Producing correct speech in adults. How to develop speech and learn to speak beautifully

How to learn to speak beautifully

Brevity, clarity, literacy - the foundations of correct and beautiful speech

People have forgotten how to speak correctly and beautifully (for a number of reasons, starting with the general decline of culture in the 90s of the last century). This needs to be learned again. At a minimum, because such speech not only characterizes a person positively, but also helps him communicate with other people and achieve success in work and personal life. Imagine this situation. You are communicating with a person who uses vulgar, slang words. Would you like to continue the conversation with him? Of course not.

Not all people are gifted with oratory skills. However, with desire and diligence, almost every person can learn to speak beautifully and correctly. Moreover, the Russian language is extremely rich. It makes it possible to describe any object, characterize any person, express an attitude towards a particular event, natural phenomenon, work of art, etc. with utmost clarity and imagery. With the help of its features, you can emphasize the slightest nuances, highlight this or that detail, character trait. In this regard, few languages ​​can compare with Russian.

It is not necessary for such a description or expression to be verbose. After all, a speech that is too long, even beautiful and figurative, tires listeners, and sometimes can cause irritation. As a result, the expected effect from the spoken words will not be achieved.

Therefore, it should be remembered that one of the main requirements for correct and beautiful speech is brevity. You must quickly move on to the main essence of the issue, without delaying the introduction, without being distracted by extraneous details. Then they will listen to you carefully, and your arguments will have the desired effect.

Of course, there is no need to go to the opposite extreme, following the example of the ancient Spartans, who became famous for their brevity. She's pretty good too

It is necessary to speak clearly and convincingly. Whatever the conversation is about, the speaker’s words should be clear to anyone, even someone who does not have a high level of intelligence. The whole effect of the speech will be lost if the listeners are constantly trying to understand: “What does he mean?” Therefore, you should not use specific terms that are familiar only to a narrow circle of specialists, for example. It is also necessary, if possible, to refrain from using foreign words too often. After all, in most cases they can be replaced with Russian analogues.

And, of course, you need to speak competently. A very unpleasant impression is made by a person who makes mistakes in accents or uses words incorrectly. For example, the entire effect of a convincing and beautiful speech can be spoiled by the word “lay” spoken instead of the word “put”. In the same way, the head of a company who makes mistakes in accents when pronouncing the words “agreement” or “kilometer” is unlikely to inspire respect and trust among business partners.

Make it a rule: use as little jargon as possible. They are quite acceptable when communicating in a narrow circle or on social networks, but not when speaking in public.

Moreover, try in every possible way to avoid rude, vulgar expressions (not to mention obscene). They do not best characterize the person using them

An example of beautiful correct speech - Russian classical literature

To learn to speak correctly, figuratively and beautifully, you need to read as many classical works as possible. Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Turgenev, Chekhov, Leskov... This is not a complete list of masters of artistic expression who had an excellent command of the Russian language and left us an invaluable creative heritage. In their works you will find countless examples of truly beautiful speech. Although some words are outdated these days, and some phrases may seem ponderous and unnatural, Russian classics will help you learn to speak beautifully and correctly. Read the works of these masters and after a while you yourself will notice that your vocabulary has been enriched, and you want to speak, imitating their heroes.

Attend performances based on the works of masters of classical literature, or watch them on TV. This will also help you learn correct and beautiful speech.

You can also read an explanatory Russian dictionary and write down the words you like most. But remember that some of them may be unfamiliar to your listeners, so try not to use them when communicating with opponents.


Nowadays, correct speech, unfortunately, is gradually losing its meaning. It is being replaced by combinations of foreign words, neologisms and slang expressions that appeared as a result of technological progress and development in the scientific field. The more expressive, brighter and richer your language is, the higher your abilities and talents will be assessed. And then it will be easier for you to communicate with people.

How important is the ability to speak correctly?

Modern man does not pay enough attention to the development of his speech. Even in schools, the formation of correct and competent speech in children has faded into the background. The result is sad - we are losing the speech skills that our compatriots possessed. After all, they used to demonstrate all the original beauty of the Russian language to those unfamiliar with its features.

The right turns of phrase speak about a person's culture and undoubtedly contribute to creating a good first impression.

It is a noble goal to learn to speak correctly. Clear and beautiful speech will help you stand out from others, even if you don't dream of it.

It should be said that grammatically correct speech is not a talent given to a person from birth. Almost every one of us can easily start speaking correctly. The main thing is that you have the desire and free time, the opportunity to work and improve your skills.

“If you can’t control your speech, don’t expect to control your mind.” This is why correct speech is so important in everyday life.

Speech is correct and incorrect

Correct speech with a negative connotation means neglecting four types of harmful speech:

1. Lie

These are words spoken to distort the truth.

2. Rude speech

It is said when they want to hurt the feelings of the interlocutor

3. Discordant speech

Spoken with the intention of creating hostility between people.

4. Empty chatter

It is a spoken speech without any purpose at all.

Correct speech with a positive connotation is the ability to speak in a way that is open, harmonious and comfortable for you. Having mastered such speech, others will be more willing to listen to your words. They are likely to reciprocate your questions and suggestions.

For many of us, the most difficult part of practicing correct speech is our expression of humor. We are used to joking with a degree of exaggeration and sarcasm, which is incorrect in speech. People get used to such frivolous humor and stop listening carefully to what we say. By doing so, we belittle our own speech. But in fact, the world is full of irony and sarcasm. And we need to exaggerate things or be sarcastic. A good comedian is one who is able to look at ordinary things from an unusual perspective.

When we show our sense of humor efficiently and intelligently, which requires much more effort, then it will be successfully appreciated by others.

So, pay attention to what you say and why you say it.

Teaching correct speech

Nowadays, correct speech courses are being conducted in many cities. If you are puzzled by how to deliver a speech correctly, sign up for them. There you will be able to master cultural communication skills, get acquainted with the culture of correct speech and understand how to construct sentences to bring them into line with the norms of the Russian language. Both adults and children can attend such speech literacy classes. A child can improve their academic performance, increase their self-confidence, and gain respect among their peers. If your child has speech problems, then explain to him that speaking correctly is an important human virtue that helps him in life, at work and in other areas of activity.

Lessons on correct speech will help you not only improve your knowledge, but also achieve success in a certain area. A person who speaks beautifully and at the same time is understandable to others will always be heard by his interlocutors - be they business partners or.

After a couple of lessons, you will see a positive result: correct Russian speech in your communication will replace trendy words that tire the listener and do not inspire respect for the speaker. Because he uses them too often, forgetting that a good selection of competent words is the key to success in speaking in public.

1. Your answers should be concise. It’s better to answer “no,” “yes,” or “of course” than “uh-huh” or “nah.” However, a one-word answer always seems too direct, so it would be nice to add a few more words.

2. Don't mumble or speak too quickly. The manner of speaking characterizes a person no less than what he says.

3. Learn to pronounce words clearly. A person who mutters to himself does not make a very good impression. Sometimes this is an indicator of a lack of knowledge and culture.

5. Listen to how people speak, whose speech is literate and is considered a standard.

6. Welcome the use of proverbs, phraseological units, and sayings in speech.

7. Study the origins of words, thereby developing your vocabulary.

8. Reading fiction will also help you improve your speech.

The ability to speak beautifully will be useful to every person, regardless of profession. Interlocutors always react positively to a well-developed voice, good diction, well-constructed phrases and justified intonations. We master the introduction to the art of rhetoric.

Among the professions in demand recently, most are based on the ability to speak beautifully and correctly. Lawyers, politicians, announcers on numerous television and radio channels, teachers, those who work with clients - in short, representatives of a huge number of successful people must speak in such a way that they are listened to, listened to, and admired.

Therefore, working on your speech includes three main areas:

  • diction training (clear pronunciation);
  • work on the technique and content of speech;
  • increasing your vocabulary and speech development.

In addition to verbal (verbal), there are non-verbal means of speech: intonation, facial expressions, communication with gaze, etc. True, these means will begin to “work” if the main tool - your beautiful speech - bears fruit.

The correctness of speech, the clarity of the origin of vowels and consonants, changes in intonation, emphasis in voice - all these characteristics of your speech will help you influence almost any person, win them over, convince them that you are right or that they need to continue further cooperation with you.

Diction training

You need to start your workout with proper breathing. If you breathe incorrectly, this can lead to a break in your voice, prolonged pauses, and a distortion of the meaning of the phrase. Therefore, during public speaking, speakers do not use ordinary breathing, but speech breathing. Normal breathing may simply not be enough, so it is important to learn how to use air correctly and restore it in time. In this case, use diaphragm breathing. It is developed through a whole system of breathing training, but it requires persistence and a lot of patience.

  • Record your reading of any text on a voice recorder.
  • Listen to the resulting recording.
  • Let others listen to it.
  • Compare your opinion and someone else's.
  • Highlight the main disadvantages.

The most common pronunciation errors are:

  • incorrect pronunciation of vowel sounds in a weak position (without stress);
  • “eating” individual consonant sounds;
  • loss of vowel sounds;
  • incorrect combination of consonant sounds when they are connected;
  • unclear pronunciation of hissing and whistling sounds;
  • incorrect pronunciation of soft sounds, etc.

It is advisable to correct diction with the help of specialists. Now there are many organizations where speech therapists work. Of course, the classes are mainly designed for children, but you can take private lessons to quickly achieve the desired effect.

All classes should begin with exercises to relax the muscles responsible for correct articulation. It is better to follow a certain sequence of exercises. You need to start the exercises with the simplest ones, gradually moving on to more complex ones. You need to exercise every day. Proceed to the next exercise only after the previous one has been fully mastered. Every day you need to set new goals and objectives. The achieved results need to be maintained from time to time by repeating the basic exercises.

Working on the content and technique of your speech

One of the common speech mistakes is speaking too quickly. When a person is in a hurry, as they say, chattering, it is difficult to perceive him. You need to learn to control the pace of your speech. To begin with, you can pronounce at a very slow pace some speech material that does not require special understanding. This could be a sequence of numbers, for example, up to one hundred, names of months, cities or countries, a list of male or female names.

It is better to write down this sequence so that you can pronounce the words in forward and reverse order. Over time, having memorized this sequence, it is better to reproduce it from memory, simultaneously training your memory. Then you need to move on to repeating the text by ear. Moreover, it should be recorded at a fast pace, but it will need to be repeated at a slow pace.

How to “put” a voice

Of course, the term “voice production” applies more to musicians, actors and other creative professions. It means that you need to train your voice strength, range and timbre. The power of your voice can be trained by loudly and clearly pronouncing texts of various types: poems, fables, odes, prose poems.

The range can be expanded if you pronounce a variety of text exercises in the highest or lowest tones. In this case, the voice should ideally become higher or lower, depending on the final goal. The timbre of the voice depends on overtones, that is, on an additional tone that sounds like a kind of echo. An overtone appears when sound is reflected from the wall of a natural resonator (your own skull, chest cavity, larynx, etc.).

Speech development

Unfortunately, modern people are increasingly becoming tongue-tied, unable to express thoughts correctly, and confused about the meanings of words. There are many reasons for this.

Firstly, they read little now, as they spend more time in front of a computer monitor or TV screen.

Secondly, too few samples of literate speech are heard. It’s no secret that even from a TV screen you rarely hear examples of correct and beautiful speech. There is no need to talk about radio stations at all: DJs communicate with radio listeners in the same way as they are used to communicating with friends - peppering their speech with slang words and expressions.

Thirdly, they rarely watch theatrical productions. After all, the theater requires a special style of clothing, you need to behave culturally, the most important thing is to understand the content of individual mise-en-scenes, the complexity of the characters’ characters. All this requires extra effort from people, so it’s much easier to go to the movies, eat popcorn and laugh.

However, if you are firmly convinced that your speech is characterized by a poor vocabulary, an abundance of speech errors and incorrect sentence construction, and you intend to learn how to command the attention of the audience, then you simply urgently need to start working on your own speech.

Learning to speak beautifully

So, here are tips that will help you learn to master beautiful and competent speech.

1. Build sentences correctly

Illiterate and monotonous speech is primarily revealed by incorrectly constructed sentences. When a person painfully selects words to continue the thought he has begun, makes long pauses, and as a result receives a “clumsy” thought, this indicates that he does not have the technique of correctly constructing sentences.

To learn how to structure correctly, you need to start with written exercises, writing down interesting thoughts, observations, and aphorisms in a separate notebook. In the future, immediately before the speech, you need to compose the text in advance on paper, retelling it according to a ready-made plan, repeating individual expressions.

You can generally keep a diary (this is fashionable, judging by TV series like “The Diary of Doctor Zaitseva” and similar ones), recording your impressions of the day, some of your observations, reasoning. All this contributes to the development of speech in general, and the correct construction of sentences in particular.

2. Increase your vocabulary

Poverty of speech reveals a meager vocabulary. If a person expresses his assessments, judgments, comments in the same words, this indicates that it is difficult for him to express his thoughts due to lack of knowledge. Therefore, such speech makes a repulsive impression, and the person himself will not have authority, especially among those who are fluent in speech.

Agree, in our time, say, a tongue-tied school principal is nonsense. He simply will not be able to speak in front of teachers, which means he will not be able to gain authority either among his colleagues or among the students of his own school. After all, even illiterate students understand that teachers, and even more so the director, must be literate in every sense of the word.

How to diversify your speech? Of course, first of all, work with an explanatory dictionary. Having heard a word that is new to you, you need to find its meaning in the dictionary, write it down and remember it. Moreover, you need to remember a word only in context, that is, in a sentence. Used without context, a word may be incomprehensible or perceived with a distorted meaning.

It’s a good idea to at least solve crosswords or scanword puzzles, because they also give the meanings of words, sometimes in an allegorical or ironic sense, which helps to learn to understand the polysemy of a word. It is also important to read articles in various magazines - not just glossy ones.

For example, reading economic news will help you understand the financial and legal fields and will significantly enrich your speech with terms from these areas. If you are interested in medicine, even by watching programs like “Live Healthy” and similar ones, you can understand many medical concepts, ranging from a basic injection to highly specialized terms.

By reading articles on psychology, you can expand your vocabulary with many fairly modern concepts, because now almost everyone is either their own psychologist or their own doctor. Ideally, it is better to expand your social circle. After all, by maintaining relationships with lawyers, specialists in the field of IT technologies, doctors, teachers, etc., you will, wittingly or unwittingly, hear words that are new to you, gradually starting to understand their meaning, and then introducing them into your own speech.

3. Learn to highlight the main thing

Attention to detail is good for observation. But, especially in public ones, excessive detail can lead to weakening interest and boredom. Therefore, it is important to learn how to compress any information. Using computer programs, compressing a volume of information is quite simple. How to do this with text?

You need to learn to control the pace of speech so that you have time to stop before you blurt out something like that. Let it be better to have a short pause than “booing” and “backing”. This requires self-discipline and constant self-control from a person, but the result is certainly worth such sacrifices.

5. Expand your speaking practice

Now, in the age of testing and copying ready-made homework assignments, it is rarely possible to give a monologue speech. This is why former schoolchildren and students later come to work tongue-tied. Therefore, if you set yourself the goal of learning to speak correctly, it is important to use all opportunities for public speaking already at school.

Oral answers in class, speeches at various scientific and practical conferences, speeches in front of classmates, on stage - all this will not only help you become self-confident, but will also force you to speak coherently, competently, and convincingly.

Of course, reading classic fiction or popular science literature will also help, because you can always give examples from books or modern reality. And nothing makes a speech more convincing than bringing a large number of arguments.

Use gestures that will make you feel more comfortable when in front of an audience, and the right associations will be evoked by listeners. If at first you speak, looking at your notes, then frequent and lengthy speeches will soon help you feel confident even during direct communication with the audience or a certain circle of people.

Competent oral speech will greatly help you in life when speaking in public or in personal conversation, when finding a job and defending your diploma. Poor vocabulary and difficulties in expressing thoughts coherently, on the contrary, can do a disservice.

Any skill, like the skill of competent conversation, can be acquired. Reading quality literature helps with this. You should not rely on reading material consisting of ephemeral books. Their authors, at times, themselves suffer from illiteracy. You should focus on reading the classics, on the works of the world's best authors.

Retelling books or films that have sunk into the soul helps to acquire speech literacy. Try to make the retelling detailed and watch those listening to you so that they do not get bored. If this suddenly happened, it means you failed to convey to them your impressions of the film. Perhaps the listener is confused by the personal pronouns with which you are trying to make a point. He no longer understands who “he” or “she” is and why there are so many of them.

Extra words that clog speech need to be removed from use. They make no sense and do not contain useful information. Examples of such words and expressions are the tautology: “minute of time”, “raise up”, “not the month of May”. After all, May cannot be an hour or a year, so why use the extra word “month” next to it?

Tautology is an unnecessary repetition of words that are close in meaning or have the same root. Vivid examples of tautology: “ask a question” and “oil”. Try not to use such expressions. Watch the speech of TV presenters, politicians or your closest friends. Analyze their mistakes, try to find a replacement for their unsuccessful turns. Then it will become easier for you to catch speech incidents in your conversation.

Try to avoid words whose meaning is unclear to you. Otherwise, you will be like Shchukar, who believed that a modest girl is called a “lampshade,” and a girl of easy virtue is called a “curb.” A dictionary of foreign words and an explanatory dictionary of the Russian language perfectly enrich the lexicon. But don't forget about the correct stress in words!

Slang, both professional and youth, is not always appropriate. If it is acceptable at work or among friends, then it is hardly worth using in official conversations.

Constantly monitor your speech, and then it will gradually become beautiful and competent.

Beautiful and competent speech is the dream of many people of different genders and ages. Some people are endowed with the art of speaking correctly from birth, while others learn it throughout their lives. After all, a competently speaking person will be able to convince his interlocutor of his point of view, and his speech will sound much more confident. These abilities are important not only for public people, but also for the common person. We'll tell you how to develop speech and learn to speak beautifully.

Main steps to success

Speaking to colleagues

  • awareness of a problem in speech and a great desire to change it;
  • presence of patience, which is very useful when repeating exercises and training;
  • some time and place to study;
  • unlimited confidence in success;
  • assistance from family and friends.

Training program

The action program itself is very simple, interesting and effective. Having written the points of the plan on a piece of paper, you can safely begin to implement them.

Reading classical works is considered the basis of literate speech. They are imbued with original figures of speech that help to understand the heroes of that time, their thoughts, experiences, and spiritual values. Well-written dialogues give the reader a sense of the essence of the relationships of a certain period. Some phrases with which people and everyday objects of that time are described help to plunge into the atmosphere of the inner world of the heroes and the development of their ideas.

Speech rate and listener attention

The pace of your speech and its impact on others can be easily felt when recording your speech on a voice recorder. When listening to yourself, it will become clear what prevents the audience from focusing on your speech and listening to it with interest to the end.

Most often, listeners are bothered by excessive monotony or, conversely, increased speed of presentation of the material. Without absorbing the content of the conversation, people instantly lose interest in it. And even the most unusual material, delivered in a monotonous speech, will not arouse the approval of the listeners.

The problem of choosing a speech tempo is not the most difficult task. The main thing is to feel the audience and change your intonation in time in order to periodically shake up the audience.

You can learn more about speech techniques in the video:

Use of decorations in speech

Any text that is dryly presented is difficult for the interlocutor to perceive. But add a little humor or precise sayings, and the audience is already full of attention. The secret here is simple - only a well-read person who is as close to his listeners as possible can use humor and quotes from famous people wisely. The speaker becomes an authority for them, a respected person who can be trusted in judgment. And this is already a big part of success with the public.

The surest way to add embellishments to speech is to develop your own style. To do this you need to read a lot and thoughtfully.

Public speaking to different audiences

A toast at a wedding is great practice!

It is impossible to develop speech and learn to speak beautifully without practical speaking. Unfamiliar listeners of different genders and ages are especially valuable. There is no need to be afraid to publicly express your point of view, voice your thoughts, even if the first experience is not as successful as expected.

There is no need to stop there, but, on the contrary, continue to speak publicly in front of people. With each new performance, self-confidence will be added, and this is another stage on the path to success.

Record your favorite phrases, quotes and thoughts

By writing down in a notebook or notebook what you liked in a book or heard in a conversation, you can use it in your speech in the future. This is very helpful in analyzing your performances or the performances of other people. At the same time, it is better not to record mistakes, but to record the best moments of discussions.