Presentation: we and our health, the human body. Test work on the surrounding world "We and our health" (grade 3)


Lesson topic: We and our health “Health is a fee for the wise”

Primary school teacher: Natalya Yurievna Maksimova

Lesson objectives:

  • Expand children's understanding of a healthy lifestyle;
  • To form a positive assessment of an active, healthy lifestyle, a critical attitude towards bad habits, a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • To make students think about the value of health for a person, about the need to be healthy;
  • Introduce the concept of “fee”
  • Develop creativity, thinking, attention, cognitive interest;
  • Foster responsibility for your health.

Equipment: interactive whiteboard, laptop, visual aids, music video.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Hello guys! I tell you, hello! This means that I wish you all health. Why does greeting people include wishes for each other’s health? (children's answers)

Probably because health is the most important value for a person.

2. Setting the topic and purpose of the class hour. Updating.

Today in class we will talk about human health. We have to find out why it is important to be healthy and what needs to be done in order for a person to be healthy.

3. Main part.

The French poet Pierre Jean Beranger said that

“Health is the fee of the wise.” How do you understand this?

What is a fee?

Let's find an explanation of the meaning of this word in the explanatory dictionary. Read it.

FEE is a monetary reward under a contract or agreement for work.

Is it possible that someone pays him money for the fact that a person is healthy?

Listen carefully to the poem.

What kind of life did the hero of this poem lead?

  • Teacher reads a poem

A man was born

Got up on my feet and walked!

Made friends with the wind and the sun

So that you can breathe well.

Accustomed myself to order,

He got up early in the morning.

He was vigorously doing exercises,

I took a cold shower. (hardening)

Imagine him going to the dentists,

I came without any fear.

He brushed his teeth with toothpaste,

Cleaned my teeth well! (Hygiene)

Man at lunch

I ate black bread and porridge.

I wasn't picky at all.

Didn't lose weight and didn't get fat. (Proper nutrition)

Every day he jumped, ran,

I swam a lot and played ball.

Gaining strength for life, (playing sports)

He didn't whine or get sick.

Went to bed at 8:30

I fell asleep very quickly.

I went to study with interest

And I got straight A's! (Adherence to daily routine, academic success)

What kind of life did the hero of this poem lead?

What do you think the boy's name was?

Big guy (on the board there is a poster “Big Boy”)

What did the boy do to be a big guy? (students' answers)

Is he a happy person?

Another boy came to visit us - look.

On the board there is a poster with “Sick Boy)

Can we call him Big Man? Why?

Is this boy happy? (children's answers)

  • Teacher:

“Nature has a law - only the one will be happy

Who will save your health?

Drive away all the ills!

Learn to be healthy!”

Guys, can you call yourself a healthy person? Why? How do you keep yourself healthy? (answers)

Can our hero still be helped? Let's help and build a foundation of health for this boy.

After all, human health, like a large building, is built from individual elements. These elements form the foundation of our health, and without them the full existence of a large house like our body is impossible.

4. Work in groups (2 groups)

You have bricks. Choose those that will form the foundation of the boy’s health.

For example, to maintain my health, I try to be physically active and cheerful, this is what I advise our hero, and now you...

(Students select the necessary bricks and attach them to the board as a foundation.)

be physically strong and have a good mood;

  • do not have bad habits;
  • eat right;
  • play sports, do exercises;
  • alternate work and rest;
  • move more;
  • keep your body and clothes clean;
  • sun, air and water are your best friends!
  • sleep at least 9 hours;
  • wash your hands before eating;
  • do not forget to brush your teeth in the morning and before bed;
  • keep a daily routine;
  • take care of your eyesight;
  • smile more, don’t be angry, don’t be offended;
  • be good;
  • eat more chips;
  • read lying down;
  • watch TV for hours;
  • play computer games from morning to evening;
  • you don’t need a daily routine, sleep as much as you want, go to bed when you want, eat whatever you want;
  • don’t do physical exercise;
  • Don’t walk outside, don’t breathe fresh air.

We have laid the foundation. These are the main factors of health.

Can he be healthy now? Under what conditions? (if he follows these tips). What kind of life should he lead?

You can also learn about healthy lifestyles from various information sources. (Please note the book exhibition)

You still have bricks on the tables. Why did you leave them?

Everything we have listed is harmful to health.

So, Health is a priceless gift. A person who values ​​his health and takes care of it is considered wise.

Wise people pass on their knowledge and experience to other people by putting together proverbs and sayings.

6. Proverbs.

Guys, do you know proverbs about health?

Choose proverbs about health, explain how you understand them? (students have proverbs on their desks)

  • Health is more important than money.
  • You will be healthy, you will get everything.
  • Sleep is the best medicine.
  • Movement is life
  • Seven times measure cut once.
  • Being a guest is good, but being at home is better
  • It's never too late to learn
  • Patience and work - everything will grind out, etc.

Movement is life, and you and I have stayed too long.

Let's do some exercises (we repeat all movements to the music)

7. Musical physical exercise.

8. Summary (reflection).

What great fellows we are! Today we talked about human health. We found out that health is the most important value for a person.

Is it important to lead a healthy lifestyle? Why? What do you need to do for this? (answers)

Let's return to the topic of our lesson:


What then will be the reward for a person who cares about his health?

The reward for taking care of your health can be a long and happy life, a life of achieving goals.

Health is the peak that everyone should strive for.

9. Final word from the teacher.

I wish you guys to always be healthy.

But achieving results is impossible without difficulty.

Try not to be lazy

Every time before meals

Before sitting down at the table, wash your hands with water.

And do exercises every morning.

And, of course, toughen up

This will help you so much.

Breathe fresh air whenever possible.

Go for walks in the forest

He will give you strength, friends!

Follow all the tips

And life will be easy for you!

And as a fee for your desire for a Healthy Lifestyle, I give you the “Healthy Man” CD with a musical physical minute. Listen to it and do exercises every day.

The lesson is over. Thank you!




on "The world around us" »




1. Find out the main factors of health.

2. Convince yourself of the benefits of exercise, playing sports, and playing outdoors.

3. Learn how to eat properly.

4. Understand why children and my friends often get sick?

“I take care of my health - I'll help myself"





“I take care of myself - I'll help myself"

Main health factors:

  • movement
  • nutrition
  • mode
  • hardening

“Prevention of treatment in infinity of motion” Exercise physical education And sports!

  • We need to eat about 4 times a day. Every time, food should contain everything our cells need.

We need energy to live, and we get it from food and nutrition.

Nutrients provide us not only with energy, but also with the building blocks for growth and repair of damage to the body.

Each type of product is useful in its own way. It is very important that we use it in the correct manner.

portions of all necessary products.

Vitamin A.

If you want to grow well, see well and have strong teeth.

Carrots, cabbage, tomatoes.

Vitamin IN.

If you want to be strong, have a good appetite and don’t want to get upset over trifles.

Beets, apples, turnips, salad greens, radishes.

Vitamin C

If you want to catch colds less often, be cheerful, and recover faster from illness.

Currants, lemon, onion

Mode, one of the main components healthy lifestyle

Daily regime - This correct time distribution,

for basic human needs.

If you want to be healthy, get healthy I !

Why are my classmates getting sick?

- dress inappropriately for the season,

- walking with wet feet,

- do not follow a daily routine,

- have contact with patients,

- eat incorrectly,

- bad habits.

Bad habit - a way of behavior fixed in an individual that is aggressive towards the individual himself or towards society.

Smoking - the most common bad habit of a person, which leads to

nicotine addiction, which has a detrimental effect on the human body and leads to many diseases.

Alcohol destroys the human brain and other organs. A person who drinks alcohol cannot think quickly and accurately, becomes inattentive,

loses control over himself and is capable of committing antisocial acts.

1. Contain

4. More



your body,

clothes and


3. Correct

combine labor

and rest

2. Right


5. Don't start



Healthy world -

Svetlana Morozova

Lesson about the world around us in 3rd grade

Target: systematize, summarize, test knowledge on the studied section.

Planned subject results of mastering the material:

explain the meaning of concepts;

talk about the organ systems of the human body, their structure and work;

understand the interconnection of organ systems in the human body;

form an adequate assessment of your achievements.

Universal learning activities:

formulation and formulation of the problem, independent creation of activity algorithms when solving problems of a creative and exploratory nature;

structuring knowledge;

assessment - identification and awareness by students of what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation; performance evaluation;

cooperation with the teacher and classmates.

Equipment: computer, computer presentation, projector, screen, task cards, human skeleton, human model and models of human organs, tables and books on the topic of the lesson, proverbs and sayings about health, lemon, soap.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Guys, we are finishing our study of the section “We and our health.”

Let us remember that at the beginning of studying the section we set a goal (table on the board):

I want to know:

1. What is a living organism? What are the characteristics of the human body?

2. What organs are there in the human body? What is their function?

3. What do organs form when performing general work?

4. What do sciences do: anatomy, physiology, hygiene?

5. What should you do to be healthy?

Today in class we will try to summarize our knowledge about the human body. Let's see how you know the structure of the human body, the rules of leading a healthy lifestyle.

2. Work on the topic uro ka.

Teacher. For many centuries, humanity has been searching for an answer to the question of what life is. Perhaps, even today this question remains one of the most important, because the answer to it is by no means always unambiguous.

Man is a part of nature, its living world.

Slide 3.

Do you agree with this statement? Prove it.

(Like other living beings, he breathes, eats, grows, develops, has children, and dies)

Slide 4.

But we know that humans are still different from animals. How? Name the main features.

Slide 5.

According to Ozhegov’s dictionary: “An organism is a living whole that has a set of properties that distinguishes it from inanimate matter.”

Slide 6.

You and I live in the world without thinking particularly about how we are structured. It seems like everything is very simple. But you already know what complex work happens in your body.

Why do we need to know the structure of the human body?

Page "Musculoskeletal system"

Slide 7.

The musculoskeletal system (the teacher points to the textbook “Skeleton”) is formed by the skeleton (bones) and muscles.

What is the purpose of the human skeleton? (The human skeleton serves as the internal support of the human body and protects internal organs from damage)

What is the importance of the skeleton and muscles for a person? (Provide a certain position of the human body in space - posture and mobility.)

Why does my posture deteriorate? (Improper sitting at a desk; carrying heavy objects in one hand, etc.)

What rules must be followed to ensure correct, good posture? (Sit correctly, straight; carry weights in two hands or behind your back, etc.)

Don't forget about the rules of posture, sit correctly, show me your posture.

Thank you. What organs does the chest protect? (It protects the lungs and heart)

So, let's remember the main organ systems of the human body.

Page "Respiratory system"

Slide 8.

All his life a person breathes - inhales and exhales air. Name the respiratory organs in order of the airway. (Nasal cavity, nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs). Show them on the layout.

Place both hands on your lungs. Take a deep breath and exhale.

Tell us briefly about the journey of air.

What is the main function of the respiratory system?

Page "Circulatory system"

Slide 9.

Blood plays a huge role in the body. It brings nutrients and oxygen to all organs, and removes carbon dioxide from them.

Name the circulatory organs. (Heart and blood vessels). Show a heart on a model of a person.

Place your right hand on your heart. Do you feel it knocking?

Tell us how the heart works. (The heart is a muscular organ that can be compared to a pump. It forcefully pushes blood into the blood vessels. Having traveled throughout the body, the blood returns to the heart. It sends it to the lungs, and then again makes it travel throughout the body. The heart works continuously throughout life person.)

3. Physical education minute.

4. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson.

Page "Digestive system"

Slide 11.

The human body is constantly using up nutrients. All organs need nutrients. Therefore, the human body needs nutrition. The digestive system is called the “inner kitchen” of the body.

List the digestive organs. (Oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, rectum, liver.) Show them on a model of a person.

Place your left hand on the place of your body where your stomach is, and your right hand on the place where your liver is.

Let's discuss what each digestive organ serves.

Slide 12.

What nutrients does a person get from food? (Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and vitamins.)

What is their role and in what products are they found?

Page "Excretory system"

Slide 13.

Unnecessary waste from the body (sweat, fat, urine, feces, carbon dioxide) leaves it.

Let's put both hands on the lumbar region of our back, where our kidneys are located.

What is the main function of the excretory system?

Nervous System Page

Slide 14.

Our body listens to us. If you want, you will sit down; if you want, you will run. There is a “main command post” for the life of the human body. What organs am I talking about? (brain: head and spinal)

That's right, it's the brain and spinal cord. Where is the brain located? (In the skull) Where does the spinal cord go? (In the spinal column). Show the location of the brain on a human model.

What are nerves used for in the human body? (To transmit commands from the brain to all organs)

Page "Sense Organs"

Slide 1 5.

What organs help a person navigate the world around him? (sense organs)

Our body is equipped with 5 sense organs. With their help, we receive all the information about the world around us.

Music is playing.

Listen. What did you hear? How do we hear sounds? Sounds travel through the ear to the eardrum, and then the nerve endings transmit information to the brain. And we begin to distinguish and understand what kind of music is: quiet or loud, fast or slow. So, guys, the first feeling is... (hearing).

Now look around, what do you see? Now close your eyes, what do you see? With what help do we see? Light enters the eye through the pupil and is focused by the lens on the back wall. It is covered by the retina, the light-sensitive cells of which perceive the image and transmit it to the brain along the optic nerves. It is with the help of vision that we distinguish objects, their shape, color, size. This is guys, the second feeling is…. (vision).

Now take a lemon, take a bite, how did you feel? And with the help of what organ did we determine the taste of lemon? There are tiny pimples on the tongue called taste buds. Their sensory cells allow us to detect the taste of food. Each type of it - bitter, sweet, sour and salty - is perceived by a strictly defined part of the tongue. The tongue helps us distinguish the taste of food. It's delicious, I'll eat it sweetly. But no, it’s not tasty. This third sense is ... (taste).

Next, take a piece of soap, smell it, what do you feel? What did we use to smell it? There are receptors in the nose that transmit odor signals to the brain. This fourth sense is... (smell).

When we feel an object, sensory cells in the skin tell the brain whether it is hard or soft, dry or cold, smooth or rough. Now run your hand over the tabletop and tell me what it feels like? This fifth sense is... (touch).

So, name the sense organs and their functions. (The eyes are the organ of vision, the ears are the organ of hearing, the nose is the organ of smell, the tongue is the organ of taste, the skin is the organ of touch.)

Page "Test"

Slide 16.

Prepare cards with the numbers “1”, “2”, “3”. I will read the question and three possible answers to it. You must choose one correct answer and show the card with the answer number.

1) What internal organ is called the “motor” of the whole organism?

1- heart 2- lungs 3- brain

2) The internal organ that manages all the thoughts and feelings of a person, monitors the proper functioning of the organs - this is...

1- stomach 2- liver 3- brain

3) This paired organ is compared to a sponge due to its porous structure...

1- brain 2- heart 3- lungs

4) The neighbor and assistant of the stomach is located on the right side of it...

1- pharynx 2- liver 3- trachea

5) Which organ is not an excretory organ...

1- kidneys 2- skin 3- heart

1- Your heart is the size of your fist.

2- Esophagus - respiratory organ

3- The main compartment of the “inner kitchen” is the stomach.

4- The winding labyrinth of the “inner kitchen” is the brain.

5- The trachea and bronchi are the digestive organs.

Well done!

Page "Human Sciences"

Slide 17.

The science of biology studies nature. What sciences study humans?

Complete the sentences with the names of sciences:

The structure of the body is studied by science (anatomy).

The work of organs and organ systems - ... (physiology).

The science of maintaining and promoting health - ... (hygiene)

Slide 18.

Remember what the scientist I. Pavlov did?

Page "Healthy lifestyle"

Slide 19.

Our health is in our hands!

Pay attention to the selection of books, proverbs and sayings about health.

Remember the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle.

Work in pairs using cards

You will now work in pairs. I want to challenge you all to do a task that will help you learn the basic terms of a healthy lifestyle.

Slide 20

The teacher evaluates the work orally. Comments on the correctness of its implementation.

Self-test (on screen): sports, hardening, dousing, vitamin vaccination, sun, immunity.

Are you familiar with these terms?

There are guests at our lesson (a biology teacher, a nurse and others) and they want to ask you questions about the topic of the lesson.

Questions and answers.

5. Reflection

What task was I interested in doing in class?

What task was difficult for me to complete in class?

Where will this knowledge be useful to me in life?

In what mood do I leave class? Why?

Are you satisfied with your job?

6. Summing up the lesson

Guys, our lesson is coming to an end. Have we achieved our goal (refer back to the poster on the board?

Yes, we learned a lot of new and interesting things.

I'm pleased with your work. Each of you receives marks for your work in class (comment on the marks).

Slide 22.

7. Homework

Review the rules of maintaining health that you learned while studying the human body, and prepare to defend the projects that you completed while studying the section “We and Our Health.” Good luck to everyone and GOOD HEALTH!

Control test on the world around us We and our health, grade 3 with answers. The test includes 7 tasks.

Check what you have learned by studying this section. Next to each skill, put one of the signs:

“+” - I can do it;
“−” - sometimes I experience difficulties;
"?" - I find it difficult to answer.

1. Establish a connection between the structure and functioning of human organ systems
2. Characterize human sensory organs.
3. Use knowledge about the human body to maintain and improve health.
4. Provide first aid in case of accidents.
5. Develop correct posture.
6. Follow the rules of rational nutrition and hardening.
7. Understand the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Make sure your answers are correct. To do this, complete tasks 1-7. Please note: the task numbers match the skill numbers.

1. Fill the table. Distribute the names of human internal organs into three groups and write them in the appropriate columns. Write down the missing column names.

Stomach, nerves, esophagus, heart, brain, intestines, spinal cord, blood vessels.

Nervous system ___________ ___________

2. Name the organ of touch. What role does it play in a person’s life?

3. Choose the correct answer to the question: “Why is it necessary to ventilate the room before going to bed and sleep with the window open in the warm season?” Circle the number of the correct answer.

1) It allows you to fall asleep faster.
2) In a cold room it is pleasant to sleep under a warm blanket.
3) When you inhale fresh air, more oxygen enters the body.

4. Choose the right actions for frostbite on your hands. Check the box (✓).

1) Rub the skin with snow.
2) Return home from the street.
3) Place your hands in hot water.
4) Wrap your hands warmly.

5. Look at the pictures. Choose one that shows how to sit at a table or school desk correctly. Circle his number.

Write down two rules for sitting at the table that will help you maintain proper posture.

6. Write down the rules for healthy eating.

1) You need to eat a variety of foods to ___________
2) To avoid burning the mouth, pharynx and esophagus, ___________
3) In order for food to be better absorbed, you must try ___________

7. What does it mean to lead a healthy lifestyle? Complete the diagram.

Answers to a control test on the world around us We and our health, grade 3
First column. Nervous system: nerves, brain, spinal cord.
Second column. Digestive system: stomach, esophagus, intestines.
Third column. Circulatory system: heart, blood vessels.
2. Leather. Protects human internal organs from damage, cold and heat, and pathogens.
3. 3
4. 24
5. 3.
You need to sit upright at the table, tilting your head slightly forward.
The distance between the table and your chest should be equal to the width of your palm.
1) receive the necessary nutrients;
2) you can’t eat too hot food;
3) eat at the same time.
Healthy lifestyle:
know health rules,
observe cleanliness,
strengthen health.