Pavel Rakov schedule. Training schedule and cost

Pavel Rakov is the most popular trainer in Russia, and now in the world, for personal growth, motivation and success.

  • Professor of Psychology.
  • Personal growth coach.
  • Successful entrepreneur.
  • Dollar millionaire.
  • The most popular trainer of women's training in Russia and the CIS.
  • A wonderful husband, father of two beautiful children.
  • A true professional in matters of family relations.
  • Author and host of the popular TV show "My Beautiful..."

Coach Pavel Rakov.

  • The most famous and effective trainer in Russia and now in the world for personal growth and success, Founder of the Training Center (Center for Author Meetings) Pavel Rakov.
  • Recognized expert in relationships between men and women. More than 50 thousand people a year attend his trainings, and another 500 thousand study online annually.
  • The famous coaching trainer of the most popular sensational women's training "Actually, I'm smart, but I live like a fool," which opens the secrets of sexuality, energy and creativity in women and makes every woman a Queen!

Trainings by Pavel Rakov.

Pavel Rakov has created unique proprietary methods of success, which he uses brilliantly in his trainings. These are not just trainings - these are show programs, during which participants are charged with a positive mood and energy during which it is educational, interesting and fun. These are theatrical performances where the audience themselves are active participants.

  • The book "I'm actually smart, but I live like a fool."
  • The book “A Fool Wants to Meet Two Higher Ones” or “Fool-2”.
  • The book “All women are like women, but I’m a fool for a million” or “Fool-3” is the hit of the season! Read for everyone!
  • The book "Where to get the strength for success."
  • Book "50 rules of a smart fool."
  • The book "Victoria" is a gift from Paul.
  • The book "Bioenergetic practices of Pavel Rakov."
  • Book "The Blonde Code".
  • Book "Man-Woman. Questions and Answers."
  • Book "The Author's School for Leaders".
  • Book "5 steps to success".
  • The book "The main thing is not to think about the white elephant."
  • Book "One plus one".

Three-step technology.

Author of the Three-Step Technology for achieving goals and fulfilling desires in all areas of life: business, love, relationships, health, etc. teaches in practice how to transform negative emotions and energies (anger, irritation, resentment, etc.) to achieve your goals.

Learn from the best!

Currently, you can find a huge number of different trainers and success coaches. We strongly recommend that you pay attention to the real achievements of a particular trainer offering his services. It often happens that they teach how to make big money, but they themselves wear out their last pants. Either things are not going well in his family, or his health is not good - all this indirectly affects Success. If in one of the many areas of life: home, career, business, environment, money, etc. there are gaps, which means you are facing a charlatan. Choose your trainer carefully - this is half the success!

Pavel Rakov- a successful entrepreneur, an official dollar millionaire, has “raised” more than a dozen millionaires, because his technologies really work, this has been proven over the years.

  • since 1992, has been developing business in many cities of Russia and the CIS;
  • since 1998, began training leaders for joint international projects;
  • since 2000 - coach of various personal growth programs.

Self improvement.

For more than 15 years, Pavel Rakov has been constantly learning, improving and conducting various training programs and seminars: acting, creative thinking, public speaking, leadership and charisma, conflict-free communication, tough negotiations, manipulative influences and protection, seduction and flirting, humor and wit. , business from scratch (and even from minus), etc. Pavel leads a Healthy Lifestyle (HLS) and promotes it.

In 2015, he was awarded a professional doctorate (the title of professor of psychology) by the International Academic Accreditation and Attestation Committee (IAAC).

Eco-city - "Alpine Meadows".

Since 2015, Pavel Rakov is the founder and ideological motivator of the Eco-Village of the Pavel Rakov Training Center. This is a whole Eco-city "Training-Grad" of business class in an ecologically clean area of ​​the Moscow region - "Alpine Meadows", with developed infrastructure, for active, positive people leading a healthy lifestyle, where various trainings for children are held daily, year-round and around the clock holidays, entertainment and sporting events.

  • Author and presenter of a popular training program aired on the REN-TV channel “My Beautiful...”. One of the hosts of the talk show "Women's Happiness" on the Russia-1 TV channel.
  • Recognized expert on central television and radio channels in the programs: “Let them talk” with Andrei Malakhov (Channel One), host of the “Live Broadcast” program with Boris Kozhevnikov on the Russia-1 channel, “Good morning” (NTV), “We speak and show " (NTV), "They and We" (Channel One), etc.
  • Guest of radio stations: Mayak, Radio 7, Romantika, Fresh, Adam. Conducts a column in Cosmopolitan magazine.

At my trainings Pavel Rakov plays out provocative situations from life and invites those interested to the stage, giving them tasks of varying complexity and severity. Acquaintance, first date, first intimacy, behavior after first intimacy, wedding, life in a new capacity as husband and wife, first family advice, how to divide money, how to communicate with in-laws, how to ask for gifts and much more. Participants complete the proposed tasks based on their experience. And 99 percent of the thousand spectators in the hall see what mistakes the participants made on stage and what similar mistakes they themselves make in their lives, causing misunderstanding of the opposite sex. It is surprising and admiring that Pavel Rakov, based on the behavior of women, guesses with absolute certainty the answers and reactions of their men.

All actions Pavel Rakova are aimed not at the effect, but at the cause of failure. Pavel exposes the roots of the problem and uses all the internal resources of the participants to their full potential, mobilizing them. As a result. Pavel provides a diagram of effective behavior and tools for independently exiting problematic situations, and participants can, based on the knowledge and experiences gained during the training, form new effective behavior.


  • Psychologist, professor of psychology and member of the Psychotherapeutic League.
  • Coach, the most popular trainer of women's and men's personal growth trainings.
  • Teacher of a special course for coach consultants at RGSU (social).
  • Author of unique technologies* for success in love, health, business.
  • Writer - 8 books on relationships between men and women + 4 books on success.

TV presenter:

  • Famous TV presenter and showman, creator and host of the programs My Beautiful and Mother Can’t Teach That.
  • Permanent expert of television and radio programs on TV channels: "Channel One", NTV, "Ren-TV", "Russia 1", "Domashny", "Mir", "Channel 5", "Moscow 24", " Moscow Trust”, “Russia 2”, “Russian Radio”, “New Radio”, “Mayak”, etc.

Entrepreneur: entrepreneur and founder of the international training center Pavel Rakov.

Family man: Husband of over 25 years and father of children of different sexes.

Thanks to participation in trainings:

  • thousands of families in Russia, the CIS countries and around the world learned to understand each other, were able to improve relationships and save families (women's and men's trainings);
  • thousands of girls met worthy men and got married (women's trainings);
  • thousands of men and women were able to increase their income and become entrepreneurs (Success training);
  • hundreds of thousands of people have improved their health (summer camp, energy practices of Pavel Rakov).

Live trainings and show trainings:

  • “In fact, I’m smart, but I live like a fool” (training show for women).
  • “Mom won’t teach you this” (show training for women).
  • "Success" (training for men and women).
  • "Armageddon" (training only for men).
  • "Summer camp" (health training for men and women).
  • Women's master classes.

Training programs:

  • Training of coach consultants (one-year educational program in collaboration with the Russian State University of Social Sciences, with the issuance of a state diploma in the specialty "Coach Consultant").
  • Training of nutritionists.

Online courses:

  • "The power of female attraction."
  • Basic women's course No. 1 "Technologies for building relationships with yourself and a man."
  • "Girls love a gift" and (course).

Online master classes by Pavel Rakov:

  • Master class "A man doesn't want to get married? We'll teach you, we'll force him!"
  • Master class "Wives and mistresses: who wins?"
  • Master class "The ideal date with a man: what to do and say?"
  • Master class "The art of female flirting, seduction and defile".
  • Master class "How to make a man fall in love with you and maintain the state of falling in love."
  • Master class "How to get men to give you expensive gifts."
  • Master class "Stop doing everything yourself! The main secrets of women's success."
  • Master class "Success".

Figures, merits, facts about Pavel Rakov. Author of books:

  • “I’ll get what I want!”
  • "Mom won't teach you that."
  • "Book No. 1 is not stupid."
  • "I'm actually smart, but I live like a fool."
  • “The fool wants to meet the two higher ones.”
  • “All women are like women, but I’m a million dollar fool.”
  • "50 rules for a smart fool."
  • "The Code of a Smart Fool"
  • "Man - woman. Question - answer."
  • "Bioenergy practices of Pavel Rakov."
  • "Victoria".

Books by Pavel Rakov are devoted to effective communications and interpersonal relationships:

  • Awarded the medal "For educational activities in traditional (folk) medicine" by the Russian International Register of Complementary Medicine (dated 12/10/04 for No. 229).
  • Recognized by the Council of Entrepreneurs under the Mayor and the Government of Moscow for his contribution to society, for constant charity in relation to children's institutions, for development in the field of entrepreneurship in various regions of Russia and abroad (dated 12/08/04, order No. 80).
  • Awarded by the Federation Council Commission on Youth Affairs and Sports under the Mayor and Government of Moscow with a diploma for active assistance in organizing the World of Childhood festival (2004).
  • He has a certificate for active participation in the work of the III International Congress "New technologies of traditional medicine and healing in the service of health care" (2004).
  • Awarded an honorary diploma from the International Union of Public Organizations for the Support of Science and Promotion of the Training of Scientific Personnel “For personal contribution to the integration of traditional folk medicine and the state healthcare system of the Russian Federation” (dated 10/07/04 for No. 86).

To purchase books, CDs, trainings, online products, as well as cooperation with the training center, write to whatsapp, viber, telegram or email to Olga Ivanova.

Copied from the site ""

Month date Name of the training City Leading Standard VIP
17 – 18 Where to Get Strength for Success Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 7 900 15 900
14 – 15 Saint Petersburg Pavel Rakov 7 900 15 900
28 – 29 Ufa Pavel Rakov 7 900 15 900
4 – 5 Moscow Pavel Rakov 7 900 15 900
11 – 12 Kazan Pavel Rakov 7 900 15 900
18 – 19 Where to Get Strength for Success Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 7 900 15 900
2 – 4 Leadership training for ABA Moscow Pavel Rakov 3 950 ABA only
5 Training for Angels Moscow Pavel Rakov 3 950 only BA and ABA
6 – 10 Summer camp Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 7 900 15 900
23 – 24 Rostov-
Pavel Rakov 7 900 15 900
30 – 31 Ekaterinburg Pavel Rakov 7 900 15 900
6 – 7 Irkutsk Pavel Rakov 7 900 15 900
13 – 14 Almaty Pavel Rakov 7 900 15 900
27 – 28 Moscow Pavel Rakov 7 900 15 900
25 – 26 Izhevsk Pavel Rakov 7 900 15 900
12 – 13 School for Leading Leaders
(closed training)
Moscow Pavel Rakov 10 000
19 – 20 Moscow Pavel Rakov 10 000 20 000
26 – 27 Astana
Pavel Rakov 10 000 20 000
3 – 4 Where to Get Strength for Success Moscow Pavel Rakov 10 000 20 000
14 – 18 Summer camp Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 10,000 for BA
24 – 25 Khabarovsk Pavel Rakov 7 900 15 900
7 – 8 Magnitogorsk Pavel Rakov 7 900 15 900
21 – 22 Men's training "Armageddon" Moscow Pavel Rakov 15 800
24 Golden webinar by Pavel Rakov Moscow Pavel Rakov 3 900
28 – 29 Where to Get Strength for Success Almaty
Pavel Rakov 10 000
5 900
20 000
14 800
3 Pavel Rakov School of Management Moscow Pavel Rakov 4 900
5 – 6 Women's training – 2
Moscow Pavel Rakov 4 900 14 800
18 – 20 Summer Camp – II stage Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 6 900
22 – 23 New Year's “Amazing Webinar”
GIFT from Pavel Rakov
Moscow Pavel Rakov for free
16 – 17 Where to Get Strength for Success Moscow Pavel Rakov 11 800
5 900
31 800
15 900
21 Pavel Rakov School of Management
(4th lesson + recording of previous ones)
Moscow Pavel Rakov 20 000
4 900
30 – 31 Women's training – 2
"How to become a Million Dollar Girl"
Moscow Pavel Rakov 11 800
6 900
31 800
15 900
13 – 14 Women's training – 1
Moscow Pavel Rakov 11 800
5 900
31 800
15 900
19 Women's training – 2 (Part I)
"How to become a Million Dollar Girl"
Saint Petersburg Pavel Rakov 2 000
27 – 28
"How to become a Million Dollar Girl"
Saint Petersburg Pavel Rakov 11 800
5 900
31 800
15 900
27 – 28 Women's training – 2 (Part II)
"How to become a Million Dollar Girl"
for those who bought part I (February 19)
Saint Petersburg Pavel Rakov 11 800
3 900
31 800
13 900
1 - 3 Webinar “How to receive Gifts and evoke a State of love and passion!” On-line Pavel Rakov for free
5 – 6 Women's training – 1
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Pavel Rakov 5 900
6,800 som
15 900
16,800 som
26 – 27 Women's training – 2
"How to become a Million Dollar Girl"
Kazan Pavel Rakov 11 800
5 900
31 800
15 900
2 – 3 Women's training – 1
Moscow Pavel Rakov 11 800
5 900
31 800
15 900
9 – 10 Where to Get Strength for Success
(author’s meeting “Success”)
Moscow Pavel Rakov 11 800
5 900
31 800
15 900
16 – 17 Energy practices
preparation for Summer Camp
Saint Petersburg shopping center leaders 5 900
16 – 17 Energy practices
preparation for Summer Camp
Kazan shopping center leaders 5 900
16 – 17 Energy practices
preparation for Summer Camp
shopping center leaders 5 900
23 – 24 Women's training – 2
"How to become a Million Dollar Girl"
Almaty Pavel Rakov 5 900
29,000 tenge
15 900
79,000 tenge
2 – 3 Energy practices
Pokrovskoe shopping center leaders 5 900
4 – 9 Summer Camp (LL, EP required) * Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 10 000
4 – 9 Children's Summer Camp Pokrovskoe educators 10 000
21 – 22 Women's training – 1
Pavel Rakov 11 800
5 900
31 800
15 900
26 “Women’s business online” Presentation
Open Day at SHU 2.0
On-line Pavel Rakov for free
27 NEW master class by Pavel Rakov
"All about love"
Saint Petersburg Pavel Rakov 1 500
28 – 29 Women's training – 1
Saint Petersburg
White Nights!
Pavel Rakov 11 800
5 900
29 800
14 900
4 – 5 Energy practices
(preparation for Summer Camp)
Almaty shopping center leaders 5 900
11 – 12 Women's training – 1
Minsk, Belarus Pavel Rakov 5 900
1,800,000 BYR
15 900
4,800,000 BYR
16 “Women’s business online” 1st lesson at 21:00
Schools of Management 2.0
On-line shopping center leaders 5 900
18 – 19 Energy practices
(preparation for Summer Camp)
Crimea shopping center leaders 5 900
20 “Women’s business online” 2nd lesson at 20:00
Schools of Management 2.0
On-line shopping center leaders 6 900
25 – 26 Women's training – 1
Moscow Pavel Rakov 11 800
5 900
29 800
14 900
2 – 3
(preparation for Summer Camp)
Alpine meadows shopping center leaders 5 900
(included in the cost of the training on July 9-10)
Moscow Pavel Rakov 1 500
9 – 10 Women's training – 2
"How to become a Million Dollar Girl"
Moscow Pavel Rakov 13 800
6 900
31 800
15 900
16 – 17 Women's training – 1
Almaty Pavel Rakov 5 900
29,000 tenge
14 900
74,000 tenge
Alpine meadows shopping center leaders 2 900
21 Master class “I’m smart, but I live like a fool”
(from 19.00 to 22.00)
Moscow Pavel Rakov 1 900
23 – 24 Where to Get Strength for Success
(author’s meeting “Success”)
Moscow Pavel Rakov 11 800
5 900
29 800
14 900
30 – 31 Festival "Alpine Meadows"
(food and accommodation paid separately)
Alpine meadows shopping center leaders 1 900
2 Energy practices (preparation for LL)
from 11.00 to 19.00, lunch included
Alpine meadows shopping center leaders 2 900
6 – 7 Summer Camp VIP for advanced
(EP2, only for those who have completed the Summer Camp)
Alpine meadows Pavel Rakov 6 900
13 – 14 Energy practices (2 days)
(preparation for LL)
shopping center leaders 5 900
20 – 21 Energy practices (2 days)
(preparation for LL)
Alpine meadows shopping center leaders 5 900
20 – 21 Energy practices (2 days)
(preparation for LL)
shopping center leaders 5 900
26 – 28 Energy practices (3 days)
(preparation for LL)
shopping center leaders 2 900
8 Introductory Master Class

from 19.00 to 22.00

Moscow Pavel Rakov 1 900
10 Master class “Secrets of female self-presentation”
from 10.00 to 13.00
Moscow Pavel Rakov 2 900 block of
3 MK
for the price of 2

5 800

10 Master class “Intimate instructions for interaction with a man” 18+
from 14.00 to 17.00
Moscow Pavel Rakov 2 900
10 Master Class ""
from 18.00 to 21.00
Moscow Pavel Rakov 2 900
11 Closed Leadership Training Moscow Pavel Rakov 5 900
17 – 18 Energy practices (2 days)
(preparation for LL)
Pokrovskoe shopping center leaders 5 900
24 Basic Master Class

from 10.00 to 13.00

Moscow Pavel Rakov 2 900 block of
3 MK
for the price of 2

5 800

24 Master Class
"Secrets of women's influence on men"
from 14.00 to 17.00
Moscow Pavel Rakov 2 900
24 Master Class
“Defile. Flirting. Seduction"
from 18.00 to 21.00
Moscow Pavel Rakov 2 900
24 – 25 Energy practices (2 days)
(preparation for LL)
Odessa shopping center leaders 5 900
1 – 2 Leadership training + AC Moscow Pavel Rakov 1 900
8 – 9 Where to Get Strength for Success
(author’s meeting “Success”)
Moscow Pavel Rakov 13 800
6 900
29 800
14 900
13 Master Class
“Wives and mistresses: who wins?!”
Moscow Pavel Rakov 2 900 5 900
16 VIP coaching group
(I stream, 1 lesson)
Moscow Pavel Rakov 14,900** or 100,000
17 – 18 Energy practices (2 days)
(EP, preparation for LL)
Pokrovskoe shopping center leaders 5 900
19 – 23 Summer camp
(LL, required EP or "Success") *
Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 12 000
  1. How to make a man fall in love with you and maintain the state of love
  2. Stop doing everything yourself! The main secrets of female success
Moscow Pavel Rakov 5 900 11 800
30 VIP coaching group
(I stream, 2nd lesson + elective)
Moscow Pavel Rakov 14,900** or 100,000
5 VIP coaching group + Master class
(I stream, elective lesson)
Pavel Rakov 2 950
8 - 9 Leadership training Moscow Pavel Rakov 2 900
10 Men's master class "Armageddon"
(3-hour master class)
Moscow Pavel Rakov 2 900
12 Block of 3 Master Classes for the price of 2
  1. How to get a man to give you expensive gifts?
  2. The art of female flirting, seduction and defile
  3. Intimate instructions for interacting with a man
Moscow +
Pavel Rakov 5 900 11 800
13 VIP coaching group
(I stream, 3rd lesson + elective)
Moscow Pavel Rakov 14,900** or 100,000
19 VIP coaching group
Optional - horse riding
Moscow Pavel Rakov 14,900** or 100,000
Closed premiere show
“My beautiful...” THREE NEW SERIES
+ MK with analysis of all technologies and situations
Moscow +
Pavel Rakov for free
hall and
2 900
VIP room
26 Block of 3 Master Classes for the price of 2
  1. Ideal date with a man: what to do and say?
  2. How to make a man fall in love with you and maintain the state of love
  3. Wives and Mistresses: who wins?
Almaty Pavel Rakov 5 900
31,900 tenge
11 900
62,900 tenge
28 Business Class Moscow Pavel Rakov 300
3 Premium Workshop by Pavel Rakov + secret episode of the author's TV show
"My beautiful ones"
  1. Ticket Standard
  2. VIP ticket
  3. Online broadcast + recording
Moscow Pavel Rakov 2 900
1 000
5 900
4 Leadership training Moscow Pavel Rakov 2 900
10 VIP coaching stream I (lesson 4)
Elective – “Mrs. Moscow 2016”
Moscow Pavel Rakov 14,900** or 100,000
9 – 11 School of Business Pokrovskoe shopping center leaders 2 900
16 – 18 School of Business Pokrovskoe shopping center leaders 2 900
17 – 18 VIP-coaching I stream (lesson 5) Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 14,900** or 100,000
20 – 22 Webinar “I am a girl and I want a lot of gifts!” Moscow Pavel Rakov for free
TBC VIP coaching II stream (1 lesson) Moscow Pavel Rakov 14,900** or 100,000
7 VIP coaching briefing
6 hours, in the format of a master class and briefing
Pavel Rakov $150 $250
14 – 15 Energy practices No. 2
(2 days, for past LL)
Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 6 900
22 Free webinar
“I desperately want a man to pamper me!”
Moscow Pavel Rakov for free
28 First! Event of the year
in Crocus City Hall
Pavel Rakov 3 500, 4 000
5 000, 6 000
8 000, 9 000
16 000
19 000
29 Pavel Rakov's Ball in Korston with the Stars
only for training participants at Crocus
Pavel Rakov 6 900
11 Free webinar
How to meet 10 men in 3 days
Moscow Pavel Rakov for free
18 – 19 Women's training – 2
"How to become a Million Dollar Girl"
On-line Pavel Rakov 13 800
6 900
29 800
14 900
8 Festive master class on March 8!
How to marry him to yourself, and how
stay married? (3 hours)
Moscow Pavel Rakov 500 2 000
from 21.03
until 27.04

21 March, Tue – Lesson 1. Ideal woman: developing the main qualities
March 22, Wed – Lesson 2. How to raise self-esteem and become a confident woman
March 23, Thu – Lesson 3. Strong Weak Woman: Leadership Lessons

April 6, Thu – Lesson 4. How to meet a worthy man
11 April, Tue – Lesson 5. Meetings with a man: what to do and what to talk about
12th of April, Wed – Lesson 6. How to speak beautifully: the art of female speech
April 13, Thu – Lesson 7. How to influence a man and inspire him to do great things
April 18th, Tue – Lesson 8. Woman and work: from a draft horse to a business for the soul
April 19, Wed – Lesson 9. How to make a man fall in love with you and maintain love for many years
20 April, Thu – Lesson 10. How to become a good lover for your husband
25th of April, Tue – Lesson 11. Secret topic for VIP participants
26 April, Wed – Lesson 12. Secret topic for VIP participants
April 27, Thu – Lesson 13. Secret topic for VIP participants
Dates may change due to changes in the filming schedule of Pavel Rakov

"The Power of Female Attraction"
Free 3-day online course
On-line Pavel Rakov for free
"The Power of Female Attraction"
Tariff “I myself”, 10 lessons
On-line Pavel Rakov 14 900
"The Power of Female Attraction"
Tariff “100% result”, 13 lessons, VIP
On-line Pavel Rakov 60 000
2 Cyprus
Pavel Rakov €70 €140
8 – 9 Krasnodar Pavel Rakov 13 800
6 900
29 800
14 900
22 – 23 Kazan Pavel Rakov 13 800
6 900
29 800
14 900
29 Men's training "Armageddon" Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 14 900
29 Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 7 900 14 900
30.04, 01.05 Training "Success" Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 7 900 14 900
2 Energy practices Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 6 900
3 – 7 Summer camp Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 23 800
from 29.04
to 7.05
Children's Summer Camp Pokrovskoe educators 11 900
21 Energy practices Alpine Meadows Pavel Rakov 3 950
17 – 18 Women's training
Moscow Pavel Rakov 7 900 14 900

On Monday, June 19, 2017, a VIP elective will take place in the Alpine Meadows
from 10 to 11 – registration
from 11 to 14 – 1 session EP
from 14 to 15 – dinner
from 15 to 19 – EP session 2 + briefing
at 19.00 – dinner
at 20.00 – departure

Price for everything 2000 rub. along with food!
This action is in honor of Pavel Rakov’s birthday - June 17

"> more details
Briefing + Energy practices
PROMOTION in honor of DR Pavel Rakov!
Alpine Meadows Pavel Rakov 2,000 with meals!
24 – 25 Women's training
Pavel Rakov 7 900 14 900
27, 28, 29 Free webinar
“How to overcome your fears and become No. 1 for men?”
On-line Pavel Rakov for free
+ iPhone giveaway
1 – 2 Energy practices Alpine Meadows Pavel Rakov 3 950
July 7
Tariff “I myself” 30 lessons On-line Pavel Rakov 6 900
+ voucher draw
on Bali
Online course “The Power of Female Attraction 2.0” On-line Pavel Rakov 33 000
+ voucher draw
on Bali
15 – 16 Training “Success” – 2 days Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 7 900 38 600
in 9 days
17 – 18 Summer Camp 1 – 2 days Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 7 900
19 – 21 Summer Camp 2 – 3 days
(for advanced)
Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 14 900
22 – 23 Women's training 2 – 2 days
"How to become a million dollar girl"
Pokrovskoe shopping center leaders 7 900
24 Onsite Briefing
Alpine meadows Pavel Rakov for free
27 Free master class
How to become the owner of a plot of land in an ecologically clean area of ​​the Moscow region
On-line Pavel Rakov for free
29 – 30 Energy practices Alpine Meadows Pavel Rakov 7 900
including food and accommodation
5 – 6 Energy practices Alpine Meadows Pavel Rakov 7 900
including food and accommodation
12 – 13 Energy practices Alpine Meadows Pavel Rakov 7 900
including food and accommodation
2 – 3 Energy practices Alpine Meadows Pavel Rakov 7 900
including food and accommodation
12 – 14
+ MacBook Air GIVEAWAY!
On-line Pavel Rakov for free
30 Women's training 3 NEW
State Central Conservatory Russia
Pavel Rakov 2 500, 3 000, 3 500,
4 000, 4 500, 5 000
1 Pavel Rakov Ball + VIP coach Moscow
Pavel Rakov 7 900

Tariff “I myself” 30 lessons
On-line Pavel Rakov 3 450
for participants of SZhP 2.0
6 900
+ voucher draw
on Bali
Online course “Power of Female Attraction 3.0”
Tariff “100% result” 36 lessons, VIP
On-line Pavel Rakov 16 500
for participants of SZhP 2.0
33 000
+ voucher draw
on Bali
7 Master class “Energy practices” Moscow Pavel Rakov 1 000
8 – 9 Energy practices Kazakhstan
Leaders of shopping centers 7 900
13 School of Angels Moscow Pokrovskoe 7 900
14 – 15 Training “Success” – 2 days Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 7 900 | 14 900 29 800
in 9 days
16 – 20 Summer Camp 1 (18+) – 5 days Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 29 800
21 – 22 Summer Camp 2 (18+) – 2 days Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 14 900
23 1 more day after Summer Camp,
and you will learn about the possibilities of doing business together with Pavel Rakov.
You will be able to personally ask him any questions you are interested in and receive comprehensive answers.">Free briefing by Pavel Rakov
Pavel Rakov for free
24 Men's webinar by Pavel Rakov
“Who are you: a brutal male or a fake”
On-line Pavel Rakov for free
4 – 5 Men's training "Armageddon" Moscow Pavel Rakov 14 900
18 – 19 Women's training
Moscow Pavel Rakov 7 900 14 900
1 Introductory Master Class

from 19.00 to 22.00

Saint Petersburg Pavel Rakov 1 450
2 – 3 Women's training

PROMOTION: 2 tickets for the price of 1!

Saint Petersburg Pavel Rakov 7 900 14 900
9 – 10 Multi-training + Energy practices Moscow Pavel Rakov 7 900
16 – 17 Women's training "Girl in a Million" Moscow Pavel Rakov 7 900 14 900
18, 20, 22 Three-day free New Year's course
Pavel Rakova “Your own sorceress!”
Pavel Rakov Moscow for free
12 Coaching by Pavel Rakov
"Million Dollar Girl"
Dubai Pavel Rakov $150 $250

Tariff “I myself” 36 lessons
On-line Pavel Rakov 3 450
for participants of SZhP 3.0
6 900
+ voucher draw
to Thailand
Online course “The Power of Female Attraction 4”
On-line Pavel Rakov 16 500
for participants of SZhP 3.0
33 000
+ voucher draw
to Thailand
26 – 28 Winter Camp 2018
Physical education and entertainment training
Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 14 900
3 – 11 Multi-training + Coaching
Only for Consultants.
Ticket price: 0, 15, 30, 45, 60 tr.
Thailand Pavel Rakov 3 950
21 Free webinar
“Whoever I want, I’ll get it!”
Moscow Pavel Rakov for free
3 – 4 Public speaking training
"Speech of a Successful Man"
Moscow Pavel Rakov 9 900 14 900
Tariff "Standard"
Moscow Pavel Rakov for free
Master class “I’m actually smart, but I live like a fool”
Tariff "VIP"
Moscow Pavel Rakov 500
Master class “I’m actually smart, but I live like a fool”
Tariff "Platinum"
Moscow Pavel Rakov 1 000
22 Free webinar
Moscow Pavel Rakov for free
31.03 – 1.04 Women's training
Moscow Pavel Rakov 7 900 14 900


28 – 29 Training “Success” – 2 days Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 7 900 27 700
in 9+1 days
30 – 4 Summer Camp (18+) – 5 days Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 27 700
5 – 6 Million Dollar Girl – 2 days
Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 7 900
7 Onsite Briefing
Alpine meadows Pavel Rakov for free
from 28.04
to 6.05
Children's Summer Camp Pokrovskoe educators 14 900
22 Free online webinar
"Love to the Limit"
On-line Pavel Rakov for free
26 – 27 Men's training "Armageddon" Moscow Pavel Rakov 14 900
June 7
The Power of Female Attraction
Tariff "Test drive" 3 lessons
On-line Pavel Rakov 990
The Power of Female Attraction
Tariff “I myself” 36 lessons
On-line Pavel Rakov 7 900
The Power of Female Attraction
Tariff “100% result” 42 lessons, VIP
On-line Pavel Rakov 14 900
16 – 17 Women's training

Promotion! “Second ticket Free!”

Moscow Pavel Rakov 7 900 14 900
23 – 24 Energy practices
(preparation for Summer Camp)
Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 3 950
14 – 15 Training “Success” – 2 days Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 7 900 19 800
in 9 days
16 – 19 Summer camp 1 – 4 days Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 15 800
20 – 21 Summer camp 2 (18+) – 2 days Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 7 900
22 Million dollar girl – 1 day
training on motivation techniques
Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 3 950
14 – 22 Children's Summer Camp Pokrovskoe educators 14 900
26 Free webinar by Pavel Rakov
"Acquaintance. Love. Family"
any Pavel Rakov Online – for free
Live participation in Moscow:
Standard – 1,000
PLATINA – 1 900
28 – 29 Alpine
Pavel Rakov 7 900
4 – 5 Energy practices (18+) – 2 days Alpine
7 900
6 Master Class (3 hours: from 18.30 to 21.30)
Sevastopol 1 500 2 500 5 000
August 9
Power of Female Attraction 6.0
Tariff “I myself” 36 lessons
On-line 7 900
Power of Female Attraction 6.0
On-line 14 900
Power of Female Attraction 6.0
Tariff “SUPER VIP” 42 lessons

On-line 22 800
Moscow 1 500 2 500 5 000
8 September
Power of Female Attraction 7.0
Tariff “I myself” 36 lessons
On-line 7 900
Power of Female Attraction 7.0
Tariff “100% result” 42 lessons
On-line 14 900
Power of Female Attraction 7.0
Tariff “SUPER VIP” 42 lessons
+ VIP ticket to women's show training
On-line 22 800
8 – 9 Energy practices (18+) – 2 days Alpine
7 900
11 Free Webinar
"The Price of Women's Success"
On-line for free
12 Master class (from 19.00 to 21.30)
Saint Petersburg 1 500 2 500 5 000
22 – 23 Women's training
Moscow 7 900 14 900 22 800
28 – 29 Women's training
$150 $300 $500
20 – 21 Show-training “Success” – 2 days Pokrovskoe 7 900 18 800
in 9 days
22 – 26 Summer camp – 5 days Pokrovskoe 19 800
27 – 28 Training on motivation techniques – 2 days
"Million Dollar Girl"
Pokrovskoe 7 900
29 Open Day – 1 day
in the Alpine Meadows
for free
8 Free webinar
Online for free
9 Master class (from 19.00 to 21.30)

(from 21.45 to 22.30)

Moscow 1 500 2 500 5 000
12 Free webinar
Online for free
14 Master class (from 19.00 to 21.30)

Briefing for VIP and PLATINUM participants
(from 21.45 to 22.30)

Saratov 1 500 2 500 5 000
15 Free webinar
"The Power of Female Attraction"
Online for free
17 – 18 Women's training


Moscow 7 900 14 900 22 800
Sale of the year from Pavel Rakov to
29 Free webinar
Online for free
15 Women's training
Moscow 3 950 4 950 5 950
19 – 20
surcharge for VIP ticket +7 000
Pokrovskoe 23 700
by Promotion
14 900

in 6 days
21 – 24 Summer camp – 4 days for 15,800 Pokrovskoe
25 Business Class Pokrovskoe 3 950
13 Free webinar by Pavel Rakov
"Love and Relationships"
On-line for free
24 Master Class
"The Art of Female Flirting" PROMOTION 1+1
Moscow 3 950 4 950 5 950
8 Master class PROMOTION 1+1
Samara 1 500 2 500 5 000
9 – 10 Women's training
Samara 8 500 15 500 23 400
21 Free webinar
"The Power of Female Attraction"
Online for free
24 Master class PROMOTION 1+1
"Intimate instruction"
Moscow 3 950 5 950 7 950
13 – 14 Women's training (2 days)
7 900 14 900 22 800
20 Women's training PROMOTION 1+1
+ paid broadcast for 990

Subject: "The Art of Female Flirting"
Moscow + Online 5 950 7 950 9 950
21 Women's training PROMOTION 1+1

Subject: "The Power of Female Attraction"
Moscow canceled
29.04 – 03.05 Summer Camp only
Only energy practices
Pokrovskoe 19 750


27.04 – 28.04 Show training “Success” – 2 days for 7,900
surcharge for VIP ticket +7 000
Pokrovskoe 32 600
26 080

in 9 days
29.04 – 03.05 Summer camp – 5 days for 19,750 Pokrovskoe
04.05 Training on motivation techniques – 1 day
"Million Dollar Girl" for 3 950
05.05 Energy practices – 1 day
Alpine Meadows
23 Free webinar
Online for free
29 Free webinar
“Coach is the profession of the future”
Online for free
30 Free webinar
Online for free
1 – 2 Women's training
Moscow 9 950
3 950
15 950
8 950
22 950
12 950
14 – 16 Breakthrough strategy - 1 “START” PROMOTION 1+1
Coach – Dmitry Soroka
Moscow 19 900
14 900
29 – 30 Energy practices Alp Meadows 14 900
7 900
3 – 7 Breakthrough Strategy - 2 "TRANSFORMATION"
Coach – Dmitry Soroka
Pokrovskoe 39 800
19 900
6 Online course by Pavel Rakov
"The Power of Female Attraction"
Online 40 000
7 900
70 000
14 900
84 900
24 900
11 Free webinar
Online for free
13 – 14 Show-training “Success” – 2 days Pokrovskoe 35 800
16 800

in 9 days
15 – 18 Summer Camp – 4 days Pokrovskoe
19 Business class – 1 day Pokrovskoe
20 – 21 Energy practices for advanced – 2 days Pokrovskoe
13 – 21 Children's Summer Camp Pokrovskoe 14 900
13 – 14 Show training “Success” Pokrovskoe 8 900 15 900 23 800
15 – 18 Summer Camp only Pokrovskoe 15 800
19 Business Class Pokrovskoe 3 950 4 950 5 950
20 – 21 Energy practices for advanced Pokrovskoe 7 900
24 Master Class
Sochi Standard 3,000 1,000
Premium 6,000 3,000
30 Financial literacy game
"Cash flow"
Moscow 1 000
23 – 25


Coach – Dmitry Soroka

Krasnoyarsk 19 900
14 900
30 Aug –
1 Sep
8 Free webinar
“How to stop waiting for luck and make your dreams come true in 2 months”
Online for free
Online for free
18 Business coaching
"Strategy for Success"
Moscow 500
Online 500
21 Improve your financial literacy and learn how to manage money
Moscow 1 000
I stage
(see city)
II stage
(2 – 6 Oct)


PROMOTION 1+1 and a Total Life box as a gift!
+ Summer Camp as a gift!

Coach – Dmitry Soroka

Your city
(see below)
(2 – 6 Oct)
57 800
33 000

for 2 trainings with a friend
(3 + 5 days)


The most effective personal effectiveness program. Training to make a quantum leap in all areas of life

Coach – Dmitry Soroka

Chelyabinsk 19 900
14 900
13 – 15 Pokrovskoe
20 – 22 Ufa
26 How to become a nutritionist and
Online for free
28 – 29 Women's training
Moscow 8 900 15 900 23 800
2 – 6


Coach – Dmitry Soroka

Pokrovskoe 51 000
10 Free webinar
Online for free
19 – 20 Show-training “Success” – 2 days Pokrovskoe 36 550
16 800

in 9 days
+2 coaching sessions
21 1st Total Life Business Forum – 1 day Pokrovskoe
22 – 26 Summer Camp – 5 days Pokrovskoe
27 Briefing in the Alpine Meadows – 1 day Alpine Meadows
19 – 27 Children's Summer Camp Pokrovskoe 14 900
19 – 20 Show training “Success” Pokrovskoe 8 900 15 900 23 800
21 1st Total Life Business Forum Pokrovskoe 3 950
22 – 26 Summer Camp only Pokrovskoe 19 750
27 Briefing in the Alpine Meadows Alpine Meadows 3 950
Profession Nutritionist
at MSU TU im. Razumovsky
Online 15,000/month
2 How to become a nutritionist and
earn from 100,000 rubles
Online for free
14-day Detox marathon
Total Life
Online marathon - free
products – 12,420
8 – 10 School of Active Consultants Alpine meadows 1 400
12 3-hour master class
“Mom won’t teach you this”
Moscow 10 950
14 950
18 950
1 000
20 Free webinar
“Coaching profession of the future”
Online for free
21 Free webinar
"The Art of Female Flirting"
Online for free
23 Free webinar by Zhanna Kryuchkova
Online for free
24 Free webinar by Arina Tertyshna
“How to avoid premature aging and prolong youth”
Online for free
23 – 24 Anniversary Men's training “Armageddon”
Forge of real men

PROMOTION 1+1 – 2nd ticket for a friend as a gift!

Moscow 14 900
I stage
see city
II stage
18 – 22 Dec


Coach – Dmitry Soroka

Saint Petersburg - Moscow 86 700
46 800

for 2 trainings
(3 + 5 days)

The most effective personal effectiveness program. Training to make a quantum leap in all areas of life

Coach – Dmitry Soroka

Saint Petersburg 27 900
22 700
29, 30,
1 Dec
1 Dec
Women's training “The power of female attraction. Transformation 2020" Samara 15 800
7 900
29 800
14 900
45 600
22 800
3 3-hour Master class
“Mom won’t teach you this”
Moscow 10 950
14 950
18 950
1 000
7 How to become a nutritionist and
earn from 100,000 rubles
Online for free
Online course by Pavel Rakov
"The Power of Female Attraction"
Online 40 000
12 900
70 000
17 900
84 900
26 900
14 day
Detox marathon
Online participation is free
only the cost of the product is paid
10, 11, 12 Free ONLINE INTENSIVE

Instructions for use for men
Online for free
14 – 15 Women's training
"The Art of Female Flirting"
Moscow 17 800
1 900
31 800
4 900
47 600
6 900
17 New Year's webinar workshop
“How to make a dream come true?”
Online for free

Coach – Dmitry Soroka

Moscow 58 800
26 Free webinar
"The intimate life of a man and a woman"
Online for free

After Pavel Rakov’s trainings (see the schedule of seminars above), the usual outlook on life changes. The lives of training participants change, they become strong and happy masters of their destiny and attract success. This could not go unnoticed by men, so at trainings and webinars you can see a considerable number of representatives of the stronger half of humanity, and this number is steadily growing. On average, about 900 participants attend men's trainings at a time. Pavel gives them a technique for establishing consistently high self-esteem. Men strive for success more than women, they want to lead in business, in personal relationships, and they want to take a higher position in society. Pavel, with his methods and personal example, creates real leaders, tells and shows where to find strength for success. One of the secrets of success is that no emotions can be rejected, including negative ones. All emotions are energy sent to us from above and we need to manage them, transforming the energy to achieve our own goals.

Paul helps first of all those who have an unshakable desire to live happily and harmoniously. For those who are open to new things and ready to expand their horizons. For those who are not ready to stand still, remaining a victim of circumstances. In his trainings, Pavel Rakov does not just train your strength. Your will, he shows how, by developing will, you can learn to control yourself, as well as the outside world. All of Pavel's technologies are effective, simple and easy to apply. You just need to take advantage of them, and a world full of opportunities, incredible achievements and pleasures will open before you. You can easily achieve success and begin to manage the circumstances of your own life!

Pavel Rakov does not coach. He solves your problems.

Month date Name of the training City Leading Standard VIP
17 – 18 Where to Get Strength for Success Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 7 900 15 900
14 – 15 Saint Petersburg Pavel Rakov 7 900 15 900
28 – 29 Ufa Pavel Rakov 7 900 15 900
4 – 5 Moscow Pavel Rakov 7 900 15 900
11 – 12 Kazan Pavel Rakov 7 900 15 900
18 – 19 Where to Get Strength for Success Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 7 900 15 900
2 – 4 Leadership training for ABA Moscow Pavel Rakov 3 950 ABA only
5 Training for Angels Moscow Pavel Rakov 3 950 only BA and ABA
6 – 10 Summer camp Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 7 900 15 900
23 – 24 Rostov-
Pavel Rakov 7 900 15 900
30 – 31 Ekaterinburg Pavel Rakov 7 900 15 900
6 – 7 Irkutsk Pavel Rakov 7 900 15 900
13 – 14 Almaty Pavel Rakov 7 900 15 900
27 – 28 Moscow Pavel Rakov 7 900 15 900
25 – 26 Izhevsk Pavel Rakov 7 900 15 900
12 – 13 School for Leading Leaders
(closed training)
Moscow Pavel Rakov 10 000
19 – 20 Moscow Pavel Rakov 10 000 20 000
26 – 27 Astana
Pavel Rakov 10 000 20 000
3 – 4 Where to Get Strength for Success Moscow Pavel Rakov 10 000 20 000
14 – 18 Summer camp Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 10,000 for BA
24 – 25 Khabarovsk Pavel Rakov 7 900 15 900
7 – 8 Magnitogorsk Pavel Rakov 7 900 15 900
21 – 22 Men's training "Armageddon" Moscow Pavel Rakov 15 800
24 Golden webinar by Pavel Rakov Moscow Pavel Rakov 3 900
28 – 29 Where to Get Strength for Success Almaty
Pavel Rakov 10 000
5 900
20 000
14 800
3 Pavel Rakov School of Management Moscow Pavel Rakov 4 900
5 – 6 Women's training – 2
Moscow Pavel Rakov 4 900 14 800
18 – 20 Summer Camp – II stage Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 6 900
22 – 23 New Year's “Amazing Webinar”
GIFT from Pavel Rakov
Moscow Pavel Rakov for free
16 – 17 Where to Get Strength for Success Moscow Pavel Rakov 11 800
5 900
31 800
15 900
21 Pavel Rakov School of Management
(4th lesson + recording of previous ones)
Moscow Pavel Rakov 20 000
4 900
30 – 31 Women's training – 2
"How to become a Million Dollar Girl"
Moscow Pavel Rakov 11 800
6 900
31 800
15 900
13 – 14 Women's training – 1
Moscow Pavel Rakov 11 800
5 900
31 800
15 900
19 Women's training – 2 (Part I)
"How to become a Million Dollar Girl"
Saint Petersburg Pavel Rakov 2 000
27 – 28
"How to become a Million Dollar Girl"
Saint Petersburg Pavel Rakov 11 800
5 900
31 800
15 900
27 – 28 Women's training – 2 (Part II)
"How to become a Million Dollar Girl"
for those who bought part I (February 19)
Saint Petersburg Pavel Rakov 11 800
3 900
31 800
13 900
1 - 3 Webinar “How to receive Gifts and evoke a State of love and passion!” On-line Pavel Rakov for free
5 – 6 Women's training – 1
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Pavel Rakov 5 900
6,800 som
15 900
16,800 som
26 – 27 Women's training – 2
"How to become a Million Dollar Girl"
Kazan Pavel Rakov 11 800
5 900
31 800
15 900
2 – 3 Women's training – 1
Moscow Pavel Rakov 11 800
5 900
31 800
15 900
9 – 10 Where to Get Strength for Success
(author’s meeting “Success”)
Moscow Pavel Rakov 11 800
5 900
31 800
15 900
16 – 17 Energy practices
preparation for Summer Camp
Saint Petersburg shopping center leaders 5 900
16 – 17 Energy practices
preparation for Summer Camp
Kazan shopping center leaders 5 900
16 – 17 Energy practices
preparation for Summer Camp
shopping center leaders 5 900
23 – 24 Women's training – 2
"How to become a Million Dollar Girl"
Almaty Pavel Rakov 5 900
29,000 tenge
15 900
79,000 tenge
2 – 3 Energy practices
Pokrovskoe shopping center leaders 5 900
4 – 9 Summer Camp (LL, EP required) * Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 10 000
4 – 9 Children's Summer Camp Pokrovskoe educators 10 000
21 – 22 Women's training – 1
Pavel Rakov 11 800
5 900
31 800
15 900
26 “Women’s business online” Presentation
Open Day at SHU 2.0
On-line Pavel Rakov for free
27 NEW master class by Pavel Rakov
"All about love"
Saint Petersburg Pavel Rakov 1 500
28 – 29 Women's training – 1
Saint Petersburg
White Nights!
Pavel Rakov 11 800
5 900
29 800
14 900
4 – 5 Energy practices
(preparation for Summer Camp)
Almaty shopping center leaders 5 900
11 – 12 Women's training – 1
Minsk, Belarus Pavel Rakov 5 900
1,800,000 BYR
15 900
4,800,000 BYR
16 “Women’s business online” 1st lesson at 21:00
Schools of Management 2.0
On-line shopping center leaders 5 900
18 – 19 Energy practices
(preparation for Summer Camp)
Crimea shopping center leaders 5 900
20 “Women’s business online” 2nd lesson at 20:00
Schools of Management 2.0
On-line shopping center leaders 6 900
25 – 26 Women's training – 1
Moscow Pavel Rakov 11 800
5 900
29 800
14 900
2 – 3
(preparation for Summer Camp)
Alpine meadows shopping center leaders 5 900
(included in the cost of the training on July 9-10)
Moscow Pavel Rakov 1 500
9 – 10 Women's training – 2
"How to become a Million Dollar Girl"
Moscow Pavel Rakov 13 800
6 900
31 800
15 900
16 – 17 Women's training – 1
Almaty Pavel Rakov 5 900
29,000 tenge
14 900
74,000 tenge
Alpine meadows shopping center leaders 2 900
21 Master class “I’m smart, but I live like a fool”
(from 19.00 to 22.00)
Moscow Pavel Rakov 1 900
23 – 24 Where to Get Strength for Success
(author’s meeting “Success”)
Moscow Pavel Rakov 11 800
5 900
29 800
14 900
30 – 31 Festival "Alpine Meadows"
(food and accommodation paid separately)
Alpine meadows shopping center leaders 1 900
2 Energy practices (preparation for LL)
from 11.00 to 19.00, lunch included
Alpine meadows shopping center leaders 2 900
6 – 7 Summer Camp VIP for advanced
(EP2, only for those who have completed the Summer Camp)
Alpine meadows Pavel Rakov 6 900
13 – 14 Energy practices (2 days)
(preparation for LL)
shopping center leaders 5 900
20 – 21 Energy practices (2 days)
(preparation for LL)
Alpine meadows shopping center leaders 5 900
20 – 21 Energy practices (2 days)
(preparation for LL)
shopping center leaders 5 900
26 – 28 Energy practices (3 days)
(preparation for LL)
shopping center leaders 2 900
8 Introductory Master Class

from 19.00 to 22.00

Moscow Pavel Rakov 1 900
10 Master class “Secrets of female self-presentation”
from 10.00 to 13.00
Moscow Pavel Rakov 2 900 block of
3 MK
for the price of 2

5 800

10 Master class “Intimate instructions for interaction with a man” 18+
from 14.00 to 17.00
Moscow Pavel Rakov 2 900
10 Master Class ""
from 18.00 to 21.00
Moscow Pavel Rakov 2 900
11 Closed Leadership Training Moscow Pavel Rakov 5 900
17 – 18 Energy practices (2 days)
(preparation for LL)
Pokrovskoe shopping center leaders 5 900
24 Basic Master Class

from 10.00 to 13.00

Moscow Pavel Rakov 2 900 block of
3 MK
for the price of 2

5 800

24 Master Class
"Secrets of women's influence on men"
from 14.00 to 17.00
Moscow Pavel Rakov 2 900
24 Master Class
“Defile. Flirting. Seduction"
from 18.00 to 21.00
Moscow Pavel Rakov 2 900
24 – 25 Energy practices (2 days)
(preparation for LL)
Odessa shopping center leaders 5 900
1 – 2 Leadership training + AC Moscow Pavel Rakov 1 900
8 – 9 Where to Get Strength for Success
(author’s meeting “Success”)
Moscow Pavel Rakov 13 800
6 900
29 800
14 900
13 Master Class
“Wives and mistresses: who wins?!”
Moscow Pavel Rakov 2 900 5 900
16 VIP coaching group
(I stream, 1 lesson)
Moscow Pavel Rakov 14,900** or 100,000
17 – 18 Energy practices (2 days)
(EP, preparation for LL)
Pokrovskoe shopping center leaders 5 900
19 – 23 Summer camp
(LL, required EP or "Success") *
Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 12 000
  1. How to make a man fall in love with you and maintain the state of love
  2. Stop doing everything yourself! The main secrets of female success
Moscow Pavel Rakov 5 900 11 800
30 VIP coaching group
(I stream, 2nd lesson + elective)
Moscow Pavel Rakov 14,900** or 100,000
5 VIP coaching group + Master class
(I stream, elective lesson)
Pavel Rakov 2 950
8 - 9 Leadership training Moscow Pavel Rakov 2 900
10 Men's master class "Armageddon"
(3-hour master class)
Moscow Pavel Rakov 2 900
12 Block of 3 Master Classes for the price of 2
  1. How to get a man to give you expensive gifts?
  2. The art of female flirting, seduction and defile
  3. Intimate instructions for interacting with a man
Moscow +
Pavel Rakov 5 900 11 800
13 VIP coaching group
(I stream, 3rd lesson + elective)
Moscow Pavel Rakov 14,900** or 100,000
19 VIP coaching group
Optional - horse riding
Moscow Pavel Rakov 14,900** or 100,000
Closed premiere show
“My beautiful...” THREE NEW SERIES
+ MK with analysis of all technologies and situations
Moscow +
Pavel Rakov for free
hall and
2 900
VIP room
26 Block of 3 Master Classes for the price of 2
  1. Ideal date with a man: what to do and say?
  2. How to make a man fall in love with you and maintain the state of love
  3. Wives and Mistresses: who wins?
Almaty Pavel Rakov 5 900
31,900 tenge
11 900
62,900 tenge
28 Business Class Moscow Pavel Rakov 300
3 Premium Workshop by Pavel Rakov + secret episode of the author's TV show
"My beautiful ones"
  1. Ticket Standard
  2. VIP ticket
  3. Online broadcast + recording
Moscow Pavel Rakov 2 900
1 000
5 900
4 Leadership training Moscow Pavel Rakov 2 900
10 VIP coaching stream I (lesson 4)
Elective – “Mrs. Moscow 2016”
Moscow Pavel Rakov 14,900** or 100,000
9 – 11 School of Business Pokrovskoe shopping center leaders 2 900
16 – 18 School of Business Pokrovskoe shopping center leaders 2 900
17 – 18 VIP-coaching I stream (lesson 5) Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 14,900** or 100,000
20 – 22 Webinar “I am a girl and I want a lot of gifts!” Moscow Pavel Rakov for free
TBC VIP coaching II stream (1 lesson) Moscow Pavel Rakov 14,900** or 100,000
7 VIP coaching briefing
6 hours, in the format of a master class and briefing
Pavel Rakov $150 $250
14 – 15 Energy practices No. 2
(2 days, for past LL)
Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 6 900
22 Free webinar
“I desperately want a man to pamper me!”
Moscow Pavel Rakov for free
28 First! Event of the year
in Crocus City Hall
Pavel Rakov 3 500, 4 000
5 000, 6 000
8 000, 9 000
16 000
19 000
29 Pavel Rakov's Ball in Korston with the Stars
only for training participants at Crocus
Pavel Rakov 6 900
11 Free webinar
How to meet 10 men in 3 days
Moscow Pavel Rakov for free
18 – 19 Women's training – 2
"How to become a Million Dollar Girl"
On-line Pavel Rakov 13 800
6 900
29 800
14 900
8 Festive master class on March 8!
How to marry him to yourself, and how
stay married? (3 hours)
Moscow Pavel Rakov 500 2 000
from 21.03
until 27.04

21 March, Tue – Lesson 1. Ideal woman: developing the main qualities
March 22, Wed – Lesson 2. How to raise self-esteem and become a confident woman
March 23, Thu – Lesson 3. Strong Weak Woman: Leadership Lessons

April 6, Thu – Lesson 4. How to meet a worthy man
11 April, Tue – Lesson 5. Meetings with a man: what to do and what to talk about
12th of April, Wed – Lesson 6. How to speak beautifully: the art of female speech
April 13, Thu – Lesson 7. How to influence a man and inspire him to do great things
April 18th, Tue – Lesson 8. Woman and work: from a draft horse to a business for the soul
April 19, Wed – Lesson 9. How to make a man fall in love with you and maintain love for many years
20 April, Thu – Lesson 10. How to become a good lover for your husband
25th of April, Tue – Lesson 11. Secret topic for VIP participants
26 April, Wed – Lesson 12. Secret topic for VIP participants
April 27, Thu – Lesson 13. Secret topic for VIP participants
Dates may change due to changes in the filming schedule of Pavel Rakov

"The Power of Female Attraction"
Free 3-day online course
On-line Pavel Rakov for free
"The Power of Female Attraction"
Tariff “I myself”, 10 lessons
On-line Pavel Rakov 14 900
"The Power of Female Attraction"
Tariff “100% result”, 13 lessons, VIP
On-line Pavel Rakov 60 000
2 Cyprus
Pavel Rakov €70 €140
8 – 9 Krasnodar Pavel Rakov 13 800
6 900
29 800
14 900
22 – 23 Kazan Pavel Rakov 13 800
6 900
29 800
14 900
29 Men's training "Armageddon" Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 14 900
29 Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 7 900 14 900
30.04, 01.05 Training "Success" Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 7 900 14 900
2 Energy practices Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 6 900
3 – 7 Summer camp Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 23 800
from 29.04
to 7.05
Children's Summer Camp Pokrovskoe educators 11 900
21 Energy practices Alpine Meadows Pavel Rakov 3 950
17 – 18 Women's training
Moscow Pavel Rakov 7 900 14 900

On Monday, June 19, 2017, a VIP elective will take place in the Alpine Meadows
from 10 to 11 – registration
from 11 to 14 – 1 session EP
from 14 to 15 – dinner
from 15 to 19 – EP session 2 + briefing
at 19.00 – dinner
at 20.00 – departure

Price for everything 2000 rub. along with food!
This action is in honor of Pavel Rakov’s birthday - June 17

"> more details
Briefing + Energy practices
PROMOTION in honor of DR Pavel Rakov!
Alpine Meadows Pavel Rakov 2,000 with meals!
24 – 25 Women's training
Pavel Rakov 7 900 14 900
27, 28, 29 Free webinar
“How to overcome your fears and become No. 1 for men?”
On-line Pavel Rakov for free
+ iPhone giveaway
1 – 2 Energy practices Alpine Meadows Pavel Rakov 3 950
July 7
Tariff “I myself” 30 lessons On-line Pavel Rakov 6 900
+ voucher draw
on Bali
Online course “The Power of Female Attraction 2.0” On-line Pavel Rakov 33 000
+ voucher draw
on Bali
15 – 16 Training “Success” – 2 days Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 7 900 38 600
in 9 days
17 – 18 Summer Camp 1 – 2 days Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 7 900
19 – 21 Summer Camp 2 – 3 days
(for advanced)
Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 14 900
22 – 23 Women's training 2 – 2 days
"How to become a million dollar girl"
Pokrovskoe shopping center leaders 7 900
24 Onsite Briefing
Alpine meadows Pavel Rakov for free
27 Free master class
How to become the owner of a plot of land in an ecologically clean area of ​​the Moscow region
On-line Pavel Rakov for free
29 – 30 Energy practices Alpine Meadows Pavel Rakov 7 900
including food and accommodation
5 – 6 Energy practices Alpine Meadows Pavel Rakov 7 900
including food and accommodation
12 – 13 Energy practices Alpine Meadows Pavel Rakov 7 900
including food and accommodation
2 – 3 Energy practices Alpine Meadows Pavel Rakov 7 900
including food and accommodation
12 – 14
+ MacBook Air GIVEAWAY!
On-line Pavel Rakov for free
30 Women's training 3 NEW
State Central Conservatory Russia
Pavel Rakov 2 500, 3 000, 3 500,
4 000, 4 500, 5 000
1 Pavel Rakov Ball + VIP coach Moscow
Pavel Rakov 7 900

Tariff “I myself” 30 lessons
On-line Pavel Rakov 3 450
for participants of SZhP 2.0
6 900
+ voucher draw
on Bali
Online course “Power of Female Attraction 3.0”
Tariff “100% result” 36 lessons, VIP
On-line Pavel Rakov 16 500
for participants of SZhP 2.0
33 000
+ voucher draw
on Bali
7 Master class “Energy practices” Moscow Pavel Rakov 1 000
8 – 9 Energy practices Kazakhstan
Leaders of shopping centers 7 900
13 School of Angels Moscow Pokrovskoe 7 900
14 – 15 Training “Success” – 2 days Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 7 900 | 14 900 29 800
in 9 days
16 – 20 Summer Camp 1 (18+) – 5 days Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 29 800
21 – 22 Summer Camp 2 (18+) – 2 days Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 14 900
23 1 more day after Summer Camp,
and you will learn about the possibilities of doing business together with Pavel Rakov.
You will be able to personally ask him any questions you are interested in and receive comprehensive answers.">Free briefing by Pavel Rakov
Pavel Rakov for free
24 Men's webinar by Pavel Rakov
“Who are you: a brutal male or a fake”
On-line Pavel Rakov for free
4 – 5 Men's training "Armageddon" Moscow Pavel Rakov 14 900
18 – 19 Women's training
Moscow Pavel Rakov 7 900 14 900
1 Introductory Master Class

from 19.00 to 22.00

Saint Petersburg Pavel Rakov 1 450
2 – 3 Women's training

PROMOTION: 2 tickets for the price of 1!

Saint Petersburg Pavel Rakov 7 900 14 900
9 – 10 Multi-training + Energy practices Moscow Pavel Rakov 7 900
16 – 17 Women's training "Girl in a Million" Moscow Pavel Rakov 7 900 14 900
18, 20, 22 Three-day free New Year's course
Pavel Rakova “Your own sorceress!”
Pavel Rakov Moscow for free
12 Coaching by Pavel Rakov
"Million Dollar Girl"
Dubai Pavel Rakov $150 $250

Tariff “I myself” 36 lessons
On-line Pavel Rakov 3 450
for participants of SZhP 3.0
6 900
+ voucher draw
to Thailand
Online course “The Power of Female Attraction 4”
On-line Pavel Rakov 16 500
for participants of SZhP 3.0
33 000
+ voucher draw
to Thailand
26 – 28 Winter Camp 2018
Physical education and entertainment training
Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 14 900
3 – 11 Multi-training + Coaching
Only for Consultants.
Ticket price: 0, 15, 30, 45, 60 tr.
Thailand Pavel Rakov 3 950
21 Free webinar
“Whoever I want, I’ll get it!”
Moscow Pavel Rakov for free
3 – 4 Public speaking training
"Speech of a Successful Man"
Moscow Pavel Rakov 9 900 14 900
Tariff "Standard"
Moscow Pavel Rakov for free
Master class “I’m actually smart, but I live like a fool”
Tariff "VIP"
Moscow Pavel Rakov 500
Master class “I’m actually smart, but I live like a fool”
Tariff "Platinum"
Moscow Pavel Rakov 1 000
22 Free webinar
Moscow Pavel Rakov for free
31.03 – 1.04 Women's training
Moscow Pavel Rakov 7 900 14 900


28 – 29 Training “Success” – 2 days Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 7 900 27 700
in 9+1 days
30 – 4 Summer Camp (18+) – 5 days Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 27 700
5 – 6 Million Dollar Girl – 2 days
Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 7 900
7 Onsite Briefing
Alpine meadows Pavel Rakov for free
from 28.04
to 6.05
Children's Summer Camp Pokrovskoe educators 14 900
22 Free online webinar
"Love to the Limit"
On-line Pavel Rakov for free
26 – 27 Men's training "Armageddon" Moscow Pavel Rakov 14 900
June 7
The Power of Female Attraction
Tariff "Test drive" 3 lessons
On-line Pavel Rakov 990
The Power of Female Attraction
Tariff “I myself” 36 lessons
On-line Pavel Rakov 7 900
The Power of Female Attraction
Tariff “100% result” 42 lessons, VIP
On-line Pavel Rakov 14 900
16 – 17 Women's training

Promotion! “Second ticket Free!”

Moscow Pavel Rakov 7 900 14 900
23 – 24 Energy practices
(preparation for Summer Camp)
Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 3 950
14 – 15 Training “Success” – 2 days Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 7 900 19 800
in 9 days
16 – 19 Summer camp 1 – 4 days Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 15 800
20 – 21 Summer camp 2 (18+) – 2 days Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 7 900
22 Million dollar girl – 1 day
training on motivation techniques
Pokrovskoe Pavel Rakov 3 950
14 – 22 Children's Summer Camp Pokrovskoe educators 14 900
26 Free webinar by Pavel Rakov
"Acquaintance. Love. Family"
any Pavel Rakov Online – for free
Live participation in Moscow:
Standard – 1,000
PLATINA – 1 900
28 – 29 Alpine
Pavel Rakov 7 900
4 – 5 Energy practices (18+) – 2 days Alpine
7 900
6 Master Class (3 hours: from 18.30 to 21.30)
Sevastopol 1 500 2 500 5 000
August 9
Power of Female Attraction 6.0
Tariff “I myself” 36 lessons
On-line 7 900
Power of Female Attraction 6.0
On-line 14 900
Power of Female Attraction 6.0
Tariff “SUPER VIP” 42 lessons

On-line 22 800
Moscow 1 500 2 500 5 000
8 September
Power of Female Attraction 7.0
Tariff “I myself” 36 lessons
On-line 7 900
Power of Female Attraction 7.0
Tariff “100% result” 42 lessons
On-line 14 900
Power of Female Attraction 7.0
Tariff “SUPER VIP” 42 lessons
+ VIP ticket to women's show training
On-line 22 800
8 – 9 Energy practices (18+) – 2 days Alpine
7 900
11 Free Webinar
"The Price of Women's Success"
On-line for free
12 Master class (from 19.00 to 21.30)
Saint Petersburg 1 500 2 500 5 000
22 – 23 Women's training
Moscow 7 900 14 900 22 800
28 – 29 Women's training
$150 $300 $500
20 – 21 Show-training “Success” – 2 days Pokrovskoe 7 900 18 800
in 9 days
22 – 26 Summer camp – 5 days Pokrovskoe 19 800
27 – 28 Training on motivation techniques – 2 days
"Million Dollar Girl"
Pokrovskoe 7 900
29 Open Day – 1 day
in the Alpine Meadows
for free
8 Free webinar
Online for free
9 Master class (from 19.00 to 21.30)

(from 21.45 to 22.30)

Moscow 1 500 2 500 5 000
12 Free webinar
Online for free
14 Master class (from 19.00 to 21.30)

Briefing for VIP and PLATINUM participants
(from 21.45 to 22.30)

Saratov 1 500 2 500 5 000
15 Free webinar
"The Power of Female Attraction"
Online for free
17 – 18 Women's training


Moscow 7 900 14 900 22 800
Sale of the year from Pavel Rakov to
29 Free webinar
Online for free
15 Women's training
Moscow 3 950 4 950 5 950
19 – 20
surcharge for VIP ticket +7 000
Pokrovskoe 23 700
by Promotion
14 900

in 6 days
21 – 24 Summer camp – 4 days for 15,800 Pokrovskoe
25 Business Class Pokrovskoe 3 950
13 Free webinar by Pavel Rakov
"Love and Relationships"
On-line for free
24 Master Class
"The Art of Female Flirting" PROMOTION 1+1
Moscow 3 950 4 950 5 950
8 Master class PROMOTION 1+1
Samara 1 500 2 500 5 000
9 – 10 Women's training
Samara 8 500 15 500 23 400
21 Free webinar
"The Power of Female Attraction"
Online for free
24 Master class PROMOTION 1+1
"Intimate instruction"
Moscow 3 950 5 950 7 950
13 – 14 Women's training (2 days)
7 900 14 900 22 800
20 Women's training PROMOTION 1+1
+ paid broadcast for 990

Subject: "The Art of Female Flirting"
Moscow + Online 5 950 7 950 9 950
21 Women's training PROMOTION 1+1

Subject: "The Power of Female Attraction"
Moscow canceled
29.04 – 03.05 Summer Camp only
Only energy practices
Pokrovskoe 19 750


27.04 – 28.04 Show training “Success” – 2 days for 7,900
surcharge for VIP ticket +7 000
Pokrovskoe 32 600
26 080

in 9 days
29.04 – 03.05 Summer camp – 5 days for 19,750 Pokrovskoe
04.05 Training on motivation techniques – 1 day
"Million Dollar Girl" for 3 950
05.05 Energy practices – 1 day
Alpine Meadows
23 Free webinar
Online for free
29 Free webinar
“Coach is the profession of the future”
Online for free
30 Free webinar
Online for free
1 – 2 Women's training
Moscow 9 950
3 950
15 950
8 950
22 950
12 950
14 – 16 Breakthrough strategy - 1 “START” PROMOTION 1+1
Coach – Dmitry Soroka
Moscow 19 900
14 900
29 – 30 Energy practices Alp Meadows 14 900
7 900
3 – 7 Breakthrough Strategy - 2 "TRANSFORMATION"
Coach – Dmitry Soroka
Pokrovskoe 39 800
19 900
6 Online course by Pavel Rakov
"The Power of Female Attraction"
Online 40 000
7 900
70 000
14 900
84 900
24 900
11 Free webinar
Online for free
13 – 14 Show-training “Success” – 2 days Pokrovskoe 35 800
16 800

in 9 days
15 – 18 Summer Camp – 4 days Pokrovskoe
19 Business class – 1 day Pokrovskoe
20 – 21 Energy practices for advanced – 2 days Pokrovskoe
13 – 21 Children's Summer Camp Pokrovskoe 14 900
13 – 14 Show training “Success” Pokrovskoe 8 900 15 900 23 800
15 – 18 Summer Camp only Pokrovskoe 15 800
19 Business Class Pokrovskoe 3 950 4 950 5 950
20 – 21 Energy practices for advanced Pokrovskoe 7 900
24 Master Class
Sochi Standard 3,000 1,000
Premium 6,000 3,000
30 Financial literacy game
"Cash flow"
Moscow 1 000
23 – 25


Coach – Dmitry Soroka

Krasnoyarsk 19 900
14 900
30 Aug –
1 Sep
8 Free webinar
“How to stop waiting for luck and make your dreams come true in 2 months”
Online for free
Online for free
18 Business coaching
"Strategy for Success"
Moscow 500
Online 500
21 Improve your financial literacy and learn how to manage money
Moscow 1 000
I stage
(see city)
II stage
(2 – 6 Oct)


PROMOTION 1+1 and a Total Life box as a gift!
+ Summer Camp as a gift!

Coach – Dmitry Soroka

Your city
(see below)
(2 – 6 Oct)
57 800
33 000

for 2 trainings with a friend
(3 + 5 days)


The most effective personal effectiveness program. Training to make a quantum leap in all areas of life

Coach – Dmitry Soroka

Chelyabinsk 19 900
14 900
13 – 15 Pokrovskoe
20 – 22 Ufa
26 How to become a nutritionist and
Online for free
28 – 29 Women's training
Moscow 8 900 15 900 23 800
2 – 6


Coach – Dmitry Soroka

Pokrovskoe 51 000
10 Free webinar
Online for free
19 – 20 Show-training “Success” – 2 days Pokrovskoe 36 550
16 800

in 9 days
+2 coaching sessions
21 1st Total Life Business Forum – 1 day Pokrovskoe
22 – 26 Summer Camp – 5 days Pokrovskoe
27 Briefing in the Alpine Meadows – 1 day Alpine Meadows
19 – 27 Children's Summer Camp Pokrovskoe 14 900
19 – 20 Show training “Success” Pokrovskoe 8 900 15 900 23 800
21 1st Total Life Business Forum Pokrovskoe 3 950
22 – 26 Summer Camp only Pokrovskoe 19 750
27 Briefing in the Alpine Meadows Alpine Meadows 3 950
Profession Nutritionist
at MSU TU im. Razumovsky
Online 15,000/month
2 How to become a nutritionist and
earn from 100,000 rubles
Online for free
14-day Detox marathon
Total Life
Online marathon - free
products – 12,420
8 – 10 School of Active Consultants Alpine meadows 1 400
12 3-hour master class
“Mom won’t teach you this”
Moscow 10 950
14 950
18 950
1 000
20 Free webinar
“Coaching profession of the future”
Online for free
21 Free webinar
"The Art of Female Flirting"
Online for free
23 Free webinar by Zhanna Kryuchkova
Online for free
24 Free webinar by Arina Tertyshna
“How to avoid premature aging and prolong youth”
Online for free
23 – 24 Anniversary Men's training “Armageddon”
Forge of real men

PROMOTION 1+1 – 2nd ticket for a friend as a gift!

Moscow 14 900
I stage
see city
II stage
18 – 22 Dec


Coach – Dmitry Soroka

Saint Petersburg - Moscow 86 700
46 800

for 2 trainings
(3 + 5 days)

The most effective personal effectiveness program. Training to make a quantum leap in all areas of life

Coach – Dmitry Soroka

Saint Petersburg 27 900
22 700
29, 30,
1 Dec
1 Dec
Women's training “The power of female attraction. Transformation 2020" Samara 15 800
7 900
29 800
14 900
45 600
22 800
3 3-hour Master class
“Mom won’t teach you this”
Moscow 10 950
14 950
18 950
1 000
7 How to become a nutritionist and
earn from 100,000 rubles
Online for free
Online course by Pavel Rakov
"The Power of Female Attraction"
Online 40 000
12 900
70 000
17 900
84 900
26 900
14 day
Detox marathon
Online participation is free
only the cost of the product is paid
10, 11, 12 Free ONLINE INTENSIVE

Instructions for use for men
Online for free
14 – 15 Women's training
"The Art of Female Flirting"
Moscow 17 800
1 900
31 800
4 900
47 600
6 900
17 New Year's webinar workshop
“How to make a dream come true?”
Online for free

Coach – Dmitry Soroka

Moscow 58 800
26 Free webinar
"The intimate life of a man and a woman"
Online for free

After Pavel Rakov’s trainings (see the schedule of seminars above), the usual outlook on life changes. The lives of training participants change, they become strong and happy masters of their destiny and attract success. This could not go unnoticed by men, so at trainings and webinars you can see a considerable number of representatives of the stronger half of humanity, and this number is steadily growing. On average, about 900 participants attend men's trainings at a time. Pavel gives them a technique for establishing consistently high self-esteem. Men strive for success more than women, they want to lead in business, in personal relationships, and they want to take a higher position in society. Pavel, with his methods and personal example, creates real leaders, tells and shows where to find strength for success. One of the secrets of success is that no emotions can be rejected, including negative ones. All emotions are energy sent to us from above and we need to manage them, transforming the energy to achieve our own goals.

Paul helps first of all those who have an unshakable desire to live happily and harmoniously. For those who are open to new things and ready to expand their horizons. For those who are not ready to stand still, remaining a victim of circumstances. In his trainings, Pavel Rakov does not just train your strength. Your will, he shows how, by developing will, you can learn to control yourself, as well as the outside world. All of Pavel's technologies are effective, simple and easy to apply. You just need to take advantage of them, and a world full of opportunities, incredible achievements and pleasures will open before you. You can easily achieve success and begin to manage the circumstances of your own life!

Pavel Rakov does not coach. He solves your problems.