Path of exile has bad graphics. Setting up Path of Exile for Botting

UPDATED 04/16/17

Probably many have already encountered the clumsy engine of this game, some simply deleted it, some resigned themselves, and some started playing with a tambourine, and therefore it is worth describing many solutions here (I myself danced around the computer for a very long time and persistently until I minimized the friezes)

All these variations can help both weak hardware and top buckets

Clean the folderMinimap in documents every couple of weeks, or more often if you play a lot (if the system on the SSD doesn’t do much)

Let's immediately go through the console commands (in Steam it is written: Properties / Launch Options)
-ns/ --nosound= on built-in sound cards this game freezes on principle, so turning off the sound in the game can help.

-Swa/ --softwareaudio-The sound of the game is processed by the processor (it can help if you don’t want to play without sound), also if you have headphones with a USB input, like the size of Krakens, etc., you can easily rearrange the game on them and everything will be fine ( verified)

Increases the loading time of the game and locations, but for some it helps get rid of freezes

--adapter: especially for those who can’t change to an external video card

-gc 1/ -gc 2 Significantly increases loading time, can help with client crits

May help those who have HDD
Heaps of small files in the POE\GameData\Apps\poecis\ShaderCache\ folder (in our case the Steam folder, the ShaderCache folder in the game folder) cannot be loaded simultaneously due to low reading speed, which is why “freezes” are observed after opening the chest (freezing).

To solve the problem, you need to place these small files in RAM, for this (works in win7 and newer):

1. Download a program for creating a RAM disk, for example the free SoftPerfect RAM Disk, you can download it from their website
2. Install
3. Launch
4. Set up:

To do this, first create a virtual disk image:

We indicate the location of the disk image (you can choose any one you like),
Select File System (Fat 32)
We set the disk size (I have 100 MB), which can be calculated based on the space occupied (Field "Size" in folder properties) POE\GameData\Apps\poecis\ShaderCache + 30%
Click OK)

Next, add the created image to startup:

We remember where we saved the image and indicate it (required).
Specify the drive letter (I specified Z for myself)
Check the box "save contents"
Click "Ok"

We create a connection between the folder with shaders and the folder in RAM:

For this:
Create a folder "ShaderCache" in the newly created RAM disk (I have Z) (or copy it from the game directory).
We go into its properties and see the path to the folder. Copy it into notepad (If the folder itself is not in the path, but just Z:\, then add and insert ShaderCache at the end; you should get something like Z:\ShaderCache ;)

Now copy the path to the game location, to the ShaderCache folder (go to its properties and see its location); For example, I have this d:\Games\POE\GameData\Apps\poecis\ShaderCache Paste it into notepad. (If the ShaderCache folder itself is not in the path, paste ShaderCache at the end)

So, we have 2 paths in the notepad - the first is the path to the ShaderCache folder on the ramdisk, the second is the path to the original location of ShaderCache.

Now you need to replace my paths in the formula with yours;
Go to notepad, step back, and copy this formula there

In it, replace the paths with yours, which you just made. Add quotes to the paths as in the example.

Now all that remains is to run this program - launch the command line:
Press the Win + R button (Windows icon, next to control and alt)
The “Run” window opens - there we write “cmd” without quotes, click ok.
We see a black window in front of us.

Delete or rename the ShaderCache folder in the game directory.

We return to the black command line window and paste our modified formula there
(right-click there, then paste)
mklink /j "d:\Games\POE\GameData\Apps\poecis\ShaderCache" "z:\ShaderCache"

If there are no errors, you will see a command on the command line, and below it will be “connection created for”.
After restarting the computer, the image should mount itself - i.e. There is no need to repeat the above steps again.

UPD, who uses the DX11 version of the game, change the folder to ShaderCacheD3D11

How to check that everything is working:

Go to your ramdisk (drive Z or whatever you made there), there should be a ShaderCache folder there - after you play POE it should be filled (if you copied your old cache there, you can search for new files (for example using the built-in search tool explorer))

Opening one chest will write these effects into the cache, and the next time the opening will be much more cheerful.

And here is an option from me personally ( helps the card holder nvidia who has the game on HDD and a more or less adequate processor)

Go to the nvidia panel - Manage 3D parameters - go to the software settings tab, add the version of our game x32 (dx9 = 9ex) or x64 (dx11)
Next we find the parameter Shader caching= choose OFF

there is a description there but I’ll explain it more simply, the game’s shaders will not clog up your disk but will be constantly processed by the processor, thereby making the game run smoother
Do this only in conjunction with the previous solution (cache in RAM)
I also recommend ( not necessary) Find item Power management and choose Maximum performance

I remembered another way Parking cores
used only on 2+ core processors from Intel (I haven’t checked AMD stones)
good option for performance of all games

Download this reg file, unpack it, and run it. We agree to changing the registry settings. Now you have additional options in the processor power settings.
Now start and go to: Control Panel>Power Options>(checkbox)High Performance>Configure power plan>Change advanced power settings>(drop-down menu)Processor power management.

Now we make the following settings:
1)Minimum number of cores in idle state: 99%.
2)Enable power down states: On.
3)Disable CPU idle: Enable idle state.
4)Minimum processor state: 0%.
5) System cooling policy: Active.
6)CPU performance kernel suspend kernel override: Enabled.
7)Maximum processor state: 100%.
8)Maximum number of cores in idle state: 100%.
Now I’ll explain each point why this is so.

1) If you make 100%, or make the option below 94%, then one of your cores will be suspended by the system. The lower the % you set, the more cores will be idle. Depends on the number of cores in your system. I have 8 virtual ones.
2) So that the processor is cooler. Does not affect performance.
3) So that the processor is cooler. Negatively affects processor performance if disabled.
4) It doesn’t affect anything for me. But for some users, it disables energy-saving technologies (lowering the CPU frequency and lowering the voltage). Therefore, the value is zero.
5) So that the processor is cooler. Interestingly, the latency in working with the system’s RAM increases if this option is deactivated. I checked it in AIDA64.
6) Slightly reduces CPU performance.
7) Do you want the cores to work at 100%? Then put 100% in this option. This is the maximum processor load limit.
8) A very interesting option. If you set it to 0%, for example, then not all cores will be loaded by the system. And for example, only 4 out of 8, the same WinRAR 5.00. And this despite the fact that all (!) cores will be active, not one will be suspended.
Download reg file reg file and run. Answer the system request in the affirmative.

These are some of the best solutions I have found, I hope everyone will find something they need.

I got tired of half-measures and went and bought myself a second good SSD (Samsung) purely for gaming, set all my machinations done on the HDD to default, removed the settings also to default (overclocked the card to full speed to 760, alas, the bus is 192 versus 256 anyway bad) and what do you think happened? but nothing, the game also freezes and in some places even more than before on minimum settings (at maximum it’s almost the same but the picture runs smoother) so I don’t recommend buying an SSD for poe

Some of the commands or methods may not work with Arrival 3.0, please leave information. All commands as of 05/17/18 work as expected

To avoid a lot of posts: in 3.0 a function appeared in dx11 in the form of Dynamic Expansion, turning it on and setting the frame rate in stressful moments, your screen will change the resolution so that the FPS is at the point you set (this is of course not what they promised, but I'm even glad about this)

A huge request, before asking questions here or in my PM/profile, read the topic, there are no psychics here who will immediately give you a clear answer to the problem “the game does not turn on”, write at least adequately the error, what system, hardware, etc. you have

Jambs in 3.1
1. Dx9/dx9ex is feeling very bad now, let's be sad
2. Death of synchronization with the server- they said YGG and went on to eat money from support packs) - it’s simple, turn on the out-of-sync and every second freezes disappear
3. If you play on the RU client, you can often observe the clumsiness of the translation of new items
4. New depths/abysses are very laggy
5. Map of the Wasteland - There are constant artifacts, lines on the floor of the screen not decided yet (I advise you to refrain from farming this card)
6. 3.1 BOTTOM

Jambs in 3.2
1. Patch, nothing more to add

All these variations can help both weak hardware and top buckets

Let's immediately go over the console commands (in Steam registered: Properties/Launch Options)

if you write several commands then PLEASE SPACE

-ns/ --nosound= on built-in sound cards this game freezes on principle, so turning off the sound in the game can help.

-Swa/ --softwareaudio-The sound of the game is processed by the processor (it can help if you don’t want to play without sound), also if you have headphones with a USB input, like the size of Krakens, etc., you can easily rearrange the game on them and everything will be fine (tested)

Increases the loading time of the game and locations, but for some it helps get rid of freezes

--adapter: especially for those who cannot change to an external video card
Option to change the integrated card N2: Install the game without the Steam launcher (that is, download from GGG themselves)

-gc 1/ -gc 2 Significantly increases loading time, can help with client crits

Clean the Minimap folder in documents every couple of weeks, or more often if you play a lot (if the system on the SSD doesn’t do much)

Command Effect
-windowed Launches the game in windowed mode.
-noborder Launches the game in frameless window mode.

-high Gives high priority to CPU CSS usage
-freq "number" Sets the screen refresh rate (specify your monitor hertz).
-threads "number" The number of processor threads used by the game.
-dx "number" Forces the game to use a specific version of DirectX.
-nosync Forces vertical sync to disable.

-fps_max "number" Limits the number of frames per second (they say it no longer works, but let it hang for now)
-processheap Allows you to eliminate a bug with a sharp decrease in FPS, which appears if the game is running for a long time.
-32bit Runs the engine in 32-bit mode.
-64bit Runs the engine in 64-bit mode.

I also advise you to play around with gateways and switching synchronization and desynchronization in the game, it even helped someone
Synchronization=synchronization with the server thereby supposedly lowers freezes and makes ping smoother (in my example, my FPS dropped in violent mix-ups instead of 40 to 10-20, but yes, all sorts of mobs jumping here and there stopped)
Desync = ping will have almost no effect on your FPS, but in battles you may see mobs jumping back and forth, or you will move like a teleporter (it’s not too annoying and I didn’t have any deaths from this)

May help those who have HDD
Heaps of small files in the POE\GameData\Apps\poecis\ShaderCache\ folder (in our case the Steam folder, the ShaderCache folder in the game folder) cannot be loaded simultaneously due to low reading speed, which is why “freezes” are observed after opening the chest (freezing).

To solve the problem, you need to place these small files in RAM, for this (works in win7 and newer):

1. Download a program for creating a RAM disk, for example the free SoftPerfect RAM Disk, you can download it from their website
2. Install
3. Launch
4. Set up:

Originally posted by hontodeska:

  • Further:
  • We indicate the location of the disk image (you can choose any one you like),
  • Select File System (Fat 32)
  • We set the disk size (I have 100 MB), which can be calculated based on the space occupied (Field "Size" in folder properties) POE\GameData\Apps\poecis\ShaderCache + 30%
  • Click OK)

For this:
  • Create a folder "ShaderCache" in the newly created RAM disk (I have Z) (or copy it from the game directory).
  • We go into its properties and see the path to the folder. Copy it into notepad (If the folder itself is not in the path, but just Z:\, then add and insert ShaderCache at the end; you should get something like Z:\ShaderCache ;)
  • Now copy the path to the game location, to the ShaderCache folder (go to its properties and see its location); For example, I have this d:\Games\POE\GameData\Apps\poecis\ShaderCache Paste it into notepad. (If the ShaderCache folder itself is not in the path, paste ShaderCache at the end)
  • So, we have 2 paths in the notepad - the first is the path to the ShaderCache folder on the ramdisk, the second is the path to the original location of ShaderCache.
  • Now you need to replace my paths in the formula with yours;
  • Go to notepad, step back, and copy this formula there
  • "mklink /j "d:\Games\POE\GameData\Apps\poecis\ShaderCache" "z:\ShaderCache"
  • You replace the paths in it to yours which you just did. Add quotes to the paths as in the example.
  • Now all that remains is to run this program - launch the command line:
  • Press the button Win+R(Windows icon, next to control and alt)
  • The “Run” window opens - there we write “cmd” without quotes, click ok.
  • We see a black window in front of us.
  • Delete or rename the ShaderCache folder in the game directory.
  • We return to the black command line window and paste our modified formula there
  • (right-click there, then paste)
  • mklink /j "d:\Games\POE\GameData\Apps\poecis\ShaderCache" "z:\ShaderCache"
  • If there are no errors, you will see a command on the command line, and below it will be “connection created for”.
  • After restarting the computer, the image should mount itself - i.e. There is no need to repeat the above steps again.
  • UPD, who uses the DX11 version of the game, change the folder to ShaderCacheD3D11
  • How to check that everything is working:
  • Go to your ramdisk(drive Z or whatever you made there), there should be a ShaderCache folder there - after you play POE it should fill up (if you copied your old cache there, you can search for new files (for example, using the search tools built into Explorer) )
  • Opening one chest will write these effects into the cache, and the next time the opening will be much more cheerful.

    Solution Option N3

    Helps owners of nvidia cards who have the game on HDD

    Go to the nvidia panel - Manage 3D parameters - go to the software settings tab, add the version of our game x32 (dx9 = 9ex) or x64 (dx11)

    Next, find the Shader Caching parameter = select OFF
    There is a description but I’ll explain it more simply
    The game's shaders will not clog up your disk, but will be constantly processed by the processor, thereby making the game run smoother.
    I also recommend ( not necessary) Find Power Management and select Maximum Performance

    For multi-core Intel processors

    Another method I remembered is Core Parking (used only on 2+ core processors from Intel) a good option for the performance of all games
    (remove spaces in links)

    Now we make the following settings:
    1)Minimum number of cores in idle state: 99%.
    2)Enable power down states: On.
    3)Disable CPU idle: Enable idle state.
    4)Minimum processor state: 0%.
    5) System cooling policy: Active.
    6)CPU performance kernel suspend kernel override: Enabled.
    7)Maximum processor state: 100%.
    8)Maximum number of cores in idle state: 100%.
    Now I’ll explain each point why this is so.

    1) If you make 100%, or make the option below 94%, then one of your cores will be suspended by the system. The lower the % you set, the more cores will be idle. Depends on the number of cores in your system. I have 8 virtual ones.
    2) So that the processor is cooler. Does not affect performance.
    3) So that the processor is cooler. Negatively affects processor performance if disabled.
    4) It doesn’t affect anything for me. But for some users, it disables energy-saving technologies (lowering the CPU frequency and lowering the voltage). Therefore, the value is zero.
    5) So that the processor is cooler. Interestingly, the latency in working with the system’s RAM increases if this option is deactivated. I checked it in AIDA64.
    6) Slightly reduces CPU performance.
    7) Do you want the cores to work at 100%? Then put 100% in this option. This is the maximum processor load limit.
    8) A very interesting option. If you set it to 0%, for example, then not all cores will be loaded by the system. And for example, only 4 out of 8, the same WinRAR 5.00. And this despite the fact that all (!) cores will be active, not one will be suspended.

    Win 10

    Swap file

    Many people have encountered an error something like “there is not enough memory for this application”
    I know that this is essentially known to everyone, but there are still those who did not know about this
    The paging file is a kind of addition to the RAM (which is responsible for temporary storage of data for quick delivery to the processor for processing) of your computer
    At the moment, it is advisable to use it for everyone who has 8GB of RAM or less ( do not forget that RAM is several tens of times faster than a regular hard drive or ssd and setting a large number for the swap file will only slow down your PC)

    So how to find it, it’s the same on 7 and 10th PC = My computer-properties-advanced system parameters-advanced tab, performance-parameters-advanced tab-Virtual memory ,poke change

    There are a few things you need to know -
    1.If you have several physical (i.e., not one divided into parts, but several devices in general) hard drives, then place the paging file on a faster drive
    2. It is highly not recommended to install swap on a hard drive with the system
    3. The size of the paging file must be fixed by you, and not chosen by the system, i.e. there is no need to select the “Size by system choice” item
    4.The minimum size of the paging file must be equal to the maximum; Examples: 128-128, 1024-1024, 516-516, etc. Incorrect examples: 1-218, 12-1024, 128-516, etc.
    5.As a maintenance feature, the page file should be defragmented periodically. This cannot be done using standard Windows tools, but it can actually be implemented using third-party programs. I use the O&O Defrag Free defragmenter, or, when I’m too lazy to install, something simpler, like Defraggler.

    If you look at my screen
    There I pointed swap to the broken disk (I don’t use both partitions when playing games)
    in this case, my RAM is 8GB, for myself I found 2 good values ​​2048MB and 4096MB (2GB for average games, 4GB when it’s just not enough)
    Using swap for games is highly recommended not to place it on the system disk and on the game disk

    It is important to know that the more RAM you have, the smaller the swap value should be; for 16-32GB it is also not recommended to enable it!

    Therefore, we want to save computer resources.

    Reducing graphics requirements:
    In the file c:\Users\UserName\Documents\My Games\Path of Exile\production_Config.ini write

    Adapter_name=Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 antialias_mode=0 borderless_windowed_fullscreen=false fullscreen=false post_processing=false resolution_height=600 resolution_width=800 screen_shake=false shadow_type=no_shadows texture_filtering=1 texture_quality=10 vsync=false

    In particular, texture_filtering and texture_quality are important. These settings will give us a client that is not demanding on graphics, it will look ugly, but we need efficiency, not beauty.

    Command Line Options

    Next, we indicate Command line options to launch the game. I'm running the game as administrator.
    z:\poe\PathOfExile.exe --nosound -gc 2 --nopreload
    --nosound will turn off the sound
    -gc 2 will use more aggressive garbage collection, which should save RAM. An even more aggressive build of gc 1
    --nopreload will tell the game not to load content in advance, so the game will load almost instantly; however, you may pay for this with lags when new monsters or effects appear

    Now our game launches instantly, but still tries to use as much CPU as it can. By pressing the default F1 button in the game you can make sure that the game renders either hundreds of FPS, or about 60 if you have vsync enabled.


    Install and configure Dxtory, a great little program that gets the job done. We set the FPS limit to a number that is comfortable for you. If you set it to less than 20, the bot starts to work noticeably worse; I recommend 20+.

    Now the game will run at 20 FPS, and most importantly, the video card will run at 20 FPS. Those. this is not just a hack that throws out rendered frames, Dxtory actually makes the game render frames less often.


    In principle, botting programs include: Multiscript. If you want, you can use that too. Due to GGG's anti-cheating initiatives, using the original multiscript should be dangerous. So we'll create our own version.

    1. git clone
    2. Remove Poe MultiScript.exe
    3. If you haven’t already, install Autohotkey.
    4. Let's try to run Poe MultiScript.ahk. If it doesn’t start and complains about 32bit, then go to the autohotkey folder and replace the executable file with one that contains 32bit in the name. Now the multiscript will start.
    5. Rename Poe MultiScript.ahk to something neutral.
    6. Open our “neutral” ahk using notepad and edit.
      • overwrite the initial text header
      • remove the line Gui, Add, Button, x332 y609 w120 h40 gDonate, Donate
      • replace Created by Gurud. on Edited by Dimps.
      • and most importantly, remove the line Gui, Show, x760 y198 h665 w474, PoE MultiScript v12.18.2014.
        Thus, we ended up with a “unique” script that has no recognizable file name and no recognizable window name. Those who wish can go further and change anything in the names and addresses to AutoHotkeyMemoryLib.ahk
    7. Don't forget to change the folder name to something neutral.

    Now we have a multiscript that is superficially protected from anti-cheat. In a good way, the fewer cheats we use, the less chance we have of being detected. So if you have the option, don't use multiscript.