School knowledge social science. On the role of social science as a school subject

learning goal : to reveal the subject of social science as a synthesis of social sciences, the specifics of the object of study, the significance of social knowledge for a person.

Lecture plan:

1. Social science and its subject. Fundamentals of social sciences included in social science.

2. The importance of social knowledge.

Social science is a strange word!

It is not clear, but it seems familiar.

Society is all the people of the Earth,

People of the country and people of the family.

But here's an interesting weird thing:

How Man was born

Biology will give the exact answer

Social science. Why is it important?

What does social science study?

What is the secret know?

We are starting to study a new subject, which is called "social science". What is this discipline? To begin with, we note that this is not science in the full sense of the word. Scientists are not engaged in social science, but in sociology, philosophy, history, economics, political science, jurisprudence and many other sciences that study the life of man and society. Therefore, strictly speaking, social science is an academic discipline, the main task of which is to acquaint you with the basics of social life. The above-mentioned sciences are the sources from which social science draws its material. But it is a science in the sense that the knowledge that it gives is obtained, systematized and proven using methods used only by science.

What does social science study? To answer this question, we introduce the concepts an object and subject study. object the study of social studies is society as a whole. What does this mean?

Society is studied by many different sciences: history, sociology, philosophy, political science, jurisprudence. They are also called humanities Unlike natural sciences. But they all explore individual areas social life, for example, economic or spiritual life. Social science is interested in all aspects of social life. It is also important for him how people enter into relationships with nature, and how they communicate with each other, how they learn, experience, act. Therefore, to cover society as a whole means to consider the economic life of society, social relations, relations of power and control, spiritual life, as well as the relationship between them.

Thus, by introducing the concept of "object of study", we separated, on the one hand, sphere of interests of social science from the sphere of interests of natural Sciences, and, on the other hand, drew a line between social science and other humanities.

You already have experience in studying the humanities and at least know one discipline that also studies not nature, but society, and studies not individual parts of society, but society as a whole. This is history. That's why we can use the division into subject and object. After all, one and the same object can be studied by several sciences. But each science, according to its interests, singles out those aspects in it that it considers essential. The totality of essential properties, identified according to the goals of a particular science, is commonly called the subject of science.

It is possible to establish what is the subject of social science by comparing it with the science of "history". Let's take a look at what she's learning. Usually historians are engaged in the study of the area that is called the word "past". In addition, it is easy to see that those aspects of social life that historians explore are always tied to certain place and time. So they are interested not in the spiritual life in general, but in the spiritual life of the Greek polis or the Roman Empire.

Now we can talk about subject of social science. If its object is society as a whole, and not its individual parts, then its subject is the general properties of social life that are preserved in space and time by diverse human associations. Figuratively speaking, historians study differences in society, and social scientists - similarities.

It is necessary to distinguish philosophical and sociological approach to the study of society. Sociology interested in what is meant by the term " social structure", those. the way of organizing and linking individual elements of the social system into a single whole, the driving forces, the meaning and direction of the development of society. It studies the issues of personality formation, its interaction with other people within large and small groups. The subject of sociology is the general and specific social patterns of organization, functioning and development of society. Philosophical the view of society is inseparable from the philosophical problems of man. He is interested in connections and patterns that unite people into a single whole, into a social organism. The subject of philosophy is the multi-problem relationship "the world is a man" those. it studies: 1) the general principles of the world order; 2) the relation of man to the world. She seeks answers to questions such as: how is the world as a whole? How does a person relate to the world? What is its place in it? How does he know it and how does he act in this world?

In the mass consciousness, philosophy seems to be something very far from real life. But it's not. Both the philosopher and the common man face and faced the same questions and problems. These problems are not “invented” by philosophers, they are raised by life itself. Philosophical thought is a thought about the eternal, about the meaning of life. And if life were only fun and celebration, if there was no place in it for worries, worries, or sorrows, philosophy, most likely, simply would not exist. People would have no problems, and philosophy always solves problems.

Social science is an academic discipline that studies the development of human society and the place of man in it. As we have already said, it includes knowledge from other branches of science, such as philosophy, sociology, political science, ethics, history, economics, and jurisprudence.

Political science deals with issues of the political system of society, power, state structure.

Economy examines the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of manufactured goods and services, production (economic) relations in society, economic systems, problems of state influence on the economy. It is well known that the needs of people are limitless - they are constantly changing and increasing. Their boundlessness is due to the desire of people to increase consumption, to make their own lives more attractive. Unfortunately, economic resources are limited, so the most important problem of economic life is to distribute them in such a way as to satisfy the needs of people as best as possible.

In this way, the subject of economic science is the substantiation of ways to allocate limited resources in order to ensure the most complete satisfaction of the needs of society.

Jurisprudence studies the rules of conduct, problems of lawful behavior, offenses and punishments for them.

In modern society, the need and importance of social science are quite obvious and realized. From a scientific point of view, the need for social science lies in the fact that no science can replace it, because. it gives holistic view of society. Forming a holistic view of society, social science creates new knowledge, a new worldview. It absorbs the most important, fundamental and valuable of the social sciences, but is not a simple sum of them. It is thanks to social science that we have the opportunity to acquire knowledge about society and man, in which the variety of information leads to worldview changes in consciousness associated with the understanding of society, which means that social science has a scientific meaning.

In modern society, the need and importance of social science is realized, perhaps, by everyone. Let's take a closer look at what they are. There are three aspects of need: scientific, humanitarian civil.

From a scientific point of view, the necessity of social science lies in the fact that no science can replace it, that only it can give a holistic view of society, not divided into dozens of sciences that have detailed information necessary only for narrow specialists. At the same time, social science is not a "hodgepodge", not a kind of computer that simply collects information from all the humanities. Forming a holistic view of society, taking the most important, fundamental and valuable from the social sciences, social science creates new knowledge, because the whole is always larger, more complex than a simple sum of parts and cannot be reduced to it.

Thus, thanks to social science, our knowledge about society grows. And in this sense, social science has scientific meaning.

From a humanitarian point of view, social science is necessary for formation of a highly moral personality. This is facilitated by the study of the spiritual sphere of society: culture in general, philosophy, religion, art and morality. By joining spiritual values ​​and knowledge, a person expands and deepens his worldview horizon. Social science, therefore, is personally significant, because it gives young people the necessary knowledge, both in the field of morality and regarding the society in which they live. And in this sense, social science is necessary for everyone, regardless of the chosen specialty, because there is no personality without morality, just as there is no real citizen without knowledge of society. Social science contributes to the socialization of the individual, helps young people to adapt to the difficult social reality.

A modern democratic society cannot but be civil; it should be a combination with rights and obligations citizens. A full-fledged citizen can be a person who is not only endowed with legal rights and obligations, but also has a sufficient level of self-awareness, i.e. consciously relating to himself, his place and role in society, actively participating in political life. Social science contributes to the formation of a progressive civic position that reflects the needs of modern society. A conscious attitude to one's civic duty and a true understanding of what it consists of is impossible without that body of knowledge about society, which can only be given by the study of social science. Democracy is impossible without a high level of citizens' self-awareness.

Similar information.

Definition of social science term- very simple and obvious from the name itself. This is a complex of disciplines that study various aspects of human society. Simply put, social science is the science of society, and in this definition - everything that can be meant by this. In fact, this science intersects with many others, such as sociology, social psychology, history, political science, jurisprudence, philosophy, and others.

History of social science.

The first works in the history of social science, which at that time did not yet have a definite name, appeared in ancient Greece. Plato came up with his doctrine of a just society, somewhat reminiscent of modern works on socialism, and Aristotle came up with the concept of "democracy", which is now familiar even to first graders. Among other public and political figures, Nicolo Machiavelli, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Montesquieu, Karl Marx and others made their contribution to the development of social science. The ideas of many of them by modern standards were quite radical. Machiavelli, for example, is famous for his idea that the end justifies the means, and Voltaire believed that the poor were born to work for the rich, and this is the ideal society. However, all these works have had an impact on society and therefore on our subject.

Social science as a school subject.

Social science as a school subject in our country appeared in the 60s of the last century under the name of social science. Since then, it has continued to be taught, studied and developed. Social science is included in the list of subjects approved by Rosobrnadzor for Unified State Exam (USE).


Social science does not give everything answers to questions about the individual and society. This is done by more specific sciences, such as psychology, sociology or jurisprudence, but our subject summarizes the knowledge of these sciences, forms a complete picture and gives direction for further study and research.

And many other sciences that study the life of man and society. Therefore, strictly speaking, social science is an academic discipline, the main task of which is to acquaint the reader with the basics of social life. The above-mentioned sciences are the sources from which it draws its material. But social science is a science in the sense that the knowledge that it gives is obtained, systematized and proven using special methods used only by science. Therefore, further, speaking of social science, we will use the term "science".

So what is she studying? To answer this question, we introduce a division into the object and subject of study. The object of research will be a part of reality, allocated according to the goals of a particular science. Thus, the object of study of the natural sciences is nature. The object of study of social science is society as a whole. What does this mean?

Society study many different sciences: political science, sociology, history, jurisprudence. They are also called the social or human sciences, in contrast to the natural sciences. But they explore certain areas of social life, for example, economic or spiritual life. Social science is interested in all the most important aspects of social life. It is also important for him how people enter into relationships with nature, and how they communicate with each other, how they know, experience, act, etc. Therefore, to cover society as a whole means to consider the economic life of society, social relations, relations of power and control, spiritual life, as well as the relationship between them.

So, by introducing such a concept as “object of study”, we separated, on the one hand, the sphere of interests of social science from the sphere of interests of the natural sciences, and, on the other hand, drew a line between social science and other humanitarian disciplines.

You already have experience in studying the humanities and therefore have the right to say that you know at least one discipline, which also studies not nature, but society, and studies not individual parts of society. and society as a whole. This is history. That's why we can use the division into subject and object. After all, one and the same object can be studied by several sciences. But each science, according to its interests, singles out those aspects in it that it considers essential. The totality of essential properties, identified according to the goals of a particular science, is usually called the subject of study.

It is possible to establish what is the subject of social science by comparing it with the science of history. Let's take a look at what she's learning. Usually historians are engaged in the study of the area that they call the word "past". In addition, it is easy to see that those aspects of social life that historians explore are always tied to a specific place and time. So they are interested not in the spiritual life in general, but in the spiritual life of the Greek polis or Roman Empire if they consider the economy, then this is the economy of the ancient Slavs or Germans, etc. And if we dig even deeper, we will notice that the connection of the interests of historians with place and time is even closer, because an important side of their research is the study of events and the connections between these individual events.

We have now come closer to recognizing the subject matter of the discipline called social science. If its object is society as a whole, and not its individual parts, then its subject is the general properties of social life that are preserved in space and time in diverse human associations. Figuratively speaking, historians study differences in society, while social scientists study similarities.

In science, the designation of such common properties or relationships between properties has long been established. In other words, they are called "laws". In this case, these will be the laws of social life or social laws. What are laws? Laws will be called universal and necessary properties or relationships between the properties of any objects. Now we can clarify the idea of ​​the subject of social science. It is a discipline that seeks to gain knowledge of the laws of social life.

One should not think that the same laws will immediately operate in all societies, i.e. everywhere at the same time there will be slavery or feudalism. Laws will operate only if there are appropriate conditions. For example, if life in society has become more complicated, if relations of inequality have begun to develop between people, then there are conditions for the emergence of a state. And since we are talking about general properties, we can assert that such processes will occur in any society, in any place and at any time, if certain conditions develop. (Strictly for the sake of adding that, all other things being equal, th). This reasoning allows us to understand why the social world is so diverse and why it is still possible to identify typical features in it. Different societies have different laws because there are different conditions. On the other hand, similar conditions lead to similar consequences, albeit at different times.

You can ask one more question: why is social science better than history? The historian studies the life of a particular state, and the society of the Vedas studies the state in general. But there are only concrete things. The state did not exist at all. It's right. However, we must remember: in order to recognize the features Kievan Rus or barbarian states in Western Europe, one must first have an idea of ​​what a state is and how it differs from other forms of exercise of power and control. This is how a scientist who studies concrete things can be helped by a science that studies things that at first glance are very abstract.

Now let us try to define in more detail what the laws of social life are. There are three types of laws: structures, functioning and changes (development). What is a structure? This is a specific set of elements and relationships between them. And changes in the economy, we can find them in the peculiarities of the spiritual life. We know that one of the key concepts of the economy is the concept of "labor productivity", i.e. the quantity of goods produced in a unit of time. The modern economy tends to increase labor productivity.

However, when we take a closer look at the life of rural communities in antiquity, we will not find the desire to increase labor productivity. The reasons for this phenomenon should be established. And they will have to be looked for in the psychology of the peasants, their relationships with other groups of society, the peculiarities of spiritual life, etc., i.e. outside of the economy itself. And, finally, not any constituent parts of society are of interest to us. Therefore, the laws of structure are such elements and connections between elements that are necessary for the existence of society.

The next type of laws are the laws of functioning. Functioning can be understood as the performance of repetitive (reversible) actions, thanks to which the existence, stability, sustainability of any element of social life or society as a whole is ensured. So the function of the state can be called the settlement of relations between various social groups. As long as the state performs this function, it guarantees both the stability of society and its own stability.

The third type of laws are the laws of change. Changes will be understood as irreversible actions, as a result of which any element of social life or society as a whole acquire properties that they did not previously possess. Then the general causes of the emergence of the state in any society can be considered a typical case of the laws of change or development. With the formation of the state, society naturally acquires features that it did not previously possess.

Let's summarize our reasoning. The object of study for us was society as a whole. The subject is the general features of social life. These traits we called laws. We have grouped all the laws that describe the social world into the laws of structure, functioning and change. Thus, we received the definition of the subject of social science, which we will be guided by in the future. Social science is a discipline whose object of study is society as a whole, and the subject of study is the laws of structure, functioning and changes in social life.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

social science- a complex of disciplines, the object of study of which are various aspects of society. As an academic subject, it includes the foundations of social sciences (philosophy, sociology, social psychology, jurisprudence, economics, political science, etc.) and focuses on the special knowledge necessary to effectively solve the most typical problems in the social, economic, political, spiritual spheres of life . A characteristic feature of the course of social science is that the social sciences are considered in it not in an isolated form, but as closely related disciplines that make up a single whole. It can be said that if each separate science offers its own piece of knowledge about society and man and its own point of view on it, then social science allows you to put together a holistic and voluminous picture of the social world from these fragments and positions.

Social studies as a subject in high school

Social science- a generalized school subject of a secondary school in the Russian Federation, affecting a variety of social topics. In fact, his teaching is a replacement for the canceled subject "social science" in the USSR (largely built on Marxist-Leninist philosophy with ideological and patriotic education). The essence of the subject is teaching the foundations of the social sciences.

In addition to the basics of social sciences (see below), it includes an “introduction” to law (rather not in a scientific, but in an applied sense; a full-fledged cultivation of the school subject of civics and a section of law in the course of social science has not yet happened), the beginnings of psychology and general reasoning about "spirituality" (which is outside the scope of positive science).

Social science as a complex of sciences

Social science- a generalizing name for the sciences that study society as a whole and social processes. The term is used to distinguish in the humanities disciplines that study society from disciplines that study the individual (usually outside society - for example, psychology).

The term "social science" includes at least: economics, sociology, cultural studies, political science, jurisprudence.

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  • on the pages of the scientific and educational journal "Skepsis"
  • - a project for the effective preparation of schoolchildren and applicants for the unified state exam (USE), as well as for the state final attestation (GIA) in social science, which in its content corresponds to the state standard of education of the Russian Federation in the subject of social science.

An excerpt characterizing Social Studies

While Prince Andrei went to report about the crimson general, this general, apparently not sharing Boris's concepts of the benefits of unwritten subordination, so rested his eyes on the impudent ensign, who prevented him from talking with the adjutant, that Boris became embarrassed. He turned away and waited impatiently for Prince Andrei to return from the office of the commander-in-chief.
“That's what, my dear, I was thinking about you,” said Prince Andrei, when they went into a large hall with clavichords. “There’s nothing for you to go to the commander-in-chief,” said Prince Andrei, “he will tell you a bunch of pleasantries, tell you to come to him for dinner (“it wouldn’t be so bad for service in that subordination,” thought Boris), but from this further nothing will come of it; we, adjutants and orderlies, will soon have a battalion. But this is what we will do: I have a good friend, an adjutant general and a wonderful person, Prince Dolgorukov; and although you may not know this, the fact is that now Kutuzov with his headquarters and we all mean absolutely nothing: everything is now concentrated at the sovereign; so we'll go to Dolgorukov, I should go to him, I already told him about you; so we'll see; whether he finds it possible to attach you with him, or somewhere there, closer to the sun.
Prince Andrew was always especially animated when he had to lead a young man and help him in social success. Under the pretext of this help to another, which he would never have proudly accepted for himself, he was close to the environment that gave success and that attracted him to itself. He very willingly took up Boris and went with him to Prince Dolgorukov.
It was already late in the evening when they went up to the Olmutsky Palace, occupied by the emperors and their entourage.
On that very day there was a council of war, in which all the members of the Hofkriegsrat and both emperors participated. At the council, contrary to the opinion of the old people - Kutuzov and Prince Schwarzernberg, it was decided to immediately advance and give a general battle to Bonaparte. The military council had just ended when Prince Andrei, accompanied by Boris, came to the palace in search of Prince Dolgorukov. Still all the faces of the main apartment were under the charm of today's military council, victorious for the party of the young. The voices of the procrastinators, advising to expect something else without attacking, were so unanimously muffled and their arguments refuted by undeniable evidence of the benefits of the offensive, that what was being discussed in the council, the future battle and, no doubt, victory, seemed no longer the future, but the past. All benefits were on our side. Huge forces, no doubt superior to those of Napoleon, were drawn into one place; the troops were animated by the presence of the emperors and rushed into action; the strategic point at which they had to act was known to the smallest detail to the Austrian general Weyrother, who led the troops (as if by a lucky chance, the Austrian troops were on maneuvers last year on precisely those fields in which they now had to fight the French); the present terrain was known to the smallest detail and shown on maps, and Bonaparte, apparently weakened, did nothing.