Why does brewed tea become cloudy? Proper brewing of fireweed tea and its main methods

In the section on the question Why does the tea in the teapot become cloudy on the same day? Maybe I'm brewing it wrong? given by the author Kosovorotka the best answer is oh-oh-oh how correct they all are!
Your tea becomes cloudy if you have brewed it strongly.
welding is a coagulating solution, which, when the temperature drops, coagulates, i.e., transforms from a dissolved form into a very fine non-settling precipitate.
However, if you dilute it, it becomes transparent again.
or if you heat the tea leaves again.
Thermodynamics and nothing more.
And let the victims of prudent marketers shout about the fact that after an hour the tea turns into poison.
(this statement, ingrained in the consumer’s brain, increases tea sales significantly)
Apart from the taste, nothing much changes. And it’s up to everyone to drink it freshly brewed or not.
So you just don’t regret brewing! and keep it up!))

Answer from @ltern@tiva@[guru]
What does "same day" mean? Tea is generally considered freshly brewed within 1 hour - maximum. Then it is poison for the body.

Answer from Request[newbie]
Tea retains its properties after brewing for a maximum of 20 minutes, or even less. Drink only freshly brewed tea!

Answer from Queen Lu[guru]
You should drink the tea immediately after brewing, and pour out the remaining tea without thinking or looking at it. They drink only freshly brewed tea!

Answer from Neurosis[active]
maybe the water is not very good. It is better to brew filtered.

Answer from Ђatiana[guru]
Good tea. Reduce the brewing dosage.

Answer from Yyzhkov Dmitry[guru]
Because a strong tea solution has the property of concentrating and precipitating. In general, normal tea (which retains its beneficial properties) is brewed and drunk immediately, and not kept in a teapot for weeks...

Answer from Somyleva Yulia[guru]
Most likely you brew it too strong, use less tea.

Answer from Leonora Zazhigalkina[newbie]
Patamu, that you need to brew normal tea, not lard!

Answer from Yomirnova Nelly[active]
Most likely you are pouring a lot of tea leaves.

Answer from Alexey Nazarov Kaiser[newbie]
Too strong tea always becomes cloudy quite quickly. Yes, and you need to drink it right away, because after half an hour the best tea turns not into poison, of course, but into slop for sure.

Large-leaf black teas are considered the highest quality.

However, many tea lovers prefer powdered and granulated black teas, so they are no less in demand than large-leaf ones.

About 1.2 kg of tea leaves per year for every Russian. By winter, most people switch to black instead of summer green.

Typically, all high-grade teas contain more tannins than low-grade teas. The leaders in tannin research are Nuwara eliya Mlesna (10.5% tannin) and Ahmad (9.7%) teas.

1. Tea, like coffee, has diuretic effect. This means that fluid is removed from the body. This helps in preventing bladder cancer because... all toxins are removed from it.

2. During high temperature Doctors recommend consuming more fluids to improve sweating and reduce fever. In such cases, drinking this hot drink is also useful.

3. Tea should be stored in an airtight container. But at the same time it must be put away in a dark place, because... biologically active substances are destroyed in light.

4. One of the beneficial substances contained in black teas is Kakhetians. These substances have a pronounced antioxidant effect.

Thus, drinking the drink helps protect cells from the harmful effects of free radicals, thereby protecting blood vessels from atherosclerosis and helping fight cancer cells.

In addition, kakhetins belong to polyphenols, and they are have a membrane-stabilizing effect and improve the condition of body tissues, including skin.

5. In a drink large amount of vitamins, which have a vascular-strengthening effect.

This has a positive effect on both capillaries and large vessels, and therefore its use is one of the means of preventing diseases such as heart attack.

7. Scientists have found that Type 2 diabetes rates are significantly lower in countries where people drink a lot of black tea.

How to brew tea correctly?

Cleaned by filter or settled. Add a pinch of sugar to hard water. Well water is not suitable for tea - it will leave a film on the surface.

Do not wait for the water to boil several times - this will ruin the taste of the tea. Turn off the kettle when small bubbles appear.

To brew black tea, the water temperature should be 98°C. For green, cool for 3-5 minutes. up to 75°C.

Infusion quantity
Place one teaspoon of dry tea leaves into the teapot for each cup, plus one “extra” spoon.

In a teapot
Fill the kettle 1/3 full with boiling water, wait 3-5 minutes and add the remaining water. This will help release the essential oils from the leaves (if foam appears on the surface, that's them).

Tea effect
Calming - after 2 minutes. after brewing, stimulating - after 5 minutes. No effects - after 6 or more.

* did not follow the rules for brewing tea, and therefore it turned out tasteless, but if you follow the recommendations, you will be proud of your ability to prepare a good drink

Many people pour boiling water into the teapot and thereby “kill” the taste of the drink.

Tea leaves are dried leaves, and if the tea leaves are poured with boiling water, a kind of shell is formed on the outside, which prevents biologically active substances from getting into the water.

That's why After the kettle has boiled, let it cool(2-3 minutes) so that the water is about 95 degrees Celsius.

Rinse the kettle with boiling water first, as... if this is not done, then it can “take away” from 10 to 15 degrees from the water temperature.

Portions should be calculated based on the principle how many people will consume the drink +1 additional serving of tea leaves. Those. if there are three people, then you need to put 4 spoons into the teapot.

Remember, no matter how good the tea is, it still contains some amount of dust and therefore the first brew must be drained immediately and then filled with water completely.

Here the main thing is that the drink does not “overstay””otherwise you will end up with a very strong drink.

By the way, tannins are highly soluble in hot water and poorly soluble in cold water. Therefore, when a strong brew is cooled, they precipitate and the brew becomes cloudy.

If the brew does not become cloudy as it cools, it means that the tea is most likely of poor quality.

Beware of artificial colors and flavors, they have a primitive taste.

Manufacturers label tea according to international classification. Look for abbreviations (usually on the back of the package):

■ OP (Orange Pekoe) - high-grade whole-leaf teas. Made only from whole rolled leaves. Regular Orange Pekoe does not contain valuable tea buds (tips).
■ OR with the addition of tips is more upscale, divided into the following categories:
- FOP (Flowery OR) - top-leaf tea (only the leaf closest to the bud is taken) with the addition of tips.
- GFOP (Golden Flowery OR) - the same FOP, but with a higher content of tips.
- TGFOP (Tippy Golden Flowery OR) - even more tips.
- FTGFOP (Finest TGFOP) - tea made from buds alone. The most useful. Tips look like yellowish “eyelashes”.
■ (P) - twisted rough whole leaves.
■ BP (Broken Pekoe) - teas made from broken or cut leaves.
The classification system for broken teas fully corresponds to the classification of whole leaf teas: BOP, BFOP, BGFOP,
■ Granulated tea, or CTC (Cut, tear & curl) - the leaves are passed through rotating small teeth, which cut and curl them. The tea is brewed stronger and has a brighter color, but a less rich aroma.
■ Fannings (F) - seeding, small particles of tea (for bagged tea).
■ Dust (D) - “dust”, the smallest particles of tea (for bagged tea).

Alex- February 7, 2008 - 21:13

Sorry... Was the teapot really clean when you brewed tea in it? Sometimes a little dirt is enough for even freshly brewed tea to become cloudy and become uh... Inedible? Not drinkable (so what)?
But in general, good tea should not become cloudy within an hour after brewing (and it hasn’t even had time to cool in the teapot yet, when would it become cloudy?!)! Or maybe the problem is in the type of tea? Which one did you brew?

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If you are not fanatical in this area, then you can drink it, pour the tea leaves into a mug, dilute with boiling water, it should become transparent again. Although everyone who quickly answered is right, the taste and quality are no longer the same...

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When brewed tea is infused for a long time, for several hours, and especially in a thermos or on the stove, chemical processes take place in it all the time. As a result, the taste of the tea changes, it loses its aroma, turns brown, and when cooled becomes cloudy and, finally, simply ceases to be tea. In addition, vitamins C and B are destroyed.

The longer the tea is infused, the more substances contained in it pass into the infusion. Tea leaves, for example, contain twice as much caffeine as coffee, but it is less easily extracted from them, and freshly brewed tea only has a tonic effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems. If the tea is infused for a long time and, moreover, it is strongly brewed, then so much caffeine accumulates in the infusion that it can no longer have a tonic, but a stimulating effect and worsen the well-being, especially of those who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

People suffering from gout and uric acid diathesis should not drink long-infused tea, since the amount of guanine in the drink significantly increases, which negatively affects the course of these diseases. Freshly brewed tea contains little guanine because it is poorly soluble in water.

The benefits of yesterday's tea have been debated for quite some time..

Among the ancient Chinese tea prohibitions there are prohibitions on cold, too strong and scalding tea. Let's take a closer look at the prohibitions on long brewing, repeated brewing and the ban on yesterday's tea.

Prohibition on long brewing of tea

Brewing tea for a long time causes the substances contained in the tea to begin to oxidize. The process of oxidation of valuable substances (vitamins C and P, amino acids, etc.) has a very negative effect on tea: transparency, aroma and taste disappear, and the nutritional value of tea decreases. In addition, when exposed to the environment, the content of various microorganisms (fungi and bacteria) in tea increases significantly.

Prohibition on repeated brewing of tea

As a rule, after the third or fourth steeping, tea leaves are already deprived of all their beneficial properties. According to experiments, after the first infusion, approximately 50% of the beneficial substances are extracted from tea leaves, after the second - already 30%, and after the third - 10%. Continuing to brew tea, we provoke the “release” of all harmful substances, the content of which is small, but which come out last.

Ban on yesterday's tea

The Japanese consider tea that has stood for a day to be “worse than a snake bite,” and the Chinese compare it to poison. Having examined in more detail the properties of tea that has been brewed for a long time or repeatedly, it immediately becomes obvious that after standing for a day, the tea will not acquire any useful substances, but, on the contrary, will lose them. This is how it works! Tea loses all its vitamins and becomes an excellent breeding ground for fungi and bacteria.
The first indicator that the tea should not be drunk is a thin oxide film that appears on the surface of the tea. This film appears as a result of the oxidation of organic substances contained in tea with oxygen. The composition of this film is very complex; it includes protein molecules, iron, magnesium, calcium, nitrogenous bases (theophylline, caffeine, guanine), etc.

The effect of yesterday's tea on the body!

After entering the body, a layer of this insoluble film envelops the mucous membrane of not only the intestines, but also the stomach, thereby preventing the absorption of nutrients and irritating the gastrointestinal tract. This also leads to a slowdown in intestinal motility and accumulation of food masses in the cavity of the gastrointestinal tract. Under the film, due to increased bacterial activity, the processes of not only fermentation, but also rotting begin, after which the resulting toxic substances are absorbed by the mucous membrane and the development of erosive and ulcerative processes begins.

If the tea has stood for a day, but has not deteriorated, it can be used as an external remedy for medicinal purposes:

  1. Yesterday's tea is an excellent helper for inflammation of the oral cavity, eczema, pain in the tongue, bleeding gums, ulcers and superficial skin damage. And all this is thanks to the saturation of tea with fluoride and acids.
  2. If you wash your eyes with yesterday's tea in the morning, the pain caused by blood vessels in the whites, as well as the discomfort after tears, will significantly decrease.
  3. Yesterday's tea is an excellent mouthwash that strengthens teeth and gives a feeling of freshness. You should rinse your mouth with tea in the morning before brushing your teeth and after eating.
is an excellent tonic drink, but its effect on our body depends on our knowledge about it! Therefore, we should not forget that the first indicator that It is better not to drink tea because of the film formed on the surface!

Ivan tea (fireweed) is a plant that, when properly processed, achieves taste qualities no less worthy than teas of Indian and Ceylon origin. You need to choose good raw materials so that in the future it will turn into a healing drink with a pleasant aroma. A special place in the processing process is given to drying, since there is a high probability of spoiling the leaves and drying them out. It is necessary to properly dry the plant to preserve the taste and aroma. If all stages were carried out sequentially, and the technology was followed, you can proceed directly to the brewing process itself.

In fact, proper brewing of fireweed tea plays a big role in its taste characteristics. The proposed recipes make it possible to prepare a drink with a rich taste, even more special than other types of teas. The strength and richness of the drink occupies a position between green and black teas. The decoction is very useful; it does not contain caffeine, which eliminates the possibility of disruption of metabolic processes. You can drink it in any form. Due to its ability to retain its beneficial properties, fireweed can be stored for 2-3 days. Plus, the brewing mixture can be used up to five times.

How to properly prepare fireweed tea for brewing and what is the sequence

Brewing tea is perhaps the simplest action, but it also requires special knowledge. The most important part of preparing the drink is the preparation process itself, which includes several stages. If they are followed, you get excellent tea with decent taste properties. There are several stages including:

  • plant collection;
  • treatment;
  • pre-drying;
  • fermentation process;
  • final drying;
  • preparing a healing drink.

The assembly process should include choosing a location and type of plant. The area must be sufficiently clean and free from sources of various types of pollution, including chemical and industrial. Most often, the plant grows in dry places with sufficient sunlight. Collection is carried out in the morning in the absence of rain.

To prepare fireweed tea for brewing, you need to select good, healthy stems. The flower must be in the stage of active growth and flowering. If this process has already been completed, then there is no point in collecting. All the most useful substances are found during the development period. Having selected the desired species, the upper part is cut off along with the leaves, since they are the most useful thing in the entire structure of the stem. You can add some of the flowers when drying. The collected raw materials are washed and slightly dried. It is then fermented by rolling it into tubes or knots. Next, they are sent to dry naturally or in the oven. This is how the harvesting process occurs.

How to brew fireweed tea at home

Ready-made dry leaves are brewed using one of the options. It needs to be done right. It can be prepared as a stand-alone drink or in combination with other herbs. There are several options for brewing fireweed tea. The most common one looks like this:

  • Take a container where the finished drink will be located.
  • Put 2-3 teaspoons of plant material into it.
  • Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water by one third, after five minutes add more.
  • Let it brew for ten minutes.

The mixture used to make tea can be poured with boiling water about five more times. This includes a recipe for brewing fireweed tea. The beneficial properties of the drink remain unchanged.
The prescribed brewing temperature for Ivan tea is the same as for regular tea. It is necessary to boil the kettle and pour hot water over the leaves. For an even better taste effect, you can add the flowers of the plant. Mostly the decoction is drunk without sugar. To sweeten the drink, you can eat dried apricots, prunes or other sweet dried fruits. It all depends on individual taste preferences. You can add honey, especially herbs, then the taste will be unusual. Tea helps cope with many ailments and strengthens the body. It can easily replace regular store products, which are not always made from natural raw materials.

The method of brewing fireweed tea is basically standard. Just pour boiling water over it and let it brew. The number of leaves may vary. For those who like a stronger drink, you need to add at least three teaspoons per half liter. To make the drink less rich, add less herbs. Some people wonder: why is fireweed tea cloudy when brewed? This doesn't always happen. Most often, the drink becomes cloudy due to the colors that were added to it. The leaves themselves do not give a cloudy tint. The tea is clear and rich depending on the strength. Its shade is between green and black tea.

Another reason could be an incorrect procurement process. The final result greatly depends on it. Perhaps the leaves were too dry or the fermentation process took too long. Each component of the process plays a role in obtaining a clear and tasty drink. Diluting the drink with water will help get rid of the cloudy color, then it needs to stand. This phenomenon does not greatly affect the taste.