What helps Pantogam syrup for children? Pantogam syrup - official* instructions for use

For each person, treatment is selected individually; for some, one remedy helps, for others, another. Sinupret didn’t work for me, I used it in the form of drops, it didn’t do any good, instead they prescribed Sinuforte, which gave me results after the first use.

The best treatment for sinusitis is Sinupret and Clearways. My friends and I consider these medications to be the best in treating this disease.

Advantages reliability

Flaws No


I used the drug in complex therapy for bronchitis. I was satisfied with the effect of this drug, it helped me cure the disease without causing any side effects.

With the help of Sinupret, I said goodbye to a persistent runny nose that I could not cure for almost three weeks. As soon as I started taking these pills I felt relief. My nose was finally breathing normally. ENT said that you can start taking Sinupret at the first sign of an acute respiratory infection with a runny nose, so that there is no swelling and other complications.

For swelling of the nasal mucosa and congestion, I always take only Sinupret; it cannot be compared with any vasoconstrictor drops. It acts almost instantly, does not cause addiction, and does not cause side effects. A good product, not the cheapest, but natural and effective.

When a child has any cold, his nose immediately begins to become stuffy and his adenoids become inflamed. Treatment was carried out with sinupret. At first I didn’t really like that the drops were alcoholic, but after diluting them in liquid, it still tasted nothing. The child did not particularly resist when taking it, but his nose felt better already at the beginning of treatment. And after complete... When a child has any cold, his nose immediately begins to become stuffy and his adenoids become inflamed. Treatment was carried out with sinupret. At first I didn’t really like that the drops were alcoholic, but after diluting them in liquid, it still tasted nothing. The child did not particularly resist when taking it, but his nose felt better already at the beginning of treatment. And after the full course (14 days), we not only had no problems with breathing through the nose, but also the adenoids shrank. It’s a good product, I’m glad that it’s natural, and it’s not addictive.

Sinupret is actually an effective drug, I take it often, because after a runny nose my mucous membranes usually swell, and this is very unpleasant. So, to avoid such consequences, I immediately start taking pills. And it works - there is no swelling, the nose breathes freely and the runny nose goes away quickly.

If nasal congestion and swelling of the sinuses suddenly occur, I immediately take Sinupret. Much better than vasoconstrictors, which are addictive and only give a temporary effect. Sinupret relieves swelling on the first day of use and makes breathing through the nose easier. It is not addictive even with long-term use, has proven effectiveness, and has a natural composition. That's why... If nasal congestion and swelling of the sinuses suddenly occur, I immediately take Sinupret. Much better than vasoconstrictors, which are addictive and only give a temporary effect. Sinupret relieves swelling on the first day of use and makes breathing through the nose easier. It is not addictive even with long-term use, has proven effectiveness, and has a natural composition. Therefore, we always treat ourselves only with him, with the whole family. It can be taken even by children aged two years and older.

For sinusitis, we were prescribed Sinupret. And indeed there was an effect, it worked even without a puncture. A good and effective drug, I recommend it to everyone.

I like sinupret for its natural composition and effectiveness. The first time I bought it was on the recommendation of a doctor, when my child got sick. I gave it as prescribed by the doctor, diluting it in liquid. The child took the medicine without hysterics, and no adverse reactions were observed during treatment. A good, effective remedy for colds and runny nose.


I couldn’t think that I would ever face such a problem as sinusitis. My immunity always saved me, even if I had colds, the most I could get was a runny nose, which I quickly got rid of. That same year I got sick, I got so sick. It all started around the end of February. Appeared... I couldn’t think that I would ever face such a problem as sinusitis. My immunity always saved me, even if I had colds, the most I could get was a runny nose, which I quickly got rid of. That same year I got sick, I got so sick. It all started around the end of February. A runny nose appeared and I began to treat it. I bought vasoconstrictor drops and treated it. It seems that everything has passed, but....
A week later, a headache began to ache in the back of the head, then swelling appeared in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses. And then I suspected sinusitis. To say that I was scared is to say nothing. Just as I understood that they could do a puncture. This word alone caused horror.
I understood that I needed a very good ENT specialist and turned to my friends in search of a good doctor. I was lucky, they recommended a very good ENT specialist with extensive experience.
We took several pictures, but in the end we still had to make a puncture. The procedure, to put it mildly, is not pleasant. But thanks to the doctor’s professionalism, everything went well.
From now on, I want to talk about my experience of using the drug Sinupret in further treatment.

The doctor strongly recommended taking Sinupret tablets after a puncture, rinsing the nose with medications and drug treatment.
Sinupret is a homeopathic medicine containing only plant extracts. As the doctor told me, the drug helps remove exudate (fluid) from the paranasal sinuses.

The dosage was prescribed as follows:
2 tablets - 3 times a day. Take for 14 days.
The package of Sinupret contains 2 blisters, 25 tablets per blister, that is, 50 tablets per package.

One package was not enough for me, I had to buy a second one.
I drank the entire course of treatment from beginning to end. Gradually I felt much better. Since getting a puncture is half the battle. You definitely still need to undergo treatment afterwards.
I am very pleased with the drug Sinupret.
I was frightened by the fact that if I make one puncture, I will have to do it constantly in the future. Nothing like this. More than six months have passed, but after treatment I have not had any problems with this.
I have no doubt that the drug Sinupret also helped me.

Sinupret is a herbal preparation for the treatment of diseases of the nasal cavity (acute and chronic rhinitis, sinusitis) from the phytoniring company Bionorica SE (Germany).

The herbal components contained in this medicine have high systemic activity, significantly reduce swelling of mucosal tissues, regulate secretion, normalize sinus ventilation, activate drainage and eliminate nasal congestion of any nature.

Thanks to these properties, Sinupret is widely used to treat patients of all ages. The high biological compatibility of the drug allows it to be used to treat young children and patients with weakened immune systems.

Clinical and pharmacological group

A combined preparation of plant origin with secretolytic, secretomotor, anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects.

Terms of sale from pharmacies

Can be bought without a doctor's prescription.


How much does Sinupret cost in pharmacies? The average price is 400 rubles.

Composition and release form

The drug is produced in the form of tablets (dragées) and drops for oral administration. For the youngest patients, Sinupret is available in the form of a sweet syrup. Depending on the form of release, the medicine contains powder or extracts of medicinal plants: primrose, elderberry, verbena, gentian, sorrel. These active components of the drug provide its therapeutic effect.

Sinupret tablets are round, biconvex tablets coated with a green coating. One dragee contains:

  • Gentian flowers (powder) – 6mg
  • Primrose flowers (powder) – 18 mg
  • Elderflower (powder) – 18 mg
  • Sorrel herb (powder) – 18 mg
  • Verbena herb (powder) – 18 mg

Another tablet form of the drug, Sinupret Forte, contains the same herbal ingredients, but in double quantities.

pharmachologic effect

Sinupret is a complex herbal preparation that exhibits the following 5 actions:

  1. Immunostimulating. Sinupret works as an immunomodulator, reducing the number of relapses and complications.
  2. Antiviral. Inhibits the reproduction of the most popular viruses that cause respiratory diseases.
  3. Secretolytic. Reduces the volume of exudate released and the amount of inflammatory mediators.
  4. Antibacterial. Shows antibacterial activity against various pathogens of respiratory diseases.
  5. Anti-inflammatory. Reduces swelling and inflammation, facilitates nasal breathing.

The drug contains 5 main plants that exhibit a therapeutic effect:

  1. Elder flowers. Rich in flavonoids, among which rutin is of particular value.
  2. Verbena officinalis. Rich in flavonoids, glycosides, bitter compounds, essential oils. Shows secretolytic, anti-edematous and antiviral activity.
  3. Gentian root. Rich in components such as bitterness, most of which are gentiopicrin. Gentian also contains amarohistine, the activity of which is higher and determines the value of the plant. Gentian root is necessary for the anti-edematous effect of Sinupret.
  4. Primrose. Contains carotenoids and flavonoids. In the industrial production of Sinupret, only high quality primrose is used, which does not contain the allergenic component - primine.
  5. Sorrel leaf. Contains flavonoids, hydroxycinnamic acids and other beneficial compounds. Shows anti-edematous, antioxidant activity and inhibits the growth of foreign microorganisms.

Plants in Sinupret inhibit the reproduction of viruses, including influenza A and parainfluenza. The result of the intake is also the restoration of drainage function and ventilation of the nasal sinuses, which significantly speeds up recovery. The drug relieves the patient of discomfort during respiratory diseases, eliminates nasal congestion, and increases the protective properties of the epithelium in the respiratory tract. Simultaneous use of Sinupret and antibiotics increases the effectiveness of therapy.

Indications for use

The main purpose of the drug "Sinupret" is to treat various nasal diseases that have an infectious etiology. The drug is effective for pathologies of the upper respiratory tract, accompanied by the release of viscous secretions from the nasal passages. According to the official instructions, the drug can be prescribed to treat the following ailments:

  • and tracheobronchitis;
  • in acute and chronic form;
  • (the medicine helps cough up sputum);

For the treatment of inflammatory processes in the paranasal sinuses, it was “Sinupret” (tablets) that showed itself best. Reviews from many patients indicate that even in an advanced stage, the drug brings relief during the first days of use. Otolaryngologists most often recommend taking Sinupret because of its natural ingredients, which have a mild therapeutic effect and do not have a negative effect on the body, such as antibiotics.

It should be borne in mind that for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, the medicine should be used only as part of complex therapy.


The drug has a number of serious limitations and contraindications, so before starting therapy you must carefully read the instructions for the drug.

Contraindications to taking Sinupret are:

  • Children under 6 years of age - this is due to the lack of data on the safety of the drug and the fact that no tests have been conducted;
  • Congenital lactose intolerance;
  • Lactase deficiency;
  • Individual intolerance to the drug.

Prescription during pregnancy and lactation

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the use of the drug is contraindicated, since at this stage the formation of the internal organs and systems of the fetus occurs, and the effect of drugs on the woman’s body can lead to adverse consequences.

In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, the use of Sinupret tablets is possible only if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risks to the fetus. The drug is prescribed to the expectant mother in the minimum effective dosage under the strict supervision of a doctor. If any side effects occur, the drug is discontinued.

There is no data regarding the ability of the drug to penetrate breast milk in a nursing mother and its safety for infants. Due to the lack of information, Sinupret tablets are not prescribed for treatment in women during lactation. If it is necessary to use the drug, the issue of stopping breastfeeding should be decided.

Dosage and method of administration

As indicated in the instructions for use, the exact dose of Sinupret tablets and the duration of the course of treatment are determined by the doctor for each individual patient individually - this depends on the patient’s age, the severity of the disease, the presence of complications and the characteristics of the body.

  • Usually, 1 tablet is taken orally 3 times a day, without chewing or crushing, with a sufficient amount of water.

The duration of the course of therapy is 7-14 days, however, if there are no visible improvements or the patient’s condition worsens while taking the drug, it is necessary to consult a doctor again.

Side effect

Adverse reactions to the use of Sinupret are extremely rare. In some cases, gastrointestinal disorders such as nausea, heartburn, vomiting or abdominal pain are observed.

Patients with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug may experience allergic reactions: redness of the skin, rashes, itching. Adverse reactions usually disappear quickly after discontinuation of the drug.

In severe cases, shortness of breath and angioedema may develop; such conditions require emergency medical attention.


Cases of overdose are unknown. If the daily dose is significantly exceeded, side effects may become stronger or appear for the first time. In these cases, it is necessary to urgently seek medical help. An overdose of Sinupret drops in children is especially dangerous, since the drug is alcohol-based.

special instructions

Instructions for patients with diabetes mellitus: the digestible carbohydrates contained in one tablet are about 0.01 bread units (XU).

The use of the drug does not affect the ability to perform potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions (including driving vehicles, working with moving mechanisms).

Interaction with other drugs

Combination with antibacterial drugs is possible and advisable.

Interaction with other drugs is still unknown.

A lot of girls are looking for the perfect remedy for a runny nose. That's why I decided to write to you. Having not slept for one night due to Tyomka’s snoring, there was swelling of the mucous membrane of the snot, we still have enlarged adenoids, we are treating it. In general, I didn’t sleep at night, surfing the Internet and looking for the ideal remedy for a runny nose. Well, how can I help the baby, he won’t let him warm it up with an egg, you can’t give him inhalation. Derinat doesn’t help at all (Girls, I found this remedy. It’s called sinupret. After one day of use, Temik slept well at night, snored extremely rarely, we continue to use it. And the main good thing is that it is a herbal preparation. Available in drops for children and tablets for adults. I am delighted, I did not expect such a quick and good result. Apparently it was not in vain that I did not sleep at night. And I don’t understand at all why Laura (there are 2 people) and no one prescribed it for us. I am copying the description of the drug into the post. By the way, there are a lot of positive reviews about him on the website otzovik.ru

Sinupret is remarkable because

Sinupret is prescribed

Safety Scientific documentation

Sinupret® was registered by German health authorities in 1934 and is still produced in its original composition. In terms of the number of clinical and research studies, Sinupret is perhaps the most studied herbal medicinal product in the world.

The indications for prescribing Sinupret are: acute and chronic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis).

The secret of the drug's effectiveness- in its unusual herbal composition and multidirectional action of components. Studies conducted with Sinupret have convincingly shown that all components of the drug have a pronounced pharmacological effect, and their combination - even more so. The pharmacological profile of the drug Sinupret is determined by the following effects: secretolytic (expectorant), anti-inflammatory, antiviral and immunomodulatory.

The healing effect of Sinupret is associated with the normalization of the viscosity of secretions in the paranasal sinuses and respiratory tract, which contributes to the dilution of pathologically thick discharge in the sinuses, outflow from the sinuses and expectoration. The anti-edema effect of Sinupret leads to a reduction in nasal congestion and improved ventilation of the paranasal sinuses. Normal secretion viscosity and its free outflow are the basis for curing sinusitis. Experimental studies have shown that Sinupret reliably activates mucociliary clearance. The secretolytic effect is due primarily to the herb of verbena and gentian root, the anti-inflammatory effect is due to the herb of sorrel and verbena.

In addition, primrose flowers and verbena herb have antiviral properties. Clear dose-dependent inhibitory effects have been demonstrated in tests with influenza A, parainfluenza type I and respiratory syncytial virus viruses - all three of which are common sinus infections, especially in childhood.

Sinupret is remarkable because, which has an immunomodulatory effect, increasing the body’s chances of fighting infection. This has been convincingly shown in recent in vivo studies conducted at the Battelle Institute (Frankfurt, Germany).

The effectiveness of Sinupret treatment for sinusitis has been confirmed by many clinical trials. Two placebo-controlled trials conducted in Germany demonstrated that the combined use of antibiotics and Sinupret increased the effectiveness of the treatment of acute sinusitis. In a clinical experiment, Sinupret was demonstrated to be at least equivalent to N-acetylcysteine ​​in the treatment of tracheobronchitis, and given the immunostimulating and antiviral effects of Sinupret, it should be considered preferable for the treatment of especially chronic forms of the disease.

An important point explaining the popularity of Sinupret in Germany is the safety of the therapy. In addition to the fact that a truly enormous experience with the use of Sinupret is available, indicating that the drug is well tolerated, there are several toxicological and clinical trials on the issues of mutagenicity, reproductive toxicity and toxicity with high dosages. There was no evidence of adverse effects in any of the studies. In a post-marketing trial conducted in Germany on 3187 patients, side effects were reported in 8 of 1013 patients (0.8%) receiving Sinupret. Gastrointestinal intolerance was primarily reported, and at this level of side effects, Sinupret was the best drug in this study and, based on clinical efficacy data, the drug with the best risk-benefit ratio. Isolated cases of allergic skin reactions have also been reported.

A retrospective study of 762 women who took Sinupret in the first, second or third trimester of pregnancy did not reveal any potential risk of treatment with the drug.

In 1997, Sinupret was registered in Germany under the new drug law, which places very high demands on drugs in terms of effectiveness and safety, which is a great achievement for a herbal medicine.

Since 1994, Sinupret has been successfully used in Russia both in outpatient practice and in hospitals. The unique pharmacological action of Sinupret has prompted doctors to search for new therapeutic possibilities for this drug. Thus, it was successfully used in the treatment of inflammation of the middle ear and for the prevention of eustacheitis.

Sinupret is prescribed adults: 2 tablets or 50 drops 3 times a day. Children aged 2 to 5 years are prescribed 15 drops 3 times a day, and school-age children - 25 drops or 1 tablet 3 times a day. Sinupret drops are usually used undiluted. Children can be given Sinupret drops by adding them to juice or tea. Sinupret tablets are taken orally, without biting, with a small amount of liquid. If necessary, treatment can be carried out in courses. The duration of use is determined by the clinical picture of the disease.

So, the advantages of Sinupret are as follows:

“Classic” herbal medicine since 1933 A unique combination of effects, optimal for the treatment of sinusitis (liquefies, opens, relieves) Facilitates nasal breathing (helps with nasal congestion) The presence of an anti-inflammatory/anti-edematous effect on the inflamed mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and sinuses Antiviral effect (especially important in children , at the onset of ARVI) Immunostimulating effect (important for ARVI, for chronic forms of sinusitis) Used both mono- and in combination with other drugs (Sinupret improves the results of treatment of acute sinusitis with antibiotics) Safety- no toxic, teratogenic or mutagenic risks Well tolerated and therefore suitable for long-term therapy Scientific documentation- the most extensive of all herbal remedies in the world Therapeutically equivalent to synthetic expectorants Can be used in children from 2 years of age and in pregnant women The most prescribed herbal medicine in Germany (Europe) primrose and elderflower flowers, verbena and sorrel herbs, gentian root. Sinupret drops contain 19% ethanol, 100 ml bottle. Dragees 50 pieces per pack.

Sinupret® was registered by German health authorities in 1934 and is still produced in its original composition. In terms of the number of clinical and research studies, Sinupret is perhaps the most studied herbal medicinal product in the world.

The indications for prescribing Sinupret are: acute and chronic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis).

The secret of the drug's effectiveness- in its unusual herbal composition and multidirectional action of components. Studies conducted with Sinupret have convincingly shown that all components of the drug have a pronounced pharmacological effect, and their combination - even more so. The pharmacological profile of the drug Sinupret is determined by the following effects: secretolytic (expectorant), anti-inflammatory, antiviral and immunomodulatory.

The healing effect of Sinupret is associated with the normalization of the viscosity of secretions in the paranasal sinuses and respiratory tract, which contributes to the dilution of pathologically thick discharge in the sinuses, outflow from the sinuses and expectoration. The anti-edema effect of Sinupret leads to a reduction in nasal congestion and improved ventilation of the paranasal sinuses. Normal secretion viscosity and its free outflow are the basis for curing sinusitis. Experimental studies have shown that Sinupret reliably activates mucociliary clearance. The secretolytic effect is due primarily to the herb of verbena and gentian root, the anti-inflammatory effect is due to the herb of sorrel and verbena.

In addition, primrose flowers and verbena herb have antiviral properties. Clear dose-dependent inhibitory effects have been demonstrated in tests with influenza A, parainfluenza type I and respiratory syncytial virus viruses - all three of which are common sinus infections, especially in childhood.

Sinupret is remarkable because, which has an immunomodulatory effect, increasing the body’s chances of fighting infection. This has been convincingly shown in recent in vivo studies conducted at the Battelle Institute (Frankfurt, Germany).

The effectiveness of Sinupret treatment for sinusitis has been confirmed by many clinical trials. Two placebo-controlled trials conducted in Germany demonstrated that the combined use of antibiotics and Sinupret increased the effectiveness of the treatment of acute sinusitis. In a clinical experiment, Sinupret was demonstrated to be at least equivalent to N-acetylcysteine ​​in the treatment of tracheobronchitis, and given the immunostimulating and antiviral effects of Sinupret, it should be considered preferable for the treatment of especially chronic forms of the disease.

An important point explaining the popularity of Sinupret in Germany is the safety of the therapy. In addition to the fact that a truly enormous experience with the use of Sinupret is available, indicating that the drug is well tolerated, there are several toxicological and clinical trials on the issues of mutagenicity, reproductive toxicity and toxicity with high dosages. There was no evidence of adverse effects in any of the studies. In a post-marketing trial conducted in Germany on 3187 patients, side effects were reported in 8 of 1013 patients (0.8%) receiving Sinupret. Gastrointestinal intolerance was primarily reported, and at this level of side effects, Sinupret was the best drug in this study and, based on clinical efficacy data, the drug with the best risk-benefit ratio. Isolated cases of allergic skin reactions have also been reported.

A retrospective study of 762 women who took Sinupret in the first, second or third trimester of pregnancy did not reveal any potential risk of treatment with the drug.

In 1997, Sinupret was registered in Germany under the new drug law, which places very high demands on drugs in terms of effectiveness and safety, which is a great achievement for a herbal medicine.

Since 1994, Sinupret has been successfully used in Russia both in outpatient practice and in hospitals. The unique pharmacological action of Sinupret has prompted doctors to search for new therapeutic possibilities for this drug. Thus, it was successfully used in the treatment of inflammation of the middle ear and for the prevention of eustacheitis.

Sinupret is prescribed adults: 2 tablets or 50 drops 3 times a day. Children aged 2 to 5 years are prescribed 15 drops 3 times a day, and school-age children - 25 drops or 1 tablet 3 times a day. Sinupret drops are usually used undiluted. Children can be given Sinupret drops by adding them to juice or tea. Sinupret tablets are taken orally, without biting, with a small amount of liquid. If necessary, treatment can be carried out in courses. The duration of use is determined by the clinical picture of the disease.

So, the advantages of Sinupret are as follows:

“Classic” herbal medicine since 1933 A unique combination of effects, optimal for the treatment of sinusitis (liquefies, opens, relieves) Facilitates nasal breathing (helps with nasal congestion) The presence of an anti-inflammatory/anti-edematous effect on the inflamed mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and sinuses Antiviral effect (especially important in children , at the onset of ARVI) Immunostimulating effect (important for ARVI, for chronic forms of sinusitis) Used both mono- and in combination with other drugs (Sinupret improves the results of treatment of acute sinusitis with antibiotics) Safety- no toxic, teratogenic or mutagenic risks Well tolerated and therefore suitable for long-term therapy Scientific documentation- the most extensive of all herbal remedies in the world Therapeutically equivalent to synthetic expectorants Can be used in children from 2 years of age and in pregnant women The most prescribed herbal medicine in Germany (Europe)

Sinupret drops, a herbal medicine, are produced by the German pharmaceutical manufacturer Bionorica SE. The company specializes in the development and manufacture of drugs exclusively of natural origin.

Sinupret is one of 4 drugs for the treatment of respiratory diseases (and Tonzipret). Let's look at the instructions for using Sinupret drops, indications, similar drugs and reviews about them.

In contact with


Composition of Sinupret

Sinupret drops are a natural medicine, without any synthetic components. Contains an alcoholic mix of extracts of the following plants:

  • gentian;
  • primrose;
  • sorrel;
  • elder;
  • verbena.

An alcohol tincture of the listed plant extracts weighing 29 g is mixed with water weighing 71 g.

Sinupret is an aqueous-alcohol solution with an average ethanol volume fraction of 17.5%.

Externally, the drug is a transparent light brown liquid with a pronounced herbal odor. The instructions for using Sinupret drops note that a precipitate may form in the drug or cloudiness may be observed. This is normal for any natural herbal remedy.

The drug is released in 100 ml dark glass bottles with a drip dispenser.

Instructions for use of Sinupret drops for adults

From the consumer’s point of view, it would be more correct to call this drug “Sinupret syrup”. This medicine is taken orally and not instilled, like most nasal drops for the treatment of rhinitis.

When using, follow the instructions:

  1. Before each use, the bottle must be shaken so that the settled natural components are evenly distributed in the solution.
  2. Remove the screw cap.
  3. Turn the bottle over so that the drip dispenser is facing down.
  4. Hold the bottle upright. The bottle does not need to be shaken: the dispenser is designed in such a way that the liquid drips by gravity when the bottle is in a vertical position, bottom up.
  5. Place 50 drops into a glass.
  6. Dilute the medicine with 50 ml of boiled water and drink.

How to take Sinupret drops: before or after meals is up to the patient.

The drug can be taken at any time, making it convenient for the consumer.

The instructions for use of Sinupret syrup do not contain additional recommendations in this regard.

However, the following considerations regarding the timing of medication administration may be taken into account:

  • Medicines taken before meals are absorbed faster and begin to act.
  • When taken after a meal, the effect of the medication develops more smoothly and lasts longer.
  • Sinupret contains alcohol and plant extracts: some patients suffering from gastritis and ulcers complained of discomfort and pain in the stomach after taking the drug on an empty stomach.

Sinupret is taken three times a day.

50 drops is about 2.5-3 ml of the drug. One bottle is enough for approximately 10-12 days of treatment.

Instructions for use for children

The dosage for children should be reduced according to age:

  • up to 6 years - 15 drops;
  • up to 12 years - 25 drops;
  • over 12 years old - in adult dosage.

Otherwise, the rules of administration set out in the instructions for use of Sinupret drops for children do not differ from those described above for adults.

If a child refuses to drink a solution diluted in water, it can be diluted in juice or another drink with a familiar taste.

At what age can children

Instructions for use of Sinupret drops indicate that the product can be used starting from 2 years of age.

However, pediatricians prescribe the medicine to children and younger children, while reducing the dosage. For example, one-year-old children are prescribed 5-10 drops.

On the other hand, the drug contains alcohol, which is toxic in any quantity. Taking into account the fact that the main role in treatment is played, in most cases there is no advisability of using Sinupret for young children.

Is it possible to take Sinupret during pregnancy 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimester?

The drug has a long history. It was created in Germany in the 1930s. Since then, a large clinical practice of its use has been accumulated, and numerous studies have been conducted to identify possible negative consequences of using Sinupret. The test results led to the conclusion that the drug does not have mutagenic properties or reproductive toxicity, even in high dosages.

However, the instructions for using Sinupret drops during pregnancy advise women to use pills that do not contain alcohol.

When breastfeeding

There have been no studies on the safe use of the drug in lactating women. Instructions for use advise against taking Sinupret during lactation.

What is Sinupret used for?

The drug has a complex effect due to the herbal components it contains:

  • stimulates the functioning of the secretory glands;
  • thins nasal secretions;
  • stimulates the outflow of mucus from the sinuses;
  • helps relieve swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • reduces nasal congestion;
  • has an expectorant effect;
  • has antioxidant properties.

Unlike many herbal remedies, it does not contain tannins, due to which it has a calming effect on the nervous system.

Indications for use

Sinupret for sinusitis

Instructions for use of Sinupret drops indicate sinusitis (sinusitis) with the formation of a viscous secretion as the only indication for use of the drug.

The medicine improves the drainage of the maxillary sinuses: it softens the secretions, including purulent ones, and promotes their outflow.

The instructions note that the drug has weak antimicrobial activity. However, Sinupret is not an antibiotic. Its use is advisable only in combination with antibacterial (as well as anti-inflammatory) drops and/or tablets.

Sinupret is used during exacerbations for up to 14 days. If no improvement is observed, treatment tactics should be changed.

Sinupret for adenoids

The main effect of Sinupret is to normalize the viscosity of secretions in the upper respiratory tract. This remedy does not cure. Meanwhile, the decongestant and expectorant effect helps improve ventilation of the nasopharynx, which makes its use useful as an additional medicine for.

Sinupret for otitis media

Despite the fact that otitis media is not listed as an indication in the instructions for use of Sinupret drops, in some cases ENT doctors prescribe this remedy for worsening drainage of the middle ear cavity, as well as for the prevention of otitis in children prone to it during a runny nose. .

Sinupret has a complex stimulating effect on the functioning of the secretory glands, which is not limited to the nasal cavity, but also extends to all respiratory tracts and the so-called ENT organs.

It is an accumulation of fluid behind the eardrum. Even if there is no purulent component in this liquid, over time it acquires increasing viscosity. Sinupret is prescribed to liquefy accumulated secretions and stimulate its removal from the ear area into the pharynx. For this purpose, plant-based medicine is ideal.


The drug, like any product containing plant extracts, can cause an allergic reaction. Contraindicated for allergy sufferers.

In rare cases, individual gastrointestinal intolerance to the drug is noted. According to the results of a study conducted in Germany, 0.8% of patients taking Sinupret complained of pain in the upper abdomen and nausea after taking the medicine.

In addition, the drug should not be used:

  • people who constantly abuse alcohol;
  • patients undergoing anti-alcohol therapy.

These restrictions are associated with the presence of alcohol in the syrup.

Side effects of the drug

In 99% of cases, Sinupret is well tolerated. The occurrence of side effects is explained by individual intolerance to the components. They may have the following expression:

  • rash or redness of the skin;
  • skin itching;
  • stomach ache;
  • nausea;
  • dyspnea;
  • Quincke's edema (extremely rare).

Persons who have undergone chemical anti-alcohol coding, after taking the drug, will experience severe symptoms of intoxication: nausea, tachycardia, shortness of breath, rush of blood to the head, clouding of consciousness, weakness.

TO The Bionorica SE company produces Sinupret in the form of dragees. Each tablet contains the same active herbal ingredients as the drops.

The composition is characterized by the absence of alcohol and the presence of numerous auxiliary components, including:

  • lactose;
  • starch;
  • glucose and sucrose;
  • Castor oil;
  • other components.

Sinupret tablets are taken 2 tablets three times a day.

One pack of 50 tablets is enough for 8 days of treatment.

Which is better Sinupret drops or tablets

On the one hand, the dragee is better, since the active extracts enter the body without alcohol. Let us remember that alcohol in any doses is a toxin. However, this does not prevent many mothers from recommending Sinupret syrup for use by children.

On the other hand, dragees contain a large number of excipients, which can additionally cause individual intolerance. First of all, this applies to people with lactase and sucrase deficiency. Since there are few such people, we can state with great confidence that pills are still preferable to drops.

The preference of the pill is also confirmed by the fact that the manufacturer recommends that patients with gastritis use the tablet form of the drug.

At the same time, it should be noted that treatment with syrup will be slightly cheaper than with tablets.

Are there cheaper analogues of Sinupret drops?

Sinupret drops have no analogues in composition and action. This is a unique medicine developed in the Bionorica SE laboratory more than 80 years ago. Since then, methods of extraction and refining of plant materials have been improved, and the ratio of extracts in the preparation has changed. However, no other pharmaceutical company has been able to create exact analogues and substitutes for Sinupret.

The closest analogue in terms of action is the drug produced by another German company G. Pohl-Boskamp GmbH & Co. KG - GeloMyrtol (capsules for oral administration). This herbal remedy stimulates the secretory glands, dilutes the secretions that accumulate in the nasal sinuses, and also has an expectorant effect. However, it cannot be considered a cheaper analogue of Sinupret: a 7-day course of treatment with GeloMyrtol capsules will cost almost 2 times more.

Comparison with other herbal and homeopathic remedies

Which is better: Sinupret or Cinnabsin

If Sinupret has a pronounced secretolytic effect, then Cinnabsin is, first of all, a homeopathic immunostimulant and anti-inflammatory agent.

It contains:

  • red mercury sulfide - Zinnobaris;
  • goldenseal;
  • Kalium bichronicum;
  • Echinacea.

Indication for use of Cinnabsin is the treatment of sinusitis. For this purpose, the drug is taken in combination with antibiotics and/or anti-inflammatory drugs hourly until improvement occurs. Then the dosage is reduced to 2 tablets three times a day.