Paraproctitis recurrence causes. Treatment of paraproctitis without surgery, traditional and folk methods

is in fourth place in terms of prevalence. Of the hundreds of sick patients who visited the doctor, about forty people were patients with paraproctitis, the photo of which you see below. Most often, the disease is diagnosed in the stronger sex.

To understand what it is: paraproctitis, and how to treat it, let’s look at the structural features of the rectum.


Near this organ there is a lot of cellular space, namely:

  1. Ileorectal space.
  2. Pelvic-rectal.
  3. Posterior rectal.

All these are accompanying spaces that are located on different sides. Any of these parts are susceptible to inflammatory processes. Moreover, they very often extend to several areas.

As a rule, most often the disease begins to progress with damage to the crypt. Wherein Anal glands contribute to the spread of infection.


Often, the development of the disease is facilitated by an infectious agent. Let's figure out why this happens: what are the causes of paraproctitis.

As a rule, the pathological process occurs under the influence of several pathogens at once: staphylococcal infection, streptococci, E. coli and many others.

Usually the infection penetrates between the cells from the anal area. The route of transmission can be through the blood or lymphatic system. The trigger mechanism for this process is:

  1. Systematic.
  2. Damage to hemorrhoids with the formation of wounds.

The infection can enter the body not only from the anal area, but also from any chronic infectious site. These could be carious teeth, sinusitis, etc.

In addition, damage to the anal area of ​​a domestic or operational nature may be to blame.

The causes of chronic paraproctitis in men are not much different from the factors in the development of the disease in the female population. Due to the fact that men more often and more abuse alcohol, smoke, and their professional activities sometimes involve heavy physical effort, these are the reasons are the main ones in the appearance of the disease.

Clinic for acute illness

This form of the disease is expressed by a sudden onset and intense clinical symptoms. External signs depend on the localization of the pathological focus, its size, the properties of the pathogen and the general ability of the body to resist.

Subcutaneous paraproctitis

Some clinical manifestations are observed in all types of the disease:

  1. Hyperemia with fever.
  2. Symptoms of general poisoning, expressed by weakness, severe exhaustion, headache, and reluctance to eat.
  3. Problems with bowel movements and constipation, pain during bowel movements and urination.
  4. Pain in the anal area of ​​varying degrees of intensity, increasing during bowel movements.

Symptoms of acute paraproctitis by form

Each form of the disease is characterized by its own nuances. Symptoms of subcutaneous paraproctitis, the photo of which you see (see above), are expressed by intense redness of the skin, swelling and thickening of tissues, severe pain on palpation, inability to sit normally. Pathological areas are clearly visible outwardly, which forces patients to immediately consult a doctor.

The pelvic-rectal form is difficult to diagnose. The pathological process is observed in the lower part of the pelvis and is accompanied by general clinical signs.

People come to see therapists and proctologists, but the majority, unfortunately, choose the path of self-medication. This is due to the fact that the symptoms of the disease are perceived as a respiratory infection. The patient’s health deteriorates sharply, manifestations of intoxication make themselves felt, pain increases, and serious problems arise with defecation and urination.

Often the state of health improves, pain goes away, temperature is restored, intense purulent bloody discharge appears from the anus,

Acute paraproctitis, the photo of the symptoms of which you see, is accompanied by just such signs. This occurs as a result of the breakthrough of purulent contents into the rectum. In the same way, an abscess can burst into the vagina in women.

Acute paraproctitis - treatment

It is worth noting that the symptoms of the ileorectal form of the disease are also nonspecific. Only a week after the development of the disease, local symptoms make themselves felt:

  1. Redness of the skin.
  2. Swelling.
  3. Asymmetry of the buttocks.

All these symptoms give reason to suspect the presence of an acute form of paraproctitis. If a purulent abscess in the anus opens on its own, the disease can progress to the chronic stage of its course.

Pay attention to the pictures of paraproctitis, this is exactly what its external manifestations look like.

Manifestations of chronic paraproctitis

If the patient suffered an acute form and a fistula after paraproctitis, then they speak of the development of a chronic course of the pathology. This is a kind of formation with a channel opening outward. Through such an abscess near the anus in an adult, purulent contents are released. With complicated outflow, additional formations are formed.

Chronic paraproctitis is characterized by a lightning-fast course, alternating with relapses and remissions. During the period of calm, only discharge of a purulent-sanguineous nature is released from the fistula; there is often no pain. All these secretions irritate the skin, which can cause severe itching and irritation.

The period of exacerbation begins to develop when the lumen is closed with purulent contents. In this situation, all the signs of an acute form of the disease begin to worry.

A fistula cannot heal on its own, so seeking medical help is essential.

Therapeutic tactics

Treatment of paraproctitis symptoms involves surgery. Treatment of acute paraproctitis includes opening of purulent formation, its drainage and removal. This is the only way to achieve complete recovery.

But in reality, such a measure is carried out extremely rarely, because doctors do not always have sufficient experience. As a rule, with purulent paraproctitis, the photo of which you see, the formation simply drains, after which it exists There is a huge chance of secondary infection.

Treatment of purulent paraproctitis

In case of exacerbation of chronic paraproctitis of the fistulous form, the treatment will be exactly the same. However, in patients with a similar diagnosis therapy must continue. Then they resort to surgery to remove the fistula.

Pay attention to the photo of the buttocks with paraproctitis before and after surgery.

Wound after paraproctitis

What consequences may arise

Complications can make themselves felt, both in acute and chronic forms of the disease. Often the disease is accompanied by the following complications:

  1. Purulent lesions of the walls of the rectum.
  2. Opening the abscesses outwards.
  3. Spread of the inflammatory process to the pelvic tissue.
  4. Development of peritonitis.
  5. Spread of an abscess from one space to another.

Often relapses are caused by systematic inflammation with the formation of connective tissue. This contributes to the narrowing and modification of the anal area, and the development of its insufficiency.

Prevention measures

Prevention of the disease is no less important than treatment of symptoms of paraproctitis in women and men. Photos of signs of the disease are presented below.

Acute paraproctitis is a serious disease that requires competent treatment tactics.

Otherwise, the disease may become chronic. This disease is a purulent inflammation that forms in the fatty tissue in the rectal area. Paraproctitis is called inflammation of the peri-rectal tissue.

Note that the disease most often occurs in adults, and it can be recognized much less frequently. Symptoms and causes of the disease vary depending on the form of the disease.

But, if the disease is acute, then it can only be treated with surgical intervention. Once the diagnosis is made, treatment must begin immediately.

During the operation, the doctor uses intravenous anesthesia or sacral anesthesia. Local anesthesia in this case will be inappropriate.

Surgery for acute paraproctitis can be performed according to the following scheme:

  • opening and draining the abscess, removing the infected crypt, dissecting the purulent formation in the intestinal lumen;
  • crypt excision and sphincterotomy;
  • holding a ligature;
  • moving a flap of the intestinal mucosa.

It's time to go to the surgical table...

Paraproctitis is a disease whose treatment should not be relegated to the back burner. The patient must be completely anesthetized and only then proceed with surgery. Basically, doctors use mask anesthesia or sacral anesthesia.

During the treatment of acute paraproctitis, it is not advisable to use local anesthesia, since this disease is very dangerous and spreads quickly. With the help of a radical operation, the abscess is necessarily opened, which will help to quickly eliminate it.

The surgical intervention should be carried out in special coloproctology departments, as a result of which the purulent tract is completely eliminated.

If treatment occurs in a non-specialized hospital, then only the opening and drainage of the abscess is performed. This approach can cause a relapse of the disease, which may result.

The main goal of surgical intervention is to completely eliminate the purulent tract, to rid the patient of an unpleasant disease once and for all. Treatment must begin immediately after diagnosis to prevent the disease from becoming a chronic condition.

After opening the abscess, three or four days later, it is necessary to make a special latex ligature. This procedure applies pressure to the tissue and ensures complete and successful treatment and recovery.

Thanks to this method, you can achieve an effective result and, at the same time, not lose the function of the muscle that compresses the anus.

How operations for acute paraproctitis are performed - carefully, naturalistic video:

Postoperative period and rehabilitation

After surgery, you must pay careful attention to your health. Both the patient and the doctor must closely monitor the condition during the rehabilitation phase. The fact is that after surgery the disease may not completely disappear.

The photo shows the location of abscesses in acute paraproctitis

In order to prevent relapses, you need to behave competently in the postoperative period. In some cases, it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention several times.

Even after a successful operation, the patient most often does not feel well and constantly requires special attention. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for a long and patient recovery after surgery.

First of all, you need to monitor the hygiene of the anal area. In addition, after the operation it is necessary to continue treatment of paraproctitis with the help of medications and dietary supplements.

Possible complications

If a patient is diagnosed with an acute type of paraproctitis, the following complications may occur:

  • spontaneous opening of the abscess;
  • inflammation of the pelvic tissue;
  • common infectious process, etc.

Basically, complications of the disease are associated with the development of scar tissue, which leads to deformation of the anal canal. In addition, in severe cases, the rectal sphincter may become deformed.

The most dangerous complication is the spread of inflammation to the cellular spaces of the pelvis.

But, often we also have to deal with melting of the rectal wall at the level of the anorectal line. In such cases, the risk of spreading the infection increases.

Preventive actions

To prevent the disease or to prevent relapses, it is necessary to avoid hypothermia, as well as undergo appropriate therapy in time for the initial stage of the disease.

If necessary, surgical intervention should not be postponed, as this can lead to more serious consequences.

Diet and nutrition basics

For patients with this diagnosis, the doctor must prescribe a slag-free, gentle diet in semi-liquid form, which will alleviate patient status. Thanks to this diet, diarrhea, which contributes to the onset of the disease, is also eliminated.

Complete and final recovery is possible only after surgery, but you should always take care of your own hygiene.

In addition, the patient must follow a proper nutrition regimen, adhere to the desired diet, and avoid bowel disorders. It is important to constantly strengthen your immunity.

The treatment of the disease must be approached with all seriousness and contact a professional specialist in this field. After all, self-medication in most cases only leads to aggravation of the situation, and the disease often develops into a chronic condition.

Paraproctitis is a disease that is characterized by purulent inflammation of the fatty tissue around the rectum and in the perianal area.

The main reason for its occurrence is the entry of pathogenic bacteria through the anal glands into the surrounding tissues. Paraproctitis can occur in acute and chronic forms.

First signs

Paraproctitis develops acutely. The person feels general malaise, headache and weakness. After a short time, increasing pain appears in the rectal area, which radiates to the perineum or pelvis. In this case, there is an increase in body temperature and chills.

Symptoms of the disease and the severity of pain depend on the location of the inflammatory process and the nature of the infectious agent.

When a purulent formation appears in the subcutaneous tissue, the symptoms are especially pronounced:

  • An abscess forms, accompanied by swelling of the skin.
  • The temperature rises significantly.
  • Skin hyperemia.
  • Severe pain occurs.

The severity of symptoms of paraproctitis, accompanied by tissue swelling and the appearance of infiltration, is usually observed on the 5-6th day, but maybe earlier. It depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the bacteria that caused the inflammation.

The most dangerous formations are those located deep in the pelvis. With them, a person is tormented by symptoms:

  • Strong headache.
  • Fever.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Pain in the joints, lower abdomen, perineum.

Symptoms of paraproctitis in men and women are similar. If the formation is deep in the pelvis, the person will suffer from general malaise for about 2 weeks, after which pain in the rectal area increases significantly, stool retention and general intoxication of the body are observed.

General symptoms and signs:

  • Increase in body temperature to 39 degrees.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Pain in the anal area.
  • Hyperemia and swelling in the area of ​​inflammation.
  • Diarrhea or constipation.
  • Pain when urinating.
  • Increased pain during bowel movements.


The disease appears due to the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into fatty tissue and tissue from the rectum. This is often caused by anal fissures or other damage to the mucous membranes.

In rare cases The causes of paraproctitis in men and women are associated with wounds and ulcers that appear on the surface of the skin. In men, inflammation of the representative gland can contribute to the disease.

In very rare cases, self-infection occurs when pathogenic bacteria are transferred through the bloodstream from other foci of inflammation.

People who have reduced immunity, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, hemorrhoids and anal fissures are most susceptible to this pathology.

Other causes of occurrence in women and men are poor hygiene and.


The disease is treated by a proctologist.

To make an accurate diagnosis, in most cases, a visual examination and digital examination are sufficient.

To eliminate the risk of complications, women are advised to visit a gynecologist, men - a urologist.

Treatment methods

Paraproctitis can only be treated surgically, regardless of its form. The operation is performed immediately after diagnosis. The surgeon’s task is to open the abscess and drain the cavity.

In addition, it is necessary to excise the tract through which the infection spreads. Otherwise, it will not be possible to achieve a complete recovery.

However, most surgeons do not perform tract excision due to lack of experience and skills. As a result, only the opening of the infiltrate and drainage of pus is performed. This may cause the formation of abscesses in the future or cause the appearance of a fistula.

After surgery, antibiotic therapy is indicated.

Paraproctitis is an extremely unpleasant disease that occurs with the development of an inflammatory process and suppuration in the tissues surrounding the rectum. Infection enters them through the anal glands from the lumen of the rectum. The occurrence of paraproctitis is most often promoted by decreased immunity, stool disorders (diarrhea or constipation), proctological pathologies (anal fissure,).

There are acute (identified for the first time) and chronic paraproctitis (recurrent). The chronic form of the disease develops as a result of improper or incomplete treatment of acute paraproctitis.

Symptoms of acute paraproctitis

Symptoms of acute paraproctitis, among others, are constipation and false urge to defecate.

The acute form of the disease is characterized by a sudden onset with violent clinical manifestations:

  • symptoms of general intoxication of the body: weakness, headache, loss of appetite, increased body temperature up to 39 C, chills;
  • stool disorders, manifested in painful, most often unsuccessful, urge to defecate;
  • painful urination;
  • pain in the lower abdomen, pelvis, rectum and anus, intensifying during defecation.

Symptoms of paraproctitis may differ depending on the location of the inflammatory process.

With subcutaneous paraproctitis, from the first days of the disease, redness of the skin, swelling, and hardening of the tissues surrounding the anus appear. When this area is probed, a sharp pain occurs; sometimes patients cannot even sit due to severe pain.

Other forms of paraproctitis, in which the pathological process affects deeper tissues, are more difficult to diagnose, and often for a long time patients experience only general symptoms of the disease. Because of this, they often try to treat themselves, regarding the deterioration in health as a respiratory infection. After 1-2 weeks, the patient’s condition worsens significantly, which becomes a reason for urgently seeking medical help.

In some patients, a sudden spontaneous improvement in well-being is possible, pain suddenly decreases, and body temperature returns to normal. In this case, profuse purulent bleeding appears from the rectum, and in women sometimes from the vagina. This picture is typical for an abscess breaking through as a result of melting of the intestinal wall (or vagina in women).

Symptoms of chronic paraproctitis

The chronic form of the disease is characterized by the formation of a pararectal fistula - an unnatural canal, a small external opening of which opens on the skin of the perineum. Through the fistula, with good patency, pus is released from the source of inflammation. If the outflow of pus is difficult, then additional cavities may form along the fistula canal.

Symptoms of chronic paraproctitis appear in waves, the exacerbation phase is replaced by a remission phase. During the remission phase, patients are only bothered by purulent discharge from the fistula; there is usually no pain. Constant discharge from the fistula irritates the skin around it, which can cause itching and irritation of the skin of the perineum.

The exacerbation phase develops when the lumen of the fistula tract is closed by pus and dead tissue. In this case, the patient develops all the symptoms of acute paraproctitis. It should be noted that the fistula does not heal on its own, therefore, even if exacerbations of the disease occur rarely and do not bother the patient much, seeking medical help is still necessary.

Treatment of paraproctitis

Any form of paraproctitis requires immediate surgical treatment. During the operation, the doctor opens the purulent lesion and drains it, as well as finds and removes the source of infection. Surgery is never performed under local anesthesia; patients undergo epidural anesthesia or general anesthesia. After the operation, patients usually experience a complete recovery.

In case of chronic paraproctitis, they usually try to prescribe surgical intervention during the period of remission of the disease. An operation is performed to excise the formed fistula. As preoperative preparation, it is possible to prescribe a course of antibacterial therapy and physiotherapeutic treatment. But the operation can be postponed if, as a result of long-term remission of the disease, the fistula opening is temporarily closed. In this case, it may be difficult for the doctor to identify the affected area.

In the postoperative period, all patients are prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy, detoxification and restorative therapy, and surgical debridement of the postoperative wound is performed. Maintaining hygiene in this area is also indicated after discharge from the surgical department of the hospital: washing with warm water and soap 2 times a day and after each act of defecation.


Timely treatment of rectal diseases (in particular, hemorrhoids) will reduce the risk of developing paraproctitis.

Prevention of paraproctitis is simple:

  • timely treatment of diseases of the rectum (hemorrhoids, anal fissure, etc.);
  • treatment of diseases accompanied by itching and irritation of the skin around the anus (worm infestation, diabetes, colitis);
  • normalization of digestion in order to prevent constipation and diarrhea;
  • avoiding hypothermia;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene.

Which doctor should I contact?

If you have problems with the rectum, you should consult a proctologist. After the disease is cured, consultation with a gastroenterologist and nutritionist is necessary to normalize nutrition, and an endocrinologist to exclude diabetes mellitus.

In 20% of cases, the reason for visiting a proctologist is purulent paraproctitis. It is an inflammatory process in the rectal area, accompanied by subcutaneous abscesses, purulent discharge, and painful sensations. The disease poses a threat to the body, and fistulas often appear with it. If paraproctitis appears: treatment should be timely. Let’s take a closer look at what means and methods are used to eliminate this pathology.

Paraproctitis - what is it?

Paraproctitis is a tumor - a purulent abscess, which, due to various factors, occurs in the area of ​​pararectal tissue or other tissues located around the rectum (look at the photo: a - subcutaneous, b - ischiorectal, c - pelviorectal, d - submucosal).

The disease can occur in acute and chronic form. Acute paraproctitis is a disease that is diagnosed by a doctor for the first time. Chronic paraproctitis is a relapse of acute paraproctitis.

In the acute form of the disease, the patient may feel relief at the moment of opening the purulent abscess - in this case, unpleasant discharge (pus, ichor) will be observed from the anus. However, this entails a complication - the appearance of a hole (fistula), which requires surgical intervention.

Knowing the causes and conditions for the appearance of paraproctitis will help you avoid treatment and receive timely help. The main factor causing purulent paraproctitis is infection. Pathogens that contribute to infectious infection of the tissues of the anus are anaerobic flora, E. coli, etc. Basically, tissue infection occurs due to constipation and hemorrhoids, accompanied by the appearance of cracks on the walls of the rectum or wounds. Through them, the infection enters the body.

The source of infection can be the mucous membrane of the anal gland, which has crypts - depressions that become inflamed due to exposure to pathogens. Later, the infection spreads to the gland itself and to the subcutaneous tissue. Paraproctitis can also result from post-operative or accidental injuries to the anus, proctitis, and diabetes.

For more information about paraproctitis, the causes of its occurrence and operational measures to treat the disease, watch the video:

Symptoms and signs

Purulent paraproctitis appears suddenly and requires immediate treatment. If you notice pathological symptoms, consult a proctologist who will help you cope with the disease. Signs of paraproctitis:

  • Intoxication – high temperature, general weakness, headache, loss of appetite, muscle aches.
  • The stool becomes hard, causing constipation. The patient experiences numerous unsuccessful urges to defecate and pain during it.
  • The urination process is accompanied by pain.
  • The patient experiences acute painful sensations in the lower abdomen, near the anus, in the pelvis.

The localization of inflammation affects the symptoms of paraproctitis. For example, subcutaneous paraproctitis is characterized by redness, pain when sitting, swelling, and hardening in the anal area.

Other types are more difficult to diagnose, since the process occurs deeper, in the subcutaneous tissues. Due to general signs of intoxication, the patient perceives his condition as flu-like and begins to treat himself, which leads to worsening of the condition and complications. If general symptoms appear, it is important to consult a doctor who will make a diagnosis, prescribe treatment, and perform the necessary surgical intervention.

Forms of paraproctitis

Paraproctitis has different clinical forms. Depending on them, the course of the disease will differ in symptoms, treatment, and severity. There are acute, chronic, purulent, subcutaneous and ischiorectal paraproctitis.


The acute form of paraproctitis begins unexpectedly, has pronounced manifestations, differs only in the localization of the source of infection and the type of pathogen. The severity of the disease depends on the patient's immunity. All common symptoms are present, but treatment is selected individually.

Chronic paraproctitis (fistula form)

The chronic form of the disease is accompanied by the formation of a pathological passage, which begins in the rectum and ends on the skin of the anus. A fistula is formed after a rupture of an abscess in the subcutaneous adrectal tissue, but basically the pus “pushes” its way out, forming an external opening. If the canal drains well, the fluid comes out, patients do not experience severe pain, but periods of remission are necessarily replaced by exacerbations.

This type of paraproctitis requires surgical treatment - dissection or excision of the resulting fistula.


With paraproctitis, a cavity filled with pus is formed. The patient experiences discomfort in the anal area, there is intoxication, swelling, and redness of the anal areas. The condition requires immediate treatment to prevent the appearance of a fistula, however, incorrect surgical measures, on the contrary, will only contribute to its formation.


Subcutaneous purulent paraproctitis is characterized by localization of the abscess near the anus, under the skin of the perineum. Diagnosis is simple, thanks to manifestations on the skin - swelling, bulging of the place where the abscess is localized, redness.


The ischiorectal type of paraproctitis is more difficult to diagnose due to the fact that the abscess is located at the level of the deep layer of subcutaneous pararectal tissue. During illness, people independently resort to incorrect treatment, mistaking the symptoms of paraproctitis for a respiratory infection.

Paraproctitis in children and infants - causes

Childhood paraproctitis is a rare phenomenon, but does not differ much from the disease in adults. Its appearance is facilitated by disturbed intestinal microflora of the child, infectious infection, which, as a rule, occurs under external circumstances - wounds or skin irritations. Basically, the pathogenic process is caused by staphylococcus pathogens.

Surgical treatment methods

Surgical intervention is an effective treatment method that helps get rid of paraproctitis. In this case, the surgeon opens the purulent inflammation, drains the area, and eliminates the source of infection. This procedure cannot be performed under local anesthesia, so general anesthesia or epidural anesthesia (medicines injected into the epidural region of the spine) are generally used. If after the operation there is no deformation of the walls and a fistula does not appear, the patient recovers completely.

The fistula itself (fistula) occurs during the chronic form of paraproctitis. Therefore, treatment is carried out when the patient enters a period of remission and pain does not bother him. However, a long remission period of the chronic form may prevent the operation from being performed - the fistulous tract may “linger on.” After treatment, the patient must follow preventive measures.

How to treat the disease - suppositories and antibiotics

Antibiotics (metronidazole, amikacin, gentamicin, etc.) are not a mandatory part of treatment; antibacterial agents are more often prescribed. There are cases when they need to be used:

  • The moment after surgery when the final analysis of the patient's condition is carried out.
  • After excision of a fistula in a chronic form of the disease.
  • When the patient remains at elevated body temperature.

Maintenance therapy with suppositories (antibacterial, healing, with antibiotics) is used in treatment when:

  • The patient undergoes a postoperative period for prophylaxis.
  • To relieve symptoms if surgery is not possible.
  • During the treatment of chronic purulent paraproctitis in children under one year of age.
  • Presence of hemorrhoids, cracks (suppositories will help heal micro-wounds).

Treatment of paraproctitis with folk remedies, without surgery

Folk remedies will help cope with severe symptoms and promote healing, but you must remember that when treating purulent paraproctitis, surgical intervention is always necessary. Useful folk remedies to relieve symptoms are easy to prepare at home:

  • Microclysters. Their use requires compliance with safety precautions - you need to use pears with a rubber tip lubricated with oil. The tip should be inserted carefully to avoid causing additional irritation. Before a microenema, as a rule, a regular enema is given so that the substances work better. Calendula tincture and honey diluted in 100 ml of water are suitable as a filler (perform in a course of two weeks).
  • Mumiyo. Ten tablets of the product must be dissolved in a glass of water and strained. Fill a basin with five liters of warm water, add the mixture, take a bath for 15 minutes.
  • Badger fat. Tampons with fat are inserted into the anus at night.
  • Rowan. Squeeze half a glass of juice from berries a day, take 3 times before meals. Apply a compress of squeezed fresh berries to the anus.
  • St. John's wort will help against purulent paraproctitis. It is necessary to boil water, add 3 tablespoons of St. John's wort, and cook for 15 minutes. Then strain the infusion, place the hot herb on a rag or cellophane and sit on top of it with the affected area. Sit until it cools down. After this treatment, the pus will begin to come out on its own.

Diet and disease prevention

Simple preventive measures will make it possible to avoid the appearance of paraproctitis; you need to pay close attention to the diseases that cause it - hemorrhoids, diabetes, colitis, constipation. Need to:

  • take vitamins to strengthen your immune system;
  • avoid local and general hypothermia;
  • follow a diet, eat foods that do not cause constipation and do not irritate the rectal mucosa;
  • do not neglect intimate hygiene.

Video: surgery to remove paraproctitis

The video below shows how to treat chronic paraproctitis using the surgical method of excision of the resulting fistula:

Paraproctitis is a disease that can cause serious complications. Pay attention to the symptoms of the disease that appear. If they are present, consult a doctor immediately.

If you have experience in treating paraproctitis, leave a comment at the bottom of the page.

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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How and how to treat paraproctitis - subcutaneous, chronic, purulent