Underwater spinal traction: indications of vertical and horizontal traction. Underwater spinal traction: horizontal, vertical Vertical spinal traction in radon water

Underwater spinal traction is a relatively new technique for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the spinal column, which has recently become increasingly popular due to its simplicity and high efficiency.

The success of water traction (traction) lies in the fact that under the influence of warm water and a slight load on the spine, complete muscle relaxation occurs, the distance between adjacent vertebrae increases, blood circulation and trophic processes in the intervertebral discs improve.

Spinal traction can be dry, which is carried out under the influence of the person’s own body weight lying on an inclined plane, and underwater, when the traction occurs in water. The second method is more gentle and safe; in addition, it combines the positive effects of warm ordinary or mineral water. Let's take a closer look at how underwater spinal traction occurs and what it can do.

Spinal traction is prescribed only by a doctor

What is the essence of the method

Most often, spinal traction in water is used to treat or prevent intervertebral hernia. This defect is formed due to the development of degenerative-dystrophic changes inside the cartilage tissue of the discs. A major contribution to their development is made by the critical tension of the connective tissue fibers of the disc capsule, which develops due to the increased pressure of adjacent vertebrae on the disc.

In the development of the latter phenomenon, the main role is played by a sharp contraction of the intervertebral and deep back muscles. This mechanism develops as a protective reaction to increased mobility and instability of the vertebrae in osteochondrosis. The muscles, contracting, bring together and stabilize the damaged segment of the spinal column, but at the same time they put too much pressure on the disc, the capsule of which cannot withstand and a hernial protrusion develops with all the resulting consequences.

It has been proven that it is impossible to eliminate this functional muscle block without the use of special methods of mechanical impact on the back muscles. Medicines cannot do this. But underwater spinal traction does an excellent job of this task.

When stretching, the distance between the vertebrae increases and the pressure on the damaged intervertebral disc decreases

During traction, the deep spinal ligaments and muscles are stretched. This creates negative pressure and promotes disc decompression. In addition, warm water greatly promotes the process of relaxation of muscle fibers, so stretching occurs without much effort and in a “safe mode”.

During traction, the distance between the vertebrae increases, compression of the nerve roots and blood vessels is eliminated, their swelling and, accordingly, the symptoms of the pathology (pain, neurological manifestations) are reduced. Also, during the process of traction, the ability of the intervertebral disc to retain water increases, which helps restore its normal height.

It is important to know about another mechanism of the therapeutic effect of spinal traction. When adjacent vertebrae are stretched, a vacuum effect is created in the area of ​​the intervertebral disc, which, according to the laws of physics, contributes to the retraction of the herniated protrusion into the disc. This helps to reduce the size of the intervertebral hernia after a course of traction.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

Water traction of the spine is indicated in the following cases:

  • intervertebral hernia of any part of the spine (hernial protrusion localized in the lumbar region is best treated);
  • lumbodynia and lumbago;
  • scoliosis and other spinal deformities;
  • radiculitis and other radicular syndromes;
  • osteochondrosis and spondyloarthrosis;
  • spondylosis deformans;
  • initial stages of ankylosing spondylitis.

Contraindications to underwater spinal traction:

  • exacerbation of spinal column pathology with acute pain syndrome;
  • development (separation of its part);
  • severe spinal instability;
  • compression of the spinal cord and disruption of its blood supply;
  • spinal column injuries;
  • individual intolerance to the procedure;
  • history of spinal surgery;
  • osteoporosis;
  • age over 60 years;
  • obesity (weight more than 100 kg);
  • tumor lesions of the spine;
  • bone tuberculosis;
  • the last stage of heart and pulmonary failure;
  • tendency to increased bleeding;
  • some dermatological diseases;
  • acute infectious process in the body.

Thus, a procedure such as underwater spinal traction can only be used on the recommendation of a doctor and after a thorough examination and additional examination methods. Otherwise, traction can further harm your health.

Types of underwater traction

There are 2 main methods of water traction of the spine:

  • vertical,
  • horizontal.

It is carried out in special pools 2-2.5 m deep. In this case, the patient, secured to a special stand with straps, is immersed in water up to his neck. In some cases, additional weights may be attached to the legs. This method is called “Moll”.

Horizontal underwater traction

There are several options for such a hood: according to Lisunov, according to Oliferenko, according to Kiselev. Such tractions are carried out in shallow pools or bathtubs on a special shield, which is placed in a container of water at a certain angle (the larger the angle, the higher the load). In this case, the head is attached with straps to the head end of the shield, and the legs remain free.

Extraction can also occur in ordinary fresh water or in special mineral water. As a rule, the second version of traction is offered by specialized sanatoriums. For example, radon, sodium chloride, turpentine, and hydrogen sulfide baths have an additional therapeutic effect.

Horizontal water traction procedure

It is worth mentioning the traction mode. There are two of them:

  1. Continuous, when a traction force is applied to the spine throughout the entire session.
  2. Variable, when traction is regularly replaced by relaxation according to a given program.

The second option is considered more effective.

How does traction work?

The water temperature in the pool reaches 32-35°C. At the beginning of the session, the patient simply needs to stay in the water for 5-7 minutes to relax and relax the muscles. Then it is fixed on a shield or hemmed on a special frame. The first 2-3 procedures take place without the use of additional weights; traction occurs due to the weight of your own body. The session time is 5-6 minutes.

With good tolerance, with each subsequent procedure the load is increased by 1-2 kg, and the time spent in the pool is increased by 1 minute. The maximum load for women is increased to 8-10 kilograms, and for men - up to 15-18, session time - up to 10-12 minutes. Upon reaching these indicators in the middle of the treatment course, the load and time are reduced in the reverse order.

For a full course of treatment, 10-12 sessions are required with an interval of one day.

After traction, the patient should still remain in the water for 5-6 minutes. Next, a smooth rise from the pool is carried out over four minutes to a horizontal level.

The person must lie down on a hard surface for 1 hour, after which it is possible to move to a vertical position. The spine must be secured with an elastic belt or corset.

The price for an underwater traction course depends on the equipment used and the clinic where the procedure is performed. On average, it ranges from 1300-2500 rubles.

A progressive method of treatment and prevention - underwater spinal traction - has gained even more popularity in recent years, since spinal traction in water is a fairly simple, effective and pleasant procedure for patients. It is recommended by doctors as a remedy for joint pain, back pain, and various diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Pathologies associated with joints and back diseases are increasingly beginning to appear both in older people and in young people who lead busy lives, and cause inconvenience in an age of fast-paced life.

Underwater spinal traction allows you to achieve great success and lasting positive results when combining this therapy with drug treatment.

Underwater traction is recommended for almost everyone, since the success of such therapy lies in the fact that in warm water, with a gentle load on the spinal column, the muscular system of the entire human body relaxes, and a relaxed muscular corset allows the intervertebral distance to increase.

Underwater spinal traction involves the combined effect of plain water or water enriched with mineral salts and the weight of the patient’s body, which leads to improved blood flow in general and nutrition of bone tissue cells in the intervertebral discs. Typically, underwater spinal traction is prescribed as a prevention or treatment of intervertebral hernia, which forms in the cartilage of the discs due to the development of pathological changes.

This process begins to occur due to increased tension in the fibers of the connective tissues of the disc capsules, which is caused by critical compression of the disc by the vertebrae between which it is located, and is manifested in a strong contraction of the intervertebral and spinal muscles. This reaction works as a protection against excessive mobility of the vertebrae: when contracting, the muscles bring parts of the spine closer and fix them, but at the same time they exert too much pressure on the disc, and the disc capsule cannot cope with the load - a hernia is formed.

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Physiological blocking of muscles can be eliminated only by using a specialized method of forced action on the spinal muscles, since it is necessary to relax them naturally; the full effect cannot be achieved with medications. The procedure for underwater traction of a stiff spine solves this problem well, since during traction under water the ligaments of the vertebrae are stretched, which entails decompression (reduction of environmental pressure) of the compressed spinal discs, and warm water actively relaxes the muscle fibers, thus underwater traction of the spine occurs safely and without special effort on the part of the patient.

Traction allows the intervertebral distance to increase, compression of blood vessels and nerve roots disappears, and accordingly, swelling subsides, and the symptoms of pathology, pain and manifestations associated with neurology subside.

The accompanying mechanism of the therapeutic effect of traction on the spine is that when neighboring vertebrae are stretched, a vacuum effect is achieved in the area of ​​the intervertebral disc, and this promotes retraction into the hernia. This is the essence of the method - to reduce the size of the hernial protrusion.

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When is underwater traction prescribed?

The water traction method gives excellent results in the treatment of pathologies such as:

  • Intervertebral hernia of any part of the spine; traction is most effective in treating a hernia localized in the lumbar region;
  • Chronic and subacute lower back pain and lumbago;
  • Syndromes associated with nerve roots and radiculitis;
  • Diseases of the joints in the sacroiliac joints (ankylosing spondylitis) of initial stage.

Stretching the spine in water is also effective in the treatment of spondyloarthrosis, osteochondrosis and some other diseases that cause deformation of the spinal column.

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When underwater traction cannot be carried out

Underwater spinal traction is contraindicated when:

  • The disease is accompanied by acute pain;
  • Sequestration of the hernial formation was detected;
  • Pathological mobility of the spinal column is pronounced;
  • Compression of the spinal cord was detected and its blood circulation was disrupted;
  • You have been diagnosed with or have a tendency to osteoporosis;
  • The patient is over 60 years old;
  • The patient is obese and weighs more than 100 kilograms;
  • There are tumor foci in the spine;
  • A diagnosis of bone tuberculosis was made;
  • The patient has severe heart or lung disease;
  • The patient is prone to bleeding of various kinds;
  • There are skin diseases;
  • A person is suffering from an infectious disease;
  • Previously there were injuries to the spinal column or surgery was performed on it;
  • The procedure is intolerable specifically for this patient.

Therefore, it is absolutely forbidden to prescribe underwater spinal traction for yourself and try to get into this procedure. It should be used only after a thorough examination by a doctor and on his recommendation, otherwise the procedure can be harmful to health.

Methods and modes of procedure

Traction is performed in two ways: vertical underwater traction of the diseased spine and horizontal.

Vertical is carried out in a specialized pool with a depth of human height - approximately 2-2.5 meters. The patient is secured with straps at the counter and immersed in water up to the chin, sometimes a weight is attached to the lower limbs. This method is called “according to Moll”.

The horizontal procedure is carried out using one of three options - according to Lisunov, according to Oliferenko and according to Kiselev. This traction is carried out in a shallow pool, or the patient is immersed in a bath: the patient is placed on a specially adapted shield, and then, observing a certain angle, is immersed in water on it, while the degree of load on the vertebrae is regulated by the angle of inclination. During horizontal traction, the person's head is secured with a belt to the upper edge of the shield, but the legs are not tied.

Traction is done in ordinary fresh water or water enriched with mineral salts. Traction in water saturated with minerals is usually offered to patients in a sanatorium. Procedures in radon, sodium chloride, hydrogen sulfide and turpentine baths show good therapeutic effects.

The procedure can be performed in two modes: with a continuous load of traction, and variable, when traction and rest are alternated according to a special temporary scheme.

How does the procedure work?

The water for the procedure is heated to 33-35°C and the person is placed there for five to seven minutes to adapt and relax the body muscles. Then the patient is fixed on a specialized shield or frame, and the traction itself begins. First, two or three procedures are carried out without additional load in the form of weights, carried out under the weight of the patient. The traction session lasts 5-6 minutes.

If by the third session the patient tolerates the procedures satisfactorily, with each subsequent session the load is increased by 1-2 kilograms, and the stay in the water is increased by 60 seconds. For females, the greatest load is 8-10 kilograms, for males – up to 15-18 kilograms. The maximum session duration is 10-12 minutes. As soon as the maximum load and session time are reached, and this is the middle of the traction course, the duration and load on the vertebrae are reduced in the reverse order.

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At the end of each session, the patient should remain in the water for another 5-6 minutes, after which he is smoothly raised to the surface of the water, bringing him to a horizontal position. After this, the patient should lie on a hard couch or floor mat for an hour. And then take a vertical position. After the session, the back must be fixed with an elastic corset.

The entire course of treatment is 10-12 procedures with an interval of 1 day, that is, it takes approximately 3 weeks to complete the treatment.

Underwater spinal traction is a fairly new therapy aimed at treating and preventing various diseases of the musculoskeletal system. This procedure is gaining momentum in popularity as it is easy to treat and highly effective. The main secret of stretching the spine in water is that warm water and a small load completely relax the muscles of the spinal column and create additional distance between the discs, which improves blood circulation and trophic processes in the discs.

Today, there are several types of spinal traction: dry (under the influence of a person’s weight) and underwater (traction occurs under water). The second type of therapy is considered the most gentle and safe. In this article we will take a closer look at water traction of the spine and its effectiveness.

Most often, doctors recommend underwater traction of the spine for a hernia. This disease is formed due to degenerative-dystrophic processes inside the cartilage tissue of the discs. Thanks to underwater traction, the vertebrae are stretched under the patient's own weight.

Sometimes, to enhance the effect, weights are attached to the patient. In addition, manual manipulation may be included in the procedure. After therapy, muscle spasms decrease, pain goes away, and the discs fall into place.

However, there are also opponents to this type of treatment. Some medical representatives believe that the process of traction of the spine creates compression of the nerves, which relieves pain. The other half of doctors assure that traction cannot eliminate the cause of the disease completely. Also, traction therapy, according to some reviews, can lead to complications.


The most important thing to remember and know is that this type of therapy can only be prescribed by a doctor based on the results of the examination. Most often, traction is recommended for the following diseases:

  • scoliosis;
  • and other radicular syndromes;

Contraindications to the procedure

Like any method of therapy or medications, underwater spinal traction has its contraindications. Ignoring them can cause a severe blow to the body, and sometimes lead to disability. In view of this, as mentioned above, the procedure can only be prescribed after consultation with a doctor.

So, traction therapy is prohibited when:

  • disorders of the spinal circulation;
  • spinal inflammation;
  • spinal fractures;
  • overweight (more than 100 kg);
  • old age (over 60 years);
  • tumors of the spine or spinal cord.

Types of underwater traction

At the moment, only two types of underwater spinal traction are used:

  1. Vertical traction.
  2. Horizontal traction.

We will consider both options.

Vertical traction of the spine

This method of treatment is not suitable for every person, since underwater vertical traction of the vertebra is more intense, which is why it is dangerous to use it for some diseases.

The procedure takes place in large pools 2-2.5 meters deep. The patient is secured in an upright position to a special stand with straps and released into the water up to neck level. In this case, your feet should not reach the bottom of the pool.

Sometimes, to weigh down the patient, weights are attached to the waist, which are pre-approved by the attending physician, on average from 2 to 20 kg. This method of traction is effective because it stretches the entire spine.

The procedure time is 20-40 minutes. During traction, the patient remains motionless, as special belts restrict movement.

Horizontal underwater traction

Underwater horizontal spinal traction is recommended by almost all specialists, since this therapy is the safest. To carry out the procedure, the patient is placed in a shallow pool, or most often in a bathtub on a horizontal substrate at a certain angle of inclination.

The person’s head is fixed with special belts to the base of the shield, while the legs remain free. In addition, traction can occur in ordinary water or in mineral water, which will be selected by the attending physician. Most often, the second option is offered by health complexes.

It is worth noting two hood modes:

Continuous. During the entire procedure, a traction force is applied to the spine.
Variable. Traction is replaced by relaxation according to a specially specified program.

Based on the opinions of experts, the second treatment option is more effective in treating spinal column disease.

How does traction work?

Depending on the type of hood (horizontal or vertical), the water in the pool is heated to 32-35 degrees. To begin with, the patient is placed in water for 5-7 minutes to allow the muscles to relax. The patient is then secured to a backboard or stand. Initial therapy sessions are carried out without additional load(extraction occurs due to the person’s weight). After being attached to the shield, the patient remains in the pool for another 5-7 minutes.

Once the time has come to an end, the person is left in the water for a few more minutes, after which they are carefully rescued from the water. Next, the patient must lie on a hard surface for at least 1 hour, only then can he stand up with additional fixation with an elastic belt or corset.

If after the first procedure a person has no complaints, then for subsequent procedures the load increases by 1-2 kg, and the stay time increases by 1 minute. The full course of therapy is 10-12 sessions with a break of one day.

Today, many people are faced with spinal diseases. They know very well how unpleasant and painful these pathologies are. To combat such ailments, many techniques are used, one of which is traction, or, scientifically, traction. There are irrefutable facts that indicate that such procedures have been carried out for more than two hundred years. They provide excellent results. However, along with such facts, there is other data. They indicate that such treatment does not always give a positive result. There have been cases when traction was carried out without the proper involvement of professionals, and the results were very sad.

Let's consider the essence of the method, for which diseases it will bring maximum effect. In addition, we will look at what ailments should be avoided with traction.

The essence of the procedure

Underwater traction of the spine is performed under the patient's own weight. Sometimes, for better traction, additional weights are used. If necessary, the procedure may include manual intervention.

There are several traction techniques. Traction can be:

  • dry or underwater;
  • horizontal or vertical;
  • with vibration or heating.

But, despite the variety of methods, the essence of the procedure is the same: stretching the vertebrae. This allows you to relieve muscle spasms, reduce pain, and return the discs to their place.

How the procedure works

Underwater spinal traction is performed as follows:

  1. The patient is securely secured with special fastenings (belts) on a stand in the form of a platform.
  2. Then the person and the entire structure are lowered into a pool filled with water or into a deep bath.
  3. The belts begin to tighten. Due to this effect, stretching occurs.
  4. The pressure on the intervertebral discs is significantly reduced. At this moment, the spine is like a straight spring.

Underwater spinal traction is used to treat many different pathologies related, in one way or another, to human bones (fractures, hernias, osteochondrosis, rheumatoid arthritis).

Efficiency of the procedure

However, in medicine this treatment method causes many conflicting opinions. More than one generation of scientists and doctors argue on this issue. Some doctors are confident that the process of traction of the spine provides compression of the nerves and relieves pain. Other doctors argue that traction is not able to eliminate the cause of the pathology. After all, traction cannot change the destructive processes occurring in the skeletal system.

In addition, doctors emphasize that underwater traction of the spine sometimes leads to quite serious complications:

  • intervertebral hernia;
  • microtears of muscles;
  • lumbago.

In terms of the number of negative consequences, this treatment method is equivalent to manual therapy. The question arises: is this procedure effective or harmful?

No matter how much controversy there is on this matter, one cannot but agree with the positive effects of traction on the body. The spinal stretching procedure provides elasticity to the back muscles. Therefore, overall it becomes stronger.

To achieve positive results from this therapy, a lot of effort must be made. And you should start by finding a good specialist. It is very important that traction occurs under the supervision of a competent doctor. It is he who will carefully study your pathology and choose the right treatment method. The effectiveness of this procedure depends on this.

When to use this technique

Initially, you should remember that only a doctor can prescribe these measures after carefully studying the examination tests.

  • with a hernia;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • deforming spondylosis;
  • lumbodynia;
  • radicular compression;
  • kyphoscoliosis;
  • initial stages of ankylosing spondylitis;
  • lumboischialgia, which caused limited movement and worsened flexibility;
  • compression radiculopathies.

Contraindications to therapy

Like any medical procedure, spinal traction has a number of limitations. Failure to comply or ignore them can seriously harm the body, and sometimes even lead to disability. That is why it is necessary to reiterate, initially consult with an experienced doctor, and only after his approval, consider underwater spinal traction.

Contraindications to this procedure:

  • spinal circulatory disorders;
  • osteoporosis;
  • instability of the patient's spine;
  • spinal inflammatory syndromes (cicatricial adhesive epiduritis or arachnoiditis);
  • acute pathologies accompanied by severe pain;
  • spinal fractures;
  • overweight (over 100 kg) and old age (over 60 years);
  • poor tolerance to traction (the procedure leads to increased pain);
  • rehabilitation after laminectomy;
  • prohibitions on balneo- and hydrotherapy (for tuberculous spondylitis, cardiopulmonary decompensation, tumors of the spine or spinal cord, predisposition to bleeding, skin diseases).

Underwater traction can occur in two ways:

  • in a horizontal position;
  • in vertical.

Let's look at both options.

Horizontal traction

This method is recommended by many experts. After all, it allows you to get excellent results by changing the load. Underwater horizontal spinal traction, unlike other methods, is the safest procedure.

To administer this therapy, patients are placed on a platform in a bathtub that moves. The upper body is secured with straps, and weights are hung on the lumbar region. Then the bottom of the platform is lowered down a little (at an angle of 15-30 degrees).

Vertical traction

This method is not suitable for all patients. Underwater vertical spinal traction is a more intense procedure.

It takes place in large pools. In addition, the patient is no longer lying down, but is in an upright position. With this procedure, only the upper part of the body is secured. The head is also fixed using a reliable head holder. When stretched vertically, your legs should not come into contact with the bottom of the pool.

Special belts are put on the waist and hip area, on which weights are placed. The weight of the weights is selected by the doctor and can vary from 2 kg to 20. This method is good because it allows you to stretch the entire spine. The patient cannot move for 20-40 minutes while the procedure lasts. After all, reliable fastenings hinder any movements.

This method is almost never used in practice. After all, it is based on a rough selection of cargo. In addition, with this method it is quite difficult to influence exactly the area that needs such traction.

In addition to vertical and horizontal traction, the procedure can be intensive or gentle. The choice depends on how severe the pain is and what stage the disease is at. Correct diagnosis is very important here.

Distinctive features:

  1. Gentle method. It is a stretching process that occurs under the influence of the body's own weight. Additional loads are not applied in this method.
  2. Intensive method. If stronger traction is needed, then weights (from 2.5 kg) are included in the procedure. The weight of the load depends on the weight of the patient. This increases the session time - up to 40 minutes.

If there are concomitant diseases, such as impaired venous circulation, then the doctor may prescribe a special complex of underwater spinal traction, supplemented with baths with sodium chloride. For radiculopathy, hydrogen sulfide or turpentine are recommended. And if you suffer from acute pain, they will prescribe baths with radonium.

To improve the effectiveness of the method, it is often combined with hydromassage. This significantly improves the therapeutic effect.

Features of the therapeutic effect

What is the essence of the therapeutic effect of this procedure? The whole secret lies in the water, or rather, in a certain temperature. It is very important that it be 36-37 C. It is at this temperature that the desired effect can be achieved, which will help in the fight against the disease.

An underwater spinal traction bath, the water in which reaches the above indicators, provides the following effects:

  • reduces muscle tone;
  • reduces the sensitivity of nerve endings in the spine;
  • the gaps between the disks become larger;
  • widens the openings through which the nerve endings of the spinal cord pass;
  • relaxes the muscles, thanks to which the pain subsides;
  • eliminates spasms.

So, gradually, the necessary relationship between the vertebrae is restored, the disc is unloaded, the pressure is reduced and, of course, the spinal root is released.

Cost of procedures

Unfortunately, underwater spinal traction cannot be called a cheap procedure. The average price varies from 1200 to 1600 rubles. And 10-12 procedures may be needed.

Patients' opinions

Despite the eternal debate among doctors about the effectiveness of the procedure, most patients report significant improvement after undergoing underwater spinal traction. Reviews indicate that the technique helps with hernias, scoliosis, and spondylosis.

People note that pain discomfort is noticeably reduced after the 3rd procedure. And session 5 gives you the opportunity to move freely.

However, do not forget that the choice always remains with the doctor. After all, only a doctor can evaluate the indications, weigh the contraindications and decide how necessary and important the spinal traction procedure is for the patient.

Underwater spinal traction– a medical procedure during which the spinal column is stretched, the distance between the vertebrae increases, the pressure on the intervertebral discs decreases, and the pressure on the spinal cord roots is eliminated. Underwater traction is more gentle and effective than dry traction, due to the relaxation of muscles that occurs in warm water and the improvement of blood circulation in tissues. However, the use of this technique has additional limitations in the form of contraindications to water procedures and certain technical difficulties associated with immersion and exit from the pool.


Underwater traction is used in the treatment of pain syndromes such as cervicalgia, thoracalgia and lumbago, and is used in the treatment of osteochondrosis, scoliosis, initial forms of ankylosing spondylosis, discogenic radicular syndromes, and deforming spondylosis. Most effective in the initial stages of spinal diseases. For patients whose radicular pain is accompanied by vegetative-vascular disorders, traction in a turpentine or hydrogen sulfide bath is recommended. Traction in a sodium chloride bath is carried out for patients suffering from diseases with impaired outflow from the veins of the spine. For intense pain without vegetative-vascular manifestations, traction in a radon bath is indicated.


The list of contraindications is similar to those for dry traction and includes complicated intervertebral hernias, severe deformities, tumors and other space-occupying processes of the spinal column, acute circulatory disorders and injuries, conditions after a spinal fracture or surgery, inflammatory diseases of the spinal cord and its membranes (myelitis, arachnoiditis, meningitis ), decompensated somatic pathologies. In addition, as a water procedure, the method is contraindicated for tuberculous spondylitis, cardiovascular diseases, a tendency to bleeding, skin diseases, and inflammatory processes.


The temperature of the water in which the traction is carried out is 36-37 degrees Celsius. Depending on the characteristics of the disease, traction is used in fresh, sea or mineral water. Turpentine and hydrogen sulfide waters have a vasodilating effect and help improve blood circulation. Sodium chloride waters increase the tone of the veins and improve venous outflow, while radon waters provide a pronounced analgesic effect. Vertical underwater traction is performed using a circle, handrails or special systems. With this method, it is difficult to dose and target the traction force. Having to strain certain muscle groups immediately after the procedure to get out of the bath can reduce the effectiveness of traction and even lead to complications.

The horizontal version of manipulation is considered more physiological and safe. The patient is placed on an inclined traction shield, which allows precise dosing of the traction force, taking into account individual characteristics. The shield is lowered into the bath. After the procedure is completed, the shield is removed from the bath, the patient is transferred to a gurney, and then to a bed. Thus, the condition necessary for successful traction is met, according to which the patient should not load the back muscles for an hour after treatment. The course of therapy usually includes 10-15 manipulations lasting about 35 minutes. Sessions can be held every other day or daily.


When performing underwater traction of the spine, the same complications are possible as with other types of traction therapy. In some cases, there is a worsening of the symptoms of the disease, pain, dizziness, vegetative-vascular reactions, compression of the spinal cord, injury to the spinal nerve or vessel. If the patient's condition worsens during the trial session, further treatment is canceled.