Teeth whitening at home is the best. Hollywood smile for free: how to whiten your teeth at home

Snow-white tooth enamel is a sign of health, beauty, success. A dazzling smile decorates, attracts attention. This is why home teeth whitening is so popular. The procedure can be performed independently, without going to the dentist.

Why whiten teeth

In nature, perfectly white enamel is a rarity. A yellowish, grayish or bluish hue is more common. It is individual, genetically determined, like the color of hair or eyes. Therefore, it is impossible to completely whiten teeth with yellowish or other colors at home.

Dentists say that the darker the natural color, the stronger and healthier the teeth. The reasons for their darkening are deeply ingrained plaque. It is formed by eating habits, taking medications, and bad habits.

Smoking. Tobacco smoke contains substances that penetrate tooth enamel, giving it a dark, “smoky” appearance. Special lightening pastes do not always completely remove and dissolve blackening. Teeth whitening at home restores natural shade.

Sweet. The oral cavity is home to many microorganisms. Regular intake of sweets increases their population and the volume of waste products. They corrode the tooth surface. Through the thinned enamel, the base appears - dentin, which gives the smile a yellowish tint.

Coffee, tea, wine. Regular consumption of drinks that contain natural food colors also requires the return of whiteness to teeth. Light enamel becomes darker from coffee, black tea, red wine, and acquires a persistent brownish tone.

Tetracycline. The so-called “tetracycline” (yellow) teeth appear in childhood, as well as during the formation of dental buds in the fetus during pregnancy if the expectant mother takes tetracycline - it is deposited in the bones and dental tissue for life.

Fluorine. Teeth become “speckled” (pockmarked or yellow enamel) due to prolonged intake of fluoride compounds into the body with poor-quality water, food, or air pollution. The name of a chronic disease is fluorosis.

Underdevelopment of dental tissue(hypoplasia). White or yellowish spots with clear outlines and the same size appear on the teeth. They are bleached or filled.

The essence of teeth whitening at home is to mechanically clean, soften, loosen, dissolve darkening and yellowing, discolor stains, restore the natural shade, and return a dazzling smile.

Home whitening methods should not spoil or damage the outer layer, harm tooth enamel, or increase its sensitivity.

Harm of teeth whitening

You should not use lightening methods at home and strive for ideal whiteness of enamel in the following cases:

  • her hypersensitivity;
  • fillings in visible areas; upon completion of the procedure, they will retain their color and become noticeable;
  • a large number of fillings;
  • allergies to hydrogen peroxide;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • taking medications;
  • young age (minor).

Whitening of tooth enamel is contraindicated in case of caries, pathologies of periodontal tissues: gums, periodontium, cementum, alveolar processes.

You should not experiment with health for the sake of beauty - use recipes, lightening and whitening methods for abnormal wisdom teeth eruption.

How to whiten your teeth at home without harm

The procedure for returning light-colored enamel is similar to hair bleaching and is also not good for health. The main task when using various methods is to minimize the harm caused.

When you decide to whiten your teeth at home, you need to be sure that your teeth are healthy and that your teeth enamel is strong and thick.

Over time, microscopic gaps form between the filling and the dental tissue, through which an aggressive whitening substance penetrates and destroys it from the inside.

Therefore, before using home remedies, consult a dentist and have your fillings inspected.

Dark or yellow plaque should be located on the tooth surface. Otherwise, restoring whiteness will not work.

After lightening the enamel, avoid products that cause it to darken.

Some at-home teeth whitening methods increase sensitivity, which requires switching to a soft-bristled brush.

When, after a few months, the enamel again becomes covered with a dark coating, home lightening is repeated.

To prevent rapid blackening, use whitening toothpastes.

Whitening toothpastes

The product mechanically removes plaque and cleans a thin layer of the tooth surface. The chemicals included in the composition dissolve deposits and at the same time have a destructive effect on the enamel.

Whitening toothpastes sometimes act selectively - they do not whiten fillings or, on the contrary, they only lighten them. The substances included in the composition rarely cause allergies.

Therefore, before use, consult a dentist to avoid irreversible damage to the enamel.

For additional brightening, some people leave the whitening paste in the mouth for 3-5 minutes after brushing their teeth.

Whitening dental strips

A modern product allows you to quickly whiten your teeth at home – sometimes within a month. For strips coated with a lightening compound, including those for sensitive teeth, ask at the pharmacy.

The method for home whitening of tooth enamel is simple:

  • Apply strips every day for half an hour.

A month of use brightens by 2-3 tones. The smile remains snow-white for up to two months.

Initially, there may be an increase in the sensitivity of the enamel, which soon passes.

Expensive varieties of strips are tightly fixed, which allows you to talk while lightening.

The duration of the cosmetic effect is up to one and a half years. Teeth brighten by 5-6 tones.

The disadvantage of the strips is that they cannot whiten the spaces between teeth; a dark or yellowish tint remains there.

Home whitening gel

This method of teeth whitening is more effective:

  • Apply whitening gel to the enamel with a brush.

It hardens, gradually dissolves and is washed off with saliva.

To prevent the product from getting on the gums and mucous membranes, and to ensure close contact with the darkened surface, use a mouth guard - a plastic structure. It is placed on the upper or lower row of teeth, and the internal space is filled with whitening gel.

Teeth whitening gels based on hydrogen peroxide are effective, but their use at home increases the risk of damage and destruction of the tooth covering, gum burns, and increased sensitivity to cold and hot foods.

Therefore, at home, tooth enamel is lightened with a gel based on carbamide peroxide.

The described method of home teeth whitening is fast, as it gives the first results in a couple of weeks.

Pencil for teeth

This method of lightening enamel is a “portable” type of gel:

  • Apply the composition with a special brush and remove after a certain time.

Some varieties do not need to be removed; saliva dissolves them.

Compared to “real” whitening gel, its concentration in the pencil is small. Therefore, a home teeth whitening procedure confidently removes tea, coffee, and tobacco stains.

Rather, this is a way to maintain whiteness than to lighten teeth at home.

Teeth whitening with hydrogen peroxide

One of the available home methods for removing dark or yellow plaque. Some toothpaste manufacturers add peroxide to the composition - it makes the enamel white.

A simple way to whiten your teeth at home without harm:

  • Add 1 tsp to 100 ml of warm boiled water. hydrogen peroxide 3%.

Rinse your mouth every morning after brushing your teeth.

Recipe for restoring whiteness with hydrogen peroxide:

  1. Brush your teeth.
  2. Rinse your mouth with the composition – 1 tsp. hydrogen peroxide 3% per 100 ml of water.
  3. Use a cotton swab to wipe each tooth inside and out with undiluted 3% peroxide.
  4. Rinse your mouth thoroughly.

Apply the procedure 1-2 times a day.

During the procedure and some time later, the gums may burn, and tooth enamel becomes more sensitive.

Teeth whitening with soda

The home method of lightening is based on mechanical removal of dark and yellow plaque from the enamel by cleaning with an abrasive substance. Its disadvantage is the risk of gum damage and excessive thinning of the enamel.

  1. Apply baking soda to a toothbrush or several layers of gauze.
  2. Clean the tooth surface.
  1. Add a little baking soda to your toothpaste.
  2. Clean the enamel as usual.

Brush your teeth with whitening soda no more than once a week.

Lightening with a mixture of peroxide and soda

Home enamel whitening is more effective if you combine the previous methods:

  • Moisten 1 tsp. soda with a solution of hydrogen peroxide 3%, get a slurry.
  • Brush your teeth.

The duration of the procedure is three minutes, then rinse your mouth thoroughly.

The brightening effect is noticeable after the first application. Get rid of plaque and stains on the tooth surface using this method no more than twice a week.

Teeth whitening with charcoal

Activated carbon. These methods also mechanically remove stains and darkening from the enamel.

  1. Mash a tablet of activated carbon on a saucer to obtain a homogeneous composition, like tooth powder.
  2. Grab with a damp brush, remove mechanically, clean off plaque.
  • Add activated carbon powder to toothpaste.

The procedure quickly whitens teeth and restores their light shade.

Birch ash. Similarly, crushed birch ash is used to restore whiteness and a dazzling smile. At home, it is replaced with the ash of burnt bread.

Upon completion of cleansing with charcoal (ash), rinse your mouth thoroughly and brush your teeth. The first signs of lightening of tooth enamel are noticeable after two to three weeks.

Do not use these whitening methods too often - two or three times a month is enough.

Their harm is possible scratches on tooth enamel.

Home methods for teeth whitening

Lemon. Citrus fruits contain ascorbic acid, which is beneficial for connective and bone tissue, gums, and the entire body. Brightens tooth enamel and helps you achieve a sparkling smile.

  • Wipe the darkened enamel with a slice or crust without pulp, rinse your mouth thoroughly.
  • Add a few drops of lemon juice to your toothpaste.

This recipe helps to whiten teeth by 2-3 shades at home and eliminate bleeding gums.

  • Chew a slice of lemon along with the peel for several minutes to cleanse, eliminate plaque and deposits in the interdental spaces.

Use the listed whitening methods no more than once a week. They increase the sensitivity of the enamel.

Tea tree oil. For home whitening, use 100% oil:

  • Brush your teeth.
  • Place 2-3 drops on the brush and distribute them evenly over the surface of the enamel.
  • Rinse your mouth thoroughly.

During the procedure, the tongue and cheeks become numb. Tea tree oil cleanses and dissolves old dark deposits from coffee or tea. Softens and removes tartar.

Lemon, tea tree oil:

  • Clean the enamel with a mixture of 2-3 drops of tea tree oil and lemon juice.

Soda, vinegar, salt– home remedy to remove dark spots:

  • Mix equal parts baking soda, apple cider vinegar, and add a pinch of salt.

Apply the mixture with a toothbrush, and after a while rinse your mouth thoroughly. Vinegar can be replaced with lemon juice.

Soda, lemon, peroxide:

  • Brush your teeth with a mixture of baking soda and lemon juice, add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide 3%.

Homemade whitening toothpaste.

  • Add a little soda, peroxide, fine salt to a small amount of paste and mix.
  • Add a pinch of activated carbon powder and a few drops of lemon juice to the paste.


  • To whiten, periodically clean the enamel with “Extra” fine table salt.

Birch infusion:

  1. Wash a handful of fresh leaves and chop finely.
  2. Brew a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain.

Rinse your mouth to restore white teeth and restore a spectacular smile.

Tea mushroom:

  • Rinse your mouth morning and evening with a weekly infusion of kombucha.

The method dissolves dark spots and plaque, bad breath.

Salt and honey used for home teeth whitening:

  • Mix honey and “Extra” salt in equal parts until completely dissolved.

Apply with your finger to restore whiteness, you can grab the gums. Apply once a week.

Parsley. To cleanse tooth enamel from stains and plaque, with a whitening effect:

  • Chew fresh parsley.
Modified: 06/30/2019

To get a snow-white smile without a trace of plaque or yellowness, you don’t have to go to the dentist’s office. We will tell you how to whiten your teeth at home in simple and effective ways.

Of course, teeth whitening at a dental clinic will be more effective than trying to do it at home. Professional lightening agents are more effective, and the doctor selects the most suitable drugs in each specific case to achieve the best effect. However, this does not mean that you cannot whiten your teeth at home. It is possible, and the result will be noticeable, especially if you repeat the procedure regularly.

Still, consulting a dentist before whitening your teeth is highly advisable. Only a qualified doctor will be able to detect dental problems, accurately assess the condition of the enamel and determine which whitening products can be used and which will cause irreparable harm to the teeth.

Contraindications to the procedure

Teeth whitening at home is not done:

  • children (at least up to 10-12 years old);
  • lactating and pregnant women;
  • if you are allergic to any components of the whitening composition;
  • while wearing braces;
  • for diseases of the oral mucosa;
  • in the presence of enamel cracks, tooth root exposures, severe caries. Whitening compounds will have a destructive effect on tooth tissue and cause severe pain to the patient.

A relative contraindication is increased sensitivity of tooth enamel. The fact is that lightening compounds will make this problem even more pronounced. However, when treating hypersensitivity with the help of remineralizing treatment before bleaching and fluoridation of the enamel after it, this procedure can be carried out.

You should also be careful when whitening teeth with fillings in visible places. Lightening agents may not work on the filling material at all, or may work differently than on the enamel itself, and the color contrast will be very noticeable.

Traditional whitening products

Not only toothpastes and other specialized household chemical products will help to brighten your teeth, but also home remedies that can easily be found in everyone’s kitchen or medicine cabinet.

Hydrogen peroxide is the basis of most dental bleaching preparations. And if you don’t want to spend money on professional cleaning, this substance will help you lighten your teeth easily and quickly at home.

Peroxide can be used for wiping or rinsing. In the first case, a cotton pad or a piece of soft cloth is soaked in the liquid and each tooth is treated with it. In the second, take 25-30 drops of a 3% peroxide solution into half a glass of water and rinse your mouth with it. In both cases, bleaching must be completed by rinsing with clean water.


Like hydrogen peroxide, soda is used in professional whitening products, which means this substance is very effective in removing dark plaque from enamel. Moreover, when used at least twice a month, baking soda helps reduce bleeding gums.

Whitening soda is used in several ways.

  1. Soda powder is poured into a saucer and a toothbrush, previously moistened with water, is dipped into it. Then the soda is rubbed over the surface of the teeth, as during normal cleaning. During the procedure, increased salivation may occur - this is completely normal. After cleaning, rinse your mouth thoroughly with plain water.
  2. A gentler alternative to this method is rinsing. 1-2 teaspoons of soda are diluted in a glass of warm, but not hot water. This product not only gently brightens the surface of the teeth, but also has an antiseptic effect during inflammatory processes in the teeth and gums.
  3. You can also add baking soda to toothpaste and brush your teeth with this mixture.

Concentrated soda has a strong effect on enamel, so it is not recommended to use the first whitening method more than once a week. The remaining two can be used more regularly - up to 3-4 times a week.

The whitening effect of this product is achieved due to the mechanical abrasive effect on the teeth. In addition, it also has an antiseptic effect - it neutralizes pathogenic microflora of the oral cavity.

The method of using activated carbon for teeth whitening is very simple: 3-4 tablets are crushed into powder. They can then be added directly to toothpaste for cleaning or used separately by dipping a damp toothbrush into it.

Tea tree oil

This remedy is a very effective natural antiseptic, often used to combat inflammation. The oil acts very carefully and gently, does not destroy the top layer of enamel, but only removes plaque. The result becomes noticeable only after several weeks of regular use.

In addition to the whitening effect, there is also a general improvement in the health of the oral cavity: inflammation decreases or disappears completely, the microflora is normalized, and gum bleeding decreases.

Lemon juice

The simplest recipe with lemon juice is to simply chew one or several slices of the fruit, naturally, without adding any sweeteners to them. But with this method it is impossible to control the uniform distribution of juice throughout the oral cavity, so it is better to leave it as a last resort. In order for all the enamel to be cleaned equally well, you need to squeeze out the lemon, dip a clean brush in the liquid and treat each tooth with it in turn.

Lemon juice contains a lot of acid, so this remedy should be used with caution and no more than 3-4 times a month.

To increase the effectiveness of whitening, the juice can be mixed with table salt to a paste consistency and rubbed into the teeth. If the enamel is very thick, strong and healthy, it is permissible to add soda instead of salt. Lemon zest is best for sensitive teeth with thin enamel.

The back side of the peel (where the white soft fibers are) is rubbed on each tooth in turn. Then after 4-5 minutes, rinse your mouth thoroughly with water at room temperature.

Apple vinegar

To whiten teeth, rinse your mouth with vinegar, concentrated or diluted with water. In this case, you should never swallow liquid; this is very harmful to the mucous membrane of the digestive system. After rinsing, it is advisable to rinse your mouth with clean water and/or brush your teeth with toothpaste. For durable enamel, you can use a mixture of vinegar and soda.

Like soda and lemon juice, apple cider vinegar is quite aggressive towards the surface of the teeth, so it is not recommended to use it more often than once every 7-10 days.

Other methods

Let's consider other whitening products:

  • aloe juice A few drops of juice are added to the paste while brushing your teeth or diluted with water for rinsing;
  • basil. The fresh leaves of this plant are crushed into puree and rubbed on the teeth with a brush. The product reduces inflammation in the oral cavity and freshens breath well;
  • sea ​​salt. Fine salt is added to the paste, used as an independent means for cleaning teeth, or diluted in water for rinsing;
  • Coconut oil. Added to toothpaste or used as a rinse. There is no need to dilute it in water; it liquefies greatly in the mouth from the heat.

Preparations for home teeth whitening

In addition to standard toothpastes, there are many preparations that allow you to achieve whiter tooth enamel.

  • Whitening pencils. After the teeth are cleaned with the paste, they are treated with a special pencil, from the tip of which the gel is squeezed out. It not only whitens teeth, but also covers them with a protective film. After some time specified in the instructions for the product, you need to rinse your mouth to wash off the excess gel.
  • Stripes. Recommended for people with sensitive teeth. Perhaps not the most effective whitening method, but definitely one of the safest. As the name suggests, these are specialized flexible strips that are impregnated with a special gel. They are glued to the teeth twice a day for 20 minutes.
  • Whitening complexes. Usually they are mouth guards that are filled with a special gel. The mouth guards are placed on the jaws and then kept in place for some time. Then you will need to rinse your mouth and brush your teeth. This is an extremely effective option, but is generally not recommended for sensitive teeth.

There are many similar products available in different price segments, so we will consider only a few popular pastes.

  • WhiteWash NANO. The option is not cheap, but it is effective. The composition of the complex not only whitens tooth enamel, but also promotes its speedy restoration. The xylitol contained in the composition has a disinfecting effect. The first noticeable effect is achieved after 7 days of use. Price: from 500-600 rubles.
  • Lacalut White. A more affordable option, found in most non-specialized stores. Contains fluorides, which compensate for the lack of minerals in the hard tissues of the tooth, however, because of this, the use of the paste by people with a high fluoride content in the body should be limited. Price: about 200 rubles.
  • Blend-a-med 3D White Luxe. Another representative of the affordable segment. According to the manufacturer, up to 90% of all stains on the enamel can be eliminated in just 5 days of use. The paste is rich in minerals and helps compensate for the lack of minerals in the enamel. Price: from 150 rubles.
  • SwissDent Gentle. Swiss paste, characterized by a very gentle approach to whitening. The abrasive particles included in its composition are very small, so even sensitive enamel will not be damaged. An excellent option for daily use (unless you have a high fluoride content in your body). Price: from 800 rubles.

Prevention of darkening of tooth enamel

The first and main preventive measure is proper oral hygiene. You should brush your teeth at least in the morning and evening, but you can even brush them after every meal. Additionally, the spaces between them must be treated with interdental floss or, if there is none, then with a toothpick. If at some point it is not possible to use a brush and paste, you should rinse your mouth - with water, herbal decoction or a special rinse.

It is better to drink berry juices through a straw, and after eating fresh berries, brush your teeth or at least rinse your mouth with water. It is advisable to reduce the consumption of strong tea, coffee and lemonades with artificial colors, and stop smoking.

On the contrary, the amount of hard fruits and vegetables such as apples, carrots, cucumbers in the diet should be increased - they provide effective mechanical cleaning of the surface of the teeth.


Whitening your teeth at home using traditional recipes is quite possible and safe if you follow simple precautions. To ensure that lightening is required as rarely as possible, monitor oral hygiene and the amount of foods consumed that can stain the enamel.

Mother of two children. I have been running a house for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try different means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, more fulfilling. I love my family.

A snow-white, shining smile is one of the main guarantees of attractiveness; each of us dreams of having strong, healthy, white teeth, but not everyone has been endowed with such by nature, and most of the population is faced with the problem of dull, darkened teeth. From an aesthetic point of view, this does not look the best, but in addition to being a visual problem, dark enamel can provoke a number of other troubles in the oral cavity and be a source of bacteria development.

Some people have simply come to terms with this fact and don’t pay any attention to it, while others are looking for excuses that whitening is unaffordable, very expensive, etc. In fact, in order to make your teeth white, you don’t have to visit clinics every week and do expensive procedures; there are a lot of budget methods that you can use without leaving home, and the end result will be no worse than in a salon. professional whitening.

In order to choose the right, suitable method for yourself, you need to understand the reasons for the darkening of tooth enamel, and try to neutralize these unfavorable sources, and only then begin the whitening itself.

Why do teeth darken?

How to whiten teeth using folk remedies


Soda contains abrasive substances, thanks to which it perfectly cleans various surfaces and equipment in our home. Regarding teeth, baking soda destroys pigments and stains on enamel, and also completely removes plaque.

Recipe #1

Mix half a teaspoon of soda with a spoon of water, stir well until smooth, apply the mixture to your teeth with a brush, leaving for 1-2 minutes, then rinse your mouth well with water.

Recipe No. 2

Add a pinch of baking soda to your toothpaste and brush your teeth as usual.

The method works well, the result is noticeable immediately, but it can be used no more than once every 7 days, since, in addition to plaque, the enamel itself is also cleaned, as a result of which it becomes significantly thinner.

Hydrogen peroxide

Recipe #1

Dilute 1 part of peroxide with 10 parts of boiled water, and use for rinsing after standard toothpaste cleaning.

Recipe No. 2

Soak a cotton pad in 3% hydrogen peroxide and gently wipe the surface of the teeth, being careful not to touch the tongue and palate.

The course of such whitening in both the first and second cases consists of 14 days, after which it is necessary to take a break for 2-3 weeks so as not to damage the natural enamel.

Sea salt

Combine fine sea salt with lemon juice in equal quantities, soak a brush in the mixture and brush your teeth, this method achieves the goal in 3-5 procedures, also serves as an excellent antiseptic, but can cause discomfort and a burning sensation in the mouth, if there are minor wounds, scratches, swelling.

The course is carried out once a month for 7-8 days.

Activated carbon

Crush the tablet until a powder forms, apply to a wet toothbrush and clean the surface of the teeth, then rinse your mouth 2-3 times and use regular toothpaste. Repeat once every 7-10 days; frequent use irritates the gums and damages the enamel.

coconut oil

Edible or cosmetic oil can be purchased in supermarkets or pharmacies; as a result of using this product, you will have an antibacterial, wound-healing effect, as well as fresh breath.

Recipe #1

Keep a teaspoon of oil in your mouth until it melts and becomes liquid, rinse your teeth with it for 10 minutes, spit it out and rinse your mouth well with hot, boiled water to neutralize any remaining oil in the mouth.

Recipe No. 2

Mix 5 grams of coconut oil with 1 gram of soda and use instead of toothpaste in the morning and evening, then rinse well with water.

Recipe No. 3

Melt a small amount of oil in a water bath, moisten a clean, soft piece of cloth with it and wipe each tooth individually.

It is safe to use these methods two to three times a week.

Tea tree

Essential oil will help fight any bacterial infections and cleanse tooth enamel. To do this, add 3 drops of the product to 250 ml of warm water and use as a rinse, after using the paste, 2-3 times a week.


A very effective whitening scrub based on strawberries. Mix the pulp of half a strawberry with a pinch of soda and sea salt, brush your teeth with gentle massage movements, it is important that the brush is soft, then rinse your mouth well. Repeat the procedures 1-2 times a week.


Lemon juice can destroy tartar, whiten enamel and strengthen gums, the effect is quite quick, but you must be careful, because lemon is very concentrated, due to acid, and this can lead to thinning of the enamel.

Important! A few hours before the procedure and a few after, do not drink colored drinks or foods, as your teeth may turn a certain color.

Before whitening using this method, you first need to brush your teeth with paste, then you can simply lubricate your teeth well with a slice of lemon, or squeeze the juice out of it and blot your toothbrush with it for standard cleaning, and after completing the procedure, rinse your mouth with cold water.

Use this method once every 10 days.


The advantage is that the method is simple and can be used for a long time; just add a few drops of juice to toothpaste during your daily teeth brushing routine.


It is better to use apple cider vinegar, it is less concentrated and in this case will be much safer than usual, but the frequency of the procedure should not exceed 3 times every 10 days.

Rinse your mouth with vinegar in its pure form, after brushing your teeth with toothpaste, and rinse the remaining vinegar well with water.

Salt with honey

In addition to the whitening effect, it will also have a healing and healing effect. You need to mix these two ingredients together in equal proportions, while the honey should be liquid and the salt should be the finest. Rub the mixture into the gums with your finger or brush, twice a week, once a day.

How to whiten teeth at home quickly, without harming your teeth

There are express methods with which you can quickly and efficiently achieve snow-white teeth; they are safe only if they are not abused, otherwise you can significantly damage tooth enamel and develop a number of complications and diseases of the oral cavity.

Lemon zest

Grate the zest onto a fine grater and rub it into each tooth individually with gentle movements, or simply rub the entire surface of the teeth with the inner (white) side of the peel. Repeat once a month, the effect after the first use lasts for a long time.


Perhaps the most effective recipe for home whitening is based on making your own paste.

To do this, mix turmeric in powder form with coconut oil in equal quantities, and add 2-3 drops of essential mint oil, mix until smooth, use as a regular paste on an ongoing basis or alternating with classic pastes.

Lemon + soda

The combination of these two ingredients gives the longest and most powerful effect. When lemon juice and baking soda are combined, a chemical reaction will occur and the mixture will begin to foam, after the reaction is completed, stir the mixture to a paste consistency. Before the procedure, you need to blot your teeth with a dry paper napkin, apply the paste itself, thoroughly rubbing it into each tooth, the cleaning process itself should last at least five minutes, and when finished, rinse your mouth with cool water. Use once every 7-10 days.

DIY pasta

Mix 60 grams of pharmaceutical white clay with purified water to form a paste, pour in 5 milliliters of honey, 8-10 drops of propolis and two drops each of chamomile oil and sage oil. It can be used on an ongoing basis and stored in an opaque container for no more than a month after preparation.

In addition to its excellent whitening effect, this paste will provide a healing, anti-inflammatory effect, an excellent find for people with increased tooth sensitivity and bleeding gums.

What to do to make your teeth white

  • Maintaining hygiene: brush your teeth twice a day, for 2-4 minutes;

    Important! Don’t forget to clean your tongue, because it is also a source and carrier of a huge amount of bacteria that can affect gums and destroy teeth!

  • Use a paste containing fluoride; the ideal option would be to alternate between fluoride-containing and fluoride-free pastes, using each for 2 weeks;
  • Replace your entire family's toothbrushes every three months, otherwise, instead of cleaning your teeth, you will simply spread bacteria throughout your mouth;
  • Choose a soft brush so as not to injure your gums and provoke the development of inflammation;
  • Use special dental floss after each meal, this will give you freshness and eliminate the unpleasant feeling of food residues in your mouth;
  • Once or twice a week, use a rinse, after using toothpaste, rinsing should last 1-1.5 minutes, and if possible, rinse your mouth every time after eating with regular running water;
  • Visit a dentist at least 1-2 times a year;
  • Rid yourself of such bad habits as smoking, alcohol, frequent consumption of coffee, sweets, carbonated water containing dyes;

The cult of a snow-white smile and even pearly teeth came from Hollywood. Ordinary people try to be like stars. And in this quest, they turn to home methods of teeth whitening. After all, teeth whitening at home is simple, quick and affordable. You can buy specialized whitening compounds at a pharmacy or store. Manufacturers promise a noticeable and long-term effect. True, these funds cannot be called cheap, rather affordable. Therefore, most people turn to traditional medicine and its means. These include baking soda, sea salt, activated charcoal, even strawberries. The main thing is not to forget that not everything the manufacturer says is true. And not everything that is used for whitening can be used uncontrollably.

Each home method of teeth whitening is characterized by both advantages and significant disadvantages. It is important not to forget this. Because if the rules are not followed, serious disastrous consequences cannot be avoided.

Hollywood and domestic stars, smiling, dazzle with straight and bright white teeth. Their snow-white smile is the result of painstaking work carried out by the dentist. An ordinary citizen can act more simply. You can't straighten your teeth on your own, but you can do home teeth whitening.

Photo 1. Teeth after teeth whitening

What is teeth whitening at home

Home teeth whitening is a good alternative method. But teeth whitening at home will not give results like a professional procedure. Efficiency leaves much to be desired. The maximum effect is the removal of dark plaque and short-term lightening of the enamel.

Almost anyone can do teeth whitening at home. But it must be remembered that such methods have disadvantages. As a special case, teeth whitening with hydrogen peroxide may be unsafe. And especially at home. The main thing is that teeth whitening is carried out at home without harm. This applies to both general health and dental health.

Photo 2. Home whitening with hydrogen peroxide and soda

How teeth whitening works at home

Many people are attracted to home whitening because of its affordability. You can even whiten your teeth with the help of the tools at hand. At home, baking soda is the easiest way to do this. It acts as an abrasive, thanks to which the dark coating is cleaned off. Chemical teeth whitening is done at home with peroxide. It is possible to whiten teeth at home with trays. They are filled with whitening gel. There are many ways, and this will be discussed in detail below.

Photo 3. Mouthguard for whitening teeth at home

Ways to whiten teeth at home

Manufacturers produce special formulations and products for home teeth whitening. Some remedies are suggested by traditional medicine. After studying the features of the methods, you can independently choose a home method of teeth whitening.

Photo 4. Whitening gel for mouth guard

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Using a whitening gel

It's quite aggressive. The main active ingredient is hydrogen peroxide. There is a high risk of damaging tooth enamel. True, it is less than when using peroxide in its pure form. The gel contains components that mitigate the harmful effects of peroxide.

Usage options:

  • Application during brushing teeth with a regular brush.
  • Brush application.
  • Home teeth whitening gel with caps. The gel is applied to the caps, and they are already put on the teeth. While wearing a cap, whitening occurs.

A variation of the whitening gel is a whitening pencil.

Photo 5. Whitening pencil

Whitening strips with brightening composition

The strip is somewhat similar to a record. A composition containing hydrogen peroxide or urea is applied to it. They are used 1-2 times a day for a month. Stick it on your teeth and keep it on for the time indicated in the instructions. In terms of how long the effect lasts, whitening strips are the leaders among home remedies. An attractive smile can last up to 1 year.

Photo 6. Whitening strips

Whitening with hydrogen peroxide

Teeth whitening can be done at home with peroxide. The recipes are different. The main difference is the concentration of peroxide used for bleaching. Some recipes suggest applying undiluted hydrogen peroxide to your teeth. Others advise diluting peroxide half and half with water. Thirdly, it is recommended to dilute peroxide by two-thirds with water. Fourth, mix hydrogen peroxide and soda in equal proportions. Then gently apply the mixture to your teeth with a cotton swab.

Photo 7. Teeth whitening using hydrogen peroxide and soda

The higher the concentration of hydrogen peroxide, the more noticeable the whitening effect. This is clear. However, even a concentration within 15% seriously harms the enamel. Its mineral components - phosphorus and calcium - are destroyed. Strong and thick enamel becomes thin, porous, and fragile.

Teeth whitening with hydrogen peroxide is dangerous to do at home.

Rules for using whitening toothpaste

Daily brushing with whitening toothpaste is prohibited. Even if the packaging says “for daily use.” Toothpaste may contain either abrasive whitening components or chemical ones. Therefore, frequent use of whitening paste causes thinning of the enamel.

If the enamel is healthy, you can whiten your teeth a couple of times a week. Cleaning the tooth crown occurs in the same way as during regular brushing.

Lightening with activated carbon

This method refers to mechanical bleaching methods. Activated carbon powder has abrasive properties.

Activated carbon tablets must be crushed. The resulting powdery mass can be used to clean teeth. A soft brush will come in handy. You can mix the powder with toothpaste.

Photo 8. Teeth whitening with activated carbon

Whitening with soda

Baking soda is a popular teeth whitening agent. But teeth whitening done at home with baking soda is not safe. After all, this is also an abrasive - it thins the enamel and increases tooth sensitivity.

You can brush your teeth with baking soda once a week. Apply soda to a cloth or gauze and clean the surface of the tooth. Sometimes added to toothpaste.

With sea salt

Sea salt can replace soda. The principle of operation is the same if used in solid form. Although you can dilute salt in water and rinse your mouth with the solution. Sea salt contains many minerals that are beneficial for teeth and gums. However, too frequent use is also not recommended. Application limit: 3 times a week. And this is with healthy teeth.

Photo 9. Sea salt

other methods

There are also more delicious ways to whiten teeth. In whitening practice, milk powder and strawberry scrub are used. Dry milk is used to clean teeth in the same way as tooth powder. Dip a toothbrush into powdered milk and clean the surface of the teeth. The principle is no different.

Strawberry scrub is prepared with strawberries, soda and salt. Add ½ tsp to a couple of mashed berries. soda, a little salt. This is not to say that strawberry scrub does not injure the enamel at all. It acts in a more gentle manner, but is not harmless.

Advantages and disadvantages of home teeth whitening

Each teeth whitening method has its own advantages and disadvantages. This also applies to a variety of home whitening methods.

The main advantage is low cost. Whitening strips and trays with a whitening composition, of course, will cost significantly. But it is an order of magnitude less than the cost of whitening services in dentistry.

Photo 10. Before and after home teeth whitening

Another advantage is accessibility. There is no need to make an appointment with the dentist or rearrange your schedule. Teeth whitening can be done at home at any convenient time.

There are more disadvantages:

  • The enamel is damaged.
  • Porous enamel absorbs dyes well. The enamel color may become dark again. After the procedure, do not drink tea, coffee, juices, or smoke for several days.
  • The effect will not last long. The exception is specialized, expensive whitening strips.

There are also contraindications:

  1. Filled front teeth. Firstly, the color will be different. Secondly, there is a risk that the filling will fall out after whitening.
  2. Lots of filled teeth. The bleaching composition that gets under the filling will cause discomfort. And if you don’t see a doctor, it’s pulpitis.
  3. Sensitive teeth. Bleaching will make the problem worse.
  4. Caries. Exposure to damaged areas will accelerate tooth decay.
  5. Allergy. Some formulations, even for home use, can cause allergies.

Table 1. The main causes of yellowing of tooth enamel


Yellowish and brown tooth color may be due to heredity. Proper nutrition plays an important role; some habits of a woman during pregnancy can affect the shade of the unborn child's teeth.

Coloring food and drinks

Dyes in foods and berries can change the natural color of teeth if consumed systematically (carbonated drinks, blueberries, etc.).

People who smoke develop nicotine plaque, which causes yellowing of tooth enamel.

Lack of proper oral hygiene

It is necessary to brush your teeth every day, and it is also important to brush them correctly; lack of systematic oral care can lead to yellowing of the teeth.

The older we get, the more the shade of our teeth changes, even with proper care and nutrition.


In large cities, due to the atmosphere, cars, and factories, many negative factors are created that affect the color of tooth enamel and, in general, the general state of human health.

Diseases in the human body also have a great impact on the shade of teeth, especially in cases of liver disease, gastrointestinal tract diseases, or from the treatment of a particular disease.

The consequences of teeth whitening yourself at home

Whether to whiten teeth at home, everyone must decide for themselves. But you need to know that home teeth whitening is fraught with the following consequences:

  1. Teeth will become sensitive to cold and hot.
  2. There is a risk of not maintaining a safe concentration of bleaching agents. Most likely, in the pursuit of greater efficiency it will be exceeded. Result: the enamel becomes so thin that the tooth may chip. Each time, the damaged enamel will become darker. This is due to the increased ability of porous enamel to absorb coloring substances. In addition, this process will accelerate.

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Of course, the result will not be as impressive as after professional whitening. But there is no pain or expense - these simple methods are available to everyone right now.

How to whiten your teeth

Baking soda

Good old baking soda is a natural bleach. Mix ¼ teaspoon of baking soda with salt and brush your teeth with this mixture. Repeat the procedure a couple of times a week, and soon your smile will become snow-white. In such a small amount, baking soda will not harm the enamel.


As already mentioned, you can use it to brush your teeth in combination with baking soda. In addition, it is useful to rinse your mouth with a saline solution to whiten tooth enamel. Mix ½ teaspoon of salt in a glass of cold water and rinse your mouth after eating. This antibacterial agent also cares for gums.

Strawberries and apples

Green apples and strawberries are not only a healthy snack, but also a great way to naturally whiten your teeth at home without harm. Apples and strawberries contain acid, which removes plaque and makes teeth shiny.

Bright lipstick

Red or wine lipstick in cool shades can visually make your smile snow-white. The only important thing is to find your perfect color!

Hard cheese

Another product that answers the question of how to whiten teeth without harming the enamel. Firstly, the structure of hard cheese helps remove plaque. And secondly, cheese contains calcium, which is necessary for a healthy smile.

Less red wine and coffee

If you can’t imagine your life without coffee for breakfast and a glass of red wine with dinner, make it a habit to always rinse your mouth after these drinks. They stain the enamel, and the more often you drink them, the stronger the effect will be. Drinking through a straw is not the most convenient option that dentists offer. But who would want to drink coffee this way? It’s better to switch to plain water in the morning.

Coconut oil

This super oil will come in handy here too. How to whiten teeth at home? British dentists recommend rinsing your mouth with water and coconut oil. This solution not only helps get rid of bacteria, but also protects the enamel from staining. So before drinking red wine, rinse your mouth with coconut oil.