Initial training for amateur pilots at the Stork flight school. Pilot training: certificate to fly airplanes and helicopters – flying club Vzletim

At the ATC, pilot training in aviation disciplines is conducted by leading teachers of the Air Force Academy named after. Yu.A. Gagarin, professor N.E. Zhukovsky, teachers of the Moscow Aviation Institute, aviation specialists of DOSAAF of Russia. The training is accessible, the theoretical material is easily and quickly learned, the course is as close as possible to life and flight practice. The training schedule is adapted to the needs of students and takes into account their wishes. The course includes the study of 11 disciplines with a total volume 152 hours and ground training 52 hours. After taking a course of theoretical training in piloting an aircraft, you will be able to calculate the required amount of fuel and take-off run length, prepare a flight map, and obtain permission to use the airspace; in other words, thoroughly prepare for the flight. The profession of a pilot is one of the most difficult types of human activity, requiring excellent health and courage, as well as deep theoretical knowledge and skills.

Training of amateur pilots in Russia

Today, flight training for small aircraft pilots is carried out at Aviation Training Centers (ATC) of Civil Aviation and DOSAAF flying clubs of Russia on a paid basis. Program flight training private pilot (recreational pilot) is 40 hours, the flight training program for a pilot-athlete of the DOSAAF of Russia is 33 hours 20 minutes, with the export program (time before the first independent flight) 12 hours 30 minutes. The actual practice of flying an airplane (with poor theoretical training of students) showed a significant increase in the required flight time. So, in the export program, it reaches 20-30 hours, while full training to pilot an aircraft increases to 80-100 hours. This places a heavy financial burden on the student, who is forced to pay double or even triple the cost of flight training. And this is not the fault of the instructor pilot - this is how the system of total aviation entrepreneurship functions, which simply does not get around to theory. A relevant question here is - who set the standards for flying hours of 40 hours and 33 hours 20 minutes? This time was determined to be optimal both for the world practice of learning to fly an airplane, and taking into account the vast experience of flight training of the Soviet and Russian flight schools. This flying time standard is enshrined in law.

Pilot training cost. How to reduce costs?

The costs of flight training are, first of all, reduced by reducing the expended flight resource (flight hours), which is achieved by passing high-quality theoretical training pilots. Slogan “Success in the air is forged on the ground” is not only a guarantor of the safety of pilot training, but also an indicator of the profitability of flight training. Let's do the math. With an average cost of one flight hour of 12,000 rubles (for the Yak-18T aircraft), the cost of flight training can vary from 504 to 960 thousand rubles or more. World practice and the experience of domestic (mainly military) flight schools have shown: only with full theoretical training can one “fit in” to a standardized flight time (40 hours), but the experience of the ATC, using the method of “reference points” as part of the study of the “Pilot Theory” program allows you to reduce the export program by another 10-15%. Based on these considerations, a group of pilots and teachers of the Air Force Academy. Yu.A. Gagarin and Professor N.E. Zhukovsky, who have extensive teaching experience, created a Training Unit within the ATC to provide high-quality theoretical and flight training in aircraft piloting. You will be able to undergo training and subsequent testing under the theoretical training programs for a private pilot and an athlete pilot. Our project is aimed at eliminating those shortcomings and miscalculations in pilot training that the governing body of civil aviation constantly points out. High quality teaching and an individual approach to each student will allow you to fully master the theory of piloting and competently influence flight processes.


The Training Center has premises in Moscow. There are two main auditoriums in the area of ​​the New Cheryomushki metro station. The large auditorium is intended for lectures and seminars in groups of up to 20 people. In a small classroom, classes are held in mini-groups (up to four people).


The training center has a Cessna 172s aircraft, manufactured in 2007. with Garmin G1000 avionics complex. The aircraft is in airworthiness, which is recorded in the forms and in the airworthiness certificate issued on the basis of a type certificate in accordance with the air legislation of the Russian Federation. More details in the section Refueling with aviation gasoline is carried out by devices that have a certificate of conformity No. NATG.11128447.N.11.01 dated December 15, 2011.

Technical training aids

To increase the efficiency of flight training, the ABN AERO training center uses training aids. Cockpit stands and instrumentation simulators allow students, among other things, to become familiar with the operating principles and display of the “glass cockpit” – Garmin G1000. Training training. One of the important elements of becoming a pilot and maintaining acquired piloting skills.

Methodological Department for Teaching Staff Training

Reports by leading teachers at the methodological council on improving teaching methods.

Landing pad "NOVINKI"

At the Novinki airfield there is one of our hangars where aircraft are serviced and stored. A modern, comfortable dispatcher workplace is the key to high flight safety. And the mobile control center of the NOVINKI landing site is always ready for work.
You will receive true pleasure from the correspondence of what you see in the air with the image of flight that real science and the art of flight will give you. We are waiting for you in our center!


The Get to Know the Sky program is designed for those who want to learn how to skydive on their own. You can take the introductory part of the full course and understand whether you are capable of further training. If yes, then these classes will count towards you in the future. The program includes 6 hours of individual theoretical training and 2 jumps from a height of 3000 meters. The first jump is performed with an instructor, and the second independently, but under...

The Accelerated Freefall (AFF) program is a free fall training course. This program is aimed at training novice skydivers. Based on the results of training, a person can perform independent jumps with a wing-type parachute from a height of 4000 meters. At the initial stage, two instructors jump with you, and then one, who correct your mistakes right during the jump. From the ground you are coordinated to carry out...

This multi-certificate contains the best celestial adventures! The happy owner of such a gift will be able to decide for himself what he wants this time: try soaring in a Hot Air Balloon, get his first training course in piloting an airplane, or explore the beauty of the suburbs of St. Petersburg on an exciting flight along the route. Quality and a full range of positive emotions...

The multi-certificate “Pilot Training” will be an excellent gift for those who are already seriously in love with the sky and want to take the first step towards obtaining a private pilot certificate. Don’t know which training to choose – an airplane or a helicopter? Leave the agony of choice to the future owner of the multi-certificate! However, Whatever he chooses, a unique experience is guaranteed to await him, and you will receive enthusiastic stories about conquering the heavenly...

If you are ready to take a full flight training course in helicopter piloting and receive a state-issued civil aviation amateur pilot license, then our flying club is ready to help you make this serious decision. As a rule, a person comes to a flight school for two reasons: - to obtain the qualifications of an amateur pilot to perform flights aimed at satisfying personal needs: to fly independently, ...

Certificate for introductory training in aircraft control

Aeroclub Vzletim invites you to fly over St. Petersburg. But not as an ordinary passenger, on whom nothing depends, but:

  • at the helm;
  • in the co-pilot's seat;

If you are already 18, have a great desire to learn how to fly an airplane and have no health restrictions, we invite you to our flying club for training in one of two introductory programs.

Certificate for a training and familiarization flight according to the program First step plus provides:

  • monitoring the pre-flight preparation of the aircraft for flight;
  • pre-flight briefings;
  • two exhilarating flights at the helm in a horizontal position.

Certificate for Airplane Training Program Above the sky will give you the opportunity to immerse yourself in the role of a co-pilot and learn how to fly the aircraft over four flights:

1st - horizontal flight control, altitude control, horizontal orientation;
2nd - lifting off the ground, performing climbs, snakes, small turns;
3rd - consolidation of acquired knowledge, familiarization with the elements necessary for landing (landing an airplane is the most difficult thing);
The 4th final lesson is supplemented by circling flight, practicing elements of takeoff and landing.

The programs have theoretical and practical parts. Training is conducted by experienced pilot instructors with extensive flying experience.
Training in both programs takes place on a reliable and easy

The priority area of ​​activity of the Aist flying club has become the training of amateur pilots (private pilots) wishing to obtain a PPL (Private Pilot License). The flight school provides training on Yak-18T training aircraft, which have given more than one thousand Russian and foreign pilots a ticket to the skies.

Theory and practice of flying

Flight training courses (FTC) take place in two main stages: theoretical and practical training.

  1. The study of flight theory is carried out in Moscow, at the training base of our partners - the Wingspan Aviation Training Center. Previously, we taught theory ourselves, but we were faced with the fact that it was more convenient for our cadets to attend evening theoretical classes in Moscow during the week. The theoretical pilot training course includes the following subjects:
  • air legislation;
  • practical aerodynamics;
  • aircraft design;
  • aircraft navigation and navigation in the sky;
  • aircraft power plant design;
  • design of aviation and radio equipment;
  • technical and flight operation of aircraft;
  • rescue equipment, their use;
  • meteorology in aviation;
  • conduct and phraseology of radio communications;
  • aviation security and many others. etc.
  1. The initial flight training program at the pilot school is conducted at the Beloomut airfield with an experienced pilot instructor. Cadets will acquire the following skills:
  • ground pre-flight training for amateur pilots;
  • primary piloting skills, first solo flight;
  • flight at critically low and high air speeds;
  • elimination of the spin effect in flight;
  • takeoffs and landings in normal conditions and in strong crosswinds;
  • recognition of stall (initial and developed) and recovery from it;
  • takeoffs/landings in limited areas;
  • training to fly using instruments only;
  • flying along a developed route using visual references, using dead reckoning methods and radio navigation aids;
  • flight with emergency simulation: engine failure, on-board equipment, etc.;
  • night flights and many others. etc.

Procedure and duration of training:

  1. The duration of the theoretical course is 172 hours (approximately four months). At the end of the training, students are tested and take exams in all theoretical disciplines.
  2. The estimated duration of flight training is 42 hours. For effective training, development and maintenance of piloting skills, regular flight time of at least two hours per week is required. Otherwise, there will be no progress, and learning to fly an airplane and obtaining a private pilot certificate will be delayed indefinitely. After completing the course, examinations are carried out on aircraft navigation and piloting techniques.
  3. You can start performing training flights in Moscow at the same time as attending theoretical classes.
  4. Upon successful passing of the theoretical and flight training exams, the registration documents are transferred to the Working Group of the Higher Qualification Commission of the Federal Air Transport Agency (Rosaviation) of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation (RG VKK).
  5. After passing the certification, the graduate will be awarded a private pilot license PPL (Private Pilot License). With this document you have the right to fly on private aircraft.

Cost of education

  • Payment for the full course of study can be made in whole or in parts, in cash or by bank transfer.
  • The cost of a theoretical pilot school course is 36,000 rubles. If you missed a lesson, you can easily attend a similar lecture on another day in another group.
  • The average cost of a flight course is about 450,000 rubles. or 180 rub./min. The final price depends on several factors, among which a special role is played by the individual psychophysiological characteristics of the account - the type of nervous system, temperament properties. However, practice shows that the main ones are still motivational features - interest in flying, desire to learn, as well as persistence in mastering educational material, regularity of flights. In short, pilots are not born, but made. We will help you with this!

From the editor: This material was written by Ilya Naumov. Ilya is in love with small aviation, which Russia so lacks for the coherence of the country. We are glad to post Ilya’s story about how he started flying on his own, if only because he turned his hobby into a job and today works for the ChelAvia company.

Many office workers are well aware of the strong desire that comes at the end of the week to switch their brain to something other than the current job. People solve this problem in different ways: some go to a bar, some go to a bar, and some try to escape from routine with the help of extreme sports.

I offer you another interesting alternative - learn to fly an airplane. I'll tell you a few reasons why you should try it, and also try to dispel some popular myths about small aircraft.

So why will you enjoy flying?

New degree of freedom

Flying is perhaps one of the best ways to get to know your country. One and a half to two hours of flight from an airfield near Moscow - and now you are already in Lipetsk, Voronezh, Nizhny Novgorod or the Tver region. In the summer, at a leisurely pace during daylight hours, it is quite possible to fly to the south of Russia. Unlike car travel over such distances, flying by plane is much less tiring, and at the same time much more spectacular.

Even a flight near your “home” airfield can be very interesting - there are local natural or architectural attractions almost everywhere.

No boredom

Aviation is interesting, first of all, because the possibilities for self-improvement and development in it are almost limitless. Night flights, instrument flights, new types of aircraft, various types of avionics (on-board equipment), flights from water, aerobatics, jet technology, helicopters and gliders - the list is endless. The pilot studies his entire flying life - and still remains an amateur in many areas - this area of ​​​​knowledge is so vast. If you are curious, are drawn to everything new and like to get to the bottom of things and strain your brain with various non-trivial tasks, most likely you will like flying.

We are working with foreign partners in the USA and France to supply aircraft, helicopters, components, spare parts. parts, avionics, etc.

Pilot training

Airplane travel

Training in independent piloting of Cessna 172 and L-29 aircraft by experienced pilot instructors. Flights on Cessna 172 aircraft and L-29 jet aircraft

Pilot training, airplane flights

  • Aerodromes
  • Airplane flight training, amateur pilot training

    Do you want to learn how to fly an airplane? We are ready to help you. We invite you to our flying club. Many people think that flying an airplane requires many years of training, a huge amount of knowledge about the structure of the airplane, and good physical condition. In practice, everything is much simpler. There are very few health restrictions and they are very serious - these are severe speech, hearing, vision impairments, any disorders associated with blood pressure, as well as serious mental disorders.

    Age is also not a determining factor. From the moment you reach adulthood (although you can start training at an earlier age, you will be issued a pilot certificate only upon reaching adulthood) and as long as you feel youthful in soul and body, the road to the sky is open to you.

    The main thing you need is to study the operating features of a particular model, in this case Cessna 172, and.

    We won't overwhelm you with a ton of unnecessary information. Before the flight, you get acquainted with the basics of aerodynamics, navigation and flight operation, and after landing, you discuss errors and shortcomings with the instructor. You will receive the theory at pre-flight and post-flight briefings. Gradually, you will practice all the skills of solo flight: preparation for flight, taxiing, takeoff, climb and descent, turns, flying in a holding area, circling and flying at low speeds.

    After completing the training program and passing the exams, you receive a private pilot certificate, which gives you the right to pilot single or twin-engine piston aircraft on our country's airways.

    If you want to experience the joy of feeling completely free from the force of gravity, fly at breakneck speed along the top edge of the clouds, rush through tunnels and labyrinths of clouds and suddenly burst into a clear, sunny sky. Then you just need to learn how to fly the L-29 Dolphin jet trainer aircraft. At speeds from 450 to 760 km/h you will truly understand what flight is!
    Aircraft of this class were used in military aviation of the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact countries for the initial training of cadets at higher aviation schools. And over decades of operation they have proven themselves to be the most reliable aircraft in their class.