About language and speech. Speech at the methodological association of teachers of Russian language and literature



Russian language

The best speeches of the All-Russian Pedagogical Forum “Russian language and literature: new approaches in the development of the system of philological education in Russia”

The forum brought together the best specialists in Russian language and literature in the country. Over the course of two days, they discussed current issues facing the modern educational community. How to instill a love of reading, why a meta-subject approach is needed in the educational process, how to learn to write an essay...

I. A. Fomenko, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Information and Analytical Support of Licensing and Accreditation Procedures for Educational Institutions of the Center for Quality of Education of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Moscow Region "Academy of Social Management", Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation.

Topic: “Formation of reading competence and working with information in the school curriculum”

“The introduction of standards also implies the integration of all educational structures, because achieving personal, subject and meta-subject results is impossible on the basis of only one educational institution. There must be an educational infrastructure to ensure that the standard is achieved. Today, the result of education is not only the successful passing of the Unified State Exam. The result is at the intersection of three circles - it is a combination of personal, subject and meta-subject results that set the basis for the competitiveness of our country. A graduate must have the ability to learn, must be able to organize his activities, must be ready to act independently and be responsible for his actions, he must be friendly, able to listen and hear his interlocutor, be able to justify his position, and express an opinion. In the Moscow region, we have taken meta-subject results as a priority area for assessing the quality of education at the regional level. Together with RAO, we compile and implement comprehensive work with text, which allows us to determine reading literacy. The main difficulties recorded for students in the 4th, 5th and 6th grades in the last school year when performing diagnostic work: children do not know how to compare their existing knowledge with the text they have read, determine matches and discrepancies with the text, use the text and their knowledge to answer questions "


  • Inclusion of texts from other subject areas in Russian language textbooks
  • Terminological dictations. Literacy will not be developed if it is in demand only in Russian language lessons
  • The in-school system for assessing the quality of education should include an assessment of terminological literacy
  • I recommend that you show your colleagues by example what communication skills consist of and how they can be developed in other subjects.
  • How to determine the dynamics of UUD formation? I will again give as an example Razumovskaya’s program, which shows the increase in these communication skills.
  • Pay more attention to extracurricular activities. Take extra hours, work with different texts on them

L. V. Dudova, Ph.D., Prof., Head. Department of Philological Education of the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education MIOO, Chairman of the Coordination Council of the All-Russian Public Organization "Association of Teachers of Literature and Russian Language"

Topic: “Teaching a school literature course in modern sociocultural conditions”

" of the united publishing group "DROFA" - "VENTANA-GRAF" has several characteristic features: firstly, a well-verified methodological basis, secondly, the authors are well-known philologists, literary critics, linguists, thirdly, these textbooks are already have vast many years of experience in practical use. New is a practice that has been well tested among teachers; I do not believe in untested textbooks.The signed concept of teaching Russian language and literature in the Russian Federation is still controversial. These debates well reflected the changes that are taking place in our sociocultural space and affecting the subjects that occupy the most space in our curriculum.The task of the Russian language and literature is to teach children to work with information of different types and in different ways of presentation. Literary text is the highest and most complex form of text.It is difficult for a child with “clip thinking” to perceive large texts, but this does not mean that such texts should be abandoned. On the other hand, literature teachers are characterized by a certain professional snobbery, which prevents them from paying attention to works of modern literature, written, from their point of view, according to insufficiently high aesthetic standards. But children pay attention to these texts! At the same time, unlike the teacher, they do not see hidden quotes and do not know the works of realism on which the works of postmodernism are built. This is another sociocultural aspect, a conflict between the teacher and the student... We analyze literary texts of different generic nature; this is a certain model of values ​​that motivates the choice of guidelines. Each word artist is a unique world with its own characteristics of values. It's quite difficult here. There is a conflict of generations, since the majority of teachers are still people who grew up under the conditions of the previous state. And now those who grew up in a new state are studying, therefore, when reading the text of Leo Tolstoy, we perceive it differently. The teacher, in addition to all his usual functions, greatly increases the function of a guide-stalker, who immerses in the world of these values ​​​​and explains their eternity, which is why these are classic works. The school that lays the foundation must focus on something sustainable. If the foundation is laid with a defect, it is difficult to expect that the building will be constructed thoroughly.
If we pay attention to the relationship between classics and modernity, we will see that good, truly accepted new things are based on the foundation of classics. I highly recommend reading the article by Dubinin, a famous sociologist of culture, which is dedicated to the question of what a classic is. The question is how, when studying a classic work of literature, to make sure that the teacher can lay this foundation for the children. It's an incredibly difficult task."

R. A. Doschinsky, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philological Education, MIOO

Topic: About changes in the OGE and the Unified State Exam

  • Spend more time reading texts
  • Improve the ability to comment on the problem posed in the text
  • Teach schoolchildren to express their position in a reasoned manner
  • Improve skills in performing semantic analysis of prose and poetic texts
  • Place emphasis on mastery of language literary norms

T. Yu. Smirnova, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, Director of the non-state educational institution "Obraz"

Topic:“New approaches in the methodology of teaching literature: the theory of literature and the system of written work”

“We present a new textbook, written jointly with A. N. Arkhangelsky. Two aspects are especially important for the textbook: the study of literary theory and the system of written work. All classes consist of two parts.Literary theory and writing. While developing a system of written works and the study of literary terms, we did not break away from the generally accepted approach to the study of literary works. Literary theory-a very important and interesting tool, without which it is impossible to read or write. With the right attitude, it does not complicate the textbook, but fills it with new life.This training manual takes into account all the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. The new educational complex is a combination of traditions, developmental education approaches, the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and modern forms and technologies. We tried to combine scientific depth of understanding with simplicity and clarity of presentation.Let's start with the fact that a child initially has a need to both read and write. School stubbornly discourages the desire to write, creating a fear of getting a bad grade. You need to create motivation. We propose that in the middle level they refuse to evaluate content and do not link literacy and quality of presentation. There should be interesting topics that will captivate children.

In grade 5, sketch activities are introduced - short works in which completeness is not required, the main emphasis is on the child’s self-expression. This is consistent with the study of small folklore genres, a childhood theme associated with the textbook. In the 6th grade, sketches are devoted to the themes of the hero and heroism. By the 8th grade, literary studies and genre works are introduced, by this time children have overcome their fear of writing text. Then you can give a variety of algorithms. Children get acquainted with drawing up a complex plan, a scheme for analyzing a poem, play, and epic genres. We do not give essays based on the results of studying a work, and if we do, it is on a topic that was not discussed in class. The textbooks are filled with problem-based and search tasks for knowledge and understanding of the text, tasks using information resources».

E. L. Erokhina, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Deputy Director of the Institute of Philology, Moscow State Pedagogical University

Topic:“Modern forms of final certification in literature. Problems and ways to solve them"

“First, let us highlight the specifics of literature as an educational subject. Its goal is the formation of a reading culture. A student with a developed reading culture is the main desired result of work in the classroom. The subject and medium of instruction is text. The communicative space of a literature lesson is a dialogue of different types: the author of the text of a literary work and the student-reader; the author of the textbook text and the student reader; student and teacher, student and student, etc. Literature is mastered in the course of all types of speech activities (reading, listening, speaking, writing) in their inextricable relationship. Conclusions. There is continuity between the forms of final certification in literature; they contain common tested elements, which is explained by the specifics of literature as an educational subject. The trend of modern teaching of literature is the transition from knowledge as an end in itself to independent search and appropriation of knowledge.”

A. N. Arkhangelsky, Ph.D., literary critic, writer, TV presenter

Topic: “The influence of society on the formation of reading tastes of a modern schoolchild”

“On the challenges of modern culture. These are visualization, multimedia, convergence. Visualization has already won. Multimedia is also included in all spheres of life, and it has also become less scary. Convergence - I will cite as examples the longreads of the New York Times (about deep Russia) and Kommersant (about June 22, 1941). Children understand this; they construct stories differently than we are used to. This will have to be taken into account. Transmedia awaits us ahead - it is not just a combination of text, sound, image, it is the telling of one story on different platforms: a film is made based on the same plot, a book is written, a computer game is created, a radio show is created. It is necessary to convey to the child that the book and the film adaptation are two different works, we are already familiar with this, but in transmedia one story appears in several versions, includes elements of interactivity with voting for the path of further development of the plot. Should we abandon literary education now that the era of transmedia has arrived? Of course not, transmedia has come and will go, something else will take its place. But we need to learn to talk to children in a language they understand. If we don’t want to give them to the rat catcher, we need to learn to play the modern pipe ourselves. The main thing is not to forget about the goal - where exactly we are leading them. We are not moving from text to transmedia culture, but through transmedia to text and other foundations of our culture.”.

E.Yu. Shmakova, Deputy Director of the Center for Philological Education of the United Publishing Group "DROFA" - "VENTANA-GRAF"


“Prospects for integrated Russian language courses and literature courses


“We see two approaches to analyzing the text - from literature and from the Russian language. Our publishing group offers two such courses - this is an integrated literature course with the subtitle “Russian Language and Literature” for grades 10-11 by A. K. Michalskaya and O. N. Zaitseva. In grades 10-11 we offer a literature course by A.K. Michalskaya, Zaitseva. For the first time, a literature course is presented in such a broad context of history and world culture. For the first time, the main goal of training is to introduce students to the national fund of Russian classics through the development of reading skills and analysis of literary texts. A unique feature is that the Russian language course is correlated with the literary material being studied. The manuals are aimed at developing literacy, the value-semantic sphere, in the meta-subject sphere -developing the ability to learn and apply acquired knowledge in later life. The main content consists of the works of Russian classics.After each section, a test is given with several options for completing it. The integrated course allows you to learn how to conduct complex text analysis. Literature is presented as a national treasure and forms a common view of subjects.”

T. M. Pakhnova, candidate of pedagogical sciences, prof. MPGU, member of the editorial board of the magazine “Russian Language at School”, author Topic: “Working with text (verbal fabric) as a tool for personality formation»

“Preparation of students to complete tasks of a creative nature occurs gradually, based on the technique of slow reading and building the so-called “dialogue with the text.” Teaching slow reading means finding a path that will lead to raising a student as a talented reader. A person and a text conduct a dialogue, and during this process a person learns the most important and difficult thing - to conduct a dialogue with himself. Thus, the process of reading becomes a process of a person’s inner life, which is the basis of self-knowledge and self-improvement. In the course of such work with text, teachers note that children’s interest in the texts of works of fiction increases noticeably. The textbooks are based on a text-centric approach. Text is the supporting, key concept of the Russian language course. Text is a category that shows “language in action.” Text -the basis for creating a developing speech environment. This environment becomes a means of personality formation, as well as a means of acquiring background knowledge necessary for writing essays and preparing research projects. Work with text can be organized so that it becomes an event in the Russian language lesson, and an event in the inner life of each student.”

L.D. Bednarskaya, Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Teaching Russian Language and Literature of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of OSU, co-author
Topic: “From an essay on the Russian language to an essay on literature”

“Please note that creative tasks in all humanitarian subjects in KIMs are structured the same way. The sample text must be present. Then the requirement to compose an argument based on the sample text and excerpts from it. Information analysis of the text is thus located in the very meta-subject core. The teacher’s task is, together with the children, to formulate an original thesis with which the essay will begin, to come up with an idea that can then be placed in the conclusion. There is no need to be afraid to crush the initiative of schoolchildren. For creativity to manifest itself, children must first be shown, explained, and taught. Drawing up such a sketch, a proto-summary of an essay -This is not a set of puzzles, but a kind of Ariadne's thread that will help children structure the text. Then, depending on their level of preparation, children can either just pick up quotes or go from the supporting notes in their own unique direction.”

V.V. Lvov, Ph.D., laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of education, author Topic:“Modern Russian language textbook and its role in implementing the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard”

“According to Razumovskaya, formalism ruins spelling; if you rely only on rote learning, nothing will work. Spelling must be approached on a semantic basis. Example - exercise ZSP (meaning, structure, spelling). Do you know the meaning of the word -write it correctly, for example, company or campaign. These exercises are now somewhat simplified; previously, children could not even write down some words correctly, but this is a question for elementary school. The textbooks reinforce all types of speech activities in interconnection: reading, speaking, writing and listening in the spotlight. Moreover, there is an oral exam ahead, which is long overdue. Our textbook is aimed not just at preparing for the exam, but at developing a love for your native language.Systematic repetition is also reinforced in textbooks. With the help of additional tasks when studying the speech course, grammar is repeated, and in language lessons there is even more speech in the broad sense of the word.”

E.V. Tsymbal, film director and screenwriter, winner of the National Film Award " Nika "(2002, 2006 and 2015), British Academy of Film and Television Awards (BAFTA)

Discussion topic:“Literature and cinema: the formation of universal educational actions of students in the process of interaction between the arts”

“In Sheksir’s time, they forgot to publish a single textbook, which is why there were so many versions of productions. Hundreds of performances are not alike. In addition to different readings, the reason for diversity is that in each text there is redundancy, a huge amount of detail, nuance and detail. Each country where the production takes place has its own historical and artistic background, something that is absorbed by the child unconsciously, and this is very different from the environment for a child in other countries. This greatly affects both perception and understanding. How does the literary basis of a film differ from cinema? The simpler the text, the better the film adaptation. When transferring complex text, a lot is lost. Movie -different art, different perception. 87% is perceived through vision, and more and more information is transferred into visual forms.”

Do you need preparation for a public speaking? Undoubtedly. However, it may be different. Thus, a rally speech is usually short - 5-10 minutes or a little more, and it can be delivered with minimal preparation. But the lecture already requires thorough preparation. Of course, the speaker’s experience, knowledge, ability to communicate with the audience, and much, much more are taken into account.

In 1928, M. Gorky returned from Sorrento to Moscow. The writer was honored at the Bolshoi Theater: A speech about his work was to be given by A.V. Lunacharsky, who found out about this forty minutes before the start of the celebration. There was simply no time for thorough preparation. And here’s what’s interesting: the speech delivered on the occasion of Gorky’s arrival is one of the most brilliant examples of Lunacharsky’s oratory. It deeply analyzes the writer's work and is fascinating in form. What is this, improvisation? When colleagues who knew about the suddenness of the performance asked Anatoly Vasilyevich about it, he answered, shrugging his shoulders: “Well, what kind of improvisation? After all, I wrote a lot about Gorky even before the revolution and, of course, I continue to study his work as a critic.” Thus, Lunacharsky, in his own words, “prepared for this performance all his life.” In a word, impromptu speech, as a rule, is based on well-known material, knowledge, and experience of the speaker. In other words, the speaker prepares little or no preparation for it on the eve of the speech, but has sufficient knowledge and experience in delivering speeches to limit himself to minimal preparation or deliver it “impromptu.”

The speaker faces three interrelated questions: what to say, where to say it, and how to say it. Of course, developing a speech begins with understanding the topic of the speech, its main idea. The topic should be relevant, interesting, specific, clearly formulated, accessible. Should not be overloaded with problems: two or three questions are quite enough.

What are the speaker's goals? The main goal is to inform listeners, that is, to teach them, give them certain information, influence them, form their beliefs, ideas, which will then become the motives of people’s behavior, in short, to form a behavioral stereotype.

An important question that faces the speaker is assessing the situation and composition of the audience. An unexpected, unfamiliar atmosphere can make the speaker feel uncomfortable. Therefore, he must prepare himself for it in advance. You should find out as thoroughly as possible the conditions under which the speech will take place, down to such seemingly trifles as the number of listeners, the presence of a microphone, podium, table, the size and interior of the hall, the time allotted to the speaker, the relationship of this speech with others. To perform with a microphone, you need certain skills: if you are not used to it, the microphone will constrain you. If the hall is small and there are few listeners, then it is preferable to speak at a table. This way you create an atmosphere of ease, as if you merge with the audience. If the hall is large and there are many listeners, then it is necessary to speak from the podium. This will allow you to see everyone and feel the reaction of the audience. It is more difficult to perform in the evening than in the first half of the day: people will come already tired. As for the relationship between the performance and others, the following pattern is observed here: each subsequent one, as a rule, should be more interesting (perhaps more significant, more important, etc.) than the previous one, i.e. have some difference that has an impact on audience.

When preparing a speech, you need to imagine how the listeners will perceive it and what will be unclear to them. The speaker must know and take into account the composition of the audience. There are different approaches to its assessment. Let's give one of them. You can evaluate your audience based on parameters. First of all, its social and professional composition (workers, teachers, engineers, etc.) and cultural and educational level (primary, secondary, higher education) are taken into account. Here, naturally, the degree of preparedness of the students, their intellectual potential, and the nature of the activity are taken into account. The age, gender, and national characteristics of the audience should also be taken into account. But the most important thing is its homogeneity or heterogeneity in all respects. Of course, the hardest thing is to speak in front of a heterogeneous audience. Practice shows that a very difficult audience is youth. After all, the intellectual and physical changes that occur at a young age are quite contradictory: on the one hand, an objective attitude to reality, positive assessments of people predominate, on the other hand, extreme subjectivism, denial of everything that exists, and morbid narcissism. Therefore, emotional speeches are most effective for young people. At the same time, speaking to all age groups requires logical persuasiveness, conciseness and accuracy of presentation. For an adult audience, logical development of thought, argumentation, and evidence-based presentation always come first.

The effectiveness of speech increases if it is intended not for an audience in general, but for certain groups of people who have their own interests and goals. Therefore, one should first of all take into account the motives that prompted them to come to the performance: intellectual, moral, aesthetic. Most often, listeners want to receive some new information; sometimes they come out of obligation, by invitation, less often - to give themselves aesthetic pleasure. It is also necessary to take into account the mood of the listeners, their physical condition, attitude towards the topic of the speech and the speaker, and their familiarity with the issue.

The next stage is work on theoretical, factual material and composing the speech itself, i.e. its compositional and stylistic design. The text of a speech can be written or "composed in the mind" based on researched materials, past texts, or past experiences. When preparing a speech, you can write its full text, synopsis, abstract, detailed outline or short outline. This depends on the habit of the speaker, his experience, knowledge, etc. Here is the opinion of the famous judicial figure P. S. Porokhovshchikov (P. Sergeich). From the book “The Art of Speech in Court.” He argued: “We will not repeat the old debate: to write or not to write speeches. Know, reader, that without writing down several fathoms or arshins of paper, you will not make a strong speech on a complex matter. Unless you're a genius, take this as an axiom and prepare to speak with pen in hand.<...>.

Beware of improvisation.

By surrendering to inspiration, you may miss the essential and even the most important.

You can set the wrong position and give a trump card to your opponent. You will not have proper self-confidence.

There will be no better word in our speech. Improvisers, says Quintilian, want to appear smart in front of fools, but instead they turn out to be fools in front of smart people.

Finally, keep in mind that even a winged horse can change.

Knowledgeable and demanding people, both in ancient times and now, argue that the speech of a judicial speaker must be written from beginning to end. Spasovich, Passover, Andreevsky are impressive voices, not to mention Cicero.

But if this is not always possible, then in any case the speech should be written in the form of a detailed logical argument; each individual part of this reasoning must be presented in the form of an independent logical whole, and these parts are interconnected into a common invulnerable whole. You must achieve invulnerability, otherwise you have failed in your duty."

As we see, having started with a categorical statement about the need to write the full text of the speech, P. S. Porokhovshchikov ends with the fact that one can limit oneself to “detailed logical reasoning,” that is, something like a summary. It is known that many speakers write notes rather than the full text. For example, K. A. Timiryazev first drew up a short plan, expanded it to a detailed one, then, based on it, wrote a synopsis, which he rewrote repeatedly, clarifying the location of the material and wording. But there are other opinions on this matter. Thus, the famous judicial figure A.F. Koni in the article “Techniques and tasks of the prosecutor’s office (From the memoirs of a judicial figure)” says that he never wrote his speeches. I tried to sketch out an introduction a couple of times, but was convinced of the futility of it: the judicial investigation gives such everyday colors and so shifts the center of gravity of the dimension that even a few words of the introduction “turn out to be not at all the overture, in musical language, with which the speech should begin.” And then he continues: “I never wrote the very essence of the speech and did not even present it in the form of an outline, noting only for memory individual thoughts and considerations that came to my mind<...>and sketching out a scheme of speech, before its actual utterance, with individual words or conventional signs<...>. I have always felt that a pre-written speech should constrain the speaker, tie up his freedom of disposal of the material, and confuse him with the thought that something has been forgotten or omitted.” This attitude to speech, that is, drawing up a diagram, a plan, is allowed only by experienced, gifted speakers. It also depends on the duration of the speech, its type and type.

Skillfully selected factual and digital material makes the speech specific, substantive, intelligible and convincing. Facts perform two functions: illustrating the provisions of speech and proving their correctness. Facts should be vivid, but not random, but typical, reflecting the essence of the phenomenon. They are also subject to the requirements of relevance and persuasiveness, practical orientation and significance, reliability and absolute accuracy, consistency and connection with the general idea of ​​speech, focus on taking into account the interests and needs of listeners. When preparing for a speech, you need to work with different sources.

In parallel, work is underway on the style of presentation and the compositional and logical arrangement of parts of speech. What should the speech language be? Of course, literate from a literary point of view, emotional; violation of the literary norm and its dryness reduce the effectiveness of speech.

The famous judicial figure of the last century, K. L. Lutsky, gave a vivid and meaningful description of the style of speech. Although he spoke about judicial eloquence, his words can rightfully be attributed to any speech: “The speech of a judicial orator, not without reason, can be compared with clay in the hands of a sculptor, taking on the most diverse forms at his request. Like a sculptor’s clay, speech can be soft and pliable, hard and elastic, and contain the most perfect images, you just need to be able to discover them in it and know how to use them. The great secret of beauty in speech lies in its style.<...>“We listen,” says Racine, “only insofar as it pleases our ears and imagination through the charm of style.” Therefore, Cicero believed that there is no eloquence without charm, and Aristotle taught to charm listeners: those who listen willingly understand better and believe more easily. The main charm of the style lies in the harmony of speech, that harmony which evokes the idea of ​​proportionality in rise and fall, nobility and grace, grandeur and gentleness, and which is the result of the order, distribution and proportionality of words, phrases and periods and all the parts that make up a judicial speech. From this kind of proportionality, distribution and order flows the so-called oratorical proportionality, which represents a wise and complex oratorical mechanism, so necessary that without it there would be no movement or force in eloquence. This mechanism depends mainly on the choice of words and their sequence in speech.<...>. They sound sometimes rough and soft, sometimes heavy and light, sometimes fast and slow. And this difference must certainly be taken into account by the speaker when choosing words.”

So, the speech was written in full, comprehended, several times, but in fragments, as preparation progressed, it was read. Now a new stage of work on a speech has come, which is very important for a novice speaker - rehearsal. It is this that a beginning speaker should pay extremely close attention to. It is useful to read the speech in full, clarify the time it is spoken, focusing on the pace that corresponds to the norms of public speech (about two minutes - one typewritten page). You can say the text either mentally (internal monologue) or out loud (external monologue). It’s better to do it out loud and in front of a mirror so that you can see the expression on your face and the gestures that will accompany your speech.

At this stage of working on speech, special attention must be paid to pronunciation technique. First of all, on orthoepy - exemplary literary pronunciation that corresponds to pronunciation standards, as well as on the correct stress in words. After all, incorrect pronunciation and especially incorrect stress reduce the audience’s trust in the speaker, undermine his authority, and force him to be skeptical about the words spoken from the podium. “What can a person who does not speak exemplary speech teach me?” - many listeners think.

You should also pay attention to diction - clear, distinct, “pure” pronunciation of sounds, to intensity, i.e. the strength or weakness of pronunciation associated with the strengthening or weakening of exhalation (for example, speech will be different in intensity in a room setting and in a large audience ). Of course, intonation matters, i.e. the rhythmic and melodic side of speech, which serves as a means of expressing syntactic relationships in a phrase and the emotional and expressive coloring of a sentence. Intonation also includes tempo - the speed of speech in time and pauses between speech segments. Speech that is too fast does not allow listeners to understand the content of the statement; speech that is too slow causes irritation. Pauses play an important role: they make breathing easier, allow you to think about a thought, emphasize and highlight it. Phrase and logical stress serve as a means of highlighting speech segments or individual words in a phrase and also increase the expressiveness of speech.

Literary pronunciation needs to be learned by carefully listening to the pronunciation of highly educated, cultured, “knowledgeable” people who speak correct literary speech, the speech of experienced television and radio presenters, and finally, it is necessary to specifically study norms, use dictionaries and reference books. It is important to be able to hear the sound of your speech in order to be able to correct and improve it.

There are three ways to perform: reading the text, reproducing it from memory with reading individual fragments, free improvisation. The text is read in the following cases: if it represents an official statement, the form and content of which cannot be deviated from; if the speaker is “out of shape” (sick, not feeling well); if the material is large and completely new to the speaker. In general, reading a text does not make as strong an impression as a live speech, during which the speaker looks at the listeners (and not at pieces of paper) and monitors their reaction. There is nothing more exhausting than listening to a speech being read when the speaker loses control of the audience's reaction. Of course, the art of free performance is not acquired immediately, but through a process of long work and necessary training. After the speech is completed, questions may be asked, which sometimes involve direct or hidden polemics. This is the most difficult part of the speech because it requires the speaker to react quickly. Questions may be related to clarification of a fact or theoretical position, with the desire to obtain any additional information or clarification of the content, with the position of the speaker, etc. A large number of questions indicates the audience’s interest in the speech.

By the way, the failure of speakers who read a text “from a piece of paper” is largely due to the fact that their speech becomes fast, monotonous and tires listeners. Such “readers” do not know how to imitate oral speech when reading a text, and this is very important.

Here are a few memories of the performances of masters of the spoken word. Each of them has their own way of speaking.

Candidate of Technical Sciences I. I. Golovanova writes about the speeches of A. L. Chizhevsky, a famous biologist: “Chizhevsky did not really think about how to start his speech. “Today I’ll tell you...” were often his first words. And then some fact or general position was given. He seemed to push away from it, rushing into the very element of the word. The chain of judgments and related conclusions was accompanied by remarks that not only increased interest, but also made it more and more intense.

He did not burden himself with borrowing techniques and methodological instructions that he could read about in books (although the magical power of the word occupied him from his youth, he greedily reached out to the works of classical philologists, famous teachers, writers revealing the “technology” of their creativity). He did not like to stand at the pulpit; he felt freer next to, in front of, or to the side of it - so that there was no artificial boundary between him and the audience. He didn’t care about how his speech sounded or what he looked like. Looseness, naturalness in speech and movement were so characteristic of his performances! An expressive gaze glowing with goodwill, free facial expressions emphasizing the meaning of what was said - that’s all. Attention was focused on bringing the thought to the consciousness of each of those listening.<...>.

His performances were unique, and at the same time, in each there was a clear stability of certain skills. This is acquired only as a result of systematic training. Clear diction, correct articulation, sonorous voice, variety of intonations, moderately increasing tempo, complete absence of grammatical errors - all this in itself created a very favorable impression. Let us also add inspiration, self-confidence, posture devoid of any tension, emotional coloring of speech, restrained gestures - to the extent that it served as an unobtrusive external embodiment of creative efforts to facilitate the perception of speech. And speech itself is a mutual communication in which thoughts, words, manners constantly adapted to the listeners, not sinking, but pulling them up to their level.”

This is how the historian V. O. Klyuchevsky, a brilliant lecturer of the 19th century, characterizes the manner of speaking of the historian S. M. Solovyov: “He spoke, and did not read, and spoke abruptly, as if cutting his thought into thin, digestible slices, and it was easy to write him down , so that I, on behalf of the course, compiled his lectures, like a borzoscriber, could write down his readings word for word without any shorthand devices. At first we were embarrassed by those eternally closed eyes on the pulpit, and we didn’t even believe our observation, suspecting in those lowered eyelashes only a special manner of looking; but much later, in response to my question about this, he admitted that he had never really seen a student in his classroom.

With abrupt pronunciation, Solovyov’s speech was not abrupt in its structure, it flowed evenly and smoothly, in lengthy periods with subordinate clauses, abundant epithets and explanatory synonyms. There were no phrases in it: it seemed that the lecturer spoke with the first words that came to him. But it cannot be said that he spoke quite simply: in his improvisation, an oratorical string was constantly heard; the tone of speech was always somewhat elevated<...>. What was heard from the pulpit was not a professor reading in the audience, but a scientist thinking aloud in his office. Listening to this, as it were, speaking reflection, we tried to grasp the thread of the thoughts developing in front of us and did not notice the words. I would call this presentation transparent. That’s probably why it was so easy to listen to: Solovyov’s lecture was far from entertaining for us, but we left his audience without a feeling of fatigue<...>.

For Solovyov, ease of speech came from clarity of thought<...>The harmony of thought and word is a very important and even often fatal issue for our brother teacher.”

The famous judicial figure K. K. Arsenyev wrote about the speeches of A. F. Koni: “No matter how accurate the transmission of speech may be, no matter how well the speaker’s thought and even its verbal shell are preserved during the transition to print, much is lost irreparably and without a trace. A speaker can never be to his readers what he was to his listeners. Anyone who has heard A.F. Koni knows that the distinctive property of his lively speech is complete harmony between content and form. The calmness with which his argumentation is imbued also exudes in his oratorical style. He speaks quietly, slowly, rarely raising his voice, but constantly changing his tone, freely adapting to all shades of thought and feeling. He makes almost no gestures; the movement is concentrated in his facial features. He does not hesitate in his choice of expressions; does not hesitate, does not shy away; the word is entirely in his power. We don’t know to what extent he prepares his speeches in advance, and to what extent he relies on the inspiration of the moment. One thing is certain in our eyes: improvisation is quite accessible to him, since otherwise his replicas would be noticeably inferior to his initial speeches - but this is not the case in reality... His deeply thought-out and skillfully constructed speech is always full of movement and life. It can be admired as a work of art, and at the same time it can be studied as an example of accusatory technique.”

As we have seen, there are general principles for preparing and delivering a speech. And yet, every speech is a manifestation of individuality; the larger the speaker’s figure, the more clearly this individuality manifests itself. Of course, this does not mean outwardly extravagant behavior or thoughtless manipulation of language, but a balanced approach to both one’s behavior on the podium and the use of words.

Even ancient thinkers believed that the eloquence of a true orator should serve the high and noble goals of the struggle for common prosperity, for real justice and legality, for creative activity. And here we can recall the words of the famous Roman theoretician and practitioner of oratory, Marcus Fabius Quintilian: “The orator whom we educate is a perfect orator, who cannot be anything other than a good person, and therefore we require from him not only an excellent gift of speech , but also all the moral qualities of the soul. For that man is a true citizen, capable of managing public and private affairs, who can guide citizens with advice, strengthen with laws, improve with sound judgments, will, of course, be none other than an orator.”

Culture of Russian speech / Ed. OK. Graudina and E.N. Shiryaeva - M., 1999

Speech at the MO on the topic of self-education “Development of spelling vigilance in Russian language lessons.”
primary school teachers GBOU SCHOOL No. 1362
Arutyunova E.V.
The problem of competent writing has always worried teachers. The difficulties that plague a child in mastering spelling remain insurmountable for some students. Often knowing the rules does not prevent mistakes. Probably the reason for the inept application of the rules is the inability to see the required spelling.
Competent writing is not just the movement of the writing hand, but a special speech activity. The more developed a child is, the richer his vocabulary and syntax, the more correct his pronunciation, the easier spelling is for him.
Like many primary school teachers, I am concerned about the problem: illiterate writing by students; inability to “see” spelling.
How to help students write correctly?
How to develop spelling vigilance?
How to achieve competent writing in children?

Goal: improving literacy and developing spelling vigilance among students in Russian language lessons.
Objectives: to study the degree of development of spelling vigilance of class students; study techniques and apply in Russian language lessons the formation of spelling vigilance in students; develop “spelling warm-ups” for students to ensure the formation of competent writing;
Spelling vigilance is the ability to notice spelling patterns, that is, those cases in writing where, with a single pronunciation, a choice of spelling is possible. It is necessary to take into account the factors of formation of spelling vigilance, and these are: 1. The visual factor is triggered when memorizing unverifiable spellings. Psychologists have proven that as soon as a child writes a word incorrectly once, he will remember it both visually and his hand will record the incorrect graphic image of the word. It will be etched in your memory so firmly that you will then have to write this word a hundred times to eliminate the error.
2. Auditory factor. A person who writes, as you know, always starts from what he hears. Therefore, he must listen well and hear what the teacher says or what he says to himself. Therefore, the teacher must develop phonemic awareness. 3. Steering factor. Any spelling skill can only be achieved through exercises, i.e. with the rhythmic movement of the writing hand. That is why it is necessary to write as much as possible in class. The hand itself, moving along the line, creates a graphic image of a particular word, “remembers” it and then writes it automatically. 4. Speaking. Orthographic pronunciation plays a major role in the formation of spelling skills. Pronunciation as it should be written. Professor M.R. Lvov identifies six stages that a student must go through to solve a spelling problem: 1) see the spelling in a word; 2) determine its type: testable or not, if so, what grammatical and spelling topic it relates to, remember the rule ;3) determine the method of solving the problem depending on the type (type) of the spelling; 4) determine the “steps”, stages of the solution and their sequence, i.e., create an algorithm for solving the problem; 5) solve the problem, i.e. perform sequential actions according to the algorithm; 6) write a word in accordance with the solution to the problem and carry out the same steps in a more generalized form.

What spelling skills need to be developed in primary schoolchildren?
In initial teaching of the Russian language, the importance of exercises is great.
K.D. Ushinsky had the following requirements for the exercises:
1. They “should be as independent as possible, i.e. real exercises, and not just apparent ones.”
2. “Exercises...must be systematic,” i.e.
“every new exercise must be in connection with the previous one, build on them and take a step forward”
“let the children acquire little by little, but do not lose anything of what they have acquired and use it to acquire new things”;
“The more the gift of speech develops in children, the less the teacher should help them, the more independent the exercises should be.”
3. “The exercises should be logical... This makes it possible to find the main idea, tie a secondary one to it, grasp the very system of presentation, and not memorize phrases and words in the order in which they appear.”
4. “Exercises... must be oral and written, and the oral ones must precede the written ones.”
Spelling vigilance develops gradually, in the process of various activities, when reading, when writing dictations, when copying, if it is complicated by relevant tasks. For the successful development of spelling vigilance, the attitude of the students themselves to work is very important.

Techniques that develop spelling vigilance to the greatest extent.
1. Cheating.
The cheating algorithm that I use to organize cheating in my lessons:
· Read the proposal carefully.
· Repeat it without looking at the text.
· Underline all the spellings in the sentence.
· Read the sentence orthographically.
· Repeat the sentence again, pronouncing all the sounds orthographically.
· Close the text. Start writing, dictating to yourself syllable by syllable (orthographically) and emphasizing the spelling.
· Check what you copied with the text, paying special attention to spelling.
To arouse and support the desire to cheat at home, I suggest, if desired, copying out the most liked passages from your favorite books. In addition, I recommend the so-called “oral cheating” to children and parents. For 5-10 minutes, the child reads the text out loud orthographically, then the mother names any word from what she read orthoepicly, and the child dictates its spelling.
I allocate time for cheating in each lesson; in some lessons it can be reduced to one sentence. Moreover, copying can be supplemented with grammatical tasks.
I pay special attention to selective copying, which is preparatory work for teaching selective dictations. The following tasks can be set for selective write-off:
Write down sentences that express the main idea of ​​the text; write down the incentive, interrogative or narrative; sentence corresponding to the scheme, etc.
Write down synonyms, antonyms, related words.
Write down words with a certain type of spelling; distribute the words from the text into groups, depending on the type of spelling.
Write down the words with missing letters, determine which part of the word is not completed, indicate the grammatical features of the words.
Write down the words of a certain part of speech.
Write down the phrases.
2. Commented letter.
The student-commentator is given the task of explaining the spelling action as fully as possible so that it becomes clear to others.
3. Letter with pronunciation.
Unites the whole class, gradually all the guys begin to work at a good pace. Pronunciation is a kind of error prevention.
4. Letter with skipping spellings. Students are given permission to skip a letter if they don’t know which one to write.
5. Cacographic exercises.
Provides for students to correct intentionally erroneous spellings in texts.
6. Speed ​​writing. The most effective technique for developing speed writing is copying for a while. The methodology for carrying it out is as follows: 1. Reading the text in chorus with the teacher (orthoepic).2. Independent reading in chorus.3. Explanation of spellings (collectively).4. Count the number of sentences in the text.5. Reading in sentences.6. Spelling reading.7. At the teacher's command, write down the text for a while (1-2 minutes).8. Count the number of words written down and write in the margins.9. Checking what you have written.
7. Writing from memory.
I assign a certain place in Russian language lessons to writing from memory.
I write the letter from memory according to the following scheme:
1. Reading (orthoepic) of the text, work on the content.
2. Spelling reading by teacher, children, spelling analysis.
3. Memory exercise.
4. Orthographic reading of words with spelling patterns.
5. Recording.
6. Check.
8. Dictation
· Warning dictation
· Explanatory dictation
· Selective dictation
Free dictation
· Self-dictation
· Visual-auditory dictations
The goal is to prevent errors. The text is written on the board. This text is read expressively, then the most interesting words from the point of view of spelling are highlighted, their spelling is explained, and individual words are pronounced. Then students are asked to “photograph” individual words and see them with their inner vision (close their eyes and write). The text is closed for a while, and the children answer the questions again and pronounce difficult words. The class is set to write a text without errors. Along the way, sharpening your visual memory.
· Dictation with tapping.
During a dictation, the teacher taps on the table at the moment when he pronounces a spelled word. This tapping makes the student think. · “Testing myself.”
While completing this dictation, students can ask the teacher how to spell a particular word.
· Vocabulary dictation.
. Spelling minutes
Studying with passion, lighting a sparkle in the eyes of every student, instilling a thirst for knowledge - these are the main conditions for success. The latest technologies provide great assistance in work - the use of a computer and a multimedia projector, project activities in elementary school, presentations and tests - all this enlivens the learning process and allows one to achieve success in work.

I will give several types of exercises for the development of spelling vigilance, which I conduct in my Russian language lessons.1. Read the proverb: Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is with sheaves. Determine in which words the vowels should be checked or memorized. How to do it? Write down the sentence and highlight the spellings. 2. I propose to make proposals for a plot picture on the topic “Footprints in the Snow.” For example: In winter, the forest is covered with snow. Traces of animals are visible in the snow: a hare, a wolf, a fox. Place accent marks and underline the vowels that need to be checked (remembered). 3. I often do visual-auditory dictations. On the board: There is a hole in the forest under a pine tree. A fox and her cubs live in this hole. The fox is cunning. Read the text. How do you determine which vowels to check? Define. Check it out. (I close the text, the children write it down under dictation. In the written text, the children highlight spelling patterns.) 4. How many vowels need to be checked in the words shore, cold. 5. I play various games. Game “Hide the b in the middle of the word”: day-days; Stump-stumps. Prove why the unstressed vowel E was written in the words days and hemp. Game “Help Dunno” insert the missing letters: plya, mrya, sdy. Explain why you inserted such letters. Game “Pick up the letters”: Russians are beautiful! Lsa walked through the fluffy snow. Why are words pronounced the same but spelled differently? Game "Climbers". Two teams compete to see who gets to the top faster: insert the missing letters: Zu sne sugro ruka bere do moro winter le smooth le I often use the following types of work: - On the board I write two words with a voiced or unvoiced consonant, two words with a tested unstressed consonant vowel, two words with a double consonant. Please write down words only with a double consonant. - When studying the topic “Unpronounceable consonants,” I suggest that children write from memory five words with an unpronounceable consonant and be sure to underline them. If a student, after writing a word, misses an unpronounceable consonant, he will have nothing to underline. After students have written 5 words from memory, I open the board with 10 words written on the topic. Children copy down words they do not have, emphasizing unpronounceable consonants. I use this exercise when studying any topic. - The game “Ogonki” develops spelling vigilance well. I write down sentences on the board. I invite the children to “light” the lights under the spellings they have studied. First, we “light the lights” on the board using red magnets, then students write down the sentence and do the same work in their notebooks using a red pencil. The spelling of each spelling is explained when working on the board. - Sometimes when working I use the dictation “Test yourself” (3-4 sentences). Students write down sentences under dictation, and skip those words whose spelling they have doubts about. After the dictation, the children ask how to write this or that word, i.e. the writing of which they doubted. And only after that the missing spellings are inserted. What is my help: I ​​suggest you remember the rule, ask a question or explain. But only a friendly environment gives the desired result. - Another type of dictation (but not control) with tapping. During dictation, I tap on the table at the moment when I pronounce a word with any spelling. This tapping makes the student think and remember the spelling. All of the above techniques help prevent mistakes, develop spelling vigilance, sound-letter analysis skills, and self-control. Thus, by including game exercises in my work, I intensify the cognitive activity of students, instill interest in the subject, cultivate mutual assistance, a sense of collectivism, and camaraderie. I continue the work on developing spelling vigilance that I started in 1st grade until the end of 4th grade, increasing it in volume and reducing it in time, because Children have already developed certain skills and abilities. Working on spelling vigilance in Russian lessons always causes quite a bit of trouble for the teacher. Children are often not very willing to complete the teacher’s assignments, do not remember the rules well, and do not show interest in the lesson. Therefore, in order to arouse the interest of students, I use poetic spelling exercises in my lessons. For example:
An unstressed vowel sound causes a lot of pain! How to write g(o,a)ra, tr(a,o)va and the words m(o,a)rya, d(e,i)la? So that there is no doubt, we put emphasis on the sound: Mountains, grass, sea, business! Now let’s write boldly.

Spelling ZHI-SHI: Skis, mice and snakes Tires, hedgehogs, siskins, ZHI da SHI, ZHI da SHI- With the letter And always write.
A soft sign is an indicator of softness. Soft sign, soft sign - They will become “stumps”, “stumps”, You can’t do without it! “corners” - “coals”, Without it you can’t write “bathhouse” into “jar” it will turn into “jar”. Thirty, twenty, ten, five. This is what can happen, Instead of “six” we get “six”, If we forget, Instead of “is” we get “eats”. Soft sign in words to write. I am convinced that the use of such rhyming exercises in combination with textbook tasks contributes to children’s more successful mastery of spelling skills.
Vocabulary work.
Over the course of four years, primary schoolchildren must learn a sufficient number of words that have an untestable spelling. It is especially difficult for students who have poorly developed visual memory to learn such words. I will give a few examples that help children better remember untestable spellings. I post vocabulary words in the classroom dictionary, but I cover the spelling words, which are written larger and highlighted in red, with strips of paper. At each lesson I conduct vocabulary work using various types of tasks. Here are some of them: 1. Recording words under dictation. I dictate words, students write them down, then check them in the dictionary by opening strips of paper. 2. Oral work using signal cards on which the vowels a, o, i, e, z are written. I name the words from the dictionary, the children hold up a signal card with the required spelling. 3. I propose to write out from the dictionary words with unverifiable unstressed vowels according to variants (1c - with the vowel a, 2c - with the vowel o). 4. Write down the words that answer the questions who? (What?). 5. Write down words with two syllables (three syllables). 6. Write down words on the topic “Animals”, “School supplies” and so on. 7. Selective dictation. I read the text, the children must write down the vocabulary word that they encountered. 8. Answer questions. Who lives in the forest? Who keeps the classroom clean? What vegetables grow in the garden? Etc. 9. Complete the sentence. Chirps cheerfully. (sparrow0. Children are skating). 10. Guess the riddle: No arms, no legs, but can draw. (frost) Liquid, not water, white, not snow. (milk) All students carry out the suggestions with interest tasks. The kids really love the game “Find the extra word.” For example, I offer students the following vocabulary dictation: Village, notebook, Saturday, Moscow, vegetable garden, pencil, black, magpie. Children name the “extra” words: 1. Moscow - since this word is written with a capital letter; 2. Saturday - since this is a word for spelling a double consonant at the root of a word; 3. notebook - for spelling a double consonant at the root of a word; there are more letters than sounds in this word; 4. forty - answers the question who? The rest answer the question what? (except for the word black); 5. black - this word answers the question what? It is an adjective, the rest are nouns; 6. pencil - consists of four syllables, the rest of two or three. Children love this type of work very much. It develops attention, intelligence, the ability to find distinctive features, and group words by type of spelling. When working with dictionary words, I use an etymological dictionary, which will make memorizing the graphic appearance of a word not mechanical, but meaningful. An etymological dictionary contains information about the origin of the word, its original meaning, and helps to clarify the historical composition of the word. Often, turning to the history of a word helps motivate its modern spelling. For example, the word raspberry - the name was based on the characteristic of a berry fruit consisting of small parts. The word raspberry is derived from the word small - small. The word harvest is something that was born (grew, ripened) on the earth. Historically, the prefix “u” stands out in it. Harvest - genus with the prefix - y. Such historical information allows not only to better remember the spelling of a word, but also to broaden the students’ horizons. Using various types of work on vocabulary words gives positive results. When teaching spelling, I assign an important place to working on errors, which is not only a means of consolidating spelling patterns, but also a means of preventing errors. Systematic and purposeful work on mistakes develops in children spelling vigilance, a responsible attitude to writing, and the desire to formulate their thoughts correctly. The purpose of such work is to explain spellings that have errors, to consolidate the skills of correct spelling of words, and to encourage students to work independently on mistakes. Correcting them is of no small importance for organizing work on errors. I begin working on spelling errors by reproducing students’ knowledge according to certain spelling rules that they made mistakes on. First, I give examples of error explanations, reinforce spelling skills, and also prepare students to work on errors independently. I suggest that children keep individual dictionaries “My Mistakes”, where children write down the words in which mistakes were made. To organize independent work and homework on mistakes, I offer a reminder that every student has. It will tell you what rule the mistake was made on and provides an example of how to correct the mistake correctly. Thus, by the end of the fourth year of study, most students master the basic types of spelling patterns and skillfully apply the necessary rules when writing. So, I work on developing spelling vigilance throughout the entire primary school course. Systematic work on the word contributes to the development of students’ mental activity - it teaches them to perform a number of mental operations: observation, comparison, comparison, establishing similarities and differences. And this, in turn, leads to the effectiveness of mastering spelling norms, instills interest and desire to solve spelling problems, and develops spelling vigilance in students.

Prepare for a public speech. Do you agree with the thesis expressed by V. Kozhinov (exercise 385), or do you hold a different point of view? To whomever

did you address this public performance (to classmates, junior or senior schoolchildren, to those who like or dislike the song, music)? Use a variety of evidence (facts, examples, references to authority), but do not be categorical (use introductory and plug-in constructions). What appeal can you end your speech with?

help annual in Russian it is desirable to solve everything, it’s just really necessary!

A1. Find a phrase with the main word - a noun.
1) serving the Motherland;
2) explored by geologists;
3) illuminated by the moon;
4) melted ice floes;

A2. In which sentence should the participial phrase be separated by commas?
1) Having dispelled all doubts and suspicions, the comrade quickly left.
2) The hare who ran away from the fox was happy.
3) The architect who created the unusual house was proud of his work.
4) Well-washed glass let in a lot of light.
A3. Which passive participle has E in its suffix?
1) invisible;
2) corrected;
3) inaudible;
4) movable.
A4. Indicate the participle that is not written together.
1) the picture is (not) finished;
2) still (not) strong after illness;
3) (un)painted fence;
4) the letter was (not) sent.
A5. Which word's suffix contains one letter N?
1) elm(n,nn) mittens;
2) pruning (n, nn) ​​trees;
3) won (n, nn) ​​prizes;
4) received (n, nn) ​​task.
A6. Find a phrase with a gerund.
1) painted;
2) painted;
3) paint;
4) closed at home.
A7. Find a sentence with an adverbial phrase.
1) The flotilla, not noticed by the enemy, began to land.
2) Without noticing me, the swans swam calmly in the lake.
3) When a strong wind began to blow, the taiga came to life.
4) I forgot about the gun, admiring the extraordinary spectacle.
A8. Find a phrase in which it is not written together with a gerund.
1) (not) preparing a report;
2) (not) thinking through the route;
3) (without) taking your eyes off;
4) (not) hating lies.
A9. Find a phrase in which the adverb is not written separately.
1) wander (un)accidentally;
2) sit (immobile);
3) not at all (not) interesting;
4) arrive (un)expectedly.
A10. Find an adverb whose suffix must contain the letter a.
1) offend rashly_;
2) look left_;
3) run away in the direction_;
4) hide scared_.
A11. Find an adverb whose suffix must contain the letter o.
1) tell confusingly_;
2) start over_;
3) find out from afar_;
4) freeze dosin_.
A12. Find a word that is written with a hyphen.
1) walked (through) the winter forest;
2) (using) a new method;
3) (according to) Russian custom;
4) greeted (in) Russian.
A13. Find the adverb that is mistakenly written with a hyphen.
1) exactly;
2) somehow;
3) a long time ago;
4) as if.
A14. Find an adverb that is written without b.
1) backhand_;
2) other_;
3) unbearable_;
4) supine_.
A15. Find a sentence with a coordinating conjunction.
1) We needed to fly by plane to our destination.
2) It’s very pleasant to talk with an interesting person.
3) If Sashka is worried, it is difficult to calm him down.
4) I like getting good grades, but I don't really like studying a lot.
A16. Find a sentence with a subordinating conjunction.
1) All peoples of the world want life to be happy and worthy.
2) Summer is the favorite time of year for all schoolchildren.
3) May this evening never end!
4) You had to get into such trouble!
A17. Find the derived preposition.
1) near the house;
2) instead of a friend;
3) on the other side;
4) due to illness.
A18. Find a derivative preposition that is written together.
1) (c) because of the rain;
2) (c) continuation of the year;
3) (to) meet a friend;
4) go next (in) next.
A19. Find a sentence that contains a particle.
1) I fell asleep and heard a quiet voice.
2) Looks - no one.
3) And something must happen!
4) He looks and sees the little mermaid on the branches.
A20. In what case is the particle NOT written?
1) neither alive nor dead;
2) n_ light n_ dawn;
3) not at all good;
4) neither fluff nor feather.
A21. Indicate the word that is written separately.
1) you know how to talk;
2) as if (as if) I heard;
3) finds out from somewhere;
4) go get some juice.

1. Russian language test “Particle. Particle discharges.”1. Specify the particle. 1) on2) for 3) neither 4) over2. Indicate a word that can be not only a particle, but

and another part of speech.1) come on2) out3) almost4) hardly 3. Indicate the formative particle.1) really2) let3) already 4) same 4. In which sentence is the highlighted word a formative particle? 1) The trench ended at the very slope of the ravine. (Ananyev A.) 2) Nina Semyonovna sat down on a chair at the very door. (Tendryakov V.) 3) It was a huge ship, the MOST powerful battleship of the Black Sea Fleet. (Rybakov A.) 4) Shubin burst into the very thick of the battle. (Platov L.) 5. Indicate the semantic (modal) particle expressing intensification.1) what kind of 2) whether 3) exactly4) even6. Indicate the modal particle expressing doubt.1) as 2) only 3) hardly 4) after all 7. Indicate the modal particle expressing limitation.1) all 2) only 3) won 4) -ka 8. Indicate the modal particle expressing clarification .1) hardly 2) just 3) only 4) perhaps 9. In which sentence is the word THIS a demonstrative particle? 1) Tsarev felt that he was late, and THIS also irritated him. (Ananyev A.)2) THIS meant that the bombs were exploding very close. (Platov L.) 3) THIS was the sailors inspecting their compartment. (Platov L.) 4) The doctor explained that THIS was a forced ascent. (Platov L.)
10. Which sentence does not have a particle? 1) Is it really possible that only a shapeless pile of iron remains from the “Flying Dutchman”? (Platov L.)2) But Shura, like a real artist, didn’t even show that he was in pain. (Rybakov A.)3) Shubin was still not sent to Spain, to his greatest indignation. (Platov L.)4) Victoria walked very slowly through the city, with her head down. (Platov L.)
2. Russian language test “Particle. Particle discharges." 1. Specify the particle. 1) too2) neither 3) when 4) despite 2. Indicate the formative particle.1) not2) let3) after all4) only3. Specify a modal particle. 1) would 2) give 3) neither 4) only 4. Indicate the negative particle. 1) exactly 2) -ka 3) not 4) yes 5. Indicate the series in which all words are modal particles.1) whether, really, would2) same, exclusively, and3) not, unless, out4) almost, b, even6. Indicate a row in which all words are intensifying particles. 1) -nor, what 2) even, hardly, not at all 3) after all, 4) how, and, only7. Indicate the series in which all the words are demonstrative particles.1) here, there, this2) what the, well, and how3) really, really, whether, 4) exactly, just, directly8. Indicate a row in which all words are interrogative particles. 1) almost, uniquely, then 2) directly, exactly, exactly 3) really, perhaps, whether (l) 4) only, only, hardly 9. Indicate the row in which all the words are exclamatory particles. 1) really, after all, well 2) what for, well, and how 3) almost, only, -that 4) same, nor, after all 10. Indicate a series of words in which all the particles serve to form the imperative form of the verb . 1) yes, let it be, let’s do it 2) – well, let it be, let it be 3) no, it happened, they say 4) they say, really, let’s

prepare for a public speaking do you agree with the thesis expressed by Kozhin or do you have a different point of view?

addressed this public performance? use a variety of evidence, but be categorical. What appeal can you end your speech with? (the song is an absolutely necessary phenomenon of the spiritual existence of Russia)

HELP SOLVING RUSSIAN 8TH GRADE! I really need it, I will be grateful;3 1. Indicate the incorrect statements.

A. Members of a sentence that are distinguished by meaning and intonation are called isolated.
B. In writing, isolated members are distinguished by commas, less often by dashes.
B. Definitions and applications are separated if they come after the noun being defined.
D. Definitions and applications are not separated if they relate to a personal pronoun.

2. Find sentences with isolated definitions (no punctuation marks).
A. He impatiently fiddled with the glove he had taken off his left hand.
B. Sounds approaching from the river became clearly audible.
V. He went out onto the deck filled with boxes.
D. The woman rushed to the wounded soldier walking in front.
D. The swallows that had built their nest were circling around the house.
E. Exhausted and chilled, I barely made it home.

3. In which example do you need to isolate a single definition?
A. Power over the earth was given to you young.
B. The friendly whisper of the river did me a real favor.
B. The anxiety I experienced dispelled my sleep.
G. An astonished passerby asked something.

4. Indicate in which sentences punctuation errors were made when isolating definitions.
A. The March night, cloudy and foggy, enveloped the earth.
B. Amazed, he did not immediately find a suitable answer.
V. Deafened by the heavy roar, Terkin bows his head...
D. In a heavy fur coat, she could not go further.
D. I, your old matchmaker and godfather, have come to make peace with you.

5. Find in which sentences the application needs to be isolated.
A. A geologist, he traveled all over the northern part of Kamchatka.
B. Wrote by a mother, a teacher from a small Volga town, and a sister from Moscow.
V. The apartment of driver Gladyshev was crowded and noisy.
G. And he, an incomparable artist, was against art as the master’s egoistic amusement.
D. Our wonderful poet Zabolotsky lived in this city (Tarus) shortly before his death.
E. Our cook Klimov fell ill.

6. Indicate which sentences have punctuation errors when separating applications.
A. He hesitates to answer the dreamer-crest.
B. This summer I went to Tarusa, a quiet town on the Oka River.
V. Kirill’s brother Ilya lived in Paris for the second year.
G. The eldest of them, Misha, studied with us in the same class.
D. Smart animals, beavers spend the winter intelligently.
E. My friend, the best student in the Russian language, will take part in the city Olympiad.

7. In which example should a comma be placed before the conjunction how?
A. Why do you walk around like you’re in a daze?
B. Brother is like his father like two peas in a pod.
V. A rainbow appeared in the sky, colored like a gate at the end of the highway.
G. Where are you running like to a fire?
D. As I remember now, it was at the very beginning of June 1999.
E. This sounds exactly like the truth.

8. Indicate which sentences have punctuation errors.
A. As usual, I spend the summer at the dacha
B. After washing this way, the blouse was soft as feathers.
Q. The rains will start in September as usual.
G. Everyone knows Petrov as a good mechanic.

Russian language 11th grade. Topic: “And we will preserve you, Russian speech, the great Russian word” (A. Akhmatova).

07.12.2014 2069 355

Form: oral journal.

The purpose of the lesson:determining the role of the Russian language in the world and in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Tasks:1) show the development and improvement of the Russian language as a reflection of changes in the complex and diverse life of the people and society; 2) develop the ability to compose a monologue, speak in front of an audience, and defend one’s position; 3) cultivate love and respect for the Russian language, the desire to study it.

During the classes:

I.Teacher's opening speech.

They will ask me: what is like the sea?

Russian language - I won’t hesitate to answer.

He, like the sea, will warm the earth,

Provides freshness in dry summers.

Its waters, overflowing without edge,

Shine with unfading sunlight,

To good people in distant countries

Waves roll in with warm greetings.

The Russian language is a boundless sea!

In the depths of the sea I waited for the catch,

I caught the key that opens joy -

This key was the Russian word.

Guys, the Ten Day of Languages ​​of the Peoples of Kazakhstan is taking place in all schools of our republic. You and I also take an active part in its implementation, looking for interesting, non-traditional forms. That's why our lesson today will also be unusual. Today we will speak for ourselves and learn to listen to others and express our opinions. Therefore, I chose an oral journal as a form of conducting the lesson. Like any printed publication, our magazine will have several pages, each of which I hope will pique your interest. The topic of our lesson is a quote from the famous poem “Courage” by Anna Andreevna Akhmatova, which she wrote in the first days of the Great Patriotic War. As you already understand, in our oral journal we will talk about how the Russian language appeared, how it is developing, about the functions and status of the Russian language in the world and in our republic, about its wealth, and we will not forget to talk about the culture of speech.

And as an epigraph, I took the words of the Russian writer A.I. Kuprin, known to you from the 10th grade literature course: “Language is the history of a people. Language is the path of civilization and culture... That is why studying and preserving the Russian language is not an idle activity because there is nothing better to do, but an urgent necessity... The Russian language in skillful hands and experienced lips is beautiful, melodious, expressive, flexible, obedient, dexterous and capacious "

II. Magazine pages.

Speech by the first student.

So our the first page is “Historical Chronicle”.

The Russian language is, first of all, the language of the Russian people. It belongs to the Slavic languages. The kinship of the Slavic languages ​​is due to the fact that they arose from a single language in the distant past - Common Slavic, which collapsed in the 5th-6th centuries AD. All modern Slavic languages ​​are divided into 3 groups: South Slavic, West Slavic and East Slavic. To the East Slavic group formed in XIV-XV centuries, together with Ukrainian and Belarusian, the Russian language also belongs. The Russian national language was formed on the basis of the dialects of Moscow and its environs. The creator of the modern Russian literary language is A.S. Pushkin, who combined the literary Russian language of previous eras with the common spoken language. The great Russian poet completed what M.V. Lomonosov, N.M. Karamzin, I.A. Krylov, A.S. Griboedov asserted in their work. At the opening of the monument to Pushkin in Moscow, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev said: “There is no doubt that he created our poetic, our literary language and that we and our descendants can only follow the path paved by his genius...” And N.V. Gogol said about Pushkin: “In him, as if in the lexicon, lay all the wealth, strength and flexibility of our language. He is more than everyone else, he further expanded his boundaries and showed him more of his entire space.”

Teacher's addition:

So, usually the history of the Russian literary language is divided into 3 periods:

1) Old Russian (East Slavic) language - from approximately 6 to 14 centuries;

2) The language of the Russian (Great Russian) people - from the 14th to the 17th centuries;

3) Russian national language (from the 14th century to the present day).

Did you know that our language has retained common Slavic words in its composition: head, hand, tooth, side, nose, hair - words denoting the names of body parts; words denoting kinship: son, daughter, mother, grandfather; periods of time: day, night, spring, winter; abstract nouns: will, anger, truth, work, honor. Verbs go, sit, sleep, eat; the adjectives blue, yellow, strong, old, young, big are also from the common Slavic language. Many Old Slavonic words have also been preserved in the modern language: brave, harm, hello, captivity, time, thirst, good, leader.

Speech by the second student.

Page 2 – “Russian language in the modern world.”

Back in 1934, the Russian writer Alexei Tolstoy said: “The time will come (and it is not far off) - the Russian language will begin to be studied along all meridians of the globe.” And that time has come. The Russian language is used by the peoples of the CIS as a means of interethnic communication. In all spheres of public life: political (meetings, summits, conferences), economic (business contacts, joint ventures, contracts), cultural (science, media, fiction) - the Russian language is used. Nowadays, more than 2000 languages ​​are known, and only 6 languages ​​are world languages: French, English, Chinese, Spanish, Arabic and Russian. Any official UN document is distributed in these six languages. It is believed that more than 250 million people speak Russian. Nowadays, the Russian language is very popular in the world; it is studied in more than ninety countries around the world. To organize and manage this work, the International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature was created back in 1967, and the magazine “Russian Language Abroad” began publishing in the same year. The world-famous Indian public figure Jawaharlal Nehru noted: “The Russian language is one of the greatest languages ​​of the world. Today it plays a vital role not only in the political, but also in the cultural and scientific life of peoples.”

Teacher's addition:

Did you know that the Russian language is constantly enriched with words from other languages? Once upon a time, the number of foreign words in the Russian language was 10%. Basically, these are words denoting concepts and phenomena from the field of politics, culture, science, technology, and art. From Greek and Latin the words came to us: grammar, morphology, epithet, physics, circus, museum, atom. Many words from the field of music are of Italian origin: duet, trio, quartet, serenade, opera. The Russian language borrowed a lot of words from the French language: coat, broth, passenger, landscape, piano, conductor, session. There are many words of English origin in our language: football, basketball, champion, sport, leader.

Teacher:The great Kazakh poet and educator Abai Kunanbayev wrote in his 25th word of edification: “You need to learn Russian literacy. Spiritual wealth, knowledge, art and other countless secrets are kept in the Russian language. The Russian language will open our eyes to the world.” How are things now with the study and dissemination of the Russian language in our republic?

Speech by the 3rd student.

Page 3 – “Official column: status of the Russian language in Kazakhstan.” (The student’s presentation attached is based on materials from the Internet)

Speech by 4th student

Page 4 – “Alive as Life” (N.V.Gogol).

The Russian language, just like other languages, is constantly developing, improving, and changing, because it is a repository of human thought. The great Russian teacher K.D. Ushinsky said this well: “Language is the most living, most abundant and lasting connection, connecting the obsolete, living and future generations of the people into one great, historical living whole...”. The most stable is the syntactic structure of the language, and the most changeable is the lexical composition. It is vocabulary that responds especially quickly to everything new that appears in social life, science, technology, art, and everyday life. IN 20- o century, words such as cosmonaut, nuclear-powered ship, TV, felt-tip pen, sneakers, jeans, design, manager, printer, fax and many others. Many words have new meanings. For example, the word Niva Previously, it mattered whether a field was cultivated for sowing or sown with grain. Now we boldly use the following expressions in speech: field of enlightenment, taiga field, blue field. Such forgotten words as lyceum, gymnasium, mercy, charity. Did you know that in Pushkin’s time it was considered the norm to pronounce the words: music, passport, climate, English? Even the gender of some nouns can change to the opposite, for example: word piano was feminine, but now we say: "concert grand piano" they said before "hall" and now - "hall", this is a masculine word. Morphemes, i.e. parts of a word can also change over time: instead of answer We are speaking reply, instead of fisherman - fisherman.

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