Why are periods late by 10 days? What to do and how to induce menstruation? Attention: Dangerous Causes of Delay

What does a 10 day delay mean? Every woman knows her cycle and leads it. This is especially important for those women who are planning a pregnancy and want to become a mother. But what should those of us do who have not been sexually active, but the delay is still observed. Let's try to understand this issue in more detail.

Reasons for a 10 day delay in the monthly cycle

The reasons for delayed menstruation can be either very harmless and associated with a planned pregnancy, or the cause of many serious diseases that can subsequently lead to infertility.

If you are faced with a similar problem, you need to pay attention to it immediately and undergo a timely course of treatment and the necessary therapy.

The reasons for the cycle can be very diverse. Many of them are related to gynecology, and many relate to a general malfunction of the body.

In most cases, if the delay is not related to pregnancy, the gynecologist diagnoses ovarian dysfunction. However, this diagnosis is preceded by many medical tests (blood, urine, smear) that the woman will need to undergo.

Only a comprehensive examination can confirm or refute such a diagnosis.

Often the cause of a 10-day delay in menstruation can be non-gynecological reasons:

  • severe stress on the legs;
  • large and frequent physical exertion, as a result of which the woman could overstrain herself;
  • sudden climate change due to relocation or season change;
  • problems with being overweight or, conversely, with sudden weight loss;
  • endocrine or thyroid disease;
  • disruption of brain function due to head trauma;
  • acute and chronic diseases associated with the reproductive system;
  • taking medications such as antibiotics, antidepressants, tuberculosis drugs.

Problems in the field of gynecology

Gynecological reasons for a delay of menstruation for a period of 10 days include various diseases and pathologies of the genitourinary system.

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a hormonal disorder in the functioning of a woman’s reproductive system, in which ovulation does not occur in her body, which can subsequently lead to infertility.

Corpus luteum cyst is one of the types of cysts that develops immediately after ovulation and is caused by the action of the pituitary hormone LH. A corpus luteum cyst is a benign tumor and is subject to surgical removal.

Uterine fibroids are a benign tumor that is a knot in the muscular layers of the vagina, which at times becomes inflamed and leads to heavy bleeding.

Endometriosis is associated with the movement of uterine cells to other organs, where they form a kind of tumor. Most often occurs in women of reproductive age 25-45 years.

Injuries to the genital organs occur during rough sex. Also found in those women who choose sexual partners who have large penises that are not compatible with the size of their vagina. The danger lies in the fact that as a result of sexual intercourse, soft tissue may rupture, which becomes inflamed, which can thereby lead to a delay in menstruation for 10 days or more.

Taking hormonal medications, some of which may have side effects such as a delay of menstruation for 10 days. Hormonal medications should be taken only as prescribed by a gynecologist and in a strictly specified volume.

Carrying out abortions, miscarriages or uterine curettage. As a result of surgery, changes may affect the uterine vagina. Delaying menstruation for 10 days is a natural process that cleanses the body.

The postpartum period is a common occurrence in which a delay in menstruation occurs as a result of lactation (breastfeeding). The first time after childbirth, a woman’s body is recovering from a large loss of blood, and therefore menstruation may not occur. If this period drags on for more than two months, you need to contact a gynecologist and undergo an examination at the antenatal clinic.

Puberty - the monthly cycle in adolescents is established within one year. Menstruation can occur with a shift of 10 days or more until it is finally established. There is no particular problem with this, except in cases where the girl feels severe pain and heavy bleeding after a delay.

Menopause is a natural process that occurs in a woman’s body starting at the age of 45. Gradually, a woman loses the ability to conceive and bear a child. Her body is undergoing a restructuring, and her periods are becoming less and less frequent. This process does not bring any particular concern to the woman, but consultation with a specialist is still necessary.

A few words as a conclusion

In any case, if you notice a delay in your menstrual cycle by more than 10 days, consult a antenatal clinic doctor. The sooner you start treatment and prevention of diseases, the less you will expose yourself to more serious diseases such as cancer and infertility.


  1. Period. Tips for girls.
  2. Is it possible to get pregnant with irregular periods?
  3. Menstruation after an abortion, when to expect it?

Delay? And at the same time more than a week? Every female in this long-term state of affairs immediately rushes to the pharmacy to buy tests or even several pregnancy tests. Why several? Just to be sure. After all, very often when your period is 7 days late, the test is negative, but after a few days it shows two lines. And it happens, on the contrary, before 9 days it is positive, but after it is negative. It is impossible to understand your feelings sufficiently. Still, nerves and impressionability always win. The test gives a negative answer, there are no periods and the reason is not clear.

A special situation can be noticed even without purchased tests. Probably, many have heard about cases where this method confirmed pregnancy in a male. At first, it seems like you want to laugh, but at the same time you want to be sad. How to check for the presence of a fetus in the uterus if standard methods may be wrong?

First, you should calm down and breathe out. Until 10 days of delay, there is no need to worry about becoming parents. To understand for sure that a new addition to the family can be expected, two of the following indicators must be present:

  • provided that there is a boy growing in the tummy, it is quite possible that the strip will appear only after the 16th day of the expected menstruation. Moreover, as mothers who have already become mothers note, the stripe can be very pale and barely noticeable. The situation is even worse for girls: stripes may appear only after a month. But not everyone has this feature. It all depends on hormonal levels and possible chronic diseases of the female organs;
  • The appearance of morning toxicosis most often begins literally immediately. Don't think that he necessarily has a gag reflex. Sometimes just nausea is enough;
  • If you lie on your stomach, you may feel uncomfortable. Something is in the way, there is a feeling of fullness in the stomach, which is to blame for this fact;
  • increased sense of smell. Smells and colors look and feel different. Even the appearance of people and their faces look unusual;
  • a sharp desire to eat something unusual that previously did not even attract attention;
  • the breast enlarges and thickens.

Many argue that it is necessary to pay attention to the belly and the color of the nipples. A stripe appears on the stomach from the navel to the perineum, and the mammary glands turn brown. In fact, this is impossible to observe in the first trimester. Such manifestations of pregnancy appear only in the second trimester.

There is no reason to panic

If all the above symptoms are absent, then there is no pregnancy either. But what happened then? The cause does not necessarily have to be a serious illness. Such failures and the presence of a delay of 10 days, and the test was negative, could well have been caused by external factors. There are 10 of them in total, and we will get to know them:

  • Stressful situations and severe nervous shock can not only affect a woman’s mood, but also cause disruption in the menstrual cycle. Resumption is often possible after long-term treatment with a psychotherapist or psychologist;
  • hormonal imbalance. This happens due to weight loss diets, taking medications, smoking and poor nutrition;
  • changes in the daily routine associated with working hours;
  • changes are provoked by a banal move or frequent trips. Often, when going on vacation from one climate to another, or the time zone changes, menstruation is delayed or, conversely, begins much earlier than expected;
  • changes in the rhythm and style of life;
  • non-compliance with weight and height standards (excess or deficiency);
  • I had to fly by plane for more than 4 hours.

More often than everyone else, menstruation is delayed in girls who play sports professionally. In addition to the factors already mentioned, they experience special physical stress. Especially if active preparation begins for competitions or after them.

If you normalize your regimen, monitor proper nutrition, and also avoid stressful situations, then the cycle will become as before. Athletes need a long rest from physical activity. As experts say: only sleep and rest will help a woman feel like a real woman.

You can understand that the cause was one of the 10 indicated due to the occurrence of headaches and cramps in the lower abdomen. The woman becomes irritable and nervous. This results in poor sleep and a constant feeling of fatigue.

If your period is 10 days late and the test is negative. At the same time, the beautiful person has no reason to claim that she has experienced stress or is not eating well, there are no other factors in which the test is negative and white discharge is not observed, then there is only one way out - to go to the hospital to a specialist for help.

Such symptoms can be observed in various diseases associated with the female genital organs and not only:

Cause Manifestations
Polycystic ovaries Increased production of androgens. Accompanied by severe spasms. Deviation from normal weight and nagging pain are possible. Blame it on hormonal imbalances
Stopping or changing contraceptives The body gets used to the rhythm of life, which has already been regulated with the help of pills. As soon as the drug is abandoned or replaced, the hormonal levels change. No violations observed
Abortion You don't have to have an abortion for your menstrual cycle to go wrong. It could have been a miscarriage, but the body endured a stressful situation for itself. There is no pain
Tumors The reason for a delay of 7 days with a negative test can be both malignant and benign tumors. Nagging pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the anus. May be accompanied by leucorrhoea
Hereditary factor Only female relatives can give an answer here. There are no symptoms, pain or illness
Intoxication Any excess of harmful substances delays menstruation. In this case, there is nausea and headache, discomfort in the umbilical part
Problems of the gastrointestinal tract Frequent constipation irritates not only the intestines, but also nearby organs. The ovaries are most often affected. Pain is present throughout the abdomen. Nausea, dizziness and loss of consciousness occur
Liver diseases and diabetes mellitus In the presence of such diseases, there is no pain in the pelvic area. Consultation with specialists of a narrow profile is required

If there is tuberculosis, then the delay is 8 days; the test is negative in any case, simply guaranteed. Such deviations in the functioning of the pulmonary system lead to the failure of all organs, not just the female genital organs.

If there is an infection of the genitourinary system or the intrauterine device does not fit, then problems will be observed not only in the form of absence of menstruation, but even if they are present, they will exist. However, the reason for such periods may be different; it is difficult to solve the problem on your own.

Important! Nagging pain does not necessarily indicate serious problems. The appearance of such a day or two before the onset of discharge, combined with pain and swelling of the mammary glands, are harbingers. There's no need to worry.

If something white comes out with an unpleasant odor or with an admixture of blood, and the consistency is cheesy, then treatment should be started as soon as possible. This is a clear sign that there is an infection inside. Any infectious disease can cause a delay in the menstrual cycle. In such cases, it can be significantly longer than 10 days. also do not promise anything good for the female sex, and it is not worth treating on your own. But the cause can only be determined if you undergo the necessary tests and receive qualified advice. In such cases, traditional medicine is powerless.

Delay in menstruation for 10 days... Many people begin to worry in this case. After all, with a regular cycle, most girls and women get used to certain sensations before the onset of menstruation and a certain day of their onset. If the delay exceeds even one or two days, then panic and anxiety often sets in, regardless of whether a person wants to be pregnant or, on the contrary, categorically does not want this.
In the first case, when the delay of menstruation is 10 days, we can talk about the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy. But the person did not think that this would happen right now - perhaps he was taking medications, drinking alcohol in recent days, or doing something else that was not beneficial for the child. In the second case, fundamentally different thoughts arise: why? It seemed like everything was fine, they were taking precautions... How inopportune this is, what will happen to my career, where to live, etc. or, if termination of pregnancy is planned, how will it go? Will there be complications and will there be children later? And so on ad infinitum.
What can you think about when you realize that your period is 10 days late? Well, first of all, of course, about the fact that pregnancy has occurred. Tests are used for this, but you need to know that they do not give a 100% guarantee, you need to double-check them several times, and the results can be false positive. Previously, before the era of tests, when a test for hCG could not be taken everywhere, and it was not 100% effective, there were methods to speed up the arrival of menstruation in order to know for sure whether you are pregnant or not. I personally haven’t tested the advice to eat a lot of greens, but taking a decoction of tansy - as strong as you can tolerate, usually causes the onset of menstruation within a day, if their delay is not caused by pregnancy. Champagne has always been a good way to speed up the cycle - in this way, some people even protected themselves, on vacation, for example.
If such methods (and each family probably has their own) after several applications did not produce an effect, pregnancy most likely occurred. This may also be indicated by early signs - discomfort in the mammary glands, drowsiness and weakness (even before toxicosis), changes in appetite.
What else could be the reason that your period is 10 days late?
– chronic stress, especially combined with fatigue and lack of sleep.
– acute stressful situations in the family and at work, misfortunes – there may even be amenorrhea – any diseases, injuries – ARVI, even “fever” on the lips, although its appearance suggests, rather, that menstruation will come soon, as well as pimples on the chin. - ovarian dysfunction and impaired activity of any internal secretion organs - the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, as well as treatment of any endocrine diseases carried out for the first time.
– climate change, moving to another city, trip to the sea, travel. Sunburn.
– change of team, work or study, complex and tense relationships in a new place.
- eating disorders, strict diets and fasting, fasting.
Here are the main reasons for the situation when, outside of pregnancy, a woman’s period is delayed by 10 days.

If there is a 10-day delay in menstruation, there are a variety of reasons for this. Most women and girls who live a regular sexual life, after a disruption in their menstrual cycle, immediately panic: have they become pregnant?

Pregnancy can be a cause of missed periods, but it is far from the only one.

Reasons for concern

Failure of the menstrual cycle is an alarming signal from the body that requires a thorough examination, during which the gynecologist will definitely ask whether there has been an increase in discharge recently, whether there has been a sudden cessation of the cycle or its complete stop, whether the menstrual schedule often shifts, whether painful sensations during the last menstruation.

A sharp increase in the volume of discharge may indicate a disease of the uterus and organs that are located next to it. If before the delay your periods had heavy flow, this may indicate the presence of cervical erosion or an inflammatory process in the genitals.

The reason for stopping menstruation can be pregnancy, large loss of blood in another part of the body, for example, due to injury. Sometimes it happens that menstruation stops or their schedule shifts after suffering from the flu, cold, or nervous breakdown. Cycle disruptions and painful menstruation can occur with dysmenorrhea. Menstruation is often accompanied by the release of clots and lumps. If pregnancy was not detected during examination, then a disruption in the menstrual cycle indicates the presence of health problems.

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Reasons for the 10 day delay

Most often, delays in the menstrual cycle occur due to the presence of hormonal disorders and malfunctions of the endocrine system. Hormonal imbalances may occur while taking birth control pills that contain hormones. Very often, girls and women choose them for themselves, without consulting a gynecologist. By choosing a remedy without taking into account age, physiological characteristics of the body, chronic diseases, a woman causes irreparable harm to her health.

Failures in hormone production are very difficult to eliminate. Hormonal imbalances often occur due to problems with the thyroid gland. When a hormonal imbalance occurs, a woman often observes the appearance of unwanted hair on the body, for example on the chest or face, or a sharp increase or decrease in body weight. In this case, it is necessary to undergo examination not only by a gynecologist, but also by an endocrinologist, and also determine the level of hormones.

A delay of 10 days in your period may occur due to a change in climatic conditions, for example, when you go on vacation at the seaside. The body is completely rebuilt and adapts to the new composition of air, water, and lifestyle. For example, at home and at work a woman mainly leads a sedentary, inactive lifestyle, but on vacation she begins to walk, swim, and dance a lot. If a menstrual irregularity occurs during or after a vacation, do not worry. After some time everything will return to normal.

A delay in menstruation can also occur due to long-term use of medications and any supplements. If you have been taking various medications for some time, be sure to tell your doctor about it. Even overdosing on harmless vitamin C for a few days can cause you to miss your period for a month.

Strong physical activity can lead to a delay in menstruation. For example, when a woman begins to engage in any kind of sport, not gradually increasing the load and time of training, but sharply. Because of this, menstruation may not appear for two or more months.

Smoking and excessive drinking of alcohol lead to intoxication of the body, which means it can cause a delay in menstruation. With a chaotic lifestyle and poor nutrition, vitamin deficiency and various diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract occur, which greatly affects the health of the genital organs. Failure can also occur with a sedentary lifestyle.

The health of the genital organs is very negatively affected by stress, mental disorders, strong mental stress and anxiety. There are often cases when girls, after passing exams, after breaking up with a guy, or after strong experiences, lost their periods for 1-1.5 years! Disorders can also occur with regular lack of sleep.

A delay in menstruation can occur due to a sharp increase in body weight. This can happen due to constant overeating, as well as with the development of a serious illness. Weight gain negatively affects not only the genitals, but also the cardiovascular system. A woman may experience swelling in her legs and her psychological state may worsen. A well-balanced diet and regular exercise will help quickly bring your body back to normal.

Menstruation may not begin on time due to a number of sexually transmitted diseases, after a miscarriage or abortion, after poisoning, or when inflammatory processes occur in the pelvic organs. Sometimes a delay in menstruation occurs due to irregular sexual activity or due to too high intensity of sexual intercourse.

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It is important to regulate your menstrual cycle

If your period is delayed for 10 days, this is a very alarming signal that should not be ignored. Many women, without identifying certain diseases, ignore the problem, declaring that it is much easier to live without menstruation. They simply do not know or have forgotten the role of menstruation in a woman’s life. The fact is that a regular menstrual cycle is responsible not only for reproductive function, but also for the youth of skin, hair and the body as a whole. With an irregular cycle, a woman begins to age quickly, her immunity decreases, nervous disorders appear, and her vitality weakens.

Irregular periods are considered normal only during adolescence and during breastfeeding. In other cases, if there is a delay, you should immediately take a pregnancy test. If pregnancy is not confirmed, you should immediately consult a doctor.

A delay in menstruation in itself is not dangerous; the reasons for this delay are dangerous. Girls need to be taught this from a very early age. From the beginning of menstruation, a woman should accustom herself to keeping a special calendar, in which she needs to mark the day the menstruation begins, the day it ends, and the intensity of the discharge. This calendar will help to immediately identify a delay and set the date of conception if a woman becomes pregnant. It’s good when a woman additionally marks on the calendar those days when there were intimate relationships, sports competitions or other events. Now there are a large number of special applications that can be installed on your phone or tablet. These applications are convenient because they can be used to determine the days of not only menstruation, but also ovulation, and analyze changes in body weight. The program notifies a woman about the imminent onset of menstruation within 2 days.

Every woman should remember that even in the complete absence of unpleasant symptoms and a delay in menstruation, she needs to be examined by a gynecologist once every 6 months and take tests. It is advisable to do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs once a year. It is necessary to examine not only the genitals, but also the breasts.

If the cause of the delay turns out to be pregnancy (the test showed a positive result), then you still cannot do without a doctor’s examination. After all, the primary symptoms can be the same both during a normal pregnancy and during an ectopic pregnancy. If you decide to terminate your pregnancy, do not under any circumstances use “grandmother’s” remedies or pills that friends recommend. This can cause irreparable harm to the body. Currently, there are many means that can be used to minimize the risk of complications. But they are selected individually, taking into account all the characteristics of the female body.

It should always be remembered that the health of the future generation depends on the health of a woman.

Therefore, a woman should closely monitor her health, and in particular the regularity of her menstrual cycle.

From adolescence to menopause, every woman expects monthly menstruation. The absence of regular bleeding suggests an illness or pregnancy. If the wait has been delayed for 10 days, and the pregnancy test taken is negative, the girl may be interested in how to induce menstruation if there is a delay.

There are folk remedies and medicines that can speed up the arrival of critical days. But they cannot be used without consulting a gynecologist, since the forced onset of menstruation can provoke heavy bleeding, hormonal imbalance, malfunction of the reproductive system, or the development of cancer pathologies.

Why is there a delay of 10 days in menstruation?

Failure of menstruation is caused by external factors and internal processes of the body. A woman is susceptible to many irritants, and her health can be affected by temperature changes, air or water quality.

If your period does not come due to conception, you need to buy a test at the pharmacy and, by immersing it in morning urine, determine the presence of pregnancy. Additionally, you can do an hCG analysis to definitely understand the situation.

Delays of menstruation and their complete absence occur in nursing mothers.

During breastfeeding, the female body produces a lot of prolactin. This hormone suppresses menstruation and makes it scanty or irregular after childbirth. As breastfeeding stops, the cycle stabilizes.

If there is great confidence that there is no pregnancy, but a delay in menstruation by 10 days does not allow you to live in peace, the reasons can be very different.

The most harmless factor is the change in climatic conditions. More dangerous are stress, sunburn, chronic fatigue and blood loss not associated with monthly discharge. To restore the cycle, the doctor will most likely recommend proper rest, light herbal infusions or drugs with a non-hormonal composition.

Internal reasons for a 10-day delay in menstruation are due to various abnormalities:

  • Uncontrolled use of contraceptive pills. An incorrectly selected drug can disrupt the cycle and cause harm to the body.
  • Irregular sex life. The absence of a permanent sexual partner or a long separation from a beloved man leads to such a problem as.
  • Fasting, strict diet or fasting. Nutrient deficiency is harmful to the body. If your period does not come on time, the body adapts to unusual conditions.
  • Diseases of viral origin. Complex forms of influenza or ARVI disrupt the bleeding schedule.
  • Diseases of the kidneys and bladder. Cystitis and pyelonephritis negatively affect the functioning of the genital organs and lead to problems with menstruation.
  • Polycystic disease, ovarian dysfunction, uterine fibroids. Pathologies significantly undermine the body's strength and worsen overall well-being. A routine gynecological examination will not be enough. To clarify the diagnosis, you will need to undergo an ultrasound of the thyroid gland and pelvic organs and do a brain tomography. A consultation with an endocrinologist will help you understand the current situation.

If a 10-day delay in menstruation is recorded, how to induce menstruation should only be clarified from the attending physician. Taking any medications on the advice of relatives and friends is ineffective and dangerous. Untimely menstruation is a consequence of an adverse event. To adjust the cycle, the cause of the failure must be eliminated.

If the pregnancy test is negative, a missed period may be due to hormonal changes. They occur during puberty and menopause or are a withdrawal syndrome from hormonal contraceptives.

A medicinal way to speed up the onset of menstruation

Often women discuss such a problem as irregular menstruation. There is a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen, the mood changes, but there is still no bleeding.

After visiting the gynecologist's office, the patient can speed up her period in various ways, by taking hot baths or increasing sexual intercourse. In such conditions, the uterus is in good shape and is saturated with blood.

Also, menstruation helps to induce increased doses of ascorbic acid.

If the doctor has not identified any serious illnesses, he will prescribe special pills to induce menstruation if there is a delay:

  1. – a hormonal drug causes bleeding within 1 week. The gynecologist calculates the treatment regimen taking into account the state of the hormonal system. The classic method of using Duphaston involves taking 1 tablet 2 times a day for 5 days. If critical days begin earlier, therapy is canceled. During pregnancy, Duphaston will not help induce menstruation. It will only help secure the fertilized egg in the uterus.
  2. Utrozhestan is an analogue of Duphaston, which contains plant components. During the 10-day treatment period, the drug inhibits estrogen production and increases progesterone levels. Critical days will begin within a week. Sometimes the deadline is delayed by 10 days. If bleeding started earlier, the delay was caused by progesterone deficiency. For prevention, Utrozhestan is taken next month from the 16th day. The drug does not prevent pregnancy.
  3. Postinor - if you don’t know how to induce menstruation quickly if you’re late, buy a package with two magic pills. Emergency contraception can be used 1-2 times a year. If unprotected sex has taken place, 2 doses are taken within 3 days, no later. The next day, take 1 more tablet. A large amount of progesterone in Postinor provokes the onset of menstruation in the near future (24 - 72 hours). Bloody discharge will occur even during pregnancy for up to 4 weeks. A miscarriage will be preceded by weakness, nausea, vomiting and deterioration in general health.
  4. Norkolut will cause menstruation in 5 to 10 days if a woman has taken 2 tablets for a week and a half. Critical days begin either during treatment or 5 days after its completion. Norkolut is not a contraceptive. According to indications, it is sometimes prescribed to expectant mothers, but the drug will not be able to disrupt pregnancy.
  5. – a homeopathic remedy that brings the onset of menstruation closer without the participation of hormones. Suitable for women suffering from stress and overstrain of the nervous system. To get your period the next day, 7 granules of the drug are dissolved. If the problem is not resolved, Pulsatilla cannot be reused.

In gynecology, specialists use Mifegin to perform medical abortion and quickly induce menstruation. The drug is effective for up to 10 weeks. A single dosage is 600 mg.

How to induce menstruation with folk remedies if the delay is 10 days

If your period does not arrive on time due to nervous fatigue, a sedative made from mint leaves, dried chamomile flowers and valerian root will help eliminate the delay. 1 tbsp is poured into one container of phytoingredients. l. and brew the mixture with a glass of boiling water. After 20 minutes, filter the tea and drink 100 ml twice a day. Your period will start soon.

If your period is delayed by 10 days, you can adjust your cycle using folk remedies using herbs and citrus fruits. It is necessary to include foods fortified with vitamin C in your daily diet. It is useful to eat parsley and lemons.

An infusion of medicinal herbs for the rapid onset of menstruation is prepared from equal parts of nettle, knotweed, elecampane, oregano, yarrow, rose hips and Rhodiola rosea root. Raw materials of each type take 2 tbsp. l., pour over a liter of boiled water and put in a warm place for a day. On the second day, gradually drink the entire portion of the drug.

Cornflower infusion for long-term delay of menstruation is made from 2 tbsp. l. raw materials and 200 ml of boiling water. The drug is infused for 50 minutes and taken 4 times a day with a dosage of 30 ml. Your period will begin in 1-2 days from cornflower infusion. It is impossible to increase the concentration of the drink, because cornflower is toxic and causes poisoning. In pregnant women, the infusion can cause heavy bleeding.

P.S. Remember that self-medication with hormonal and folk remedies can aggravate the problem of missed periods. If the cyclicity of discharge is disrupted, it is better to consult a doctor.