Why cystitis does not go away: what to do. Cystitis does not go away for a long time, what to do Cystitis does not go away

Some sick people wonder why cystitis does not go away after starting treatment. The answers can be very different. The course of treatment can be long and depends on a number of factors. So don’t be quickly disappointed that you don’t get the desired result after taking several medications.

Today, many ways to combat cystitis have been developed. Sometimes the disease drags on and you have to spend more effort to eliminate it. Cystitis is rare in men. This is due to the fact that they have a different structure of the genitourinary system and the penetration of infection is minimized. If cystitis does not go away for a long time, you need to understand the reasons and look for answers.

The main symptoms of cystitis: painful sensations, urine flows in small portions, burning sensation, frequent urges. This problem is often associated with a violation of the vaginal microflora. Inflammation turns into cystitis. If left untreated, the problem worsens to pyelonephritis. So the presence of problems with the genital organs may entail long-term treatment of inflammation.

Hormonal changes in a woman can trigger the appearance of cystitis. When cystitis does not go away for a long time, doctors look for concomitant ailments. They are the ones who hinder a quick recovery. The patient can take antibiotics, but without parallel treatment, for example, urethritis, endometritis, prostatitis, adnexitis, there will be no effect. The inflammatory process in the bladder will still be present.

Often, when asked why cystitis does not go away, the answer is quite simple. If the inflammation is not treated, it comes back again. To prevent relapse, you must follow all doctor's prescriptions. This is the only way to eliminate the inflammatory process. It must be borne in mind that cystitis often appears suddenly. If the first symptoms appear, you need to go to the doctor. The disease should not be started. Chronic diseases take a long time to be treated. If you suffer from cystitis, take proper treatment immediately. Don't wait for complications to arise.

Helping patients fight the disease

There are a number of factors that do not allow you to fully recover. These include:

  • gynecological diseases;
  • various infections;
  • disruption of the treatment process;
  • allergies;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • injuries.

In addition, you need to monitor your health. It is strictly forbidden to overcool or swim in cold water.

What to do if cystitis does not go away for a long time?

Chronic disease must be dealt with immediately. First, you should urgently get tested, this will allow you to find out how to treat the inflammatory process. Only after this the doctor will be able to select antibacterial therapy. When the course of treatment is completed, you need to take a urine test several more times. This will help monitor the effectiveness of medications.

Along with the tablets, medicinal herbs, uroseptics and diet are prescribed. Only with such a serious approach will cystitis go away and not be able to recur. In parallel, you can use thermal procedures, for example, baths, sitz baths. But first you need to consult a doctor. If cystitis is advanced and does not go away for a long time, self-medication is strictly contraindicated.

So what to do if cystitis does not go away after long-term treatment? You need to undergo a thorough re-examination and consult a doctor who will provide a number of recommendations. It must be remembered that a simple form of cystitis with proper treatment will go away within a week. If the inflammatory process is started, it will take longer to recover. Correctly selected antibiotics help to cope with the disease faster. So the question of how to treat cystitis disappears. The doctor will select antibiotics and antispasmodics. Medicines should also be aimed at reducing the load on the kidneys.

In some cases, it is recommended to use traditional medicine. But first, it’s better to visit a doctor. There are many tips on how to treat cystitis, but you don’t need to trust everyone. An integrated approach, which includes antibiotics, medicinal herbs, and heating, will help defeat the disease. You can learn what to do to get rid of the infection for good. I would also like to point out one nuance: treatment does not always last a week. If cystitis does not go away for a long time, then you have to spend months recovering. You should be monitored by a doctor for six months. This will allow you to monitor changes in the body.

To avoid having to spend a lot of time on treatment, it is better to prevent the disease from appearing. It is necessary to follow a number of rules that will help prevent the inflammatory process. Personal hygiene, reasonable nutrition, prevention of hypothermia, safe sex life will help avoid the appearance of cystitis or speed up its treatment.

Many women experience cystitis in various forms. In men, this disease is registered only in 5%. Why? This is due to differences in the anatomical structure of organisms. The female organs are designed in such a way that infection can pass through the urinary canal much more easily. Cystitis must be treated in order to avoid a chronic course of the disease, which will need to be treated for many months.

Why does recurrent cystitis occur? And what can you do to avoid this? This may be influenced by external factors and the general health of the patient.

The quality of treatment depends on the patient’s timely visit to the hospital when the following sensations occur:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Frequent urge to urinate.
  • When visiting the toilet there is pain, stinging and itching.
  • The bladder will not empty completely.
  • When you urinate, only a small amount of urine will be released.
  • Urine becomes cloudy, dark, and acquires an unpleasant odor.

For diagnosis, you need to contact a urologist. You may need to consult a gynecologist. The choice of treatment must be determined by the nature of the disease. This may be an inflammatory process in the genital area, or it may be an overly active sex life. During menstruation, there is a high possibility of infection entering the body, which will provoke inflammation in the bladder.

This disease belongs to the urological field, but treatment can also be prescribed by a gynecologist. You may encounter a situation in which it will be the same doctor. The main thing is to contact the clinic in a timely manner. In the case of a protracted course of any disease, complications arise. Then the treatment process will be lengthy, and the possibility of curing a chronic disease is reduced.

In the case of cystitis, an interstitial form of the disease may develop. With this form of the disease, the patient can visit the toilet about 120 times a day. This occurs due to changes in the walls of the bladder. It is quite difficult to cure this phenomenon.

The occurrence of bladder inflammation becomes a common disease in women after 50–55 years. This is influenced by changes in hormonal levels, which are caused by menopause. During this period of life, the internal genital organs descend slightly, and infections can more easily enter the body.

Many patients complain of cystitis even after a course of medication. The antibiotics used must act specifically on the microorganisms that caused the disease. In order to determine the type of bacteria, you need to get tested and only then use specific treatment.

When treated at random, especially with urethritis and chlamydia, the disease will heal, and the possibility of its exacerbation is very high. If the patient suffers from diabetes, and cystitis is caused by E. coli. It can be assumed that he has chronic diseases in the form of caries or tonsillitis. Therefore, for a full course of treatment, you need to visit a dentist or ENT doctor.

You must be careful when using medications. Do not self-medicate or diagnose. Medicines can irritate the lining of the bladder.

Acute cystitis is accompanied by pain. Therefore, the doctor recommends bed rest. But women very rarely can observe it for the entire required period. The way out of this situation is this: when cystitis is diagnosed, the patient is admitted to a hospital.

Any disease requires a full course of treatment. If cystitis begins due to an infection, you will need to get tested to make sure that the body is completely healthy.

If cystitis is detected at the initial stage of development, the possibility of curing it within a week increases significantly. In the chronic stage, treatment can last about one and a half years.

Bladder inflammation will be easier to treat if you follow a diet. During the treatment period, you need to limit the consumption of salt, spicy seasonings, and canned foods. It is necessary to give preference to fruits, vegetables, lean meat and fish. You need to give up soda, because carbon dioxide irritates the mucous membranes of the bladder, stomach and pancreas.

Cystitis may appear due to:

  • Sexually transmitted infections.
  • Treatment that did not affect microorganisms or was interrupted prematurely.
  • Weak immunity, which contributes to the occurrence of another type of infection for which no treatment has been carried out.
  • Changes in hormonal levels, metabolism, disruption of the endocrine system.
  • Disorders in the functioning of the central nervous system.
  • Premature termination of pregnancy.
  • Malfunction of the genital organs.
  • Diagnosis of cystalgia.
  • Any malfunction of the bladder.

Medicines should not be taken haphazardly. This especially applies to antibiotics and uroseptics. Different groups of microbes require the selection of special drugs. Indiscriminate use can provoke the development of immunity in bacteria to drugs. This will make treatment useless, and the disease will become chronic.

It is not always recommended to administer medications by drip. Even the use of herbal medicine for baths and douching can be harmful if its use is not agreed with a doctor. Using nutritional supplements as medicine is a big mistake. Their effects on diseases and the human body have not yet been fully studied.

After the course of treatment, the symptoms of cystitis may begin to recur. In this case, you need to consult a doctor without delaying the visit. If blood appears in your urine, you should urgently visit a medical facility.

The specialist should prescribe tests and at this time it is better to remain in the hospital under the supervision of a doctor. Be sure to do a bacterial culture to identify the presence of infection in the vagina or urethra. After the results obtained, you can choose an antibiotic that is able to resist microorganisms of this particular nature.

This procedure should be carried out by everyone who has already been diagnosed with cystitis, which developed on an infectious basis. During the first examination, a medical error could have occurred and the causative agents of cystitis were incorrectly identified. Some bacteria have learned to resist the effects of drugs.

The analysis must be repeated at least 3 times to obtain the most reliable information. A rapid test may be used during the examination. It helps detect the presence of nitrites that may be present in the urine. It is also able to determine the number of white blood cells and red blood cells in the urine. When bacteria are identified, a repeat course of treatment is prescribed. Antibiotics and uroseptics can be prescribed for simultaneous use. It is very important that the patient follows the doctor's recommendations to maintain bed rest and drink plenty of fluids. Give preference to compotes, green tea, you can make herbal infusions. From herbal medicine you can use aspen and birch buds, elderberry, and bearberry. But only in consultation with the attending physician.

The doctor may decide to conduct a complete examination of the patient. This decision is made at the appointment and after passing the generally accepted tests.

To identify the cause that provokes recurrent cystitis, you need to do the following:

  • Conduct tests for the presence of herpes viruses.
  • It is imperative to exclude the presence of infection in the form of chlamydia, syphilis, trichomonas, herpes.
  • Check for the possibility of developing hepatitis of any kind.
  • Check the body for the possibility of developing toxoplasmosis, milkaplasma, genitalia.

It is necessary to exclude the presence of any other infectious disease and conduct an examination until pathogens that can provoke cystitis are found.

During the treatment period and after, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene. They should not be forgotten even after recovery. In the absence of proper hygiene, cystitis will have a chronic form. Pay special attention to this point during the menstrual cycle. It is necessary to change pads more often; it is better to take a shower than a bath. Avoid visiting the pool and sauna. Make sure you don't get your feet wet and dress appropriately for the weather.

If you work in an office and sit at a desk almost the entire working day, you should do a warm-up every half hour, or maybe more often. Underwear should be comfortable. You also can’t stand it if you want to go to the toilet.

If a diagnosis has been made of infectious cystitis, your sexual partner also needs to undergo treatment. Especially when a relapse occurs. In parallel with taking antibiotics, it is necessary to use drugs that restore flora and immunity. During the entire period of treatment for cystitis, sex should only be performed using a condom. Even if the treatment lasts from a month to six months. If it is determined that cystitis is due to an infection in the oral cavity, it is necessary to abstain from oral sex until the course of treatment is completed and be sure to cure caries. Special attention should be paid to oral hygiene.

If a repeated attack of cystitis occurs, it is imperative to pay special attention to prevention. After treatment, visit a urologist and gynecologist at regular intervals.

In case of chronic cystitis, the usual course of antibiotics and uroseptics will not be enough.

For personal hygiene, buy special wet wipes. Avoid using scented gels and shampoos.

Cystitis is a disease that can be completely cured. But for this you need to consult a doctor in a timely manner and follow all his recommendations after identifying the disease. If it reappears, a full examination and a long course of treatment are required, the success of which depends on many factors. The patient must pay increased attention to personal hygiene, follow a diet and take proper treatment.

2015-09-06 17:57:26

Oksana asks:

Hello, Doctor! 8 years ago I was diagnosed with UC, which does not bother me! 2 years ago, after giving birth, I caught a cold and developed cystitis, I decided to take a Manural suppository, after the pill a terrible diarrhea appeared in the form of stool-water, I went to the doctor, I was prescribed to drink Rehydron and Linex, the stool took shape after some time , I didn’t follow a diet, plus I went on business trips for a whole year... ate at roadside cafes... terrible loose stools appeared 6-8 times... they discovered Klebsiella, took antibiotics, everything returned to normal, followed a strict diet, but failed on New Year's Eve, I ate too much... in the end everything went to waste again... I'm suffering, I went on a business trip again... blood appeared in my stool, mucus, abdominal pain... I took a test in the town for an infection, the doctor said: I HEALTHY! Upon arrival in the city, I was diagnosed with dysentery... I was admitted to the hospital and injected with tsiflotaxime... diarrhea began, I was discharged from the hospital, the diarrhea did not go away, I started taking Polysorb... my condition improved... I followed a strict diet... and to some extent one day I had a sharp sore throat, I went to the doctor, they prescribed me some medicine... I woke up in the morning and my throat was swollen, it was hard to speak, it was unbearably painful to swallow... I went to the doctor, they prescribed me antibiotics... I took them for a couple of days, again I'm sorry , I quit antibiotics... in the end, I tested for dysbacteriosis again... they discovered intestinal candidiasis, I took fluconazlo for 2 weeks... I went to an immunologist, the immunologist said that you can do an immunogram, but nothing can happen to your immunity after antibiotics ...I’ll prescribe suppositories for your butt...in the end there’s no use...the stool was not very good and remained the same, as it was bloated and remained...the throat hurts, then less, then more...tell me what do? I live in a small town, there are no specialists!

Answers Tkachenko Fedot Gennadievich:

Hello, Oksana. It is impossible to understand your situation in absentia, in a virtual consultation mode. However, if a diagnosis of UC has been made, then the condition of the colon should now be checked. This requires consultation with a proctologist and fibrocolonoscopy. Once the data from these surveys is received, it will be possible to decide on further actions.

2015-02-12 20:14:20

Valentina asks:

I am 52 years old. A year and a half ago, I had my uterus removed because of nodes (benign). After the removal, the doctors said that the uterus looked like a bunch of grapes. They prescribed Wobenzym, pills for anemia and that’s it. About six months ago, my legs began to swell and numb fingers and toes. Is this related to the operation? I gained 12 kg. And, apparently, this is not the limit. I have always been slim. And my stomach also worries me: for some reason it remains large and hurts below. The doctor does not find anything like that, except cystitis. But cystitis does not go away. What to do? And how to determine whether I have started menopause or not? What tests should I take to eliminate the consequences.
I really regret it. that I agreed to the operation. I feel like an invalid, I have no strength, no desire to live, I do everything through force. Before the operation there was no such condition, although there were constant bleeding and the result was anemia. Although the doctor says that the hormonal levels after such an operation are not is changing, I feel like I'm getting older. both soul and body.

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello, Valentina! If the ovaries were not removed, but only the uterus, then this should not have affected the hormonal levels. Today you need to donate blood for AMH and FSH, and if menopause is confirmed (and most likely it is, given your age and symptoms), then you will need to contact a gynecologist to prescribe additional examinations and prescribe HRT. Femoston 1/5 should suit you.

2014-09-25 12:37:01

Irina asks:

From time to time I have prerequisites for cystitis, but usually I stay at home, apply a warm heating pad, drink tea and it goes away. But this time, it didn't work. What to do?

Answers Medical consultant of the website portal:

Hello Irina! It is very good that you clearly feel the warning signs of the development of cystitis - this allows you to take the necessary measures in time and avoid a full-fledged relapse of the inflammatory process. The use of special drugs against cystitis, for example the drug Cystinol Acute, will help increase the effectiveness of usual measures. The basis of Cystinol Acute is an extract of bearberry leaves - a substance with a known and pronounced antibacterial effect. Cystinol Akut not only destroys potential pathogens of cystitis, it also promotes their leaching from the bladder. You can buy Cystinol Acute at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. You need to take the drug 2 tablets 3 times a day for a week. Read the article in detail:. Take care of your health!

2014-03-18 14:58:24

Irina asks:

Hello! Three weeks ago, after a cold, symptoms similar to cystitis began - frequent urination, burning, and aching pain in the groin on the left side. I immediately passed a general urine test - everything is fine, only in a small amount of salt - oxalates. Urine culture tank - nothing was found. I took Furamag and Caneffron for a week and Phosfaral (analogous to Monural) once. After 1.5 weeks, the symptoms have not stopped. I went to the gynecologist - the right ovary was slightly enlarged - length 41.5, width 23.6, left 26.3/19.5 - this ultrasound was done in the middle of the cycle (16 dc) and at the conclusion the uzist said that for the middle of the cycle everything Fine. According to the smear, leukocytes are enlarged and there is thrush. The gynecologist examined me and prescribed me neovir, gynekit (1.2 days), fluomizin. I didn’t start treatment right away because I wanted to see a urologist (so that the treatment would be combined). By the time I visited the urologist, a week had passed, and I had another ultrasound done: the right ovary is 45/34/46 mm, the left is 27/26/37 and contains small follicles along the periphery, fluid from behind the waste space in a moderate amount, flatulence is pronounced, according to the conclusion Ultrasound 2-sided inflammation of the ovaries and cystitis, in the urinary wall the wall is compacted up to 6 mm, the contents are heterogeneous with flakes, clots up to 8 mm (done on the 28th day of the cycle). And a urine test - leukocytes 8-10, that is, during this time the results worsened (2 weeks passed between the first and second ultrasounds. On the same day I ran to another gynecologist, she looked at the ultrasound and me in the chair and said that she did not think such sizes on the 28th day of the cycle by replenishing the ovaries, that there are simply a lot of follicles before menstruation (and nothing was prescribed). I don’t know what to think, the ultrasound conclusion is that there is inflammation, but the gynecologist thinks that it is not. It turns out that there are several opinions: the first gynecologist with previous tests prescribed treatment, without knowing the new ultrasound results, and the second gynecologist says that everything is fine with the ovaries, that most likely the problem is cystitis, I don’t know what to do. And the urologist prescribed me antibiotics for cystitis: Ceforal Solutab, 1 tablet for 7 days, Canephron.
Help me figure it out: 1) please tell me what m Hello! My name is Irina, I am 27 years old. Two weeks ago, after a cold, symptoms similar to cystitis began - frequent urination, burning, and aching pain in the groin on the left side. I immediately passed a general urine test - everything is fine, only in a small amount of salt - oxalates. Urine culture tank - nothing was found. I took Furamag and Caneffron for a week and Phosfaral (analogous to Monural) once. After 1.5 weeks, the symptoms have not stopped. I went to the gynecologist - the right ovary was slightly enlarged - length 41.5, width 23.6, left 26.3/19.5 - this ultrasound was done in the middle of the cycle. According to the smear, leukocytes are enlarged and there is thrush. They prescribed me Neovir, Gynekit (days 1 and 2), fluomizin. I didn’t start treatment right away because I wanted to see a urologist (so that the treatment would be combined). Once again, ultrasound scanned the right ovary 45/34/46 mm, the left 27/26/37 and contains small follicles on the periphery, according to the ultrasound, there was 2-sided inflammation of the ovaries (done on the 28th day of the cycle). And a urine test - leukocytes 8-10, that is, during this time the results worsened (2 weeks passed between the first and second ultrasounds. I went to another gynecologist, she looked at the ultrasound and me in the chair and said that she did not count such sizes on the 28th day cycle by replenishing the ovaries, that there are simply a lot of follicles before menstruation (and nothing was prescribed). I don’t know what to think, the ultrasound conclusion is that it’s inflammation, but the gynecologist thinks it’s not. It turns out that there are several opinions: the first gynecologist, with previous tests, prescribed treatment without knowing new ultrasound results, and the second gynecologist says that everything is fine with the ovaries. And I don’t know what to do. And the urologist prescribed me antibiotics Ceforal Solutab, 1 tablet for 7 days, Canephron.
1) please tell me what should I do? 2) according to the ultrasound of the ovaries - is this inflammation or not???? it is very important to know so as not to trigger it, and according to the results of the ultrasound - is it cystitis?
3) should cystitis or ovaries be treated?
4) I don’t know whether it’s correct or not, but I tried to combine treatment: take ceforal solutab as an antibiotic, inject neovir every other day, fluomizin suppositories for 6 days, canephron, nitroxoline???? 4) can these antibiotics ceforal solutab help me with both gynecology (thrush and ovarian enlargement) and cystitis, and can neovir be injected in my situation as an immunomodulator, will it harm the urinary tract?? please help, I'm desperate. I haven’t given birth yet, my husband and I really wanted a baby, but now I don’t know what to think and do in connection with my situation. I’ve just been suffering for three weeks now and it’s not going away.

Answers Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

I recommend sticking with one doctor. It’s difficult for me to judge because an inspection is needed. But Ceforal and Canephron will not worsen the gynecological condition. Neovir will not harm either the gynecology or the bladder. take at least what has already been prescribed; the antibiotic you take is absorbed into the blood and affects the source of inflammation, wherever it may be. Add nystatin 500 thousand 4 times a day to the treatment. After your period, see your doctor.

2013-10-22 16:59:14

Julia asks:

Tell me what to do. I’m 24, for as long as I can remember, even before sexual activity, the vagina always looked the same - at the entrance I always had small fringe-type papillae and there were a lot of them, I didn’t know that they shouldn’t exist. Naturally, I was examined by many gynecologists, but no one ever told me about condylomas. A year ago I had an attack of cystitis and the burning sensation in the vagina did not go away for a week. I went to a gynecologist - she said that I was full of condylomas and it was because of them that the burning sensation was caused, and not from cystitis. I was treated with epigen and dietary supplements for immunity, the burning went away, but the growths remained. A year later, another attack of cystitis and burning sensation. Maybe if I remove these growths, there will be no more attacks? Or is it all unrelated to growths? Another gynecologist actually said that it’s just my mucous membrane and doesn’t need to be removed.

Answers Kolotilkina Tatyana Olegovna:

Hello Julia. Without seeing your “growths” I can’t say what they are and whether they need to be removed. Attacks of cystitis can be provoked by the presence of mycoplasmas, ureaplasmas, for example, or when sand comes out of the kidneys.

2013-09-17 18:03:08

Zoryan asks:

Hello! I’m 22 years old. My “cystitis” has not gone away for 3 years, I was treated by a urologist, had tests done, it was not normal. He prescribed me injections, drops, a diet. So I was treated for half a year, according to the tests everything was fine normal, but the pain when urinating remained, but not so sharp. The urologist sent me for a vaginal test, but the results were also good. He told me to see a gynecologist. And I somehow began to ignore these minor pains, but for half a year ago I started having discharge, an unpleasant odor, pain during sex, it always worsened before menstruation. I went to the gynecologist, she took tests, but according to the tests everything was normal. The gynecologist prescribed douched tantum rose, after the end of the procedure nothing happened for 3 days I was worried, except for the urinary tract, then everything came back again. I decided to self-medicate, bought vaginal suppositories "Vagical" and at the same time took "Canephron" for pain in the urinary tract, nothing hurt for a whole week, but after sex it came back again. Again I only turned to To another gynecologist, I took the tests again, everything was also normal, and she told me that I should take birth control pills “Jas”, maybe it will go away. I’ve been taking it for the second month now, so far there is no discharge or smell, but there is discomfort during sex and in general I don’t even want to deal with him, I have a permanent boyfriend, I only do this for his sake. And 4 days ago after making love, I didn’t wash myself and fell asleep, in the morning I have a very sharp pain when urinating, which only lies in the warmth through I’ve been sick for an hour, but every time I go to the toilet the same pain is again, it’s very sharp, it hurts to sit. I drink soda 3 times a day, I read that it helps, I wash myself with it. I don’t want to go to the doctors, get tested again and take some medicine , I can’t take them anymore, I’m just killing my immunity. Tomorrow I signed up for an ultrasound of my kidneys, urine and ovaries, maybe it will show something, and I want to donate blood, but I don’t know what exactly. And I’m thinking about the guy, what tests to give him, otherwise he says that he is healthy, but I heard that in men it does not manifest itself immediately, they are like carriers. I don’t know what to do, I no longer have the strength.
Today I had an ultrasound and everything was normal. I can’t figure out what’s wrong with me. I have another question about the ultrasound, the doctor told me that I have a slight prolapse of the kidney and endocervicitis, will it be possible to use Derinat as you answered? I wrote a previous message about the pain that does not go away when urinating. I wrote it wrong, I have a question mark about Endocervicitis and I need to confirm it or not, on Monday I’m going to the gynecologist, let him look under a microscope.

Answers Brezitsky Yuri Iosifovich:

2013-08-28 13:13:08

Denis asks:

Hello, dear doctors! A controversial and uncertain situation with the diagnosis arose. Nobody can deliver it. The problem concerns my wife of 23 years. Help with professional advice. Everything was like that.
On the evening of 08/22/2013, she began to experience pain in her right side from the side of her stomach and radiating to her back, the nature of which was sharp. Then the temperature gradually rose, but not high to 37.7. An ambulance was called. The emergency doctor said it might be kidney stones. They took her away, but brought her back 2 hours later. There, a gynecologist checked her (everything turned out to be in order), then the surgeon felt her and also suggested that it was the kidneys, dismissing appendicitis. They injected me with a painkiller and referred me to a urologist. The next day we went to the urologist at the general clinic and had a fluorography done (everything was normal). Without conducting any tests or a banal examination, he prescribed etolfort and diclotol. Realizing that the Hippocratic Oath is now out of fashion, I took the initiative into my own hands and decided to conduct examinations privately (of course, with government-qualified doctors in a public clinic, only in a more prestigious one for sailors). Since there were holidays and weekends, we waited for Monday 08/26. During this time, the pain went away and the temperature only in the evening, the general condition improved. An ultrasound was done in the morning. Nothing was shown, there were no stones anywhere, all organs and their sizes with ducts were normal, except for the gallbladder, which was slightly curved. The ultrasound conclusion, based only on complaints, and consultations previously received from the above-mentioned doctors, stated the following signs: hr. cholecystitis, kidney microliths. Next we take blood and urine tests. On 27/08 we came for tests, and there was a whole bunch of abnormalities (Hemoglobin - 132.8, leukocytes - 8.7, ESR - 55 mm/h, band neutrophils - 20%, segmented neutrophils - 40%, eosinophils - 1, lymphocytes - 31 , monocytes - 8, total bilirubin - 13.9, bound bilirubin - 1.3, free bilirubin - 12.6, bilirubin and bacteria in the urine, other blood and urine parameters were normal). The doctor who took and tested the blood said that this was the first time she had seen such indicators and that she did not think that we would come at all. The wife almost faints, it’s horrifying. We decide to retake the tests. Until the next day, there was no fever and no pain; we did not take any prescribed medications or herbal infusions that day. The condition has almost completely returned to full health, no complaints and good tone, as soon as PMS started in my wife (my period should start in the next few days). On 28/08 in the morning on an empty stomach we donate blood and urine again. We arrive at lunch - again awkward tests (Hemoglobin - 130.9, leukocytes - 7.0, ESR - already 60, band - 10, segmented - 60, eosinophils - 1, lymphocytes - 26. monocytes - 3; leukocytes in urine - 30 -35, flat epithelium appeared -3-4, bacteria were as they were). They refer us to nephrology (one doctor in the whole city!). The doctor, having felt and looked at the tests, suggests, but does not make a diagnosis, that it is pyelonephritis and urgent hospitalization is necessary. But her condition is improving every day and the pain goes away almost completely. We don’t know what to do, because he’ll go to the hospital and be pumped full of antibiotics. But the most interesting thing is that no one takes responsibility for officially making a diagnosis, and the treatment has already been thought out. Based on tests and ultrasounds, I called up doctors I knew (some retired, some in another city) and all the time they reported different assumptions: urolithiasis, cholelithiasis, pregnancy, menstruation, cystitis, oncology, in short, a set of all practically diseases. And every day she gets better and better. Based on the information provided, please give advice. Respond to the request, I don’t know what to do, which doctor to go to, what other tests to do, because it’s easiest to go to the ward under a needle, but will there be a result and will the diagnosis be made correctly, and it’s easy to ruin the stomach and liver with antibiotics, while giving it a long way more than one salary.
Best regards Denis!

Modern medicine has learned to successfully cope with any bladder disease. Treatment methods have been tested many times and have stood the test of time. If the patient adheres to the prescribed course, the disease disappears without a trace, but there are cases when cystitis does not go away. Delaying the process for more than a month means that an error was made in prescribing therapy or the patient does not adhere to the prescribed recommendations. In fact, there are quite a few reasons why cystitis cannot be cured, but the first action in this situation should be to immediately consult a doctor.

Important. Inappropriate treatment of cystitis leads to chronic forms of the disease, which significantly complicates the implementation of therapeutic actions and contributes to the occurrence of complications.


Women are more often affected by cystitis than men, due to the structural features of the genitourinary system. The manifestations of the disease do not depend on age, and relapse is possible if the doctor’s instructions are violated during treatment, or due to anatomical abnormalities of the body, in particular the close proximity of the urethra and vagina, which increases the risk of the spread of infections.

Inflammation occurs when the integrity of the woman’s vaginal mucosa and microflora are disrupted. These problems manifest themselves through severe pain, burning in the groin area, cloudy urine and increased urge. If the symptoms of cystitis are ignored and therapy is delayed, the disease develops into pyelonephritis.

The resumption of signs of the disease occurs at the onset of critical days due to changes in hormonal levels.

Treatment failure occurs in the presence of concomitant inflammatory processes in the body. The following diseases have a negative effect on the treatment of cystitis:

  • urethritis;
  • adnexitis;
  • prostatitis;
  • caries;
  • tonsillitis.

Cystitis that is not completely cured becomes the causative agent of more serious diseases, the treatment of which is more expensive and complex.

Factors that aggravate the situation with the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the urinary tract include: gynecological problems, hormonal disorders, hypothermia, mucosal injuries, allergic manifestations, infections.

Ignoring professional medical care and relying on one’s own strength when dealing with the symptoms of cystitis lead to various disorders that complicate subsequent therapy. As a result of taking inappropriate medications, especially from the group of antibiotics, pathogens receive additional immunity and subsequently begin to be weakly affected by the drugs. The same result is found when the intake and dosage of medications is violated. Some women, when cystitis recurs, begin to take previously prescribed medications without first consulting a doctor. Pathogenic mycobacteria become accustomed to such drugs and no longer respond to their use.

Errors in drug selection are based on a poor understanding of the direction of action of each drug. Often one drug does not help in the fight against the manifestations of the disease without the use of additional drugs, and that is why cystitis does not go away for a long time. The correct approach to prescribing medications should be considered a preliminary study of the microflora from the bladder for reactions to various drugs.

Relapses against the background of anatomical features of the body

The location of the urethra in the female body contributes to the development of infectious diseases. The reason is the close location of the urethra, vagina and anus, the small volume of the bladder and the short channel that removes urine from the body. These signs are typical for any woman, but there are a number of additional individual complications.

Long-term and unsuccessful treatment of cystitis is a consequence of the following factors:

Individual structural features of the body may not be realized by a person until visiting a doctor and receiving qualified advice. The presence of such anatomical defects is detrimental to self-medication, since efforts aimed at eliminating the problem are in vain.

Timely correction of the structural features of the genitourinary system will avoid frequent diseases and speed up the treatment process.

Presence of a chronic focus of infection

Errors in diagnosing the disease affect the prolongation of treatment, and incorrect identification of the source of infection can lead to a chronic form of the disease. Often pathogenic bacteria flow from the kidneys along the descending path into the bladder, and with poor diagnosis this process is not detected, which complicates the removal of the true cause of inflammation and makes the treatment process long and ineffective. The main lesion should be treated, otherwise the disease will not be eliminated.

Decreased body reactivity

To successfully combat the symptoms of cystitis, a medicinal solution to the problem is not enough. The presence of inflammation reduces the body's ability to resist and weakens the immunity of even an adult. It is very important to organize general support for protective abilities by eliminating provoking causes and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It is recommended to avoid hypothermia, give up alcoholic drinks and establish a balanced diet. Thus, by restoring immunity, you can somewhat speed up the healing process.


If there are no results of treatment for a long time, you should re-examine with a doctor and take tests. It is recommended to submit biological material to study blood for general indicators and conduct a urine test according to Nechiporenko. It is mandatory to perform a BAC culture to determine effective drugs. To exclude sexually transmitted diseases, appropriate materials are submitted for research.

The following activities will help you get a more complete picture of the problem:

  • involvement of specialists, a urologist and a gynecologist, to study the anatomical features of the structure of the patient’s genitourinary system;
  • to determine the degree of damage to internal organs, an ultrasound of the bladder and kidneys should be performed;
  • radiography allows you to determine the foci of inflammation and its intensity;
  • examination of the diseased organ is carried out during cystoscopy.

In rare cases, specialized specialists are involved, since the cause of cystitis may be other inflammatory processes occurring in other organs, for example, tonsillitis or otitis media.

The right approach to treatment

An important condition for successful recovery must be the high-quality implementation of hygienic procedures by both the patient and her husband. Particular attention should be paid to intimate hygiene during the menstrual cycle; at this time it is recommended to take a shower instead of a bath, and replace pads more often. Daily change of underwear is required, and it is better to use panties made of natural cotton. You should not visit public places like baths and swimming pools, where the risk of other infections that cause cystitis increases.

Reasonable physical activity is important when working sedentarily; you need to take regular breaks for small exercises to avoid congestion in the pelvic area. At the first urge, you should immediately go to the toilet.

Once the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment is prescribed not only to the person who has cystitis, but also to his sexual partner. This measure is especially important in case of regular relapses of the disease, since the source of damage to the woman’s internal organs becomes a problem in the man’s body. The companion is prescribed antibiotics that will help restore healthy flora and support immunity. Sexual intimacy during treatment is possible only with the use of condoms.

Chronic manifestations of cystitis cannot be eliminated only by the use of medications. It is advisable to use traditional methods of treatment, for example, drinking cranberry juice, which is rich in essential vitamins and helps eliminate the symptoms of the disease. To maintain hygiene, it is better to use non-scented shampoos, and if it is impossible to perform a full procedure in the bathroom, use wet wipes.

Cystitis is not a death sentence and, taking into account all the doctor’s instructions and constant visits to the clinic, treatment of the disease is successful, and the patient is freed from this disease.

There are many reasons why cystitis does not go away after treatment: incorrect selection of medications, non-compliance with personal hygiene rules, neglect of doctor’s recommendations. All these factors can contribute to the transition of bladder inflammation to a chronic form.

If treatment for cystitis does not produce results, you should reconsider it and visit the doctor again.

If acute cystitis does not disappear a week or even a month after treatment, the infection can spread to other organs and tissues. Pain appears in the lower abdomen, in the perineum and rectum. urination becomes more frequent.

Cystitis can last a long time with regular hypothermia.

Weakening of the body's defenses and vitamin deficiency contribute to the transition of the disease to a chronic form.

Infectious agents can penetrate into the bladder tissue from inflammatory foci in the body. Cystitis takes a protracted course when the rules of intimate hygiene are not observed. Particular attention should be paid to changes in hormonal levels, as they can affect the duration of the disease. The reason is a decrease in estrogen levels during menopause.

In the fair sex, the disease does not go away with diabetes and chlamydia. Inflammation in the bladder occurs with staphylococcal and streptococcal infections. After undergoing antibacterial therapy, the symptoms of the disease disappear, but when immunity decreases, they reappear.

The cause of prolonged cystitis is inflammation, which quickly spreads in the body. Therefore, if the disease does not go away, you need to be checked for hidden infections. Inflammation in the bladder occurs with ovarian dysfunction or after an abortion.

Bladder diseases are observed in both adult patients of both sexes and children, but they are diagnosed 3 times more often in women.

The causes of protracted cystitis are vesiculitis and prostatitis. Improper treatment leads to the disease becoming chronic. An exacerbation of cystitis can be triggered by re-infection with a different strain of bacteria, bladder injury or neurovegetative disorders.

What to do if cystitis does not go away

Long-term persistence of symptoms of the disease is an indication for additional examination of the patient. To get rid of cystitis you need to complete a full therapeutic course.

You should not stop taking medications, even if the signs of the disease have disappeared.

Early completion of treatment can lead to cystitis becoming chronic.

If all else fails, the patient is admitted to the hospital. Therapy lasts several months. After treatment, you must avoid spicy and pickled foods, canned food and carbonated drinks. Cystitis that develops against the background of hormonal imbalance or neurovegative disorders is difficult to eliminate.

If more than a month has passed after taking antibiotics and the signs of the disease do not disappear, the doctor makes changes to the therapeutic regimen. Experts recommend compliance with the following rules:

  • You cannot select medications on your own.
  • Medicines are prescribed only after the causative agent of the infection has been identified.

Taking small doses of drugs contributes to the development of bacterial resistance. If there is no effect of treatment, it is necessary to change the antibiotic. Cystitis cannot be eliminated only with folk remedies.

Repeated diagnosis

If the disease lasts for a long time, it is necessary to conduct tests for infections. Women give a smear, men - urine. The sample is placed on a nutrient medium. PCR allows you to determine the type of bacteria and its sensitivity to antibiotics. With chronic cystitis, several infectious agents are detected, so the list of prescribed drugs increases.

Cystitis may not go away due to an incorrectly identified cause of its occurrence. If no results are observed after a month of treatment, additional diagnostic procedures are prescribed. Using contrast radiography, the size of the bladder is determined, tumors and signs of inflammation are detected.

Taking medications

Most often, a course of antibiotic therapy is prescribed to treat prolonged cystitis. Common antibiotics are Monural, Nolitsin, Levomycetin. Medicines are used in smaller doses, but for a long time. Sometimes the doctor prescribes two antibiotics at once. To enhance the effectiveness of antibacterial drugs, herbal remedies with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects are prescribed (for example, Canephron N). To help your immune system cope with a long-term illness, your doctor may prescribe vitamins.

Most often, for the treatment of prolonged cystitis, a course of antibacterial therapy is prescribed, antibiotics - Monural, Nolitsin, Levomycetin.

Is it possible to cure cystitis?

You can get rid of a protracted inflammatory process in the bladder. If the disease was diagnosed quickly, a few doses of medication will be sufficient. If the form of the pathology is chronic, treatment will be lengthy, but a qualified urologist will help get rid of the disease.

This form of pathology causes a lot of inconvenience to the patient. Treatment is aimed at eliminating unpleasant symptoms - pain and frequent urination. For this purpose, painkillers and antispasmodics are used. NSAIDs eliminate signs of inflammation, pain disappears after 24-48 hours. After this, antibacterial therapy is prescribed.


Antiviral or antifungal drugs are used to treat chronic infection. It all depends on the type of infectious agent. Tsiprolet has a powerful effect, the dosage is selected by the attending physician, the course of treatment lasts a week. Medicines have a wide range of side effects and are therefore available with a prescription. Sexual activity is prohibited during treatment.

  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Frequent urge to urinate.
  • When visiting the toilet there is pain, stinging and itching.
  • The bladder will not empty completely.
  • When you urinate, only a small amount of urine will be released.
  • Urine becomes cloudy, dark, and acquires an unpleasant odor.

What can cause cystitis

  • Sexually transmitted infections.
  • Treatment that did not affect microorganisms or was interrupted prematurely.
  • Weak immunity, which contributes to the occurrence of another type of infection for which no treatment has been carried out.
  • Changes in hormonal levels, metabolism, disruption of the endocrine system.
  • Disorders in the functioning of the central nervous system.
  • Premature termination of pregnancy.
  • Malfunction of the genital organs.
  • Diagnosis of cystalgia.
  • Any malfunction of the bladder.

  • Conduct tests for the presence of herpes viruses.
  • It is imperative to exclude the presence of infection in the form of chlamydia, syphilis, trichomonas, herpes.
  • Check for the possibility of developing hepatitis of any kind.
  • Check the body for the possibility of developing toxoplasmosis, milkaplasma, genitalia.

To date, clear treatment regimens have been developed for all existing forms of bladder inflammation. Compliance with universal recommendations adapted to a specific case allows you to achieve the desired results in a short time. If cystitis does not go away, this may indicate a variety of reasons. Situations in which no positive dynamics are observed after 2-3 weeks from the start of therapy require immediate medical intervention. By delaying seeking help, patients risk provoking the development of complications or transferring the disease to the chronic phase.

Protracted illness as a result of improper treatment

Reluctance to turn to specialists and attempts to solve the problem on your own often lead to increased resistance of pathogens to antibiotics. The wrong combination of drugs can cause a decrease in the effectiveness of other specialized drugs. Patients who suspect they have cystitis often buy antimicrobial drugs at random and do not always follow the rules for taking them. Women who suffer from manifestations of the disease regularly resort to the same remedies over and over again. After some time, pathogens develop resistance to specific components, and they do not react to them in any way.

Incorrect selection of a medicinal product also poses a danger. Often, treatment for cystitis begins with taking Monural, a drug in the form of a broad-spectrum suspension. Few people know that in some cases this product alone is not enough and it is necessary to connect auxiliary means. Ideally, therapy should be based on bacteriological culture of material from the bladder. In case of a long wait for results, the treatment regimen is selected according to indications and adjusted after a few days if necessary.

Cystitis does not go away because it is not cystitis

People who have already gone through the entire procedure for the course and treatment of cystitis sometimes mistake other diseases for this pathology. This is why it is important not to start specific therapy until your doctor has made an accurate diagnosis.

The clinical picture characteristic of inflammation of the bladder is similar to signs of the development of urethritis, the movement of stones along the ureters or urethra, and the formation of tumors in the bladder.

Sometimes injuries and mechanical damage to the lower organs of the urinary system, the formation of cysts and polyps in them, are mistaken for cystitis.

In this case, while taking antispasmodics, some symptoms may disappear for a while, but quite soon they return and can bother you for weeks or months. The principles of treatment for some of the possible pathologies of the urinary system with similar manifestations may vary significantly. For example, heat, actively used in cystitis, can provoke the growth of tumors. Physical education stimulates the movement of stones and sand, which causes many unpleasant moments. Even a clear clinical picture does not allow an accurate diagnosis to be made; suspicions must be double-checked.

Relapses against the background of anatomical features of the body

The structure of the female genitourinary system itself is a factor predisposing to inflammatory processes in the bladder. A wide and short urinary excretion channel without bends, proximity of the genitals and anus, small volumes of the bladder - this is what is typical for every girl. In addition, there are a number of specific points.

Prolonged course of cystitis or relapse immediately after treatment can be the result of the following phenomena:

  1. The location of the urethra is inside the vagina or very close to it. The slightest violation of the rules of care for the genitals or careless sexual intercourse will contribute to the penetration of pathogens into the bladder.
  2. Increased mobility of the urethra. In this case, the penetration of pathogens into the bladder occurs during sexual contact.
  3. Narrowing of the urethra. A problem that does not occur very often, but applies to both sexes. Emptying the bladder occurs with a delay, which causes stagnant effects. Traditional therapy in this case will give the desired result only after eliminating the urethral defect.

People who avoid preventive visits to doctors may not be aware of such features of their body. They regularly suffer from prolonged cystitis and after some time they even get used to this state of affairs. In this case, the listed points are subject to correction, which increases the chances of complete relief from the disease.

Several more reasons for the protracted course of the disease

There are many more reasons why cystitis does not go away. In some cases, even properly administered treatment does not help. Despite all efforts, the illness can last a month or even longer. If you do not understand the situation and continue to use approaches that do not give the desired result, the disease will progress and create additional problems.

Presence of a chronic focus of infection

Sometimes cystitis develops as a result of the infection passing along a descending path: from the kidneys to the bladder. Poor diagnostics may not reveal this pattern. The therapy will begin to have a positive effect on the condition of the bladder, but the condition of the kidneys will continue to deteriorate. The result will be prolonged treatment, which is often ineffective. Until the source of the infection is cured, it will not be possible to get rid of cystitis.

Decreased body reactivity

To overcome cystitis, it is not enough to organize treatment correctly; you also need to increase the body’s defenses. Weakening of the immune system, provoked by physiological or pathological factors, will lead to the disease returning again and again. In this case, every little detail plays an important role.

Minor hypothermia, violation of healthy eating rules, alcohol consumption and other bad habits can prolong the treatment of cystitis for weeks.

Improper body care

High-quality specialized therapy may not cope with the signs of the disease if the woman does not follow the rules of personal hygiene. This often leads to the symptoms of cystitis returning soon after they have already passed. Too frequent washing, abuse of douching and the use of aggressive detergents are no less dangerous than lack of care.

Changes in the composition of the microflora of the genital organs

The close location of the vagina and urethra leads to the fact that the condition of the second organ directly depends on the health of the first. If the composition of the microflora of the genital organs is disrupted, reactions occur on them, during which even opportunistic elements begin to pose a danger to the patient’s health. Against the background of cystitis, this connection becomes even more acute. Under the influence of negative factors, the course of bladder inflammation takes on a cyclical form.

What to do if cystitis does not go away?

The duration of treatment for bladder inflammation is on average 5 to 10 days. If cystitis does not go away, the first thing to do is visit your doctor. Some patients simply increase medication dosages or add additional medications to their treatment regimen. This does not guarantee the desired result, but it increases the risk of complications and side effects. Methods of dealing with cystitis that does not go away according to schedule may be different, but there are several universal points.

Features of re-diagnosis

The patient again donates blood and urine for general tests. Additionally, a biochemical blood test and a urine test according to Nechiporenko are performed. If for some reason during the first visit to the urologist the material was not collected for bacterial culture, this must be done. Sometimes it is necessary to repeat this study to eliminate possible errors. In addition, biological raw materials are collected for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases.

Here are a few more events that will help you get a clearer picture of the current situation:

  • Examination by a gynecologist or urologist for abnormalities in the structure of the genitourinary system.
  • Ultrasound of the bladder and kidneys. Establishes the degree of damage to the bladder and other excretory organs.
  • X-ray. Reveals the boundaries of the infectious process and its severity.
  • Cystoscopy. This examination method makes it possible to assess the condition of the diseased organ through examination in real time.

Sometimes other research methods are also indicated, because the source of infection may be located not only in the abdominal cavity. Many cases have been registered when cystitis becomes a consequence of tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis and other distant inflammatory processes of an infectious nature.

Specifics of taking medications

At the initial stage of therapy, people with cystitis are prescribed a standard set of medications. The results in each case are different, which is determined by whether patients follow or ignore the recommendations and the individual characteristics of the body. If the treatment does not produce a positive effect within 2-3 days, you need to draw the doctor’s attention to this point. If the symptoms disappear, you should not refuse to continue taking the products either; you need to drink the course to the end. Drinking plenty of fluids not only helps remove microbes from the body and reduce urine concentration, but also stimulates the therapeutic properties of medications, so you should drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day.

It happens that it is the protracted course of cystitis that forces women and men to pay attention to specific points that they previously ignored. When medication-based therapy does not produce the desired results, you need to evaluate your own actions.

Bladder inflammation will go away much faster if you take into account the following points:

  • Care must be taken to ensure that the body is always warm.
  • You should go to the toilet on time. With cystitis, delaying bladder emptying is extremely dangerous and stimulates an increase in symptoms.
  • You should not use deodorants, talc, or other intimate hygiene products during therapy.
  • It is better to refuse intimate relationships until the disease completely passes.
  • Increased attention is paid to the composition of the diet and maintaining the drinking regime.
  • You should not refuse to use traditional medicine. Many years of experience in their use have proven the effectiveness of the products.

Prolonged course of cystitis during therapy is evidence of serious problems in the body. This is not only unpleasant, but also extremely dangerous. This process should not be left to chance in the hope that the immune system will cope with the problem on its own. You must react quickly and strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

Chronic or acute pyelonephritis often leads to infection descending into the underlying bladder and the appearance of cystitis. Against the background of weakened immunity, it becomes difficult for the body to resist it and, as a result, inflammation of the bladder appears. In this case, for cystitis to go away, it is necessary to eliminate the inflammation of the kidneys.

The fifth reason is a decrease in the body’s reactivity to infections. Hypothermia, unbalanced nutrition, and some diseases lead to weakened immunity. Your own mechanisms are not able to cope with pathogenic microorganisms, so cystitis does not go away for a long time.

The sixth reason is violation of personal hygiene rules. As is known, women are prone to cystitis due to the anatomical features of the urethra and the proximity of the reservoir of infection (anus) to the urinary tract. Infrequent, improper washing of the genitals or changing underwear leads to bacteria accumulating in such quantities that they penetrate the bladder, causing symptoms of cystitis.

The seventh reason is a change in the vaginal microflora. Similar to the previous statement, the vagina is also in close proximity to the urethra. Changes in its microflora at one time or another will affect the condition of the urinary tract.

Many women experience cystitis in various forms. In men, this disease is registered only in 5%. Why? This is due to differences in the anatomical structure of organisms. The female organs are designed in such a way that infection can pass through the urinary canal much more easily. Cystitis must be treated in order to avoid a chronic course of the disease, which will need to be treated for many months.

Why does recurrent cystitis occur? And what can you do to avoid this? This may be influenced by external factors and the general health of the patient.

Signs characterizing cystitis

The quality of treatment depends on the patient’s timely visit to the hospital when the following sensations occur:

Pain in the lower abdomen. Frequent urge to urinate. When visiting the toilet there is pain, stinging and itching. The bladder will not empty completely. When you urinate, only a small amount of urine will be released. Urine becomes cloudy, dark, and acquires an unpleasant odor.

For diagnosis, you need to contact a urologist. You may need to consult a gynecologist. The choice of treatment must be determined by the nature of the disease. This may be an inflammatory process in the genital area, or it may be an overly active sex life. During menstruation, there is a high possibility of infection entering the body, which will provoke inflammation in the bladder.

This disease belongs to the urological field, but treatment can also be prescribed by a gynecologist. You may encounter a situation in which it will be the same doctor. The main thing is to contact the clinic in a timely manner. In the case of a protracted course of any disease, complications arise. Then the treatment process will be lengthy, and the possibility of curing a chronic disease is reduced.

In the case of cystitis, an interstitial form of the disease may develop. With this form of the disease, the patient can visit the toilet about 120 times a day. This occurs due to changes in the walls of the bladder. It is quite difficult to cure this phenomenon.

What can cause cystitis

The occurrence of bladder inflammation becomes a common disease in women after 50–55 years. This is influenced by changes in hormonal levels, which are caused by menopause. During this period of life, the internal genital organs descend slightly, and infections can more easily enter the body.

Many patients complain of cystitis even after a course of medication. The antibiotics used must act specifically on the microorganisms that caused the disease. In order to determine the type of bacteria, you need to get tested and only then use specific treatment.

When treated at random, especially with urethritis and chlamydia, the disease will heal, and the possibility of its exacerbation is very high. If the patient suffers from diabetes, and cystitis is caused by E. coli. It can be assumed that he has chronic diseases in the form of caries or tonsillitis. Therefore, for a full course of treatment, you need to visit a dentist or ENT doctor.

You must be careful when using medications. Do not self-medicate or diagnose. Medicines can irritate the lining of the bladder.

Acute cystitis is accompanied by pain. Therefore, the doctor recommends bed rest. But women very rarely can observe it for the entire required period. The way out of this situation is this: when cystitis is diagnosed, the patient is admitted to a hospital.

Recurrence of cystitis

Any disease requires a full course of treatment. If cystitis begins due to an infection, you will need to get tested to make sure that the body is completely healthy.

If cystitis is detected at the initial stage of development, the possibility of curing it within a week increases significantly. In the chronic stage, treatment can last about one and a half years.

Bladder inflammation will be easier to treat if you follow a diet. During the treatment period, you need to limit the consumption of salt, spicy seasonings, and canned foods. It is necessary to give preference to fruits, vegetables, lean meat and fish. You need to give up soda, because carbon dioxide irritates the mucous membranes of the bladder, stomach and pancreas.

Cystitis may appear due to:

Sexually transmitted infections. Treatment that did not affect microorganisms or was interrupted prematurely. Weak immunity, which contributes to the occurrence of another type of infection for which no treatment has been carried out. Received injuries and heavy load on the lumbar region. Changes in hormonal levels, metabolism, disruption of the endocrine system. Disorders in the functioning of the central nervous system. Premature termination of pregnancy. Malfunction of the genital organs. Diagnosis of cystalgia. Any malfunction of the bladder.

Proper treatment of infectious diseases

Medicines should not be taken haphazardly. This especially applies to antibiotics and uroseptics. Different groups of microbes require the selection of special drugs. Indiscriminate use can provoke the development of immunity in bacteria to drugs. This will make treatment useless, and the disease will become chronic.

It is not always recommended to administer medications by drip. Even the use of herbal medicine for baths and douching can be harmful if its use is not agreed with a doctor. Using nutritional supplements as medicine is a big mistake. Their effects on diseases and the human body have not yet been fully studied.

Tests for re-diagnosis of cystitis

After the course of treatment, the symptoms of cystitis may begin to recur. In this case, you need to consult a doctor without delaying the visit. If blood appears in your urine, you should urgently visit a medical facility.

The specialist should prescribe tests and at this time it is better to remain in the hospital under the supervision of a doctor. Be sure to do a bacterial culture to identify the presence of infection in the vagina or urethra. After the results obtained, you can choose an antibiotic that is able to resist microorganisms of this particular nature.

This procedure should be carried out by everyone who has already been diagnosed with cystitis, which developed on an infectious basis. During the first examination, a medical error could have occurred and the causative agents of cystitis were incorrectly identified. Some bacteria have learned to resist the effects of drugs.

The analysis must be repeated at least 3 times to obtain the most reliable information. A rapid test may be used during the examination. It helps detect the presence of nitrites that may be present in the urine. It is also able to determine the number of white blood cells and red blood cells in the urine. When bacteria are identified, a repeat course of treatment is prescribed. Antibiotics and uroseptics can be prescribed for simultaneous use. It is very important that the patient follows the doctor's recommendations to maintain bed rest and drink plenty of fluids. Give preference to compotes, green tea, you can make herbal infusions. From herbal medicine you can use aspen and birch buds, elderberry, and bearberry. But only in consultation with the attending physician.

The doctor may decide to conduct a complete examination of the patient. This decision is made at the appointment and after passing the generally accepted tests.

To identify the cause that provokes recurrent cystitis, you need to do the following:

Conduct tests for the presence of herpes viruses. It is imperative to exclude the presence of infection in the form of chlamydia, syphilis, trichomonas, herpes. Check for the possibility of developing hepatitis of any kind. Check the body for the possibility of developing toxoplasmosis, milkaplasma, genitalia.

It is necessary to exclude the presence of any other infectious disease and conduct an examination until pathogens that can provoke cystitis are found.

During the treatment period and after, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene. They should not be forgotten even after recovery. In the absence of proper hygiene, cystitis will have a chronic form. Pay special attention to this point during the menstrual cycle. It is necessary to change pads more often; it is better to take a shower than a bath. Avoid visiting the pool and sauna. Make sure you don't get your feet wet and dress appropriately for the weather.

If you work in an office and sit at a desk almost the entire working day, you should do a warm-up every half hour, or maybe more often. Underwear should be comfortable. You also can’t stand it if you want to go to the toilet.

If a diagnosis has been made of infectious cystitis, your sexual partner also needs to undergo treatment. Especially when a relapse occurs. In parallel with taking antibiotics, it is necessary to use drugs that restore flora and immunity. During the entire period of treatment for cystitis, sex should only be performed using a condom. Even if the treatment lasts from a month to six months. If it is determined that cystitis is due to an infection in the oral cavity, it is necessary to abstain from oral sex until the course of treatment is completed and be sure to cure caries. Special attention should be paid to oral hygiene.

If a repeated attack of cystitis occurs, it is imperative to pay special attention to prevention. After treatment, visit a urologist and gynecologist at regular intervals.

In case of chronic cystitis, the usual course of antibiotics and uroseptics will not be enough.

For personal hygiene, buy special wet wipes. Avoid using scented gels and shampoos.

Cystitis is a disease that can be completely cured. But for this you need to consult a doctor in a timely manner and follow all his recommendations after identifying the disease. If it reappears, a full examination and a long course of treatment are required, the success of which depends on many factors. The patient must pay increased attention to personal hygiene, follow a diet and take proper treatment.

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder, which most often occurs in mature women. It affects men less often because they have a completely different body structure.

The female urethra is short and wide; in men, on the contrary, the urethra is longer, it is located under several layers of squamous epithelium, which is why pathogenic bacteria do not penetrate into it as easily.

In principle, from the above we can conclude that cystitis is a disease of women. It has been well studied, but it is still a dangerous disease.

Signs of the disease

The main features include:

Frequent urge to empty the bladder. If a person is healthy, then he can defecate no more than five times a day, and a sick person more often. The amount of urine released is minimal, but the urge does not stop, even when it happens. Burning sensation and pain during bowel movements. The release of urine continues against the background of severe pain in the lower region of the body. But they go away when the bowel movement ends, and begin again before each trip to the toilet. The appearance of blood in the urine. With this disease, urine becomes darker, thicker, and sometimes even mixed with blood. Increase in temperature. It should be remembered that cystitis is an inflammation, and it is usually accompanied by an increase in body temperature. This manifests itself as chills and fever. An increase in temperature occurs in the cold or in a cold room. Foul odor during urination. Very often, not only the color of urine changes, but also its smell. And all because pus accumulates near the urethra. Pain in the lumbar region. Pain can manifest itself not only in the groin, but also in the lower back, so many people confuse it with other diseases.

If you have at least one of the above signs, you should go to the clinic for an examination and tests.

Possible causes of the disease

Cystitis was considered a cold that could only appear in women. Especially for those who did not spare their bodies and dressed poorly in cold weather. For example, these are short skirts and jackets. Or, in general, those women who sit in the cold.

It cannot be said that all these reasons were not in vain for women. This behavior was considered the first factor in the appearance of cystitis. However, scientists have found that this is not the only cause of the disease.

The main causes of cystitis are:

Hormonal imbalances. They can appear before or after menopause. At this time, the woman’s genitourinary system is less protected. Gynecological pathologies or mechanical injuries. They can appear during labor, abortion, or injury. In addition, various infectious diseases can be common factors in the appearance of pathology. Infectious pathologies that existed before. It should be understood that any infection that could enter the body can cause cystitis. Women suffering from streptococcal, staphylococcal or E. coli infections will be the first to be targeted. Allergy to certain medications. An allergic reaction to administered medications can be the onset of cystitis.

In last place is the mental state of a person.

The first thing to do is to determine the causes of the disease. Some bacteria need to be eliminated using special medications. If the treatment uses the wrong antibiotics that can cope with bacteria, then the disease will become chronic. In addition, constant relapses will begin with each hypothermia of the body.


Only a urogynecologist can diagnose the disease. If the clinic where the woman turned for help does not have such a specialist, then she should go to an appointment with a urologist or gynecologist. A correct diagnosis can only be made on the basis of a gynecological examination. If the doctor detects inflammation of the genital tract, then a diagnosis of cystitis is made.

If a woman is examined by a urologist, then the presence of the disease is diagnosed by contraction of the urethra.

After the examination, the patient is sent for tests. It is necessary to do a bacteriological culture, as well as donate blood and urine.

In this way, the presence of streptococcal bacteria or urogenital infections can be detected.

Using various diagnostic tests, doctors determine or deny the presence of:

Thrushes. E. coli. Staphylococci and streptococci. Chlamydia. Bacterial vaginosis.

If the patient’s body has at least one of the listed “points,” then the doctor makes a final and correct diagnosis – cystitis.

Methods of therapy

Cystitis must be treated in two ways. The first thing the doctor should do is to relieve the woman of pain. To do this, it is recommended that she take painkillers. Then comes the use of drugs that can relieve the inflammatory process. Medicines are also prescribed to help the immune system produce special antibodies that can cope with the disease.

Therapy is prescribed only with antibiotics and antibacterial drugs. In addition, treatment of cystitis should be carried out in combination with physiotherapeutic procedures. Also, doctors often prescribe a special diet, plenty of daily fluids, and it is necessary to submit urine for laboratory testing from time to time. You cannot self-medicate so as not to worsen your condition.

Therapy for this disease can be carried out in a hospital, for one week, or at home. During inpatient treatment, the patient is regularly washed with a special solution.

The entire course of therapy is approximately one month; relapses may occur after treatment. Many patients ask the question: “Why does cystitis not go away?” And if the attending physician in this case does not know what to do, then simply change the specialist.

In addition to traditional medicine, you can use folk recipes. Collections of special herbs and douching are suitable for this. This will help reduce pain and improve the patient's condition.

If, against the background of cystitis, the body temperature rises, or the patient does not feel well, then there is no need to carry out any thermal procedures. You should not sit in a hot bath, visit a sauna or bathhouse, especially if there is blood in the urine.

Relapses of the disease

If cystitis occurs again and again after treatment, this can only happen for two reasons:

Persistence of infection. Occurs when the infection penetrates the mucous membrane of the bladder or urethra, so the disease can return again. If this happens, the pain will be no less than before. Re-infection. If treatment managed to get rid of the infection, then it may re-enter the body. Therefore, a relapse will occur very soon.

Diagnosis of relapse occurs when the patient seeks help from a doctor more than four times a year. Each time, the same diagnostic measures are used that were applied when the patient first presented.

Risk group

A woman is susceptible to infection if she has the following abnormalities:

Congenital pathologies of the urethra, urinary canal or bladder. Sagging of the pelvic floor muscle tissue. Pathologies of the nervous system. Formation of stones in the kidneys and urinary tract. Narrow urethra.

Such women often suffer from the fact that the disease does not go away for a long time. Every month they suffer from relapses that occur before or after their periods.

Frequent relapses occur when a person neglects the rules of personal hygiene. When spermicides are used as contraceptives, or a chaotic sex life is conducted, this will also be a factor in the fact that cystitis does not go away in a person for a long time. For example, before intimacy, a woman should empty her bladder. Sometimes it is a full bladder that can trigger a relapse.

Possible preventive measures

To prevent the disease from “poisoning” your life, you must adhere to the following rules:

In cold weather you should dress warmly. Do physical exercise regularly and do not sit in one place for a long time, that is, so that your lifestyle is not sedentary. Do not wear tight underwear made from artificial fabrics. Every time you feel the urge to urinate, you should go to the toilet. Wash your genitals more often. Use safe contraceptives. After intercourse, be sure to take a shower.

If you follow these simple rules, you can reduce the risk of developing the disease in general or the occurrence of possible relapses.

But what to do if cystitis does not go away? First of all, it is necessary to follow all preventive measures. This will help save yourself from primary infection, or from possible secondary manifestations of pathology. You can protect yourself from constant relapses or from primary infection if you carefully monitor your health from an early age.

If a patient says that I cannot cure cystitis, unfortunately, the consequences will be unpleasant. Each relapse will affect not only the urethra, but also the kidneys. And this already threatens organ failure or disability.

So let's recap.

The disease should go away within a week. Cured cystitis should not recur. If the situation looks completely different, then patients who have undergone the examination must undergo it again. This way it is possible to establish the true cause of the disease.

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