Educational psychology - Zimnyaya I. Zimnyaya I.A.

Zimnyaya Irina Alekseevna (03/17/1931) - Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation.

She entered psychology in the mid-1950s. She began research in the field of psychoacoustics in close collaboration with such scientists as Zhinkin, Artemov, Chistovich, Sokolov, Srama-Kozalu, Falog, and others. The term “semantic perception” of a speech message, introduced by her into the psychology of speech and psycholinguistics, is currently one of important elements of the theory of these sciences. Her monograph "The Psychology of Listening and Speaking" (1973) is known to psychological science. She develops the main provisions of the psychological theory of speech activity in the paradigm of subject-subjective relations, in changing subjective positions. In the psychology of teaching foreign languages, the practical tasks of teaching the development of speech activity (in the interaction of its types) in the target language are formulated in a new way.

The results of theoretical and experimental research are presented in numerous publications (more than 150), including four monographs: "Psychological aspects of teaching speaking in a foreign language"; "Psychology of teaching foreign languages ​​at school"; "Interconnected learning of types of speech activity" (co-authored).

Books (5)

Key competencies

Key competencies as the result-target basis of the competency-based approach in education.

Improving the quality of education is one of the urgent problems not only for Russia, but for the entire world community. The solution to this problem is connected with the modernization of the content of education, optimization of methods and technologies for organizing the educational process and, of course, rethinking the purpose and result of education.

At present, many attempts are being made to include the competence model in the existing one (for example, the approaches of V.A. Bolotov, V.V. Serikov), to consider the standards of higher professional education in the competence model of a specialist (Yu.G. Tatur).

This situation requires an ever wider and more interested discussion of the problem, which is the purpose of this brochure.

Linguistic psychology of speech activity

The paper presents a holistic concept of speech activity in a linguopsychological interpretation, including consideration of the subject, means, methods and mechanisms for the implementation of this activity.

For the first time in this context, a speech acoustic signal is disclosed in detail in the aggregate of its defining parameters, the text as a product of speech activity and the features of its perception and understanding.

Pedagogical psychology

The history, subject, tasks, structure and methods of pedagogical psychology are highlighted. The fundamental problems of education, the teacher and the student as its subjects, educational and pedagogical activities, educational and pedagogical cooperation and communication are considered.

Using a wide range of domestic and foreign sources, historically established modern views and research positions in the field of educational psychology are presented, and the creative possibilities of a personal-activity approach to learning are shown.

Appeal to a student - a future teacher (instead of a preface) 3

Chapter 1. Educational psychology - an interdisciplinary branch of scientific knowledge 5
§ 1. General scientific characteristics of educational psychology 5
§ 2. The history of the formation of educational psychology 9
Chapter 2. Educational psychology: main characteristics 14
§ 1. Subject, tasks, structure of educational psychology 14
§ 2. Research methods in educational psychology 17

Chapter 1. Education in the modern world 25
§ 1. Education as a multidimensional phenomenon 25
§ 2. The main directions of education in modern education 33
§ 3. Personal-activity approach as the basis for organizing the educational process 45
Chapter 2. Acquisition by a person of individual experience in the educational process 55
§ 1. Bilateral unity of learning - teachings in the educational process 55
§ 2. Training and development 58
§ 3. Developing education in the domestic educational system 69

Chapter 1. Subjects of the educational process 74
§ 1. Subject category 74
§ 2. Specific features of the subjects of the educational process 77
Chapter 2. The teacher as a subject of pedagogical activity 78
§ 1. Teacher in the world of professional activity 78
§ 2. Subjective properties of the teacher 81
§ 3. Psychophysiological (individual) prerequisites (inclinations) of the teacher's activity 84
§ 4. Abilities in the structure of the subject of pedagogical activity 86
§ 5. Personal qualities in the structure of the pedagogical subject 90
activities 90
Chapter 3
§ 1. Age characteristics of subjects of educational activity 99
§ 2. Schoolchild as a subject of educational activity Junior schoolchild as a subject of educational activity 103
§ 3. Student as a subject of educational activity 108
§ 4. Learnability - the most important characteristic of the subjects of educational activity 110

Chapter 1. General characteristics of educational activities 114
§ 1. Educational activity - a specific type of activity 114
§ 2. Subject content of educational activity Subject of educational activity 115
§ 3. The external structure of educational activity The component composition of the external structure of educational activity 116
Chapter 2. Learning motivation 130
§ 1. Motivation as a psychological category Basic approaches to the study of motivation 130
§ 2. Learning motivation 134
Chapter 3
§ 1. General characteristics of assimilation Approaches to the definition of assimilation 140
§ 2. Skill in the process of assimilation 144
Chapter 4. Independent work - the highest form of learning activity 149
§ 1. General characteristics of independent work 149
§ 2. Independent work as a learning activity Basic requirements for independent work 150

Chapter 1. General characteristics of pedagogical activity 157
§ 1. Pedagogical activity: forms, characteristics, content 157
§ 2. Motivation of pedagogical activity General characteristics of pedagogical motivation 158
Chapter 2. Pedagogical functions and skills 162
§ 1. The main functions of pedagogical activity Functions and actions (skills) 162
§ 2. Pedagogical skills General characteristics of pedagogical skills 163
Chapter 3. Style of pedagogical activity 167
§ 1. General characteristics of the style of activity 167
§ 2. Style of pedagogical activity General characteristics of the style of pedagogical activity 168
Chapter 4
§ 1. Psychological analysis of the lesson in the activities of the teacher 172
§ 2. Levels (stages) of psychological analysis of the lesson Preliminary psychological analysis 175
§ 3. Scheme of psychological analysis of lesson 178

§ 1. General characteristics of interaction Interaction as a category 184
§ 2. Interaction of subjects of the educational process Educational process as interaction 186
Chapter 2. Educational and pedagogical cooperation 188
§ 1. General characteristics of educational cooperation Cooperation as a modern trend 188
§ 2. The impact of cooperation on learning activities 190
Chapter 3. Communication in the educational process 195
§ 1. General characteristics of communication Communication as a form of interaction 195
§ 2. Pedagogical communication as a form of interaction between the subjects of the educational process 200
Chapter 4. "Barriers" in pedagogical interaction, communication and educational and pedagogical activity 209
§ 1. Definition and general characteristics of difficult communication 209
§ 2. The main areas of difficulty in pedagogical interaction 210

Textbook on educational psychology. 2000. -384 p. For students of pedagogical and psychological specialties.
Pedagogical psychology: formation, current state part.
Education is a global object of educational psychology part.
The teacher and students are the subjects of the educational process.
Learning activity part.
Pedagogical activity in different educational systems part.
Educational and pedagogical cooperation and communication in the educational process. Contents:
Appeal to the student - the future teacher (instead of the preface).
Pedagogical psychology: Formation, Current state.
pedagogical psychology is an interdisciplinary branch of scientific knowledge.
General scientific characteristics of educational psychology.
The history of the formation of educational psychology.
Pedagogical psychology: main characteristics.
Subject, tasks, structure of pedagogical psychology.
Methods of research in pedagogical psychology.
Education - Global object of educational psychology.
education in the modern world.
Education as a multifaceted phenomenon.
The main directions of education in modern education.
Personal-activity approach as the basis for the organization of the educational process.
The acquisition by a person of individual experience in the educational process.
Bilateral unity of learning - learning in the educational process.
Education and development.
Developing education in the domestic educational system.
The teacher and students are the subjects of the educational process.
subjects of the educational process.
Subject category.
Specific features of the subjects of the educational process.
The teacher as a subject of pedagogical activity.
Teacher in the world of professional activity.
Subjective properties of the teacher.
Psychophysiological (individual) prerequisites (inclinations) of the teacher's activity.
Abilities in the structure of the subject of pedagogical activity.
Personal qualities in the structure of the pedagogical subject.
The learner (pupil, student) is the subject of educational activity.
Age characteristics of subjects of educational activity.
Schoolchild as a subject of educational activity Junior schoolchild as a subject of educational activity.
Student as a subject of educational activity.
Learnability is the most important characteristic of the subjects of educational activity.
Educational activity.
general characteristics of educational activity.
Educational activity is a specific type of activity.
Subject content of educational activity Subject of educational activity.
External structure of educational activity Component composition of the external structure of educational activity.
Learning motivation.
Motivation as a psychological category.
Basic approaches to the study of motivation.
Learning motivation.
Assimilation is the central link in the learning activity of the student.
General characteristics of assimilation Approaches to the definition of assimilation.
Skill in the process of learning.
Independent work is the highest form of learning activity.
General characteristics of independent work.
Independent work as a learning activity Basic requirements for independent work.
Pedagogical activity in different educational systems.
general characteristics of pedagogical activity.
Pedagogical activity: forms, characteristics, content.
Motivation of pedagogical activity General characteristics of pedagogical motivation.
Pedagogical functions and skills.
The main functions of pedagogical activity Functions and actions (skills).
Pedagogical skills General characteristics of pedagogical skills.
Style of pedagogical activity.
General characteristics of the style of activity.
Style of pedagogical activity General characteristics of the style of pedagogical activity.
Psychological analysis of a lesson (class) as a unity of projective-reflexive skills of a teacher.
Psychological analysis of the lesson in the activities of the teacher.
Levels (stages) of psychological analysis of the lesson Preliminary psychological analysis.
Scheme of psychological analysis of the lesson.
Educational and Pedagogical Cooperation and Communication in the Educational Process.
general characteristics of interaction Interaction as a category.
Interaction of subjects of the educational process Educational process as an interaction.
Educational and pedagogical cooperation.
General characteristics of educational cooperation Cooperation as a modern trend.
The impact of cooperation on learning activities.
Communication in the educational process.
General characteristics of communication Communication as a form of interaction.
Pedagogical communication as a form of interaction between the subjects of the educational process.
"Barriers" in pedagogical interaction, communication and educational and pedagogical activity.
Definition and general characteristics of difficult communication.
The main areas of difficulty in pedagogical interaction.