Experience of passing the exam in geography. How to prepare for the exam in geography

“Methods of preparation for the Unified State Exam in Geography.”

Geography is a unique natural social science and academic subject that allows students to teach a wide range of connections between social and natural phenomena and processes occurring in the geographical environment. Thus, geography is an academic subject that is especially closely related to life and modernity.

Therefore, the content of control and measurement materials covers, on the one hand, the basic core (mandatory minimum content of geographical education), and on the other hand, the most relevant processes and phenomena of modern life: demographic, ethnic, environmental, socio-cultural and economic.

High school graduates must have developed general educational skills and abilities: observation, selection and generalization, analysis of facts, explanation of the causes of phenomena, establishment of cause-and-effect relationships, synthesis. It is these techniques of mental activity that can help you successfully pass the Unified State Exam.

The Unified State Exam in Geography has been taken in Russia since 2001. After analyzing the test and measurement materials, I came to a conclusion for myself about what I need to pay attention to when preparing for the Unified State Exam.

The entire process of preparing for the Unified State Exam was divided into four stages:

1. Thematic repetition of the material.

2.Completing test training tasks.

3.Working with Unified State Exam forms.

1. When preparing for the exam, students will have to remember all the material starting from the 6th grade.

-) It is necessary to pay attention to practical work on the topic “Climate”.

-) In the topic “Russian Economy”, special emphasis should be placed on studying the effects of factors influencing the location of production.

-) It is necessary to remember the techniques for working on a topographic map and area plan.

-) As much attention as possible should be paid to working with geographical maps. Students should know geographic nomenclature.

-) We should also not forget about the analysis of diagrams, diagrams depicting relief, climate, natural zones, and economic structure.

-) Pay special attention to building a terrain profile.

-) We need to teach the children to look for the main ideas in a descriptive text. This will help you recognize the country or region of Russia by description.

2. I always tell my children that you can pass the Unified State Exam well by completing “a million” test practice tasks. Therefore, during preparation I always set aside the longest period of time for practicing tests. I divide work with tests into two types:

1) independent work of students

2)work together with the teacher

When working with tests, I use all types of test tasks (KIMs) for all years of publication. We start working with thematic tests, then move on to sequential execution of tests from parts A, B and C. We carry out “real” Unified State Exam tasks. And of course we work a lot with the Demo version of the Unified State Exam.

In the process of working with tests, we use computer programs to prepare for the Unified State Exam.

3. In March-April I start working with Unified State Exam forms. Together with the students, we study the instructions for filling out the forms and practice filling them out.

Filling out the forms correctly will lead to success in the exam.

4. When preparing children for exams, I give advice on how to work with the tests.

1.First you need to select all the “easy” questions. You need to start reading all the test tasks, starting with the first one, and complete those for which you know the answers.

2.Then you should return to those questions to which the student “seems” to know the answers.

3. Questions “I’m unlikely to answer correctly” need to be reread several times and look for a clue in the question.

4. In questions without a choice of answers, you must write several positions that prove or confirm the answer. One or two may be correct.

5.Children need to be reassured and set up for a good result.

The Unified State Exam in Geography will take place May 29. The latest All-Russian Geographical Dictation showed that the population of our country as a whole is poorly aware of the vicissitudes of time zones, the relative positions of large rivers and the characteristics of climatic zones. Geography is replete with objects of study that are dissimilar to each other: countries, peoples, natural formations, natural resource basins, layers of the earth's surface, meteorological phenomena, ecological systems, etc. Remembering everything, of course, is not easy.

How not to get bogged down in the abyss of facts, figures and cartographic outlines? How to prepare for the Unified State Exam in Geography if there are only a few days left? In anticipation of the exciting exam, we will give you three words of advice.

Setting up for successful delivery

A simple familiarity with the testing format can save you from many ridiculous mistakes. Download demo versions of the 2017 Unified State Exam in Geography, prepared by the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI), and give yourself a few “dress rehearsals” of the Unified State Exam. Give yourself three hours (that’s how much time you’ll have on the exam) and answer. If you don’t know something at all, skip it - you’ll come back after the “rehearsal” with a textbook and notebooks at the ready. The main thing is to get used to finding in yourself the knowledge that you already have in one way or another, but have difficulty remembering. At the same time, it is important to adapt to rational use of exam time and maintain morale, despite any gaps in knowledge.

Slippery topics

From year to year, school graduates cope poorly with tasks related to the influence of atmospheric pressure, distribution of sunlight and temperature on climatic and weather conditions. Also, difficulties usually arise with understanding the forms of government and administrative structure of countries. Pay special attention to these topics.

With cards on you

Be sure to hang the political and physical maps somewhere in your room where you can see them. Wake up and fall asleep to the outlines of different countries' borders, capital cities, coastlines and mountain ranges. Study atlases, regional maps, practice determining distances using a specified scale and azimuth.

No feather or fluff for you, and notes and a bright head at the right time.

May be long-lasting or intense. To get maximum results, you need to start early, which is often a significant problem. A systematic approach to repeating the studied material is one of the main tasks when preparing for the exam. Help from a professional geography Skills in geographic logic and complex thinking are essential. Independent repetition and completion of tasks, systematic consultations on control and measuring materials (CMM) contributes to the systematization of comprehensive knowledge on the subject and the formation of completing tasks on forms Unified State Exam. Thus, students become familiar with the requirements and structure of examination materials in a new form, get used to the wording of tasks and types of tests used in parts 1 and 2 of the KIM, and answer questions in part 3 briefly and logically.

In preparation for Unified State Exam By geography the graduate is recommended to use textbooks approved for use in educational institutions, cartographic and statistical sources to search and retrieve information. "The map is alpha and omega geography", said N. Baransky, a classic of Russian geographical science. Without knowing the map, it is impossible to know the subject satisfactorily. And it’s good if you still have old school notebooks on geography, which can complement educational literature.

To successfully prepare yourself, you need to take tests as often as possible. Tests will help you get an idea of ​​the wording and difficulty level of the exam Unified State Exam By geography. A significant result is obtained, without requiring additional costs, by correcting typical mistakes made by graduates in the exam. The knowledge acquired during preparation or self-study allows the graduate to quickly navigate the questions during the exam and complete assignments efficiently.

Video on the topic


  • Preparation for the Unified State Exam 2013 in Geography

Change exam By geography It’s difficult because you have to learn a lot of terms and geographical names. Even though geography is a humanitarian subject, there will be no complex calculations in the exam; preparation must be thorough and according to plan.


Make a preparation plan. Determine the range of issues that you need to resolve during preparation. The first thing you should pay attention to is your knowledge gaps. If you have little or no knowledge of the material on a particular topic, then start there. Spend the first half hour of your preparation session doing this.

Disassemble exam tion issues. This will be the second part of your lesson plan. Buy special literature containing tickets. Please remember that the questions on the tickets may not be the same as those on the exam. But they will be similar. Only the names of task elements will change. Therefore, try not just to solve the problem, but to grasp its essence. This way you will gain knowledge and not just check a box about solving the ticket.

Work with the map. The most important thing to study is physical. It will be necessary to know the various objects and their locations. Try

Geography is one of those subjects that is taught casually in many schools, just for show. As a result, many students find discipline easy. However, this is the wrong approach - in order to pass the Unified State Exam in this subject, it is important to prepare thoroughly.

Good news: independent preparation from scratch for the 2019 Unified State Exam in Geography is quite possible. To do this, it is not necessary to have any superpowers - you just need to take a responsible approach to studying textbooks and allocate a sufficient amount of time for this.


While geography is not one of the compulsory exams, only a small percentage of graduates take this test if they choose. These are those who plan to further study such disciplines as cartography, oceanology, geology, ecology, hydrometeorology. Science will also be useful for future tourism specialists.

Exactly 3 hours are allotted for the exam. Each option includes 34 questions. Most of them (27 problems) do not require a detailed answer. Only the last 7 questions will have to be answered in detail, and the answer can be in the form of a description of the solution, as well as a drawing or diagram. As for complexity, 18 tasks are basic, 10 are of an increased level of difficulty, 6 are of a high level. You can take a ruler with you, as well as a protractor and a calculator (non-programmable).

Getting ready for testing

Preparation consists of repeating or re-learning the entire school course, starting from the 6th grade. This is a general course, physical, socio-economic geography. To master the theory, it is advisable to use a set of textbooks and atlases. When studying socio-economic geography, it is important to take into account that data may become outdated, so it is necessary to use current editions of educational literature. At the same time, you should work with maps and make calculations - such tasks are almost always included in exam papers. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the demo versions of the options and practice taking the 2019 Unified State Exam tests in geography. Particular attention should be paid to memorizing and understanding terminology and honing practical skills, such as determining coordinates. Don’t put off preparing for the Unified State Exam in Geography on your own: the sooner you start studying, the better you will learn the information! We wish you success!

Since 2009, the Unified State Exam has become mandatory for all graduates of educational institutions in all academic disciplines of the school course. A high score obtained on the Unified State Exam greatly increases the likelihood of admission to the desired university. It is possible to prepare as much as possible for passing the unified state exam in geography in lessons and in extracurricular activities in geography.



Effective training techniques

Students taking the Unified State Exam in Geography

MBOU "Bolsheelginskaya Secondary School" of the Rybno-Slobodsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Geography and biology teacher, 1st quarter. categories Khusnutdinova Liliya Rafailovna

2012-2013 academic year/

Since 2009, the Unified State Exam has become mandatory for all graduates of educational institutions in all academic disciplines of the school course. A high score obtained on the Unified State Exam greatly increases the likelihood of admission to the desired university. It is possible to prepare as much as possible for passing the unified state exam in geography in lessons and in extracurricular activities in geography.

Preparing for the Unified State Exam is not a matter of one day or even one 11th grade. Work on preparing students must be carried out throughout all years of studying geography.Reducing the hours spent studying a subject does not contribute to improving geographical education, so it is necessary to use teaching methods that will develop interest and cognitive activity and help prepare for the exam.

In order for information to be better remembered, it is necessary to develop memory, thinking, logic, and attention. Many guys remember material better if they not only heard the information, but also saw it.

Most of the questions in the Unified State Exam are related to the map, the ability to read it and perform various calculations and measurements. Since this topic is studied only in the 6th grade and is not repeated anywhere else, we must try to ensure that the information remains in the children’s memory for a long time.

During the entire time of studying geography, it is necessary to allocate time for studying geographical nomenclature and using a contour map. These could be oral tests, which students take against a wall map, or tests on a contour map without using an atlas. It is necessary to ensure that the student has a good understanding of the map and knows the location of geographical objects on it. This should be started from the 6th grade, the initial geography course. In order not to turn the study of nomenclature into memorization of objects, it is necessary to make sure that a child of this age is interested in learning the map. The teacher can design activities that will encourage students to engage in geography. For example, when studying the political map of the world, you can ask sixth graders to find and write down countries whose names begin with the letter I, or countries whose capitals begin with the letter B, etc. A creative task on this topic could be a work where the children must determine what a particular country is like. Let them choose any countries, redraw their outline and complete the drawing to make it look like what they saw. The children do such work with pleasure, and when they exchange their opinions in class and show drawings, other students also receive additional information about the countries of the world.

I continue similar work in the 11th grade when studying the economic and social geography of the world. Here my students make a collage that shows the most striking, interesting features of the country. Here there is an opportunity to rely on interdisciplinary connections, the personal perceptions of an eleventh-grader, and to form a geographical image of the region. For the same purpose, you can use training tasks, tasks (Q10) of which are also used in the Unified State Exam to determine the country by description. Moreover, I use not only ready-made tasks, but also similar descriptions of countries are encrypted by the students themselves, and then they exchange the texts of the tasks and complete them.

To study regions of Russia, you can use tasks of the same kind.

So, for intensive and effective preparation for the Unified State Exam in Geography, the following methodological recommendations and techniques will be useful to the teacher:

  • highlight basic knowledge and skills;
  • educational information that requires strong memorization should be concluded and presented to students in the form of logically complete and short meaningful lines;
  • coordinate the frequency of repetitions with the patterns of forgetting educational information;
  • follow the logic of presentation of educational material, drawing students’ attention to those questions that are included in the exam paper of the Unified State Examination;
  • remember that the main means of strengthening knowledge is its repeated independent repetition by students;
  • to achieve deep and lasting assimilation by each student not of everything that is studied in the lesson, but of the main thing that meets the requirements of the state educational standard;
  • carry out repetition and consolidation of what has been learned so as to activate not only memory, but also other mental processes, primarily thinking, as well as the sensory experience of students;
  • find new schemes for repeating what has been learned, giving students the opportunity to consider the issues being studied from different positions;
  • constantly repeat previously studied material in new ways, i.e. actively establish intra-subject connections, both in content and methods of activity;
  • refuse monotonous and tedious types of work, since their developmental effect is insignificant;
  • systematically organize work with a geographical map.

In addition, it is necessary to ensure that the student clearly understands the structure of the test task and the criteria for assessing the answer.