Learn more about cryodestruction of papillomas as a method of removing them. Cryodestruction of papillomas: indications, contraindications and cauterization features How papillomas are treated after nitrogen


Warts and moles pose a potential threat to human health. In order to get rid of them, cauterization or removal of papillomas with liquid nitrogen is often used - this method has few negative consequences for patients and contraindications. A dermatologist can prescribe such an operation for any changes in the skin: changes in the color or size of moles, the appearance of new growths, and much more.

What is papillomas removal with liquid nitrogen?

Papilloma is a viral tumor that occurs on the skin and mucous membranes of the body. Cryodestruction or removal of growths using liquid nitrogen is a modern medical technology. As a result of exposure to low temperatures, the effect of severe freezing of the wart and its complete destruction occurs. The area of ​​skin to which the substance is applied loses sensitivity and turns white. In this case, the person feels an unexpressed tolerable feeling of cold, a slight burning or tingling sensation. Chemical exposure destroys papilloma tissue from the inside.

Cauterization of growths with liquid nitrogen can be performed using several techniques, which differ in the method of exposure (spray, applicator), number, frequency of sessions and duration of freezing. As a rule, one procedure takes only a few minutes. After using the chemical, the treated tissue is not immediately rejected; it remains in place for some time, protecting the person from infection. The healing process is painless, healthy tissue is formed gradually.

How does liquid nitrogen work on papillomas?

The chemical element nitrogen becomes liquid at a low boiling point. This property formed the basis of cryotherapy, which is widely used to treat many pathologies. Cosmetology also took the method of using nitrogen as a basis in many of its procedures. For example, cryodestruction involves freezing papillomavirus cells with such a liquid substance.

Nitrogen acts on the growth pointwise, it freezes it along with the adjacent area, i.e. exposing lymph, tissues, blood to cold. This deprives the cells of oxygen and nutrition, which leads to the death of the papilloma. A small wound appears at the site of exposure, then the body tries to heal it with the help of lymphocytes, thanks to which tissue regeneration occurs.

Indications for removal

Liquid nitrogen for removing warts is one of the most effective, painless and safe substances. The method itself is simple and does not require anesthesia. Warts can be removed from all parts of the body, although to get rid of viral growths, you need to consult a dermatologist and oncologist. Only a specialist can determine whether a patient has contraindications and prescribe a treatment method. First of all, a wart causes aesthetic discomfort. At the same time, burning out papillomas with nitrogen may be necessary if:

  • the growth grows quickly, changes color or shape;
  • the formation appeared as a result of hormonal therapy;
  • the wart causes pain;
  • the formations are located in a place that is exposed to frequent outside influences;
  • papilloma multiplies quantitatively;
  • the growth becomes inflamed and accompanied by bleeding.


The main advantage of cauterizing warts with nitrogen is that the rejection of non-viable tissue does not occur immediately; it still remains in place for some time, providing biological natural protection to damaged areas of the skin. Healing occurs painlessly and quickly. After the crust is removed, tender healthy tissue will remain. In addition, the advantage of removing papillomas is:

  • good cosmetic effect;
  • simplicity of the procedure;
  • safety and accessibility;
  • analgesic effect, which helps to do without anesthesia when removing small papillomas;
  • minimum time spent on removing the build-up;
  • no bleeding;
  • after gentle removal using the cryomethod, almost no scars remain;
  • exposure to cold prevents infection from spreading to another area;
  • fast healing;
  • low price.

Is it painful to remove warts with liquid nitrogen?

Nitrogen cauterization of warts is considered one of the most non-traumatic treatment methods. How painful the procedure is can only be said taking into account the individual pain threshold. Cryodestruction of papillomas causes a slight tingling sensation, comparable to when a person touches metal in cold weather. If it is necessary to cauterize a small wart, the patient may not feel anything at all.

If the removal of papillomas with nitrogen occurs on the sole, then pain often appears during treatment. This happens because heel warts are usually very large and their roots are deep, so it will take longer for the chemical to take effect. Sometimes several treatments may be needed to completely eliminate the wart. According to many patients, the operation to remove growths on the hands is less painful.

How to remove warts with liquid nitrogen

Burning out papillomas should be trusted only to professionals from specialized clinics. The preparatory period for the wart removal procedure takes a little time. After testing for the absence of cancer, the doctor specifies the location of the growth. During the session, the patient assumes a horizontal position. The procedure is carried out using a cryodestructor. Sometimes an applicator or cotton swab is used, which the doctor periodically dips in liquid nitrogen. The cryodestruction session lasts several minutes. Step-by-step removal of growths:

  • for patients with high sensitivity, the doctor may offer pain relief (lidocaine or Novocaine is usually used for anesthesia);
  • from a container with liquid nitrogen, the doctor uses a long applicator to collect the required amount of the substance;
  • then the specialist presses a stick soaked in nitrogen to the affected area;
  • You can hold the applicator for up to 30 seconds, the time depends on the size and location of the tumor;
  • due to exposure to low temperatures, the growth will begin to turn white and thicken, then turn red;
  • after a few hours, a bubble appears on the frozen area, which should resolve in about a week;
  • then, instead of a blister, a crust forms, which will fall off after 2 days and only a pink spot will remain on the skin;
  • The treatment result will become noticeable two weeks after the session.

Removing papillomas with liquid nitrogen at home

Self-removal of tumors should definitely be agreed with your doctor. It is done using special means consisting of liquid nitrogen. They can be bought at any pharmacy. Among such drugs, Kryopharm and Wartner Cryo stand out. The package includes a holder, aerosol, and applicators. Due to the temperature of minus 60°C and targeted action, only damaged skin is frozen. The growth can be removed within 10 days; if the result is negative, the procedure should be repeated. If a patient uses liquid nitrogen at home, then the following rules must be followed:

  • to avoid damage to healthy tissues, it is necessary to first disinfect the skin using substances that are unable to react chemically with nitrogen;
  • you need to use sterile materials: gloves, cotton wool or bandage, applicator;
  • When working at low temperatures, avoid contact of nitrogen on exposed skin.

Rehabilitation period

After cryodestruction, the skin at the site of the growth swells a little, then a liquid compaction forms. It is prohibited to expose them to external influences or to open them yourself. Next, a crust begins to form on the bubble and the tissue gradually heals. Full recovery takes approximately six months. After the removal procedure, many experts recommend following a special rehabilitation technique:

  • Do not wash the treated areas for three days after the procedure;
  • exposure to ultraviolet rays should be avoided;
  • cannot be exposed to chemical reagents or mechanically;
  • the first week after the procedure, you cannot use cosmetics on the treated area of ​​skin;
  • Do not change or touch the dressing applied by the doctor;
  • You can use Hydrocortisone ointment, which speeds up healing.

Side effects

When an area of ​​skin freezes, a person sometimes experiences pain. If the area of ​​damage is large, local anesthesia may be required. After removal of papillomas located in the lip area, swelling of the eyelids often develops. It is treated with a steroid cream. In addition, the disadvantage of cryodestruction may be:

  • hyperpigmentation;
  • the appearance of blisters with bloody contents;
  • death of hair follicles;
  • formation of scars at the site of removed warts;
  • damage to tissues located near the growth;
  • redness and swelling.


Destroying warts with nitrogen is considered a safe procedure: according to experts, the risk of complications from it is small. The main disadvantage of cauterizing a tumor is the inability to check the depth of the effect, which often leads to damage to the tissues that are located next to the growth. Another disadvantage of the cryprocedure is the inability to remove large warts. If the doctor’s recommendations are not followed during rehabilitation, negative consequences for the body may occur:

  • if you interfere with the natural healing process of a wound, an infection may occur and inflammation will begin;
  • if the tissue is processed for a long time, a scar may form;
  • when the bladder ruptures chemically or mechanically, an ichor may appear ;
  • when healthy tissue is affected, slight inflammation around the growth is possible;
  • if the depth of exposure to liquid nitrogen is not accurately determined, a new growth may appear on the wart (the reason for relapse is often a decrease in immunity).

Contraindications to cryodestruction

The method of removing papillomas with liquid nitrogen has a number of contraindications:

  • acute infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • high sensitivity to nitrogen;
  • intolerance to cold procedures;
  • somatic diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • colds (flu, ARVI);
  • epilepsy;
  • the presence of a rash near the formation.


The cost of removing papillomas depends on the city, the medical institution where the procedure is performed, as well as on the localization area and the size of the growth. The larger the papilloma, the more expensive it will cost the patient. In Moscow, the price for cauterizing warts is higher than in the regions. The approximate cost of removing papillomas is presented in the table.

Removal of papillomas with liquid nitrogen is widely practiced in medical institutions of various types, from a beauty salon to a specialized dermatology clinic. The method is considered one of the most accessible, effective and inexpensive. What is the essence of the procedure, how it is carried out and what results to expect, you will learn from our article.

Cold is one of the proven methods of treating a wide variety of diseases and disorders in the human body. Thus, ultra-low temperatures form the basis of cryotherapy, which is widely used in medicine and cosmetology. The method is based on the ability of liquid nitrogen to instantly freeze tissue, which makes it possible to quickly and painlessly remove various skin tumors (papillomas, condylomas, warts, nevi).

First, let's try to understand what papilloma is and why it needs to be removed.

Papilloma is a benign neoplasm, the appearance of which... It is very easy to become infected with the virus through contact with a sick person or through everyday contact (using shared things). In the human population, this virus is extremely common; according to statistics, every sixth person is its carrier. But even after infection, HPV rarely manifests itself if the body’s defenses are in order. It is activated when immunity decreases due to various chronic diseases, stress factors, bad habits or promiscuous sex life.

Nodules appear on the body that look like warts. Their surface is lumpy and uneven, their color ranges from flesh-colored to dark brown. Papillomas can be located on a wide base or a thin stalk, be single or multiple and have different sizes.

They do not cause much physical discomfort, but are perceived as a cosmetic defect. But this is not the main danger of neoplasms. If papillomas are located in places where they can easily be injured (by friction with clothing, haircut or shaving), there is a risk of the growths degenerating into a malignant tumor.

Therefore, the best option is to remove the tumor in a timely manner and get rid of possible complications. To clarify the diagnosis, examination and referral for the procedure, you should contact a dermatologist.

So, in addition to the external defect, papillomas pose a serious health threat in terms of oncology. In addition, papillomas tend to grow into neighboring tissues and can interfere with the normal functioning of organs. Thus, a neoplasm localized on the mucous membrane of the larynx makes breathing difficult and prevents the correct pronunciation of sounds. And papillomas located on the cervix can cause cancer or the development of dangerous bleeding.

Experts warn that the tumor must be removed if:

  • its color, size or shape changes;
  • papilloma periodically becomes inflamed and bleeds;
  • there is a noticeable tendency towards its growth.

Modern medicine knows many effective methods for removing papillomas. Some of them, such as electrocoagulation or excision with a scalpel, are already outdated. Other methods, such as laser and cryotherapy, as well as radiosurgery, are actively used. It is worth emphasizing that all of the above methods for removing papillomas are quick and painless. So, on average, it takes from a few seconds to 2-3 minutes to remove one tumor. It all depends on the size of the growth and its location.

Many patients try to reduce papillomas at home. Folk remedies such as cauterization with garlic, celandine or iodine are used. Meanwhile, many tumors cannot be removed in this way: at best, this can lead to a scar or scar, which even a cosmetologist will not be able to remove; at worst, it can cause serious complications.

As an alternative, you can use pharmaceuticals, in particular the drug Cryopharma, the effect of which is similar to the cryodestruction procedure. In any case, if you decide to remove papilloma yourself, you need to consult a specialist, especially if the growths are localized on the face or mucous membranes, regularly become inflamed or grow.

The essence of the method is that the neoplasm tissue is treated with liquid nitrogen and instantly frozen. In this case, the liquid inside the cells freezes, turning into microscopic pieces of ice that damage cell membranes and structures. As a result, the papilloma tissue is destroyed and it dies.

As already noted, the procedure for removing papillomas with liquid nitrogen is one of the most common. Its advantages include speed, painlessness and simplicity: the doctor simply cauterizes the wart with a special applicator soaked in liquid nitrogen, or uses a hardware method, using a cryodestructor attachment for treatment, selected according to the size of the tumor.

Under the influence of ultra-low temperatures, the growth freezes and collapses, and after a couple of days it dies. The procedure is carried out using local anesthesia, in which case the patient only feels cold and a slight tingling sensation. When removing a small papilloma, anesthesia may not be necessary, since the effect of cold is short-term and takes only a few seconds.


The following conditions are contraindications to the use of cryotherapy:

  • Diseases of an infectious or inflammatory nature;
  • Individual intolerance to cold;
  • Oncological diseases.

The method is used with caution during pregnancy and lactation and when removing tumors in young children.

The procedure is carried out on an outpatient basis, in a specially equipped room. No preliminary preparation is required before cryotherapy. The patient is placed on the couch, an anesthetic (novocaine solution) is applied to the treatment area and wait 10 minutes for it to be completely absorbed and have an analgesic effect.

Then the doctor begins the procedure itself. A special nozzle or applicator soaked in liquid nitrogen is pressed against the growth and held for several seconds. In this case, the skin growth and the skin around it freezes and turns white.

Processing is carried out in several stages. After the first application, take a break of 1-2 minutes. During this time, the skin thaws and the doctor can determine the depth of the drug’s effect and the need for its further use. Usually, 2-3 treatments for 10-30 seconds with breaks between them are enough for complete freezing.

After the procedure is completed, the skin around the papilloma turns red and there is slight swelling. The next day, a blister filled with clear or bloody liquid appears at the site of the tumor. This is a normal skin reaction, indicating that the freezing procedure was successful.

After a few days, the blister will open with the separation of the ichor and a dense crust will appear in its place. After 4-5 weeks, it will dry out and fall off, and in its place will be clean, renewed skin.

Features of care

In order for the recovery period to pass without complications, you need to follow all the doctor’s recommendations and take care of the wound left at the site of the removed papilloma.

  • For three days after the procedure, it is prohibited to wet the treatment area with water.
  • The fluid-filled blister that forms in the first days after a cryotherapy session should not be touched or punctured. It will open on its own, after which a dry crust will form on the wound.
  • The crust (scab) serves as protection against possible infection, so it should never be torn off. If the crust is removed ahead of time, an unsightly scar may remain on the skin.
  • Every day you need to treat the wound with an antiseptic solution, which will be prescribed by your doctor. Soon the crust will dry out and fall off on its own.
  • During the recovery period, you will have to forget about going to the bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool or solarium.
  • At this time, you should not apply cosmetics to the treatment site or try to disguise the wound with foundation or powder.

It will take several weeks for the skin to completely heal, but even after the scab falls off, you need to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun and, to avoid hyperpigmentation, protect the skin with creams with a UV filter.

Home procedure

You can remove papilloma yourself, at home, using the special drug Cryopharm. This option is acceptable after preliminary consultation with a doctor and if the papilloma is small, not inflamed or injured.

Cryopharma is a medicine based on a mixture of propane and dimethyl ether. Its effect is similar to the procedure of freezing with liquid nitrogen. The drug should be applied to the papilloma strictly according to the instructions. To eliminate small papillomas, just one application of a medicinal solution is enough.

The drug is produced in the form of a spray, which greatly facilitates its use. After removing the papilloma, there are no scars left on the skin. Limitations in the use of the product are individual intolerance to its components, pregnancy and lactation, and diabetes mellitus (read more about the new effective drug for diabetes Diabenot -.

What is the price?

The price for removing papillomas with liquid nitrogen ranges from 300 rubles per unit. If the papilloma is large or there are many tumors, treatment will be more expensive. The final cost of the procedure is influenced by the level of the clinic, the qualifications of the staff and the amount of work (the number and size of papillomas).

The appearance of papillomas on the skin and mucous membranes is not just a cosmetic problem. It signals a weakened immune system and potential infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV).

Removal of papillomas with liquid nitrogen or cryodestruction will help solve the aesthetic issue and prevent the degeneration of a benign tumor into a carcinogenic one. This is one of the most acceptable methods, it is carried out quickly, has a minimum of contraindications and side effects.

The principle of action of liquid nitrogen on papillomas

Nitrogen turns into a liquid state at a temperature of -195.8 degrees Celsius, and it is in this form that it is used in the medical field to eliminate papillomas.

The cryodestruction method removes not only papillomas caused by a virus, but also warts, condylomas and even acne.

The low temperature, which is characteristic of liquid nitrogen, causes frostbite in the area where the papilloma is located. The neoplasm cells are instantly cooled to ultra-low temperatures, the intracellular and intercellular fluid of the tissues freezes, forming ice crystals.

The blood in the blood vessels also freezes, cutting off the access of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues of the growth. As a result, all cellular organelles and papilloma formations stop functioning and die.

“Handle” for cryodestruction CryoPen

The “thaw-freeze” principle helps protect healthy tissue around the cryogenic treatment area, which allows maintaining a balance of low and normal temperatures. For this purpose, special equipment is used with an attachment that allows you to control the temperature and depth of freezing.

The effectiveness of the removal procedure is primarily affected by the speed of freezing: accelerated freezing penetrates the tissue to a greater depth and causes rapid destruction of pathological cells.

Advantages and disadvantages of cryodestruction

The procedure has been used more and more in recent years.

It has a number of advantages compared to removal of papillomas using conventional surgical methods:

Important! Prices for cryodestruction are more affordable compared to laser removal of papillomas.

The technique also has disadvantages:

The doctor’s qualifications largely influence the favorable outcome of the manipulation. It is important to choose the right clinic and entrust the manipulation to an experienced specialist.

Video about cryodestruction

Who is indicated for cryodestruction of papillomas?

Before deciding on your own whether the procedure is necessary, you must visit a doctor - a dermatologist or oncologist. The doctor will write a referral for examination, assess the type of tumor and develop a treatment strategy.

The danger of HPV lies in the fact that the neoplasms that the virus causes are often carcinogenic in nature and cause cancer of the skin and mucous membranes. For most patients, it will not be enough to simply remove the growth on the body - they will need complex treatment for HPV, including taking pharmaceuticals.

List of indications for removal of tumors using the cryomethod:

If a patient notices a large number of papillomas on his skin, the number of which is increasing every day, he should immediately consult a doctor.

Important! It is strictly prohibited to remove the growth yourself - this can provoke even greater growth of tumors and lead to unpredictable consequences.

Who is the procedure contraindicated for?

Liquid nitrogen for papillomas is contraindicated in the following cases:

The procedure is performed with caution on pregnant women and patients with vasospasms.

How to cauterize papillomas with liquid nitrogen

Before the procedure, the patient will need to undergo additional studies to exclude contraindications and infectious diseases.

Modern medicine offers two options for cauterization with nitrogen:

  • Hardware - the use of special equipment with an attachment that allows you to accurately dose the substance and control the depth of freezing;

Hardware cryodestruction of papillomas

  • Manual - use of a special applicator soaked in a nitrogen solution.

If the papilloma is to be removed in an area of ​​increased sensitivity (genital organs) or the formations are too large and deep, anesthesia may be required.

Simple local anesthetics are used - Novocaine, Lidocaine.

After 10-15 minutes, the anesthetic will take effect, and you can begin manipulation.

Cryotreatment stages:

The duration of the procedure varies according to the size of the tumor, the complexity of its structure and the extent of the lesion. Papillomas are removed on the face and eyelids with special care, so the procedure takes longer.

Important! During the procedure, the doctor must remove not only the tumor, but also the entire area of ​​skin near it, roots and outgrowths, so that it does not “sprout” again.

Video: cryodestruction process

What happens during the recovery period

The next day after cauterization, a bubble filled with a reddish or colorless liquid appears at the site of the removed growth. The skin becomes swollen and hyperemic, and discomfort may appear. These are normal reactions of the body, so the patient should not worry.

You cannot burst the bubble yourself, as there is a risk of infection and leaving a scar after the procedure. After some time, the bubble will disappear on its own, and a scab will appear in its place - a dry crust, which indicates the healing of the wound. Subsequently, the scab will disappear, and the wound will remain almost invisible - with renewed and healthy skin.

The characteristics of the body and the severity of a particular case will influence the duration of the recovery period. It may take from several weeks to one month.

In some cases, the use of topical hydrocortisone-based medications is indicated to accelerate healing and eliminate extensive inflammation.

Important! You can avoid the formation of pigment spots in the cauterized area by using sunscreen.

Side effects and consequences

Cryodestruction is a safe and painless procedure, causing virtually no complications. Unpredictable consequences can occur on the drugs used for anesthesia and on the liquid nitrogen itself.

To prevent an allergic reaction from occurring, it is first necessary to test for allergenic substances.

Prolonged exposure to the sun often leads to the formation of hyperpigmentation of the skin - coloring the area darker than the rest of the skin surface. Avoiding ultraviolet radiation will help prevent this side reaction.

Cauterization of a tumor on the scalp is accompanied by the removal of hair follicles, which leads to local baldness.

If the bladder begins to fill with bloody contents, it is necessary to notify the attending physician - he will open the swelling and apply a sterile bandage.

How likely are complications?

The main negative consequence is associated with the inflammatory process, which inevitably accompanies all cosmetic and medical procedures. Most often, such a reaction is observed when hygiene standards and doctor’s instructions are not followed.

What are the complications associated with:

Cryotherapy is generally well tolerated by patients and is prescribed even to small children.

What determines the price of cryodestruction?

Cryotherapy does not have a fixed cost; the price list may vary in different clinics and aesthetic medicine centers.

Factors shaping the price:

Low temperatures have long been at the service of doctors and cosmetologists, so it is not surprising that the removal of papillomas with liquid nitrogen has become widespread. Nitrogen helps to painlessly and quickly get rid of unwanted formations on the skin. How does this happen?

Why remove papillomas

A huge number of people have various growths on their bodies: warts, moles, threadlike papillomas, etc. Sometimes these formations are so small and unnoticeable that they are not given any importance. But there are cases when papilloma interferes with movement, is constantly touched by clothing, becomes inflamed, and itches. There are also large papillomas that cause psychological discomfort. Everyone is trying to remove them.

If you doubt whether papilloma can be removed, consult a dermatologist. After examining the skin, he will be able to determine the type of growth and tell you what to do next. Thanks to modern technologies, removing any papillomas is not difficult and does not cause discomfort to patients. Reviews from people who have undergone one of the medical procedures are mostly positive. They note that this is a significant improvement over using plant sap, duct tape and corrosive liquids.


The method that uses ultra-low temperatures to perform surgery is called “cryodestruction.” Cells of unwanted skin formations are destroyed by cold. At the same time, healthy tissue is not affected. There are several advantages of this method:

  • no bleeding due to blocking of small blood vessels;
  • absence of pain, since nerve endings are destroyed by cold;
  • the operation takes only a few minutes.

Such procedures became possible thanks to the use of liquid nitrogen. Liquid nitrogen has a temperature of about -190 °C, which provides cooling for bodies in close contact with it.


There are several cases in which cryodestruction is contraindicated:

  • malignant tumors;
  • large size of formations (determined by a doctor);
  • purulent inflammation on the skin;
  • individual intolerance to cold.

It also happens that the growths are located in hard-to-reach places that cannot be reached even with a special nozzle. In this case, other removal methods are used.

How is the operation performed?

To carry out freezing with liquid nitrogen, a special apparatus with attachments is used - a cryodestructor.

  • Liquid nitrogen is poured into the cryovessel of the apparatus.
  • Then a cryoprobe and a nozzle (tip) are put on the vessel.
  • Apply the tip to the papilloma.
  • When you press the handle, nitrogen enters the probe and cools the tip.
  • The tip, in turn, freezes the papilloma.

Depending on the type of papilloma and its size, the exposure time ranges from 5 seconds to 3 minutes. The area of ​​skin becomes white and loses sensitivity. After a day, a crust forms at the site of the frozen papilloma, which completely disappears after about a month. All this time, new healthy tissue is growing under the crust.

The disadvantage of this method is that it is impossible to accurately control the freezing depth. As a result of this, the roots of the papilloma may remain deep, and it will appear after some time. There is another option, when the tissue freezes too deeply, and small scars remain on the body. They are very small and unnoticeable, but some people are displeased, especially if they are located on the face.

The freezing method has been tested by time and numerous operations. It is used in gynecology, urology and other areas of medicine.

It is possible to remove papillomas and warts by exposing them to liquid nitrogen only in cases where they are not malignant, cause discomfort to the patient, or are constantly exposed to injury.

But you need to understand that cauterization of papilloma does not get rid of the cause of its occurrence. Currently, not a single innovative technique is able to destroy the human papillomavirus. Consequently, the possibility of relapse is quite high, but at the site of cauterization, their reoccurrence is unlikely.


Reviews cannot be ignored, because they are additional confirmation of the effectiveness of the method.

Irina Morozova, 46 years old Several years ago I removed papillomas under the eye and on the wing of the nose with liquid nitrogen. I felt practically nothing. I didn’t experience any particular discomfort after the procedure, everything healed quite quickly. There were no traces left at all. Olga Ishenina, 37 years old. Many of my friends had cryodestruction of papillomas; everyone described the procedure as painless and effective. I also decided to remove the papilloma in the groin area, I was terribly worried. It turned out there was nothing wrong. But now nothing is stopping Zhanna, 23 years old, Krasnogorsk A wart suddenly appeared on my finger; nothing like this happened in childhood, and I didn’t know what to do about it. At first I used celandine, which grows in the garden, for several days, but there were no results at all, only the skin turned yellow. I went to the hospital and they told me that the wart could be frozen. I won’t describe in detail how it was, I’ll just say that I still felt pain, and very strong. Then a bubble formed on my finger that had to be pierced. A crust formed at the site of the bubble, which fell off after 10 days. When the wound healed, only a pink spot remained in its place, the skin became smooth - no warts! Marina, 32 years old, Yekaterinburg My daughter apparently became infected in the pool; 3 warts (thorns) appeared on the soles of her feet. We studied all possible methods and settled on freezing. During the procedure, the girl did not cry, although it was clear that she was in pain. The cauterization site is slightly swollen. They said to apply brilliant green for three days and not to get your leg wet. Thank God, everything healed well and went away the first time. Warts have not appeared for a year now. But I read reviews in which I had to burn them 2 or 3 times. It’s good that we escaped this fate Alexander, 45 years old, Vladimir Removed a papilloma on his arm with liquid nitrogen. The cauterization site healed quickly, only a small light mark remained. It is practically invisible, only in the summer, when I tan, a small white spot stands out Leave your review

As you can see, pain is still present during the procedure, but it goes away quickly. Its degree depends on the size of the papilloma, the skill of the specialist and the quality of the equipment. The wound should not be wet for several days after the procedure. During the healing process, it cannot be covered with an adhesive plaster; you can only bandage it if necessary.

Sometimes doctors advise lubricating the wound with healing ointment, and in case of severe pain, taking analgin, but each case is individual. Be sure to follow the doctor's recommendations and do not touch the wound with unwashed hands. Often, papillomas disappear forever, but sometimes the procedure needs to be repeated. In this case, a person’s immunity, his state of health and personal susceptibility to the papillomavirus are of great importance.

Cryodestruction of papillomas

Removing papillomas with liquid nitrogen is one of the simplest and safest modern methods of treating warts, moles and other skin growths. Another name for this procedure is cryotherapy or cryodestruction of papillomas.

What is the essence of the method?

Neoplasms in the form of growths on the skin are a viral pathology, which can be contracted by contact with a person infected with the papilloma virus, or through household means, for example, when visiting a public sauna. The risk group susceptible to infection are mainly people with reduced immunity or hormonal imbalances, as well as those who are often exposed to stress.

Cauterization of papilloma with liquid nitrogen can be carried out using different methods, depending on the method of exposure (use an applicator or spray), frequency and required number of sessions, and freezing time. However, the main feature of this method remains unchanged and is the effect on the formation of extremely low temperatures (down to -200°C).

When burning with nitrogen, the formation first becomes pale and thickens, after which it turns red and swells, after some time (within a day) a bubble appears at the site of the removed wart. It should dissolve on its own within a week, after which a crust will form in its place, which is prohibited from getting wet. It separates from the skin after 10-14 days, the main thing is not to try to tear it off by force.

Indications and contraindications for cryodestruction

Papillomas can appear both on the skin and on the mucous membranes and even on the surface of internal organs. In most cases, they are benign formations, but can cause some discomfort to a person.

The following factors may serve as indications for removal of papillomas:

  • unaesthetic appearance when located in a visible place;
  • painful sensations, itching;
  • growth on areas of the skin where they interfere and may be subject to injury;
  • increase in quantity;
  • change in shape, color or size.

Like any other procedure, cryodestruction of papillomas has its contraindications:

  • epileptic conditions or other nervous system disorders;
  • individual sensitivity to nitrogen;
  • hypertension, high blood pressure;
  • colds, ARVI, any inflammatory processes in the body;
  • the presence of a rash or redness around the formation;
  • diabetes;
  • oncological diseases.

Doctors do not recommend removing warts, moles and papillomas at home, since improperly performing the procedure can cause the papilloma virus to enter the blood, multiply the formations and other unpleasant consequences.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

The main and undeniable advantage, which is confirmed by reviews, is the high efficiency of the method.

Burning skin lesions with nitrogen does not remove the papilloma virus from the human body, so there is always a risk of relapse, but this procedure makes it minimal.

Treatment of papillomas with liquid nitrogen has the following advantages:

  • painlessness;
  • easy tolerability of the procedure;
  • no scars after removal;
  • no need for anesthesia;
  • rapid skin healing;
  • low cost.

The disadvantages of treating papillomas with nitrogen include:

  • inability to control the depth of impact;
  • the need for anesthesia when removing large formations.
  • Large warts may require several sessions to treat.

It is very important that the procedure is carried out by a specialist who can correctly assess the depth and time of exposure of the skin to nitrogen, otherwise there is a risk of getting a burn.

Reviews about the procedure

Oleg, 27 years old, St. Petersburg Since the age of 20, I had a wart on my neck, which was bothering me because it constantly caught me on the collar of my clothes. Having become familiar with the possible methods of removing it, I chose cryodestruction and was very pleased with the result. The doctor who performed the procedure explained all the nuances of skin care after removal, everything healed in about 3 weeks, not a trace remained. Victoria 21 years old, Moscow Over the past year, as many as 4 papillomas have appeared on her arm. They were small, but had an unaesthetic appearance, which is why complexes appeared. I recently went to a salon and they offered to remove them using liquid nitrogen. Each one was burned for about 3-5 seconds, it didn’t hurt, just a little unpleasant. The papillomas immediately turned white, and later turned red, dried out over time, and after 10 days disappeared completely. Lydia 44 years old, Perm There was a papilloma on her index finger. At the clinic they burned her with nitrogen. After the procedure there was mild pain and redness, and the next day a blister formed, like after a burn. After 5 days it disappeared, and a crust appeared in that place, which fell off after 2 weeks. It’s been 3 weeks since the procedure and there are no traces or scars. I recommend it to everyone.

How to remove warts with liquid nitrogen

Removing warts with liquid nitrogen is very popular. This is one of the oldest and most proven methods of hardware removal of skin tumors. Cryodestruction receives positive reviews everywhere, therefore, in most cases, dermatologists prefer this particular technique along with laser. Below we will look at all the advantages and disadvantages of this procedure, tell you how long the healing period takes, what contraindications exist and how much such burning costs.

The essence and course of the procedure

Removing warts with nitrogen involves exposing the affected area to ultra-low temperatures. In other words, the wart is frozen or burned off by the cold. Cryotherapy can be done for plantar warts, genital warts and common warts on the hands (common in teenagers).

First of all, the doctor examines the affected area and determines the method that would be most appropriate to cauterize the papilloma. Cryodestruction is carried out using hardware and manual methods. During the hardware procedure, a special cryoprobe is sent to the wart, into which liquid nitrogen is supplied under pressure. When processing manually, a wooden stick wrapped in gauze is used. It is dipped into a vessel with nitrogen and applied pointwise to the wart.

Before the procedure, the issue of pain relief is decided. Anesthesia must be done for large and serious lesions, when it is necessary to act on the deep layers of the skin, in children and when treating areas of the body with sensitive skin. For these purposes, lidocaine or novocaine is most often used. It is important to perform pain-relieving procedures no faster than 10-15 minutes before the procedure. Otherwise, there is a chance of getting a big burn.

After this, the medical professional performs cauterization directly, pressing the cryoprobe or stick onto the desired location. The exposure time directly depends on the location and size of the wart. On average, a single cauterization lasts 5-30 seconds. In the case of plantar warts, it may take longer because the skin there is roughest and does not allow cold to penetrate well. After the first approach there is a 2 minute pause. During this time, the doctor evaluates the result and decides to re-cauterize.

Then the device or stick is applied to the wart again. The second time it may be a little painful, although in general the procedure can be called tolerable. After the session, the skin around and on the wart becomes white and pink, as with a regular thermal burn. On the same day, the surface turns red, and the next day a watery blister forms. Many people are afraid of this phenomenon, although this is a common consequence of cauterization with nitrogen. Blisters appear in 90% of cases.

It is best for the bladder to be filled with a clear liquid, but if the filling is red, there is a possibility of scar formation. Sometimes, especially with plantar papillomas, several sessions are required. The interval between procedures is quite long, about 10-14 days.

Next, you must properly care for the treatment site so that the healing process goes quickly and unnoticed. You cannot cover a wart with a band-aid; it can damage the blister. It’s better to just bandage it lightly with gauze or not touch it at all. Opening blisters is allowed only in extreme cases, if they can be injured or cause pain. To do this you will need:

  • sterile needle;
  • Miramistin or Chlorhexidine solution;
  • sterile wipes and bandage.

The blister must be pierced in 2 places. After this, the liquid is drained from it, treated with an antiseptic, wiped with a napkin and wrapped with a bandage. Most of all, patients are concerned with the question of how long it will take for the wound to heal. On average, a crust forms in 5-7 days. New healthy skin grows underneath. Then the crust dries and separates from the surface.

Advantages and disadvantages

First of all, cauterization of warts with liquid nitrogen is appreciated because it rarely leaves scars. The session does not take much time, just like in the case of laser. Such deep freezing prevents infection from entering the treated area. One of the main advantages of cryotherapy is its relatively low prices. A liquid nitrogen session costs approximately 2 times less than a laser.

The shortcomings are a consequence of the doctor’s unprofessionalism, since to a large extent the result depends on how correctly he assesses the depth of the wart. Often the doctor cannot say how many sessions will be required. As a rule, experts give approximate numbers from start to finish.

Contraindications for carrying out

To minimize negative consequences, it is worth knowing in advance about existing contraindications. The procedure should not be performed on people with individual intolerance to cold in general and nitrogen in particular. Cauterization will have to be postponed in case of skin rashes, wounds near the wart, elevated temperature, general malaise, or high blood pressure.

Pregnant women are contraindicated for any manipulations related to warts, including laser, cryotherapy and electrotherapy. People with epilepsy and vasospasm will have to look for a less traumatic method.


Alexandra 22 years old, Vladivostok There are so many different reviews about cryodestruction of warts, so I decided to talk about my experience. Using this technique, I got rid of plantar papilloma, which I had not noticed for a long time and grew to an impressive size. After consulting a dermatologist, it was decided to do nitrogen therapy. During cauterization there was almost no pain; no anesthesia was used. In total, 2 procedures were required. After just 3 weeks, the dry crust fell off the leg, and underneath there was completely new and healthy skin. Evgenia, 31 years old, Perm I read a lot of admiring reviews about cauterization of papillomas with nitrogen, but I didn’t really like this method. First of all, it was really painful, and one procedure did not help, although the wart was small on the index finger. It all healed about a month after the last session. The main advantage of this method, in my opinion, is the price. Olga 41 years old, Ryazan How much my son and I suffered because of these warts. My ten-year-old boy immediately developed 2 papillomas on his arm. At first, according to reviews, they decided to remove it with a laser, but when they found out how much 1 session costs, they changed their minds and signed up for liquid nitrogen. In principle, the method is effective, but there is no guarantee that there will be no relapse. And this is exactly what happened to my son: after removal there were 2 more small warts. According to the sensations, the son said that it did not hurt. Valentina, 25 years old, Moscow, nitrogen helped me a lot - a good and inexpensive method. The dermatologist who carried out the therapy recommended me to do cauterization this way. It hurt just a little at the end of the session. After 1 hour I didn’t feel anything. There was a watery blister, but they told me that was the way it should be. Now 3 months have passed, no scars or traces remain. Leave your review

Whether to remove warts and what cauterization method to use depends on you and the recommendations of your doctor. If you have chosen cryodestruction, the main thing is to remember all the rules and warnings. Then the result will not be long in coming, and instead of papilloma, you will contemplate clean, healthy skin.

Cauterization of papillomas with liquid nitrogen: advantages and disadvantages of cryodestruction

Cryodestruction of papillomas is a modern technique aimed at removing tumors by exposing them to a low-temperature substance. Liquid nitrogen destroys pathologically altered tissues without affecting the surrounding tissues.

The absence of bleeding as a consequence of the procedure is explained by the blockage of arterial and venous vessels located in the treatment area. After removing the growths, the lesions heal very quickly and do not transform into rough scars.

Cryodestruction is a painless way to get rid of papillomas

The manipulation is carried out using a cryodestructor - a special apparatus containing liquid nitrogen with a temperature of -196 degrees.

Its duration is determined by the type of wart and the depth of penetration of the roots into the skin. In general, the procedure takes about 2 minutes. As it ends, the treated area becomes hard, white and numb.

After 24 hours of cauterization of the papillomas with liquid nitrogen, a scab forms. In the next month and a half, it should be rejected on its own. You should not remove or pick at it, since the frozen crust protects the wound from infection.

Also, on the first day after the procedure, the treated area becomes swollen and hyperemic. On the second day, a blister appears here and an inflammatory process develops due to cell death. Its duration can vary between 2 - 3 weeks with copious exudate. Then the process of epithelial restoration begins.

In some cases, it takes about 6 months for the tissues to completely heal and their natural structure to be restored. If scarring has occurred in the treated area, the scar will be smooth and unnoticeable.

Video: removal of papillomas with liquid nitrogen (cryodestruction).

Indications and contraindications, advantages and disadvantages of cryodestruction

It is allowed to resort to removing papillomas with liquid nitrogen if there are no signs of their malignancy, that is, degeneration into a malignant tumor. Indications for cold destruction of growths are their injury and causing aesthetic discomfort to their owner.

Contraindications to the procedure include:

  1. increased sensitivity of the body to cold;
  2. the presence of acute infectious diseases;
  3. inflammatory processes occurring in internal organs;
  4. oncological diseases.

The advantages of removing warts using this method include the absence of the need for anesthesia, easy tolerance by the body, the short duration of the session and its affordable cost. The risk of consequences in the form of scar formation is minimized by specialists, and exposure to cold acts as a kind of infection prevention.

To identify the disadvantages of cryodestruction, you should know that the procedure can be performed aggressively and more gently. In the first case, there is a risk of scarring, although it is minimal. In the second case, scarring is excluded.

The main disadvantage of cold reduction of tumors is that a specialist does not always have the ability to control the depth of impact on the desired focus. For this reason, it is likely that healthy skin will get a small burn. A disadvantage of nitrogen therapy is the need to re-remove old large warts - they are difficult to remove.

Minor defects such as papillomas can significantly complicate life if they are not eliminated in time. In addition, they are a potential health threat because they are a benign skin tumor, which, as is known, can become malignant. Therefore, it is imperative to remove these protruding formations. Removing papillomas with liquid nitrogen is the most effective method of getting rid of these unpleasant skin blemishes.

How does liquid nitrogen work on papillomas?

Nitrogen is a chemical element that has a unique property. It lies in the fact that at a low boiling point it acquires a liquid state. This property formed the basis of cryotherapy, which today is widely used in the treatment of many diseases and pathologies. Cosmetology did not stand aside and also took this technique as the basis for many of its procedures.

The appearance of these unaesthetic formations is provoked by the papillomavirus, which enters the body from an infected person or from the external environment. People with weak immune systems who are often exposed to infectious diseases are most often affected. Liquid nitrogen acts on papillomas in a targeted manner - it freezes each of them along with the adjacent area, which means tissue, lymph and blood are frozen. This deprives skin cells of nutrition and oxygen. A small wound forms at the site of exposure, and the body, due to its characteristics, strives to cure it with the help of lymphocytes. Due to their action, tissue renewal occurs.

The essence of the procedure

In clinics, removal of condylomas can be achieved in two ways - using a cotton swab or using a special device. The first one is much easier and cheaper, but its disadvantage is that areas of the skin that are not affected by this virus are frozen, which results in additional wounds. The hardware method acts on each formation separately, providing truly deep freezing and without harming healthy areas of the skin. The dosage of nitrogen is also observed, in which you can make a mistake during manual removal and cause slight freezing.

Indications for removal of papillomas

In order to get rid of papillary growths, it is necessary to obtain the recommendation of an oncologist or dermatologist. They will determine whether the patient has any contraindications and will prescribe a method for removing unwanted formations. Papillomas cause discomfort primarily in aesthetic terms - warts can appear on any part of the face or body. Along with them, warts may also carry other indications for their destruction:

  1. Rapidly growing papillomas.
  2. If the formations are located in places that are subject to frequent external influences.
  3. When they are accompanied by bleeding, cause pain, or represent a pronounced or hidden inflammatory process, you should immediately consider their removal.
  4. Formations may also appear as a consequence of hormonal therapy.
  5. If they entail a failure of the immune system.

How is papillomas removed with liquid nitrogen?

The dosage of nitrogen depends on the nature of the manifestation of the formations - they can differ in size and cover different areas. Before cryodestruction, the body must be diagnosed for the presence of infectious diseases; it should be resorted to only with the recommendations of doctors. Wart removal can be performed with or without local anesthesia. It is a local injection of anesthetic drugs (Novocaine with Lidocaine) and is used when the procedure can cause pain in the patient (this includes people with strong pain sensitivity). If warts affect sensitive areas, local anesthesia is also used. The removal itself takes place in two stages:

  1. The specialist performing the procedure first informs that cauterization of papillomas with liquid nitrogen causes unpleasant pain and describes its degree. The patient must decide for himself whether to resort to medication. Having received an affirmative answer, the doctor administers the medicine and waits for its action to begin. If you are intolerant to Novocaine or Lidocaine, you should definitely inform your doctor.
  2. The doctor performs the procedure manually (cauterizing each papilloma with a cotton swab) or using a hardware method. Each formation is affected about three times. Moreover, there should be an interval of a minute between them, and it takes half a minute to treat the papilloma. The area around the formation is also exposed to nitrogen.

Getting rid of warts should be careful and careful and take into account the degree of skin damage.

Rehabilitation period

Since removal of papillomas by cold entails damage to the skin, the recovery period after the procedure is marked by the presence of wounds on the skin, which heal, taking into account various characteristics, several weeks. This happens naturally and is a normal process for getting rid of papillomas. Immediately after cryodestruction, the skin at the site of each wart swells, then over time a liquid seal forms. Opening them yourself is strictly prohibited, as is exposing them to external influences. Next, a crust forms on the blisters and complete healing gradually occurs. Scars do not appear after the wounds disappear.

There is a method of rehabilitation after the procedure that must be strictly followed:

  1. During the first week, cosmetic products should not be used on parts of the body that are susceptible to freezing. These include creams.
  2. For the first three days, water should not be allowed to enter the treated areas.
  3. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation should also be avoided by covering injured areas with clothing when in the sun.
  4. Do not touch or change the dressing applied by the doctor yourself.

The only thing recommended for use during the recovery period is Hydrocortisone ointment. It speeds up healing.

Side effects

The procedure for removing papilloma practically does not have them. In particular cases, changes in skin pigmentation may occur in the areas where the warts were located. To prevent this from happening, you need to use sunscreen when exposed to the sun. Also, when removing papillomas on the scalp, local hair growth may be disrupted.

Consequences and possible complications

This procedure also has no consequences. They can only occur if recommendations are not followed during the rehabilitation period. If you allow the process of natural wound healing to be disrupted, by interfering with it on purpose or accidentally (and this can happen if you burst a bubble with liquid with your hand or clothing). In this case, an infection may enter the wound and an inflammatory reaction may begin. If this occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor for further treatment.

Burning out papillomas with a device may become ineffective if the procedure is carried out by a person with little knowledge in this area. Therefore, you need to contact licensed medical institutions, choosing trusted clinics where certified specialists with many years of experience in this field work.