Why has the color of stool changed? What are the reasons for light-colored feces in adults?

Green stool in an adult can be a sign of poor nutrition, infectious diseases, or taking a number of medications.

If the color of the feces changes once, most likely the cause is the use of provoking foods. When a change in shade is observed for a long period, accompanied by diarrhea, mucus or the release of drops of blood during bowel movements, you should consult a specialist to make an accurate diagnosis.

The main factors that provoke changes in the color of stool

The norm is to have a bowel movement every 1-2 days, and the color of the feces should be brown. What could cause a slight deviation from accepted standards?

There are a number of physiological and pathological factors:

  • Eating food that affects various processes in the body or contains a large amount of coloring substances.
  • Imbalance of the body's bacterial environment, infectious disease, poisoning, allergic reactions, development of pathologies of internal organs, in particular those related to the digestive tract.
  • Taking certain medications.

Changes you shouldn't worry about

Fans of sweets, such as marmalade, jellies and other foods high in dyes, may periodically notice greenish stools.

In addition, other foods affect the color of stool:

In this case, a review of the diet will help normalize the situation. If, several days after eliminating trigger foods, the color of the feces has not changed, then other causes need to be considered.

Change in stool color when taking medications

Feces may turn green when consumed:

  • Iodine preparations.
  • Laxatives, in particular herbal medicines.
  • Sorbitol.
  • Glucose.
  • Chlorophyll.
  • Vitamin complexes.
  • Iron-containing preparations.
  • Medicines based on seaweed.

Usually, a possible change in the color of feces is mentioned in the annotation for the medicine. If such drugs are discontinued, within 5 days the stool acquires a characteristic dark brown tint. If you take a radiopaque substance, the stool may become gray, but after 2-3 days the condition will normalize on its own.

Antibiotics, when used for a long time, disrupt the intestinal microflora, causing dysbacteriosis, which entails a change in the normal color of stool to green.

Consequence of the development of a pathological environment

Feces in an adult can acquire a peculiar shade when gastrointestinal diseases appear.

Most often diagnosed:

  • Dysbacteriosis. Due to an imbalance of intestinal microorganisms, the process of food digestion is disrupted, food leftovers rot, which may be accompanied by a disturbance in the frequency and color of stool.
  • Dysentery. The condition is characterized by acute abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. The patient becomes weak and the temperature rises sharply.
  • Salmonellosis. Once in the body, an intestinal infection causes a sharp rise in temperature, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.
  • Rotavirus infection. The stool has a liquid consistency mixed with mucus and an unpleasant odor. The patient exhibits signs of intoxication, weakness and a sharp rise in temperature.
  • Enteritis. The inflammatory process in the intestines is manifested by diarrhea, nausea, pain in the abdominal area, and weakness.
  • Tumors of various etiologies, internal bleeding or complications of an ulcer. The green color occurs due to the oxidation of iron in red blood cells.
  • Diseases of the circulatory system. When decaying red blood cells begin to produce insufficient amounts of bilirubin from hemoglobin, there is not enough pigment to color the feces, and they are excreted in a permanent green color. Liver problems, such as hepatitis, also lead to the same consequences.

With infectious lesions of the intestines, a bright green tint to the stool, a rise in temperature, weakness and an admixture of mucus in the stool are observed. In case of poisoning, these symptoms include vomiting and severe abdominal pain..

Allergies to foods can be manifested by a change in the color of the stool, along with the presence of mucus and undigested food debris. If you are gluten intolerant, you will experience runny stool with an unpleasant odor. And lactose indigestion is characterized by the onset of diarrhea with green stool immediately after consuming dairy products.

In babies under 6 months of age, green stool may indicate increased bilirubin. At this age, the condition can normalize on its own.

Often a change in shade is associated with a transition to a different mixture. This occurs due to the immaturity of the digestive system. The food of the breastfeeding mother also plays a role in many respects, since all substances from the products penetrate into the milk.

What color of stool indicates disease of the internal organs?

Many people do not know what diseases cause the color of feces to change. It should be noted that these are mainly pathologies of the pancreas, liver, gallbladder, stomach and intestines.

  • Green feces may be a consequence of intestinal inflammation or the development of a tumor of this organ, intoxication of the body, or celiac disease.
  • Red-brown indicates the presence of minor internal bleeding in the lower digestive tract. Observations show that this means damage to the intestinal walls. When feces move through the intestines, the mucous membranes are injured, blood is released through small cracks and enters the feces.
  • Black may indicate bleeding in organs located in the upper digestive system.
  • Yellow-green indicates carbohydrate fermentation. This condition occurs with diseases of the pancreas, for example, diabetes.
  • Gray-green or white indicates a lack of bile entering the intestines. Pathology occurs when there is liver disease and when the gallbladder has stones or a tumor that blocks the excretory ducts.

Symptoms associated with green stool

If the color change occurs due to taking medications or triggering foods, then no other signs of the disease occur. When the problem is caused by the ingress of pathogenic microorganisms, the development of ailments of internal organs, hidden bleeding, the following symptoms occur simultaneously with green feces:

  • Abdominal pain. Usually its location indicates the location of the diseased organ.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Unpleasant smell of stool.
  • The presence of mucus or.
  • Fever.
  • General deterioration in health: headache, dizziness, weakness, fatigue.

Green stool in pregnant women

Expectant mothers try to monitor their diet, so they eat large amounts of plant foods. Spinach and broccoli contain chlorophyll, which can cause stool to change color.

In addition, to prevent anemia and bone destruction during pregnancy, vitamin complexes rich in iron and calcium are prescribed. Also, black feces can be a consequence of taking activated carbon during gas formation.

The color of feces, if it changes temporarily, does not affect the baby’s condition. But if, after discontinuation of provoking foods and medications, the condition does not change, this may indicate the presence of various diseases, and a tar-black hue may indicate internal bleeding.

Dysbacteriosis is a frequent companion of pregnant women. In this case, diarrhea begins and the stool is green.

When this diagnosis is made, the doctor prescribes Smecta or Imodium to remove toxins. It is recommended to include whole grain cereals, fermented milk products, and green tea in your diet.

In order to prevent serious complications during the period of bearing a baby, in case of any disturbances or changes in the color and consistency of the stool, you should consult a doctor.

First aid at home

If the color of stool changes, you should reconsider your diet, excluding sweets and foods rich in chlorophyll and containing dyes from the menu.

If you have diarrhea, you must take Smecta or Regidron. This will normalize water and electrolyte balance and avoid dehydration.

Atoxyl is an excellent sorbent that is used to remove toxins, especially during vomiting. But the drug should be taken after gastric lavage.

In cases of severe dysbiosis, it is useful to take probiotics. If improvements are not observed within several days or the condition is accompanied by a rise in temperature, bloody stools, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, you should consult a doctor.

After conducting a series of tests, the specialist will make a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment. These can be anti-inflammatory, antibacterial drugs, antispasmodics, vitamin complexes. In case of internal bleeding, urgent hospitalization followed by surgical intervention is indicated.

Tests to determine the cause of change in stool color

To make a correct diagnosis when green feces appear when they are not associated with food intake, you should undergo a series of examinations:

  • General blood test with determination of the leukocyte component.
  • Analysis of urine.
  • Blood test for biochemistry and electrolytes.
  • Analysis of stool for bacterial environment.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

If there are appropriate indications, gastroscopy, colonoscopy, CT or MRI of the abdominal cavity may be prescribed.

The green color of feces, like other uncharacteristic shades, can be the result of a number of pathologies. To determine the cause and exclude the presence of the disease, you should promptly consult a doctor and do the necessary tests. Self-medication can worsen the situation, lead to dehydration and damage to internal organs.

The color of stool allows you to judge your health, indicating possible problems that should not be ignored. Don't worry about whether the color of your poop is okay. After reading this article, you will be able to determine whether you should worry or not. You will learn what this or that color means and can avoid possible health problems. This article will also tell you when to see a doctor if you suspect you may have a digestive problem.


Find out what the color of stool may indicate

    Note the black or red color of the stool. Both of these colors can be a potential sign of problems with the digestive system. Both black and bright red stools can be a symptom of bleeding in the intestines or a sign of hemorrhoids.

    • However, in some cases, medications and certain types of foods may cause changes in stool color. However, if you are concerned about this, consult your doctor.
  1. Look for white, gray or light-colored stool. Bile plays the main role in coloring stool. Discolored stool indicates a lack of bile entering the intestines. This indicates a blocked bile duct, which is a serious problem that requires immediate medical attention. If you notice white or light yellow stool, be sure to consult your doctor.

    Brown stools may indicate that your health is fine. Although stool color can range from brown to yellow and even green and be considered normal in this case, brown is considered normal. The color of the feces should be approximately the same color as the color of a candy bar.

    • The color of stool is formed as a result of complex processes in the gastrointestinal tract. Bilirubin is the end product of the breakdown of hemoglobin in humans. It is directly related to the color of stool.
  2. Please note that some foods may cause stool color to change. Food dyes, leafy vegetables, and even beets can affect the color of your stool. There's nothing wrong with that. For example, green leafy vegetables such as kale or spinach can make your stool appear green, while beets, for example, can add a reddish hue. This is not a cause for concern, especially if you have recently eaten these foods.

    • Only in rare cases can red stool be an indicator of serious intestinal problems. The causes of blood in the stool range from something as benign as gastrointestinal irritation or hemorrhoids.
  3. Please note that foods high in fat may cause yellow stool. If fats are not properly absorbed by the digestive system, the stool may turn yellow. There are many reasons for this phenomenon, so if the problem persists for more than two days, consult your doctor.

    Pay attention to what medications you are currently taking. Many medications, such as vitamin supplements or prescription antidiarrheals, can cause changes in stool color. In this case, such changes are considered normal, since they are associated with the use of medications. Therefore, be sure to read the instructions, paying attention to side effects or special instructions for the drugs you take regularly.

    • Taking iron supplements may cause your stool to turn green or black. Medicines containing bismuth, for example, can turn stool black.
  4. Please note that newborns often have black, tarry stools. In the first few days after birth, this is completely normal. So don't be alarmed if you see black stool in your baby's diaper. On days 2-4 after birth, the first stool looks like tar. This is meconium, which is a physiological norm. After this, the baby's stool will acquire a porridge-like consistency of gray-green color. .

    • A breastfed baby's stool will be soft and green or yellow in color. This is considered the norm.
    • A bottle-fed baby's stool will likely be mushy and a different color than breastfed babies' stool. It will be darker. This is also considered the norm.

    When to see a doctor

    1. Seek immediate medical attention if your stools are bright red or black. Even if you think these changes are related to taking medications or eating certain foods, it is best to consult a doctor, as this color of stool may indicate gastrointestinal bleeding. If you notice blood in your stool or have heavy bleeding during bowel movements, contact your doctor as soon as possible.

      • If your stool has turned bright red or black and you have recently taken antidiarrheal medications, eaten foods that can turn your stool red, or started taking a new medication, check with your doctor to make sure changes in stool color are not a sign of something serious. diseases.
    2. Remember that in very rare cases, stool color may indicate the presence of a serious illness. In most cases, changes in stool color are associated with medical conditions that can be treated. In addition, you may simply need to change your diet. A change in the color of your stool is unlikely to be a reason to go to the emergency room. Don't give in to unreasonable panic.

      • Review recent changes in your diet or side effects of medications you are currently taking if your stool suddenly changes color.
    3. Consult your doctor if this issue worries you. Regardless of the reason, if you are concerned about the color of your stool or are concerned about changes in your digestion, consult your doctor. The doctor, after conducting the necessary examination, will be able to either prescribe the necessary treatment or reassure you, saying that your health is fine.

      • Even if you feel embarrassed talking about this sensitive topic, it is important to consult with your doctor if you are worried about it. It is always better to play it safe and undergo the necessary examination.
    4. Consider what other symptoms you experience along with the change in stool color. If the color change is associated with abdominal pain or diarrhea, for example, it may be a sign of an illness unrelated to a change in diet. If the change in stool color is associated with other unexpected symptoms, contact your doctor.

Yellow feces in adults are most often unusual. You need to start looking for explanations for the change in color of a person's stool from normal brown to pale yellow, yellowish or bright yellow.

What does a change in stool color indicate?

Normally, an adult's stool is brown in color. But if the body is not functioning correctly, the color of the stool may change to light, white-yellow, clay gray, earthy, yellow-green, green-gray, sandy, tan, orange, dark orange, red or black. Multi-colored feces are not the norm, but they are quite rare; the most common color of altered feces is yellow.

Yellow poop in adults appears due to insufficient intake of the enzyme stercobilin, which is responsible for coloring poop, into the intestines. What color the stool will come out depends on the stercobilin produced by the liver; the less of it, the lighter the stool, and the more, the darker.

Yellow feces may be a reason to consult a doctor if the problem really lies in the malfunction of the liver, gall bladder, or pancreas - the organs responsible for the production of enzymes for digestion.

It will be difficult for an inexperienced person to determine the disease by color, but a specialist will immediately outline a “circle of suspects.”

There is an option that an adult’s stool has changed to light-colored for natural reasons, which means there is nothing to worry about. But similar reasons for the appearance of yellow or yellow stool will be discussed below.

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Harmless reasons

The color of an adult’s stool largely depends on external factors. The color of feces changes to yellowish, yellow-green, orange when:

  • Eating large amounts of milk and lactic acid products.
  • Increased content of adult peas and other legumes in the diet.
  • Eating yellow foods - pumpkin, orange, carrots, persimmons, dried apricots, melon, yellow apples and pears.
  • The predominance of bakery products in the diet, since they contain difficult-to-digest carbohydrates.
  • Taking choleretic drugs.
  • Antibiotic therapy.
  • Treatment with anti-tuberculosis, anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Taking laxatives.
  • Using oral contraceptives (birth control pills for women).
  • Drinking large amounts of alcohol, especially if you drink frequently.
  • Rapid movement of feces through the intestines (for some people, this feature of the body - rapid peristalsis - is the norm).

If the color of a healthy adult's stool suddenly changes from brown to yellow, and there are no other symptoms, then there is no cause for concern.

You just need to think carefully and choose from the list above which reason was the reason for the change in the color of the stool in this case. The normal adult body always reacts to such changes in the environment by changing brown stool to yellow.

If these changes in the color of stool are one-time and with a different diet, giving up alcohol and drugs, they return to normal, then everything is fine and there is no need to think about whether this is normal.

If yellow poop appears in an adult for these reasons, no specific treatment will be prescribed. The person himself understands what to do - switch to a different diet, stop drinking alcohol, finish taking medications, or change the drug. But if none of the above reasons apply, then you should think about what it means and target more unpleasant factors.

Pathologies affecting the color of stool

With various diseases, human stool may become completely yellow, or be light in color with bile.

Certain pathological conditions and diseases will affect the color of stool:

  • Cystic fibrosis, acute or chronic pancreatitis, and other diseases of the pancreas.
  • Weak functioning of the pancreas, expressed in the production of insufficient amounts of enzymes necessary for digestion.
  • Hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Fermentative dyspepsia.
  • Compression of the bile duct (tumor of a neighboring organ or simply a pathological structure), causing stagnation of bile.
  • Inflamed gallbladder.
  • Biliary dyskinesia.
  • Condition after removal of the gallbladder.
  • Diabetes mellitus and other hormone-related diseases.
  • Hormonal changes and temporary disruptions in the body during pregnancy, after childbirth or during menopause in women.
  • Condition after surgery on any organs of the digestive tract.
  • Chronic stomach disease - ulcers and gastritis.
  • Crohn's disease causes total damage to the intestinal tract, due to which food is not fully absorbed and processed and the feces are discolored - clayey yellow.
  • Nervous stress, especially with frequent mental fatigue.

Remembering what the normal color of an adult’s stool should be, you can immediately notice the slightest deviations and analyze what this change means. After all, changes in the color of feces depend on a lot, but if these are not harmless reasons (food, medications), then there is a possibility of developing a pathological process or even a disease from the list above.

It is impossible to start treatment without preliminary diagnosis. You should immediately consult a doctor if a problem with stool color bothers an adult for a long time.

What to do?

Having noticed a change in the color of feces, an adult should not ignore this fact.

Definitely worth it:

  1. Analyze the possible causes of changes in the color of feces.
  2. Look and think about whether there were other oddities in the body’s functioning (nausea, reluctance to eat, vomiting, fever, etc.).
  3. Change your diet if this may be the likely cause of the change in stool color.
  4. If possible, stop taking medications. And if not, consult with the current specialist who prescribed them about the appearance of yellow stool, it could just be a side effect.
  5. If no visible causes are found, it is worth getting diagnosed at the hospital.
  6. Submit feces for coprogram and bacterial culture.
  7. Do an ultrasound of the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas.
  8. Donate clinical blood and biochemical blood.


After diagnosis, if the results leave much to be desired, you should contact a specialized specialist - a gastroenterologist. Next, he will prescribe treatment based on the established diagnosis.

Starting treatment on your own is contraindicated. The only thing an adult can do is balance the diet, give up bad habits and take unnecessary, non-vital medications (laxatives, sorbents, etc.).

Yellow feces do not always immediately bother an adult, but this is until other symptoms of the pathology appear. And then it becomes impossible not to react to a strange sign.

You should definitely visit a doctor if:

  • Abdominal pain of any nature appeared.
  • The abdomen is abnormally soft or hard.
  • Yellow feces are pinkish in some places, that is, they contain blood.
  • There is a light state of feces and at the same time dark urine.
  • The feces are loose, sandy, and eventually cease to be formed at all.
  • Nausea appears, sometimes even to the point of vomiting.
  • Vomiting appeared like a fountain, especially richly yellow in color.
  • The temperature began to rise, slightly, but did not fall for a long time.
  • Weakness occurs.
  • No desire to eat food.

Seeing a doctor with such symptoms is simply a mandatory step, otherwise you can bring the disease to its peak and your health condition to critical. An experienced specialist will help you understand the reasons for the appearance of yellow stool in an adult and tell you what to do in each specific case.

Every person knows what color of stool is normal for him, and notices when the excrement takes on an unusual color. Light-colored stool, both in a child and an adult, can indicate diseases that cannot be ignored in order to avoid serious consequences. It is important to pay attention to the symptoms that accompany changes in stool color.

Why is stool light in color: possible reasons

The stool of a healthy person consists of the remains of food consumed over the last 2-3 days. In normal condition, the color of feces varies from light brown to dark brown, the consistency is dense, there is no specific odor or foreign impurities. If you notice the appearance of unusually light-colored stools, you should not make hasty conclusions and panic. We need to identify possible causes. Changes in stool color are caused by:

  • physiological processes;
  • medications;
  • various diseases.

In an adult

Discolored excrement in an adult is associated with eating large amounts of fatty foods. For example, sour cream or butter. At the same time, a change in the color of stool does not cause discomfort to a person. Review your diet, eliminate fatty foods and stick to it. After a few days, the stool returns to normal.

The lightening of feces is affected by taking medications. For example, antibiotics, antifungals, oral contraceptives. You should stop taking medications and contact your doctor to prescribe therapeutic measures. A great danger is a change in the color of the stool, accompanied by an increase in body temperature and pain of varying intensity in the abdominal area.

During pregnancy

The color of stool indicates the functioning of the liver and pancreas. During pregnancy, a woman's organs work under increased stress. Lightening of feces is associated with a pathological condition accompanied by a failure of the digestive process. The source of light-colored stool in pregnant women is either excessive use of multivitamin complexes. You should contact your doctor to prescribe the necessary treatment.

What disease can light-colored stool be a sign of?

Lightening of feces is caused by diseases that disrupt the normal functioning of the liver, pancreas and gastrointestinal tract. Try to evaluate how you feel. How has your health changed in recent days, weeks, months? Remember what illnesses you suffered in the recent past. If light-colored stool is associated with diseases, the following symptoms are often observed:

  • general weakness;
  • increased body temperature;
  • stomach ache;
  • yellow color of the skin and eye sclera;
  • dark urine;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • loss of appetite and weight loss;
  • unexplained increase in abdominal volume;
  • skin rash.

If you notice an unusual change in the color of your feces, accompanied by a sharp deterioration in your health, immediately consult your doctor. He will give you a referral for tests, on the basis of which he will identify the cause of lightening of the stool and prescribe appropriate therapy. Ignoring your unsatisfactory condition is extremely dangerous; it can be a sign of serious diseases:

  1. . The development of inflammatory liver disease caused by toxic, infectious or alcohol poisoning is indicated by a tugging sensation, an upset stomach, and a yellow tint to the skin. Without treatment, the disease leads to cirrhosis of the liver.
  2. . Inflammation of the gallbladder is accompanied by acute abdominal pain, decreased appetite, increased body temperature, and nausea. Feces with cholecystitis have a liquid consistency, sometimes with remnants of undigested food.
  3. . Inflammation of the pancreas occurs as a result of poor diet, alcohol abuse, infectious diseases of internal organs and taking medications. The acute phase of pancreatitis is accompanied by cutting pain in the abdomen, vomiting, and diarrhea.
  4. . A chronic disorder of the digestive system, caused by allergic reactions, psychosomatic and infectious diseases, is manifested by lightening of stools, vomiting, increased body temperature, and the frequent appearance of blood in the feces.
  5. . The development of malignant neoplasms on internal organs is asymptomatic. The first signs appear when the tumor reaches a certain size. Among the symptoms, doctors identify: pain in the abdominal cavity, constipation or diarrhea, vomiting, lack of appetite, and sudden weight loss.

Light brown stool

Human consumption of predominantly plant foods leads to lightening of feces. This is not a pathology and does not pose a risk to your health. With the accelerated passage of digestive masses through the colon, the stool becomes light brown in color. Introducing protein foods into the diet will normalize the functioning of the digestive tract.

Light green

Human feces acquire an unnatural hue due to excessive consumption of food dyes, which are found in large quantities in sweet water, alcoholic drinks, and sweets. Addiction to herbal preparations and dietary supplements leads to stools turning greenish. After giving up foods, the color of stool is restored within 3-5 days. In other cases, it is a symptom of diseases:

  1. Dysbacteriosis. Violation of the intestinal microflora is accompanied by liquid feces with a specific putrefactive odor.
  2. Acute enterocolitis. Inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract in acute form is accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting. The stool has a green tint with traces of pus.
  3. Infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract manifested by general weakness of a person, nausea, increased body temperature. The stool turns light green and contains blood, pus, or mucus.

Stool - black feces.

Causes. Normal stool is shaped, brown in color and has a soft consistency. Intensely black, tarry, liquid or semi-liquid stools are usually a sign of bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract.

It must be said, however, that the black color of stool can be caused by taking certain medications or certain types of food. Tablets containing iron, bismuth preparations (it is present in antacid preparations that are sold in pharmacies without a prescription), activated carbon can turn stool dark. Eating licorice, chocolate, grapes, raisins and cranberries can also cause dark-colored stool. So before you jump to the conclusion that you have internal bleeding, try to remember what you ate in the last 1-2 days.

The main reasons for the appearance of black tarry stools are bleeding from stomach and duodenal ulcers, bleeding from gastritis, bleeding from varicose veins of the esophagus; the source of blood loss may be tumors of the stomach and small intestine.

The appearance of blood in the stool can be a complication of drug therapy. There are medications that cause erosion (minor damage) or ulceration of the gastric mucosa. The main culprit is aspirin, which is prescribed for arthritis. Other so-called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as indomethacin, can also cause bleeding.

What to do. If you have eaten the foods listed above in the last 18-24 hours, do not panic, but to be absolutely sure, go to the doctor as soon as possible.

If you suffer from stomach ulcers or other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then tell your doctor about any changes in the color of your stool.

The stool is scarlet blood or red in color.