Nutrition after fitness for weight loss. Fitness diet

This diet, as the name suggests, goes hand in hand with fitness. Fitness classes are aimed at keeping your body in good shape and burning extra pounds, but together with a certain way of eating, you will achieve greater results and much faster.

The diet is designed so that you get the necessary energy for physical activity and at the same time remain in great shape. With this safe and balanced diet of 1300-1400 calories per day, you will lose 4-5 kg ​​per week.

  • This diet is designed for regular training approximately 3 times a week.
  • Small meals 4-5 times a day
  • Eliminate mayonnaise from your diet. Dress salads with olive oil.
  • Reduce your salt intake. It is better to use herbs to add piquancy to the dish.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
  • The last meal should be no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime.

We offer you one of the fitness diet options for two weeks. If desired, it can be extended to 3 weeks.

1st day menu

For breakfast: omelet of 2 eggs with dill, 1 glass of orange juice, 100g low-fat cottage cheese.
For lunch: chicken fillet 100 g, cooked in a double boiler, salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, red bell peppers and herbs, dressed with olive oil 100-150 g.
For afternoon tea: fruit salad (1/2 grapefruit, 1/2 orange, 1 kiwi, ½ banana).
For dinner: lean fish 150 g in a steamer or grilled, vegetable salad (cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, lettuce, dressed with olive oil 150 g)

2nd day

For breakfast: 150 g oatmeal, 1 grapefruit, green or herbal tea.
For second breakfast: 1 yogurt (light), a couple of nuts.
For lunch: 1 baked potato, chicken fillet cooked in a steamer 150g, green or herbal tea.
For afternoon tea: muesli 100g or muesli bar.
For dinner: turkey fillet 150 g, boiled rice 100 g, green or herbal tea.

3rd day

For breakfast: 150 g buckwheat, 1 orange, tea or coffee of your choice.
For second breakfast: 1 banana, low-fat cottage cheese 100 g.
For lunch: chicken salad 150g, prepare according to an easy recipe, use plain low-fat yogurt for dressing.
For afternoon tea: berry jelly, a couple of nuts.
For dinner: buckwheat 150 g, vegetable salad 100 g.

4th day

For breakfast: omelet of 2 eggs with herbs, 1 glass of blueberries, tea.
For second breakfast: 1 low-fat yogurt.
For lunch: beans 150 g, squid 150 g, 1 glass of fruit drink or compote.
For afternoon tea: fruit jelly, a glass of orange juice.
For dinner: lean fish 150g, vegetable salad with corn 150g.

5th day

For breakfast: 150 g oatmeal, 1 grapefruit, green or herbal tea
For second breakfast: 1 apple, 1 yogurt (light)
For lunch: boiled rice 150g, vegetable salad dressed with olive oil, tea or coffee.
For afternoon tea: fruit salad (make from unsweetened fruits).
For dinner: 150 g of boiled beef, grilled, stewed or steamed vegetables.

6th day

For breakfast: omelet of 2 eggs with herbs, 1 peach.
For second breakfast: 1 muesli bar, 1 glass of orange juice.
For lunch: boiled rice, shrimp salad, coffee or tea to choose from.
For afternoon tea: 1 glass of low-fat kefir, dried fruits 50-100g.
For dinner: lean boiled fish 100g, fruit salad 150g.

7th day

For breakfast: 150 g oatmeal, dried fruits, tea or coffee of your choice
For second breakfast: 1 low-fat yogurt, 1 peach
For lunch: lentils 100g, vegetable salad with shrimp, 1 glass of compote or fruit drink
For afternoon tea: 150 g low-fat cottage cheese
For dinner: Turkey fillet 150 g, steamed or grilled.

To make weight loss more effective, perform weight-bearing exercises in the gym at least 3 times a week. Follow the portion size, do not overeat, it is better to eat less, but more often. Muesli bars, unsweetened fruit bars, dried fruits or nuts, and fruits with minimal sugar content are perfect for snacking. Remember to drink enough liquid. If plain water is not suitable, you can replace it with green or herbal teas. Limit the consumption of carbonated and sweet drinks, coffee with cream and various syrups. If this is difficult for you, then you can add 1 spoon of honey to the tea.

Using this method, the weight comes off smoothly, and the body does not experience stress. A balanced and healthy diet goes well with various types of physical activity, be it running, swimming, step aerobics, strength training, team training or dancing.

Sports diet menu

We offer you a choice of diet, depending on your goals. If this is strength training, then menu No. 1 is suitable these days, but if cardio exercises predominate, and you want to lose a couple of kilograms, then menu No. 2 is for you.

Menu No. 1:

For breakfast: oatmeal (150g), 1 apple or 1 orange, omelet from the whites of 2 eggs.
For afternoon tea: 1 grapefruit, 30g walnuts.
For lunch: vegetable salad seasoned only with lemon juice (cucumbers, lettuce, tomatoes, bell peppers), lean steamed fish (cod) with broccoli or cauliflower (your choice)
For afternoon tea(before the workout itself): buckwheat (150-200 g), seasoned with soy sauce, peeled shrimp (150 g)
For dinner(if you have to after a workout, you need to wait about an hour): 180-200g low-fat cottage cheese.

Menu No. 2:

For breakfast: 150g cottage cheese, 1 apple or 1 orange.
For second breakfast: 1 grain toast with cream cheese.
For lunch: choice of vegetable soup or vegetable salad, steamed chicken breast (100-150 g), brown or brown rice with soy sauce (100 g).
Afternoon snack: 1 low-fat yogurt, 1 orange.
For dinner: salmon or trout, grilled or steamed.

The fitness diet menu does not include sweets at all, so if it’s difficult for you to last without something tasty, you can arrange small holidays for yourself about once a week.

Basic rules of fitness diet

1.Correct daily calorie distribution

If you analyze the diet of half of the working population, you get an interesting picture. For almost everyone, most of their daily calories come from dinner in the evening, and for some, a second dinner. Fatigue after a hard day of work just knocks you off your feet, and there’s no need to talk about the fitness room. If you want significant changes in your well-being and figure, you will have to completely reconsider your diet. Start your day with a healthy and hearty breakfast. The next meal should be in 2-3 hours. To follow this rule, you will have to prepare or plan your diet in advance. Eat often, but little by little, this way you will avoid long hungry breaks, and by the end of the day you will have the strength and mood to go to the gym or walk your pet.

2. Get the right amount of protein

Anyone who regularly exercises needs to take into account an important fact: your body must receive protein in the right amount and at a certain time. Optimal amount: 1.5 g per 1 kg of weight. If you exercise in the morning, most of your protein should be eaten the night before. If you eat during the day, then you should eat protein food in the morning; if you go to the gym in the evening, then accordingly you should have protein for lunch and after training for dinner. Neglect of this factor leads to the fact that the body begins to consume protein from its own tissues. This leads to the fact that the muscles lose their strength, hair and nails begin to suffer, and the production of hormones decreases.

3. Maintain water balance in the body

Even a slight change in the water balance in the body towards dehydration leads to a deterioration in well-being. The speed of our metabolism directly depends on water, since all chemical reactions in our body occur in an aquatic environment. Make it a habit to take a bottle of water with you. You can add lemon if you don't like drinking just water. A daily minimum of 2-3 litas should be drunk. With training, in addition to excess calories, you also lose water, which is why it is so important to maintain an optimal level of water in the body.

Nutrition during fitness for weight loss is the main topic of this article. Below we will discuss the features of such nutrition, its principles of construction, differences and much more.

An adjusted diet is one of the main categories of successful weight loss and achieving the desired results in the form of a slim figure. The other two are training and rest. These three categories are interconnected, and if one of them “falls out” of the regime, the other two will give only minimal results.

You won’t be able to lose weight by working out for several hours in the gym, but at the same time eating whatever you want. Many leading coaches and athletes pay more attention to nutrition than training. Therefore, nutrition and fitness cannot be separated.

Principles of healthy eating and nutrition for weight loss

Basis - vegetables and fruits

Approximately half of everything eaten during fitness should be fruits and vegetables, as well as greens. They provide the body with most of the necessary substances for saturation, which are not deposited under the skin. Vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients - all this strengthens and nourishes the athlete’s body.

Vegetables should mainly be used in food, since fruits contain sugar - it provides a lot of energy, but if it is not consumed immediately, there is a risk of deposition of this sugar (glucose). Therefore, it is recommended to eat fruit in the first half of the day and half an hour before the start of classes. Citrus fruits and bananas occupy a special place in the hierarchy of fruits.

Drinking water

Naturally, you need to drink. You should not believe those who claim that you should not drink water during training. Can! The question is how to do it. After all, during fitness classes, a person spends energy, which he takes from subcutaneous fat reserves, sweats, and along with sweat (water), excess calories come out. You need to drink water a little at a time, in small sips, without getting too drunk. If you have just been running or doing aerobic exercise (jumping rope, orbitrek, exercise bike, etc.), then you need to drink less so that your endurance does not suffer. And after strength exercises, you even need to drink - this is due to physiology.

It is better to avoid carbonated drinks altogether and give preference to green tea, compote (but not too sweet) and mineral water.

Best Products

When compiling your own diet, you need to take into account the quality of the products - they should always be fresh. An approximate list of foods consumed during fitness classes looks like this:

  • meat, fish (not fatty);
  • porridge (rice, buckwheat, wheat, oatmeal and others);
  • vegetables and fruits (citrus fruits, bananas, berries, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage and others);
  • dairy and fermented milk products (with minimal fat content);
  • nuts and grains.

This is not the entire list of what will be extremely useful when doing fitness while losing weight.

Refusal of harmful foods and alcohol

It is completely necessary to exclude fast food, as well as limit the intake of fatty (fried) and carbohydrate (baked) foods. No, you shouldn’t completely eliminate fried and carbohydrate foods, but it is necessary to reduce their consumption. It is best to dose this kind of food. Bread and the like should be eaten only before lunch, not after.

Drinking alcohol is a direct path to gaining unwanted weight. So it’s better to completely eliminate alcohol from your diet, as well as various “store-bought” sauces: mayonnaise, ketchup, etc. As a last resort, you can prepare them yourself - there will be more benefits.

All food must be boiled, baked or steamed. You can also eat it raw, such as vegetables.

Be sure to track the calorie content and nutrient ratio (protein, carbohydrates, fat) in each serving. So, in the first half of the day carbohydrate foods may slightly predominate, after lunch and until the evening protein foods should dominate. This is due to the fact that carbohydrates provide the energy needed at the beginning of the day, and proteins are aimed at restoring the body after exercise.

The general formula for the nutrient ratio looks like this: 35/55/10, where 35% proteins, 55% carbohydrates, 10% fats. This scheme can be used as a starting point when regulating proteins and carbohydrates in the first and second halves of the day.

Portion sizes and food intake

Each portion should be equal in volume to the folded palms of the person who is creating his own fitness diet. The average number of meals is 6 - depending on lifestyle and conditions, this number may decrease or increase. Each subsequent meal occurs after 2-2.5 hours have passed after the previous one. The diet must constantly change. A variety of food is the key to health and mood. Cooked food should be appetizing.

When finishing the next portion, a person should feel a little hungry. This is due to the fact that the body has not yet had time to obtain the microelements it needs. There is no need to overeat, it is better to wait 15 minutes and make sure that the body has become saturated - the microelements have reached their final destination.

The main feature of proper nutrition is that changing the diet occurs without much stress for the body, which is accustomed to eating anyhow. Another feature of this diet is the replacement of harmful foods with natural ones. Fast diets do not imply a gradual transition to the “right direction” - they are aimed at momentary changes in diet, which is a huge stress for the body. This can affect your health and also play a cruel joke - instead of the promised weight loss, unexpected obesity will occur.

Generally speaking, quick diets are a scam. Nothing is simple and fast, but at the same time cheap and safe. You have to pay for everything. In a healthy, proper diet - patience, and with fast diets - health.

By using starvation or fast diets, a person puts himself at risk, which is practically not the case with a healthy diet - there the body gets used to it and rebuilds itself in a new way gradually, without sudden jumps. This is the main difference between proper nutrition and improper nutrition.

Sports nutrition is another category of nutrition for weight loss during fitness training. It’s hard to imagine modern sport without him. The use of various vitamin and mineral complexes will help fill the deficiency of the body in need. Protein will supplement or balance the amount of protein in food, and creatine will fill the missing energy immediately before training.

The use of sports supplements cannot replace a good diet - only supplement or diversify. In addition, this will help you quickly achieve the desired results and correct your figure.

False statements

There are often opinions that it is necessary to completely remove fats from your diet, as if they are to blame for putting on extra pounds. Everything is a little different. In proper nutrition for girls during exercise, fats play a huge role in metabolism (metabolism), and when excluded from the diet, this metabolism is disrupted, which, in fact, leads to the deposition of subcutaneous fat. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, fats are necessary for weight loss - they improve and stabilize metabolism.

The same fat that everyone is used to seeing on their stomach, sides or thighs is nothing more than excessive consumption of carbohydrates with low mobility. No, carbohydrates are necessary - this is a fact, they provide a person with energy, but their use must be streamlined. When eating carbohydrates uncontrollably, the body stores them, turning them into reserves of subcutaneous fat, without being able to use them. This is where the right menu for weight loss and fitness comes to the rescue.

Menu for the week

This fitness menu for weight loss for a week involves eating six meals a day in compliance with the principles and rules of nutrition for weight loss described above. According to the fitness program and recommendations, the use of sports nutrition must be harmoniously included in the weekly menu described below.


1 meal– oatmeal with nuts and raisins, a sandwich with cheese, a glass of kefir or yogurt.

2 meals– 150 grams of durum wheat pasta, homemade sauce, sausage, grated cheese (sprinkle while the pasta is still hot), green tea.

3rd meal– rice porridge with chop, a piece of bread, 2 bananas, water.

4 meals– 200 grams of cottage cheese, orange, green tea.

5 meals– sliced ​​vegetables, 2 sandwiches with chicken breast pate, fruit juice.

6 meals– vegetable salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, a spoon of vegetable oil, salt, lettuce, cabbage), 100 grams of cottage cheese, water or compote.


1 meal– scrambled eggs or an omelette of 3-4 eggs, sprinkled with oatmeal during cooking, 30 grams of cheese (cut into cubes), green tea.

2 meals– grated carrots and apples with sugar, a glass of kefir with a small bun.

3rd meal– buckwheat porridge with meat goulash or fruit juice.

4 meals– 4-5 pancakes with low-fat sour cream, sliced ​​fruit from orange, banana, apple, kiwi and, if possible, avocado, a glass of kefir.

5 meals– baked fish, boiled potatoes, vegetable juice.

6 meals– 2 cabbage rolls, vegetable salad, water or green tea.


1 meal– semolina porridge or a dairy dish, a sandwich with low-fat cheese, green tea.

2 meals– 3 sandwiches with sausage, pate and herbs, banana, orange, glass of yogurt.

3rd meal– , sliced ​​vegetables or salad, 2 pancakes with low-fat sour cream or unsweetened yogurt, fruit juice.

4 meals– herring with potatoes, canned peas, seaweed, water.

5 meals– pilaf with meat, fruit slices, water.

6 meals– 250 grams of cottage cheese, green tea with a small bun or cookies.


1 meal– muesli with milk or yogurt, a sandwich with butter, sprats and herbs, green tea.

2 meals– 300 grams of dumplings (quality) with low-fat sour cream, water or compote.

3rd meal– 3 sandwiches with red fish, butter and herbs, vegetable and cheese salad (cut into cubes), fruit juice.

4 meals– millet porridge with pieces of fruit (pineapple, orange, apple), banana, water.

5 meals– scrambled eggs from 2 eggs, seaweed, canned peas, a sandwich of black bread with butter, compote.

6 meals– vegetable soup, 2 slices of black bread, a glass of kefir.


1 meal– omelet of 3-4 eggs, small sliced ​​sausage and cheese, green tea.

2 meals– 150 grams of cottage cheese with sour cream or unsweetened yoghurt, kefir with a small bun.

3rd meal– fried vegetables (frozen) with mashed potatoes, fried or boiled meat, water.

4 meals– rice porridge, vegetable salad, yogurt.

5 meals– boiled fish (at least 300 grams), seaweed, 2 glasses of water.

6 meals– boiled meat, sliced ​​vegetables with herbs, fruit juice.


1 meal– milk dish, sandwich with pate, green tea.

2 meals– grated carrots and apples with a spoon of sugar, yogurt with a bun.

3rd meal– 4-5 pancakes with low-fat sour cream, small sliced ​​fruit, a glass of kefir.

4 meals– a large portion of sliced ​​fruit, a glass of yogurt.

5 meals– chop with homemade sauce, small vegetable salad, green tea.

6 meals– buckwheat porridge with meat goulash, vegetable salad, compote.


1 meal– muesli with milk, sandwich with pate and herbs, green tea.

2 meals– 150 grams of cottage cheese with sour cream, kefir with cookies or buns.

3rd meal– millet porridge with boiled meat, seaweed, canned corn, compote.

4 meals– large chopped vegetables, mashed potatoes with pieces of boiled meat (no more than 100 grams), water.

5 meals– black bread sandwiches with chops, herbs and homemade sauce, orange, green tea.

6 meals– vegetable soup, 2 slices of bread, a glass of kefir.

Sticking to a fitness menu for the week is important to achieve your goal - a beautiful figure. Without a healthy diet, efforts in sports will be in vain. A special role is given to fitness nutrition for weight loss. The weekly fitness menu for girls is also an opportunity to acquire a beautiful sculpted figure. An effective fitness diet for weight loss, a weekly menu for which we will consider below, is a chance to get in shape in a short time.

The result of losing weight depends 70% on what food you consume and 30% on exercise. Fat burning is not affected by the number of calories, but by the balance of fats, carbohydrates and proteins that you eat and how many meals per day. With the right diet, the results will be quick and long lasting. What foods are suitable for a fitness diet and how to create an approximate weekly fitness menu for women?

Features of fitness nutrition

Photo 1. A complete fitness menu for the week including complex carbohydrates (pasta, rice, zucchini), protein (eggs, meat) and fiber (carrots, broccoli, greens)

Following a weekly fitness menu is an integral element of winning a beautiful body. Fitness nutrition for the week includes all the necessary substances to make the body feel comfortable. The fitness food menu for the week, which we will consider below, is strict but effective. The fitness menu for the week includes 1900 calories. So, the general features of fitness rules include:

  • natural products;
  • regime;
  • ban on heavy food in the evening;
  • water balance;
  • balanced nutrition before and after training.

Naturally produced products are the key to a beautiful, toned body and a lever for improving the health of the body as a whole. Natural products mean a healthy lifestyle. Canned and processed foods from supermarket shelves are not included in the list of healthy foods.

Photo 2. Proteins, slow carbohydrates and a minimum of fats are the basis of a fitness diet.

The regime involves two key points: calorie content and nutrition by the hour. Even for a large man who has decided to lose weight, 1900 calories per day is enough, but for girls, 1300-1400 calories are considered the norm when losing weight. Eat small meals 3 to 7 times a day.

Heavy food in the evening is taboo. Cottage cheese, apples, low-calorie fruit dessert - yes, fried potatoes - no. Staying hydrated is an element of a healthy food diet. Supplying the body with water during sports helps maintain beneficial microelements in the body.

A feeling of lethargy, irritability, dry mouth and weight that does not decrease during regular exercise indicate a lack of water. Maintain fluid balance in your body and drink water more often, at least a few sips.

Before training, do not eat for at least 2-3 hours in order to lose weight. If you want to have a snack, then eat fruits, low-fat dairy products, and cereals. After training, it is recommended to have a snack immediately and then fast for 2-3 hours.

The calorie content of the diet is 60-70% of the daily value. So, if a girl has 1250 calories, then on a fitness diet she is recommended to consume 875.

Photo 3. Compliance with the drinking regime increases the effectiveness of the fitness diet.

Products for diet

The right products are the key to your quick results. Sweet and fatty foods are not recommended. What other principles should you follow to lose weight?

If you want to follow a fitness diet for 2 weeks or more, include the use of multivitamin complexes so that the body does not suffer from a lack of vitamins.

Photo 4. Vitamin complexes containing iron, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, and cobalt are needed to prevent vitamin deficiency in the diet.

Fitness nutrition for a week is based on three pillars: fats, carbohydrates and protein. The components must be in balance. If you use them correctly, you will not feel hungry, although this is normal when you change your diet.

The statement that carbohydrates are harmful to health and beauty is fundamentally wrong. But fitness nutrition uses slow rather than fast carbohydrates. They create a feeling of fullness and due to this we eat less food.

Slow carbohydrates are rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet cereals, whole grain pasta, rye bread. Eat slow carbohydrates in the morning and sometimes at lunchtime so as not to suffer from hunger.

Photo 5. Products containing slow carbohydrates: legumes, potatoes, rice, corn, wholemeal bread and pasta, oatmeal

If you work out in the gym, then adding protein to your diet will affect the relief of your muscles. Main protein foods: chicken, fish, lean meat, eggs, milk and cottage cheese.

It is important to consume fats during a fitness diet. The dose of fat is a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil, or 30 grams. nuts

Photo 6. Protein products: beef and chicken, fish, hard cheese, eggs, dairy products, legumes.

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Sample menu for the week

An example fitness menu for a week contains 5 meals a day. Substitutions of recipes are allowed, but not at the expense of calorie content.


  • Morning: omelet, oatmeal, glass of freshly squeezed juice;
  • Snack: apple, 2 tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • Afternoon snack: 100 gr. chicken breast, rice with stewed vegetables;
  • Snack: yogurt, vegetable salad;
  • Evening: 100 gr. lean fish, 1 ripe pear.
  • Morning: 1 orange, pearl barley, a glass of low-fat milk;
  • Snack: 100 gr. cottage cheese with raisins;
  • Afternoon snack: 100 gr. rice with a piece of lean beef;
  • Snack: bran, vegetable salad;
  • Evening: 100 gr. chicken fillet, boiled corn.
  • Morning: 100 gr. muesli with yogurt, 1 apple;
  • Snack: fruit salad with cottage cheese;
  • Afternoon snack: stewed vegetables, 100 gr. lean fish, 1 orange;
  • Snack: 2 apples;
  • Evening: vegetable salad, boiled legumes.
  • Morning: 2 boiled eggs, fresh juice;
  • Snack: 100 gr. boiled rice, vegetable salad;
  • Afternoon snack: 1 apple, 100 gr. chicken breast;
  • Snack: fruit salad with low-fat yogurt;
  • Evening: 100 gr. lean beef, a piece of rye bread.
  • Morning: buckwheat, 2 eggs;
  • Snack: 1 banana, low-fat yogurt;
  • Afternoon snack: vegetable salad, 100 gr. rice;
  • Snack: 30 gr. nuts, 2 apples;
  • Evening: stewed vegetables, 100 gr. lean fish.
  • Morning: a glass of milk, 2 boiled eggs;
  • Snack: yogurt, 1 banana;
  • Afternoon snack: 100 gr. rice, 200 ml juice;
  • Snack: a portion of low-fat cottage cheese, oven-baked potatoes;
  • Evening: fruit salad, yogurt.


  • Morning: omelette, 200 ml juice;
  • Snack: 1 banana, 100 gr. rice;
  • Afternoon snack: 100 gr. chicken breast, a portion of durum wheat pasta;
  • Snack: yogurt, 1 apple;
  • Evening: 100 gr. lean beef, 1 peach.

Photo 7. A small amount of nuts will complement your diet well, because they contain healthy fats

When changing your fitness menu, it is recommended to count calories and not add fatty foods. You can supplement the fitness menu for one week, the recipes of which we have reviewed, with the dishes below. Stick to this daily diet for 2-3 weeks.

Breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
  • Rice porridge on water - 200 g, with a small piece of butter
  • One apple
  • Sugar free coffee
  • Hard boiled egg
  • small cucumber
  • Slice of whole grain bread
  • Fresh salad - cucumbers, Chinese cabbage, green peas, olive oil
  • Baked fish - 200 gr
  • Low-fat cottage cheese - 100 g
  • One small apple
  • Green tea with lemon
  • Baked or stewed chicken breast - 100 g
  • Boiled vegetables - 200 gr
  • Sandwich - rye bread, low-fat cottage cheese and hard cheese
  • One banana
  • Unsweetened coffee or tea
  • Low-fat cottage cheese - 100 g
  • Teaspoon of honey
  • Chicken broth - 200 gr
  • Fresh salad - cucumbers, tomatoes, Chinese cabbage, carrots, lemon juice
  • Apple
  • Tea with mint
  • Boiled chicken - 200-300 g
  • Two small cucumbers
  • Oatmeal with water and honey
  • Banana
  • Unsweetened tea or coffee
  • Nuts - 50 gr
  • Apple
  • Green tea with lemon
  • Brown boiled rice - 200 gr
  • Any stewed vegetables - 200 gr
  • Curd casserole with banana, semolina and low-fat yogurt - 150 g
  • Green unsweetened tea
  • Shrimp - 200 gr
  • Tomato
  • Two cucumbers
  • Oatmeal with milk
  • Any berries - 200 gr
  • Low-fat yogurt without sugar - 100 g
  • Natural honey - teaspoon
  • Any tea without sugar
  • Oven-baked hake - 250 gr
  • Sauerkraut - 150 grams
  • Fresh salad - tomatoes, cucumbers, low-fat sour cream
  • Baked Chicken Breast with Parmesan
  • Two fresh cucumbers
  • Mashed potatoes - 200 g, with a teaspoon of butter
  • One hard-boiled egg
  • Medium cucumber
  • Kiwi couple
  • Green tea
  • A bowl of rice soup with mushrooms
  • Small piece of hard cheese
  • Piece of whole grain bread
  • Curd casserole made from low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat sour cream and raisins - 150 g
  • Steamed pollock - 200 gr
  • Sea kale salad - 100 gr
  • Omelette
  • Unsweetened coffee
  • Banana
  • Orange
  • Baked potatoes - 200 gr
  • Baked mushrooms - 100 gr
  • Chicken fillet - 70 gr
  • A glass of low-fat kefir
  • Medium apple
  • Low-fat cottage cheese - 150 gr
  • A couple of apples baked with cinnamon
  • Barley porridge on water with butter
  • Unsweetened tea
  • Banana
  • Vegetable casserole - 250 gr
  • Boiled chicken fillet - 100 g
  • Boiled shrimp - 150 gr
  • A glass of tomato juice
  • Steamed fish cutlets - 150 g
  • Brown rice - 100 gr
  • A glass of tomato juice

The table shows an alternative version of a weekly fitness diet.

Fitness diet recipes

The fitness diet, the weekly menu for which we have reviewed, will allow you to lose up to 6 kg of excess weight. Fitness food menu for the week is a combination of healthy and tasty dishes. In order for the fitness diet, the menu for one week for which we have reviewed, to become not a test for you, but entertainment, we invite you to prepare delicious and healthy dishes.

An omelette with shrimp will be a nutritious breakfast, after which you will not have an appetite for a long time. The set of products is minimal, but the benefits are colossal. If you don’t have shrimp on hand, then any other seafood products will do; take advantage of the variety of food in supermarkets and markets.


  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 ml milk;
  • 6 boiled shrimp;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Beat milk and eggs and add spices to them. Pour the mixture into a microwave or oven safe dish and add the shrimp. Bake until done (10-15 minutes).

A smoothie is a crazy vitamin cocktail. Make it from any vegetables and fruits, however, we recommend using berries.

Photo 8. Smoothies can be made from fruits (kiwi, peaches, bananas) or berries (strawberries).


  • 1 banana;
  • 100 ml milk;
  • a handful of your favorite berries.

Mix the ingredients using a blender. Serve both warm and cold.

Even an ordinary vinaigrette is considered a dietary dish. Use this salad recipe in your fitness menu for weight loss for a week.

Photo 9. Vinaigrette of beets, carrots, cucumbers, peas and sunflower oil.


  • 1 beet;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 100 gr. legumes;
  • 6 tablespoons of green peas;
  • 1 pickled cucumber;
  • Olive oil to taste.

Boil beets and carrots and cut into cubes. Chop the cucumber into small pieces. Mix the ingredients, add olive oil, pepper and salt to taste.

Diet and training regimen for fitness classes

The fitness nutrition regimen for a week during the training period is divided into three stages: nutrition before, during and after training.

Photo 10. A vegetable snack of tomatoes, corn and greens between workouts will help you achieve a toned figure faster.

Pre-workout meals include maximum proteins and carbohydrates and no fat. Proteins are needed to keep muscles full of energy during training, because it is protein that delivers amino acids to them. Supplement pre-workout meals with black tea, which mobilizes fat and the body uses it as fuel.

Drink more fluids during your workout. If you are tired after exercise, you are dehydrated. Drink water, sports drinks or juices. Citrus fresh fruits are an ideal option.

The main advantage of fitness nutrition is its effectiveness and the fact that it is a “full” diet. There is no risk of starvation under this regime, and fat burning occurs through intense physical training.

After class, have a snack within the first 20 minutes. If you don't eat anything, you'll burn fat but not gain muscle. It is preferable to eat a portion of slow carbohydrates, or enjoy a protein shake. Eliminate fats. It is also not recommended to eat meat after a workout. Avoid caffeine 2 hours before and after your workout.

Video: Fitness menu for the week

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Fitness diet is an indispensable companion to a sports lifestyle! However, it has its own tricks and secrets. Even if you are determined to lose excess weight as quickly as possible and are ready to train until you sweat, be careful: losing weight in the gym requires special attention not only to the composition of the menu, but also to the meal schedule.

By the word “fitness”, which entered the active dictionary of the modern Russian language not so long ago, we mean a whole universe of types of activity: from pedaling an exercise bike to power lifting. They are summarized by one starting point: fitness is usually called an orderly physical training complex aimed at improving the figure and general health.

Most often, people turn to fitness in the form of group cardio exercises or indoor training when they need to lose weight. This is a mass sport that has its own professionals, but the bulk of the “population” of gyms are students or working people leading a normal lifestyle. For the most organized of them, training in its constancy becomes something of a hygienic procedure; Some people manage to go through several “romances” and “divorces” with the gym in a short period of time.

In most cases, one of the main reasons for “breaking the relationship” with training is an incorrectly selected fitness diet, which does not provide energy for training and resources for recovery.

For old-timers of sports centers, there are no dark places in the matter of fitness diet: they have learned to understand their body and know what kind of “fuel” it needs to work and why. However, if the need for fitness for weight loss has become obvious due to excess weight or the need to change the proportions of the figure through training, the issue of proper nutrition comes to the fore.

And here many people who are losing weight make a mistake, which is annoying in its consistency: as a fitness diet, they choose a nutrition plan aimed at rapid loss of body weight. Finding one of these diets today is not difficult: fad diets, all kinds of diets with the prefix “without-”. Such methods of losing weight are often justified if you need to quickly get yourself in order or change your eating habits, for example, get rid of, but in the case of fitness, a meager diet that is obviously devoid of one (or even several!) essential nutrients is simply dangerous.

Fitness Diet: 6 Body Functions You Need to Take Care of

When making fitness a part of your life in order to become more beautiful and healthier, be prepared for the fact that you will have a certain adaptation period: your body needs to learn to live in conditions where it is expected to be ready for stress and subsequent major changes. To make physical exercise a joy, when creating your fitness diet, do not forget about:

  • 1 Cardiovascular health (pressure, blood flow, oxygen transport)
  • 2 Respiratory functions
  • 3 Supports hormone production
  • 4 Immune support
  • 5 Muscles and bones
  • 6 Metabolism.

The items are not arranged in order of importance - each of them has a special priority. That is why when playing any sport, including fitness training, it is necessary to equally take into account all aspects of the “work” of the body. And a fitness diet simply must include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, and a sufficient amount of liquid - otherwise training, instead of health and beauty, will bring exhaustion, which, alas, will not mean slimness, but critical state of physiological systems.

A well-thought-out fitness diet and balanced fitness nutrition will help you train at a fairly high intensity, and at the same time:

  • avoid rapid onset of fatigue
  • support the need for recovery
  • make the body stronger and change the fat/muscle ratio
  • improve concentration
  • reduce the likelihood of injury
  • reduce the risk of headaches and stomach pain

Fitness diet: what to eat?

The fitness diet has two main characters - (carbo) and. Carbohydrates provide energy to the body and nutrition to the brain and nerves. In the body, carbo reserves are stored in the form of glycogen (animal starch) in the muscles and liver, and are actively used up during training. Therefore, a lack of carbohydrate foods in a fitness diet will make it impossible to actually do fitness - it is problematic to perform leg swings when the body requires you to lie down.

The most complete sources of carbo for a fitness diet are carbohydrates with a long chain of absorption. These are whole grains and products made from them, fruits and vegetables with a low glycemic index - in a word, everything is processed slowly, ensuring a uniform supply of energy.

Proteins in a fitness diet play the role of “bricks” for muscles: after warming up, working and “spent”, muscles require a portion of amino acids for protein synthesis. Depending on the bioavailability and amount of proteins, the incoming “building material” during muscle synthesis will be spent either on restoration or on tissue growth. As you can understand, if there is not enough protein in the food on a fitness diet, the muscles that should become stronger and more resilient begin to suffer from dystrophy, literally “eating” themselves.

Fats in a fitness diet are an issue that requires attention and control. Definitely, foods containing fat should be avoided immediately before training - fats do not provide clean energy, they do not form glycogen reserves, and the digestion process, and with it, metabolism, is seriously slowed down. However, do not rush to give up completely: there are some that can help you lose weight! Fatty acids (especially unsaturated ones) are irreplaceable in the fitness menu - they are vital for the cardiovascular, central nervous and endocrine systems, maintain tissue elasticity, participate in mitosis (cell division), and serve as a preserving and transporting medium for fat-soluble vitamins.

And, of course, don't forget about water. In a fitness diet at the stage of active weight loss, it is needed like air - the products of the breakdown of proteins and fats, toxins are removed with water, and with its help tissue fluids are renewed. But even in that joyful time, when excess weight is defeated, and all that remains is to achieve sculpted muscles and a chiseled figure through training, water does not lose its importance: without sufficient fluid intake, the formation of healthy protein cells is impossible. Water helps supply oxygen to the muscles, and a sufficient supply of it not only makes it easier to bear heavy loads, but also relieves muscle pain, which is well known to newly converted “fitnessists”.

Attention, it is important not to confuse pure water and liquids, the use of which is equivalent to eating food - juices, thick fermented milk products, protein shakes. They (as well as coffee and tea) are not included in the fluid intake norm, which for a woman weighing about 70 kg during active fitness is approximately 2 liters (to adapt this figure to your weight, add or subtract 250 ml of water per day). every 10 kg of weight).

Lethargy, dry mouth, a sharp deterioration in mood, and even the lack of visible results despite regular exercise and a well-thought-out fitness diet can be evidence of a lack of water! Sports nutritionists advise maintaining hydration with small, regular sips during intense exercise lasting up to 50 minutes, and replacing plain water with a sports drink if the workout lasts longer. The carbohydrates in the sports drink will provide additional energy, and the electrolytes will prevent dehydration.

Fitness diet: when to eat?

Even if your goal is to get rid of as many hated extra pounds as possible in a short time, fasting before training is contraindicated. The composition of the dish and its size are individual and depend on the nature of the fitness, the current state of your body, age and the expected end result. Your trainer will help you create and adjust the specific menu, but general recommendations for a fitness diet are as follows:

- a “loading” meal one and a half to two hours before training: “long” carbohydrates and lean protein for energy and a feeling of fullness without overeating;

If you haven’t had time to have a “proper” lunch and feel that you don’t have enough strength, half an hour before training you can drink a glass of milk (a product containing both protein and carbohydrates);

During training - water in small portions every 15-20 minutes (watch for sweating - if it is strong, drink more to compensate for moisture consumption);

Immediately after training, within 20-30 minutes, you should “close the carbohydrate window” and eat about 100 grams of a product containing fast carbohydrates (the ideal option is a glass of fruit juice, a small banana, a carbohydrate cocktail with glucose and honey);

You can have a “normal” solid meal for dinner a couple of hours after your workout. It is advisable during this period not to consume products containing caffeine - this substance blocks the action of insulin (see below).

What “windows” can a fitness diet “look through”? The issue of “metabolic windows” remains controversial, but most sports nutrition experts agree: short-chain carbohydrates, or fast carbohydrates, are needed immediately after exercise due to their ability to cause an almost immediate release of insulin.

During training, “stress” hormones adrenaline and cortisol are produced. While the muscles are being stressed and fat reserves are being used up, they are “waiting in ambush”: if left unattended, the increased level of these hormones will give the body a command to store fat, and as a result, no weight loss will be achieved on a fitness diet. Insulin is a natural antagonist of adrenaline and cortisol, stopping their arbitrariness by its appearance. Therefore, consuming fast carbohydrates immediately after a workout will only benefit your slimness: everything will be absorbed without leaving a trace, the body will return from the stressful metabolic mode to normal without having time to block energy consumption, and you will remain cheerful and in a good mood thanks to a timely increase in blood sugar levels.

The “protein window,” according to a number of practicing trainers, opens a little later than the carbohydrate window, but remains “open” longer, up to an hour. Its appearance means that all the protein food received shortly after training goes to work, restoring depleted protein reserves of muscles and serving the formation of new strong, elastic muscles.

You should know that physiologically the protein window opens one more time, regardless of training - this happens at night. While we sleep, the body distributes the protein that has entered it, so a fitness diet for weight loss suggests that for dinner you have a simple and easy-to-digest protein product - for example, a couple of boiled egg whites or a portion of cottage cheese with kefir.

Fitness diet: how much to eat?

In order to train in the gym and lose weight, it is important that energy consumption overlaps its supply with food - then “hard-earned” fat reserves will be used. Therefore, a standard fitness diet for weight loss focuses on at least 1,500 daily calories (this is the minimum value; for individual consultation, contact your trainer or use). Ours will help you calculate the energy value of food.

When creating a menu adapted for sports, do not forget about its variety and balance. Of all products, you should choose those that are minimally industrially processed: give up fast food, processed foods, and refined foods. The fitness diet involves simple meals that you can easily prepare at home and take with you to snack on at work. When preparing food, give preference to a double boiler, grill, or oven baking without oil.

Don't forget that fitness nutrition involves not only a specific menu, but also drinking plenty of clean water throughout the day. And nutrition during fitness for weight loss will oblige you to drink an additional 1 - 1.5 liters of water.

The effect of a fitness diet coupled with training does not become noticeable immediately, but after six months you will have a good reason to be proud of yourself from any angle: this time will be enough to “reshape” your body in accordance with the efforts you have expended!

Sample fitness diet menu for the day

Breakfast: a glass of water, an omelette of two whites and one yolk, a small portion of oatmeal with berries, coffee without sugar

Lunch: fruit, low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt without additives

Dinner: Grilled chicken breast, wild rice, green salad


"Window": Carbohydrate or protein-carbohydrate shake (for example, low-fat milk + ½ banana + 1 tsp honey)

Afternoon snack: baked potato with herbs and yogurt

Dinner: 200 grams of boiled seafood, steamed broccoli, a glass of kefir.

It’s not difficult to create a fitness diet menu for yourself: just understand that you can eat everything, but in a healthy form, proportion and sequence.

And fitness classes cannot be separated from each other if you want your body to become slim and beautiful. Only together they will help you get rid of excess weight and quickly achieve your goal.

The main reason for fat accumulation is a habit of eating irregularly. Many of us now eat only two meals a day, without breakfast. As a result, there are huge spikes in blood sugar levels, which leads to various problems. By eating irregularly, our body does not know when the next meal will occur and hedges its bets by creating reserves for a rainy day in the form of fat deposits. Metabolism begins to slow down and we float.

How to eat properly when doing fitness (basic principles):

  1. Eat small meals 5 times a day or every 3-4 hours if you want to lose weight, and 6-7 times or every 2-3 hours if you want to gain weight. In this case, one meal should contain 300-400 calories (to calculate your calorie intake, use a calculator, and to calculate the calorie content of foods -).
  2. Never skip breakfast! It is also necessary to have dinner, but in the evening you should not overeat, and only fresh vegetables and protein products are suitable for food. For example, a fresh vegetable salad and low-fat cottage cheese (or boiled egg white) would be an ideal dinner that won't turn into fat deposits. And if you are tempted to eat before bed, read the article -.
  3. Eat a full meal 1.5-2 hours before training, food should contain proteins and fats. If you want to lose weight, after a fitness class, do not eat carbohydrates for 2 hours, you can only eat protein foods. And if you want to build muscle, be sure to eat both proteins and carbohydrates no later than 2 hours after training. Immediately after training, you can eat some fruit or low-fat yogurt, or a protein shake. But under no circumstances eat fat after training for two hours!
  4. Try to eat non-starchy carbohydrates (fruits, vegetables, grains), and save starchy ones (such as bread, rice, pasta) for the morning or eat them after a workout.
  5. Eat enough lean protein throughout the day. For a woman, the amount of protein food for one meal should fit in one palm. The best sources of protein: low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, tofu, soy meat, fish, lentils, chickpeas, as well as some vegetables and greens (Brussels sprouts, spinach, parsley, broccoli, asparagus, kohlrabi, etc.).
  6. Eat more fruits (but if you are losing weight, fruits should be limited) and vegetables. The calorie content of non-starchy vegetables can not be taken into account when calculating the calorie content of your daily diet, because... When digesting them, the body spends more calories than it receives.
  7. Introduce healthy fats (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) into your diet, which are found in nuts, olive oil, avocados, flax seeds, replacing unhealthy fats (fats with a high content of fatty acids), which are found in meat, lard, eggs, full-fat dairy products, coconuts.
  8. Drink at least 2 liters of water throughout the day. Avoid sugar-sweetened drinks.
  9. Avoid foods with low nutritional value, as well as processed and processed foods. Eat fresh, natural and organic food.
  10. Reduce the amount of salt and sugar in your diet.

By eating right and exercising every day or several times a week