Swollen scrotum. Scrotal edema: causes, symptoms, treatment

Scrotum- This is a leathery sac in the cavity of which the testicles, appendages and the initial section of the spermatic cord are located. This pouch may suddenly swell, causing pain. Sometimes both boys and men feel a painless hardening in the scrotum.

Common causes of swelling of the scrotum:

  • bacterial inflammation of the epididymis - a structure located behind the testicle;
  • testicular torsion;
  • formation in the scrotum of a mass consisting of blood, semen or fluid;
  • hernia - getting into the scrotum of part of the intestine;
  • scrotum injury.

In order to recognize deviations in time, conduct an examination once a month.

When to conduct an examination? This is best done during or after a hot bath or shower. The heat will cause the testicles to descend and the scrotum to relax. Then it will be easier to detect anomalies. Then follow the simple instructions by looking to determine the anatomical points.

First examine the scrotum. With one hand, lift the penis and feel for the scrotum (the leathery sac that contains the testicles and part of the spermatic cord). Look for changes in shape or size, enlarged or reddened veins. Make sure the left side of the scrotum hangs slightly lower than the right.

Feel each testicle. Place the thumb of the left hand in front of the left testicle, the rest of the fingers behind. Gently but firmly pressing the testicle, roll it between your fingers. Then feel the right testicle with your right hand as well. Normal testicles are smooth, elastic, slightly sensitive. They must move freely.

More rare causes. Less commonly, swelling of the scrotum is caused by testicular cancer. This disease is rare, but in men from 20 to 35 years old it is the most common case of cancer. Its cause is unknown; usually occurs in men with undescended testicles or those whose mothers took diethylbestrol during pregnancy.

Check the spermatic cord. Locate the appendage behind the testicle (cord-like structure) and the spermatic cord going up from it. Gently pass it over the left testicle between the fingers of the left hand. Do the same with your right hand on the right side. Check for indurations or swelling.

Check with your doctor. If during the examination you find something questionable, tell your doctor about it.

Possible diseases

In addition to swelling, other symptoms are possible. They differ depending on the cause.

Inflammation of the appendage (epididymitis). With this disease, there is a hot, sensitive, oblong swelling behind the testicle. Other symptoms:

  • severe pain that gradually increases over hours or days;
  • waddling gait (to relieve pressure on the scrotum and groin);
  • heat;
  • general malaise;
  • cloudy urine;
  • discharge from the penis;
  • pain in the lower abdomen on the affected side;
  • hot, red, dry, scaly, thin skin on scrotum.

Testicular torsion. This acute case causes:

  • sudden severe pain in or around the testicle, which can spread to the lower abdomen and increase with standing;
  • swelling and elevation of the affected testicle;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • fainting or dizziness.

Never leave a hardening unattended - in the scrotum or elsewhere. Seek immediate medical attention.

Neoplasm in the scrotum. An epididymal cyst causes swelling of the scrotum, but the cyst itself is usually painless.

Hernia. When part of the intestine is inserted into the scrotum, swelling can occur with a soft or unusually hardened scrotum.

Scrotal injury. A blow to the scrotum can cause:

  • swelling of the scrotum;
  • severe pain;
  • dark or bluish spots on the scrotum.

What should be done?

If swelling or hardness is found in the scrotum, you should immediately consult a doctor. Even if the formation is small and painless, medical intervention is required.

What are doctors doing? To alleviate symptoms, the doctor may prescribe bed rest for the patient. Placing a rolled towel under the scrotum will help reduce severe swelling. For mild to moderate swelling, a special support bandage is used, which is used by athletes. Aspirin or ibuprofen will relieve pain and inflammation. Heat or cold will also reduce inflammation.

Exclusion of testicular cancer. Before starting more specific treatment, the doctor must find out the cause of the swollen testicle. To exclude the possibility of a tumor, the following procedure is used: the scrotum is illuminated with strong light; at the same time, the doctor will see if there is a cyst filled with fluid, or a dense mass (dense mass does not shine through). An ultrasound or isotope study will help confirm the diagnosis.

After identifying the cause, appropriate treatment is prescribed. For example, a hernia may require surgery. (See how epididymitis and testicular torsion is treated.)

Moms and dads

Watch your son's scrotum. While your son is still small, you should monitor the condition of his scrotum. As he gets older, he will tell you about deviations himself, feeling pain or swelling.

your baby can't say anything, but you should notice the mess when changing diapers. The baby may have the following symptoms due to:

  • insufficiently frequently changed diapers;
  • Abnormal development of the fetus, which can lead to a buildup of fluid in the scrotum (dropsy) or a protrusion of part of the intestine into the scrotum (hernia).

Boys who have not yet reached the age of puberty, the most common cause of swelling of the scrotum is the twisting of the spermatic cord, which is very painful and requires urgent medical attention. It is important! If your child has severe scrotal pain and fever, call the doctor immediately. Do not give the boy food or drink, do not offer painkillers - he may need surgery.

Boys over 10 years old there is a risk of diseases affecting adults. It:

  • epididymitis - inflammation of the epididymis;
  • scrotal injury during sports;
  • inflammation of the scrotum in mumps.

Mumps during puberty can lead to swelling of the scrotum and infertility in adolescent and adult men. The mumps vaccine is given along with the measles and rubella vaccine. One injection - at about the age of one and a half years - with a repetition at 11-12 years old helps to avoid these frequent childhood diseases.

If testicular cancer?

Surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or a combination may be required. Surgical treatment involves the removal of the affected testicle and lymph nodes. Most surgeons do not remove the entire scrotum. If both testicles are removed, the patient will have to take hormones. After surgery, a support bandage will help relieve pain.

Removal of one testicle does not lead to infertility and impotence. If necessary, synthetic hormones will restore hormonal balance. In many cases, an artificial testicle filled with gel is placed in the scrotum, just like a real one.

If a painless hardening is found in the scrotum, do not panic - this can be caused by completely harmless reasons. However, do not hesitate to consult a doctor. Only during the examination can it be determined whether such a formation is testicular cancer.

Regular examination of the testicles and scrotum will help to identify the disease at an early stage. Such an examination should be done at least once a month (see "How to Examine the Testicles", "Watch Your Son's Scrotum").

The scrotum is a leathery sac, the cavity of which contains the testicles with appendages and the initial section of the spermatic cord. When does swelling of the scrotum occur? The reasons are different. This pouch can suddenly swell up, causing pain to the person. Occasionally, boys and men feel harmless hardening in the scrotum. In this article we will talk about the causes of swelling of the scrotum and the main factors of the disease.

Scrotal edema - causes

We list the most characteristic causes of swelling of the scrotum:

  • Bacterial inflammatory process of the egg appendages - the structure behind the testicle;
  • testicular torsion;
  • Formation in the scrotum of a mass that consists of semen, blood, or fluid;
  • Hernia - penetration into the scrotum of parts of the intestine;
  • Injury.

Scrotal edema - treatment

Diagnosis of scrotal edema and analysis of causes

In order to timely recognize the deviations that have appeared and swelling of the scrotum, it is necessary to conduct an examination once a month. It is advisable to perform the examination during or after a shower or hot bath. The testicles will drop from the heat, and the scrotum will relax. In this case, it will be easier to find probable anomalies. Then follow the usual instructions for determining the anatomical points.

First you need to examine the scrotum. Lift the penis with one hand and feel for the scrotum, which is a leathery sac that contains the testicles along with part of the spermatic cord). Look for changes in shape or size, reddened or enlarged veins. You need to make sure that the left side of the scrotum hangs a little lower than the right. It is necessary to feel each testicle.

To detect swelling of the scrotum, which may have various causes, place the thumb of your left hand in front of the left testicle, the other fingers behind. Pressing firmly and gently on the egg, roll it between your fingers. Then feel the right testicle with your right hand in exactly the same way.

In the normal state, the eggs are elastic, smooth, slightly sensitive. Their movement must be free. Less commonly, swelling of the scrotum occurs due to testicular cancer. This disease is not so common, but in men aged 20-35 it is the most common case of cancer. Its cause has not been determined, however, in men aged 20-35 it is the most common cause of cancer. It often occurs in men with undescended testicles, or in those whose mothers consumed diethylbestrol during pregnancy.

Testicular torsion is an emergency surgical pathology. The rotation of the egg around its own axis provokes the clamping of the vessels, and for several hours the development of a testicular infarction begins.

If a man is healthy, then the size and density of the testicle is similar to a chicken egg. But if there is swelling of the testicle, it becomes larger in size. Such a problem can speak of many diseases.

Swelling of the testicles in men

The causes of testicular edema are benign and malignant diseases. In benign diseases, testicular edema is not particularly serious for human life. This kind of swelling can be with an inguinal hernia, varicocele, hydrocele, hematocele, epididymo-orchitis, etc. Often, edema appears not just in the testicles, but in the scrotum. Filling the scrotum with fluid is characteristic of a hydrocele. In this case, there is no pain. Hydrocele is divided into two types: primary and secondary. The secondary type includes injuries and tumors, infectious diseases. And the primary causes of testicular edema have not yet been found.

An enlarged scrotum can also refer to a varicocele, in which there is heaviness in the area of ​​​​the scrotum and testicles, and sometimes without any symptoms. And also with a hematocele, when blood accumulates in the scrotum. Testicular edema in this case is caused by injuries of the scrotum. A hematocele is similar to a hydrocele. After some time, testicular edema may become similar to a malignant new formation. Well, the increased size of the testicle, which is caused by epididymo-orchitis, can be found very rarely. In this case, the testicle becomes dense and the vas deferens thickens. In this case, severe pain is felt.

Testicular edema causes

A benign tumor, or epididymal cyst, is the appearance of small formations that are located next to the testicle. Testicular edema can be unilateral or bilateral. Clinical manifestations are similar to all those mentioned above. The reasons for the appearance of such edema have not yet been determined. An inguinal hernia can also cause testicular edema.

As for malignant tumors, for example, with cancer or lymphoma, in this case a painful induration is formed. And of course, to understand if there is a cancer, you will need a diagnosis from an andrologist and urologist. As you can see, there can be a lot of reasons for testicular edema, so passing a high-quality and timely examination is very, very important. If any kind of testicular compaction, swelling, pain is found, you should immediately consult a doctor! The doctor will determine the density and structure of the testicles, prescribe an analysis for the presence of infections in the urinary reproductive system.

Every year, men increasingly turn to a urologist with infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. Scrotal edema is one of the characteristic symptoms of these diseases. The scrotum is a leathery bag that contains the male gonads, the vas deferens. It also concentrates many sebaceous glands, which contribute to the accelerated development of inflammatory processes and infections. Puffiness can develop only on one side or simultaneously on both. This symptom is typical for men of any age, delivers a lot of discomfort, including pain. Swelling in the scrotum should not be left without special attention, because a number of diseases that cause this symptom can end up very badly for a man.

Reasons for the development of swelling

If the scrotum is swollen, the first step is to determine what provoked the pathological condition.

The tumor is a characteristic symptom of epidermitis. This disease is an inflammation of the epididymis. Of great importance in the development of epidermitis are sexually transmitted infections. If the testicles are also involved in the inflammatory process, then the man may develop orchitis.

Sometimes swelling develops against the background of medical manipulations, for example, during catheterization. The presence of swelling may also indicate an allergic reaction. Allergies are characterized by uniform swelling of both sides of the scrotum and itching. Dust, fungi, food, and even the use of synthetic underwear can provoke the condition. It is important to note that an allergy in the genital area can only develop in hypersensitive men, it does not appear in a healthy person.

Separately, it is worth touching on the topic of a tumor in the scrotum. This situation is characterized by swelling on one side only. On palpation, you can feel a dense structure inside the scrotum, which can move from place to place. The neoplasm may be benign or malignant. The first group includes fibroma, lipoma, the second - rhabdomyosarcoma and liposarcoma. It is very important to consult a doctor if a seal is detected, since a malignant tumor very quickly metastasizes to the inguinal lymph nodes.

In addition to infections and neoplasms, swelling of the scrotum can provoke testicular torsion. This is a rather serious disease, since a prolonged lack of blood supply leads to tissue necrosis. Mechanical damage to the scrotum, heavy physical exertion and sudden movements can cause testicular torsion.

Among other possible causes of the development of a tumor in the groin area can be noted:

  • congestive heart failure (myocardial weakness);
  • mumps (mumps);
  • hernia;
  • dropsy of the testicle;
  • surgery in the genital area;
  • varicocele (plexus).

Determining the cause is a very important step in the treatment process. Having correctly determined what provoked the pathological condition of the organ, you can begin competent treatment, which will quickly return the normal state of the scrotum.

Signs of illness and first aid

Each disease, which is characterized by swelling of the scrotum, has a number of additional features. But there are common manifestations that should be a good reason to go to the hospital. Among these symptoms can be noted:

  • redness or blueness of the skin on the scrotum;
  • severe pain in or around the testicle;
  • a change in gait (a person tries to relieve pressure on the scrotum by spreading their legs wide while walking);
  • temperature rise;
  • dizziness;
  • cloudy urine;
  • violation of urination and pain at the same time;
  • problems with ejaculation;
  • blood in seminal fluid;
  • discharge from the penis;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • elevation of the affected testicle.

If a man notices swelling and the above symptoms are present, the first step is to apply something cold to the scrotum to avoid bruising and swelling. Keep an ice pack or cold object for 15 minutes every hour on the first day of swelling. Next, you need to take sitz baths to reduce swelling. Water should not be hot or cold. Water at room temperature is suitable. To reduce pain and stress on the body, it is recommended to observe bed rest.

Diagnosis and treatment

Before starting therapy, it is required to confirm the diagnosis. The doctor should initially conduct a visual examination of the genital organs and their appendages, ask a series of leading questions that will help to understand the true cause of the edema. The doctor may ask:

  • when the edema occurred;
  • whether the patient gets worse with each subsequent day;
  • is there any discharge from the penis;
  • whether there has ever been an operation on the genitals;
  • whether there were injuries of the genital organs;
  • whether the swelling decreases after rest;
  • are there any other symptoms;
  • whether there is pain around the scrotum.

To help the doctor make a correct diagnosis, it is recommended that you prepare answers to these questions in advance. The doctor may prescribe the delivery of laboratory tests of urine, blood and feces, sowing urine to isolate the culture of the pathogen. The doctor will diagnose for the presence of sexually transmitted infections. Of the instrumental diagnostic methods, an ultrasound examination will be carried out.

If the tumor was triggered by an allergic reaction, the doctor will prescribe antihistamines, and will require you to avoid the allergen that caused the pathology in the future. If antihistamines do not bring results, hormones are administered.

For infections of the genitourinary system, antibacterial and antifungal drugs are used, general strengthening therapy is carried out. Shown physiotherapy and the use of NSAIDs.

If a tumor in the scrotum is suspected, a more thorough diagnosis is carried out and the advisability of chemotherapy and surgery is decided on an individual basis.

Testicular torsion requires immediate attention. The doctor must perform a detorsion, that is, untwisting the testicle, or an operation. If there is pain, the doctor prescribes pain medication. After the surgical intervention, physiotherapy is carried out, desensitizing drugs, novocaine blockade are introduced. Intravenous administration of sodium heparin and Reopoliglyukin is necessary.

Swelling and pain in the scrotum can be manifestations of serious diseases. Sometimes men try to endure discomfort, embarrassed or afraid to go to a specialist. What can swelling and pain lead to if the process is left without medical intervention?

Pain in the scrotum is a dangerous symptom

The scrotum is a leathery sac that contains the testicles, appendages, and part of the spermatic cord. The edematous scrotum syndrome can occur in men at any age, expressed in hyperemia and pain. The swelling can be unilateral, bilateral, and the testicles and penis are sometimes involved in the inflammatory process.

Pain and swelling are the main symptoms. With the development of the process, the following manifestations of the disease state can be connected to them:

  • pain in the testicle and next to it, both monotonous and growing;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • deterioration of health, increased body temperature;
  • change in color and transparency of urine;
  • the appearance of discharge from the penis;
  • nausea, vomiting, dizziness;
  • changes in the skin (redness, scaly skin on the scrotum)
  • change in the position of the testicle.

With any symptom, an urgent consultation with a doctor is required. A common cause of pain in the scrotum is testicular torsion, which can not only deliver severe pain, but also cause tissue necrosis in a short time.

The causes of edematous scrotum syndrome are divided into infectious and non-infectious.

Infectious causes include:

  • epididymitis (inflammatory processes in the epididymis);
  • orchitis (inflammation of testicular tissue);
  • epididymo-orchitis.

Infection with pneumonia, influenza, SARS, spreading throughout the body, causes inflammation in the scrotum, leading to swelling. In newborns, the inflammatory process in the testicles and adjacent organs can be caused by infection through the vessels of the umbilical cord (most often pathogens are staphylococcus aureus and E. coli). Older children develop orchitis as a complication of mumps.

Factors not associated with infections can also lead to orchitis and epididymitis: diseases of the genitourinary system (vesiculitis, urethritis, prostatitis).

Non-infectious causes of scrotal edema include, first of all, injuries (30% of the causes of painful conditions of the scrotum and its organs). Genital injuries are most common in adolescent boys.

Among other non-infectious factors of edema, there are:

  • testicular torsion due to torsion of the spermatic cord. Statistically, it most often occurs in children due to the immaturity of the reproductive system, as a result of cryptorchidism or developmental pathologies. The main reason is a sharp contraction of the muscle that lifts the testis, which causes torsion of the hydatid (this is a racemose extension, a rudiment of the Müllerian duct). Muscle contraction and torsion may be caused by a reaction to cold, fear, stress, or genital trauma;
  • allergic swelling of the scrotum. It is observed against the background of general allergies, most often in the age range of 1-7 years, with exacerbations in the spring and summer;
  • surgical operations in the genital area, postoperative edema;
  • hydrocele;
  • inguinal hernia;
  • heart failure;
  • varicocele, which causes stagnation of blood due to the expansion of veins in the scrotum;
  • genital cancer.

The danger of testicular torsion, the most common non-infectious cause of edematous scrotum syndrome, is in the rapid development of the threat of tissue necrosis. With torsion of the spermatic cord, the blood supply to the testicle also stops, leading to severe pain and death of the cells of the organ. If medical intervention does not occur in the next few hours, the disease passes to a stage characterized by a decrease in the level of pain and a high density of edematous tissues. When contacting a doctor due to a change in the picture, orchitis or epididymo-orchitis can be diagnosed.

Testicular torsion in newborns is more difficult to diagnose due to the frequent physiological swelling of the scrotum after childbirth and the gonads that have not always descended into the scrotum by the time they are born. Doctors pay attention to the general condition of the child, loss of appetite, anxiety, a pronounced reaction to pain during palpation of the testicle.

Prevention and treatment of swelling of the scrotum depends on the age and health of the person.

To prevent infectious and bacterial edema, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system in order to avoid infection. From traumatic edema helps protect the genitals during sports.

Treatment of edema begins with the collection of anamnesis. In order to correctly diagnose, a specialist needs to know how, when the edema began, at what speed the process proceeded, what preceded and accompanied the disease. The presence of any other symptoms is also important.

For an accurate diagnosis, an ultrasound examination is performed.

Treatment of edema follows the diagnosis. Therapy can be medical (painkillers, antibiotics, drugs and therapy aimed at treating the underlying disease) or surgical. If the causes of the condition are not defined as pathological, as well as at the stage of recovery and as a means of first aid, it is possible to prescribe local treatment of edema by the following methods:

  • cold application (also recommended immediately after a genital injury before and during transport to the clinic): ice packs wrapped in cloth. The total period of cold therapy is up to a day;
  • warm sitz baths after cold therapy;
  • decreased activity, daily stress;
  • wearing a special bandage for support and loose, non-compressive clothing.

It is important to distinguish between uncomplicated scrotal swelling due to trauma to the genital area and testicular torsion due to impact or trauma. Any symptom: increased pain, the appearance of discharge, deterioration of the general condition, etc., should lead to an immediate consultation with a doctor, and with a sharply increasing exacerbation of the disease, to hospitalization.

Pain and swelling of the scrotum, which began for no apparent reason at rest, is also a reason for a mandatory visit to the doctor.

swelling of the scrotum

swelling of the scrotum indicates the accumulation of excess fluid, which is accompanied by inflammatory processes, both of the scrotum itself and of the organs responsible for sexual function.


Scrotum- a musculoskeletal organ, in the cavity of which the testicles, appendages and the initial section of the spermatic cord are located, separated from each other by a connective tissue septum, to which the embryonic suture corresponds on the outside. The skin of the scrotum is pigmented, covered with sparse hair, contains a significant amount of sweat and sebaceous glands, the secret of which has a specific smell, and is richly innervated.

The thin skin of the scrotum is tightly fused with the next layer - the fleshy membrane formed by connective tissue with many muscle and elastic fibers. Between the shells of the scrotum, testis, epididymis and spermatic cord are connective tissue strands and loose fiber, in which the vessels pass.

Causes of swelling of the scrotum

Bilateral diffuse swelling of the scrotum is usually a symptom of a systemic disease, most often anasarca. Ascites, hydrothorax, and scrotal edema often develop in patients with severe congestive heart failure, nephrotic syndrome, or cirrhosis (www.diagnos-online.ru/zabol/zabol-185.html).

Unilateral swelling of the scrotum is usually a sign of local pathology. The most common is varicocele (Latin varix - varicose veins and Greek kele - tumor). This condition is caused by failure of the valves of the internal spermatic veins and is therefore characterized by venous congestion along the spermatic cord. A varicocele resembles a ball of worms. It appears only in the standing position, and in the prone position it disappears.

This condition is easily diagnosed and has important clinical significance, as it often causes reversible infertility. Varicocele often develops on the left side, which is associated with the peculiarities of the outflow along the testicular veins. Accordingly, with a right-sided varicocele, it is necessary to exclude anomalies in the structure or other diagnosis.

In addition to varicocele, local swelling of the scrotum is usually found in the pathology of the testicles or epididymis. Painful swelling of the scrotum usually indicates an acute process (eg, torsion of the spermatic cord, strangulated inguinal hernia, acute orchitis, or acute epididymitis).

Treatment of swelling of the scrotum

Treatment for edema is prescribed individually, depending on the cause. Compresses, various ointments are prescribed to remove swelling, resume normal appearance. Therapeutic treatment is also prescribed if surgery is not required. All recommendations must be followed carefully in order to avoid aggravation of the pathology.

Scrotal edema: causes and treatment

Every modern man is subject to the appearance of various diseases of the genitourinary system, regardless of age. They cause a lot of unpleasant symptoms that are extremely interfering with daily life. Consider what pathologies it indicates swelling of the scrotum and the most effective treatments.

Possible causes of testicular edema

appearance tumors of the right and left testicles in men precede such the reasons:

  1. Epididymitis. This pathology is an inflammatory process in the appendages of the spermatic cord.
  2. Orchitis. This disease is characterized by inflammation of the right or left testicle or a bilateral inflammatory process.
  3. Epididymoorchitis. Occurs as a result of inflammation of the testicles with appendages.

This is about causes of swollen testicles in men infectious nature. Non-infectious factors include:

  1. The appearance of an inguinal hernia. Swelling in the scrotum in this case, it is observed after surgery, when the hernial sac is installed in the abdominal cavity. In the postoperative period, there is a violation of the outflow of lymph. After a certain time, the condition returns to normal. So if swollen testicle after inguinal hernia surgery, you should not panic.
  2. Hydrocele (dropsy of the testicles). This disease is characterized by an abnormal accumulation of fluid between the testicles. Most often, this pathology is observed in newborns. Within 1 year, the condition should normalize on its own.
  3. The appearance of neoplasms in the testicle. testicular tumor in men occurs in extremely rare cases. But, nevertheless, it can be both benign and malignant. Benign neoplasms that can cause swelling of the scrotum are papillomas. As for malignant growths, these are serious pathologies such as liposarcoma or cancer. The appearance of various formations in the scrotum is a danger to the health of a man, since they tend to grow. An unpleasant feature of such pathologies is that testicular enlargement in men in this state is observed in the later stages of their development.
  4. Heart failure. This cause causes a violation of blood circulation in the pelvic organs, resulting in stagnant processes.
  5. allergic manifestations. swollen testicles in men can be called by reason exposure to certain external stimuli. This usually occurs as a result of individual intolerance to certain foods that make up cosmetics, household chemicals. When an allergen enters the body, a man feels that swollen testicle and pain in this region. The condition can be alleviated in this case with the help of antihistamine drugs.
  6. Testicular torsion. This pathology develops mainly in children. This is due to the fact that at an early age the organs of the reproductive system have not yet strengthened. The essence of the pathology lies in the fact that the spermatic cord is twisted, after which it is observed testicular tumor in a child. This condition requires immediate medical attention.
  7. Varicocele. This is a disease that is varicose veins in the testicles. With exacerbation of varicocele observed edema of the right or left testicles in men.

Important to remember! Regardless of the reason for the swelling of the scrotum in a man, you need to immediately consult a doctor for help!

Symptoms of pathology

The general signs that accompany swelling of the scrotum in men are of different severity. If formed testicular tumor in men, symptoms appear like this:

  1. Enlargement of the scrotum in size. When it is probed, seals can be felt.
  2. Painful sensations. They are growing. Moreover, the pain can be localized not only in the testicles, but also give to the lower part of the abdominal cavity.
  3. Increase in body temperature up to 38˚С. The man has a fever, chills.
  4. The surface of the scrotum changes color. It becomes red, purple. The skin may also flake off. In some men, small seals form, which over time develop into sores or ulcers.
  5. If the swelling of the scrotum is caused by an infection, then the man has uncharacteristic discharge from the penis. Urine loses its transparency, changes its color.
  6. Symptoms of intoxication. A young man may complain of nausea, dizziness, headaches, general weakness of the body.
  7. An advanced form of pathology can lead not only to an increase in the scrotum, but also to swelling of the entire penis.

If the disease, as a result of which a man has swelling of the testicles, is chronic, then pain in most cases does not bother.

Most often, young people complaining about scrotum enlargement are sent to the hospital for examination in order to establish an accurate diagnosis.

What does it look like testicular tumor in men, can be seen on a photo.

Diagnosis of the disease

In order to start the correct treatment, it is necessary to undergo a thorough diagnosis. That is, the detection causes of swelling of the scrotum in men allows you to prescribe the necessary therapy to the patient. First of all, the doctor conducts a survey, clarifying the following points:

  • when and under what circumstances puffiness appeared;
  • how the patient's well-being changes;
  • tumor size;
  • whether atypical discharge and the genital organ are observed;
  • whether the appearance of the tumor was preceded by various injuries, injuries or surgery;
  • Are you worried about pain and other discomfort in the groin area?

The patient is then sent for an ultrasound examination. Based on its results and information received from the patient, the exact cause of the scrotal tumor is established, after which the required treatment is prescribed.

Treatment of swelling of the scrotum

If a cause of swollen testicles is not the development of infection, then treatment provides for the following activities:

  • applying cold to the affected area (this is required for no more than 1 day);
  • moderate physical activity until the condition returns to normal;
  • wearing a special bandage that helps keep the scrotum in a stationary state;
  • massage the testicles
  • carry out sitz baths using decoctions of medicinal herbs.

If a swollen testicle after varicocele surgery or removal of an inguinal hernia, then the above therapeutic measures will help to normalize the condition in a short time.

Swollen testicles in men which served as an allergen, is treated with the use of antihistamines and hormonal drugs. It is also imperative to eliminate the irritating factor.

Swelling in the scrotum caused by an infectious disease is eliminated after undergoing a course of drug therapy. To normalize the patient's condition, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic drugs are prescribed.

The most dangerous condition for a young man is testicular volvulus. In this condition, drug therapy and local treatment will not help. Recovery requires surgery. In extremely rare cases, testicular massage can help in this case. The operation is carried out urgently, because if it was not performed within 6 hours after the testicle was twisted, then irreversible pathological changes in the sex gland occur. A long stay in this state ends with the complete removal of the damaged testicle.

After the operation, the man must undergo rehabilitation. To do this, he is prescribed such restorative measures and drugs:

  • physiotherapy;
  • antiallergic drugs;
  • novocaine blockade;
  • intravenous administration of sodium heparin.

When malignant neoplasms occur, surgery is also prescribed in most cases. It all depends on the size tumors in the scrotum in a man.

Alternative medicine also offers therapeutic compresses that help relieve a man's well-being with a scrotal tumor. But before using them, it is imperative to consult a specialist. Since some folk remedies can worsen the condition in certain situations.

Prevention of pathology

Preventive measures to prevent testicular edema are aimed at strengthening the organs of the genitourinary system, as well as improving their functioning. To do this, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Timely treats infectious diseases. Pathogenic microorganisms during their active development can spread throughout the body with the blood stream. Thus, the testicles are also subject to the occurrence of pathological processes.
  2. Avoid casual sexual relationships with different partners. Or do not forget to use a condom in such situations, regardless of the type of intimacy. Sexually transmitted diseases can cause swelling of the scrotum. This is one of the characteristic symptoms of an infectious disease of the penis.
  3. Moderate physical activity. Excessive activity in this case gives a strong load on the abdominal cavity and inguinal part. This causes circulatory disturbance at the local level, which can lead to swollen scrotum in men.
  4. Eat properly. A balanced diet will help saturate the body with essential vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances, thereby strengthening the immune system. An organism with high protective functions is not susceptible to the occurrence of infectious pathologies and inflammatory processes.
  5. Choose high-quality and comfortable underwear. Underpants made from low-quality material can cause an allergic reaction in the form of swelling of the scrotum. And you also need to choose underwear according to size. Tight pants expose the penis and scrotum to strong friction, which negatively affects men's health in general.
  6. Parents of boys need to pay special attention to hygiene and care of the genitals. It is necessary to ensure that the skin in the scrotum is not subjected to friction and does not sweat. To do this, you need to change diapers in a timely manner, make the baby air baths.

swelling of the scrotum in young people can cause serious illness. Therefore, if a man notices a pathological increase in the testicles, you should immediately consult a doctor for help. Since such a condition can lead to dangerous consequences, such as removal of the testicle and infertility. A specialist in this matter is a urologist.

Why does swelling of the scrotum occur and how to treat it?

Every year, men increasingly turn to a urologist with infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. Scrotal edema is one of the characteristic symptoms of these diseases. The scrotum is a leathery bag that contains the male gonads, the vas deferens. It also concentrates many sebaceous glands, which contribute to the accelerated development of inflammatory processes and infections. Puffiness can develop only on one side or simultaneously on both. This symptom is typical for men of any age, delivers a lot of discomfort, including pain. Swelling in the scrotum should not be left without special attention, because a number of diseases that cause this symptom can end up very badly for a man.

If the scrotum is swollen, the first step is to determine what provoked the pathological condition.

The tumor is a characteristic symptom of epidermitis. This disease is an inflammation of the epididymis. Of great importance in the development of epidermitis are sexually transmitted infections. If the testicles are also involved in the inflammatory process, then the man may develop orchitis.

Sometimes swelling develops against the background of medical manipulations, for example, during catheterization. The presence of swelling may also indicate an allergic reaction. Allergies are characterized by uniform swelling of both sides of the scrotum and itching. Dust, fungi, food, and even the use of synthetic underwear can provoke the condition. It is important to note that an allergy in the genital area can only develop in hypersensitive men, it does not appear in a healthy person.

Separately, it is worth touching on the topic of a tumor in the scrotum. This situation is characterized by swelling on one side only. On palpation, you can feel a dense structure inside the scrotum, which can move from place to place. The neoplasm may be benign or malignant. The first group includes fibroma, lipoma, the second - rhabdomyosarcoma and liposarcoma. It is very important to consult a doctor if a seal is detected, since a malignant tumor very quickly metastasizes to the inguinal lymph nodes.

In addition to infections and neoplasms, swelling of the scrotum can provoke testicular torsion. This is a rather serious disease, since a prolonged lack of blood supply leads to tissue necrosis. Mechanical damage to the scrotum, heavy physical exertion and sudden movements can cause testicular torsion.

Among other possible causes of the development of a tumor in the groin area can be noted:

  • congestive heart failure (myocardial weakness);
  • mumps (mumps);
  • hernia;
  • dropsy of the testicle;
  • surgery in the genital area;
  • varicocele (plexus).

Determining the cause is a very important step in the treatment process. Having correctly determined what provoked the pathological condition of the organ, you can begin competent treatment, which will quickly return the normal state of the scrotum.

Each disease, which is characterized by swelling of the scrotum, has a number of additional features. But there are common manifestations that should be a good reason to go to the hospital. Among these symptoms can be noted:

  • redness or blueness of the skin on the scrotum;
  • severe pain in or around the testicle;
  • a change in gait (a person tries to relieve pressure on the scrotum by spreading their legs wide while walking);
  • temperature rise;
  • dizziness;
  • cloudy urine;
  • violation of urination and pain at the same time;
  • problems with ejaculation;
  • blood in seminal fluid;
  • discharge from the penis;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • elevation of the affected testicle.

If a man notices swelling and the above symptoms are present, the first step is to apply something cold to the scrotum to avoid bruising and swelling. Keep an ice pack or cold object for 15 minutes every hour on the first day of swelling. Next, you need to take sitz baths to reduce swelling. Water should not be hot or cold. Water at room temperature is suitable. To reduce pain and stress on the body, it is recommended to observe bed rest.

Before starting therapy, it is required to confirm the diagnosis. The doctor should initially conduct a visual examination of the genital organs and their appendages, ask a series of leading questions that will help to understand the true cause of the edema. The doctor may ask:

  • when the edema occurred;
  • whether the patient gets worse with each subsequent day;
  • is there any discharge from the penis;
  • whether there has ever been an operation on the genitals;
  • whether there were injuries of the genital organs;
  • whether the swelling decreases after rest;
  • are there any other symptoms;
  • whether there is pain around the scrotum.

To help the doctor make a correct diagnosis, it is recommended that you prepare answers to these questions in advance. The doctor may prescribe the delivery of laboratory tests of urine, blood and feces, sowing urine to isolate the culture of the pathogen. The doctor will diagnose for the presence of sexually transmitted infections. Of the instrumental diagnostic methods, an ultrasound examination will be carried out.

If the tumor was triggered by an allergic reaction, the doctor will prescribe antihistamines, and will require you to avoid the allergen that caused the pathology in the future. If antihistamines do not bring results, hormones are administered.

For infections of the genitourinary system, antibacterial and antifungal drugs are used, general strengthening therapy is carried out. Shown physiotherapy and the use of NSAIDs.

If a tumor in the scrotum is suspected, a more thorough diagnosis is carried out and the advisability of chemotherapy and surgery is decided on an individual basis.

Testicular torsion requires immediate attention. The doctor must perform a detorsion, that is, untwisting the testicle, or an operation. If there is pain, the doctor prescribes pain medication. After the surgical intervention, physiotherapy is carried out, desensitizing drugs, novocaine blockade are introduced. Intravenous administration of sodium heparin and Reopoliglyukin is necessary.