Cleansing the soul into the corridor of eclipses. The “eclipse corridor” has started: what astrology says Lunar corridor

On this page below are answers to frequently asked questions about eclipses: what do eclipses mean, who do they affect, what to do during eclipses. If you have questions, ask - I will be happy to expand this section. In the column on the right are my notes written at the time of certain eclipses.

What do eclipses mean?

If the Sun is our consciousness, idea, meaning of existence, then the Moon is the subconscious, the soul that strives to realize the solar meaning.

Solar eclipse

A solar eclipse can only occur during a new moon, when the Moon is not visible and its power is completely absorbed by the Sun. At the moment of a solar eclipse, the Moon obscures the Sun, that is, it blocks its light for us, but we also do not see the light of the Moon at this moment. Thus, symbolically, our consciousness is closed by the subconscious, which itself is also weakly manifested. At this time, much remains unclear and uncertain. Plans, ideas, goals - set by consciousness - are not supported by intuition, feelings, instincts. This means that this is the moment of our weakness, but this is also the beginning of strength, since light always comes after darkness. We just need to wait a little.

Moon eclipse

The Moon has no light of its own, but it reflects the light of the Sun. The further the Moon moves from the Sun, the later it rises, the more visible it is to us, the brighter it shines, the more independent it feels. On a full moon, the Moon seems to forget that its light is only a reflection of the Sun. We do the same: closer to the full moon, our subconscious reactions become much stronger than the work of consciousness. At this time, we can suddenly “see” a solution to a problem, feel the right way out. And during a lunar eclipse (which occurs only during a full moon), the effect of the predominance of the subconscious is completely different. During an eclipse, the full Moon remains visible as the Sun continues to illuminate it, but the Earth's shadow falls on it. That is, at this time the subconscious remains strong, but there is no full disclosure of instincts, and our shadow sides often appear. So it turns out that a lunar eclipse is “the shadow of the bright subconscious.” During a lunar eclipse, we can also suddenly receive the necessary information, but it can be used or presented extremely aggressively, as if crossing the boundaries of what is permitted.

Eclipse corridor

Eclipses always occur in pairs or triplets, and the period between lunar and solar eclipses is called the eclipse corridor. If there are two eclipses in a period, then the corridor will last two weeks, and if there are three eclipses, then a whole month.

In the corridor of eclipses, events occur that we can rarely influence, or right now we are creating situations that will seriously affect fate in the future.

If the corridor begins, then it begins a new cycle of events that will have an impact on the future. In the corridor from the solar to the lunar eclipse, previously unknown facts become apparent, which contribute to the disclosure and development of future situations. If a corridor begins, then it often carries with it the completion of previous long-term situations, when we get the opportunity to close old topics.

Who is affected by the period of eclipses?

The period of eclipses does not go the same way for everyone. For some, it passes serenely, while others make major changes in their lives. All this very much depends on the individual horoscope and personal behavior during the period of eclipses. The period of eclipses can bring significant changes and turns to those whose important planets and birth horoscope points are affected by eclipse points. Therefore, if you are going to make any important decisions at this time, it is better to clarify how much this period of eclipses can interfere with or contribute to the desired changes. In addition, each eclipse has its own “face”, which is formed not only by the degree (that is, the place on the Zodiac circle) in which the eclipse occurs, but also by the position of other planets at the moment of the eclipse.

What to do during eclipses?

So, during the period of eclipses it is very important to calm the mind, since endless throwing leads to erroneous decisions, and during the period of eclipses, mistakes are laid down for many years in advance, and after another 18 years we can analyze the consequences of our actions. If you are confident in your decision, you know that your actions cannot harm, you can and should act. The easiest way to check your solution is to ask the following questions:

  • do I want to do this for the next 18 years?
  • Do I know all the possible consequences of this step?

The fatality of the eclipse period also has its own charm. If something or someone leaves our lives at this time, it means it had to be this way. If something happens not according to our will, then it is right. You can trust what is happening, accept everything that happens, including your mistakes.

In addition to fatality, eclipses also carry a surge of uncontrollable emotions and unconscious decisions. Thus, during the period of a lunar eclipse, the number of mental disorders and nervous breakdowns increases, hormonal disruptions occur, emotional activity increases, people can easily be provoked into a scandal, causing irrepressible outbursts of aggression and uncontrollable fear.

To avoid such provocations, you should prepare in advance for a lunar eclipse: clean the house, throw away unnecessary things, clean everything around you and your own feathers. By cleaning, we clean not only our environment, but also our connections to this environment - we getting rid of pet peeves.

It is also good to fast or at least limit the consumption of heavy food the day before and on the day of the eclipse. In this way we cleanse our inner space and do not allow unnecessary things to stick to us. It's about time cleanse both body and soul.

IMPORTANT: do not exaggerate the significance of the eclipse, be afraid to leave the house or make any pressing decisions. It’s just important to realize that during eclipses we come across especially significant situations, people, and surroundings. At this time, you need to listen to the space and to yourself in order to make those decisions for which you will not be either ashamed or offended in the future.

Very soon we will see three astronomical phenomena that will greatly affect many of us - this entire period is called the “eclipse corridor.” The Sun and Moon, being in a certain zodiac sign and degree at the time of the eclipse, return to this position only after 18.5 years.

If you want to change your life, influence important areas of life, then the best time is the period between eclipses, the eclipse corridor. During this period, there is a chance to radically influence important areas of life; all your thoughts, desires, actions will be “imprinted” in space and will influence your life for the next 18 years.

An eclipse itself is a powerful astrological phenomenon, often leading to global changes. This is a very good period for spiritual growth, helping to remove barriers that have prevented full contact with spiritual energies. Now we have access to a “direct connection” to the Cosmic flow of energy. During eclipses, humanity undergoes an energetic renewal. The eclipse corridor is a period for rebooting and rethinking values. A favorable moment for defining goals and intentions.

The effects of the corridor can be felt a week before and after it. In the “Eclipse Corridor” you need to track all your reactions - what caught your attention, caused a strong emotional response (anger, irritation, seal) in order to analyze and clearly see what needs to be worked on. Other people and yourself are a little more sensitive and emotional at this time, be gentle with yourself and with them, and this will allow the process to go more smoothly.

- get married

- make large purchases, enter into important transactions

— carry out transactions with real estate and securities

- fly on airplanes (especially on long journeys)

- pass exams and go to study, change jobs

- perform planned surgical operations and examinations

- conduct important negotiations

- attend public events.

You can’t talk bad about someone or get annoyed. Any manifestation of aggression should be avoided: verbal, psychological, physical.

Try to complete everything before the corridors begin or postpone important tasks for later.

You should also be careful at the helm and at the helm. During eclipses, people have a tendency to cloud their minds and unreasonable aggression, so be not only careful yourself, but also look at what is happening around you. Do not get involved in road disputes and conflicts. This is especially true for the dates of eclipses themselves.

On days of solar eclipse Not recommended be under the bright sun, be careful with electricity and fire. In the forest, put out fires behind you. You should be especially attentive to older people (but this is during the entire period of eclipses); their mental confusion, blood pressure, and arrhythmias may especially increase.

- Reconsider your social circle. Refuse to communicate that depresses you, burdens you, or does not support you. Over time, each of us accumulates empty connections, unnecessary acquaintances that have become obsolete. Learn from the past. Analyze your present. Meet those who inspire you, who make you feel comfortable and happy to be around.

“These days you need to be especially balanced, find restraint and evenness within yourself. Do meditations. Throw away something old, something that is cluttering your home, clean your pages on social networks.

— During the period of eclipses, it is very important to calm the mind, since endless tossing leads to erroneous decisions, and during the period of eclipses, mistakes are laid down for many years in advance, and after another 18 years we can analyze the consequences of our actions.

— Throughout the entire period, spiritual, energetic, and creative practices will be relevant and effective, with the help of which you can launch the healing process in all areas of your life, cleanse the energy space around you and, filling it with new thought forms and states, launch the processes of their implementation on the material level .

Attention! We are entering ECLIPSE CORRIDOR from July 13 to August 11, 2018 - time to change fate.

Friends, now a special time begins in the lives of each of us: we are entering a period called Corridor of Eclipses. This is a unique time for a positive transformation of destiny! There is a chance to radically influence important areas of life through your own efforts.

This is a very good period for spiritual growth, helping to remove barriers that have prevented you from being in full contact with spiritual energies. Now you have access to a “direct connection” to the Cosmic flow of energy, which entails an acceleration of evolution and a rise in consciousness, the beginning of a global transformation. The event of the year starts on July 13, 2018 at 06:01 Moscow time (Partial Solar Eclipse), intermediate July 27, 2018 at 23:22 Moscow time (Total Lunar Eclipse), ends on August 11, 2018 at 12:46 Moscow time
(Partial Solar Eclipse).

The effects of the corridor can be felt a week before and after it!

In the “Eclipse Corridor” you need to closely monitor what is happening, observe your internal rhythm and listen to your feelings. It's useful to keep track of all your reactions.

- what caught my attention, caused a strong emotional shock (anger, resistance, mental pain) in order to analyze and clearly see what needs to be worked on..

What you launch during this period cannot be returned to its original state

WHY ARE EVENTS IN THE ECLIPSE CORRIDOR OF A FATAL CHARACTER? Because the Sun and Moon, being in a certain zodiac sign and degree at the time of the eclipse, will be able to return to this position of the zodiac sign/degree only in 18.5

years. Therefore, events are fateful, fatal in nature, and this does not depend on whether you have information about the eclipse corridor or not. In any case, all your thoughts, desires, actions will be “imprinted” in space and will influence your destiny in the future.

We create energy messages for rejuvenation, healing from diseases, giving up bad habits. Pay attention to your psychological and physical health. A good rest is needed, wellness procedures are recommended.

We solve family and tribal problems. For example, women who have problems having children or difficulties starting a family are recommended to meditate on positive changes in these areas of life.

It is very important to harmonize your thoughts, your home. The “ecology” of thoughts and actions is important. Shown is prayer, visiting Temples, reading scriptures, showing love and gratitude to loved ones, to the Universe, etc.

Remember that your desires and decisions must be thoughtful, if you are sure that this will bring you good, then you can safely program your future. Remember the fatality of making your decisions.

You can’t talk bad about someone or get annoyed. Any type of violence should be avoided: verbal, psychological, physical.

Radiate Love, forgive all insults, help your loved ones and be happy!

Reconsider your social circle. Refuse to communicate that depresses or burdens you. Over time, each of us accumulates disappointments, empty connections, unnecessary acquaintances that have outlived their usefulness. Learn from the past. Analyze your present. Meet those with whom you feel comfortable and happy to be around.

During these days you need to be especially balanced, find restraint and evenness in yourself. Conduct meditation. Throw away something old, something that is cluttering your home, but without fanaticism and express overhaul!

So, During eclipses it is very important to calm the mind, since endless throwing leads to erroneous decisions, and during the period of eclipses, mistakes are laid down for many years in advance, and after another 18 years we can analyze the consequences of our actions.

If you are confident in the decision, you can and should act. The easiest way to check your solution is to ask two questions " do I want to do this for the next 18 years? " And " Do I have maximum information about the possible consequences of this or that serious step? »

The fatefulness of the eclipse corridor has its own greatest benefit: If something or someone leaves our lives during this period, then it should be so. If something happens not according to our will, or contrary to imaginary desires, then we need to accept it and realize that this state of affairs exists legally.

At this time, you can trust what is happening, accept everything that happens., including your own mistakes.


If you want to positively influence your Destiny, make the necessary adjustments and learn to achieve deep inner satisfaction from life, then the best time is the period between eclipses, or as it is called - “ ECLIPSE CORRIDOR »!

If you often doubt the correctness of your decisions, if you are not strong enough to realize your potential, perhaps you should rely on something besides your mind?! For example: Higher powers, soul, Creator, power of the family, inner potential, INTUITION, finally...

Throughout the entire period, spiritual, energetic, creative practices will be relevant, with the help of which you can launch the healing process in all areas of your life, cleanse the energy space around you and, filling it with new thought forms and states, launch the processes of their implementation on the material level.

Don't waste time! Try to use every moment of the current period, which carries a lot of opportunities, for the development and transformation of all areas of life. Take a step towards change and your dreams (as they say, be in the flow).

Correct actions during this period of time will give a multiply enhanced positive effect, and incorrect ones can involve you in such life situations that can have consequences for many years.

Open up to change, try to meet them with joy, take care of yourself and those you love.


What not to do during the Eclipse Corridor:

Take spontaneous and ill-considered risky steps;
- begin to sort things out, discuss important life decisions, litigation, property disputes;
- enter into transactions, including large purchases and sales, mergers, lending, investments;
- stop noisy parties, celebrations and holidays, including weddings;
- change place of work, study, place of residence and marital status.

Source of material: Vedic Center website

Eclipses of the Sun and Moon have attracted human attention since the origins of civilization. Scientists, thanks to the observation of them, study the solar corona and prominences, as well as the processes occurring with the Earth’s natural satellite. People of all continents admire the mystical beauty of these phenomena - the bloody crimson moon or the magnificent ring of the sun. Well, astrologers of various directions since the beginning of time consider eclipses to be unfavorable omens in the lives of people and states.

Indeed, in our science, eclipses of the Sun and Moon are the most destructive factors from the entire astrological arsenal. It is believed that they bring not just negative, but also fatal events, although only if their position affects important points in the horoscope of a person or country. I recall an episode from “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” the creation of which, according to some serious scientists, was inspired by the reverence of our ancestors for the majestic picture of an eclipse. The fact is that when Igor in May 1185 gathered an army for the battle with the Polovtsians, and the squad stood in full armor on the banks of the Donets, the prince and his warriors witnessed a solar eclipse. In the middle of the day, night fell, and the Sun became like a crescent moon. The frightened boyars dissuaded Igor from the campaign, but he did not agree with their arguments. The result of the inglorious undertaking is well known: the army was defeated and the prince was captured.

There are more solar eclipses, but more often we can observe lunar eclipses. This happens because solar eclipses are visible only in a specific region of the Earth, while lunar eclipses affect the entire night hemisphere. Any eclipse occurs when three celestial bodies: the Earth, the Moon and the Sun line up on one conventional straight line from the point of view of an earthly observer. If the Moon is located between the Earth and the Sun, then the eclipse is called solar, but if, on the contrary, the shadow of the Earth blocks direct sunlight from the Moon, then it is a lunar eclipse. In other words, a solar eclipse always coincides with the new moon, and a lunar eclipse always coincides with the moment of the full moon. A new moon and a full moon occur every month with a time difference of 14.75 days, but an eclipse does not always occur during these periods; it is also necessary for all three celestial bodies to line up in a row. If the spatial line between the three bodies is exact, then this is a total eclipse, but if it is curved, then the eclipse is partial.

What is it eclipse corridor? This is the period between eclipses whose dates are close to each other. July 13 This year there was a solar eclipse in Cancer, July 27 there will be the longest lunar eclipse in the 21st century, and 11th August– solar eclipse in Leo. Events that occur during this period can have a fateful impact on the next 18.5 years of the life of the entire planet. It is advisable during this period to get rid of everything that bothers you.

During the eclipse corridor, emotions come to the fore. They overshadow critical and rational thinking and have no problem gaining the upper hand over a person. The eclipse corridor always strikes. If it begins with a solar eclipse (as now), then the blow falls on health, plans and affairs. We will be immersed in our own past, where there are unfinished moments - relationships, connections, situations, people, illusions. A narrow loophole appears to close them. The eclipse corridor is a time of acceptance and letting go. If you forgive and let a person go now, then rest assured: this is for good.

The eclipse corridor will enhance all our actions, like an echo. At this time, the essence of long-past events is revealed. There is an opportunity to correct your past mistakes and failures, a chance to take a fresh look at difficult moments in life. But again, this will require great human awareness. During this period, conflicts and legal disputes are possible. It is not recommended to make life-changing decisions at this time: getting married, moving to another country or changing jobs. Crime is increasing, the number of deaths is growing, and the risk of cataclysms, car and plane crashes is increasing. Health problems and exacerbation of chronic diseases are also possible. Headaches, pressure surges, heart pain, exacerbations of chronic diseases are possible. It is better not to make plans and intentions. The corridor is a time to “cleanse” the past and get rid of what is trailing behind you. An effective solution would be to work through some difficult issues with a psychologist, especially if you have been planning to see him for a long time. Take care of yourself these days.

July 20 and August 4- difficult days. This is a period of unpredictable events, phenomena, processes. Be prepared for the most unexpected gifts of fate. Main astrological recommendation – don't start important things And not making significant decisions. They can turn out in the most unpredictable ways. Don't plan for these days and any trips This is a time of confusion, disorder and chaos.

Moon eclipse will take place July 27. On this day, serious shocks are possible, breakdowns in relationships and financial troubles are not excluded. Avoid impulsive actions, they can develop into protracted conflicts. Where possible, compromise. This eclipse is associated with a masculine theme, with the yang active principle. And on this day you need to thank and forgive all the men in your life.

While new moons bring renewal and new beginnings, the eclipse brings a lot of letting go and closure. What has become obsolete passes away, but a new door immediately opens and a new beginning arises. This is a great time to “clean up” your life. We do this through transformational work. It's a great time to replace the old with the new, fix what's broken, and find new ways. If you wanted to change something, but didn't dare, this eclipse can help you do it.

Be very careful these days in your relationships with loved ones. Watch the dynamics unfold around you. Change is here, so work on how to integrate it into your life. There is a renewal of energy, our task is to dive deeply into ourselves and discover those parts of ourselves that need awakening or revitalization.

We need to go deeper within ourselves and work on what we truly want from our lives. And at this depth ask yourself - who am I? Inside you will find the answers. This eclipse can make us feel uncomfortable, inviting us to go inward and face our darker parts of the soul. This is a challenge, but also a short path to higher levels of consciousness for awareness and purification. We just need to stay open and let the Universe guide us. You don't have to worry about setting intentions or thinking about your next direction. Just be and allow yourself to receive senior guidance. Allow yourself to surrender to the flow of the Universe. Just raise your hands, palms up, and say, “I’m ready. I am open. I want guidance and I want to be guided by my Higher Destiny.” By opening up to the cosmos and practicing acceptance, self-love and self-care, you are allowing this eclipse to open the right doors at the right time and give yourself the chance to move through them correctly and effectively.

11th August The summer eclipse corridor is closing. Some past circumstances will remind you of yourself. Creative energy will boil within you, and it will help you overcome self-doubt and step forward. However, you should act carefully as problems may arise during travel. Be careful!

What awaits the zodiac signs

During the eclipse corridor, four zodiac signs are at risk: Cancer, Aquarius, Leo, and Capricorn.

Cancer It will be difficult, they will be overcome by various emotions, which increases the risk. Only by being able to control yourself will you be able to solve all problems and get out of difficult situations profitably.

Aquarius big changes await in life. And this is where the complexity of this period lies. If you get through this difficult period with dignity, new prospects will open up before you.

Lviv A large-scale event awaits, a fateful meeting that will change their lives. Something will leave your life irrevocably. During this period, you need to think more and act less; trips will not bring the desired result.

Capricorns You should be careful in everything, because you will have to make important life choices. Capricorns will be able to greatly succeed if they introduce something new into their work, create new ideas, and go beyond their comfort.

The rest of the zodiac signs will experience a calmer period during this period.

Aries you should be more patient and act constructively. You shouldn't start something new.

Taurus you will have to choose between several lucrative offers. Trust your intuition!

Gemini It’s better to forget about disputes and intrigues, otherwise you risk missing events that are really important to you.

Virgos You should learn to restrain your impulses and strengthen your self-control in order to avoid troubles and improve your financial situation.

And here Libra many temptations await. Hence the difficulties in love affairs. Couples who fail the test will separate during the eclipse period.

For Scorpios The period of eclipses is a time of changes in family life. Scorpios should be bolder and not be afraid to go beyond the usual. There is a risk of conflicts related to money.

Sagittarius Opportunities for career growth and increased profits will open up. New things and projects can take off successfully and change your life.

Pisces financial success and new prospects await. However, there is a risk of being deceived by new partners. Be careful!

Now let's talk about the principles of human life and behavior during periods associated with the effects of solar and lunar eclipses.

I have already written about the fact that unfavorable situations during eclipses are associated with the activation of various magnetic fields surrounding the Earth’s noosphere (including those unknown to modern science). Hence the increase in the number of suicides and alcoholic excesses, which is also associated with a noticeable increase in acute cardiovascular diseases, as well as overall mortality from other causes.

And now some specific recommendations. Let's talk about general rules. Firstly, before eclipses, on their day, and several days after (a week after a solar eclipse and 3 days after a lunar eclipse), you cannot start new things. For example, a contract concluded on the day of an eclipse not only risks failure, but can also bring serious trouble to both parties. Don't buy expensive things, don't start traveling or get married. I don’t want to say that you will inevitably fail, it all depends on the specific horoscope, but the risk will be an order of magnitude higher than on ordinary days. Pay attention to the new acquaintances that develop during this period. Most likely, they will bring you sensitive negativity. At the very moment of the eclipse, it is good to take a contrast shower and do meditation (reflection) or just lie down for an hour. For those who know how, it is good to pray and ask for a better fate. I will add that during periods of eclipses you can do all your current and everyday activities, but some precautions still won’t hurt. You probably know that these days, road injuries and injuries in general are increasing, mental problems are worsening, the number of ambulance calls is increasing, and there is an increase in heart attacks, strokes and alcohol problems. Draw your own conclusions. The point here is not even in astrology, but in the fact that eclipses, when the three most important celestial bodies for us are located on the same straight line, represent in themselves a negative geocosmic factor. Magnetic fields are activated, a person experiences increased levels of anxiety and stress, and some areas of the brain may be blocked. You should remember this and insure yourself.

Therefore, the main recommendation for all of us is extremely simple: we need to take care of ourselves and avoid extreme or potentially threatening situations whenever possible. There is a peculiar magical practice of working through negativity and reducing fatality. This is meditation, or quiet reflection and planning during the hours of the maximum phase of the eclipse (usually half an hour before and after). In these moments, you need to forgive people for their grievances, as well as create in your imagination the ideal that you want to achieve. During a lunar eclipse, you should also give up bad habits and throw away unnecessary trash from your home. The ancients said: “During eclipses, the gates of heaven open.” If you think about it, this phrase carries a deep meaning; it reminds us that the straight line between heaven and earth is a two-way street.

The period between eclipses is a unique time for a positive transformation of fate! There is a chance to radically influence important areas of life through your own efforts. You will need a correct and confident decision + a passionate positive desire, a powerful energy message that will affect 18.5 years in the future, and will be fatal. The time corridor of eclipses between and is about two weeks. occur on the new moon, and lunar ones - on the full moon. The maximum number of eclipses in a year is 5-6 times.

Why are events fatal in the eclipse corridor?

Because and, being in a certain zodiac sign and degree at the time of the eclipse, will be able to return to this position of the zodiac sign/degree only after 18.5 years. Therefore, events are fateful, fatal in nature, and this does not depend on whether you have information about the eclipse corridor or not. In any case, all your thoughts, desires, actions will be “imprinted” in space and will influence your destiny in the future.

If you want to change your life, then the best time is the period between eclipses, the eclipse corridor! If you doubt the correctness of your decisions, you need to rely on Higher powers, ask the Almighty to help you resolve life’s difficulties in the best way for you.

  1. We create energy messages for rejuvenation, healing from diseases, and giving up bad habits. Pay attention to your psychological and physical health. A good rest is needed, wellness procedures are recommended.
  2. We solve family and tribal problems. For example, women who have problems having children or difficulties starting a family are advised to meditate on positive changes in these areas of life.
  3. It is very important to harmonize your thoughts and your home. The “ecology” of thoughts and actions is important. Shown is prayer, visiting Temples, reading scriptures, showing love and gratitude to loved ones, to the Universe, etc.
  4. Remember that your desires and decisions must be thoughtful, if you are sure that this will bring you good, then you can safely program your future. Remember the fatality of making your decisions.
  5. You can’t talk bad about someone or get irritated, because in the corridor of eclipses “dark forces”, your inner “Dragon” will provoke you into negative karmic thoughts and actions. Their task is to lay down a destructive cycle for you for 18.5 years. Bad wishes and insults can provoke a curse. Any type of violence should be avoided: verbal, psychological, physical. Radiate Love, forgive all insults, help your loved ones and be happy!

Mythology and subtle causes of eclipses:

Two “shadow” or “snake” fictitious points play a huge role, having the name (ascending north node) and