Do I need to squeeze pimples? Where should you not squeeze pimples? Scars or scars: which is better?

Faces. Inflammation and acne are very common problems among teenagers. Similar troubles often occur in men and women in adulthood. However, even people with clear skin know what single pimples are, which can appear suddenly before an important event and significantly spoil the appearance. There is always a temptation to squeeze out an abscess, because many people believe that it is just a cosmetic defect and nothing bad will happen. Is it possible to squeeze purulent pimples? How to do this to minimize the risk of possible complications? And is it possible to squeeze pimples on the forehead? This article will answer these and many other questions.

What are acne

A pimple is a sign of inflammation on the skin that appears when the body begins to fight an infection that penetrates the pores. Ripe pimples appear as small areas of redness with white, pus-filled heads in the center that contain dead tissue and other results of inflammation.

How do acne mature?

At the initial stage of pimple maturation, the pore becomes clogged with sebum. When the passage for sebaceous masses is closed, they begin to accumulate and stretch the pore. This causes an inflammatory process. Gradually, the pimple matures and swells, and eventually, if left undisturbed, sooner or later it will burst and the internal pus containing white blood cells and bacteria will burst out.

Why do acne appear?

The causes of acne can be very diverse. Below are the most common ones:

  • Hormones. During adolescence, a global restructuring of the entire body occurs, accompanied by a sharp increase in the level of the androgen hormone. Because of it, the work of the sebaceous glands increases, and accordingly, pores become clogged with subsequent inflammation. This is certainly unpleasant, but quite normal and understandable. Usually the problem of teenage acne stops in the 20s. When asked whether it is possible to squeeze teenage acne, doctors most often give a negative answer. The fact is that this can provoke the appearance of scars that will accompany you into adulthood. In addition, women have a common problem such as premenstrual acne. A few days before menstruation, rashes appear, caused by an increase in testosterone levels in the female body during this period. The same growth occurs during pregnancy.
  • Poor nutrition. Everyone knows the phrase: “We are what we eat.” Our skin helps the body cleanse itself by removing toxins through the pores. If you abuse fatty, spicy foods, as well as flour and sweets, this will inevitably lead to an increase in sebum secretion, and, as a result, clogged pores.
  • Intestinal problems. Poor nutrition, certain diseases, and the use of antibiotics can lead to disruption of the intestinal microflora. When there are more harmful bacteria than beneficial ones, dysbiosis develops, and this affects the health of our skin.
  • Poor quality cosmetics. Modern cosmetics practically do not harm the skin in any way, but expired or low-quality cosmetics can clog pores, interfere with the penetration of oxygen and contribute to increased inflammation.
  • Hyperkeratosis. Due to a lack of vitamin A or a hereditary factor, hyperkeratosis may develop, which is characterized by excessive keratinization of the epidermis. The skin does not have time to renew itself. The scales of the outer layer block the pores, and an inflammatory process begins to occur in them.

How to deal with acne

To forget about acne once and for all, you need to find out the reason for their appearance. If it's a matter of hormonal changes in teenagers, then you should take acne as a given and not worry about it, since, most likely, they will disappear soon. If the reason lies in poor nutrition, then it is enough to exclude all harmful foods from your menu and enrich your diet with foods that are healthy for the skin: fruits, vegetables, grains. If there are problems with the functioning of internal organs, it is necessary to cure the diseases that have become the root cause of the problems, then noticeable improvements in the condition of the skin will not take long to appear. If it turns out that there are no internal diseases of the body, you should reconsider your facial skin care and, possibly, purchase professional cleansing cosmetics.

Is it possible to squeeze pimples?

Sometimes it can be extremely difficult to resist the temptation to squeeze a pimple, although this is not only unlikely to help get rid of it, but, on the contrary, will lead to new, much more serious problems. Moreover, people often neglect the basic rules of disinfection and touch inflammation with dirty hands. Before we understand whether it is possible to squeeze pimples, let’s find out what the consequences and complications threaten us with. When a pimple is squeezed, the integrity of the outer layer of the skin is disrupted, making it easy to introduce infection into the blood vessels. This will lead to inflammation and new rashes. As a result, in place of one incorrectly squeezed pimple, several more will appear. Very often, at the site of the wound from a squeezed out pustule, unsightly scars and spots appear, which become an even greater aesthetic drawback than their acne predecessors.

It’s rare, but it still happens that banal, seemingly harmless pimple squeezing even leads to death. There are areas on the face where the vessels are connected to the vessels of the brain. Infection in wounds in such places can cause blood poisoning and meningitis, and this in turn can lead to irreversible consequences. History knows several sad examples of people who died from blood poisoning after unsuccessfully squeezing out an abscess (for example, the famous Russian composer Alexander Scriabin).

Which pimples should not be squeezed?

The above-described area on the face is informally called the “triangle of death.” This area includes the nose, lips, and the area between them. Pimples in this area should absolutely not be squeezed out, and if this is done, then with extreme caution, following all the rules of disinfection. By the way, the chin is also partly included in this zone, so people who are interested in whether it is possible to squeeze pimples on the chin should know that doing this is very dangerous.

What pimples can be squeezed out?

This question is often asked by people with problem skin and for good reason. For example, is it possible to squeeze white pimples? If the temptation is too great for you, know that you can only squeeze out pimples with a mature head. If the pustules have not yet formed, there is no point in touching them; you will only delay the long-awaited moment of disappearance of the pimple. What rules need to be followed to avoid wound infection and complications will be written in the next paragraph.

How to squeeze pimples correctly

Before squeezing a pimple, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and prepare napkins or cotton pads, as well as antiseptics. Wash your face and apply an antiseptic to the pimple. This will prevent bacteria from getting into the wound. It is better that the inflammation does not come into contact with the skin of your hands at all, so put on special sterile gloves or wrap your fingers in a clean napkin and begin the squeezing procedure. Press on the walls of the pimple until its root and all the pus come out. After this, be sure to disinfect the wound with an antiseptic. If after some time you see that pus forms again under the lingering film, you will have to repeat the procedure.

Acne prevention

To ensure that acne never becomes a problem, practice acne prevention periodically. After all, any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Watch your diet, try to minimize the consumption of coffee, alcohol, sweets and fatty foods. Use only high-quality cosmetics, do not be lazy and thoroughly cleanse your facial skin every day. Regularly undergo preventive examinations with doctors, so that if diseases of internal organs develop, you can begin to treat the disease at an early stage. Avoid stress and take care of yourself, and your skin will thank you.


If your skin is constantly inflamed and has a large number of pimples, and there are no excuses for this such as hormonal surges during puberty, the premenstrual period or pregnancy, then you should seriously take care of the health of your skin. After all, acne not only creates aesthetic discomfort, self-doubt and complexities, but also indicates possible serious problems in the body. It is best not to wait, hoping that acne will disappear on its own, but to consult a dermatologist. He will most likely give a referral to an endocrinologist and gastroenterologist. These doctors will determine whether the cause is hormonal imbalance or gastrointestinal problems.

If the problem is purely external, the dermatologist will prescribe medicinal creams and special pharmacy cosmetics. There is no point in squeezing out pimples if there are a lot of them. It is better to turn to specialists and undergo comprehensive, long-term, but effective treatment. Otherwise, you risk aggravating the problem, and then treating the consequences of squeezing for a long time: scars, cicatrices and age spots. If there are no special problems with the skin, and only occasional pimples bother you, you can try squeezing them out, but it is important to remember that the area of ​​the nose, lips and chin is an area of ​​increased danger associated directly with the blood vessels of the brain. You can only squeeze out ripe pimples, and this should only be done with clean hands, wearing sterile gloves, and the area around the pimple must be disinfected with an antiseptic. If you follow all precautions, you can get rid of acne without terrible consequences for the beauty and health of your skin.

In the struggle for beautiful skin, many women take drastic measures to quickly get rid of rashes. There is an assumption that by squeezing out the disturbing pustule, it will completely disappear. However, this is not at all true, and when asked whether it is possible to squeeze acne on the face on your own, dermatologists and cosmetologists react negatively. This categorical nature is not accidental; it is due to a number of reasons presented below.

Those who doubt whether it is possible to crush acne should familiarize themselves with the possible consequences. This action, performed independently at home, can lead to serious problems not only with the skin, but also with health in general.

Let us outline the main factors why you should not squeeze out pimples on your face:

  1. Risk of infection. In most cases, self-removal of acne and blackheads mechanically is accompanied by the penetration of harmful bacteria into the open wound. The fact is that it is impossible to ensure complete sterility at home. It is especially dangerous to crush acne with your hands, without gloves or special tools.
  2. Increased number of rashes. Squeezing out fat accumulations from the surface of the epidermis leads to blockage of the corresponding glands. Complications in the form of an infectious lesion aggravate the situation, acne and blackheads return, and their number increases.
  3. Gross skin defects. Mechanical elimination of rashes does not pass without leaving a trace. Healing of the resulting wound leads to the formation of a scar or scar. In some cases, the relief of the epidermis is disrupted. Even after regeneration of the integument, complete elimination of these damages is not guaranteed. Often, to restore the integrity of tissues, one has to resort to surgical methods.
  4. Stains. It is very difficult to cure acne marks, in some cases it is impossible. Pigment spots of this origin are difficult to disguise and spoil the appearance.
  5. Serious consequences. Another factor why pimples should not be squeezed out is the close location of the capillary network to the surface integument. Its placement in the nasolabial and temporal zone is considered especially dangerous. These vessels are characterized by their close proximity to the brain. Their damage and infection in the blood can negatively affect this organ or even lead to death.

What pimples can be squeezed out?

Each type of acne requires a special approach. Let's consider their characteristics and methods of elimination.

Comedones– rashes in which there is no inflammatory process. They arise due to clogged pores. Most often they occur in the nasolabial triangle. There are two types:

  • open - sebaceous plugs do not have a distinct color when formed, but over time they turn yellow or darken;
  • closed - subcutaneous type of acne, externally not noticeable on the skin, but easily palpable with fingers.

It is possible to remove comedones only in a beauty salon, by opening the pores and safely removing the contents.

- the most common type of rash. Very common in adolescence. They are accompanied by pain, redness and discomfort.


  • papules are large bright red bumps of at least one centimeter. There are no visible purulent foci on the surface. Dense and deep lesions can occur on the cheeks, back and other parts of the body where the skin is very dense. Squeezing out such formations causes significant trauma to the integument, leaving large wounds and subsequently scars;
  • pustules are cone-shaped inflamed areas of the epidermis with a white head. If the top is green or yellow in color, then the infection is secondary. Fully mature formations can be removed manually, maintaining sterility.

How to break the habit

For many people, this method of getting rid of acne develops into an addiction. Even knowing all the reasons why you should not squeeze pimples, some still cannot cope with this habit. There are a number of tips to help you learn how not to injure your skin by squeezing out pus:

  • periodically carry out deep cleaning in a beauty salon, take care of your face at home, apply medicinal cosmetics;
  • do not think about the existing problem, each time be distracted by other activities;
  • do not touch the skin, this is not only unhygienic (there are a lot of microbes on your hands, which can aggravate the condition of the epidermis), but also will not allow you to feel the formed pimples;
  • After squeezing, the face looks red, swollen and inflamed. It is worth remembering this constantly so as not to repeat this action.

If, despite all efforts, you cannot stop squeezing out acne, you should consult a psychologist. Perhaps the main reason is hidden in the presence of complexes, fears or other internal problems that need to be dealt with.

Alternative Methods

Having found out why you can’t squeeze acne on your face, you can solve this issue by turning to cosmetology. There are a number of deep cleansing procedures, during which the contents of acne and blackheads are removed without harming the epidermis. However, they have contraindications and are selected individually depending on the problem of concern. Also, in almost all cases, a temporary period of rehabilitation is required, during which it is forbidden to appear in the open sun and apply decorative cosmetics.

Mechanical cleaning

For those who are wondering whether it is possible to squeeze out acne without serious consequences, this procedure is suitable. Cleaning with special tools by a highly qualified cosmetologist is the correct removal of lesions.


  • Indicated for people with acne, blackheads on the nose and chin, fatty spots not only in the facial area, but also on other parts of the body (chest, shoulders, back).
  • Working tool – Unna spoon. Made as a metal stick with two ends. One has a curved spatula with a hole through which the contents of the pimple come out. The other is represented by a sieve designed to remove excess fat and dead particles of dermis.
  • The procedure is carried out in compliance with all sanitary standards using disinfected equipment.
  • Side effects include pain, rosacea, bruises, and crusts at the treatment sites. Therefore, a rehabilitation period is required to restore the structures of the epidermis.
  • It is recommended to use once a month for those with normal to oily skin. No more than once every six months on dry surfaces.

Vacuum cleaning

This method is considered safer; a special device is used for cleaning. This factor is very important, since there is no contact between the skin of the face and the hands of the master, which guarantees the avoidance of infection. However, if the pimple is not mature enough and it is not possible to pull it out with a vacuum, the cosmetologist can remove it himself.


  • suitable for those with oily skin clogged with sebaceous plugs and acne; can remove white pimples and open pustular rashes;
  • drawing out impurities, does not damage the structure of the sebaceous glands; used in hard-to-reach places (in the wings of the nose, ears);
  • does not cause discomfort or pain; there is virtually no discomfort during the procedure;
  • It is recommended to carry out such a deep cleansing approximately once a month.

Ultrasonic cleaning

It takes place in two stages. First, with the help of cosmetic acidic products, they act on the structure of the pimple, destroying it, and then cleanse the skin with high-frequency vibrations.


  • It is effective only against superficial rashes; it will not work on large and deep pimples.
  • Suitable for people with dull and oily skin, enlarged pores.
  • Can be performed in sensitive areas - on the lips and neck.
  • It is considered the most delicate and safe type of cleaning.
  • Improves blood circulation, softens tissues, making the dermis more receptive to other cosmetics and care procedures.
  • If the problem cannot be eliminated immediately, a course of such procedures is required at intervals of one and a half months.

Chemical peeling

Based on the effect of acids on the skin. The applied drug removes the keratinized layer of cells, the dermis is renewed, and the fat balance returns to normal.


  • Removes acne, inflammation, post-acne spots.
  • Evens out the relief of acne-damaged skin, heals scars and scars.
  • Depending on the severity of the acne, a product is selected according to the degree of impact on the skin (superficial or deeper).
  • There are different types of drugs, it is possible to choose the one that is suitable for a specific problem.
  • Superficial or medium peeling has a recovery period of several days to a week.
  • After deep cleaning, complete regeneration of the integument occurs within a month.

Those who are still hesitant about popping pimples on their face are likely to face not only aesthetic problems, but also more serious medical damage. Therefore, it is worth abandoning this technique and directing all efforts to eradicate this dangerous habit. Proper skin care and periodic cleansing in a specialized beauty salon will give it a healthy and fresh look.

Why can't you squeeze pimples? What unpleasant consequences await a person who tries to remove acne from the skin in this way? Answers to these questions will be given now.

We have heard many times that it is impossible to squeeze pimples, especially on the face and in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. Why is this so, because by squeezing a pimple correctly, you can get rid of inflammation faster? This is a wrong opinion, and today we will tell you why, and also explain the reason why squeezing pimples is strictly prohibited by experts.

Why shouldn't you squeeze pimples?

In fact, there are many reasons for this, and it is recommended that you take them seriously.

  • Squeezing out acne opens up infection to a weakened and inflamed area. An open wound after squeezing remains unhealed for some time, and germs from the air, from dirty hands, dust and sweat freely penetrate into it, and this causes additional inflammation. But it’s good if it’s just an inflammatory process, but you can often get blood poisoning, which is already very dangerous for life in general.
  • Furunculosis is also possible, which quickly spreads throughout the body, and suppuration covers large areas, bringing not only external discomfort, but also danger to the entire body. An infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus (which is most common) affects the hair follicles, and the body is covered with many purulent pimples.
  • When squeezing a pimple, you cause subtle mechanical damage to the skin, but it is quite enough for an infection from the outside to penetrate into the body through scratches and tears in the skin. Then everything is clear - new pimples due to inflammation of the skin, and then new squeezing and again a new infection and pimples.
  • If you squeeze a pimple, most often, you injure not only the skin around the inflammation, but also the sebaceous glands, which burst from pressure inside the skin, and their contents spread under the skin, forming new inflammations, sometimes even painful subcutaneous pimples.
  • When squeezing out purulent or oily pimples, remember that for infection through microtraumas of the skin from nails or tweezers, one’s own secretion is sufficient, and not just an external infection. After all, every pimple is an inflammation of the skin, often even an abscess, and so, by squeezing a pimple and injuring the skin, you have millions of chances of infecting healthy skin with your own pus through microscopic lacerations. You already know very well what happens next.
  • In addition, every squeezed pimple, even if very successfully, is a huge chance of getting an ugly scar. Just imagine that you squeeze pimples and infect the skin, and one of the pimples spreads into a huge boil, which now needs not only to be treated, but also to be cleaned surgically. This will definitely leave an ugly scar.

Be very careful, because squeezing pimples, a seemingly harmless activity, can become extremely dangerous under certain conditions.

Why you shouldn't squeeze pimples

Why can’t you squeeze pimples in the nasolabial triangle?

This question interests a lot of people, since it is on this area of ​​the face that experts always focus their attention. There is an answer, and it lies in the peculiarities of the blood supply to this area. The huge number of blood vessels and their special location indicate that it is extremely undesirable to touch any inflammation in the nasolabial triangle yourself. By unsuccessfully squeezing a pimple, say, on the upper lip, you can cause the infected purulent contents of the pimple to enter the bloodstream and go to the brain. To be honest, I don’t even want to talk about the consequences, but the worst of them is death, and there are many examples of this.

What to do if acne overcomes?

Now that you understand why you shouldn't squeeze pimples., acne on the face and especially in the nasolabial triangle, we want to tell you what to do if acne ruins your life.

Firstly, you can always try light lotions, natural masks, safe folk remedies based on medicinal plants.

Secondly, turn to cosmetics - creams, gels, scrubs and eliminate acne forever.

But the best solution is to find out the cause of acne., and only then the correct treatment prescribed by a specialist. Most often, this is a whole set of procedures that not only cleanses the skin and removes signs of acne on the face or other part of the body, but also helps cure the cause, which can be anything.

The question of whether it is possible to squeeze out pimples on your face interests many. Who hasn’t at least once in their life crushed a suddenly eel?

Of course, experts do not advise dealing with rashes in this way.

However, it is better to know how to do it correctly than to suffer from the complications that arise.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
  • Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS only DOCTOR!
  • We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

To begin with, it is important to remember that you can only squeeze isolated pimples, the occurrence of which is not associated with systemic problems in the body.

Reasons for appearance

First, you should get acquainted with the reasons for the appearance of inflamed tubercles:

  • hormonal imbalance. An increase in the level of androgens in the blood (testosterone, progesterone) stimulates the sebaceous glands. As a result, they produce more fat secretion than necessary. This leads to blockage of the excretory ducts and comedones. And after infection it begins, and pimples filled with pus appear. disruptions are typical in adolescence, women and at the beginning of the menstrual cycle;

Photo: hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause rashes

  • disruption of the digestive system. Chronic diseases, poor, irregular bowel movements, dysbacteriosis - all this affects the condition of the integument;
  • pathology endocrine, genitourinary system;
  • insufficient skin care, incorrectly selected cosmetics, infrequent washing of bed linen;

Photo: incorrectly selected cosmetics can cause the formation of comedones

  • excessive demodex mite activity, living in the mouths of hair follicles;
  • from nature, prone to clogged pores and rashes;
  • bad heredity;
  • hyperkeratosis when unexfoliated particles of the stratum corneum of the epidermis close the outlet openings of the sebaceous glands;
  • increased sweating;
  • climatic conditions– heat and humidity, cold;
  • taking medications(contraceptives, steroids, antibiotics);
  • habit of constantly touching your face dirty hands;
  • , alcohol;
  • bad ecology;
  • weakened immunity;
  • systematic nervous overstrain And .

Photo: a doctor will help you find out the possible causes of acne

Finding out the right one is an important step towards successful recovery.

After all, only after eliminating the harmful factors will it be possible to finally get rid of the rashes.


It is highly advisable not to self-medicate, but to consult a specialist - a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

The doctor will explain in detail why you should not squeeze pimples. This is especially true for severe cases with the presence of papules, pustules and nodes.

Systemic therapy is often necessary - taking contraceptives, brewer's yeast and dietary supplements.

Only a doctor will be able to determine the correct dosage and duration of the course, monitor the dynamics and reaction of the body.

If there are only a few rashes on the skin, then you can treat them at home.

Photo: only a specialist can prescribe effective treatment

For a successful recovery, you must follow the rules.

  1. Clean the covers daily. Wash your face twice a day, take a shower or bath before bed. It is better to do this specifically with foam or gel. Tar will help dry out pimples. It is important to thoroughly rinse any cleanser from your skin, as they all contain sodium lauryl sulfate, a comedogenic substance that can clog pores.
  2. Use a cleanser no alcohol.
  3. Wipe inflamed areas with salicylic acid.
  4. Apply acne gel or ointment(“Baziron”, “”, “Acne Stop”, “Akriderm”, etc.).
  5. If purulent elements are present, then it is necessary to fight the infection. The “” solution, which is applied pointwise, has a detrimental effect on bacteria.
  6. Moisturize your face and neck light cream.
  7. Don't forget to wipe your skin with ice cubes from herbal decoctions (sage, string), make vitamin and cleansing masks.


Photo: a mask with oatmeal will cleanse the skin well

  • Mix the juice with, apply to the face, leave for 20 minutes and rinse.
  • Dilute badyagi powder with water to the consistency of liquid sour cream, lubricate the skin with the mixture, and after 10 minutes wash.
  • Grind oatmeal, add hot water, let it swell. Add some juice and honey. Leave the mixture for no more than a quarter of an hour.

Video: “How to get rid of acne and blackheads”

How to remove a ripe element correctly

First you need to prepare, since this is a real operation, even a small one.

  • Hands should be washed thoroughly with soap so that no dirt remains under the nails.
  • Then wash, steam your face over the broth (if removal is planned), wipe dry with a paper napkin or clean towel.

The extrusion procedure consists of successive stages.

  1. The fingers and the operated area are wiped with an antiseptic (“”).
  2. Apply pressure to the base of the pimple from both sides simultaneously, gradually moving towards the top. You should not do this with your nails, as it can easily damage the skin. You can wear sterile gloves, wrap your fingers in napkins, or use cotton pads.
  3. It is important that the content comes out completely. The appearance of ichor or blood indicates that there is no pus left.
  4. The wound is treated once with hydrogen peroxide. This will help remove skin flakes and remaining pus. It will sting a little, but this is a normal reaction.
  5. Then the damaged area is cauterized with alcohol (for example, calendula tincture or).
  6. In order for the inflammation to go away, you should treat the irritated areas with salicylic acid.
  7. Redness can be removed by rubbing with a decoction of St. John's wort or calendula; you can also make compresses.
  8. Every day you need to lubricate the wound with a healing ointment (“Levomekol”, “”).
  9. Under no circumstances should the crust that forms the next day be peeled off; it should fall off on its own.

Questions and answers

Acne has become more and more common lately.

Moreover, not only older children suffer, but also adults after 25–40 years.

This is why there are so many questions related to the treatment of rashes and squeezing.

  • Some, for example, are even interested in why they dream of a pimple on their face. People consider it a harbinger of danger and the proximity of the enemy. Perhaps someone decided to harm the plans or was up to something bad.
  • Squeezing pimples in a dream means a desire for change, a desire to do something your own way, take initiative, fulfill an old dream or cherished desire. However, you should not take such signs to heart. Perhaps this is simply a reflection of thoughts and actions, a subconscious desire to quickly get rid of the signs of acne.

Can all pimples be squeezed?

The contents of such elements are located deep in the dermis. It will not be possible to remove it without severely damaging the tissue. It is better to try to drain the pus out using medications or methods.

For example, make a compress at night using Vishnevsky or ichthyol ointment.

  • A little product is applied to a cotton pad and applied to the tubercle, then fixed with a band-aid. Even if the pimple does not break out the first time, it will decrease in size.
  • And if you repeat the procedure every day, it will gradually resolve.

An aloe leaf applied to the skin with a cut has a similar effect.

Photo: aloe will relieve inflammation and draw out pus

It’s also worth figuring out where you can’t squeeze pimples.

The membranes in the nasolabial triangle are very thin and can be easily injured. The proximity of the vessels will lead to bleeding, and the wound will heal for a long time.

You can crush mature rashes with a white head sticking out on the surface.

Photo: You can try to remove ripe elements yourself

  • They should not be inflamed upon palpation. Such elements look as if they are about to burst, almost dry, their contents come out easily, you just need to press a little on the base.
  • You can remove plugs from open comedones - blackheads. The millet is opened with a sterile needle, but it is better to entrust this process to a cosmetologist.

How to break the habit

Getting rid of the habit of squeezing pimples is not that difficult.

  • You just need to immerse yourself in work, take up hobbies, sports or other interesting interests.
  • The main thing is that there is no time left for constantly monitoring your appearance in the mirror and looking for new rashes.

It is more difficult when there are psychological causes of the problem.

They lie in a person’s low self-esteem and the desire to look perfect.

  • Before you unlearn a bad habit, you need to work on your inhibitions. You may even have to turn to a psychologist who will tell you how to stop seeing only imperfections in yourself.
  • It is important to realize that not everyone is so obsessed with appearance. Random passers-by are unlikely to closely look for flaws on your face. Even close friends rarely notice a few pimples that have popped up. It is necessary to focus on the merits, and not on the smallest flaws. After all, there are simply no perfect people.

Before squeezing out another abscess, it would be nice to think about the consequences and what will happen if an infection gets into the wound.

What to do if acne is in an inaccessible place

When the rashes are located on the back of the head or on the back of the head, it is problematic to squeeze them out on your own.

Photo: it’s better not to try to remove rashes in a hard-to-reach place yourself

Of course, you can ask a relative or close friend for help and monitor compliance with the disinfection rules.

But whether such pimples are worth touching or not, you need to decide for yourself.

After all, they are not located in a visible place, invisible to others, so it is possible to wait for natural healing.


Injuries to healthy tissues, pain, blood - these are not the most serious consequences of incorrect manipulations.

Before you squeeze out another pimple, think about whether you need to do it at all.


  • If you accidentally touch the skin with a fingernail, a deep wound will form.
  • And if the pressure is incorrect, the sebaceous gland can rupture.
  • Once the infection is attached, inflammation will begin, as a result of which healing will take a long time.

Blood poisoning

The contents of a pimple consist of sebum with pus, which contains a lot of bacteria, dead leukocytes, and particles of impurities.

All this is surrounded by a thin film that prevents this mass from spreading under the skin. As soon as you put a little pressure on the pimple, the dirt will get deep into the tissue, penetrate the blood and spread throughout the body.

  • The smallest nuisance of such an event– the appearance of many rashes on healthy areas of the skin.
  • The most dangerous consequences– furunculosis, meningitis, encephalitis and sepsis.

Cosmetic skin defects

Usually, the wound takes a long time to heal after squeezing - at least 3-4 days.

A crust forms, which is almost impossible with cosmetics.

While there is no scab, it is generally undesirable to wear makeup due to the risk of infection.

But an ordinary intact pimple can easily be made invisible.

Just use concealer, apply a drop on top and set the makeup with powder.

To combat them, they advise using other methods:

Photo: cleansing your face with special skin care products prevents the appearance of acne

  • cleanse your face regularly special foams or gels, herbal infusions or cucumber juice;
  • do not use alcohol lotions, drying out the skin;
  • do not apply powder, as its particles get clogged into the pores. If you cannot do without makeup, then it is better to use mineral or rice loose powder;
  • carry out cosmetic procedures ( , );
  • don't rub your face with your hands, try not to touch it at all, so as not to spread bacteria.


Prevention rules will help you avoid acne:

  • review your diet remove from it baked goods made from wheat flour, refined and fried foods, fatty, smoked foods, seasonings and spices, soda, etc. Lean on vegetables, fruits, cereals, lean meat and fish, sour milk, nuts, bran, green and neutral minerals;
  • maintain personal hygiene, Have a separate face towel, change bedding regularly and wash clothes more often;
  • avoid stress, learn to quickly calm down and relax;
  • use cosmetics labeled non-comedogenic;
  • walk outside more often, lead an active lifestyle.
Squeezing pimples is not the best way to get rid of them.

The method is fraught with skin injuries, complications and consequences.

It is important to find out the reason and. But if your hands are still reaching for the next one, then you should at least learn how to squeeze it out correctly.

Video: “How to squeeze pimples correctly”

Pimples appear at the most inconvenient moment, either before an important meeting, or on the eve of a date. And everyone knows that you shouldn’t push them for many reasons, although you really want to, and many can’t stand it. Why you shouldn’t squeeze pimples on your face and how this procedure can affect your skin’s health in the future, read our article.

Acne spoils a person’s appearance and indicates inflammatory processes in the skin, hormonal imbalance, and even signals internal disturbances in the body’s functioning, in particular, this applies to the gastrointestinal tract.

Why you can’t squeeze pimples and what happens if you squeeze them:

  1. Injury to blood vessels and skin. If you squeeze a pimple, there is a high probability that you can damage small blood vessels. As a result, stagnant blue-red spots appear, which are especially visible during cold periods of the year. By removing the contents of a pimple with your fingers, the skin ruptures, and this entails the formation of noticeable scars and scars.
  2. Pus getting into the blood. When pressure is applied to an inflamed or mature pimple, vascular injury occurs and the pus in this case tries to escape in two ways: outside and into the blood. The second option can pose a certain threat: the blood spreads pus throughout all vessels.
  3. Skin hyperpigmentation. Most often, pigment spots appear in the place where the pimple was pressed. They are several shades darker than the base color of the skin and these manifestations are quite difficult to hide with foundation.
  4. Inflammation. If a pimple is squeezed out with dirty hands without treating them and the area under the nails with a disinfectant (chlorhexidine, salicylic acid 1% or 2%, hydrogen peroxide), then an inflammatory process occurs.
  5. Damage to neighboring pores. Each new squeeze of a pimple increases their number. The squeezed out pus or liquid penetrates the skin through adjacent pores and infection of healthy tissue occurs.

Interesting! Pimples usually appear on oily and combination skin in the T-zone. Since in this area the sebaceous glands produce the largest amount of sebum, and when one of the glands becomes blocked, acne appears.

However, sometimes a harmless (at first glance) pimple can be a boil or signal furunculosis. Infection or furunculosis is purulent inflammation of the hair follicles and occurs not only on the face, but also on the neck, back, and back of the head. Furunculosis is infectious in nature and is most often caused by staphylococcus. Inflammation can be treated quickly enough, but under the general supervision of a dermatologist.

Why do you want to squeeze pimples?

Let's figure out why the temptation to squeeze out a hated pimple is so great:

  1. Neurosis. Not everyone has the patience to calmly watch a pimple mature without touching it with their hands. If it is there, then it needs to be squeezed out. Your hands are itching and you can’t hide from it anywhere. It's like quitting smoking. It takes time and a lot of patience. But many people don’t have it. So it turns out: a small pimple has appeared, which means you need to pick it out so that there is a wound, inflammation around it and your soul will be calm.
  2. Reaction to criticism(sometimes undeserved). Some people, in order to increase their self-esteem, are capable of morally crushing another person. As they say, “all means are fair in love and war,” so all possible options can be used: criticism, insults, humiliation, nagging, remarks. An offended, morally depressed person, in order to somehow calm down, begins to look for pimples on his face and squeeze them. Psychologists say that this is an unconscious way of a neurotic nature to punish oneself for one’s insecurity and inaction.

Interesting! Acne and pimples most often occur in those people who are obsessed with hygiene, cleanliness, and antiseptics. This does not mean that you cannot wash your face in the mornings and evenings and cleanse your face of impurities. But it’s also not worth doing these procedures every five minutes.

How to wean yourself from this bad habit

It’s not difficult to unlearn a bad habit, the main thing is desire and willpower. First you should contact a cosmetologist, and then a psychologist. It may be a good idea to visit a gastroenterologist if you are experiencing stomach pain. Experts know a lot of ways to effectively get rid of acne. If you don’t have time for this, then you should help yourself.

Acne most often occurs during puberty or in the absence of a regular sexual partner. You should wait a little (as regards puberty) or actively search for a worthy candidate for life together. In any case, you shouldn't waste your precious time squeezing pimples. Do useful and more interesting things: creativity, handicrafts, think about how to attract the attention of someone or someone, at the sight of whom the heart begins to beat several times faster. But if none of the listed options suits you, then there is only one way out of this situation. Take bubble wrap and press, press... the bubbles.

Also try to look in the mirror less when a pimple appears on your face. Come up with a daily attitude for yourself, for example: I am the most beautiful, happiest and most loved. Repeat these words every day and after a week, a pimple on your nose will not darken your mood, but, on the contrary, will make you happy (by the way, it is believed that the appearance of a pimple on your nose means that someone likes you).

Try a healthy face mask for your skin type twice a week to unclog your pores and prevent any breakouts from appearing on your dermis.

Enjoy life no matter what, live for your pleasure, focus less on pimples. And then the bad habit of squeezing pimples will disappear.