Review of the game crossfire. Daiwa Crossfire review and reviews

Crossfire online game, which has an interesting plot. This is where we will start. All retired fighters around the world flock to one organization called "Global risk". These are different people who have only one thing in common: their fate is full of grief and pain. These people are capable of performing the most complex tasks no matter where in the world they are located.

The main clients of this organization in the Crossfire game are neutral countries that do not have their own armed forces, states that became the target of terrorists and the UN Secret Control Department. The main principle of this corporation is the fight against terrorism and the protection of universal values.

Crossfire game will introduce you to another corporation called "Black list". Unlike Global Risk, this organization will willingly make a deal even with terrorists, as long as it makes a profit.

We would like to tell you a little about the organizations that exist in free game CrossFire.

Global risk is a corporation of mercenaries from all over the world, which consists of veterans of the best intelligence services. It was founded by Alex Lloyd, who was once a special forces soldier in the British Air Force. The corporation has reached its current scale under the strict leadership of Michael Norman, who fully follows Lloyd's precepts. This group fights terrorists and protects world peace.

Crossfire online game, which also has an organization "Black list". They collaborate with terrorists and carry out special subversive tasks for them. Many agents of this organization are from the Middle East. The founder of this corporation remains unknown. Black list corporation does not obey the laws of any country. But they say that she is financially supported by a certain person who controls the British diamond market.

You will definitely enjoy playing, because this game has a lot of interesting things that you have not encountered in any online game before. After all, you are facing not a simple war, but a war for human principles, or against them.

Free game Crossfire features a large number of game characters, which we want to tell you a little more about. So, in this game, the images of the characters are based on the images of real fighters of anti-terrorist units. They all differ in appearance, but their combat abilities are the same. Most of the costumes that your soldiers will wear correspond to authentic special service uniforms.

Play the online game Crossfire you will certainly like it, because in this game you will have the opportunity to test your strength in one of the special services that you had only heard about before, but now have the opportunity become one of the elite service fighters.

The network shooter genre has long acquired the prefix “online” in its name and became one of the first e-sports disciplines. CrossFire is no exception and presents gamers with another portion of the dynamic confrontation between two armed teams, entertainment known since the release of CounterStrike, another Korean masterpiece. However, Crossfire differs from arena battles in the presence of full-fledged development of your alter ego, which fundamentally distinguishes this game from online shooters and puts it in place of a full-fledged MMOFPS.

Not a terrorist, but an ideological freedom fighter

After downloading the game client and registering for free on the official website, the gamer immediately gets acquainted with the plot of the Crossfire game. As usual for a classic team-based shooter, it revolves around the enmity of two organizations. This "Global risk"(Third Legion in Russian-language localization), an international private military company founded by a native of SAS, Alex Lloyd under the leadership of a business tycoon Michael Norman. This organization unites representatives of military structures and law enforcement agencies of all developed countries, from the American SWAT to Russian Riot police and South Korean "707". These combat operations specialists from around the world are ready to confront threats to countries that will pay for their services. An anarchist association will oppose it in Crossfire "Black list"(White Wolves after the Russian translation), whose fighters do not hesitate to collaborate with terrorists and carry out dubious operations in order to achieve their goal, the fight against the capitalist oppression of states.

Having chosen the side he likes in Crossfire, the gamer immediately finds himself in a bind of shooting and combat missions, the concepts of which are often based on the plot. Thanks to the plot, the battles in the game no longer represent meaningless shooting with each other, but are considered in the concept of an entire story, allowing the gamer to immerse themselves even more in the world of brutal showdowns between multinational corporations. Agree, it is much better to feel like a freedom fighter, albeit an overly radical one, than an ordinary faceless terrorist.

Weapon of Vengeance

There is no division into classes in Crossfire, just like in CounterStrike, a lot depends on the weapon the player is used to handling. You can buy and upgrade it between missions in the game store. For winning battles, the gamer receives GP, a special currency for which he can buy various weapons for a certain period and make their improvements and modifications. ZP, another type of game currency in Crossfire, can be obtained only by investing real money; with these points it is already possible to purchase specialized guns, as well as customize your character, giving him a unique and individual look.

Weapons in Crossfire are divided into four main types. This is the main one, which includes heavy weapons from machine guns to sniper rifles, represented by real world analogues. Auxiliary, which includes numerous models of pistols. Throwing weapons, including grenades of various types of action, and melee weapons, which will satisfy the widest needs of those who like to shred the enemy in close combat. To accumulate points for the coveted gun, the gamer must try a lot in the various combat arenas of Crossfire while completing missions; this game does not like lazy and inept people.

In addition to the main one in Crossfire, there is the so-called Black Market, which is an opportunity to win this or that weapon or body armor. Essentially, the gamer buys a “pig in a poke”, a box of different colors, depending on the contents, which allows you to get a certain item, the higher its value, the lower the chance of falling out.

All acquired weapons and achievements of a player in Crossfire can be viewed in the Vault, a special page where the gamer can also view statistics of battles. Here is information about daily tasks, they are quite difficult to complete, but as a reward, in addition to GP points, the gamer also receives special tokens, from which, by collecting the word with the name of the game, you can get one of the treasured boxes from the Black Market.

In addition to in-game currency, battles with other players in Crossfire also bring rating points, for which you not only earn various weapon modifications, but also increase your rank. The higher the rank, the more guns and opportunities to customize your character a gamer will receive, so you need to participate in battles as often as possible and prove yourself in the most effective way in the Crossfire combat arenas. This system further motivates players, forcing them to spend time in Crossfire honing their military skills.

There was a place for mutants too

In addition to the standard game modes for online shooters, such as mine clearance, point defense, team confrontation and every man for himself, Crossfire also offers quite original mods that add even more variety and fun. It is worth telling about them in more detail.

The first one is the mode "Battle of the Ghosts". Its essence is that the team players White Wolves become invisible, but are armed only with melee weapons. It is extremely difficult to notice such an opponent only when he is moving, but it will not be easy for him to get close to a skilled player who is always on the alert.

Mode " Mutation" Crossfire is in many ways reminiscent of games in the spirit of Left4Dead. The gamer starts the round as a monster, whose blows from the first or second time easily infect other players. Killing him is very difficult; coordinated actions of the entire team are required. Boxes of ammunition are dropped from helicopters to help players. The second variation of this mode is almost the same, but the teams are immediately divided into mutants and humans, and the creatures can only be destroyed with a precise shot to the head. After each kill, players' attack power increases.

"Xenos Attack" is the most difficult mode. Crossfire players will have to fight a dangerous and deadly enemy, an alien mutant from outer space. This is a very fat monster that can shoot back, infecting players from a distance, but those who last against it the longest will receive significant improvements in their attack and defense stats. Victory in this mode brings a lot of GP points and the gamer can significantly increase his rating.

The graphics in Crossfire do not shine with an ideal picture, because it is worth remembering that the game was developed back in 2007, for many. However, this allows you to run Crossfire even on weak machines and laptops, and the gameplay is not spoiled by stutters and slow FPS, which is very important for an online shooter.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the realism of the sounds and the variety of weapons that are in service with numerous intelligence services around the world.

But don't let this discourage young players. Following the classic concept of online shooters in Crossfire has been brought to perfect balance, thanks to which any gamer will hone their virtual shooting skills to unimaginable heights. Despite its age, Crossfire continues to constantly delight its players with additions from a new gun in the store to a completely unexpected mode. The game is developing and does not stand still.

Video review of the game Cross Fire:

Other materials on the game

Under the name Daiwa Crossfire, two lines of reels are produced - Crossfire A and Crossfire X. The first belong to the budget price segment, the second are more expensive, but at the same time they are made at a higher quality level. We will start this review with a spinning reel.

Daiwa Crossfire X are positioned as reels designed for match fishing, but they are also successfully used by spinners. The gear ratio of different models in this line ranges from 5.1:1 to 5.3:1. Crossfire X contains 5 ball bearings and is equipped with a rear friction brake.

The “youngest” model in the line - Crossfire 1500 X - holds 140 m of fishing line with a diameter of 0.2, its weight is 290 g, and the maximum load on the drag is 2 kg. The Crossfire 4000X already weighs 420 g, its stated spool capacity is 195 for a line with a diameter of 0.35 mm, and the stated maximum drag load is 4 kg.

An important advantage of the Daiwa Crossfire X is that the reel is equipped with an additional metal spool. This is very convenient, since the presence of a second spool significantly expands the angler’s capabilities.

Video review of Daiwa Crossfire X 3050

The reels are much more modest in their technical characteristics. They have a body made of lightweight composite material, equipped with an aluminum spool. In this case, a second graphite spool is included in the kit. Crossfire A is equipped with 3 bearings and has an instant backstop. The gear ratio of various models from this line ranges from 4.8:1 to 5.1:1.

The most compact model - Crossfire 500A - weighs 145 g, its spool holds 180 m of fishing line with a diameter of 0.14 mm. This reel can be used for ultralight fishing. But the Crossfire 4050A, designed for use in heavy jigs, already weighs 380 g and holds 220 m of fishing line with a diameter of 0.3 mm.

Video review of Daiwa Crossfire A

Daiwa Crossfire reviews from fishermen

  1. I use Crossfire 1000A, and, in my opinion, it is the best reel in its class, I don’t think you can find anything better for the money. It lays both the fishing line and the cord evenly, without beards, the price-quality ratio is simply super.
  2. Crossfire 3000X is a good reel for the money. The only problem is that there is some shuffling inside the mechanism when winding, I tried to figure out what was wrong, but I couldn’t. If you forget about it, the reel works well. I think it will be suitable for beginner spinners.
  3. My Crossfire 2000A throws loops, and it does it over and over again. If you buy and use it, monitor the quality of the winding after each cast. I didn’t keep track once, and as a result I had to say goodbye to a couple of tens of meters of the Varivas fence, and that was quite a shame. Of course, such problems appear when fishing with twitching, but with uniform fishing, stop and go and jig everything is generally not bad. There’s probably no point in expecting something better for that kind of money - everything has its price.
  4. I use Crossfire 4000A on the feeder, for that kind of money I don’t see any major disadvantages. The only thing is that the line-laying arm sometimes resets during sharp throws, and something inside the mechanism begins to make noise when rewinding.
  5. The reel justifies its price one hundred percent. Still, Daiwa is Daiwa, it is much better to buy a reel from such a well-known brand than from China at the same price with ten bearings, which will not reel at all.

If you are interested in the topic of spinning rods, read our review on choosing rods -.

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Online first-person shooter for mobile devices. The game was developed by the company Tencent, recently implemented on pocket gadgets. From the latter, CF: Legends borrows some features, but is not limited to them. In addition to the battle royale mode, the game also has other classic modes, so there is something for everyone. To make it easier for you to get acquainted with the game, we have prepared a review in which we tell you in detail what it has and how to play it all.

Download the game

You can download CrossFire: Legends for free in stores and. To do this, your device must have at least 500 MB of free space - in addition to downloading from the store, the game will require you to download additional files after launch.

The game is less demanding than the same one. The game was tested on several devices, the oldest of which is ASUS Nexus 7 (2013). On Nexus the game may be slow, but it's still comfortable to play.

Main menu

In the game menu, users can select characters, create matches, access game sections and important game functions.


The player character is depicted in the center of the screen. If desired, you can change it: new skins are sold in the store. The selected hero does not affect any characteristics - only the appearance that other players see. To quickly change your character, use the arrows next to the hero's image in the main menu.


There is a small chat window above the player character. Clicking on it will open the chat in full screen. Here you can correspond with players around the world, your clan or even your team - these tabs can be found at the top. The tabs on the left are responsible for selecting the chat type. There are five tabs in total:

  • World chat. Communication with players around the world.
  • Hiring Recruits. Search for players to play in matches.
  • Clan Recruit. A separate chat for searching for those who want to join the clan.
  • Declare clan war. The name speaks for itself - clans can declare war on each other and agree on battles.
  • System message.

To send messages to the worldwide chat, you need to purchase a megaphone. To do this you will need to have the first VIP level. It's also worth paying attention to voice chat - it's enabled by default. If you want to disable it, then follow these steps:

  • go to settings (gear icon in the upper right corner);
  • go to the “Basic” tab;
  • Find the “Talk Mode” item and select “Tap to talk for 10 seconds”;
  • If you don’t want to hear other people’s conversations, then in the “Default Speaker” item, select “Off”.

Making matches

To the right of the character there is a window with a choice of four game types: PvP, battle royale, ranked match and battle with bots. Select one of the game types and a window will open to create a match.

On the left of the screen you can select one of the game modes. In total, at the time of creation of this material, three modes are available:

  • Team Battle. The game involves two teams of players. The goal of each team is to kill a certain number of players. When the goal is achieved, the team wins.
  • Destruction. Players are divided into two teams: attacking and defending. The former must destroy the specified point with C4, and the latter must protect this point.
  • Battle Royale. Players fight across a huge map until only one person or team remains alive.

This summer the developers promised to add two more game modes: "Mutation" And "Zombie".

On the main screen, a game card is selected - each mode has its own set of cards. You can choose “Random card” if you haven’t decided on your choice. You can start a match by clicking the “Start” button. If you want to play with friends, then select the “Multiplayer” button. For playing with friends you will receive 10% more experience.

The battle royale creation window is slightly different from other modes. Here you can see your character - his appearance is different from that used in the main game. An important feature of the local battle royale is that you can play here either alone or in a team - in the latter case, the last surviving team wins.

Game sections

  • Event. Window with current game events. Here you can find out the conditions for receiving game bonuses, and after fulfilling the conditions, collect them.
  • Tasks. A window with a set of game tasks, the completion of which also gives out various game bonuses.
  • Kit. Gift sets store. Depending on the type of set, it can be purchased for in-game currency (“Gold Set”) or gems (“Gem Set”).
  • Shop. A shop where you can purchase in-game goods: weapons, characters and other items. All goods are divided by game modes.

Gaming tabs

  • Items. Here you can equip the hero: choose the weapon with which he will go; change backpacks and the character himself.
  • Clan. Players can create their own clans or join existing ones.
  • Rating. View the player rating table.
  • Friends. View and manage the list of players added as friends. In total, you can add up to 50 players as friends.
  • To repay. This strange name hides a weapon upgrade branch.


Controls in battles are standard: the hero moves using the joystick, and the camera moves across the screen. A separate button is responsible for shooting. Auto-aim helps in shooting - just point the crosshair in the direction of the player and it will “stick” to the player.

The most nuances with controls are in the “battle royale”. The game puts a lot of emphasis on collecting equipment. When you approach items, a small window opens with a list of items. If you wait 1-2 seconds, the items will automatically be added to your inventory. At the bottom near the health bar there is a button that opens the inventory. The number of inventory spaces depends on the backpack you find in the game.

For simple movement in the game, there is an “auto run” button - it appears when you tilt the stick forward for a few seconds. Without lifting your finger, swipe the screen to this button and the character will run forward on his own. To take control again, simply tap the stick.

You can travel long distances by transport. Please note that all vehicles have a gas gauge. You can replenish it using canisters scattered around the map. To get behind the wheel of a vehicle, use the “Drive” button, not the “Enter” button - in the latter case, the hero will sit in the passenger seat.

Battle Royale

The Battle Royale mode has been carried over from PUBG almost unchanged. A group of up to 120 players land on an island, where players fight each other until only one person remains alive. Equipment must be found in buildings located on the island. There you can find weapons, ammunition, first aid kits and other useful loot.

Gradually, the playing area will decrease - everyone who finds themselves outside of it will fall into a sandstorm and begin to lose health. If you do not quickly reach the playing area, the player will die. You can cross long distances using vehicles that are scattered around the map.

CrossFire: Legends is a great replacement for PUBG Mobile. Thanks to simple graphics, the game will work even on older devices. At the same time, in addition to the “battle royale”, which is no different from other similar games, there are other more classic modes.

Tactical multiplayer shooter from Korean developer SmileGate. In Russia and the CIS, the game is published by Mail.Ru Group (since 2010). Crossfire is distributed in the Free-to-play format - free access to the game with the ability to make micropayments to receive various in-game bonuses (improved equipment and weapons, unique skins, and so on).

Story, factions and gameplay

All events taking place in Crossfire are connected with the confrontation between two paramilitary megacorporations, whose moral values ​​are opposite:

1. Global Risk. The best fighters from all over the world, who for one reason or another left regular service. However, this does not mean that they abandoned the fight against evil and injustice. The main priorities of the organization are the protection of generally recognized human values ​​and the fight against the terrorist threat.

2. Black List. Unprincipled mercenaries conducting subversive and terrorist activities throughout the globe. As a rule, they take on any job, even the most vile and bloody, if they are paid well for it.

There are several character types for each faction, each with their own uniform. Moreover, their appearance most often corresponds to the forms of intelligence services and special units that actually exist in the world: SAS, S.W.A.T., GSG 9, and so on.

For success in a match, players are awarded experience (allowing them to grow in rank) and points that can be spent in the Crossfire store to purchase various useful items.

Game modes

The online shooter begins with training missions, after successful completion of which more than ten game modes in Crossfire become available to the player.

This is one of the main features of the project, because unlike most other free MMOFPS, such an impressive number of modes are not present here for show. They are all really exciting and varied.

Plus, for each mode and type of battle, several cards are available, again, the number of which can exceed ten, or even twenty pieces.


Large selection of weapons available for real (VIP weapons) and virtual money. Some of its samples can be used by Crossfire players only after reaching a certain rank.

Also in the game there is such a thing as weapon wear. If it is not repaired in time, its destructive ability may significantly decrease.

VIP weapons, in addition to beautiful unique skins, give their owner very useful and noticeable bonuses in battle. The higher the cost of the gun, the more such bonuses and their power.