Path of Exile - Video "Creating Items in the Bestiary". New PvP modes - Cut-throat and Sarn Arena

There are several genres, and each of them has its fans. In this short review we will talk about such a category as stealth action. These games belong in most cases to the shooter genre, but at the same time they have their own characteristics in the passage.

The difference between stealth action games

As the name implies, this genre merges two categories: colorful and spectacular “action”, with invisible “stealth”. Thanks to this, the game takes on a certain zest, and the adventure captivates you with every second. So how do stealth action games differ from regular shooters? The answer is simple - by passing. If in a shooter you need to quickly move around the map and kill enemies with well-aimed shots, then games of this genre will require completely different skills from you.

To successfully complete tasks, you will need to be able to hide and move around locations unnoticed, as well as kill opponents as “quietly” as possible, and sometimes even avoid meeting the enemy altogether. To do this, each such game has a special system of shelters that allows you to hide from any eyes. In addition, the passage has several options, which makes most gamers very happy, because such nuances give a feeling of freedom of choice.

The best stealth games on PC

It’s better to start your acquaintance with such games with the classics of the genre - the Metal Gear Solid series. The first part of the adventures of secret agent Snake, released back in 1998, became the progenitor of this category. And we can say without a doubt that this game gave birth to the stealth action genre. Today there are already many parts of Metal Gear Solid. So you can thoroughly study the entire history of the adventures of the fearless agent.

Splinter Cell

Another line of stealth action games that cannot be ignored is the adventures of the fearless intelligence officer Sam Fisher, who is fighting terrorism. In Splinter Cell you will have to demonstrate your skills in stealth and the ability to complete missions undetected.

Get ready to explore locations in search of secluded corners from which you can commit a silent murder. The first part was released in 2002 and in a short time gained unprecedented popularity. Of course, the success did not go unnoticed, and today we already have a whole series of games in this franchise.


If we analyze the best stealth action games on PC, then we cannot ignore the series about the adventures of the thief Garrett. Thief combines all the best qualities of this genre: the need for stealth, the ability to avoid being killed, and a variety of options. Also impressive is the “virtual intelligence” that controls opponents.

In addition, the game world, which contains the darkness of the Middle Ages, crazy elements of fantasy and steampunk, fascinates from the first second. At the moment, there are already four games in this series, and each of them occupied the top of the gaming charts at one time.


This game caused a lot of noise even before its release, because its atmosphere was noticeable even in the trailers. The appearance of Dishonored caused a real sensation in the gaming industry, because similar projects had not been released since Thief. A stunning story, the ability to choose a path that determines the ending, as well as the dark but intriguing scenery of the city of Dunwall, magic and weapons - all this made Dishonored the best stealth action game of recent years.

In each location and mission, there is more than one path that the hero can take, thanks to which freedom of action in this adventure takes on an unprecedented scope. After all, no one here leads you by the hand or directs you along one trajectory. In addition, the ending of the game depends on your stealth and number of kills, which adds even more charm to the adventure.


Only a person far from computer games does not know about the adventures of the bald assassin. The first part of the killer's adventures was released back in 2002, and immediately became an absolute hit. And there are a lot of reasons for this, because the assassin was the standard for games in the stealth genre. According to the plot, you need to eliminate the target, and there are a lot of possibilities for this. Your hero can go through the game quietly and unnoticed, and even dress up in the clothes of the victims to divert suspicion. Or you can go through the Rambo style and kill opponents left and right - as your heart desires.

To date, there are already seven episodes of this game, and next year, 2017, a new part is planned to be released. In addition, a feature film was created based on the plot of the killer's adventures, which brought even more fame to this franchise.

A few more hits

When talking about stealth action games, one cannot help but mention such famous projects as Deus Ex, Styx, Sniper Elite III, Manhunt and the series of games about the adventures of the Assassins. They all deserve your attention and high praise. In addition, such high-profile projects as Alien: Isolation and Metro: Last Light also have well-developed stealth action. So if you want to get to know this genre better, then feel free to choose one of them and test your strength and endurance.

The start of the Bestiary League in the action/RPG Path of Exile is scheduled for March 2, so the developers recorded a video with an overview of new recipes for creating items that you will be able to use very soon.

People will catch dangerous animals and then fight them to craft valuable things. Craft rare items by fighting three rare animals at the Altar of Blood. If you want to get equipment with a specific property, you will need to catch a rare animal with one of the new Bestiary properties, and fight it and three rare monsters.

Catch unique monsters to create powerful items to upgrade in the main storyline. Once you catch a rare legendary monster, you will have the option to sacrifice it (to craft a random unique item). From the rarest legendary creatures you can create portals to the World of Spirits. And the animal spirits that live there drop parts of sets of powerful unique items.

The spirits themselves can be captured and sacrificed to strengthen your armor. You will also encounter recipes that require special monsters to produce very powerful properties of items not previously seen in Path of Exile. Besides, developers noted that in this league there will be no Rifts in Zana's properties. Finding Oni-Goroshi will become much more difficult. Bisco's collar will be loosened.

More detailed information about upcoming changes can be found in

On March 6 at 9 am (Moscow time) the first mini-add-on Sacrifice of the Vaal will be released. In it, players will have to face the selfish Queen Atziri (whose beauty outshines the triple beauty of one sweet lady from the movie Total Recall) and her curse that will affect the entire continent of Wraeclast.

With the release of the expansion, two new leagues with challenges will also be launched: Ambush and Invasion, which will also last 4 months until the release of the next expansion.

Official Quote (link)
When Path of Exile launched in October, we promised major content updates (mini-expansions) every four months. Sacrifice of the Vaal is our first update of this kind, releasing on March 5th.

Atziri, Queen of Vaal

The selfish Queen Atziri plunged the entire Vaal civilization into a dark era of sacrifice and terror almost two thousand years ago. Millions died due to her pursuit of eternal youth, which eventually led to a cataclysm that ended the entire Vaal civilization overnight. But Atziri herself is still captive in the realm of nightmare, which is beginning to creep back into the lands of Wraeclast. Now the queen is returning back, and her curse is spreading throughout the continent. The queen must fall!

While much of the expansion's content is encountered throughout the game, the final encounter with Queen Atziri and her minions is geared toward high-level characters and requires great skill to win. To gain access to Atziri's hideout, you must collect fragments from Wraeclast'a locations that have fallen under the influence of Vaal. You then combine them and create them in the Map Device into 6 Apex of Sacrifice portals. We don't want to talk about what this one is like fight, but you'll face a group of dangerous bosses before coming face to face with the Queen herself.

Secret cursed locations

While exploring Wraeclast, you can come across secret locations that have fallen under the influence of Vaal. You will immediately recognize the entrance to them by a hanging beating heart and blood clots swirling around. These are cursed zones with their own set of magical properties, similar to end-game maps , which significantly increase their difficulty. In the center of each such location there is a new boss guarding a chest from which a Vaal stone or Vaal fragment is guaranteed to drop. Cursed locations require a lot of effort to complete them, so you are better off teaming up with friends in groups for them stripping.

New Vaal type stones

The Vaal civilization had its own skill stones, even though they existed thousands of years ago. Brutally powerful and fueled by sacrifice, these skills are ultimate versions of most modern Path of Exile skills.

Vaal skill gems are charged from enemies you kill and can be used to devastating effect. For example, Vaal Detonate Dead causes all corpses in an area to explode in rapid succession. Vaal Power Siphon fires a magical projectile at all enemies, killing them and giving you Power charges. Vaal skills can be used multiple times in combat if they are fully charged.

Vaal Orb: Cursed Items

As the influence of Atziri's return spreads, exiles will be increasingly tempted to use Vaal orb. A cursed item can gain unpredictable and powerful properties, while the curse will not allow you to do anything else with the item (change the number of sockets, for example). The effect of the curse depends on what type of item was affected by it.

Curse is the only way to obtain white sockets, some modifiers, stones with quality or level above 20, cards with 8 properties, or an item with exotic characteristics.

New Leagues with Challenges

Every four months we introduce a couple of new Challenge Leagues. They have their own economy and provide the ideal opportunity for players to start from scratch while competing against others in a fresh leaderboard. While they are completely optional (characters in the Standard and Hardcore leagues still exist), they provide an opportunity for players to demonstrate their skill in the game. Will you compete for primacy in defeating the selfish Queen Atziri, reach level 90, or find one of the new unique items?

The mini-expansion introduces the Abmush league and the Invasion league (with permanent death). These include a set of 8 challenges that can only be completed in these leagues. Players who pass all tests receive exclusive T-shirts at the end of the leagues!

League: Ambush

Like the previous Anarchy and Domination leagues, the Ambush league is about risk and reward. Various new types of chests called Strongboxes can be found throughout Wraeclast. These chests are guarded by monsters that wait in ambush until the player opens the chest. The guards must be killed before you can obtain the contents of the chest.

Sometimes you will come across magical, rare and unique Strongboxes, which also have properties like items. Prefixes affect the difficulty of the ambush by adding more monsters, activating traps, or affecting your character. Suffixes affect the reward from Strongbox. You can use your currency items (orbs) to reroll these properties.


Like the Onslaught and Nemesis leagues that came before, the Invasion league is designed to kill players. The Wraeclast Invasion league has a significant variety of monsters, so players will encounter new and dangerous monsters throughout their journey across the continent. In each location you will also encounter a unique boss with powerful combinations of dangerous abilities to catch players off guard (or more simply put, kill them before they realize what happened). With each difficulty, the variety of monsters will become even more diverse, and bosses will receive additional abilities.

New boss monsters

We've added 60 new bosses to Path of Exile. For every cursed location and almost every type of monster in the Invasion league, we created a unique, rare monster. These bosses have skill combinations with support effects that we have never used before. Since these bosses are only found in cursed areas or in the Invasion league, we made them especially dangerous.

New PvP modes - Cut-throat and Sarn Arena

Players have been asking for a long-term cut-throat race, where exiles cut the throats of other exiles to gain their items and experience. In addition to this, players can invade other players' locations. And we decided to increase the number and duration of such cut-throat races.

The Sarn Arena opens its gates to bloodshed! The arena is located next to Sarn Encampment, representing a PvP zone where everyone is on their own.

Expansion Competition

The first 50 players in each of the new leagues (Ambush and Invasion) to defeat Queen Atziri and other bosses in her special level will receive a unique cosmetic effect that is only available for this competition. In the end, only 100 people will receive this prize. We'll be updating the progress of this little competition throughout the first two weeks. Good luck.

release date

We will publish the full list of changes on March 3 (in our time, most likely it will be already 4) March, and the addition will be installed on March 6 at 9 am (Moscow time).

The start of the Bestiary League in the action/RPG Path of Exile is scheduled for March 2, so the developers recorded a video with an overview of new recipes for creating items that you will be able to use very soon.

People will catch dangerous animals and then fight them to craft valuable things. Craft rare items by fighting three rare animals at the Altar of Blood. If you want to get equipment with a specific property, you will need to catch a rare animal with one of the new Bestiary properties, and fight it and three rare monsters.

Catch unique monsters to create powerful items to upgrade in the main storyline. Once you catch a rare legendary monster, you will have the option to sacrifice it (to craft a random unique item). From the rarest legendary creatures you can create portals to the World of Spirits. And the animal spirits that live there drop parts of sets of powerful unique items.

The spirits themselves can be captured and sacrificed to strengthen your armor. You will also encounter recipes that require special monsters to produce very powerful properties of items not previously seen in Path of Exile. Besides, developers noted that in this league there will be no Rifts in Zana's properties. Finding Oni-Goroshi will become much more difficult. Bisco's collar will be loosened.

More detailed information about upcoming changes can be found in