Organic fertilizers - application, types and their classification. Organic fertilizers: types, how to use

Organic fertilizers: humus, manure, bird droppings, compost, peat, wood ash - this is the salt of the gardening soil. They have been used in agriculture since time immemorial, and there was a time when the fertility of agricultural soil was maintained only by organic matter. This was convenient and justified in all respects, because the cattle provided manure, and peat was easy to extract.

It was with the advent of mineral fertilizers that the primacy of organic matter was somewhat lost, but they began to use mixtures of organic and mineral fertilizers, which has a good effect on the quantity and quality of harvests of various crops, from vegetable gardens to horticultural crops.

And although by organic we mean a whole line of natural fertilizers, they have significant differences in characteristics and in the method of their application in relation to the characteristics of plant crops and seasonal relevance (spring, summer, autumn).

Certain types of organic fertilizers can be used throughout the growing season, others - only during planting, and still others - better before winter. Organic matter, the closest route to humus-rich fertile soil, has earned its high demand among gardeners and gardeners due to its availability and environmental significance, and in some cases as a way to dispose of agricultural or household waste.

What are organic fertilizers?

The line of fertilizers of this type includes manure and bird droppings, humus, peat and compost. But experts will continue this list: silt, waste from the wood processing industry (sawdust, shavings, crushed bark), wood ash, bone meal, sedated plants and complex organic matter. They differ either in their sources of origin or in the technological process of their production.

As for the chemical content of organic fertilizers, what they have in common is the content of nitrogen, potassium, calcium (a mineral that forms the structure of the soil), and phosphorus. They contain small quantities of water, sulfuric and silicic acid, magnesium, and, along with other chemical elements, oxides of some metals.

As for the debate about what is better - organic or mineral fertilizers, we remember that in a dispute the truth is born and the right combination will always help us get a good harvest and a healthy plant.


Manure is pet feces and should not include cats and dogs. The types of manure are determined by the types of animals and the stage of the process of its preparation:

  • fresh manure can be used for autumn plowing;
  • half-rotted - the straw in it has darkened and crumbles into fragments;
  • rotted - a homogeneous mass of dark color.

Reaching the highest stage of formation, manure loses weight and organic matter decomposes better in it. The bedding on which the manure is prepared is also important.

Chemical composition of fresh manure - table

The table below shows that pig manure lacks calcium. For this reason, garden lime is added when applying it. Rabbit manure has good qualities, but manure from nutria can only be added in doses when forming compost, so that it rots as much as possible.

How to store and store manure

It would seem that the science is not great, but the quality of manure depends on this, given its differences. Here are the different types of its proper storage and formation:

  1. The laying is loose. Fresh manure is stored in stacks: 3 meters wide and 2 meters high, without covering anything. Fermentation in such stacks occurs at a temperature of +70 C and the state of “ripeness” of such stacking occurs after 4-5 months with the loss of approximately one third of the original mass.
  2. The laying is tight. The process of such laying is similar to loose laying, with the difference that in this case the manure is compacted layer by layer, eventually compacted and covered with thick plastic film, trying to minimize the access of air. In this form, at a temperature not higher than +35 C, even in summer, the formation of humus occurs within 7 months with a loss of total mass of approximately 1/10. Practice shows that this particular method of storing humus manure pays off better than others.
  3. The laying is loose with compaction. In this case, fresh manure is placed in a loose, low pile, up to 3 meters wide. After four days, it is tamped and the next loose layer is piled on top. And so they layer it up to a height of two meters, cover it with film for 5 months, after which the humus is ready for use.

Rules for the use of organic fertilizers

I’m just sure that many gardeners and gardeners do not bother themselves much with any strict rules, but still follow the advice of experienced owners who have accumulated useful experience in working with organic matter. We invite you to get to know him:

  • To create “warm” beds, for example, for cucumbers, it is better to use horse manure due to its low moisture content. When laying it, a trench is dug around the perimeter of such a bed, where such manure releases the heat necessary for the plants. Once the need for such heating is exhausted, the remaining manure can be scattered around the site.
  • Manure from cattle is good for light soils, for heavy soils - from small livestock and horses.
  • Fresh or half-rotted manure, which needs to be plowed in the fall, is suitable for spring crops ( cabbage, tomatoes, peppers and others).
  • In order to save money, it is better to apply manure or humus directly into the holes or places of specific feeding.
  • In the planting holes of fruit trees ( apple trees, pears, cherries, plums and others) you can lay at least 10 kilograms of humus.
  • It is difficult to name the exact rates for applying organic fertilizers due to the characteristics of the soil and the type of plants

We remind you! Fresh manure cannot be used as a fertilizer for any crops, as it actively releases excess ammonia and can cause plant death. Manure extract can be purchased in specialty stores, but its disadvantage is that, while fertilizing the plant itself, it does not bring any benefit to the soil.

  • Manure is the cheapest fertilizer, and for livestock owners it is almost free. In addition, it can also be used in different ways: in solid form and in liquid infusions with the addition of mineral fertilizers.
  • “Mullein” is popular, which is prepared from cow “pats” by pouring water over them until a slurry forms, which must be left to steep until completely dissolved. An aqueous solution of such a liquid is prepared at the rate of 1 liter of mullein per 10 liters of water. This solution can be fed to all types of plants, including flowers.

The table below shows the almost complete absence of phosphorus. For this reason, 15 grams of superphosphate should be added to 1 liter of aqueous slurry solution.

How to use liquid forms of organic fertilizers? Such fertilizers include aqueous infusions of herbs, a solution of bird droppings and human urine. Bird droppings have long been known for their nutritional value, but they should also be handled wisely so as not to lose this value.

It is known to be obtained from the feces of poultry (chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys and even pigeons). Waterfowl droppings, however, are inferior in nutritional value. The droppings of any birds require proper storage: due to the volatility of the nitrogen component, it should be stored closed or immediately composted with sawdust, straw or peat.

Adding any type of bird droppings fresh can result in the death of the plant. This can only be done by infusing it under a lid for three days (1 part of droppings per 10 liters of water). When added, the finished infusion is diluted at the rate of 1 part infusion to 10 parts water. It is advisable to mulch the soil after such fertilizing.

Human feces

The topic is delicate, not for the disdainful and rational owners of household plots and habitable summer cottages, where there is enough of this “good”, and its disposal can bring great, cheap and undeniable benefits. You just need to know some convenient rules for using it in gardening practice. By the way, human urine is also considered feces, but it should be used as a fertilizer simultaneously with mulching due to the volatility of its biomaterial. You can water compost beds with it. The trunks of berry bushes and fruit trees can be watered with undiluted urine, but other crops can be watered with an aqueous solution at the rate of 1:4.

The indicators in the table indicate the high value of this type of fertilizer in improving the quality characteristics of the soil, and the following rules for its preparation are recommended to interested gardeners:

  • to minimize the specific odor, human feces should be covered with a layer of peat or leaf soil to fully ripen in the form of an acceptable fertilizer;
  • Another option is to include it in covered compost heaps in combination with layers of plant residues with a period of up to 3 years.


Peat as an organic fertilizer has been known for a long time and widely; it can be purchased in packaged form as a substrate in specialized stores, both in pure form and in mixtures for seedlings and flower and ornamental plants.

But you also need to treat this type of organic matter wisely and know its basic characteristics in order to usefully fertilize plants and improve the quality of the soil.

Having studied the table above, we can talk in detail about the price and value of peat. And the quality of peat can vary. As the table shows, lowland peat is suitable for use on acidic soils. In general, peat is more suitable for improving the structural parameters of the soil, regulating its humidity, and aeration, than for fertilizing it. Peat is an excellent biomaterial for composting, especially for mulching seedlings in open ground.

Sapropel (silt)

It turns out that some types of organic fertilizers are used during balneological procedures in sanatoriums, Sapropel is one of them. This is silt extracted from any standing reservoirs. Lake Nero in the Rostov region is rich in sapropel, where it is widely used in crop production. Such silt is formed from animal and plant remains that settle on the bottom over decades.

Gradually accumulating and decomposing, this layer turns into sapropel, a valuable organic fertilizer rich in potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and it contains 4 times more nitrogen than in manure. But this most valuable fertilizer requires certain conditions of use:

  • can be added in its pure form to the compost pile;
  • When applied to the soil as a top dressing, it should first be frozen, ventilated and loosened in order to get rid of all its ingredients that are not beneficial to the plants.

Other organic fertilizers that improve the quality characteristics of the soil include: tree bark, bone meal, sawdust - but they are also used according to the rules for optimal effect:

  1. tree bark. These wastes from the wood processing industry are used in crushed form to be added to compost, moisturizing and adding mineral fertilizers. The process of forming such fertilizer will last six months. In this case, it is necessary to periodically stir and moisten this mass.
  2. Sawdust. This wood waste is an excellent structuring material for improving aeration and soil moisture content, but due to its high acidity (PH = 3-4). Before applying to the soil, it requires the preliminary addition of slaked lime, complex or purely nitrogen fertilizer. It is recommended to moisten them with animal urine or liquid mineral fertilizers. It is optimal to use sawdust when laying compost or rotted wood.
  3. Bone flour. This is meat industry waste, the most valuable biomaterial for fertilizer, which can be purchased in specialized stores. Only its low-fat version (dry and evaporated) is suitable for use. This bone meal copes well with high acidity of the soil and is suitable for use in wetlands.

Green manure plants

The use of green manure - plants that are used to sow areas after harvesting or before planting garden crops for the new season - is not so popular, but has recently been expanding.

The line of green manure includes legumes, vetch, mustard, clover, lupine, oats, sunflower, oilseed radish and other early ripening plants that produce abundant greenery. It is useful to cultivate green manure on humus-poor and sandy soils, and it is also advisable on other soils. In terms of the presence of humus elements, “green fertilizer” is not inferior to manure. Lupine, for example, produces 4 kilograms of greenery per 1 square meter of sown area, which contain approximately 18 grams of nitrogen, 19 grams of calcium, 6.8 grams of potassium, 4.8 each of phosphorus and magnesium.

Agricultural technology for fertilizing using green manure

The area freed from harvesting the main crops is cultivated and sown with the seeds of the preferred plant in a way that is appropriate for the given crop: simply scattered or sown in furrows. Water when the soil is dry, wait for germination, active vegetation until buds appear, after which the green mass is mowed.

It can be plowed into the ground, fed to livestock or put into compost. Green manures such as oilseed radish and mustard, in addition to fertilizer, are capable of destroying root rot bacteria, nematodes, the causative agent of late blight and others.


An excellent fertilizer for a small garden can be prepared from nettles, which should be cut, placed in a suitable container, filled with water and allowed to brew for 3-5 days with occasional stirring.

An unpleasant associated odor can be combated by adding valerian rhizome. You can speed up the process of forming a nettle infusion by adding grain waste, yeast, and sourdough. Strain the resulting liquid mass, and for its aqueous solution use in the proportion: 1 part to 10 parts water.

Complex organic fertilizers

A line of such fertilizers is obtained industrially using the most modern technologies, providing for their optimal efficiency, not to mention the convenience and safety of their use according to the appropriate accompanying instructions.

And even at prices they are no more burdensome than other purchased organics. They are made from manure, sawdust, litter, peat and other ingredients. This is a balanced fertilizer, suitable both for feeding plants and for improving the fertile characteristics of the soil. They are prepared by the method of biofermentation during the oxidation of organic ingredients with atomic oxygen, which releases chemical energy that is actively useful for the creation of microorganisms useful to plants.

The following brands of complex fertilizers, available through specialized stores, are in demand: “Biohumus”, “Gumi-Omi”, “Gumi-K”, “ZhTSKKU”, “KOUD”, “Piska” and others. All of them are equipped with instructions for use, printed directly on the plastic packaging, on which the crops, dilution doses, and coverage area are indicated. From personal experience: it is very convenient to use, the plant reaction is obvious and occurs quite quickly, in addition, it is quite economical.

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Organics are the basis of agriculture. The reason for its popularity is maximum safety for the soil, plants and humans. Another positive factor is availability; most types of organic fertilizers can be obtained within one area or purchased at a low price from neighbors. Mineral and chemical fertilizers require a careful approach; they can be harmful to the environment and human health, while organic varieties do not have this drawback.

Organic fertilizers - what is it?

First you need to find out what it is, only after that you can choose the right fertilizer for the site. Organic fertilizers are fertilizers that provide plant nutrients in the form of organic compounds.

The most common representatives of organics are:

  • manure of various animals;
  • peat;
  • compost heaps;
  • green mass of plants;
  • straw;
  • factory-made fertilizers with a complex composition;
  • farm waste.

The fact that organic fertilizers are the best option for our gardens and vegetable gardens is undeniable

If everything is clear with the definition, then it’s worth considering what such fertilizer can bring to the soil:

  • a lot of phosphorus;
  • nitrogen;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • molybdenum, etc.

In addition to the mineral composition, the fertilizer contains organic matter, its type depends on the raw materials used and the origin of the material.

Organic fertilizers include materials of plant and animal nature. During the decomposition process, minerals are released, and the top layer of soil is fed with carbon dioxide, which is necessary for a high-quality photosynthesis reaction. The influence of organic fertilizers for the garden also extends to water supply, enriching the soil with oxygen and improving microflora for the normal development of beneficial bacteria. Various microorganisms are important for the life of the rhizome; they are especially effective in affecting vegetables and providing them with nutrients.

A small digression. A common question in crossword puzzles is: organic fertilizer with 7 letters, there are several answer options: green manure, compost, mineral.

Biological fertilizers can be even more effective if they are prepared as fine granules; special units have been developed for this.

When organic fertilizers are added to the soil, its structure improves significantly

Types of organic fertilizers

Today there are various types of organic fertilizers, each type has its own properties that can be used to increase soil fertility.

Types of organic matter and their characteristics:

  • manure is the most common fertilizer, which contains many useful substances. It should be applied in an average concentration of about 5 kg per 1 m2. Methods of application: in the fall before plowing (more often), in the spring before digging (less often), in holes during planting (extremely rarely). Manure reduces soil acidity, creating a neutral pH value, increases looseness, stimulates high-quality transportation of useful components, improves the penetration of air and water, and saturates the soil. The approximate composition is potassium 60%, phosphorus 40% and nitrogen 25%;
  • humus is a top dressing based on rotted manure, leaves and other organic matter. The benefit of humus is a large amount of nitrogen. The looseness and lightness of the soil improves its fertile qualities and helps to better transport minerals to the rhizome, although the humus contains a low amount of these substances. Ash, silt, clay or sand are used to increase mineral levels. Can be used on all crops, but tomatoes, carrots and onions respond best;
  • Peat is divided into 2 types: lowland and highland. Upland species have a high level of acidity, low mineral content, and especially acute potassium deficiency. More often, peat is included in the compost, but it is dried and aerated before preparation. Lowland varieties are excellent for fertilizer; they have low acidity and an abundance of nitrogen and ash. More often used as mulch or as part of compost;

Each of the organic fertilizers is enriched with a completely different composition

  • poultry droppings are distinguished by a high concentration of useful substances in an easily digestible form. It can be used for all plants, but it must be diluted first, because there is a risk of burns. When fresh it contains: calcium 24%, nitrogen 16%, phosphorus 15%, potassium 8.5%, manganese 7.4%, nitrogen 4.5%. For preparation, it must be mixed with water in the appropriate proportion (varies depending on the purpose and method of use);
  • Compost from plants is a commonly used method of fertilization. At each site over the course of a season, a lot of plant waste accumulates, which is piled up to rot. The basis is: tops, plants, fallen leaves, food waste and ash. Initially, a base of straw is prepared, on which raw materials are laid in layers, and between them soil or peat, all layers are moistened. The quality can be improved by adding superphosphate or slurry from manure.

Types of fertilizers and their basic characteristics allow you to choose the most cost-effective solution for each farm.

Rules for the use of organic fertilizers

The application of organic fertilizers to the soil can be done in various ways; there are 4 main methods:

  • pre-sowing Can be used both in autumn and spring. Sometimes application is required at the beginning of winter. The method is quite simple, you need to scatter organic matter around the area, and after the procedure, plowing or digging is carried out. A convenient and universal way is to arrange warm beds with manure in the spring to get a quick harvest, and by spring scatter humus;

Organic fertilizers have a positive effect on the physical and chemical properties of the fertile soil layer

  • post-sowing. This method includes all fertilizers that are added after throwing out the third leaf. The feeding method is further divided into:
    • root This means treating the soil in the root circle of the plant. It is necessary to pre-prepare the liquid mixture;
    • non-root. This includes soaking the seeds before planting and treating the green mass with a sprayer.
  • fergitation. Fertilizer is added to the water used for irrigation;
  • hydroponics. To grow plants, soil is not used at all, and growth is carried out by “planting” in liquid. The complexity of the technique and the high risks of crop loss do not allow its frequent use. An additional disadvantage is the deterioration of the taste of the crop.

The application of organic fertilizers to the soil allows you to get the best results only if you correctly determine the needs of the soil and select the appropriate fertilizer.

There are 2 main soil parameters that should be considered when planting and fertilizing:

  • composition - can only be accurately determined in the laboratory, but you can approximately understand the condition of the soil using old methods:
    • A hole is made using a shovel. It is important to pay attention to the digging process; if it goes easily, then there is a lot of sand in the soil;
    • Take a handful of soil in your hand and squeeze it quite tightly. If the shape is preserved, one can conclude that the soil is clayey, and if water seeps through the fingers, it is sandy.
  • acidity. The best value is 6.5–7, you need to adjust the acidity to get this level. You can determine it using a special indicator strip or simply by the color of the soil.

Despite the positive beneficial characteristics of organic fertilizers, failure to comply with the rules and regulations for their application can lead to harm to the soil and plants

Organics for sandy soils

Organic and mineral fertilizers will help turn any soil into a fertile area. To improve the properties of sandy soil, it is worth adding high-moor peat. Its main task is the ability to accumulate water, which is then taken up by plant roots.

An alternative and free option is compost, which will require vegetation, which is usually abundant on the site. After using compost, the soil becomes more structured and viscous, which helps to accumulate useful elements.

The key task when working with sandy soils is to improve their structure. The ideal situation is to retain moisture as long as possible. Another important feature of such soil is the lack of nutrients; it is worth adding manure, compost and fertilizers to the soil to improve the composition.

Why fertilize black soil?

The land is already fertile and arable, but still needs fertilization. The reason for the need to fertilize is the gradual depletion of useful soil components. Given that large areas are often planted, you need to pay attention to liquid organic fertilizers, which are easy to apply and can be prepared in various quantities.

For faster processing, machines for applying liquid organic fertilizers are often used. This method is called intrasoil, since the liquid is not introduced into the top layer, but ~20 cm deeper. Machines for applying liquid organic fertilizers allow you to replenish the soil with useful microelements, which increases the quality and quantity of the future harvest.

For each type of plant, fertilizing with organic fertilizers has its own individual characteristics.

There are other organic fertilizer machines that work with substances in solid form, such as manure, manure or compost. When the car moves, fertilizer is scattered over the entire area and subsequent plowing occurs.

An important condition for ensuring fertility is resting the field, which must be arranged once every 5 years.

What organic fertilizers are suitable for alumina?

Manure is best suited for clay soil types; it should be spread before autumn digging. You can simply till the soil before winter and leave it until spring, but the disadvantage of this method is the loss of 50% of all nitrogen. During spring plowing, fresh manure is rarely used; there is a risk of damage to vegetation.

The clay type of soil is excellent for growing tomatoes; they grow without much difficulty and produce a good harvest.

To ensure their productivity, you need to adhere to two rules:

  • A crust quickly appears on top of the soil, which cracks over time. Moisture evaporates from the resulting holes, and the roots may lack it. The gardener's task is to prevent the appearance of crust;
  • moderate watering; you should not overdo it, as plants can rot if there is excess moisture.

Manure is a fertilizer made from the excrement of agricultural animals, which contains hay or straw.

How to properly prepare and apply organic fertilizers with your own hands?

Chicken droppings

More often, droppings are used in the form of liquid organic fertilizer. To prepare the fertilizer, 3 main methods have been developed.

Organic production:

  • fermentation. Previously, the method was used only by large poultry owners, but now the method is available to everyone, since substances are commercially available to accelerate the fermentation process. The idea is quite simple: a tray is installed under the cage on which excrement will accumulate. Sometimes you need to add sawdust to the feces, only they are moistened in the preparation. At the cleaning stage, everything is mixed and placed in one pile. When reaching 1–1.5 m in height, add a UV or EM accelerator;
  • infusion. It has a high nitrogen concentration and is easy to manufacture. To prepare, you need to take rotted manure and add water. The mixture is left for 2–3 days with periodic stirring. A light-colored liquid is expected. If the shade is darker, the solution is additionally mixed with water before use;
  • soaking. This method of producing organic fertilizer helps eliminate excess acidity. The excrement is filled with liquid and left for 2 days. After settling, the water is drained and fresh droppings are added. This procedure is carried out 2-3 times. The substance is used by instillation into the grooves between rows or plants.

Cow manure is one of the most famous and most used organic fertilizers.

Cow dung

The fertilizer is effective and can be used on most plants, but to achieve a positive result you need to follow some rules. Fresh mullein can only be used to create warm beds. Rotted manure is often used.

Producing organic fertilizer from cow manure is quite simple:

  1. The bottom is lined with straw.
  2. Excrement is placed on top.
  3. As the heap grows, layering is carried out, and organic matter, peat or soil is placed between the layers.
  4. After reaching a height of about 1.5 m, the pile is covered with oilcloth.
  5. For complete rotting, you need to periodically water the pile; you can remove the film when it rains.
  6. The decomposition period ranges from 6 to 12 months.

Now you can simply scatter mullein around the garden at a ratio of 4–5 kg per 1 m2. An alternative use is a solution, it is prepared based on a proportion of 1 to 10. To infuse, you need to wait 1 day, then add ash. The mixture is used for foliar feeding. After the procedure, you need to pour the area generously.

Horse dung

Most often used as humus. When properly stored, horse manure will contain many useful substances, the amount is 2-3 times greater than in its raw form. Fertilizer can be applied in quantities of up to 5 buckets per tree and up to 3 buckets per bush. You can simply cover the ground 10 cm thick.

Horse manure is a valuable highly concentrated organic fertilizer

An infusion of manure and nettle has proven to be very effective. To prepare you need:

  1. Fill the container with nettles with water.
  2. Infuse the mixture for 3 days.
  3. Horse manure is added to the liquid, proportion 1 to 10.
  4. Leave the mixture for another 2 days.

After preparation, you can spray or water the plants.

Organic fertilizers of plant origin

Organic matter is used to impart high-quality physical parameters to the soil; it becomes loose and fluffy.

In order to improve the properties of the soil, several basic fertilizers of exclusively plant nature are often used:

  • peat. Only the lowland type can be added, which provides high fertile qualities. More often used as part of compost;
  • To alkalize the soil, it is recommended to add lime or ash, which can be mixed with peat. When preparing a complex composition, you need to mix 1 ton of peat with 30–50 kg of lime and 50–75 kg of ash. The composition is composted, this allows the nitrogen to be converted into an easily accessible form. The process takes from 6 months to 1 year or more;

  • Phosphorus meal is added to compost to increase the amount of phosphorus. From 10 to 20 kg of flour is added to 1 ton of the mixture;
  • sludge has a rich nitrogen composition. It is used in its natural form or after drying. In the first case, about 30 kg per 10 m2 is added, and in the second - 10 kg. To improve the quality of the fertilizer, you can add 500 g of superphosphate and 400 g of potassium chloride type;
  • compost. All plant waste is suitable for preparation (except stubborn weeds and diseased plants). To prepare, you need to dig a hole and fill the bottom layer with peat, about 10–15 cm. Compost 15–30 cm thick is laid in the base. All layers are watered with water and covered with manure, droppings or soil. Every 1–2 months the pile is filled, and it is also recommended to dig it up to gain air access to all layers. After cooking, you should get a homogeneous mass that crumbles and has a dark tint.

Organic matter is the key to good plant growth and rich soil; today not a single successful gardener can do without it. It’s just important to follow the cooking rules, otherwise you might not multiply the harvest, but ruin it.

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Organic fertilizers have been known since the earliest periods of agricultural history.

Three thousand years ago, Chinese and Japanese farmers used organic fertilizers. In the countries of Western and Eastern Europe in the 14th-15th centuries AD, manure began to be used.

In the modern world, 3 billion tons of various organic fertilizers are used annually.

Types of organic fertilizers

Organic fertilizers are fertilizing organic substances of animal, plant, plant-animal and industrial-household origin of varying degrees of decomposition. Organic fertilizers contain large amounts of moisture and a wide range of different nutrients, some in small quantities, which is why they are classified as complete fertilizers. Organic fertilizers, as a rule, are poorly transportable; they are used locally or close to production and are called local fertilizers.

Organic fertilizers include manure (litter, non-litter, slurry), peat, bird droppings, sapropel, composts, household waste, industrial waste (lignin), wastewater residues, green fertilizers, etc.

Manure has a complex multilateral effect on the soil and is a source of ash and. Manure in any form replenishes the supply of mobile nutrients in the soil, improves the circulation of various nutrients in the soil-plant system.

Bird droppings are fast-acting organic. There are:

  • litter, formed when poultry are kept on deep, permanent litter;
  • litterless droppings, formed during cage keeping of poultry;
  • dry droppings- a bulk fertilizer substance formed during the thermal drying of bedding-free liquid manure.

The chemical composition of droppings depends on the type of bird, type of feeding and keeping of the bird.

Bird droppings are used as pre-sowing fertilizer (see). Effective in various crops. It is recommended to use bird droppings when growing plants indoors.

In the year of application, on average, up to 50%, 20% and 70% are absorbed from the litter. The degree of use of nutrients depends on the dose, the granulometric composition of the soil and the biological characteristics of the plants.

In plant growing, peat is used in the preparation of peat humus pots and cubes, as a substrate for greenhouses and as a mulching material.

Sapropel is an organic fertilizer, bottom sediments of freshwater reservoirs. Natural color - from pink to dark brown. When exposed to air, the natural color disappears. The chemical composition of the substance varies even within the same body of water. Sapropel is used on various types of soil as a base and fertilizer.

Hydrolysis (technical) lignin

Hydrolysis lignin is the main waste of the hydrolysis industry. It contains few nutrients, has an acidic reaction and is very poor in microflora, has high moisture capacity and absorption capacity. When it is composted with other organic fertilizers (liquid manure, liquid bird droppings, slurry), fertilizers enriched with basic nutrients with good physical and mechanical properties and high biological activity are obtained. Nitrogen losses are minimal.

Tree bark and sawdust

Wood bark and sawdust can be used as organic fertilizer after composting with manure, slurry and other nitrogen-containing substances (photo). Such composts must meet the following requirements: organic matter content per dry weight of at least 80% with a humidity of no more than 60%, the proportion of humic substances is 10-15% of the total amount of organic matter, pH is at least 5.5, C: N ratio - no more than 30, percentage of content per dry weight - 3.0, - 0.1, - 0.1.

The ratio of composted materials and manure is 1: 1, 2: 1 or 3: 2. Phosphate rock and potassium chloride can be added to the compost.

Household waste (city waste)

Household waste is human waste. On average, one resident of Russia accounts for 0.15-0.25 tons of solid household waste per year.

The main share of municipal solid waste in cities is paper and organic components. The composition of garbage varies with the seasons. Biological waste is characterized by a high degree of biological contamination, can be dangerous from an epidemiological point of view and requires disinfection.

Solid household waste (city garbage) is comparable in nutrient content and fertilizing qualities to litter manure. The rate of mineralization of household waste depends on the presence of food waste in it. If there is a large amount of it, the garbage decomposes quickly and can be used as fertilizer, bypassing composting. When non-food waste predominates (paper, rags, etc.), it decomposes slowly and is used after composting.

Urban waste contains on average, based on dry weight, 0.6-0.7%, - 0.5-0.6%, - 0.6-0.8%.

Urban waste is used as pre-sowing fertilizer, for basic tillage, and in protected greenhouses.

Sewage sludge (SWS)

Sewage sludge accumulates in large cities at treatment plants in the amount of 1.5 to 1% of the volume of all treated water (photo) . The WWS humidity is high - 92-95%. Before use as a fertilizer, WWS is subjected to a variety of processing methods, namely:

Average composition of WWS,% on dry weight

From primary settling tanks

Activated sludge

Digested sludge

After thermal drying

Along with nutrients, WWS may contain heavy metals, petroleum products, and detergents. Constant monitoring of the composition of WWS is necessary, since their use sharply increases the risk of contamination of agricultural products and the environment with hazardous substances. All other things being equal, it is safer to use WWS on heavy, more humus-rich soils than on light, low-humus soils.

WWS is recommended for fertilizing parks, tree nurseries, lawns, and bast crops. For other crops, WWS is used only with the permission of sanitary and epidemiological stations under the control of the agricultural chemical service. WWS is not used for vegetable crops.


Compost (from the Latin compositus - “composite”) is an organic fertilizer. It is a decomposed mixture of manure with peat, soil, plant residues, phosphate rock, formed under the influence of microorganisms.

High-quality compost is a homogeneous, dark, crumbly mass with a moisture content of no more than 75%, with a reaction close to neutral, and nutrients in a form easily accessible to plants. (photo)

To prepare composts, various combinations of organic substances are used (manure, bird droppings, sewage sludge, industrial and household waste containing organic matter). Mineral components can be added to the compost mixture: phosphate rock, potash fertilizers, etc.

Composts have good physical and mechanical properties. They are free-flowing, easily transportable, and do not stick to the working parts of agricultural machines and implements.

Composting requires a positive ambient temperature. Optimal humidity conditions and high degree of aeration at the beginning of the process. To accelerate the decomposition of organic matter and reduce the loss of ammonia nitrogen and increase the concentration of nutrients, phosphate rock is added to the compost, and in case of high acidity, lime.

Properly prepared composts have the same fertilizing properties as manure.

Depending on the components, composts are divided into:

  • peat manure;
  • peat litter;
  • peat-liquid;
  • peat fecal;
  • manure-olignin;
  • composts from household waste and prefabricated ones.

Vermicompost (vermicompost)

Vermicompost (vermicompost) is a product of processing manure and various organic wastes by the red Californian worm Eusenia foetieda (photo) .

Vermicompost contains macro- and microelements, is biologically active, contains hormones that regulate plant growth (auxin, gibberellin), important enzymes: catalases, phosphatases, etc. During processing, the number of viruses and salmonella decreases. The red Californian worm can withstand temperatures from 4 to 28 ºC. The preferred acidity of the habitat is 6.5-7.5. The lifespan of a worm is 800-900 days. They reproduce by cocoons; on average, 3.5 individuals hatch from each cocoon.

A normal individual produces up to 200 offspring per year. Worms feed on all organic matter, consisting of 20% cellulose. Some organic substances require preliminary preparation. Thus, cattle manure must first undergo a fermentation process for 6-7 months to achieve the desired pH level; pork manure needs 10-12 months for this. At least 25% sawdust (by weight) is added to bedding-free manure. Every year, the number of worms can increase 4-10 times.

The product produced by worms is a balanced granular organic fertilizer containing (on an absolutely dry basis) 30% humus, 0.8-3.0% nitrogen, 0.8-5% phosphorus, 1.2% potassium, 2-5% calcium.

Verlicompost is used as a base and fertilizer. Recommended as highly effective for closed ground.

Green fertilizers (green manures)

Green fertilizers are fresh plant matter plowed into the soil to enrich it with organic matter and improve the nutrition of subsequent crops. Plants grown with green fertilizers are green manures; the method of enriching soils with them is green manure.

As green manure, legumes are usually used (lupine, seradella, sweet clover, vetch, china, asiragao, etc.), a little less often, mixtures of legumes with cereals (vegetable-oat mixture) or intermediate non-legume crops (mustard, rapeseed, rapeseed, etc.).

The ability of legumes to symbiotically fix atmospheric nitrogen, which contributes to additional enrichment of soils with nitrogen, makes them valuable green manures.

Green fertilizers have the same multifaceted positive effect on soil fertility as well-prepared bedding manure.

1 ton of wet weight contains different amounts of nutrients. Data on the nutrient content in different types of green manure fertilizers and mixed manure are presented in the table “Average data on the nutrient content in 1 ton of wet weight of legume green manure and 1 ton of densely stored mixed manure.”

Average Nutrient Data in 1 ton of wet weight of legume green manure and 1 ton of densely stored mixed manure, according to:

Type of fertilizer

Dry matter, kg

Grain straw

Straw of cereal crops, used as a fertilizer, helps improve the physical and chemical properties of the soil, enhances the activity of microorganisms, their nitrogen-fixing ability, reduces nitrogen losses, increases the availability of phosphates, and increases the humus content in the soil at the level of manure application.

Straw at a moisture content of 16% contains on average 0.5% nitrogen, 0.25% phosphorus, 1.0% potassium and 35-40% carbon, as well as small amounts of calcium, magnesium, sulfur and trace elements. The C:N ratio is from 60 to 100, so microorganisms that decompose straw organic matter require additional nitrogen nutrition. To do this, when plowing straw, an additional 0.5-1.5% of nitrogen by its mass is added, i.e. 5-15 kg of nitrogen per 1 ton in the form of mineral or organic fertilizers.

Plowing straw with the addition of nitrogen brings the greatest effect in the fall, since the harmful phenolic compounds formed during its decomposition have time to decompose or be washed out of the root layer of the soil during the autumn-winter-spring period.

The application of straw with the addition of nitrogen to row crops with a long growing season is especially effective. The systematic use of straw as a fertilizer in crop rotations significantly increases its effectiveness. (photo)

Bacterial (microbiological) fertilizers

Bacterial fertilizers are preparations of highly active microorganisms that improve the nutritional conditions of crops. The most common preparations are those containing nitrogen-fixing microorganisms.

Humic preparations (fertilizers based on humic acids)

Humic preparations are a group of physiologically active substances that activate the vital activity of soil microorganisms and plants. Their introduction into the soil helps accelerate the processes of humification, improves the water-physical properties and thermal regime of the soil, and stimulates the growth and development of plants.

Humic preparations are obtained by alkaline, acid or electroimulsion processing of natural raw materials (peat, coal, caustobioliths, etc.).

The preparative forms of humic preparations are diverse - from liquid ballast-free to granular organomineral complex fertilizers.

Humic preparations are widely used in the cultivation of flowers, seedlings, potted crops, in the creation and operation of sports lawns, in greenhouse vegetable farms and in the cultivation of field crops. They do not contain toxic components (with the exception of humates from brown coals and sapropels). During certification and registration, humates are tested for safety.

The importance of organic fertilizers in intensive farming

In conditions of intensive farming, the most important task is to reproduce soil fertility and create a positive, deficient balance of nutrients and humus in the soil. The successful solution of this problem depends on the systematic, scientifically based use of organic and mineral fertilizers in crop rotation. That is why the importance of organic fertilizers in agriculture will not decrease even if agriculture is completely satisfied with mineral fertilizers. The experience of world agriculture shows that the higher the farming culture, the more attention is paid to the use of various organic fertilizers.

How to increase soil fertility

What applies to organic fertilizers?

They have a beneficial effect on the composition of the soil and help improve its qualities. Such fertilizers, when decomposed, increase the humus layer of the soil, helping to increase its fertility. Currently, preference is given to natural organic fertilizers. They come in two types: animal and plant origin.

Depending on their origin, organic fertilizers have different effects on the soil.

Thus, animals influence the chemical composition of the soil, while plants influence its physical qualities.

Almost all organic fertilizers are complete because they contain nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, microelements, and vitamins. The first place among organic fertilizers is manure.


This is the so-called stall manure. The composition of manure depends on the type of animal, as well as the material used as bedding (peat, straw, sawdust, wood shavings).

Manure with straw bedding is of high quality and has good structure. Peat is less commonly used as bedding. Peat absorbs feces well and retains ammonia. Sawdust and shavings are less effective.

Manure happens:

1) horse;

3) sheep;

4) pork;

5) rabbit;

6) cattle (cow).

Horse manure has a porous structure and, when decomposed, releases a lot of heat, so it is often used to heat greenhouses. Because horse manure decomposes quickly and warms the soil, it is used on heavy, slow-warming soils. On clay soils, you can make a warm bed using horse manure.

Horse manure should be applied no more than once every 2-3 years at an average depth.

The effect of sheep and goat manure is similar to that of horse manure. They also decompose quickly and produce a lot of heat, which under certain conditions is harmful to plants.

Sheep and goat manure should not be used on light soils.

Cattle manure has a denser structure than horse manure, but it decomposes more slowly and produces less heat. This makes it suitable for all types of soil.

The frequency of applying cow manure depends on the soil: on heavy and damp soils it should be applied no more than once every 3-4 years, on medium soils - once every 3 years. Cow dung is buried shallowly.

On light soils, cow manure is applied once every 2 years and at an average depth.

Pig manure is less favorable. It decomposes slowly and has an unsaturated, watery structure. It contains many useful substances, but in a form unsuitable for plants. Pig manure is “cold”, i.e. the heat transfer from it during decomposition is insignificant. It should not be used on heavy soils, but is suitable for sandy soils.

Rabbit droppings are the leader in terms of nutrient content. But in its pure form it is used extremely rarely. It is included in composts and is also used as a liquid fertilizer. Feeding from rabbit droppings is prepared as follows: 1-2 kg of droppings are diluted in 10 liters of water and allowed to stand until it disperses. Then they dig shallow holes in the ground and add fertilizer at the rate of 1.5 l/m2. Then the holes are filled in.

How to use manure correctly

1. You cannot apply fresh manure to crops, because during its decomposition, gases are formed in the soil that are toxic to the root system, and a lot of heat is released, which can cause the plant to “burn.”

2. You can use manure that has reached a certain stage of decomposition. According to the degree of decomposition, fresh, semi-rotted, rotted manure and humus are distinguished.

3. To obtain rotted material, manure must be stored in the so-called cold way.

Manure is laid in layers on a leveled and compacted area and compacted. Each layer is sprinkled with phosphate rock or peat. The top of the manure pile is covered with a thick layer of peat and dry leaves and left for 4-8 months.

4. Before applying manure to the soil, it should be enriched by adding phosphorus mineral fertilizers.


Humus is the result of long-term decomposition of manure, leaves, grass, straw, etc.

This is a very mild type of organic fertilizer. Humus is mixed into the soil for seedlings, used in a mixture with mulching materials, incorporated into the soil, and sprinkled under crops.

Liquid manure

Liquid manure, or unlittered, or slurry.

Valued for its quick action and the ability to be used continuously as needed. When using slurry for feeding, it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3-5 and 25-30 g of superphosphate is added. Add at the rate of 1.5-2 l/m2.

Liquid manure feeding is prepared as follows: fill a barrel a quarter full with solid bedding manure, then pour water to the top and leave for 1-2 days, stirring occasionally.

To reduce odor, pulverized silica is added. The plants are watered with the resulting fertilizer.

Bird droppings

A valuable type of organic fertilizer. In terms of nutrient content, bird droppings are superior to all types of manure. In addition, it decomposes quickly and works quickly.

Fresh bird droppings are not added. It is embedded in the soil for autumn digging at the rate of 200-300 g/m2.

Poultry droppings are used to prepare composts or brought to a semi-rotted state, just like manure.

To obtain liquid fertilizer or starter, fill the barrel one third with bird droppings, and then fill it with water to the top. Mix well and leave for 3-5 days, remembering to stir from time to time. Then the liquid fertilizer is diluted: 3-4 parts of water are added to 1 part of the fertilizer and applied to the wells for crops at the rate of 10 l/m2.

Bird droppings are also used in dry form. To do this, it is crushed to a powdery state and added to crops at the rate of 30-50 g/m2.

Bone flour

A product of processing animal bones. Contains a lot of calcium and phosphorus. Bone meal is used as the main fertilizer at the rate of 3-4 kg/m2. In its pure form it decomposes slowly. It can be added to composts. In their composition, it will go through the primary stage of decomposition.

On light soils, bone meal can be used in its pure form.


There are several types of peat: high-moor, low-lying, transitional.

High-moor peat is not suitable as a fertilizer, as it is a poorly decomposed product.

But it can be composted by pre-treating it with ground carbonic lime. When composting, lime, phosphate rock, mineral fertilizers, manure, and bird droppings are added.

The same can be done with transition peat. Composted peat is used to mulch the soil and added to composts.

Lowland peat is suitable for fertilization without pre-treatment.

Silt deposits are a valuable nitrogen fertilizer. Silt accumulates at the bottom of rivers, ponds and lakes. It contains up to 30% organic matter, up to 2% nitrogen, 0.2-0.5% phosphorus, 0.3-0.5% potassium.

The upper layers of sludge contain more nutrients than the lower layers. In its pure form, sludge is used after preliminary drying and ventilation. It is recommended to apply sludge from fresh water bodies on light soils at a rate of 3-4 kg/m2.

Wood ash

Ash contains many nutrients: phosphorus, potassium, calcium (about 40%), sulfur compounds, magnesium.

The effect of ash on acidic soils is effective. It is applied for autumn digging at the rate of 500-700 g/m2. It is better to scatter the ash on the surface of the soil.

Green fertilizers

Currently, this type of fertilizer is the most popular due to its environmental friendliness.

Herbal infusions are prepared from plants or green mass is grown for subsequent plowing into the ground.

Herbal infusions are applied under the roots of plants and are also used to control pests.

To prepare the infusion, plants such as dandelion, chamomile, nettle, comfrey, and wormwood are placed in a barrel. You can also use dried herbs. The barrel of herbs is filled to the top with water and allowed to ferment. The ratio is 1 kg of fresh herbs or 200 g of dried herbs per 10 liters of water. If the weather is warm, fermentation begins after 3-5 days and continues for 3 weeks. During fermentation, the infusion must be stirred regularly.

➣ Herbal tea is a variant of herbal infusion. To prepare it, take fresh plants, pour boiling water over them and leave in the water until they cool completely. Herbal tea is sprayed on the foliage or watered at the roots of the plants.

During the fermentation process, an unpleasant odor may be released. To get rid of it, you need to add pulverized silica. The infusion is ready when it stops foaming and the liquid becomes clear and dark.

As long as agriculture has been developing on Earth, people have been using organic fertilizers to obtain good harvests. The types and their characteristics must be taken into account when using, since each of them has its own characteristics. Some need to be added to the soil in the fall, others at the time of planting, and others throughout the growing season. The value of organics lies in its beneficial effect on the condition of plants, in improving the soil, in increasing yields and in its low cost, because every farmer can prepare it in his personal subsidiary plot.

Organic fertilizer: what is it?

Many will immediately say manure and compost. The answer is correct, but incomplete, because organic fertilizers are human and animal waste, as well as household and even industrial waste, which contains substances necessary for the development of plants in the form of organic compounds. This may include:

Bird droppings;


Waste from wood processing factories (sawdust, tree bark, etc.);

Green manure plants;


Bone meal;


Complex organics.

Chemical composition

As you can see from the list above, there are a wide variety of organic fertilizers. The types and their characteristics mainly depend on the source of production, and in addition, on the technological process of fertilizer production. Any of them contains:


Special (a very valuable element that improves soil structure).

In small quantities, organic fertilizers include:

Sulfurous acid;

Silicic acid;

Oxides of some metals and other chemical elements.

Let's take a closer look at what and how much is contained in each type of organic fertilizer.


This very valuable fertilizer is nothing more than the feces of domestic animals, with the exception of cats and dogs. Depending on the type of animal, organic fertilizers of different composition are obtained. The types and their characteristics also depend on the stage of the preparation process, which are as follows:

Fresh manure (applied only in the fall, the soil is immediately plowed after that);

Semi-rotted (the straw in it becomes dark and easily separates into pieces);

Rotten (homogeneous dark mass);


The higher the stage of manure preparation, the more it loses its mass, and the better the organic matter decomposes in it and the quality improves.

It is equally important on what kind of litter this fertilizer is prepared.

As you can see from the table, pig manure has very little calcium, so lime is added to it.

Rabbit manure is also a good fertilizer. But for nutria, you can only use rotted manure or add it to compost.

Storage methods

Manure from different animals is, among other things, a variety of organic fertilizers. The types and their characteristics directly depend on how they are stored. The methods may be the following:

1. Loose styling. Stacks up to 3 m wide and up to 2 m high are made from fresh manure and are not covered with anything. With this method in stacks (t = +70 °C), the preparation process takes approximately 4-5 months, during which up to a third of the original mass is lost.

2. Tight styling. The same piles are made from fresh manure as with loose laying, but the manure is compacted tightly and covered with an airtight film. In such stacks the temperature does not rise above +35 °C even in summer. Decomposition with this method lasts about 7 months, and up to 1/10 of the original mass is lost. Dense packing is the most acceptable storage method.

3. Loose laying with compaction. A low, loose pile up to 3 m wide is made from fresh manure. On the fifth day, it is compacted, and a new loose layer is laid on top. This is repeated until the stack reaches a height of two meters, after which it is covered with film. Completely rotted manure is formed within 5 months.

How to use

The use of organic fertilizers, in particular manure, has its own little tricks. So, horse manure is ideal for warm beds because it contains little water. It is buried in special trenches dug along the perimeter of the bed, and after it is no longer needed, it is scattered across the field. On light soils it is better to use manure from cows, and on heavy soils - from sheep, goats and horses. For spring crops, fresh or half-rotted soil is plowed into the soil in the fall, and humus is added in the spring. If there is little fertilizer, it is advisable to apply it not to the entire area, but only to the holes. When planting trees, it is very useful to add up to 10 kg of humus into each hole.

Important! Fresh manure should not be applied to any crops. It releases ammonia, which is harmful to plants. There are no general standards for applying fertilizers, since they are different for each crop and directly depend on the quality of the soil.

You can find manure extract in stores. It is also an excellent fertilizer, but only for plants. It is useless for improving the condition of the soil.

Liquid organic fertilizers, their types and characteristics

There are a variety of fertilizers that you can make yourself without spending money. Those who have the opportunity use manure. It can be used in solid form, or you can make liquid organic fertilizers from it - slurry and mullein. The latter is prepared by pouring water over cow excrement. It is used to fertilize absolutely any plants, even flowers. At the same time, take 1 liter of mullein per bucket of water. There is no need to prepare slurry. It is the liquid part of manure. Liquid fertilizers include herbal infusions and even human urine, but more on that below.

As can be seen from the table, there is almost no phosphorus in this fertilizer, so superphosphate (about 15 g per liter) is added to the slurry.


It is believed that the best organic fertilizers are obtained from the droppings of pigeons and chickens. The waste of geese and ducks is somewhat worse in quality.

Bird droppings should be stored in a closed container or by composting with peat, straw, sawdust, as it very quickly loses its nitrogen component. Bird grass is used to feed vegetables, fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, and flowers. It is not added in its pure form, but filled with water (1 part of organic matter per bucket of water) and left to infuse for up to 3 days. After this, dilute it again with water, taking 1 measuring part of the infusion and 10 measuring parts of water.

Human feces

Some gardeners don't even know what exotic types of organic fertilizers there are. One of them is our feces. Previously, absolutely everything was fertilized with these waste products, they were even sold. Now this type of fertilizer is not popular, although it is almost the best. It should be noted that feces refers not only to feces, but also to urine, which is also suitable as a fertilizer. The only caveat is that nitrogen evaporates from it almost instantly, so the biomaterial must be covered with soil immediately after application.

As you can see from the table, feces are ideal for improving soil quality.

Of course, many farmers are disdainful to even think about using human excrement as fertilizer. For those who are more loyal to this, it is important to know what methods exist for preparing such organic matter. To remove the unpleasant smell, the “raw materials” need to be covered with peat or, in extreme cases, leaf soil. You can also make compost heaps from leaves and plant debris, placing feces in them in layers. They must mature for at least 3 years.

Urine is used immediately as a fertilizer. For trees, it does not need to be diluted. For other crops, it is advisable to dilute with water in a ratio of at least 1:4. It is also useful to water compost heaps with urine.


To the question: “Which fertilizers are organic?” many will answer: “Peat.” It is widely advertised, all flower shops actively sell it, and many gardeners and gardeners strive to use it. However, there are not so many substances useful for plants in peat to fertilize everything indiscriminately. In addition, you need to take into account that there are different types of peat, which differ significantly in quality.

As can be seen from the table, peat, especially lowland peat, is advisable to use on acidic soils. All types of peat should be used only to improve the quality of soils, regulate their humidity, as well as to create high-quality compost and for mulching any crops, but not for fertilization.


Some types of organic fertilizers are familiar to us from balneological procedures in sanatoriums. This is the silt of lakes, ponds, and any reservoirs with stagnant water, called sapropel. It is used especially a lot in the Rostov region due to the huge reserves in Lake Nero. Sapropel, which is plant and animal remains, accumulates in water bodies for decades. During this period, it gradually decomposes, turning into a valuable organic fertilizer, which contains a lot of phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and 4 times more nitrogen than manure. Sapropel can be used unchanged or added to compost. Before adding it to the soil, it must be ventilated, shoveled and frozen so that all substances unnecessary for plants are removed from it.

Sawdust, tree bark, bone meal

There are cheap and very useful organic fertilizers for improving soil quality. Their types and characteristics are as follows:

1. Sawdust. They perfectly loosen the soil, improve its moisture capacity and air permeability, but absorb nitrogen from it. The acidity of sawdust is quite high (pH about 3-4), so before applying it should be mixed with slaked lime and complex mineral or only nitrogen fertilizers. You can also moisten them with animal urine or liquid mineral fertilizers. It is better to use rotted sawdust or add it to compost heaps.

2. Tree bark. These wastes are used to create compost. To do this, fresh bark is crushed, placed in a hole, and complex moisturizers are added. The fertilizer will be ready in about six months, during which the pit with bark must be periodically moistened and its contents shoveled.

3. Bone meal. It reduces soil acidity well and is ideal for wetlands. Bone meal contains all the elements necessary for the growth and fruiting of plants. The only caveat is that you only need to use it fat-free (evaporated and dry).

Green manure

The application of organic fertilizers may differ significantly from the methods indicated above. We are talking about green manure - plants sown on the field before planting the main crops or after harvesting. These include: sunflower, mustard, lupine, clover, legumes, oats, vetch, olive radish and other early ripening crops that produce a lot of green mass. The use of green manure is most effective on sandy and humus-poor soils, but can be practiced on any soil. In terms of the content of useful elements, green fertilizers are almost identical to manure. For example, lupine produces approximately 4 kg of green mass per 1 m2. They contain on average 18 g of nitrogen, 4.8 g of phosphorus, 6.8 g of potassium, 19 g of calcium, 4.8 g of magnesium. The technology for fertilizing a plot with green manure is as follows: after harvesting the main crop, the seeds of the selected plant are sown on the field (some can simply be scattered across the field, others need to be planted in furrows), watered if necessary, and after waiting for the buds to appear, mowed. The green mass can be plowed into the ground, placed in compost pits, and fed to livestock. Some green manures (mustard), in addition to fertilizing the soil, help destroy bacteria in it, such as root rot, nematodes, late blight and others.


If you need to fertilize a small bed, you can make an excellent fertilizer from nettles. It is cut off, placed in a container and filled with water. Nettle fertilizer is prepared for 3-5 days, during which the contents of the container must be mixed. To eliminate the unpleasant odor, you can add valerian rhizome, and to speed up the process, add bread, yeast, and sourdough. The finished fertilizer must be filtered and used, adding 1 measuring part to 10 measuring parts of water.

Complex organic fertilizers

This is one of the best, most balanced types of fertilizers, suitable both for feeding plants and for improving soil quality. For their production, the industry uses the biofermentation method, which consists of the oxidation of organic elements with atomic oxygen. This releases a type of chemical energy that is extremely useful for the microorganisms needed by plants. They produce complex organic fertilizers from dung, sawdust, manure, peat and similar natural products. The preparations “ZhTSKKU”, “Piska”, “COUD”, “GUMI-OMI”, “Biohumus” are very popular. Basically, they are all concentrated and very easy to use.