Increased acetone in the urine of a pregnant woman. How to take a urine test for acetone during pregnancy and what to do if the level is elevated? Acetone in urine in pregnant women

In ordinary life, acetone in urine tells doctors and their patients about obvious health problems. Its presence can be a symptom of a number of diseases: stenosis of the esophagus, stomach cancer, severe narrowing of the pylorus, brain tumors, liver damage, cachexia, traumatic brain injury, severe forms of anemia, including diabetes mellitus. Therefore, checking for sugar is the first thing to do if acetone is detected in the urine.

This indicator is rarely detected by chance: in most cases, tests are taken specifically when the thunder has already struck. During the period of bearing a child, the same thing usually happens: acetone in the urine during pregnancy is detected when a woman becomes ill and something bothers her. Mostly this happens against the background of severe, often continuous vomiting. And, of course, in this condition the expectant mother should be hospitalized. But then the opinions of doctors often diverge: some say that such a condition (including acetone in the urine) during pregnancy is not something out of the ordinary, others are wary, pour in liters of infusion solutions through droppers and do not really explain anything. But a pregnant woman with acetone will certainly be taken under medical supervision.

Undoubtedly, acetone in the urine during pregnancy is a violation. Normally, it should not be there, because it indicates that the proteins and fats entering the body are not completely oxidized (or disintegrated).

In addition to the diseases mentioned at the beginning of the article, acetone bodies in the urine can appear when the diet is disrupted, in particular when there is a predominance of fatty and protein foods with a deficiency of carbohydrates. People often end up in the hospital after consuming too much sweets (this often applies to children), as well as after overeating or prolonged fasting, which is also possible during pregnancy.

But still, in most cases, acetone in the urine during pregnancy appears due to severe dehydration due to prolonged vomiting. This often develops against the background of so-called gestational diabetes in pregnant women, therefore, upon admission to the hospital (or outpatient), the pregnant woman should immediately be sent for tests: a general blood test, a blood test for acetone, a sugar curve, and biochemistry.

So, the most common reasons for the appearance of acetone in the urine during pregnancy are fasting, dehydration, which in general can be considered a consequence. Therefore, you should not worry too much about this. Of course, the situation is somewhat problematic and needs to be resolved. If doctors, based on the results of the examination (which may also include an ultrasound of the internal organs, the thyroid gland and a consultation with an endocrinologist), do not suspect anything more serious, treatment will be limited to the placement of IVs, which will certainly include carbohydrate foods and plenty of drinking.

In general, if you are vomiting a lot, then you must drink a lot, only in very small portions - literally a spoonful, otherwise the vomiting will recur again and again. It is advisable to drink an alkaline drink; if you do not have diabetes, then you can drink a sweetened one. But trying to eat during an acetone crisis is useless and even harmful. But since the supply of food is very important for the unborn child, it is necessary to get out of the crisis as quickly as possible, and here it is almost impossible to do without medical help. In the future, it is necessary to eat fractionally - in small portions, but often. Remember, hunger is also provoked by acetone.

If you feel normal, or at least not so bad, but acetone is detected, then the doctor will most likely simply refer you for a retake to make sure it is correct or incorrect. If necessary, you will be scheduled for additional examinations, but there is no point in worrying ahead of time. Acetone in urine during pregnancy is not normal, but this does happen quite often. I would like to say that if you follow medical prescriptions and quickly respond to the situation, acetone in the urine during pregnancy does not have a negative effect on the child.

But if you once had an increase in acetone, then you will have to monitor it until the end of your pregnancy - there are special tests for this at the pharmacy. As soon as vomiting intensifies and dizziness begins, immediately check for the presence of acetone.

May everything be fine with you!

Especially for- Elena Kichak

9 months of pregnancy is a period of happy anticipation of the birth of the baby. It often happens that, while adapting to a new state, the expectant mother’s body experiences minor disruptions. One of these unpleasant moments, which, however, should not be ignored is the appearance of acetone in the urine.

What does it mean and what are the causes of acetone in urine in pregnant women?

Acetone, hydroxybutyric acid and acetoacetic acid are ketone bodies that are produced in the human body during the breakdown of proteins and fats. In almost all healthy adults, a small amount of acetone in the urine is normal. It is excreted daily and in normal concentrations does not affect a person’s well-being. If for any reason the metabolic processes in the body are disrupted (proteins and fats are not completely broken down), then the number of ketone bodies increases, and the excretory system is not able to utilize them in a timely manner and completely. This is why acetone appears in the urine. This condition is commonly called acetonuria.

Such dysfunction rarely goes unnoticed; it is usually accompanied by a deterioration in well-being. After seeking medical help and undergoing tests, they discover the named deviation.

Regarding pregnant women, acetone is sometimes detected in their urine during routine tests, which means that problems in the body have just begun and will soon make themselves felt with unpleasant symptoms. In most cases, such test results are preceded by a noticeable deterioration in health: nausea, vomiting, dizziness and a subsequent visit to the doctor.

Doctors do not name the exact causes of acetonuria in pregnant women. However, factors contributing to this condition have been identified. Among them: stressful situations in the present and recent past of a young mother, weakened immunity, negative environmental influences, unhealthy diet, hormonal disorders.

Often young women expecting a child try to “diet” and limit themselves so as not to gain excess weight. Lack of nutrients can become a catalyst for increasing acetone levels. Another reason why acetone appears in urine is due to poor nutrition. Often pregnant women begin to eat heavily (eat for two), and not always with healthy and wholesome food. Sometimes they have unusual taste preferences caused by hormonal changes. Excess proteins, fats and carbohydrates cannot be properly absorbed - and the body malfunctions.

In addition, the named dysfunction during pregnancy is a constant companion to anemia, toxicosis and gestational diabetes mellitus (diabetes in pregnant women).

Acetone for toxicosis (1st trimester) manifests itself as a result of severe vomiting and dehydration. A woman cannot drink and eat normally, she often experiences hunger, and therefore becomes exhausted. In the third trimester, this deviation may indicate the onset of late toxicosis (gestosis), as well as gestational diabetes.

Acetone in urine is detected by standard analysis. In a healthy woman, the presence of ketone bodies in the urine is too small, and under normal laboratory conditions it is not even detectable. That is why it is customary to say that there cannot be acetone in urine. If it is detected, then its quantity is indicated by pluses:

  • one plus is a weakly positive urine reaction to acetone (minimal content);
  • 2 pluses - a positive reaction, usually occurs with toxicosis or poor nutrition;
  • 3 pluses indicate moderate acetone content and may be a sign of acute starvation;
  • 4 pluses - a positive reaction to acetone (may be a symptom of pregnancy diabetes), requires immediate hospitalization.

It happens that if the urine test for acetone is positive, a woman feels well. Then the doctor will prescribe repeated tests to confirm or refute the previous result and monitor the dynamics of the relevant indicators.

What are the dangers of acetone during pregnancy?

Acetonuria in pregnant women is a condition that requires mandatory medical intervention and adjustment to avoid harmful effects on the health of the mother and child. It is impossible to decide on your own how to remove excess acetone.

An increase in the volume of ketone bodies in the body can be compared to intoxication. And the manifestations of this state are corresponding:

In the early stages, this can cause dehydration, blood thickening, and disruption of the heart and central nervous system.

Why is acetone harmful in late pregnancy?

If acetone is found in the urine in late pregnancy, then this is evidence of disturbances in liver function and the beginning of the development of late toxicosis - preeclampsia. This syndrome causes edema, increased blood pressure, and proteinuria (the appearance of protein in the urine). It is dangerous due to the following consequences for the mother: vasospasm and impaired blood circulation, the formation of microthrombi can lead to cerebral hemorrhage and thrombosis. The disease can cause swelling of the lungs or brain, and lead to heart, kidney or liver failure.

Another common cause of acetonuria at the end of pregnancy is diabetes mellitus in pregnant women (gestational diabetes), which in most cases goes away after childbirth. This condition has a high risk for mother and baby. Possible consequences are intrauterine infection, polyhydramnios, premature birth, development of fetal defects, etc.

Another reason for the increase in the number of ketone bodies in urine in later stages is iron deficiency anemia.

How does acetone affect a child during pregnancy?

Increased acetone in the expectant mother, left without attention and timely treatment, poses a danger to the child. He may develop pathologies or develop developmental deviations.

Placental insufficiency is possible, which can cause fetal hypoxia (oxygen starvation), as well as premature birth or fetal death.

What to do

If acetone is detected in a urine test, the pregnant woman should seek medical help. Only a qualified physician knows how to get rid of excess ketone bodies. Typically, women with this syndrome are hospitalized. The hospital has the ability to quickly respond to changes in the pregnant woman’s condition, as well as monitor the impact of prescribed therapy. The first thing the doctor works on is how to remove the cause of the syndrome. Next - how to reduce the amount of ketone bodies and normalize fluid balance in the body.

How to reduce high acetone during pregnancy

Therapy depends on the cause of the disorder. Typically, in a hospital, pregnant women with acetonuria are prescribed IVs and dietary nutrition. In case of severe vomiting and dehydration, drinking plenty of fluids is recommended. It is recommended to drink in small portions (one or two spoons), but often. Drinking a large amount of water at once can cause severe vomiting.

Eating at such moments is difficult because the food is not digested and further burdens the already weakened body.

Diet with acetone in pregnant women

When the exacerbation is relieved with the help of medical manipulations, the patient with acetonuria is recommended to go on a diet. You need to eat in small portions, but often: once every three to four hours. Vegetable soups, thin porridges with a small amount of butter, low-fat cottage cheese, biscuits, and apples are recommended. You can eat dietary meat, such as chicken or turkey. Dairy products can be introduced later. An important rule: new foods should be introduced into the diet in small portions, monitoring your well-being and the body’s reaction to new food.

How to treat acetone in urine during pregnancy

To prevent the fetus from suffering from a lack of nutrients during crises of the described syndrome, pregnant women are prescribed drips with glucose and vitamin preparations. In addition, to treat a disease that has led to an increase in acetone levels, medications that are safe for pregnant women may be prescribed. These can be hepatoprotectors, hormonal drugs, vitamins, sorbents (if there are symptoms of intoxication).

Especially for -Ksenia Boyko

Pregnancy is a very complex process that occurs individually for each woman. It is no secret that during the period when the expectant mother is carrying her child, many changes occur in her body that affect both the health of the baby and the woman herself.

That is why regular monitoring of pregnant women by doctors is necessary, which is accompanied by various laboratory tests and diagnostic methods. One such method for checking the health of the mother and child is the analysis of acetone bodies in urine.

What does it mean?

Acetone in urine is represented by ketone bodies. These elements are a natural metabolic product that is formed as a result of the breakdown of active complex fats in the body.

Ketone bodies are excreted exclusively in the urine, so urine analysis is practically the only and easiest way to detect their increase.

In the urine of a pregnant woman, as well as of any other healthy person, There should be no acetone. An acceptable normal is approximately 10-30 mg in a daily urine sample. If the indicator is significantly higher, then certain physiological or pathological changes occur in the patient’s body.

In the case of an expectant mother, we are usually talking about the simplest intoxication, which often forms toxicosis of pregnant women. Typically, the development of this condition is associated with a lack of energy in the body of a pregnant woman. ABOUT Usually the body compensates for it by consuming glucose reserves, but if its deficiency begins to be felt, then complex fats are broken down, as a result of which acetone begins to accumulate.

Toxicosis of pregnant women in itself is not a very dangerous condition, but it is fraught with consequences such as eclampsia. Even a woman herself can detect toxicosis, since acetone gives urine a specific smell that is easy to smell.

Also, do not forget that ketone bodies can be the result of processing certain foods, especially those containing fat. It's no secret that many pregnant women develop very specific taste preferences, as well as increased appetite, which as a result can lead to a physiological increase in the content of acetone in the urine.

Why is it dangerous?

Despite the fact that in some cases the formation of acetone in the body is a natural physiological reaction, it can harm the health of the mother and child.

A lack of glucose in the body, which most often provokes the appearance of acetone in the urine, is itself an indicator of the poor condition of the pregnant woman, whose body experiences exhaustion and weakness. The inclusion of complex fats in energy processes provokes not only the accumulation of ketones, but also (in some cases) inhibition of the functioning of certain organs.

In particular, this can affect the kidneys, the only organ in our body that is able to effectively remove acetone from urine. If a pregnant woman experiences depression or impaired renal function, ketone bodies accumulate in the blood and cause serious intoxication. As a result, we may encounter a worsening of toxicosis in a pregnant woman, which quickly turns into its critical form - eclampsia. This is manifested by edema, increased blood pressure, renal failure, damage to the nervous system, including loss of consciousness and convulsive attacks.


Acetone in urine during pregnancy is a phenomenon that is not always easy to explain, because a number of different changes occur in the body of the expectant mother, which can cause both pathological and purely physiological reactions.

We will consider the most common causes of this phenomenon in medicine:

  • The simplest reason for which a slight increase in the content of acetone in urine is detected is a lack of glucose in the body of a pregnant woman. This is usually caused by irregular and unhealthy diet and consumption of exclusively low-calorie foods.
  • A high level of ketone bodies in the urine can be a serious warning about such a serious pathology as gestational diabetes mellitus, which implies, first of all, a disruption in the normal functioning of some cells of the pancreas, which is not able to produce a sufficient amount of insulin. Most often, women who have previously had cases of elevated blood glucose levels, pathological lesions of the liver and pancreas, as well as those who abuse alcohol and nicotine are at risk for this disease.

In addition, a hereditary factor can play a role if the pregnant woman’s parents have diabetes.

  • Ketone bodies accumulate due to the breakdown of complex fats. This can happen both in the case of a targeted hunger strike by a pregnant woman who abstains from eating fairly rich foods, and as a result of constant abuse of protein or too fatty foods, including: fried foods, chicken eggs, fatty cottage cheese and other fermented milk products, pork.
  • Dehydration of the body can also provoke acetone intoxication. Typically, such conditions develop against the background of fevers, accompanied by profuse sweat, vomiting, and rapid recovery. In addition, dehydration in pregnant women can develop as a result of excessive physical exertion and long stays in a stuffy room or in direct sunlight.
  • Toxicosis in the early or late stages of pregnancy occurs quite often, being a natural consequence of “restructuring” in a woman’s body. Metabolic disorders, including glucose and fat, can lead to the accumulation of excess amounts of acetone in the urine and even in the blood.

  • During pregnancy, an exacerbation of any chronic disease may occur. In addition, gestation often becomes the impetus for the formation of pathology of endocrine organs, for example, the pancreas or thyroid gland, which provokes acute metabolic disorders and the accumulation of ketone bodies.
  • One of the simplest but most dangerous causes is alcohol or drug poisoning, which has serious consequences not only for the pregnant woman herself, but also for her child. Sometimes such a pathology can be caused by food poisoning or intoxication with certain medications.
  • Infectious diseases that provoke the development of fever and metabolic disorders.
  • In some cases, excessive emotional experiences and overload of the nervous system as a whole can cause increased formation of acetone.


Specific symptoms can help identify intoxication with ketone bodies in a timely manner. The problem is that it may differ for each specific case, since it largely depends on the underlying disease that provoked the increased accumulation of acetone in the body.

Most often, we are talking about the following symptoms:

  • Increased sweating and retention of sweat on the surface of the skin.
  • Constant thirst. This symptom most often indicates possible problems with glucose absorption, that is, the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus.
  • Severe fatigue, constant loss of strength and rapid fatigue during the day are the first signs that a pregnant woman is not getting enough energy, so the inevitable breakdown of fats and accumulation of acetone soon occurs.
  • Dizziness, staggering when walking, darkening of the eyes, episodes of loss of consciousness.
  • Headaches, abdominal pain.
  • Pronounced odor of acetone from the mouth.


To detect the content of ketone bodies in urine, it is enough to carry out a simple laboratory analysis of 24-hour urine. To do this, the pregnant woman needs to collect an average portion of urine in a sterile container, which will later be sent to the laboratory.

The time frame for completing such an analysis is short. The result can be provided in a day, and if quick diagnostics are necessary - within one hour.

Even in a healthy person, ketones can be elevated. Indicators from 10 to 30 mg may be the result of eating foods that are high in calories or too fatty. for several days before urine collection. But such figures are considered as an increased content of acetone in the urine, which is a direct indication for further examinations in order to clarify the diagnosis of the pregnant woman and identify the main cause of this condition.

How to get rid of it?

However, we should not forget that ketone body intoxication can progress quickly. One indicator of increased ketone excretion is that a pregnant woman's urine smells like acetone. If this is accompanied by the smell of acetone from the oral cavity, then it is time to take all necessary measures to reduce the level of ketones in the body.

One of the most important tests that any pregnant woman regularly undergoes is a urine test. By studying it, the doctor can say a lot not only about the general condition of the expectant mother as a whole, but also assess the functioning of her individual organs. In addition to protein, sugar level and many other components that indicate the development of some pathology in a woman’s body, acetone is also an important indicator.

Acetone in the urine during pregnancy is a clear basis for classifying a woman as a patient who has hidden problems. The presence of acetone in the urine may indicate diseases that not only harm the woman’s body, but can also negatively affect the pregnancy process.

Reasons for the appearance of acetone in urine during pregnancy

As you know, protein is a building material for any organism. However, when it decomposes incompletely, acetone is released. It is always present in the body in minimal quantities - it is even necessary. But during pregnancy, massive breakdown can occur, causing acetone levels to rise so much that the body cannot neutralize it and it goes straight to the liver and kidneys.

Without a comprehensive examination, acetone is found in urine extremely rarely. But since a pregnant woman visits the clinic regularly, this substance can be detected at any stage.
There may be several reasons for the appearance of acetone in the urine during pregnancy, but they all fall into two broad categories:

  1. Power failures;
  2. Development of pathological conditions.
More specifically, the formation of a substance such as acetone in the urine may be associated with the following reasons:
  • Absolute restructuring of the body. As a consequence, disruption of the functioning of some organs and the inability of the body to remove acetone on its own;
  • Toxicosis, accompanied by vomiting and unstable or insufficient nutrition;
  • Incorrectly formed diet. Acetone in the urine can be detected if a woman often eats foods with high fat content. This diet is characterized by a lack of carbohydrates, as a result of which the body begins to gain energy from fats;
  • Insufficient water intake;
  • High physical activity;
  • Various infections, poisonings, which are accompanied by fever;
  • Diseases of the kidneys, liver, pancreas, thyroid gland;
  • Regular stress.
Acetone in the urine in early pregnancy may be the result of hormonal changes. The female body becomes less sensitive to insulin, which interferes with the absorption of sugar and is accompanied by the release of other substances. Acetone in the urine during late pregnancy does not always raise questions from the doctor, but if its level is consistently high, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination.

Signs of increased acetone in urine during pregnancy

An increase in acetone levels is manifested by some external signs. If you approach your health extremely carefully, it is difficult not to notice them. At the same time, it is also important not to “write off” these manifestations as your interesting position.
The most common signs are the following:
  • Heavy sweating;
  • Fatigue, weakness;
  • Head pain and dizziness;
  • Specific odor from the mouth or skin;
  • Irritability.
In particularly serious cases, a pregnant woman may experience severe vomiting, swelling, and high fever.

Why is acetone in urine dangerous during pregnancy?

Acetone in urine during pregnancy is equally dangerous at any stage. The substance itself is toxic and harms the maternal and child's body. By creating additional stress on the kidneys and liver, it can lead to the rapid development of chronic diseases or the emergence of new ones.

A significant danger is also the high risk of developing a disease, which directly provokes an increase in acetone levels. The most common disease is gestational diabetes. When it appears, several outcomes are possible. It can either go away after childbirth or develop into diabetes mellitus. In this case, both mother and child are at risk.

Any disease accompanied by an increase in acetone levels requires consulting a doctor and selecting an effective treatment method.

Diagnosis of acetone in urine during pregnancy

The level of acetone is determined during the gestation period using an additional examination. It must be carried out if the results of routine tests are unsatisfactory. Moreover, such a procedure can be carried out both in the laboratory and at home.
To properly collect biomaterial, you must adhere to some rules:
  • Keep calm and do not exert yourself physically before the procedure;
  • For 3-4 days, remove spicy, salty and fried foods from your diet;
  • Thoroughly wash the urine collection container;
  • Collect material in the morning, when you first visit the toilet. Before this, it is necessary to carry out hygienic procedures and close the entrance to the vagina with a cotton pad;
  • It is necessary to collect a medium portion;
  • It is not advisable to shake the sample container during its delivery to the laboratory;
  • Diagnosis is carried out on the day of urine collection.
To carry out independent analysis, special test strips are used. As a result, the indicators may be as follows:
  • The level of acetone in urine during pregnancy, that is, its almost complete absence, will be characteristic of the result “1+”;
  • The minimum content is indicated by the indicator “2+”;
  • An indicator of “3+” will indicate that a pregnant woman is fasting. He is considered moderate;
  • An indicator of “4+” is considered an alarm bell about the possible development of gestational diabetes.
If a urine test for acetone during pregnancy indicates its excess, hospitalization will be required.

Treatment of acetone in urine during pregnancy

If your tests show the presence of acetone in the urine, then you must begin treatment without delay.
After going to the hospital, drug treatment is prescribed, under the influence of which the indicators are normalized. Therapy includes glucose drips and vitamin supplements.
Based on the reason that caused the increase in the level of acetone in the urine of a pregnant woman, other medications are prescribed, but always taking into account the woman’s situation. These may be some sorbents, hormonal agents and vitamins.

You should not think on your own how to reduce acetone in the urine during pregnancy. If you suspect that you are developing acetonuria or your test shows a disappointing result, be sure to seek help from your doctor. Follow all recommendations, follow a diet and avoid stress as much as possible!

Being in the joyful anticipation of motherhood, a woman undergoes a lot of different tests throughout her pregnancy. This is not very convenient because it takes a lot of time. “How justified is this?” - expectant mothers sometimes ask. In fact, it cannot be otherwise - regular examination of biomaterial reveals to doctors a complete picture of what is happening in the pregnant woman’s body. Only through laboratory tests can one understand whether a growing baby is comfortable enough and whether he or his mother needs qualified help from specialists. When it comes to the birth of a new life, it is important to monitor the slightest changes in the body of a pregnant woman. Urine and blood tests are a procedure that an expectant mother needs to undergo more often than others. We invite you to discuss today the importance of the study and the optimal indicators of acetone in urine during pregnancy.

The expectant mother cannot always understand at first what this or that clinical research data that regularly appears on her exchange card means. For example, what does the presence of ketone bodies in urine indicate?

Ketonuria, ketones, acetone bodies, acetonuria, acetone in the urine during pregnancy is a synonymous series that identifies one condition when a high concentration of ketone bodies is detected in the blood. An absolutely healthy person has minimal levels of this substance in the blood, and ketones leave the body in sweat, exhaled air and urine. That is, a urine test in this case will confirm that there is no acetone in its composition. If the presence of a specific substance in the urine is undeniable, then the pregnant woman will need qualified help to eliminate this malfunction in the body. This condition poses a danger to the mother and the unborn baby.

Reasons for the appearance of acetone in urine during pregnancy

With the participation of carbohydrates, the body synthesizes various chemical components necessary for human well-being. And with a sugar deficiency, the body overcomes the situation by using its fat reserves. However, if the required glucose level is not stabilized, special by-products - ketones - begin to form in the blood. They are excreted together with urine.

Why does the body’s rational search for alternative energy sources lead to such consequences? There are several reasons:

  • large intervals between breakfast, lunch and dinner;
  • low-carbohydrate diet (while pregnant women are supposed to eat 300 kcal more than pregnant women);
  • intense sports activities;
  • food intoxication;
  • toxicosis with severe attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • diabetes mellitus, difficult to correct;
  • infectious diseases that accompany high fever;
  • stressful situations, constant depressed state of the expectant mother;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • metabolic disorder.

Signs of pathology

Symptoms of the presence of acetone in the urine during pregnancy vary among expectant mothers depending on various factors that are adjacent to this condition. Here are the most common signs by which one can suspect the presence of carbonyl group elements in the body during pregnancy:

  • increased sweating;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • constant headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • bad breath;
  • abdominal pain;
  • constant thirst.

Features of diagnosing acetone in urine during pregnancy

Let us immediately note that the presence of a moderate amount of ketones along with nausea and vomiting is typical for many pregnant women. The easiest way is to regularly take a urine test, since this is the only way to notice the disorder in time and eliminate it with suitable treatment.

Conducting a urine test for acetone during pregnancy is possible both in the laboratory and at home. To obtain information about the condition of the expectant mother, special laboratory reagents in the form of test strips are used. They operate according to the following principle: the manufacturer applies an absorbent pad to the paper, treated with a special chemical that reacts to any concentration of ketones if they are present in the urine. Also attached to the test strip is a plate with a graduated shadow of a color indicator, based on which a woman can independently determine the level of acetone in the urine. The multifunctional test allows you to examine urine up to 13 parameters, and this is more important than ever for expectant mothers in whose bodies the birth of a fetus has caused certain disturbances.

Results meaning:

  • when the urine is 1+, this indicates a negative test result (the approximate amount of acetone in the serum is 0.5 - 3.0 mg/dl);
  • a score of 2+ indicates minimal serum ketone levels (up to 7 mg/dL). The cause of this phenomenon may be toxicosis or an unbalanced diet during pregnancy;
  • a pregnant woman’s urine has an indicator of 3+ if the woman has a moderate level of acetone in the body (about 30 mg/dl). Typically, such numbers of a substance indicate acute starvation of the patient;
  • a score of 4+ indicates that acetone in the urine is increased during pregnancy (approximately 80 ml/dL). This is a signal of the possible development of gestational diabetes.

For reference

Gestational diabetes, detected during pregnancy, indicates an incorrect reaction of the mother’s body to sugar: due to a hormonal surge after pregnancy, a woman’s cell sensitivity to her own insulin decreases. 50% of expectant mothers develop true diabetes mellitus as a result of this after the birth of a child. In addition, with gestational diabetes, cases of premature delivery, as well as the birth of stillborn babies, are not uncommon. For the baby, this position of the mother is also extremely dangerous: the fetus does not yet produce its own insulin, so an increased amount of this substance in the mother’s body provokes the appearance of various intrauterine developmental defects.

Only morning urine is suitable for analysis. At night, as a rule, the body does not receive liquid and food, which serves as an impetus for the body to use fat reserves to produce energy. This leads to the synthesis of ketone bodies in the blood. In order to collect pure material for research, without any impurities of sexual secretion, the entrance to the vagina is closed with a cotton swab during urine collection. Urine should be placed in a small sterile container.

A routine urine test excludes the presence of ketone bodies. The amount of acetone during pregnancy should not consist of substances of organic origin (in extreme cases, their level should be minimal). The concentration of ketone bodies within the range of 15 – 60 mg/dL is considered pathological.

If we talk about the norm, then ideally there should be no acetone in the urine during pregnancy - its volume in the daily portion of serum does not exceed 0.01 - 0.03 g.

When the test results indicate an increased level of acetone in the blood, and the expectant mother feels well, she needs to undergo a repeat test in the laboratory - this is the only way to eliminate the possibility of error.

What does the presence of acetone in urine indicate?

Indicators of the amount of ketone bodies in the urine above 3 – 15 mg can be a consequence of such health complications of a pregnant woman as:

  • gestational diabetes;
  • various kidney pathologies;
  • degradation of blood vessels;
  • acute calcium deficiency in the expectant mother;
  • problems with the respiratory system;
  • osteoporosis;
  • diabetic ketoacidosis, which is considered a prerequisite for diabetic coma.

Ketone bodies create an acidic environment, so their increased amount is very dangerous for the fetus: constant exposure to a large number of ketones on a growing body can make the child mentally retarded in the future.

Acetone in the urine in the early stages of pregnancy most often appears under the influence of hormones that make the female body less sensitive to insulin - this interferes with the normal absorption of glucose and results in the active release of elements of carbonyl nature. Acetone in the urine in late pregnancy sometimes appears sporadically - such precedents do not cause any suspicion among doctors. However, if there is a stable presence of ketone bodies in the urine, the pregnant woman will undoubtedly be sent for additional examination.

How to normalize your condition with acetone in the urine

When, as a result of an analysis, ketone bodies in increased quantities were found in the urine of a pregnant woman, the expectant mother needs to carefully listen to all the doctor’s recommendations. First of all, the specialist will take the necessary measures to find out the cause of the incident. When a pregnant woman is given a specific diagnosis, the attending physician will develop a further treatment regimen taking into account the patient’s delicate situation.

Dangerous chemical reactions involving organic elements most often occur in pregnant women. In order to stabilize the victim’s condition, emergency hospitalization of the pregnant woman is sometimes required.

Responsible compliance with all the instructions of the attending physician will help a woman prevent a repeated increase in acetone in the blood. As a rule, the preventive treatment program includes the following measures:

  1. Normalization of diet - you need to eat regularly, with an interval of 3 - 4 hours.
  2. In the evening, at your last meal, it is best to satisfy your hunger with a starchy, protein-rich snack - this will help reduce the rate of carbohydrate absorption.
  3. A pregnant woman needs to sleep no more than 9–10 hours.

Regular examination of the expectant mother for the presence of acetone in the urine allows doctors to monitor how her needs for various useful substances and microelements change. Based on such monitoring, a special diet was developed for increased acetone in expectant mothers.

This diet consists of a clear balance of protein and carbohydrate intake. The percentage of food containing carbohydrates in large quantities, as you understand, should be reduced. However, you cannot completely give up carbohydrates: in this case, you need to forget about white bread and cakes, opting for fresh vegetables and sweet fruits.

In order to no longer encounter an increase in acetone in the urine, the expectant mother should eat non-rich vegetable soups, cereals with a minimum amount of butter and lean meat in the form of rabbit and turkey fillets. You should also diversify your menu with red and green apples, biscuits and low-fat cottage cheese. Small and frequent meals with consumption of still alkaline water in small portions (up to 15 ml) will help a pregnant woman stay healthy and feel good.

Let's summarize. Video