Useful properties of boron uterus. Long-awaited pregnancy: how to properly brew a boron uterus

Every third woman of reproductive age faces the problem of conceiving a child. The cause is various factors: infections, inflammation, hormonal diseases, abnormalities in the structure of the uterus and appendages. In 40% of cases, male infertility is detected when pregnancy does not occur due to decreased fertility of the spouse.

Borovaya uterus has been used for many years when planning pregnancy. It is assumed that this plant improves the functioning of a woman’s reproductive organs and accelerates the onset of conception. Disputes on this matter do not stop. Experts are divided into two camps. Some aggressively push and praise the healing properties of an unconventional remedy. And others think it's a dummy.

It is difficult even for residents of big cities to get free access to a good gynecologist, not to mention villages. Many people do not go to the doctor to get treatment for infertility. Based on reviews from acquaintances and experienced friends, women begin to take natural medicines at their own risk. The result of therapy is noticeable, but it is not always positive.

Ortilia lopsided, popularly called hogweed or female grass, is a deciduous perennial plant. It grows in northern forests. In Russia, one-sided ortilia can be found in the Ciscaucasia, Siberia, and the Far East.

The medicinal plant, known among women as an effective remedy for combating diseases of the urogenital tract, contains a lot of useful components. The composition of the boron uterus includes:

  • arbutin and hydroquinone – have a persistent diuretic effect;
  • coumarin – has an anticoagulant effect;
  • vitamin C – has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems, increases the body’s resistance;
  • saponins – have a thinning effect;
  • tartaric and citric acids – stimulate metabolism, normalize intestinal function, increase immunity;
  • flavonoids – provide an antioxidant effect;
  • tannins – have an antimicrobial, protective effect and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

When planning pregnancy, boron uterus is prescribed by some doctors who recognize herbal medicine. It is believed that the plant belongs to phytohormones and regulates the production of certain substances by the sex glands.

Magic herb or scam?

Hog queen

Several years ago, dietary supplements based on boron uterus began to be actively promoted on the Internet. They cost a lot - up to 1000 rubles. per package. But they promised deliverance from many female diseases. And also - quick conception for those who suffer from infertility. Imagine how simple it is: I drank weed and got pregnant! There is no need to find out the reason, take tests, catch ovulation, spend money on medications...

The authors of medical-related articles picked up the trend, and a hymn began to sound on the Internet in honor of the “magical” female herb. And no one particularly delved into the fact that the articles were custom-made, the reviews were mostly invented by copywriters, the photographs under the reviews were fake. After all, I really want to believe in a miracle!

The opinions of doctors and traditional healers are divided on whether the boron uterus helps in planning pregnancy. Proponents of herbal remedies actively promote Ortilia unilateral in the treatment of infertility, but there is no evidence that such therapy will be effective. Other doctors categorically do not accept this product, calling the treatment a dummy. Before using a herbal remedy, first consult your doctor and read the reviews.

Does the hog uterus help you get pregnant: reviews from doctors

Obstetrician-gynecologist, candidate of medical sciences Elena Yurievna Kanaeva comments:

— In the official medical literature there are no direct indications for the use of boron uterus for gynecological diseases. Apparently, no scientific research has been conducted and recommendations for the use of this herb are disseminated as traditional medicine.
If you wish, you can find indications on the Internet - there are quite a lot of them, but contraindications are also indicated.
My experience as a doctor for 30 years shows that herbal medicine, as a rule, can be part of the complex therapy of gynecological diseases, but it almost never gives a full effect if the necessary medications are not prescribed.
Self-administration of medications (without a doctor’s prescription), including herbal remedies, can delay a full diagnosis and lead to the development of advanced diseases.
Therefore, if you are going to use herbal remedies as an independent method of treatment or want to add it to your doctor’s prescriptions, in any case you need to discuss this with your doctor.

The famous doctor Elena Berezovskaya is more categorical. In one of her articles, she talks about how the hog uterus for conception is a scam. The doctor says that this plant, known throughout the world, has never been used by healers and healers to approach the moment of conception. She also refutes the fact that this plant comes from Siberia. The gynecologist says that ortilia lopsided grows mainly abroad.

E.A. Berezovskaya believes that this “female herb” has gained crazy popularity just because of its name. This natural remedy does not relieve diseases of the urogenital tract, as it is presented on the Internet. The hog uterus does not help with infertility, and if pregnancy occurs accidentally, it can cause its termination.

Another specialist, Evgenia Sokolova, appeared on a program where she spoke about the properties of the uterus in case of obstruction of the fallopian tubes and other problems that impede conception. The doctor says that one-sided ortilia cannot cure all female diseases, as traditional medicine claims. Different problems with conception have a different development mechanism, so the miraculous effect is fiction.

Dr. Sokolova says that this plant will help you get pregnant if infertility is caused by an inflammatory process. The natural remedy has a slight anti-inflammatory effect and reduces swelling of the affected tissues. For ovulation, the hog uterus has no positive or negative effect. Therefore, with polycystic disease and similar problems, herbal medicine will not help. To stimulate ovulation, you should use officially recognized medications, not dummy herbs.

The doctor added in her interview that if the tubes are obstructed, unilateral ortilia can be dangerous, as it can lead to an ectopic pregnancy. The boron uterus will help you get pregnant if a woman has slight fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone, since the drug regulates and stabilizes the level of these substances.

The opinions of doctors involved in the treatment of infertility agree on one thing: the uterus will help you get pregnant if the infertility has a psychological factor, and otherwise the partners are absolutely healthy. This treatment has a placebo effect.

Tincture, decoction and other products made from this herb remove the psychological barrier in case of infertility, and the result occurs already in the first 3-6 months. Despite the fact that the uterus helps to get pregnant during inflammation, it cannot compete with generally accepted treatment methods. The non-traditional remedy has a rather supportive and restorative effect after the therapeutic course. In order not to harm your health, tincture or decoction of boron uterus for infertility can only be taken with the permission of a gynecologist.

How to take it

You can use herbal medicine in the form of a decoction, water- or alcohol-based infusion, or oil extract. An unconventional remedy is used internally or topically. The course must be agreed with the doctor. You first need to be examined: do an ultrasound, a smear, and take hormone tests.

Alternative medicine offers different ways to prepare this herb.

A decoction is prepared from a tablespoon of dried herb and a glass of water by infusing it in a water bath. Various information sources suggest drinking the medicine in a volume of 10 to 100 ml at a time three times a day before meals. The finished product can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days, then make a fresh decoction of boron uterus for conception.

The tincture is made from 50 grams of dry herb and one bottle of vodka. The ingredients should be mixed in a common container and stored in a dark place for three weeks. For better distribution of the medicinal substance, you need to shake the product periodically. Take the tincture before meals, 10-30 drops, depending on the severity of the pathology.

You can brew the boron uterus to get pregnant for douching. Take 3 tablespoons of the finished dry product and pour boiling water over it, cook over low heat for half an hour. The resulting solution is infused in a thermos for another three hours, then it can be filtered and brought with clean water to a comfortable temperature. Douching with the resulting decoction is carried out before bed every day.

It is necessary to take a break during menstruation and make sure that there is no vaginal inflammation. In case of infection, douching is prohibited!

The oil preparation can be obtained by diluting 2 tablespoons of ortilia unilateral in half a liter of oil. The medicine is infused for 40 days. Borovaya uterus in this form can be used internally or administered in the form of microenemas. Women came up with the idea of ​​​​using an oil solution to prepare tampons.

Vaginal suppositories are prepared as follows: you need to mix 2 tablespoons of prepared raw materials and 100 grams of animal fat. If desired, you can replace the base with lanolin. Form suppositories and place them in the refrigerator to take shape. Suppositories are administered before bedtime for 10 days.

It is important for women wishing to become pregnant to take the plant correctly. Uncontrolled use can provoke allergies, dyspeptic disorders or hormonal imbalance. About how to take boron uterus for infertility, you need to check with your doctor individually. These prescriptions are not suitable for all patients.

Combined with red brush and sage

Red brush

Traditional medicine recommends using ortilia unilateral for menstrual irregularities in combination with additional remedies: sage and red brush. These natural medicines are classified as phytohormones and may have a slight effect on hormonal levels. Combined use (hogweed, sage and red brush) for infertility, according to reviews, shows good results. But gynecologists warn that these components should not be thoughtlessly consumed, both together and separately.

In the first phase of the cycle, sage is taken in the form of a decoction or tincture. The plant is a phytoestrogen and stimulates the production of estradiol. Sage can be used for poor endometrial formation, weak follicle growth and lack of ovulation. As soon as the egg leaves the ovary, it is necessary to change the sage to the red brush and hogweed.

Borovaya uterus and red brush for conception are taken in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, after confirmed ovulation. It is believed that they support the functioning of the corpus luteum, stimulate the production of progesterone and accelerate metabolic processes in the body. You can take boron uterus and red brush at the same time only before the onset of menstruation. Natural remedies are anticoagulants, so their use during menstruation risks bleeding.

You should drink boron uterus and red brush for three months. The medicine can be prepared as a decoction or as a tincture. There is an opinion that red brush, sage and hogweed are more effective if they are infused with alcohol. However, ethanol consumption can have a negative effect on reproductive function.


If pregnancy occurs immediately after the boron uterus, then you cannot continue to drink it. There is no confirmed data on the safety of this product for the embryo. There is even an opinion that one-sided ortilia can have an abortifacient effect. If conception occurred against the background of unconventional treatment, then you should immediately contact a gynecologist. It is strictly forbidden to carry out self-treatment with ortilia in the following situations:

  • hypersensitivity or acute period of allergic reaction;
  • reduced estrogen levels (in the first phase of the cycle);
  • breakthrough bleeding of unknown origin, menstruation period;
  • use of hormonal medications, including oral contraceptives;
  • oncological diseases.

Women with adhesions in the pelvis need to be especially careful when using this plant. Reviews from patients say that if you take boron uterus, pregnancy will occur faster. However, if there are adhesions in the fallopian tubes, it may turn out to be ectopic.

Borovaya uterus (Ortilia unilateral) is a unique plant, since ancient times famous for its ability to help with many diseases, even those that cannot be treated with traditional medicine. The popularity of the inconspicuous-looking herb in Ancient Rus' was explained simply: it was she who helped infertile women find the joy of motherhood, and protected pregnant women from miscarriages and early births. The use of the uterus, the use of which is not limited to gynecology, is not without reason called “the herb against 40 diseases.” Among doctors, even ardent supporters of a conservative approach recommend their patients to take a plant whose secrets were previously available only to select herbalists.

Borovaya uterus: composition and properties of the plant

The use of boron uterus as a means of herbal medicine is due to its rich composition, including various chemical compounds. The main ones are plant hormones - estrogens and progesterones. It is their deficiency or excess in the female body that affects the decrease in the ability to conceive, the development of unfavorable processes (disruptions in the menstrual cycle, ovulation disorders, the appearance of erosions and neoplasms, early menopause). In addition, as part of the boron uterus:

  • hydroquinone;
  • arbutin;
  • coumarins and saponins;
  • vitamin C;
  • minerals (manganese, zinc, copper, titanium, molybdenum);
  • vegetable;
  • organic acids;
  • tannins;
  • bitterness and resin.

The healing plant has many beneficial properties. The main ones that have found application in medical practice:

  1. Normalization of female hormonal levels, optimization of the function of the uterus and ovaries, increasing the safety of the fetus during pregnancy, reducing signs of toxicosis.
  2. Activation of spermatogenesis, increase in sexual desire in men.
  3. Elimination of the main symptoms of menopause.
  4. Sedative effect, improving sleep quality, eliminating depression and the effects of stress.
  5. Strengthening the heart and blood vessels, preventing cardiac ischemia, reducing the likelihood of atherosclerosis, hypertension.
  6. Antioxidant effect, rejuvenation of the body, prevention of cancer.
  7. Diuretic effect, fight against inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary area.
  8. Stabilization of the endocrine system and bile ducts.
  9. Improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminating dyspeptic symptoms.
  10. Helps in the treatment of infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, expectorant, sputum thinning effect.
  11. Stimulates mental activity, prevents brain aging.

Thus, “herb for 40 diseases” rightfully bears such a bright name: there are practically no areas in medicine where it is not used.

Where is boron uterus used?

According to reviews, boron uterus is one of the best remedies for the prevention and treatment of female diseases. The plant is especially effective for the treatment of inflammatory gynecological processes - cervicitis, endometritis, salpingo-oophoritis, adnexitis, thrush. Often, curing chronic nonspecific inflammation helps to completely improve the function of the female genital organs, which contributes to successful conception.

The hormonal balance, restored with the use of ortilia unilateral, affects the resorption of benign formations of the uterus and ovaries - fibroids, myomas, cysts, adhesions, and also helps to get rid of painful periods, amenorrhea, erosions, which is the first step on the path to motherhood. Pregnant women need boron uterus to prevent the threat of miscarriage, relieve symptoms of toxicosis, and for women during menopause - to smooth out hot flashes, headaches, irritability, and insomnia.

Borovaya uterus is a good herbal remedy for diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys. It is often prescribed as a main or concomitant course in the treatment of cystitis, pyelonephritis, prostate pathologies, and even urinary incontinence. The plant is known as a remedy for hemorrhoids, gallstones, liver and pancreas pathologies. Borovaya uterus is also useful for those suffering from diabetes - the product helps regulate metabolic processes and prevents severe complications of diabetes.

In mammology, ortilia lopsided is a faithful ally of women with formations in the breast (fibromas, fibroadenomas), with mastopathy and cystic disease. You can’t do without ortilia to regulate the functioning of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands.

Another area of ​​use of herbal remedies is gastroenterology. Borovaya uterus successfully reduces the manifestations of gastritis, colitis, enteritis, ulcers and erosions of the stomach and duodenum. The plant is also popular among rheumatologists, because it can treat arthritis, rheumatism, and gout. The healing qualities of the boron uterus and infectious diseases of the ENT organs have not been spared: it is simply irreplaceable in the complex therapy of bronchitis, tonsillitis, and otitis.

Borovaya uterus: contraindications

You should not self-prescribe a medicine such as boron uterus. The instructions for the drug do not always indicate that the plant is potent and may have side effects. Since the hog uterus contains phytoestrogens, it is better to visit a gynecologist before your appointment and get tested for the level of this group of hormones in the blood. Some women can take the drug only in the second phase of the cycle, others - from the first day after menstruation.

The boron uterus is also contraindicated for those who take synthetic hormonal drugs. You should not drink infusion, drops or tablets with boron uterus during menstruation, as they can provoke scanty blood discharge due to increased clotting. You will also have to refuse treatment if:

  • tendency to form blood clots;
  • individual intolerance;
  • in childhood.

Recipes with boron uterus

The duration of the course of treatment is individual and should be determined by a doctor. In any case, it does not exceed six months for an adult. Most often, this course is 14-21 days. The best folk recipes from ortilia (leaves, stems, flowers are used):

  1. To treat infertility, drink a spoonful of the plant infusion three times a day (2 weeks every month to six months). The infusion is prepared as follows: pour 10 g of ortilia with a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour. It is important to take it before meals. With the consent of the doctor, after conception, you can continue to prevent miscarriage and drink boron uterus for another 2-4 months.
  2. For diseases of gynecology, internal organs, joints, it is recommended to take a decoction of boron uterus to normalize blood pressure. 20 gr. raw materials are brewed in 400 ml. water, boil in a water bath for 5 minutes, cool and filter. Drink a spoon four times a day. You can gargle with the same remedy for sore throat and consume it for bronchitis and tracheitis.
  3. For the above purposes, you can take oil tinctures, extracts or pressed tablets from the boron uterus sold in pharmacies orally. In this case, you need to read the instructions and strictly follow the dosage.

Borovaya uterus: reviews

“I took 2 courses - I drank boron uterus and linden. To my surprise, during an examination with a gynecologist, I found out that the erosion had healed. My periods have become a day shorter, my stomach hurts much less, and before I could not do without painkillers. I haven’t had a cold in a year, maybe it’s a coincidence, but it’s a fact.”

“I couldn’t get pregnant for 4 years. It worked with the boron uterus after 5 months of use! I drank half a glass of the broth every day, divided by 2 times. For a month I took a break only during menstruation, as indicated by the doctor. Now I’m already in the 9th month, I didn’t take the drug during pregnancy, I was afraid that the child would become intolerant.”

“I cured endometriosis and got rid of sand in my kidneys. Now I do preventive courses twice a year - 21 days each, I buy a tablet plant, it’s more convenient for me.”

After such reviews, you already begin to take a closer look at the hog queen. But we must understand that the use of such strong drugs must be carried out with the consultation of the attending physician!

Thank you

Today, among the numerous arsenal of remedies offered by traditional medicine for the treatment of gynecological diseases, one of the best is considered ortilia lopsided . This plant, which has unique healing properties, is better known as hog queen. The properties of this plant, its effect on the body, methods of use, benefits and contraindications will be discussed in this article.

Treatment using boron uterus

Borovaya uterus is used in the treatment of most gynecological diseases, many of which develop not only as a result of damage to one or another organ by infection, but also due to decreased immunity.

However, the main direction of use of this herb is the fight against female and male infertility. At the same time, the boron uterus is most effective in cases where the main cause of infertility is hormonal imbalance.

For men, the hog uterus is indicated for the following diseases:

  • cystitis ;
  • cystitis of various etiologies;
  • inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • infertility;
  • low sperm activity.

Collection and storage of boron uterus

For the production of medicinal raw materials, the above-ground part of the boron uterus is collected, namely:
  • flowers;
  • stem;
  • leaves.
It is recommended to harvest the boron uterus during the flowering period (June - July) or in late autumn, namely before the first snow, since during this period the plant is maximally saturated with biologically active substances.

Ortilia is dried in the fresh air, but always in the shade. The resulting raw materials are stored in a cool and dry place.

Properties of the hog uterus

The properties of ortilia are determined by the chemical composition of this medicinal plant.


The boron uterus contains phytohormones such as phytoestrogen and phytoprogesterone (female and male hormones, respectively). These hormones always act together in the female body.

Low levels of phytoprogesterone provoke the following conditions:

  • the appearance of pain in the mammary glands;
  • painful menstruation;
  • mood swings;
  • risk of miscarriage .
But most importantly, the lack of progesterone in women who have reached childbearing age leads to infertility.

Borovaya uterus, increasing progesterone, affects the body as follows:

  • normalizes the production of other hormones;
  • strengthens the fetus in the uterus;
  • reduces the manifestations of toxicosis;
  • prevents the risk of miscarriage.
These are substances whose properties are almost identical to those inherent in female sex hormones, which are responsible for regulating reproductive function and harmonizing hormonal balance.

Phytoestrogens soften or completely eliminate the following manifestations of menopause:

  • tides;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • nervousness.
Since boron uterus provokes a decrease in estrogen, this medicinal plant, when their level is low, is recommended to be taken in the second phase of the cycle.

In general, phytohormones perform the following functions:

  • lower blood pressure;
  • strengthen the cardiovascular system, significantly reducing the risk of ischemia;
  • normalize the functioning of the nervous system;
  • prevent the development of benign and malignant tumors;
  • activate the regenerative functions of the body, thereby rejuvenating it;
  • help cure infertility caused by disruptions in the endocrine system.


It has moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties.


A natural antioxidant that has bactericidal and diuretic effects. Due to the high degree of toxicity, it is not used as a stand-alone drug.


They are strong anticoagulants, that is, substances that inhibit the activity of the blood coagulation system. Used as an antiseptic, astringent and diuretic.

Vitamin C

Has the following properties:
  • has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the central nervous system (CNS);
  • improves the absorption of iron by the body;
  • stimulates the functioning of the endocrine glands;
  • normalizes the process of hematopoiesis.


Range of action:
  • disinfect wounds;
  • destroy pathogenic microbes;
  • increase immunity.


Have the following properties:
  • expectorant;
  • diuretic;
  • sedative;
  • tonic.
Due to the fairly mild irritating effect of saponins directly on the gastric mucosa, the secretion of the glands noticeably increases, due to which the sputum in the bronchi is diluted and is easily removed from the bronchial tree. In addition, saponins dilute vaginal secretions, which is extremely important in the treatment of infertility.

Organic acids

Wine acid
It is a diuretic and laxative. Eliminates the following conditions:
  • heaviness in the stomach;
Lemon acid
An antioxidant that helps:
  • acidity regulation;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • normalization of the endocrine system;
  • increasing immunity.


Low-toxic compounds with the following properties:
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • choleretic;
  • laxative;
  • diuretic;
  • antioxidant.


Takes part in the following processes:
  • formation of bone marrow red blood cells;
  • hemoglobin synthesis;
  • formation of immunity.
Has antimicrobial, antiseptic and astringent effects. In addition, in some cases it is used as an emetic.


  • Regulates the process of protein metabolism;
  • stimulates mental activity;
  • promotes insulin synthesis;
  • activates the process of bone formation;
  • promotes healing of internal and external wounds;
  • stimulates reproductive functions;
  • reduces allergic reactions.
  • Promotes the formation of both bone and connective tissue;
  • ensures the normal functioning of the female reproductive system;
  • normalizes lipid metabolism;
  • participates in the process of absorption and transformation of carbohydrates;
  • ensures proper functioning of the central nervous system;
  • enhances the production of antibodies.


Substances of this group have the following types of effects on the body:
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • bactericidal;
  • bacteriostatic;
  • astringent.

Bitter substances

  • Strengthen the secretion of the pancreas, which regulates the content of sugar and cholesterol in the blood;
  • significantly reduce the fermentation process;
  • have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestine, thereby accelerating its emptying;
  • normalize kidney function;
  • regulate metabolism;
  • normalize acid-base balance;
  • reduce the desire to consume sweet and salty foods;
  • strengthens the heart vessels in particular and the cardiovascular system in general.


Ortilia has the following actions:
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • antitumor;
  • absorbable;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • pain reliever;
  • diuretic;
  • restorative.

The benefits of boron uterus

The medicinal plant “hog uterus”, unique in its composition, has the following beneficial properties:
  • increases the functional activity of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries, thereby improving the functioning of the reproductive system;
  • normalizes hormonal balance;
  • reduces pain during menstruation;
  • increases immunity;
  • increases libido;
  • helps heal chronic inflammatory foci;
  • normalizes the menstrual cycle;
  • increases sperm activity;
  • helps increase sperm production, improving its quality;
  • helps eliminate the causes of male and female infertility;
  • has a beneficial effect on restoring the patency of the fallopian tubes;
  • significantly improves blood composition;
  • prevents the formation of tumors, both benign and malignant;
  • helps cure many gynecological diseases.

Indications for use of boron uterus

In gynecology Medicines made from boron uterus are used for the following diseases and conditions:
  • vulvitis;
  • polyps;
  • uterine fibroma;
  • myoma;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • adhesive process;
  • polyps;
  • obstruction of pipes;
  • infertility;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • infantility of the uterus;
  • prostatitis.
Urology and nephrology resort to the help of ortilia in the treatment of the following pathologies:
  • pyelonephritis;
  • cystitis;
  • kidney inflammation;
In endocrinology boron uterus is used as an auxiliary drug for the following diseases:
  • pancreatic dysfunction;
  • thyroid and adrenal disorder;
  • diabetes.
Also, the boron uterus has found wide application in general therapeutic practice where it is used in the treatment of:
  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • certain types of benign tumors.
Despite the fact that boron uterus is considered an effective remedy for curing female diseases, it should be used only as prescribed by a doctor, since this drug belongs to the class of potent drugs.

How to use?

Before starting to take medications that contain boron uterus, it is recommended to take a test to determine estrogen levels. The fact is that this medicinal plant lowers their level. Therefore, with a reduced estrogen content, taking boron uterus is permissible only in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. If the estrogen level is normal, boron uterus preparations can be started the day after the end of the cycle.

It is important that the components of boron uterus are natural analogues of hormones, therefore it is necessary to exclude the simultaneous use of this plant with natural and synthetic hormonal preparations.

In most cases, the boron uterus is taken after the end of menstruation, but not later than the seventh day of the cycle. The use of tincture, drops or decoction is completed before the onset of the next menstruation. During menstruation, the herb should not be taken so as not to provoke a decrease in blood clotting and not to disrupt the cycle.

How much to drink boron uterus?

Treatment using boron uterus is a long process (at least three months). The duration of treatment is determined taking into account the following factors:
1. Age.
2. Duration and stage of the disease.
3. Hormonal status.

Therefore, it is not recommended to use boron uterus without consulting a doctor. The maximum course of treatment is 6 months, after which a break is indicated.

For the purpose of prevention, boron uterus is taken in courses lasting 3 weeks. Such preventive treatment, which helps prevent the development of prostatitis, salpingitis and infertility, is carried out over several years. Prevention consists of using an infusion from boron uterus, for the preparation of which 10 g of raw material is poured with 250 ml of boiling water, after which the product is infused for 15 minutes and 1 tbsp is drunk. three times a day, an hour before meals.

If a woman was able to become pregnant while taking boron uterus, she must continue to take the infusion, which prevents premature miscarriage. But this applies exclusively to those cases where a woman has been diagnosed with infertility. In other cases, the preventive course is interrupted with the onset of pregnancy.

Methods of using boron uterus

Ortilia is mainly used in the form of:
  • tinctures;
  • infusions;
  • decoctions;
  • drops
But in medical practice, such methods of using this plant as:
  • herbal tea;
  • douching;
  • pills;
  • syrup;
  • extract;
  • tampons;
  • dragee;
  • candles.


To prepare the tincture, you need to pour 50 g of raw material into 500 ml of vodka. The product is infused in a dark and always warm place for two weeks. The tincture is taken 30 minutes before eating, 30 drops three times a day.


The grass is finely chopped, after which 2 tbsp. raw materials are poured with two glasses of boiling water. The infusion is wrapped for 2 hours, and then carefully filtered. The medicine is taken before meals, 100 ml four times a day.

Decoction of boron uterus

Dry leaves and flowers (2 tbsp) are poured with 300 ml of water. The broth is put on fire and boiled for about 10 minutes, after which it is infused under a tightly closed lid for half an hour and filtered. The product is taken 1 tbsp. four times a day, 30 - 40 minutes before meals. Decoctions of boron uterus are used as a wound-healing agent in the treatment of purulent wounds.


Borovaya uterus in the form of drops should be taken 25 - 30 drops. Before use, the drops are diluted in half a liter of boiled water. The medicine is taken three times a day before meals. The duration of treatment, which can be repeated if necessary, is 30 days. You cannot take boron uterus with hops, clover, licorice and cocklebur at the same time.

Contraindications for use:

  • pregnancy;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • lactation period;
  • children under 14 years of age;
  • high blood pressure;
  • taking hormones;
  • fever.

Herbal tea

Tea made from this herb has a gentle effect on the body without causing side effects or intoxication. To prepare herbal tea, you need to pour 250 ml of boiling water into a bag. The tea should steep for 20 minutes. Drink hot, one third of a glass three times a day, during meals. The duration of the course is one to two months. On the recommendation of a doctor, treatment can be repeated after 1 to 2 months.


To carry out douching, you need to mix 2 tbsp. medicinal plant with 250 ml of boiling water, leaving to infuse for three hours. The duration of treatment varies from 2 to 6 months.


The syrup is taken three times a day, a teaspoon, half an hour before eating. Borovaya uterus in syrup can be consumed with tea, various juices, mineral water and milk. The duration of treatment is one month. After which a ten-day break is taken, after which the course can be repeated again.

Syrup is contraindicated for:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • individual intolerance.

Borovaya uterus in tablets

This is one of the most convenient forms of taking a medicinal plant. Take 2 tablets three times a day during meals, with plenty of water.

Extract from boron uterus

Improves the functioning of all organs of the genitourinary system, since it has a wide spectrum of action:
1. Anti-inflammatory.
2. Antimicrobial.
3. Immunomodulatory.
4. Diuretic.
5. Adaptogenic.

Extract from boron uterus is taken 1 tablet three times a day, during meals. Duration of treatment – ​​no more than 20 days.


100 g of raw materials are poured with 500 ml of hot vegetable oil, after which the mixture is placed in the oven for several hours. Next, the resulting mass is cooled and squeezed out. Tampons impregnated with oil are used for damage to the mucous membranes, as well as for diaper rash.


This form of release of the drug differs from tablets in that it is multi-layered and has a special shell that disintegrates only in the stomach. Take one tablet three times a day with meals, washed down with boiled water. Course duration is one month (half a package).


To prepare candles, a fat base that is neutral in composition is used, namely:
  • petrolatum;
  • animal fat (mainly gut fat);
  • baby cream;
  • medical lanolin.
Add 2 tbsp to 120 g of base. finely chopped hogweed uterus. In this case, the grass should not be dry (if dried raw materials are used, it must first be doused with boiling water). The resulting mass is infused in a warm place for 7 days, after which it is shaped into vaginal suppositories. Next, the candles are placed in the refrigerator to harden.

Contraindications for medicinal preparations from boron uterus

Despite its unique healing properties, boron uterus has a number of contraindications:
1. This medicinal plant is not recommended for use in case of tubal obstruction, since there is a possible risk of ectopic pregnancy.
2. It is undesirable to use boron uterus for gastritis, since this herb contains a large amount of various substances that can provoke an exacerbation of the disease and the appearance of discomfort in the stomach.
3. Taking the herb is also contraindicated during pregnancy. So, if in the first few months ortilia helps strengthen the fetus in the uterus, then at a later date this plant can cause a miscarriage.
4. The drugs are contraindicated for people with individual intolerance to boron uterus and its components.
5. The boron uterus should not be used during lactation.
6. Ortilia unilateral is contraindicated for children under 14 years of age.
7. You should not take boron uterus if you have reduced blood clotting, as well as bleeding of any origin, including menstruation.
8. Self-medication with the use of this plant is contraindicated. Only a doctor can not only correctly determine the required dosage, but also choose the optimal method of taking the drug, which will help effectively cure the disease.

Side effects when taking boron uterus

The following side effects are often observed during treatment using boron uterus:
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • weakness;
If the listed side effects do not go away in the first days of taking the medicinal plant, you should stop taking the drug until the unpleasant symptoms disappear. In the future, taking drugs with boron uterus should be started with small doses, carefully observing all the changes that occur in the body.

In addition, during treatment with boron uterus, the following phenomena may be observed:

  • prolongation or shortening of the menstrual cycle;
  • changes in the nature of menstrual flow, which can be either scanty or heavy;
  • change in basal temperature compared to other cycles;
  • shift of the day of ovulation;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • disruption of the digestive process;
  • liver toxicity, provoked by the carcinogenic effect of arbutin, saponin and hydroquinone, which are part of ortilia;
  • allergic reactions;
  • uterine bleeding, supplemented by the development of the inflammatory process, which is due to the increased sensitivity of the microflora to the components of the drug (for example, coumarins).
All these manifestations most often disappear two weeks after starting to take boron uterus. If your health does not improve, but rather worsens, you should stop taking the medicinal plant and consult a doctor.

Recipes with boron uterus

Tincture for infertility
100 g of raw material is poured into 1 liter of 70 percent alcohol, after which the mixture is infused for a month, while the tincture should be shaken daily. The tincture is taken three times a day, 40 drops.

Tincture for fibroids
Pharmacy tincture of boron uterus is taken half an hour before meals, twice a day, 10 drops (the medicine must first be dissolved in water). The duration of treatment is three weeks. If necessary, treatment is repeated after 10 days.

Decoction for polycystic ovary syndrome
1 tbsp. Borovaya uterus is filled with 250 ml of boiling water and placed in a water bath for 20 minutes. Next, the broth is infused in a warm place for another three hours, filtered and taken in three doses of 1 tbsp. Treatment lasts 21 days, after which a three-day break is taken. Then the course is repeated. Treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome using a decoction of boron uterus is carried out for six months to a year.

Decoction for endometriosis
2 tbsp. dry raw material is poured with 400 ml of water at room temperature and brought to a boil, boiling over low heat for no more than 10 minutes. When the broth has cooled, you need to strain it and use 1 tbsp. on an empty stomach three times a day.

Infusion for inflammatory processes
3 tbsp. l. 750 ml of boiling water is poured into finely chopped dry grass of the boron uterus. The infusion is infused for 2 hours and then filtered through cheesecloth. The finished product can be stored for no more than three days in a dark glass container in the refrigerator. Take 2 tsp infusion. four times a day before meals. The duration of the course of treatment is two weeks.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Borovaya uterus when planning pregnancy- an auxiliary, but quite effective means of traditional medicine, which allows you to quickly normalize a woman’s hormonal levels. In reasonable doses, Ortilia unilateral fights inflammatory processes in the pelvis, prevents and slows down the development of tumors, promotes the restoration of ovulation, the successful attachment of the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus and the further course of gestation. It is no coincidence that upland uterus, along with such a plant as sage, is called a “female” herb, which has practically no contraindications.

Due to the high concentration of phytohormones, the use of Ortilia unilateral is equivalent to hormone replacement therapy.

You can take boron uterus internally in courses of several weeks or in the form of douching. The main thing is to follow the dosage and not neglect possible contraindications (the presence of gastritis, individual intolerance, heavy menstrual bleeding).

Who can benefit from drinking boron uterus?

Borovaya uterus is increasingly prescribed by doctors when planning pregnancy. Like sage, it can be taken for preventive purposes to increase fertility, improve the general condition of a woman preparing for motherhood, eliminate various gynecological ailments (inflammation, polyposis, erosive processes), and speed up recovery after childbirth.

Ramishia one-sided is indicated for the following reproductive health problems:

  • disruptions in the cycle, anovulation, scanty menstruation, pain during menstruation, uterine bleeding;
  • menopause, PMS;
  • endometriosis;
  • polyposis, cystosis;
  • uterine infantility;
  • erosion;
  • chronic adnexitis;
  • fibroids;
  • , inflammation in the kidneys;
  • mastopathy;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • hormonal deficiency;
  • toxicosis in the early stages of conception.

Sage and ortilia lopsided during pregnancy

Borovaya uterus for conception has proven its effectiveness in infertility (hormonal and other factors except tubal), but to achieve results you need to drink it for quite a long time (several courses). It is advisable for women to alternate medicinal plants: for example, in the first phase of the cycle, drink sage, and then ortilia unilateral. Remember that boron uterus is not only a strong hormonal stimulant, but also a way to increase the tone of the uterus and avoid spontaneous abortion and premature birth.

Sometimes men also resort to using boron uterus, which also promotes early conception, getting rid of prostatitis and other inflammatory processes that interfere with fertilization. At the planning stage, the stronger sex will also benefit from sage, which can be added fresh or dried to food and drink.


The boron uterus for conception contains the following unique components:

  • phytohormones (which sage is also rich in),
  • vitamin C,
  • flavonoids,
  • hydroquinone,
  • coumarins,
  • arbutin,
  • resins,
  • acids,
  • zinc, copper, manganese.

If you take boron uterus regularly, the ratio of estrogen and prolactin in a woman’s body will be restored, the cycle will be normalized, the supply of vitamins will be renewed, metabolism will increase, blood vessels will be strengthened, and foci of inflammation and tumors will decrease.

The zinc contained in it is extremely useful for men, therefore, to improve the quality of sperm, expectant fathers should drink infusions and decoctions of ramishia unilateral at the planning stage.

When should you not take uterus?

Contraindications for the use of boron uterus are:

  • complete tubal obstruction, adhesions (due to the high risk of ectopic pregnancy);
  • age up to 14 years;
  • poor blood clotting, heavy periods;
  • personal intolerance to plant components;
  • gastritis, especially during exacerbation;
  • lactation.

It is advised to take ramishia with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding, since the herb can greatly change the hormonal levels of mother and child. An alcohol infusion is indicated only at the planning stage; if, thanks to the boron uterus, it was possible to conceive, in the early stages of gestation it should be replaced with water.

In any case, you should not drink sage and boron uterus uncontrollably, increase the dosage yourself, interrupt the course of treatment, or take infusions and decoctions at any phase of the cycle.

If you experience headaches, side pain, feeling unwell, strange skin reactions, increased BBT, bleeding or other side effects, stop drinking the medicinal herb immediately.

Like any medicine, instructions are included with the pharmacy packaging of boron uterus. But in addition to general recommendations, it is advisable to consult a doctor about an individual regimen for using the plant.

Start of use: 1st day after menstruation.

The end of treatment is the last day before the next menstruation.

It is better not to take the herb on menstruation days (but sage is allowed at this time).

After drinking the herb in this way for 1-3 months, take a month break, then resume the course.

This instruction is universal when planning conception, but the dosage of the herb and the regimen itself may vary depending on the hormonal balance, the characteristics of the cycle, and the presence of concomitant diseases.

At the same time, you can consume sage to intensify the process of preparing the body for pregnancy.

If conception has taken place, you can continue to drink the herb, but in smaller doses and only a water decoction or infusion.

The use of boron uterus will be more meaningful if, before a course of herbal medicine, you take tests and find out the state of the body’s hormonal levels.

It is not advisable to take hormone-containing drugs simultaneously with boron uterus.

To prepare decoctions and tinctures, use glass containers, enamel saucepans, mugs (but not metal containers).

Choose one of the recipes below and try to stick to it consistently. Your doctor will help you choose the best option.

For severe gynecological diseases, the uterus will not help, so traditional treatment should not be neglected.

Recipes for internal use

If you prepare your own medicine from the hogweed, dry the herb and chop it before use. The pharmaceutical version can be used ready-made.

1. Infusion of water

The most versatile option that is suitable even for pregnant women. 1 tsp. herbs per glass of boiling water. Leave in a closed container for 30 minutes. Filter. Drink strained according to this schedule: 3 times a day st. l. an hour before meals. The course lasts at least a month.

2. Alcohol infusion

50 g of one-sided ortilia for 2 glasses of vodka. Place the bottle in a dark place at room temperature (for example, in a pantry) for 2 weeks. Shake the medicine every day and strain before drinking. Take 30 drops per 100 ml of water an hour before meals for 3 weeks.

3. Upland queen plus sage

Sage also contains a lot of estrogens, so it will enhance the effect of the hog uterus on the female body. Pour a mixture of herbs in equal proportions (take 1 tsp) with 200-250 ml of boiling water and leave covered for 30 minutes. Strain and use in the same way as previous medications.

4. One-sided ortilia decoction

1 tbsp. l. herbs per 150 ml of boiling water. Boil for no more than 10 minutes over low heat. The usage pattern is the same.

Pharmacies sell various teas with uterus and other herbs, which can also be drunk to increase fertility.

Douching, suppositories and ointments

Warm up the infusion of ramishia (2 tablespoons of herb per glass of boiling water) before douching. It is better to carry out the procedure before bedtime, for a 20-day course. If possible, avoid having sex during this time. Do not make an infusion that is too strong.

No less effective are vaginal suppositories with the uterus, which you can buy at the pharmacy or make yourself using beeswax, petroleum jelly, and fat. As a form, you can use pharmaceutical suppository packaging.

Ointment with one-sided ramishia is made on any fat base (500 ml of purified oil per 50 g of herb, leave for 40 days). Use as micro-enemas, and also a little internally. You can also moisten vaginal tampons with it and rub it.

Empty your intestines, drink "" - a natural laxative collection of medicinal herbs. Acts quickly, but gently!

What are the benefits of hogweed?

Ortilia unilateral (the scientific name of the hog uterus) belongs to the phytohormones. It contains analogues of female sex hormones, estrogen and progesterone. Therefore, first of all, boron uterus is useful for disturbances in the production of hormones in the female body. These are hormonal infertility, menstrual irregularities and severe menopause, painful menstruation and premenstrual syndrome.

The second group of diseases are inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system, such as endometritis, erosion, adnexitis, adhesions in the fallopian tubes, vaginitis, colpitis, urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis; it is recommended for men to use for prostatitis.

The third group is diseases of a tumor nature: endometriosis, uterine polyps and fibroids, fibromatosis, ovarian cysts, mastopathy, and in men – hyperplasia and prostate adenoma.

How does the hog queen work?

Each of the components of the boron uterus has its own properties.

So, in addition to influencing the balance of estrogen and progesterone, phytohormones have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system: they normalize blood pressure, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and prevent the development of coronary heart disease. Inhibits the growth of tumor cells. They have a general strengthening and rejuvenating effect, anti-inflammatory and absorbable effects.

Other active substances in ortilia, such as flavonoids, vitamin C, organic acids, tannins, arbutin, bitters and coumarins act on:

  • gastrointestinal tract: stimulate the production of bile, increase pancreatic secretion, reduce fermentation;
  • hematopoietic and coagulation systems: antioxidant and anticoagulant effects i.e. inhibitory activity of the blood coagulation system;
  • nervous system: antioxidant effect, regulation of the central nervous system;
  • respiratory system: exhibit an expectorant effect.

How to take boron uterus?

You can use boron uterus in different forms: infusion, decoction, herbal tea, drops, alcohol tincture, syrup, douching solutions, etc. The method of use depends on the specific medicinal purposes. Therefore, to answer the question “How to take boron uterus correctly?” It is recommended to consult your doctor.

But there are also general rules for admission. This applies to contraindications, which include individual intolerance, gastritis, low blood coagulation activity, pregnancy, and breastfeeding. You should also avoid taking this herb if:

  • taking contraceptives and other hormonal drugs,
  • menses,
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes (without using barrier methods of contraception, there is a risk of ectopic pregnancy).

It is necessary to observe the dosage to avoid poisoning and toxic effects, take breaks between courses.

You can prepare a decoction, infusion or tea yourself. It is enough to purchase the Borovaya Matka herbal tea or herbal tea at the pharmacy. Tea is easy to prepare. It is enough to fill 1 filter bag with a glass of boiling water, leave it for 15-20 minutes, then squeeze it out and add water to 200 ml.

How long to drink boron uterus?

Your doctor will also tell you how much to drink. The minimum period of admission is 3-4 weeks. Depending on the method of use and diagnosis, the duration of use and breaks between courses vary.

Does the hog uterus help you get pregnant?

This question can be answered by studying the long-standing experience of using the herb for infertility. Even without knowing the mechanism of action, healers and healers gave the mother's milk to women who could not get pregnant for a long time. To treat infertility, use a tincture, decoction or infusion of boron uterus for at least a month.

The best effect can be achieved by using ortilia in combination with another female herb - red brush. This will speed up the process.

Is it possible to take boron uterus during pregnancy?

The hog uterus promotes conception. Sometimes its use is prescribed after pregnancy. However, taking boron uterus in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy is dangerous due to the effect of phytohormones on a woman’s hormonal background; in the later stages, taking this herb can cause a miscarriage. Remember, taking any medications or dietary supplements during pregnancy must be discussed with your doctor!