Congratulations to mom on September 1 are short. Congratulations to the first grader


The first flooding school bell,
The first teacher and the first lesson,
Your first textbook and your first class!
Good luck in your studies! Good morning!
Study “excellently”, appreciate subjects
And love your first class with all your heart!
Let the smiles of your friends wait for you at school
And many wonderful and joyful days!


Are you going to first grade, my friend?
Show me your backpack?
Here is a pencil case, an ABC book, a notebook,
Well done, study for five!
Well, to study for five,
My friend, you must not be lazy.
It is necessary in the morning and at lunchtime,
Repeat letters!
Open the notebook
And in it,
Write in cursive!
You will have grades
The most decent
Bunnies and suns,
Agree, great, right?
Don't be lazy to read, write,
And take home lessons,
Not homework
And carry out beyond the plan!
So that your mother is proud of you,
Grandma was proud
So that your father, at work,
He boasted to all his friends,
Like, my son is smarter than everyone else,
Knows letters and numbers!
Count to one hundred? Easily!
Just don't be lazy.
Come on my friend, let's start
Keep count on your fingers
There are only five of them on the hand,
And there are twenty of them in total!
To count to one hundred
It takes ten fingers
Count it ten times
Don't be lazy, my boy.
Learn the alphabet quickly
You will know the letters
You will read to yourself
Fairy tales, jokes.
Well, I guess that's all
What I wanted to tell you
Congratulations, student!
And don't forget your notebook!

Study every task diligently.

Good beginnings are coming!

Our dear grandson goes to first grade today
We send you off with great happiness!
Today you will be a schoolchild for the first time,
Therefore, with all our hearts we wish you:

Become the best student in school,
Study every task diligently.
May every new and wonderful day
Good beginnings are coming!

You are opening the first page of your ABC book today!
Let it be a successful start - September 1st!
We wish you to learn with pleasure, grow, develop, mature,
Find real friends, be strong and not get sick!
Let the school become, from now on, like a parent’s home,
We wish you a successful start, success, good luck in everything!
Marks – only good ones! Wonderful teachers!
Happy school days, happy school days!
We wish you, our dear, to learn everything with your soul,
Always achieve your goal, go straight on the road!
Today you are a first grader, and today is your holiday!
We cordially congratulate you, we are happy with you!


The school doors are wide open
Teachers have been waiting for children for a long time.
Maybe this is where you will become famous?
School is fun, just like in the movies!

Well, for a great start,
To do well in everything,
Put down pens and pencil cases.
Don't forget to take your notebook with you.

You will be warmly greeted at the door,
And they will help you with everything for the first time -
Forget all your worries
Walking with a firm step from class to class!

Short congratulations (SMS) on September 1 - Happy Knowledge Day
May there be a lot of new knowledge and discoveries,
Victories and adventures await you!
I wish that luck smiles,
And congratulations on the First of September!

Congratulations on the holiday, Happy First of September!
Let your studies go well and your eyes sparkle.
May your grades be the best
And only success accompanies everything!

Today is the first day of autumn.
You are going to study again.
Be persistent and have a lot of knowledge
You will definitely find it!

I wish you high marks
And catch everything on the go!
I wish to be the first in everything
In the coming school year!

The Day of Knowledge is a long-awaited, beautiful autumn day!
A new, interesting world opens its doors again.
Let knowledge be given more easily than ever,
And there will be no trace of bad grades!

For the first time in first class!
We congratulate you together.
You're on the right track
You should go for knowledge.
Are you all ready to hit the road?
Straight to the school door.
IN new form and with flowers -
Dad's pride, mom's joy.
New backpack on my back
The textbook in it is not simple -
That's an ABC book, and with it notebooks.
Have you forgotten them, guys?
You have to do well in school
Don't forget anything
And always learn lessons,
To get straight A's.
You will know a lot
You will be able to understand everything.
And study you then
Will always make you happy.
Well, are you ready to go?
The school is waiting for you. Come in!

Happy first school holiday
Congratulations to the first graders,
The Day of Knowledge is before you
The doors open
Yesterday's kids -
Girls and boys
To your family today
The school accepts.
We wish, first graders,
It's good for you to study
To make it easy for excellent students
You managed to become
So that parents can
Be proud of your successes
And school taught you
To be able to and know everything.

I'm happy my little one
Your day has finally come.
Today is the day of great knowledge,
We were promised September five!
Study hard, be good,
Teachers, don't offend!
And always be stricter
After all, school will open the way into the distance!
I kiss you, congratulations, you are an excellent student!
With you I will go through the world of knowledge,
And those years will not be in vain!

The desired hour has come:
You are enrolled in first grade.
You, my friend, listen to us,
We will give you an order:
Tell everyone about the school
Cherish the honor of the school!
Always keep it in order
Books, copybooks, notebooks!
Should learn at school
You read, count, write.
It is not allowed to be lazy -
You need to do everything to perfection!
You should know perfectly well:
Fighting at school is indecent!
So that you are always cheerful,
Sing more good songs.
To always be healthy,
Eat porridge, kefir and pilaf!
Listen to dad, listen to mom
And the teacher too...
And learn the program
If anything, we will help!
If you carry out the order,
Get ready for the second class!

Remember this day, my friend,
He is the first one in school;
The bell sings loudly,
Calls to get down to business.
Even if it's just first class,
But he is considered the main thing
The road to knowledge is just
This is where it starts!

First grader is cool!
First grader is awesome!
The first time you go to school,
First time and first grade!
With the boys in the yard
Will you play in the evening?
Well, knowledge in the morning
You'll get it at school!

Today is the very first time
You have come to the very first class!
To be able to write, count,
Sing songs, draw cute,
Find yourself new friends
And gain experience in life.
A bouquet of flowers in one hand
For the first teacher,
And in the second school bag,
You are growing up quickly.
We congratulate you on this day,
Let everything be given with ease,
Finish school with a medal
We wish you perseverance!

The door to knowledge has opened,
Bravely first grader,
You are our student now,
And today is your holiday!
So congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
We want to distinguish ourselves
Hurry towards knowledge,
So that there is something to be proud of!
To “A” your diary,
Always attacked
And “pairs”, “bads”, “colas”
They ran away in fear!


On Knowledge Day, September 1, adults congratulate first-graders and give them life instructions in prose. Based on your life experience, they warn boys and girls: not everything in school life goes as smoothly as students and their parents would like. Sometimes objects are given to children with great difficulty. Wise teachers and high school students wish the children not to give in to difficulties and always strive to achieve their goal.

Dear first graders, today is one of important days in your life. Today you step on the threshold of knowledge, on the road of growing up, on the path of exciting discoveries! The school door has opened before you, which promises a lot of interesting, unknown and beautiful things. Learn, experience, communicate, absorb, lead by example. Congratulations on Knowledge Day, on the first academic year, on the first bell, on new changes.

Dear first-graders, today you are setting off on a long and exciting journey! You will encounter many new and unknown things along this path. Don't be afraid of difficulties, because your parents and friends will be there. Be diligent and diligent, be kind to your classmates. Together you will go through this wonderful adventure! The Day of Knowledge!

Our dear first-graders, how beautiful and elegant you are today. You may be a little anxious now, but soon you will understand how large and amazing the world of knowledge is. We wish that the educational process brings you only joy, and that you and your parents are proud of its result.

A bouquet of flowers in your hands
And a new backpack behind me,
There is excitement and delight in the eyes,
You squeeze your mother's hand tightly.
Today main holiday is yours,
You are going to school for the first time,
You are a first grader, you are big!
Now everything will be different.

Happy First of September! Step towards knowledge!
The first class is worried with bated breath,
First time in such a huge building,
They will get homework for the first time!
First acquaintance with the class and teachers,
The first time we did everything ourselves,
First grade, first best friend,
First time around so interesting!

First grader, first grader,
Today is your holiday.
He is serious and cheerful -
First meeting with the school.
Yesterday I was just a child
There's nothing you can do about it.
They called you a preschooler,
And now they call me a first-grader.
Everything is in exemplary order so far,
And not a single question arose,
There is not a single scribble in the notebook.
The diary is as clear as the blue sky.
Let worries fall on your shoulders,
But should they make you sad?
From Monday to Saturday
You will gain knowledge.

Are you going to school for the first time?
You're a little worried.
And you choose at this hour
You are the road to knowledge.

Briefcase, and uniform, and bouquet -
Everything is solemn, new.
And wishes and advice
We are ready to give everything to you.

Dolls, cars and bears have been put aside.
And notebooks and books are put in bags.
Skirts, shirts and trousers are ironed.
Rulers and pens are ready for use.
Today is Knowledge Day - a solemn day!
And we congratulate our beloved children,
That first graders are going to school today
And they will sit at their desks for the first time!
Congratulations to all schoolchildren, their fathers and mothers
We wish you success in your studies!
We will also present bouquets to teachers,
Let us congratulate them on the first day of September!

The first time the school called,
The first time you carry a briefcase,
And in my ears there are words-verbs:
What goes around comes around!

We believe you will learn
With interest and diligence,
And boast about your grades
You will definitely be there too!

Hello school! The path to people's success!
Ring the bell for class, come quickly,
We can't wait to go to first grade,
I really want to be a real schoolboy!
I want to plunge into the bustle of school,
We can’t bear to know everything in the world,
We're tired of sitting at home with mom,
We want to study and then fly into space!

Happy Knowledge Day, our dear kids!
Get out your ABC book, notebooks, pens and pencils,
We will begin to learn little by little,
We'll find out what's going on in the world!
We will study letters and numbers with you,
Let us learn to listen and respect our elders,
At school there is one law for everyone,
Achieve the most unattainable peaks in your studies!

Congratulations to first-graders on September 1 in verse

Our dear first grader,
On the very first school holiday
We want to wish you
There are many joys in fate.

Knowledge is power, that's clear.
To make life wonderful
Know, read, learn,
Act boldly, don't be lazy!

Be smart and cheerful.
Let the school teach you
Think, argue and make friends,
Bright, interesting life!

Place books and a diary in your school backpack,
Pens, notebooks, notepad, paints, pencils,
Put on your school uniform,
We're going to school! Today is Knowledge Day!
Now forget the way to kindergarten,
Your path to school will now be trodden,
You are now a first grade student,
We wish. So that your soul is inspired to study!

Now you're going to school
And you will be a student.
You might also be scared,
After all, you are unfamiliar with the school!

Your friends study with you
They will come to first grade today,
Baby, try not to be lazy
After all, you are the best among us!

Don't be afraid of the difficulties of knowledge,
Don't be afraid of difficult roads!
After all, there is great knowledge ahead
Life is already preparing for you!

The road is open for you,
The school meets you at the gate.
Having crossed its thresholds,
You will enter the school year of life.

Your first year is the most important:
Backpack, teacher, class, lesson...
But be brave
Until the bell rings!

And let your knowledge multiply,
The teacher admires his grip
And relations with the class will develop,
Parents are pleasantly surprised!

The road to knowledge is a difficult path,
Full of fun and adventure.
You, first-grader, don’t forget
That you are not recognized, but you are a genius!
You have control over everything around you,
A little bit of work, a little bit of patience -
And everything you can learn
Suddenly it will turn into achievements.
We also wish you magic
In your notebooks and albums,
Fun, happiness, mischief
At parties, school, at home.

Congratulations, dear first-grader,
How much meaning is hidden in this line!
Along a carpet of fallen leaves
You walk importantly to school with a bouquet in your hand.
You, now adults, accept this wish from us
On the first wonderful solemn day of school:
May studying bring you the joy of knowledge,
Let no insidious laziness be known!

Congratulations on Knowledge Day to first graders

Happy Knowledge Day, kids!
School time has finally caught up with you,
Finally, you won’t go to kindergarten,
Finally, you can be an adult!
You are now an independent and adult person,
You will study the location of seas and rivers,
You will visit cities in the book, and more than one,
School is now your home!

For the first time the bell rings for you,
Calling and beckoning along a new road!
Your first lesson is about to begin.
And the first date with school!
We would like to wish you today
Always strive for the heights of knowledge
And never give up in life,
And just have fun learning!

Are you going to first grade today?
You will be a schoolboy now.
Your home school
In Knowledge Day opened the door.

Will you study now?
And get “A”s,
Well, dolls and cars
They will wait for the day off.

Behave yourself
Don't talk in class
Love knowledge immensely
Be the first to get to school!

Golden autumn inspired many children,
And she invited me to the school land of knowledge.
Today, first-graders, is your main holiday,
Today you are going to first grade!
Get more knowledge in the lessons,
And use them more often in life!
Make your parents and teachers happy,
Becoming smarter, healthier, more fun!

We know you're not laughing today,
You are more serious and important than ever.
Going to school is not fun for you,
This is serious. Of course!

Yesterday you were a very naughty little one,
Today you are already a big first-grader.
You will gain your mind now,
After all, the door to knowledge at school is wide open.

How elegant you are, with a bouquet in your hand,
You go with a briefcase, not lightly.
At school, try not to let us down
And always get a lot of A's.

Here are texts of congratulations to a first-grader on September 1 from the teacher. All texts are written in prose (not verse), for those who wish to congratulate in their own words.

The texts are universal, they can be addressed to both a boy and a girl. Recommendations for use are at the end of the page.

Dear first graders! Today you are entering the territory of the Land of Knowledge, and for the coming years it will become your second home. Joyful times, new friends, amazing discoveries and fun adventures await you here. Your teacher will become your guide in this new world... your first friend and assistant. I congratulate you on this event and wish you not to be confused and take everything valuable that the school can offer you, preserve and increase for yourself the riches that you will find in this magical territory.

Congratulations! Today you became a first grader! And that means new era has already begun in your life. It will fly by quickly and will become one of the happiest memories in your life... And the knowledge gained here will be useful to you throughout your life. Therefore I wish you:

  • successfully master all the sciences that you will become familiar with every day;
  • don’t get sick so as not to miss anything important, useful and interesting;
  • persistently complete all the tasks that will be given to you, so as not to suffer from a lack of knowledge later;
  • study “good” and “excellent” in order to please parents and receive only praise and gifts from them;
  • make many new friends and maintain these friendships even after graduation.

But most importantly, I wish you that luck will always smile on you on the path of enlightenment, and that knowledge can be easily and freely mastered, easily fit into your head and never forgotten.

Dear first graders! I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge and on the beginning of a new, interesting life that will begin for you from now on. They say that gnawing on the granite of science is not an easy task... I wish you that it will not be difficult for you, that you will complete your entire school journey fun, easily and confidently. And if you suddenly get confused, look around you... you are all here - “in the same harness” and during your studies (as well as outside this time) you are each other’s friends and helpers. Remember this.

Today the school opened its doors for you for the first time and we are glad to welcome you here, within these walls, where knowledge, exciting events and friendship live. This is where your new victories, small and big successes, support from older students, mutual assistance, and a myriad of secrets about the world around you live. Your first teacher will be your support in school affairs; you can always turn to him for any help, just like you can to your parents. We wish you to always feel only pride in yourself, your friends, your parents and your teachers. Happy holiday to you, our future!

Guys! Knowledge is power! And with today you will begin to receive this power bit by bit, learn to manage it and use it for your future successes. I congratulate you on the advent of a very interesting time in your life and sincerely wish you:

  • inexhaustible energy, it will help you not to give up in the face of difficulties;
  • good health so as not to miss anything interesting;
  • perseverance, it will be useful to overcome the path and not give up if something goes wrong;
  • excellent grades as recognition of your successes and talents;
  • true friends, so that together it would be more fun to overcome the path to knowledge;

But most of all, I wish you that the time spent here becomes happy for you and your parents.

Dear first graders! Until now, you were just ordinary children, but today you have become students! I congratulate you on your new status and on the beginning of a vibrant life in which you will make a lot of friends, argue a lot, learn a lot, discover a lot of talents in yourself and find answers to many of your questions. I wish you that knowledge will easily give in to your perseverance, that the grades in your diary will be excellent, and that you and I will have many reasons to be proud of you.

Dear first-graders! You are all very beautiful, capable, funny and smart. And the school will help you gain knowledge and discover many talents in yourself. Wish you successful development, and I believe that you will succeed. I wish you success!

Dear Guys! From this day on, you will become very busy people and every day the school bell will call you to new discoveries. I congratulate you on the pleasant changes in your life and wish that you can not only learn a lot of new things, but also be able to apply all this knowledge in your life. May the time you spend here be joyful for you, and may the knowledge you gain help you achieve your goals.

Guys! Congratulations on your admission to the first, most important class. It is the beginning of a long and very interesting road, along which you will become witnesses and participants of many high-profile victories, many successes, many funny stories and funny incidents. Not only a variety of knowledge awaits you, but also a vibrant world full of a variety of events. I wish you to walk along this road without fear, calmly, courageously, persistently and cheerfully! As a person who knows the school well, I promise that you will succeed!

Guys! Today you are in mysterious world, which you’ve probably already heard a lot about from your parents or from the books you read... This world is populated by a wide variety of knowledge that is just waiting for you to reveal their secrets. I congratulate you on this magical day and wish you never give up in the face of difficulties if you encounter knowledge that does not want to quickly reveal its secrets. Also, I wish that attentiveness and concentration never leave you, so that you can notice all the little things that will lead you to unraveling these secrets.

Dear first grader! Congratulations! Today you met school for the first time. You probably have dreams... I know for sure that they will definitely come true. Because it is the school and the knowledge that you will receive here that will help you fulfill all your desires, both those that you have now and those that will yet come. Therefore, I wish you success in your studies, so that the knowledge you gain will lead you to your dreams.

Dear first grader! Today you got acquainted with the school, it will become a source of new discoveries for you, a place of experimentation, will give you bright events and new friends... As a more experienced friend, I’ll tell you a secret: the school does not like laziness and generously rewards those who work, study tirelessly and endlessly master new things . I wish you to forget what laziness is and that curiosity and perseverance become yours faithful companions for life. With these companions, new victories will always await you.

Today you came for the first time, to first grade... And you marked the beginning of a new life in which you will have many opportunities to reveal yourself, your talents and abilities. I congratulate you on this event and wish you to successfully master all sciences, win all competitions and competitions, and accumulate many joyful memories. And if it becomes difficult, remember, knowledge is always given to those who are not afraid of it, are attentive to it and are persistent in achieving the goal. Remember that you are not alone: ​​me, your parents and your classmates, together we will overcome this interesting path full of new discoveries.

Dear children! Today you have turned into schoolchildren and I congratulate you - you have begun a colorful, almost adult and very interesting life. Now you will learn something new every day and you won’t get bored, I promise. I wish your diary to be filled only with “A’s” and your head to be filled with new ideas. And so that you can realize all your wonderful ideas. Me, your parents and your new friends (look around - they are all around you), all together we will be one team and will definitely bring many new ideas to life. And the knowledge that school will give us will help us with this.

Dear first grader! Today the doors of a school are open before you, which is just waiting for you to take advantage of all its opportunities and discover all its secrets. I congratulate you on this holiday and wish that this school year brought you new successes, victories and achievements. To give even more reasons for pride and joy.

Since you are now first-graders, I wish you inspiration in your studies, colorful ideas and their successful implementation. And also, I wish that self-confidence does not leave you. And teachers should give only fair grades. Congratulations!

Boys and girls! I am glad to meet and get to know you. From this day forward we will be together:

  • learn a lot of new;
  • learn something you couldn’t do before;
  • win and lose in competitions and competitions;
  • celebrate victories and experience defeats;
  • congratulate each other on successes, holidays and birthdays;
  • make mistakes and successfully correct them;
  • create many new things and admire the work of your own hands.

In general, first-graders, great things await us! With all questions, contact me, your teacher will lead you through thorns to the stars... Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge and I wish you never get tired of enjoying school.

First graders, congratulations on your start school year and I wish you all to become excellent in everything. And if you can’t become one, then simply don’t stop striving.

Dear Guys! Today your first school year begins. He will give you:

  • many victories that will help you believe in yourself and your abilities;
  • many mistakes that will teach you a lot;
  • many discoveries that will surprise and delight you;
  • many new friends with whom it is fun to share new ideas;
  • Lots of new tasks and responsibilities (just like adults) that will make you smarter, stronger and more experienced.

But most importantly, this year, like all subsequent years at school, will bring you a lot of joy and I wish you easy and fun studying, mutual understanding with the teacher and classmates, excellent grades in your diary.

Dear friends! You have become first-graders and very soon you will become more educated people than now. This is a wonderful event, I congratulate you on it! I wish that your studies bring you only joy, and that many new activities will help you forget what boredom is. Let all sciences surrender without a fight to your patience and perseverance.

Dear children! I congratulate you on the first day of school in your life and wish you never to lose heart, believe in yourself, and not give up if science suddenly seems difficult to you. Remember, all the difficulties you encounter along the way will turn out great benefit in the future if you are not afraid of them. I wish you courage, stubbornness and perseverance in mastering new knowledge. I promise to help you overcome obstacles on your path to excellent grades.

Dear students! Congratulations on your first Knowledge Day. I am sure that all of you here are the best and the school will help you show yourself at your best. the best side. There are many opportunities for this here. I wish each of you to find your favorite subject, not to lose interest in studying and to fill your inner treasury with useful knowledge. Well, if it gets difficult, remember: difficulties pass, but the benefits received will remain with you forever and will help you throughout your life.

Congratulations on the most magical day for a schoolchild - Knowledge Day! From this day until the end of the school year, great success and a sea of ​​bright impressions await you. Congratulations on your first step towards great victories!

Dear Guys! Knowing a lot is not only fashionable, but also useful. Today you have found yourself in a place that will give you a lot of knowledge and bring you a lot of benefits. I wish you to successfully master all the letters, solve all the problems, read all the books and don’t forget that patience and work will grind everything down... And if the tasks start to make you angry, then you just need to think more. I'm sure school will bring you a lot of joy. Happy knowledge Day.

Dear first graders! I congratulate you on the holiday and wish that your first school year, and all subsequent ones, will be like a wonderful fairy tale full of wonderful victories, magical acquaintances, funny adventures and amazing discoveries.

I congratulate you on the holiday of Knowledge and on your first visit to school. She will teach you a lot, various useful sciences, which (in turn) will help you realize yourself in life, be useful to yourself and others. But this is not the most important thing that you will get from her... The most important thing that she will give you is the ability to think, to find solutions on your own important issues and tasks, to be responsive, to be friends, to help and sympathize... I wish you all that this knowledge, skills and abilities will be easy for you.

Dear first-graders, from today we will spend a lot of time together, and I will help you conquer the most useful sciences. Some will surrender to you without a fight, some will turn out to be a “tough nut to crack”... I wish you that your interest in knowledge and stubbornness in mastering new things will never leave you, and that your energy will only increase every day and help you overcome difficulties. There are many of us and together we can cope with any science, even the most stubborn. Congratulations, exciting days ahead!

Guys! Today the school bell rings for the first time! He invites you to find out the answers to an endless number of questions. You will find all these answers at school. I congratulate you on this day and wish you not to be afraid, not to be shy, to have more fun in meeting new things, to be responsive to each other and to help those around you. And then, without exception, you will find your success here!

First grader! Congratulations on your September 1st! Very soon your anxiety will pass and you will feel confident in school - the world of science and useful skills. Here everyone will meet their success, their friend and their favorite activity. I wish you that the school gives you more than you expect from it, and that you are proud of your results.

Dear Guys! Congratulations on an important day in your life... Today you have become regular and long-awaited guests of a place where everyone loves “whys” and is just waiting for your questions... Everyone can’t wait to answer them. Therefore, boldly go forward to knowledge, and good luck to you... “no fluff, no feather.”

First graders, welcome to the school family. Everyone here loves you and is waiting for you! Congratulations on your start adult life and we wish you not to be afraid of knowledge, to respect them, to love them, and then they will obey you, and learning will become easy and enjoyable.

Congratulations on your first school lesson in your life! I am sure that the school will meet all your expectations and give you a lot of useful things. I wish that you all are constantly lucky, that you meet only good things around you and that difficulties only strengthen you and never undermine your faith in yourself.

Dear Guys! I would like to wish you a good journey and successful completion of all steps of the ladder of knowledge. Here you will learn not only to write, read and count, but also to compose, get acquainted with the whole world, visit many corners globe and visit many peoples, learn their traditions, the history of the appearance of many things in this world... I wish you to study diligently and I promise that this will help you achieve many successes.

Congratulations to you, the smallest inhabitants of the world of Knowledge, on your first day at school... And also: on meeting your first teacher, your first textbook, your first deskmate, who (perhaps) will become your first school friend! I wish you inspiration for your studies and patience to comprehend knowledge for many years.

Congratulations, from this day on you will become smarter and smarter. This will help you decide everything life tasks, be lucky and achieve any dream. I wish you that the school becomes yours true friend and a favorite place where you will find not only knowledge, but also true friends, helpers and like-minded people.

Dear first-graders, I am glad to welcome you on Knowledge Day at school, which will soon become your second home. I am here to pass on to you all the knowledge that I have accumulated over many years of teaching guys just like you. This knowledge will help you become smart, independent, worthy people, and choose further education and a profession to your liking. You are our future, guys! I congratulate you on this holiday and wish you to successfully master, comprehend and learn all the sciences that the school will offer you.

Dear girls and boys! I congratulate you on the first Knowledge Day in your life, I wish you happy studying. Grow up kind, strong, smart and happy. Take care and respect the teachers who work with you every day so that you grow up successful and independent. Maintain that friendly and joyful atmosphere that greets you at the beginning of each school year.

Dear first graders! Today you have become students and will remain so for the next 10 years. The school is fully ready to provide you with everything so that you become smart, well-mannered, literate, are able to reveal your abilities and earn many awards... I wish you to proudly bear the title of student of the St. Petersburg high school, be open to everything new and always receive recognition of your victories!

Dear Guys! Today you have become students and teachers will explain to you what was previously inexplicable to you... I wish you not to stop believing in miracles, but remember: school grades are not amenable to miracles. To be proud of them, you need to make an effort and create your own miracle.

Today is a truly festive day. Starting with it, your head will become brighter every day, the fog will slowly dissipate and explanations will be found for what has until now been covered in a web of mystery... Life around you will sparkle with new bright lights, it will become clearer and livelier. I congratulate you on September 1 and sincerely wish you a happy school year.

  • Each text given above can be used as an independent congratulation for your class. Also, from them you can make a public speech for all school students who have crossed the threshold of the educational institution for the first time. To do this, select 1-2 small texts and combine them into one, or select 1 large text with a bulleted list.
  • If you have chosen a lengthy text with a bulleted list, but it seems too big and difficult for you to remember, you can shorten it without losing the meaning. Such texts (including bulleted lists) are written in a special way. Take the first and last sentence from the text you like (or several that include a list), and between them insert those bulleted list items that you consider best for yourself. Eliminate the rest of the list items. This way you will receive your own congratulation text.
  • When combining several texts into one, make sure that the combined texts do not repeat each other in meaning, otherwise your congratulations will look as if you are unable to express your thoughts and are circling in one place, trying to express the main thing. To prevent this from happening, choose (to combine) texts that have general essence, but complement (rather than repeat) each other.
  • You can select ceremonial ones on a separate page of the site (follow the link) to create your own speech to deliver at a festive event.

The beginning of autumn heralds the beginning of a new school year. In this regard, on September 1, it is traditional to congratulate all teachers, professors, schoolchildren and students on Knowledge Day. For this day, school management is preparing a ceremonial line-up, and senior educational establishments gather all first-year students and conduct initiation into students.

However, one of the most significant events September 1st is a holiday for those children who go to school for the first time. Therefore, on such an important day for a first-grader, you should definitely congratulate him on a new stage in his life.

Every first-grader prepares very responsibly for the formal school assembly. On such an exciting day for him, it is worth supporting him with a beautiful congratulation. You can do this with the help of a poem.

Our dear first-graders,
This is your first time at school today.
Mischievous, cute pranksters,
We are all very glad to see you.

We believe and sincerely hope
The school will become your home.
Shyness and embarrassment will dissipate,
Everything will be clear and simple.

We want there to be no fatigue,
May your studies be easy for you.
So that with interest, lively, joyfully
You wanted to go to first grade!

The bell rings for first lesson.
You sit down at the first desk.
Pencil cases and pens click,
The teacher hung up the card.

Today you became a first grader, friend,
I got onto the school path.
Look how much fabulousness there is around!
Everything here is new to you.

We wish you good luck on your way,
Always interested in learning,
Find your favorite item for yourself.
And let laziness knock on the window,

But arm yourself with a textbook.
And defeating laziness by reading,
You will fulfill everything, all your big dreams,
You will replenish your knowledge base.

Go boldly! Admire, learn!
The whole world is a good school.
Strive for success and knowledge everywhere -
And you will be ready for life!

Our dear first grader,
Today is your holiday:
The first bell rang
The first lesson awaits you.
The road to school life is long.
Remember firmly, don’t forget,
That the one who will be successful will be the one
Who lives his dream.
Go boldly towards your goal
And luck is ahead!

Are you going to school for the first time?
You're a little worried.
And you choose at this hour
You are the road to knowledge.

Briefcase, and uniform, and bouquet -
Everything is solemn, new.
And wishes and advice
We are ready to give everything to you.

You're not a child anymore
Now you are a student!
Put all your toys away
Your friend is now a diary.

Let it fill up
There are only five marks,
And in school lessons,
At your desk, don't get bored.

Today is an exciting day,
After all, now you annually
You will go to school
Knowledge to gain.
We congratulate you on this,
We wish you bright success.
You should study for straight A's,
Excel in all lessons.
Find good friends
Cheerful, kind and reliable.

Happy Knowledge Day, first graders, now
I congratulate you with all my heart!
Let first grade be fun,
Let studying bring you joy.

No matter what the ratings are,
Never be upset.
Let the changes be fun,
Well, the lessons are always interesting.

Learn joyfully and easily.
So that everything is interesting to you.
Let the sun shine high
Live with friendship, desire, and song.

Let the school open its doors wider
Into the world of new, unknown discoveries.
Happy Knowledge Day, children. And let every moment
Sparkles with many happy events.

Happy Knowledge Day, dear first-graders!
And we, parents, welcome you now.
Bows shine, shirts are ironed.
The kids gathered for their first class.

May everything be great for you,
Let learning be easy for everyone.
Let this holiday be symbolic
You will do very well!

First grader, happy holiday!
School is waiting for you
Discoveries await you,
Faithful friends.

To make learning fun
You were in a hurry to go to school,
So that you have time everywhere,
There would be enough strength for everything!

Congratulations on September 1 to a first grader in prose

Beautifully chosen lines in prose will be an appropriate congratulation on Knowledge Day. First-graders and their parents will be pleased to hear congratulatory words addressed to them.

Dear first graders! Today is a very important day! Now you are schoolchildren. A world of useful knowledge awaits you, after which you can become smart, educated adults. I would like to wish you patience and strength. Knowledge is not that easy. But don't worry, school is not only a responsibility, but also new friends with whom you will walk shoulder to shoulder, perhaps for the rest of your life. These are fun holidays, interesting lessons, fun breaks and kind mentors and teachers who will always help you. Be attentive, cheerful, brave and responsive! The Day of Knowledge! Good luck!

Our dear first-graders, we congratulate you on Knowledge Day. Today is an exciting day for both you and us. But we believe that such cheerful, friendly, beautiful and smart guys will succeed. We wish you from the first step, from the first lesson, to love this school and reveal all your talents here. Good luck to you, children, fun adventures and wonderful discoveries.

Happy Knowledge Day, dear children. Today you became schoolchildren, today the very first bell will ring for you, today you will have your first lesson. And we would like to wish you, dear first-graders, to boldly and proudly take the first step into our school and also confidently continue your path to greater knowledge. We wish you to carry only A's in your briefcases, we wish you to be obedient and inquisitive during lessons, and playful and active during breaks. Great success to all, guys, strong friendship and bright smiles on your faces.

Our dear first-graders, congratulations on your important event, with the first step into school life. We wish you never to be afraid and to be confident in yourself, to bravely overcome lesson after lesson, page after page, notebook after notebook. Much success to you, dears, Have a good mood, have fun adventures and excellent marks in diaries.

It is with excitement and joy that you enter your classroom for the first time today. Today the school will open the doors for you to a new and incredible interesting world. Congratulations on the start of school life and a wonderful holiday, the day of knowledge. We wish excellent studies and successful conquest of sciences. Try, strive and study only for four and five.

Today you have stepped on the road of knowledge, paved from the granite of science. I wish you well and easy way along this road. Let your journey into the incredibly interesting world of science bring you only joy and the desire to go further and further. Happy knowledge Day.

Our dear first-graders, let your first official meeting with school be remembered for a long time and in the future, every day brings a lot of useful knowledge, interesting discoveries, and fun during breaks! Good grades to you and good luck!

Dear first-graders, today you are setting off on a long and exciting journey! You will encounter many new and unknown things along this path. Don't be afraid of difficulties, because your parents and friends will be there. Be diligent and diligent, be kind to your classmates. Together you will go through this wonderful adventure! The Day of Knowledge!

Happy Knowledge Day, our dear first-graders. May this joyful and exciting day become successful start Have a fun school year to you. We wish you to become a friendly class - a class of brave children, we wish you to love this school with all your heart and run to your favorite lesson every day with joy.

Beautiful congratulations first graders from September 1 in poetry and prose

IN September the first bell in my life will ring,
And you will step onto the school threshold for the first time!
And the teacher will lead you to class by the hand,
And the first school lesson will begin at your desk!

D The road to knowledge is a difficult path,
Full of fun and adventure.
You, first-grader, don’t forget
That you are not recognized, but you are a genius!
You have control over everything around you,
A little bit of work, a little bit of patience -
And everything you can learn
Suddenly it will turn into achievements.
We also wish you magic
In your notebooks and albums,
Fun, happiness, mischief
At parties, school, at home.

P I congratulate you on September 1st! Today is your holiday and that of thousands of other schoolchildren, and you all unanimously celebrate the beginning of a new school year! I wish you more excellent grades in your diary in the coming year and fewer difficult tasks. Let learning be easy, let lessons be interesting, let changes be fun. I wish that the new school year brings many amazing discoveries and true friends. Don’t be afraid of difficulties, believe in yourself, strive for knowledge - and, I believe, you will succeed!

E you will remember that day forever:
The school will accept you for the first time.
Will open its doors wider -
And the school week begins,
And then the second, quarter, year...
Your school period will flow by,
He will walk, he will run, he will rush,
Just have time to get an A+ in your studies!
This is still in the future, now
You will go to first grade for the first time.
There is still a small reserve of knowledge,
But over the years you will overtake us.


D Dear first-graders and their parents! Today I am glad to sincerely congratulate you on a wonderful day - the first day of school! A new one is coming for all of you life stage, full of amazing discoveries, new impressions, important achievements and victories. I will not hide that future schoolchildren will face many difficulties and obstacles along the way, but we - teachers - will always be there, we will help in solving complex tasks, guide and inspire achievements. We hope that the years of school life will be happy, give the light of knowledge, teach kindness and justice.

IN the desired hour has come:
You are enrolled in first grade.
You, my friend, listen to us,
We will give you an order:
Tell everyone about the school
Cherish the honor of the school!
Always keep it in order
Books, copybooks, notebooks!
Should learn at school
You read, count, write.
It is not allowed to be lazy -
You need to do everything to the best of your ability!
You should know perfectly well:
Fighting at school is indecent!
So that you are always cheerful,
Sing more good songs.
To always be healthy,
Eat porridge, kefir and pilaf!
Listen to dad, listen to mom
And the teacher too...
And learn the program
If anything, we will help!
If you carry out the order,
Get ready for the second class!

D Our dear first-graders! Today is your first day of school - the first holiday of knowledge! You are all so elegant and solemn.
Of course you're nervous about joining new world, both your parents and teachers are worried. We all have to do it together long haul- 11 school years. I hope that this path will be bright, that new friends, good grades, and many pleasant, unforgettable moments await you ahead.
At school you will learn to read and write, master foreign languages, get necessary knowledge in mathematics, literature, physics, chemistry and others school subjects, but, I want to tell you, this is by no means the main thing. The most important thing that school can teach you is the ability to think, independently find solutions to complex problems, analyze, and the ability to sympathize and empathize. I wish you that the first school year, and all subsequent years after it, will be like one of the chapters amazing book full of wonders and new discoveries.

IN that’s how you became a first-grader,
Put on a new uniform.
Let it be a holiday for everyone,
This is the first day of school.

WITH Today is your first call, you are all excited, because a new world is opening up before you, the name of which is School. What this world will be like depends largely on you. If you guys study diligently and strive for knowledge, then studying will be easy for you. You will definitely make friends in the class, and perhaps your school friendship will last for many, many years. Today, dear first-graders, I wish you interesting lessons and only good grades! Happy September 1st to you!

WITH today we are glad to see you
Congratulations on September 1st!
You strive to find out more,
Learn easily and with joy,
Do well in all subjects,
Always get "excellent"!


P Happy First of September!
The long-awaited calendar sheet
Finally, today, he announced:
“The school year has begun!”

A noisy flock of boys and girls,
Everyone is dressed strictly in black and white.
Lined up exactly along the line
At this hour at the school threshold.

And they went with huge bouquets
IN new class, holding hands in pairs.
Everyone is quiet, confused, modest.
And already a little tired.

From speeches, flowers, briefcases with books,
Unfamiliar noisy high school students.
Today they were moved along the “line”,
Happy holiday to the first-graders!

The girls and boys paired up.
The first bells have rung!
Just yesterday you were preschoolers,
And now they are students!

We wish the kids patience
Hard to gnaw on granite!
After all, from year to year they grow up
We'll have to watch it at school.

Every day they are almost until the evening
They will think, think and create.
Well, in the evening, they will have nothing to do.
You just need to convince your mother.

That the lessons have all been learned long ago,
All tasks were correctly solved.
And seas with volcanoes have been studied
Even the farthest side.

Let us wish them a desire for knowledge.
May you always have enough strength for everything!
So that everyone for their efforts
Finally received the certificate!