Ozone therapy in dermatovenerology. Autohemotherapy - “My salvation from furunculosis” Ozonation of blood from boils

One of the effective methods to eliminate inflammation on the skin is blood transfusion or autohemotherapy. Those who hear about this method of treatment for the first time may be surprised and wary. However, blood transfusion for acne is not a scary or unusual procedure. This method has long been used in cosmetology and is an immunocorrective therapy. Its main goal is the destruction of pustular chronic rashes of an infectious nature. The doctors themselves say this.

Like any methods, autohemotherapy has its advantages and disadvantages. When it is used, the body's protective reserves are activated, as a result of which the skin infection begins to be actively suppressed by the immune system. This is one of the most significant advantages of blood transfusion. The necessary immune response is very effective in eliminating acne and skin inflammation, and also helps get rid of many chronic diseases.

One of the disadvantages of the method is the fact that this method has not yet been fully researched. That is, scientists still know little about the effect of the procedure on the human body. Another disadvantage of this method is the possibility of small compactions appearing in muscle tissue after five procedures. This can happen due to slow absorption of blood in the body.

Reviews of blood transfusions for acne indicate the high effectiveness of this treatment. Patients report good results from autohemotherapy. After several blood transfusions, pimples and boils disappear, and the skin becomes smooth and clean. Treatment with autologous blood may involve pre-treatment of the blood with ozone.

Only after ozonation is blood from the river vein injected into the buttock muscle. Ozonated blood is often used in the treatment of gynecological female diseases. Biopuncture does not require any preliminary blood treatment. Autohemotherapy is usually prescribed as an additional method in the complex treatment of the disease.

How do they do it?

Blood transfusion can be subcutaneous, intramuscular, or intravenous. Usually the doctor prescribes one of the methods. Sometimes treatment with blood transfusion is complemented by other methods:

  • ozone therapy;
  • homeopathy;
  • ultraviolet irradiation

After examination and clarification of the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics.

How is a blood transfusion done for acne? The method itself is very simple and not complicated. In the first session, two milliliters of blood are drawn from a vein, after which the blood is injected into the buttock muscle. With each new procedure, the volume of blood taken is increased by one milliliter. The permissible volume of collected blood is 10 ml. Afterwards you need to take a break. If necessary, the procedure must be repeated. Sometimes your doctor may recommend blood transfusions every six months.

Ideally, the procedure should be performed in a medical facility. All sterile requirements are met in the manipulation room, and the transfusion itself is carried out by a qualified specialist. You should be aware that incorrect needle insertion can harm the health of the body.

The effect of the procedure is determined by the exacerbation of the body's protective functions. Pathogenic bacteria enter the body along with the blood. Since they belong to the body, infection does not occur. Your own blood is a powerful activator of the immune system. The body begins to intensively produce the necessary antibodies, which localize skin diseases and acne. The blood is cleansed and the skin is cleared of acne. As a result, acne disappears.


The main indications for blood transfusion are:

  • boils;
  • acne;
  • acne;
  • dermatitis;
  • poor wound healing;
  • decreased immunity;
  • serious injury;
  • carbuncles.

The procedure is simple and completely painless. However, you need to know how blood transfusions are done for acne, and before starting the sessions, undergo diagnostics and blood tests.


The blood transfusion procedure may not be suitable for everyone. Main contraindications:

  • oncological diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • serious chronic diseases;
  • exacerbation of the inflammatory process.

Before starting treatment, it is important to take a general blood test and check your hemoglobin level. Autohemotherapy can be carried out only if the level of hemoglobin in the blood is normal.

In the buttock, blood injected with a syringe is absorbed rather slowly. Therefore, sometimes after a transfusion session, temporary small seals may remain. This causes some inconvenience and discomfort. Over time, the seals may begin to hurt and cause discomfort.

Severe pain at the injection site may occur after the injection of a large volume of blood (from 6 ml). To minimize side effects, you need to apply a warm heating pad to the injection site for several minutes. An alcohol compress at the injection site, manual massage or an iodine mesh also helps great to dissolve blood in the muscle.

According to statistics, blood transfusion gives a positive result in 80% of cases. An excellent positive result is also evidenced by reviews of blood transfusions for acne from people who have already used this treatment method. For advanced acne, a repeat blood transfusion is prescribed after six months.

In autohemotherapy, in very rare cases and for special indications, autologous blood—the patient’s blood that has been chemically treated—can be used. It is also important to know that during the procedure, in rare cases, a negative autoimmune reaction of the body may occur, which can cause the development of complications, and a purulent abscess. In such cases, it is important to immediately seek medical help.

In addition to blood transfusion sessions, with this method of treating acne and acne, it is important to follow a special diet that includes a large amount of vegetables, fruits and grains.

It is also necessary to maintain proper daily skin hygiene and keep it clean. It is necessary to completely eliminate irritating negative factors: decorative cosmetics and unhealthy foods in the diet.

It is useful to actively engage in physical exercise and regularly take walks in the fresh air. Such comprehensive measures are aimed at increasing immunity and guaranteeing excellent results after a full course of autohemotherapy.

The results that the procedures give are very effective. Just compare blood transfusions for acne - before and after photos. Before the start of treatment, common pathologies of a bacterial nature typically recur on the skin. Autohemotherapy restores the normal functioning of the immune system. The body itself begins to fight the disease, as a result of which the acne disappears.

The introduction of patients' own venous blood ensures the activation of the body's rehabilitation reactions, improves lymph flow and blood circulation. As a result, various wounds heal quickly, ulcers, pimples, acne, and neurodermatitis are eliminated. Autohemotherapy significantly improves metabolic processes, increases vitality, and removes toxins and waste from the body. Moreover, after a course of procedures, physical and mental performance increases.

This method allows you to cure many diseases - various skin lesions, dermatitis, eczema, allergies. Therapy is also indicated for pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, recurrent ENT diseases, and premature aging of the skin. Such treatment is especially important for immunodeficiency states of the body, wounds that do not heal for a long time after operations or injuries.

Treatment with venous blood transfusion helps get rid of furunculosis. The disease is a common bacterial pathology and very often recurs. As a method of stimulating treatment, blood transfusion for acne - before and after photos - gives a very positive result.

Symptomatic treatment allows you to completely cope with the disease. Autohemotherapy is also practiced in the treatment of various gynecological diseases. The method is prescribed for menopause, inflammation in the appendages and uterus, adhesions, and condylomatosis.

Autohemotherapy is a reasonable prescription for acne that cannot be eliminated with a variety of external medications. This treatment method is classic in the treatment of skin acne. Transfusion of one's own venous blood is combined with antibiotics and calcium gluconate. Transfusions should not be used in the treatment of acne in the presence of various blood clotting disorders, cancer, epilepsy and heart disease. It is also not recommended to prescribe autohemotherapy for low blood pressure.

Venous blood transfusions should only be performed for medical reasons and after consultation with a doctor. It is important to perform the procedures under sterile conditions in full compliance with all safety precautions. Consistent autohemotherapy will quickly eliminate inflammatory processes on the skin. This method will help eliminate acne and pimples effectively and in a short time.

Ozone therapy is aimed at destroying microorganisms thanks to its powerful disinfectant effect. Its advantage is the lipolytic effect, on the basis of which a decrease in the secretion of the sebaceous glands is achieved, scarring is improved from an aesthetic point of view.

For therapy, MAGT with 500 mcg of ozone per 10 ml of autologous blood is used daily for 5-7 days, which has a stimulating effect on the patient’s immune system. The tactics of further treatment are based on changes in the clinical picture of the disease; it is possible to extend MAGT procedures up to 8-10 times with a frequency of 2 times a week.

Large inflammatory elements are injected with an ozone-oxygen mixture along the periphery for their fastest regression (except for boils in the face and neck). The volume of the gas mixture is 3-5 ml at a concentration of 10-20 mg/l, the needle is inserted deep into the muscle under the base of the boil. The treatment method is simple, affordable and very effective. General improvement occurs at the end of the first week of treatment.

For generalized forms of furunculosis, it is common to prescribe BAGT with 1000 mcg of ozone twice a week, 6 times in total. It is possible to combine hemotherapy with rectal insufflations of an ozone-oxygen mixture of 1000 mcg per administration, 6-8 procedures.

Attempts to use ozone therapy methods for psoriasis, low-inflammatory forms of acne, and verrucous forms of lichen planus were not effective enough (S.L. Krivatkin, E.V. Krivatkina, 1995).

S.P. Aleksina, T.G. Shcherbatyuk

A boil, or boil, is a purulent inflammation of the hair follicle. The boil is located in the middle layer of the skin - the dermis. There are different ways to treat chiria, including blood transfusions for chiria. The method is based on the body’s ability to cause a rejection reaction to the introduction of substances containing a protein that is unusual for the body, foreign to it, including that present in the blood. The body mobilizes all its strength to fight the oncoming infection, and diseases such as boils are easily cured.

Sometimes, several boils appear on the surface of the skin. This phenomenon is called furunculosis. The appearance of a boil indicates an inflammatory process of an infectious nature. If the immune system is weakened and the body becomes vulnerable to bacterial infections, then inflammation develops as a result of the action of microbes that are always present in the body.


The boil disease process goes through several phases, each of which lasts several days. If nothing interferes with the infection, it penetrates deeper into the thickness of the skin, capturing more and more new tissues. The boil can go away on its own, without any treatment. Sometimes local treatment with external bactericidal drugs helps.

Cases of long-term and complex treatment of chiria have been described. During the process of formation, the boil first causes itching and hyperemia at the site of infection. Then one or more small red bumps appear, firm to the touch and painful. Then an abscess in the form of a white dot forms in the center of the mound. Sooner or later, most often within a decade, the abscess breaks, the pus drains, the swelling of the skin stops and recovery occurs.

An attempt to squeeze out an unformed abscess on the body can only cause harm: pus can get into a blood vessel injured by compression and cause.

The severity of the disease depends on the location of the chiria. The most dangerous are furunculosis of the nasolabial triangle, located in close proximity to vital organs. A boil in the ear promises a lot of trouble. Treatment of chiries in such cases should be carried out quickly and carefully so as not to cause serious complications.


Autohemotherapy, or, for chirii, is nothing more than an injection of blood taken from a vein into the muscle tissue, with a few exceptions, the gluteal. Hemotherapy is a traditional, widespread method of treating such diseases.

This method of treating chiries has been tested many times, and with the known qualifications of the medical worker performing the procedure, it is completely safe. The effect of the hemotherapy procedure develops within two to three weeks.

Blood injected into the muscle coagulates. A hematoma forms. To resolve the hematoma, the body mobilizes all its reserves. When a hematoma dissolves, many biologically active substances are formed, providing the body with a kind of jolt.

Intramuscular injection of blood boosts your own immunity. A general strengthening of the body occurs and many trivial ailments, such as chiries, go away on their own. Sometimes, an accidental injury, like one, can help cure a similar disease. After all, a bruise is a hematoma.

Autohemotherapy procedure

Chiriev is a daily injection of increasing, and upon reaching the maximum dosage, decreasing amount of venous blood into the gluteal muscle.

It is carried out using a syringe and is immediately injected into the buttock muscle, without adding any additional medications. It is important to have the skills to draw blood from a vein. The vein should be large enough and easily detectable. A tourniquet is applied to the arm, the vein fills with blood and becomes clearly visible.

And then, everything is simple. It is important to follow the rules of asepsis both when collecting and administering blood. The treatment regimen involves the selection and administration of 2 ml of vein contents on the first day. On the second day, 2 ml more, and so on until you reach 10 ml. And then, every day, reduce the dosage by 2 ml per day. Introducing a full dose on the first day can lead to a violent response of the body to the introduction of a protein-containing liquid, which is unsafe. There is a modification of autohemotherapy - treatment using autologous blood subjected to freezing, laser, ultraviolet or x-rays, or ozonation.

It should be taken into account that blood should be injected slowly so as not to injure the muscle. To optimize the process of hematoma resorption, it is useful to apply massage and heat to the injection site. In parallel with hemotherapy, local treatment with anti-inflammatory external agents is continued.

Treatment prognosis

Hemotherapy for furunculosis is used only if other methods of treating boils on the body do not bring the desired result. This unconventional treatment method is safe, but it does not provide a 100% guarantee of cure.

Autohemotherapy is indicated in the treatment of teenage furunculosis. The treatment process is quite long. The healing process is associated with an increase in immunity; a marker of the beginning of a positive restructuring in the body is a change in skin color.

You should not expect that by the end of the course of hemotherapy, chiria will completely disappear. The desired result can be obtained after some time. We should not forget that in parallel with autohemotherapy, it is necessary to carry out symptomatic treatment with external agents.

Autohemotherapy at home

The procedure for taking blood from a vein and intramuscular injection requires professional skill. There is no doubt that anyone can learn such a craft.

But you shouldn’t take risks; it’s much safer to entrust the matter to a professional, in this case, a nurse. A qualified medical professional can perform autohemotherapy at home.

Furunculosis is a purulent-necrotic disease of the hair follicle and perifollicular connective tissue. This is an extremely unpleasant disease, often having a chronic form.

As a rule, the causes of furunculosis () its occurrence are associated with a decrease in immunity. In this regard, the prevention of this disease will include all measures aimed at strengthening the body’s immune forces, therefore, in the treatment of furunculosis, intravenous administration of ozone is indicated.

In general, ozone therapy is a unique and universal method of biological therapy. If we are talking about intravenous administration, as in the case of furunculosis, then ozone is first dissolved in saline solution or in the patient’s blood. When treating furunculosis, ozone dissolved in his blood is introduced into the body of a sick person, and the procedure itself is called major ozone autohemotherapy (BAHT).

A therapeutic dose of ozone has the ability to activate microcirculation and improve trophic processes in organs and tissues. In addition, ozone has pronounced antimicrobial and immunomodulatory effects; it contributes to a significant activation of the body's detoxification defense system.

BAGT is a basic procedure used in the treatment of viral infections and chronic diseases. This procedure differs from the one when the patient is intravenously injected with ozone, previously dissolved in saline solution. The fact is that when ozone is introduced, dissolved in the patient’s blood, we are talking about significantly greater immunostimulating and immunomodulating effects, which is very important, in particular, in the treatment of furunculosis.

The algorithm for the BAGT procedure is as follows: from fifty to one hundred and fifty milliliters of venous blood is taken from the patient, after which the container where it is located is filled with an ozone-oxygen gas mixture. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, as a result, dark venous blood acquires a bright red color, however, this is not its only change - the fact is that blood, enriched with oxygen, changes its structure and fluidity, acquiring new medicinal properties.

Then this blood, which has become healing, is administered intravenously by drip, using the same drainage system through which it was taken, that is, through the same puncture in the vein. The whole procedure lasts approximately half an hour, but the course will consist of ten to fifteen BAGT.

To prevent relapses of furunculosis, you should adhere to a healthy lifestyle that helps maintain immunity at the proper level.

Do-it-yourself home OZONATOR. Protect yourself from infections
Home OZONATOR with your own

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To treat furunculosis, autohemotherapy is used both in its pure form and autohemotherapy with ozone, antibiotics, homeopathic substances and other components. This technique has been used since the beginning of the 20th century. This method of getting rid of boils is also called a blood transfusion, but it is slightly different from the standard method of transfusion from donor to patient.

Autohemotherapy can be used for furunculosis as a radical measure to eliminate the disease.

What is the procedure?

In autohemotherapy, the patient's personal blood is injected subcutaneously, intravenously or intramuscularly. Autohemotherapy is one of the traditional methods of getting rid of boils. The method for treating boils has been tested over a long period and, with sufficient qualifications of the health worker, is completely safe.


The following diseases can be treated with autohemotherapy:

  • state of insufficient functioning of the immune system;
  • various skin diseases of both infectious and non-infectious origin (dermatitis, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, furunculosis, acne);
  • allergies;
  • chronic pain syndrome;
  • diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems;
  • chronic diseases of the ENT and respiratory systems;
  • pathological conditions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • long-term non-healing postoperative wounds and wounds due to trauma;
  • varicose veins;
  • aging of the skin beyond age (or as a rejuvenating effect).

Types of autohemotherapy

Schemes for carrying out the autohemotherapy procedure:

  • subcutaneous - blood is taken from a vein and injected subcutaneously into various parts of the body;
  • intramuscular - venous blood is injected into the buttock;
  • intravenous - venous blood is injected back into the vein after certain manipulations.
Methods of autohemotherapy
Type of procedureDescription
HemopunctureThe patient's venous blood is injected into reflexogenic zones on the body. Blood can be administered either in pure form or mixed with homeopathic remedies. This is a subcutaneous blood injection technique.
Stepped autohemotherapyIt is carried out in 4 stages in one session of 4 homeopathic remedies of different directions. Sessions are held with an interval of 4-5 days between each other.
Autohemotherapy + ozoneThe patient's venous blood is enriched with ozone and then administered intramuscularly or intravenously
Use of autologous bloodVenous blood is processed, changing its characteristics. To do this, ozonation, X-ray or ultraviolet irradiation, and freezing are carried out. Then it is reintroduced, usually intravenously
Combination of hirudotherapy and autohemotherapyLeeches are used, then the procedure is supplemented with the patient’s own blood

Autohemotherapy with medications for furunculosis is used if the root cause of the disease is of an infectious nature.

Autohemotherapy with drugs

Autohemotherapy with medications
AntibioticIf the cause of furunculosis is an inflammatory and infectious process in the body, then autohemotherapy with an antibiotic is performed. Penicillin is often administered intramuscularly. For single boils, penicillin therapy is reduced to 5–6 injections; in more complex cases, the antibiotic is administered up to 3–4 times a day without blood
Calcium gluconateTransfusions for furunculosis are often combined with calcium gluconate. Calcium not only helps improve the condition of bone tissue, but also helps strengthen the immune system and improve the condition of the skin. Therapy with calcium is prescribed only by a doctor, since its excess can disrupt the functioning of internal organs
AloeAloe is used to enhance the effect of autohemotherapy. By enhancing the natural qualities of blood, blood transfusion with aloe for furunculosis helps restore the body and regenerative processes in it
Homeopathic substancesThe boil goes away if step-by-step autohemotherapy is used using homeopathic substances with symptomatic, drainage action. Includes homeomedicines and nosodes. The drugs used in autohemotherapy include: “Traumel”, “Lymphomyosot”, “Engistol”, “Echinacea compositum”, “Mucosa compositum”, “Psorinohel”, “Hepar compositum” and others.

Operating principle

The procedure consists of collecting the patient's venous blood and then injecting it under the skin, intramuscularly or intravenously. With such manipulation, the body associates its own blood with a foreign substance. The process of maximum production of protective cells begins, which subsequently recognize the blood as “native”. Therefore, the action of the produced cells is redirected to pathological processes in the body.

The effect of autohemotherapy is to activate the immune system.

The results of such procedures:

  • activation of protective processes in the body;
  • activation of metabolic reactions;
  • increased vitality;
  • activation of brain and physical activity;
  • accelerating wound healing and stopping the development of purulent processes;
  • accelerating the removal of waste and toxins from the body.

Scheme of autohemotherapy for boils

The technique according to the classical scheme is quite simple: blood is taken from a vein and injected into the gluteal muscle. The treatment regimen consists of 10–20 procedures. For the first 10 days, the introduction is increasing. On the first day, 1 ml is administered, then every day the blood volume is increased by 1 ml, and on the 10th day it is 10 ml. Then a descending scheme is applied - by 1 ml every day. There are schemes of 10 procedures. The blood volume is increased every day by 2 ml, brought to 10 ml, then decreased daily by 2 ml and brought to 2 ml. If the procedure is prescribed along with medications, then they are additionally added to the syringe before injection into the muscle.

Major autohemotherapy is somewhat reminiscent of a blood transfusion procedure. It can only be carried out by a qualified specialist. For this, venous blood is taken in a large volume (100-150 ml). Then it is specially prepared for re-injection into the vein, it is specially shaken, an ozonation technique is carried out, medicinal substances are introduced, or a special device is used for ultraviolet treatment (directly during the re-infusion of blood). The procedure must be done according to a strict regimen using Heparin.