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How exactly should certified products be labeled? How strict are the requirements for signs? How do markings differ depending on the certification system? Experts from the LenTechCertification company talk about all the features and differences.

Product marking TR TS

Within the framework of the system, there is a single mark for the circulation of products on the market of the countries of the Customs Union. The presence of this marking confirms that the product meets all the requirements of the TR CU regulations, which is confirmed by tests or other forms of quality confirmation.

The sign was approved back in 2011 and is a combination of three stylized letters “E”, “A” and “C”. The resulting word “EAC” stands for Eurasian Conformity.

The size of the sign can be chosen by the manufacturer, however, the size of the sign should not be less than 5 mm. In this case, the sign must contrast with the surface on which it is applied.

As for the method of application, it is not strictly regulated. The main thing is that the resulting image should be read clearly and clearly throughout the entire service life of the product.

In addition, additional requirements may be applied to labeling, depending on the specific regulations under which the products are declared or certified. For example, in addition to the “EAC” mark, it may be necessary to indicate the degree of danger or type of product. The information necessary for placement is also indicated, be it information about the manufacturer or composition.

CE marking

The CE mark marks products that have received and are suitable for sale in the countries of the European Union. This marking is not mandatory if you intend to sell the product only in Russia, however, it provides a great competitive advantage both relative to the consumer market and when participating in tenders.

The following requirements are presented:

  • markings must be clearly visible;
  • the marking must be indelible;
  • after the mark it is necessary to put the identification number of the notified body if the specified body is involved in the production control stage;
  • the marking symbol must consist of two capital letters CE;
  • the size of the sign should not exceed 5 mm in height;
  • it is necessary to maintain the specified proportions of the sign (see figure);
  • the mark can be applied to the product itself, its packaging and operating instructions;
  • The identification number of the notified body is applied by the body itself or, as directed by it, by the manufacturer or authorized representative.
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PCT marking

PCT marking means that the product has passed the conformity assessment procedure in the GOST R system.

Here are the basic rules for applying the PCT sign:

  • The mark must be applied to the permanent part of each unit of certified products and (or) on each packaging unit of these products next to the manufacturer’s trademark, as well as on the accompanying technical documentation in a free field, as a rule, in the place where information about product certification is provided.
  • The mark must be applied in its entirety - you cannot apply only individual elements of the image.
  • If it is impossible to apply a mark to the product, then it is applied to the container or accompanying documentation.
  • The product bearing the mark of conformity is fixed on the product or container (packaging) in a way that excludes the possibility of challenging the belonging of this product to the marked product and the possibility of reusing the product bearing the mark of conformity.

In total, there are 3 types of markings.

GOST R declaration mark

The mark is applied to products that are subject to mandatory declaration in this system and confirms that a declaration has actually been issued for this product. The declaration sign in the GOST R system looks like the letters “PCT” without additional numbers or signs.

GOST R mandatory certification mark

In addition to the image of the letters “PCT”, the mandatory certification marking also indicates the number of the certification body that issued this supporting document.

GOST R voluntary certification mark

Marking is used when. In addition to the main letters, the inscription “voluntary certification” is added here. In this case, the certification body code is not indicated at all.

Fire certification mark

Confirms that the product meets the requirements of the fire safety system and has passed all necessary tests.

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Where can I order certification or declaration of products?

We invite you to contact us at . In order to find out in which system you need to certify or declare your products, fill out the feedback form or call us at one of the indicated telephone numbers. The company's employees will guide you through the necessary documents and promptly get to work!

Today's variety of names and products requires the consumer to be able to distinguish between products, as well as determine their main characteristics before subsequent purchase. Product labeling can help in this matter, with which the manufacturer can mark their product.

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the manufacturer has the right to label its product in any possible way. At the same time, he should not be misled by questions regarding the properties of the product. This means that product labeling should contain only reliable and verified information. Of course, this method, chosen for marking a product by the manufacturer, should not pose a certain danger to the manufacturer. Both the manufacturer and the seller have the right to mark products with a special emblem or sign.

Consumer information may be provided on the following media:




Control tape.

The seller or manufacturer usually chooses a specific way to mark the product. In certain cases, GOST provides for the use of a certain type of marking.

Types of product labeling

According to the type of information provided, the following types of product labeling are distinguished:







Consumer labeling can largely be called a marketing tool. The information contained on it usually includes an instruction manual, as well as a detailed listing of the advantages of the product, its convenience, economic profitability and other subjective information.

The environmental label also contains information regarding the environmental safety of the material from which the product is made. Also, it may be evidence of compliance with certain international agreements by the manufacturer on environmental issues.

Product warning labels include important information such as instructions for use, safe use, and use of the product. Also, such a note may include information about the specific use of goods.

According to the basic provisions of GOST, information about the basic properties of products, which are established on the basis of a specific document, can be confirmed using markings. In this case, the marking must necessarily have a link to such documents.

The legislation establishes the right of the manufacturer to protect its products from counterfeiting. This can be done by applying an original mark to the product, which confirms its origin.

The transport labeling of products indicates information in what position the goods should be transported.

Food products

The legislator pays somewhat more attention to food products in terms of developing relevant acts that regulate the rules for providing information.

For example, according to GOST, the labeling of food products must contain all information useful to the manufacturer: expiration date, composition, weight of the product, storage conditions, manufacturer, and so on. The marking must be clearly legible and written in Russian.

Non-food products

According to GOST 1.9-95, the labeling of non-food products must convey to its consumers the following information about the product:

Rules of operation and properties of the product;

Manufacturer data;

Warranty conditions;

Service life and release date;

Availability of a certificate or other similar documents that indicate the manufacturer’s compliance with all necessary production standards;

Completeness of the goods.

Markings containing important operational data should not be easily damaged and should withstand the operating conditions of the product without compromising readability.

Also, the concept of product labeling includes documentation that is issued to the consumer directly when purchasing a product: cash documents, coupons, checks.

Manufacturers and product suppliers often wonder how to label products. To answer, we need to look at a few basic terms.

Marks of conformity

The conformity mark or PCT mark is applied directly to the product label, packaging or product label. As a result, this mark provides information to the buyer of the product that it is certified and fully meets all required quality standards, and it has a certificate of conformity. It is well known that there are two types of product certification: voluntary and mandatory certification.

Products or equipment subject to the mandatory certification procedure in accordance with technical regulations are marked with a special mark of circulation on the market. The mark of conformity with technical regulations is applied to those products for which technical regulations are already in force, and a certificate of conformity has also been received in accordance with this technical regulation (TR).

EAC sign. Sign of circulation of goods on the market of the Customs Union

This mark of conformity marks products that are subject to declaration or mandatory certification of conformity in accordance with the requirements of technical regulations of the Customs Union. This sign provides the consumer with information that a Customs Union declaration or certificate has been issued for this product.

Certification body"RFTT" has PCT conformity mark with code "ML04". This conformity mark or the certification mark is used for product labeling, which has undergone confirmation of conformity by the certification body. When conducting inspection control of certified products, the certification body checks not only technical compliance, but also compliance with product labeling conformity mark or certification mark, PCT mark.

Mandatory product labeling with mandatory GOST R certification

It is an important tool that conveys to the consumer information that products released for market circulation have passed mandatory GOST R certification and are safe under normal operating conditions. Product marking with a conformity mark is a generally accepted measure in all civilized countries. The mandatory certification mark or mark of conformity also carries information about which system the product was certified in and which certification body carried out the mandatory certification of these products. There are the following types of certification marks.

Mark of conformity for mandatory certification

Marking with a mark of conformity (certification mark) of products that have passed mandatory certification differs in that this certification mark reflects information about the certification body that issued the certificate of conformity.

Mark of conformity when declaring conformity

The marking of products with a conformity mark for mandatory declaration differs in that the PCT mark does not indicate the code of the certification body.

Mark of conformity for voluntary certification

Marking with a mark of conformity (certification mark) of products that have passed voluntary certification differs in that the code of the certification body is not indicated under the mark of conformity; instead, the inscription “voluntary certification” is present.

Compliance mark files for downloading.

  • Mandatory PCT marking sign in vector format (AI)
  • Mandatory PCT marking in pixel format (TIFF)
  • Product labeling sign for voluntary certification in vector format (Ai)
  • Product marking mark for voluntary certification in pixel format (TIFF)

Marking products with a conformity mark

The general rules for applying the mark of conformity and the requirements for the quality of its image are established in accordance with documents approved by resolutions of the State Standard of Russia dated February 16, 1994, No. 3 and dated September 21, 1994, No. 15.

The mark of conformity is applied to the permanent part of each unit of certified products and (or) on each packaging unit of this product next to the manufacturer’s trademark, on the accompanying technical documentation in a free field, as a rule, in the place where information about product certification is provided.

The mark of conformity is applied entirely according to its image established in the certification system. It is not allowed to apply individual elements of its image. If it is impossible to apply the image of the mark of conformity directly to the product (in particular, for gaseous, liquid and bulk materials and substances or due to lack of space), it is applied to the container (packaging) or to the accompanying documentation.

Marking of products with a conformity mark must be carried out only by persons authorized to do so by the holder of the certificate of conformity or the declarant.

The product bearing the mark of conformity is fixed on the product or container (packaging) in a way that excludes the possibility of challenging the belonging of this product to the marked product and the possibility of reusing the product bearing the mark of conformity.

If specific units of products do not comply with the established mandatory requirements and there is a possibility of using them for another purpose that allows for such non-compliance, the products are not marked with a conformity mark. If marking of such products was carried out during the technological process, the marking must be removed.

Law on Consumer Protection"

In the Law of the Russian Federation of February 7, 1992 N 2300-I “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” the following amendments were made to the article “Information about goods (works, services)” dated December 21, 2004.

Information about goods (works, services) must necessarily contain:

  • the name of the technical regulation or other designation established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation and indicating the mandatory confirmation of the conformity of the product;
  • information on mandatory confirmation of conformity of goods (work, services) specified in paragraph 4 of Article 7 of this Law.

The rules for applying the mark of conformity are regulated by the document GOST R 50460-92, "Mark of conformity for mandatory certification. Shape, dimensions and technical requirements."

Recently, there have been more and more cases of people contacting the store with questions about whether goods have passed Rostest. The famous PCT mark has long been a faithful friend of supporters of purchasing certified goods. The three treasured letters make it easy to determine how the device was imported into Russia. It doesn’t matter whether it’s an iron, a mobile phone or a laptop, the well-known logo clearly indicates that the product is completely legal. Accordingly, Rostest allows you to distinguish “white” gadgets from “gray” ones: if there is no “PCT” sign on the outside of the item or somewhere inside it, then there is a high probability that the seller is trying to hide something. The presence of the logo means that the product meets all certification requirements. In addition to this, the buyer was sure that he and the seller and the manufacturer bear warranty obligations.

However, now the “PCT” sign has become less and less common. Did they really decide to cancel it? Or has the market for “gray” devices begun to spontaneously increase? If you look closely, you can find a new designation on the products - “EAC”. Many believe that this is a sign of European certification. However, in the European Union another designation is used - “CE”. “EAC” is a new unified mark for the circulation of products on the market of the member states of the Customs Union. “EAC” stands for Eurasian Conformity, Eurasian Conformity. Now this particular sign has been put into circulation in the countries of the Customs Union, which includes Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

EAC - a new mark of Eurasian conformity!

The new sign was approved by the Decision of the Customs Union Commission dated July 15, 2011. No. 711 on “Image of a single mark for the circulation of products on the market of member states of the Customs Union.” According to the text of the document, “The image of the unified EAC product circulation mark is a combination of three stylized letters “E”, “A” and “C”, graphically executed using right angles, has the same height and width, is the exact proportions of a square on light or on contrasting background."

“Manufacturers (suppliers) of products have the right to mark them with a single sign of circulation if the product has passed all the conformity assessment (confirmation) procedures established by the relevant technical regulation(s) of the Customs Union on the territory of any of the Parties, which is confirmed by the documents provided for for the relevant forms of conformity assessment in the Customs Union."

Thus, on the territory of the Russian Federation, the “EAC” sign can be considered a replacement for the “PCT” sign.

The presence of the “EAC” emblem indicates that this product has received a certificate of conformity. Accordingly, it is “white” and legal, and its use is safe for health and the environment. Such devices can be serviced at the manufacturer's service centers throughout the country, and both the seller and the manufacturer bear the warranty obligations established by law.

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