Swelling after rhinoplasty. When will swelling go down after rhinoplasty? Swelling after rhinoplasty: how to recover faster Swelling in the form of a hump after rhinoplasty

Swelling after rhinoplasty is a common phenomenon that absolutely all patients experience. Some tissues swell more, others less. As a rule, it spreads not only to the tissues of the nose, but also affects the areas closest to it. The rehabilitation period after such an operation lasts about a year.

Edema is the accumulation of fluid in tissue. It contains water and protein substances. Swelling can spread to the connective tissue area, mucous membrane, as well as the superficial layers of the skin.

Swelling after rhinoplasty occurs at different times after surgery. Based on this criterion, they are divided into 4 groups:

  • primary;
  • secondary
  • residual;
  • swelling in the area periosteum.

The first signs of edema appear during the operation. In order to minimize this process, the patient is given a plaster cast and turundas are inserted into the nostrils. In addition to the fact that swelling can greatly interfere with the doctor during the operation, it can spread to the neck and face, under the eyes.

A reduction in swelling should be expected 4 days after surgery. In the first few days, the patient may experience severe swelling after rhinoplasty, which will subside over time.

Secondary edema is practically invisible visually, since it is located in the deep layers of the skin, periosteum, and near the cartilaginous tissue. It causes a lot of inconvenience to the patient. As the mucous membrane swells, a person experiences nasal congestion and a hint of nasal tone is heard in the voice.

Secondary edema has its own specific manifestations:

  • is happening seal nasal tissue;
  • observed extension its tip.

Secondary swelling lasts a long time: from a month to two. At this stage, the patient feels that something has gone wrong, which is why nasal congestion is observed. Many people try to resort to various means to reduce swelling, but they only give a temporary effect. The main thing at this stage is to be patient.

Residual edema appears at the last stage of rehabilitation. Visually it is not noticeable because it is located very deep. Many patients note that the tip of the nose remains hard to the touch.

The swelling completely subsides within a year and a half from the date of surgery. It takes a long time for the blood supply to be restored. When this process is fully restored, the swelling will subside.

It has been observed that swelling persists longer in patients with thicker skin, as well as in those who have undergone revision rhinoplasty. After the operation, scars remain inside. Blood circulation in these areas is impaired, which means recovery takes longer.

Swelling of the periosteum often occurs after osteotomy. The periosteum is a thin tissue covering the bone. It plays a key role in the process of bone fusion. Swelling on the bridge of the nose after rhinoplasty occurs if the bone is injured in some way during the operation.

Swelling may appear on the sides of the bridge of the nose, looking like a dense callus. Such swelling is dangerous because if it is left untreated, a growth may appear. You can only get rid of it through surgery.

It is impossible to reduce such swelling on your own. You need to see a doctor who will introduce a special agent instead of the seal.

In some cases, the patient himself provokes the appearance of calluses. The main reason is wearing sunglasses in the early stages of rehabilitation. They pinch the bridge of the nose, as a result of which the bone may not heal properly. A year after rhinoplasty is the standard period during which bones should heal, blood circulation should be restored and swelling should subside.

It is almost impossible to get rid of swelling or speed up the process of their removal. The maximum that can be done is to follow the doctor’s recommendations so that this process goes without complications.

Causes of edema

The main reason for swelling is that the skin peels off and becomes dislodged during surgery. This is necessary to get to the bone and cartilage tissue. As a result, the vessels are damaged, blood circulation is impaired and, as a result, swelling.

There are additional factors that influence the appearance of swelling.

Degree of complexity of the operation

The larger the intervention site, the greater the swelling. If the operation is performed only on the tip of the nose, touching the cartilage tissue, the side effect of swelling will not be as visible as with an osteotomy.

Removing a hump is one of the most difficult and traumatic operations, since bone tissue is injured. The consequence of such an operation can be swelling not only of the nose, but also of the face as a whole. Swelling takes longer to go away than with other types of rhinoplasty.

When correcting the wings of the nose, the trauma for the patient is the lowest. In this case, the swelling is minor and goes away quite quickly. The rehabilitation period for this type of operation is six months.

When undergoing revision rhinoplasty, the swelling is significant due to repeated surgical interventions.

Patient age

It has been established that as a person ages, the healing process occurs more slowly. There is a high risk of complications and side effects. Therefore, in older people, swelling after rhinoplasty lasts longer.

Skin thickness

The skin is equipped with a large number of blood vessels and capillaries. People with thicker skin have higher numbers. It takes more time to restore blood supply.

Patient's health status

Vascular diseases significantly complicate the process of rehabilitation and reduction of edema. To make the recovery process easier, you need to follow your doctor's recommendations.

Non-compliance with rules after surgery

If a person often tilts his head, sleeps with his face in the pillow, does not raise the head of the bed, does not follow a diet, or smokes, this will significantly complicate the recovery period.

How long does it take for the swelling to go down?

The first stage – the swelling goes away within 7-10 days. The first signs that the swelling is subsiding appear on the 4th day after surgery.

The secondary stage of edema lasts up to three weeks.

The third stage can last two and a half to three months.

The fourth stage is from a year to a year and a half.

The end of the recovery period is considered to be the complete disappearance of signs of swelling.

How to relieve swelling

Normally, the swelling should go away on its own after blood circulation is completely restored. It is impossible to completely get rid of the consequences of surgery.

Reducing stress on the nasal area. These may include the following restrictions:

  • avoid physical loads, especially tilts of the head and torso;
  • keep your nose away injuries;
  • limit thermal procedures, visits to the bathhouse, sauna, solarium;
  • give up smoking and alcohol;
  • avoid crying because bleeding may occur;
  • Not sunbathe;
  • avoid diseases ARVI, since they can lead to additional swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • decrease conversations;
  • you need to wash your face water room temperature without touching the bandage.

To quickly get rid of residual edema, the patient must follow certain nutritional rules. There is a list of foods that must be limited 14 days before surgery and two weeks after.

It includes products such as:

  • almond nuts;
  • berries;
  • cucumber;
  • grapefruit
  • lemon;
  • grape;
  • peaches and apricots;
  • oranges;
  • tomatoes and cucumbers;
  • raisin;
  • garlic;
  • fish fat;
  • vinegar;
  • juices from cranberries, oranges.

7-10 days before surgery you need to go on a low-salt diet. An excess of salty foods retains fluid in the body and provokes the formation of swelling. You should also limit your consumption of complex carbohydrates: bread, rice, potatoes, pasta.

In addition, you should not take medications containing aspirin. They thin the blood, which can cause bleeding. You should also not take weight loss medications.

Following a diet and taking plenty of vitamins can help reduce nasal swelling after rhinoplasty.


There are no creams, ointments, or tablets that will give a noticeable and long-term effect, but their systematic use can alleviate the condition for some time.

The most popular medications:

  1. Voltaren-gel;
  2. Traumeel (available in tablet form);
  3. Enzyme Bromelain;
  4. Wobenzym.


The essence of using compresses is to apply ice or cooled objects to the nose area. You can use cotton pads, gauze, pieces of cloth moistened with cold water.

It must be remembered that the compress should not be applied to the nose itself, but to the area nearby, since there is a risk of injury to the cartilage or displacement of the bones.

Ointments and creams

To reduce swelling, many doctors advise applying special ointments with anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects. They need to be applied using applicators or a cotton swab, but not with your fingers. It is important to avoid getting the drug on the seams.

The most popular ointments with decongestant action:

  • Badyaga;
  • Troxevasin.

Use of other medicines

Under no circumstances should you choose your own medications to combat swelling. They should be prescribed by a doctor based on the current condition and individual characteristics.

In the postoperative period, the doctor recommends the use of antibiotics in combination with anti-inflammatory and painkillers. Antibiotics are taken twice daily during the first week of rehabilitation. Anti-inflammatory drugs are taken during the first two weeks after surgery.


The injections are prescribed by the doctor. It is worth noting that despite the fact that they are very painful, they have a pronounced positive effect. The most popular drug is Diprospan. It belongs to hormonal medications and is used only after a doctor’s prescription.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Treatment with physiotherapeutic procedures helps improve blood microcirculation in tissues.

Electropheresis is a procedure in which the drug enters the deep subcutaneous layers using ultrasound vibrations. This procedure helps to speed up the recovery and regeneration of damaged tissue areas.

If the patient continues to be bothered by swelling, he is prescribed electropheresis in combination and medicinal applications that are applied to the parotid area.

If patients feel nasal congestion, they are encouraged to take inhalations based on medications, as well as herbal remedies.

There is also hardware cosmetology aimed at rehabilitation and removal of puffiness. Cosmetology procedures consist of the following activities;

  • microcurrent and laser therapy;
  • application ultraphonophoresis using enzymatic agents;
  • use in rehabilitation ultra-high frequency fields.

The course includes from 7 to 12 procedures.

As a measure to help reduce swelling and restore blood supply, doctors recommend doing a light massage. It is important to remember that this method is appropriate at later stages of rehabilitation. Use your fingertips to gently massage the area of ​​swelling. Moreover, this must be done through a cloth or napkin. Massage helps increase blood flow and also reduces swelling and bruising.

There is no exact answer to the question of how long swelling lasts after rhinoplasty. The speed of healing depends on many related factors. In order for the swelling to go away faster, you should follow all the doctor’s recommendations. For the first month, you need to sleep only on your back, or raise the head of the bed.

It is necessary to limit heavy lifting and active physical activity. If the situation with edema does not improve despite the use of special medications, you should contact your doctor.

Rhinoplasty of the nose is one of the most popular aesthetic surgeries. A huge number of women want to undergo plastic surgery, but do not do it because they are afraid of swelling. In this article I will try to talk in as much detail as possible, based on my twenty years of experience, about swelling of the tip of the nose after rhinoplasty.

Why does nasal swelling occur after surgery?

The fact is that the plastic surgeon makes incisions inside the nose. He peels away the tissue to give the tip of the nose a new shape. During this operation, damage occurs to those same tissues and capillaries. During this time, you don’t have to worry about damage to the capillaries. Local anesthesia stops blood circulation and prevents bruising. But after the operation, the tip of the nose is filled with liquid, which is needed for tissue regeneration to occur faster. As soon as the blood supply is restored, the swelling will go away.

What types of nasal swelling occur after rhinoplasty?

Doctors distinguish three types of edema: primary, secondary and residual.

Primary edema appears during and immediately after surgery. The size of this swelling is influenced by two main factors: the professionalism of the surgeon and the type of anesthesia. When using general anesthesia, this swelling goes away much more severely than when using adaptive. , What is the difference.
Primary swelling is the largest of all and lasts 3-4 days. All these days the patient wears a plaster splint, so he does not notice it. On the fifth day, I remove the plaster splint and the happy owner of the new nose sees the swelling at the stage of its reduction.

Secondary edema lasts from two to three months and may be completely invisible to the patient. 2-3 weeks after surgery, I meet with the patient and see how the healing process is going. If everything is fine, patients sometimes don’t even come. But if nasal swelling persists and causes inconvenience, which is extremely rare, the problem can be solved with hormonal injections. Don’t worry, the only thing these drugs affect is the rate of tissue regeneration.

Residual edema lasts for a year and is most often completely invisible. But it is during this year that the final creation of the shape of the nose occurs, which seems to decrease after the operation. It may be slight, but over the long term these are noticeable changes.

What determines the size of nasal swelling after rhinoplasty?

If you have ever had a nose injury, you may have noticed that in the event of mechanical damage to the tissue, the septum swells more. This is due to the fact that the skin on the nasal septum is thinner than at the tip. Visual swelling strongly depends on the thickness of the skin. And if the skin on the tip of your nose is tender and thin, you need to prepare for swelling.

In addition to the thickness of the skin, edema depends on several other factors: the age of the patient, the skill of the surgeon, the type of anesthesia, and compliance with the doctor’s recommendations. By the way, the doctor’s recommendation not to smoke before and after surgery is very important. The fact is that smokers have weak capillaries and, due to their addiction, the recovery process can be delayed until tissue necrosis occurs. If you want to smoke like crazy, stop at 3-5 cigarettes a day. But this is also a compromise and undesirable option.

Is it possible to speed up the recovery process after rhinoplasty?

Yes, of course you can. To do this, you must follow all the surgeon’s recommendations. Eat right, avoid stress, use contact lenses instead of glasses, do not abuse cigarettes and alcohol, do not massage your nose, avoid solariums and saunas for a while and do not overdo it with sports. The main thing is to listen to the surgeon and remember that everything... When your nose takes on a new shape, you simply must bring back into your life all the joys that you had been denying. Almost everything, cigarettes don’t have to be returned :)

Or maybe there are ointments or traditional methods?

Unfortunately, after 20 years of practice, I have found the only ointment that has proven its effectiveness. It's called Skargard. You can purchase it in pharmacies. All other ointments and recovery methods bring a feeling of satisfaction to the patient, but, unfortunately, do not bring results

You can make an appointment with Dr. Ross at

Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular operations in aesthetic medicine, although it usually turns out to be difficult. The thing is that surgical intervention is often necessary not only to change the shape of the nose, but also to treat pathologies of the respiratory system.

Possible consequences of rhinoplasty

Even if by nature a person does not have an ideally shaped nose, everything can be corrected. Before doing this, however, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the possible consequences. Then nasal swelling after surgery will not be a surprise.

So, its side effects include:

  • Edema.

In the photo, swelling and bruising after rhinoplasty often look unpleasant, but this is a temporary effect, and it is observed in every patient. Because of the bandage on the nose, a person usually does not notice the problem, and then, when the plaster is removed, he begins to worry greatly, because his appearance is different from ideal. The swelling of the tip of the nose after rhinoplasty is especially clearly expressed in the photo, and in general it often swells. There is no need to worry, because this goes away in five to eight weeks.

  • Hematomas.

They are inevitable after surgery, and the intensity depends on the volume of work of the surgeon. Usually hematomas disappear after 15-20 days. If bruises after rhinoplasty do not go away quickly, you can use ointment or start taking a medicine selected by your doctor.

  • Bleeding.

They often occur during and after surgery, but pass quickly - within a couple of days. To stop the bleeding, the medical staff uses tampons and vasoconstrictors.

  • Scarring.

Their appearance is usually explained by the method of performing the operation. It can be closed or open.

  • Difficulty breathing.

This problem is also not critical, and it usually appears due to the fact that there are tampons in the nose.

Recovery time after surgery

The question of how long swelling lasts after rhinoplasty is difficult to answer with precision down to the day. The swelling itself is not surprising: the skin is first peeled off during surgery and then returned to its place. This causes swelling. They may appear on the nose or, for example, under the eyes.

The swelling gradually decreases. Mostly, swelling subsides within three weeks, but full recovery is possible a year after rhinoplasty or a little earlier.

What causes swelling

A patient, looking at a photo report on the Internet with swelling after rhinoplasty, may worry that his traces of the operation are much more noticeable than others. In most cases, this is not the case; it is simply difficult for a person to adequately assess his appearance. But, of course, you shouldn’t be dismissive of this topic.

It must be remembered that increased swelling is caused by:

1) hot and cold compresses;

2) strong pressure on the nose;

3) lack of fresh air and walks;

4) sleeping in the wrong position;

5) strong head tilts;

6) drinking alcohol and smoking.

The first month after rhinoplasty, these factors turn out to be the most dangerous, so you need to take extra care of yourself.

How to quickly solve the problem

There are several options for how to quickly remove nasal swelling after rhinoplasty. For example, special ointments, mineral and vitamin supplements, antibiotics and probiotics will help. Cosmetic procedures and physiotherapy will have their effect. The surgeon talks about this in detail when the patient asks how long it takes for the swelling of the bridge of the nose to go away after rhinoplasty. He will also show you before and after photos to give you an idea of ​​what to expect.

Step-by-step recovery after surgery

To understand how long it takes for the nose to heal after rhinoplasty, it is important to understand how the rehabilitation proceeds. At the first stage, the patient wears a bandage and plaster for a week, which is why the swelling is not very noticeable. Sometimes the nose after rhinoplasty swells only in the evening.

In the second stage, which lasts three weeks, severe swelling appears on the face. Viewing relevant photos of swelling of the tip of the nose after rhinoplasty allows the patient to reassure himself that there is nothing abnormal in his situation.

The third stage takes approximately three months. During this time, the main swelling goes away, but the nose does not yet take its final shape.

It becomes ideal only at the fourth stage. It begins three months after surgery and lasts up to a year.

Are you interested in how to relieve swelling after rhinoplasty? It will be useful for you to know that at first it is advisable to use a special moisturizing spray and sleep with your head elevated. In addition, you should not use nasal drops for three to four months after surgery.

Remove the hump, raise the tip, narrow the wings and even shorten them - every plastic surgeon involved in rhinoplasty hears all these demands almost every day. Patients dream of the ideal shape and size of their nose, but rarely think about what they will have to go through to achieve their goal. While many complications of rhinoplasty can be avoided by paying sufficient attention to the choice of clinic and surgeon, some are absolutely inevitable. The most “long-lasting” complication, which does not allow one to immediately evaluate the result of plastic surgery, is postoperative swelling observed in 100% of cases. What is the reason for its occurrence, how dangerous is it and how to reduce nasal swelling after rhinoplasty, if at all possible? Let's figure it out together!

Normally, for normal metabolism between all tissues and cells of the body, liquid is needed - it’s not for nothing that our body is 70% composed of it. Most of it flows in the lymphatic and blood vessels, and is also located inside cells. But a small amount is contained in the intercellular space - it is this that is the “connecting link” between all the tissues of our body.

During rhinoplasty, the integrity of not only the skin, but also muscle, fat, cartilage and even bone tissue is most often damaged. Under these conditions, the body devotes all its strength to restoring damaged cells and establishing normal metabolism between them. To do this, the immune system of our body, with the help of special inflammatory mediators, increases the permeability of capillaries and blood vessels. This is necessary so that the maximum amount of useful blood components and nutrients can reach damaged cells and restore them. This is how postoperative edema forms.

Severity of swelling

Many patients, not understanding the mechanism of swelling, blame the doctor for its appearance, but in fact this is fundamentally wrong. This complication is inevitable, and its severity depends on a number of factors:

  • Scope of intervention– within what tissues the operation was performed. If rhinoplasty involved only working with soft tissues, then the swelling is most often much less pronounced and goes away much faster. If during the operation both cartilaginous and bone structures were corrected, the severity of the complication will be much greater.
  • Type of rhinoplasty. Most plastic surgeons note that in the case of correction of the shape of the nose using the open method (when the tissue in the collumella area is dissected), the severity of swelling is much higher. They associate this fact with the fact that in this area of ​​the nose there is a powerful vascular bundle, the trauma of which significantly complicates rehabilitation. Some of the doctors who adhere to the closed type of access to rhinoplasty claim that even a year after the intervention, full blood supply to the nose is not restored.
  • Individual characteristics of the body. The reactivity of the patient’s immune system has a particular influence on the severity of swelling after rhinoplasty in a patient. The more actively the body is involved in eliminating postoperative consequences, the more pronounced manifestations will be observed.
  • Skin thickness. The denser the human skin, the more veins and vessels it contains - this is necessary to ensure proper nutrition of tissue cells. Accordingly, it will take a longer period of time to restore the integrity of the circulatory network, which means that the swelling will last longer.
  • Amount of fluid consumed and other external factors. The more water the patient receives in its pure form, or as part of food and medications, the greater the chance that the swelling will increase. Also, in order for the swelling to go down after rhinoplasty, the doctor may recommend sleeping in a semi-sitting position, consuming as little salt as possible, etc.

If the operation as a whole was successful and no additional complications arise, then the swelling gradually decreases. If an inflammatory reaction occurs or an infection occurs, a sharp increase in swelling is possible, in which case you must immediately contact a plastic surgeon! The doctor will determine the cause of the deterioration and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Stages of edema development

The swelling that develops in response to rhinoplasty goes through 3 stages of development and then finally disappears.


  1. The period of primary edema.
  2. Secondary edema.
  3. Stage of residual swelling.

How long each of these periods lasts, what are the features of nose and face care during this time, we will consider in more detail.

Primary edema

As a rule, during rhinoplasty, the nose swells during the operation, the swelling increases over 4-5 days, and then gradually subsides. During this period, it is very important to reduce the amount of interstitial fluid in the operated area. Indeed, often the nose is already deprived of “support” due to excision of cartilage and bone structures, and an increase in the size and weight of soft tissues can lead to deformation of the shape. In this case, repeat corrective surgery may be required.

In order to help the nose maintain the shape specified by the surgeon and reduce swelling immediately after the intervention (while still on the operating table), the patient is given a special splint or plaster. This measure is not able to eliminate the influx of interstitial fluid, but only prevents it from being distributed in the soft tissues of the nose, which is why most often at this time the swelling is concentrated around the splint or plaster cast. Most often, all the exudate accumulates in the chin, eyelids and cheeks.

In order to alleviate the condition and ensure that the swelling goes away as soon as possible, you must follow several rules:

  1. Avoid a horizontal position and ensure that your head is always higher than your body. Even patients after rhinoplasty are advised to sleep in a semi-sitting position.
  2. Avoid physical activity during the rehabilitation period.
  3. Avoid getting water into your nose and bandages during bath procedures.
  4. Refuse to visit the bathhouse (sauna), protect your face from any thermal effects on the operated area.
  5. Do not use any cosmetics, cancel facial massage sessions, and do not touch it unless absolutely necessary.

Cool compresses sometimes help to alleviate the condition and reduce swelling, but doing them without the permission of your rhinoplasty surgeon is strictly contraindicated!

The greatest difficulty for the patient is not even the external swelling, but the internal one, because its appearance seriously complicates nasal breathing.

Secondary edema

As soon as the primary stage of swelling subsides, most often this happens on days 7-10, the plaster or splint is removed - the secondary period begins. At this time, the tissues surrounding the nose (cheeks, eyelids, chin) return to their original size, and the main amount of exudate remains in the nose itself. This stage can take from one to one and a half or even two months.

During this period, swelling of the tip of the nose after rhinoplasty is pronounced, and its dorsum also remains widened. These changes do not allow us to evaluate the final result of the surgical intervention. The tip of the nose is not only enlarged, but also “hard”, compacted, due to the presence of intercellular fluid in the soft tissues. Wanting to evaluate the effect of the operation as soon as possible, almost every patient at this stage tries to overcome the swelling and thinks about how to remove it as quickly as possible.

In order for the tip of the nose, like all other parts of it, to acquire its final appearance as soon as possible, you must follow simple rules:

  1. Sleep in a supine position. When sleeping on your stomach or side, fluid enters the soft tissues of the face and can remain there for quite a long time, changing the configuration of the nose.
  2. Limit heavy physical activity, especially bending to the sides.
  3. Reduce the amount of liquid consumed, try not to overheat the nasal tissue.

As a rule, secondary swelling subsides by the middle of the second to the third month after rhinoplasty; if it persists longer or continues to increase, this is a reason to seek advice from your surgeon.

Residual edema

This period lasts longer than the previous ones - in the normal course of rehabilitation, a maximum of a year. At this time, it is not the entire nose that is hard, but only its tip and back, because it is in them that the remaining exudate accumulates. Despite this, most people around will not even suspect the fact of plastic surgery, because the shape of the nose already during this period is almost flawless.

In order for residual swelling to remain as small as possible, it is important to lead a generally healthy lifestyle: refrain from smoking, alcohol, excessive salt consumption, and follow a daily routine. In addition, many patients resort to physiotherapeutic procedures - phonophoresis, ultrasound and others. All these methods are aimed at improving microcirculation in the tissues of the nose, and therefore at their speedy recovery.


“How long does swelling last after rhinoplasty?” - This is the question most often heard by surgeons from their recently operated patients. It is impossible to answer this unequivocally, because the duration of this complication is influenced by many factors. The maximum period is considered to be 1 year, which is why repeated corrective operations are not carried out until the expiration of this period.

An ideal nose is the goal of every patient who dares to undergo rhinoplasty, but it is important to understand that achieving it requires a lot of time. Many clinics and plastic surgeons lure clients by promising quick results, but this is impossible. No matter how doctors praise innovative surgical techniques, promising an almost complete absence of edema, the patient must understand that any rhinoplasty is impossible without this complication. At the moment, there are no methods that can significantly influence the rate of resorption of exudate in the injured area. This means that the best thing a patient can do is to be patient and wait for the final result of plastic surgery, following all the recommendations and instructions of his surgeon. Be charming!

Swelling of the superficial and deep tissues after rhinoplasty is observed in 100% of patients to varying degrees of severity. Associated with the body’s natural reaction to traumatic outside interference. Postoperative swelling involves not only the nose, but also neighboring areas of the face. Superficial swellings go away quite quickly, deep ones - up to 1 year. That is why it is better to evaluate the final result of rhinoplasty after its expiration.

Tissue swelling after rhinoplasty not applicable to complications caused by the actions of the surgeon or patient. Although, without taking into account the doctor’s recommendations during the rehabilitation period, a person can aggravate his own situation.

What is edema?

Edema is the excessive accumulation of body fluids in soft tissues. They consist of water, protein compounds and other substances. Edema equally affects the skin, mucous membranes and connective tissue.

Stagnant processes after rhinoplasty somewhat deform the nose, giving it visual massiveness, disrupt nasal breathing, and make the voice nasal. You should not be afraid of this - the listed ailments disappear on their own after a short time.

Swelling after rhinoplasty is classified into four types:

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Residual
  • Periosteal

Facial swelling after rhinoplasty: what are the causes?

During the operation, the surgeon peels away the skin from the cartilage and soft tissue to create a full surgical field and gain access. This manipulation is also necessary for the subsequent correct distribution of the skin in the desired position.

Detachment of the skin necessarily damages the blood vessels, which naturally has a negative impact on the blood supply. It is this problem that is the catalyst for the occurrence of uncomfortable swelling.

The organization of the blood supply system in different layers of the skin is shown in the diagram:

The outflow of blood is slower than the inflow. Therefore, the tissues swell, and the nose itself seems to swell. As blood circulation is restored, the swelling neutralizes on its own.

Primary edema: combat tactics

Intraoperative, or primary edema, begins during the intervention. It often interferes with the surgeon’s ability to work normally and complicates his actions. Since the popularization of rhinoplasty, doctors have been using various tricks to control swelling during rhinoplasty.

To reduce primary postoperative swelling, the surgeon places a supporting splint (plaster) on the patient’s face, and inserts splints or turundas into the nasal passages. If these steps are not taken, the swelling will reach enormous proportions.

Primary edema is visible to the naked eye. They disappear within 5-12 days after rhinoplasty, depending on the individual characteristics of the body.

Swelling increases sharply after removing the immobilizing bandage. Quite often this frightens patients - they expected a miniature nose, but see the opposite in the mirror. There is no need to worry - remember that any temporary side effects will soon subside.

What is the difference between secondary edema?

Secondary edema, unlike primary edema, is not too noticeable. But the patient clearly feels them.

They are characterized by thickening and expansion of the tissues of the nose from the back to the tip. They can persist for 1-1.5 months and partially block free nasal breathing, especially at night.

Sometimes this provokes real panic in patients - it seems to them that the surgeon did something wrong. Be patient and calm - I guarantee you that this will not last long.

What are the signs of residual swelling after rhinoplasty?

“Residual” edema, as its name suggests, remains after the secondary edema has subsided. It is absolutely invisible, because... localized in deep structures. May manifest as hardness of the tip of the nose. Neutralized within 4-6 months.

In people with thick skin, all swelling takes longer to go away.

Residual swelling goes away more slowly even after secondary rhinoplasty - the surgeon has to work with scar tissue, which is characterized by an already heterogeneous blood supply. The duration of their regeneration is long.

By following your doctor's recommendations, you can stimulate the process of eliminating swelling. But know that you won’t be able to remove it yourself. As a rule, this requires a course of physical therapy.

All photos before and after rhinoplasty V.S. Grigoryants and patient reviews.

Factors influencing the level of swelling

The intensity of edema is dictated by various factors:

Technical complexity of the operation

    • Osteotomy. A technique that involves both soft and hard tissues. In everyday language, this is a controlled fracture, after which the face swells with appropriate force. If the surgeon acts incorrectly during osteotomy, inflammation of the periosteum can be provoked, leading to the formation of bone calluses.

    • Plastic surgery of the tip of the nose. From an anatomical point of view, this area of ​​the nose is complex. Trauma to its structures leads to a long recovery. In this case, much depends on the talent and professionalism of the surgeon - the more accurately and carefully he works, the fewer negative consequences the patient expects.

    • Plastic surgery of the wings of the nose. This procedure is the simplest. The tissue is damaged minimally, the discomfort is insignificant, and the swelling goes away within 4-6 months.

    • Septorhinoplasty. During the procedure, both external tissues and the septum are involved, so the traumatism of the operation is average. Therefore, the timing of swelling reduction is standard.

    • Secondary rhinoplasty. Swelling is the most intense. Due to slow regeneration, it takes longer to go away than with the initial correction.

Principle of implementation

    • Closed rhinoplasty causes almost no swelling. But its results are also called into question.

    • Open rhinoplasty is a classic. Swelling after it persists in the traditional manner.

Patient's current age

Young people are rehabilitated much faster - this is explained by the age-related slowdown of regenerative processes.

Skin thickness

A nose with thick skin takes a long time to heal. It has more blood vessels than the thin one. Consequently, injuries are more widespread.

Well-being and health status of the operated patient

Any problems with blood vessels significantly slow down overall healing.

Conscientiousness of compliance with rehabilitation standards

The patient may increase swelling by ignoring the surgeon's recommendations. This occurs due to playing sports, sleeping on the side or in a pillow, tilting the head down, smoking, drinking alcohol, and a large amount of salt in the diet.

Surgeon's skill and experience

Using special medications during surgery, a competent surgeon prevents severe swelling.

Measures on the part of the surgeon to prevent swelling after rhinoplasty

The manifestation of edematous processes depends 80% on the anesthesiologist, and not on the surgeon! During the operation and immediately before it, the anesthesiologist administers adrenaline-based drugs that cause transient vascular spasm.

A “dry surgical field” is an ideal option for a surgeon to consistently and correctly achieve the goals and objectives planned before rhinoplasty. And this is the merit of an intelligent anesthesiologist, working with whom is real luck.

It is very important that the surgeon has a professional anesthesiologist! Good surgeons take pride in their team. The bad ones skimp on it.

Conscientious specialists during the manipulations introduce special solutions that neutralize swelling. This is beneficial for both the surgeon and the patient.

Vladislav Grigoryants talks about this in detail in an interview:

What can the patient do to reduce discomfort?

It will not be possible to eliminate postoperative swelling in a week, so you should not count on a miracle.

But in order for the swelling to go away faster, you need to follow some rehabilitation standards:

Preparations for rapid tissue healing after rhinoplasty

Traumeel S (ointments and tablets)

Apply the gel to problem areas of the face twice a day. This will speed up the regeneration process.

Preparations "Traumeel S" belong to homeopathy. They contain extracts of chamomile, calendula, comfrey, mountain arnica, daisy, St. John's wort, yarrow, echinacea, belladonna officinalis and other medicinal herbs.

Important! Despite its over-the-counter availability, you cannot prescribe medications without permission!


Proteolytic enzyme contained in pineapple fruit extract. The active substance has an anti-inflammatory effect. The drug is prescribed in the preparatory period.

Important! The use of the drug must be agreed with your doctor!


A local remedy that has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and analgesic effects.

Important! The medicine is not harmless, has many limitations and can cause complications. It can only be used with the permission of a doctor!

Physiotherapy to relieve swelling after rhinoplasty


Microcurrents regulate, normalize and stabilize tissue metabolism at the cellular level. The pulse parameters are similar to the strength of biological currents of cell membranes. Microcurrent therapy provides an isolated effect on injured tissue.

Read the details of the procedure and its actions.


A session during which a volumetric effect of ultrasonic waves occurs on the skin and tissues. Optimizes blood circulation, stimulates lymph flow, activates proliferation.

The method helps to partially eliminate swelling, but you should not expect instant recovery from it.

Important! Ultraphonophoresis is carried out only in consultation with a doctor.

Therapy for periosteal edema

The periosteum is damaged during rhinoplasty with osteotomy. This tissue, which serves as a kind of shell for the bone itself, concentrates the cells necessary for consolidation.

When bone tissue is involved during rhinoplasty, the periosteum may swell. Without adequate prevention and effective treatment, the membrane becomes inflamed, which subsequently leads to the growth of calluses.

Only a qualified doctor can notice the problem. He will assess the condition of the bone tissue 3-4 weeks after rhinoplasty, and if he notices deviations, he will immediately begin to eliminate them. Inflammation of the periosteum is treated with hormonal drugs administered by injection.

Important! Avoid self-medication and do not use any folk remedies! Popular steaming compresses in this situation can lead to irreversible consequences!

Prevention of swelling of the periosteum

Surgeons prescribe herbal ointments and tablets to prevent the disease. Prescribing therapy on your own is strictly prohibited!

In the first six months after rhinoplasty, it is important to abandon corrective glasses and sunglasses - they put pressure on the fracture site and provoke deformations in the bridge of the nose.

With proper therapy, swelling of the periosteum disappears after 7-9 months.