benefit can only be used for those devices that were purchased starting from 2018.

The bill will provide for the transfer of unused deduction amounts to subsequent tax periods. However, it will be issued only once for each device, which means changing the regime from UTII to PSN or vice versa will not allow you to apply for the benefit again.

Features of using online cash registers for online stores

Another reason why it was decided to introduce online cash registers was complete control over the activities of online stores. Currently, entrepreneurs often do not register such sites, and accept payments using electronic money, which makes it difficult to track incoming funds, and therefore income.

Amendments to the law now introduce the obligation to use a cash register every time a product is sold. At the same time, an online cash register for an online store should not be easy to use, and upon payment, an electronic receipt should be issued to the buyer.

In this case, there is one exception - the online cash register can not be used if payment for the purchased goods goes directly to the bank account of the company or individual entrepreneur.

The tax office also established in its letter that if at the time of the introduction of online cash registers the owner of an online store used UTII or a patent, and had the right not to use a cash register, then this right would remain with him until July 1, 2018, when for these categories of payers online cash register will become mandatory.

The obligation to use an online cash register and send an electronic check to the buyer applies not only to cash, but also to payments by bank cards and electronic money Webmoney or Yandex-Money.

A special feature of a cash register for an online store is that it should not print a paper receipt, but only send an electronic one at the time of payment by the buyer. As of April 2017, only one cash register meets this type of criteria - ATOL 42 FS.

The receipt that must be generated by the machine is no different from a regular online cash register. It is necessary that all the details specified by law are present.

Attention! If the store provides a courier delivery service, then the employee must have a portable cash register with him and, at the time of receiving money from the buyer, knock out a check to him.

Features of the use of new cash registers in the sale of alcohol

Despite the fact that the new law provides for a gradual transition to online cash registers, entities selling beer and alcoholic beverages will need to use such machines from March 31, 2017. This obligation is established by amendments to the law on alcoholic beverages.

All firms and entrepreneurs are required to use the new cash registers, regardless of how sales are made. This means that even outlets selling beer are covered by it.

Moreover, no benefits are determined depending on the taxation system, which means that if an entrepreneur sells beer or other alcohol on a UTII or patent, then he is required to use an online cash register.

It should be noted that in this part the new law on alcohol comes into conflict with the law on cash registers. The latter, as is known, allows the use of online cash registers to begin on imputation and patent from July 1, 2017.

However, experts believe that the law on alcohol, as a more specialized law, has greater weight over the general law on cash registers. The official position of the tax and other authorities has not yet been published.

Important! When choosing a device, you need to remember that in addition to transmitting checks to the tax office, the new cash desk must be able to work with Unified State Automated Information System. At the same time, not only sellers of strong alcoholic beverages, but also beer sellers are now required to interact with the system.

Cost of switching to new cash registers

Legal norms require that all business entities eventually have online cash registers. The use of old cash registers is not allowed. At the same time, companies and individual entrepreneurs are given the right to modernize old devices or immediately purchase new cash registers.

In the first case, many manufacturers of this equipment offer entire kits for modernizing cash registers. Depending on the brand of cash register, the monetary costs for such kits can range from 7,000 to 15,000 rubles.

At the same time, the improvement involves replacing the ECLZ with a fiscal information storage device.

In addition, when giving preference to modernizing the cash register, the number of goods in the product range and the volume of transactions are important. If these indicators are significant, it makes more sense to purchase a new online cash register.

Brand KKA


Approximate price

"Atol 30F" Recommended for use in small businesses where there are few buyers and customers.
"Viki Print 57 F" Trading places with a small number of customers, supported by EGAIS

20.5 thousand rubles

"Atol 11F" Suitable for micro-enterprises and small businesses with a limited number of customers, provides the opportunity to use EGAIS, and can be used when trading beer.

25.1 thousand rubles

"Viki Print 80 Plus F" The device is endowed with great functionality, for example, cutting checks in automatic mode. Can be used at medium and large retail outlets, equipped with EGAIS, you can trade beer.

32.0 thousand rubles

"Atol 55F" The online cash register is equipped with many functions, including automatically cutting checks and connecting a cash drawer. It is more appropriate to use it for large companies with large turnover of cash payments.

There is EGAIS, which can be used when trading beer.

31.0 thousand rubles

"Atol FPrint-22PTK" Can be used in almost all industries, with a universal set of capabilities. There is EGAIS, which supports the beer trade.

33.5 thousand rubles

"Atol 90F" The device comes with a rechargeable battery, which allows it to be used for up to 20 hours in areas where there is no electricity. It is used for distribution and distribution trade.

There is EGAIS, which can be used when selling beer.

20.0 thousand rubles

"Evotor ST2F" Recommended for catering establishments and small shops, as well as hairdressing and beauty salons.

It is possible to organize warehouse accounting. There is a touch screen as well as an Android operating system.

29.5 thousand rubles

"SHTRIX-ON-LINE" Small shops with a small range of goods.

15.6 thousand rubles

"SHTRIKH-M-01F" Can be used in fairly large retail outlets, can be connected to a point-of-sale terminal, and has automatic cutting of receipts.

24.3 thousand rubles

"KKM Elwes-MF" Used in small retail locations with a limited assortment, equipped with a battery, which makes it possible to use it for off-site trading

11.6 thousand rubles

"ATOL 42 FS" The cash register is aimed at online stores; it does not have a mechanism for printing receipts.

20.0 thousand rubles

Cash desk service procedure

The legislation does not require mandatory inspection and maintenance in special centers for new cash registers that have an online connection with the OFD. This rule applies only to old cars that still have ECLZ.

The business entity, at its own discretion, makes a decision on inspection based on feasibility for the purpose of repair. It is assumed that maintenance centers will take on this responsibility.

From this year, the central service center no longer needs to register with the Federal Tax Service when operating and servicing cash registers, which was mandatory in the past.

This innovation will attract many technical specialists and new firms to this industry.

Each owner of a new online cash register has the right to choose:

  • Sign a long-term service agreement with the technical center.
  • Involve CTS specialists only in the event of a breakdown or technical malfunction of the cash register.
  • Invite repairmen who do not work at the service center, but have all the necessary knowledge.
  • If a company has a sufficiently large number of online cash registers, it can include a technical specialist from this field in its staff.