Ofloxacin for the treatment of gonorrhea. Gonorrhea treatment ofloxacin


An effective antimicrobial drug belonging to the group of fluoroquinolones, Ofloxacin has a wide spectrum of action. Possessing bactericidal properties, the drug is active against many pathogenic microorganisms. Ofloxacin - instructions for use indicate that this is a strong antibacterial agent, therefore, violation of the dose during treatment can provoke the development of serious side effects. The use of the drug is indicated only as prescribed by a doctor.

What is Ofloxacin

This drug is often prescribed for the treatment of infections of bacterial etiology. This antimicrobial agent is active against most harmful microorganisms and bacteria and is perfectly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The drug Ofloxacin is well distributed in the tissues and fluids of the human body and is excreted in the urine. A small part of the medication is excreted in the feces. The maximum concentration in blood plasma is achieved 1-2 hours after administration, and the bioavailability of Ofloxacin is 96%. During hemodialysis, up to 30% of the medication is lost.


According to the instructions, one tablet of Ofloxacin contains the active substance of the same name in an amount of 200 mg. The main component ensures the stability of bacterial DNA and supercoiling, which leads to their death. The biconvex tablets are coated with an almost white coating, have a slight roughness and two layers in the cross section. The auxiliary ingredients of the medicine include: microcrystalline cellulose, talc, silicon dioxide and some other substances.

Antibiotic or not

The annotation states that Ofloxacin belongs to the group of antibiotics, but the drug is sold without a doctor’s prescription. The second generation fluorinated quinolone has a broad bactericidal effect. The instructions for use indicate that the dose of the medicine is selected by the doctor, depending on the location and severity of the infectious process. Treatment usually lasts about one week.

pharmachologic effect

The antimicrobial effect of the drug is associated with the blockade of the DNA gyrase enzyme in bacterial cells. The medication is active against microorganisms that produce beta-lactamases and for atypical microbacteria. Penetrates into body tissues: alveolar macrophages, leukocytes, bones, pelvic and abdominal organs, respiratory system, saliva, urine, bile, skin, prostate secretions. The active substance passes through the placental barrier and is excreted in mother's milk.

Indications for use of Ofloxacin

According to the instructions, this antibiotic is prescribed in the presence of the following infectious diseases:

  • ENT organs (laryngitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, otitis media);
  • respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia);
  • skin, soft tissues, bones, joints;
  • inflammatory pathologies of the urinary tract and kidneys (cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis);
  • abdominal cavity (pseudomembranous colitis):
  • biliary tract (all pathologies except bacterial enteritis);
  • genital organs and pelvis (orchitis, epididymitis, oophoritis, parametritis, colpitis, prostatitis, endometritis, cervicitis, salpingitis).

According to reviews from doctors, it has been noted that the drug is effective in the treatment of eye infections: blepharitis, keratitis, ulcerative lesions of the cornea, meibomitis and others. In addition to the above diseases, Ofloxacin is widely used during therapy and for the prevention of pathologies in patients with impaired immune status. When treating chlamydia, septicemia or gonorrhea, intravenous use of the drug is prescribed.

Release form

The medicine is produced in the form of ointments, tablets, injections for injections. The price of the drugs is different, but the pharmacological effect is the same. Ofloxacin ointment is available in 3 and 5 gram weights. Sold in aluminum tubes, each of which is packed in a cardboard box. The package contains instructions for use. Ofloxacin tablets are packaged in 10 pieces in contour cell blisters placed in a cardboard box. As for the solution, this greenish-yellow dosage form is sold in 100 ml dark glass bottles or 1 ml ampoules.

Instructions for use

How to take Ofloxacin? The tablet form is prepared for oral administration, the eye ointment is prepared for placing under the eyelid, and the solution is administered intravenously or intramuscularly. The course of treatment lasts from 7 to 14 days. After the temperature normalizes and the symptoms of the disease disappear, the doctor may prescribe another three days of treatment with the drug to consolidate the results.


The daily dose of tablets for adults is 200-800 mg. When treating gonorrhea, the drug should be used once (recommended in the morning after breakfast) with a dosage of 400 mg. If the prescribed dose is not a single dose, but more than 400 mg/day, then the medication is taken 2 times after meals. Ofloxacin tablets are taken without chewing, with a small amount of liquid. The doctor determines the duration of treatment individually. The drug is not prescribed for use for more than 4 weeks.


This dosage form is used subconjunctivally. Ofloxacin ointment, yellow or white, is placed in a 1 cm strip behind the lower eyelid of the affected eye 2-3 times a day. When treating chlamydia, your doctor may prescribe medication up to 5 times a day. The duration of treatment with ointment according to the instructions should not exceed 14 days. For chlamydial infection, the therapeutic course is extended to 5 weeks.


The instructions for use say that when administered intravenously, the medicine is prescribed in a dose of 200 mg as a single dose in the form of drip infusions. The drug is administered over 30 to 60 minutes. After the condition improves, the patient is transferred to Ofloxacin tablets. For infections of the urinary system, the medicine is administered intramuscularly in a dose of 100 mg up to 2 times a day. For infectious pathologies of soft tissues, skin, joints, ENT organs and the abdominal cavity, the solution can be prescribed from 200 to 400 mg twice a day.

Ofloxacin during pregnancy

For women while expecting a child, the medicine is prescribed exclusively for local treatment (ointment), which is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor. Taking the tablet form or injections of Ofloxacin during pregnancy and lactation is contraindicated. If it is necessary for a nursing woman to take medication, then stop breastfeeding the baby during the entire therapeutic course of the antibiotic.

Ofloxacin for children

According to the instructions for use, the drug is not prescribed to a child under 15 years of age, since the effectiveness and safety of the medicine for children has not been clinically proven. If it is impossible to take other antibiotics, Ofloxacin may be prescribed to children. The daily dosage for children is calculated as follows: per 1 kg of child weight – 7.5 mg. The maximum dose does not exceed 15 mg/1 kg of body weight.

Drug interactions

When taking Ofloxacin, you must tell your doctor about other medications you are taking, otherwise side effects may occur. The medicine is not recommended for use with anti-inflammatory drugs to avoid stimulation of the central nervous system. During treatment with Ofloxacin for diabetes mellitus, blood glucose levels should be monitored. For better absorption, medications containing iron, calcium, sulfates or antacids are recommended to be taken after taking the antibiotic at intervals of two hours. The drug reduces theophylline clearance by 25%.

Compatibility of Ofloxacin and alcohol

According to the instructions, the use of Ofloxacin tablets, ointment and solution is strictly prohibited simultaneously with alcoholic beverages for men and women. It is allowed to drink alcohol one day after the end of the therapeutic course in order to avoid risks to health. The combined use of an antibiotic and ethanol-containing drinks leads to a disulfiram-like reaction. Ethanol comes into good contact with antibacterial molecules, so the potential risk of the following conditions increases:

  • vomiting;
  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • redness of the face, chest, neck;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • intermittent breathing;
  • limb spasms.

If the prohibition is violated and the above conditions occur, you should immediately stop drinking alcohol and drink plenty of water for the next few hours. If the medicine was prescribed for a long course, then alcohol should not be taken subsequently, depending on the doctor’s instructions, from 3 days to 1 month. Any form of the drug will have a negative effect on the body if used together with alcoholic beverages.

Side effects

Like other antibiotics, Ofloxacin, if the prescribed dosage is exceeded or with a long course of treatment, has the following side effects:

  • abdominal organs (diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, hepatitis, dysbacteriosis, jaundice, colitis, liver failure);
  • nervous system (migraine, anxiety, agitation, increased blood pressure, nightmares, convulsions, impaired sense of smell, taste, vision, coordination of movements);
  • cardiovascular system (thrombocytopenia, aplastic or hemolytic anemia, cardiovascular collapse);
  • genitourinary area (acute nephritis, vaginitis, impaired renal excretory function);
  • allergic manifestations: angioedema of the face, urticaria, bronchospasm, skin rash, exudative erythema, itching, anaphylactic shock;
  • in ophthalmology: discomfort, burning in the eyes, dryness, itching, redness of the conjunctiva, lacrimation;
  • after instillation into the ear: itching of the ear canal, bitter taste and dry mouth;
  • spontaneous tendon ruptures;


This drug has few contraindications. The main one is hypersensitivity to quinolone derivatives. According to the instructions, Ofloxacin should not be used by women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Children under 15 years of age are also a contraindication, but in special cases the use of this antibiotic is still prescribed to a child. Patients with a history of impaired liver and kidney function, a tendency to tendinitis, and prolongation of the QT interval should take the medication with caution.


The modern pharmacological industry offers for sale several analogs of Ofloxacin that have a similar effect to it. Most Popular:

  1. Digital The official instructions indicate that the medication is indicated for osteomyelitis, prostatitis, bacterial diarrhea, pyelonephritis, lung abscess and other infections. It is prescribed in a strictly specified dosage.
  2. Tsiprolet. The medicine is effective against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. It is prescribed for use in many pathologies of an inflammatory and infectious nature.
  3. Levofloxacin. Effectively acts against a variety of pathogens, regardless of their location.


How much does Ofloxacin cost? The price of the drug varies depending on the dosage form, the initial cost of the manufacturer and the marketing policy of the outlet. If this antibiotic is not on sale, you can order it from a catalog at a pharmacy or buy it inexpensively in an online store. The average price for the drug in pharmacies in the Moscow region:


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease. The source of the disease is considered to be the bacterium gonococcus. The incubation period is no more than 5 days.

The disease is diagnosed using laboratory tests. For guys, a smear is taken from the urethra, and for girls, directly from the cervix. Experts determine the presence of bacteria under a microscope, as well as by growing a culture in a nutrient medium created for this purpose. If an increase in temperature is observed with gonorrhea, the patient undergoes a blood test.

For treatment, ofloxacin can be used for gonorrhea (in a single dose orally 400 mg). Take the drug without chewing and with plenty of water. Ofloxacin should be taken with food or on an empty stomach.

The choice of treatment regimen for the infection will depend directly on the clinical picture, as well as on the localization of the disease, the association of the infection with some other diseases that are transmitted exclusively sexually, the possibility of side effects from therapy and other factors.

When taking ofloxacin for gonorrhea, you should pay attention to the occurrence of such effects. For example, from the digestive system, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, enterocolitis, anorexia, and abdominal pain are possible. Sometimes there is loss of appetite, as well as pseudomembranous colitis. The patient can become familiar with the entire list of side effects by reading the instructions for the drug.

For gonorrhea, ofloxacin acts as a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent from the group of fluoroquinolones. This is a bactericidal agent, ofloxacin, which is effective against gram-negative bacteria, some gram-positive, which, as a rule, produce beta-lactamases and are resistant to many antibiotics. However, ofloxacin is considered the most modern fluoroquinolone produced today. A piperazinyl ring and a fluorine atom have been added to the basic structure of the product, which helps to increase the power of action on the disease, as well as anti-pseudomonas activity. In addition, the drug, which is now actively used to combat gonorrhea, contains an oxazine ring. It is believed that such structural modification is the basis for high bioavailability. During treatment, the drug ofloxacin is characterized by bioavailability and good absorption among other fluoroquinolones in addition to pefloxacin.

Source www.zppp.saharniy-diabet.com

Antibiotics for gonorrhea are a mandatory part of drug therapy. The disease, in the absence of adequate treatment, can cause the most serious complications - prostatitis and infertility.

Antibiotics for gonorrhea

If we talk about how to treat gonorrhea, then antibiotic therapy is the only option for a guaranteed cure. When selecting medications, the physician ensures that the resistance of gonococci to the prescribed medication does not exceed the five percent threshold.

The causative agent of the disease develops resistance to antibiotics, which is why many previously used regimens are no longer relevant. Today, gonococci remain sensitive, for example, to Ceftriaxone, Ofloxacin and Ciprofloxacin, while previously widely used tetracycline drugs and penicillin no longer bring the expected therapeutic result. Many new strains are emerging that are also resistant to drugs from the fluoroquinolone group.

Modern dermatological practice involves the use of several drugs at once. They are divided into two groups:

  • basic;
  • reserve (prescribed if there is no effect from the previously selected remedy or in case of intolerance to it).

Many medications are approved for use in home treatment of gonorrhea, but Rocephin is used exclusively in hospitals.


Sumamed is prescribed quite often for gonorrhea. Medicines from a number of macrolides cope well with many types of bacteria and microorganisms.

Sumamed is highly effective against gonorrhea, due to its ability to quickly penetrate tissue. The medicine promotes the death of the pathogen, activating the protective functions of the body.

When taken as a course, Sumamed accumulates in blood fibroblasts, after which its gradual release begins. The source of infection is destroyed, not accompanied by the development of side effects. The doctor selects the dosage individually in each specific case.


Metronidazole for gonorrhea is recommended for use while diagnosing trichomoniasis. This combination of diseases is dangerous because the causative agent of gonorrhea “hides” inside the Trichomonas vaginalis. In this case, there is a high risk of relapse of the underlying disease, so trichomoniasis is treated first, and then the use of gonococci.

Metronidazole is prescribed transvaginally, but can also be administered intravenously. Duration of treatment – ​​10 days. Omission may cause the selected therapy to be ineffective. The sexual partner is also prescribed treatment with Metronidazole. The drug is taken once at night.

During treatment, an allergic reaction may develop. Metronidazole is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy, as well as in the diagnosis of renal failure, leukopenia and central nervous system lesions.

In order to avoid side effects, vitamin B and ascorbic acid are prescribed simultaneously with taking Metronidazole.


Levofloxacin belongs to the group of fluoroquinolones, being a broad-spectrum antibiotic. The action of the drug is based on blocking the division of bacterial cells, which leads to the death of the pathogen. Levofloxacin is effective against many microbes. The medicine also works well against gonococci.

The product has contraindications for use. Levofloxacin should not be taken in the following cases:

  • during gestation and breastfeeding;
  • with diagnosed epilepsy or other pathologies accompanied by seizures;
  • if you are allergic to the components of the drug;
  • with renal failure.

Children's age also becomes a contraindication.

Levofloxacin may cause an overdose if taken uncontrolled. It is indicated by:

  • drowsiness;
  • attacks of dizziness;
  • erosive damage to the oral mucosa;
  • arrhythmia;
  • vomiting that does not bring relief;
  • convulsions;
  • loss of consciousness.

In such cases, gastric lavage and subsequent symptomatic therapy are prescribed.

Levofloxacin may also cause side effects. In particular:

  • pain in the abdomen;
  • dry mouth;
  • headache;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • scary dreams;
  • dizziness.


Quite often the drug Bicillin is prescribed for gonorrhea. . The drug belongs to the penicillin group. Bicillin is a combination drug with a prolonged action. Its effectiveness is due to a disruption in the synthesis of one of the components of the cell membrane, which leads to a slowdown in the rate of reproduction of the pathogen.

Bicillin for gonorrhea is prescribed according to a specific regimen. Skipping the next dose may cause the pathogen to adapt to this drug.

Bicillin is used in the form of injections. The number of injections is determined by the physician. For chronic gonorrhea, the patient is prescribed Bicillin-5, since the drug has a higher content of the active component.


The next remedy that can be prescribed for gonorrhoea is Vilprafen. Its active substance is josamycin. Vilprafen will be equally effective against gonorrhea and chlamydia. A special feature of the drug is the absence of gonococcal resistance.

Vilprafen does not have toxic properties, and therefore can be used to treat pregnant women. The active substance penetrates the placental barrier, but does not have a negative effect on the fetus.

Vilprafen has virtually no contraindications. These become:

  • increased sensitivity of the body to the constituent components of the drug;
  • severe liver damage, accompanied by a decrease in its functions;
  • chronic renal failure (with caution).

Vilprafen is available in the form of regular film-coated tablets and soluble pills. The latter have a pleasant strawberry taste and smell. The dosage regimen and dosage of the drug are selected by the attending doctor.


Amoxiclav, which is also used to treat gonorrhea, comes in different formats. At the pharmacy you can buy tablets, powders for infusions and injections, as well as a suspended form. Amoxiclav is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, therefore it is used in the treatment of various sexually transmitted diseases.

Amoxiclav can be prescribed to patients of all age categories, including children. The regimen and dosage depend on the severity of the condition and the age of the patient. The total duration of antibiotic use is from 5 to 14 days.

Amoxiclav has a minimum of side effects and is quite well tolerated by the body. The incidence of unpleasant symptoms is relatively low. Amoxiclav is prohibited for the treatment of nursing women and patients with diagnosed renal impairment.


Ceftriaxone is a powerful broad-spectrum antibiotic. Destroys bacteria by disrupting the protein synthesis process necessary to create cell walls.

The drug is attractive in medical terms due to its high absorption rates and low toxicity threshold. A contraindication for use is the body's allergic response to penicillin and cephalosporin drugs.

When treating gonorrhea, Ceftriaxone is the drug of choice. This means that it is the most active against the causative agent of gonorrhea of ​​all the medications used. For an uncomplicated infection, the full course of therapy consists of one injection, that is, the drug is administered in the dosage recommended by the physician once.


Ofloxacin is the next medication used for gonorrhea infection. It has a therapeutic result by disrupting the DNA synthesis of the pathogen.

The drug has a high level of toxicity, therefore Ofloxacin is contraindicated in children and in patients with a high sensitivity threshold. To cure gonorrhea uncomplicated by infections, it is enough to take one dose of the drug.


Cefotaxime is a third generation cephalosporin antibiotic. The drug does not have a strong toxic effect, but will be contraindicated in case of personal intolerance to the active substance, during the entire period of gestation, as well as breastfeeding.

Treatment of gonorrhea, not complicated by concomitant STDs, is carried out by a single intravenous administration of the drug.


Cefuroxime is an antibiotic included in the list of reserve medications. Belongs to the category of cephalosporins. When detecting gonorrhea, its tablet format is used.

Contraindications for Cefuroxime are:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • prematurity of the child;
  • allergic response to the component composition of the drug.


Lomefloxacin is another reserve drug used in the treatment of gonorrheal infection. It is part of the group of fluoroquinolones and eliminates the symptoms of uncomplicated gonorrhea with a single dose. Lomefloxacin is contraindicated in childhood and gestation.

Drugs for the treatment of gonorrhea in women

Treatment of gonorrhea in women should be carried out taking into account the characteristics of the body. Do not forget that prolonged antibiotic therapy causes disruption of the vaginal microflora and the development of thrush. Gynecologists recommend combining drug treatment for gonorrhea with antifungal therapy, as well as taking drugs from the probiotic category.

  • suppositories with lactobacilli - Lactonorm, Acylact, Ecofemin and others;
  • antifungal suppositories – Isoconazole, Clotrimazole, Candide.

Local antiseptics - creams, ointments and suppositories - can be used as an adjuvant to prescribed medications. In particular, they are prescribed to pregnant women as an alternative to oral medications.

Depending on the course of the pathology and its local manifestations, the following are recommended:

  • sitz baths in chamomile decoction and treatment with protorgol in glycerin for inflammation of the labia majora and minora;
  • irrigation and installation with protorgol solution for inflammation of the urethral mucosa;
  • vaginal suppositories for the development of vaginitis.

The use of topical products should be avoided during menstruation. The start of the course of treatment is allowed from the second day of completion of monthly bleeding.

Treatment of gonorrhea in men

Treatment of gonorrhea in men also has its own nuances. In addition to the recommended medications, therapy is supplemented by the use of local medications.

As prescribed by the urologist, a solution of silver nitrate, protargol or collargol can be used. But these antiseptics are prescribed only when suppuration develops.

In case of damage to the skin in the area of ​​the external genitalia, sitz baths in a solution of potassium permanganate or furatsilin are recommended.

Mixed form of gonorrhea

How to treat gonorrhea in women and men if a concomitant sexually transmitted infection is detected? It all depends on what diseases were identified along the way.

For concomitant chlamydia, the following medications are prescribed (at the doctor's discretion) - Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin, Doxycycline, Erythromycin.

If trichomoniasis is detected, Metronidazole or Tinidazole are prescribed as additional drugs.

Gonorrheal infection is often accompanied by syphilis, but since it has a rather long incubation period, the patient is prescribed preventive medication with specialized medications.

If the test for syphilis is negative, Bicillin-5 or benzylpinicillin novocaine salt is used. If the answer is positive, the same drugs are recommended, but in different dosages.

The choice of drug depends on each specific case. The dosage of the medication is also selected individually. Self-prescribing antibiotics can have the most negative consequences.

Source intimatejotvet.ru

How to take ofloxacin for gonorrhea is a rather relevant and interesting question. After all, gonorrhea is quite common among the sexually mature population, and to cure it, you need antibiotics, which include ofloxacin. Like all serious drugs, this antibiotic should be taken only after consulting a specialist, strictly following the recommendations.

This article will discuss the characteristics of this disease, and we will also learn how to use ofloxacin and other types of antibacterial drugs from this group to treat gonorrhea.

What is gonorrhea?

The causative agent of this venereal disease is Neisseria gonorrhea, a gram-negative diplococcus from the group of gonococci. The bacterium is highly sensitive to heat, drying, antiseptics, etc., which is why it is extremely unstable in environmental conditions, however, gonococcus can exist in the host’s body for a long time, especially when transformed into the L-form, which is insensitive to antibiotics.

Infection with gonorrhea occurs through unprotected sexual intercourse, both traditional and anal-genital and oral-genital. Gonococci are localized on organs with glandular and cylindrical epithelium, namely in the urethra, cervix, conjunctiva of the eyes, rectum, and oropharynx.

The incubation period lasts from several days to a month, but on average it is 7-10 days. The disease has an acute and chronic form; in addition, in women, most cases of infection are asymptomatic, while in men such cases account for only 10%.

In men, acute gonorrhea manifests itself in the form of urethritis and is accompanied by:

  • purulent or mucopurulent discharge from the urethra;
  • swelling and redness of the external opening of the urethra;
  • burning and itching;
  • pain when urinating.

Women with acute gonorrhea may notice the following symptoms:

  • purulent or serous-purulent vaginal discharge;
  • frequent urination;
  • burning and itching in the genital area;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • redness and swelling of the mucous membranes of the genital organs;
  • intermenstrual bleeding.

In order to confirm the diagnosis, examination and questioning alone are not enough, so the doctor must refer the patient for additional tests. This can be a bacteriological culture, blood or PCR smears or a flora smear.

Use of antibiotics for gonorrhea

It is no secret that antibacterial drugs of different groups are used to treat gonorrhea. One such group is called fluoroquinolones. The drugs included in this group, such as ofloxacin for gonorrhea, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, lomefloxacin and others, are highly effective and safe.

Important! The attending physician must select the specific drug, its dosage and duration of treatment.

There are four generations of quinolones. This division is based on the time of introduction into medicine of drugs with more advanced antimicrobial properties.

Quinolones from the 1st generation are active against gram-negative flora and are not prone to creating high concentrations of the drug in tissues and blood. 2nd generation drugs have a wide spectrum of antimicrobial action, even against staphylococci, in addition, their improved pharmacokinetics and bactericidal activity are noted.

Features of antibiotics and regimens of use are as follows:

  1. Ofloxacin– the drug is available in the form of tablets of 200 or 400 mg, is active against various pathogens, including staphylococci, gonococci, Escherichia coli, enterobacteria, Klebsiella, Proteus, chlamydia, Legionella, etc. The bioavailability of the drug is more than 96%. Ofloxacin can be used in a dose of 400 mg once for uncomplicated acute gonorrhea.
  2. Ciprofloxacin against gonorrhea- Available in tablets of 250 or 500 mg. The antibiotic is used to treat infectious diseases of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, joints and bones, soft tissues and others. How to take ciprofloxacin for gonorrhea: a single dosage of 500 mg in case of acute form, and in chronic form - 500 mg on the first day and 250 mg twice a day on subsequent days of treatment.
  3. Levofloxacin for gonorrhea– 3rd generation fluoroquinolone, available in tablets of 250 or 500 mg. The drug is sensitive to some gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, including aerobic and anaerobic. To treat gonorrhea, 250 mg of antibiotic is prescribed once. The price of the medicine ranges from 180-600 rubles, depending on the dosage and number of tablets in the package.

Antibacterial drugs from the quinolone group are taken with plenty of water, and are not used simultaneously with bismuth, iron or zinc preparations, taking a break between these drugs for at least 6 hours.

Contraindications and side effects of fluoroquinolones

Although drugs related to fluoroquinolones have an impressive number of positive qualities, they also have a number of contraindications and side effects that make their use impossible for a certain number of patients.

The following reactions may occur:

  • heartburn, epigastric pain, changes in appetite, nausea and/or vomiting;
  • insomnia or drowsiness;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • visual disturbances, convulsions, tremor, paresthesia;
  • photosensitivity;
  • itching and rash.

Rarely and extremely rarely, candidiasis, arthralgia and myalgia, transient nephritis, and crystalluria may occur. If any adverse reactions occur, you must completely stop using the drug.

The instructions for fluoroquinolone warn that drugs from this group are not used in the presence of allergic reactions to the main active ingredient of the drug, deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, liver and kidney dysfunction, pregnancy and lactation, as well as in childhood or old age.

From the photos and videos in this article, we learned about the drugs included in the quinolone group that are used in the treatment of gonorrhea, as well as the side effects that may occur.

Frequently asked questions to the doctor

Subtleties of reception

Hello. Tell me, what drugs can be used to treat gonorrhea in the oral cavity or rectum?

Good evening. I think there is no need to remind you that self-medication is dangerous. Ciprofloxacin for gonorrhea is suitable for the purposes you specified. It has a wide spectrum of action and can be used not only for gonococcal urethritis, but also in cases of multiple localization of the pathogen.

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease. The source of the disease is considered to be the bacterium gonococcus. The incubation period is no more than 5 days.

The disease is diagnosed using laboratory tests. For guys, a smear is taken from the urethra, and for girls, directly from the cervix. Experts determine the presence of bacteria under a microscope, as well as by growing a culture in a nutrient medium created for this purpose. If an increase in temperature is observed with gonorrhea, the patient undergoes a blood test.

For treatment, ofloxacin can be used for gonorrhea (in a single dose orally 400 mg). Take the drug without chewing and with plenty of water. Ofloxacin should be taken with food or on an empty stomach.

The choice of treatment regimen for the infection will depend directly on the clinical picture, as well as on the localization of the disease, the association of the infection with some other diseases that are transmitted exclusively sexually, the possibility of side effects from therapy and other factors.

When taking ofloxacin for gonorrhea, you should pay attention to the occurrence of such effects. For example, from the digestive system, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, enterocolitis, anorexia, and abdominal pain are possible. Sometimes there is loss of appetite, as well as pseudomembranous colitis. The patient can become familiar with the entire list of side effects by reading the instructions for the drug.

For gonorrhea, ofloxacin acts as a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent from the group of fluoroquinolones. This is a bactericidal agent, ofloxacin, which is effective against gram-negative bacteria, some gram-positive, which, as a rule, produce beta-lactamases and are resistant to many antibiotics. However, ofloxacin is considered the most modern fluoroquinolone produced today. A piperazinyl ring and a fluorine atom have been added to the basic structure of the product, which helps to increase the power of action on the disease, as well as anti-pseudomonas activity. In addition, the drug, which is now actively used to combat gonorrhea, contains an oxazine ring. It is believed that such structural modification is the basis for high bioavailability. During treatment, the drug ofloxacin is characterized by bioavailability and good absorption among other fluoroquinolones in addition to pefloxacin.

Based on materials from www.zppp.saharniy-diabet.com

Antibiotics for gonorrhea are a mandatory part of drug therapy. The disease, in the absence of adequate treatment, can cause the most serious complications - prostatitis and infertility.

If we talk about how to treat gonorrhea, then antibiotic therapy is the only option for a guaranteed cure. When selecting medications, the physician ensures that the resistance of gonococci to the prescribed medication does not exceed the five percent threshold.

The causative agent of the disease develops resistance to antibiotics, which is why many previously used regimens are no longer relevant. Today, gonococci remain sensitive, for example, to Ceftriaxone, Ofloxacin and Ciprofloxacin, while previously widely used tetracycline drugs and penicillin no longer bring the expected therapeutic result. Many new strains are emerging that are also resistant to drugs from the fluoroquinolone group.

Modern dermatological practice involves the use of several drugs at once. They are divided into two groups:

  • basic;
  • reserve (prescribed if there is no effect from the previously selected remedy or in case of intolerance to it).

Many medications are approved for use in home treatment of gonorrhea, but Rocephin is used exclusively in hospitals.

Sumamed is prescribed quite often for gonorrhea. Medicines from a number of macrolides cope well with many types of bacteria and microorganisms.

Sumamed is highly effective against gonorrhea, due to its ability to quickly penetrate tissue. The medicine promotes the death of the pathogen, activating the protective functions of the body.

When taken as a course, Sumamed accumulates in blood fibroblasts, after which its gradual release begins. The source of infection is destroyed, not accompanied by the development of side effects. The doctor selects the dosage individually in each specific case.

Metronidazole for gonorrhea is recommended for use while diagnosing trichomoniasis. This combination of diseases is dangerous because the causative agent of gonorrhea “hides” inside the Trichomonas vaginalis. In this case, there is a high risk of relapse of the underlying disease, so trichomoniasis is treated first, and then the use of gonococci.

Metronidazole is prescribed transvaginally, but can also be administered intravenously. Duration of treatment – ​​10 days. Omission may cause the selected therapy to be ineffective. The sexual partner is also prescribed treatment with Metronidazole. The drug is taken once at night.

During treatment, an allergic reaction may develop. Metronidazole is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy, as well as in the diagnosis of renal failure, leukopenia and central nervous system lesions.

In order to avoid side effects, vitamin B and ascorbic acid are prescribed simultaneously with taking Metronidazole.

Levofloxacin belongs to the group of fluoroquinolones, being a broad-spectrum antibiotic. The action of the drug is based on blocking the division of bacterial cells, which leads to the death of the pathogen. Levofloxacin is effective against many microbes. The medicine also works well against gonococci.

The product has contraindications for use. Levofloxacin should not be taken in the following cases:

  • during gestation and breastfeeding;
  • with diagnosed epilepsy or other pathologies accompanied by seizures;
  • if you are allergic to the components of the drug;
  • with renal failure.

Children's age also becomes a contraindication.

Levofloxacin may cause an overdose if taken uncontrolled. It is indicated by:

  • drowsiness;
  • attacks of dizziness;
  • erosive damage to the oral mucosa;
  • arrhythmia;
  • vomiting that does not bring relief;
  • convulsions;
  • loss of consciousness.

In such cases, gastric lavage and subsequent symptomatic therapy are prescribed.

Levofloxacin may also cause side effects. In particular:

  • pain in the abdomen;
  • dry mouth;
  • headache;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • scary dreams;
  • dizziness.

Quite often the drug Bicillin is prescribed for gonorrhea. . The drug belongs to the penicillin group. Bicillin is a combination drug with a prolonged action. Its effectiveness is due to a disruption in the synthesis of one of the components of the cell membrane, which leads to a slowdown in the rate of reproduction of the pathogen.

Bicillin for gonorrhea is prescribed according to a specific regimen. Skipping the next dose may cause the pathogen to adapt to this drug.

Bicillin is used in the form of injections. The number of injections is determined by the physician. For chronic gonorrhea, the patient is prescribed Bicillin-5, since the drug has a higher content of the active component.

The next remedy that can be prescribed for gonorrhoea is Vilprafen. Its active substance is josamycin. Vilprafen will be equally effective against gonorrhea and chlamydia. A special feature of the drug is the absence of gonococcal resistance.

Vilprafen does not have toxic properties, and therefore can be used to treat pregnant women. The active substance penetrates the placental barrier, but does not have a negative effect on the fetus.

Vilprafen has virtually no contraindications. These become:

  • increased sensitivity of the body to the constituent components of the drug;
  • severe liver damage, accompanied by a decrease in its functions;
  • chronic renal failure (with caution).

Vilprafen is available in the form of regular film-coated tablets and soluble pills. The latter have a pleasant strawberry taste and smell. The dosage regimen and dosage of the drug are selected by the attending doctor.

Amoxiclav, which is also used to treat gonorrhea, comes in different formats. At the pharmacy you can buy tablets, powders for infusions and injections, as well as a suspended form. Amoxiclav is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, therefore it is used in the treatment of various sexually transmitted diseases.

Amoxiclav can be prescribed to patients of all age categories, including children. The regimen and dosage depend on the severity of the condition and the age of the patient. The total duration of antibiotic use is from 5 to 14 days.

Amoxiclav has a minimum of side effects and is quite well tolerated by the body. The incidence of unpleasant symptoms is relatively low. Amoxiclav is prohibited for the treatment of nursing women and patients with diagnosed renal impairment.

Ceftriaxone is a powerful broad-spectrum antibiotic. Destroys bacteria by disrupting the protein synthesis process necessary to create cell walls.

The drug is attractive in medical terms due to its high absorption rates and low toxicity threshold. A contraindication for use is the body's allergic response to penicillin and cephalosporin drugs.

When treating gonorrhea, Ceftriaxone is the drug of choice. This means that it is the most active against the causative agent of gonorrhea of ​​all the medications used. For an uncomplicated infection, the full course of therapy consists of one injection, that is, the drug is administered in the dosage recommended by the physician once.

Ofloxacin is the next medication used for gonorrhea infection. It has a therapeutic result by disrupting the DNA synthesis of the pathogen.

The drug has a high level of toxicity, therefore Ofloxacin is contraindicated in children and in patients with a high sensitivity threshold. To cure gonorrhea uncomplicated by infections, it is enough to take one dose of the drug.

Cefotaxime is a third generation cephalosporin antibiotic. The drug does not have a strong toxic effect, but will be contraindicated in case of personal intolerance to the active substance, during the entire period of gestation, as well as breastfeeding.

Treatment of gonorrhea, not complicated by concomitant STDs, is carried out by a single intravenous administration of the drug.

Cefuroxime is an antibiotic included in the list of reserve medications. Belongs to the category of cephalosporins. When detecting gonorrhea, its tablet format is used.

Contraindications for Cefuroxime are:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • prematurity of the child;
  • allergic response to the component composition of the drug.

Lomefloxacin is another reserve drug used in the treatment of gonorrheal infection. It is part of the group of fluoroquinolones and eliminates the symptoms of uncomplicated gonorrhea with a single dose. Lomefloxacin is contraindicated in childhood and gestation.

Treatment of gonorrhea in women should be carried out taking into account the characteristics of the body. Do not forget that prolonged antibiotic therapy causes disruption of the vaginal microflora and the development of thrush. Gynecologists recommend combining drug treatment for gonorrhea with antifungal therapy, as well as taking drugs from the probiotic category.

  • suppositories with lactobacilli - Lactonorm, Acylact, Ecofemin and others;
  • antifungal suppositories – Isoconazole, Clotrimazole, Candide.

Local antiseptics - creams, ointments and suppositories - can be used as an adjuvant to prescribed medications. In particular, they are prescribed to pregnant women as an alternative to oral medications.

Depending on the course of the pathology and its local manifestations, the following are recommended:

  • sitz baths in chamomile decoction and treatment with protorgol in glycerin for inflammation of the labia majora and minora;
  • irrigation and installation with protorgol solution for inflammation of the urethral mucosa;
  • vaginal suppositories for the development of vaginitis.

The use of topical products should be avoided during menstruation. The start of the course of treatment is allowed from the second day of completion of monthly bleeding.

Treatment of gonorrhea in men also has its own nuances. In addition to the recommended medications, therapy is supplemented by the use of local medications.

As prescribed by the urologist, a solution of silver nitrate, protargol or collargol can be used. But these antiseptics are prescribed only when suppuration develops.

In case of damage to the skin in the area of ​​the external genitalia, sitz baths in a solution of potassium permanganate or furatsilin are recommended.

How to treat gonorrhea in women and men if a concomitant sexually transmitted infection is detected? It all depends on what diseases were identified along the way.

For concomitant chlamydia, the following medications are prescribed (at the doctor's discretion) - Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin, Doxycycline, Erythromycin.

If trichomoniasis is detected, Metronidazole or Tinidazole are prescribed as additional drugs.

Gonorrheal infection is often accompanied by syphilis, but since it has a rather long incubation period, the patient is prescribed preventive medication with specialized medications.

If the test for syphilis is negative, Bicillin-5 or benzylpinicillin novocaine salt is used. If the answer is positive, the same drugs are recommended, but in different dosages.

The choice of drug depends on each specific case. The dosage of the medication is also selected individually. Self-prescribing antibiotics can have the most negative consequences.

Based on materials from intimnyjotvet.ru

Indications for taking Ofloxacin - composition, antibiotic dosage, side effects, analogues and price

An effective antimicrobial drug belonging to the group of fluoroquinolones, Ofloxacin has a wide spectrum of action. Possessing bactericidal properties, the drug is active against many pathogenic microorganisms. Ofloxacin - instructions for use indicate that this is a strong antibacterial agent, therefore, violation of the dose during treatment can provoke the development of serious side effects. The use of the drug is indicated only as prescribed by a doctor.

This drug is often prescribed for the treatment of infections of bacterial etiology. This antimicrobial agent is active against most harmful microorganisms and bacteria and is perfectly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The drug Ofloxacin is well distributed in the tissues and fluids of the human body and is excreted in the urine. A small part of the medication is excreted in the feces. The maximum concentration in blood plasma is achieved 1-2 hours after administration, and the bioavailability of Ofloxacin is 96%. During hemodialysis, up to 30% of the medication is lost.

According to the instructions, one tablet of Ofloxacin contains the active substance of the same name in an amount of 200 mg. The main component ensures the stability of bacterial DNA and supercoiling, which leads to their death. The biconvex tablets are coated with an almost white coating, have a slight roughness and two layers in the cross section. The auxiliary ingredients of the medicine include: microcrystalline cellulose, talc, silicon dioxide and some other substances.

The annotation states that Ofloxacin belongs to the group of antibiotics, but the drug is sold without a doctor’s prescription. The second generation fluorinated quinolone has a broad bactericidal effect. The instructions for use indicate that the dose of the medicine is selected by the doctor, depending on the location and severity of the infectious process. Treatment usually lasts about one week.

The antimicrobial effect of the drug is associated with the blockade of the DNA gyrase enzyme in bacterial cells. The medication is active against microorganisms that produce beta-lactamases and for atypical microbacteria. Penetrates into body tissues: alveolar macrophages, leukocytes, bones, pelvic and abdominal organs, respiratory system, saliva, urine, bile, skin, prostate secretions. The active substance passes through the placental barrier and is excreted in mother's milk.

According to the instructions, this antibiotic is prescribed in the presence of the following infectious diseases:

  • ENT organs (laryngitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, otitis media);
  • respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia);
  • skin, soft tissues, bones, joints;
  • inflammatory pathologies of the urinary tract and kidneys (cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis);
  • abdominal cavity (pseudomembranous colitis):
  • biliary tract (all pathologies except bacterial enteritis);
  • genital organs and pelvis (orchitis, epididymitis, oophoritis, parametritis, colpitis, prostatitis, endometritis, cervicitis, salpingitis).

According to reviews from doctors, it has been noted that the drug is effective in the treatment of eye infections: blepharitis, keratitis, ulcerative lesions of the cornea, meibomitis and others. In addition to the above diseases, Ofloxacin is widely used during therapy and for the prevention of pathologies in patients with impaired immune status. When treating chlamydia, septicemia or gonorrhea, intravenous use of the drug is prescribed.

The medicine is produced in the form of ointments, tablets, injections for injections. The price of the drugs is different, but the pharmacological effect is the same. Ofloxacin ointment is available in 3 and 5 gram weights. Sold in aluminum tubes, each of which is packed in a cardboard box. The package contains instructions for use. Ofloxacin tablets are packaged in 10 pieces in contour cell blisters placed in a cardboard box. As for the solution, this greenish-yellow dosage form is sold in 100 ml dark glass bottles or 1 ml ampoules.

How to take Ofloxacin? The tablet form is prepared for oral administration, the eye ointment is prepared for placing under the eyelid, and the solution is administered intravenously or intramuscularly. The course of treatment lasts from 7 to 14 days. After the temperature normalizes and the symptoms of the disease disappear, the doctor may prescribe another three days of treatment with the drug to consolidate the results.

The daily dose of tablets for adults is 200-800 mg. When treating gonorrhea, the drug should be used once (recommended in the morning after breakfast) with a dosage of 400 mg. If the prescribed dose is not a single dose, but more than 400 mg/day, then the medication is taken 2 times after meals. Ofloxacin tablets are taken without chewing, with a small amount of liquid. The doctor determines the duration of treatment individually. The drug is not prescribed for use for more than 4 weeks.

This dosage form is used subconjunctivally. Ofloxacin ointment, yellow or white, is placed in a 1 cm strip behind the lower eyelid of the affected eye 2-3 times a day. When treating chlamydia, your doctor may prescribe medication up to 5 times a day. The duration of treatment with ointment according to the instructions should not exceed 14 days. For chlamydial infection, the therapeutic course is extended to 5 weeks.

The instructions for use say that when administered intravenously, the medicine is prescribed in a dose of 200 mg as a single dose in the form of drip infusions. The drug is administered over 30 to 60 minutes. After the condition improves, the patient is transferred to Ofloxacin tablets. For infections of the urinary system, the medicine is administered intramuscularly in a dose of 100 mg up to 2 times a day. For infectious pathologies of soft tissues, skin, joints, ENT organs and the abdominal cavity, the solution can be prescribed from 200 to 400 mg twice a day.

For women while expecting a child, the medicine is prescribed exclusively for local treatment (ointment), which is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor. Taking the tablet form or injections of Ofloxacin during pregnancy and lactation is contraindicated. If it is necessary for a nursing woman to take medication, then stop breastfeeding the baby during the entire therapeutic course of the antibiotic.

According to the instructions for use, the drug is not prescribed to a child under 15 years of age, since the effectiveness and safety of the medicine for children has not been clinically proven. If it is impossible to take other antibiotics, Ofloxacin may be prescribed to children. The daily dosage for children is calculated as follows: per 1 kg of child weight – 7.5 mg. The maximum dose does not exceed 15 mg/1 kg of body weight.

When taking Ofloxacin, you must tell your doctor about other medications you are taking, otherwise side effects may occur. The medicine is not recommended for use with anti-inflammatory drugs to avoid stimulation of the central nervous system. During treatment with Ofloxacin for diabetes mellitus, blood glucose levels should be monitored. For better absorption, medications containing iron, calcium, sulfates or antacids are recommended to be taken after taking the antibiotic at intervals of two hours. The drug reduces theophylline clearance by 25%.

According to the instructions, the use of Ofloxacin tablets, ointment and solution is strictly prohibited simultaneously with alcoholic beverages for men and women. It is allowed to drink alcohol one day after the end of the therapeutic course in order to avoid risks to health. The combined use of an antibiotic and ethanol-containing drinks leads to a disulfiram-like reaction. Ethanol comes into good contact with antibacterial molecules, so the potential risk of the following conditions increases:

  • vomiting;
  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • redness of the face, chest, neck;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • intermittent breathing;
  • limb spasms.

If the prohibition is violated and the above conditions occur, you should immediately stop drinking alcohol and drink plenty of water for the next few hours. If the medicine was prescribed for a long course, then alcohol should not be taken subsequently, depending on the doctor’s instructions, from 3 days to 1 month. Any form of the drug will have a negative effect on the body if used together with alcoholic beverages.

Like other antibiotics, Ofloxacin, if the prescribed dosage is exceeded or with a long course of treatment, has the following side effects:

  • abdominal organs (diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, hepatitis, dysbacteriosis, jaundice, colitis, liver failure);
  • nervous system (migraine, anxiety, agitation, increased blood pressure, nightmares, convulsions, impaired sense of smell, taste, vision, coordination of movements);
  • cardiovascular system (thrombocytopenia, aplastic or hemolytic anemia, cardiovascular collapse);
  • genitourinary area (acute nephritis, vaginitis, impaired renal excretory function);
  • allergic manifestations: angioedema of the face, urticaria, bronchospasm, skin rash, exudative erythema, itching, anaphylactic shock;
  • in ophthalmology: discomfort, burning in the eyes, dryness, itching, redness of the conjunctiva, lacrimation;
  • after instillation into the ear: itching of the ear canal, bitter taste and dry mouth;
  • spontaneous tendon ruptures;

This drug has few contraindications. The main one is hypersensitivity to quinolone derivatives. According to the instructions, Ofloxacin should not be used by women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Children under 15 years of age are also a contraindication, but in special cases the use of this antibiotic is still prescribed to a child. Patients with a history of impaired liver and kidney function, a tendency to tendinitis, and prolongation of the QT interval should take the medication with caution.

The modern pharmacological industry offers for sale several analogs of Ofloxacin that have a similar effect to it. Most Popular:

  1. Digital The official instructions indicate that the medication is indicated for osteomyelitis, prostatitis, bacterial diarrhea, pyelonephritis, lung abscess and other infections. It is prescribed in a strictly specified dosage.
  2. Tsiprolet. The medicine is effective against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. It is prescribed for use in many pathologies of an inflammatory and infectious nature.
  3. Levofloxacin. Effectively acts against a variety of pathogens, regardless of their location.

How much does Ofloxacin cost? The price of the drug varies depending on the dosage form, the initial cost of the manufacturer and the marketing policy of the outlet. If this antibiotic is not on sale, you can order it from a catalog at a pharmacy or buy it inexpensively in an online store. The average price for the drug in pharmacies in the Moscow region:

Based on materials from sovets.net

The diagnosis and treatment of gonorrhea is carried out by a dermatovenerologist. It is he who should be contacted when the first signs of the disease appear ( pain or itching in the urethra, purulent discharge from it, and so on). At the first visit, the doctor carefully examines the patient and collects a detailed medical history. after which he prescribes additional laboratory tests.

To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor may ask the patient:

It is extremely important to answer the doctor's questions honestly, since if a man has gonorrhea, there is a high probability that his sexual partner is also infected with gonococcus ( The incubation period for gonorrhea lasts several weeks or even months, during which the patient may already be infectious).

After making a diagnosis, the dermatovenerologist prescribes the necessary treatment, which in most cases is carried out at home. Hospitalization may be required if infectious complications develop, which usually occur in elderly or debilitated patients. Also, the doctor may insist on hospitalization if he doubts the possibility of adequate treatment at home ( for example, when the family of a sick child is in an unfavorable state, when the patient lives in unsanitary conditions, and so on).

Gonorrhea is a classic sexually transmitted disease (sexually transmitted disease). The causative agent is gonococcus ( Neisseria gonorrhoeae).

Fig 1 Gonococcus - Neisseria gonorrhoeae, photo. © Illustration provided with permission from BINOM publishing house

This disease can affect the urethra (urethra), rectum, pharynx, cervix and eyes.

Gonorrhea infection

In most cases, gonorrhea infection occurs through sexual contact in the vagina and rectum. It is possible to become infected through oral sex.

When passing through the birth canal, the newborn may become infected and develop gonococcal conjunctivitis.

Household infection is unlikely. This is due to the fact that (1) gonococcus quickly dies outside the human body; (2) for infection it is necessary that a sufficient number of gonococci enter the body. The household method of infection cannot provide the required number of gonococci. Therefore, the cause of infection cannot be toilet seats, swimming pools, baths, shared utensils and towels.

The probability of infection during one-time sexual contact without a condom with a patient with gonorrhea

The probability of infection through unprotected sexual contact (vaginal, anal) with a patient with gonorrhea is about 50%.

With oral sex, the likelihood of infection is lower. Given the prevalence of asymptomatic gonococcal pharyngitis among prostitutes, unprotected oral sex with a prostitute cannot be considered safe.

Incubation period of gonorrhea

The incubation period for gonorrhea in men is usually from 2 to 5 days; for women – from 5 to 10 days.

Gonorrhea symptoms

Symptoms of gonorrhea in men:

Yellowish-white discharge from the urethra

Fig 2 Gonorrhea, photo. © Illustration provided with permission from BINOM publishing house

Symptoms of gonorrhea in women:

Yellowish-white vaginal discharge

Gonococcal pharyngitis (pharyngitis) is often asymptomatic. Sometimes it manifests itself as a sore throat.

Gonococcal proctitis (rectal damage) is usually asymptomatic. Possible pain in the rectum, itching and discharge from the rectum.

Gonococcal pharyngitis and gonococcal proctitis occur in both men (mainly homosexual and bisexual orientation) and women.

Features of gonorrhea in women

In women, gonorrhea is often asymptomatic. Even if symptoms occur, they are not always correctly assessed. For example, yellowish-white vaginal discharge from a woman is usually associated with candidiasis (thrush); pain when urinating - with cystitis.

Complications of gonorrhea

In men, the most common complication is inflammation of the epididymis - epididymitis.

In women, the most common complication of gonorrhea is inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages. which are one of the main causes of female infertility. At the same time, the intrauterine device and menstruation increase the risk of inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages.

When gonococci spread to other organs, disseminated gonococcal infection occurs. This affects the joints, skin, brain, heart and liver.

When gonococci get into the eyes, gonococcal conjunctivitis occurs.

Diagnosis of gonorrhea

Symptoms alone are not enough to diagnose gonorrhea. Confirmation of the diagnosis by laboratory methods is necessary.

Diagnosis of acute gonorrhea in men is usually based on the results of a general smear. For chronic gonorrhea in men, as well as for any form of the disease in women, more accurate research methods are needed - PCR or culture.

Treatment of gonorrhea

Considering that in 30% of cases gonorrhea is combined with chlamydial infection, treatment of gonorrhea should include: (1) a drug active against gonococci; (2) a drug active against chlamydia.

Drugs active against gonococci:

Cefixime, 400 mg orally once

Ciprofloxacin, 500 mg orally once

Ofloxacin, 400 mg orally once

Commercial names of cefixime: Suprax, Cefspan

Commercial names of ciprofloxacin: Aquacipro, Vero-Ciprofloxacin, Ificipro, Quintor, Liproquin, Medociprin, Microflox, Procipro, Recipro, Siflox, Tseprova, Ciloxan, Ciplox, Ciprinol, Ciprobay, Ciprodox, Ciprolet, Ciprolon, Cipromed, Cipropan, Ciprosan, Ciprofloxacin hydro chloride , Citeral, Cifran

Commercial names of ofloxacin: Vero-ofloxacin, Zanotsin, Oflo, Ofloxin, Oflocsid, Tarivid, Tariferid, Taricin, Floxal

Drugs active against chlamydia:

Azithromycin, 1 g orally once

Doxycycline, 100 mg 2 times a day for 7 days

Commercial names of azithromycin: Azivok, Azitral, Azitrox, Zitrolide, Sumizid, Sumamed, Hemomycin

Commercial names of doxycycline: Apo-Doxy, Vibramycin, Doxal, Doxycycline hydrochloride, Doxycycline Nycomed, Doxycycline-Rivo, Medomycin, Unidox Solutab

Treatment regimens for acute uncomplicated gonorrhea are given. In case of chronic gonorrhea (especially complicated ones), antibiotic therapy is longer, often combined (several antibiotics are used). In addition, additional treatment is prescribed (immunotherapy, urethral instillations, physiotherapy, etc.).

This information is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used for self-treatment.

Gonorrhea prevention

You can read about ways to reduce the risk of infection in the section How to protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases.

For preventive treatment within a few days after contact, see the section Prevention after casual relationships.

Sexual partners

If you are cured but your sexual partner is not, you can easily become infected again.

It is very important to tell your sexual partners about the disease, even if they are not worried, and to encourage them to get tested and treated. After all, being asymptomatic does not reduce the risk of complications.

Our site has existed since 2002. During this time, we have accumulated vast experience in the diagnosis and prevention of gonorrhea. We actively use this experience in our daily work to ensure that our assistance is effective and safe. We will be happy to help you!

Penicillin group drugs. For the treatment of patients with gonorrhea, the sodium and potassium salts of benzylpenicillin are most widely used. Adults with acute and subacute gonorrhea are prescribed 3,000,000 units of penicillin, for other forms of gonorrhea - from 4,200,000 to 6,000,000 units or more per course, depending on the severity of the disease. Treatment of patients begins with the introduction of 600,000 units at the first injection and 300,000 units at subsequent injections. The highest concentration of penicillin in the blood after intramuscular administration is observed after 30-60 minutes.

The next injections of the drug must be made after 4 hours. At night, you can administer a solution of benzylpenicillin with the patient's blood. To do this, 600,000 units of benzyl penicillin salt are dissolved in 3 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution, then drawn into a syringe and mixed with 5 ml of freshly obtained patient blood. The mixture is administered intramuscularly. After 8-10 hours, benzylpenicillin injections are continued according to the schedule. It is advisable to begin treatment of women with chronic gonorrhea with the simultaneous administration of a single dose of benzylpenicillin intramuscularly into the gluteal region and an injection of 200,000 units into the thickness of the muscular layer of the cervix.

Ecmonovocillin- a mixture of novocaine salt of benzylpenicillin (600,000 units) with 5 ml of 0.25% ecmoline solution. After mixing the components, a milky white mixture is formed. It is prepared before use by introducing a solution of ecmoline into a bottle with novocaine salt of benzylpenicillin. The drug has a longer effect than the sodium or potassium salt of benzylpenicillin dissolved in an isotonic sodium chloride solution. Therefore, ecmonovocillin is re-administered after 12 hours. For acute and subacute gonorrhea in men and acute and subacute gonorrhea of ​​the lower genitourinary organs in women, the course dose is 3,000,000 units, for other forms - up to 6,000,000 units of ecmonovocillin.

Bicillin (-1, -3 and -5) refers to extended-release penicillin preparations. In acute and subacute forms of gonorrhea without complications, bicillin is administered intramuscularly at 600,000 units every 24 hours or 1,200,000 units after 48 hours (course dose 3,000,000 units). For other forms of gonorrhea, the drug is administered at a dose of 600,000 units every 24 hours (for a course of up to 67,000,000 units), bicillin is administered in the same way as ecmonovocillin.

Ampicillin- semisynthetic antibiotic, well absorbed when taken orally. For acute and subacute forms of gonorrhea, 0.5 g of ampicillin is prescribed every 4 hours (3 g per course). For patients with other forms of gonorrhea, the course dose is increased to 4.5 g.

If treatment with penicillin drugs is unsuccessful, then the patient should be re-treated with another drug.

Antibacterial, antimicrobial drugs for the treatment of gonorrhea

Bassado - orally 100-200 mg/day (1 capsule every 12 hours) after meals.

Doxal - for gonococcal urethritis in men, 300 mg is prescribed at a time or 100 mg 2 times a day for 2-4 days, in women - 100 mg 2 times a day.

Doxilan - for men - 200-300 mg/day orally for 2-4 days or for one day 2 times 300 mg with an interval of 1 hour; women - 200 mg per day for 5 days.

Zinacef - 1.5 g once, intramuscularly (or 2 injections of 750 mg in both buttocks).

Zinpat - for acute gonococcal urethritis and cervicitis. Orally, after meals, 1 g once.

Ketocef - especially if penicillin is contraindicated. IV or IM 0.75-1.5 g 3 times a day.

Co-trimoxazole - for gonorrheal prostatitis, orally after meals. 2 tablets 2 times a day (morning and evening). For chronic infections - 1 tablet 2 times a day.

Levomycetin disrupts protein synthesis in microbial cells. Orally 20-30 minutes before meals, 0.25-0.75 g 3-4 times a day, the highest daily dose is 3 g. The course of treatment is 8-10 days.

Lendacin - intramuscularly (250 mg of the drug is dissolved in 2 ml, and 1000 mg in 3.5 ml of a 1% lidocaine solution), deep into the gluteal muscle.

Longacef - intramuscularly, 1-2 g 1 time per day (dissolve 250 mg in 2 ml or 1 g in 3.5 ml of 1% lidocaine solution).

Miramistin increases the permeability of the cell membrane of microorganisms and leads to cytolysis. Complex treatment of urethritis and urethroprostatitis is carried out by injecting 2-5 ml of solution into the urethra 2-3 times a day for 5-7 days. To prevent sexually transmitted diseases (the drug is effective if used no later than 2 hours after sexual intercourse), wash, wash your hands and genitals and spray the skin of the pubis, thighs, external genitalia with a stream of solution and use the nozzle from the bottle to inject the drug into the urethra for men - 1.5-3 ml, women - 1-1.5 ml and in the vagina - 5-10 ml for 2-3 minutes, after the procedure it is not recommended to urinate for 2 hours.

Modevid - intramuscularly or intravenously. For uncomplicated infections of the lower urinary tract - 1-2 g/day, once.

Netromycin - for men and women - once, 300 mg, intramuscularly, deeply, 1/2 dose in each buttock.

Novosef - for uncomplicated gonorrhea, IM (0.5 g of powder dissolved in 2 ml, 1 g in 3.5 ml of 1% lidocaine solution) 0.25 g (no more than 4 g per day) IM once.

Norilet - for acute uncomplicated gonorrhea - 800 mg once, or 600 mg 2 times a day. The course of treatment is determined individually.

Politrex - 3 g once with 1 g of probenecid (men) or 2 g and 0.5 g of probenecid (women), duration - 2 weeks.

Penicillin-g sodium salt - intramuscularly or intravenously at 1,000,000 - 5,000,000 units per day.

Perti - orally, after meals - 400 mg 2 times a day.

Pepheacin - for gonorrheal prostatitis, orally during meals - 400 mg 2 times a day. It is possible to prescribe a loading dose of 800 mg.

Piprax - for acute gonorrhea, once 2 g IM.

Pipracil - intramuscularly (dilute 1 g in 2 ml of solution), inject 2 g (no more) into one injection site, 3-10 days.

Plivacef - for men - once 3 g in combination with 1 g of probenecid, epenecinal - 2 g and 0.5 g, respectively.

Procainpenicillin-g-3-meta - for acute uncomplicated gonorrhea (men and women) - in a single dose of 4.5 million IU, in a daily dose - 3 million IU for 5-7 days.

Raksar - for uncomplicated gonorrhea, 400 mg, once orally.

Renor - for gonococcal urethritis, cervicitis, 800 mg, once, orally.

Rifamor - for acute gonorrhea, a single dose of 900 mg can be repeated every other day and after 2 days. Inside, on an empty stomach.

Rifogol - IM 500-750 mg every 8-12 hours.

Rovamycin - daily dose 6-9 million IU, orally, in 2-3 doses.

Rocephin - intramuscularly, 1-2 g 1 time per day (dissolve with 1% lidocaine solution) 3.5 ml.

Sinersul - for gonococcal urethritis, 2 tablets of 480 mg orally every 12 hours.

Siflox - 250 mg orally 2 times a day, for severe infections - 500 mg 2 times a day. Course - 1 day.

Sulfadimethonic - orally 1 time per day, on the 1st day - 1-2 g, then 0.5-1 g / day, 5-7 days.

Sumamed - for gonorrheal urethritis, 1 g (2 tablets of 500 mg) once.

Sumetrolim - for gonococcal urethritis, prostatitis. Orally, after meals, 2 times a day, initial dose: 2 tablets, maintenance dose: 1 tablet.

Tarivid - orally, regardless of food intake, 2 tablets. once.

Trimosul - orally, daily dose 800 mg, 2 tablets in 2 divided doses, course - 5 days.

Unazine - orally, for uncomplicated gonorrhea - once 2.25 g (6 tablets).

Urotractin - if other therapy is ineffective. Inside, after meals - 1 capsule. 2 times a day - every 12 hours for 10 days.

Fimoxin Solutab - for acute gonorrhea. 3 g, once, in combination with 1 g probenecid.

Hiconcil - orally, on an empty stomach or after meals, 1-2 capsules every 8 hours. (250 mg each), or 1 capsule (500 mg), or 2-4 measuring spoons (125 mg/5 ml suspension), or 1-2 spoons (250 mg/5 ml suspension).

Ceclor - for gonococcal urethritis, 3 g orally, once.

Cephobid - for uncomplicated gonococcal urethritis, intramuscularly, once, 500 mg.

Cefopride - intramuscularly (dissolved in 2-2.5 ml of water for injection or 0.25-0.5% procaine solution), 1 g 2-4 times a day, 7-10 days.

Cefotaxime - IV, IM - 1-2 g 2 times a day.

Tsiprinol - for acute gonorrhea, once orally 250 or 500 mg, or intravenously - 100 mg.

Tsiprobay - orally and intravenously. Orally 125-500 mg 2 times a day, intravenously - 100-200 mg (up to 400 mg) 2 times a day.

Tsiprolet - orally 500-750 mg 2 times a day.

Tsiprosan - orally, without chewing, with a sufficient amount of liquid - 250 mg 1 time per day, once.

Ciprofloxacin - for acute gonorrhea, orally, on an empty stomach, without chewing, with a small amount of liquid - 250 mg once.

Unidox Solutab - for women - 200 mg daily (on average for 5 days), for men - 200-300 mg once, daily for 2-4 days, or for one day, 300 mg 2 times a day (second dose an hour after the first one).

Preparations of the chloramphenicol group

Levomycetin refers to broad-spectrum antibiotics. Prescribe 0.5 g at regular intervals. For acute and subacute forms of gonorrhea, the course dose of the drug will be 6 g. Prescribed after 4 hours, and at night - after 7-8 hours. Other forms of gonorrhea require 10 g of chloramphenicol per course, with 3 g of the drug taken for the first 2 days, and 2 g per day for the rest. Taken 30 minutes before meals, it can cause disorders of the stomach and intestines, irritation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, pharynx, rash and skin irritation.

Tetracycline antibiotics

These include tetracycline, chlortetracycline hydrochloride and oxytetracycline hydrochloride - broad-spectrum antibiotics. Prescribed orally 0.3 g for the first 2 days and 0.2 g 5 times in subsequent days with a night break of 7-8 hours. The course dose for acute uncomplicated and subacute gonorrhea is 5 g, for other forms - 10 g. The drug is used during or immediately after meals. These medications can cause side effects: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. Vitamins (vitacycline) are prescribed at the same time as taking this antibiotic. Taking pills containing tetracycline and nystatin prevents the development of candidomycosis (damage to the skin and mucous membranes by a yeast-like fungus). Contraindicated for pregnant women.

Macrolide antibiotics

These include erythromycin and oletethrin - broad-spectrum drugs. Erythromycin for acute and subacute gonorrhea is prescribed 400,000 units in the first 2 days 6 times, and in the subsequent days - 5 times a day, the course dose of the drug is 8,800,000 units. For patients with other forms of gonorrhea, the course dose is 12,800,000 units.

On the first day, oletethrin is prescribed for the first dose at a dose of 500,000 units, and for the next 3 days and on the remaining days - 250,000 units each. The course dose of the drug for acute and subacute uncomplicated gonorrhea is 4,000,000 units. For other forms of gonorrhea, 750,000 units of oletethrin are required per course.

Aminoglycoside antibiotics

These include monomycin and kanamycin - broad-spectrum antibiotics that are extremely active against gonococci. For acute and subacute gonorrhea, one of the drugs is prescribed at a dose of 500,000 units every 10 hours, for a course of 3,000,000 units; for other forms of gonorrhea, the course dose is 6,000,000 units.

Recommended sulfonamides. long-acting - sulfamonomethoxine and sulfadimethoxine. In the first 2 days, the drug is prescribed 1.5 g 3 times a day, and in subsequent days - 1 g with the same frequency. For acute and subacute gonorrhea, the course dose is 15 g, for other forms - 18 g. These drugs are not used in pregnant women.

Source: Encyclopedia of Traditional and Alternative Medicine

Gonorrhea is an infectious disease caused by gram-negative diplococcus Neisseria gonorrtioeae, is one of the most widespread infectious diseases.

The classification of gonococcal infection presented in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases, X Revision, differs from that set out in the methodological recommendations “Treatment and Prevention of Gonorrhea” (1993), and does not fully comply with the statistical reporting forms approved by the State Statistics Committee of Russia. This circumstance complicates the statistical analysis of various forms of gonorrhea, comparison of the effectiveness of new drugs and treatment methods, and complicates the publication of scientific materials in the foreign press.

Since 1999, the International Statistical Classification of Diseases, X revision, has been put into practice in the country, on the basis of the provisions and principles of which the following classification of gonorrhea is proposed for discussion.

Gonorrhea of ​​the lower genitourinary tract without complications

Gonorrhea of ​​the lower genitourinary tract with complications

Gonorrhea of ​​the upper genitourinary tract and pelvic organs

In this case, a complete topical diagnosis is indicated.

These methodological materials do not replace the current regulatory documents on the treatment, control of cure and prevention of gonorrhea, but contain new scientific and practical data obtained after the approval of the methodological recommendations in 1993 and discussed at the scientific and practical conference of dermatovenerologists and obstetricians-gynecologists of Russia on May 14-16 1997 in Tver.

Accounting and registration of gonorrhea are carried out in accordance with the forms determined by current regulatory documents (Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 286 of December 7, 1993).

Infection of men with gonorrhea, as a rule, leads to the appearance of subjective symptoms, forcing them to seek medical help. In women, gonococcal infection is often mild or asymptomatic and is detected during various preventive examinations, including as sexual partners, and with the development of complications. Apparently, this circumstance can explain why women seek medical help less than men. This necessitates screening for gonorrhea in women at high risk of infection.

The diagnosis of gonorrhea is confirmed by laboratory detection of gonococcus with typical morphological and tinctorial properties, detection of gonococcal antigen or nucleic acid in clinical samples.

To identify gonococcus, microscopic and cultural examination is used (in girls and women over 60 years old - only cultural examination, with determination of the enzymatic properties of the gonococcus).

The feasibility of using various methods of provocation currently raises reasonable doubts and is the subject of special scientific research.

The choice of treatment regimens for gonococcal infection depends on the clinical picture and anatomical location of the disease, the sensitivity of the strains N. gonorrhtioeae to antimicrobial drugs and restrictions on their prescription, the possibility of association of infection with other sexually transmitted diseases, assessment of the development of side effects of the therapy.

Due to the high risk of combined gonorrheal-chlamydial infection, if it is impossible to diagnose urogenital chlamydia, patients with gonorrhea should be prescribed antimicrobial drugs that are also effective against Chlamydia trachomatis.

Treatment of gonococcal infections of the lower genitourinary system without complications

Uncomplicated gonococcal infection is understood as a primary infection of the mucous membrane of the lower genitourinary tract (urethritis in men and women, cervicitis, cystitis, vulvovaginitis in women).

The main attention in presenting this section is paid to methods of single treatment of uncomplicated gonorrhea of ​​the lower genitourinary tract.

Cefixime - 400 mg orally once

Ceftriaxone - 250 mg intramuscularly once

Ofloxacin - 400 mg orally once

Ciprofloxacin - 500 mg orally once

Alternative Treatments

Azithromycin - 1 g orally once

Lomefloxacin - 600 mg orally once

Norfloxacin - 800 mg orally once

Pefloxacin - 600 mg orally once

Spectinomycin - 2.0 g (men), 4.0 g (women) intramuscularly once. The drug is indicated for intolerance to quinolones and cephalosporins.

Cephodisim - 0.250-500 mg intramuscularly once

Cefuroxime-1.5 g intramuscularly once

Cefuroxime axetil - 1.0 g orally once

All of these drugs (except spectinomycin) are also highly effective for anorectal gonorrhea. For gonorrheal lesions of the larynx, the most effective drugs (cure in more than 90% of patients) are ceftriaxone, ciprofloxacin in the indicated doses, doxycycline 100 mg 2 times a day for 7 days, a combination of ofloxacin (400 mg orally) and azithromycin (1 g orally ) once.

Fluoroquinolones are contraindicated in children and adolescents under 14 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.

There are a number of other antibiotics that are effective against gonococcal infections, but it is beyond the scope of this guide to list all known active drugs.

With the simultaneous detection of S. trachomatis Azithromycin 1 g once orally or doxycycline 0.1 g twice a day orally for 7 days is prescribed.

Of the reusable treatment regimens, the methods presented in the current “Methodological recommendations for the treatment and prevention of gonorrhea”, M., 1993, remain.

It is advisable to organize regional centers to monitor changes in the sensitivity of isolated gonococcus strains to the main groups of antibiotics (penicillins, tetracyclines, cephalosporins, quinolones and spectinomycin).

When beta-lactamase-producing strains are detected in the regions N. gonorrhtioeae It is advisable to prescribe drugs that do not contain a beta-lactam ring or that suppress the activity of beta-lactamase (potentiated with clavulanate - augmentin, amoxiclav).

Treatment of gonococcal infection of the lower parts of the genitourinary system with complications, upper parts and pelvic organs

Patients should be treated in a hospital setting. Treatment tactics depend on the nature of the clinical course of gonorrhea. Thus, with abscess formation of the paraurethral and large vestibular glands, along with antimicrobial drugs that are effective against N. gonorrhtioeae it is necessary to use appropriate pathogenetic, physiotherapeutic and surgical treatment methods.

Etiological treatment of complicated gonococcal infections of the genitourinary system and pelvic organs

Ceftriaxone - 1.0 g IM or IV every 24 hours

Alternative treatment regimens

Kanamycin-1,000,000 units intramuscularly every 12 hours

Spectinomycin - 2.0 g intramuscularly every 12 hours

Cefotaxime - 1.0 g IV every 8 hours

Ciprofloxacin - 500 mg IV every 12 hours

Therapy with these drugs should continue for at least 24-48 hours after the disappearance of clinical symptoms, after which, if necessary, treatment can be continued for 7 days with the following drugs.

Doxycycline - 0.1 g orally every 12 hours

Lomefloxacin -

Metacycline(rondomycin) - 0.3 g orally every 6 hours

Ofloxacin - 400 mg orally every 12 hours

Pefloxacin - 400 mg orally every 12 hours

Ciprofloxacin - 500 mg orally every 12 hours

Along with this, if there are indications, pathogenetic, symptomatic, immunomodulatory therapy cannot be ruled out.

Treatment of gonococcal conjunctivitis

Ceftriaxone-1.0 g intramuscularly once. Local treatment: 1% silver nitrate solution, 1% tetracycline, 0.5% erythromycin eye ointments.

Gonococcal infection in newborns

Infection of newborns occurs when a mother with gonorrhea passes through the birth canal.

Clinical manifestations of gonococcal infection are detected in a child on the 2-5th day of life and include ophthalmia of the newborn, rhinitis, vaginitis, urethritis, septic conditions, including arthritis and meningitis.

Treatment of ophthalmia of newborns

Ceftriaxone - 25-50 mg/kg body weight (but not more than 125 mg) intramuscularly or intravenously once a day for 2-3 days.

Treatment is carried out with the involvement of neonatologists, ophthalmologists, and neurologists. The administration of ceftriaxone to premature infants and children with elevated bilirubin is carried out with extreme caution.

Prevention of ophthalmia in newborns

Prevention of ophthalmia should be carried out on all newborns immediately after birth with one of the following drugs.

Silver nitrate - 1% aqueous solution once

Erythromycin - 0.5% eye ointment once

Tetracycline - 1% eye ointment once

Treatment of complications of neonatal gonococcal infection

Complications of neonatal gonococcal infection include sepsis, arthritis, meningitis, for etiological diagnosis, which requires cultural testing of blood, cerebrospinal fluid and other clinical material for identification N. gonorrhoeae with subsequent study of the enzymatic properties of the isolated pathogen strains and its sensitivity to antibiotics.

Ceftriaxone - 25-50 mg/kg body weight intramuscularly or intravenously 1 time per day for 7 days (for meningitis 10-14 days).

Cefotaxime - 25 mg/kg body weight intramuscularly or intravenously every 12 hours for 7 days (for meningitis 10-14 days)

Preventive treatment of newborns born from mothers with gonorrhea

Due to the high risk of infection in newborns, it is recommended to carry out treatment even if they do not show signs of gonococcal infection.

Ceftriaxone - 25-50 mg/kg body weight (but not more than 125 mg) intramuscularly once

Treatment of gonococcal infection in children

Most often, gonococcal infection in children before adolescence is the result of sexual abuse.

Tactics for managing children and adolescents who have been subjected to sexual violence are given in the corresponding section of these methodological materials.

Ceftriaxone-125 mg intramuscularly once (with body weight less than 45 kg)

Alternative treatment regimen

Spectinomycin - 40 mg/kg body weight (not more than 2.0 g) intramuscularly once

In children weighing more than 45 kg, treatment of gonorrhea is carried out in accordance with drug regimens for adults, taking into account relevant contraindications.

Treatment of pregnant women is carried out in a hospital setting at any stage of gestation with antibacterial drugs that do not affect the fetus.

The drugs of choice during pregnancy are some cephalosporins, macrolides, spectinomycin, and benzylpenicillin. Tetracyclines, fluoroquinolones, and aminoglycosides are contraindicated.

The use of immunomodulatory and biostimulating drugs for gonococcal infection must be strictly justified.

Towards the establishment cure criterion Gonorrhea begins 7-10 days after completion of treatment. The criteria for cure are: absence of subjective and objective symptoms of the disease, negative results of microscopic and cultural studies. If there are clinical and laboratory data indicating the persistence of the inflammatory process, a re-examination with mandatory cultural examination and exclusion of concomitant infections is recommended.

Gonococci detected after treatment are most often the result of reinfection. When a relapse of gonorrhea is established, it is necessary to carry out a cultural study to determine the sensitivity of the gonococcus to antibiotics.

In recent years, data have appeared indicating the possibility of reducing the time of clinical and laboratory observation of women after complete treatment of gonococcal infection.

Before prescribing antibacterial drugs for gonorrhea, serological testing for syphilis should be performed. Considering the epidemiological situation in the country with the incidence of syphilis, if it is impossible to perform a serological examination of sexual partners for syphilis, a repeat serological examination of a patient with gonorrhea is carried out after 3 months.

When treating gonorrhea with an unknown source of infection, one should preferentially use drugs that are also active against T. pallidum. i.e., having a preventive antisyphilitic effect (ceftriaxone, azithromycin).

Sexual partners of patients with gonorrhea are subject to examination and treatment if sexual contact took place 30 days before the onset of symptoms of the disease in the patient. In the case of subjectively asymptomatic gonorrhea, sexual partners who have had sexual contact within 60 days before the diagnosis of gonorrhea are subject to examination and treatment.

Children should be tested if their mothers or caregivers are diagnosed with gonorrhea.

Treatment gonorrhea should begin immediately after diagnosis and continue until complete cure, confirmed by clinical and laboratory methods. It is important to remember that if treatment is interrupted, relapse is possible ( re-development of the disease) or the transition of infection into a latent or chronic form, which is much more difficult to cure.

Gonorrhea does not go away on its own. This is explained by the fact that the cells of the immune system cannot capture and destroy absolutely all gonococci that have entered the body. As a result, the latter continue to actively reproduce. Over time, the reactivity of the body's immune system to the infectious agent decreases. The gonococcal flora continues to remain in the mucous membranes of the genitourinary organs, but the immune system reacts to it less and less intensely. As a result, the disease becomes torpid, chronic or latent, which is fraught with the development of serious complications.

  • When did the first symptoms of the disease appear?
  • How many sexual partners has the patient had during the last 2 weeks?
  • When did the patient last have sexual intercourse?
  • Has the patient or their sexual partner had similar symptoms in the past?

    Taking antibiotics is the main treatment measure for all forms of gonorrhea. In a fresh acute form of the disease, a full course of antibiotic therapy may be sufficient to completely cure the patient, while in a torpid or chronic form other therapeutic measures may be required.

    Treatment of gonorrhea with antibiotics

    Read the official information about the drug Ciprofloxacin, instructions for use which includes general information and a treatment regimen. The text is provided for informational purposes only and cannot serve as a substitute for medical advice.

    Ciprofloxacin is an antibacterial drug, belongs to the group of 2nd generation fluoroquinolones. Being one of the strongest and most effective representatives of this group, Ciprofloxacin is widely used in medical practice. This aspect is reflected in a huge number of different names of the drug around the world.

  • Pills.
  • Injection.

    Composition of the medicine in tablet form

  • Active substance: 250 mg or 500 mg of ciprofloxacin in 1 tablet.
  • Excipients: povidone, anhydrous colloidal silicon dioxide, talc, croscarmellose sodium, corn starch, magnesium stearate, Opadry II (contains polyvinyl alcohol, talc, macrogol 3350, lecithin, titanium dioxide).

    Ciprofloxacin should be used according to instructions. Doses are prescribed individually by the attending physician, depending on the severity of the disease, the patient’s age, his general health, weight, and kidney function. The dosages are as follows:

    Dosage when using Ciprofloxacin tablets

  • Uncomplicated kidney disease, urinary system: 250 mg/2 times/day.
  • Lower respiratory tract in moderate severity: 250 mg/2 times/day.
  • Lower respiratory tract in severe severity: 500 mg/2 times/day.
  • Gonorrhea: single dose of 250 mg-500 mg.
  • Problems in gynecology, enteritis, severe colitis with high fever, prostatitis, osteomyelitis: 500 mg/2 times/day.
  • Diarrhea: 250 mg/2 times/day.
  • A patient with kidney problems takes a dose of medication that is halved.

    Ciprofloxacin: use as a solution

    To dilute Ciprofloxacin you can use:

  • Sodium Chloride 0.9%;
  • Ringer's solution;
  • Glucose 5%,10%.
  • Dosage when using Ciprofloxacin in the form of a solution

  • The single minimum dose of the drug is 200 mg.
  • The single minimum dose of the drug for severe diseases is 400 mg of Ciprofloxacin.
  • Dose of the drug for moderate diseases: 200 mg/2 times/day for 7 days.
  • Dose of the drug for diseases in a severe stage: Ciprofloxacin 400 mg/2 times/day for 7-14 days.
  • Gonorrhea in acute form: 1000 m once and once.
  • For prophylaxis before surgery: 200 mg-400 mg 30 minutes-60 minutes before the event.

    Ciprofloxacin: application in the form of drops

    For the treatment of infectious eye lesions, the dosage of the medicine in drops is as follows: 1-2 drops/every 4 hours. For the treatment of infectious eye lesions in severe forms of the disease, the dosage of the drug when taken in drops is as follows: 2 drops/every hour. If the patient's condition has improved, the instillation interval should be reduced.

    Ciprofloxacin is instilled into the conjunctival sacs, without touching the bottle to the mucous membrane of the eye. Treatment continues until the symptoms of the disease disappear completely.

    Indications for use of Ciprofloxacin

    The drug Ciprofloxacin has a broad spectrum of action.

    According to the instructions, Ciprofloxacin tablets are prescribed for the following disorders and diseases:

  • respiratory organs - with acute chronic bronchitis, with pneumonia and bronchopneumonia, lung abscess, empyema, infectious pleurisy, infectious bronchiectasis, pulmonary infection occurring in parallel with cystic fibrosis changes in the lungs;
  • urinary system - with the prostate, chronic and acute pyelonephritis, cystitis, epididymitis;
  • ENT organs – for otitis media, sinusitis, mastoiditis;
  • gynecology – for adnexitis, salpingitis, oophoritis, endometritis, pelvic abscess, pelvioperitonitis, infectious ulcer;
  • for gonorrhea, which may include both rectal and urethral, ​​pharyngeal localization of gonococcus lesions;
  • abdominal cavity - with cholecystitis, peritonitis, intra-abdominal abscess, cholangitis, gallbladder epiema;
  • joint, bones - with purulent arthritis, chronic and acute osteomyelitis;
  • Gastrointestinal tract – for typhoid fever, bacterial diarrhea;
  • with suppressed immunity;
  • tissue and skin – for infectious wounds, burns, abscesses and cellulite;
  • sepsis, gonococcal infections.

    Ciprofloxacin drops are used for the following eye disorders:

  • with bacterial keraconjunctivitis and keratitis;
  • acute and subacute conjunctivitis;
  • blepharitis, blepharoconjunctivitis;
  • bacterial corneal ulcer + hypopyonoma, bacterial corneal ulcer;
  • chronic meibomitis;
  • chronic dacryocystitis;
  • in the treatment of postoperative purulent-inflammatory infectious complications in the eyes;
  • infectious eye lesions, including traumatic ones;
  • in the preoperative period for prevention.

    Contraindications for the use of Ciprofloxacin

    Taking Ciprofloxacin drops is contraindicated:

  • with viral keratitis;
  • young children;
  • if there is individual intolerance to the constituent substances.

    The use of Ciprofloxacin tablets or intravenously is contraindicated:

  • in case of individual intolerance to the drug;
  • children under 15 years of age;
  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers;
  • patients with impaired renal function;
  • patients with epilepsy.

    Ciprofloxacin: side effects

    The use of Ciprofloxacin may cause the following side effects:

  • CNS – headache, dizziness, insomnia, constant fatigue; feeling of anxiety, profuse sweating, hallucination.
  • Sense organs – taste and smell disturbances, tinnitus, vision problems (color perception), hearing impairment;
  • Cardiovascular system - the appearance of tachycardia, irregular heartbeat, decreased blood pressure, flushing of the face after using the drug.
  • Hematopoietic system - the appearance of leukopenia, anemia, leukocytosis, thrombocytosis, hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia.
  • Gastrointestinal tract: pain in the abdominal area, vomiting and nausea, bloating and diarrhea, cholestatic jaundice.
  • Musculoskeletal system – possible appearance of arthralgia, arthritis, tendovaginitis, myalgia.
  • Skin rashes: urticaria and itching, skin redness, swelling, petechiae.
  • Urinary system - possible appearance of hematuria, crystalluria, dysuria, polyuria, urinary retention, urethral bleeding, intense nephritis, nitrogen excretion by the kidneys is reduced.

    The use of Ciprofloxacin drops may cause the following side effects:

    • nausea;
    • hyperemia of the conjunctiva;
    • itching and burning;
    • visual acuity decreases;
    • taste sensations change;
    • if the patient is treated for corneal ulcers, a white crystalline precipitate occurs;
    • there is a sensation of a foreign substance in the eyes.

    Use of Ciprofloxacin during pregnancy

    Ciprofloxacin is completely contraindicated for use by pregnant and nursing mothers. In exceptional cases, Ciprofloxacin is prescribed, while weighing the benefits and possible risks. The drug substances are well absorbed and reach all organs and tissues, including the placenta and fetus.

    Ciprofloxacin: use for children

    Ciprofloxacin is contraindicated for children under 18 years of age. In exceptional cases, Ciprofloxacin is prescribed, while weighing the benefits and possible risks. The substances in the medication may negatively affect the formation of the child’s developing skeleton.

    Use of Ciprofloxacin while driving a car

    The instructions indicate that the drug Ciprofloxacin causes drowsiness and dizziness is possible. This kind of condition can disrupt a person’s normal work process and ability to drive a vehicle. Parallel use of alcohol will only worsen the patient’s condition. It is necessary to limit driving while taking the drug. Alcoholic drinks should be completely excluded during the course of treatment.

    How long can Ciprofloxacin be used?

    The duration of use of the drug is determined by the doctor, depending on the disease and other factors. In any case, after all symptoms of the disease have disappeared, Ciprofloxacin must be used for at least two more days. The average course of treatment with Ciprofloxacin tablets is from 7 to 10 days.

    Ciprofloxacin has very active antibacterial properties. In the group of fluoroquinolones, the drug is one of the most effective; it is several times more active than norfloxacin. Ciprofloxacin is highly effective in any form of administration: injections, tablets. The drug is very well absorbed, especially on an empty stomach. Once in the body, and then into the bloodstream, a high concentration of the drug is observed already 60 minutes after taking it in tablet form, and after administration intravenously - after half an hour.

    Since Ciprofloxacin binds little to plasma proteins in the body, 4 hours is enough for its removal. The medicine has the ability to penetrate well into organs and tissues, passing through the blood-brain tissue barrier. Almost half of the substance after using the product is excreted in the urine within 24 hours.

    Compatibility of Ciprofloxacin with other drugs

    Ciprofloxacin is the international name. This is the main substance in a number of broad-spectrum antibiotics: Alcipro. Quintor. Liprokhin. Zindolin. Ciplox. Tseprova. Tsiprolet. Tsiprobay and others. The drugs are identical in properties and chemical composition; they differ in name and manufacturer.

    Gonorrhea(grip) is a specific infectious and inflammatory process that mainly affects the genitourinary system, the causative agent of which is gonococci (Neisseria gonorrhoeae). Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease, as it is transmitted mainly through sexual contact. Gonococci quickly die in the external environment (when heated, dried, treated with antiseptics, under direct sunlight). Gonococci mainly affect the mucous membranes of organs with columnar and glandular epithelium. They can be located on the surface of cells and intracellularly (in leukocytes, trichomonas, epithelial cells), and can form L-forms (insensitive to the effects of drugs and antibodies).

    Based on the location of the lesion, several types of gonococcal infection are distinguished:

  • gonorrhea of ​​the genitourinary organs;
  • gonorrhea of ​​the anorectal region (gonococcal proctitis);
  • gonorrhea of ​​the musculoskeletal system (gonarthritis);
  • gonococcal infection of the conjunctiva of the eyes (blenorrhea);
  • gonococcal pharyngitis.

    Gonorrhea from the lower parts of the genitourinary system (urethra, periuretal glands, cervical canal) can spread to the upper parts (uterus and appendages, peritoneum). Gonorrheal vaginitis almost never occurs, since the squamous epithelium of the vaginal mucosa is resistant to the effects of gonococci. But with some changes in the mucous membrane (in girls, in women during pregnancy, during menopause), its development is possible.

    Gonorrhea is more common among young people 20 to 30 years old, but can occur at any age. There is a very high risk of complications from gonorrhea - various genitourinary disorders (including sexual ones), infertility in men and women. Gonococci can penetrate the blood and, circulating throughout the body, cause joint damage, sometimes gonorrheal endocarditis and meningitis. bacteremia, severe septic conditions. Infection of the fetus from a mother infected with gonorrhea during childbirth has been observed.

    When the symptoms of gonorrhea are erased, patients aggravate the course of their illness and spread the infection further, without knowing it.

    Gonorrhea is a highly contagious infection, in 99% it is transmitted sexually. Infection with gonorrhea occurs through different forms of sexual contact: vaginal (regular and “incomplete”), anal, oral.

    In women, after sexual intercourse with a sick man, the probability of contracting gonorrhea is 50-80%. Men who have sexual contact with a woman with gonorrhea do not always become infected - in 30-40% of cases. This is due to some anatomical and functional features of the genitourinary system in men (a narrow urethral canal, gonococci can be washed away with urine.) The likelihood of a man becoming infected with gonorrhea is higher if a woman has menstruation, sexual intercourse is prolonged and has a violent ending.

    Sometimes there may be a contact route of infection of a child from a mother with gonorrhea during childbirth and household, indirect - through personal hygiene items (bed linen, washcloth, towel), usually in girls.

    The incubation (latent) period for gonorrhea can last from 1 day to 2 weeks, less often up to 1 month.

    Gonococci cannot penetrate intact membranes during pregnancy, but premature rupture of these membranes leads to infection of the amniotic fluid and the fetus. Infection of a newborn with gonorrhea can occur when it passes through the birth canal of a sick mother. The conjunctiva of the eyes is affected, and in girls the genitals are also affected. Half of the cases of blindness in newborns are caused by infection with gonorrhea.

    Based on the duration of the disease, fresh gonorrhea is distinguished (2 months from the moment of infection).

    Fresh gonorrhea can occur in acute, subacute, asymptomatic (torpid) forms. There is gonococcal carriage, which is not subjectively manifested, although the causative agent of gonorrhea is present in the body.

    Currently, gonorrhea does not always have typical clinical symptoms, since a mixed infection is often detected (with Trichomonas, Chlamydia), which can change symptoms, lengthen the incubation period, and complicate the diagnosis and treatment of the disease. There are many oligosymptomatic and asymptomatic cases of gonorrhea.

    Classic manifestations of acute gonorrhea in women:

  • purulent and serous-purulent vaginal discharge;
  • hyperemia, swelling and ulceration of the mucous membranes;
  • frequent and painful urination, burning, itching;
  • intermenstrual bleeding;
  • pain in the lower abdomen.

    In more than half of cases, gonorrhea in women is either sluggish, has few symptoms, or does not manifest itself at all. In this case, a late visit to the doctor is dangerous due to the development of an ascending inflammatory process: gonorrhea affects the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and peritoneum. The general condition may worsen, the temperature may rise (up to 39° C), and menstrual irregularities may occur. diarrhea. nausea, vomiting.

    In girls, gonorrhea has an acute course, manifested by swelling and hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the vulva and vaginal vestibule, burning and itching of the genitals, the appearance of purulent discharge, and pain during urination.

    Gonorrhea in men occurs mainly in the form of acute urethritis:

  • itching, burning, swelling of the urethra;
  • copious purulent, serous-purulent discharge;
  • frequent painful, sometimes difficult urination.

    With the ascending type of gonorrhea, the testicles are affected. prostate. seminal vesicles, temperature rises, chills occur, painful bowel movements.

    Gonococcal pharyngitis can manifest itself as redness and pain in the throat, increased body temperature, but more often it is asymptomatic. With gonococcal proctitis, discharge from the rectum and pain in the anal area, especially during defecation, may be observed; although usually the symptoms are mild.

    Chronic gonorrhea has a protracted course with periodic exacerbations, manifested by adhesions in the pelvis, decreased libido in men, and disturbances in the menstrual cycle and reproductive function in women.

    Asymptomatic cases of gonorrhea are rarely detected at an early stage, which contributes to the further spread of the disease and gives a high percentage of complications.

    The ascending type of infection in women with gonorrhea is facilitated by menstruation and surgical termination of pregnancy. diagnostic procedures (curettage, biopsy, probing), introduction of intrauterine devices. Gonorrhea affects the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovarian tissue until abscesses occur. This leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle, the occurrence of adhesions in the tubes, and the development of infertility. ectopic pregnancy. If a woman with gonorrhea is pregnant, there is a high probability of spontaneous miscarriage, premature birth, infection of the newborn and the development of septic conditions after childbirth. When newborns are infected with gonorrhea, they develop inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eyes, which can lead to blindness.

    A serious complication of gonorrhea in men is gonococcal epididymitis. impaired spermatogenesis, decreased ability of sperm to fertilize.

    Gonorrhea can spread to the bladder, ureters and kidneys, pharynx and rectum, and affect the lymph glands, joints, and other internal organs.

    You can avoid unwanted complications of gonorrhea if you start treatment in a timely manner and strictly follow the venereologist’s prescriptions. lead a healthy lifestyle.

    To diagnose gonorrhea, the presence of clinical symptoms in a patient is not enough; it is necessary to identify the causative agent of the disease using laboratory methods:

  • examination of smears with material under a microscope;
  • bacterial seeding of material on specific nutrient media to isolate a pure culture;
  • ELISA and PCR diagnostics.

    In microscopy of smears stained with Gram and methylene blue, gonococci are identified by their typical bean-shaped shape and pairing, gram-negativity and intracellular position. The causative agent of gonorrhea cannot always be detected by this method due to its variability.

    When diagnosing asymptomatic forms of gonorrhea, as well as in children and pregnant women, the more appropriate method is cultural (its accuracy is 90-100%). The use of selective media (blood agar) with the addition of antibiotics makes it possible to accurately detect even a small number of gonococci and their sensitivity to drugs.

    The material for testing for gonorrhea is purulent discharge from the cervical canal (in women), urethra, lower rectum, oropharynx, and conjunctiva of the eyes. For girls and women over 60 years of age, only the cultural method is used.

    Gonorrhea often occurs as a mixed infection. Therefore, a patient with suspected gonorrhea is additionally examined for other STIs. Antibodies to hepatitis B and C to HIV are determined. serological reactions to syphilis. General and biochemical analysis of blood and urine. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, urethroscopy. in women - colposcopy. cytology of the cervical canal mucosa.

    Examinations are carried out before the start of treatment for gonorrhea, again 7-10 days after treatment, serological examinations - after 3-6-9 months.

    The doctor decides the need to use “provocations” to diagnose gonorrhea in each case individually.

    Self-treatment of gonorrhea is unacceptable. it is dangerous due to the transition of the disease to a chronic form and the development of irreversible damage to the body. All sexual partners of patients with symptoms of gonorrhea who have had sexual contact with them in the last 14 days, or the last sexual partner if contact occurred earlier than this period, are subject to examination and treatment. If there are no clinical symptoms in a patient with gonorrhea, all sexual partners over the past 2 months are examined and treated. During the period of treatment of gonorrhea, alcohol and sexual relations are excluded; during the period of clinical observation, sexual contacts using a condom are allowed.

    Modern venereology is armed with effective antibacterial drugs that can successfully fight gonorrhea. When treating gonorrhea, the duration of the disease, symptoms, location of the lesion, absence or presence of complications, and concomitant infection are taken into account. In case of acute ascending type of gonorrhea, hospitalization, bed rest, and therapeutic measures are necessary. In case of purulent abscesses (salpingitis, pelvioperitonitis), emergency surgery is performed - laparoscopy or laparotomy. The main place in the treatment of gonorrhea is given to antibiotic therapy, taking into account the resistance of some strains of gonococci to antibiotics (for example, penicillins). If the antibiotic used is ineffective, another drug is prescribed, taking into account the sensitivity of the gonorrhea pathogen to it.

    Gonorrhea of ​​the genitourinary system is treated with the following antibiotics: ceftriaxone, azithromycin, cefixime, ciprofloxacin, spectinomycin. Alternative treatment regimens for gonorrhea include the use of ofloxacin, cefozidime, kanamycin (in the absence of hearing diseases), amoxicillin, trimethoprim.

    Fluoroquinolones are contraindicated in the treatment of gonorrhea for children under 14 years of age; tetracyclines, fluoroquinolones, and aminoglycosides are contraindicated for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Antibiotics that do not affect the fetus are prescribed (ceftriaxone, spectinomycin, erythromycin), and prophylactic treatment is carried out for newborns of mothers with gonorrhea (ceftriaxone - intramuscularly, washing the eyes with a solution of silver nitrate or applying erythromycin ophthalmic ointment).

    Treatment of gonorrhea can be adjusted if there is a mixed infection. For torpid, chronic and asymptomatic forms of gonorrhea, it is important to combine primary treatment with immunotherapy, local treatment and physiotherapy.

    Local treatment of gonorrhea includes the introduction into the vagina, urethra of 1-2% protorgol solution, 0.5% silver nitrate solution, microenemas with chamomile infusion. Physiotherapy (electrophoresis, ultraviolet irradiation, UHF currents, magnetic therapy, laser therapy) is used in the absence of an acute inflammatory process. Immunotherapy for gonorrhea is prescribed outside of exacerbation to increase the level of immune reactions and is divided into specific (gonovacin) and nonspecific (pyrogenal, autohemotherapy, prodigiosan, levamiosole, methyluracil, glyceram, etc.). Immunotherapy is not given to children under 3 years of age. After treatment with antibiotics, lacto- and bifid drugs are prescribed (orally and intravaginally).

    A successful result of treatment for gonorrhea is the disappearance of symptoms of the disease and the absence of the pathogen according to the results of laboratory tests (7-10 days after the end of treatment).

    Currently, the need for various types of provocations and numerous control examinations after the end of treatment for gonorrhea, carried out with modern highly effective antibacterial drugs, is disputed. One follow-up examination of the patient is recommended to determine the adequacy of this treatment for gonorrhea. Laboratory monitoring is prescribed if clinical symptoms remain, there are relapses of the disease, or re-infection with gonorrhea is possible.

    Prevention of gonorrhea, like other STDs, includes:

  • personal prevention (exclusion of casual sex, use of condoms, compliance with personal hygiene rules);
  • timely identification and treatment of patients with gonorrhea, especially in risk groups;
  • medical examinations (for employees of child care institutions, medical personnel, food workers);
  • mandatory examination of pregnant women and pregnancy management.

    To prevent gonorrhea, a solution of sodium sulfacyl is instilled into the eyes of newborns immediately after birth.

    Based on materials from websinger.ru

  • According to statistics, every second resident of the country becomes infected with gonorrhea. Despite the fact that the disease is predominantly sexually transmitted, you can become infected through household items: hygiene products, public places. Gonorrhea also occurs in newborn babies, when the infection penetrates the mucous membranes during childbirth. Manifesting extremely unpleasant symptoms, the disease is dangerous with serious complications. And the only effective treatment is antibiotics for gonorrhea in men and women.

    Antibiotic regimens for gonorrhea

    There is no generally accepted single correct method of treatment - the disease can have an acute and chronic form. When prescribing medications, the doctor takes into account the patient’s individual indicators. Established requirements for the effectiveness and safety of therapy recommend taking antibiotics against gonorrhea according to the following regimens:

    1. The acute form of the disease when localized in the lower parts of the genitourinary system - take one dose of the drug Ceftriaxone (injection 250 mg), Ofloxacin (500 mg). Prevention of chlamydia – Azithromycin (1 g once).
    2. Take an antibiotic for chronic gonorrhea with complications, disseminated infections according to the following regimen: 1 g. Ceftriaxone once a day, then oral medication until objective improvement occurs. The course of medication dosage is calculated strictly individually, depending on the clinical picture and detected pathological complications.
    3. Gonococcal pharyngitis and other lesions of the pharynx due to gonorrheal infection are treated according to an uncomplicated form.
    4. If conjunctivitis occurs, the patient is prescribed 1 gram. intramuscular injection of Ceftriaxone or substitutes (if intolerable).

    The schemes given above are for informational purposes only and cannot be used for self-treatment of the disease. A consultation with a dermatovenerologist is mandatory, as is a bacteriological blood sample (including a control sample) and monitoring the progress of treatment.


    A first-line antibacterial drug used in the treatment of gonorrhea. Belonging to the fluoroquinolone group, the drug destroys the DNA synthesis of microorganisms, thereby providing a detrimental effect on all pathogenic forms. It is highly toxic, therefore it is contraindicated for children and persons with individual intolerance. Pros: fast action. One dose of the drug is enough to get rid of an uncomplicated form of infection.


    Broad-spectrum third-generation cephalosporin. An antibacterial drug destroys pathogenic microorganisms by destroying walls at the cellular level. Pros: highest bioavailability, low toxicity. It is 100% absorbed, but can cause negative symptoms in case of individual intolerance to penicillin and cephalosporin antibiotics.

    Important! When choosing antibiotics for gonorrhea in men, doctors often give preference to Ceftriaxone due to its high effectiveness and short course of treatment. When treating an uncomplicated infection, one injection is sufficient.


    A fluoroquinolone antibiotic that affects the DNA biosynthesis of the cellular structure of microorganisms that cause the disease. It has the property of having a detrimental effect on gram-negative bacteria, causing destruction of the cell wall, which leads to the rapid elimination of the cause of the disease. Application is indicated in case of inflammation of various localizations. Contraindications are: hypersensitivity, intolerance, age under 18 years. Therapy is single, oral.


    It is a third generation cephalosporin antibiotic and is indicated for the treatment of respiratory and urogenital infections. Acting on the cellular structure, it prevents the formation of new bacteria, leading to the rapid elimination of foci of the disease. The antibiotic does not have a strong toxic effect, single therapy (injection), contraindicated for patients with individual intolerance.


    A second generation cephalosporin drug. It is used in the treatment of inflammatory pathologies of the genitourinary system, musculoskeletal system, and respiratory organs. Pros: released in the form of injections, tablets (for gonorrhea, tablets are used), has low toxicity and increased bioavailability. Contraindications are: individual intolerance, tendency to allergic reactions. Single treatment.


    Another drug for the treatment of gonorrhea, used orally once. The fluoroquinolone group of the drug determines the pharmacology: effect on cellular structure, destruction of DNA synthesis. Use for bactericidal infections of complicated and uncomplicated types, as well as the possibility of complex administration for the treatment of particularly complex pathologies are advantages. The drug included in the reserve list is replaceable and is prescribed in case of intolerance to other effective dosage forms. Contraindications: age under 18 years, individual intolerance.


    This is a drug of the azalide subclass, a semi-synthetic macrolide antibiotic. Pharmacological action: suppression of protein synthesis, which at high doses provides an antibacterial effect. The spectrum of suppressed bacteria includes gram-negative, gram-positive, and atypical bacteria - pathogens. Low toxicity and impeccable effectiveness have led to the widespread use of the drug, however, for gonorrhea, Azithromycin is prescribed for the prevention of chlamydia, a concomitant disease. Single dose, dose 1 g, contraindication is individual intolerance of a man.


    A well-known antibiotic that is an alternative to many toxic drugs. Belongs to the group of tetracyclines and is effective against a wide range of bacteria. Prescribed as a weekly course, it has increased toxicity and is therefore contraindicated for liver problems, allergies and individual intolerance. Most often, Doxycycline is prescribed as a prophylaxis against chlamydia during gonorrheal infection.

    Antibacterial therapy is the only way to cure STDs. The drugs help eliminate the cause of the pathology, as well as stop the development of severe complications.

    Important! It is strictly prohibited to independently choose or replace antibiotics for gonorrhea in men. Only a specialist can prescribe the right remedy, taking into account the norms of gonococci resistance to medications (no more than 5%).

    The danger of the gonorrhea pathogen lies in the multiple mechanisms of formation of resistance to antibiotics.

    The peculiarity of the disease requires constant monitoring of drugs and the selection of new treatment regimens. For example, penicillin and tetracycline groups of antibiotics are no longer ineffective today, and new strains are often resistant to fluoroquinolones. Ofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Ceftriaxone are considered target drugs - this is the first and reserve group of drugs. If necessary, the doctor writes a prescription for several antibiotics indicated for the treatment of gonorrhea, as well as macrolide drugs to relieve concomitant diseases.

    Gonorrhea is an infectious pathology caused by gram-negative diplococci (gonococci) and accompanied by damage to the mucous membrane lining the genitourinary tract (in rare cases, the mucous membranes of the conjunctiva, oropharynx, tonsils, and rectum are affected). It is transmitted primarily through sexual contact, although you can also become infected at home: through hygiene items, shared showers, etc. Newborns become infected during childbirth by passing through the mother's infected genital tract.

    The only effective treatment for gonorrhea is antibiotic therapy.

    Gonorrhea, more popularly known as gonorrhea, has been known since biblical times. Even then, the high degree of contagiousness of the disease was noted, the need to isolate the patient, and attempts at treatment were made (washing, astringents and antiseptics). However, such therapy did not have the desired effect and the disease often led to death. Only with the advent of antibiotics in medicine in the middle of the last century did a complete cure become possible.

    Cause and routes of infection

    Gonorrhea is a purulent infection that develops as a result of contact with the mucous membranes of the gram-negative gonococcus Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

    The main route of infection is unprotected sexual intercourse, as a result of which the organs of the genitourinary system are predominantly affected. In everyday life, the pathogen is transmitted from the carrier through household items, and during childbirth - from mother to newborn.

    Signs of gonorrhea

    After a short incubation period (from 3 to 7 days), after the introduction of the pathogen into the body, symptoms of infection appear, and in men almost always, and in women only in half of the cases. Characteristic signs of gonorrhea are:

    • purulent discharge from the urethra or vagina;
    • itching, burning in the external genital area;
    • pain during urination and frequent urge to urinate;
    • in men, pain may spread to the perianal area.

    The listed symptoms are characteristic of the acute form of the disease. Without appropriate treatment, the infection spreads to the pelvic organs and kidneys, the pathogen enters the blood (bacteremia), and the skin and joints are affected. Gonorrhea enters a chronic stage, which has little external manifestation, but leads to serious complications. Women who have no external manifestations of the disease often suffer from infertility.

    Antibiotics for gonorrhea in men and women

    Antibacterial therapy is the only way to treat this STD (sexually transmitted disease). At the same time, doctors, when selecting treatment, are guided not only by the social significance of the disease, but also by the risk of developing severe complications. According to international standards, the resistance of gonococci to the prescribed drug should not exceed 5%.

    In this regard, constant monitoring of the effectiveness of drug therapy is carried out in all regions. The causative agent of gonorrhea has several mechanisms for developing resistance to antibiotics, so over time, generally accepted treatment regimens lose their relevance.

    At the moment, gonococci are sensitive to drugs such as ceftriaxone ®, cefixime ®, cefotaxime ®, spectinomycin ®, ciprofloxacin ®, ofloxacin ®. But penicillin ® no longer helps against gonorrhea, nor does tetracycline.

    In addition, new strains resistant to fluoroquinolones and cephalosporins are emerging.

    At the moment, several strains of infection have been identified that are completely resistant to antibacterial therapy.

    In modern dermatovenerological practice, several antibiotics are used to treat gonorrhea. At the same time, they are divided into main and reserve (the second group is prescribed in case of intolerance or ineffectiveness of the first). In addition, macrolides are used to prevent chlamydia as a concomitant infection.

    Ceftriaxone ®

    Ciprofloxacin ®

    Belongs to the group of fluoroquinolone antibiotics that suppress the biosynthesis of bacterial cell DNA. It has a bactericidal effect against gram-negative pathogens, causing additional destruction of the cell wall.

    Ciprofloxacin ® tablets 500 mg

    Widely used for purulent inflammatory processes of various localizations. Contraindicated in case of kidney and liver dysfunction, hypersensitivity to fluoroquinolones, pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as persons under 18 years of age. Ciprofloxacin ® , like ceftriaxone ® , is the drug of choice for gonorrhea and is administered once orally.

    For the treatment of gonococcal urethritis or cervicitis, a single dose of 500 milligrams of the drug is prescribed.

    Ofloxacin ®

    Spectinomycin ®

    A tricyclic antibiotic from the aminoglycoside class that has a bacteriostatic effect on bacteria.

    Penetrating into the cell, it interferes with the biosynthesis of protein necessary for growth. It is active primarily against gram-negative microorganisms, including gonococci. It is characterized by low toxicity and, accordingly, a small list of contraindications and side effects. For uncomplicated gonorrhea it is a reserve drug, and for infections with complications it is one of the main ones.

    Cefotaxime ®

    A third generation cephalosporin antibiotic intended for parenteral administration has been successfully used for the treatment of respiratory and urogenital infections.

    1 bottle of cefotaxime ® sodium from PJSC "Biokhimik"

    Prevents the formation of the cell wall of pathogenic bacteria, destroying it. Contraindicated in persons with individual intolerance to beta-lactams, severe AV blockade, gastrointestinal bleeding, and nonspecific ulcerative colitis. The injection is given once in a dose of 1 gram.

    Cefuroxime ®

    Reserve antibiotic of the cephalosporin group (2nd generation), intended to combat inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, genitourinary system, and musculoskeletal system.

    Available in various dosage forms, including for parenteral administration. Pregnant, lactating, premature children are prescribed with caution. Contraindicated in patients allergic to beta-lactams.

    For gonorrhea, 1.5 grams of antibiotic is prescribed once.

    Lomefloxacin ®

    Another antibiotic taken for gonorrhea once orally.

    Refers to fluoroquinolones, has a bactericidal effect on pathogenic microorganisms. The main purpose of the drug is the treatment of urogenital infections (both complicated and uncomplicated). Additionally, it can be used in combination with other drugs for antibiotic therapy of tuberculosis. Contraindicated for children, pregnant women, and people with hypersensitivity to fluoroquinolones. For gonorrhea it is included in the list of reserve medicines.

    Cefixime ®

    This third generation cephalosporin is effective against a wide range of pathogenic bacteria and is prescribed for inflammatory processes of the respiratory and urinary organs.

    In the treatment of complicated gonorrhea, Cefixime ® is taken orally, being a reserve medication. It is used according to a scheme drawn up by a doctor in accordance with the severity and nature of the complication. Like other cephalosporins, it is characterized by low toxicity and a small number of contraindications (individual intolerance).

    Azithromycin ®

    The first representative of the azalide subclass from the group of semisynthetic macrolide antibiotics.

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    It acts bacteriostatically due to the suppression of protein synthesis, and with increasing doses it exhibits a bactericidal effect. The spectrum of antimicrobial activity includes most known gram-negative, gram-positive and atypical pathogens. Due to its powerful therapeutic effect and convenient dosage regimen, it is widely used in various fields of medicine, exhibiting low toxicity.

    Unlike the antibiotics listed above, Azithromycin ® for gonorrhea is not used to treat the underlying disease, but to prevent chlamydia. This infection often accompanies gonococcal infection, so taking azalides is necessary for preventive purposes. In parallel with the injections, a single dose of 1 gram of Azithromycin ® is prescribed for any form of the underlying disease, with the exception of cases when therapy is carried out in pregnant women (they can take erythromycin or spiromycin ®).

    Doxycycline ®

    It is an alternative to the previous drug used for the prevention of chlamydia in case of hypersensitivity to macrolides.

    Belongs to the group of tetracycline antibiotics and has a bacteriostatic effect on chlamydia. Unlike Azithromycin ® , which is taken once, Doxycycline ® is prescribed in a seven-day course. At the same time, the inherent toxicity of tetracyclines causes a list of contraindications: childhood, pregnancy, liver failure, allergies.

    Antibiotic regimens for gonorrhea

    There is no single principle for treating this disease, since it can occur in acute and chronic forms with complications. It is also necessary to adjust prescriptions and doses according to age and individual characteristics.

    Guided by the requirements for the effectiveness and safety of antibiotic therapy, dermatovenerologists use the following regimens:

    • acute gonorrhea, localized in the lower parts of the genitourinary system, is treated with a single injection of 250 mg of Ceftriaxone ® intramuscularly or with one oral dose of Ciprofloxain ® or Ofloxacin ® (500 or 400 mg, respectively). In case of intolerance, drugs from the reserve group are prescribed. To prevent chlamydia, take 1 gram of Azithromycin ® once in parallel (or Doxycycline ® - 100 mg twice a day for a week).
    • Antibiotics for chronic gonorrhea, which occurs with complications, as well as for disseminated infection, are administered intramuscularly or intravenously for 24-48 hours until objective improvement. Prescribe Ceftriaxone ® (1 gram IM or IV once a day), Cefotaxime ® (1 g IV at eight-hour intervals), Spectinomycin ® intramuscularly or Ciprofloxacin ® intravenously every 12 hours (2 grams and 400 mg, respectively ). Subsequently, the patient is transferred to oral use of Cefixime ® or Ciprofloxacin ®, determining the duration of the course in accordance with the nature of the complication.
    • Treatment of newborns is carried out over a week by intravenous or intramuscular injections of a daily dose of the drug in two doses with a 12-hour interval. The daily amount of Cefotaxime ® is 25 mg per kg of body weight, and Ceftriaxone ® - from 25 to 50.
    • When the mucous membranes of the pharynx are damaged, gonococcal pharyngitis is formed. With this diagnosis, treatment of gonorrhea is carried out with Ciprofloxacin ® and other drugs according to the treatment regimen for the acute uncomplicated form.
    • Gonococcal conjunctivitis is treated in adults with a single intramuscular injection of one gram of Ceftriaxone ®, and in newborns with one intramuscular or intramuscular injection.
    • Antibiotic therapy during pregnancy is carried out at any stage in accordance with the severity of the disease. The main drugs in this case are Spectinomycin ® or Ceftriaxone ® , and fluoroquinolones and tetracyclines are strictly contraindicated.

    The given treatment regimens for gonorrhea are for informational purposes only and cannot be used for self-medication without consulting a dermatovenerologist. A visit to the doctor is mandatory, since successful treatment requires bacteriological analysis (including control) and specialist supervision.