Constant whistling in left ear. Whistling in the ears: why it occurs and how to treat it? Types of ear pathology

Mildronate is a drug for restoring the physical functions of the body, increasing tone, correcting the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and normalizing the state of blood vessels.

Used in the practice of neurologists and cardiologists, it is considered an effective drug for recovery after emergency conditions (heart attack, stroke, and others).

The use is possible as part of prophylaxis in quite healthy people. Of course, without exceeding the dosage and according to a clear scheme, in several courses with short breaks to prevent the development of side effects.

The drug is based on mildonium dihydrate. This substance is active and determines the pharmacological potential of the drug itself.

In addition, auxiliary elements can be distinguished in the structure of the drug: starch, silicon dioxide and others. They are used as a filler to give the capsules a finished physical appearance.

In addition, they contribute to better absorption of the active ingredient, solubility in the digestive tract, absorption.

What does the drug help

The positive effect of Mildronate is based on the ability to correct tissue tone and the nature of their blood circulation.

The main active ingredient is a synthetic analogue of the compound present in all tissues of the human body. Therefore, it can act as a qualitative substitute for it in metabolic metabolic processes, contributing to the rapid restoration and regeneration of tissues, and overall recovery.

If we talk about the positive effects in more detail:

Health normalization

Reduced ability to work is the result of a drop in the tone of the central nervous system, hormonal imbalance, and circulatory disorders in the cerebral structures. Lots of options.

Mildronate is prescribed as a corrector of metabolic processes, which allows a systemic effect on all factors that reduce efficiency.

After a short course, patients note an acceleration of mental activity, less fatigue, restoration of the ability to work, perform everyday duties.

Removing signs of stress

Both physical and mental. Continuation of the previous positive action. It manifests itself most clearly in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome.

It makes sense to drink Mildronate systematically in courses in order to consolidate the beneficial result of treatment.

Perhaps the appointment as a preventive measure in persons engaged in intense physical or mental labor, to maintain muscle tone, heart, blood vessels, brain and central nervous system in general.

Strengthening local and general immunity

The use of the drug allows you to adjust the state of the body's defenses.

It has been proven that those who take Mildronate are less likely to suffer from acute respiratory infections, recover faster after acute respiratory viral infections, and are less susceptible to intoxication processes during the course of these diseases.

But it is impossible to use Mildronate uncontrollably, it is fraught with side effects.

Heart protection, cardioprotective effect

One of the key areas of use of the drug. The drug is prescribed to patients with diseases of cardiac structures, including coronary artery disease, after a heart attack, and with other phenomena of the same kind.

Mildronate is also actively used for the rapid recovery of cardiac activity in athletes.

Reduced rehabilitation time after emergency conditions

These include heart attack, stroke, crises with hypertension, vascular lesions and other dangerous phenomena.

Mildronate stabilizes metabolic and regenerative processes, helps restore tissue integrity and accelerates local blood circulation in them.

The use of the drug, however, cannot be considered universal, therefore the appropriateness of the appointment is determined by the specialist.

Acute ischemic conditions

With myocardial ischemia, infarction with urgent use, Mildronate will help reduce the area of ​​tissue necrosis.

It restores the normal nutrition of cardiac structures, due to which it becomes possible to significantly speed up the healing process even in the most severe cases.

Mildronate is used as a rehabilitation measure in the early and late stages. At each point in time, it makes sense to revise the dosage.

In addition, parallel use with other protective and restorative drugs, such as Riboxin, is possible, if the specialist deems it appropriate.

Normalization of cerebral circulation

in patients of various groups. Including patients with hypertension, stroke survivors, suffering from encephalopathy, regardless of type.

The use of Mildronate can be a good support and help in therapy, creating the necessary foundation for a qualitative correction of the condition.

Restoration of normal nutrition of the retina

The drug is also used in ophthalmology to stop dystrophic processes. What is especially important for patients with PVRD on the background of myopia.

It is possible to reduce the risk of formation of perforated defects on the retina and its further detachment.

Increased tone of the central nervous system

As part of the overall effect of the drug on the state of the central nervous system and the brain in general.

Partial relief of withdrawal symptoms

Restoration of normal well-being within the withdrawal syndrome in chronic alcoholics. Mildronate partially stops the craving to take alcohol, restores the normal position, eliminates "breaking" and all vegetative manifestations of the pathological process.


The quality and intensity of action vary significantly and depend on the prescription of alcohol intake, the degree of alcoholism.

The positive effects of the use of Mildronate are obvious and for this reason the drug is so widely used in various branches of medicine.

It is important to bear in mind a few points:

  • The drug should not be used without the permission and direct prescription of a doctor. Mildronate capsules are taken according to a well-defined scheme in order to achieve the correct effect and not provoke undesirable effects.
  • It cannot be considered a panacea. Not in all cases, admission is generally acceptable. Here again, it is necessary to take into account the expediency and possibility of use.
  • With the development of side effects, you should consult a doctor to review the regimen or completely cancel the drug.

Indications for use

An indicative list of reasons for taking is listed in the annotation to the drug, but it is not presented in full, in more detail:

  • Mental stress. In patients engaged in mental everyday work. Particularly intense. This includes schoolchildren, students, office professionals, researchers, teachers and others. There are many options. The use is possible, including as a preventive measure, to prevent excessive fatigue.
  • Physical stress. Particularly among persons engaged in mechanical labor. It also includes amateur and professional athletes. Mildronate allows you to recover much faster.
  • Acute ischemic emergencies that have passed in the recent past. For example, a heart attack or stroke. The drug is used for a high-quality rehabilitation process, in a system with other names. However, pharmacological compatibility must be taken into account; only a doctor with sufficient knowledge can do this.

  • Decreased immunity, frequent acute respiratory infections. This is not a profile indication for the use of Mildronate. However, the effectiveness of the drug in restoring the body's defenses has been proven.
  • Withdrawal syndrome in patients who systematically take alcohol. One medication in this case will not be enough. It is possible to use strictly in the system with others, including detoxification ones. If necessary, procedures are carried out to restore the normal functioning of the heart, to purify the blood.
  • . In any phase: current rapidly or chronic.

  • . As mentioned earlier, Mildronate helps to slow down the pathological condition and reduces the amount of damage. It makes sense to take it after, as a rehabilitation measure.

A complete algorithm for first aid for myocardial infarction is described, and the rehabilitation process.

  • encephalopathy. .

  • Dystrophic processes on the part of the retina.
  • Any decrease in working capacity and the ability to realize their own labor functions.
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

The list is incomplete. The expediency of application is determined by a specialist in nervous diseases, cardiology. Therapy should take place under the strict supervision of a physician.

Dosing regimen and administration rules

Due to the possible stimulating effect, Mildronate should be taken in the morning 20-30 minutes before meals. The dose is selected by the attending physician individually for the patient.

Below is a table of average values, according to the instructions for use.

Ischemic heart disease (angina pectoris, myocardial infarction), chronic heart failure.500 mg-1 g / day, frequency of use 1-2 times / day. The course of treatment is 4-6 weeks.
Disgoromonal cardiomyopathy500 mg/day The duration of the course is 12 days.
The period after a stroke, heart attack.500 mg-1 g / day, frequency of use - 2 times / day. The course of treatment is 4-6 weeks.
Chronic disorders of cerebral circulation (cerebrovascular insufficiency, encephalopathy, dementia).500 mg / day. The duration of the course is 4-6 weeks.
Mental stress, decreased performance, chronic fatigue syndrome.500 mg 2 times / day. The course lasts - 10-14 days.
Physical stress, sports.500 mg 2 times / day. The duration of the course is 2-3 weeks.
Withdrawal syndrome (in patients who systematically consume alcohol).500 mg 4 times / day. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.
Decreased immunity, acute respiratory infections.During the period of the disease, 500 mg 3 times / day. Duration of admission - 10-14 days.


There are not so many reasons for refusing to use Mildronate. Among the possible:

  • Chronic. A relative point, because when correcting a condition, prescribing a drug is quite acceptable.
  • Individual intolerance to the active and other components. An allergic reaction is possible to the drug itself, in which case it is necessary to completely refuse to take it.

Or in the structure of polyvalent intolerance. Then it makes sense to carefully monitor the patient's condition. Spontaneous extinction of the immune response to the stimulus is possible.

  • Pregnancy. During gestation, the drug cannot be prescribed.
  • Lactation. breastfeeding period. Until the transfer to artificial mixtures or the expiration of the deadlines.
  • Age up to 18 years. Mildronate is not prescribed for children, because research in this area has not yet been conducted.

There are minimum contraindications, but they must be strictly observed.

Side effects

  • Allergic reactions. Usually low intensity. Skin itching, rashes on the body, hands. In extremely rare cases, Quincke's edema and more dangerous disorders of this kind, up to anaphylactic shock.
  • Dyspepsia. Disorders of the digestive tract. Heartburn, belching, acid backflow (reflux), diarrhea, constipation, alternating stool disorders, problems like increased intestinal gas.
  • Tachycardia. Increase in heart rate. Occurs rarely.
  • Jumps in blood pressure. As a rule, an increase in the level of blood pressure, for a short time. It also occurs infrequently, which is also noted by the manufacturer of the drug.
  • Excessive excitability as a result of stimulation of the central nervous system. Also increased motor activity.
  • Weakness.
  • On the part of the blood picture, eosinophilia is possible.

Side effects develop relatively rarely. After adverse events are detected, the doctor may completely cancel the drug or choose expectant management.

Often, negative symptoms disappear on their own after a few days from the start of the drug.

Let's summarize

Mildronate tablets help restore the tone of the central nervous system, strengthen blood vessels, protect the heart, restore efficiency and former activity.

They are used for quick recovery of patients after emergency conditions.

However, this is not a panacea, it is impossible to take the drug thoughtlessly. The question of expediency and in general the possibility of using this name is decided by the doctor.

on the medical use of the drug

Registration number:

P N016028/01

Trade name of the drug

Mildronate ®

International nonproprietary name (INN)


Dosage form



1 capsule contains:

active substance - meldonium dihydrate 250 mg;

excipients - potato starch, colloidal silicon dioxide, calcium stearate; capsule (body and cap) - titanium dioxide (E 171), gelatin.


Hard gelatin capsules No. 1 white. The content is a white crystalline powder with a slight odor. The powder is hygroscopic.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

metabolic agent.

ATX code: C01EB

pharmachologic effect


Meldonium is a precursor of carnitine, a structural analogue of gamma-butyrobetaine (GBB), a substance that is found in every cell of the human body.

Under conditions of increased load, meldonium restores the balance between the delivery and demand of cells for oxygen, eliminates the accumulation of toxic metabolic products in cells, protecting them from damage; also has a tonic effect. As a result of its use, the body's resistance to stress and the ability to quickly restore energy reserves increase.

The drug has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system (CNS) - increasing motor activity and physical endurance. Due to these properties, MILDRONAT® is also used to improve physical and mental performance.


After oral administration, the drug is rapidly absorbed, bioavailability - 78%. The maximum concentration (Cmax) in the blood plasma is reached 1-2 hours after ingestion. It is metabolized in the body mainly in the liver with the formation of two main metabolites, which are excreted by the kidneys. The half-life (T 1 / 2) when taken orally depends on the dose, is 3-6 hours.

Indications for use

Reduced performance, mental and physical overload.


Hypersensitivity to meldonium or any other component of the drug.
Increased intracranial pressure (in violation of venous outflow, intracranial tumors).
Pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding.
Age up to 18 years (safety not confirmed).

With caution: in diseases of the liver and / or kidneys.

Use during pregnancy and during breastfeeding

The safety of use in pregnant women has not been studied, therefore, in order to avoid possible adverse effects on the fetus, the use of the drug in pregnant women is contraindicated.

Excretion with milk and the effect on the health of the newborn have not been studied, therefore, if necessary, the use of the drug should stop breastfeeding.

Dosage and administration

The daily dose for adults is 500 mg (2 capsules). The entire dose is used in the morning in one dose or divided into 2 doses.
The course of treatment is 10-14 days.
If necessary, the treatment is repeated after 2-3 weeks.
Due to the possible stimulating effect, the drug is recommended to be used in the morning.

Side effect

Meldonium is generally well tolerated. However, in susceptible patients, as well as in cases where the recommended dose is exceeded, adverse reactions may occur.
Adverse drug reactions are grouped into system organ classes in accordance with the following frequency gradation: very often (> 1/10), often (> 1/100 and<1/10), нечасто (>1/1000 and<1/100), редко (>1/10 000 and<1/1000) и очень редко (<1/10 000), частота неизвестна - по имеющимся данным частоту оценить невозможно.

From the blood and lymphatic system

Frequency unknown: eosinophilia.

From the side of the immune system

Often: allergic reactions (reddening of the skin, rashes, itching, swelling).

From the side of the heart

Very rare: tachycardia.

From the side of the vessels

Very rare: decrease in blood pressure.

From the gastrointestinal tract Often: dyspepsia

From the side of the nervous system Often: headaches;

Frequency unknown: excitation.

General violations

Frequency unknown: general weakness.

If any of the side effects listed in the instructions get worse, or if you notice any other side effects not listed in the instructions, tell your doctor.


No cases of meldonium overdose have been reported. The drug has low toxicity and does not cause severe adverse reactions.

Symptoms: lowering blood pressure, accompanied by headache, tachycardia, dizziness and general weakness.

Treatment: symptomatic.

In severe overdose, it is necessary to monitor the functions of the liver and kidneys.

Interaction with other drugs

Meldonium can be used simultaneously with long-acting nitrates and other antianginal agents, cardiac glycosides and diuretics. It can also be combined with anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents, antiarrhythmic drugs and other drugs that improve microcirculation.

Meldonium can enhance the effect of nitroglycerin, nifedipine, beta-blockers, other antihypertensive drugs and peripheral vasodilators. Simultaneous use of the drug together with other meldonium preparations is not allowed, since the risk of adverse reactions may increase.

special instructions

Patients with chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys should be careful with prolonged use of the drug. If you need a long-term (more than a month) use of the drug, you should consult with a specialist.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and mechanisms

There is no evidence of an adverse effect on the ability to drive a vehicle and perform potentially hazardous activities that require an increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Release form

Capsules 250 mg.

10 capsules in a blister pack made of PVC film or PVC film coated with PVC and aluminum foil. 4 blister packs together with instructions for use are placed in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions

Store in a dry place at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date

Do not use after the expiry date stated on the packaging.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Without recipe.


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Mildronate (mildronate thp) - stabilizes the metabolic functions of the human body. With its help, the oxygen balance of cells is restored, toxins accumulated as a result of metabolic processes are destroyed. The medicine helps to cope with high mental and physical stress, is effective in the treatment of heart attacks, strokes.

Mildronate - indications for use

Disorders of the cardiovascular system, deterioration of cerebral circulation, hypertension, bradycardia make up the list of indications for the use of Mildronate. The medicine is effective in acute and chronic forms of the development of the disease. Meldonium - the basic component of Mildronate, slows down the process of transfer of fatty acids through the cell membranes of the heart muscle. This result is important for oxygen starvation, therefore, the instructions for the medicine indicate that the reception is recommended for people with:

  • ischemic conditions of the heart muscle;
  • disorders of cerebral circulation;
  • retinal hemorrhages, hemophthalmos;
  • hypertensive, diabetic lesions of the retina;
  • alcohol addiction;
  • withdrawal syndrome;


Meldonium, which is part of Mildronate as the main active substance, is a synthetic analogue of gamma-butyrobetaine. This component, related to B vitamins, is produced by every cell of the human body and increases protective functions. With the ability to normalize blood circulation and oxygen balance, the drug is used as:

  • cardioprotector;
  • antihypoxant;
  • angioprotector;


The medicine is available in capsules, solutions for injection: administered intramuscularly, intravenously, parabulbarno: (an injection into the fiber of the eyeball). Under what conditions the remedy helps, how long it can be taken, what dosage to use - is described in detail in the instructions for Mildronate. The medicine promotes psychomotor agitation, therefore, the use of Mildronate - the instructions for use warns, after 17.00 it is not recommended.

Oral administration of Mildronate is carried out half an hour before or after meals. If necessary, take several times a day - Mildronate's annotation contains recommendations on how to correctly calculate the time of the last dose. The tablets are not crushed - they are consumed whole, the syrup is well shaken and using a measuring spoon, drink the required amount of the drug.

Tablets Mildronate

The tonic effect of the drug increases resistance to physical exertion. The rapid recovery of energy made it possible to use it in sports. Often athletes achieve victories on the verge of their capabilities. Mildronate in capsules is able to protect the athlete's heart from myocardial infarction during physical overstrain. The instructions define the average daily dose for adults - 500 mg, the course of treatment is up to two weeks. Efficacy has been proven to address the following health concerns:

  • with dishormonal cardiomyopathy;
  • with chronic heart failure;
  • with chronic alcoholism;
  • with the consequences of a hangover;
  • at ;
  • with retinopathy;
  • with cerebrovascular insufficiency;
  • when losing weight;


Mildronate injection solution is available ready-made. Injections should be done separately, not combined with the introduction of other drugs. It is not necessary to dilute the solution with sodium chloride, but this is acceptable in some cases. Intramuscular injections are avoided due to pain, the development of allergies, but if necessary, this option is also used. As a rule, Mildronate in ampoules is prescribed:

  1. With, myocardial infarction - from 500 to 1000 mg once a day.
  2. In acute disorders of cerebral circulation - 500 mg per day, the course of treatment is up to 10 days.
  3. In chronic pathologies of the blood circulation of the brain - one, three times the introduction of 500 mg.
  4. With vascular pathologies of the fundus - 0.5 ml for 10 days.


The manufacturer has developed another form of drug release - Mildronate syrup. The remedy is intended for children aged 12-16 years. Reduced performance, increased stress during exams are indications for the use of the drug. Cardiologists prescribe the drug to a child with functional disorders of the cardiovascular system, cardiomyopathies of various origins. The drug must be dispensed by prescription.


The medicine has a wide range of unique medicinal properties. But like any medicine, Mildronate has contraindications. What helps and when it is not recommended to take, how long you can take Mildronate, how it will act - the instructions for use contain the necessary list of precise recommendations. You can not use the drug for the prevention of heart disease, use in patients with chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys.

The list of absolute restrictions includes cerebral blood flow disorders caused by osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. How Meldonium is taken correctly under such circumstances will only be recommended by a doctor who needs to be contacted for qualified medical help. The main contraindications to the use of Mildronate:

  • intracranial cancers:
  • allergic reactions;
  • individual intolerance;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;

Side effects

Patient reviews about the use of the drug are good, side effects of Mildronate appear with self-treatment or long-term use. Dyspeptic symptoms often manifest themselves: nausea, vomiting, sensations of a full stomach after small portions of food. Allergy, tachycardia, increased arousal, lowering blood pressure occur much less frequently.

It is dangerous to take simultaneously with other types of drugs, the composition of which contains meldonium and there is a risk of a serious overdose. There are drug combination complexes where the compatibility of drugs is beyond doubt, but the patient will receive a beneficial therapeutic effect only if he turns to a medical specialist in a timely manner, claiming that this medicine will have a similar effect. To get the expected result from Riboxin, you need to take into account the fact that its natural formula is already contained in the human body. It will take a large amount of this medicine to fully perform its functions, from which the cost of the course of treatment will increase.

Mildronate is a drug that improves the metabolism and energy supply of tissues.

Release form and composition

Mildronate is produced in the following dosage forms:

  • Capsules: white, hard gelatin, size No. 1 (250 mg each) or No. 00 (500 mg each); the contents of the capsules are a hygroscopic crystalline white powder with a slight odor (in blisters of 10 pcs., 2, 4 or 6 blisters in a cardboard box);
  • Solution for injection: colorless, transparent (in ampoules of 5 ml, 5 ampoules in blister packs, 2 packs in a carton box).

The composition of 1 capsule includes:

  • Active substance: meldonium dihydrate - 250 or 500 mg;
  • Auxiliary components: potato starch - 13.6 / 27.2 mg; colloidal silicon dioxide - 5.4 / 10.8 mg; calcium stearate - 2.7 / 5.4 mg.

The composition of the capsule shell: E171 (titanium dioxide) - 2%; gelatin - up to 100%.

The composition of 1 ml of solution includes:

  • Active substance: meldonium - 100 mg (as trimethylhydrazinium propionate);
  • Auxiliary component: water for injections.

Indications for use

  • Reduced performance, physical overstrain (including athletes);
  • Withdrawal syndrome in chronic alcoholism (simultaneously with specific therapy for alcoholism);
  • Ischemic heart disease (myocardial infarction, angina pectoris), chronic heart failure (as part of complex treatment);
  • Acute and chronic disorders of cerebral circulation, including strokes and cerebrovascular insufficiency (as part of complex treatment).

Additionally for Mildronate in the form of a solution for injection:

  • Thrombosis of the central retinal vein and its branches;
  • Hemophthalmos, retinal hemorrhages of various etiologies;
  • Retinopathy of various etiologies (hypertensive, diabetic).


  • Increased intracranial pressure (including with intracranial tumors, impaired venous outflow);
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

It is not recommended to prescribe the drug to children under 18 years of age, as well as lactating and pregnant women due to the lack of clinical data confirming the safety and efficacy of Mildronate in these groups of patients.

Mildronate should be used with caution in patients with kidney and / or liver disease (especially for a long time).

Method of application and dosage

Due to the possible development of an exciting effect, Mildronate is recommended to be used in the first half of the day, when taken several times a day - no later than 17.00.

Inside Mildronate in the form of capsules is usually prescribed as follows:

  • Ischemic heart disease (myocardial infarction, angina pectoris), chronic heart failure: daily dose - 500-1000 mg; frequency of reception - 1-2 times a day. The duration of the therapeutic course is 1-1.5 months (simultaneously with other drugs);
  • Dishormonal cardiomyopathy: daily dose - 500 mg. The duration of the therapeutic course is 12 days (simultaneously with other drugs);
  • Subacute disorders of cerebral circulation (cerebrovascular insufficiency and stroke): daily dose - 500-1000 mg; frequency of reception - 1-2 times a day. The duration of the therapeutic course is 1-1.5 months (the drug is taken orally simultaneously with other drugs after the end of the course of injection therapy with Mildronate);
  • Chronic disorders of cerebral circulation: daily dose - 500 mg. The duration of the therapeutic course is 1-1.5 months (simultaneously with other drugs). It is possible to conduct repeated courses (usually 2-3 times a year) after a medical consultation;
  • Reduced performance, mental and physical overstrain (including athletes): daily dose - 1000 mg; frequency of reception - 2 times a day. The duration of the therapeutic course is 10-14 days. After 2-3 weeks, a second course is possible;
  • Withdrawal syndrome in chronic alcoholism: daily dose - 2000 mg; multiplicity of reception - 4 times a day. The duration of the therapeutic course is 7-10 days (simultaneously with the specific treatment of alcoholism).

Mildronate in the form of a solution for injection is administered intravenously and parabulbarno.

As a rule, intravenous drug is prescribed:

  • Cardiovascular diseases: daily dose - 500-1000 mg (5-10 ml of injection solution, concentration - 500 mg / 5 ml); frequency of use 1-2 times a day. The duration of the treatment course is 1-1.5 months (simultaneously with other drugs);
  • Violations of cerebral circulation (acute phase): daily dose - 500 mg; frequency of use - 1 time per day. The solution is administered for 10 days, after which they switch to taking Mildronate inside (500-1000 mg per day). The total duration of the treatment course is 1-1.5 months;
  • Physical and mental stress: daily dose - 500 mg; frequency of use - 1 time per day. The duration of the treatment course is 10-14 days. After 2-3 weeks, a second course is possible;
  • Chronic alcoholism: daily dose - 1000 mg; frequency of use - 2 times a day. The duration of the treatment course is 10-14 days.

In case of vascular pathologies and degenerative diseases of the retina, Mildronate should be administered parabulbarno at a dose of 0.5 ml of an injection with a concentration of 500 mg / 5 ml for 10 days.

Side effects

In rare cases, when using Mildronate in all dosage forms, side effects such as: allergic reactions (itching, redness and skin, urticaria, skin rash, angioedema), dyspepsia, tachycardia, increase or decrease in blood pressure, irritability.

In very rare cases, eosinophilia and general weakness may develop.

special instructions

Many years of experience in the use of Mildronate in the treatment of unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction in cardiology departments has shown that Mildronate is not a first-line drug for acute coronary syndrome.

drug interaction

With the simultaneous use of Mildronate with certain drugs, the following undesirable effects may occur:

  • Coronary dilating agents, some antihypertensive drugs, cardiac glycosides: enhancing their action;
  • Nitroglycerin, nifedipine, alpha-blockers, antihypertensives and peripheral vasodilators: the development of arterial hypotension, moderate tachycardia (when using such combinations, care must be taken).

Mildronate can be administered simultaneously with prolonged forms of nitrates, other antianginal drugs, antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants, antiarrhythmic, bronchodilator and diuretic drugs.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store in a dry place out of the reach of children at temperatures up to 25 ° C (do not freeze the injection solution).

Shelf life - 4 years.

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Grindeks Joint Stock Company (Latvia), Grindeks Public Joint Stock Company (Latvia)

pharmachologic effect

Cardioprotective, antianginal, antihypoxic, angioprotective.

It improves metabolic processes, increases efficiency, reduces the symptoms of mental and nervous tension, and has a cardioprotective effect.

Regulates cellular immunity.

Eliminates functional disorders of the nervous system in chronic alcoholism.

Promotes the redistribution of blood flow to ischemic areas, including the brain and retina.

When taken orally, it is well absorbed.

The maximum concentration is reached in 1 - 2 hours.

The half-life is 3 - 6 hours.

Side effects of Mildronate

Dyspepsia, psychomotor agitation of the central nervous system, tachycardia, changes in blood pressure, skin itching, redness, rash, swelling.

Indications for use

Reduced performance; physical overvoltage, incl. in athletes.

In complex therapy - ischemic heart disease (angina pectoris, myocardial infarction), chronic heart failure, dyshormonal cardiopathy, withdrawal syndrome in chronic alcoholism, hemophthalmus and retinal hemorrhage of various etiologies, thrombosis of the central retinal vein and its branches, retinopathy of various etiologies, as part of the complex therapy of acute and chronic disorders of cerebral circulation.

Contraindications Mildronate

Hypersensitivity, organic lesions of the central nervous system, pregnancy, breastfeeding, childhood.

Method of application and dosage

Mental and physical overload, incl. for athletes:

  • inside,
  • adults - 250 mg 4 times a day.

The course of treatment is 10-14 days, if necessary, the treatment is repeated after 2-3 weeks.


  • inside 500-1000 mg 2 times a day before training.

Duration of the course in the preparatory period - 14-21 days, during the competition - 10-14 days.

Cardiovascular diseases:

  • inside 250 mg 3 times a day for 3-4 days,
  • further - 250 mg 3 times a day,
  • 2 times a week for 1-1.5 months (as part of complex therapy).

Chronic alcoholism:

  • inside 500 mg 4 times a day;
  • The course of treatment is 7 - 10 days.


No information.


May enhance the effects of nitroglycerin, nifedipine, beta-blockers and other antihypertensive agents and peripheral vasodilators.

Compatible with antianginal agents, anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents, antiarrhythmic agents, cardiac glycosides, diuretics.

special instructions

Patients with chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys with prolonged use should be careful.